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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
.: '?! VI ?i Vj 4 35 ?0 Is th formed .warm 1 T OS NICOLA COIL SEE THE RAILWAY Canadian Pacific Grading From Spencer Bridge Toward " - the Town of Nicola.- - v. V.- ' ' GREAT NORTHERN JUST r7 ' u CROSSING THE BORDER Two Portland Companies Have v Commenced. Development ' in tne fsTew Field. Portland m.n" who hv ntered ,th Nicola, vall.y coalfleld-of Brttlab Co lumbia ar highly cnoouMfl over h- ' cnt davelopmanta.' which -ura them on of mora railway llntc - R. B. Rom '-tt the Diamond Coal Ooka company, In thla rlty. hl juaOrtUrDfjOro?" trip of mora than a" week, and aaya thera la no doubt that h Canadian Fa- " cino and tha Oraat Northern will tap Nleola. Th Canadian Paciflo haa a ronatruetlon force commencing th '" jjrad from fipenner'a tiid, which work will com to within ats mll.a of Nicola, a atrrtch of 46 mllea. . Aa no daflnH . arrangement have been made by thla company for prosecuting construction further, It la taken evidence of th value they place on th Nlool coal bedn. The ltna to Nicola la along the river, no that there will be no engineer "In difficult! In th way of tht work, - and It ahould be completed wltkln .' a ahort time. ) " The Oreat Northern la connecting up : with th Bamllklmeen, and It grading force I near th International boundary. There 1 every aaauranc that thla 'com t Pany will build to Princeton, In the Samllklmeen, af one, and It la almoat a certain that th line will be oontln ' ued to Nicola, aa Oreat Northern Inter et predominate in the coalflelda. . The "'plBmondval company, which' haa ' two ' cor drill at work In Nicola, 1 headed I by men who are In Oreat Northern alli ance, and th heavy working fund for development la aupposed to eon from UNSIGHTLY BALD SPOT - o - ' Caused by Soree en Neok. . Merciless Itching For Two Years Made Him Wild. t ANOTHER CURE BT CIJTICURJl " For two year my neck wa eT, ered with aore. the humor aprcadif g to mf hair, which fell out, leaving aa ' ttniigntly bald spot, aad th oreaeas, inflammation, aad auercile itching " made me wijd. " Friends advised Cntt cura 8oap and Ointment, and after a few application the torment sub aided, to bit great toy. The eorea soon disappeared, and say hair grew , again, ea thick and health a ever. I shall alware reeomaieed Coticura. (tigaed) II. J. Spalding, 104 W, KHtb ' tU New York G.". - V Royal Italian Bahdled by the famous DUrbano. Fortyr-In '.: r - :J r : : " f'. unrivalled in character or At the. Urgent Solicitation of Thousands of Visitors ThursdayTJuly 6th, yill be bothr afternoon - and Tyeather now, so get men, women and children. P. CJ Ry. Ox's, gem cars direct to the main entrancefor 5 cents. Admission, to grounds, 10 cents, children, th lnexhauatlble finance, of thla great Instltutloa. --Th Dlamondval company haa many thousand acre of promlalng coM land, and the people of Nlotla be lieve . that H I th Intention of "th Oreat Northern not only to draw. It. coal for alt of It weetena line from Nicola, but to open thla Held a a great aujjpjy . center - T world at larg. ... - i.tMr. Ko aaya that two of th Port land -com pan lee In th field, th Nicola Coal V Cok company and the Diamond, with which- ha 1 connected,, have their development work under .way. The Ni cola eompany 1 tunneling and sinking, and It is th purpose of th Diamond to put a cor drill on at an early date. - "Nicola, which 1 ttye name of in town established la th district,'' said Mr. Rose this morning, "ha a bank, sev eral buildtnga are going up and th place haa all. th aira of a thriving young coal Hnlnlng center. I believe that 'Micola will prove a. great producing district, and that th grade of th coal will be the-best mined. In th northwest The Oreat Norther will be able to aavemor than 900 miles on th coal required for It car by mining It at Nicola, aa this district la that distano from th Crow's Nst pas country, and whan Nicola commence to produc for th. coast mar ket tht same dlstanc will be saved in th haul to the steamers. -All condi tions favor a' great cmB."; " . . . y i "i SUIT OF YEARS HAS NO ZT END IN SIGHT AS YET -Local mining men who have followed th celebrated . Skookum case of th Coeur d'Alenea. in which Kennedy J. Uanley ha fought for year to recover a one-eighth Intere.t In this claim, val ued at 1420,000, thought that Uanley must now t hla money. But after ha rcoverd judgment against th Empire- Btat-Idah9 and It-was-confirmed in th uprm court, immediately th Chemung eompany through - Charles tsweennied a petition to declare a r cetvershlp for this snrn before It - waa paid over, until th Chemung eould es tabllert it tttl to th mon- tn thla affidavit Mr. Bw.n.y paid that.Hanley bought th Skookum for th Chemung compariy. r ' . . . Judge Moran baa Just decreed that such waa not th case, and that Hanley held th property In hi own right. It I probable that an appeal wMl be taken from this decision, so a to drag Jh cas through th court a long aa pos sible, but unless aa injunction is lmm dlately Issued, Hartley, ;wlll get th money and hav th us of It. pending, ultimata decision. I :. - : . M. A. Folsom, an attorney of 8pokah ha established a great nam" through this case." JH haa, carried It itEroagb. to th highest court thr times, win ning In each Inatanc, and 1 aa aystcm- atlcally defeating th great federal- In terests in their dilatory tactics. r 5 , aa rms wstiiM, - 8peelsl JMapktck te Th Jrars.l.) ' f CotUg OroV,' Ot.. Jun ':.- F. " J. Hard earn from th Vesuvius mine. - report . vrythlng , . Droar.uin Pamoothly and that th 10-. tamp mill 111 aoon HrL - William Wecht.r left for Bohemia. yesterday to commence work on. th.iVlden Rule eroDert v, H. Just cam frnfhBJem and atatea that to company i lir-Jirijgood condition. ; - :. , :.r ,. ft tadlaaa Blaots OfftMn. . .. (J.arn.1 apeeUI awvlea.) Bakef City. Or.; Jun J.Th Indi ana Mining company; held a meeting On Tuesday) st this plan when th follow ing officer and drrctora war elected: J. W. Menr, president: W. A..Drw: ley, crtryt W. J. Staplah, trenaurer; timer BJ. Cleaver and AionaoCJeavet. 1 V THE OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY - EVENING,' . JUNE 29," 1903. tme . urn At FT :r;- A 77 "Request l5ay."7Send in youfchoice. - night -f Address, 7ManagerThe - OaksThe weatfier : prophe t of r Portland ready to .bathe: 25 cents for a bath Baker City, W. I, Meyers. Henry Col Her and Herman ad1 of Anderson, In. diaaa, and O. F. Aldrlch of Fremont, Ohio: directors. Th owner of th! property are highly encouraged. They have 11 men at work underground andj muiuir. proving mor. man zpeciea. Th mln 1 alttated northwest of Ba kr City. CORNUCOPIA MANAGER " , INVITES OUTSIDE MEN (8pll rispateb te.Tbt Jouroal.) Bak.r City, Or., June' 2. Pierre Humbert, manager of th Cornucopia mine, near her, ha set about bring. ing to hi property a number of miner from outsld point.. Thar wa re cently a llttl trouble-at the mine, when th manager and nsjeveral of hla men parted. Mr. Humbert cam to this city and stated that he had aent to Montana for a number of good miners, a he wanted thoroughly experienced men, who could protect 'themselves under ground and who wr not novices In th business.. If such were found locally. he woujd tak them whan convinced of their capacity a miner, but th Cor nucopia manager did not hesitate to say that he would require good evidence In thla respect befor accepting local appli cant a , .(Stsll Dtspatck Jo Tb Joaraal.) R6.ebur.-Or.. Jun 2. ThetH1n Mining company, composed of Veantem and weatern capitalist, who rVecentlr took over th Sterling mln In Jackson county, with Its valuable water right. na-s niea supplementary Incorporation ar Mfiea bera These advanc th capHal. (cation to 1300,000. Roaeburg I mad th principal plac or business instend ofr Portland. , Th .'tcorporatora ar K. i. Blakely and T. R. Sheridan of Rose- burg and Joseph Lyons of-Portland. t . 1 . - Kortrag ea JfTospect. -t . J - ,(8trrtl Dtapctrh to Tas Jaars.1.) Koseburg, Or Jun Is.Amortrnir. haa been filed by the Bohemia.Tlold .Min ing . company for 160.000. n favor of JoHn K. Hill of Boston. Massachusetts. Th officer of this company are ea.tern men. . The-rlalms owned ar th Para-' dla. Pioneer, PorfHtnd. Boston. L. M.. rolrtvVayn F. J.. O. W Rnustnn nii Mlssourlan In tan county, and Conten tion and Victor," and rlghta In ih Gold Cross,? and , Bohemian Olrl In Douglas. None of th claim 1 patented. , . ' x . - - , To Build Jjrew Boad. . (pedal Di.ptcb te The -JoaraaL) Pendleton. Or.. Jane 14 n rnl from Nolln to Echo will oon-tte con- st ructed. County 8urreyor Klmbrell of tnia city is upon th ground.foday sur- vryinw in. route. f . SIC ca CO. aa Tklrd StrMt, , ' sltrlbatre The CldAfi ofQUAlin "?ej --rnOJI ALJl JEVRTWHJr.Rt'-r- Come and visit -our' perfect Bath Houses and S wimming and use of a new - t' - . ALBANY HAS RECORD DAY FOR .WEDDINGS Seven . CererrionJes , Performed Yesterday' Uniting Many - Prominent People. . ' " llpwlil ifMtek t The Joarasl.l Albany. JuA& ZS-Weddlng bell rang all of yeaterdoJuvl.U late Into the nighC and sevtji. couples were marrle4 liar during th day, Mayor V. 1L . Davis, on of th lead ing physician of.Albany, aod Miss Lor etta Btuart, . a leading teacherof . the city, were united and left On (he after noon train for a week a stay at th ex position at Portland. Last night Professor C. J. Bushnell, of Heidelberg university -of Tiffin, and Miss Olga Jj.--Hewitt of this city were married at theVhome of the bride' father, Judg H.J. Hewitt, In th pre ence of a larg company of friend. Th young couple will go to Ohio to reside, 8. D. White, a prominent business man of Lewi. ton. Idaho, and Miss Dora 1 Porter, a popular young society woman eralyears aa Instructor In th University of Idaho, were married at th hom of th brlde'a mother at noon and left for Lewlston AM K l.ln --4 I 3V Ross, a prominent Jeweler, and Ml. -Myrtlu M. . Bryant, daughter of a prominent railrosd man, were wedded at o clock and -left for Portland.' They will realde In this city. C. A. Trout men of Bhedd and Miss Lillian Hamill pt this city were mar ried aj the bom or w. M. raraer. ana went to th exposition; They will re .ld-Tn th farm' of the groom; near Shedll- . ' 1 ... Joseph C. Taliaferro of Eugene and Mln Bernlc Abel pf Vyon wer mar ried tn thlalty last night. The mar rlag Is the reeolt of a oourtshlp started while they wee fellow students at the University of Oregon. They will r side on-"th farm of th groom near Bugne. - . . trwla Cady, a jroOng farmer 01 uenton county, and Ml.. Alwlna Voss of this city were united at the home of the brldei Aftera-short stay- at th xpo sHlon they .'will go to th farm Of th groom a Tew mile from this elty. - ECHO CONSTRUCTING GRAVITY WATER SYSTEM fttwcll -IH.p.tcb ln TV., Jo.tb.LI Pendleton. Or, Jun 19 An Echo re port states that in gravity water sys tem that Is being Installed in that town I. nroai-esslng swiftly and. that It will be put Into commission In about 0 day. Excavation Is finished for the reser voir 'andj( tonemaaona will ' commence work at once laying th concrete bottom and aide. Excavation for (he main eon dull I under way and th laterals will be due as needed at th expense of th abutting propertyowner. . "J J Want BLlteMnf Btaaka. ..: llfecl.l pl.e.lrk te Tk JwiriML) -Albany. Or. Jun -,A' committee from on of th granges near, thl city appeared oerore tne city council last evening and asked th city t5reet thre or fpur hitching rack In different parte of the city. They-also a.ked that pub lic watering trough be rcted In a half doen place In h elty.Th coun cil raferred th matter to a committee for Investigation to report at the next meeting.-"; r Number Forty. quality. Th& greatest number suit One hundred "0 - . FORTY WEDDINGS IN J - MARIQN DURING JUNE (BpetUl tHtch 1 The JovroaL) Balem, Or.; Jun !. Th month of Jun ha mad itself famous for wed ding In Marlon, oounty. in, mor way than one. Yesterday thf ortleth llcen wa Issued and at nearlythe earn time there wa solemnised th wedding of Alexander' C."-McDowell and Mia Dell Ellis, both of whom ar deaf mute. Th ceremony wa performed In the ' sign language byjthe Rev. P. B. Knight of thl city, whVha th remarkable rec ord of havlntvtnarried six other similar couple. '' 7- . v The contracting, partlea ar employe of th atat deaf mut school and will continue to r.ld there, Th bride 1. an Oregon . girl, having been born . In Wallowa county, and th groom cam (rom Michigan about a year ago. MURDERER RICHES 'RECEIVED AT PRISON ' (tpedal DUpatrk le .Th. Journal.) Balem, Or., Jun 29 Heavily shac kled and cloaely guarded. John Riches, tne self-con feeaed murderer of his sis. terand her husband, was received at the "penitentiary ' today from Eugene, Riches Is the man wfaoln a fit of anger killed his sister and '-her husband over In th Mohawk river valley a few weeka ago. He waa first charged with murder In the first degree, but later this wa changed and he pleaded guilty to the charge of murder -In the second degree. He waa sentenced by. Judge. Harris to spend th remainder of hla natural life In th Oregon state penitentiary. , ' JJgBWT-"B"S A HARD STRUGGLE Man a Portland Citizen Flnda -.1" the Strug-glerlard. With a back constantly aching, With dl.trax.lng urinary (disorder. 4 Pally exlatenc Is but a afruggl. - 1 No hd to keep It up. Poan'a Kidney pill will cur you. Portland peopl endor thl claim. ' li.vid , m M I im 1 1 mmnrltivA In h.k.n tff Rudolph, til North Seventh street, and-who Uvea at 247 North Six teenth street, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are one preparation on the market Which doe. .11 thai la rlttimul ihav given them a thoroogh teat and now what I am talking about. Two or thr. year ago I waa a 1 sufferer f ross a lame and aclilngack for a Ion sf tin, and did not know what caused it. I now know It wa.rom my kldneyn being out, of order. I had. .bee ad. .bee physicians and taken -remedies jM vari ous kinds, but th relief I teoelved wa only temporary.- I take. a paper from England, my home, right along, and every one In a while 1 read of eome on who had been cured of kidney trouble by the us of Doan's Kidney Pllla I waa sorely In need of something at th time which could brine- ma relief and mad up my mind to aend to eotne of my frlenda m England snd have them for ward me a. supply. 1 - wa. told I eould procure them in Portland, and I wnl to a dru store for them and used three or four boxe, with th result tat I was completely relieved of the" trouble for om two year. Uu fall, bow- ever, I felt symptoms -of. r recurrence. and I got Doan Kidney Pills. Just ss quickly disposed of the trouble ss lhv did In the farmer ess. r I d vis all 11 jiufrrers from bscksch or kid- a,ey allmebti to give tnts remedy a trla Snd I Ihey will pot b disappointed In th ult,-" . " i. re. For sale by all dealers. Price (A cents. Foeter-MUburn -i'o..' Buffalo, N, T- sole agent for th rnlted Btatea Hememher th nam DOAN'S and lak no other. : , . :i V " r lO'l :VN - T. - All solo artists: Programs :''Syy:- -- ' of preferences will other pleasures The O. W. MOTams AJrn BaaoaTS. HOTEL ESTACADA ON THK O. W. P. RT, CO. ' , TROLUET LINK. jiatbs, ma paT. aa.Bo aATaa, nm wiix ,mm tfpeclal ticket, Including round tripar and dinner... $1.75 ' Bpeclal ticket, Including round trip fare, on night' lodging and three mal.......pv.....(3JO nom omoi ajtt waxmro) -5 aawwaa, Timwx avao iiipga. 4 Phon or writ I. K. MARTINEZ, Majiag.r. Estacada, . Oregon. Hotel Fairmount TWaTTT-IXTK AJgS VVtWUM T. Opposite Msta Xctrano. to Z,ewls aad t oiara zxpoaiuoa. .-. Only absolutely fireproof hotel ad olning grounds, equipped with electrlo fficKinuruo ana .Dvciai leieononie coi munlcations for patronCY Uniform sporter. and bellboy a at all. hour at guests service. rv. 150 Elegant Rooms Open for Guests : mATza ei-oo a dat xmo r. W. H. LATTIN. General Manager KlamatK Hot Springs ibkxtou oouittt, OAiaroavzA. Elevation, 2.700 , feet..' Twenty miles from Ager, on th California tt Oregon route. Huntlni ting, nshlng and scenery un Hot. swlmmlna. enl. sunpaased. pnur ai nd mud baths. Onen all the r ,yt Further particular upon application. - jBDBQaT imoe, wroprletor. Seswlck. Siskiyou County. California, .'THE KINO , Kew-tBHnurbnat. II Mr d.r. IH4n .11 smders eoorantrneM: oa Slnrt ear iin ,A d.put and i lnD; ( mlnntes from poatorric btuln-w nntw. rirat Mrved, SS cent. SOB J.fhnon trat between Fifth end. Slitb stneta Cocmp..- . eolltlted. , PFor modern dental work. ' World - Downed speclallata tiowest price conal.tent with flrst-clas ' , wora. V flo to th NEWYORIC DENTISTS - VA1TSVV awn WAWWVfllAW A m I Opn day arid night, from l.(va. 1 until i P p. m. -J,ll,DBB. 308--4th St; not's? built' OM lNTAtlJak,NT8, " oft pater. KOOAK OCVCLOPtNO, tNO 1 CNLAGQCMeNTS Or ALL. SCVOS 1 (Mm ...., 7 - ' &MAJ tHOTS0VTlQeO Ott DAY - A - r jw s a a m aas j - ! : be i per predicts Pool for 5 cents. Monzji ajtb sxaoaTS. "."Hi;, Not Too Far; ' Vlaltor to th Lewis and Clark exposition will find that th abov aptly desorlbes th location of th HlLtNHILITARY ACADEMY HOTEL - - Thl splendid building ha been . thrown open for the conv.nleno "and ntrtalnmnt of pron vis iting the fair. Within ten mln utesT walk of main entrance; only building In the block. Give fine lew of exposition balMtng and mllea of the Willamette river. . Btreetcara pass the door. vatlona should be mad now. for ratea and particular apply to ' DIC X W. HILL - aai XarshaU at, rortland, Or. PALACB HOTEL Whether he goes by land or-aea. th traveler will find It a delightful trip to Ban Francisco, where he should, top at th world-fame . .Palace Hotel and enjoy It many attrac tive featurea For fuller Information writ to .th Palace, or ae r. o. jraaair at the Portlsid Informa tion and ' Bookln Agency, Motel Portland. , u H 0 I ia u i Hotel Eaton Owbv Herri aad Vert 2arfe Btrasts. . " NEW u' n.ndaoaielv fnrnta.. lrantt mVimJ flrvpronf, - Sv. nlnatee walk froa he.rt af atiopptng and airr. Mitd. bu.ln etatrlet. a !., entail), reoaw, ataaaa kMtad. .leetrle nsoatf. teKpnone la iki .pwimmt, t. uit' nim m.fins. smoain. wrltln.. l.dlM racptlna parlors. Boonn tmtwii by auil or ul.pbo... , Jrrlvate WBailm. atMtt tntlas aad Swam Rom$ $I.OO to fS.OO Day ; Bpeclal BatM to Osuwrtlal' Ka. , ama. max ato. " rreemerly ot Hot.l Bsnkaea t HOTEL DETROIT .- avar mi rani aornrDa. I . Cor. BTtk aad Tkarsaaa ItrtMa J- ORin-JN, Proprietor. Rate, It per day. Room with bath. -fi aad l pr day. , ; . . , . HOTEL SALTAIH CeatorvUla, Xortk Sh, Command fin view ef th. ' O"od flahln ICte.ll.nt w.i cooking. Jlsh srv'l d.... . or particular ad iree. ; y Xxnf X.a r. t -.. -- - , . , 'I 1