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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENINO. JUNE 9. 1903. Headqucrters Flag A 5 CentJnvestment Worth Dollars to You In order, to m th eipoettlon properly and Intelli gently on must have th Official Guide. This tell whirl alt the different eahlblta arc located; also dealg- -nates every building and point of interest, on th grouads. By the us of tt you save much loss'Af time and weariness that would be the ' result oflmlely wandering around. The regular price la 25vat with every purchase of 11.00 In our , tor ws give m coupon good for ioe towsrd th purchase of a guide. If presented at the Guide headquarters ' In th Oriental building.' , making the guide post really OXXT t CXJTTS. 5 ; pd f OLTtb Of JuU, I Decorations - Cotton Flags, Silk Flags,. Bunting FlagaTin every size , from :th little tiny - - 1 1 4. J ones 10 me jargcai uwu. Alan full tin of red. ALL GOODS PURCHASED1 ON CREDIT T0M0RR0YV CHARGED ON JULY ACCOUNT. white and blue Bunting. ORILY TDHKEE IBUSDNESS' PAYS now mm TDUE OF JULY A BETWEEN MMM - 1 " - - ; - 1 - ' if .There are" a multitude of little variety, with least to pay. . Our fixings " . needed by every member of the farriily. You .will ; find em all here in best styles, besj Embroideries Thousand of yards going at lest than importers' prices EXTRA SPECIAL'" VALUES FOR .FRIDAY AND ., f SATURDAY . . CorsetT Cover Embroideries, beautiful patterns and very: Tfine; worth, per yard, 65f, 75c and $1.00. .Take X yfrur choice at, per yard. ..... ......... . . .37J4 Wide Embroideries for skirt' flounces etc., new-goods .- in great- yariety of design ; worth upTo $1 a . V'yard.f- Friday and Saturday, per yard..... '.37J Xi k.'mr !-. will K fM1 Kaiitifnl mrm!rlM All w4f..s.. tsv9 v. ... - jr ten. rfor making Infants' seta andjvarious other pwses." Ayi andlBS-Yard Lengths Sold by the Full Piece Only "This i$ an Embroidery' chance.' stfch as you seldom see. Buy now white the. opportunity is here. Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries, wide and narrow-widths, 45 651 98 89 suitable for every .purpose .- -r . . - ". Lot 1 Values up to 25c yard..4-yard strip for. Lot 2 Values up to 25c yard. 64-yard strip for. Lot 3 Values up to 40c jard.4j4-yard strip for. Lot 4 Values up to 40c-yard. VCJ4 -yard Strip for Lot 6 Values oo to 50c vard. 4Vf-vard strio for. Lot 6 Values. up tojSbc yard. 6-yard strip fqf,f 1.30 Lot 7 Value up Xo 5c yard. f 4 ji-yard strip for. 1.13 Lot SValues up to 75c yard. 6$-yard strip forjpi.63 Barqaihs iirtices .'Jr.-. A splendid assortment of Valenciennes Laces, and Inser Itions, all new, from half to one and a quarter inches "wide,- suitable for trimmingjinderwear, wash dresses - and children's garments; worth tip to 60c. per " dozen. Friday and Saturday, per dozen yards. .25 FINE TRIMMINGS HALF PRICE. -To force quick sellinjjpwe jiame Half Price and less rfon all our fine hew Trimming Laces, Bands and Ap- "pliqueS,-Veniset. Gall,Embroidered Chiffon Applique, Black Chantilly 1 Bands, Jet Bands, an1 New Colored Effects. For Friday and Saturday they Will go like this ; Regular $1.00 Trimmings at, per yardj...... 48 Regular $1.50 Trimmings at, perrd'. ........ 75- Hegular $3.00. Trimmings at, per yard.. .... ..81.48 Regular $4.50 Trimmings at, pjsr yard..,.. ...2.25 Regular 5.00 Trimmings at, per yard..... 82.48 Regular $8.50 to $8u50 Trimmings at, per yard. . .84.25 . - C Novelty Ribbons &t,ved Qur New York bikers have just sent us a large shipment of Mousselipe Ribbpns. jti all the new shades, just the thing'for; shaded girdlffiand hat trimmings. Also a ( targe assortment of Embroidered ind Persian Patterns. Be sure to -see these, prices peryard. . .40 to 75 A TWO-DAYS I - T-. D sale of,jLduic iau. UUULd AT SPECIAL p'rICES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AH this season's production: No " reason why we should reduce the price except that we have TOO MANY: Our store policy is to' never carry goods over from one .. season to. another. To effect a quick removal of, this surplus stock we have reduced the price on every line of Tan Boots in the. house for TWO DAYS ONLY.-v These are the prices for Fridajyv and Saturday on the Fair-Way' Ladiesi medium shade Tan Lace Boots, made by P. T. . . ... I t . An a T t iurncy ; som Dy jis regular ly at $j.ou. rnaay T ind Saturday . . . 7,1 . . .. . a . . ;8l.08; Ladies' Chocolate Vici Kid Lace and Button Boots, Dut- tonh5fer make; regularly $4. Friday and Sat-- ufday -iti , . '. . . . .. ........ 4 ... . .. .82.08 Ladies' very fine Vici Turned Sole Lace Boots, made by Boring Shoe,.company; regularly $4. Friday ? andSaturday-. . . . ... .-.".7. . . . , . .$2.98 Ladies' Russia Calf "Gloria" Boots,, Pjngree made you know what a cut. means in this goods ; always" ; $3.50, but Friday' and Saturday. , . . .82.08, Ladies' Russia Calf 'Perfection" Boots, Pin gree made, - Blucher cut; always $4, except, Friday and Sat- urday, at .... ,...T. . .1 , ........... i,. . ,..83.38 Ladies" Brown Undressed Half Shoes, military heelsJ silk' worked "eyelet holes ; T our reguu pnee ;i ,J.5W. Special fdr two days "only "f. , . , . .82.00 kJust arrived-rby express, a ! new lot of LadiesLCham-' pacme Half Shoes, exclu sive styles.not tS be found a I ttirrigra '. CA 4K gm grVi 1 1 elsewhere See, them while the' Stock is complete. y K ; See tomorrow's papers for other items omitted for lack of spacs, a veritable feast of Friday bargain this big store, is 'brimming oyer with them. -i. mm Triday at the Linen Counter ' 'V U" ;."HJy- SPECIAL FOR THE' ONE 'DAY ONLYJ "V" -: ,rv -' ' lCY DRAWN WORK AND HEMSTITCHED TEA CLOTHS . 27x27 inches, each. . 34 3030 "inches, each. . 38 36x36 inches, each. . 47 15c FLANNELETTES -FOR IOC TARD,, 5,000 Yard double width' Flannelettes, light and dark colorings; regularly 15c -- , yard. ' Friday only, per yard . . , . ......... i ................ . , .... . 10f Wash Goods, Linens and Domestics ;. ' 50c SCOTCH PLAID ZEPHYR; 5c. V Scotch Plaid Zephyr, patterns in all th dlffrnt clan, tdaptsdf for auspendar aufts; ragular valu Oe. Special, yard .-aaf -. BOtfAND.fiOc SILK EOLIENNES. SSc. : Imported novelties In BIJk JEollenne. Embroldrd Mulls. Dottd I f atista and Printed Moussellnes; reTilar values 0o and Ot.V 1 peclal. tfard . . . . ; ; vSSe J ; 35cvAND 40c CANVASELLUMINE, 22c. Cans EUmnlne, 4 sheer wiry cloth. In flak and plaid effect. rleh combinations; rular value I&o and 40c- Special at. T yard . , ..A........ ZZt . FANCY VOILE, 15c YARD. ' Fancy embroidered and printed Votle.4p dainty pattern, aultabl for th warm weather.. Special at. ya?l 1& V . LINEN SUITINGS, 20c YARD. ' " Belfast Linen Suitings, m al th wanted colors, tor outln suits -Special at, yard ................ ...20 . ' V WHITE GOODS. -V Wlilt OoTSds in French novelty stuffs. sllk-mbro1drd batlate, dotted mousgttlnea, silk grenadines and a. variety of other waavea; at special reduced prlcea. . . , ,:.. it Regular lr2 valu. BprcliU, yard ....... w. :.;....&S4' Regular 11.00 value. 8pcinl, yard. .......... , -80at Regular lOo value. ftpeclalr yard , ... .TB Regular 76c value. Bpectal. yard ..... ...i. .w . . .65 - Regular BOo valu'el . Special, yard....,.,...... .444 Regular 40o valu. Special, yard. t ,...... t. .33 Regular 80e value. Special, yard.. .2Sf " ' V ? LINEN SUITINGS. Pure Linen Suiting, in natural color, vary papular this eaaon. Special, yard ........... .. 30a) S5 301 4 up to 60? r. White linen suitings. - y Foth popular lfncn eoatg and aults, all widths. J Special from, fr yard. ... -404 up to 2.00 . ' 75c BEDSPREAD, 59c. Crochet Bedepreadsi alngl ais. Summer weights; regular 76c special, etcn .v... LARGE CROCHET BEDSPREAD, $1.18. Heavy-weight Crochet Bedspread, double al. free from atareh ' and dressing. 8peclal at, each ........... .fl. 18 . I $3.00 MARSEILLES . BEDSPREAD, $2.25. Genuine Marseilles Bedspread, elegant quality.,. beauUful deaign; regular, valu 11.00. Special, each. 2.25 .'- ' DIAPER CLOTH. ' : Hemmed medicated aanitary Diaper Cloth, at e4oaing-out Slw'llxii'; regular value l.i:. Special, each . . . . . .5 Bis 20x40; regular value-11. B0. Special, each i...fl.lO Slse, 2:z44; regular value 11.75. Special, eacb... .,.$1.25 , , 30c AND 35c CAN V AS CLOTH, 18c. t 000 yards wWt sllk-flnlshed Canvas Cloth, in Jacquard, piques, ' mercerised mulls and lac and , dotted Swiaeea, mercerised Madras, eto.; regular values 0q and ISc. -Special, yard.. . .18 $3.50 HSts for 9Sc Friday YOU NEVER HEARD OF SUCH BARGAINS BEFORE. ALL OUR READY-TO-WEAR AMD TAIL- a ' mn vM.w T HNi Aft ,A A m -. - . ' Hnff irn VriAav, r at r vinrlf inaugurate the CTeatest 98-eent Hat Sale in the history of the house. A sale thai completely overshadows all former events of this character, and that is saying a good deal, as . we have given the public some wonder ful values at past 98-cent Hat Sales. Rut this is an unusual occasiOT,ver before -have we had uch-art immense variety at this season of the year, but this li Fair Year and our stocks are more than complete on that account. Choosing is greater, styles latest) and values better than ever. AH the late new styles represented in this sale. "Polo Turbans." "Maxine Elliotts," Sailors.,-Regular Turbans, etc; our regular good values at $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50 al!o go without reserve. YOUR CHOICE FRIDAY FOR.:....;.. ...... -r-rr is4e 98 TRIMMED HATS HALFf PRICE ALL OUR BEAUTIFUL1 TRIMMED HATS ON SPECIAL SALE TO-tCLOSE. CHOOSE, THE ONE YOU LIKE AND PAY EXACTLY HALF 'THE MARKED PRICE.. Women's Underwear 'FRIDAY FOR 53c First Floor. J Women's - White Cotton" "Union pi- Suits, low neck,--sleeveless, knee, -length, hajf open.; front, silk cro cheted trimmed; good 75c quality. Special Friday, per X ... . -' A suit if.;.'.-..,.. ;63 -Women's' fine 15wis9 ' ribbed Lisle Vestspw neck sleeveless, cro cheted - yoke ; n excellent 75c quality. Friday special,--r ; t each n i ; . . . . : i . . 53 Women's white, sleeveless, knee . length-Union Suits, plain or lace. ' trimmed ; regular 60c quality. ; Friday, per suit. ....... .. ,38d Women's $1.00 Hose FRIDAY FOR 55c. - r '"V 'L:Flrs Jfloor.-V ' ' JT4 Women's Black Lace' Lisle Hose with embroidered boots, full fin- . ished, double sole ; gobd $1- ; k quality, i Friday, 'air .7. . . . 55d) BOYS' AND GIRLS' HOSE. BoySimediufti weight JXI j-i black '?,, ottn Hose, . seamless, double "; heel andfl1toe Girls' fine black : Lisle1 Hose, seamless vry elastic and fine ribbed, all sizes in Veach kind from 6 to 10; regular 25c value. Friday bargain, pair..... ...,......... ......18 spEaALsAiN Paper Goods ' "Our Presidents Vrilingf -Tablets, no4 size; rujed,' write with Ink. Each k..5 Fine cloth finished embossed Writ . . ihg Paper, with Enyefo'pes . to match, in box blu or white, em ; bossed .in gold with "Lewis and . Clark" or Portland Oregon, very fine. Special pricet per ' " box . ..i... ... ,25a tapef Napkins, decorated ; value 10c , per '100.-, Fridayspecial, per , 100. fw,.. ;,...;...... v:...M Shelf Paper, fancy lace-edgeK extra heavy, white only Fef : piece s.X.. .,..7t r8-oz. rolls Ibest grade Toilet" Paper f i reguiariy ic. special, per - i roll At PRICE OF HAMMOCKS' CUT DOWN . , Fourth Floor. For - Friday Only, heavy canvas weafit Hammock, concealed spreader large pillow, wide ruf-k fled and scalloped valance, extra large size; Regular ..price $3.75. Special, for one day, each . . :. . . . .... . . ... f . .82.48 Rasult of Pupils Voting Contest This I th last announcement" In thla paper of th standing of th leading con testants In the Puplla1 Voting Contest mntil the contett closes and votes ar all counted Th contest eloaef a oclok Saturday venlpg, July 1. Positively no vote will be received after that hour v Better work hard, there my be som big. aurpiiaas on th last day. ,v ' -Twentr vounrstera are going it have a gVirJnus good timer at -our expense. Re., member. Baturdav la th lat day. . Th following Is th standing of th flnt tO.I at 10, a. in. today: " . STAJTDXira or rait twtiif at' 10 A. K. TOSATI Lllllas Ewlng.'klga ekool ..... S7.S7C -Metta Seidlar. TaUlag BVohool ... 14.0:1 Foster McLynn, Vteveaa Sokool . H,4 " Fred Stevens. Atklaso Behool.. . 14,211 Wellington 511bert. XAdd Sokool.. 17.ll Robert Ellison, KoUaday Bohool. J0,S . Willi Btepp, Atklaaoa Bohool... 19,411 , LlUin Brown. Thompson okil. 11.771 . Ida Dingle, Xaw4kora wokool... 11,144 Beatrlc McLean. XrfUld Sokool... 1T.4I1 Adrian Smith..- fonth PortlamA t Bohoel i...... i. ... 1T.1T4 Ruth Murphy. Atkinson aVekeol. . 14,711 . George Uenholm.' . wthoni .. School ;.......... Myrtl Harmon., STortk Oeatrnl , . ; ' avokool .jtw....... 1M4I - vl.ynn Coovert. ortlaad Aoagemy 14K)4I Lo Bo I re. SUoh ohool . . ... ... . 11,111 : , Ruth Murphy. . Mary's Aa- , amy .... 1I.I4I James RothchUd. Stlgk School... ll.Slr Mary .Brown, CUt XaUy ' Sokool i j ....... : It.iIS "Trenton ' Johneon, Bawlhora - e Sokool i.............'...iriMl Flrsf Twenty ......V..',..l.'.',ltltll V .Scattering .. ..........-,.,. ;..:34, 414 Total Friday Curtain Special Fourth Floor. One Day Special Sale on beautiful Renaissance and Brussels effect Lace Curtains ; selling regularly at $3.25 and $3.50 the pair. ' Friday onTy7 per pair. .' . . . 82.28 Friday Savings on .Little Needfuls First Floor Fair-Way. Capsheaf Coilless Safety Pins, no coil to catch on : goods, nickel plated and black; worth up to 8c card. Special Friday, card. 5 Extra quality supef lisle Garter Elastic inch wide ; 15c value-. Per yard. ..10 Omo Zouave detachable Dress and " Corset Shieldsrall Sizes ; regular- -' ly60c. Special, pair........ 42i Fancy Back Turnover Corpbs shell ; 25c value. Friday, each.... 15 . Felt Shoe Polisher and box qf black Shoe Paste; 35c Jalue.- Full set for, w... . . ... .7. ... , . i . .20 Best imported English, and French Perfumes, in bulk,'Vi61et?Tose, he liotrope, carnation arAd-btherjiead-, ing odrs; 50c value. Special , "' " Friday, per oz.,v..5;i . .. .25 , 8-oz. bottle Witch HateJt rSpe- v.cial Friday ........ ....... .15 35c Doilies for I2ic t h Art Shop Second Floor. FRIDAY SPECIAL. Round 12-inch Doilies, ' of ; heayy ecru, cream, greened Dufch bliie ;. and white linen,' jn pretty combi- ; nations, fringed," partly worked, and., stamped ; regulaf price' ' 35pt Speciarat.;;..'.i ..12t- -V CHILDRENS WASH DRESSES " Children's Dept. Second Floor. - , SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY ONLY Children's Colored Wash Dresses, : . in plain blue or red chambray, or ; light blue land red. and white checked, dainty trimmed in plain -white pique andany pearl but-,-tpns, "sizes from 4 to 14 years; regular prices tp $2.65. ., . - Special at. ......... ... . . 91.C1 These Are SHk Pays y "This extraordinary Price Cutting Sale of Silks has brought immense crowds of people who know that when we say silk is silk that it is silk, and that it is the kind, of silk we say it is. These are the irresistible Silk bar gains here for your immediate choosing. Don't put it off or the jiece-you want will likely be gone First Floor .'-; . " SiHc Annex. -. -'!. 27-inch All Pure Silk Black Taffeta, our unequaled r regular $1.25 value. Special, per yard,'...'..;.'. ;89 23-inch AH Pure Silk Black Taffeta, our unequaled ' $lt10 grade: Special, per yard.......... 79 21-inch AH Pure Silk Black Taffefat our unequaled ' regular $1 gradev Special, per yar'd.-....... ....60d " typiTE INDIA SILKS. " Every kind of Competition distanced. "No other house can approach these values. '-. All 27 inches wide "Regular 60c grade. Special, per yard... ."... 38 Regular 60c grade; Special, per yard... m 47$ Regular 85c grade. Special, per yard....";.'.... 64 Regular $1.00 grade. Special, per yard.."...... 74 Regular $1.25 grade. Special, per yard.... ..... ' 86 Regular $1.50 grade. Special, per yard......... 81.12 1 $1.00 NOVELTY SUIT SILKS 43c Novelty; Suit Silks in all the newest colors and designs. A specul purchase of 8,200 yards of Mohair Warp Silks; sold usually at $i. Special, per i yard ... .... . .r. . . ... ..43 $1.25 Novelty Suit Silks. Special, per yard 78 SPECIAL SALE Of IradiesTineGostumes sgir' ( Pi 1 9 I -txclusive .styles in . beautiful costumes, "iri" such popular fabrics as silk crepe du chine, fine etamines, peau .de soie, veilings, etc., with 'silk drops," exquisitely made m artistic styles with a character befitting ...V . -WMfcmMW.., W. WM. yAj.i house. These will be -M louna in Dtacic, wnue, -ight blues, - pinks, .onion, grays and other desirable colors. No matter what the'former prices were tbey are now grouped in several lots to close, ranging in .piice from 38.50 - TO r $65.00 -J- , Dainty White Lawn Shirtwaist Suits -JUST WHAT-YOU NEED FOR THE "FOURTH," ' I f NOW AT 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT. -: , Second Floor Salons. : ; ',." Sheer Summery Suits, dairtliljr made, some trimmed with f- Jate, some with embroideryj and some plain, Prices range regularly from $4.50 to $16.6. T. Take your choice now at....(.ONE FOURTH OFF COLORED SHIRTWAIST SUITS, TOO. " "Shirtwaist Suits, in handsome1 colored effects, in madras, percales, mercerized and other, supumer -fabrics, sailor 4 eff ectsjhirtwaist style and fancy designs; regularly f $3.50.4o?50T Now 6n"SpeciaI - . Sale at, ONE FOURTH OFF V - ; -LADIES SILK SHIRTS ? ': - , " JusfT now when tney are most popular, and while you want .thetn most, we place a special price Oh our Silk ( Shirts, made of pongee and China silk, both .white and natural 'color; regular $5 value. Friday and 1 ' .Saturday , v. .. . . .V .''v '83.70 " BIG , PRICE-CUT ON WALKING SKIRTS. .New Skirts, in fine etarfiines, Panama cloth and bril liantines, the season's besV-styles, in all wanted jcolors. ".Theprice on1: these suffers in.'our great stock-reducing movement, but it is your gain 7.; ; ..- jugular $6.50 Skirt j to gafdr..."....;......:; 83.07 Regular $8.50 Skirts to go lor ............... $5.07 Regular $10.QO Skirts. to go for........,;..... S6.87 Regular $12.50, Skirts to. go for.... . . . , i . . . . $8.08 Regular $1 5.00 Skirts to go for.' . . . . , ....... . . f 10.75 r! 7 "l THE HALF 'PRICE SUIT SALE.6 , ; ... ' -- . ' A, The stock-reducing sa of seasonable, suits an nounced in the papers yesterday is in'tull swing and it will cost vou-iust exactlv..ONE-LLF now to ret the suit you want. This sale includes Vt number of ' suits left from the many large lots received for the um- 1 mer's selling. Nothing the matter with any of theth, i but we want .to sell them now and give you this chance j to buy while they are correct hi style and with t. 1 wearing season before you. ,