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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
p , ; ,; ' T , : FIRST FOREIGN; WARSHIP IN HARBOR -A ft t , , k1 n.JA.v:. In wsr paint, -Sarlc, gray color,' th - Italian cruiser Umbrla, the first foreign warship .ttrat even earn Into Portland. atsameuptas river yesterday and ' dropped anchor a short dlatanca abova tha ataal bridge. Than Captain Coral turned tha jreaset over to C. da Lues, and prepared to leave- for' Rome to muml control of tha navy department of tha lullan government. , Am the Uinbrls came In hundreds of people lined the bridges and banks of X. the river to ' welcome her. Launches snd other small craft kept circling about, but the oocupanta were not per- - mltted to so on board until after tha sMM of five gune waa fired. DEPUTIES NOT TO BE PROSECUTED Caywood and Chandler Escape .' . Triaf for Their Part In Tan- : . '.''ner Creek Scandal . E. W..RINER CASE1S " 3 . GIVEN-TO THE JURY ;.'"';. ' "'"'V,' 1uy,,--ivJv.; Judge instructs Them . That Whether Son Signed Contract or Not Is Immaterial. -. J. M. Caywoodv and Henry Chandler, the deputy city, englnerrs who signed the report accenting fnar Tanner -criek sswer, and certified that" Hie repairs to ', the sexrar were made in accordance will . tha apeciflcatione, and who were In- dieted for tha aewer frauds together 1- wtth -William !r-ElHott and R. H. and Si W. Rlner, will not ba prosecuted by tha atate. Aaslatant District, At torney Moeer said so In his closing ar gument at-the trial of. E. W. Rlner. In Judge Sears' court thla morning..' " .When Caywood and Chandler signed ' I tha report,1 ssld Mr. Moser, "I believe they were acting under instructions. I JxJP-J,0kbellv them guilty of a -criminal act - Wa shall not prosecste them for "-that reasoni . Wa want to convict tho chiefs. of tbs conspiracy. R. M. Rlner 1 hMhjbeen tonvlcted. The caaa of E. W. - Riner la now before you. The case of , .W. C. Elliott, who was cltr engineer ... when the sewer repairs were made, win coma up later.'- ' Property - ownera are tired of these frauds. Stop this kind of T business Just as they are stopping it In another case." Tba opening- arguments for the state ; and defense were made by Deputy Dis- i trlctAUoraer lleney jnd "Bdwa rd en- . I asa WASH UITS ! Tempting Prices-: fin Wash Suits' ' - .. " For Friday and Saturday Boys ,i0c Vfesh Suits. 35f Boys' 75c AVash Suits 55 Boys'l.OOAVash Suits 80 Boys' $UQ Wash. Suits 91.15 Boys' $2p vVash Suits ?1.45 Mothers will do Well . to take advanfaji, pf ths exceptional opportunity."7 v"" "x We Igiye. Firecrackers FREE with purchase; of boys wear. IflOWCLOTHin&e verythtaf far Mea sad oysj' les-la Tklra, Wear Morrlaon. THE - ' TOfficeri of the Iulian Warship Umbos. TTlnal! "ths's reception committees, comprising" a number of fair officials "and repreaentattve jTallena, ware Invited on board. Among tha latter were: A. U Ferrers. 8. A. A rata, F. C. Post N. t-Gestanso and F. O. Arata. The officers and crew were given a splendid reception and the hope was expressed that their stay would ba pleasant. It Is probable tha . cruiser will ramaln-eight or tan days. - Be ginning tomorrow Visitors will ba re ceived, on board from I to I o'clock on week 7 days, on Sundsys and holidays from 1 to o'clock. - Tha apeed of the yeaael la glveH at lit knots an hour snd she carries a denlrall yesterday afternoon. After Mr. Mnaer concluded this morning. Judge Seara gave hla charge. After reviewing the testimony,' he said it' Was not claimed that E. W, Rlner had sighed the agreement aa'a contractor, but his con duct showed that he waa a partner with his father, it the evidence ahowed' that he waa not a, algner of tha instrument. wit was partner, he was guilty of tha charge .of obtaining money from 'be city" by means of false pretenses. The allegations that tha Rlnera had Buffered a financial loss by accepting the sewer contract waa Immaterial. Negligence In the repairing of tha sewer waa not an evidence of guilt. Criminal knowledge of tha fraud and criminal Intent to commit the fraud ... were eaaentlal to prove tha defendaat-gullty.. .The caaa was submitted to the Jury t, Jl:4U O'CIOCK. MERBY NIGHT ON GOOD SHIP PYTHOMENE " AU yesterday afternoon and long after -the stars began to twinkle Captain Bplvey of the British sailing ahlp Pythomena was host to a large party of merry-makers aboard hla vessel. The f ment given by tha officers and ap prentices of the .Pythomena andgjuuf friends for. tha benefit of the Seamen a Institute. A small sdmlsslon fat.wss ohsrgad at tha' gangway, and acorea of friend nf Cantaln Rnlvev fhief Officer Richards, Second Officer Beswlck snd of ths Institute were praaent. Light re freshmenta were served. The program, under the direction of Miss Elisabeth Hoben. follows: . ' V.. Bagpipe solo. Professor J. Moon; ad dress of welcome. Judge William Foley; "Laat Rose of Bummer." Mrs. Millie Perklna; Scotch Reel.1 Miss Bosle Forbes and puptts;."Oh. the Breakers Roar.!' Judge-F.-Hanneaay; resdlng. Miss Maria KSJlar; flute aolo, James Rudeman; vocal -solo, Mrs. Viola Ferneyhough guitar solo, -"Maasa's In the Cold. Cold ground." W, Barham, 11. 8. S. Mc culloch; reading. Miss" Millie Perkins; violin solo, MJss Elsie Larsen; flute selections, Jame Rudeman; character aong and dance, the Nordstrom children; accompanists, Mlas Sadie Fore, Mine Helen Llghtner snd Miss Elizabeth Hoben. " RELICS OF OLD OREGON ATTRACT. LARGE CROWDS The free museum and the collection of old rellca and turlos of the Oregon Historical society In the city hall are attracting many visitors. Since the fair opened from 200 to (00 persona bava registered dally In ' the Historical so ciety rooms. . The. majority of the vis itors sre from the east. ' One day last week people from (0 atates registered. The attendance this month will break all, recoras., r. .'. . .n'-?-, Tftsfree museum Is locstedbn the .flrst, .third and fourth floors, and con tain .-one or tne -nneat collections of crystals, fossils' and. stuffed, birds 4n me racina nortQwest, Resides many; in teresting curios; The repository of the Oregon Historical aoclety occupies five large rooms on the fourth floor of the city hall, and .'contains collections of Indian and pioneer relics of great value and an abundance of useful matarlal from: historical standpoint. I 7Ti rooms sre open from, 1 to. I o'clock every after noon for visitors. - , - - VANCOUVERDAY WILL ? BE IMPORTANT OCCASION 'v-vi -.i . 1 ' ' Yajx-ouvFrday. at (he espoaltlon to morrow will be attended--by between J. 000 and I.0D0 cltliene of Clarke county. Special vtralna and f errles"w1E be run, snd specials will run tt regular Inter1: Taifrom Wood lawn and Intermediate poRit4,?" A fine program has been ar re,hgert,Mn t.onor of thaday. Tha es erclseV ,wlU be held In tka Washington" building at 11 o'clock Jrj th forenoon, DANISH STEAMER H x-V SUNK BY. RUSSIANS , . ' - J ',; 2mrBal-ecfsr lAiTr.) - RstaVIa, June :.J-Tha captain of ths Danish steamer Priftcess Marie, who reached here today, reports that on-June tt his vessel waat overhauled by' the Rusaian cruiser Toreka, tbs crsw taken oft and. ths vessel sunk. OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL, PORTIJaND. THURSDAY .1 V f complement of' J4 men. She waa built ?t Leghorn In H94; her dlmenalona are 70 feet, 41 feet beam, and 19.1 feat deep.. .-.:':- One year ago laat March aha left Italy for a crulae In the Pacific. Utr armament consists of 1 6-lnoh Armstrongs, S 4-tnch Armstrongs, I -pounders, I-pounders. 1 landing gun. Maxims "and i torpedo tubes. Tha officers are: C. da Luca. commander; Lteutenantg. Mansonl, M. Mlachlo, T. Caraceloll dL Farlno; 8ub-Lleurnants Ralnerl Bl'kcla, F. Albertelll, L. Roeslsr Frsns; O. B. Dongo, chief engineer; R. Cods, second engineer:.. -A. LusSttl, Surgeon;. A. Volpe, paymaster. - INTERESTING EVENTS ' AT TJHE EXPOSITION Big! Crowd From the Interior WiH Enjoy Fine Program . : , : Tomorrow. , ";.. ' --w- 'Tomorrow at the exposition will be a speclsl day for Vancouver, Chehalts and Centralla. It will also ba known as Women's day. Among tho interesting events will be tba following: 10. a. an. Woman's Suffrage conven tion. Auditorium. ,y- ' , :' : lo;s. rn. Washington cltlea' exercises, Washington Auildlng, Administration band In attendance. . . 10 s. m. sPaclflo Coast Electrle Trans mission association convention, Ameri can inn. ... t:i0 p. m. Grand eo near v Libera tl's band, bandatand. ' ' 1:10 p. m. -Marvelous Maumsr sensa tional high-wire act, foot of Lakevlew terrace. - 1:30 p. ra. United States llfesavlpg exhibition on lake. ' 7:10 p. m. Grand concert, Llberatl'a band, bandstand. Gray boulevard. ' . p. in. Msrveiuus mumi, hduw I high-wire act, foot of Lakevlew terrace. s:S0 to 10 p. -tn. Moving pictures, ex positron soenes, official photographers' rooms. ;- -t, .- Llberatl'a celebrated orailaatl6n of musicians arrived In Portland thla morn-" lng and will for the next 1 four weeks entertain visitors at the exposition grounds. The band has two vocal solo ists, ss well as Instrumental soloists, and .ka program thla afternoon was heartily applauded by a large crowd. Following are Llbsratl's programs for tomorrow: Afternoon ' . March. "Jocker Club" Libera tl .(Introducing the American Imperial fanfare.) . Trombone solo ...Selected Vslss Lente, "Ellse" , ...Llberatl (Cornet ohllgato by Big. A. Llberatl.) "Flower Song'' Langs Orand fantasia cm populy operas.... ,,... .!. .,..,..;., Terdl (Introducing Introduction oto'Tl Trovatore," aria, from "Rlgoletto," -bal let -eaualdTrom "Rlgoletto," march from "l'Lumbardl," - romansa "La Traviata,' miserere from "II Trovatore," lntroduc. tion to ,"La Traviata," aria, from "Lt Traviata" . cavatlna from "Macbeth chorus from "Simon Boccanegro.") Overture. "11 Re dl Latiore"... Massenet Vocal duet, "La Favorite.". ... Donisettl Slgnors A. llberatl snd B. Glsnnone. Ballet muslo from "William TH".-.. ........... Roaslnl Evening - 1 March, "Nsbelungen" ......... .Wagner Euphonium, solo, "Song to ths Even lng. Star" x. i Wagner "Album Lear' Wagner Remlnlscenses of Wsgtisr Overture, "Tsnnhauaer" Wagner Vocal duet . .-' Selected Miss Marls Valdea and Mr. Bernard - "' '.,- Begue..C '.' . Prelude to' "Parajfal" , ".Wagner Scenes from "Lohengrin" ,...'.. .Wagner The Administration -hd, under ths direction of Slgnor D Csprlonalil play the following progrkms tomorrow: ' Morning '" ' Overture. -"Nabuoco" ..,.'. .'. .Verdi Walts, "La Serenade" '. .". . . . .Metra (a) ."Entr'acte No.. S Roaamunda" ................... . Schubert (b) "Gavotte HersliebeHea". ,.o ,urald . - ..,, Selection. , "I Promsss) Bposl".Pc "Intermesxo Salome" '.t. . Ponchieno Loraina Fantasia. vOuld Olrelsnd"... , . Hare March, "Karama" .Grey Evening-?. . .. - March. "Cervua Alces" .De Caprlo Overture, "The Ruler of Spirits", .Weber Sscred ehoru "La Carlta". . , , ; .itosalm Fantaala. "Hunting. Scene", . . .Bucalosai Wslts, 'The Flower of Italy"... .Stefasto Selection, "King Dodo" .Mackle Interm'esso, 'Romans' ... i ... .Johnson Ma rent "The Metronome" r . ....Heed Torture of ra"isaiheir.''- -The Story of ths torture of Rev. Q. b. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church" of Harpers vllle, N. V , will interest you. He says: "I suffered, sgonlee, because of a peralstent couh. resulting from tho sMb. I hsd to slaep alttlnaf .Ud tn bed. I tried maas remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. Kins s Nets Dis covery for Consumption, epochs ..and Colds.- which entirely cured my rough, and aaved me fron consumption." A frand cure : for .diseased oondltlotf of hroat and Lunga. At Red Cross Phar macy, Sixth and Oak streets. Pries 6a and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. IF WiU llTKlHltlet'tv.l: rati li 'Hit; rA iCM;MK it PROFESSOR HAROUN RELEASED AT EUGENE Wife Is Given Decree of Divorce jr-6'ther : Decrees 'Also5"7 Granted. - (8ptcll Dispstcb te The JoornaL) Eugene, Or., June 29. .The case of tha stats sgalnst Professor F. 8. Haroun, formerly president of the Eugene busi ness college, ' who was bound . over (to tho circuit court about threoa months ago charged with obtaining money by i - ik ot ,un.a iiviu turn .i.wii ui,' i mlsaed In the circuit court yesterday and ths professor's cash ball of (200 re mltted. 'Fhe grand Jury found a lack of evidence sufficient to convict. Haroun's wife waa ' granted a divorce yesterday, Miss Daude Decker, a teacher, being named as co-respondent. '- . " . Othsr divorces granted yesterday were as follows: Helen D. Huston against' Robert S. Huston, for cruel and inhuman treatment and nonsunnort. N. G. Thatcher against Ida Thatcher, desertlonT- Mary S. Kaufman, cruel and Inhuman treatment. Dollle Johnson against Joe, Johnson, Assertion. : . . r -, Lane county's big cherry crop Is cow being gathered. While the, crop Is not ss heavy as In some former years there is plenty or the fruit andJt Is of ex. esllent quality. Ths Allen cannery In this city Is put ting up largo quantities of ths Royal Anns, employing a big fores of men ana' women. TWO YOUTHS ESCAPE . FROM ROSEBURG JAIL (Special Dlspstek -te The JeerssLl Roseburg, Or., June. 1. Yesterday morning two boys who had been arrested upon ths charge of ateallng a watoh from a traveler named WcDtfftaJd es csped from jhe city Jail. The boya, who were captured tn Junction City, were re turned Tueaday but nothing was done to determine their guilt and they escaped tne following night through a hots which measursd 10 Inches Square. Once nerore a man escaped from tha-city Jail here, but be -went by kicking, the brick wan qown. ,. . , Els'ward -Tabler was bound aver a h elrcufrourt yesterdaee&a charge of xorgery. iis nome is in stiasta county, wnere ma lamuy ib .nigniy . respected. us arrest waa caused by Mrs. H. H. cmvington. Who swore that he forged uer name. . - , ,. - . BIG CROWD PRESENT . AT BENTON CONVENTION ' (tpeelsl tMspatrh to The Joeratl.) f . .CorvalllS, Or.,- June S. Todav'e aa. slon Of ths Benton county Sunday school convention that Is In session hre bnened At- 1 o'clock this afternoon with a hl sttertdanee. v Judge Virgil E. Wattera of Corvallls delivered the address of welH come ann response Was made bv Presl : - : X Zi, Schillang'f Bcst aw; n6t,r travagantt . quite the contrary. Teas and coffees good-enough baking.pod'riflavonngex tracts and spices puife an4 best and yet economical; soda corn- men. ri' .'. EVENING. JUNE 29, 1903. V(o)iyi 1 ' ' i : .-.. W- -.-. . -JV dent L. B. Bsldwln of Philomath college. Professor Hsnry Sheak then made an ad dress, on "Object of Sunday School Con ventions." which wss followed by a gen eral discussion of ths subject. I This wss followed by "Special Days snd Their Re lation to the-Regular Work ofHhs Sun day School" by F. E. Edwards' At t oiclock an address to children; was made by' Field Worker George W. Beatty"Los.' "8undyeSchool Union." Adjournment was then taken until the evening , assi slon, which opens at 7:89 o'clock with the following program: . Bong service; "How to Teach the Ten, perance Lesson," Rev. O. H. Feese. V .D.' address, J. F. Tstes; round table, Rew George W. Beatty. ' Friday's session will bcgUVat EQUITABLE DIRECTORS CHOSEN BX TRUSTEES '1" (Jooraal Special ServleeT) New York. June !. Orover Clevelsnd, Morgan J. O'Brien and George Westing house, trustees of ths majority of ths stock of the Equitable Assurance so ciety, have accepted ths resignation of directors shd sleeted the following, who are ; sll policy-holders, ss , dlreetora Jn place of those resigned: ' . . E. B. ThomaS, preaident of tha Lehigh Valley Railroad company. " F, G. Bourne, one of the largest, If not 'the largest, stockholder In the Singer Sewing Machlna company. 4-lf E. Bchmtdlafp, capitalist of ClncJh. natl. ...'.: .--.-.. '-' FrederlcV Rortllng, member of ths fa mous family. of brldgebullders,'. Trenton, .New Jersey. U - 1 William Whitman; paper manufacturer Of Boston. . , , ' i :- K. w, Bioomingdaie. one, of the pro prietors of a department store In this city and a member of the so-called Crim- mlns committee or Equitable potcy Holders. 1( ' ' - E. W. . Robertson, a prominent South Carolina man, whose name was . pre sented to the Equitable trustee by the general agent snd policy-holders of that section of ths country. Joseph Bryan, a capitalist and repre sentative cltisen or Richmond, Virginia. J. J. Albright, on of Buffalo's best known financiers. " . . ,- t. VALUABLE ORE STOLEN . IS LATER. RECOVERED . ' (Speelal Dispatch to Te Jmraatll, Baker City, Dr., June 19. Whlls AVi and Ross, the two old miners who made a-rich -strike a few days sgo, --were In Raker 'City disposing of a portion of their product, thleyee visited ths mines snd stole eight sacks of tlfs ore. Deputy Sheriff Snow, who went to the scene, returned thla rooming and stated' that thVre waa found near the camp of Ilamhy-aV--ComstoeaV Men accused of ths theft were scqultted. i . ih - , Tow la Barkasss. ; (Special Dlfpetrk te Tae Joarasl.) " Cottage Grovs, Or., June St. Ths city was In dsrkness last night on account or a break la the lighting -machinery, st ths electric plsnt - ; , -Jh ro I J . m f , MW. .aV ,i ir f. in n w v 'A I L i st 1 Mi v Eg) HutUUu lUt& l.hrH W'H. 4M U til . 1 iuiuwiwxiwywnwmm mn nn sun nnn mini iiini .l t.vvx.MxvvV.vvVVvvvvx. - w V Tho Kind- Too; Have Always In use for over 80, Tears, . All CoanterfeIts71mltatIons Bnd "JuHt-as.o;ood'arebut' ' : Experiments that trUJe with and endanirer the health of ' Infanta and Children Experience tigalnst Ezperlmenta What is CASTbRIA Castoria Is a harmless substitu'e for Castor , Oil, Pare- . gbric, props and Soothing Syrnps. . It; is PleaHant. lt " contains neither Opium, MorphineJior other NarootTo '. substanoj Its agro la Its puarantee.' It destroys Worms and allays Foverishness. Tit Cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlny Troubles, cures Constipation jand Flatulencyr-. It assimilates the Food, regulates the " Stomach and' Dowels, crlvhig; healthy and natural sleeps The Children PanaceaThe mother's Friend. . CENUINE CASTORIA" ALVAYO ; P Sears 'the The Kind You Have Always BougM -; In Use For- Oyer 30 Years. X'"' sawtswa essaie. v sfcav Taasr. saw ye sm -' -y ', SaSSBBSBaBBaBBSSBSSlBaSSSBBSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMsBBBBfa . WISE. BROS., ' ' liWt sa4 ill tMth wltheut ysla.. 7Tfr- W( A. WlM baa retarned frem SB et. lendwt lour t .asters Intal lnlltutlon. and tbwe hatnf tbelr rtntal work dona thre eas haes h adTantaf. ef all mot nit np to-Sate nfejboria. iiiamlaatlnn fra. I'alnleas. .itraftint tre. . wbaa pistes ft brld(s sr. order Ml. ' - - k wisa moi, simin. - , Ttie ratlins'. cnr. Tblnt and Waablnftnni Opes ST.alDf t a ad Sundars. Mais . 1j2B. pi 1 3y BB. t.-r.wiit. Jf i 'V 1 .: ::stx 77tt -freJJL asfCdJ Bought, and which has been has borne tho sltmfttnrA t aim uu9 ueeii uutuo unuer uis pcr sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. . Signature of ;. Da. w. a. vnsa s,: v-s i- SBBBBBBBBaaBBBBSBBBJ 't.