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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE ' 29. : 1905. V, . 1 TOVN TOPICS xonoHTf AKuiaccim. Btlaae. i"Vw" "I. O. U." ,"FliiDgan'a Allt-j" i'ogg'e Ferry" , rVe.a.?lll. ........ ..VaadeTlll. ...V.adTlll Marquam.a Em Dir.. ...... Lyric... Grand ....... star Baker f j- Th Woman's Foreign Missionary o clty of Epworth M.. E. church wu or ganised by Rev. Knry T. Atklnon y terdar afternoon at the naraonag. 111 North Eighteenth street Mrs. A. -N.' . Fisher, corresponding secretary of the - Columbia Rlvsr branch, was present and assisted In the organisation. The . following officers were elected: Presl- dent. Mrs. Esther WaJdfogel; vice-president. Mrs. W. R. Insley; recording sec- . retary, Isabel McDougal; corresponding secretary, - Mrs. ' ndleott; treasurer, ' Miss Elsie Craw; reporter, Mrs. i. B. Candllab. Regular meetings will' be "-held the second Tuesday Of each month at the homes of the members. The next ' meeting will be at the residence of the , resident. Mrs. Esther Waldfogel. TIB V Marshall street, on the Second Tuesday ; In July at :0 o'clock. ; -' . In the United State circuit court the ' Standard "Varnish company of New Tor " has ' sued Visiter. Thorsen Co. of Portland for lit. 000 for Infringing on ' trademark known as "turpentine shel lac," alleging that the plaintiff menu- ' factures a specialty known as turpentine shellac, and that since April, 10. the "defendants have been using the trade mark for a specialty of their own mike. It is alleged that the defendanta prom ised to discontinue the use of the mark, but failed to dp so. "; M. Olson, owner of a, number - of houses at Serene park, on East Twelfth and Florence streets will sell, or H.000 one of these houses. 'This Is a if excep- '.. llonal opportunity for any one wanting a home, as Mr. Olson asks only $200 down and lit per month. . Serene park is situated on a sightly tract of land on the, Union ven.ue and Vernon car line. - It Is only i minutes' ride from Third and "Washington streets. Phone Mr. Olson at Main 144 and ask about the proposition., . ( : . ' ' . ' ' In Justloe Reld i court yesterday aft. eraoon Senator John H. Mltchall nld a suit against Harry Robertson, his . fdrmer secretary and one of the princi pal witnesses against him In the land " fraud trial, for M on a promissory note. 'The note was given to the late John H. Price, father-in-law of Senator Mitchell, -in-msrand called for 1100. Fifty dol lars was paid on It at on time, and tit at another, snd the principal and inter st now daw amount to S(. .' 'f An Interesting lecture on the 'Tnflu- '. encsrof .th Japanese Schools of Paint ing on European Art" was given before the Portland art clasa at the Art mu seum yesterday afternoon by L Nag) ' through his interpreter, Jiro Harada. Mr. Nagi spoke very interestingly and - told of the various schools of Japan and the influence western civilisation had had on each. Modf ffTrhciraxt, he ' said, waa.. clearly.. Influenced by, the Japanese schools. . - The Canadian Pacific has Issued a , new publication of great beauty show ' lng the wonderful scenery along Its line Hrand, containing matter of special inter est in connection with the Lewie and . Clark exposition. The Canadian Paclflo " route embraces 'Boms'1 of the grandest j v ' scenery on . the ., western continent, ana the new booklet Is Issued with a view ' to bringing this fact to the attention of eastern people. ..' . . - The Chicago A Northwestern' lateefr booklet Is devoted entirely to showing ' the Lewis and Clark fair,, the city of Portland and scenery "along the route -of the company's recent extension In Rocky mountain territory. There sr. ' many fine halftones of the exposition - - buildings and grounds, - and a " well- written and Illustrated chapter on the ; """'"Rose City." r ""..'. ' Negotiations are pending between - State Fish Warden Van Dusen, repre sentlng the United States fish commis sion, and the Oregon Water power Jtailway'company for the establishment 4f a trout hatchery at Casadero. There . s at present a salmon hatchery on the Clackamas river 45 . miles from Casa dero, and It is proposed to abandon this , . if the iew one should be established. fU Is reported that BTAr Worthlngton will ultimately become general manager of the Western Paclf io when the Oould ,r ' system complete! this line from Salt ' I.ake to Oakland, and Is counted on to bring to the position a complete knowl- ; - edge of trsnsportstlon conditioned VAr clflccoaat territory. - i ,. The Westlnghouse Electric Manu facturing company has Issued a booklet for distribution at the Lewis and Clark - - ' expositon. It contains an Interesting .'. deecrlptlofa of processes employed In the WastUrghOuse works for manufacture of - the company's various mechanical de vices. - - '. H. MeCormlck, a lumber mill operator at MeCormlck, Washington, who has Just returned from an eastern trip, say it will be-but a few years when Oregon fir will be widely- used In east ern localities where hemlock and Michigan pine ha,ve for many year held ' -, wy. . . - - . ' . ' - 1 v r The first regular time card for the . new Arlington-Condon, line, of the Ore . gon Railroad Navigation -company Is , In the hands of the printer and will be Y issued In time for the insuguratlon of ' regular train service over the road July 1. There will be a dally train each way. ?8rP--"!eHghtful l-lver excurslons-25a two hours down the rlver.Tvlewlng war fhlps, fairgrounds, drydetks. beaulful river scenery. New steamer aaaelle leaves Stark street 10 a. m t:t0v t p. m. J Obstacles J(n the way of securing- the jlealred routed for an. extension -of Tthe Oregon Water Power Railway's line s;-----" as s iiimiiiniiuiiiiiiiini s Jihported iyj v. , j. j Frinch Crip . ' NecKweair Dollar Valuf 65c Hewett, Bradley O- Co. r XABDAIHIBB. - . 44S Washington Strut - VXAB 1AITD ZXEATKX. :. Kr . -ti Delegate to the W. to Feiaview and Troutdale are delaying the beginning of conatructlon. and it la now said to be doubtful if the line Is built this year. The company expected no difficulty In securing the right -or way, and would have had the. line- com pleted and In operation next fall. But a few- farmers, have- declined to grant rights of way, at what the company regards as fair prices, through their lands and. the project la In the' air. ' , The aafeat and most practical way to secure . your - money and valuables against theft Is the modern and up-to-date buckskin 'money belt' They are made In different styles and sixes in both waist and leg' belts, and can be had of Albert Beml, the druggist,, corner of Second and Washington. . See' the Sea at Seaside A delightful trip- to old ocean, only Your hours' ride from Portland. - Take a dip in the briny deep. Trains leave, the union . depot dally at I a. m. For Information apply to Mr- C. A, Stewart, agent, S4I Alder street Phone Main 90. ... - - -7 -- " Carloads of delicious Mermaid, brand cantaloupes and - paper rind red meat Coachella watermelon' eoriatantly -on track. See that you get Mermalda. Nothing else half so sweet.. Pearson Page Co., Maliy 475. . Sole .agents. , Steamship Alliance-sails from Couch street dock Thursday night, June tt, at t. Far 4o Coos Bay $7.50 cabin, and tS second; S10 cabin, and I seebnd. F. P. Baumgartner, agent. Main . 111. : : Announcement The new Aune photo graph gallery now open at the Colum bia building, corner West Park" and Washington. Take elevator. Reliable place to bcrow money on diamonds and jewelry.-. Collateral Loan Bank, 261 Waahlngton St. Established II years. Lowest rates of interest, , We are still selling our $J. 50 eye glasses for II. Consultation free,' and every pair guaranteed,. Metxger at Co., Ill Sixth otreetf . . All the delicacies of the season; pri vate apartments foi ladles and families. Btrause'a Restaurant, 22 Washington. -MoffettHot Sprlngstl.SO day; tl and $10 week; batha, 26a. Take Regula tor line, i - " ' " Wanted Shirt .finishers and ladies' clothes lronere. . Union Laundry Co. t Ansley Printing Co.. 110 Oak. WHERETO DINE. The Empire? the place to go for line meals,. Neat and clean, ltl Third. Hotel Hamilton. San Frnoisco's new est hotel. 'Steam heat and telephone in each room.. Centrally located. Rates, tl and upwards. 2 Ellis street OREGON COUNTRY GETS " JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING To advertise Portland arid the-Paclflo northwest the passenger department of theJQMXSn Railroad Navigation com pany is offering to eend Its publications to all addresses-that may be furnished it by Portland business men. - ' In May General - Passenger ' Agent Craig's department In Portland aent out St.Oii pleces-'trt advertising; ,the June work- amounts to 41.000 pieces. The publications, compiled by R.' M. Hall, advertising agent for the oompany.. are authentic, original and high class, and hundreds- of people are attracted to the Paclflo northwest through the state ments and lllustratlbnsf Pacific north west resources.. The matter, goes all over the. United States and many ft the booklets sre,gent to foreign countries. Frequently inquiries are .-eivea. iroro England, Germany, Frajict- -eif the orlerit. 'The company'a postage-hWl is a 'c6nsldersh1e,Bum monthly, ss every piece of literature sent. out costs from I to I cents poatsge. ; . - On July t -only, the Chicago - Northweetern railway will self rdtind trip .tickets to Buffslo, New 'Tork.. fop ira.T!. good for 90 days and allowing I stopovers en route.' also allowing theJ passenger 'cholp of routes golng-and returning Low -rates, to other easlerh points. - Call on, or addreas W. A. .Cot. V general agent. C. NrW, Ry., 1(1 Third street, Portland-. Orfegon, , . zr T ifi -.v ' woman' Kiasldnary Society. - -. The- Woman's Home Mlaajpnarv"1 ao-.J,; cfcfy of the f-regrih oonference jrlll hold It nineteenth annual meeting at Taylor Street M. E. church--Friday, commenc ing promptly at :.t0 o'clock, ' Report of the, work -of the entire conference will b read and the election of officer will take place. Auxiliary offlcera are requeated -to . have all money and re ports In hand. Member living in Port land are asked to bring -a basket luncheon, ' . ' . . C T. U. Convention at the Fair Grounds. Photograph by Kiser Photographic Company, PORTLAHD OR BUST, CRY OF RAILROADS Rock hland Sees Immense Pos sibilities in Business in the . Oregon Country. WILL' BEGIN WESTWARD IN THE NEAR.J1ITURE Three Routes- Surveyed From" Boise and " Construction !iCompftrjjJp V - . . J ,4 ..... """" " . The Chicago, Rock Island aV Padflo railroad will - be-- the next great tran contlnental system to knock at the door of Portland. 2 1 ! company has .com pleted the surveying of three route from Bolie . to Portland, has incorporated a company to build the division from Boise to it present western terminus at Denver and has already a bond for a deed to terminal grounds in Portland. - ' ' The Rock Island' march westward will be rapid and sure. fU-hjM caused the In corporation of the new Colorado, Wyom ing Idaho railroad at Bolae, with a capital stock of $10,000,000, for the' con struction of the line surveyed from Den ver north to Laramie and west to St. Anthony arid Boise. It Is known ' that the meaning of thla project Is a Pacific ocean terminal. There Is nothing between Denver, and Boise to Induce a railroad company to undertake- an undertaking so enormously expensive '' The city of Portland is the "objective point and will be the Rock Island's chief 'Pacific termi nal, with a-branch line to Tacoma and Seattle. The company ha aurveyed a route from Boise through the Salmon river and Clearwater country, vlat Lewis ton arid" down" the north-5 bankof the Columbia-Driver; .lso a route through central Oregon . arid another through southern Oregon and. the Willamette valley. Final choice ' of route to be built has not yet been made. ' ' " Consolidation of the Rock Island system with the Louisville A Nashville. Chicago ft Alton, . Frisco .system- "and Seaboard Airline, which is practically accom plished, will enable the Rock Island to' run through cars from Denver to New Orleans, El - Paso, Galveston, . . Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston. Richmond, and Jacksonvllle, "With steamers to Havana. This system must reach Portland to com plete Its grasp of transcontinental busi ness and secure an outlet to the orient. Portland is the objective point of Its engineer and the beginning of the con struction work is marked by the build ing of the Colorado, Wyoming Idaho railroad from Denver to Boise.., The com pany has placed the - following men In the foreground of the enterprise as ln: corporators and-trustees: W. R. WesC Laramie, Wyoming; E. S. Chenoweth, McCracken, - Kansas; Ora Haley, Lara mie; Joseph Underwood. Chicago: Frank H. Stewart, Boston: John D. ;Mllllken, McPherson, Kansas; C. M. Huset Boston; Augustua Ruffner, Chicago; J. 8. Christian, Danville, Illinois. ' Four men representing the . Interests of many southern stockholders 1n the Rock Island, the Louisville ft. Nashville and the Seaboard Airline,, have been . In Portland several -days looklnjT'oVer the railroad situation . and considering' tHy. feasibility of the proposed consoltdafoa ana extension to j-ornana. inese men are: James ' A. IMcPherson, Raleigh," LNorth Carolina; Horace C. WoocTT Senecn; WE n AVE WAITED fOR THE f AIR To get Into active operation before we began t blow .our whlstlej The big show Is now booming to ' -"beat the band." ' Just )lke the UNION LAl'NDRT, .ever since Its ' doors were first opened, and now -.- we are ready to shout, to -'it-he stranger within our sate." that "we have th most modern clothes -renovating establishment in the , t'nlted State. WE TAKE'tNO BACK SEAT FOR ANT CITT ON EARTH. There Is hot a nsw appit- ance known to laundrydom that is not In operation her. Our steam v heated collar and cuff polishers do , not make sawteeth of the edge of the . linen. "o other laundry In l ' Oregon has thes lmproyinen,ri. I UNIOil : LAUNDRY TL Kaia StS. - Si' aad Colombia." Ask for free soesU rait SovaJ.7 . : i 11 i it South Carolina; Charles - M. Cotton, Salem-Winston.- North Carolina; Ralph H. ' Mathews, Albany, ... Georgia. Inci dentally they are Investigating the field for cotton manufacturing Industries. Mr. McPhereon Is one of the large cotton manufacturer In the south and has Interests In New Enfcland mills. He is a principal owner In the Columbus Cotton Manufacturing company, with mill at Columbus, Georgia, on the Chat tahoochlo river, from- t-e falls of which power Is secured to drive the machinery. During the last -week Mr. McPherson has mads three trip .to Celllo falls and ha mad a preliminary examination of the possibilities for power there. He has been deeply Impressed with the great opportunities for economlo production of manufactured product In - Oregon by waterpower. With thl vast power every where going to waste, he says, the absence -of coat I not"a hindrance but rather air aid to successful manufacturing In Oregon. ' - , ,..,:". BIG'CELEBRATIONOF : THE FOURTH OF JULY '";""'''-... , . ' , k Arrangements Made - to ; Have i Regular Old-Tirrie Program : y- at the Fair. ' It Is settled that there 'will be regular old Fourth of July celebration at tffe exposition gtiM;TTh"on6w Ing program was announced this morn ing from the office of President Oooder Overture byLibrtrs band; Invoca tion Dy HIV, A. A. jnorriauu, ru. u., reading of the Declaration of Independ ence by Barry Buckley Of Washington, D. C; Columbia naTnd; oration by Rabbi Stephen Wise, D. D.; "StaT- Spangled Runner" hand; benediction bv RaV. T. L. Eliot, D. D.; rShierlca.'' bandraaTut of i guns; grand display of firework with special act pieces at o'clock. , . CROWING ROOSTER WILL ' ; COME TO SOME BAD END saasjsssBsssaaaasis Complaint are still made to the police against the ambitious rooster .whose crowing by day and by night is .prov ing so annoying to persons living In the vlcinty of tit NartUla street. - Station 'Officer Maloney has evolved a scherne-twhlch he thinks will end the complaints. He hss signified hi In tention of aecurlng a John Do war rant for the arrest of the rooster on a charge of" disorderly conduct -. and placing the paper - in-the hands - of Mounted - Patrolman ' Crate for service. Crat-has laaao and will be expected to bring Mr. Rooster Into th police court. ... -' .-w5 "f POTTER STARTS SATURDAY. Popular O. R. A N., Excursion Steamer Opens the Beach Season. Th first 'large crowd from Portland .to Astoria and North (Long) Beach, Waahlngton, will leave , Portland Satur day afternoon at 1:60, when the popular- O. R. ft N, seaside exoursion -steamer, the T. J.-Potter, miikes Its Initial trip of the season, leavfhg. Ash street dock at the above time. The Potter haa been put In first-class condition, -and .every thing points to a very- large list of pas senger for the first trip. ' Visitor to Portland: and th Lewi and Clark exposition should not miss an opportunity to see the beauties of the lower Columbia rlver-from . the deck! of the Potter queen of river boats. ; For speed and grace nothing '4-in river or ia service In th en-tire west equals'; thl side-wheeled beauty, and to see the glories of the lower Columbia from her" deck i a treat never to be forgotten. . Two hundred and thirty feet long and at feet ; wide, newly -decorated, eacetdv and uphol stered, ateam heated and electric lighted, and equipped with every Inodern ap pliance for the safele- and comfort of the flOO guest th 'law aathorlse her to csrrev she is the fsvorlte and pride of th river traveling public - Her staterooms, are models of neatnes and complete In every -respect;- the meals noted for their excellences and th offi cers -attentive and courteous: i,1, WV, "Restful . Recreation . Resorts th elegant 101 summer book Issued by the O. R. N-.Co., tell ir about the ttips up and 1 down the Colambta, to the mountalria, - beaches inland resort and fountains-of heading. It I In itself an artistic souvenir publication, "and .well worth securing- Ask C. W. Btlngen, city ticket agent. Third aTflV Washington streets, for" a copy -of this publication, and particulars about the lower Colum bia rtver and other trips. - Very, low rates to th Columbia river resort this summer. -" - 1 j - iii : ' Ff fened Btoqk rCaaaed OeoaaC , ' Allan Lwl' Best Hrajd, .. 4 ' ,1 I U ll v ; (rvw-r " BRUTAL THUGS ROB A,,L Patton of Marion Found in - Cutter at ' Early Hour Z - il -This Morning. . w NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS, TAkEN FROM HIS POCKETS Betiiten Over Head WjthBlack r jack,' He Is in a Very Se- nous Condition,, After having heen - beaten 4t- In. sensibility and robbsd of t00 by thugs. A. L. Patton of Marlon, Oregon. -was found at Seventh and Ollaan street this mornlna br Patrol Drtvr Prlc and Jailer Lilll ' and taken - to police headquarter, where he was attended by nr-.R 'f!- filocuna. ' .. Patton la in a serious condition? HI cslp Is badly out arid bewlsed by blow from a blunt- weapon, prooaoiy a disck- lack,- and hi right shoulder was ai lbcatd-JUtvth bone of hi shoul der were - thrown Into plao and . th wounds on hi head dressed he was sent to his. room lni a.-downtown lodging house. " ...-'' When searched at police headquarters Patton had IHD.J5. which -was. over looked by - th robbers; 16 cents was In hi pocket and th 1140, In currency, waa ewd In the lining op his waist coat, i , ' . , ' -1 The injured man is a logger and came to Portland yesterday "to see the fair. He admit that he, began drinking hesvlly Immedlstely after reaching here, and 1 Unable' to tell much that will aaslat th off kerg in bringing the male factor to JutUce . SONSET MAGAZINES J ADVERTISES THE FAIR , 1 . The .' July number of the Sunset raagaxine Is a special Lewi and Clark centennial edition, and contain over three." score page exploiting Oregon, Portland and the exposition.'' and' many illustration add a charm to the arti cles. - The Sunset is the, first magaslne. ta, come out -with pictures and an ac- couiQl.(oa Qpvning any cqrvnuinira w land a Century Ago." 1 by Reuben Gold Thwaltea, the Wisconsin historian, and la ' illuetratedfrom photographs and original documents In possession of the American Philosophical society at Phila delphia; it is the story -of th Lewis and Clark journey told in a short, graphic and delightful, manner. "The Great Northwest's CentenntsT: - How the Lewi and . Clark .Exposition - Tell of Enter prising Development and of Alluring Opportunities Today" la told In a series of article; by Governor Q.-E. Chamber lain, Governor A. K. Mead of Washing ton. Senator John H. Mitchell. Henry W. Ooode, Willi nt, W. Wheelwright, Q. W. Allen, Frank L.' "Merrick,' Robertus Lov nd-JLH. - Cradlebaugh;"' Th Sunset's Regular circulation Is (8,000, but 190.- 000 copies or the July numner . werer printed and Will be widely distrlbW BIG LACROSSE GAME' : ;' FOR CANADIAN DAY Dominion of Canada, day at the Lewis a-id Clark-exposltlon on Saturday" prom ise to be an Interesting occasion. - The members Of the Canadians society1 : and .Canadians In general will meet- at . the grouwds st ir ociock, wnen badge win be' distributed." At 1:15 o'clock the two lacrosse teams, Will form In front Of the Administration building snd. "headed by the Administration band, will; march via the main promenade to the'ball grounds'. where at 1.J0 o'clock sharp the game will start . - r " - - -' ' A vlfnner Will served to members and their friend at -the American inn t S Vclock. tr 1 - . ' 1, . -vnr.- ,- ,-. -" r MANY PEOPLE VISIT- - - . ALASKA THIS YEAR Alaska ls-emlng to the Lewis, snd Clark iposltlon.But. majority of the visitors from the landof froxen gold and totem poles wfll not visit. thts city until September and octanes, a mey am sir td "wait until the cool autumn days arrive. This news Is brought from the norths by Edwsrd C. -Russell, publisher-! Of the,- Juneau J)ally Alssk. IMspatch. who arrive-last night. He stlrrea that the stramsllp companies have made 'A rawidlirlat'ronl?outh,r' Alaska STRANGER Boot Shop ; Wants Your Trade Walk-Overs" .: -' Make -Ufe's; walk easy. for you, Mr. Man. ' .3.50 .and $4.0 Knight9 Opposite Perkins . - Tho Official Watchcf 37 , Loading Rail roattf I B WATCHES A simple, sturdy machines no unnecessary parts almost no re- Jalr bllla.. It meeta the everyday are snd vibrstlons of railroading successfully and has -sturdlnea to record time accurately f -Tears. With.- a BALL WATCH ' you stand prepared to meet sched ule requirements, In every, walk in life on time. iimIw iiAeBriil vellrAart ' Watch I good enough for anyone. "bld by A. N.Wright Se IOWA JEWELER No. 293 Morrison Street Where Tou Savfe Hdncy , . - -. . .... .. j After, looklnr around. If youVwiht to L- be sure ef getting , your motieai Worth Underwear or a pair of Shoes, gq .tQr ; JohnDellar V1 And you will find every article marked fin plain figure about SO per cent less Un price In comparison to other store1 (uaces.- w-TI-'.', - , - Also a 'big line of Ladle and Chil dren' Shoe from "We to 11.00 saved in jd ,sj)b Jeqjo o uosixduioo E RUN TWO STORES." ' Corner First .and Yamhill and Corner Third and Davis Goo4 Tbnjatbcs j 4 cans . . ir . . 25c Per dozen. . . . . 70c New York Grocery Eleventh and Morrison Sts. Portland Academy A IM0U8H AXD.ClAasiOAL I0K00L. . rit b.T. asd slrla for eaatera aad WMtern enllegM. Otlcehoura of tb. principals dartng- muus, mm V a- si- u m., ai in. mifsMj rnrn.r nf Tolrtenthin4.Brilaps atreesi. For catakga,addrM . Portland Academy Portias', Orgo, : AHVK mecreatioa "Park, Mth aad Tangha , I PORTLAND .JTACOMA. nn iTraa. a 0 July L tt ' Admission lie. Grandstand. lc. , Children, He. : .. -., , ZdlM ' ISO. Grandstand fr.. wxcept Sunday and holidays. Ladle' day, Fri day. ... .; r, ., ... -;--- -, Grandstand seata on sal "a" Woodard, Clarke - Co.'. ; , , i , Swiss: Picnic At Rohse's Park " Taka First' street car. - Admission 10c. poinU to Seattle- of $'n oraSs. L Induce people fa see trie Roar city s x poaltlon. .. . . ' "We are getting a, large snare or fort- land visitors,"- said Mr, Russell, "and many are staying In- Alaska. . Th Influx of people 1 great h Is yesr to. all the good towns snd -Cities In Alaska, and business is very, good. Alaska is the -coming country growing like every thing, and, people are deciding to locate there for keeps Instead ff returning 'to their .native states to lire.. Milwaukie Country Club. ; , Eastern Xnd Seattle race Take Sail- wood and Oregon City car at First and Alitr. " 7 Tv - : l- II I lotel' V 'I ;' I . Aarrujr-nrTm. Free Lectures on -Practical ) Demonstrations Of ta. Trloua mm fnr" "eofhnir pBrposas Chocolate "iCcicoa ' ataasfactored by Walter Baker & Coe, .' . ' tHIITED - .. V.. V DORrHESTBR, MAS, r' -" ' ' (BatabualM ITM.) . JT1U be gtTa ky '' '.-' Miss Elizabeth K. Burf (DoaiMtic Bdesee Dt Boatoa T. W. C i j crtisans' Hall S61H OOBVBTT ST. , f Cor. renaoyer St, South Vortlautd. . Dally for Oa Weak, Oomneaolsg - Tuesday, June . 27 At 1 IO e'rlneh Is the aftersaSn. asd cjtmk la tb. .Trnliig. Camples of .!' Rurr'e preparatloaa. tach aa Cmk, P.ddlaga. Meringue., T4f. RonfflM, If Cram, B.trlan I'raam.. tc. will b. aerred at ear iwtur.. and aa. will be pleaaed to arnwer all laqalrlM r.- Crdlng the aane. A different win wUI prepared and served at eerh lecture. , KasipJ. rake, nt tb. Walter Baker Pre. Silcai No. 1 Chnrnlat.. rb. -Vanlla Dirnt (tioenlat. -aad, little urn pi. ran. -of th. BrMkf..t Cnroa. alao a book st "Choir Cborolata-Rerlpea" will be presented to all pervtna attndln tbeaa leetorea, aad ail wb. are Intereated In arlentltle oaiyg ascold aet fall to attaad, aa tby are - . n raxr to all.1.'. cTVIarquanii Grand HPU - 0 f,, W. T. Pangl. Rea. Mgr. X Ilea L C PhonMain .68 (Morrlaoa.Bt.. bt. gtbtad Tth.) - - TONIGHT At 8TM e'Clork aad Xrery Night' Thla Week, THB riOVh GERMAN COMEDIANS. la the lfaslcat Ceaedy-Barleaqse, "LOU" 0 PTOPLff t THC COMPANT 60. . ' OMle Opera sad Vas drrlllConblntd. -k 0 BElUTirUL- CHORCS.CURU 40. PoiuJr Prices 25"cf 35ct I dOC-Jlrirl 7Sc 'Baats Are Now ea Bal.. . - , i '';'': . "THI BCAVTT BHOF'- 1 Will k. th. bill all Beit Week; 'iSeglnaing Uo' da, .'ulr ,. with- a Battue , ' ' - " Taetday. July 4. - . A4vaao. iale ToanwrBW. Belasco Thtdtre ISSFm. trorneriy iwinmnia -warev .I4fa and walk. TOSIOHT AND ALL THE WEEK. . -UATINER8 BATTRDAT AND Bl"ND: FHfth Wr.k Belaaco Stark t'owpas, ' PreoDntlng th. riever Fare, s rested." Oragontaa. , "A war. '. oC laughter.' ' Telegram. "A auhatanttal aurM. journal. mariner, IS to BO&i CONQUEST."- Prteea KreDlng. in to TSe; f NEXT WEEK "Th. . Author.' TSlght erat. no DoUjrv VaTds''aady Store. sal .at U. ef ateai akd rooiz. Jim. AND JIRS. JOHW T. CRICK. kBDOX.TtBaT AD WILBa. , Jtl KALi.Ae AMD HATS. , Z.D RAYMOND. T ' Ml. JOSEPH BOMKIt. . . THE TAaoaoorE. f- Oeneral admlenloB and dally aiatlneea, 1 eaata. Front aeata oa low re floor. 20 easts. Bos SMta,, 21 oral.. . ' -t "- Blll fl P A IV Pi "t Big Hit.. VJ t i JuM THX 01EAX. TATTTal. Trmi LA TAIL. JOB HOLkTAlT TKX aOTTLOBS. " 3AXZUT TXI0, XO CKXIBSIX. , , MR. 0. K. BRONX. - . - - THX eiAlfDIsCOPI. . - Oeneralf allmlaalon-i-lO eenta.- Matinee every ear. KTeAlngs.- Nundajrs and Botldaya. treat aaata. lower floor, sua canta. Bos aeata, 25 cat. BAKER. THEATRE TSASS wzek or jvvt i6--aAaoAr tatdevillx JOE FtYNN AmeHra'a Ureatrat Muaologlat. . BABT OWENS tlt Hoabrett. JEAN WIIAOH Staging th. Pictured Ballad. Tmhrla." . - ' . - -MONSIXTR ZARLX. Rrrentrle Pantomime. LORBAINC AND HOWEIX Maaical Comedy BkHrb ArtUla. .- Fi ' " ..JIORILL a DIXIT Blngrra and T.lkwa." v la 10 ANT BEAT EXCEPT BOXES, EMPIRE Another whirlwind .of; laughter. All - thla weak, matinee erery dae at 2:IA, arenlag at S ift, KMPIBB STOCK tOMPAXT,Ja the roar ing faer. . ,. . ..- . FINNEGAN'S ALLEY , ADBfZiaiOM IO CRBXTT OMXT. LYRICTHEATRE ' -. "Mant Flood, Xpa . - , -mu HOL'SB OF BtiCCESSES.V' '" ' ; WXEX SlARTTNO MOVDAT, jV" . . The Oraar FourAet M.lodramatl Ssce.aa "Fogg's Ferry" ' ADMISSION TO ANT" SEAT Me. LEWIS JiND CLARK OBStRVjt. UTORr AND CAFE , PORTtAND HXlOHTf. ; ' Tik. Fofttaad 'Htlfhtajear aa get erf at Bawthorn. larrae eae elort from aar Um, M. cllsiblng. Elertrl. tltr. Be. beantiral .flwt ef' rwweeral Warekltekr frnm to ot tower. To eas e.t ealatf l- a wkll. -.Uwliig tb. moat marnlflooat tniwf In America. Opr. a. a. f . av awai- . atoe 10 Mats. Opposite Main Entraar Fair Orounda. rasa dam a YYMYxinjro. BUAZIEft BSOl. CONCCBT BTfJtt IOT-.'X!jT. - Stf-MS tUBXtiDE. pboking ' . AND KoIb&DI SERVES . rr-T ' v.