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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
r PTHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, 7UNB 29, 1805.' GOOD DEPTH Hi THE . . WILL AriETTE . KOV The Upper River Is Reported to Be Open for teamen' to ' Independence. ' CORVALLIS, HOWEVER, IS OUT OF REAtH OF BOATS Government Officials ." Satisfied With Work Dbne by Dipper . DredgeThis Year. David B. Ogden. aaaistant-, United - States engineer, returned this morning from points on the upper Willamette, - whira he spent a coupleof days inapect ins; the government work In progTesa. '. He says the Hver Is at a good boating stage-for this time of -the year, and that ateamera will have no difficulty " in reaching Independence the, balance Of the season. Aa It la Impossible for the ; boat, to' reaoh Corvanis. the. head of navigation, it la probable that they will not be operated further up atream than Balrm. To- continue the run to Inde- pendence would neceesltate the employ ment of another crew and the extra iDna for the short distance would ' hardly make It a goofd, business prdpoet ' tloh. " Nearly aa ihe' grading lor tne Tevet- ' - ment haa been completed and the major - portion of the piling haa been put In place. The rock work-will be started at ones and operations will be rushed to completion. The dipper dredge No. -'1 has made a fine showing. She haa Just . finished the worn of cleaning out the harbor at Salem and ' has -removed a number of bars which have given more or less trouble of late. She will be em-''.- ployed at the various shoals on this '.. side of the capital city and will work ' down atream. Aa the current la strong, : she can be moHif to the lower bara without the aid of a tugboat. ' Mr. Ogden.aaya the several govern . ment dams are Infexoellent condition. Tha ateamboat men are well . pleased with the outlook on the upper river. - When the. hopplcking season opens it .will . be necessary to aend ateamera through to Independence, and usually It , has been almost Impossible to do so In previous years without long delays. Major Langfitt will forward his an . nual report of the condition of the rivers - and harbors in this district to Washing ton tha first of the month. - DALLES CITY REPAIRED., Cost'' About Toav Thousand Dollars o . t Make Steamer Water-Tight Again. On Saturday the steamer Dalles City will be launched from thai Supple ship yards and on Monday shsvwlll be placed . In regular commisalon between here and Tha Dalles, .after having been idle just one month aa.a reault of her collision :. with the Charles R. Spencer. The cost of repairing the --steamer will approxl . mate 14.000, and to determine who will 'pay the bill, a lawsuit .will aoon be r started. When the steamer la again In service . the Bailey Gatsert will only go as far as Cascade. Locks, making daily 'round trlpa.The passenger traflto up the river Tl arrowing about as . rapidly aa' that w' from Portland down the coast,'- and aa ; qonsequenca ' the boats are . taxed to f their greatest capacity In order to lian- The. Regulator and Spencer went ourf this morning with all the passengers they could carry. In the next two months the agenta of tha lines say there Is no doubt that many people will have "to be left behind every trip. 7 "TOO MUCH BUSINESS. m. aul la JTo Able' to 'Take Carafe! . Passengers and Treiglit. r Crowded with passengers and carry ing all the freight that could be placed In her hold, tha steamer St Paul ar rived last night from San Francisco. . When the steamer leaves tonight on the return trip more than 160 applicants for bortha will be left behind. - In order to take carenf the Increased trafflo the company la atlll endeavoring to get an extra ateamer. Local officials -, stated' this morning that General Man' ager Schwerln will return to the coast from New York by July 4, and It Is then believed, he will make provisions for - getting another vessel. Tonight Paul will tske out a good part of the freight brought by the . oriental liner- Arabia. . MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Or.T-Jin-J9, Arrived -at-S " end left up at :lt a. m. Steamer Roanoke, from Port Los Angeles- and way ports. -Iert up at 7:30 m. Barkentln Portland and schooner David ; Kvans. Sailed s :60 a; m. Qernian ship Chrlstcl, for Cape Town. Astoria, Or., June 28. Sailed at 1:10 p. nr.rSchooner Beulah.for San Fran--rlsco. , 'Arrived at 1:10 p. m. Schooner David Evana, from San Pedro. Ar rived at p. ra. Steamer Whtttler and baree Santa Paula from San Francisco. San Franeiic.--June 28. Arrived at ' I p. m. Steamer Atlas, from Portland. Astoria, Or., June 2 Condition of the bar at 8 a. m.8moothV light north wind; weather clear, a, - . f 'ALONG THE WATERFRONT.' " Tonight the ateamer Alliance will go on her old run to Kureka and .way ports. ' She ' arrived yesterday from Coos Bay . with a Tull.passengcr list and a general cargo. ' The steamer Henderson left for the Tflouth of the Columbia this morning to Nervous Disorders ' Include all affections of the brain, spinal - cord snd nerves; they embrace head Ttronblen, such as Dlxxlneaa, Dullness. .. Ilesdnche, Fits, Blues, Melancholy and - ln'xnlty. $ Also nSckache. Neuralgia." t. VUus Dance, Epilepsy, snd all disorders aris ing from a weakness of the -nerves of any organ -or psrt. as Weak," Lungs, - Heert, Htomach, Kidney, BlsdileV, etc i JThe nerves furnish energy that keeps ,' ' In motion every organ of tha Body. - If you have any of .thesVallments, f your' bervea trt. affected, and you need Dri Miles 'Restorative Nervlno brus It reconstrncta worn-out'-nerve ."ttssue, Is a refreshing, revitalising tonln - food-medlclne, prepared' especially . to'TS- ...IM th. WAril.nilt hkrv.a , "My on. when 17 years old, hail epli ' lepeyi oouioin". sneno scnoni. rouow )n( the failure of physHns tn pure him, we aifve Dr. Miles' Nervine, snd Nerve snd Liver Pills. In ten. months regained perfect health." J. ft - WILSON. Pep. Co. Clerk. Dallas Co.. Mo. i- Tb first bottle will benefit; If not, lUe tfrugglet wlii return your . inooay, - . tow the ott barge Santa Paula o Port land. Th lattir reached the river last evening t rom Ban Francisco In tow of the steamer WhltUer,- wplcn inen aauea for the sound. In tow of the Ocklahaene the barkea- tlne Portland and schooner David Evans are en route up the river to.get lumber for California Dorts. Owing to a rush of other- business Captain P. -& Jones will not try to raise the steamer OamecocK, sunn in tns low Ills river, for several days.. .It Is be. lleved shcan be floated with' little dlf flnultr. i r ' Steamship Arabia hat moved from the flour mills to the Alblna doflc, where she will complete her cargo In time to sail July 1. . With a lumber cargo the schooner. AJJen A. will sail for Sun Francisco to morrow, l ne orew was signea toaay. Thomas J. Smith; agent for the Port land Aslatle Steamship company at Honrkongv arrived last night by way of Sad Francisco. , - .. . V Launch War Imminent. Another launch war began, to brew this morning when It became known that the Oregon, Water Jttver 4 Electric company signed a contract with the Favorite Boating company, giving It the exclusive privilege' of carrying-passengers to the Oaks. All the other launch companies ha? e been enjoined from engaging in the traffic, and their representatives say trouble will result. They declare that a .court injunction will have no terrors for them and that they built up the river trade with the explicit understanding that, they would be given the free privi lege of landing at the company's float at the Oaks. .: , t . Bona Bnttone for Ufa Fre servers. Steamboatmen have . received orjfcera from the United States Inspectors to place non-corrosive bona buttona on tha life preservers Instead of the metal but tons now In use, as the latter become unserviceable. Tula, pressed and block cork are the brands of preservers used and -each has to sustain a dead weight of 24 ft pounds when placed In tha water. MAKES SENSATIONAL CHARGES IN ANSWER ' - (Special Dlapstcb to The iosrsl.) , Pendleton. OrZ June 29. James Davla, who haa been made defendant in divorce proceedings brought by Edith M, Davis, has filed anawer to the -some wttat sensa tional -allegations made In plaintiffs complaint Defendant shows that ba has some land of little value and that he haa debta which leave him without money, Ha alleges that his spouse is not a fit person to bave tha care and custody of his minor children, that aha haa fre quently neglected the home and children, staying away. from tha family roof sev eral days at a time and that oji several occasions struck him with her fist, a stova poker and lieavy pieces of timber, snd that she has made threats to poison him and "burn up the house. FORMAL OPENING OF TRAIL, ON SATURDAY r 1 Plana are being perfected by tha ex positor "and the Trail Amusement asso ciation for tha formal opening of the Trail on Saturday. This" occasion has been deemed Important enough to be worthy of special celebration, and a gala time has been planned. At the south end of the Trail a stand la being erected for the muslo and speech making which wirl .constitute the opening part of the proceedings. - Following will be a , parade . In five divisions, with six bands of music, "In' which practically every attraction haa arranged to take part s. . COLUMBIA- RIVER EXCURSIONS. Very Low Rate Via the O. K. & N. "to tJpper River Points. "" .. No. yJsltorto . Portland Bhouldmlga viewing the matchless Columbia river scenery between Portlsnd and Tha Dallea, aa aeen from O. R. A N. trains. The Chics go-Portland special leaves the union station every morning at 1:16, giving a daylight ride along tha Colum bia, atdpptng four mlnutea at tha very foot jpt- Multnomah falls. Every mile of tha trip there la aomethlng new and fascinating. If desired, the return trip may ba mads by boat from Caacade locks or - Tha Dallea Very low ratea thla summer. ' Psrticulsrs and aummer book by asking C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent, O. R. A N.Co., Thlra and wash Ington streets.' . f . , Kllauea Again Active. ' Honolulu. "May 7. There la marked ic ttvlty in tha volcano of Kllauea. Tha flow of lava la Increasing and. ewrlslng In tha crater gives IndlcatlnnsJJiat there may he an overflow. Reduced first- class ticket to Honolulu, steamer Alar Full Information 66S Market street, San Francisco. ?. . . Veateooed to Oaa Tear. f (Special DUpatcs te.Tbe JosraaL) , Pendleton. Or., June 19. Pat Mullen, the railroad workman who waa arrested a few days (y for stealing a watch from Louis HfltfZtkeri. jewelry store, was arraigned tavl tnorjilng -In the cir cuit court and pleaded guilty. Judge Ellis sentenced him to one year, penal servitude. " at The theatres. PopulatfPicei at Msrquam. TSEnleXa'nd Dill, the German eosiMlaa; with tblr cotaxly burleaque eempaaj of 40 people are entrrtalnlna crowded bouM at tbe Marquam strand tbeatre erery Dlsbt., A bargain matlnre will se girrs eainraay. nest wars fint Krauty Shop" will be the Mil, for wblrh tba dTance sale will opes tomorrow. Bipolar prtcea preTall at th Marquam. L' ,The Lyric's Offering. ' "Fogg's r.rrjt" Is tbe brat and sioat sraaa. tlonal comedy-drama eree her at low prim In aom time. Thomas II. rlarkS as Oerald Wblte, tbe lradlns Dials eharactvr, glra a n portrayal of tba rbarartar. Ells Wllaoa a Chip la sweet and wlnaoma and the feat of the Lyric stock company bar good role. 1 V ' -- ' ". At the Baker. i Tbe SakM's offpringTthla weak la eat rrf the ordinary and conalats of aome seta b.t.i aea here Jo Kljna la the feature. Tha al ris ing sf Mott.11 and the eomedr work f nlr are partlcnlarly good and the ether peopl are asoT iae sveras. i -Sr- The Star's Splendid BilL ..h MeTrra and Toole at .lhgtar .do the fetal target work-ewr aeen sera. Tha olh sets re all eleTer and Sosw atand oat aa tba arm. of vandeTllle. tiirna. 'Toty Grandpa" la the gtaroeeopa'S offarlaa. . i ... . m - ., - r. -.. - Mind-Readin( at Grand. Tatnm'f mlndreadlng aet la tha , mMt" re sikrkahle ever offered is vaudeville. Ik addition to Tatum tbe Orand haa -enasy other aood seta thla . weak. The IValla. aapectejlr, - prors s atrong rareV 'for..thlr serial work la artlatle. "Nervei" a Happy Comedy. J- Rave rna as "Nerve t" There la no other rmsedy tn Fnfll.h llrarr that- ern tii(("Sta it. and tbe rVlmw-o stork emnnanv baa mede a laatlne tmprtaaloa br Its aplesdld I idltloe-e( -tte slay, g FEDERATION HAS ' BEGUN ITS VORK First Meeting of Directors of Co operative Association Held in Portland Today.' ' . r '. LIST OF HONORARY ;. . MEMBERS IS OPENED ' . " f ; - x ' J- Those Desiring to Aid Settlement - Plan Now Given Opportunity to Make Investment ; '." .''''' -The first .meeting of Incorporators and dlrectora of tha Cooperative Chfla tlan federation alnca the, filing of Its papera with tha aecretary of atate waa held today at noon at tha office of Wallla Nash. The meeting wss for the purpose of. opening a list of honorary memberships In tha federation.' The constitution provides for two classes of memberships honorary ana active. Tha honorary mentber is one who, ' by circumstances of persons! for. tune, is not. In a position to coma Into the federation aa a resident member, but who wishes to alve.the movement sup port -snd encouragement. . It is aald a large number of thinking: people who have been In touch with tha purposes of tba federation will become honorary mmmKam .nj At all In thAlp nnwor to forward Its alms. Theonorary-Tfltm ber will pay a membership fee of iio annually, but will not assume any dutlea in. connection with tha .federation that maeciinterfera with private business "There are two reasons ' why tha thinking people of Oregon should come into this movement with their heartiest support ' and encouragement at this time," said Mr.vNash. "The first reason Is thajLthey can lend material assistance In- bridging over the - interval between tba launching of Its work and the date a few weeka hence when needed funds will be available from the aale of "bonds. Another and equally vital reason la that the people of the atate of Oregon and the city ot Portland may, by their attl tude toward tha federation at ita very birth, show to the aaatern financial Insti tutlons concerned that- the choice of Oregon aa tha place, for founding thla important economic enterprise Is rec ognised and appreciated here at home.' Q. Washington Gladden. Dr. Joslah Strong. N. J. M. Buckley and other notable Christian economists-have glven-f the federation their unqualified indorse ment, and soma . of these men will serve on the board of directors. Dr. Strotigta expected to arrive In Port land In a few daya. and will personally tske art In the federation deliberations It is proposed to bring tha plan of or ganisation before the civic federation section of the national conference of charities and -corrections to be held In Portland next month, and make the move ment national in Its scope and opera tions. Inviting tbe best economic think ers la the nation to. join In the Oregon undertaking. FAIR COMMISSION'S LIFE REARS AN END Legality of Awards at Louisiana Purchase Exposition Has Not ' Yet Been Determined. Tomorrow the Louisiana purchase ex position commisalon goea out of existenoe.- Kven at - thla late mete the-- controversy over the awards at St Louis haa not been. Bat tled, and probablv. will not be." Al though no represehtatlve of the Str Louis fair cbmpany, has been here, ex tensive correspondence has been carried on In an effort to bring the commission and the corporation together. The commission probably will refer In Its report to congress to the alleged illegality of making awards without the concurrence of the federal commla-alon-though-. 4t- la -not yet deelded to what extent the report will discuss th matter. When vthe-commiasion ends tta official existence tomorrow., the possi bility of further dispute will huv ended. The secretary pro tern. Claude Hnua-h. will complete the compiling of the re port later, and next winter it will h aubmltted to congress. Prior to that time It will be filed with the department in Washington. The commission will meet tomorrow. CANNOT BE HAPPY ALTHOUGH MARRIED Suits for divorce have "been filed In the state circuit court as follows:-- Gertrude Wright agsinaf Wlllard O. Wright, Tor xruet and Inhuman treat ment, in turning her out of doors. - They were married In October. 1904. Mary B. against Jacob Chrlstener. for desertion. They were married here In 1888 and the plaintiff waa abandoned In Albany In 1S9S. Rahmia Maddad against George. Had- dad, for cruel treatment andr failure to provide. When they . were married in Polrtland In 190 J. Mfg. Haddad gaveher husband all her aavlngs, amounting1 to 1350.. Haddad conducts a grocery store In South Portland. 4. - . . Humoro Cured with BarSaa Soap. Sklnhealtk (olnt asentl and Sktahvalth Tablets. A soal ln and apeedy car for every Itrhlnc, boralnf, scaly, blredln. eruatd, pimply sad blotchy hamor. with loas of hair. Irodiices rlear. brll liast. healthy akla sod pure, flea. i4 blood. . . QXirJHEALTfXI ClV , Treatment 75a U U ensalatBnfnapSBa goaarS9ei..Biedleated.antl. aptl: gklahealth o4ot.. ae to kill s, bal the skin, and gklahealth Tablets. lPn toipel nomofserma. All dnirf let . Harflaa oa for the Cempleilaa, foe plmnrs, klsckheada. tedneaa rouhnaa, ebaf. Ins, chapping, much hands. Nothing will firs Suck's speedy rur. S5e. eakes, Me. ' Seed It. poetare'ror rree aewpla and bookUte ta FUILO BAT CO.. Newark, N. J. W00SABO, CtAKXaf Si CO, roartk . . . , . -sad, WMturW) 0hi vm PTOaSWPTCsasJWH we have exerted ourselves to the utmost to make the last week special Bargain sale all important to every person in Portland. a small part of the bargains; enough though for you to see that standards have been outdone: Remnants HALF PRICE $8.50 Dress Skirts $585 This Skirt is aeabty, made from clear Mohair BrilHantine, accordion pleat -with shirred: .yoke, in colors' of navy, browrj, -garnet, cream and black they would he a bargainee Qg 'at $8.50. Special, each . .. .... u .;fUiOu. $7.50 Dress Skirts $5.35 ?fM Iron Farfie Alpaca Dress Skirt, with 11 gores, plaited from waist, in navy brown and black, warranted rain and dust proof ; regular price $7.50. t Special, each ...... , ..... .. tD00 $2.00 Wash Dress Skirts $1.35 ' Thrf Wash Dress Skirt, made from best quality Russian duek, . iii plain navy and black, also navy ancl black with white dot, , they are full .tailor-made ; and. 'fast color;-regular -A ,.p .price $2. Special, each : . . .... 7. . . V. V. .... .e) 1 eOO Ladies White Lawn Waists 1H, $1.00 White Lawn Waists .V.-.. i $1.50 White Lawn Waists .7... .n A lir!.'.. t 'tir. i r jsj.uv vvnueLarwn waists........ $2.50 White Lawn Waists....... Children's Dresses, 1 S5c Colored Percale Dresses. '. . . .19 fiOc Cblored Gingham .Dresses...., ............ ....28e 75c JFrench -Percale JWtesses . V. .3855 $1.00 French Chafhbray DTesses..J,.;...:....r..i....63 Magazine SOt AV A swll"SiotaIy of faa&ioa. Oat a free oopv of " ear rssraJoa, Bases foe Julyr 20c Ladies' Hose 15c Ladies' Black Hose, lisle finish, inVdropstitch 'or racie;-fuil fashioned and regular made; a hose never sojd for Iessl 1 " than 20c. Special, pair. ........... IOC 35c Ladies' Vests 5c s asaxa -Ladies' White Sleeveless Vests, madefrom Sea Island cotton, lace trimmed, tape jieck and Special, -each J ......... 75c Gents' Laundered Shirts 29c Gents' Laundered Dress Shirts, fancy colors,; warranted fast. full line of sizes andstyles ; this shirt younave always paid 75c for. Special, -eaCh-, . .......... ; . . . . .It. ... Ls C- 35c Undershirts 15c ..... ' f Men's, Lightweight Derby Ribbed Undershirts, in fancy stripes and plain' cdlorf of brown, gray and ecru;, would be a" bargain at 35c. Special, each ....... .'. . .. T. ..... . 1 y C- Special Bargains in Laces" All of pur Frcra:h..Thread Laces, in widths frortf2to 4 inches. We have cut tle prices in half. We have a jfull litW'of p"at terns, in white and cream, at yard, 1Q, 124e. 15. 0 20f 25f and A . . ,W . . . ... OuQ 17 i " .... . . f r . 1 . .- r , - -.. ,' . I - 1 , , . i S ' mmmrmmmtmmm . B- l "a I e""jr". mmm a n. i BaasapMaaMa ammmmm $m mn mm mm mmmsmm iijjynH nwsarn iiYaaivin nwrasKm ujjwih LAST WEEK OF OUR rui nl tv 1 1X1 69 87 1 1:12 1.38 to 4 years fa WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY 10c 71 ': 1 - sleeves ; regularprice 35c. r C, I v . r . . . . . . .vaWt) C an mm $6.50 Dress Skirts $4.65 We haye a iew left of this 50-Plait Panama Cloth", In brown, blue and cream, one of the. best, values offered this raj-m and when sold for $6.50 they were a' bargain.- Spe- frA asfl vcial, each....... $6.00 Dress Skirts $4.35 Seven-Gored Plaited Dress Skirt, made of good quality Sicilian, warranted not to muss, in colors of navy and black, with kilted bottom arti. trimmed with 'self-covered buttons; tji QJJ regular price $6. Special, each... .tveOtJ $2.25 Wash Dress Skirts $1.45 : This is the Skirt'for campers, good quality cotton covert, in' colors of blue, gray and browfc -They are seven-gored, kilted bottom and full tailored. These goods will wash1 and wear, like iron ; regular price $2.25. - . ' 1 1C Special, each . . . . .......... . . . . . ........ 1 tO Ladies' Colored Shirtwaists - ' SIEBaaniaaaBB1BBBBnaBBaiBBaesaEQaB3 -. ! . ' " r- - 50c Colored Percale Wai sts ....... 27 t 75c Colored Percale Waists... 42e $1.50; Colored Batiste Waists ...... J ...... , .'. ? 87e? 2.00 Colored Lawn Waists... $1.12 Misses' Dresses. 6 to 14 BSSaBSSSSESBSSSBBBEl $1.00 Colored Percale Dresses. $1.50 Colored Gingharrif Dresses. $1.75 Colored Chambray Dresses $2.25 French Gingham Desses 35c LacOes' Hose 25c PURCHASE iLadies' .Tan and Black Silk Errtbroidered-Ho"se, assorted" pat terns, also Ladies' Colored aRl Black Lisle Hose; in lace or dropstitch, warranted fast colors ; regular price 35c. .Special, pair .-, . . 7. . ... .... aafOC 75c Ladies Vests 50c Ladies' Fineilk and" Lisle-. Thread Sleeveless Vestsr'made with lace yoke", -in colors of pinkblue and white! rte- PA. ular price ice 75c. Special, each. . $L00 Gents' Laundered "The Cerebratedt""Mount Hood" i j i i it ana mcuiuin coiors ana an sizes for, less than$l. - Special, .each and. medium colors and all sizes; 75c Underwear 45c Genrs: Silk FihrshedDcrby fobbed Sumnjer Weight Shirts and Drawjers in pink blue and tan, full -line of sizes; the price has never been less ..than Wc. -Special, y, .if- garment. ,.i , i . .. ...... Embroidery Special: Bargain-: Ask to seeeur limbrdidery 'The prices we have marked 4hem at have never been so Mow." Both' in edrijbr and inseKini?. You can get-good values at, yard, 6J4. 7ytt 1 -in. aH '.- r.r-..--:'. . I Lflv. mm mnmmBmm mwwojiani r spMm: of our worlds fair", we quote below but even our low price Odds and : Ends ATJJALF PRICE .......... v. 52e . USe ............... .S1.16 ........... . .91.42 McCall's Patterns Tke lassarl aa4 life aprto4f7Taa4 ensuaer, 10-15 Ask ior theae, . c ........ i ....... . c M7iuUv Shirtsv48c ShTrt, in a grand line of liirht . .t - i . . . this shirt never sold iO 7UW j- 1 1,.