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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
f I 7 . '"if ' " ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTL'AND. THURSDAY- EVlfolNO. JUNE 9. 1801 f I -i. PS TTSIYZM (HLABCXS. "T" UVINOBTOX, rt2 It CQMMEBCIAL BLK.' -i MAIM MM. ' lodgiso-uocse ' UKDLitOO. M recall. vM8r brick, leas foe 1 rear. -.. real enly BvO a Boatb, wblrh U ciHii thle li a- bargain tad you caa sunk l,OoO dear out of CM house baton tha fair it ever. Her I irkl-koki good: Yoa caa get this " boos by psylng the mall Nil d WOu Swa and Ibr'waUBc xoontbly. V '' TO BENT. A3 rasa betel, wur, and. la do loectloa; team heat, water la all tha rooma, -bathe. Will li I Jn' lea. FOB BENT AND FIBNITCBB roB AltB 11.000 for 14 rooma. Bear fair ground. I 7 ear's laaaa with Lba Uat 4 Boothr rant paid. 0 mama. rent Mir 188. an location: thla bone U furnished new and a borgala at ooo; 1388 dowa, balaoco monthly. 11.188 for 1 rontna, ehssp ml, M y,rd' furnished 4 oa; this Sous la fall of roomer but o account of akkoaaa th. lady suet Call op Mala 451 If fom ere looklng'for furnlsked roam. ., - . .,-' BIZ. CHANCES. fl.noo bora V, rntrrrat la hrabrr dind balldlng muinraa at Bi. joana: nonor to pa inraatoo btulnraa at St.. Jobna; moao to ba lnraata la timber. k Intrroat In parli paring eooalrf ' real aatata H and Inauraoca boolnMa: raluabla contract! go wltb bualnaati tbla will ataod laraatlgattoa. tITIXCSTO.f, Sl COMMERCIAL BLX. V' - Pbona AfU J4047, FOR SALE IN PENDLETON, OHEOON 22-rooia joomlng-boaaa, H ktorl. IS - bodrooae. Id bedroom furalahed oomplotr; . roe ma eonalat of 18 bedroom, parlor, kltcben, dlnlng-rooaa aad atorarooai, S betba, S - lollela, baaeroent; t Brat Soora brotad bf furoacai r booa la baw, S blorka from " rontor ; "of citr; lot BOilOO. fort; electric lighted. Aaj aaa wtahtog a aalaaea .of thla klod cannot do better tbaa to la 4 -Mehgate, tbla proportr. Will take 11.000 ' worth of Portland property In part payment. ' Prtoa Sd.aTO; S8.50O roah, balance oa time. . Addnaa Rlbora As Now 11 a. Pandlotoa, Or. . Sl.BO- GIVEN AWATI We offer our general merrhandlea baajnoaa for aale. -wdtb the aboro dlaroont o mer rbandlaa aad property. We bare a well a leered, clean etork that will Invoice a boot; alao d lota and building that we offer at a bargain, lareetlgatei one of. the boot opportanltlea la Oregon. Wa mean boat. area. ,. Imralr Journal or write oa. J. W. ANI M. A. ROBINSON, Aahwood. Or. "'"'WANTED (ientleowa "or ladr ' partner with a -few dollar, to take" half Internet la a . Baerlteriono norelty Inrentloa nt fair gronnda; - . amell fortune In It: no rlak. no export. - K. L. Dale. 1213 Kaat Carnthara. at-jj elty. .. : End ' of Richmond carllno. - " FREE XyANPft IN OREGON. - FERTILE aoll. para water, delightful climate! I lead of alfalfa, apple and rlorrr. For full : " Information addrma tb ColamMa Boutbera - "V Irrigation Co., 3 Worceaur blk.. Portland. - PARTNER Waaler dn well ' eatabllebrd par ( Ing - biMloeaa; will donbjo'ln three montha with lire man: tK raah tequlred : will aecur ' Ttnonr-aad return aaan if dlaaatmaed In HO - dra; muet glee addreea. V 44, car JournaL A LADX or gantlemaa who baa aaall amoaet of mone In lnraat aa a oartnor to attend to offlc baalneea neHlag from 1600 to $1,404 aad npwerd per- month. Call SSH North Sixth at. Phon Main 3020. -V A Bin afONRT MAKEB. CmrA .Melnttn ettlrlr mmnhlB. bieatad at th fair groande. Here rnnr ehenra to bake money. Pbon Mala 3774, or U At SzU-Burneld at. to 13 m. GOOD man with fS.ono to InrAt. aecwred by flmt mortgage oa property with 47B.OOO worth , of Improramenta, caa aecnr poaltloa of $104 per month 'and mora If deaerelngv Addraaa - W 4I rare Journal. ..-' I ' t fflStt OWNER going to California, will eell . nlfa cigar and tobacco and coffee lunchroom. 4 VIVII mil. iwni pRiina, (huid tpra'o , " well adapted for lady or geatlrmao. 14, , Madtaoa. -,-" T ,r LEGAUEED Bond Inreatment On., eetabllahed - II ear. want1 local repreaeatatlrea every. I ' where. For full particular, etc.. addreea , ' W. W. Harder, Sit Failing bldg., Portland, "-" Or."- THB NATIONAL FINANCING CO. Mar ouan bldg., Portland, Or., bandl bonda, atocka, Bilne, finance legitimate enterprt, faralabea aafe tareatmenta aad aetata loaaa. FOR BALE Stock of general merrhandle lo cated la good atork and farming country, oa K. B. will In role $l.3ii0 to $1.0011; good reaeoo for Aelllng. Addreaa V 52, JoarnaL THE bee, locatloa fn Ore go for a good betel maa wltb from $5,000 to $10,000, la tb ea ten of the government Irrigation worka. Ad dreaa A. t. Cloblno. Merrill. Oregon, 'A WELL .-EQUIPPED plantng-mlll. located to 'orlland. together with Block of tarn- '.I Et Perl area. Aoareaa a 01, car journal. WANTED Partner with $2,000 to take part In tereat In good paying reatanrant and cafe. r Inquire of manager HoteJ Falrmoont, Twenty '-lath aad Ipahur ata. A GOOD buelaee In Portland, proSt $900 a month; caeh required, $.1,500; aa el eel lent opportunity Bnr I he fight party. Addreaa tV -M, rare JournaL - ' - FOR BALE Eit aide bntrber alwrp." rally equipped; . Mtabltihed trade, good location, long lo ae, cheap rent 270 Aldr, dgar atom. FOR . BALE A- a bargain. 30-room lodging . noose doing good bnelneee; rent only $00, Madlaon boner, corner Flrat and Madlaon. CIGailB and mnfectlonery: good living room, , low rent; a bargain If taken thla week; eauoe or aaie, aicane. Aoareaa a au, joorB!. ' SNAP Heataurant lor aale, good location, half ' cah; If wanted, get chance before tbo rueb gut) Ankeuy at., Btr-rrianraui. Bli KIEH" ranaea me t aell e'a average SIS to $2n-a-dy elgar-atana. Apply Aneraeen cigar. at ore. xaa nurnuae at., cor. FOR BALE Tn net aborhouae In Walla Walla, Waeh. ; good Maaona given for aelllng. , Ad ' drrea Box 844, Walla Walla, Waeh. FOR BALE 100 eharea of the Hanrt Automatic Bwltcb and Signal rompaay. Mra. H. M. Lane, Ml Seventeenth at., armtb. TOR BALH 13 neatly furntabed roomi, good aleady and Iranaleni trade; departure of owner raua of aale. 87 H Sixth at. Sanou-coNFECrtONERT. frnlt and dgar-afand. Ilvlng-mom. cheap rent: etore for cant. Sixth at:, litnre for aale. 213 Pin at. (POULTRY-YARD, 4nd pooltrr. for aale; IB . acrea ground;' long leaao. J. H. Middle ton, -1? Chamber of Commerce. - FOR BALE Reataurant, doing. lair bur4ea; . other bnelneee - raeaoa for nailing, laijtnr m AUdlwa t. : 1 ONB reatanrant. $90 down; good farm -near Portland, $2,000. H. H. Jllflry. f ., O. iBox 1017. . . . r, FOR BALK Good hotel In Arlington doing good '' " ' bualnrea. Addreaa Willladi Irvine, Arlington, HotiD paving Hvery, boarding atahle. clearing over a iw per monin, cheap. "v uoiaamito. 4. FOR SALE S-cbalr barber-thnp, very cheap! aie rent, aoareaa u sa, car aournai. t-ROOM rotlag for rent ftirnltnr for Ml; rent gw; raiiooai. 113 fine .at. f OR BALB OR TRADE Second band afire. c)ulr at 71 Ruaeell at., AlhMae. H J . fOR BALS! Jinrli ronnter, Cheep': account gicki. 48 Norttt Second at, be-;; BVUVXU CKABOXB, rt.or( barbae ehop. Box 28. Toledo. FOB SAI.a" Clfar-atore. end brldss. Barneld.. 70 B AXX antCXIXAMIOWi. FOB SALE Ona Swift a u torn tic eardprtnttng machine; Fren-h snakes eelf-leedlns. self-Ink. lac; ihia machine l nearly Mar; a bargata at f loo. B. E. . Wlleou,;-Hotel Karaoaadla, Saa Diego, Cat A BARGAIN M H P. trsetloo engine, ran o oeseou; (ood aa ol cbap far nab. or will trad for etatlonarr. U'A. Will la, Sctt Vlilla,. Or. '".' BILUABD AND POOL table for rant r for , sal ob easy payments. ' .. TUB BBVi8WIt K-BALKB COLLEKDEB CO. Third at., fortlmad. WB prlat roar nai aa 80 calling earda, proper . alaa aad atria. 'c. 860 business earda, II. Brown A Acs male, 228 rtrat, Portlaad. Or. LA I INCH for sale. Irngth (5 Tort. 10 H. P. fine, largo carrying rapacity i -price very - cooes. Addroe H OS, eara Journal. ' ONB ereond-bknd Willamette furnace, ana Ore- rfaraaroj. both la good ooadltloa. C BawtaUr, 173 ColumbU. ; FOR flALB Brnilngtoa t7Prltar No. . saod ; err ilttlr; can bo bad cboap for ratb. Ad droaa 1.11, eara Journal. FOB f ALB Now boatbona. 14x80 faat; will aU at a bargaiaf caa ba at tho foot of Columbia . FOB BALK 1 rrfngeratur. I Victor" counter acala, 1 brooaaraek: bargain. Sao Kaaaell at. FOR SAL B New oak roll top dotk. chtap for caaa. . J. H.. H. - Aadaraoo, 191 -Morclaoo. TELEPHONE bra cbeta aad pin. Pioneer Wood Mfg. Co.. E.. Seventh. Fb iob Beat 2100. - FOB SALE Smith Premier typewriter, a I moot new, raaanaable. Addreea A a, wariu. DIAMOND l-cart. ateel bine, a beauty, at a bargain. ' Adore v a, are eowromi. ROYAL ANN , cberrle , Se lb. Lewelllng a place, Mllwaukle, opp. earparo. COTTAGE org a a, good aa now, at A barfalB. 10 Waablngtoa bldg. - - IRISH netter pup for aale. Pbon Mala 42B3. zy Bixtn at. j FBE8H cow for aal. Inquire at 860 Colombia. J 1 THOROtTGHBBED pointer pupa. 844 B. Btgrk. FEBSOXAU IF- aerklng congenial Ufa companion, )oln oor aoclety and meet or eorreapona who rv putabl realdenta of tbla aertlon wha wlab to o-arryr nr paper, -the MetrtanenUI Hex la tor. Crlce 10c, glee-particular concerning nereral undred Oregon member: many wealthy; all agea JnteraWte Introducing Society, 24 Ruaeell bldg., 108(4 Fouftbv ., - "" - MANLY vigor reatured by Dr. Boberta Nerv tilor-ntea. una anon ma ixriHieuv. mi montha, $5; aent eeenrely aealed -by .malL Agtatn. Woodard. Clarke Co., Portland. Or. BOOKS! Her they are: Decameron." "Hep. . timeroB," "A Hot Tamale." Fanny Hill." "Twenty Teera a Faker." 'Torbldden Fruit" BO each; Bat tree. A. Schanele. 22 Flrat at. t nmf , 1 1 in il t, - the ,-Mt Te. . Lorena'a Nerve Tonic Tablet; 25 per box. 8 boxea for $1.38. Write or call at Eraeeir Pharmacy. 227 Morriaoo, bet. let aad 3d. MANICURING by aew rotary proeeas, band mae age. vibratory Body. race, ecaip aw-p; free demonstration. Vlbretorlum. room 28-28 Lewis bldg., cor. Park and MorrJaoa at. GREAT Reduction Sale Entire stock to be nolo: neiow coec. p lease some ,a "u . e.. Indies' naderwear and ablrlwalata. Maa Sing A C., 893 Morrleoa at. t t '. MADAMEB BTNB AND BHEPPARD Scalp epedallate-. 7 manicuring, exper cblrooodleta, antiseptic foot bath for. burning feet. Boom SV 858 M or risen at. - " " ' " LADIES Yaav appear 30 year younger, re move all wrinkle. Bare aaa ax vervei by aelng Oregon 4rap Skia. Food, Pboae Beet 128T. ; ; - "'-.""' BING CHOONO. Importer of Cblnen root modi, cine; aell Chinese tea tht la certain ear for all dlaeanea, 181 Second bst Yamhill ' and Taylor. :, . : '. ' : . ' .-;; t- DR. ATWOOD Moved from 20 Hamilton Mdg. to 18 Ruaeell bldg.. cor. rvourtn ana eior , , Disease af women.. Consultation free. ''-.. II I ! 1' LILLIAN -B. CRAM Chiropodist, manicuring and eneapooing. rarior 42a oingwa bus-, -Portland. Or. Black 2863. MRS. WALLER Piano: graduate Colombia Conservatory; lessons BOc . Ill Eaat Nine " tawntb-aanv. Mala 4780. - DSKBBMAKING. ahlrtwalat and anlta. gent a -dhlrt. Tb pence .company, 128 10th -at. Phone Main 80B8. - - DURING VACATION a school teacher d sires to give private leeeoue. T $7, JournaL MIBN- MAKt. adentlS maaeenae. graduate of . Finland; ladle only. 408 Ablngteo. Hd. 436. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregon! sn bldg., genu all day; ladle all night. Main nun. 1 BALM OF FI08 for all female diseases. Alder at. Pbon Main 4832. 484 - ATT0BJTXTS. OREGON LAW COCLBCTION CO. 41T Fen. ton block. Collect lone mad throng Wont tb United Btatea: bankruptcy matter a eperlatty; bed tenentn ejected; rent collected and gen era! law buelneee; notary public. AIT rMTOBTtraL PROF. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait aad landscape artiet; Instruction In all painting, water color. tc., and-drawing; art gallery connected with atudlo; picture for al and framing to order. 848 Alder at. Phon 1830. AS8ATERS. THE J. H. fiak Assaying offlc Greenley a Crawford, analytical cbemlata and owtal lurgleta. 304 H Washington at. THB REVSBB BATHS. ' Vapor" bathe an maaaege; tw refined young lady operator la attendance. Z3tt . Morrison et., room 10. TUB SNOWDEN BATHROOMS 27H "Alder bet. 4th and 6th; lady .attendant: tub and vapor baths, maaaage, electricity. Mala BONA, YOUNG Spaalsb lady; aclentlBe maasaga 4nd balba. Room 32. Hotel Tacama. Stark at. between Third aad Fourth. 1 TWO young ladlee give masaage, tub and vapor hatha. II04 Fourtb, cor. Waehlngton. BLANK BOOK MAaTTFACTTSEBS. HOWE. DAVIS 4V KILHAM. ins-Ill Second at. Rlank book aiaanfacturera; agenta for J one Improved Loose-Leaf ledger; nee tb new '-Eureka leaf, the beat on tb market. BICYCLE SEALERS. COLUMBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. SPORTING -GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. F. P. KRENAN, 208 THIRD ST. CLAIRVOYANT AND FALMI8T. OYPII8Y XRNORIA. Qneen of cralrvoysnt. She guarantee tn read every Incident of your life, pest, present and future. Roam 307 Ueky bldg., 28S Morri son, cor. Talrd MADAME JOHNSTON CTlrrnyn7 palmist, card reader; I give facta rellabl and Im- ' portattt on all affaire of real life. Reading (We. 88 Seventh at.,-near Oak. " . CABPZTCLXABUfS. HAVB yonr wall cleaned:" we clean papered and painted wall; sstlafsctlott guaranteed; price reasonable; reference. Red 382. '1 SAjRPETS cleaned on the; Boor; w -ralae no duat. Phone Clay 881, free demonstration. J.. HUNTER St eara Carpet vand mattresa. deener. no) Jefferson. ' Phone Main 214. ". ' CABBIAOB ABB HACK COMPABntS.-. THE UNITED CARRIAGE--CO, Carrlaaee. tslly-b rig aad cerry-alla. 16 Eleveath T., cor, sfomaou. 1 none Mils xx. ;v CHIB0P0DISTB. IF vour feet ate out of rder. go to Dr. W or ley Benjamin. Seventh and Stark, tb foot p - ttalhrt: new macg wit. COAL AJID WOOD, iLH!ULE( II HOB.' have , bat I at. hi x Kearney at.. Bear lllb; hi " ww the largest wovdyard la the city, carry ing all fclad of wood sad ouaL Mela B31. . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la cvdwaod. coal . end green Bud dry lnwood. B. at. and Al blna are-, 3 block Wat of tgxtU Eaat 174. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL..,'alr -In 00 1, cord wood ui dry aianwooav Bona mm sura. OKI: (JON FUEL)., all kind of coal aad 844 Morriaoo, 4bona Mala 0. KIRK 'HoovEH. 818 Water at., wood aad L rnone. stain anwu. .1 ' CAKFIBTEKS' ABP 'bTJILDKBS. A. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, carpenter and builder ; repairing a so, jonotpg; -ntora aad office Bxtorea, bullL Sbdp 90S tlumbla, Vis la 67. T- ' WB botttr your new or Bx your old borne very rveeoasDie, 111 ii nw ibbp, sm.w,m at, north. r New Weetera boteL . ' jpZJtXBT COBTBACTSBS. CEMENT ' WORK UP TO DATE, wltb men. elbow great Lundstrom elbowareaaa and atraiglit boalnaaa. K. . Buss uommeTeiai nut. CHA8. H. CARTER At CO.; cement contractor. Bed East Twentieth at. I rbon Baai .isio. All work guaraateed. 1 :" TT COMJCSSIOK MIBCHANTS.- DAVENPORT BROS General eemmlamoa a chant; fruit and produce: eonaignmenia llelted; prompt returne. 160 Front nt. EVERDINQ FAkBELL, produce and oomnrln- nlon merchnnta. 10 front St., roruaoa, or. Pboae Main 178. . CLEAVXH sttl DYEIBO. VIENNA STEAM " CLEANING J - PTE Worka Beat equipped plant in tn city; rhemlcal work V specialty. Call up pbon Mala J4S8. U loves cleaned free. '228 Sd at. PORTLAND BTEA1 Work; practical I boaa ann plumes 4 STEAM CLEANING DYEING batter la connection; featbar Cleaned and curled by aa ex- pert. 211 Fourth. 1'boae CUy 704. . CLOTHES cleaned andpreaaed $1 per smooth. Unique Tailoring vo., hi waaoiagrosi ax. H. W. 'TURNER, professional dyer and eleaaer. 508 Jefferson at.. Phone Main 3618. '' CAFES. ' ERICKSON'S RESTACRANT-tMerebanfa lonch 11 a. m. to 12 p. m. ander new management. 1.- B. Erane, prop. Seeood aad Bumald, THB OFFICE 288 Waablngtoa St. Phone Mala 771. Bamuei vigneaux. CIOABS AKD TOBACCO. ESBEROmUNST CO. Dlatrlbutora of - : FINE CIOABS. Portland. Oregon, CBOCKXBT ABB OLASSWAXX. wnm.EAAU crock err -nd rlaaawar PraeL Hegele CoOO to IPS Ffftb, nor. Stark at. SBESSMAKTBa. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waeh (Ilk, mad for $1.26; shirtwaist snits, 4.ou. itw mar ket, Pbon Ksst 82S1. , KEISTEB'S Ladles' Tailoring Sol legal pa cut to meaaure. AUaky Ban uu. goo aomaos. MRS. McKIfBEM Artlatic dree and cloak- making s-ri atorriaoa ax. - DRESSMAKING Strictly op a date; latest designs. 485 Clay at. DOG ABD- HOXSX X08FITAL. DR.C.E PBOWH.D.V 8 .D.C.M. Dor. bora boa. PIUI.2KT Bnrnslde.Pnonea: Msln"wo: aaataoao. DENTISTS, e-1 NET CHURCHMAN, -dentist, S24 Mswouaos, Sixth aad Morriaoo. , Pboo' Msln 1780. J NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 808 Stark at., Portlaad. O. h. ror everything la the electrical . Urn). " " Pboo Msln 1888. . r- 1 ' -a PACIFIC Electric Co. Engineers, contractors. repairers, electric wiring, uppiiea. rirsi, ffor. Stark. Main S6W. R. H. Tnte. mgr. FTrxMrrvBi faotobizb. OREGON Furnltur Manufncturlng Company- Mamifacturera of furnltur for the trad. Portland, Or. . FURNITURE manufacturing nnd aperlal orders. L. Ruvensky a furniture factory. 870 Front at. FREE OOTZBBafKKT LAJTDS. er- JU8T opened toHttlemeut; fln level- valley lanne; no atone or umner; water ana eon flrat class. Come- In and let ua locate you. Room 88 Labbe bldg.. Second and Waehlngton. I. ITBVACZS. BOYNTON warm-sir furnaces aava -fuel. J. C. Bayer rurnnc l-o., aoo necono. aaem eui. OBOCKKS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholeaale grocers, meno- fscturera and conimlaslon mercnanta. ourtn and Oak ata. - - - ' ALLEN LEWIS, commission and nrodoc mer. chant. Front and Davia ata., Portland, or. HOTELS. THB BELLE WE AO newly furalahed roo ault or single. 213 hi Fourth. 1 Salmon. Terms rveeonable. Mala 1048. OSRORN HOTEL Grand are. and Eabt Ash at.. Ankeny car Dial ug-room connection: bona recently renovated; $1 to $2 per day. THB Llndrll hotel, Market between Third aad Fourth. Portland; entirely new, European and, American plan. 6o to $2 per day. HOTEL Pendleton, Pendleton. W. A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portland. American plan; $.1, $6 per day. HOTEL Bt. TJeorge, Pndlton; leading hotel, w , BELVKBBRE: European plea: 4th and Alder ata. HAIR ABD SCAir SVtCLALIST. J, I. Bono, mannfactnrer of human balr rolla, etc. 428 East Ninth, ,1'bone Eaat-2211. HOTEL, KXSTAITBAJfT ABD CAMP BAXOES. HOTEU RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Crlbbea Sei ton A Co.; Seventeenth and I'pehnr ata., large! stock hotel, reeteuraat, . camp range, gsaolln atorea and rrfrlgera- tore In Uie city. HA1DWABE. Portland Herdware Co.-Aollclts opsnrtnnlty t quote prlcea. 136 let St.', cor Aider. Mela ISM. . IX8UBAN0E. LAMREBTat WHITMRR -A CO. Fir Inatmnc, and real estate, aurceaanr to 'Armor W ilson A CO.; dfnera. west side.-107-108 Bherloch bldg.. Msln 1008', rest eld dept., 404 Eaet Alder tlttlarna' hdnk). Kaat 41. - - ISAAQ JetlWHlTltLfl'4 Inroranc. 200 "Pekuis .. bldg. ,.V-'"i ' ,' " JAS. -Mrl. WOOD, employer' liability end In Mllvldital acrldnt surety bond of all kind. -Pbon 4T. 802 McKay bldg. - . H. F. 'BARTEI.B COMPANT-Flr 1nsnrnncs,J 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon rhonw x;sy 620, KEY Biting. mat-Iron braslnr and gneraj. re nalrliig. J." H Ricbardaoa, d Four Ik at. Phone Hood 1782. LOCKSMITH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith -aad bicycle repelring. . 288 Stark. Day pboae, CUy 822; nlghf pboo. Mala 82x8. . . BEY fitting, cast-lroa brsalng aad general r , palrbur. J, H. Blckardeon, 2V earth at. MOBIT TO LOAK. vi THB STAB LOAN CO. -Any Mlarled enipluye, - raer, (aa get .iU aute. wlUwut awrtgsge - L un,.,fc Unnth. Teek. $V)oO Bepay to oa 613.83 or $. r $a. or $1. r h- or efl.oo Aas. 00 He per to B d as or Ba m 86 $16uo AUpsr to us $ 4.00 or $2.uO 210 McKay bldg,. FIV'S peg east money) we oulleV ysa a bosse e loan yva aaooey oa ur property; xeontbly pamaotai 1 Investigate; open oaturdey even Inge. Hooa 18-17 Labb bldg., 227 Va Waab. MONEY TO. LOAK o real personal and ol r lateral security; apeclal attantiott to chattel mortgagee: aotea bought. C. W, 1'allst, Sot-8 lenloa bldg., 84 Blxtb at. " - HIUHLT respectable plar where ladlee and !ata caa borrow money oa diamond and welry. Collateral Loan Bank, Sou Waab ogtoa at Pboo Black '71. , ' $6 LOANS aad Vipward oa atl kind of security or. to aalarled people ea their note; rwet rales; no publicity, no deUy. 218 Ablogton bldg. Pbon Bed 1726.. I m CHATTEL loan la amounts rswglng frsm $26 ,. to $6.oo0 rbomlng-bouae a specialty. Kew Era Losa A QTrnat Co.. Sod Abinglon bldg. LOANS at brsreet. rate oa furaltar. plaaoa; an security note purchased. Kaetere Loan ofnee. u Sherlock bldg. MONET TO LOAN to Urg sr amaU aunoant on good security: lowest rate. William O, '"Beck. 807 Falling bldg. i " : . -.. LOANS an furniture, plane, etber aeeurltlea, lowest rats. 8. W., King, mom '48 Waab lngtoa bldg. Mala 6100. - ' i THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loans, from three to. six xsoatba; ouOdantlal, 317 Oregonlan. .''' MONET TO LOAN oa Clarke mae coanty tend. . F. and F. a. Riley, 808 Chamber of Com- PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, 6-AND 8 per eeot. Wm. Deobolm, 226 Fslltng- bldg. WON BY TO LOAN, S pee cent. ' King, 310-211 Commercial blk, North nip A XTJSICAL. SECOND-HAND mnatcal Inatrasaenta of all klnda at lowest prlcea, caab or Uatallmeota, Flaher Music Co., 1W0 Third ft. - LEVY'S Must House Sheet muate, Inatramenta. 1T1 Fourtb, Y. M. 0. A. bldg. Clay ST8. MR. AND MRS. H. A.' WEBBER, ban, 1 Ua. guitar Instruction. Msln 3088. 17 W.Psra. BEORGB ANDERSON Expert piano tanor and . repalrlog. loqlre Father Musi Co. Bed Bom, PJANft .tuning, $2; mer feet worlt guaranteed. tj. w. jthnano. phon otain ivix - MAoxrnc HXALIBO. MRS. L. H. HABT treat all disease, totnaeh t trouble, nervousness snd functional weakneea. CorjeulUtlon free. 2M0M Park, cor! Jeffersoo. HOTAKT FTJBLia NOTARY PUBLIC Paper carefully prepared and executed, charge raaonable; call aa awrred so any pl of -tb city. Jo. L, Melrath. 246 Murataoa at., room 13. . PREPARATION of daeda and mortgage a specialty: price reduced.. R. A. Frame, (1$, the Msrquam. ' OVXKALLS. - BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and mo chaoic' clothing; anion made. Nuatadter Bros., manufacturer. Portlaad. Or., FCIUO ACCOVBTAVT. B. H. B. MULDER, expert aesoontant. room 441 Sherlock bldg. 9 books opened, adjusted and -audited; book kept for email concerns; mode rate charges; first-class references. Main 2848. . FLATTBO. ri n 1 H k. ijjri.-b'hin 1 "'m ! -rt----- BASTE RN PLATING CO., 338 Flrat Gold, Oliver.- copper, nickel and brass plating;. Jewelry wor- apeclalty. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 481 Wab Ington c Pbon 2676.. Polishing, plating nod lacquering. '' "''. '" FBIKT1B0. BUSHONO 4V CO. .Front nnd Stark at., -print lug, lltbogranblng, blank books , and vffic auppllee;. work dona on tlm; moot complete printing ofoe In tb west. Mala 104. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, w.i k I U..W PknM. Malm IT 208 Alder atl PAINTS, OH AND OLA 88. F. B. BEACH CO. Tb Pioneer Paint" Co.; wlndow-gUa aad $ Using. 18S First, t Pbon 1884. RASMl'SSEN A CO. Jobber, paint. oH. glaaa, aasb and door. Second and Taylor. I' VLVsTBXKS. DONNERBERO A BADEMACHBB. sanitary plumbers. M our in at. jwto. FOX A CO., sanitary plumber. 381 Second bet. Main and Salmon. Oregoa Pbon Mala 3001. FHOTOOBAFBUO KOITBTS. B. L. WOODWOBTH. Mfg., 168 Fourtb at. The lateet etylee of Mount Beard. KTJBBEX STAJiPS. p n. -aTAUP WORKS. S4S Alder-- st. Ids In T10; rubber stsmp eesls, stencils, bag-serf,-, trade checks; aend for cateloqa. BOFE. PORTLAND t'OBDAOB CO. Corner Fourteenth nd -Mortbenp ill,, rwtund, Or. BOOFIXO. TIN ROoriNO, gutterlnc. repairing and general Jobbing. i. LoetH. 212 Jefferson at. BTOXAOX, TKABSFIB ABO HATTLIKO. AFRfl, plsnoe and furniture moved, parked reedy for chipping and ahlpped; all work guaranteed; larre, 8 -story, brlrt. Are-proof were bouse for storage. OfnVe 128 First sU C. M. Olsrn. Phone Mala 847. C. O. Plf'K. offlrw 88 First between Btarh and Oak eta., phone 884; plenoe aad fnntltur moved and peeked ff ahlpnlng; cnTrjdloue fire proof, brick wars bouse, Frontvkad Clay ata. ' - ' ' BTORAtlE apse to let In our " building, 374 Water at, Slfler aiming' A Commlaaloa Company. ORKOON TRANBFKR CO., 184 Berth -Blxtb. ' Pboo Mala 88. Ilekyy hauling' snd atnras. POST SPECIAL DKI.IVKRY No. BuOVj Waab Inxton st. I'bone Msln WIS. . SOTTEKIKB. -- . " 1 - ?"j THB MORCIA! CO. i . .. ,. 108 to 113 Second f Boar.. Mrnnfaerureea and Job here of Lewla sad Clark souvenirs; booth" and street staade fltud out eessptot, gmCKXX XEBOXTS, COT'KTBT Cl.rB IMS, Hood Blver. Oregoai Bn oak jrove, ood table, spring water, tencla. boating and flablng; Bow ope. SHOWCASES ABD FIXTVBBS. SHOWCASES of every" deorrlptlon; hank bar ' aad store fixture made to order, Tb Lotk Msnfeturlng Co., Portland. SAFES. FOB opening torknuta and safe bargain go bo J. B. Paris, ear Third U . 1 J. TTrtwimil. TOST TYPEWRITER HF.AnqUABTCBS 83 Fonrtb, Street. W rent, repair, sell, exchange tynewrltara. All supplies for all machine. , Btanderd msrblne 828 and ap to lino," IM yon want n atenographe or lyplatl .... Wa bav - rut of good applicant. Pinna Black 371. BLICKRNSDERFER Tynewvltera. ewprille, re , pairing. Boss J. Be, Sr Start, iuia IBTS. -'-.''' ' ' .' ' , C . ; .' i STBXXT FAVTBO, WARREN Oonatrnctlon Co.. street paving, aid. ' villa end eroeswsjsa, . T18 Oregaalaa bldg. THB Trinidad Aaphait Peeing; 0. of Portlaad. OfAco 806 Woreeeter blk. TOWEL SirFFLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, eeep. $1 per month. Lawrane Broa.' Towel Supply 0o Fwifth aad Couch. I'hoo 429, TIOLIVB. I; A. WE 800. violin-maker snd repairer: work Bret rlsaa. 28 Boeeell bldg. 4th and MorrlennVf WALLFAF EB. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-188 Secood at., bet. Yamhill and Taylor, Portlaad. FTBAJICXAL, rXTUUTS TRUST OOMPABT OF OXEQOB. NO 108 THIRD ST, Tb Oldest Trust Company - In Oregoa, REHOURCEd OVER 61,000,000. General Banking Bualneea Conducted. , Savings Deposits H see lead. ' Tim eertlDostee leeued, aato -rtlfiete of deposit psyabl a poo 10 days' rail, eV daya' cab or to days' eall with Intereet at 814, aad 4 per nt per annum, reapectlvely. - Call or end for book of Illustrations. 4 ; BEb'J. I. COHEN..., ..TPreeldcdt H. L. PITTOt K...:....w..,,,VI-Preldenl t. ill tAtiEVT. ....... Secretary J. O. GOLTUA......,.......AeslaUnt Secretary FIRST MATIONALBABK ' ' S OF PORTLAND, 0BE00W. ' Deelgnated Depository akd Flnanclxl , Agent f , OB United State. ' President................... A. L. afTXLfl Cashier 1 .'..'. J. W. NEWKIHK Aealataat Cashier ...-.,...W. C ALVORD Secood Assistant Cashier 8- F. 8TEVKN8 Letters of Credit laeued Avallabla to Europe - sji tb Kaatern State. " Sight CxchaieM nnd Telegrsphlo Trans fere sold on New; York, lioeton, Chteago, Bt. Louis, Bt, Paul, . Omaha, San Franclso aad tb principal points la the Northwest. Sight and tlme-otll draws In Mm to so.t on London, Pari) Berlin, Frank fort-ln-tba-Msln.- Hongkong, Yokohama. Copenbageo, Ibriatlaila, Stockholm, . St. fetersburg, Ala. SOW, Eurlch, Honolulu. ' -v Collection Made oa Fsvorsbl Terms. ' I BITES STATES NATIONAL BANK U . OF FORTLAaD, 0RXO0B. B0BTHWT8T COB. THIRD AMD OAX ST 8. Txaa4at a Oeciersi. Banking Baalaesa. J DRAFTS IrlBUEU ,. Available la" All title of tb United State and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. COLLECnOKS stADE OB FAVOXABLI TZBMS President ........... .1 ... . .J. 6. A1N8WORTH Vlce-Preeldent..., W, B. AYKR Caahler .....R. W. Bt'HMEEft LADD : TIL TON, BANKER 8. P (Xatabllabed la 1848.) Transact a SenereJ Beeklsg Bustneea, Collection made at all point en favorable term. Letter of credit laaaed available la Europe and all point e In tb United Bute. Sight Exchange and" Telegraphic Tranafer sold oa New York, Waablngtoa, Chicago; Bt. Louie, Denver. Omaha. Saa FrsneUo and Moots and Brlttah Columbia,, - - Excbang sold on London, Paris. Brua. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokobama, Manila and Honolulu -, MZKCHABTS' NATIONAL BANK. FORTLAMD, 0BIO0X. J. FBANK WATSON Preeldeat R. L. DURHAM w .....Vlc-Preldeat B. W. HOYT Cshler GEORGB W. HOYT. Aaaletant Caablar Trassaata -o SeaeraJ Baaklng Buaineaa. Draft and Letters of Credit Issued Available to All Parte of the World. ) - " Col loot loo a Specialty. v SKOVXITT SAVIMOS A TKTBT CO MP ANY. . SMMorrleoa St., Portland, Or.. , Tranaaots.a Swoornl Bukmw ualnsaa. . SAVIXOS DEFAJLTMiBT. Iataraat Allowed on Time an Saving Depoalt. Acta a Trustee tor Estates. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available la All Parte of the World. . C. F. ADAMS 4 i ....President L, A. LEWIHU.... .Flret Vice-President A. L. MILLS'. V... ...... .Seooud .Vice-President R. G. JURITZ Secretary GEO. F. RUS8ELL AsSUtaat Secretary MORBUS BROS. At OKBIBTXBBEV. ' . rr-; USVb Cin aH.,ertlaaeV 0i . Offer Gilt Edge Investmerrl In Municipal and - Railroad BoodC Write or Call. MORTQAQG LOANS Os Fortload Baal Xgtata at Lowest Bate. Title Insured. Aeetroat Furnished TITLE OUARAaTTEK TKUBT CO. s, voamsor si vemmsrsa. Evory Woman , Mmtereated and should know ... aoooi ui woaaarrai MARVEL wttrrUiMj Sprsy Th tMrV f etlael syrhwe. JUec. I fseaeWMl Hurtiim. Tltess-eSaf. If be cannot sornly tb easiBsv a Kb. aorenl nt, otbsr, mil ssnd stamp for; Illustrated book a.ali a. Tt full nartleular and d Iractione tn. valuable tn ladiea. PI 4RVFI, V9.. M. Sd BTBBlV lutUU.- FOR SALE BT WOODAKS. CLAKXX A) 00. W J1V w' stoes convenient. - "-SW1 IH1 losssslll. Ask rear arss-MISva. W-' I - oV I Bfaa TO. AT IN A!v;W W treat sueoswsfully all private er voua and chronic diseases of man; also .blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. -'We Sure BTPHILI8 (without merourr) to stay cured for " ever. In IS t-S0 days. We remov STRICTURE, without operation or pain, In 15 days, ' We stop drains, the result or self. abuse. Immediately. We can reetore the sexual vlgtrr of, any man under IS by means -of local treatment peculiar to ureal Ves. . We Cure, Gonorrhoea -In a Week The doctor of this Institute are All regular graduates, have hod many years' experience, have been Known in Portland for II years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no cos unleaa certain cure can be effected. We guarantee a cure In every case we undertake or charge no fe. Consulta tion free. Letter confidential. Instruc tive BOOK FOR MSN mailed fro In Alain wrann! W our th wttrat cams of pllM la ftlan. Cur sVuara.nt4d. If you sopDot coll ot ofllcOg writo for VflllUI. ( e Offlco hours. to I mnd T to $, SuntJayi ontf JiolfBoytg 1 to It. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offlsjln Von Koy HoU., TMrd Was i$ X faaawXBBBi Ha Is called great because he Cures all dlaeAAea wlfrieiuA rr-sortlng to tha knife. Coll and have a free exAmlnMlon.' ' Ire wrtrt- tell you the -exact natirre of your trouble. H treats euccesnfully every form nf female complaint, all private and blood disease, aancer paralysis, '"tumors rheumatism and all disorders of the stomach, liver and kid neys. re brews his own medicines from . Chfno roots, herbs, buds, ' harks and vegetable tens, all of which are entirely harmless and whose medicinal properties are unknown to American, doctor, lie uaea In hlavracllr-e over 600 different Oriental remedies, Hundred ot testi- , monlal from grateful patient. . . DR. WINQ LnG 11 BTOaVTot fOTTBTsE BTotZST, . . . rtmJsXl.. CXX3C3. i f V ' BAO.X0AD AST) STEAMBOAT TIME TABLES, COLUMBIA RlVEfc SCENERY fencer Line Fast Steamejr Chas. R. Spencer Dally round trip to Tha Pallee) from Wevatilnston trt -4ock 'at "1 a. m, akcep frldar ajid Sun day. . .. ' ,"' ; 4,. .' day. - TB Bwitaarlsuid vt Jxjnarlofy rtoert ltUsalAoenit loniri J " 4 - "World, V" SUNDAY EXCURSIONS 'to .thoi-mtJHon dollar -Cascade Locks and Return ; LsAvIha; foot of Waehlngton gtrawt At a. m., arriving horns At . ' p. So. . Round Trip Tickets $1.00 - Telephon Main 14)2. ' i."1' vr; BTu-mtmm,. ' Gnral Mana8r, Portland, Or.. COLUMBIA.RIVER SCENERY Portland - Cancada Ixx-ka -The tallea. Been to t perfection from deck of i - i . REGULATOR LINE M -STEAMERS Roimd Trip'tov Cascade Locks Rrery VaMmj Maridor ' WedneadAy. Fnmr - aner hi aT" "Sunda. Leave dally 7 a. m. - Sundays a. m. Through atcamera - for Tn y PaUlao. dally 7 a- m. , Landing snd wharf foot of Alder street. For full Infor mation Phone Jlaln 114. ... A 'V BortlrJwdtiV5te5liip;(o. 11 ROANOKE A.:sours.BOVin. ... - leavea Portland tor Kureka, Ban ' Pranclaco and Ix Angelea: . . Leaveo Portland. ....... .June IT Lv Portland.... July " 1 UrM Portlands. ...July IS Leaves Portland..... , . ..July "S Leave Portland ........ .Aug. -11. Lave Portland ........ .Aug. 20 Leaves Portland ...Sept. -f j, ' TICKET OFFICE !28l WtjrilriKtont Phone Main SI. L YOUN(J. Aft, AND THE MARIPOSA BIG TREES Xr 'reached, from the main Una of th ioathern Paclflo by s mountain drlr over oiled roads through California's most beautiful 'sAnery. Let us plan your Itinerary, make your sleeper, BUtce and hotel reservations and arrange for your Stopover. C. kfi Btlnrer, city ticket' as4ht, -Third and Washlnston streets. BoJldlsf' Teorre Tank. A (Snoelal Dktnatcb to The Joumst.J - Cottage Grove, Or.. June It. -The Southern Paclflo company Is building a large 100,000-galloB 'Vteel water tank at the depot here. The present water stations are too far apart, so the com pany . has dCfdelionaUlla plant her. two or thro UoUnnti; without oporo mutation lMlbRomo trootmontoao Btr t, jCornsr Pltr. PortUn4 Or.7 J YOSEMITt 4 " CsV 1. 8 "i-3.1 r w--ve -Zf. Ie" DOING LEI - ,tk ' -i 'I- o THE GREAT CHINESE, DOCTOR r LOCATED' IN PORTLAND SlUCBklSSO ' . " - - . - .. ; .j. . a- BAILBCIAA ABD STEAMBOAT TIMt TAtlfX -r ''' " " aiw UfillON PACIFIC 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Tbroort -Pullnisn ataadarS and vaarbA lee'" Ins ear dslly to Bha, Cblenew, pekeael tourist Sleeping vera dally t Ksnaa Curl esenet sleeping enir sweoeae inn tbrouab Pullnaa tourist sleenlng eara iBersoae sUy eooduetedl weekly o C4uee(e. BeeUslSel vbatr rare (seats free) se tbe tt 4allr. CBIOlTBPOT. :fS??V Arrives. Vr " CHICAGO -PORTLAND . ..r. " .. ' SPECIAU ;,, - v s. as. For tb But vl Boo- . tea ton. ' li ' SPOKANB FLTBB. ' - ' For Kasters Waehle- r. Walla -Walla. Lew- StlS g. . Ba. fatso, Coear d'Aleae Dallr. , Dally, and Qreet Bertber ' . - pofnta. - ' ATtABTIO BXPRC8S. , t IB , SV tVa-tooT' Alg ? . mi n Ceiamhls Blver litnalon. FOR ASTORIA ead way B:ns a. ax I eotnta, eonnectln; with Delly. Abo atmr. ' for llwae aad ex. Snaday. ' -0 Bw "tk Beseb, atr. Baa- Naturday. ex. Snnder. Oslo. Asb-et. dock. 10:OO p. tn. Tssablll Btver" Hoot. FOB DAYTON, drrsoal f City aad Tsosblll Blver! ' a. a. TtSOs. as. points, stmrs. Roth and. Dally. . Daily. .",' .dnk- ". Sunday, ex. Saaday. IWster normlttlna-.l ) FOO LBWIHTOft. Id. and way point fro 4 fa) a.-a. Dally ex. Baturddx, A hoot k pia Dally ex. Friday nipena. ; WSSB., riKisan aod. LevH, TICKET OFFICB. Third aad Waablngtoa. Take. nbone Mala FIS, . e ' Si !XTJI,0,E' 'F Ticket A tea. A, 1 CAA 10. Oeoerel Pseeenree Aseet. . EAST" SOUTH Vv - W CM10N BPOT. IOTERLAKO -BXFBBSf train, for Salem, Bsaa burs. A ah land. Baera- S:S0 S aaento, Of den, Saa Frao- e:Ja a. O) eiecw. eiioraron, uom AOH Csies, El raae,.Kew oe ratvT snd Ue "BaaL -j, J,,. sloralasUk. train een- delly except Saadsr 8:80 8. B, wita rraia. ror kit S:10 a, sx. Ansel. a 1 1 v r t 0. Browaavtll. lulu. field, WeadQag aad natron. . Koeee naaaenea S.M. l;wp. BVlnecta at woedbura with 10:88 a. as. MU Ansel aad Silver. too looaj. r-M s. ax, 4 :60 a. B. Corvslll pan 8 :M p. ax. 8:88 a. as. Sheridan pa aeeaiqer emilv. FnlsJidwe BuburVaa Barrio and TsexklS -Orrtsloa. , " Depot foot of Jeffereoa afreet. tVeava Portlaad dally for Oewea-e T:8 a. t 13:oUi4r! fM, 4:00.-8:80. 4:00, 8:M, 1:4. 10:18 n. nfcTDelly (except Sunday), 8.30. 8:80, S MI. lOU a. m,; 4:08, 1140 p. . bandsy only. n -on av jn. L Batnrnlng frora Oewego, strive Portland Sally p:80 a. BJ.I 1:88. 'f. 4:88. 8:18. 1:88. B H. 11-10 P. am. DatljMexoept Bonds! 8 18, t:M, w:80. 40 10. 11 48 a,-m. Bxeept Mooday. 1S:SS a,-, m. sunoay oniy, iu:w.a.' sn. Leve from name depot for Delia and tot, xeedlote potntn dally 8 00 p. av -, Arrive Fort land 10:10 a. . . Tb Indepdjr-Moawitfe ' Mote Lin operate dally to Moo month and Alrlle, orin nectlng wltb Bent hern PaetS eaaspaay'a trash at Dellea aad ladepeodenca. First -el aaa far, from Portland to gauaaaaab sad Baa Freaclecet 120. bertha 15 1 eeeoad-euke fsr 818. rcond-clasa berthe 83 80. ' Ticket to Fee tern point uud-ntarofnv Sis laps a. China, Bonolalo and Aeatrada. J , Ctty-Tlchet Of no comer Third sod Waab-tnr-n etet. Pboae Mala T1S t W. STIKOEB, . . 4F. B. COM Alt, Oty Ticket Agent, AeaVeFasa, Agewt, TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland! DAILT. CNIOB .DKP0T. Arrive Trllowetone ' Park-KsaH as City, Bt. Louis Spe cie I for Chebslla. Ceo trelln. Olynsple, Grays rlsrbor, Botith Bend. Ta na. Seattle. Spokane, ewUtoa. Bntts, BUI Ink. Denrsr. Omaha 8: JO 8. av. 4:10 m at. Kansas City. St. Louis andt aontbeaajt. . NorVh Coast Limited, elertrlc llyhted. for Te coma. Seattle. Bnokane. Butte, Minneapolis. Bt. Psnl and tbe East. Pugef Bound Limited, for Cbeballa. Csntralls. Taconia and Seattle only, - 3:00 . n,v T:04s.ak. ' T 4:80 p. In. 10:88 B. aa. Twin City Erprees. for Tscosna, Seattle. Bpo- '; aane. - rtewne. Butte, Tellowntone Perk. kilo. 11:4S a. Ba. I WtVea. nea polls. 8L Paul aad tbe Kaat. A: D. CHARLTON. .Assistant Oeneral Paeeeager Ageat, wo ssomsna nr.. cor. nira, Portland, Orexoavj Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. Leave. r v. . 8 oft a ax. TJNION DEPOT. Pre Mar rare. Bafuler. 11 30 8. as. Dslir. Claukaale. - - Weslport. Cllf ton, Astoria, War renton, Flsvel, Rses Dally. 3:80 a, xe. asond. Fort Browne, Seerhart Park. Oeeelde. Astoria d Beaaherer .Xxpreea AeOye.. . ' Astoria Extras. r-aen. xe. 1:80 pVsn. 1 1 Dally. - , Balurday ooly ;ixceit Saturday. ' f . . br.-s. o. MATO, ' . P. and T.JU Aaterla. Or. , . C A. STEW-AST, Cnao)ewa Ageot, 84 Aide treeL rbee -axsin asm i;m:i:-:i: eftoket OBteo 1st Tolrd It rkM g:i 3Trnncontlnentl r--- XrnlrtsB IJr!-V I FAST Tff. IO nrrwAV" ft. B8inx. ':, Ae - - ,'bs.',-vt t -. 4 1 i fSf ISil auNstr. V IQIocSrn snsTJ ! IsIt south I r I