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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
NG, jj! i "i J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, :. .PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 29, J 1905. .1 . '. . . - w-wtiand. Or. for uaneportaUoe throtajh th audi " i'otu. fir iluh cool: For. a B. 10 or r... Mosr. 1 cat: 11 U 90 Mi " U 4 !;. Cent. - . ,. T1XMH0HIA. ...M.talSBB Editorial Room.... ....Mala 600 TflMIIO-lBVSilBHI BEFBESEBTTrPS, reland Brngamln Special HP"f WiJ , ao Kassss strt, Xfi "" rag, micago. '- rracBirno batW .. . Vera k, CurlU. " - ; The Plly7ouraaL with 8uuqJ.-l Xar... Tb Iily Journal. rr I''";,;:" S'ts The Daily Journal, with Sunday. S owatha. B.7 Th Dally Journal, lnUi. ........ ;"f- . m.. r.. .i. i num. i wim. iinndit. t mouth. 1 s tThs-Dslly Journal, A month The Dally Journal, with Bundsy. 1 "'' ' 7. b Delly get weak. dellvereA Bundaf ISO 00 Tb Dally pr werh. dellierea, miiH ,.....,.t.... w ' -. . Tmu By KaO. YTb rlty Journal,, with Sunday. I t- The Dally Journal. I yr, Th Dally Journal, with Sunday; 1 BootM.I .0 -,Tb Dally Journal. 1 month. id, pnwiar euuru.,. . yM. ...... ion rha fiuodaT JonrnaL A Bnontba. ..... Taa Smi-Waoktr Journal. Tba flaml-Wmklr Journal, i to .ll Baf i.k a niiutrataMt. full marlat r . .Tn Daily Jouri, with so nosy, ; i. Tha Pall Journal, A month. .... ? Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday, naoaths. 1 a L - . 1 1 1 I a . . .... ..fl.. J.U t -'! Burt. 1 roar..... .!"? ' kcmlrtaiiran aboold b mad bf oraru. P"' otra. axproaa ordm and amall nvnU MC.UM. U I an. toot j25,u"5'ftI. , ' P. 0. Bex 1M. PwrtlanAfOr. 1 ma rax joxntKAi. 'Aat bi row). ' Th Jottrnal eta te foiwa ea al al , rinr nlaMI! B0I8B. IDAHO H. IVUar Oo.J W, B. at CHK AOO Poatofflcu Kw eomaamyj-lTB Paw- born atraut. ' BENVKB. COIX). Ken1r -Bool BUttiiarT enmpanr. 1 "-ntnth itraat; , J... BlncC, Bixteratb ana tsrtll trrrn. , KAPHAS CITY Vaa Noy Nawa fompany. ' MIKNEAPOUS aL J. KmTaBaaaa, M SJ Tlrd atrvat. . ' -'NEW TORK CaTT Bran ti no1 a, Tnloa arroar, OMAHA MUlard Rotal N-w. aUnd; t BtatkMwrjr company. IS0D Parnam atroat. ALT LAKR CITY Rrayoa Hotel Now ntand! Barrow Broa.. a Went Barond atrt, aouth. , ST. Lour" Philip Road. Iaa atraat; . 'T. Jott, 0ij .out ntrt. . , .AS rBASCISCO W. E. Ardlnf. PaUfa Ht N-ir4 itaod,-and J0fK M.rkrt atr-; -Jl-. I amlth Broa., 2IW Buttar arrat and ' r..nj. tiftt!. ivnM- a nraar. ForrT aulld ! Inai K.; Wbaatlcy. ambit w aUnd. aor car Markat and Koaroay atraata. KATTLB RalnW Orand Wow atandj W. la Phanka. Hotal Baatti Nwt atand. . ' BPOR AMBL WASH John W. Orahaal On. I TACOMaT WASH Caotral Kawa company 1 Hotl Tanm Jlewa atand. - VICTORIA B 0. VlrtorU Boor BUttoaary aompaay. . " ' ' WXATHXB BZY0BT. " Vodoratrly hoary ralna kara fallon 4a tha MHataalppI valley and tba aouth AtlanUe atatoa. Fair waathar oontlnooa Trywhar waat of "tha Borky monntalna. -'- It la warmer tha, mornlna la N era da. eavtera OroKon and aoathweatera Idaho; ehvewber no . important ehanc In temperature haa.ocearred. The iDdleattona ara (or fair weather la thl . ulairlct frtday. K MAXKU0X ucnrBxa. - Jiea W. Parry, 31) Blaaena. T. Qalna, oral -J Panf it Johna, 34; Aon Or are KaahtX Arthur Atklnaoa, 85; Maria K. Brbulae, 38. Jar P. RoMnana. S3: Floaale I. Bra ma (In, M Adrian B. - Sweet of Mjewlaton. Idaka, 3H. Erelyn MaeuCampbell Cooper, 'Hi. C. Rum Cameroa, 34; Nani-j p. Adair. 33. " jLIJ. Kelaabvra. 37; Fannla 81moa. 25. 'M ' Emery K. Baker,. 31: Lenor nVhmeer, Ji, . Jame L. Carawetl. 3:' Rlliabetb Petrle; 3ft. - - Adam Knoble, 88; Mary Anna MadaUna Krlaer. 4. . Inula A. Shane, 3d: Ida U Packer, Se. M. W. Da Via. 37; Alice B. Eraaai 34. , A. U, reriinftoa, SB; Chrlatlna O. Spencer, 34 W. C. Heylmaa ot Bpokasa, 25; Mabel P. TTfatren. 33. Aelmer C. Llrlnraton of aUlnlar, Bl; Praaeaa L. Chapman. 81. . ..wA. A. Waaaa t Rldf eflela, Waahlnfton, 10; ,Ldla L. Brbeufler, 31. Wadulna; Card. -tl --, Inttoa blag., ear. T i. Bmltb ft Oo. oartk and Waahlnatoata, BIBTHI. . B0HRER June ' IlJ to Mr. and Mra, John Bahrer of Hllladale,. Oreirna, a aoa. BO.NNEB June 34, to Mr. and Mr. Jo Adam . Bonner, T44 Berenth itreet, a aoa. eCHW'ARZMAN Jnn 31, to Mr. and Mra. p. C. Bchwaramaa, 41 Eaei Tweoty-nloth atraet, a' daughter. . LERBO.N Jnn 23, to Mr. and Mr. Henry lr. eon. Eaat Korty thtrd and Eaat Madlaoa . atreeta, a eon. - HAHENMAYER Jone a, to Mr- and Mra. Erneat Haaerimayer, aso Eaat Darla atraat, , a daughter. . JUL COHTAOlOUi SIBEABEB. BROWN-June 21, atreet. meaalea, Alex Brown, 611 front BEATHI. " HOGAN-fJune 37, Mary Irene H'Wan,- aged 11 year, mtt Hancock atreet I rinae, enterltla. Burial it Mount Calvary cemetery. BTAINSI'Al'H Jliae V: 8later Mary Btalnalana, - aged 34 yea re, rark place; rauaa, nrphrtlla. Hurlal at Mount t,airary cemetery. If 5T KITZB TIZW CEMETXB1 Ring la grave 110. Family lot B7S t I fl.000. Tha only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintain and care for lot, -for full Information apply to W. R. Mackenila, Woreeatw block, city. W. at. Ladd. praatdent. Crematorlnn) oat Oregon. City car line. Bear SeUwood; modTern-Zeclentiric, complete. Charge Adult. $15; rhlldreo. 12ft. V 1.1 tore, A a. m. to p. m. Part land. Cramattoa aaaocUHoa, Portland. 4regoal - The Bdward Holmaa rndertatltif 'company, rnneral director and ambalmera. 330 Xblra treat. Proa HOT. i..- . J. P.- PiaVr at Bo, op. funeral director aad enhalmer. enraer third and Madlaoa atreeta. Otttc at aoanty coroner. Telephone Mala a. 1 rnneral wrntha and eat'flower a nedaltr t Boa City Oraenhonae. Twnty-eeood aad Eaat Morrlaon. app. cemetery. Clark Broa, tor flowert. Morriaoa atreVL BE AX ESTATE TBAITbFEBI. . far Lena company to M. A. ralrchlld. , l J Park 4 400 ratric Mt-reeiey, rereree, to w. A. Wallace et al.. lota and T. . block r J . Ouch'a addition: 1 10,404 A. It. Heed to M. W. Bullla; lot 3. block 1. Csple addition to St. Jobna. 400 . I. aliicheu to K. Lewlaton. lut and .... nth S feet kit 6- at weet end and ' feet 4t eaat end bkx'k 33. city W. J.' Hill and wife to L, Klrhy, lot T. block j Midway Aonei addition 230 a. M, naircty to u. Harrtny, lota B and -A rlk , BaffcjT i4lllk.g ...;;7... TV. P. White t. l-aVlne l.,t Dnor enm- ' f.enr, parrel land b-uliinlna 1X3 feet , arWth Ot aorth line tit J. Terwllltgor a donation land dalm, rownabip 1 aoifth, raha 1 eaat S Bvcnritr Faring at Trut company to w. P, While, A. Harolit li, Mr,. E. A.. Oeere. lot " l. hlocg 3, Btanley 10 , A. I', wihioa and wire to M T. Znbn, , eaat S f riortheaat 44 action 17, towa. 'Zl ahlp 1 aonlb. rang 4e ail . - 'C. B. flcment to C. M. Tout, parcel , ad beginning 29 feet eaat of aouth V ant corner k.t 10. block 21. Kin. a awnnd aklltln . -1,000 C handle and bnanand to I. H. Krfidcr. H acre M. M. Kellr'a donation lend claim. tMrnehlp 1 antttb. range 2 ct. 2.500 - T. 1. Hart and wife tn J. Jlofer. lota . II. n Mora in, l,l tie In I'ara (l He ai ford to J. I Infer, eame 4 t VfctcA. Land enmnanv to I. T.- Pelts, tnta la 33 In.n.etT. block 4i hi S, 4,loUi J It renlnaular T I. g.-f krenn to A. 1. Helen. Iota f aad , -MocH, I Alhlna lloiiteetead . . Seciwitr Seringa tJk Trnet company . to . W K. , Smith. 7.M acre ctloa 12, 1 ' teuBebny I hmmiUv. rang I eaat , rrc. . ' P. P. Hrrlrorc to TV M. O'Brien; Weet. H Wta.S 4 S, bWfv4T, Coach f- - ' - '- - ' 1 '-' tl l.OTn "' '. 7,500 itioB ... D. '. Harrlngtoa to J. Brlnckerbof. part - central block, dty . . . . D. '. Harrington ta I. Brtackarnyf tt " aame -. i D. i. Harrlngtoa .to r.j'. Harrington, ' lot T and H, block TS, Kaaf" Portland. Park Ijnd rompauy to M. M. Jobnava, tot S. block Kai. I nlrerelty Park"...,. J. i'aulaon and wlff Jo Mr. A. I'anlaoa, north lrt feet lot 8 and aonth Su fmt lot e. block 4. Bruah addition 200 - 800 J. I'off aud glfe-n.uM. W, oVe, lot 1, 4lock 14. J. Johure addition M. luwemua et aL to K. W. Leadhct. ttr Met la. Lota B and hAuek "A7. 1.000 city ....... .,,,16.000 M II. Jooea at al. to K. B. , lamaivn. Iota 1 and 4. block 41. Coach' addi tion . 1 88,000 A. tT Xlh. fcldt et al. to f. Ved Bant. Wit.JU, block 83, Maltnomab 1.200 Get rnur loanrence and abatracta to real eatet from tha Title Guarantee A Treat pany. Chamber of Commerce -building. BtTU)IXa PEEMITB, WETTMtllifi J tin -2. Mra. Wettmor. twa rottagvev-iToot atreet between HauUltoa ara nne and Bancroft avenuel coat, BTKVE.VH June 3S. Mrua - Btereoa, cottaga, l--lla atrf neap -.I'nlitu aTenne: coat. BoOU. Ul 'lt HI.NS June 38. K M,Hutcblua, ah.d, 418 tiullda atreet; coat, fi METZUKH June 38, Heraiaa Metsger. dwelling, corner Park and College atreeta; coat. l,7ou. M PHKKcHN June i Vi, W. U. Mcfneraoa, kitchen. 3S North Bcreatk atreet: Coat. $30. BollI.M A.N Jnne 38.' II. Boblmaa, repalra ta dwelling. Mnlh betweea. Couch and Varla ; treifa; lt. $100. - J UN KH June , U. W. Jonea, Sate, Thirteenth , hetweea Handera and Ereratt atrntac coat. CrMetlfs'O Jnn CB, Elia Cnrnmlng. dwelling, Maeaaall betweea Twenty-third and Iwanty lourrn aireeia; cnec, 1,1,0. y MKHKIHTH June id, t bar lea Meredith,! three dwelllngai nartllla. Detweea aaaaiaow anu Main etreeta; cult, Bn.Ooll. f HXrHTRATION NO, -IS. THE OLDEST TRUST- OOMPASTT IB OXEOOX," RESOlRCtS OVER $1,000,000 When (Chea wa pick op tha juper from day to r and read tbev4lnaMla. aewa we' And ration, of Sterling Kill of Exchange. day Quotation.. hanker and marchaat bay the bill. which ninally run fur 00 day.. a a mean ot getting . in tercet for abort period apoa their Idle funda. Wa laana certlBcatea ' of denoalt: payable npon tea day' call, .thirty day' call aad ninety daya' call. wUb Intercut at three and on fourth, three and on half and four per cent per annum, reapectlrely. .You will Bnd the quit aa good aa Btrrtlng Bill a temporary lnreetmenta. GIt a anopportunlty. of- ex plaining further to you about theka car tlBcatca, or Bend for our book of . I-UXUSTBAT10MS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 10 Third-. Street. - Phon Mala 455 BENJ. I. t'OIIKM..... Preldeat H. L. PITTOt'K. ....... ......... Tlca-I'realdent a LBB PAGET ...Secretary J. O. GOLTKA. ............. Aaalatant Secretary Th! cholcB tract of. 409 Bcre on th Oreg-on Watar Powwr Railway and river.- twenty-on minutes'- ride from First and Alder streets. Is now on the market and aelllna; faat. The present purchasers are all borne-builders and improvements - will bag In at once. Lara; lots, 60x100 feet, on the earllne. right at th station, for 150.00 per lot. Choice acre tracts, frori one acre up, with rich soil, water plentiful, for $160 per acre. . The land surrounding; these acre tracts Is improved and highly cul tivated. Tfte price of lots is fifty (50) per, cent less than property-' similarly situated in any direction from the cen ter of Portland. Also take Into account the excellent' car service, the healthful location and beauty and surroundings. As a aDoclal inducement to worxina people to own ' their own .homes, and enable them to have a large garden is the principal - reaaon why th orlcee have been placed low on lots and acre tracts. The title is perfect, a complete abatract of title fumlahed to the whole tract upon inquiry of the owners, the HI born la Savings bank. 247 Waahlnf ton street, Portland, Oreg-on. Free tickets to and from Mllwaukl Park will be jriwen to all Intending; purchAaers for he- purpose fit Inapact- Phon buvlna- at onoe have choice of Inta neareai carllna and station. All Oregon City cars atop at the tract, -com ing ana going, v A no lots are an nign, sightly snd level. : , Vor Information snd free tickets, call at Room S0, McKay building. Third snd Stark street. Portland, Oregon. i I t m BIDS INVITED. Sealed bid will be reeerred t th ofSc ot . to aupertntendent or ta Oregon atat pahtruntlery at Salem, Oregon, until TnMi, Jnlr ttfl 1BOB. at 1 o'clock p. m. of aald day,, for the labor of th eoe- vlcta ennnnea la oaia penitentiary, unoer th proTlalona of all act of th leglalatura paaied la 1M5 and amendmenta thereto and for the foundry plant belonging to tha etate and situated within tha prlaon wall. Bid to be made aeperately on th baal of 1 are or lu-rear leaao. beginning . Augnat 1, 19 XI. on blank which will n forwarded kjr tha auperlutendent ot) application. ;ach bidder But Incloaa with hi bid certified- check In th. cum of $000, payable to th order pf the auperlntendent. to be forfeited to the etate in caa the bidder to which the contract I let fall to enter Into a contract- and gt .th bond required by th atatute within 10 daya after the awarding of th contract.. -- " The right U eaerred to reject aay and all hide. fa - Part herein fnr ma tlon may b had If acalreij by addretalng tha auierlntndent. C. W. JAMKH, Hnperlntendent. Salem. Oregon) June 37T 1000. 4, NOTICE of Stock holder Meeting. Notlc la hereby gleen that the.- annual meeting of .the stockholder of Abe Midway Oil CO pany will he held the, offle of Ladd St Til ton, banker. Portland, Or., at S o'clock ' d. n., Wednesday. July 10. 1B0B. for tb I purpoa -of electing a board ef director, to w act upon the action of tha board -f dlreator in authorising tb aele of . th . company' proper t tea and the question of lliraldattoa " and dlaaolutlon of thle company and for tb transaction of such other bualQeaa aa may come liefore to meeting. . ILLIAM M r WHinDEN. Secretary. NonrB I hereby gleen that th annual meeting of th atook holder of th Lewi and Clark and Americau Paclflo Eipoaltloo and , Oriental Talr will be held at the offlc of .the ooenpany, room 37, Admlnlstratloa bnlld . Ing, world's fair krounde Portland. Or.. Mon - day, July $, loot, a r 10 o'clock a. m for th purpoa of . electing 41 rectors aa of . trsnssotlng such other buslmot may legally ba beougnt before said meeting. . , . HENRY E. BEED, Sccreury, , Dated Portland. Or., June 33, 1000.. SKALKO BIDS wilt be received by th ander- t algnrd at loS-lot Second at., for' tha a a loo fixture, stock.' etc., of what 1 known as "l)lrlgo" imloon, corner Serenth and Wash. . lngaonv.nat(l 4 p. m. June BO, laofi. Right t reject an ud all bid la reeerred. Sal aun, ..iect to condrmatlon by county court. Ful nartlcnlara obtained from undersigned. .. W. J. VAN St HUXVEK, Executor. , June SO. 1IK6. . DIBSOLrmON NOTICK-Tb law Brm of Pine A Tlfft haa beaa nieeaieed try mo reel consent. My office ere BOO; .c ban her of eomanerce. Telepaon Mala BOS. . MARTII4 U PIPES. tOBf AJTD rOUBD. . LOST Monday, betv13 and S:4fl o'clock, rally'a .goW-flHed wafcti, ner Becona end aieiat medium lxe, Klgla work caa Inald allghtly acrafched. Finder return Episcopal Uglaaloa. 33a Second t. . Reward BSe.; .f LOST OB STOLEN : Admiral wheel with M'irmw eoastef brake; Jo, of wheel; SOS, 010. 4$ Iron with informatloa ' of urn -plea .cncomanlrat with Jovrnal fBc. POI WD A place to have hair mattreeeee reao ' Vtd and returned ama day. Phon Mala 474. Portland Curie" Hair Factory. , WHEEL Tound at TSfl !ortb Eaat Ninth at. owner call nd deacrlh wheel and pay for advertlaln and redeem th wheel. tMT ldy' . gold watch, nam "Oesl Veatherany" la feeck. BwarL. Batars 14 Mosro it.cRy, , . .-. IV.flwaiikie M Park n oneyWellSpewt!, " .- - - - v , ' ' f . "V J" . KZXTIBO B0TICES. WEBFOOT. CAMP. No. SB, Woodmen of the World Meet cvry rriday night at W. ' O. W. hk. TeuU " and. aahlngtoa L street. . BrfreeBment will h ' nerved. - All visiting Belgh ,' bora welcome. JOSEPH IIOWETT. C. C . A. I BARBl'B, Clerk. SHI Third Street. MINNEHAHA TKIBK. Ko. 2. Improved Order RadV Men. J he rrguiar meeiinga win o. enu t. the new wlarwam. Willamette ball. No. .170Vb Second atreet, at B o'clock p. n. this t Tbursoay evening, imnunwe .er.-t,.w chief. Cora and venlaoa will be served. All members earneetly requested to b preaetit, Vteltln brother will b welcomed. Ke- iJiee.mhee Be Men' day- parade, July- - - u. tt. uumao. oacneiui V CARBTJESEN. Chief of Hecorda. - COLUMBIA LODGE. No. 114., A. I. A A. M. Special eommunieatioa thle eThureday evening, s o'clock, MaeeuV temple. Wvjrk in M. M. . degree. All M. M. - In vited.: By order of W. If.--'- B. 8. PAOl'E, Seereiary. ATTENTtON Cmpnre at soldier' temp -r- grounde at Bellwooq Itiuraaay evening, a-una SB, lilOo. All old aoldlera, their wive and friend, of th Grand Army ara Invited. -Ladle bring ck and (kndwlrhea. Oregon tiiy cor aevpe ii in.uu. ww ' COMMITTEB. rUlTEXAL V0T1CB. C. F. PI.YMPTON. a prominent real aatat agent and a. reeldcnl or tna city aince iei, died at the realdenc of hu son, 6r4 Weldler t., Thuraday morning about B I o'clock. PaneraJ at Haeealo Btraot Congregational church, corner Seventh and UaaaaW ate., Frlf day afternoon at S o'clock. 1. - HELP frVAKTm MALE, STENOOBAPHERS, bookkeepers, clerks, man. gore and all who wlah to aav any amount from $350 to $50 per month, aafer than la tha bank, yet earning tb largest poaelbl return, phone Eaat 1310 for particular. wA If T BO Energetic mi for offlc and out- I! ltd work ; wage $50 month; most deposit $100' cash ;" gtt addreaa; no genera de ll eery notlc. V (, car jvyami. . - WANTED Several erganlaer for work In and out or town, ror order paying eica, aocioant and Ufa benefits. 403 Oregonlaa bldg. WANTED 41 furniture-varnlahers. Oregon - Furniture Manufacturing Co., Macadam road. Phon Main XW. ;. a.. , F1BST-CLABS barber, aad wife t watt oa table; steady Job; country, v , journax DETECTIVES Men to learn; we guarantee work to our pupil. . u SOI, oo Morriaoa at. - WANTED flood active solicitor for printing. - - STOVB Bale man wanted. Addreaa T 42, ear Journal. HELP WASTED mfALB. r. K L lJr.IEB' DEPARTMENT. ' Hotel, reateurant, office, (tor, bakery, leuadry aad family patronage solicited. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFTICB. $49 H Washlngtoa St., room 7. cor. Seventh t rnjooe msia acwa. WANTED A girl, Scandinavian preferred, for general Bousewors; must oa goon cooa ana good lsundres; good wage to right party. Apply 674 Kaat Pine St., cor. Fourteenth. QIRLB wanting employment, ach general housework, waitresses, chamnermsias, ooosb, .call on Scandinavian Employment Co., 370 Burmlda at. Phone Msia SOWS. OLD lady tor car for baby while parent wor la ' city, during aey; goon .-pom la reliable party. Addreas V Bl. care Journal. WANTED Ladr with larg acoualntanc 1b Portland fur - lodge., -wors : amenaio innnca- meat t right party.- 'a Oregonlaa bide. I 20 ATTRACTl VI aalealadlea wanted immedi ately at the uerman uooc uaroeu, opp.' mala 'entrance fair gronads. WANTED Olrl to S fSala conking aad help with bonaework; Bo week. 144 Aorth Eight eenth at. WANTED Girl for small' family at beach; wage $18 month. Bw Chamber . of Com- mere. . . ''-. .. WANTED-toimg girl tn assist In. kitchen ef lunchroom. 4vh Jen ffersoa st. .Dutch kitchen. WA NTED Amateur Isdy perforfner tor stock V 4B, car Journal. company on road. WANTED Ladle' clothe Ironer at Psclfi lamiilry. First and Arthur t. . . -t- WANTF-D Thoroughly eomneteat eecond girl. 731 'Everett kt. - . . 1 WANTED KALE ABB FEMALE HELP. WANTKD At one, a bright, energetic, pre- aefltabl man or woman, a good talker, to tak up an attractive propoaitloa, , lnqtitr 7 M Chamber of Commerce, V a. as. PERMANENT poaltlon .with Increasing pay. lady r gentleman. all , aadrees Hentlnels of the I nlreree. room a315, Allsky bldg., Third and Morrison.- POSITION paying $100 to $150 per month ta right party; man or woman; muat have mono to Inveati "imply secured, . Addscaa W 4t cere Journal. c , ENBROET1R .aoBcltore l$dy preferred; good - salary; reference. Phot gallery, 3h5V4 First at. e- 1 1 CALM NO and b.mteea caroa - fV ion $2.25 1.0O0. 825 Washlngtoa, Automatic Card Press. W A NT rv Jape nee hoy or girl to laalat la general houwejg. SOS flay at. SrTTJATTOKS WAS1XD TEMALB, WOMAN arista work a housekeeper ' and rook rog men; giHI coos; reii.oie. vo rwm -m. O. Houaekeeper, Orant,' Or. - . " WANTEI Sewing and mending at out. V 43, rare Journal. borne or woman deelre work by tb daf. Phon East A safe atrid economical way to reach Portland peo- ' pie is found in-the CLASSIFIED. COLUMNS OF, ' THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL. If you have t anything to which, public attention is desired you will find .." '"". "-. .:' ve-'. ; ' A Journal Want Ad - A good investment. In addition to the value -of Sthe Want Ad. itself THE JOURNAL has arranged to dis-c tribute a large number of the famous . ... . ' v" Economy Fruit Jars ; AND BOOK OF RECIPES '?' V In these days5- of never ending duties anything that reduces thfe-'work of the household in any degree is 61 ; prime importance. Mrs. J. V. Burke, one of Port ' land's experienced home-makers, testifies '. vl wish to say that the Economy Jar is certainly a boon to all housekeepers, there being NO LABOR WHATEVER involved ih the preserving of fruits, such as is experi enced with ALL OTHER JARS. ' . 4 A 15c Inserted in either The. Daily or The Sunday Journal entitles you to an Economy Fruit jar FREE. The Want Ad. Rate is 5 cents per Jine each insertion. '.; rrVATIOBS WABTrD MBTB. WANTED Position aa bookkeeper, caahler or hotel clerk by competent man 84 year of afVl-beat of references; moderate salary. - V 40, cur JoeraaL TOI'NO married man wlehee permanent poel tloo; not frid of work: good education. - Ad dreaa V 60. car Journal. - " ' BOY : yearn of age want to' Srn tha plumbing trade: ad prliic. Call up phon L'nloa 486. s - . '. ; ' POSITION with contractor or young man or good refereno and eiperlenc. Addrce v 6S. car JournaL ' A JAPANESE boy wsnta a poaltloa to work;. - we eh (Mahea or housework in botaL - A. Sacra, 45 Bvrettafc. - . WANTED By aiperieooed reataur.nt nd lujpch . .ma. poaltloa of any kind, Addreaa W care Journal. - SJTTJATlOB WABTII-JCAL AaTD TIKALE. YOCNO man aad wife of bualne ability d Jr a ateady poaltloa. Addre W 4Q. Journal IMTLOTaCEHT AOEBOXB.' PACiro COAST BMPLOYMBNT AGCNCT Remove lO ua eiuriai aeaww. e Bad 151. . . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPFICB. rOB MEN. SB N. Second at. Phonr Mat IBM, AMERICAN Employmrat nod Real Estate Ag cy All kinds of help, furnished -Jr ot ensrg. 1M Bnmslda tV Black aaBL PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. ton; help (re to employ.- 31B Morriaoa. HELP wanted, and supplied, mal or female. R. a. PBAKB, 80BV Waahlagtoa at. Clay 448. 185 MORRISON Columbia Rlva Emp. ageacJ skilled labor furnished. Phon Msia 8368. WAHTBD inSCTXLAJrXOUS. r ' - WANTED Mor spraying and whlUwhlngi th only gaapiino . eouii.rew -r-iuTflt n th. St. ,M. O. Morraa A Co.. i utflt en tb eaeet. ,M 9m io Mllwaukl St. Teat sail. team wanted: WIH So car arpenter work ror it . J. Noy, 78S East br der or coBtret.i A, Twenty-ninth at. SHORT ORDER Printing Ho . Second and Washington ata. P. I. Ryoer. Mala BMe. WANTED To snaa $8,000 ea July 1. ea realty. Inquire 196 Twnty-nrt at,, aortk. BOOMS ta paper, $3 snd up, esMr lnclndd paint then for $1 Bp. Box 839. dty. WANTED Teat 14x18. Addreaa T BB, care JonrnaL , WAJTIXD AOXBTW AGENTS WANTED T U ur anoerlo high grad unreery etocb; new and complete out fit famtahed fivw-w-weekly; write to day fo echoic of-terfltory. Oaptcal City Nursery Co.. Salem. Oregon. -; AGENTS-wonted for a good aelllng article; 800 per cent profit: $7li caah required. Ad drea V BB, cre JonrnaL 7 AGENTS wanted to aell torlee of-Old Oregon. Jonea' Hook Store, 391 Aider at. WASTED TO BEltr. BOOMS la all parte of th city, furnlahe. Apply 230 Ooodnough bldg. -EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUBBATJ. Cadet dlrsctlon ef the Lewi' and Clark Fall , Corporstloa, - v . Phone Main 8306. wa . ealla ererv day for vacant aad furnished kotii lta your property with ' aa; we will da the real. Hoa A Taggart, 10T Sixth at.' - FOB BEWT HOUSES. FOB' RENT Nicely filrntuned T-room bona, miAm Ana vard. electric lights, nfano. bath, etc., furnishings new snd clean; will - rent part or all; reasonable to right part; Inquire 140 v 'iniru aa., iiuui iiviu v w NEW -room bnnee on anathwut corner of Hancock and Eaat Twetity-alith t.: cement cellar, bath, furnace, gaa snd electric lights. B. X. Lombard. 514. Chamber ef Commerce or BOO Hancock t, r KAIWERLT . TBANSrBB-COMMIESION CO. llano an perienced llano and furniture moved promptly by - HQ intra t. Main 1000, FOB BENT 8 modern T-mna nxmaaa oa Beat Thirty-foorta St. rani .;. .47. w. aerca, room 807 The Falling btdg. 8-ROOM modern bona with stable and chicken. house. Th water sr.. -it 01a. aouinoaai from Falling achool. $20. $30 PER month rents or buy modern B-ronm COttBgS on rorxr-iniru enu a...fc lajiur. 01-w Myers, st 220 Second t. . i : FOR RENT 8 new 7 room dwellings, Willam ette height. Ueorge L. Ilutchln, 1103 Thur- AROOM bottse for rent near Jonea' aawmllL Call we, crron t. moo rront loox. N ICELY locate B-foom brm. low rent, fornl. tur tor's 4ale. inquire T4U usioa eve. FOR RENT 814. new 4 room bens. $49 Wster st. Phone Msin 49W. I.,.,,, - ii 1 r 3-ROOM new botne, 24S Montgomery St., $B e montn, - ,. NKWbY sspared cottage, B rooms. 1004 Obr- F0B BENT FARM A FOR RRN B acres of land, all in cultivation. Eaat rorty -third and Section Lin road. W. Bech. 'JHng " kEkT-lorriCE-BOOMB. 0,Z5'kli.H'i,"r, "" aecoodjloor Good-wiugh-bldg. Apply eierstot. 7 TO OUR WANT AD, PATRONS! - Want . Ad .FOB BEBT OBOTJSEZXXPIBa BOOMA CAMPING ipsca Jlth or .without board. IB minute', walk;, care two mocka, pbnns and water. Call or addreaa Bkyland, Portland Height. Mala WM,- - - , ; , , FOR RENT Furnished hmaekeeplng-roonM end furnished rooms. 95J4 Buaserl t near Mia slsaippl avac-oarllnst - ' NICELY fumlehedj 4 rooms, light housekeep ing If desired; ot bath, . gas; reaaonable. Front. t J " . THE LINDA VISTA, nicely furnished ho uac keep ing nd-lngl room reasonable. 247 V k'lftb. FOR RBNT Three fnrnlehed rooms, BSB Seventh St. housekeeping FOB BEBT FTTBBISHXO BOOMA COMMERCIAL HOTEL New building, eyery. thing modrra throqgboat, beautifully "fur- ' nlahed; rooms light,, sunny; plenty of freak air; location convenlentfor either business or lair; -prleea raona,bl. 403 Waahlngton. 837 SEVENTH ST., bet. Clay and Market Parlor floor, 4 rooms furnished for . house keeping; bath, phone, gas; no children.. Mrs, . Belp. Mala 4843. Large front room for - gentlemen.' . THE HAMANN. 185 N. IStb., cor riort Newly furnished room. $1.60 Bp; convenient location, 15 minute' walk to fair grounds; Morriaoa car et union depot direct te boaa. -Phone 8470, THB HEILXR Hawthorn and Grand avee. fireproof, elegantly furnished rooms, bath, pnoo. B-mlnut carfoa both avenueai rate reconsble week - or month; transient room. PORTLAND Mineral Springs HoUl At fair .- ground. Tweuty-elrth and SbvIst; nw, clean rooms 50c and $1, ao higher;, meal - 36. Oct off ear at Twentyalith, tttra to left. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BTREAU. Free Uat personally inspected room 1 Christian borne for tourists. . Be th ban ner, eor. Second and W'aehlngtoa ata. rttBNISHED roorna 50c, block from Mal . entrance to ei posit I on. 7W Vaughn at., near Twenty-fourth. Hot bath free. Phon Msin 6408. THB GABLaV-7tu-albed room, light, airy. re aonable, with breakfatrt: 3 cu line. Twantyevjnth sod Taggart at. East 8903. VISITORS -to fsfr will find cool. choerfuL Bewly firnlehed rooms, with., excellent culatn and home comforts atIba.toDtgomry, 884 Alder. W8ALDEaE One larg. nicely fnrnlehed room- hw small single rooms. Including .' bath. Pbon Main 1961. BOB Alder. Bear Sixth. KELLOOli-' house, 1S4 Sherman, tak S esr south; clean lodging Sue, meal 30e;i fur nished housekeeping -rooms, laundry and bath. LARGE front room. with- board.- suitable for two men or men and wife: all modern eon. venlences. 704 Flanders Phon Main AiSA. ' MAR)UAM HOUSE. 14BH 6tb Room aa salts or slngl; bouaekeeplng rooms; gaa stoves. bath, electric lights; transients aollclted. NEW furnished moms, everything first-class; electrle lights, gaa god bath; near hotel; per manent od transient; ' 834 Fourth' St. THB BELLRVrR, 3134 Fourth st!, eor. Sal mon .Newly furnlabed rooms by ths day or week; term reasonable. Hood 701. S NICELY furnished rooms for rent, 044 Sixth, bet. Jarksoa snd Lincoln sts. ; bath and phone; -Bear Fifth St. csr line. NEAT furnished room, reaaonable prtcee, for rent by dsy, week or month. Mra Jans, 838 Water, cor. Clay. , .' j FURNISHED rooms for rent. East 26tk aVd Powell sts., over store' private family. Take Woodstock ear. FURNISHED rooms, fine, T5e aad 81 p. Twen tieth aud Washlngtoa.. Hot and cold batba. The Uowland. , THB GLADSTONE 612H Ssvler St., furnished rooms; andsr Bw management; price rea aonable. jt - 11 1 THB ABBOTT 22S H Washington! Bewly fur. nlahed roome en suits or single; trsnalenta. NBAT fnmlshed rooms $2 per ws and op: slsctrle lighCbath. 71tAat Eleventh, aortb. TWO fnrnlehed room with a of kitchen. 681 Everett neer 16th at., oa earllne to fair. 412-414 Jefferson, corner 11th; new hoitBt, fnrnlsblnga. 11 -moderB re tea, reason a ble.- FtJRNISHED roonttt 2Be and -apt baths. Davie Hotel, . corner Clay aad Water. The THB CASTLE 872 Washlngtoa St. furnished rooms. Pbon Main 167A THB LEWIS, 105 10TH ST Bourn by day, week or month. Mala 433A ROOMS FOR -BENT 1 room with $ beds for $3 a veek. 4iS Everett St. ' , $25 FTJRNISHRD cottage; adult ealy. In- quire room 410 ueanm Ding. rVoR BENT Furnished- rddms, very, rsssonabu! 849 Salmon tr BOOMS ABB B0 ABB. TEH, we caa sccommodate a few mor table boarder; bom cooking and vrytbtng nrel rlaa. - Aater bouse, seventh and Madlaoa. Phone Mala 6231. ; TITB IRVIN0 Elegant accommojatlona, a exortutaat rbargns; dining-room- In ena nectton; price right. CoT. lsth and Irving, THB Llndell New family hotel. Market, be tween. Third and Fourth, "steem beat, electrle 'light, porcelain baths, exceedingly low rates. GOOD- board snd room ot two ladle ; de sirable location, prtvar. moderB, $23 per month -scb. tt 65, care" Journal, THB anivAWHILB rirst-clsss sccommoda. lions for vlsltora; very ressonsbl. 5o3 Clay. Pbon Msin 6099. - FUBNISHF.D room and board for 3 or $ gentle. men. Phone "Baat nwi. - FOB BEBT BEAX ESTATE. TO RENT Ons'trr block facing mala entrance tn Lewis sod Clark fair dancing p.. ' ll'orS;.Apnly to W. H. Lattla, Hotsl Ftlr moant, 36 in Bad tpshui.. FOB SALE BEAX ESTATE. .'." 'law r ; ' LIVISHSTON." " "l y 61$ COUll'tKpiAL- BLOCK J - . rilON'B MAIN 46D4. ' "' . ACHSAQA os. tha Portland side Sf the Columbia, - juet .wesfj et th Vancouvw fesry.- -r I acre. 4 block from Mr. Scott ear' Una; all -In cultivation; ale ibult traej .ogiy $375 aa acre. -'T'-;-. 10 acre In high Mate of cultivation, good land; Broom houee; 1 Vi "mill f cnB "" eiuv. - v j Zl ltT. - I acre, near car line, sll improved; about 100 fruit trees; house, bara and good well of water; this Is a bargain at BI.tuu; terma. fr t LOTS. 4V - t Iota on Helghte: Thirty-third at., la East Portland street is-igraoea enu psi ion price only $400 a lot. FABMS. J , $2.550 SNAP. . , B-room modem cottage, lot BOxlOB; ale lawn and orult trees; terms, $nt Oowa. a A-rnora new modern cottage, lot 50x100, CIO In 011 west aid; price svnwt 00 inim be la DCS to uit. , " ..-I , ' BUSINESS PBOPEBTT. , " 8-atory brick e First t,t thto 1 ajlne bay. 10frt7S on east jldeAstorj brick and frame; .only .,15,000. ' UVINGSTON. ' 618 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. -7- $100 LOTS oa Kllllngswortb see.,.- r i $150 Lots on Alnsworth ave. " " $1,100 House and lrg kit. St. JohrA - -$1.250 A-room house, good locstaoe. . 41.- o-room bouae, lota of fruit, easy terms. $2. $00 a-room bouse, new and modern I eee It. $3.500 6-room house, sll furnished; a anap. $4. MHV 820 acre of land 85 aitlee from city: : o . a k.n .rletmlll. feedcutter. threablng-mschlne; cream separator and good - , . .ha mttnA Arco. WBier-power iu ruu w""., - srd of 3 acre. 1 tesm and harness, wagon and buggy, all farming and baying Imple ments and 40 bead ot cattle. Terms.; - BS per acre will buy 1.370 scree 6 miles from B. R. ; 600 acre good, wheat land, bal snea pssture. - " . . 113.50 per acr wilt buy 840 kcrea good wheat - 17ioo 800 acre, all plowed and" ready for ibu jieeatng; gooa nous ana peru, . fenc; 1- tulle from R, hV and warenouss; " terma, $5,000 caah, balance crop paymanta. The above bargains are offered by the NORTHWEST LAND CO.. 211 Aliaky bldg. . .. Portland, Oregon. 80 ACRES ot choice liod. 70 acres la alfalfa! thl I en of tb flnet proposition In Mal ; heur county. It yrlll produce from tOr44 tone f alfalfa per acre annukllr a4 will produce In abundance any'klnd of fruit known to- the temperate aun. Some Idea of th. .!.. of thta nrooertv caa be cleaned from tha fact that ft rente annually for WOO caah per year and renter .paje isxess rricu 4)4,000; BfnXiO dowa. balefloa oa eaay terma. -,"or further particulara la regard te tula CI etbar nronertlea ddre- - . h - V u O, T. M'DANIKL, Ontario, Or. " A Rg A UTTFITL LITTLB 44-9MK House of 6 good rooms, high celling. Isrge " pantry, Bath, -cueete, porcnee ironi- nu rer, .ball, larg brick baaement, lOOxloO feet ' eronnd rrultal cherries, oeara. aptlea aad 'amell fruit: sverrthing In first-clsss order -inald -and out; 1 block from earllne; eaet side, not far out Price $3,150; $1,000 ah. Owner he bnelne out of atat and la of- ferlng thl at. a sacrlflre.- Ornndy-Melrath Co., 245 4; Morriaoa St., room 13. 8725 B-ROOM bona with bara, corner lot; rented $10 mouth. $soo 6-room heuseraeev new woolea-milL $900 B-room house. Ane Anlsh. $1.875 B-room bouse, floe Bnlsh. Keav terms on sboee. - $5 a month will buy you a flns BOxlOO-foet , -r. SELLWOOD T0WN9ITB CO. ' i ' - I 'hone Union 1401. v Of Bees at SeUwood and . 223 , Falling bldg. A NEW cottage, every moder convenience, elaborate Inalde detail, 2 bedrooma, gas, electricity, hot -and- cold Wster. -4Arge rooms, . cement baeeamr ' and walks, near fine school, chiirrh. - gysnnastnm, stores, 3 ecsr lines, a model home, furnished cnmplet, muat be seen to be sppreclsted. $2,300, cash or terms. Csll at 188 East Thirty-fifth st. to Inspect property. " 3 S ROOM modern bouses, extra- well finished, $3,600; $150 dowa, $2B month. S 6-room. $1,100; $16 month. Aleo 6 and T room ea eeey terms. I-want a lather aad good shlngler who went a good house. A bore cottage 00 Montsrllla earllne. 6-room modern. Sun nyslde, $VS monthly. Phone Union 4016. FOR SALB-s-A modern corner brick block, A story and basement, 4 storerooma, 40 rooms furnished; .will sell all or separate at bed rock prlcesT also 1 modern B room reeidaoce, close. to Russell st ea Williams ve.; good Income property. Inquire eg nr.- u. nee a, Th railing bldg. - CHEAP to quick buyer, a nice home oa Monte. . villa car line, close in, B lots, fine soil, good rr. houee. bara. bedi, cblck en bouse, fin well. windmill, etc., plenty of fruit all kind; recti flee account party going souths Inquire 270- Alder t., cigar ators. FOR SALE 10 acre chntc land. IS mile from Portland, suitable for a home; esslly lis provsA bsndy to R. R. station, boatlsndlug aad good roads: good soil. For particulars addre A R, Folkentorg. Holbrook, Or. FIVB new: modern houee la Hblldy Park . addition: also 14 choice lota; atreet lm- E roved, cement walk, sewer, or SrlU build ouae to suit eaatomerar an eaay terma. . -W. O. Beck. SOT The PafUng.bldg. 12.600 6 ACRES wsll improved, ell la flue fruit, fslr buildings, 4 blocks from csr . line, ean be bought en very easy terms- Ira - mediate possession; will tske part In real eetste. fisH 1074, - Third at. S ACBES ar Lenta and accessible to ,2 car . line; very fine soil; no grsvel; running wster). $;00 per sere; $200, balance- eaay terms; other lend adjoining selling st $450 O 41, care Journal. FOR SAIjB b-roOlTr cot teg., modern, lot fenced, fruit "tree, 2 blocks frrmf cer: csah or terma : T. J. Ryder, MooUvUla. Phone Msin 55H6. t FOR SALB OR RENT Nice home, Irrlngtan, Ninth and .Thompson, corner kit;- furnac, .everything complete. Apply ownerr 818 Cher ':t) st. Phoae East 1396. Price reasonable; WHY aot buy a borne when 1 have so many fine cottage and botieea ef all description which can be bought on eaay term t Inqulr Ni Aprug-ue. i33V Orand av.. roo-B 13. FOR Bit's 3-room bene., shop or bare, 14x24, ' wood bona, 8 lot, fIVr garden, fruit trees and1 shrubbery; liurelwood Park, coruer Taylor and Woodbine. H. M. Kolffln. - ' rr 8700 NEW - 6-room, - elsstered.-. peoercd 'end Ksitrteu.p-orirk tounaationr? rt nuaiuv, cneap, 1 v owner: 8 lilocks from T'nloar A. carHnsil Woodlawn. Phone Scott -66001 "XT'- I BARCJAtN- for., cseh, ft he residence' locatlo. - 3 lots and new hnlfdlng, snltslile for honee- - keeping. Ses owiicr. 411 Algst. Thrrtf uilrrh t. Phone Eaat 30S6-. , ' TO INVESTORS Fin brick block on lOOxloa corner; Income over 18 yer cent; -will dauhl by 1010- fine city locaRlon. 3301 Biwsell at... room A . BEAI'llFI'L home location' lots, fruit, and building now. rented 'for $6; muat ell thl week) $6( Mb. . Addreaa M eo, care Journal. 1 4K FINE larg bouse and lot 33 room. Veil built, sa.twH nice Iocs t Ion; bargain; .short time. OwBer, 71 Fast Klerenlb. Phoae Eaat. 1447. A FEW lot for l on easy .term near ear- line; good residence neignnorbooo. Apply , Johg a Bala, room A 224 Stark t. .-, , BB AtRES. 6 cleared, t mile from Glrncoe, 350i ball cask. 604 Goldsmith. ' - -, . - tV, 1 .' -j..ia.J-Z? FOB BALE REAL ESTATE. FOB SALB or etchenge. 1 1 V acre improved. ' 1H uiile from Mouuvllla carllm. luqulra owner. 414 Hclmout. , fl.Bno New 6-room euttag. snd "2 largs Iota on for. Uraud avs. sad Shaver t. See ewar, 894 Shaver St. .... 88S GRAND AVE.. N Brglnl fall lot. B-room morera houee, fruit, to veers, gxce Ileal BelghiMfbuud. 1 . - FOB SALE6 to SO acre at SycBwrf ou- w o. W. P. Co. eleculc line. Addre V 69, care JournaL . . 4 HAVE gilt edged Invwtmente la real re tat ' 1 I want to sell Addraa 996 trout st Pbeae., Front 1562, v " FOB SALB B-roern acre fruit tree a. boos en esr line te. Isqnlre xtll with East -NEW modern 6-room cottage oa Eaat Thirty. I aOKh tx-twees . Salmon and Msin, very favor. ! term. ACBB trscts near earllnee, neer city, eheepH , eaay payments, Alpin Baal Estate Co.. lit -rirat St. - ' 4 - , . ....... FOR BALK 1 snd 6-aer tract a near earllne, --H mil from Mllwaukl poetufflce. C A. Bale -lard. : HOI BKS built on av payment; lota lurnlehed 1 If deeired. 613- Commercial bldg. Msiu 194U. -ROOM house, cheep for cash. Inquire- L.1 B. 1 Hemlngton. Bueemont sv... MtwtavUla car. : FOR SALE Cheeo. lou tn Lower Alhlna oa 1 Installments or cash Inquire 271 Market St. NEW 4-roorn cottsge. ehesn. H. T. Cummins, I Ksshvllle ststlon. Mount Scott earllne. . HOUSES FOB BEBT FTJBBTTgBB FOt; AALoJ'i' . 0WNEB going eaat, must aell neat furnlahlng ei w-room nouse, price JOO; rent xo pvt aaouin, nice lor roomer , orj boarders: B , room now rentVd for $3A .. 110 Kaat Fourteenth at. Pboae Kaat 8B4 835 FOR complete outfit for bouaekeeplng. In cluding 4-hole gaa rang, carpet, bed clothe, cooking uteqails. etc. 29 l'nloa v.( rent $7;.6u montki 10-mtimte walk from Third and . ( -c FOB beet result on - -, "FURNITCBB," Whether to bay or sell, ring np Msin BBSS. PORTLAND AUCTION B00MA- t . 211 rvst 'st. ; J FUBNITL'BB of O-room house, including hew plana, . for a I, price $000; cloa In, waat aide; cause scknaa. Phone Main 6926. 1 ; 1 ' 1 $475 B NICB light room near old prtstof fleet good furniture: clear. AAO; rent 836. Nstlonal lualty J 313 -fin ot. - - LA MODERN Aroom-bouse for rant; desirable gomery t- " it,'-r, - B-ROOM houee to rent and furniture for esle .cheap If tsken immedlstely. 3o7 Fremont, . Low rent. " ' A SNAP Furniture of 10-room horn for sal. 834 East First St., north. Phoae East 8657. FmNITURR ef 4-room house for est, for rent $8 monthly. 648 Fourth et. houe FOB BIMT PLATA 3 MODERN 8-room flat ea .William ave. car. line for BS each; 2 modern B-room Sate ea William ave. earllne. $13.50 each. J. F. ' Hill. 711 Williams see. - FOB - BEBT ST0BEA ; ONB modern brlbk storeroom' 25x60, tioa. $15.. 230 Buesell st good loco. : FOB BEBT MIBCELLABBOUA HOUSE, burn and outbuildings. 8 seres, lot of fruit, to rent cheap; will take rent la Call 107a,.Dhlrd at. LA ROB sassple-rbom for rent.'- Apply HsscV wood Cream Co.. Fifth "and. Oak. FOB SALE FARM A 1 162 ACBES. 100 acre under cultivation: aouae -ox a room, we 11 inxitcnn. living wster oa firm, well et the bara, all level .land ea Eatacsda llne of O. W. -P.. etatloa . oa the plsc. grsded school, ktor end not office within 600 feet end cfiurch wlthla a half wile: price $65 an acee. Apply ea place go J. 11. Kltching, CurrlasvUU,. Or. TEN acred ea Pewell'e Volley road.-A milea out. lara level, good land end eaay t clear, very light timtier. no large stumps, only a short distance s O. W. P. electric line; pries $60.00 per sere, oa 'Very eaay terms. Other land sdjolnlng selling at $100 to $125 per acre. Address! 60, .care JournaL ' 34 H ACRES. 24 In eultlTstlon, H ten ooA timber, good soli, BR rock. fin location, good road, nearby U kind ef fruit, S barns. - good- 6 room - houee-. - good -water - end - wlaeV tnlll. B miles southeast from dty limit of Portlsnd; will maks terms. Address H. Longcoy, Mllwsukle, Or., ewner. 160 ACBES. 88 IB cultivation, bearing errh. ard, berries, plenty- wood. Aroma house, hem and outbuildings, good Irrlgstlng ditch, rsll fences, 14 . acres fall wheat, garden, . noetoffJc, H mile to good school. Price 3,ooo. A A. Klstner, Smock, - Wasco, county. Or. t , - FOR SALE Stock rsngs ef 830' acres; aot la bands of real estate agents. Address J. O, . Sehrllrnhaum, 66 Union ae north., Porte land. Or., or P. 0. Box 64, Ostes. . Martog county, oregna. . FOB SALE or Trade 8H -acre farm, 114 mile from Oregon 1 Ity courthouse; 4 Don eee la : Portland; 4 large kits In Sslrm. -eor psrtlrw . la re- see owner, 462 Wtlllsme ave., or phonay "East 8788.- -- ,-" - A 100 ACRES 10 nvlles out, 40 la cultivstlon, Ity. miles O. ' W. P. electrle railroad and two) - towns.' Pries only 81.250; great bargsin. O. R. Add! ton, Lenta, Or. Take ML Scott ear. Be, f- - - - FRRB LANZr IN TrREOON under the "Carey Irrigation: Act.V Deed direct from' state.. Writs todays Booklet and map -free. B. Be -Cook A Co.. 251 Alder St., PortlauaU Or. , FARM 137 acres. 50 in erritlvetlon. -30 tit ' . grass. ' hslsnc timber, honee. barn, running -. water. R. R. li mile. Melrln. 802 Chsm-V , meretal bldg. e- l ,' J 200 ACRES -ot bottom lend for sale at $.10 per acre In Linn county. Oregon. For de scription addrsss John Mallow,' Sbedd. Oregon. J RICH farm sod fruit lands. Washington conntyr Oregon, Writ for particulara to George A.; Morgasv Hlllsboro, Oregon. ' FARM for rent with optica, of buying.. 0. Oe Sandatone, 308 -Vine t., room 1. '. 1 FOB SALE ACBIP. WB have for eel Sent Pe, San Praerisesl Moenteln forest reserve; this will enter tim ber land; also 160' Sloug scrte, which will enter unsarveved land. Msglnnls A Son, - 237 Faffing bldg." t -r-r--. - - FOBEST BBfBRVB SCRIP FOB .SALE A p. .- provedanrestrlcted, resdy for Immediate aael V lowest prices.- B. P. A B. Riley,. 60S a Chamber ef Commerce. ' ' LAND -scrip for sale for timbered or agrl. cultural land, mrveyed or h a u reeved; lowest - price. H. M. . Hamilton,,, Portiand hotel . Portland, Or. --: . ' CERTIFIED acrlp. Imtnedlat delivery, low eel prices; timber. la nda bought and eolA W-tie Howell, 6M Chamber of 'Coma S FOB SALE TIMBI.' .-. FOB SALB Two I homestesd , reiimruisBmenti . clslrne; Becxwd growth; will sail cheep. N, . p( Meleon, Hotel Bhelnpfsls. . ( , r e,i. L , 1 J 1 J. gtifce hOB HOMESTBAD8, timber claim and ertfl v apply to sow Commerruti ma. FOB I ALBV-LrVISTOCX. iNB 14mont-old Durbaat bull foe, s 17 In nnlrell'JH Klngmsn at.,-Woodlawa, or phon Sent t-f 120B. ' ,-'. ' ' U HOMESTEAD BELIB0.TJI8KMEBTA ' HIIJSIMII BAIL- -- - We ran locate you on I Aral -else homestesd In th fa mon V bit Salmon? fruit belt) fond ell iBitnii timber; spring ' water. - Don't , WPiee. )bnt corne It you WBIU It W cnarg $inn.- V.r . lootlon v-Addrass White Saiejo Land Co Whit Salmou, Waah. - Bead tot book. . - - ' 160 ACBEN- god land and fln rrmtwr, meetly ' cedar, onllmlted outrsnge,'- excellent fruit- ,a country, good roads. . Mr. , BV , M. r Bsraea, Mtonvtll. Or. FOB SAtrfHOBBES AJfD CABBIAOIA FOB SeS'LR-Msfrhed team, dty broke, w'tt 3!",; 'a' new runnet-tire Buggy su hsrness.y Aaqrm 60. care Journal'. X s!