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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
TODAY'S MARKETS i OP SALMON IS- I ,11 4. .-Packe're of - Columbia River Are Happy and Plants Are Run V y ning to Capacity. - v" JOHNSON MAKES REPORT ? OF CONDITION OF HORS Says. Yards Are Generally Look ' ing Good and Better Crop Is Now Expected. Prost Street. Juns . Th sriorlpariealaree . r the roctuno wioimi. muktli, tpatf r y Run of Mlmoa la larrer. , 7!' Halibut la eomlog ,ag .la. . ." ' '. .-' ' ' 7 Jolmeos save tap pa look food.' ' ---. ""i. . CaUIoruU lUimtt errlvee la. , I,ocal peara coma to market. Eggs ara very firmly held., . Poultry demand la belter. " , . Heavy rseslpts of veal e.fai",oj. , . ' Car watarmalona and ear-Kcants-oiipe. ; t ar California potatoee airlres. laocinberrtes are easerlv sought. ; H-isst berries bars wide pries rsags. V I Currants ara aearea and blfh. , haw apples ara mora plentiful. , v Ureas peppers some from, the south. T Suing beans golpf ' downward.., . . . ' Bub af Balm on Ii' larger. Oohimhta rive' packers ara la food spirits these dare. Tba run af aalmoa la tha river ,.. la much greetae than at any lima durluc tha ' .pretest s.ssob. Supplies ara Bew-striving at ".She essnertes nearly up to tb eaparttr at tha plaats.-. Tha run - ( steelbeeds - la especially : sreat had thla la eiueeted to continue foe about ; tw mora -weeks. Seiners ara Busing siceltent hauls. Tha eold stayafe men contlnua to bid up on tba prima for -yarte alsed chlnooka and :- ara renins tba aupclte. Tk ran of lars " la not nearly aa atria aa (x-evlouslr. but tha catch of ana II or f lab mora than makea. up fur tha defk-Wi-cv. In tba fresh flah markets ot thla rltx tha supplies ara Terr heavy and - at Ulead and Maeeeycka at quoted o(t. Cbln , urks ar aschaastHL- Aa C. i. U. Malarkey sera. "itle -..thee a faaat or a famlna la tha aalmoa - market; one day dealers, have to ht for eiippllea, while at other times the catch If far in excess of the, requirements of tba trade." nuprllee af halibut ara snoveiag aa loereass and the result. is that prlcaa arrdowa today. Johnson' Says - Hops task Good. KranV lohnaon ncentlr made MTeral (rlp rTnto "the; .Tarlona hop aaetlona for bnalneaa pur poaea. as well aa 10 repon iw in ouri i condition f the (top. He aayn: "I found the boprarda iuuklng ood In moat placea. OI courae. In BonTite 'Ilia hope did not look so . : rH. lint neneralTT SDeaklus tba urerage eon dttkm la btttrr than a year so. 11 aeem to jLbe-M onlr alatrlmeni to the crop aoduhe lnet c ara (nil of thrm. It will taka a fuU week or -. in rbi a! aood warm weather tu clean . k.. ant... AHniatr- dare at Molnaea and Sunshine will not do tha work. The air mual 'be sultry. .With the Increased acreage I look fur a crop of orcr ba lea the coming . . in uua Biarar iup " .. . . . ' Tb re ara a faw ordf ra In for email lota, but the are mainly at lower pilcea and dealers maklnrimt amall efforta to fill. There fcv a - rtunor afloat thai a big buU lender-baa dlapoaed of some of hh? bowlegs from the Houthern -l Padfle wsrebauae. but It cannot be confirmed. - Tboee mentioned la the deal ear there la noth W to tha mrt,.- .-iii-v j -.-yv--S.T-"ar rga.A.Vary yirmly. Held. - '7 Tba egg maVket ta eery . firm. Receipts sr , nnt ss good aa the demand and top wised are today generally obtained. ' I ; The poultry market shows better demand f or old-hens and at the present ealuea the market la aery firm. Hprlnge are selling, but " the demsnd Is not at brisk aa la bene. Imcka are alow. .with, only 'fair-demaiid for geese ,B,t'rt'Baty recelpta were shown' ta dreaaed , -Ml vesterday afternoon- and some sacrifices were made In -tha galling price, to clean the Biarkel. Pressed Iiom conllnu firm with tha - "rnt.llcs nominal. 8p?lng cL Beef la not wanted m the street. - HuU - . ton la dull. . -I "73 " trswkarrlas Shaw Wttdr. f rlo - There - Is wide range In the prices of - strawberries aceoun - tbe-dlf ferenea In aiB.lltr. . Becelpta ara fair. flw small , ahlpment. of loganberries cams thla morning, bat the demand M,d'b .rnrr-sntr'-r-rcTand Pg ""'t-aKfornla ate.Wr .Meed.nd Imifcgbi a msed cargo of small frnlts and aegetablca. ' JtfrTcol. arw again In lh. market after an - .bXirnf-acwral 4mt -lha beat, ara quoted " r la good supply ' J""2 of the southern fruit lmprtrted. Prices ths MThi. expected csrof wstermclons and ear o! wnaiK-sfrom toschells came. In last eren W Tim Pearson ssjs they are In good hKew apples1 are much mora pUntlfnP front the Sweetwater graoea are coming be ii? fm he eouth. lcsl sugar pear, are w ctmlng tut are not fldafng much aale. Prlct nJnT .'plenlifnl -b down. GreeTpeMra ara'jjwr .coming and are finding ' ' T,oy-.Thofel.oo.tlon.. a. rerld, . (" ,0"?r: trala. rieVd Tead. WHKAT-rNomln.l; club and red, tie; blue Stem. M90ci esller, Wc. 7 BAKLBX lead, l.0Oi rolled, (33.50; brew- ' '"f'oKN Whole. M00; cracked. 2.J0fJJ7.00 Ber 104- RTIt II 8 Per ewt. "'.' oT No. I white, ).(; gr.y, . " FLOUI Esstern Oregon patents. M 5nej gi Bft; strslghts, I3.TB; exports. , 3.5oas.6o: - VIILTlTFrB-rr.B. $10 on per font mid : dllnaa, .00: shorta, . emutry, $23.00; elty, 31. oo; chop. 1111.00. ' ' lAT-Tlmothy. Wlllifmetts eslls. fancy, 511001 ordinary. IIJ-OO; eastern Oregon, it CO; mliad. r.X.ooi cwm, IH.OC; grata. II. 00; cb eat, Oft, Suttar. IiaSud Pan lire. ; IftfTTeB PAT llweet, Oei tmr, ISe. ; gtTla-l,7 crwanwrj, wvwi. iiwe; aecDDn -soa, J7HJ3Ue; outal fancy, SoalHe; l ftrierttrlrT. 71 I BriNri J a. an.. . KUI No. 1 freh rTfegon, candled, 9221c; nTMidled. 30ci pasters, c. , CHKBoB New-rnll cream,- twin, JJo; Tonng . America, lc; esauray -llMlbl3ci Callfwrnia, . JIHri Cheddar, UHl. j 1 'w POCLTKV ChlPkena."mlxd. IJHe lb; hen., 1J14 per lb; roosters, old. Utilise per lb; young. 12lHo lb; brollera, Ifle per lb; fryers, .16c pet lbf dncka. 4.0)10 00 per , dosi geese, r per lb; turkeya. Uuimc lb; 'dreaaed, 30U 23c per lb; SnaLa, fttvv t.Od' per doa. ' ' Heps. Waal aad Hides. -' -. . HOPS Gonuartt 1B0S. 1516c; 1004 eron, ltt30c fir cholre; 1Hi18 fur prlmea and me dluma. .... WOOl 1&0B clip, 1ley. coarse u) medlnm. ImiAHcL, dae, .. 2ttj37c; eaatera Oregua. MOHAIR Nomlnsl. S0i31e. .-w ' ? -. gllCKP8KIN Shearing. IBie abort oat e tnajwie; medium wool, tOQaOc; long wool, aoctgll.OO esch. . - , TAIXOW PrlnVs, par lb, dOSc). Ma4 and grease, a3U. c 1 11ITTIM BARK SHc per lb. - A ' HIDES Dry hldrs. No. I. Id lbs as an, HlRVsC per lb: dry kls. ho. it. tA 14 lbs. .4c;' dry eslf. No. I, aadar (.lbs. UAISe; drf salted hides, steers, sound. SO .Jus er eeer. dVa HO to SO lbs, suac: nnder lbs sad cowa, teHe; sears snd bulla, soang. 07r; kip. IB to 80 lbs. Be; sonnd. iu to 14 lbs. S . l svic; calf, sonnd. nnder 10 lha, fllle; greea (snsalled), le per lb leas: culls. Ic per lb least - Borsehldea. salted, each.' 11.3841. TB: dry, each, II.0OO1.BO. colt hides, each. . goat sklas, eoamoB, eseh, infjlaei Aagors, with wool an. each, tveHLOO. . PraiU aad TagaUklas. ' . . pOTATPKWrlTat Oregon. It Jflfrt M: Mln sMi, $l.lfll2"; t'olmsdn IIOOl.nil: .sweets, crated. I1.T5: new California. li.lBtJ 13ft; new Ore foe, II 2S:-rWi II ., ; CXION4 hsw Csllfornls, SB; gsrllc, fti ref lb. r titia FBOITB Ipplav eitr IBcy, IJ.IOi fancy, 3 pee Box; new California. I1.80W1.T8; cnean grsdes, par . box; oranges. mmwri, per oux, laia tiipiiii.., 009S.60; Mediterranean awseta. $3.00(1 Si to box; bananas. ' oc in; lenioua, cnoics, 3.00 box; fancy, $3.00 box; limes, liaxlran, Boo per : loo: nlneaunlea. U.3A: cranber rlea. . aaefarn. ill. oil ner hbl: - atrswberrlaa. 1.6 3.46 crate of 34 aoxea; clieVrlcs. ordinary. BStAe ier lb; Bipgs and Lamkena, 10c per lb; aprlcnta, 11.00; peachee. TBeiPOc; plums. $1.00 per cratei blaiji berries', lb; rssaSterrlea. l.60fl.T5 -sts of 24 boxes; cantaloupes. $.1.3A per ersi; - currants. --Ot per lb; loganberries. '. BI.3S per crate of 24 boxes: watermelons, 2Ve pee, lb; grapes. s i oer oox. VI0ET1BLES Tnrnlns. ' new.' t.tS per esek) earrote. $1.4ot(.M per sack; beets, $1.50 par aackt Orrsua radl.haa. 2Ae ner s: cabbage, Oregon. $I.00ai2ft ner cwi: greea nT.p,T- ri. trcZMX ,rno;,bi,XiPLosiNG shows most nips, gi.isisi i. string ,besns. Bc; cauli flower, $I.TSt3.0A crataads.nibarb. 2"-,e per lb; boraeriidUh. 13c per lb; artichokes, 4i3.Ve por lettuce, )ttiat; bead lettuce. 0 ar dos: trees onions. 10c ear doe: as- paragin, 6oaue 1,.riunches; spinach. Be per lb; green mill, ; dpaj.'Mc per do; peas, 3c per WSTVi"0""- b"ci$1.0 per dos. - BRIh PRUITS Apples, sespecsted. Te per lb; apricots, ISe per lb; sacks. Vie ': peachae. Bj13e per lb) pearsr f"rf- Hi4He per lb; figs California black. per lb; California white. per lb: plurns pitted, . per lb; dates, golden, da Per-lhJ -fards. 11.80 per 18 lb box. . . . . ."T ' Oreosrlaa. Huta. Zta.'. .,F0AR ack basis Cube. $5 TB; powdered, Jon; fruit granulated. $5.00; dry granulated. $); Conf. A. $8.80; Lett grsnulsted, $5.40; v. n.uu: couien t - sa.wo: u yeiiow. $.!; bljls joe, J, bills , boxes Boa adrance on sack, Jens 2ic" oei cwt fr cash, 18 "iVi.H1''' lJlo per lb., , nunr.t llyibc, , ii.nuiiia ,,..,o-. n ' COrrcK-Packae brands. I14.TB. - -' S -v.-;: - h- SALT-Klne Bales, 2s. 8a. 4a. Bs. 10s. It.Bofl I, 2d pfd f . K ) A I a . . a. . .... a. . n m . . I 1 a' . a. lal . t it ... I"! V. - ouafc ell.wi, luus, ' C" urerpoui, boss glT.oo: inns. am. out s 81B.O0; extrs fins, ibbls. 2s. Bs. 10s, l.80in SO; bulk. 120 lbs, $4.0065.00; sacks, 80s. 684J86C. t .."ALT Cosise Half ground. 100s. pee ton. IT.O0; 80s, nor Ion, $T.0o; l.lrerpool lore p -rock. lld.BO par tin: SO-lb rock.-$7.00; 100a, $.TB. (Ahore prices spply to sales ef leae- than ear lota Car lota at special prlcaa subject Is flurtestlona.) . , . . ,UAI.N BAU Cslcutts. Ts. ' ' UICC lnnul.l l.n.. . I. l a "o. ft. BUc; Nsw Orlsana head. dc; AJax. 4e; Cre- BSAN'ftafln.a1t wlilf aSaSSaue. laraa white. 8V.c: ping, SM.SUei bayou, 4kcl Llmaa, Vc; llexkan reds. : , - -- r- oT ' 7,: ',"Bb' Tcer lb; - - " - a. ---a n, , I, , I m . , V"W a. . , BBOOOc per dos; wahrots. Uflloc per lb h pine i-'-ii pet in; nicaory nncs, lue per m. chsetnnta, eastern. IBQlSc pee lb Brssll nnts. IBr per lh; filberts ISOlBe prr lb; fancy pecans, 14Q1B per lb; almonds.' S 341 18s pet Paints. Coal Oils. Its.- ' R0PK Pose Manila, 14c: stand. rd. llVie; sisal, 104e; Usle brand slasl. Sc. 1 - COAL OlWPtarl or Astrsl Caaea. 9 per gall water white. Iron bole, lne per gal; wooden, lse per gal; headlight, 170-deg. eases, e per gaL ' OABOLINfc ad-deg. cases. B2e ,er gsl; Iron bbls, 2oe tier gait stosss, asses. 24 Ha per gsl; Iron bbls, 18e per gaL BISN..Iie.C 3-deg. rases. 23c per gal; Iron bbls, ISVie pee g.l. . -TL,RPKNTfX-.--ai esses.: Me per gsl; uodsa bbls, Bdc par gal; iron bbls, 83c. per , WHIT LEAD Ton lots. Tg per, lb; BOO-lb lot.. lt per lb;-less lots. Bo per lb. . WIRK VAII-S Present baae at $2. TO. UNSEED OIL Twm raw. ta -tibia. 8.1c per gal; cases,- Bsc per gsl- genuta hettls boiled, eases, TOe per gal; hbl. 88c per gal: graasd caks, car lota. $20.00 (cr tod; Jess than car lots, $30.00 per toa. Heats, fish Bad Prealsleaia. FRESH MEATsCPront street Beef' steers. $c per lb; pork, block, lut per lb; packers. THe per Ibr bulls. 4iJ.1 per lb: tows, 4CBc per lb: mutton.. SHO 7 Vse per lb Ismbs -with- pelts. BVsTe-ir lb; e.L fiZ:,Wt ,"iMTJ' . & .'lT. lb; poor. 4HiRHe lb. - HAMS, BACON. ITC Portland pack (local) hams. 10 to 14 lbs. lle ner lb: 14 to l lbs. ISfce perj; 1 to 20 Ibejsife per In; rottsge. Be per lb; breskfsst hscon. KHQI8c per lb; picnic. BJ4e per Jtu. regnlar short clesrs. as. smoked. He per lb; siokeV toiie per lbj clear bscka ansraoked. Uc per tbt- smoked. lOUe per lb; Union butts, 10 to IS Ins. niaimoked. Be per lb; smoked. Be per lb: clesr bellies, ss smoked, lie per lb: smoked. 12e lh- shoulders, a. He. ' - LOCAL LAUD Kettle leaf. lOar I OS e per lb;. 6s, 104c per lb; 80.1b tins. 10. ner lb; steam rendered, 10a. 9t per lb;. fa, tt per" v, w-fcc per in: wa, ne per in. " CANNED SALMON Columbia lirer 1-lb tails. 11.88: 2-lb talis, $2.8: Vsocy. l ib fists. $2.00; fe-lb fancy flats. $1 2.1: fsncy 1-lb orsls, $2 TB: Alaska tall", pink. 88Q90c; red, $1.60, nominal Is, tall.' $2.00. , a. FISH Rock end. Tc ner Ibj. flmnA n. lb: halllmt. Oc per lb; crabs.. $1.50 per doa; atrlped bass, 12V.C jer lb: cstftah. Te per to; saimon. ntigam r se m; steelhesds, . Te lb; bluebsck. Tc;' herring, m lb; soles. Be-per lb:. shrimps. 10c ner lb: nerch. be ner lh than 4c per 4b; roe sttad, 6c per lb; shsde roe. 8ue per Ibf-blsrk rsd' Te per lb; sller smslt. Be per ll; lobsters, J8cLfreh msckerel, 8c pr lb; craw (tab, 23c per doa; flounaera, 6c per k; stnraeon, Tc per lb. .OYSTER s ffboalwster bay, per gaL $2.18: rr kkrk. $3.T. -ri.aUR ttmA Kn. - AA, a . llama, $2.00 per box.' ' - CATTLE SHIPMENT ,1. ' i-t ARE NOW BEING MADE : (Special Dispatch ts The Journal. V Pendleton. June K.--rsttle borers who hare been In tl-l vicinity for several weeks made -Moment of 10 cars to Seattle and Ttcoma yeeferi'sy.. ' Hrlcea are lowex this year than they were lent snd. accjrttlog to the ststement of lead Ing cattlemen of tbla vicinity, thejr arebard to dl.noae of at any price. The prevailing jtrtee at preeent for cowa HI 3S.C and steers 3c. Tltf nrUiHi' BstuTsllr dron s the seseon adVknce snd It la predl.-ted that In" July the price 111 not tie over 2.f thla year, while It was lsre :n .August before thry reached that msrk last sea win. Low lirtrea were In a measure canned -this season by the facf that they were below Iho average last year and nignv dealer held their stock for sn sdvsncc. The exact lucres. In the ntimbi-r of rettle on he rsnge:ls not known here, as--raisers In the south fork coun try hsre been miking shipments In eastern and California firms and Lsve hsd very few dealings with bouses. 'f. '.be north rsclflc cosat. It Is eatlmcted. however, lhat there Is also gn In crease In that locsllty. .'. hV'h wyitld Plsce their holdings at somethlnc over 2.0tahvad. tbr ntunber shlpoed lst sessnn. mil her caive ot decreased prices is the fact that su iinusus amount of rain has fsllen In esstem Oregon this spring. ' making the grsas better than average and rsiialng the cattle to fatten so rapldir lust stock- anion la usually heM until August Is belns ahipped now, couae- quenllt the market la glutted., . wniie eauic ere oringmg' low prices, eneep ere far s'mve Isat year's mark. In the spring of 104 tba market on aheep opened at II Hi for yearlirgs and this yeaf It la hard to make like purchases Lat $3.80. v i r . NEW UnLtANS bULLSf V4 ' -v HOLD C0H.0M HIGH '"! -J - (Pnsnlshed by Orerbcck. Rtarr'ik Cooke Co.l New York. June 20. The ritton market stood nn todsr much better thsn hsd been expected considering tbe,jrreet Sdvsnce of yesterday, the mintre ot t,iTriMiw4 snaraers iw reapona snn much better weslher conditions. It wss .sup. posed thsr there would naturally be s sharp relsxstkm Itl the buying tv-eef today and that tha abiwa afavorable condlthins would produce a faraetrmount of pmflt-tsklng and southern selling. . The . ex tent of .the relcptloa wss con fined wtlhin'HO points, but this Wss roenvercd en whet aviiesred to be the New tlrleans bulla acting In conjunct, with the hical bulls in eminortlng-the srket.- Twusy efrirlsl cotton market: - a Oiiein lllsh', IiOW, Close. Jnnuarv .. r'ebrnary. i... Omni ii2 . 010 ,-07 Jp-4' - Wfla.lft . . . -, . INKtSKM . 9711 B04 fH,im ... 02"'n 2Ti Maroji ,., April .... Mar .... June July .... .... , B' pan pu . : 4T ftjn , BI3 D.VI n.iit . n7 n i4i , MM. no.1 P.M , txl 070 WU 92fl(37 9a24irtl I4iii42 f4flW4T UTi'llo2 8 A Aneust .. Keplenihct Ort-iler . sa. a 8 N oven-her lietemi-rr JJvsrpool Cettea Higher. Liverpool. June 10. Cotton futures closed J t S points-higher. . j ' Declares Dlrldesd. . ' New Turk, June 3.---Th directors of ths Louisville ft NaahvUW reliwsy lodsy declared Ihe ngulaf dividend of 6 per cent. Mew York tngsr Market. Kew Tmk.. June '"SB. iriger. refined, ha (hanged; raw teedy and unchanged. .THE' OREGON DAILY JOUHNAL. . PORTLAND, THURSDAY, EVENING. JUNE 29. 1905, i 1 J- .. ! UJJ ,1 Hill . J. J . A-U,fj.,l, H . .11 ' 1,1.. l V I - . a 1 .. . RUSSIAN TROUBLE t ; HURTS THE Nevy -York -Stocks Have Strong -Feeling Early and First Trades 1 . Were at Advance. V" T ' OF THE PIQ LfST DOWN Reaction Set; in Just Before End of ; Session Small Ad- $ , vances Sbowrv - ' LORSRB. Amslga mated . Atchison ..ja. Ungar tT. ruielter , ar at foundry Baltimore I'tikiratlo -Fuel . HI. I'.nl ...... C. . W.... Cbesapaake s aty j, 7,.. katy, pfd ...... Mlaaourl Pacific ... N. V. Ontrat Pennsylvania . . . , Pressed Steel Car. 2 a. 1 a Republic Kteel 1 Vsl Republic Steel, pfd. I 3i Kuck Island ft Kix'S island, pra,.. 1 Tennessee Coal ..i. 1 4 anadlast , I nk... I'sclBc , ... ls Kteel 1 - nteel. itifd .'..-..ri-f- A - ... ... Kouthern' I'sclflo . 1 i Texas ft racinc. t.reat V astern Illinois Central . 1-oulsvllle , tytuicau Crutral . -Vil Rubber , 4 Western I'nloa . Si I Southern By ADVANCES Metropolitan tan ..... 1 Wisconsin Can., f. H tt ..... ?4 Norfolk .......... I ..! Pacific Mall ...... 1 lint. W One Wisconsin; Central ; central. : Heading (Pnrblshed by. flrerbeck. Starr ft Conk TJJ.1 Wall Street. New York Juneren. There wse S good tone at ths beginning of todsy s stock market snd the early trading, showed a good savsnce. later on Kusstsn troubles the market nrlH0"1"1 Juti'T'.r? ,biLi0l the advances - were lost, the closlna Osurea bw ll.a ...11- ...... .1... Ma.l.a... A . a. Tudiiy'i ofttdal market: r ,DtSCRIPT101l. Anaconda lilolng -Co?... Amsl. Uopper Co....... Alchleoa. com,.' do Preferred. . 1071109 107 K2 l 104 I1044I1H4 38i USSfoS l:wll.'w4.,ias(4 ll(HlllTkirl7 loeTT linrt Am. Car ft t'asiad., com. Ml 0T on prererrca Am. , tlugsr, com.'. Am. Smelt., coro.r.r. 13HH 111 120 Baltimore ft Ohio! "com do preferred Brook I rn Ranld Canadian Pacldc, com, , Chi. ft Altou, cum....'., no uroferred Chi i . t U -at I hi.. Mil. ft St. haul tc norm., com. (hi. Terminal Ry.,. (heaaneake ft Ohio Colo, fuel ft Iron, com coin, nouca., com..;., do 2d preferred. do lat pre f erred.. ua, Delaware ft Hudson..., Dels. Lacks, ft West... I. ft K. U.. com....... no preferred irie, com........ do 24, preferred.-...;, "do 1st pref erred..... Illinois Central IxMll.Tllle 4. NAshvllie..181 181k14sll40S4 Manhattan Rv ...iitu 1 lflftlltMH Mexican Central' R.,..t II U M... St. P. ft Ste. M....I1X3 31 ta an 21 s I2.H 123 -il23S no preferred. ...r...'.'.1lfll 18IH 39 a. 11 1H Mlaaourl I'aiiBc. . . . . I'll 2ha M . K. ft T..,.T-. WlSk W1W do pref erreil . . :.Zt . 4 V New Vork Central..,., , Northern Pscinc OJla, 144 1HHI, 93 ux 148 iir ltmw ltH-l Norfolk ft Westers,' com. -no prererreu . Vorth. American V3 Vi HKI'4 H- 92 Km V., Ont. ft. West..... '""y'jania Ry..:."74i,.i4ina4uttLi4iii! 03's H ox 82 P. O., L. ft C. Co 10.1,flo4 103 108 rmwi oieei car, com.l ,SV wt 98 4.1 - ' oo prererren 4 t: B 61 rsi'inr stall niesin. jo . . T s.i 44 Kai tm -92 4 T' 7(lik 823 97 0 117S 67 V Reading, com. or....... list nut do 3d preferred.....,.! 91 do 1st nreferred. .z 1 W2 HI 91 91 H .19 TT 75 83 97(4 64 Ren. Iron A rUel, onto, .f 11114 do preferred t. ... 7HW Rosk Talatld. TOm.7.Vr.T 80 1H in . -11 Southern. Ry com. .) X2 V div Drvferred . . . . ..I 117 u. oo nreierren.. Southern PaclBe ....I MV 974 di nreferred. ....... .ilUL. 117 6T I17!4 ri. .. a. n , ..awl urn .mil. tir.ibber tioods ,) 84 I or - . 83'A ho 54 do preferred 111214 !H12mill2 102 Bt. Jxwls A 8. W.', com 24(4 24 ! 14 31 M 82'4 SN 6fV4 137 9d 12 HIT . H loTVt HI 5 16 38 40 m 61 9.1 - 1 40 00 nrcir rreo Texas ft Psi inc. . .T.T. .Tennessee Coal ft ' Iron. 3 . 8414 R4 SO - S4 84 D 6T Tpleuo. St. L. ft W.. c. do nreferred . . . . 67 i MS Vnioa Piilflc, com.... I274li;ii do nrefeired 9t HitV. 9 V. 8. . Leutber, corn. . 18 13 do Drvferred -' limVi 4H l'siVa S3 I 99, itm 101 40 . V. 8. Rubber mm.... 411 l"e) S3 tM 18V do prefi 1 red . .. : C. U. teel Co., com. do nreferred Wheel. Lake Erie, c in 38 40 edo sccosxL. oreferrad. . 38 H M do lirat jtfrf erred .. . AO -.4(1 Wiscoimln f .iitral. coml .VMl 3414 3S4 do preferred.. tlWI M k Al Vk w;. 1 Telnirat.h,..,.f ftl j MSr : ninr.- com: . ,r. ,v.i vt 1 spr d. pref erred... I 4V-i 4114 1 si Toial" Hslesf,iidVy. -lis. lot shares. Call money, 3 14 per cent. T0KOPAK MIXI STOCKS. 4: Man -rrafpe.' June 2I. 0fllcUlcWM warath mm KM IIU m. Bid. I .7 .14 .18 .16 .VoA .71 .Til Montana , Mblwsy .-l.fiSMTMoh liohawk ..... M Naniara' ;-.. .44 Ulxle Kendall ( oliirubla, t . Jumlio ....... Belmont l.lTVi North StlT .88 Rescue -. .( Hold Ml ' .18 Jim Rutler .... 2 :JumlN K. . . ., Hise Butte. P .V a. I 'III. g -Il8VH 4.! lold. Anchhr N4 Red Top , Jo Ray O Brie ., Ophlr Ton o. Rull Frog , tllamondflejd .', . llometiTfir., .08 7- .:u . ,2H . .as . .04 IhlldSeld r- .JI. 8. ml. tor m ..... ,n Ksndstorm Ex.. .18 lone Htar . '-J0 Cash Roy VIT BQST0 COPPER STOeKI. Boalon, June 20 -OfSctal copper" close Ana. Adventure ...$ 3.80 A Honrs. ..... 2d.ui Atlantic .... . U W Rlnghsm .... 2H.76 Calumet ft H. :I6.I0 Cslumet 'ft A. wi.oo Rid. Mohawk ..... 49.80 Old PomlDton. 24.T6 iwceola 81 l 4 Itioanlx . ..r.. 1 .' giilncy ...."..j '9A.00 Hoyal '2.0 Nhsnnna ..... T 12 H Tamarack 116. no -Trinity 6 38 Centennial ... 1H.00 Copper Range. Daly West ... Elm Oreena Copper (St. l) 3 mitt United Copper. 2. nii 23N74irtah 4:i8ii T H7V4,Wlnot.s .A..J 10.38 Msss ... Michigan v 13.6W Wolverine .... lUW.uO - cowtock Mnrucr tTOCKS. -.- : 5n Pranclaco, June 20. Official close, morn- Ing session: Bid.. 4 , .16 ' , 1. 4l , 8 2.1 , ,rtT , 1 n , .41 ' , .10 S a 1 Bid. BlllllOB . ,.-i-v Reb-her Coo. Cal.-Vs. Ophlr , KrvsgB .......1.41 PolnsK.w .13 rnlon Cob .42 Yellow Jscket.. " .22 Evche-iner ..... .-811- Meslrsn .... Con. Mercnr licorploa i., , , Hsle ft Nnrcrqns 1 18- Aadea l r 1 r r W.' TOBK COPrtI MARKET. . . New Tnrk. June 38; cuff e; futures closed gncbsnged to points lower. ' Todsy'g of6-lal ioffee- market r Rid. Ask.p ..S-Rld. ' Aak. Jsnnsrv tehmary fisrrh , prll Ms .':. o 6 a no Inlv . . . . d.88 8.8 , 6 !o 98i Augnat 8 4 48 T in T.os 8-ptirnher d 88 d oe i T iar-t lH'Octoher .... 6 8 6 74 T V 7. in siovemner w 10 vis luae MARKET 11 111 I1M 114 114U.I1 M(k, . 7Vi. K7SI BT J-ST AV f tnTtl H lri2llB2a16Hs 181 . savkl an kb 7k.ll. 7UL.TTl.hl aTla 4-301 2osriU i'a .17Tim 17Hfcll7tH .J3"T - lT I 204 306 . 1W 1ft 1HI4 1NH . 6.1 MS 63 H . 44 43 44 44 .' il 37 37sf3T , 8T 8714 .IT . 87 , M 604 80 69 , 110 flVO IfMVi 17 . , S.H5 3Ki ' alStl JIWI , J" m 3SI4 3s w HI T I K1 BOS li4 44Vir f en's win) ml I I 1S Hl hi I Htiji 1RHU. IIIMll. IMS. IttUk ...... 33 . 40, December ... .W .s Hops Are Looking . Better Than Last ,Yea!V Says Frank' Johnson, Who Made a Personal Examination for The. Journal. A ALL SECTIONS ARE HOW BUYING WHEAT at.W Northwest and Southwest Are " . Taking ln,AII, Offerings at Prices Now Ruling. , CHICACQ OPTIONS SHOW , A GOOD CAIN FOR DAY Sfptember, July and. December Each Advance One Cent " Russian Troubles help. TUtSRStMr WHEAT MARKET. . . 1 open - ..CI Close i-Asln Wed. . Todsy .11.11 jtll . ToUsy Todsy 4uly,..,.,u..y .not, , ' . . 93(4 ncpt J! ..:...,., . W(4A -.8T . .01 a .88 M i-rtirnlshed by Overbeck. Rtarr ft Cooke - thlcego. Itue 29-Logsn A Br. en say: In ln.t Ihe ArgentlneHblpments are" eetl- msrro at ZkiMuai busbeler I'rh-s- Current "i" " n-aguig crops as naving msintsined pretlous liidbatb.ii.. MlunesiMilla reporta a fair earn demand. Kansas City cash msrkrt la strong. MlnneaiNills reporta the westber ss clesr and fine Home cotnplalnte are coming from l.lncolu, Nebraska. - about harvesting be ing dels red on account of rains. The fields ara generally affected with red -rnst Our market took on an easier forllng right at Ihe stsrt and. fur .me time thereafter ruled extremely nervons. l'he hnproved weslher through the northwest and prospects of Its continuance Invited profit faking by tha local talent and some catching f stop orders, but It waa evident that. , the., actum of the market cStiaed wheat to gn Into otroi.g hands. Hbiwt sellers were frsnlse bier. of what they eold earlier in Ihe session. Many tilings contributed lo the very nk,nd - ' Ooesas might develop mn .asoroeining - sisrining. That lne domestic rash attaetJcnj ta most drgent M evident from the .prices obtained for csah wheat In Kansas City and St I-ouls, where wheat In .tore la brlrglng abarply higher premiuma than July option, lain fact, combined with tbe almost certainty uf damage In tbe northwest snd s small Held throughout tbe country, makea the situation seem s vety strong- ptiaMfetttJLpdeed. Ths "funs Is, however, a strong one. . ;- . Cora Crop Favorable. v t : In corn the Argentine ahtomenta sT eatl. fmsted st . Iwshels. Price lirren( reports the corn growth sdvsnrlng favorably. Ths pronounced, strength In tb wheat market moat assuredly saved corn from a sharp set back today. -Thsr sentiment waanervoue and sobbKCt to rather qnlrk. sbsrp, changea. r He eelpte ars liberal, and the rash demand, while strong, scarcely takes cars of recelpta, . ' Dullaeea ia Oats; . v, - Price- Current reports the Isrgs crop ef sale progressing well. Considering the errs tic course of greln, the oa ts market showed tbst there wss no brisk demsnd. - Mnen-will depend -aw the weather for Immediate future. With fame sble conditions, pre. ailing wufahsll undoubtedly ysla a lvrgs crop of osla,-4 - - . Hog pilcea at ths ysrris Telng- lower, owing to somewhat lsrger receipts, . contributed. much to the esaler feeling In irovlalons which pre vailed In thla market. The action of the mar ket wiuld Indicate that packers had withdrawn their support, at lesat for ths day a aessloa. j Today a official markets: . " wheat. : Open. High. .90S I .42', .T(J .W4 .88 .8s - CORN. -.684 .88 .64.'.r'4. .61 .81 V - , OATS. .MH .' .:mi I wis. rinse. .1 .92 .8J..-i-ajn4A MS .M ::K','.;S Jolv....'. Rept..... Dec...... Old Joly. Old "4U Old IJc.. Jnlr...',: .DO' . . ;i .8ii r2A rVpt .8V lxc ...83 JTU .m.tfc, . .3J44A .32S .Sl .31(4 A -ME88 PORK. ' July.,... 11.TT-- - 12.80 1288 " 12.87 Rept 18.06'. 18.10 12.97 1.1.00 Oct...... 18.10 1.1.16 18.00 18.02 . LARD. JnlT.i.., T 24 ' , MM -,T.!I T 27 A Kept T.48 6 T8B -T46 ' T.48 Oct. JUB t T.60 T.62 i "SHORT RIBS. July.,.-. 7.81 .1,82--.. 7.TR"T.T!I 8ept...T.'T 9T AW I T f3 . T 92 1 Oct. 8J8fc. 7 97 T.9 PRIMART, iinPMIRTiaJUlD CtKAR.AKCEf. (.nicago, 4una .zw. rnmary receipts: " -" , a jrnr ai 4h Buah. . " ' Bush. X -i. . S!).000 214 004 t , V . 1 Wheat ...... Corn ' RhlpmettaiL :'. , 887,000 ' '287,004 Whrnl.-J,; IM0OO 181.008 Corn .................... r.. 704.000 80.1. oou learsncea: -Wheat.. I-nno bnabals: flour, IO.000 barrelsf Vcorn, 13,000 bn.bela; oats, JtO.OoO bushejls. t ' . . .- -r- IAK PRARC16C0 61 AIM MARKET. - dsn Francisco, June 29. OfflHsl morning eessiou; v- . WHEAT. Open.-, .High., , Low. I Close. December.. . .Il.:4. (1.40x4 $L.TH $1.40(4 BARLEY. t December. .... ' .88 . - -.884 .S8I4 v ' i' 1- CHICA00 ORAiy CAR LOTS. .' Chicago. June 20 Uraln. rar lots:' '- Csrs Grade E.t. 1!WVA Om-r, .! 14 48- . 28.1 Oata ....10T 2 loo " i Wheat cars today; Minneapolis 141. Duhiih 23. i ' t iiTtityo.. oRAiir market. ' pJtTej-nool. Jibe SB.W'loas: Wheat. Jnlr. da luud.. d np: Rpptember. 6s 104d, 4d ap; Ilecemher. As Vd4 d up. Corn Drpteaber, 4s 9a, unchanged. IIOGS-ARE.IIIGIIER :; . IN LOCAL YARDS Demand, Jrl' Excess of Supply , .Says Secretary Plummet ;jg of the Stockyards. .1. Pnrtlahd Cnlon Blnrkyarda, June 20. Ijta- stock feoe,lpls: , ' , i- ns Cattle Bhon Toda T6 Week sri. i 14.V list,.,. 684 lrejlous week.. r -2.1 tr, aw Mtait- kgrta.. 2aT . (47 .The demsnd for nogs la fsr In excess of the supply snd Ihe result la tbst Vices fodsv sre E3c Blrh.r. with Ihe top st l,38. Rays Reeretnry I'lummer: "Here sre but few bogs remaining' nnx'ld isi tbe ststesnd tbe demsnd for block trade la good." Hheeg see firmer at top vslm-s Hprli'g Ismbe. abmil lot) in 178 ponndn. Sell at lbs top., fettle , ara dull and weak ." . j i rflclsl prices for lliratork. I lloea Best eastern virxcnn. 18.00416.28: bl-x V'rs -! CMna fata.- gj -H j J.75; stockers SUM "reeoera, ..iin. Csttle llest easier ' Oreeon steers. 83.80: light and medlnm steers,-8 28-best cows ami hHO-r, t2.8ii3.78; old and light Mhvs, 81.71 2 uo; ' stockers snd. feeders, II'Tti: bulla. HheepBest rsncy sneep. s.i i"Vil 20; . ewes, 2 781.(: eprlna lambs. 4f4Hs.rJ' I lvee Good veal. IMi w 3 pounds, 6c; rosrh STwt hoary, 3S4c, sae. . 4- -, - r "r EAJTIIlf H0M L0WEK. ' , : t , - .ii Chicago. JiinaT- 29 The hog market m 8e lower. - Prices: Mixed and -butchers, 8.B6i rough.-- tri.V'ilS.M; heavy, llgbl, .8nfR.Us- l attle Mteaay, ,. , -1. Kheep Strong. ' PORTtAKP BARK ITATIMEKT. rtearlfiss Balssces .,r... 4S.TTl.aS ';!' Hew Yerk Cash Coffee. , Kear Ver8.Juee 2. t a.k nmrfss: He. t Rio, T(i Ne. H Santos. t. TAMOUS WOMEN MEET ' (Continued From Pa ga Ona ) and ths afternoon closed with an ad drtvis by Rev, 8. 8. Win. D. P.. of this city. "'- Whlla tha executive committer pt the National Surfrage aaaoclatlon la bugy holding 'meetings and preparing tha aehedule o( the work for the next year the other delegateg art making the beat of their time aeelng the city, visiting the fair, preparing their papera for tha con vention and making new acquafntanoea. And not a amall part of their time la taken up In. telling anecdotee of their "Aunt Susan," aa Miaa" Antljpnjr ta re ferred to, ! & , ' Every, state offers recommendations for the plan of work to fce puraued by tha aaaoclatlon and theaa are edited by the corresponding eecretary..Mlas Kate M. Gordon, and approved or rejected by the committee. It takes .no little time to aelect from - these dliggeattonra . what la moat valuable, and the executive oom mlttee was In aeaalon last night till midnight, and met again early thla morn- Ving 19 complete the work. It waa an nounced that two oinoera, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, vlca-preetdenr at large, and Dr. Cora Smith Baton, auditor, will not run for reelection. . The new 6'ffloera will be elected tjae day before the clos ing aeaalon. Dr. Anna H. Shaw will In all probability be made president again, though aome changea are likely to be made -In several of tha other offices.. ' ' ' Bkorisa of Anas turn, ' ' While the members of tha oomailttee were preparing the work for the neat year many of their admirers" were gath ered together In Dr. Shaw -f rooma dla cusslng 'them-In, general and, "Aunt Su san" In particulars .Some excellent pho tographs (if Miss Anthony stare.. 'shown, and It wa. told that aha 'always aa.ya with pride thnt out or the doaena of pic ture ah taff .had taken . the beat two were taken by'omen photographera. "You should See Aunt Susan' In her home If you really ewanv o understand her,"irald on'"whe had jupent fnany days by 'the hoapltsble little fireside In Rochester, "Her public Jlte ig--so well known that 'mny .aJrWeiPc-etop to- think she -has m prlvai one which la even more beautiful. She and hef alstrjAunt MarT1ieep Thoua..pgether, and they are never so happy, aa' when their1 are cooking and market.lpg. - Th dearest! pIcAiire I have In my mind of 'Aunt Su aan, la when she la enveloped from head to foot In a large white apron making something good to eat, and sh can cer tainly do It. Mary, doea pior of -the housework, and Susan tfoes- almost' all the marketing, And nobody, ever-did more beautiful old - faahloned darning than Suaan. Her horn la always) full of vlwTlor and she would rather enter tain than do anything else. An extra place la alwaya set 'at their table in case any one should come In. - ' -ia.lno - '' to" doajiow- h T"hye been told," aald another, "that Mtna Anthony has two personalities, and that-aiie. day ah will walk. down the-f street with head , up and shemiders squared, a "deflsnt air of 'battle permetr atlng herwhsUtr system; snd the next day she will look-Ilk a dear, peaceful old grandmother as she goss to marks' with her llttlrold market basket." 1 "Thata-was probably - when ahe waT seeking for the- opening of Rocheater university for girls. ' The trustaaa- Bald that If a certain amount. of-tnoney were raised they, would admit girls. When the day came Miss Anthony had sTI out a few thousand, and that was' promised". She took the results of her work to the I SeuatAAa- a m1 .K- .uI.hI I . ..a.alfla. JJielr promise, refused to admit girls unrl ions mis riau mil inn. money in nana. , t " It Is all promised,' . shs sakf, tut. they would not relent. . - U '"Well. ' gentlemen.' perhab then in will take my personal check for the re malning amount,' and sh srrstghtway signed jBway all hsr saving of asveral years, and girls wer admitted that year. Now ths Busa4 B. and Mary 8. Anthony scholarships ar two of ths bsst olTered by that institution. ..And the -girls at that college adore 'Aunt Susan.' and every year oft February It a committee ot their- body-waif on her wlttr flowers ana congratulations ror ner Dirtnaay." y Vortlaai KesemHes Heidelberg. , Whfniia Berlin last year Miss An thony was shown . special honors by the permsns. Th reporters for whose presence shs fought In the Interna tional council when every -one waa .n favor of turning them out- gave her the credit of the final vlctogy and an nounced through tbelr papera that she waa their "Aunt Suaan," too. The girl beirged to kls her hand, but., ah on- joctea to tne servility or n ana lei mom kins her forehead. At lleSdelberg, where she went wjth a large party, ahe waa singled out gt the noblemen's club and aaked to sign Jier nam, on the register where - only-- nohlllty ar en tered. "Portland makes me think of Ileldel berg." said Mlsa Anthony. "It looks like Heidelberg, and I have very tender memories for that place. kw .' There la a dlaposltlon among the dele gnteg to disagree about thfcr suffrage flng, which resembles the national flag with but five stars. These ar In yel low, the color of the association taken from the brilliant sunflowsr. Many wsnt it changed to whits, that as stars are added It may grow into the natlonhl flag. Thla , may b considered at this convention. Valine Gavel fo Prealdaat. Curator -George H. HimeS'of ths Ore gon Historical society presented a gavel of unique pattern, and great.. historical interest to ths National Woman' Suf frage conventlon.jjhl afternoon. There are six varieties of wood In th gavsl and tch has a historical significance. - It contains a piece of wood from Van couver. WavMngtoti, i taksn from the flrnt appl tree ever planted In Oregon territory. It la Bald th tree waa planted In 1826. .There .1 also a plec of red rednr tnlten from a New Jersey battle- .field In the revolutionary war; two piece, of .Oregon grape, first mads known to the'tlvlllsed world through the explorations of Iswls and Clark; and later, adopted a a the state flower, and wood from th. rnlllppln lalanda brought "home byf th Second Oreron t-ef lment of volunteers In Hit. ' The handle I from a aervice . berry vine grown on the farm of a man who cam to Orvgon from Iowa In 1I4J. Ths gavel will be used throughout the potable gathering of women In thir . Wine are lynched J .- - ' . (Continued 'from Pag One.) . ly protested their Innocence. . Rope wer fastened around their necks and th prlsnpsrs wer literally dragged acroa' the-' courts yard to the publlo fiuare where they wer ewung to tree and their bodies riddled with bullets. eTh bod lea were cut down by th coroner later. Although th lynching eeVmed to nave bean committed by a crowd of elllaen whor gathered quickly grid silently, the whole town and aur roundlng country appeared to b aware ffs ss asga -H ! Jf J.erfnl rat. It I a1 fearful fat to hav to enaur torture of Plls "I ean tnit hfiHly ssy." wrltss Hry ruen. or .M-rliia aa . "that -fnr-Mllnd. Bleed- Ins, itching and Protfudlng Piles, Buck en s Arnlrs Palv ts th best. ur made" -Alan best for Cuts, burn and Injuries, :e st Red Cros Pharmacy, gum and OalCtrt W. H. Marken 2 Co. 121-123 GRAND AVENUE FIRE With Boys' Suits and : Ghildrdn's SH6es FRIDAY, SATURD'AY.nndi MONDAY A good liberal supply of best Firecrackers FREE with every . Boy's Suit or Pair of Children's Shoes, afld do not forget , we sell the best shoes and suits obtainable for the money. Free Swimming Baths . ... Qpen . t I . t. T5 a. -la! TVa.1.' f.a T-...a. . M. 4 ai. U - A.- vy f? nave osuiHig iiuuu iui, Study the Map 4- . ... - - , ' ' Thirteen states and territories of the Middle r Westare traversed byock Island lines. There are more cities of K.ado nooulation and UDWirda on the Rock Island WttUrn roail From Minnesota to Texas from the Rocky Mountains-to the Graat Lakes, it Is Rock' Inland country. " The Rock Island System' occupies 'a strategic position in .the western - railway, world.""' r - - . '- Going somewhere? Get a Rock Island 'folder and study the-'map---tento one your destination is on the Rock Island or reached by way of it. Note our several offices maintained in the Northwest: r--'-rr ; r-'---Portland, Seattle, Spokane, : v Lr vButte and Salt Lake City. The Rock Inland, is reaching out -for busi- ness and solicits . Dn. Gunirs B100D 1 HERVE TONIC 8 HJIW to TU8 at iii&tan Artist a the Bl4 iM Hsrvsr It raaaSsea 0 less Irsea Disease, Ovsrwsrk sr OisslsaUen. re ' n4 ttrtrnttthi set af, j tmmnt Wtmkntu fnm Ami Canes, re Create Asrva ftm, Ttimitrm (As afesMrs. It ttotDlut tpW. It Slot Htattti tlttm. Ts ttom RlHtlnf Im tan. TtHtttltvtrAetlm. Tt Owre KUntm Olttmtt. Ts 'eavses Llatr tpeta. fe se Skin Oear. . 7s Care Dytptptlt. Illlmtnttt soe Ctnttimtitm. SOLS BY DRUGGISTS, OR SV MAIL ON RCCCIPT , OF PRICE, 71. A BOX; S BOXES It. oa. sotAirKO oo. raiLAoaumiA. va. that It waa to occur far a large crowd. of sightseers gathered near the seen af the crime. Beveral member of. the mob are aald to ba ex-county official and other prominent in politic la thel ", demonstrate to yourvntlr sstls . . , -- I fsctlon thst we can cur you aafely. tat. " 1 Xxouslng ta Butchery. J "Thl Is a sever wsy of dealing out Justice,"- aald a cltlsn thla ' morning, "but something of thl sort must bs done In order to row th lawless classes Into respecting cltlsens or else to frighten them from thl aectlon.'V It is expected thst the -lynching wilt, stir Georgia aa It has not beenattrred for many months, owing o th num ber hanged and also to he fact that th negro tang of cutthroat had a whit man for leader. Th state officials hav been notified, but a th excitersit I cooling down and no further roum J expected. It I thought that no'tep will ba taken to arrest ths lyncher,, . HEAVY-RAINS RETARD PROGRESS OF CROPS C ' --(Spsetal IHeaatrh to The Josroal.) . : Pendleton, Or.. June . Reports from Weaton tat that th heavy ralna of th last week have retarded -progress tn 1 haymaking and that soms damag was don to hay which wa already cut. Bar ley and heajy. fall wheat, were also lodged Ty th-Tsln. It la stated, but the Inns will not ' amount to vety much. Wheat prospect-In that vicinity are good and It la thought th crop this year will be aa large If not larger than last year' yield. . i " . ROGUE RIVER BAPTIST Z;J ' ASSOCIATION MEETING . ' 1 Specie 1 Dlspatck to The Jsaraal.) ' Merhn, Or., June 2J. - The Rogue River Baptist aasoclatlon opened It twenty-lghth annual session her yea terdayand will oloa thl -evening Among those In attendance ar Jams Edmund ef Portland, secretary of. th American ' Baptist Publication aoclety; Rev. I. W. Riley or McMlnnvrtie, state gensrsl mlasloMsryt Miss C O. 81111 spaugh -of Portland, Stat secretary of th Woman' Missionary aoclety. nd th locsl ministers and ley me of thl section, , j OVERBECK,' STARR & COOKE CO. . "' ( Member Chicago Board ef Trade. '. CBAIB, FBOTZSIOBI, COTTOV, STOCKS ABB BOBBS, 1 lX'Ihlrd 8trt. McKay Building. Portland. Or. J" , " - w to t btblictiiT oomaaaxow btjcttt-t. Coatlnuou Marlteta y Frtvt Wlra TUton, banker, aad United State n , CRACKERS ouyj xv. -t-jivi System than on" any pother t yours. - a.' h. Mcdonald, ' 1 OcneTal Agent, Rock Island Bystsm, - -140 Third $ttMt, Portland, pr .-.r--.i.-a- " ooasiuoxA, oust, atlPMiua. arrsBOOsx, vakxoooxxa, x.oaa or MAHOOD, BXSinUTIRK, IOSBMA, aitiiu and axxv siBXAaza. w want, every man afflicted with the above diseases to honestly Investigate -our special system of treatment We in-' " vlte in particular all who have, treated . elsewhere' without success, air whoss cases hav been abandoned by family i-phv8lclanandao-called'XCialV -ISTB," all whoa troqbles bavs -ten r aggravated and made worse-by the ua J, of BXX.TB, Till BAKPI.XS, TmlAI. ' TXXATXXVTS anaao-called BVXCXT. ICS. We will explain to you why uch treatment has failed to loirs you.. and quickly am ii. permanently. Our counsel . will' cot-otMnf.,and we TiLI do by you as we would wish you 'to do by us If our esses were reversed. .Writ's for our horn -treatment If jrou cannot call. The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Boom S and T Wlaohestsr Son, Sd aaS Barasld trseta, rortlMd, Or. Xstsbllsbsd 1S7C O. GEE . WO ; The Qrat Chines Doctor is called great be . esuse his wonderful cures ar so well known throughout th United States, and because so many people sre thankful -to him for savins thslr live from , OPERATIONS , U treat any and --.all diseases with Msrsrfalr C h I 8 t It Xm t nvb roota, badat barka and vegetable! .ua that are entlrelr urt- - ki 351. known to medleal science In thla eounr try, and through th use ef these harm. leas remedies. This fsmous doctor know the action of over (00 different remedl-s that hs has successfully used In different dtaesses. Hs gusrantse to sure estarrh, , asthma, lung troublss. rhsumstlsm. ner vsusnees, stomsch. llvsr. kidney, fa- . male trouble and all privet diseases. Hundred of testimonials. Charge t moderate. Cr and a-a htm. OOBBUXTATIOK FkXB, Tstlents out of ths city writ fo blsnk and elrcular. Inclose atama. Ad dress - t.. . , THE C. OEE WO CHINESE -MEDICINE CO. . ttl Alder street Portland, Or. Stale, way ef 11 H Aider street tead ta l Sc. Mention thla paper. . powina, Borkjxa oo, , (Kiabtiah4 MV t WBBAT ABB 8T0CB BB0XKXS. Boons 4. arooAd Tloor, CBAMBXB OT OPHtXB43B. Quick Bervle. Rr Is'attouai rr.i i . . 0 ,- t Ty-