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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
THE OiGOf. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINQ. JUNE Si 1S0S. ' 10 i u; iwionc ANGER THE FANS bleachers Sdalo the Fence and : . Charge Upon Bull , Perrine.' PORTLAND PLAYERS ;..- r- SAVE THE OFFICIAL txciting Minutes Characterized Yesterday's Match Between Portland and Tacoma. Tumt, T: Portland. J. Batteries Fitsgersld and Hogan, French. Easlck "and McLean. . - There waaeuffleCent snort or tb 'sordid fan at !' ""tiimt uS. been know. for about .3 hour, that Um pire JfBulT Perrine. adopted child -Harry," "Bertla" and "Goodie," had reached that stage of Incompetency and UtoSi which always. Dire to aa "afternoon" with tha fan. nd whlU tha "soiree" waa poitponed on Tuesday, the recaption waa carried out yesterday during the alxth inning. About 160 men and the umpire wer Present, &he eta was given In Mr. "B rlne'a dishonor, for not allowing Law . cnki.fl .va first, after ha naa teca punctured In hie back with one of- fr'itsgerald vicious msuuuw. road from the bleacher fence to mia dlamand ha, fens recalled the many -bulla" inade.on Tueaday by the "lnd cator" handler, and thus fortified with tha courage of the historical Spartan, Infused with the spirit of fair play and fully determined to ahow Mr. Perrine the error of hU ways. the crowd warmed upon mld-dlampnd and -r sur rounded that crlap and abbreviated ofU clal. Fearing leat Mr." Perrlne's blood would scarlet the Held, Schlafly. Jones, McLean. Uouaeholder and Kunkle formed a a body guard for the frightened offl cial and managed to keep the crowd from - clawing hla "Worcestershire's" iwhlakera. After an- "citing delay the xnhanil It wu a rlahteouB ens -re- treated to the bleachera, not before lne: Mr. Perrine that his next devla - " tlon from falrness,:would bs the. Imme diate jcause for the crowd to-charge upon Mm and bury hU frail form In a 1 - -small grave made by McLeans rignt foot 'near the third-base line. k. - Perrlne's decisions wers so rank that It. was Impossible, for Esslck to get a strike oA a Tacoma man, and when he put the ball-over the plate the visitors Invariably landed on It aafely. The. crowd waa led In Their maroh by a man wlth a -glnky" leg, and this fellow got past all of the Portland players, nut Mc Jan, and jhen, tie ran Into the Port-J- land catcher ha came to nalt, and after' getting Jollied along foifej few minutes by Ve" bWdegroom lh leader began to back up. it took fully 15 mlnutea for the'PortlandU team to force the' crowd ' J- back to their seats. It la needleaa to .'-say that Mr. Perrine was "thoroughly 'frightened. . . - ' ' . ' The gams Itself -was jather loosely played and after'Tacoma.mada Ave runs In the, fourth Inning complete Interest Was lost Esslck struck out seven Tigers, :'; Details of Oame. , ' . ' Ths first run" cams In the second ln nlnav when.. Kddie-Householder landed r - one 4n deep' center Jot two sacks. Mc4 , Iean dumped a neat sacrifice, advancing i;dlle to third, from .whence he. scored on 4 fielder's ''choice. ' " " Tacoma evened matters up In thelt half of the fourth, when a paaa to Doyle an error, a fielder's choice and a aafa hit hsr Eagan allowed Doyle to register """ """After thls"TnnIng Win French" was sent to the stable and Will. Esslck called out ' on the hllL Esslck started ths fourth with bad luckr for Casey's bunt was Just out of his reach and- went n record as a hit. Hogan. sacrificed., and Fltxgerald , fanned, making 'two down. Then Doyle hit a stow one down Jo Ats, and was safe at first, Casey going to "third. ', Tommy SheehM' laced a pretty hit to ' . IttL scoring; asey. Lew Nordyke was struck out, according to the Portland batter and a large number of the spec tators thought- likewise, but Psrrlr.t, thought .otherwise, -iind vfiordyke hit the next ball for two bases, scoring both loyls and -Sheehan, although the latter was plainly out at ttKypla Truck was 'also fanned,- but; . Perrlne's defectlv vision again failed-to give the loca! - their due and Truck also walloped one "for two sack jTsiforlng Nordyke. Oeorge .McLaughlin also bandied Eaalck' cruelly by landing for ths fjiird. double In suc . cession, and Eagan got into the rim col umn. Mike Lynch ended tha Inning with a-chancs to Esslck. j Perrine brought ths bleachera on the " ; Ta4t Idea of .How tht OUnt Indian, John Middle Sky, Would Look jt, . Hih.vHs Has Been a Policeman in Vums, Arisona, for fleld In the alxth by refusing- to allow Schlafly hla bene on being hit by pitched bail, although in this Instance Perrine waa right, but th crowd could not aee It that way. and threatenea t wipe tha Incompetent official off the map. Doyle led off la the eighth with a kit to venter. Sheehan dumped a eaartpce. Which waa incased by McLean, and Doyle cored oh Nordyke's sacrifice and - Wc Leuahlin's Infield hit. 4 With ona out in Portland's half. Mitchell, walked end Schlafly hit safe, both advancing on paaaed ball. House holder laced. Uner to- left, which waa captured by. McLaughlin, and Milcneii cored, McLaughlin throwing the bail toward second, where It eluded toe in fielders and rolled to the bleacher. At) cording to the ground rulea Schlafly was entitled to acore. ; but Perrine waa badly rattled he did not know whether he waa afoot or on horseback, and LTiar- llstlraham had to 'come from the bene and wave Schlafly home. , The official acore follows:, .' . PORTLAND. V - I AH. R. 11. FO. A. ST. Ats. as 4 U t 1 1- McCredle. rt.,,.,., I --41 Mitchell, lb. ........ S. 'I T. 70 pctuany. zo. ...,vt.-xt 1 l i.s Householder, cf. n,..'4' 111 0 McLean, c VS 0 1 19 1 Cat, If. ., .30 0 1 0 Kunkle, 36. ......:.. 0 0 12 French, p. .J,. .......... "1 , t t 0 1 Saslok, p. 3 .010.2 Tolals I.! " T .27 10 I " ""'"'TACOMA., ' ' . AaR.HTPO.All Doyle, rf. 4 3 3 2 0 0 Hheehan, 8b. ........ 4 Nordyke,' lb.r ...... f.-1 Kagan, ss ...... f McLaughlin, rf. .... A Lynch. If. 4 i i 2 1 12 0 4 1 ' A i I 0 I ? 1 0 0 0 Casey, 2b. 4 Hogan. e. , ..4 Fitsgerald, p.-,...... i Totals i . f... ....... 3 9 7 11 11 14 . fibQRH BT INNtNGS. . 1 I I I i 11 I I Tacoma 0 0 1 S 0-0 0 1 7 Hits , 0 I1IIM1 Portland . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 lilts , 9 I L. 0 0 0 o a 011 3 lilts 1110110. 10 7 ' ' SUMMARY." ' ., Struck out By French! 1 Nordvke): by Kssick, 7 (Fitxgerald 4. Hogan, Ka. gan. Lynch); by FltsKerald, 1 iKssirki. liases on balls Off French. 2 (Mc Laughlin, Doyle); oft slckj 1 Casey ; off .Fitzgerald. I .(Gates. - McCredle, Mitcneiu. rwo-Dase nits Housenoider, McLean. McLauchlln 2. Kaasn. Nor dyke. Left on buses Portland.-!; Ta coma, 2, 'Bacrlfics hits McLean. Hfgn.foeflilts Information about Root until coma, 11. First base on errors -.. I' Sheehan. Stolen bases Nordyke,. Me Laughlln,. nu by pitched ball Lynch. noti-Jassed balls Hogan. McLean. Innings TlpttPhed French, i: Esnlck, .. Baae hits Off French, I; off Esslck, -(. Runs cored by ' Opponents, at '-. Mme - Pitcher French was taken out. 1. Time of srame Two hours and 10 minutest ymplre PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. inar I 9 3 CLDgg. - coma 13 .010 .470 .1H1 ,4HI Has Francises . .... 12 10 fortund Um Ansslee ...... pasiana Seattle . Leat eases Je 0 iOtO 11 I -I- 80:4'8T141!414!'238 ." Seattle Takes tlfs... ' V ' Cfournal Special Brrrlee.) Seattle. Wash.. June t$. i Blanken ahlp's timely batting and Miller's good pitching won forSeattle yesterday. Ttrj game was full of brlUlarit plays. . Ths score: ' . . ' ' ." : ' R. H. E. Seattle-. :..-;! I DIMO'-l 0,0 Oakland . ......lOOOOOMO-17 Batteries Miller and Blankenshly; Graham and Stanley. Umpire Bray. Dorfy 'ora'y ImUi. -j (Journal, gpectsl SerTleal) " Bap Francisco, June 29. Oray's wlld ness cost the Angels yesterday's ron test with ths 6kls. In the fourth Gray retired In favirtof Toser. Score: ' . " ' " R. H. E. Los Angeles ...0 1009000 1 2 0 0 San Francisco ..00020000 l- 4-2 Batteries Mitt and Wilson; Gray, Toser and Spies. . ymplre Davis. ' ' In tts Bl Leagues. , . At present there"ts more"hlttlrtg la the National than American league. In the former. thre are It players batting .300 or better,' while in the latter but nine. Seymour leads the Nationals with ,364 average and Wagner is .second with- .14. Thomas Is. third with .334. McFarland la the atar bataman of the American VHJplth .310 average,. Shrock Second ..with.. "'t azi ana K.eeinr in rn w in .in. . ujn . 'who' was slow starting this year,- has Anally crawleH into .300 jocletyiliavlng an average of .302. Westerners who are hitting well are: Donlln, .832- Chance. .819! Lumley. .280; i. Courtney, ..277; Mertes. .30; Zearfoaa, .2; BeVkley, f.2Si Clancy..J2S&: ITnglatrb. .304; Chase, anq rasa. .tpv. . . .: " RCOT-IIART- BOUT ON THE BOARDS H2no Will Ehtertatn Sports From Far and Near Next Week. I - a BOTH FIGHTERS ARE IN GOOD. CONDITION Kid , Egan : Writes That Every- .thing Is in. Order for, the ;t "- Ftnlsh Contei . (Jauraal Boedal Serrlee.l San Francisco. June 2. All roads will lend to Reno until July 8. when Marvin Hart and Jack Root will meet In afln ished contest, which will be the first one Since Jim Corbett and Bob Fltsslmmons fought at Carson, March, 17. ibt. 'Kid" Egan, wbo Is promojipg this ai- falr , is slvlns It plenty of good newe- advertisina. which generally draws the crowd. . Kgan is supply ms uw,.n- vada papers with copy. whJcn. is reaay for ths printers' hands, and he Is send ing some to California papers, which Is twin used freely. He is expecting soma attendance- from this '"section, and II everybody goes to Reno who haa said na would it -will take several care to carry the sports from San Francisco alone. Jim Jeffries has accepted cgan terms to referee the fight, so the dis patches state, and he left for the battle field today. Jeff will be a card In him selt Hevnaa never had any axperlsnce aa a referee.-but that cuts no figure with tha fans, aa thev want to see what the big fellow looks like. In case Jeff should noi come nn'iuii. ... on hand to officiate. " '. t ' ' , ' ' Egan says laa letter to a rriena.: "The arena Is now complete and they are now numbering the seats. , We have blen to a great disadvantage, owing to Root's stubbornness In arriving on the -rounds. Houseman has kept silent. owing to being sick, and I could get no yesterday, when 1 received a letter stating'-he was taking advantage of a train ing companion ia Mlke-ScnreclC but Will positively arrive here one-week prior to the fight. ' and put on ths finishing touches. I have heard Indirectly" con cerning his training, and believe him to be In first class shape. ,Whlla Jeff was In - Chtcaao .recently . stated to Mo- Cormlck that If arrangements were made for this fight bs would corns here and set ee official ' timekeeper. . The Idea Struck me that he might be. Induced to referee, a ad accordingly I took up nego tiations. I received word that be would come under'salary. and Immediately sub- mltteeMhe proposition to the CluD. xney pasaed favorably upon ths project, and. I wired Jeff that his proposition wag ac cepted. I have Jiot . fieard since. u,t I believe Jeff will accept and officials, as referee. - -,. jv; : In. early correspondence wltSTHouse- man, h suggested Jeff snd: agreed to him. and McCormlck, f or Jiart, hss like wise a K I rni. . Jeff has. atated he would eome, ma t-w have- agreed to his demana. . I dortX think he will throw us down. ''Hart continues to work nara and is In nlce shape. . Ladies' V-dsy at ths Wheelmen's club yesterday, where he is beef people in town. "Now 1- am being asked by hundreds If ladles will be per mitted to see the fight. ' This matter has not been seriouslydiscussed: but per sonally I am opposed to it. -Well, sir, I i avs certainly naa my trouoies ners. nut things ars looking more bright . now, as 1 have, heard very encouraging reports from Tonopah, Qoldfleld, -Virginia-City-and' many neighboring towns." One hundrexLand fifty thousand feet of lumber Is being tised In the csnstractien of the arenas-The amphitheatre . will teat between (.000 and 0,500 people and every onfc attending will have a clear, unobstructed view of the fighters In -action. The1 fliiht will- font off at o'clock rin ths afternoon. The seats will range In price from 32 to 110. the latter prlceto b chrgeLorJthebest-box feats at the ringside. ... GRANTS PASS GUN, CLUB TO .HOLD TOURNAMENT - :. , 1--'. , (Special Qlspatch te IJie JoarnaL) 4J rants Pass, Or., ;nne 29. -Ths Granta Pass Gun club will hold a too r-J nament -at Its grounds. In ths Tuffs grove July'JaA 5. - TtreTl shooting will begin at 10 ti. Jjj, snd -p. m. of each day. on a range of 45 yards with shot guns, clay pigeons, and under -national association rules.. A purse of and prises amounting to 3200 ' will be con In tho Rlnsj Whh Jeff, John JVlfns 4S0 Pounds and Stands Seveo VtH Several Years and Has Picked Up Soma Knowledges of Boalna ' -. ." tested for.' A Urge delegation of local hots from Roseburg, Med ford. Jack sonville, Ashland and Gold H1U 'Will bs present and some are expected rrora Portland. -The club has fine grounds leased. n which they recently erected a clubhouss It by. 10 feet. Ths range for shooting Is perfect, with good light and background. . " AMERICAN YACHTS AT -: ANNUAL KIEL REGATJA : . v i Joaraal Sseclsl Berries. Kiel, June ?9v-Never before nas there been gathered so many American yachts in German waters as are. assembled for ths annual regatta began jooay. vai-iv all n the Americas yachts that took part In tha reoent race across ths Atlantic for ths emperor's cup are here and In addition there ara me ona eiar, belonging 9 Cornelius Vanderbllt, and a number Of otnerev mm. iwmti XOoelefs yacht Nahma la .here, r wltn Charlemagne Tower, ths American am' haaaador. and Mra. TOWCT as guesta . vEmMror William slnos bla" arrival hara has nald marked attention to Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius vennarDiii ana aisu to other . notable Americana" At ths closs of ths regatta the emperor Is to give a banquet aboard ths imperial vteht to which a nuAber of Americans havs tHttvlnvffre - . - ' i . AMERICAN? LEAGUE. " -a- - Won. Lnst 30 20 ... -I1 ' ST ' 30 34 3 .3-5 ' .! - .607 ,.491 .460 .423 .393 Cleveland Philadelphia , leiron . ,-, Mtrt,.... Boston . . New Tork- Washlnaton . . ....... St. 1X)U1S ...i. ...... ,. 11 At Detroit. ... R. H. E. .4 7 1 .1 13-4 Detroit Cleveland Batteries Mullin and Drill; Rhoades and Buelow. -. . v At WashlBftoa. B. RE Wuhlnvtna . 13. t Phlladefphla ..., 1 Batteries Townaend and Klttredge; Waddell and Schreck. . . . , . , . , .' - ' A -Sostoa. ! ' ''. ;: ; Virml aama ' R. H. El New York . it.. .,...... . 9 2 Boston ...... .i . .' 3 Uatterles ChesDco. roweu, idling anq McGulre; DlneeTL and Crlgsrr; Second game-i - ... . R. H. K. New York, ...... ..I f 0 Boston . . . 1 3 0 Batteriea Chesbro and Mcuuire; win ter ahd McQovern. j,. .,, , . A3 CTaloafsw . ' Chicago . i ...... 3 0 3 St. Louis ............ -.2 4 3 Batteries Whits and Sullivan; Hqwcll and Weaver. .1 NATIONAL1 LEAGUE1 -"Won. Lost 1 -1 . pa .714 - .300 -' .900 .549. .540 .891 r.317 .?6 New Tork' ... Pittsburg . . 4. ........ 39 PhlladelDhla . . ....... 80 . 24 37 :u. 2 Chicago . ........... Cincinnati . . ......... fit Iiuls 85" c2' 39 41 25 19 17 Boston .-. ...... t. . . .. Brooklyn At FhUadslpaia. - ' ' -.H.--- - R. H.B. Una ton . . j ...... a ............. .4 3 4 Philadelphia . . 7 3 3 Batteriejr Wllhelra and Needham; Dnxgleby and Abbott. Umpire Jonn- ;! At .JDwa. st. Louis ..I 10 Pittsburg o Batterles-i-Tayloprand Warner: Rober--tsllls and Pelts, Umpires O'Dsy and Klem. ' . " . Klem. : ' y A3 Vrocklya. ? R. H. E. .'..9 13 2 now i i 1 m . Brooklyn- rwiHjii r ....b, ..... w mi Batterles-r-MoGInnlty and Bowerman:1 .49 8 Btricmettyano ttergen. er "...,. - 1 .. . .. -. - - - BasEBlag' at Bsbnar. t Uoarnal Special Service.) T ... I T.i.. OH Tk. St at Delmar ysterdajr'wers: ' Flve "furlongs -y Sarsaparilla - won. Catherine ;Ia second, Don -i Hamilton r thtrdtime. 1:04. MUe and ?0 yardsPassive won, Nst tingr second,. T. J. -Powell third; time. Six" furlongs-J.'B'. O'Neill :$p. Frank ell second, Lujrullus third; time, 1:17. . - f i. .Five1 snd a hlf furlongs, handicap Sonhy won. Chief Hayes second, Topsy Robinson third; time, luo 3-5 - Mils and-a sixteenth Extol won. Miss Betty second. Plautus third; vtlme, l:fl 8-3. ... v- ' Taohts in. Kaoe'7owa Ooastv i - (Journal Special Berries,) X . ' New Tork. June 29. With avvlew to fdevetloplng a type of yacht fitted for fast deep-sea cruising a fleet of crack yachts belonging to ths' Brooklyn Tacht club started today on a raue down the coast to Hampton roada Arriving at. thai roads ths yachts will take part In an tHuatlo carnival In whlcrf-the Washing ton, Chesapeake bay, ' LUtlmora . and Philadelphia Yacht xlubs will also par ticipate. - . ' . . - . 4 v OARSMEN DISCUSS i . ' YESTERDAY'S RACES PougtJteepele. N. y.. Juns tl-r-Ths fsols toplo of -discussion 'after yester day's races was ths "mlx-p" caused by the Judges whsn they awardes ths four oared race, to Cornell and. afterward changed' that deelsionV. giving tbe rac to Syracuse. ' 'i ' J" he chief Interest of ths day, however, centered In ' the eight-oared race, but Cornell men -easily demonstrated their superiority over the other contestant, finishing nearly IS lengths to ths -good, Syracuse coming second and Georgetown third .Georgetown's snowing was a sur prise to the experts: The official time of ths slght-osred race v v-'- 'Varsity elcbt-oared race, disUnce-four miles: official time Cornell first, tlms 20:29 3-1; -Syracuse second, ' twfie 21:47 2-i; Georgatowa third, rims 31:43; Columbia fourth, tlms 31:63 0-1; Penn sylvania fifth, tlms 3l:t9 4-1; Wiscon sin sUth, tlms J:0f ;;...-$. 'Among- the. Tennis aasU. ', ' t Joaraal Special Berries.) London, June 29, W. X. Lamed Is ths only American llt In the Interna tlonal tennis championship matches now being played at Wimbledon, learned defeated Parker,' while"1 his 4 brother Americana. Be als C. Wright and Clothier, were bestciTTy. A, W. Gora and D. F. Wilding. - Miss May Sutton ef Pasadena, Califor nia, easily defeated Miss N. Meyer by ths scores of 0, 0-0. Westara Oolf Tourney. ' (Joaraal Special arrl(. Cincinnati. June1 i9. The annual "opet championship tournament of ths West srii Golf assoolatlon opened auspiciously todsy on the links of the Cincinnati oolf club. As In previous drears, the tourna ment Is open to all, whether "amateur or professional, ana no matter whence they hail from. The entry Wet this year is large and of a htfclr class, two . facts which combine to give promise of an, unusually successful tournament. - ,-. at ,i , - Wandball "Tonnamint Starts. Dunns and Watklns defeated Levy and Stocktou In ths first aet .of tha Lewis and Clark handball tourna msnt - last evening.' Livingston and Barrell de feated. Marion and Conn In the second set. ' Moore and Holbrook . will, meet Jones and Dennis- tenight and Dunne and Watklns will contest with Llvtar- ston and Barren. . ' Brltt Signs tow BToXUraa. (Joaraal Special Sarrlc.). Ssn Tranelsco, Juns 29. Jimmy Brltt signed articles last evening to ' meet Kid Sulllvsn of Washington -in a 20 round bout in this city on July-",..- SHORT CHANGE MAN ;. GETS QUICK SENTENCE "(Spdal Dispatch to The JnaraaL) 'Eugene, Or., Juns 39. Edward Haines, who wss arrested hers Tuesday after, noon for "working" several merchants on the "short change" act, was sentenced to two years In ths penitentiary just 24 hours after hla arrest. -The grand Jury returned . an . indictment . against him Tuesday eveninsv eharglhg .him'' with larceny from a store. Wednesday after, peon ha appeared In :the circuit court, pleaded guilty snd was sentenced by Judge Harria. He was taken to Salem jSteray afternoon. .. Excursion Rate East. . . - On. June 18, 29 and 30 tha Canadian J?aclflo will sell roundrtni tickets to eastern points at vsry low ratea Tick ets will be good for stop-over privileges, with final limit of 90 days froraxdsts of sale, for descrlptlv matter and full particulars call on -or, address F. R. Johnson, F. and P. A. Canadian Pacific. 142 Third street. Portland. Or. r Go South , Go East ' Go West : -:.fC0, anywhere, ; go ev- V, . f ry where no matter .Vhere you go, you will rrot be able to find bet ' ter values in MEN'S, FURNISHINGS 'than., - here. " - ' -fvi ... ' i-"1- '; New Line 6f r-, SUMMER -VESTS " " Just Received rT' , $2.5CTto $350 - . t .' Now is the time to don Light' Wdght ;; J '"-r 'UNDERWEAR ' A. .We can :; sapply .you with just "what you - ; want. '"'.-... ; '- Robinson CS,' Co. Hotel Perkins .. IP T (Tares VaaaToaV. Stops Vattlae . elievee Xoaaa. , , . .. NEWDRO'S.-SRPICIPE- T "tb tmiOHJIAIi sssasdy tjha -WHS tha tJasArasT OesrW : , , . VfJTfeSisU VtU IftV tie . EarsUlaa A PUBLIC TOOTH BRUSH" ' L tad , eWsatolsi. sarsi "Tea tuae Is easaisg Vbu sa smnirllUMd SvbUe hair tqah will be as ' rare as a suha tnoth uab." Tke num is Oat olrty haa la sow kaowa to be a saotaslase dlaaaaa Oraahas spread easoraff. aad irae Oaaarsff In UortMLM. Mc. Sums, is lEtriCIBE CO., Itst. I. Sttrslt. Midi., for a tanisjt 4TWMw0v AT ww-qwtwwwt aWWWSl 9H. Yoti . stamps, - John Dear naln now. Phone Main aooo CONDOR POWER 'CO. TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS MSpecisl DUpatch to The Joaraal.) O rente Pasa. Or.. Juns Dr. C. R. Ray. manager for ths Condor Water A Power company, closed a- deal today for the lot fronting on O street, at ths cor. net of Serenth, the purchase pries being IM00. Ths small building now on the nrnnarta will at once be torn down and a two-story brick building, covering ths entrrs lot, srectedrA Ths front pan or the new building will be occupied by the Condor-eoropany f or- offices, .and the transformers wtll bs In ths 'rear. Ths tinner storv trill te used as a storeroom - The Condor company recenUy secured a contract from the AsHland Electrlo Light company to furnish them wlth power for lighting purposes, but tha city council of Ashland haa had an Injuno-. tlon served on the latter company an has also forbid tns Conaor oompany setting any poles In the city limits. At ths lsst election held In Ashland a vote was taken on the question of municipal ownership and only Bine votes were cast In tha newatlve. At ths sams time 330.000 worth of bonds were voted to buy out tha old company. GOOD ROADS MEN -MEET AT ROSEBURG (Special DtssatcB to Ths JeanaL) Roseburg. Cu. Juns 29. Today thsre U In session tier a good roads meeting which is being attenaea oy people irom over all the county, A large program has been prepared, mostly of which will be supplied by the government speakers and those of ths national association. This mornlna- ths time waa largely 1e voted to organising and welcoming the reasterners who represent ths scientific methods of building roads. An address by Charles &. Canfleld -of Cleveland, Ohio, on the "Cost of Road Construc tion" was given in the'forenoon. . . '"At the afternoon meeting Rar. 3. A, Townsend offered prayer.- lira. Adams sang, addresses wete made by -Martin Dodge, President A. L..Brlggs of the Drain State Normal school, William Bradburn. consulting engineer of Tie Na tional Good Roads association, and Colonel T. P. Rlxey of Mlaaourt, -r ' - - ' -i . ' " MRS.lSARAH J. INGLE - - 1 , EXPIRED AT OSWEGO , - - Z - - 1 '.(Speelsl Wipatdh ta Tke Toarnsl.) Oswego, Or., Juns 23. Mrs. 1 Barab. J. Ingle of Oswego died at her home! to this place yesterday momlng-She with her husband had been a resident of East Portland for many . years, and was sctlvely Identified with ths Third Pres byterian church from Its organisation. Sines 1393 shs had lived In Oswego, be ing a -member of ths Congregational church. The funers will bf at Oswegs on Friday at I 'lock... - - , ; -,' . . Trout foe Cpast PI WmWM I'"" W I saw BssasMrp jj. PORTLAND , (Spsrlal Dispatch ttt Ts JooraaL) -Albany. Or. June S3-A. B. -Wtber-ford yesterday received a messsgs ltyt the government fisheries department ear would pass through this city today and that young trout would be delivered for planting In Beavsr creek. In- ths Tsqutaa bay country. For aeveraf years ths government f Isherlea.,-' department has furnished young fWlf or this stresm, and ths lata Edwin 8 tone attended to receiving the young fry. , Now .Mr Weatherford.wlU take up ths work snd wIlK receive about- SO.OOO young trout to bs plsnted In Besver, treek near Real rocks, ! Lincoln county, The fish will bs sent -to tbs bay country this aftec no6n .i. ,'V.,-: r- .;;' V v . ' - ; .. A ' '. , WU! Im 19. that will, eosnsr lata, -esoss "taldneas, A writer Is Medical Bavtaw af Beviewa, ssys: "Sebael rkliaraa sbesld ssaw at it at dirty t aa aaotWr's kale kraak.'' lawbra's Harpleld raaaars sublls hair brush sarmUa br astrvtnc aa aaadruft . auorob. A S.UfhtnU ball areaaisg. Ulna waodarfnl rasnlts. . Can Decotne An Officer i "... . Army or wavy lf you are a perseyering, moral young., man, between the ages of 17. andr?5 : years, possessing a good common school education, and passing the flec-v essary physical examination. Further particulars for four cents in ibycaddressing, -; ,;::.J-:. iJLiW.': PreUJPS, liouisville. Ky., What Aaothe Portland Maa Bays Afeoat j. . Casey's Rheumatic Cure f ' Taa world's IVatsat Cure Tor mhenmatlsau ... H. -Casey-Medicine Co.. Spokane, WaahT - ' Sirs: I wss taken down about ths first . .j of May wiin innammaiory raumnnm, wa . very bad. I could not wait on myself. I waa ad-'t..i- a ip this naw ramedv called Casav'a Rheumatic ure. and "after using one ; bottle I W I could get up ana orw . "- to walk around town. I am not Buffering any . ana 1 exoeci m w " 5(.s " 'Srotk soon. I shall always rseommend thls msd----''i . a..-. n mv frlanda. OMAR KLUM, -' turn Market. IDS Third Bt il.00 per botUa Sold snd guaranteed7by, Watts :Maftliieu. 373 Russell st-l Woodard. Oarks A. Co., Fourth and Waahlngton s ts ; Shidaore Irus; Co., 1S1 Third stt Alblna Pharmacy. s 230 Russell street. . . ... " ' 1 BANK AND OFFICE RAILING V.r; WIRE AND IKON FENCING - ; ,U. Barbed Wira, Wlrs and Lawn Fenclnfc . . . .. -.Poultry Netting. Etc t WIRE & IRON WORKS , a3 FLANDERS ST., Near Third Painted Shingles Adrantages gained by I using our machine. " Shingles are painted all over when dry, thus forcing paint Into all the ores, reader, ng them ' wa terproof. , This prevents tha nails from rusting, or tns shingle from warping, oa-rottlng ojl under ths lsp. They can be laid t ta u. Inch nearer to the weather than other shingles and still glvs better satisfaction. The paint usea is man ufactured solely by us snd is espe cially adapted to protect roofs from .moss and fire, It creo sote" or other ingredients Injurious to'tln gutters. Our modern prooess enables us to paint tam all over aa chesply as you can pel at a fsw inches on the roof. - ' We Invite you to call at ur fac tory and aee for yourself the merits of our process, or phona your sd dress and our representative will call and give you fulL particulars. ' Black Diamond Paint Co. Office and Factory. E. th and Main. .' Phone Sast 3874. . Facts Are Stubborn - . Things When ws ay that some of or gradu- ates are holding responsible positions in., the city and earning salaries of 330 to 3160 a month, we can back uo our state ment by pointing out to you the people. we wouia do giaa to i aa sa II re quested. . -i ' ' ' . Behnke-WnlRer Business College ( , Blxta and JCorrUoa Itreeta. Open all the year, day and ntcht. Bend? v or oaU for cataloguer. Scoffs Santal-Pepsln Capsules A POSITIVE CURE ' rerTsflsaimatios erOstarrtief , lb Bladder and Dlwaaail KM. , nTi. aoooassorar. Care : lialcklr an 4 ui mauentlT In wont caM of Waiai i sisaa and !, s satr of how -on ftasdlos. 4 oselslely harn)1N. sold, by dragflat. said, W.OO, 3 bolts. J.ri"' "'. TKE SAUTALEPSIKCO. BelMeatslas, Obis. . -- 'WsWsnl. Olarks 0. BLOOD is tbs wont dlsssss a artu, t th to enr WllM roil KNOW WHAT TO ' DO. , Mtnr kava Blm- P0I80QI p!. - spots s the . skin, soras la tM Bosta, eicrs, rsUlag r. son salsa. , It Is BLOOD roISOM. Send t, Dp BROWN. as Arrk St.. Pbilafleipnla. Pass., for BaoWK S BLOOD CUBS. 2.m Mr LotU.; - la.ta atonta. Sold ta Parllasl eal by lrask Was. Pvrtlaad BoUl PBarmacy. . . -i ,. . . SLT.ECURE F03- PILES rTUH I a O 11 DrodoaHXtar anaaaaaaiMhlBS Imw (ora, a wall a aiind, Blaacllaa at rnrtndlnci JIW 70 mm .Ww I'M Sal ty "" ' -l,J