The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Souvenirs . Donnet Silko jQ-jO- Y FREE . CooU'gSclicol
Of .Oregon. Portland We have the exclusive f li Mi f ' XI TYl iJ'TrmKrftM! Free lessons In .Cake-
and Ac lExposition;, .ale in Portland and I V U V U H A l V U 1 lU O l Embroidery Les- - j .
most complete stocT Oregon of the ,orld-: AVVjA J ' V V W 1 W 1 11 it VvUV, 1 1 Ur - Villay WlV lUOJ ) M arrwprt' AU learn how to do Uthe
in the city at-less than famous BONNET ET tji latest work taught y way Third
, ; . others ask. , CIE'S SILKS.K SSl,; SEgQfl- .'RQH-QT Sibg: Second Floor. ,y --.Floor. -
; Si v roii the health of tke baby N$ fifeife Lc: Goods purchased on Thursday and Friday, JuneLl(& "OLOKiAsiiocs iiwtt
V U ' LET POWDER f next Importance to ita food. a1d a prominent lady. MEN- in L , "'v. -j, r i i . i " i n in i . VVTiJv - Made on honor and sold that way. Wo hav eold theni for years and bur
. J JTT' NEN'S w mentioned because tt atanda for tha purest .and boat of .- all . j -, ' .. s - - ' 7 T --BVfiiiV ' experience haa been that "onca a Gloria customer. always a Gloria cue-'
r Talcum Toilet Powder. It will prevent and cure prickly heat, chafing and , ,jQ nrA ' Qil ajayift ha atir Art tn Issfaj nss4- VjfV tomer." Aek thoae who wear them, and they will tell you that they aot
C -f unburn. It removea all odor of inspiration and sunburn and has hmi- ; , Jmi3 QXiVL Jli , Will UC ClltirtltJlJ Oil JUly uCCOUni m mu-h ihw iy ind .hortomfort l ponlbK InaiftM tny.prfv.. '
dred other uaea. Get it at our Toflot Impertinent , .. j mwv", .V . yJ AND.HE GLORIA SELLS FOR $3.60. . J . -
Going to thd Beach?
Y Most Eyerybpdy; Is
rmzFAmiva, inmnia xat.
uadquabtxbs rom
Bathing Suits. Caps and Shoes
taraeat and moat complete tock t prlcea - that ,wUl.
y enable you to hy a, nobby outfit for little, expense.
V'-r-: Y ' roori , "y'Y"'':. ; ;-
' ? Y "wowam EiTmii kvzts.
Of black cotton eloth. with Bailor collar and white braid
trlmmlnt on wrlt, collar and klrt. I'rlce, tbf
ult . ...fa.oo
Of black cotton cloth, square neck and white braid trim-'
mlngs on neck, front and skirt. Price, each. , .-T. :f 2.50
' vpimv esBoa SATxnro uxmm. y 'Y:
In blue and black; mad with amalt sailor collar," trimmed
with white , braid In collar, aklrt and down front. A
treat value at, tilt .iM..-r,....J.,.tv.!.' -.3.00
woacuvi un raaoa batkxsw urrm, -; r
With sailor collar and square-cut neck: white bfald trim
- mine and while tie. A very cbic little suit. Price. f 3.50-
Y iu avo vatt ai.Tni nin mvtTt,
With square-cut neck or Bailor nar; elaborately trimmed
with white braid. Price, per suit;..;;,v.....i..;.f4.00
woicava moxaxb batkx" evxva.
In black and nary blue; square neck or sailor collar; beau-,
t- tlfully trimmed in white braids snd faahloned by expert
designers., Priotd at, the ault fS.OO snd 96.00
n brown and. cardinal; square, pretty white or' trims
-mlnga, Real beauties.fef, each. .
6.00 and f T.SO
mvnm BATHnrcMrtme.
Very fine quality: you will appreciate them If you will
look 'St them. Prices, the
j suit .............. .,, . . f 8.50 10.00 and 912.50
Whlte4tpld trimmed. Priced at, the suit. ...... ...f 1.25
". Y -Y nxaaBa' batbkj mm.
Madvof Mack cotton cloth; sailor collar, with trimming- of.
white braid. Pries, the suit ...... i ............. .fl. 75
- xzMsr Bva szbob BATXiao vxt.
Eflth blue and-red duck sailor, collars and white brala
'irlmmlng. price, the suit .....f2.00
,Y... , BATBZWfl) OAM. '
tn all styles. Priced from .......... ...,15 torf 1.50
In hlmost any style wanted. Priced at, the pair,
fronv,, ...........25 to f l.OO
-f ,y v,;;7;.,":" . . r..
- y Black Is Always Worn
Always was and always will be. Ton simply oanao re
aloaf without tt. Brery woman who knows a boot dress
roods Is aware thai we arc fa aad away la the lead, as
Blaok Brass Ooods Merohaata "
We now offer three - (treat apeclal values hi all pure wool
Fench Vol!;, faet dye and rinh, color '
Our regular $1.50 rratl'f-Spet'lal for. yard........
Our regular 11.00 grade. Special for, yard. ...... .9
Portland is said to be the greateat Umbrella market In tha
United Statea,-and every-umbrella, manufacturer kow.
tow's to a Portland firm that can handle the quantity,
that has the outlet.' Here's where we are aupreme. , We
. Jiave the irreaieat outlet, therefore aecure the'best lines
ana lowest prices, juii now we are maamg a apeciaiiy
of the 24-Inch umbrella, which we have in unlimited quan
tltlea In black, blue, green, red and brown: eaay to get
, suited; they have Paragon- framea, ateel rods and a
great variety of handles, are non-rustible, wtndproof snd
rainproof. Prices range from.. S2.SO to B4.50
Umbrella making has taken a great stride forward dur
ing the new century. They now come to us made of
Cravenette mixed with silk and wool, making them water-.
proof, while more durable than heretofore;- yet light to
carry. -'- .
Parasols Too
"Parasols in every, conceivable style and shade that Is
correct . . . :
Ons of the neweitt is the white linen Parasol, with English
eyelet embroidery, both . hemetltched and plain or hand
painted to order. The white linen ia tha fad of the hour.
' See them. Prloea from ............ .$2.25 to S15.00
Pongee Parasols, very popular thla season, for both city
and seaside. Great variety at, from... (2.50 to 93. SO
. Irinrt Tow tuth treet Aaaes. f '
- ' Better TftT'less is thV-ljfynote of suecens Tn' our big7
Men's Furnishing Goods Store.. Why pay more when1 here
you get better for less? These speclala are tojnduce you
7 BCBB-a $1.50 SCASBAM BZbYTS40.
A line of 'Mad me Shirts in light and dark effects, with
pin dots snd afrlpes; our-best 11.60 value. Special,
each 4 y..,..,,..,;.. .....09
' ';v. KBB-M $4.60 BUICMBB TBSTS, : . .
A line of fancy Summer. Veets In grsy snd white llnenf
'finely, mercerised, with small figures; best $4.60 value.
Special, each", ............ mi . ...... . 93.29
Beamlees Sox. in fancy striped, tan, gray and .green;
regular value 25c - Special, pair IB'
' ' Kin SSa aVafMBB B BOX W BAB. lie. .":
Washable 8ummer Neckwear in-Trenieh folds. ,2 Inches
wide, vvery stjjlh, black, tan, blue.; brown, red and
' white; regular value 5e. Special, each ....... ..21
' BCBB'S 800 UWDBBWBAB, o.. . Y"
Fancy Jeraey ribbed Bamriggan Underwear. In pink, blua
brown and ecru; regular value 60c. Special, each. .38
Or, Suit . .. ..... ...i.. ,76f I
1 n
1 The Summer Girl and
;r Summer Woman t ;
. y . 0B XPBCXAI. au or :
SummerWash Fabrics i
There Is no other stors In ths northwest that even
makea the attempt to ahow such a, comprehensive
line of WaaH Good as can be found here, and aa in
all other lines wher quantity maseS price we hsve
.' the advantager; aa our goods all come aireci'irom
J A. 1 1 I . i ' . ..... .. I . MMtk.
oeign makers direct, enabling ua to quote prices regularly at about what
smsller dealers psy-ths. wholesale houae. And now when wa have seen fit
10 place apeclal prlcea an the moat desirable of all oun Summer Goods. It
creates an opportunity seldom presented to ths aonsumef. . The items men
tioned below are only-l few taken at random to ahow tha great extent of
the reduoMona. The stock itself Is so large and varied that It would take
our ntlre-hewepar Pcs' to described- Coma and at for yourself. y. '
1 Btss rioo. ... '., ,-y.
- j atCl ; ' bootcb: bzJus xanrrB, sso.
ootch tlaldephyr, patterna in, all -the different clan adapted for sus
pender suits; regular value Met. Special, yardr. ... . .............. .35
Imported novelties In Silk Eollennes. Embroidered" Mulls, Dotted Bstlste and
v Prlnted-Mouaaelinesf regular valuea 60c and 60e. flpaclal. yard. .. .33
''"' " SBo ABB. 40o OABTAB BUbimZXB, SSoY
Canvas Ellumlne. a sheer, wiry cloth, in flake and plaid affects, rich com
binations; regular valuea 16o and 40c. -Special at. yard . ,T, ....22
w i-r, -,-r TABCT TOSUt.ea -rABB. "'. Tt
Fancy embroidered and printed Voile, -in' dainty patterna,, suitable for the
warm weather. Special at. yard ...... i . .'. . . ; ,. 15
"r " torn srvxTora-s, scie tabs.
pelfast Linen Suitings, in all tha wanted colors, for outing suits. Special
y-Tt a a- a a e'e 1 f 1 r 4 t 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 20
WB3TB OOODg. -.-. '
"White Goods in French novelty stuffs, sllk-embroldered bstlsts, dotted
mousselines, grenadines and a variety of other weavea; at apeclal
. reduced prtrea . ' - , . - .
Regular, $1.26 valuea. SpeciaJyard . . . ..... i . .08
neguiar 11.00 value.
Regular 0o value,
v Regular ' 76o value.
Regular -- value.-
Regular 40o value."
. Regular 80ft value.
special, yvo.... ........
f. j 1 ...
Special.' yard..;...
Special yard ......
Spechu, yard. ..
Special, yard,..
. . ; . . u.a . . .1 . . ..'25.
Purer Linen Suitings, In natura-color, very popular this aeaaon. ' Special at.'
y per yard...... . 20 25 30 and up to 60
ths popular Linen Coats and Suits, all widths. Special from,
yar ........ . s . . , . . .40 . to 92.00
Crochet Bedspreads,-single alcevButnpar welghtfi-regular -value 760. Special,
- ) a'e . a t t M e eeae fiO
Heavy-weight Crochet Bedspread, double else, free from starch and drecslng.
Special at, each . ....nir....., ..1,18
' - $3.00 BtABsaxuaa bxbipbbads, fi ts. f
Genuine Marselllea Bedspread, elegant quality, beautiful center design: regu.
, lr value $$.?0. Special, each .V, ..i. ... .......92.25
- : bxavbb ciotb. v. ... : .
Hera me medicated sanitary Planer .Cloth, at closlng-out prices- t '
Slse lx$(; regular vslus $1.26. Special 5
- Sls 204O; regular value $160.. Special .V. ........... ...81. IO
Sise 2SX44; regular value $1.76. Special. ,i. ;.,'... ,.w .91.25
-'a-:. ,7 soe ABB S5o OABTAS CX.OTK, in.''. . .;.', -J; ': ' f
6.000 yards white sllk-flnlhed-Canvas Cloth. In Jacquard. piques, mereerlsed
mulls and lace and dotted 'Swisses, mercerised Madras, etc; regular valuea
"20c andj;5e. Special, "yafd . . . . ....... . . , ... . ...... . .18
; . A New Lot otV Ladies' Y
. 7 Champagne Half Shoes
' It is ulte sn unusual thing - to ship Shoes by express across the con
tinent, but the town baa been completely sold ou of Ladles' Champagne
Colored Ties, tha apeclal fad of tha season. Our -trade must ba satisfied.
"hence the "hurry up" order.
In this shipment will be found 'three . new designs styles not to be
found elsewhere. .'Call early while the stock is complete. , "
.''-T -- ' '
Half-Price Sale on Women's Red"Oxfords, Slippers
and Children's Red Shoes-
Tour Summer Costume Is really Incomplete without a pair of red Slippers
or Oxfords. They are truly fascinating aa they peek out from" the dainty,
fluffy. Summer Dreas. Now If the time you can wear them and now 'la the
time wa want you to -have them; in fact, we ar going to be aa liberal aa a
store possibly can be and wllL make tha pricea just half for thla special sale,
Come,soon that wa may Eo able to fit you correctly. v . .
Woman's red Oxford Ties, $1.00 value; reduced to... 2. OO
Women's red $-strap Slippers, $2.60 value; reduced -91.25
Women's red 1-etrap Slippers, $1.76 value; reduced to......'. .....88
Children's red Boots, slses $H to 11. $2.26 value; reduced to...". 91.12
Children's red Boots, sixes 6 to 6 $1.76 value; reduced to 88
Chlldxen'a red Boota, alsea t to . 6r$1.26 value; reduced to. ......... .ft.tjt
Children's red Boota, alsea 1 to-, $1. 00 value; reduced taj ...50
Other Specials in the Big Fairway Shoe Store"
woxnri fa.00 tab sboxbiS3.oo.
Women's Tsn Russia calf Lace Shoea, the-latest fashion, tha best material;
.were $4.00; reduced to ... -93.00
Women'a Tan vlcl kid Lace (medium ehade),' both turned sola and welt aole
for the street; were $$.60, -reduced to .f 2.25
xxrs abb Borr cabtam mobs. -
Men's apd Boys' Light Tan Canvas Shoes, calf trimmed," aolid throughout
Men's slses. Speclsl'at, pair , 98
. Youths' to 1. Special at.. pair ,, .90
1CBB-S S3.S0 BAXJ ikozs,
Men's Tan" Russia Cftlf Half Shoes,' Blucher and Oxford pattern, oak aoles
'and Goodyear aewed; regular value $1.60. Special-. .... v ......... -92.85
- XBBMS $5.00 SBOBS. $4.00. . '
Men's gun metal Calf Lace Shoea, the new dull finish stock, Blucher cut, new
swing last, guaranteed. Dom atoca ana workmanship; regujgr value $6.00
Another Extraordinary
Silk Sale
; - . . S
' This Ts the greatest llk season n ths his
tory of the dry goods business. This house
Is the greatest silk store on the Pacific Coast
and these jyalues are unsurpassed by any' silk
"house anywhere. , . -1
Look at these prices snd. be sstonlshed.
Come and sea the alike and ba Still further
astonlahed. . . . , . -
y .,1 TJrst riootailk Aaes. . YJY'' '
27-lneh'An Pure Silk Black TaffeU; our unY
,,: equaled regular $126 grade, Speotal only,
i per yard . alft
2J-lnch All pure SHk Black Taffeta; our un
s equaled regular, $1.10 grade. Special only.
per yard .............. ....... T9
fl-ineh All Jur Silk Black Taffeta: our un-
equaled regular $1.00 grade. Special only."
per yard . t-, , .69
'Compara than with
27 inches. wide; regulsr 0o grade. Special ... .-3TS
27 Inches wide; regular '0o-grade. Special. : .......... 4... i. ... ...47r
I7.lncha wide: reaular , So mrmAf. Snlni .'::' a A
' 27 Inches wide; regulsr $1.00 grade.
,27 Inches wide; regular $1.26 grade.
a incnes wide; regular $1.60 grade
Special. ,
Special. , , ,
Special. . . .
Special. ...
' Special. "..i
'. Thla big lot of aulta conelsta
of the lingering numbeTa from
a rgreat.maav. different styles'
Not. very man v of anv on,
1 slyla or. coior and only a fef
sixes In "each style, but In the
aggregate Y every : desirabl
atyle. color -and else may. b
found. . It la unnecessary to
dwell on the merits .of thesa
garment; every person here
abouts Is well acquainted with
Our hlch arade suit atnek
Thw sre suits selected by our .Miss Bernsrd during her O
Ust trip to the East. - They, are m every aeiau.
made like our getjpents are always made, with every at
tention to detail. They are all in strictly down-to-date
atyles. suitable forthls aummerfcnd early fall; ou
-Novelty Suit Silks in all the newest colors and designs-a
special purchase just received of 2200 yards Mo- iO.
. hair Warp SUks-soM usuaUy at $ 1 -Special, yard 40t
Novelty Suit Silks, SEE WINDOW DISPLAT; 'regulsr $1.2$ valuea.
oniy, yarq .
ItVa Shame to Do It, but
They've Gotio Go
Said our Millinery Manager at he surveyed-, '
the grand display of beautiful Hats, bought -torSn
for twice tha price you can now
bujr-tham for. but he emphasised the right !
point. "THEY'VE GOT TO OO," and the ':'
i Half Price Sale - la maktna them move
lively, too. Thts sale is '"no respecter .of
styles, but. includes every new design for
this summer's wear. All-at --
-. - -. - .- - '
eve -uijs t -iv x -
i. ' . . .
For Thursday
300 Ladies' One
Suits at
Half Price
7 M
regular prices' were $16.00 up to $78.00
, y-y - - -.. BBioar
$t(.00.8ults now go at. ............... .
$16.00 Suits how go at ........ ,
fit.ov Duiia now ao-Si.......
$20.00 Suits now go at......
126.00 Suits npw go at......
$36.00 Suite now- go at......
$40.00 Suits now go St......
$60.00 Bulla now go lit......
$76.00 Suits now go at
. . . . . , .
el i
And all prices In between at same rate. Sulfa for walk
ing, driving, automoblllng, at home, on the atreet, vlalting
or traveling. ' y . . ' .
Dress-SWrts Walking Skirts
Aspeclsl sale on a splendid aaaortment of strictly new
Drees snd Wslktng Skirts, especlslly valuable to every
'woman during the summer months. ThTfte are mostly
In the much wanted Etamlnes, In blues, tsns, grays and
"white; regular pricea from $10.00 to $I:0. During thlar
aala they all go at.. 1 BBB CBBT BZSOOVBT.
Pick them out. " If you have seen" a Hat you admire, come In now and
get It for Haf., No-matter how low tha price was. you only pay Half now.
' $1.50 Straw Shapes for 35c . v X';'
To. keep the Interest upflsgging. we throw In a lo'of'New Goods that seems
'"fahoost like-giving -thrm away. " Theri are 600 itnlrlmmed Straw Ehapea
, lifcthW lot Includlna a larae ouantltv brverv flna" bodr HairTorChlTdreil
3anlMlsaB; also splendid dress 'ahgpes for lsdles' wear in black, white.
tan. orown, Dlue and plain colors. Hats in thla lot wortn up to iim).
While they last, your. choice for , ......,.......-...,.....35
- Flowers and Foliage 10c r
A- splendid Jlhs of Flowers' and Foliage, great assortment to select from.
Look them Over and take your choice at,. per bunch ;. 10
Speclali pair
We have on sale thla week only a line -of BoVa well-wearing vlcl kid Shoes,
made. by tht Lehigh Valley Shoe Company, makers of Boys'-high grade
" Shoes '"' ' i"' .' -' - " '" " '!" " ' : "
Boys' slses, .2H to ; regulaf vslue $1.7$. SpeclaC pair". .....i. 92. OO
Touths' slses, 11H to i: regular value ii.zft. special, pair.
Little Men's sixes, 9 to 11; regular value $2.1)0. Special, pair
i . . .... 92.
. .9l.
TiaM Berfuaaed Calaaaa Vowdar, In
wooden boxes; our lOe iff
vslue. Special at, tha box tw
Almond Qieam. for tan and sunburn,
or for jibs after ahavlng; oor 60c
value. - Special at, the t fQr
Chamola Skins, extra fine-quality; 'oil
-tanned; our 26c value.- 1 17f
Special' at, each i..Jw
Xiadlea Blakal-Vlatod Selaaora, and
7'lnch slser guaranteed quality: our
60c value. Special Y70r
at, the pelr
Boa Writing Bapar, . line, ' smooth
I finish. In cresm; our 2604 ijf
value. Special at. tha saV
uBune Dress Shields, light weights
slses Nos. 2, t and. 4. Special
J isle price, tha ... IOC
. pair ;.,............ ...j.. '
Blaok TaX, In 4 -ox. bottles, desk slxej
our lOo valuo, Special aC CS'
the bottle . . . .-.V, 0C
Waits Bead , Buttons, 1 dosen on
card; all alses. 2 snd 4 Wbles; our
c value. Special at, tha C
car ... '. . . . .i, t . . . ." '
Boberts Beedle Caaea, with beat
. quality English gold-eye sewing
and fancy work need If s; cases'
made of line leather! our 66c JQ'r
value. Special at. 'each.,..., O " t
BhaU Back aad Side Oomaa, extra
quality; fine, smooth finish: ss
' sorted styles; our He value.
Special at, each-.'. . ...-".
Asms Troaaera Bangers. 7Cr
special at, 2 for. ....-.'.,..
White OaaHla Soap, large slse. 1-
pbunil bars; our 2 So vslue. . Ar
Special at, the -bar, . .... IH
The Embroidery Opportunity
, Is Still Before You
Since thts aala commenced last
Monday thousands of yards htvf
been sold, but we hsd lots of 'em, so
thst you still hsve hundreds of pat
terns to select from. We advise you,
however, to make your choice early
for they can't last' long at these
pricea All new 1906 pstterns.
37c for Embroideries worth from 75c to $1.00 r
A lot of fine CsntWNy Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries In-English eyelet
and blind work, 18' inches wide, suitable for wslsts, dresses, skirts and
corset covera; our regular 76c to $1.60 valuea. Special Sale Price, s
yard . .t r. .ij.-, ............ . ....... 37H
Elegant wide Nainsook, elwlss and Cambric" Embroideries, 11 to 1$ Inchss
wide, made by the best manufacturers,-buttonhole stltchsd, suitable for
. corset covers, flounces on skirts and. children's dresses; regular values (6c,
76c, $6o and 1100. Special thla week only, yard...-.; .374
' ' v ' , ' -. . .
Embroidery, Edges, Insertions
Xa 4H aad $Vi,Tard Strips; sold la raU Strips Only at Xs Thaa Xalf
- r - .- . ' . ' Brtoa. - ,
Thousands of ysrds of Embroidery, Edg snd Insertions In Nalnaook and
"-Cambric, nicely mads on fine chjth, divided In, lots; valuea from lOetg 76o.
"yard '''.' , .'
4 H -yard strip . . . . .vw. 45
tt-yard atrip A ... :'u .... 65
4Hyard atrip .', .i, X. 67
4 -yard atrip.......... ...98
4-yard atrip ......89
4 H -yard
1 Valuea to 26o yard;
2 Valuea to 26o yard;
1 Values to 40a yard;
4 Values to 40o yard;
S Valuea- to 60a yard;
Valuea to 60a yard;
Lot 7 Values to 76o yard;
Lot $ Values to 75c yard;
strip ................91.30
strip...... ,, ,...Il.l3
strip, -r... 91.63
25 Styles of. Handsome Arabian and Cliiny
There Curtains are a special buy from a prominent importer d close out
Stock before going abroad. They will Instantly 'appeal to every J over ot
Artistic v urtaina sna tns awiu paTisv
GO .THIS : WAY : - . v"
Special at, patr. . K
Our $S.0O value.
Our t .OO.vnlue.
Out $ 7.00 "value.
Our $ 00 ynlue.
Our $10.00-! value.
Our $11.09"' value.
Our $11 K0, value.
Our $14.00' value,,
Our $16.00 value.
Our $14 to -value.
Our $17 80 value.
Our $1$ 00- value.
Our $20.00 vnhie.
Our $220 value.
Our $27.60 value.
7 Fiirious Selling in -Colored
Dress Goods Section
Prtoas sipped aqnars tatwo. Yoa eaa now bay two yards
where yoa formerly hotfht Only oaa. To drees wiU
east yoa aaly one Jbalf. "r'"'li .;.
"tmoutsndgofTarda of-new,- dowa-to-date Dress Jabrlcs,
all In.jiew 105 styles, the odd pieces left from this, tne
0 most successful season we have aver- had. -Novelty
English Mohairs Bilk and Wool Mlxturea, Novelty Lace
Mohair. Bannockburn and Heather Tweed SuTtrha. etc.;
every color In the Una .All go, at ...... . BAX.B .FBXCB.
for, ysrd
for. yard;...
for, yard . . ,
for, yard'.',. ..... .........
for," yard .
for, yard. eft.
11-lnch imported cream Engllahlohalr our regular 76c
grade. Special, for today only," yard, ..54
... .Wi ... ' . . : ,..
-All pure wool. In all street and evening shades," cream lnSj
eluded- y- "t
4-lnch; our regular $160 grade. Special for, yard. 791,21
61-lnch; our regular $1.76 grade. Special for, yard.. 91.46
For swell Driving Suits no fabric made wilt prove mora
serviceable or can be mora stylish.
fee Cream Freezers
and Other Summer Needs
60 grades
$2.00 grsdes
, $1.60 "grades
!.$l,25 gradea
.$1.00 gradea
60c gradea
Special at, palf ,
Special at, pair.,,.
Special at. pair,...
Special at, pair. . . ,
Special at. palr. . . .
Special at, patr...
. Special at, pa,ii...
.Special at. pair'.,.
Special at. pair ,
Special at. palKV, .
Special at. pair. i 1
Ppeclaltf pair. . . ,
'Special at. alr..,,
Special at, pair..,-.
9 3.35
9 6.50
9 7.25
9 8.15
i 0.10
9 0.70
i 12.05
; '.-''.' - Third Tloo.'
mmwm .wa MYTAwwrwAft mw Ainu varan4B.
Thess freeserg are double motion, high gradfreesera and
, in aMnverHar aatlsfsetory in every way ?.
' 1-qt. slse. Special Sale Price, each. -
' $-qt- slse. Special Ssle Price, each.........-.""....
4-qt. slse. Special Sale Price, each.-rr. ?n f. . . . .
-qt. alia. Special Sale Pries, each. .......;... .
Lemon Juice Extractorsi regular alxe. each .......... 4.
Lemon Jules Extactors, large slse,-with saucer. Price. .
eschT 8
"Mason" and "Economy" Fruit Jars snd Jelly Glasses,
with br without covers, at lowest pricea
They are both convenient and economical '"";.
- Lamp Stovea, with one burner. Special at. . . . . . .39
lamp Stovea, with two burners. Special at ........ 7S
Blue Flame OH Stovea. with twa. burners. Priced at,
esch x. ;,-r 9.15
Refrigerators of best construction, made of hardwood,
with double walls, mineral ' wool filling and dead air
- anaee: llnlnaa are of line, white enamel and Opal glaaa
Pricea range from -96.50 to 9125. OO
uon t tail 10 inapvvjv mvsv ivumvuwii, opcewt prices
on every one-now. - -y ,: .
Women's Hosiery
A pair of bargain that will brlm,a'pl? crowd of eager
buyers. - " " '. '',..'
Women's black lace Hefaar-sesmless; also black lace Hose,
.with fancy strip's; regular 26o value. Special, pair. 17
Women's extra fine black Hals Hose, with black' cotton
aole. full finished, spliced seani; good 60o value. Special
at, pair ........ s,-.... v .......38
One Day's Time 5 Cents 2
S "I have really saved a whole day'a tlma at tha coat of
only a nickel." said a Baker City lady the other day. She
had planned to spend four- days st tha fair and had pur
chased a UuUla through our j)lan for 6 cehta. After spend
ing three daya at the fair In 4ntelllent alghtseelng by
consulting the Official Guide and visltjng the exhlhtta aha
wax .Interested In, she declared she had seen it all and waa
thoroughly satisfied. - Any one "purchasing $1.00 or more
worth of anode at thla atore will receive a coupon good for
20 cents" toward tha payment for the Official Oulde It
presented at Oulde headquarters in- tha oriental building.
thu on
price Is
obtaining the Ouids fop 8. cents while the regulsr
26 cents.
A dainty luncheon served All day in the Tea Room
Second Floor. -Under the auspices of the Portland
V ' '' ' '-" .- ' Yf W. C, A. .. '. '." ' jr. ",.'. .
" ; ; 4-; :
Only three more day of voting in the Portland Pupil.'
Exposition Contest. This is the time for greatest
"hustling. Who will be elected? ,
Our out of town patrons are entitled to all the bene
fits of bur special sales. Send your order by mail as
- soon as you see the advertisement.: '
Ladies' resting rooms on tht Second Floorfree use
of writing materials. You ar always welcome. Strtq
Y - - gers in tha city especially invited. (
Y -'"
' ')
. . - . .