I . ..-. . ; - i -' -I 13 rom iAii nbontAiriowi. yeV--AXJ6--Snilth rremlec typewriter, aim ,-Tn-w, ivaeonaul. Address A 4ft. Journal VtiYAL ' ANN rherrle 8c, lb. r Leeellliig's place, alllweukle, opp. carbarn. ' PRESI! cow for sal. Inquire at MO "Oolnmbla. . THOROI UHBHED pointer pup. 044 B. Stars. HOMESTEAD KELIXaVmnZllTt. ,10 AQRKS i nod land and Bnt timber, Bloat If cedar, uullmtted outrange, excellent fruit country, food road. Mr. X, at. Baruee, Mxeavllle, Or. . . - . -' - t : .1:,yAU '!7- . '- - - IF eeklng a congenial Ufa coropanto. Join rnr aoclaty and meet or correspond with re IMirvblo resident of this secttoa wh wish to . .Biany; our paper, tha Matrimonial Register, twice 10c. (Iron particular eupcernlog several aaedred Oregon nxembrret toaar wealthy) all : -' age. Intaratata Introducing Society, S4 Kusacll bid., loot, rourth. - MANI.T vigor restored br Dr. Roberts Nerv , Globules. On aiootb's treetmest. 82! f xoonths, 8; eent eocnrely eealed br BMtl, ; ' Agents, Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portias. Or, BOOK 8 1 Kara tber re Decaweron." Hap. ta moron," "A Hot Tamala." "Pinoy Hill" ' "Twenty Tr a Ether," 'rorbldneo Bruit." -80 aaeb) llata fraa. A. Scbmals. 228 rtrat at. ' i v L.08T powere raatorad by tha greet Loress'a Narva Toate Tablatai S3a par boa. .8 boaaa for 81. Wrlta or rail at tysxell , Pharmacy. 22T Morrison, bat lt sb4 2d. .llANICURlNa.br anr rotary proeaaa. band aaga, elbraturr body. face, acalp massage; t ... fraa demonstration. Vtbratorlunj. raoma 28-28 . Lswla bldg,. cor. Park and Morrlaoa ate. GREAT Reduction Sale Entire stock t be old below coat, plraaa coma In aad look. ' Ladles' underwear and ehlrtwalela. Maa, King Co., 383 Morrlaoa at. ., MADAMES KtNB AND BHEPPARD Scalp peelsllsta, aaaalcnrlng. a i part chiropodists, - antiseptic font bath for burnlDg feet. Room . US UorrlaoB at. LADIKaV Too appaar 7ara yonnger. ra mora all wrinkle. - haa kla Ilk ralret ' " hr olng Ortgon Orap Bkln food. Thon Et. 1267. . - , I NO CHOONO. lmpnrtor of rhtnaaa root madl - rlnaa: aril Cblnaa tea that la rartala car , for all dtaeaae. 191. Saeond bat. Vamh'" aad Taylor. . i LlI.t-lA R. CRAM flilropodUt, ratnlrorlng and ahamponlng. Parlor 424 Ablngton bldg Portland. Or. Blark S83. MRS. WAI.UtRPlaaot graduate Colombia a '- Conaarratvry ; leaeon BOc. Ill Eaat Kino teenth at. Mala 4T60. DRKJ1MAKIU. ahlrwalM and an It, gent' ahlrta. Tba ffnencer aompaoy, 12S 10th at. ' Pbone Wain QBB8. m-r- ' Ift'RINO VACATIOM arbool teacher de alrea to gle prirata leaaana. T bT. JournaL MIHH MAKI. acientlSo maaaenee. gradnate of Finland; laldlra only. 40d Ablngton. lid. 6SS. It KKIffH BATH8: 800 Orefonlan bldg., ganta a'.l day; Udlea all night. Mala 1949. BAM OP Finn for all femal dlaeaaaa. 44 Alder at. Phone Mala 4M2. TOR BALE TIMBEaV FOR RALB Two homeatead rellnqnlahment . rlalma; aetnnd growth; will aril cheap.. N. P Mrlaon; Hotel Rbrlnpfala. , W .- FOR HOllEOTSAfm. timber cUlma aad aartp apply to 8UI Commercial blk. EOR BAI.E UYEBTOCX. ONE 14 month-old Dor ham bull for aale. In - -rmlre 2K Klngmaa at., Woodlawo,- or Pboo dcott lata). ATT0BBIT8, OR ROOM LAW COI.LECTIOS CO. 41T Fen ton block. Collectlone made throughout tha . -1'nlted State,: bankruptcy ma Mere a apedalty; bad tenant ejected; rent collected aad gea oral law baelnea; notair public. - art EMroRnm. TRor. RtCHAR MAX MBYRRPortralt aad landscape-artlat; InatructlMr In 4I alntrng, .ij water color, ate., and drawing; art gallery 'connected with atndlo; picture for aale and - i- framing- to ariW. 84A Alder at. Phona ln30. ABIATZBB. i. . JIBt J. H. Flak Aaaarlnf of flea Oreanley A Crawford, analytical cbamlata aad metal. Inrgtata. t04H Waablngtoa at, BATHB MAMAOE. TUB BF.VERK BATHg. I ' Tenor !atba and - maaaagaiwo - refined ?onnx lady operator la. attendance. 1341a .liicrlaon at., room 10. , - rV.K BNOWIiEN BATIIROOMR ITH Alder bet. 4th and nth; lady attendant": toe and rapnr bntha, maaaaga, electricity. Mala BfttsY YOUN'tl aclenltnc maiaeaae, rapor, medicated -j ana periume name, nervoa uiaaaaaa apcclaluy. 14BV 8th at ., room 1. -SOUND - Bpaalab lady, arlentlfla maaaaga . and - hatha. - Room 22. Hotel Tacsma,- Stark at. - betaeea Third, aad Fourth. ' . TWO young ladle glr maaaafir- "h nd - r.ipor hi l ha. 110" lonrthMor.-Washington. - ' t-.i .' -J ' ' rjTii BLAME BOOK MAHVFATtTRERB. HOTNIt. JlAVIS ft KTT.HAM. 10-ltt Becond at. (Hank book' mannfacturera; agaata tor Jone -Impmrad Laoae-Lraf ledger; aea tha"aaw Rureka leaf, tba beat on the market. BIOTOLat DEALERS. t'OI.I MBIA. TRIBUNB AND CRESCENT 8P0KTI.NO fiOOMt. MPF.RT REPAIRING. F. P. KERN AM. am THIRD ST. COAL A1IS WOOD. till R' Hl.kX RKOtt. bare rroiored from foot lerl at. to 4'J9 Kearney at., near 11th; ia " tha largeet woodyard la the .city, carry- i Inf an ainaa ot wooa aaa coau aiaia vol. AI-BINA-FI FL, CO. Ielera la cjrdwond. coal and greea and dry alabwood. R. R. and Al blna are., 8 bkn-k eaat of ferry.' , Eaat 874. 8TKRI, BKIIH'.r. Flr.I, CO.. dealer Is coal. cord wood anl dry aJabwrwd. Pbon Eaat 424. 'ORFHON Ft FI, CO . alt ktnda of coal aad wood. Mi Morrison. Pbona Main 86. . , KIRK HOOVFH. mi Water at., -wood and coal, -i I'bone Main 4fi. ' FOR RALI'-I.OOO corda fir wood. Phone Eaat CLAIETOTAHT ARD PALMIST. OII'IIHX Kn.HliniA, ) Qneeev -of clairvoyant. She giwranteea ta read 'J ererr Incident of your life, past, Ipreaent and future. Room 2UTH Allsky bldg., 288 .Morrl J a..n, cor. .T'alrd ; MADAME JrtHXSTON Clalrroyant . pelmlat, card reader; I give facta reliable and Im portant on all affair of real life. Beading hoc. 88 Seventh at,, bear Oak. CHIBOFO&IBTt. IF ronr feet r out ofwder. go t Dr. Worley : Benjamin. Mc Tenth- and Stark, tha foot pa I'none Para e i a. CIOABS ABO TOBACCO. F.s-RRRtl-Ot NUT CO. - . IMstrlhutur of j. - ' ' . FINE CIOARrV-- Portland, Oregon. C0MMI88I0K MlffCKAJITS. 1AVRM'URT BROS. General coaimlaalo aner rkanta; fruit and produce consignment an , Uclted; prompt return. 130 Front at, rvRlHMd A fllkrij. nroduce and coram la. sinn merchaata. 140 Frost Pertlaad, or. i . rhnna Main IT. - -1 CAlTtaV- EBII'KSO.S S RMTAfBA!T4lrchaCa hrnch II a. m. to ix p. m. ; under new maaarenem. , O. B. EtlH, propjettacond hod Buraald. ' TH8 OFFICE 24l Washington ; Pbona Mala T7I. Saatnet VlgBeaui. . . ' , CROCXCBT ABO OLAISWARE. H-Hfl'FSAI.E crockery and rlaasstar. Prl, Utftl C., 1U0 ta 1US ruth, car. Stark it. CLIAKTK ABTJ SYXIVS. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANINO DVEINO Work; practical hatter lu connection; feather buaa aad plumaa cleaned aad curled by as eg. .pert. 811 Fourth. Phone Clay 704. CLOTHES cleaned and preeaed 81 par month. I BMjue l ai tor lug ia., i n w B. W. TI'RMER. profeaaluosl dyer and cleantr. 608 Jefferaon at. Phone Mam xoia. , OZMEBT OOBIBAOTOBS. CEMENT WORK VP TO DATB,' with men. LiQda4rom. 88 Commercial bk, -t'HAS. H. CARTER CO., cement contractors. g.4) Eaat vweaciein at, raoo aaas join. All work guaranteed. - CARFIBTIRB A ED BUILD EE 8. A. i- At'THORS and H. E. WOOD, carpenter aad hnlldera; repalrlnf aad jobbing; atora T aad offW Bit area built. Shop HM Colamhia. .a. WB batld yor new or 8g your old borne verf reeaoaabla. Call at the auop, 128 Six teen Ih at., north, e New Weatara hotel. OABPET'CXEAstlBw, - UAVRyour wells cleaned;' we clean papered anaaincea waiia; atiaiciKm fuiriswra, price reasonable; references. Bed 2KI8. ( CARPETS eleaaed oa tba floor; we rale no duet. Phone Clay 881.. free demonstration. J. HUNTER Steam ' carpet and mattrea. cleaner. 660 ietferaon. Phona Mala 814, ' CA11IA0E ABO BACK OOXFAaTIZB. THB UNITED CARRIAGE CO. Carriages, tally-ho rig a and cafry-alla. 168 Elereath at., cor. Morrlaoa. Phone Mala 221. - SREBBsLAKIXO. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, mad for 81.26: shirtwaist suite, (3.60. 48 Eaat Mar ' ket. Phone Et 8231. i "' ' KEISTER'S Indies' Tallorlog college: pattern cut to meaeore.iaay nan aw. aw wne, MRS. MrKlBREN Artlatle drees and cloak making. 661 Morrlaoa at. DRBSSMAB.INO Strictly Bp ta data; la teat designs. 4AS Cly t. " - . S00 ABO HORSE HOSFITAX. DR.0.E BROWN. D.T.S..D. CM. Dog. bare bee. pltal.BW Bornalde. Pbonea: Maln4088:Eaet 8688. OEVTISTS. MET CHURCnMAN, dentist. 824 Marnuam, Sixth aad Morrteoal Pbon Mais 1780. ELECTRICAL WOBZB. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENOINBBR1NQ Company. 80S Stark St.. Portland. 0. K. fug everything la the electrical Uae, fheea : Mala IMS. FAC1FI0 Electric Oe. Baglneera. teatractnra, repairer, ease trie wiring, aupptlas. 84 Fleet, car. start. Mai ,68. R. H. Tate, mgr. rVBBTTu-RX FACTORIES.' OFEOON Fsrsltnre Mannfactorlnc Compaay a n n ra Ciurera siiraaaocw er 'tmmiwm Por0aod. Or. FORK ITU SB maaataerarlaw and apodal erdera. L. ReTooBky'e furnltsre faetory. 870 Froat at. FREE O0TEE1TMIXT LABOS. JUST opened to aattlamrnt; Bae. level. Teller landa; m stone or timber; water and soli first rlaa. Come la and let- aa locate you. Boom 68 Lappa bldg.. Second and Washington. nrREACis. BOTNTON warm-air furnace ear feel. J. O, Barer Faraace Co.. B8 Second. Mala 481. OROCEESw WAPRAMS.A CO.. wholeaaU grocers, maa. faetsrers and eomailaaloa merabaata. Feartb ; and Oak ata. , , ALLS If IBWlS, enmmlaaloa aad peideee mee. chant. Front and Davis are.. Portland, Or. HOTELS, TUB BELLEVUE raewly furalshed rooms, ta eulte or alnglF."- 218H Fourth, oar. Salmon. Tarme reaaonabie. - Mala 1048... 08BORN HOTEL Grand are. and Eaat Aab at... Ankenr car Dining-room -roanecUeat- heaeo reoently renovated; 81 to fa per day. THE Llndall hotel. Market between Third and and America plaa. - 60c to- 88 per day. Hotel Pendleton. Peadletoa, W. A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portlaad. America a pUa; 88.88 per day. HOTEL St. George, Fandletoai leading hotel. BELTEDBRB. Larapeaa plaa: 4th and Alder sta. " - HAiaV, ABO BOALF BFECIAHBT. I. I. BORO, manufacturer af hnraaa bale rolls, et. 428 B. Mats. Phpne Eaat 8811. HOTEL, BERATJSAHT ABO CAMF B AMOKS. BOTftL. BESTACRANT and camp banoes Crtttben A Seitoa A Co.. 8evateenth end . TJpshnr eta.. ;largest atock hotel, reataaraat. camp range, gasoline store sad ra frig era ton la tba dry. . 1 - m i k i i is i i i HAlOw-AXB. Portland Hardware Co. aolldta opportunity ' goote prices. 188 lat., ear. Alder. Mala 1884. . J tVSUBABCB. ' LAMBERT. WHITMKR A CO.-Mre laearaac lad reel estate, aacceeasra to Arthur Wlleoa A Co. I efneee. weat aide. 107-108 Bherloet . bldg., Main 1008; east .aide dent. 404 Kaal AMer (Cltlaaaa' baakl, Eaat 491. ISAAC L. WHITE. Bra Insarasee. ' SOO Dekaa bids, i' . J A 9. Mcl. WOOD, employera liability aad la dividual eerld'at surety bond el all klads Phone 47. 803 McKay bldg. H F, RARTEIJ COMPANY Fire Inaarance. 448 Sherlock bid. Oregon Pboae Clay 688 .-XAnVORIXB. BKKT of referancee. experienced laundress. . Mala 4236, Mr a. Ida C. Tarr; lace curtate laundered In auparkir manner. 848 Grant at., corner Seventh. Satisfaction gusrsnteed. - L0CE8MITH. BROWNE'S -1 TOWN Expert lockamltk -and ' bicycle repairing. 3S6 Starke Day pbonar . Clas. 822; night phone. Main SSHa. BEY fitting, rast-lrpa brsslng and general re pairing. J. H. Rlchardaon. Iu8 Fourth at MOSfCAL. SECOND-BAND mnelcal Inatrnmeata of ell-f- klnds at loweat rice, eaah or Inatallmanta. ' Flaher Mad Co-V 180 Third at. LEVY'S Musis IlnneeKStieet xqnalc, instrument. 171 Foarth.' J.. M. . A. bldg. -Clay P7r MR. AND, MRS. H. A. WKRBFR. banlo. man Us. guitar toatructloa.Mala tOSS, 178 W.fa LESSONS RAc Plane, guitar. , banjo, mandolin, TtoMB. B41H First, ror, Mlit. Mffc- Martlo. wEOROK ANDERSON-ARipert plane tuner and repairing. laqalre-Jmher Mnale-Co. Red SdS, PTA No'hrnlng:. 85; "effect, work - euaranteed. r W.'J'hneon Phon Main 1811. i - MAOBETIO xEAirxa. MRS, L. B- HAST treate alt; dlaaaaes, atomacb troable, aerronaaeaa and functional weekaeaa. Cananltatloa free. JaoH Park. cor. Jefferaoa. HOT AST sua hOTARt Pi; 8UC Paperd carefully prepared ' and executed, cbargce reeaoaabla; calla aa awerrd to any -part of the -city. J we, L. Melrtb. 846 8ryrrlongt..'-rnem 12. FBBPABATION of deed. and mortgagee a anedaltyi prtcea redaeed, B. A. Frame, 61b, the Mamaam. OTXBAIXst I KOSS OF TUB ROA4 OTBBALLB asd aaechaa I Ice' clothing! antes) saade. NauaUdte Bros S,MI,U rW. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY HOHXT TO X.0AB. THE STAB LOAN CO. A ay saUrtod employe, wage-earner, oaf set ea hi But. aIUivut-ssortgage Month. Vi Month. Weak. fM.OPRepay to ,a 61AX8 a 88 8.1 a 83.M 62S.0O Repay to as 8 6.85 or 63 88 or l.6 l8.0u Repay to aa i 4 00 or tl uu at il.ua S10 McKay bid. FIVS per rent money t we build yoa a heme ' or loaa yos Doner ea your property moathlr paymentat Investigate; a pea Saturday avea (nga. Room 1S-1T Lab be bldg.. 827 Was a. MONEY adrsnced sslarled people, tea mat era. ere., wiiaout aacnniy; aasy paranewe-, ,ara' set ouaineaa in 4tf principal ciries. -xqi Z28 Ablngton blag. Pboee Main awr, MONEY TO LOAN ea real, personal aad eel. lateral eeearlty: epedal attentive to rnattal mortgagee; Botes bought. C. W. Pallet, - 8044. fentoe bid.. 4 Slxtb at. BkOHLY raapectable place where ladlee aad grau caa borrow money aa diamond ad , Jewelry. Collateral Lean Beak, tot W lagtoa St. Phone Black Tt. - 86 LOANS ahd apward ea all kinds ef eeee rltr or to aalarted people oa their note; loweat rafee; no publicity, no delay.. SIS A blag tea bid. . Phone Red 1TM. CHATTEL Ibans ta ameants ranging from 88 to SA.000; roomlng-hoaaea a eieclalty. Nes) Bra Loaa A Treat Co.. 80S Ahingtoa bid. LOANS at loweat rates- oa furnitnr. pis seal any security notes parchaaed. Kastera. Leaa (.tSce. 448 Sherlock bldg. . - ' MONEY TO LOAM, la 4ergar oa -wood eecurttyt loweat ri It amoanta aecurlty; lowest rates. WlllUm . Beci. 807 Kallln bldg. - LOANS aa furniture, stanos, ether eeearltlea. - lowset rate. S. Wi King, reoa eS. Waah. bid. 'Main 8100. THB CRESCENT LOAM- COMPANY Salary loans, from three te six BMathat seaSdeafW, 217 Oreceulao. , ' MONEY TO LOAN on Clarkamaa eoonty la a da. B. F. sad F. B Blley. 808 Chamber sf Ceaa- FORTLAND BBAL FSTATB LOANS. S AND 6 per cent. - fa Denholm. S2B Falling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. per cent. MorUuwp A King. 110-811 Commercial block. ' FLATLBO. EASTERN PLATING CO., 828 First Oold. allver, copper, atckel sad brasa plating. Jewelry work specialty. THB OREOOl PLATrNO WORKS. dl Weak, lagtoa et. Pboae 2S76. PoUahlo. plaUn ' aad lacqnerln. FUBUO ACCOBMTABT. B. H. S. MULDER, expert accountant, room 441 Sherlock bldg.; Booka epeaed, adjusted and . audited; book kept for email concerns; mode rate charges ; Brat-claea reterancea. Mala EMM. FRUITIBO. BC8HONO A CO Front- sod Stark at., print, Ing. lithographing, blank hooka aad otSca (applies) work done ea time; moat eon, pie la printing efSee la the west Mala 10. . ANDERSON a) DIINIWAY COMPANY, prlnttaa. HtDoerepblng. bUak booka. Phone Mala 17. tut Alder at. . ' : FAIBTS. OIL ABO GLASS. F. B. BEACH COTbe Pwaser Pslat CM wledow-glaaa and slaslns. 188 Flrat at, Pboae 1S4. - -1 BASMUS8EN CO. obhera. palnU. ell.- Blaas. eaah aad door. Beeoad aad Taylor. - FLUMBERS. DONNEKBEBO A BADBMACHEB. asaltarg plumber. 84 Fourth aC Both phsnsa. FOX CO., sanitary plumbers. SSI Second bet, Mala asd Salmoa. Oregoa Phone Mala Bool. PHOTOGRAPHIC JfJTWTB. B. U WOODWOBTH, Vffg., IMVa ' Fourth St. The la teat atylre of Mount Board. RUBBER STAMPS; F. 0. 'STAMP WORKS. 848 AMer at., pboae t Mals 740; robber atampa. eeala, stendla. h ig-(age.-'trade checks; aend for eatslogae. BOFE. PORTLAND CORDAGB CO.- iU aad Northrup ata.. Portland. Or. loorxBO. TIN ROOFINd, guttering, repairing aad yoDDing, J. Letu. xia verier eoa mu " STORAGE, TRANSFER ABO HAVUXO. SAFES, plaaoa and furniture moved, i irked ready for shipping aad ahlpped; all work ' guaraateed; large, 8 -e lory, brick, hre-proof warehouse for storage. Office 128 tint at, C. M. Olaea. Phone Mala 64 L . C O. PICK.- efflce 8 Flrat St.; betweea SUrk and Oak ata., pbona 66; plaaoa and furniture moved and packed for sblpplug; commedloea 8 re-proof, ' brick wareaoase, Froat aad Clay is. . BTORAOB apace to let la ear new balldlng. 874 Water at. Slgler Milling CoaaaUaalaa Oampaoy. ORFXJON TRANSFER CO.. 184 Nortb Sixth. ' Pbon Mala 08. Heavy hauling aad storage. POST SPBC1AL DEI.ITEBY; Ma. tOOM Waab. tngtoa et. pb.ie Main 863. - SOTTEiriXS. . " - THE MOKQAM"CoT ..' T ' V 108 -to 118, Second at., 8d floor. ' Mgnufactorers a Jobbera of Lewis and Clark emrvenlre: hootha and street ataada fitted cut complete, . -.. - rSUMMER XE80XTS. COt:N,TRV CLt'B INN'. Hood River. Oregon; doe oak grove, "good table, aprlng water, tennis. Boating and fishing; bow open. SHOWCASES ABO FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every description; baok, bar aad atore Sxtarea made te order. The Latae Masaractorln Co., Port lend. s ftAFXa. FOR opening lockoar snd safe bargains go te 4. ., pevie. sa I Dire at. STREET FATIBO. WARREN CenatiKetlpauCo. Street Paving, aide- waig aaa crceawajU. na uregnaiaB ow. THB Trln'dad AphiTIPav1n( Co. of Portlaad. t - of See 688 Worcester his, - i YOST JtTPBWRlTER REAPQCARTERsV , . - AS Fourth Street. . ' We aaart repair, sell, sxchange trnewrlters. All mpplle for ll-tnachtnee. ftaadard aisrhlnea 828 aad ap te It on, si- Da yoa want a atenoarrapher or typlatt Wa have Hat or good appueeata. . Phone Blark 8871. , BMCRENSDORFER typewriter, aurplle. ea , relrlng. Reae A Ross. 86 Stark. Mala lmm TOWTL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY nomb, break, eoea. 81 per BHintb. Lawreao Reaa.' Towel aappiy Co.. Fourth and Coach. Pboae 4SS. YIOLIBS. 1. A.- arrsco. 'rlaltn-maker and repairer1 Srt elae. 28 HneeeU bldg. 4th aad Mnvrlaoa. ' WALLFAFEBV MORGAN WALLPAPER CO. 184-18 ecead . at., bet. . Yamhill aad Taylav. Portlaad. .81 ,-i., . ".aa ' rnr abcial. . PTR.TLAXD TRl'ST CfiMPATt Y OF 0RE0OR. , NO. 1o THIRD ST. 1 The Oldest Trust Company In Oregoa. RRSOI'RC-FS OVFR 61.000.000. '. 'Otneral Rsnklng Buatneea rondncte. " ) -Savings Deposit Received. ""- ' Time rert incites leaned, also certificate ot deposit payable upon 10 dare call. p dare eall or SO dsva- call wlttt loreeeat et 814. Vk aad 4 per cent per nrjrra. reeretlvly. Call or send for Vk. ef llfttstreftore. PENJ. I roHKN.,,.... M"vrIr"!!!"B! H. U PITTOt K..w.. Tlee-Preoldent J. LEE FAOET...... .fwret.ry . O. OOLTBA ,...,..,AalitsBt Secrataxy F1BAHCIAL. FIRST VATIONAL BASTK. . OF FORTLABO. OBEOOaT. Uualinated Peioe!torr and FlnancUl Agsat af ..the United State. President ., A. L. MILLS Caehler ......I. W, NEWKIKK Aeauitant Cashier ...W. C ALVORD Second Assl.tsnt Cashier R. F. STBTBNS Letters af Credit Issued Available la Euros and the Eaatern State. - Bight Kirhaaga lad Talrgraphla Trsaaferg sold on New Turk, Boa to a. Chicago, St. Loale. St. Paul. Omaha. . Saa Francisco aad the principal points la the North wee. Sight and time hills drawa In an ma te salt eh London, Pari. Berlin. Fraaktort-oo-th. Main, Hoaf Kong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. ChrisManlu. Stockholm. St. Petersburg, . Mas sow. Enrich. Henolulu. OoUaotloBa Made ea Favorable Terms. u BITXO STATES RATIONAL B6BX. nv Snarl ivn ,ntt antf. AOBTHWEST COR. THIJiaAjio OAK STS. aimasawia a uenarat jaajiain atuaiaeaa. Available ta All Fltlas ot the Usltad ' Sta tee and Europe. Boo Kong and Manila. - COlLIC0S'stADE OB FAYORABLE TEBtTS President ,.....,.,. .1, fi. AIM1WOHTH V Ice- ITeel dent . , . .... .v. , Caahler , Aeatstaut Caahler....... .W. B. AYES ....B. W. SCHMEKR .......A. M. WKIUUT LASO TUTOR. BARKERS. x ' (Eauhliahad in 1886.) . .Traaaaets a General Banking Bualeeaa. Coltoetlona made at all polnta ea favorable term. Letters, of credit Issusd available ta Eurepe and all polnta In the United Stataa. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold oa New York. Washington. Chicago, 8L Loula, Denver, Omaha. San - Fraacleae sod Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Part. Berlla, Frankfort, Boa Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolnla. M' EXCHAXTS' KATIOWAt. BASTt. . FORTLABO. 0RE00W. i, FRANK WATSON.... Presldeot R, L. DURHAM.... ....Vice-President H..W. HOYT Caahlaj GEOKGK W. HOYT.. Aaalstant Caahler Transacts a General Banking Bus In sea. Drsfts aad Lettera of Credit laaued Available to All Parte of the World. . Collections a Specialty. SYOUBITT SATIBOS TBUST COMPART. 864 Morrlaoa St., Portland, Or. , Transacts a Genera Banking B uatasaa, SATIBOS DXFARTMEHT. later eat Allowed on Time and Saving DepoaltS. Aeta as Truatee for Eatatee. Draft sad Letters of Credit Available la AB - Parts of the World, a F. ADAMS TrealdeBt tA. LEWIS ...Flrat Ylce-Prealdeat L. MIIXS Second Ylce-President B. 0. JLNTZ Secretary GEO. F. --RUSSELL. .Ae-.istant Secretary M ORRIS BROS, ft CHXISTENSZH, laxtk rimt suae, rartiaad, or. Offer OIU-Edga lart-atmenta la Municipal aad . - Railroad Bonds. Write or Cell. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa -Fortland Xaal- Zitats at Loweat Rates. Title Insured. Abstracts Furaiahad. .r TITLE OUARABTEX A TRUST CO. Jr. Room 4. Chamber of Commeroa. OOXTOSUOBA, OX.XXT, IIFXIUS, aTTSstOOXI.B, TABIOOOXIeB, XrOBB Of RARHOOD, BXXTJMUkTTSMt, XCSZMCA, ASTXXA tDd BKUkT DIBXAleEB. . W want every man afflicted with tha above dlacaaeato toncstly investicat pur special ayatern of Jrratment. Wa ln vlte.ln partlrular ail who have treated elsewhere without success, all whose cases hive been abandoned by family physicians and ao-calll 'ClA.Ie ISTS," all-t whoso troubles have been aggravated and made worse by the use of BELTS, TBXX SA.MFI.BS, TXIAIe TStXATMBBTTB and so-called lXtCIT XOS. We-will explain to you whyTsuch treatment has failed to cure you. and will demonstrate to your entire satls .factlon (hat Wa can curs' you safely, quickly nd permanently.. Our ,-cfounael will cost nothing;., and we will do by you as wo would wis you to do by us If rur cases were rereraed. Write. for. our home treatment if you cannot call. The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Booms' A snd 7 Wtooheeter Blouse, 34 and Burnaid Streets, mortlaad, Ot. ' XstabUaliad 1878. Young Men Wanted How would you Ilka to aecttre -s, cnmmlxnlon as an officer tinder t'ncla fani? If you are between the RRea of 17 and 16 year, poa anaa the nec"esary common echonl educavion. are. moral, per sistent, andean peea the required fhyalral cxamlnntlnu, send ma our one-cent atampa to pay post ' ae, and I will malj you A per sonal letter, literature, etc., that will tell you of the qualification lreqtiired for poalMona leadlns to t promotions of high rank as so . officer In our army of navy. ! jij. w. phillips' i ; - Louisvm-, Ky. , DR. GUIltl'S - 5 improved V ! LIVER-PILLS ONLY ONE FOR A DOS! . OURIHKAOAONK -. ; ; by reniovln)? the criISw 9 CURB BILIOUSNtSB,, Al - f by aiding digestion - .CLIAR THE COMPLEXION , - i. fy purifying the blood BEST PILL ON EARTH - SOLA W ALL HBUOOISTB. OR BY Sf AIL OX RXCEIPT OS PRICR. See. FSXt BOX . . BENONAMI FOR FRtX SAMPLI BOX DR. BOSANKO CO., FHUAuELPHIA, P U.S. A. Spoil's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A fHJSroVfcCURE For I Tinammatloaor Catarrh of the bladder and Plaeaaed Kid. ueve. S0C0S8B0 8AT. Cures uirklr aad permaoentir tha worst casea of SJoejorrBieoet and al. Bo natter of how long ataodlag. Ahaolatalf harmless, hold by druggist. Price 81 .it) or br snail. Bos. Id, el.ou, hesee.Bi.7a, . -THE SANTAL-PEPSIrl CO tv. BeUefoaUIsM, OBSO. ' by Wood'srd. - Clark A Oa. Woman la iBjenstad snd should ksow aoottt to woadarfnl MARYTl; whtrlirra Sprsy I new vseeael arrawa, to er. Ixonjn'l .turtiim. Ilea Saf. eat Miiet Convanlanl. i. ii I,- lit) 1 f he ra n nt it annnlv the. MABlt Kl arcept DO other, hut eed stanio for ItliiAtralMt honk. fives' t "' awe. fi inn iwiinuiiua.na 'iir-n t in. v valuable to ladles, at AKVai. tt g. aad T-. iin i uhii FOX SALE BY WOODAXD. CLAXXX CO. SURE' CURE FOR' PILES IjTOHlXU Pllea prod oca aseleiava aadeaaaelMMng l-t-hla form, aa well aa Blind. Bleedln oe rmiMaiM aa era eure-t oi or. BtosanKo's Pile Rernedy so luhlngakid bleeding. Absorb tum.ua. hue al UaratdrugaiataoveaBI by mal. rreatuMfree Wrltel hake about your awnu au, railadaw Pa Wat Sale EVENING, JUNE 27, 1805. ' Wa treat successfully all prlrata Bare yous and ehronlo dlaealha of men; alao blood, etomaoh, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wa cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured for ever, in 10 to 80 days. Wa remova STRICTURE, without operation or pain. In II days. - Wa stop- drain, tha result ot self abuse. Immediately. Wo ean reatore tho eezual vigor of any man under 80 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. . . . v - We Cure Gonorrhoea ln, Week - Tho doctor "ef this Institute ere all regular graduates, nave naq many, jr yeara' experience, have been known in f Portland for II years, have a reputation to maintain, ana ui uinoi v"v unless certain cure can be effeoted. - We guarantue a cure In every aae wa undertake or cHarge no fee. ConeuIU tlon free. t,etersonfldentlaL Inatruc live BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la Wa cure the worst cases Of piles la. two or. three treatments, without oportx tion Cure suaranteed. -r If you cannot call at offloo, writs for ajueatloa blank. Homo treatment auo- "offlco hours. I to I SBd 1 to I., Sundays and holidays. 10 to' II., DR. W. NORTON' DAVIS & C0V OffleeS In. Van Woy Hotel. 8H Third. Street Corner Pine. Portland Or. CLAIRVOYANT VAN CORTLAND ALWAYS CONSULT THB BBhT. Others coca d go, but Vaa Oortlaad remataa. PBOF. YAW COBTLAKD. " t-,, 80844 WesnlBftoa at., eornar of rifth. THB MOMENT YO0 ElfTBB "1? ARtOR HB WILL TK1.L YOU .YOL'K rtLL NAM. AGE, OCOIIPATION, v' YOl'B MOTJ1BK 8 MArBN NAME, ANb WHOM AND "WHBM YOU.WIIX MARRY and what yoa celled for, without ask rnr question t will tell the aaM of roar aweetbeart or 'anything yoa waat tt knew. Ha eeoda yoa swar much, wiser sad happier thaa whaa yoa called. . . 1B0Y. TAX OORTLAXO. . Sevea Tears la Eortlaad. US '&- 'tfU LOW PBB LOW FEE Of See boars 8 s. bj. to S a. rs.. dally and Sunday. ENRAGED MILLIONAIRE WHIPS DRUNKEN DRIVER - Journal Special Service.) Goshen, Ind., Juna IT. MUllonalro j. E.. Insrajn;of Chicago, whose summer home ie at New Paris, became ansered at tha continued spree of relax Johneon, a dlBcharsed coachman, ha had brought from tha city, walked up tho Main street of tha village and save Johnson A terxl. bla, beating "With A buggy-whip, bring ing blood and welts on his head and body. ohnBon la A"-powerful fellow, but was unable to resist. lie retired to a lumber yard to nurse his wounda. ' In gram telephoned ttji Oosben for Sheriff Manning.'. - ' ' Take that man to Jail and keep him there until next-Saturday night, I will then coma and send him baok to Chicago and pay you :for. your trouble," re quested Ingram. Compllanedwa prompt. Hundreds of people saw tho horsewhip ping Which occurred half, aa hour after Ingram had dlachatged tho coachman. It Is probable that Ingram will bo ar raatad and- charges , preferred agalnat him by tho indignant cltlsena, who first made threats of lynching. ' STUDENT WINS SEVEN .- OUT OF NINE MEDALS Journal Special Service. - New York. June ' 27. Seven out of. nine prises awarded undergraduates al Yale ia tha record made by Charles Tal bot, Porter, a broker of this city, in his freshman year. Tho prises wore awarded at today's commencement, and mark young Porter,- who Is only 18 years old, as one of tba brightest students la tha university.- 1 Tha flrat prise la for excellence in all studies in hie freshman year. He aleo took .prizes for excellence In German, chemistry, mechanical drawing, English, mathematics snd physics. Young Porter Is a graduate of the rlaas of 1194, Mont Clair, New Jersey, high school. He has a delicate phy sique and ia taking Avthrao year scien tific pourse. -' ' LITTLE GIRL HEROINE C 7 REWARDED BY RAILROAD (Jouraal Special Service. ) Aahevllle, N. C, June 17.--Kor saving tha lives of a scpre of paeaengers and preventing a wreck by flagging train, Nannie Gibson, 11 yeara old, has" re ceived a reward from therflouthern rail way, snd Just what Nannie said -she wanted moat an education Sho has received a letter .from the company agreeing K glitrtiw college education and fee thorp-She is well provided for, Ntuinle fclvee in a little hut: with her f itt her and mother In tha Black moun tains. A big slide occurred -on the mountain while she p as at home alone. She ran Sown the, railroad trarlc waving a-red pettlcoAL The heavy train stopped 19 feet from where the mountain '4iad raveiii Uelow-wss an abyss 1,900, feet d,p- TP- - i ASHLAND OBJECTS TO ' V NEW LIGHT POLES Special Wa patch to.Th JouraaLI Jj Ashland, or., June z. An injunction has been laaued In the circuit court on petition of the city authorities prevent ing the Siskiyou Power comparly from putting up -additional poles tii carry current froni the Condon company's power line Th1odal company claimed the right Sunder 'B frarrrhlseof many Veersl standlnsc-Bliti jrlgJU Is. denied by dhw elty eouncll &- ; . ' " The city Is considering seriously the Inataflatlon of A municipal lighting power plant and these' conditions, have Increased the f Motion, between the com pany and the city. - : ' "' ' )' ) Calls It aiMkasail. ' ' (Special tHhgetck e- The JeeewaLt . Baker City, Or, June it. The charge of attempted assault against Robert F. Cork red Is being heard In tho district court. Mrs.' Sarah t. MclJiln-Is the cempMnlng witness. The defendant si leges blackmail, . , , 0 ' c O. OEE WO t., Thi Qrest Cblhesa Doctor Is called great be cause bis wonderful cures are bo well known throughout the United States, and because so many people are thankful to him for saving their Uvea from V OPERATIONS !. . He treats any and I LCaaaj all diseases with I aaX'fl powerful Chlneee I "eOf-ilfc V I V..k erwttSL buda. I -era. barks and vegetables Xs.i istl lUaiaiSw that are entirely un known to medical sclenoe In thla coun try, and through the ues of theee harm. leas remedies. Thla famous doctor knows tho action of over 800 dlfferenr remedies that bo baa successfully used Indifferent dlseaaes. - He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, tung troubles, rhsumstlsm, n;r owanees, stomach, . liver, kidney, fe male trouble and all private dlaeeeew. Hundreds of testimonials. Charges mod era to. Call and ai1rri -. . . COsTBTJlTATTOsT XB. " Pstlenta out of tho cltx twrlts ff blank sod circular. Inolose stamp. Ad dress . - THE C. GEE WO CHINESE" - MEDICINE CO. t( Alder street-Portland. Or. Stair, way of t&m Alder street leads to of fice. Mention this paper. CHESTERFIELD LAST -JVyJEEK I " r .J I Psvchte. oalmlat end clairvoyant. Special all thla week! My full S3 Jtalmlatry reading ay- dead -traaca clair voyant aittlngs. 8o. I , -a . sV - esasr- (allunuw- Baar- j ,m a IHII D rDlllir,, - mwr v. n-lagea, dirorce. law. aiiltay. travel, aea t us, t.r . rlovs affairs, aopara tloas, dlaraae. etc. 1 accept bo fee la advance. I eon are mot Batlalled von mr mer sjothlng. - 1 wlah to ahow tb cltlaaaa of i'ortland that there. la one In thla profi-ssloo that understand bis business aad la oo -fake. Parlnrs 224 Third St.. ooooslta the Flasa. OfSc Jiours Ss. Ba.ts 9 p. ia.. dally aod Sunday. - RAILROAD AKD STEAMBOAT TTKI TABLES. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY " Soenccr '. Fast Steamer Chasr'R. Spencer Dally round trip to The Dalles from Washington street dock st T a. av, except Frlday-(nd Bun- -day, , Tho SwltgerlAnd of Amerloa. - rgost lfagnlooent Boenery la the Vond, ' SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to the four-mllllost: dollar Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot of Washington street , at 9 a, m., arriving homo at , Bp m. . Round Trip Tickets $1.00 . ' Telephone Main : 14 1 X. . ' '4 T S. W. aTrXBTOZXs, 1- -'. , General Manager, Portland, "Or. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Portland Cascade Locks -Tha ' Dalles. Seen to perfection ,f rom deck of . REGULATOR-UNIT r STEAMERS ; ; RsQund Trip to , Cascade LocI Every Monday, ' Wednesday, Friday and r hlundsy. Leave dally 7 a. m. rluntlaya 9 A. m. Through steamera forTho Dalles., dally -7 a. m. --' landing and' wharf "foot Tof t. Alder street. rnr run imor matlon Phone Main tie. ' AND THE MARIPOSA Biff TREE5 .... : . 1 Ar reached from tht main lino ot the Southern rolflo by a mountain drive over oiled roads through Californla'i Most beauttfuV. SiTenery. Let us plaa you8Jtlnersry. mnk youf sleeper, stfge and hotel,' reservations snd Srrasgs for your stopover. C M. Stinger, city ticket xent. Third snd Washington streets. 87 - , - Bss. 0 I .1 j ,--- 25 c tine YOStlTE L.X -JLL IJi.JS I!,.... RAILROAD ABO STEAMBOAT TTB1 TABUS, w'',,""',eBceBTa gga Oregon SiioiiiiriB and union Pacific i Trains to the East Daily- Throegh Pullaaa taadard ad toorlel la leg car dallr Oasaha. Chtaagu, Spehaael ' tourist deeping ear dally to .itaaaa lltrl through PuMmaa tourist sleeplog eat (seraaae ally eoudoctedl weehlf te Cksrsgo; RseUolaal .. UNlOit DEPOT. lv Arrlvaa. . CHKJAan-PORTLABB ... . - SPBC1AU , V rfvE.--" for the E.at via bb. "X"1- D"'- ; lngtoa. ' - mmmmmm L. SPOKANB Ff.TER. for Eastern Washing ... ten. Walla Walla. Lew 8:18 . " iV. totoo. Cooog d'Alea Dally. . . Oau. ; and Or I Slortav - - ' potots. ... . . ' . . ' .. ATLAlfTirj REPRESS. ,J, ' IBs.gs. M" U 1,'gto. l1" T. ' Coiaqibla River Dlvialos.- EOR ASTORIA aad wevl 8 00 p. B. I,; . polnta, eonaectlng with Dally. ff? tow. for Uwace aad ex. Snaday. 8:00 a. ga, North Beach, atr. Baa- Haturday. ex. Suaday. aelo. Aah-at. doeh: li): p. ra. t Yamhill Rtver Soot. fOH DaVtoN. Ore goal ( '. City and Taaahlll River si. T:SSa. ga. potnta. atmra. Ruth aad! Dallr. Dally. "S'. h T- .Onfh. . Beaday- as. Suaday. . (Water permitting. " jjnahaRiver Route. - EOR LEWISTOX. Ida. I 4 00 a. m. AhVut I pat and way polots from! "s Mr ex. Pally ' Klpert. Waah.' anr. Saturday a, Friday ItjCKET orriCB. ThUd aad Waahlagtea, Taax 1 . nhone ttmtm via a e -L!.""011'' n,T Ticket Ageaa. A. U CRAIO: -Qeaeral Paasooge Ageot, EASTvu Leave. TJRIOIt DBPOT. OTBBLAND BXPBBSS train, lor Salens. Roes Borg. Ashlaad. Sacra. aento. Ogdea. Baa Eraa- 840S.BV tits a- claco, Stochtoa, Loa la geiee, Kl raaa, sew ve- sraos and the WorBlng trala sects at Wondbera dallr ex cent Basdar 80 a. I with trala tor Mt. 8:10 a. ga. - Angel, siivertea. Browasvtll.- S p v I a g fleld,. Weadltag sad Matron. . . Bugeye Dsasenrer coo. :00 p. m. n-wt a.'am. 4 :60 p. m. sects sf Woodbura with 10:SI S-Bb Mt. Angel sad Bllvar, ton local. Corvallla pa sees) gee. Bherldsq passenger. 8:80 p. as. 8 :S8 a. as. Daily. ' - . Portland -Orwoge Babureaa Serrlea aad Taaahia Division. , Sevet foot of Jef fersea street. Leev Portlaad dally for Oswego T SO a. sa-f 12:60. 2:08.-4:00. 8:80, 8:00, 8 8B. T:48. 1008 p. m. Dally tfsi-ept Sunday y. S:80. S:0. 8:. io n a. m.; 4.00, 11.80 p. aa. kandAy ooig. 8;00 a. in. Returning from Oewege; Brrtve Portland Salty S AO a. m t 1:8A. 8:05, 4:M. 8:20. T:RS, 8:M. ItrlO B. n. Dally (except Snoday) 8:88. f:8, ' 8:80. 10:10. 11:48 a. B. Rxceot atowday. 18:88 b. as. Sunday only.- iu:w a. bj. - - Xeaeee frora aaase depot for Dallaa aad later meolste points dally Sa) v a. Arrtve Port land 10:10 a. m. The - Infl-venaeece-Monmowth hfotne Lrae eperates dally to Monmooth and Alrlle, ne. aecrtng with Boo there Parlfle eoaapaay'e traaaa at lsllsa aad Independence. ' Flrat-elaea fare from Portland to Bsnaaiaata sd Ssa a act sco 820. berth Kl; secoBd-Crf.ee fare 818. eecond-claea hertha 1 60. Tlckcta te En store aolats snd Fui sss aka 7a pa a. Cblne. Poeolara aad Australia. City Ticket OfAce corner Third Bad Weese trm'-n Phone MbIb T1X ft W. STUtOEB. B. COMAIf. . City Ticket Aget, r Oee. Pass. Aavst, TIME CARD OP TRAINS " Portland! DAILY. CMO.f DBPOT. Depart Tellowatm Prh-RB-sas (Itr, St. Louis Bne clal for Chehalla. Cea trail. Olroipla. Orsrs "I Harbor. Booth Bead. Te ems. Seattle. -Spokane. Lew la ton, Hutte. Bill Inaa. Denver. Ontba. 8:80. I 4:80 B.g. Rene City. St. Loul aad- eoetbeaat. North Oast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta eooia, Seattle. Spokaiie, Butte. Minneapolis. St. Paul aad the East. Puget Bound Limited, for (Tiehalla. Contrail. 20 s. a, 4 80B. av. TKM , XB, 3 ' 1014 p.B, Tieoasa sod Seattle only. Twlo City Expr, for Tacoma, Seattle. Soo- xane, Helena. Butt. Yellowstone Park. Mia. 11:48 B.a. :a,av nee poll, at. Paul aad the East. A. D. CHARLTON, AseletsBt General Passenger Agsat. 258 Morrtsoa St., Cos, Third. Portlaad. Oregoa. Astoria & -Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. 8 00 a rmtiv. 2 0 t.ia. Poe Ifnygers, Ralaler. M to a. i llsiailBM, v sarporar-naue . Cllftoa., Aswarls, - vYae.1 reatog, yiavaL Rase-1 saoao, . rorv Btaveaa.1 eearoart rarg, seaside, I astoris ssa ,"1 8:80 8.1 T:oe p. as. liDly. Eersa daily. -Astoria Express. i 1 J' 'Satutitar ealr. i.Elcept ks turds r. -e " . O. BtAfO. 8). P. -sd P. A- AstorU. . Oe. C A. STEWART. CoaiBteeetaf Ageal, SeA Aid creel, rasa ataia m Ticket Office 18 Talrg, St. raeao SCO eeaa. 1 lA tiaBCOfl 1 1 n OB fit. am eaa Trsttnss Daily A J . PASfT TIMR TO sffSKANR, ST. TAVU VVl T3s MINNEAPOLIS. rmCAOO aV.J " aL i'oints KAsr. " St aiHwit leln K sar.it srK 1 11 sts v"""" ' l... ...... Snd frlocay SBouniauisj. o, awn Blare, raaee, luauora. m Areas) . m. tJtcxsoBT. e-.ty t" " US rx4s4 Stteet, eAAJs 0 f2rf jkht. 11 I C? (ocmn. anaauJ i la BoilTt 4