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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1905)
-just ask - MIIIIINT WADK JVIULLIrtlJI 11 Villi HO PROPERTY 3 Confidence iAtone Was Required ' to Make the Granite Hill ' "v.1 ' !" .' ' a' Great Mine. IT IS TAKING ITS PLACE 'J'-- AMONG GREAT PRODUCERS " ' - Nearly Half Century Passed from Time That First Surface ' Work Wat Done. ' V (Special Dispatch to Tbe Jearasl.) Grants Pais,- Or., "June il--Srnce General Manager W. J. Morphy of the American Gold Tlelde'rompeny stated ,. that 1 itimpi M to ba added to the Granite .HULmlne equlpmentJhere la Ylnal aeaurance that thla brilliant young property la to taka Ita placa among 4he first producers of southern Oregon. In "arreting: th mllL. building, battery frames and general arrangements wsre put In with a. view of Installing 20 ""stamps, but aa tha management waa ' proi"utln . vlgoroua .. development at .' the time, only 10 atampe war at flrat Installed) . With thla plant thara haa beett ateiidy milling, handllnr tha haad Inita from exploratory work, and auch other ore as had to be afoped In keep. . inn the mill buy. Th vein haa been prdVed to be exceptionally atronr ..and . h been opened on fourievela, ao that ' tlie management feel a no doubt aa to tha merltiOf the property and la warranted . In the Improvement contemplated for the aeaaonv , "y ' ,U i Development of such a mine In one of "the oldest dlatrlrta of southern Orea-on fa "highly encouraninf for tlje Indua .: try. There, haa been shallow surface . work fln Orsve and Jump-OfT-Joe creeks - -for . nearly half .fcrentnryt but until v he -Oreeh back mane irementwent deep into the" around" thefe" had not been a ' elnRle Instance of thorough! exploration, J The next property to b taken over '.by a' management havlna; the faith' t bade- real work was i the Granite Kill, . whlcj; had been opened by 't shallow tunnel, A five-stamp mill was run for "a period on this property, but when the ore Above the tunnel level had been mHled-4he early workers .stopped.-When , Buperjfrlendent L. p. WIckeraham waa - ..-.-.'7 V " '' " . ,A .-.'J Tonlca the.vsoal cheat for Vanilla!, costs ooe ort wo cents forra.certai n-ameuQt; SchilliogV Best vanfllaa doi lar. k " ' ' . . One is strong; the other is fine. Ooe is rank; the other ft delicate. " Nevertheless ..four fiftfis of ;.,,yanilla,. is "tonka. ' The 9$ cents accounts for it, i. t. any member of the Multnomah Club. Tremendous success xf the Splendid Bath Houses and Swimming Pool.: Crowded with men, women and children the whole day long. -Every amusement feature was libemlly patronized and the O. W. P. Ry-Cos ..'car; service. was jperfeGl A;.three: mile Tide for: ; 5 cents.,;!, Admission to. grounds, 10 cents. Children, 5 cents. . , P. S. The Japanese .Tea House With Genuine Geisha Girls Will Open on Wednesday placed In chara-e of the American Gold Fields Intercuts he C Immediately ar-rana-ed to attain depth. A vertical working shaft, waa started., When this reached the 100 level below the tunnel and foflmd the' vein stronger and bet ter,, equipment of a permanent nature was installed. Including a holat capable of sinking 1,000 feet, a compressor waa put In and the ahaft has been sunk steadily since, and has reached. the 400 leveUi-On the 100 there has been ex tensive drifting, on the 100 there Is a drift, of about (00 to (00 feet and ex ploration on the 400 will be as thorough, while the shaft goea to the 500 level. While doing this work the first mIM haa been made to handle high grade ore and now . the . management announces that the plant Is to be Increased to 10 atamps. .' : 1 v This highly promising work and the earmarks, of a premising young mine are, the result of an energetlo mining man taking hold of a property which had been abueed for many years. When auch' work is done tt encourages the old-timers here to believe that there are - nutneroua properties in southern Oregon which will prove as great when they are properly -opened. - - TESTS FOR PORTLAND . W MAM'S NEW MACHINE ' EL J. Garvin, who Invented the Gar vin cyanide machine, la ToriUhuIng hla experiments on ores of the state. ' .Two tests- were-made the past week, one on ore from one of the quarts mines of John C Lewis, In which a TO per cent extraction was made In eight hours, and the solution carried but a trace atHhe end of the same perlpd. - ThsVnext test was on Levens ledge ores, the property In aouthern Douglas county, owned by EL A. Sessions at Co. ' The samples from this property carried high values; the average assay from the headings was about IS. In eight hours the manage ment aaya but 82 cents remained iri the pulp and only 41 cents in the solution. The solution in earn instance was but 1-ZOth of 1 per cent; It was so weak n the first that it ud not attack sil ver appreciably, and in the second cop per waa not nffected; there was-a email quantity of the red metal In the ore., An effort Is being made to have the ex periments cover a wide range of ores, and operators - sr. invited ' to observe" reeuUie. that no li out) tm Ry-"beTl riH regard to the work of the machine.. TAKILMA PRESIDENT ; VISITS THE SMELTER ' (tpectal Diapstcfe te Tke Jrnl.t ' Grants Pass. Or., June 20. President Charles L, Tutt of , the Takllma and Waldo companies arrived In Grants Pass late Saturday and has departed for thfe Takllma smelter, 41 miles up the Illinois river, ' The furnace waa blown In Thurs day, and- Mr. Tutt will ipend a short time Inspecting the plant and conferring with the management xegarding the sea son's ppefatfons. In about two weeks' Captain J. M. Mclbtyre," formerly a prominent Colum bia river logger and latterly In com mand of one. of the 'boats of the Mc-, Iirjyre" Transportation company, - will have-a Urge number of four and. six-' horse teems en the road, between the amelter and Grants Pass hauling in coke and supplies snd returning with matte; - It 4s said that there are (0, teams on the road' hauling lumber, and when the work begins for the smelter full force thla will be one ofuhe most Used hlghwaya In the Stat. - . ' The road from Grants Pass to Ta kllma, which has' become so Important, Is said to be In a bsd condition yet, and the smclttr management and mine own- THE OREGON DAILY '-' JOURNAL - PORTLAND, MONDAY ml 111 ll i v m . - rY era Interested In the district have been striving strenuously to have needed re pairs mad. Those living near have permitted water to run on to the road bed and otherwise there has not; been the attention required for even main. tenanee. The effect, it Is feared, will interfere with hauntig for a time, but no doubt there will be a concerted move ment this season to place the highway In .the best of condition.' X Three More BriUs. (SpecUl Dispatch to The Journal.) Prairie C4tyr OrJUneJ.rVTwo of the eleotric drills ordered for-the Standard mine were in the Installment, of develop ment machinery recently delivered here. and. Manager" Nicholson says that three more' will be ordered soon. Jit. Is the purpose to have all work in the Standard done by power drills, and to rush under ground exploration with all possible dispatch 'tdurlng the summer, that a terse reserve may be had by the time the concentration- plant is erected this fall. .."'. . XicgiBS Zaveated atilL (Special DUvatoa te The JooreaL) Orants Pass.. Or.,-June . 1 O. Hlg' gins of this city hss Invented a new crushing mlli. which Is to e tried first on his own" mine. Mr. Higgins property Is situated at the head of Ghecto creek, and arrangements will be made Imme diately for taking the new plant to thla property; much of the trip wilt he on the; hurricane deck of a mule. . If the mill"; is a success In practice, Mr. Higgins will have a number manufac tured here and put on the market. Wedded la a 3uggy. Humbolt Correspondence Nashville Ban. - ner. Ira ' Cherry . of Memphis and Miss Carrie Tanner of Trenton, drove up to the parsonage of the Methodtat church yesterday afternoon and were united in marriage by the. Rev. J. W. Waters. The couple ware married slttlnawln the buggy, saying they preferred to sol. emnlse ths affair beneath the wide spreading maples that ' adorned,, the church and parsonage lot: ' Jumoro tired wttb Bsrata at, SklBbealtfc (otnt Ml) asd Sklahealtk Tablets. A poet tire and ipeedy care for every Itrktns. enlnf, Sralr, bimllns. crusted, plainly aod bletrliy W .. ,.k 1. k.l a . - - kwTlla, p,Hvr. n i m i' . va . . . ...hw . . , .r" LUaat. kealtky skis sad sore, rick, red blood. - C-e Tetmmnt 78o LTu eeeetttsef Hargsa .ap,BSe..istIlrtf5.inrt eretle: Bklabealth Mnt ). afle.,toilllfnn, heal tbe ekla, at4 Bklkealtb Tablets, Ve to eipel hamor fnM. 4U SnifSlo'. Harass aap for C"-let. for pimple. blackbes, reaiiess. roMfhsie. ebaf ln, ekappln. roefk MnOa- Notblns wlU give sock a speedy eare 30. hkee. Me. , SB4 Be.' poet for Free Saasplee aas bookleU te PUILO BAT CO.. Newark. H. J. woosako, cxAmn n oo roam and Washliujtog, . I U ' . -A . 1. c OF -V - They enjoyed thetime of their life, and a most delicious dinner at 1 i. - 'r ' TO HAKE SURVEY ' FOR BIG RESERVOIR Party Leaves for Waldo Lake to Work on Irrigation - ect. JOHN BR ANTON TAKEN TO THE PENITENTIARY Smith and His Son Fined Assaulting J. E. for Montgomery, , (Special Dlapetrh te The Jotttoalil -Eugene, Or.,-June 2.i-Ctvll Engineer A, R. Black, promoter of the iaiarriga- tion svhrme for the upper Willamette valley, bis son. Perry Black, and Civil Engineer Simon Klovdahl. left here this morning ror Waldo lake on the summit of the Cascade mountains In- the eastern end of Lane eoiyily, where.they will make the permanent surveys fr the Im mense reservoir for the storage of water for Irrigation purposes. The party took with it two sets of surveying tools and five packhorses, it being necessary to pack from ths public road several miles to the lake over trails. The men expect to be gone about two weeks.- .- oys 'fa oea. ,'V;-' While In a cherry tree across the river from Kugene Sunday. Merle, the lT-year-old son of EX O." Brlggs. of this . city, fell to the ground, breaking the brines of the lert leg between the knea, and ankle. ( . . . K- . raatoa Takea to Msoa. John Branton, who was sentenced 8a f- urday to 10 -years in the penitentiary for attempting to 'Wit- his j friend, John rietrher, was taksn to Salem this af ternoon by Sheriff Fred siak and guard. ' ThsSmltas-rtasd. 1 - W. B.-Smlth snd his son Ben, of Hile. who assaulted J. r E. Montgomery of El Ira with a club and nearly killed him. both pleaded guilty to the charge of assault with a dangerous weapon and, upon recvmmendatlpn of the. grand Jury, were g Wen the lowest penalty, a' fin of 1100 each. . -; , fi :5l . .Thief Oaakat. r-.Z. ,' A Hh'ur Palnterrayoung man accused of stealing a lot of silverware from a Kugene restaurant more than a year ago; was- brought back here from Med ford Sunday by Constable Jack Smith. Ever since Painter left Eugens ths officers have been looking out for him and he was" finally located at Medford on hi way mrth"frpm .Catlfprnla, whereJi haa been since he left her. . UNREQUITED LOVE V - . MADE HIM INSANE (Joarasl levelsl arvle.t , San Franclaco, Cal.,-June ll.-It has developed that Thomas Richard Lobb, Who ahot down, man after man from the hotel-window and finally blew hla head off, had hla reason shattered by brood ing over a hopeless love, in the pocket ofl coat was found a lettr from hi English sweethesrt. This letfler Is sup posed to have driven hint insane and to EVENING, JUNE 28. 1805. Tr ' Mi Cures all Kidney and Bladder Diseases Garantecc' . . WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. AND LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. r have caused the maniacal shooting. It follows: 'Oliver' Houae, Lyra - Regis, Dorset England My Dear - Toss: . I received your letter whilst at home for the holt days. Tou see, I have left horn and have -been at Lyme Regis sines last EasTer' -.- i. u i "It Is only 10 miles from MeSibufy, so' I can often get home. I feel It my duty to write you plainly. I was hoping you had forgotten me, or st leaat ror. gotten that you ever eared for me. Tou remember what I toldjrou on the day we parted, and I cannot glv you any hop that my feelings wUi.chsnge. Of course,- you know that my engagement - - ... T7 . with 8. Home came to an end soon arier I came to- Membury, and after making one mistake I want to b very carerui not to. wreck, anothett happiness, as I fear I did his: I am ieltning you my photo. I-erpectQn will miss the curl. 51. should like to nsve yours, lr you ear to send It to me st any time, for the sake of the old days at tnward- ljelgh. . "With kind regards, believe me, youra sincerely,. FLOSSIE A TT W O LL. Lobb came of a good ramiir.w nrm outh. England., His parents are well to do. Me cam"t o"Amerlca seven years sgo and went at once toHlena, Mon tana. , Twloe since then he haa returned to his native land, each time declaring his devotion to Miss Flossie AttwoolL TRYING TO ENFORCE il' AN EIGHT-HOUR DAT , (Rpeelsl Dbrpatch t Tke Joeroel.) . ' Bookane. Wash.. June t Fof sne time tbe Engineers' union has been try ing to secure the enforcement i or tn eight-hour -dsy, snd a. a last resort thouaht of 'declsrlng a strike. Iast weekr ths union plaxd--th--Ryan-ewto4 company on the unfair list, in order to forestall i -the threatened .strike thla company discharged it two engineer and la now operating its own plant. NOTED STOCK RUSTLER!' ' ; - -ELUDES HIS PURSUERS illpeeUIPUpateB- to- Tbe JooraaWl ,j Helena.fMont.. June It. "Kid" Royels, the noted tfMtl and horse rustler who escaped f rttm S Great Northern train near here while being taken-! Valley county for trial. Is still at' large, .'ilia waa tracked tor a snort distance, wnen- th trail waa lost. Royels had lust been released from ttie penitentiary arfdrOwd was in th custody at Sheriff Orlfflths.1 lie is on of th moat-noted rustlers In thestste. - " " . Ibelng.-opswed for the season. The story of the torturof Rev. O. PTT . Moore, pastor of the Bsptist church ot HarDeravlll. N. T., will interest you. Ke aaye: "I Buffered agonies, because or a persistent cousn. rmuiuni iram ths-rlD. I had to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Troughs and Colds which entirely cured- my cough, snd saved me from eoneumptlon." A fr mi rand cure -ror ajeasr conomon or hroat ana i.ungs. ii b v-roee -nar- macv. glxin nan oas. streeia rric oa and $1. 00. guaranteed.. Trial botts iree. Thousands Crowded Every: Nook aiid Corner h ; eautifulresort is for a day's : ' IK RESCUES CAN OF GOLD FROM FLAMES Chinaman Makes Heroic Effort and Recovers His :.- Wealth. ,Vf- LARGE CROWD MAKES ' . EXCURSION TO-YAQUINA Many Cottages Reopening .for ' Season ' at .Newport. and ' Nye Creek Annex. ' (Rpeelsl Dlspateh te Toe loarsaL) Albany, June 20. At .Wren's,' a sta tion on' the Corvallls Jt Eastern: rail road west of thla city, arfir a few days ago destroyed the quarters of sonve pf the section hands. The fore of men there la composed of Japanese and one Chinaman. The latter, known as "Jim,' has been employed In that capacity by the road Since the track was laid SO years ago. '- The Japaneae lived in a little ; section-house, while the Ion Chinaman resided In an old boxcar that had been taken oft the trucks and was blocked up near the section-house. Un der the car .was 'piled a quantity of fire wood. The fire burned the seatlon-hbus and the old boxcar bnd. only by the har6r-Work- lirlh eitlsena WasItcon- flned .to those structures. When the section gang , out on the road, heard of the fire the Chinaman started on a run for Wren's, snd arriving on the scene he seised an iron rod and began throw ing aside the stovewood under the box ear which was at the time burning fiercely, and" In a few minutes he un covered a small tin can hidden undet the wood. . TMs"can contained his sav Lngs of si number of years, M80 In gold. --V- Xxoarsloa to Wewpert. - Afuexcurslon train W Newport and return- yesterday took a targe member of people of thlf Jpity. and the tlt es West of, here to Taqulna Bay, where" they j spent the day enjoying the sea brees7 -Th was an orderly one, consisting mainly of .young' people. Newport and the Nye Creek annex to the town are beginning to Bit up with summer vis itors and many of theroottages that have beep closed throughput the winter" are Betoraa Front Xaaoa. the Sltets "reservation1 where he has a hooieataad on which he spends a-large portion of his time and practically make It his hot. Thla Is his first visit to th city In several months. He spent- the last week near hi claim In the wood a in an effort to run down a bear. In the hope of 'capturing bruin a an attraction for his stor in this city. -- .J outing TE ET NO PAIN NO PAW INICE TEETH W ar th discoverers and originat or of th only "reliable and actentlflo system of Pafnless Dentistry. We ex tract, crown, (111 and clean or treat teeth abaolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work Is the best, our prices the lowest con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit. ' FILLINGS 60 T5 n ft.OO GOLD CROWNS S3.50 to SS.OO 1 BRIDGE WORK..;.. S3.00 to fS.OO FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. SS.OO Opea for traslaess mata ,oWk svaalars. ; it-' , ''C Boston Painless Dentists alH Korxlsoa St, Opp. Malm ft VMutk . . aad rostofttoe, HOURS -10 a. m. to t p. av- Sun day. S:10 a. so. to 11:10 p. m. i -- 7 Ther has been and will be no; change In th price) of . Mineral Water, Soda Water, j., Siphons, flyrupa etc; the " earn prioes will ! snalntalsjed -, .. all reports to the contrary aot ' Withstanding. r ' wbms lUim SiM, Tint St. For " odm - dental work. - World-r- ; - aowned speclallsfa , Lowest prices consistent wlta flrst-aUss ' - ' -- . -' - : . - .Oo t th - new f York dentistc rOTTBTX AW9 VOBBXaO ST1. Open daly and night. Iron a, av. until lO-'V. as. PACIFIC TEMT & AWNING CO. rr hobtbt nT t. . BaraeMe CeUf"" . 1 . . Awning t r II stores and real. I dences. v Tents end, - camping not,... Get our . raoa X i i. 1. - ITCHES 'rm TEETH S ! V V . X livV Mi v 1 ? '1 , :