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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1905)
'A ) 1"HE O&fcGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND," MONDAY;. EVENING. JUNE 28, 1905. TODAY'S - 1 .7 DOINGS IN OREGON CIT Y EFFORTS OF FfilEJiDS ; PROVE OF NO AVAIL Corga Clark Under Arrest : Charged With, Theft I Re- . ' - fused Bail,. . v -v'-'- V- ."..--- (Special Dl patch to Tbl Journal.) "Oregon City, Jun 2.-e-A trong f- ""fort ha been msds-to release- George - Clark, wh? I tn iHiJIiere awaiting trial In the circuit court on the charge of tha , . theft of fold filling and crown work TV from, several dental office In thla city. Clark brother, who 1 mechanic In th amplojr of tha Northern Pacific rail road ahop at Tacoms, waa in Oregon ' City Saturday and wanted hia brother ." ' i released on ball. H 1 property own-, ' . -er. but hi real eatat la lu Washing , ton and hi bond for MJ. could not b acoepted. Clark. wife alao vlatted , hlmt - Hh 1 fproBrated-'Wltb grief and .. - aham.""" v "" . '., ,' . , 1 According to the atory told by hia wife ami. brother, Clark i a locomotive fireman., gnd -before he cameto Port land everal month .ago had llvdt decent life. . . ' -.'' It was onlv whn practical atarta- tlon waa aBDarenOy"-liie ratof hlm' hl wife that he conented tq ' act ' fence for .Cad Even, rho ha been a dentlat b&F who ha lately be "tom a,'-thlef- and a maer-of eocain. , ' District Attorney Bchubel refuse to - conson to any atraw bond, being taken for Clark release and the uarfSrtunate young man will hav to- remain io-)all .'until circuit court convene. Olmtok tk Dimlrk hava been employed to dc . OneV -ClarKr ; i - . - '- . " fcooal and Personal.; ' ' (Special Uta patch to lb. JourseLl V OregnOcClty. Or., June it. Bert Roak : : 1 tn the cltr from the, Financial com- . " pany'a mine In Panay basin. - - George W Ogl of Molalla a In th 'city today.;-. Th;lnfant daughter of Mr. and Mra. Charlee liaynea died Saturday evenlngat Oawego and wa burled at that plac yesterday. .' ' Edward Rutherford Whltlock, tha on " of William T. Whltlock, who died in Portland lat week. w well known In - ' ' 'thl city" and formerlyllTed here.H lV';wa 27 year old. v' 7 - v- Die Luatlgen MaedoheW wni givr m inn it fmmli Drk Friday evening. - The club 1 compoaeu of a number of young women oi urnuu vnj wu a i two or three functlona each year. ; W. U. Bhank ha returned from canDy. Rev. Uenry Roberta," the new paator of th Saptiet -church, preached hi flr HOCKINSON SCENE v OF FOUR WEDDINGS dlieIntererfomis Cere- mony That Makes tignx 4 Happy Persons. iaclal Piapatck to The oaral. marrlagea ia yeateroay- rero Inaon a villa In thta county 16 -mile nortSw:.! of thl. city. Th. cerennle. were performed by Rev. A. D. of thl city. Following th ceremonies, which wer; in pid succession, th four newly-married couple . sat down to wrddlng dinner.. , . L". mnniui sine a marriage ha. taken ac in Hdckln.on ' naj? La ppl. of th. village turned, out--aft maaaefo th. quartet weonina. "ipartle. wer.LEdsonkiRathborn lr. ... , ... n f thla county. Oeorg. "akar'and M?.. Eihei Dav,. , . Vw"Wah?tonf S. E. Brown Of North , Yakima and Ida E. Mattson . or thU ' co-jnty and Ror-Morgan IMVj EUiel B. Bhae-Wd of JioeTilnson. ' . - " -.''.' local and arargomaj. . . . "i (Special Wapetch to The JournaT) Vancouver. Wirt, June 2. MX W. - Blaln rof Grand Rapid.. Michigan, will ' T deliver an addres on hia trav.l In for e'gn countriea at tha Method church tomorrow evening. '3. , , i- Mlaa Jennie Career of. Seattle 1 In this city visiting relaUve. -Th vote, fordes will b closed Wednesday. T.'f-- . 't Mlsa Maud LeiserTia rMurned to her - bom at. Riverside 1o spend her vaca.- tlon. . t SJ " Ther- waa a larg attendance at - " Shaw'a dano Saturday In th rmory. Zf- Many Vancouver peopia visited Port- Und laat week. . . - Edaon Rathborn. wa In town from -?r-. Jlockinson. Saturday. j . George M. King and Mrs.; KatheHn ' Dwltt wer. married Saturday evening 1 . in th. Methodist church. Bom. very good shooting 4s being doue on th mllltla target r,ng this year. The W. O. W.bnd will practice thla avenlng at Wagener'a muslo store. xtit-r torpedo boat deetroyer Perry "paaaed Vancouver Saturday." ; Two very larg. xcurlon:jad thl -elty yiMer&Hy. " .,. Dr. Ramoo nas gone w v;Mmiiii oo business. fha Journal, dally 46 a month, dally and Sunday 5o a month: delivered any whr In Vancouver. : RUsk'a. ereajnj oda, delicious and re ' frMhing.' oplr, . nt to - Vsncouvsr - grocery.-r -41., .. . -PADEREWSKI IS' PAID $7,000 FOR SIIAKEL'P Pianist Civen Financial Compen sation for Jolting Received An i Travelings . . . t Uesraal SperUI llerrUe.) ... Buffalo, N. Y Jun 2. fieven thou '. aand dollar haa iuat been paid by.,th C' New Tork Central railroad to Igrfrfc paderewskl, thwsblanlst. damage for - th Jolting h.Jclve in a railroad act , cldent three mile from Syraeuea Aprll . 21 Ut After th Jolting th. pianist -.-- waa proatrted from neurlti and forced -to cancel its American tour. Railroad - . lajsyara are congratulating themselves "ai-r)r-seltlement. One ssld loday: s7- "It Is bsrd to eetlmate the damages - a )ury. nrfkht Ti given -Paderewskl had hi J n Juries been permanent, Prob ably th Tecftrd would have been breken and th. railroad taxed hundrd-oc tryJU - gand of dollar.-. ? , - Ntlc The nm CUT efBre mt Vt Joaraal hi locate l a J on1 4ra "". tM M In Tt, wa aubaorlptloaa. tompUlata. artlaaaMala and ra Itraaa will k raealTatf ermoq t tfie church y;atrday inorhlng. Mr.-and Mr, Arthur ettton of Port Townsend, Waahington. 'are- In Oregon City the gueata of their aunt, Mrs. Weldon M.hnav Mr. and Mr. Lul Levthger and baby, MaTgaret, are in tha pity vlaitlng : Mr, bevinger' ltr, Mra. Unn E.- Jonee, Mr. lavinger la a prominent druggist Of Baker City.'' . . L .Mr. and Mra. B. Copeland of Hartland, Washington, are vlaitlng relative In th city.- ... " '' r Mra. M. Mr, BlnfordTof Portland waa Plaiting relatlvea In Oregon City yeiter day. -; " 'i VV. L. Patteraon, a young attorney of Baker City, Ira R. Wlahart, druggiat of the eame place, and Fred Smith of Parkplac are buy today getting to gether. . enough - parapnernalla to keep them In camp on tlvo upper watera of the Molalla river for two weeka. ; The atart tomorrow, . ' s ' BIG STRIKE MADE ON MOTHER LODE A- Reports of FrTdng' of Rich Ore Z' ,? Brought tot Oregon :;-'" L- flpelal Dlapatrh to The Journal.) Oreg6n City, June M.AF. H. Welch and Claud Smith came toVOreg'on City this morning from th Mother Lode mlueJn the Panax baaln .on, Ul hed Watera of . th Molalla rlver with th new of a very rich strike that wa Liaiado on th property lat Ihuraday. Kiva or aix men nava oeen aoina De velopment work all th spring and have been taking out or that averages aooui lit to th ton. Th or from th new find ha not yet be-aaaayed but It la many times richer than any thafvbaa been found. ' Th dut from th drill look like cpncentrateaV .Thl -clatmla owned by Oregon City people and non of th stock 1 for aal. v . ' 'rortra . i ZiL (Special rupatc to Tba Joaroal.) ' Oregon City,- June Court . Robin Hood Nd." .-Foreiter of America,. wHt hold a special meeting, tomorrow eve ning (n Woodmen's hall. whn the mi annuaT election of officer' will be held - . Th' JOUnialrtly-8eTrTnonthrlly and Jiundav '6 So a month; delivered any- where tn Oregon Cityv -; . IHAfWTlM finnwnr wtAem mt Tbe JO I kx-at-a at 1I Mais- strett. shone atala tost, arbare aabrrltlma. aoaaplalata. adaettlnaiaaw aa4 aewa Imw will k raealved aad preawtts attended la. ) MINORS.MUST STOP- SMOKING CIGARETTES Atforney : Spates of Vancouver TakAa. Action torRem- edy the Evil. ' ' (gperlal DlapatC to TSe Joarsal 1 Vsncouver, Wash, June $. Prose cuting Attorney W. W. Sparks la de termined that tha use of clgsrette by minors shall be atopped In thla county. During the past few mentha numerous Cjan p Ulnta-ta ve been" mad. to Attorney ti parks about thla unlawful 'habit. In a circular to dealera of cigars, tobacco and ciaarettes Attorney Sparks quotes a aectton of the law which prohlbltsthe use of cigarettes by minors Under , 1$ year of age. He also state that it ahall b unlawful for- any dealer - In tobacco or cigarette to sell - cigarette for tooacco to ;aucn. minors. rorrim violation of thl law, a fine of rrom $i to $60 may be- rlmpoaedr-or tha flrat of f enae. For th econd of fena. a fine of not less than $10 snd not more than $50J,,ro which may be a,dded lmprlaon ment in the county jall-iot to exceed 0 daya. - In hia circular, 'Attorney Spark takes the view that the aal of cigar ettea to mtnora has been through a mte underatandlng of th. law and takes this way of notifying the guilty parties that violators of th law will b proecuted hereafter. . . .. . - V:. ; : Wrestlars Can mage. . tSpeeial Dlapatck to Taa'joorDal.l -Vancouver, Vah.,' Jun $. While wreatltna-In "Enaiemen's barber shop Wrturday evening. Fred Sturge and Ous. tbe porterV knocked th mug-rack -down, with tha reault that every mug except One waa broken. A large mirror near waafklso shattered. The actual damage 1 hard to determine, as the mug were the propertf of customer who regularly petronlsy-'-the shop and some are highly valued by th owner. ...... atr. Saooa Die. . (Special blapatrfe to Tbe JoersaLt ' Vancouver, Wah.,' June -M. Mr. Mary Bacon, th. wlf of General. iohn M. Bacon. U. 8. A. - (retired) and a daughter of Oeneral John W.' rJorsyth. W8; A., (retired), died t the family home Just- norths ot,.thls city Saturday at p. m. Deathresulted of pneumonia. She waa weU. known throughout thia section, both., in - mllltsry -and civilian circles, fhe was .$4 years of age. The funeraf wilt probably take'place Wed nesday afternoon. .'; ' .L , A Buffalo physiclsn -'Who attended Paderewskl .and accompanied 'him. t Boston. whence- ho- iailed-foT Burop said , that few person realise how neat paralysis X adorejarskl earn. Had he neg lected th-a11ment a few day he un doubtedly would hava lost control of his muscles, s hi nerve wer seriously affected. '-., " -' POMEROYWILLC'ASl ... IN SUPREME COURT - (Special plapatch to Tbe 4oaraaL) -Helena, Mont.." June 2$. Th noted Pomeroy will case haa reached the su preme court, and the highest tribunal will now determine Ih matter. T, M. Pomerny died Intestate In lt$2. 4eaviag it large eatate, which finally eacbeated to th. then territory of MonUna. - W. B. . Pomoroy of Boatorr cajne to Helena a year ago and brought shit to recover th. money. Th. stale Ineffectually fought his claim to th heirship, which, however, waa proved beyond . prrad ven ture. In th. district court Pomeroy won snd Judr. Smith rendered --a -Judgment in hi favor and directed th stale iddltrtr to draw a warrant In, hie favor' for f 11,000 and InurttT Th attorney- PROGRAM C051P1ETED. . FOR THE TOURNAMENT '' - r. i . OregonV City ; td Be Scene of FestTvitles for Three Days. -V " (Special DUpatc to The JooraaM -; LOregon Crfy. Jun tt Th commit- te having in charge me nnm.n . -.-nament July I. and', haa completed the program f'or th eaaonJOf big fe tivltle, which I a follow: .Monday, July 110 a. m. horn team bose race, prls .150; J p. m.. wet tt. first prls 100, econd prl ISO; 6 p. m., 100-yard -dash ' for firemen Only, prii box of $12(50 cigars S P. m.i ntertain ment In City park. ; . . , . Tueadav Julr 4 :Sv. a. m.. graind street parade, led by platoon of police. Chief Marshal J. 17. CampDeu ana bio, ii.,r hanH. Grand " Army and Boy brigade, president of dy, speaker of day,--mayor- of Oregon -City, and vlce nrealdei.t of dar. chaolaln. vocalist and reader -Of Declaration ot IndepeVidence, city council. Goddess of Liberty an,d maids of honor, Oregonltx:bd, ladle' commute, fraternal ordera and Moata.. Mliwaukta band. Hosts.: fir department, miscellaneous floata. ' ' - Program at Park Muale by th bands; Invocation. Rev. P. K- Hammond; uhorua of children, -led - by t Mr.- Kath- ryn Ward Pop; . addreaa pf welcome. Mayor Sommer; reading of Declaration of Independence. Mia Mamie " Long: orationWaller U Tooa of Woodburn; aelectlon, male .quartet. Water Sports l:d p. m., log-rolling contest! first prls $11. .seond prlxe $6; I p. m.. awimmlng race, first prls $, eeond prls $!.B0; 2:10 p. m.. boat race, half mile and return, two sets oars, prise box $12.60 cigar. ' Street JSport 1:10 p.. m.. 100-yard dash, free for alf.-vflrat prls $10, second prls $5; 2:46 p m., boys' race, under It year, first prise $S. second $2; fat men' race, prls briar pipe value $10; $.1.5 p. m.. wheelbarrorw race, prilse $5; l:o p. m., dry teat, first prise $100, econdJ prls $60; 6 p. m.. grand balloon ascen sion and parachute drop; t p. m baiwl concert and ball at armory.-,.. Wednesday, July 6 1C a. m.. hub and hub hoaa race, first prlsa $100. aeconl 6Q;. third $23.-1 -p ntq championship ace, first prlsa-$100. second $60. third o; s p.m., band-eoneertr .The personnel of the general commit- 4k followai-PrMldenC-.W.. It HoweiU J..h.M. T ,1' ,1-1 . - ... i Tivp-vtwiuwut, . v-ui-i. irvaaurer. Lm q- Vaufleld; secretary. J. ' H. CaunetdTTofferedby aome scientist or medical col Frafck , Mcainnls. E, iu .Noble, CW. fope M. Justin. TREE KILLS - LOGGING FOREMAN WilHartv rvloe Struclrt)rrHeadijy Log and Skull -. Is Crushed. T,'' ";' :'";-'..r. japarigtAtssatck to Tk laarasLI : Vaocouver, lWah., Jun 2$.. Naws haa been received here of th death of William Mot,. Wt Wilson' sawmill, east of La Center, Jn Tuesday morning. Mo waa fell)ng tlknber. A a hug. tree fell It struck a Ismail log. which In turn atruck Mo on 4he top of the head, com pletely crushing hia skull. He died In stantly. The 4ed man had been In th employ of. th mill for aome time, havlnfe charge lof the" tlmber-felllnr gang at the timel of his death. A widow, hia mother, a brother and aeverat sisters survive him- HW lived pear La-Center and waa 31 yeart of sge. H. waa a member' of the Odd Fellows, by whdtn hi will .be burled lA th. La Center remb- tery: In respect to hi memory Wilson's mill . ha, closed. Idown until after the funeraL . Oonrthoos jTotea. . '" (Special plapalrb to Tk JnaraaL ) " Vancouver, Wh-., June 2.-M3n mar riage license waa iaaued and four trans fers of real eatate wer. recorded it urday by Auditor Bumham. The trans fers wer aa follow: Hugh-McMaster to Frank .Apollo and others, land de scribed on page -frt-Tf" book 4 In th. probata Jon ma 1 of superior court; con sideration $00. Lloyd Dubois and wife; to M. W. Odell, the, aouthweat quatr-"tf " section 11, township $. north- or range. Tfeast, con taining 140 acres: consideration l.sjo. a. T Picket and wife to E-VV.T Scott, lot 7 of block 4 of LaCamea; considera tion $260. , . - - - .-- iH. H.' Polsen.and wife to O. T. Plckef and wire, lot T. tn block 4 of LaCamas; consideration $3: i -The marriage license" wa Issued to Edaon Rathborna. and Bessie Morgan of Clark county. - - Stricken Wttb raralyala. . (gperlal Di.palcb to The ' Journal. $ Vancodver. Wah.. June-H. 'J. C. Orahsm. or a-number ot srs "purser litthe Vancotrver ferry and on of Van couver's best-known clt liens. Is seri ously 111 at his hom with paralysis.' It TiThis third attack. Some 12 years ago Mr. -Graham was sandbsgged- and robbed In Portland. He never fully recovered from the Injury he received to htr head. Everything possible Is -being dona to save the stricken man nd th doctors hava hope that he Will again, pull through. . ' - J.i geneaal,' however, -suied this would b Irregular- s there Js nofund" on which. IS-draw a warrant? a pd the auditor re fused to act. ..The. atat then appealed rom the Judgment Of Judge Smith, and the auprem court 'ha Just heard th argument. - It seems probable- that Pom eroy wlH hava to appeal t th. Jegisla ture for a special appropriation, as th tat I not now denying hi right to Jha rr.oncy.: Pomeroy 1 the onlyjlssue of three marrlagea orthe elder Pomeroy. and waa born tn Boston, and. It was through reading a newspaper notice that he learned the Montana pioneer was his father. .t : - 'r Teaaaaier rifhtlag7 KWL - ' -"f", (Spe'lal Mapetck to T Joorntl) Spokanee-Ws.. June 2. The team ster are lighting Hill's new franchise. TwoTetltWui hsv already been filed with the iltrv council asking that the francKts sought by th Orest Ntrthernl company m H'"4 a uneraiwni wn i . la hcltyb-rf usd. t."; : ' r..- e ... . i ii . No '-need to fear sifdden attacks nf etttlranfantum. dyaentery diarrhoea or aiimmer complslnt,1f yon hsv Dr. rowler s' EstraM of WllHStTaWbrrr Je-tJi jaediclna chetU , v I- J . .- -a' '"-..f ., ' '' .i'i ' ' .-'" . ' 'x . . . I (! .'i-"v v'rT-s-ri-rT. V ' r'T ' -! ' ' . . MAN WITH TWO HEARTS 7 v WOULD SELL HIS BODY (Joarsal Special fcrVke.) , New 'Rochelle-Conn., Jun t. Tele gram and telepffon answer to hi ad vertisement 'In a New Tork paper offer ing to sell his. .body and w. hearta after death have kept A. Durr of New Rochelle busy Although It I known that Durr haa been offered large auma of money for hi' body, he refuses tn-tte th amounts. He' 4s kecDlnav these Secret tn the hopestsBj-jrBin jiiay ntlat nr tnodlral rot. lege. Purr Is a csrpenter, 25 years old, un married and ths.xlcfure of healths Up to a -fajw Teara ago he did pot know that he possessed iwo hesrts. ' It Was dis covered when he called a physician to treat him for a alight attack of sickness. Since then he haa submitted to examina tion by many of the moat celebrated besrt speclaltsta of the country. Durr wants cash down and will give the pur chaser a deed good after hia death. L0CUTI0NISTS MEET- --.';lN:ANNUALrSESSI0l. ' J (Joarsal -Special Service.) " 1 -Washfhgton. D. C. June 2. The Na tional Association of Elocutionists met in fourteenth .annual convention in Wash. Ington today with . attendance or about members from various sec tion of 'the country. ... Session will b held dally throughout the week, at which paper will be presented covering' the entire field of elocution from kinder garten -work to advanced ' dramatic Instruction.- - ; t -- - - At th. opening seawion held thl after noon In the auditorium of the public library prayer waa offered by th Rev. Wallace Radcliffe and tbe visitors were welcomed by Commissioner Henry B. F. McFarland and Dr.. William T. Harris, United States commissioner of educa tion. President Robert It. .Fulton of Delaware.-Ohio, delivered hi annual ad dress and report were presented by the other of fleers. Several recitals jSjuH aramauc readings are on ine .program for thl evening. . . ' i. '; t - War After SS Tear. ' Mankato Cor. St. Paul Dispatch. Th. other day Hakon Hanson was dig ging up th garden fn' a yard In th rer of Myron O. Wfllard'r"home. When he found-T. little gold baby ring. On the Inside' of th ring waa' engraved Kittle Waa-ner In script. ' Tho Kittle Wsgner that lost tjhrjjig"' Is now one of the prominent women of this town. Thirty-five yeara jfgo she, a little girl; attended the prlmaty grade at the Pleasant. Grove school, which is within half a' block of tbe garden, and while playing at recess one day sK5 "lost the" little ring. It 'lis been !n the ground fully JS yesra, la now in first-clas condition. "- A m.asonabls Fro position. , . Translated from Fllrgende Blatter. Bumper You owe me 230.000, which you say you can't pay. Why don't you marry Mlsa OldgirlT She worth twice that amount. Jumper No, I can't do tht:-hut you mtght marry her youraelf and pay me rTJ" -r z - m . . ' . - - - . - i '. TV f '.' lV.! ' ' i- : 1 ' '. JT "-". rimSiK - "-.'. v'.'. :. j.''. , ! A ' plesire re.ort; the e'rklTr Twille'en. . h.ndaom. grove- snd Snow-capp.d mour.ts.ns; P"-"'" "f" n' JHllrll b..Jr!l,,,lVr-' electric lights. Bull Run water, telephones, electric cars on either aid, river trsnarx-rlatlon. and la but 1 minutes i rid from the huetneee certert I r. ' be erected thi $Zc,?ht &cirt fH' 'liiZ'Jii00 A1 d Mmlil 'JiTlJ" ! aUTS M lsvtmat opportunity to .aal this; OBB-OJf Win NWU TO WHTB CO, O. W. 9. m By. Co. ldf, rlrst a Aiv. i . . . -r-' - - . . .j..'-,...:4-r-";:,,V"'-" ": J - :" ; t- . . I , V '' - ': ; ,. , - v. . - ' . 50c? r - is E AT THE THEATRES. Kolb and Dill Tonight. Th. Tamooa Oornaa ensMHllans. Kolb and Dill, with their company of fro people, will talis an engagement at th. Varqi-am Grand. tkatr. tenlglX, rrewat Ing - the siualcal eamedy bar leaqu. "I. It. I.'." Two fnnnler Oerniaos sever trod the ' Mar , tbaa Kolb and Kill. Tkelr knmor la InfertUma, and with them hv s'atreng snpportlne rompany, beaded by th. enpreno. rjlltb Maton; Thomaa Few, lb tenor; Has "t. her 1 wcimsikiwo aru.w. I an nauri uauco. ui n Ten" the eomedlana bar. -Blade a featnre. will be during tbe eiu;agment. The eompaay hu beep dlatrltxitli f . laughs tn rmwded boiisea .Terjr vtwi. l'opnlar prices wllL prevalL rt Is to Laugh.' "rinaeran'a Alley," referred to la tbeadVer. tlaln matter aa "a play wit boot s plot and eonatrttcted to rreate laugba," and aoi-h other utw rullU-kUta see dealgaed for,, waa the tfferlng yeaterday by tbe stock eosipany at tbe Esiplre, In which three new people are aeeo Gcruad Ferris. Jrnte Haines and Prank fanning, applaaa. "evinced tbe approTal with which tha audience received th production. Two performances a day will b. Ttl'tn for tb. week. IVglnnlng July Jobnaon alcCnllej'a "Tb. Heir Apparrnf will be glees Tha earl JodayljJ'liua;y,tri Joaie Balma; Tatrirk, Frankt fanning; ttaf- lerty. ..JSilllasi Harrta; Dntrb.Jake. C. W. Votki t'wunty do Mmney. l.rntoa atbey; Lady Banaak Lerejoy. Madge O'liell; kaijr, Ovrtrude ferrle,. .' vv-j,:-.- V At the Star. ' " . The: Stl?' has another 'very attractive bill, fct'rea and fooWT .barpahootera, have probably never bad eijuala In thvir-tlua hera. Mr. and Mra. Chick present - a Tery jrfiroilng llttl. akatck. Varden. Perry and WTlber produce oni. good muaic .n atrlnged Instrument.. Ilallen aul Haves In black far. ara abnv. the avr:urelsrolinan'a feata are gracefully exe cuted. "Ta-ar Old Girt" Ja Mr. Bonner's selec tion, and asitialng picture, on tbe Btaroaeop. oouplete. a strong program. The Grand's New 'Attractions. : Tb great Tattun. who Is hilled as the ateljir altrnrtimi. n,n.letel nr'llflea tbe aiectatora at tbe Grand. Th. Haeallt Ulo of children la eiceedlnaiy rlevrr. Ik. La Valla Introduce aome dartng thing. In mid air, wall, the Uott loba win applaua. Klaber asd Jobnaoa do some daring feata on tbe bicycle. U. H. Shone la the ' new .arltnu.. Ed Cbrtaate. monolngtat, j ssd amualog pictures oa'tbe Urandtacvpe make sp .a attractive MIL . I At the Belasco. The Relaece atock company begins the sew week tonight with s repreaentatloa of the cele brated farce, NerrM." which choked with lanshter tbe patron, of the Lyceum theatre is View York . for upward 'of a year. Tbe play ia described e s fun-making marvel, and It I. tn be expected that It will dritw ss well aa any of the otahl pikve heretofore apread befur tbe public by tha. frvortt. 'oriMwaatlon. af At the Lyric. For this week tbe Lrrlc .took company offer to lla patrons "Fogg's rerry," a eonatdy drama of the aouth. Tb. plot I. laid In th. aouthweat and Introduce stany quaint cltarsctera. i Ella Wlbna and Tbomaa Clarke have the leading mle. Berweesacta tb I.vrln-op .ntertalna a ltd morion pktnre. and Tbomaa H. Ray alng plctarrd tallada- Every afternoon " at " 134 e'cleefcs evenings' st T 30 and :1S o'clofk. j At the Baker. -The Raker management offer te Its patron for a fee rare act Joe I' Iran, the world's great, eat awoologlat. Other features are tb. IX - - r - : -.. . m-.wrmm Cl.t at:S0ct6$S , Yoij yc a boy" that wants to be comfortable this summer, have . you not? Well, what jhore could he be clothed in than an inex- v .pensive Wash Suit isi the warmest days at the fair,-the beach,,. . the mountains or general city wear? The only real sensible hot weather garments for juveniles of V to 12 years. . Every Wash Suit fabric in 'all colors 7 r. ' ... 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 to $5.00 s Wash HatOnd Broad-Brimmed Sttavtt - h Greatest Clothing House Gris'trln of acrobats, MorreU asd Deely. Lor. ralne and Howell, an eccentric comedy aoo. JeiJT WllMHi in lllcstramd ballad, and the Bakrrraph alth cleTcr pWtarej, v .. . MILLER IS CONVICTED - OF WRECKING A-BANK (Journal Special Service.) . . -i - Baker Clty. crr.e-Tlun 2. In th case, of the tat against RoyMiller.who waa arrested in yonopah last . Aprlt for wrecking th brink of Sumpter. th Jury yesterday afternoon returned a verdict of guilty. -Wednesday waa th day aet for sentence. Miller waa presi dent -t the' bank and Is well known both In Portland and in Salem.- He was Indicted, charged with fraudulently representing- to A, P, Goes tTTat a cer tain check for' 115.000 on the First National bank of Sumpter wa good. and wotrld be honored by the First Notional bank"., thus Inducing Ooss to turn or to him the prooerty of th. bnnR of 1 ,- nTrMr HiNMett f ' " ' ' ' ' "'i il liability of the 'coneern that guaranteea .lt which v H 'ill il "hould be considered. Our. guarantee la a'. good. and J " ' - illj,' If. r safe as a government bond ur. price are by fa 1 ",' II , " th. lowest In be city. v.-U - . . .'V. y I II l " .;T ' " Our'-Term :....-.. - . V-'-5 ! J "f Ni Without paying any -mar than wer you to pay , It I T'Tjcash. . Be. us before buying els.wher.., .. . ''ffj ' !SI1 Mara AS Bloclf T r.e1oolr. threllv. the lnll!l and factories: UITS-. - trtT. . .".'.25 up in the Northwest, "f .' ' Sumpter in payment for which h gav check, although be knew at, tha. Urn that th check wa worthless. It waa alleged that the bank waa kept -open and deposit received for two day after it was known that th bank's case waa hopeless, simply .Jo prevent a run on th. First .National bank. , ' J. Excursion Rates ' On 'June "2S. 2 arm SO th CAnWHan, Pacific will' aell rOund-trlivrtk. eaatern'polntsat very low1 rates. Tlcjt-. ets wtH be good for stop-over privilege, with' final limit ot 0 daya from data of sale. ' For descriptive matter and full particular csjlent or address T. -H. ' Johnson. F". andP. A. Canadian Pacific. 143 Third street. Portland. Or. ""Announcement Th new Ann photo graph' gallery now open t th Colum bia building, corner West Park and Washington. Tak. .levator. . - Preferred Stock Canned Oooda. Allen aV Lewla" Beat Brand.. . - f j., i The Oeks. thst gltracrlve r -1 V . S 1 IL. . ......