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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1905)
I -t i I 1 4 - -aa-ar . , -THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, JUN 23, 1905. IS t If ', -it- Bunxrii chabcts. 4.i BUYS on-rooui modern roomlng-honae, corner brie. Bnd locatWn; aaaj tarn. $ (ni tivrootn brick bulldlnf, la AM condi tion: will trad (w real estate. 2.u its room, staem best, antral lecatloal great bargain;, will trd for reaL estate. l.ano 13 rooiua, elegant furultur, flu loca tion. Liar eea laree yard , - 4M -aaanunt - of aWknes muat Mil at Mr. 8to ill iwdu, Boraee brick, Bne location) . worth tl.sou, but muat aril; $300 oak dow takes It. ' j i tl.oou I, room. Bear . fair SfouadV-.lTMl teaee. 4 aieiith' reat paid. 1 rin lT-rosm awes, lease, root only tVi; ttts I a snap. - '- rt 8 ranrja, fin location,' rent only " 830; this nlac la taklnff in 1100 motltk. fl.ouo buj en kalf Interact la lumbar tad. b Invented la timber. r On half lntereet la paring coon try real tat and liajuranee bualneaa; valuable eon. tracte go wltk bualneaa; tbi wlU aiaa4 la- . ' veatlgatlon. , . LIVINGSTON... 1 COMMERCIAL- BLK. -- rboa Mala 4tHr. lA RaRB chanc for Kmi mat Oo warn r . raa knap cool all maimer aod warm all win ter; fat aala or rirban- for cltr or ronotrr proprrtr. ' a lar hotal at Port Townaaad. Wak at tb month of Puft anaad: about ' - 100 room; all awdrra tmproTaoMnt; Ci aora f land.- fremiti oo tb bar; oo uniimra, no wlntura; tb flnaat tllmat and araDdoat aarr la th world; aurronndad lif beautiful " owclad I'aacaa and uiiairii nauauwa; r , cuai 1100 rV Mi i or Ira S2S.OO0: fra and clear; - would make a cood eialtarluia. Dr. Juka t'arlrla, car Butler hotel, Buattut, Waak. . - BBVKHAti bualiuiaa'iH'uliir. anrk toonelnr; aonaiie, aouia, hardware, frorariM. aaaarai , marrkandla atocka. clr and aoUnoe, bakery J and aalaona, fun aala or trade; auw vacant - -Hm to trade for paraonal propertr: . Xullow i--t Jewel etork to trade fof raak; alao a few block, of atnek la the. Kramer kllnlne ---- Mllllnc com pan to txcfancataur few eilTer oollara. - 1 W. linXER. Sixth at, tl.ana tilVKN" AWAVI ; W offer our feaeral BMrrhaodla bujlneaa .Irtr aala, wit toe -oera uianaunv-aai aver rhandiae and nronertr. "hare a well e- lected. clean stock that wltl IutoIc about 110.000; alao 4 lota and building that we offer at a bargain, in.eatlgate; one or iae beat opportnaJtlea In Oregon. We meaa bul .naea. Inquire Journal, or write ua. i. W. AND at. A. ROBINSON, Aahland. Or.. DaJBT BTOCK BAI.C Tueadar, Jua ST. at 1 i p. ., I ' wll aril at public aactloa at my farm sear Reedrlll Vt rholca dairy aowa, yearling betfera, a Holatala and a Jeraey bull (both young). Out-of-county buyer tak ajorulng trala from Portland, attend aale and get back on erenlng train. D. &. Wheeler. RerdTtlle. Or. . rARTNKIt WANTRn f hae a aura morjor ;.-' making propoelttea, bo t" want a good man and .s," not lea than f w to ninai u; can aoow any ' ' man tbat I bar tb goods and tba customer; Incoming man can haadt all fund. Addreea ' rOR BENT Th - OUftng-rooa of' a, down, town buffet, located la center 'of retail . dl.trtcti recently refitted throughout. Tboa ' with money to carry tola out la trat-elaa skip only need apply to T 62. Journal. - FRKB LANDS IN ORBOON. iTtRTTLB aoll, pur water, delightful climate; f land of alfalfa, apple and clorar. for full -jnfoyBjatlon addrea tb Colurnbla Southern irrlgatlsa Co., us Worcester blk.. Portland. k LADT cr geatlemaa wha ha a mall aavMrat . OI money vo ibtobc bb a parmer w .una - to of flea bualaas a.tttng from S00 to ll.boe and upward per month. CaU UH Nertk BUth , at. Phoa Mala 1820. . IJ2 . ---A BI MONBY MAKBR. , - - Card printing outfit complete, located at ' the fair grounda. -. Here' yonr chanc to "mak money. Phone Main S7T, or call at . i 'iJS Burn.lile at- to 12 m. ' LBwAI.IIED Bond lareatment Co., eatabtlsbed .1 1 years, wants local repreBttlTa arery-i- -:ii1iere. For full particular, eta., ddree - W. W. Harder. 1S Falling bld.. Portlsnd. " : Or. - ' - - -N THB NATIONAL FINANCIN0 CO.. BOS atar - quam Mdg.. Portland, - Or., baadle bono, . ftocka, mine, finance legitimate enter prUia, . furnlehas aaf IsreauaaBU and aecuraa kaaa. THE beat location In Oregon for a good hotel -- v man with from lfl.000 to f 10.000, In th can. ' ' ter of the Boremment Irrigation work. AV --T dree A. F. Clublna. IterrUL Oregon.. A WELL-EQt'lPPED pUnlng-mlll. - located la : East Portland, together wltk stock of lum- her,-a a bargain; owner going out of bual- , neaa.: Address B tT. car Jonrnat ' V ANTKn Partner with 12.000 to tak part) In '. bereat in good paytng reauarant mad rhfaJ . Inquire of manager Hotel rairmouat, weniy -aUik and I'pahur Bta.-- .V , - a GOOR-Buelnaee In Portland. 'prorlta 3O0 a . month: rash required, M.6001 aa excellent . opportunity I tha right party. Address "8 M, ears Journal. AV1' -"T other buslnen will sell my nice Tneiiranre buslneas for half tb first year's . rommlMlon; reference;- fullest InrMtlfatlOB. V o. cro Journal. " . .$4M OROCKRT, lea than coat; good location; caeh buelnea. Inquire Btar raataarant, 374 North Twenty-alxth, en brack aouth mala fal entrance. , . " . FOR BAI,B-2Faat aid butcher a bop. fully , equipped: etablthed trade, good (ocatloa, ' long lea a, cheap reat. 270 Alder, cigar at ore. - FOB BALK Ice cream Ice cream and confectionery Waahlnataa at.i "dolnav-aaod busl. eenre, on Ba; by owner, no Kgents.Vl 8 B0 JoarnaC 4, FOR 'tlAl.EAt a bargain. 20-rooa- VxlaMng houa doing good buelite;, -rent " only -400, Madlaen boo-, corner Flrat and Madtaoa. . Cl'lAHU and confectionery; good lletng rooma, low rant; a bargain. If taken tola week) causa . nf sal, lrkneea. Address A 40, Journal. 0WINQ TO LEAVING CITY will sell my 12 room bona, clearing $laM-par month, kia trlfler seed apply., m BJxih at,, JJYKINO nd cleaning work: cleared $100 a .'" ' month arer expeoses; owner haa to go back east. Address B 62. JournaL JTOR BALE Ohw1f Interest In old aeUhllahed bualneee chanc and rl eatata offlo. Ford s, KM Fourth at., room SB. j; fOlXTRT-VAltD and poultry, for !: IB - sere ground;- long leaee. J. H. Ulddleton, BIT Chamber af to FOR BALE Chasp, baatblack- and cigar-stand: - good lease; must be sold at one, at Third at., cor. Ererett at. , . S FOR BALE Returat, doing fair bualneaa; other bnalneea reason for aelllng.. loqulr 20U kladlaon at, 'FOR '" BALb Iubl-rrit. Btor with barbar ahop. ox 22a, Toledo. Or. FOB BALE atlBCkXLABXOtTB. FOR BALE One Bwlft automatic cardprlntlng . machine; French makeaelf-feedlng, eelf-lnk-. Ing; this'machlne la nearly new; a bargain at i(Ki. B. BWIIbob, Hotel Normsadla, Ban Diego, CL A B A BO AIM IB H.Fr traction engine, m one . aeeaon ; igood a new; cheap for eaah, ar .will trade for aUttonax. - C A. Wklte, Bcotts Mills. Or. - ;...v ' FOR BALE CHEAP SOO-galloa new galTsnlaed water-tank. - Inquire Kaat Fiftieth at.. No. M, blocks north from Buanelile-ltt. Tabor . carlln. . ; 'i , ' . BII.UARD AND -POOl) table for reat or for . aala on eaay payments. THB BRUNSWICK RALKB COLLENDEB ). -j ' ' Third st. Poriuind. 'i WB print your name oav o calling card, proper els and atyl. too.1 200 bualaeaa cards II. Brow Bchmal,-22 Flnt. PoHlaad. On LAl'NCH for al. length M feet, 10 H. t. en i gluav- large earrelng capacity; prlca- ry cheap. Address H 48. car Journal. ' - FOB BALE Remington typeWHter N. B,-aed eerf little; can be had cheap for cash. Ad dreed A Bl. rare JournaL i - ; FOR 'BALE New beathoeae. 14x20 feet;'wlfl aell hargalnl can b at,thf fooiaf Columbia at. FOR BALBr-Kew oak rolltcp desk, cheep for cak. J. H. H. Aaderaoo, IB1 -Morrleoa. - TEI EPHONB bracket and pin. Pioneer Wood i, lifg. Co.. B. Berentht Phone Beat 2108. FOR BALE Smith 'Premier typewriter, almost , near,, reasonable. Address A Md, Journal. -.FOR BALE 14-foot . row - boat. ' Inquire X. T? Whitman, aouth af caa factory. TNOROIT.HRRtn aolnter pop, B44 B. Btsrk. , bTObtebtzao BiLnratniHTfrirTB. ll ACRES good lead and fln' tlnraSar, mostly .; aedsr. unlimited natrange. ;eicllet fruit mnntry. good road, air. . W. Barnes, Dlionrllle, 0 . EBSOSAL. iap IF caching a congenial Ufa companion. Join onr aocletv and meat or-enrTeepond wttk re putabls reoldant or thl eecllon who wlak to aiariai our paper, th Matrimonial Re-later, Erie inc. (Ira particular ceucernln severe! undred Orexon mam here; many wealth; all ages - lntrtt Introducing - Soelelf, -34 Buaeell bldg., lUfjV Fourth. af A VI. T vlaor restored Dr. Robert" Nerve filnhnlaa. oa moo th e treatment- 13: I Booth a. SOi sent ecureiy sealed try null. Afinti, woouaxu, rwuunt w. BOOK 81 Hal they ari "Decameron." "Hep. tamera," "A Hot Taatal" "Fa a of Rill "Twentr Teers a raef(-- VForBldnaa rraiu 0 acb Uat free, a. Schmale, US Fleet at. -r Were reetored br the Mat Dr. Mara Toole Tablet; XSa Bar hoi. koia fur t.IS Writ or call at Ereeall fbarmacr. xn moituob, bat. let aa so. MANICURINO by new rotary proceee, band mie ease, rlbratory body. face, scalo maasase: . free damoaatratloa. Ftbratortum. room 2B-2B Lwl biug.. cor. Park and Morrison sta. QRRAT Bedartlea Bale Entire ' stock to be sold below cost, please come In and look I .ad lea' underwear and ehtrtwalata. , Hal t.Blug Co., S92 Morrleoa St. . MADAVEH" KTNB AND BREPPARD ftealp saaclallata, manlcnrlng, sipert chlropornata, .. aatlaaptle ifaot- bath (or burning feet. Boom B, BoS Moarlsoa at. LA 1)1 KB Ydu aoeear . 20 Tears roaueer. ' re more all wrinkles,.' bare skla Ilka raleet s by using Oregon Urape Bkln faod. Phoa Et xei7. , , . . . 1 B1N0) CBOONO. Imaorter of Chines mot modi dues; sells Chtneee tea that la certain cure tor u diseases. 11 Baoood bat. xambiu and Tsyloo ,; . r : L1LL1AN R. CRAM Cnlrooodlat. manicuring , and ahatnpoolng. Parlor 424 Ablagtoa bldg., -l-ortlend. Or. BUck 2BS3. - MRS. WALLEB Plana; graduate Columbia rjoaaarratury: laaaon. BOa, 111 Bast hlua - teenth at. Mala 4790. PRRHNMAKTm.ahtrtwatata and anlta, genfs , ehlrta. Th BpeuOr coos pan, 12 loth at. Phoo Mala 6660. t. . DLRlNO VACATION - a achool teacher de. ire to glr prlrat leaaonav T 67, JournaL MIB8 MAKI. aH entitle maaseues, graduate of FtnUad; Udlea en!. 40B Ablngton. Ud. aaa. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregonlen bldg.. genu all day; Udlea aD nlght. Mala lwig. . BALM OF FI08 for all retrial diseases, - Alder t. Phone' Main 4fta2- 434 FOB ftXl -TIXBER. FOR BALE Two komaatead . . relinquishment clalme; second growth; will Mil chasp. A. Pr NlslaoB, Hotel Rbrlnpfal. FOB HOMESTEADS timber claims and acrlp apply to 304 Commercial blk.. FOB BALE LITtBTOCX. ONE Itfiimth-old Durham ball for Bale. In quire S20 Kingman at., Woodlawa, or Phone Beott 12. ATTOBXXTB. OREGON LAW COLLECTION CO. 1T Fen - ton block. Collections made throogboeft tb united Btares; nanKruptcymtTr a specialty; Bad tenant ejected; rente collected sad gea rsl Iser bnalneea notary public. - aVBT XBrPOBIUlL- PBOF. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait and ' landscape artlat; tuatructlon In oil painting, '-water color, etc., and drawing: - art gallery connected with studio; picture for aala and framing to order. 848 Alder et. Phone 1630. abb Arms. THB J. ,H. Flak A aaa leg office Green ley A Crawford, - analytical ebemlets and metal lurglata. tOt Waabingtoa at. BATHS ltAIBAOE. THB SEVERE BATHS. -Taper ' twtha and msasage; tw . refined young Isdy operetos-la atteadaac. 1M yt Morrbioa at., room 10. i . TI1R BKOWDEN' BATHROOMS ORTtt Alder er. ta ua orn; taoy nttenaanra; inn ana vapor bath, maaaage. electricity. Main EttNS. TOL'NO sclentlBc meaaeuae. Taper, medicated and perfume bathe, Berroua dieeaae a apeclallty. 1H Bth at. room- 1. ' YOl'NO Bpasleh lady, "cientlflo maasag and be tha. Room 22, Hotel Tacoma, Stark at between Third and Fourth. I. BLABK 30K kfAJTCTACTUBE eaaa iBBBBajwBaa HOWE. UAVIB KILHAMs 10B-1U Becoad at Blank bunk aianufacturera; agents fir Jones Impeared Loosa-Leaf ledger i aaa the .Bw ' i Kuroka leaf, tha beat sh the market. . BIOTCLZ BXALXXB. COI.I'MRIA, TRIBUNE AND CRKBGENT. BPORTINd GOODS. HXPRRT REPAlllNO. F. P. KEEN AN, BOB THIRD flf. COAL AJTS W00JX CH(Ri:HLEY BROS, kare remored from foot Dart at to 42 Kearney at., near 11th; . B.-W thr largeet wooderd la tha city, carry ing all kind of wood sad coaL - Mala BSt. ALRINA Ft' EL CO. Dealera la eordweod, coal mnA araan -ana .lahwMul B u i - . . I blue are.. 2 block east of ferry. . East 874. 8TERL BRIDGE FUEL CO., d'alera la ooaL cord-wood aaa dry alabwood. Phoaa East 424. OREGON FUEL CO., all ktnda of coal and wood. S44 Morrison, phone Main 66- - f KIRK HOOVER. 216 Water at. wood sod anal. . Phono - MalBr 460B. FOR BALK 8.000 cords fir wood- Phone East 2MB. CXAXBTOTAeTT VAUaST. kaw-BaawaBaa -OYPHST EEN0BIA, Queen af clalrroyants. Bhr guarantee to read every Incident of your life, peat present snd - future. - Room 201 Allsky Bldg., 306 Morrl- aoa, cor. Third . MADAMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. palmist, card reader; I give fects reliable and tm , portent on all affairs of real life. - Readings wc. wi .pTVDia vi., near tiaa 07IR0F0DI8TB. IF your feat are out of order, go ti Dr. Worlay Kanjamin. Keren t a and mark, tha foot pe rl lie t. Phone Black BIB. j C10AKB AMP TOBACCO, EBRERO-OU&BT CO. . Dlatrlbator of FINE CIGARS. - Pertlaad, Oregna. 'VOOMMIBBIObT lfEKOHABTB, " DAVENPORT BROS. General rommlaalnn mer chant.; fruit and produce; consignment eo- J llClted L prompt return. Inn fennt at EVERD1NO FARRELL, produce and commis sion merrhente. 140 Front St., Portlsnd, Or. Phone Main 170. ' - ..I-. - CABFET-OlKAVIXa. - LtBht U VVB your wells cleaned; we cleaa papered fnd painted walls; astlefarttra guaranteed; prices rassnosblei references. Bed 2832. -m- CARPETS cleaned ea the floor; we raise as duet. . Phoa (lay Ml, free drmoaatrauoa. J.'. HUNTER Bream carpet" sad mat cleaner- 660 Jefferson. Phoa Mala 214. r CtEAJflBw A2TD BTXIN0. rORTI.AND STEAM CLEANING' DYEING woraa; nrserirai natter ra ronnaetton; feather nose ana pin nmee cleaned and curled bv as pert. 211 Fourth. Phoa .Clay 704. CLOTHES r leaned and preeaed 81 par Btouth. unique Tailoring io bvt wssningtoa st, - II. W, tl'RNER. profesaloaal dyer snd cleaner. B06 Jefferaon at. Phop Main 2613. , .- jrEMEXT WWTBACT0B. CEMENT W0BK LP TO DATS, with elnowgreeaa end 1 stvalght bualneaa. X, Landatrnta, Boa Cmmerctl blk. . CRT A 8. H. CASTER A CO., Cement contractor, 64 Esst Twentieth ah . Those East U!6. All verk tuartataed. . i -. CABPEBTXB8 ABD BUILDERS. A. J. ACTHOBB and-H. E. WOOD, carpetters and builder; reewlrlng . and jobblug; etore and office Sxturoe built. Bbon- ; Columbia. . anam ovi. WB build your hew or fit your old bom very reasonable. Call at the ehop. 12B Sixteenth - at, north, ee New Weetern hotel. ' CAFES. KRICK SON'S REBTAUBANT Mercbaaf lunch 11 m. m. ta 12 p. m. I under, new meneganient. ti. B. Bvana, prop. ' second and Buraalde. THB Ornrxv-2 Washtagtua at, I'bone Main . TTI. Samuel Vlgneauxv - I ' CABBIA0X AJTS EACX 00M7AVIZB. TH MB UNITED -CARRIAOB CO. Carriage. tall-ko rigs and aarrr-all: IBS Elerrutk at, eor. MorrlaDO.-' Phone Mala 221. CR0CKEET AT OLASSWABX. WHOLESALE) crockery and glaswsre. Prsel, liagel A Co., 100. to 10 Fifth, cor. Stark st '' DRESSMAXIX0, 1 '- SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wsafe silk, mad for . 61261 ahtrtwatet aulta, t3.&0.,'-o3 East Mar ket. Vl'bona Kaat 823 L - - - 1 KEI8TER'B Ladle' TallortngTcollegej pattern rot to measure. Allsky hall 400. 26 Morrison. MRS. MrKIBREN Artlati dress and cloak- aaa a Ing. - eol Mocrlaoa .at. DRESSMAKING Ptrlctly ap to daU; la tee t deelgna. 4SS Clay st. DOft AJTD B0BSX H08PITAL. DR-C.E BROWN. D.V S..D.C.M Dog. horse bob. pttsl.BST Barasld. Phone: Mln40Hd:East 263B. SXVTISXS. ' KEY CHUBCnMAN, dsatiet. 824 Msrqnsaa, Blxfh sad - Morrison. Phono Main 1760. XIECTBICAX WORKS. ' NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, BOB Btsrk St.. PortUnd. O. K. fog verythlng la tee electric! una. rat Mala liuA. PACIFI0 Electric Co. Engineer. contracture. repairer, electric wiring, euppllea. B4 Fine, or. BtarB. Mala asa. u. H. Tata, mgr. FPBE1TUBX FACTOBXEB. OP BOON Fnraltnra Manufactuiinc Manafseturers of . furultur fur the tredav Portland, Or. FUBNITURB at an facta rin and aneetal L. Savaaaky'a furultur factory. 870 Frost at rXKX O0TERXMXKT LAKDS. UrtTiOnfl lauds; no ston ar timber; water - and aoll Bret Oome IB and let aa locate you. Room 60 Lebbe bldg.. Second and Wacblngtoa. nrxBACxa. BOYNTON warm-air furnace sava fuL J. CL Bayer Faraao Cvy' S6B Becoad. Mala 4Bi. OBOCEBS. WADHAMB A CO.. whole I SToaers. ma factorera and oummlsalea gasrehaata. Foartk and os sta. ALLEN A LEWIS, commlasloa and prvduce mer- cbaata. Front, and Daria afa., Portland. 1 SOTIXS. THB BEIXEVUx 80 newly furnlihed -rooms. sn suits or single.- 213 Four id, e Bslmoa. Terma reoaable. Main 100. OBBORN HOTELOrand see. and E -. at InhMf MK.IUntn,.KWBi MUUMtla. kan. receatly renovated; 61 to 62 per da- THB Ltndell hotel. Market between Third and t curtail PnetiBd; atlre4y aevy -Kuropaaa and American plan, buc. to x per any. Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton. W. A. Brown mgr. HOTEL Portia ad. American plan; $2, $6 per day, HOTEL Btv aaorg. P end 1 ton; laadlag hotel. BELVEDERB. Ljropeaa plea: 4th Bad Alder sta. HAIR AV9 SCALP SFXCIA1IST. J. J. BOBO. manufactnrer of ham hair rolls. to. 42S . Mat. Poona Eaet mi. HOTEL, XISTAUXAJTT AJTD CAMP BAXOSSH BnrrT. SUTltlkiNT AND.CAMP RANGES Crlbbaa A Sexton A Co.. Beventeeath aad Opehar ata.. largeet terk hotel, reat. are at amp ranges, gaaalln tova and retrlgar- -Tore la tb city. BAXJXWAXX. Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportunity t quote prtcaa. IBS let ear. Alder. Mala 18S4. IXSu-XABOaV LA Vf BERT, WHITMER A CO. Fir lnraraae aaa real aetata, eaueasora to armor wiisoa A Co.; ofneea. west side. 107 -10B Bberlock I bldg.. Mala 1008; east aide dept. 404 BBV, a. toe icitiasaa- aanai aiat aui. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer Hablllty aad 1b- aivtaaai aactdeat aorety ooaaa er au iuw Pbona 47. 80S McKay bldg. ; H. F. BASTE LB COMPANY Fir tneuTanee, 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Phono Ctay BSt. LATJTfDBIES. BEST of Tafarsnees, experienced Isundrees, Msin 42M, Mr. Id C. Terr; lc curtaliw laundered In euparlor maaner. 846 Grant St., corner Seventh Batfafactloa guaranteed. ' tocxsairrH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert lockamltn and bleycw repairing. SN5 Stark, Day phoaa. Clay 822; Bight phoa. Main 8888. ' KEY fitting, rant-troa scaling and generrrV Kiring. 4. H. aucnaruaoo, sua rearta at. ion Hood 1781. MOXXT TO LOABV THB STAB LOAN CO. Anr BaUrtad employ,, aaa gat aa hla note, without mortgage - Month. U Monti. Week. iVI 00 Repay to aa 613 88 ar 80 68 or-63 36 29.00 Repay to a i 6.68 er 64 .83 ar 11. S3 16.00 Hft to aa I 4.00 or 61 00 a il.UO 1 . tit McKay bldg. . MONEY advanced alarled people, teautatera. etc., witnoui eernntv; ey paymenta:. larg et bualneaa Ar 40 principal cities. Tolmaa. 22.1 Ablngton bldg.-' Phone Main 648T, M0NBY TO LOAN a real, peranaal aad ! .jaterai! paciai tlnilOB V rnaiiei mortgag! ' pntaa bought. - C. W. Pallet, 1Q4-A keatoa bldg., 64 'BUth at. HIOHaYt raapeetable plae bere Udlea aad aenta caa bnrrew money ea -qiamnnas ana lewalry. Cullatersl Loaa Bank. Wash lagtea at Phone Black 71. 66 LOANS and Onward ea all klnda af isara- nty or to ealarted people on their note; mweer rate; no publicity, no delay. S18 A blag too bldg. Phoaa Red 1T2H r CHATTEL loan lu antknt ranging from 826 t-o.nooi rncthlng-house a .penalty. nw Br Loa A Tract Co.. 208 Abfngtoa bldg. LOANS at lowest ratea' oa rural rnre. pUabst any aseurtty note purebaeea. -jcestera aeii trice. . 44 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN la larg or afatl asmata ea goad aecunty; Meets rate. ma ,v. Beck. 807 Falllnr kldg- - - LOANS an furalture. ptaaos,- other eeeurltlee. loweaf ratea, R. W. a lag, roam aa, w aaa. bldg.. t-Mala 8100. THB CRESCENT LOArt COMPANY Balerp loans, from three to elk saoalBs; assaaeat a', SIT Orvgoalaa. ,' - . y MONEY TO LOAN an Oaekama aoaaty laada. B. F.-aad F. B dRIley, BOB Chamhet et voea- PORTLAND REAL FBTATB LOANS, 6 AND 6 Bar cent, , Wav ; Daahsim. gza railing mag. IfON eyVto IX)AN. 8 per rent. ' Nerthrwp A kUaav B1AVBU cemmaraiai a man. , , MUSICAL. SECOND-HAND mualcal Instruments of all kinds st ki eat prlcaa, eaah or iBatallmeBt. riaber Muale Co.. IvO Third et. LEVY'H Muvh irnoaaBheet muvlc, Inetrumenta. 171 Fourth, Y. M, .C. A. bldg. Clay 978. MR. AND MRB.H. A. WEBBER, ban to, Ki.ane- ua. guitsr uatruetloa.Mala ZiiHa. ITS w.Para. violin. 241 First, ,u. Mala. Mra.lyarrn,- wEOROR ANDERSON Expert plena, tan and repairing, inquire Planar Muale ua. Hear box PIANO tntilng, 22; nerrect work guaranteed. c w. j.4inson rhoae Main 1011. Buaxrno HXALixa. MRS. L. H. HART treate all dleeaaea. stsmsrk trouble, nerroueoeea and functlonirl weakneae. Cooaultatlnn free... 2S014 Park, eor. Jefferaon. MOTABT-PUBUa NOTARY PUBLIC Papers carefully prepared , snd sxscuted, charges Teenouablei calls , an - swered to any part of the city. , Jo. L. Melratk. 246 Morrison at., room 42. PREPARATION of deeda sad avortgagsa a epaclaltl prlcea wducad. K- A. krame. 61B, ' ta Marquam. "OTXBAIJJ. BOB8 OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and Birch an te' clothing) anion made. - Ntuatadter Bros., mtaofseturere. Portland. Or. '"., y PLAtlNO. KASTERN PLATINw ' CO., 62V klrat Onld. liver, copper, nickel abd araaa plating. Jewelry work specialty.' THB OBEG0N PLATINO WORKS, 1 Waab .. Ingtoa et. Phoaa 2676. Pollahlng. pis ting ' snd lacquering. FVBU0 AOOOtrNTAMT. I. H. B. Ml'LDKR, eipert accdnntaat room 441 Bberlock bldg.) book opened, adjuated and aodlted) books kept for small Co Beam.; mode, rat charge : refereoe.. Mala 2V62. ''- " PXIaTTIXO. " - ' ' - ' BUBHONU A -CO. Front aad Stark ata.. print. . Ing, lithographing, bleak booka BBd office supplies; workajdou b Uum; moat oom Plata printing sfttcajln tb Treat Mala 104. ANDERSON A DI'NIWAY COMPANY, prlntlnB, Mtbognphlng. blank hooka. Pkque Mala if. 2 2el Alder at PAIKTS, OIL AMD OLASB. F. B. BEACH A CO. The Ploaeer Paint Oo.t wtsdow-glasa aad (laalng. 13 First at, Phoaa 1834. BASMTJBSEN A CO. Jobber, paint. otL glass. sash sad door. Second and Taylor. PLUMBERS. DONNBRBBRO A BADEMACHER, aanltary plumber. 84 Fourth ft. Both FOX A CO.. sanitary plnmbere. 231 Becoad bet. Mala aad Salmon. Oreg-ou Phone Mala S00L. PHOTO0EAPHIO MOUNTS. B. U WO0DWORTH, Mfg., 108 Fourth at . The latest at lea af Mount Board. . BU8BER STAMPS. P, J. STAMP WORKS.- 4antr -at. pbeae Mala T10; rubber etampa, scale, e tend la. ktia- gage, trsoe enecxe; aeaa tor retatogu. a,'" '' B0PE. PORTLAND CORDA0B CO Coeaar Faartosatt sad Nortbrup ata.. Pertlaad. Or. . BOOFIira. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing aad ganral joomng. a. iava til, SIS Jffraoa at. STORAGE, TRAM &TBTir"HAUIJN0. SAFE8, nlsaos sad farnlturd aMTad. lacked ready tor shipping sad shipped; sll work - guaranteed; large, 8-etory. brick. Bre-proot warehouse for atorage. Offlc 128 First at' C M. Glean. Phoaa Mala 64T. m ..,.1, , - h CL O. PICK, offlc 88 First St.. betweee Start - aad Oak ata., phoa 606; piano aind faralture Rawed and Backed for ehlpplng; commodloa - gra-proof,- Wick warehouse, . Frost aad Cly aa. - 6TO RAO B tn1 bt In r our Baildlag, 874 Water et klglar MUUag A Commtaeuea wmpaay. --. ' 0REOON TRANRFER CO.. 134 North Blitk. Phono Mala 80. IleeTJ hauling aad aturags. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. Soo. Waak lagtoa at.. Phoaa Main BBS. s'OUTINTBS. TH MORGAN COi -j. 109 tol3 Second st., 84 floor.". Manufactnrera and lohhers ft Lawt and Clark - ennvenlre; hoothe and, atreet stands fitted eut compat SUTOCZX XES0BTS, ' CrtHTRY CI.CB INN. Hood Hirer.' Oregon; - fine 'oak grove, good table, aprlng water, teotrle. boating and flablng; now open. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af Bvary deeertptloa; naak. bar . and atore Situree made to order. Tba Lathe Maaatacrnnng ca., fortlaad. BATES. FOB opening lockout and aafe Par gain (a ta I. B. Davie. SB Third at. t - " STBXIT: fTOfO. r V WARREN Construction Co. Btraot Paving. slds walk and crosswalks. T16 Oregonlan bldg. THB TrinMad Aepbalt Paving Co. af Portia ad. Otacs 606 Worceeter blk. TYPaTWBITEXS. TOST TYPEWRITER nEADQCABTERB ' , 1 Fourth Street. We tent, repair, eell. eichng frpeBiltata. All sv,pplles for all machine. : Standard machlnea 2S and up to flOO. -; Lv you want a stenographer or tvptsU We have )lt nf good appllcaata, - ' Phone -Black BMl. , BLICRENSPORFER tvpewntera. npn1..ra pairing. Roaa Bj Roostnu Stark. Maja, 1670. T0WXL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DALT T-omb hrueh, aoea. 81 per month. Lawrence nroa.' Towel Bops 'It u.. rourts sna umcBv- rnoae caa. TIOLIJtS. I. A. WESCO, virlamak"er gad repairer: work nrer na... zaeriuaaerr otug. ib a aaorriaea 'WATXtlfExT MOROAN WALfiPAPER CO., 14-1 d Seosad St.. bet. - Tamhlll and -Tyl. PortUad. nxAjrciAt. PRTLAND TRUST COMl'ANT OP OREOON, -r NO. I'lO. THIIirt ST. Th nMiwt Trnat Compny in Ore go a. ' RRSOfRCFS OVER 81.000.000. General Ranking - rrnelneea Conducted. Savlnge lerr,.1tr Recekvad. Time Tartl flea tee leaned, wlao c-rtlflcatea nf deaoelt payable upon in dare" nil, go dare' call or on nave- nil wit interest al "4, and 4 per rent iter annum. Teaoeetlvely, or send for' bvt of lUoatrettone. ar4, I. . .'nr..-....,., . L. PITTOt K.J..... . Preeldent Vlce-I'reeldenl Becretarr r. J,B.Bi rKtHl,rMNIMl , O. OOUTR nAaal.taat Secretary riRST BATI0NAL BAWK. r -Or PORTLAND. OREOON. ' . ' Designated Drpfattory ana' Kbuaclal Agvnt at th L'nlted State. Praeideat.,.,,1 A. I. MILLS S a abler W. NKWKIKK iatant Caehler ..W. C. ALVORO Second Aaal.tant Caahler ...... B. P.. STEVENS Letter el-Credit waned Available la Europe j. ana tne Keetern state. Right Kxcbenee and Teleararhla Tranara old on New York, Poeton, Cilcago, St. Loot v. Bt. Paul. Omaha. Ban Fvonctace - aad. the principal point la the North west. ignt sna tint phi ar.wa In an ma t mil a London. Parla.. Berlin. BranWne-v.A..H. Main. Hoeg Ron. Yekaheata, Caeieahaaea. Ckrletlanla. Stockholm, St. Peteraburg. Mu WW, r'iririr, nxniinil, pin.-- 'p' m "". FIBANCJAL. UNITED STATES NATION At BANK, OF PORTLAND. ORlo6tf. .OBTHWEST COR. THIRD ABO OAK STS, iiuawu ueneral uanklng ' DllAt'TM 1MH1 VII AvatlabJ "In All Cltle of th Dotted State a-uroya. nong Bjpg ana, MaBllt, OOLLECTIOSS MADE 0B FAVORABLE TEBMS yice-l-rasideat.i.,.. w. B. AYRB teenier. a W. BCPME6U Aeamuat Caakler. -.a. M..WklUUf LADD A IILTOkT, BANKERS. " (Eatatllahed la IU6.I inpanj a ujaarai Banking collection mad at all points an favorable terma. , Lrttero of eredit laaued available la a7"S. ',0,nl ,B th L'nlted Btates. Bight ticUana. and Telegraphic Trsaafer old on Kew York. Waablnutas: Cblcaau. at. -- - - vtiwm, p. ii eraactau aaa Montana and Brltlah Columbia. - Rlebane Sold na 1 lniL.. - 0ta - m m - lla Hm,A 1 t . . a ' . Frank fort, Bong Koog, Yukohama, MaaJia aad fJI T.RCHANT6' F7ATI0NAL BANK. ' I"-' : PORTLAND. 0RE00X. J. r BANK WATBON. Preatdect H. 1 UUHItAal ... VJCS-Praaldest R. W. HO I T. .'. :.....Caahlar QEOKGR W. HOYT... Aaatatant Cashier . Tnuuaots a Oeaeral Basking Buslaeaa. Hratta aud Letter of Credit leaned Available -) ta an rarrs or tne world. Collectkine a Specialty, . S'CURITT 6AVTK08 A TRUST COMPANY,' 866 Morrleoa St., Portland. Or. Transact a General Banking - t , BAVIV08 DEPARTMENT. Intereet Alio wail on Time and Ravings Depoalta. Actsas Truatee ' for' E.tatea. . - Drafts aad Letter of Credit Available' la All Parte At tha WarML. : C. t. .ADAMS..-.. ...".7raidnl if. A. i.Kwm irtrat vica-lrealdent n. t aii.i-i. . ...... .aeooBd vice-freemen t R. OV U'WTI.. .Berratari GEO. F. RI1HKKLL ....Araiatant BacreUry MORRIS BROS. A CHRI8TEN8ZX, . . 13'.i First Street Portland. Or. , ' - - ' . . Otter Ollt-Kdge Inv.atownt In Municipal aad Railroad Booda. . Writs or CaU. MORTGAOtJ LOANS On Portland Real Eitte at leweet Batoa, Tltlaa Insured. ' Akatraota Furulshsd. . TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. . Room 4. Chamber of Commerce. - RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT TIME TABLES. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY - Spencer Line Fast Steam ei Chas. Ra Spehccr Dally round trip to Tba Dallea from Waahlngton street dock at , 7 a. m., except Friday and Surf : day. j ,. . w,'. -.- .. Tha Bwitaarland of Amarloa. :toa Ia-TAllloent Boener In tha - - World. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS , t!o the four-million dollar Cascade Locks anil Return Laavlnj foot erf Washington gtraet at X Ta., afrlvinR borne at Pe-tn. "' . ' Round Trip Tickets $1.00 - r't-- Telephone Main 1422. . ''"' XL vT. BPXBTOXBS . General Manager. Portland, ' dr7 COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Portland -Cascade Leorka The 1 1 H 1 lv M flean to narfactlnn i frem deck of " REGULATOR LINE . STEAMERS Koand Trip to Cascade Locks kvary Mojoday, WedncaUy, Friday al - Buiidny. Leave dally 7 a. m. Sundays I a. m. Through ntearaera for Th lallea. dally 7 a m. Landing and wharf foot of "Alder at reat. For full infor mation Phone Main 614. a-..3V treat successfully alt private ner- " voua arid chronlo diseases of mem alsnr ciooo. atomacn. heart, liver,, kidney and throat troublea. W cure ' SYPHILIS " twitnout mercury) to stay cured for evert In SO to CO days. We remove STRICTURE, without operation or pain. la IS. day. . - - ' W atop drWva. 'th result or self abuse. Immediately. We can restore th 'sexual vigor of any man under (8 by means of local treatment peculiar 10 ourselves, -i - . We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week Th doctor of this Institute ar all regular graduates,- have - had "many rears' experience, have been known In 'crtland for It yeara. have a reDutatton to mniotaln. and will undertake no case unleaa certain cure can be effected." l vve guai-Bntuw a rur in atirr aaeo w a undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letter confidential. Instruc tive hook run Mtn mailed ire We cure th worst case of pile In two or three treatment,' without opera tion. Cur guaranteed, ,, .. , . .. If you cannot call At ofTte. writ for I cesanil. v i . U." r Offlc hour, t to Bnd 7 to 8. Bund DRi W. NORTON; PAVIS & CO. OfBoea In Vn Noy Hotel. 6JH Third Btfeet., Comer Pin Portlar. Or. !- i ''&-'-.'y-)ivarvaaaajrwBBai a..., . we r II Is called great becauae,hA tne ni. a. a I IT 1 I exact nattiru-ui .'a w iw,mnj ...i,n female complaint, all bHvate and blood dlaesae. ranrer, paralyala, tumors rheumMtlm aind aill dlajrelt ra of the stomai h, liver and kld- ' neva. ite brews his own medloln from Crrfie roots, herbs, hitii. e, ' ' bark and vegetable tea, all of.whtrh are entirely harmless and whoa niedlclrral proiertla are unknown to American doctora. He usee In hi practice over 600 different Ortental remedies. Hundreda of testl- . - monlala from grateful patients. . 4 -.. - , .r. .dr. wjNa Xnc H WOSTK TOwmTH STKXST. V ' MTBTT, OmEOOBT. .eeeeeee8)efd4) TO . ADMIT CHINESE : OF BETTER CLASS President Orders Immigration Officials to Shoy CoWrtesy t ; to Exempt Orientals ACCEPT CERTIFICATES ? : r AS EVIDENCE" ENOUpH Foreign Consuls Notified to Look .Closer to Performance oi.: A4 Their . Duties. vlJmmtal Bpeclal Bervlo.) Waahlngton. ' Jun 86.-Inatruotlona laaued by the president for fair treat ment to the Chinese have been made public. The Orders not only facilitate 7 the landing in thta-oountry-rjl i.. . .... of Ike exempt ernes but also eliminate from the Immigration buru auch ad ministrative feature a have ben ob jectionable. Chine merchanta. trav elera and atudenta will, havevlhe aame court! ahown tht,lo,accor3ed other nation f. . - - Th president states that, while all Chinese coollea are prohibited from Coming to the t nlted Stat the govern ment's Intention la to ahow the heart leaf rourteay toward the exempt rlasaea aa'well aa toward all Chlneae official. Inatrurtlona have been Issued to the aecretary of commerce and labor that while laborcra muat to atrlctly ex cluded, the law -muat be enforced' With out harahriena and unnecessary Incon- dlamlaaal from the Immigration depart I ment for any violation. ' . " ' ' Immigration official are also In structed to accept the certificated of members of th'b diplomatic service a" prima facie. avnf?iioe-c,r Ota. facta net forth therein. Mention" Is rnjde of the fact that the- Chtrtca -Bjovernraent haa In thejpast l.iHueif thousands of certifi cates "which were not true. Conaular officers abroad have -been notified not to viae auch certificates unless certain that the person to whom It la laaued is entitled to It " i' These order were a-jppleinented by 4 letter from -thePT)alder.t to Secretary Metcalf Retting out the provision of the law In regard to Chtneee emigrant and tha new InatructlOnS Issued to the Immigrant officers. Order were issued to the diplomatic an!) conaular rapre scntatlvea in China by the prealdent himself th4 they must look closer to th performance, of their dutlea. - -. , Xoxnor of.CbUdxeiw, . From "Children' Answer." "Wbjr wa . Moeea . hidden by- hli mother in the buUrutheaT" Y -"Because ah didn't want blpi to b vaccinated. '"" "What i R mlrajttar "Flease, air. it s a thing that hap pens In America.' - -- - - , - Clergyman (examining Sunday school claaa) Now can any of you tell me what are aina or omtaaion - Small Bcholar Please, sir, they're sins you ought to have,, coromltted and I1.VW1 V. A Bcoteh-T dominio,. after telling his scholars the story of Ananfaa and Bnppnlrat aeked-thrm: : "Why .doea jiot Ood BtWke everybody dead that telj a lleT' After a long silence one little fel low exclaimed: ' "Because ther wouldna be nobody ieft." TeacKerktVhat kind af a tbtrrl Md JCoah.-f'-tid out of the arkT --4 ' Bmsjaniliayr Ad0V Teadher I'm Burprlaed to find that the srriallest boy In "th cla 1 th only one to know. '....-., i fw- - Big Boy Plea, teacher, hla lather keeps a bird hop '. Iapa's Xaay Dlaoovery. 'There's only one good thing about that young pappy that came to ee you last night," said the lrascjbj-fathr,4 'and that 4m h. s healthy." "I'm surprised to hear you admit that much," replied the dutiful daughter. t "I wouldn't except for the fact ihnt when youjmet htm In the hall last night I heard you any, ; "Oh, George, how cold your nose is !' " - lref erred Stock Oauied QoodB. Allen at Latwls" Best Brand. 1 Lri-'. -. io; flaw; fcii queatlon blank. Horn treatment uo- . - r ay and holidays. 10 to-It, w im GREAT DOING LEE' ;'- : - X . CHINESE DOCTOR LOCATED iN PORTLJtMD ' , J NCE 188 O ; " ) , ct.': t .'-.".. ' 'r- , .' "'.' cures all disease without resorting to ., "" - " '-"T,,-' " ""3 ' BAILBOAB AITB STEAkfBOAT T1BE TABLIA . 1 ifTV VTbVV a-v BBB. l!ll',l ftl I -a No; rU - OREGON SnoTvm dUwion Pacific 3-4Train9 to the Eist Daily 3 Throwgh PaRaa ataadarS d taurtet lae la car dallf to Oaaahe, - Chicago, Bpokaeei lootist at.eplng ear dalle to, K a aaa a cttn through pollm.a touiiat eeplnraJB (aevaaa, allr couductedl weaklr to-Chacago. RecUala fhalr ears (seats free! as the Eaet Bella. , UNlolt UKPOl., CBICAOO-PORTLAKP SPEOIAU For th EaaP via Baa, y laatoa. . a. la, Dall. S-ts p. aa. Oatir. . 8POKANB FLTER. Fur. Eaatera Waahlae- 1 I ! neanrtton.-Walla Trails. Lew. BrtS p. a Oallf. . .. I -on m. won. coeur d'Alsae snd - Oreat Korthera pnlnta. Uall. ATLAKTIO' REPRESS. Far the Eaet tl Uuot- i Ingtoa. 8:18 . av: T:t . SV' Dallr. 1 Dally. ' Columbia River Oivwlea. FUR ABTOltIA aad war Int.. a points, eo no acting wltaiDallr. f'- 'or. llwaco and ex. Buadsf. riorth- Beach, -air. Baa- Ht order, talo. A.b-at. ' or. Iin-aa-p. a. About .. :0Q p. Bb Taaihlll tivr noma. FOR UAYTON. Oreroe! ' " ' Citr and Yamhill RivHo . C'lnts. atmra. Ruth and;0". . Water narmlttln.j , "ba R?var Roata " -TrSOp. at. Oatlr. ex. Saada. FOR LEWIBTON. a. I 4:0n a. a snd way polata fro ail Hellv x. About I nia Dellr ex. Friday' Kinana. Weeh.V nrs. Baturd fjrJ4JLwlBtBa. I TICKET OFFICE. Third aad Waahlogtsev Tel phoaa hfala T1A at. ta CRAIO. Ceaaral Paaeenger Aavat EASTvu SOUTH UNION DBPVf. Anrlv OVERLAND- REPRESS ftralna. for 8ala, Rosa-i arg. aahUad. Baera aieato, Ogdes, Baa Fraa claco, Stockton, Loa Aa- telve. El I'aaa, New Or an and th Eaet. slornlag train eos eecta at Woodbara dally- xcept 8undar with train for aft. Angvl. 8 1 1 e r t e a. Sll. BV 8:10 fv Bb Btownevill. Spring fleld. Weodttaa aaa! ri. error. ( Euge? naaseacer eoa. 6rO0 p. m. nactr at w oouuur wit 10:84 a.Bt. Mt. Angel an Bljver. tea local. - - . Corvallla pasaenger. . 8berldanj paeeenger. T:M a. BU :50 p. m. S:B0 . Br 23 a. m. ' Dallr. Pertlaad -Oawege Saburbaa Sarvlo ud TaoUUI aiiviaioav I Pi I SUNHT. H 1 I Q (OOOCH aruvSTal jae j Desot foot of Jeff eraoa atrevt. ' Leeve Portland dallr for Oswego J.m a. s.f 1JM. S 06. 4:00. 6 SO,--OiC0, 1:4.1. 10:10 p. m. (cally .leicept Sunday, B.3D. :M0. ;. .10 23 i. a.; '4:00, 11.30, p. at. Bnodsy ealf.. t-.rte a. nr.- - RetBTnlng from Oswego, errlve Portland dattr - : a, u.i"l:M. JUOb. -4:6i. 8 . ,T:M. Hi.. .' 11-10 n. m. Dally (except Bunder 8:2S, T:t. :S0lQJO. 11:48 . m. Except atoadae, 1S:SS i p. M. fBundsv onlvt. 10:f a." rs. Laavaa from aame. depot foe Dallas aad fata. -mediate point dally 8:00 p. m. Arrive Port land 10:10 a. m. Ttia InderaiBdance-MoBBMntli ttotor fjna . opera tee dall. to Monmouth aad Alrlle. ana- aactlng wttn ooornert) racinc coajipaBr b aracaa t Dallaa and iBderdanrwT Flrt-claa fare front Portlaad h Sacra raeate aad Baa Franelace 120. berth. 18: saoa4-cee fare aecond-claaa bertha (ISO, 4 Ticket, to En. tern point end Bntrepev ahM liia. nilna. Honolulu and A trail a. ntv Tlchet Office ciriwr Third aad Ween lgt. aee. Phone llaln tt; ft W. BTINOER, . E. COllAlt, City vcxet AgeBT, "aa. e-a. a-fes. TIME CARD TRAINS Portland: DAILY. VPlOlt DEPi or. Der-srt Arrive TrTlnwaton Prt-Ka Xaa Citr. M. Loul Kpa 11 eUl for thehalla. Cea U. I tralla. Olnprav -Oravs - t : -v Harbor. Sootn neno T. conia, Seattle. Hpokane, LewlatoB. Butte. Bill ins, penver. . Qniaha. Kan City. gl. Leu la 8:30 s. Sa. 4:80 b. m. ud aootlMHiat. North Coaea. "Limited elactrlc llghtrd. for Ta- cooia.. Beattle. flnokane, Riitte. Mlnneepolla, 8t, Paul and the , Eaet. . Paget Bonnd Limited, for Cheballe, Ceotrella. Tacoma aad , Beattle onlj. . , ,- i 1:00 p. m. ', St. 4:80 p. av 18:81 . I L Twin City Express, for lacoma. nesttl. Spo kane, Helena. Butte;' Yellowaajne Park, klln neapoiie. Bt. Paul and 11:43 je w 8:80 a, i tne r:at. A. D. CHARLTON Asalatant General Peeenger Agenti . S aforrlann St.. Vaw. Third, j, Portland. Oregon. , ; - I , Astorii:& Columbia :' River Railroad Co. OKI EPOT.' Arflvoa. T Porngavgsra, Ralnlav. 11:80 8. au DalU. - Dall. 1.30 p. m. Clalakaal. - Waatnort, Lilftoe, A iter la, war- reujtun. r level. Haa, aeond. Fort 8tvvna. Geerha'rt Park. 8-aalda, Aaeurla aad, Bhra, Exprns dallr. T en . bl I SH p. m. J I Dallr. , Astoria Exi 'Saturda only. . .Etcept Saturday, l - "- ' 1 '' t. 0. MAYO, ''- .'"t a. T. sad P. A.. Astarla. O. C. A va'TEWAHT. "cusneeelal Agaat ta Aids etraet,, raoae st, . . Tlckat OUc XaSerklrB t'koa 888 eaav i rnnscontiriBntBl -a asV Train Dally . 2 FAST TIME TO KPOKAJfe. II T. PAUU-UUI.nTH. UiNNlCAPOLIS, OIK'AOO AM ALfLr POINT B JuAS T. Daylight trip througn in Ccde nd Kocky mountain. For full f-an . ' lara, rale, fuldera, a(, .call p er. a .. M. BttTKSO, trtty TUi8 IRS TklrS Btree. rertiaaiA. J " - v.". S. r