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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1905)
' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY' EVENING. JUNE 83, ' ISOS. : 12 vfv f . Entered at the paetoffle of Portland. Or. for ireasportaUua tarvughOBe skalle aa "'' postage lur tlnf to copies: For a 8. 10 Met ww, 1 eeot; Id ta 80 um, 1 eesssi (a 44 page. oat. . - : l . '" '' ' '' TELZf HOMES, s Editorial Rooms. ..... ?"! ! 11mm Of fit ...........Mala I roRxisv advertisies represent Vreelejid Bengsmto Special Adveftletug Agonej. , 6 Kssssu street, Aew Yuci Tribune , lag, laR-sgo. v . :' " Terms ay Carrier. Pali joereel. wltb Sunday. I ear. ..IT JO Daily Journal. 1 year i"". a IB P. I If Journal, with Sunday. 8 months. ' Tarau ay Canter, Tka Ths The Tha Dai IV JnMrnMft A BanathS I Ml IV JMirflUtf. HMtU. . T-TT Tka Pall? Journal with Sunday, Pslly JoarusL with Sunday, saoatba. The Daily Journal nentba. . .. laa isiiy journal s rtoenms. "IK .llf vllh MundSV. 1 month tea Pall par wessT. delivered. Sunday " Included eeu .-,. , k j.nMHil Bsndsg .1 , H Vail' WSWB,. . pwmm . . axcsntsA ... ..........t....... ' IW Verms a MalL V ',4 - , Tha Pally Journal, with Sunday, t ysr...lj ?8 Tbe Dally Journal 1 year...... S.JO Tb PalU Vrurnslwttn Sundrnwtb8 12 fbs Dally Journal. nnths..........:.;TT.T!i Tka Dally Journal, with 8uaUy. 8 Bionth. " -' Tka Dally Joarnal, 8 month. ' TV in naiiy Journsi wita nunaar. a , . Tha Dally Journal. 1 aioalb Tka Sondey Joarnal 1 yaar.. J-"" Tka iuidii JonraaL ainntka Tka Ssmt-WseklF JeurnaL - Tka fcmTweek I.. Journal.- S ta U Pges ,eeh iaaua. Illustrated, full market re- RemlttsneM.sbouYd be mad by drarta. poatal aotra, axpMaa ardrra and amall aaxwata ara apubl. ,1. 1 a.d lwaaat tt ; . P. O. Bm I. Portland. r. ' lr-BIBS THX JOVKKAI. MAT BI T00a Tha Jaavnal aa'a ba foond aa (ate at. tba ', fnllowlnc Plnraa: BOI8B, IDAHO H. Ballca Ca,! W. m. Me Intyra. ' CHICAGO Poatome Raari company; ITS Paaa. horn atraat. , DENVER. COU). Kawlrirk Book 'lfr' -'.rampaay. t BTantan(b atrtt;.J. Buck, srHilriitb and Cnrtla atraata. CITY Vaa Noy Nawa eompanr. IINNBAPOMI J. J. KiraajUfk. M Boatb Third atrrat. . KEW YORK CITY Braotino'a. Tnloa aqoara. OMAHA Millard Hotal Nawa atand; Matti Btatlonary corona nr. 1S08 rrnnm atrial. ALT LAKK CITY Kanyoti Hotal Ntwn atand. Barrow Broa..' 43 Waat aacond atraat. atiulk. 8T. LOUIS Philip Roor. Ueaal Araat. B. T. Jctt. Hofl Ollra atrart. : . . ... ' AJI FRANCISCO W. B. Ardlnr. Palaca notw , Wawa atand, and 00i Markot attna!: Oold amltb Broa.. 2.10 Suttar atrt. and '" Franete bntal: Foatar Oiar. rrry bulld Inp; K. Wbaatlay. koomabla nwi tuad. aaf nr Market and Kaarnay atraata. EATTI.B Ralnlor Grand Wawa atandi W. la Shanka. Hotal Kaattla Nawa atand. - apoKAKE. WASH. John W. OrahaB Co. TACOMA. - WASH. Oanfral "awa o(npaart . Hotal Taanma Nawa atand. - tICTORIA, B. C Victoria Book CtittoaeTy company. . aaaaa.-- -aaa- aaa a aaa-aa J WZATHTB lHOlI. ' Drn-tna ha teat 34 honra akowara baa ac-c-irral in tba north Paclfle atatra. Meant la amllnaatarn Cragca and aonthaaatani Idaho Uodarauly baay raina bay (alien In waatara Montana, acatara Nchraaka. "oath PakMa. Mln Manit. tha' Uka rrrlon a 3d tha lower Mlaala. alnl aall.r Korpt In tha AtiatiDa atttaa, tdnporaroraf I an- vrlly allfbily a.irmaL . iufi Tha lufllcaiionn ara iw auowaro mn trlrt Anlaht and Tnraday. - ' KABaAOE UCXXSEI. Will H. Inhksmp. 28. and Ethel M. Pesdy. 20. fraa Palmr ot eattKv a4 FraaeM p. Kaylor. 24. -: ' . ' t " - WadtSng Carta.-- W. 0. Btnltk Co.. Wsrn Ingtoa bldg.. cor. Fourth and Waahlnatoa ate. BIETHa." WfN8TKINrInne 21, to Tar. and Mr. Jaeob Welnstein. 8 tu-rentb street, a daughter. SI'KOIk Jan T, to Mr. and Mr. Philip Iruroa, (Kit Flrat atraet. a dsngbtrr. -. , HASSES Jnne 84. to Mr, and Mrs. Baa Haa- arn. tTSl Port. mouth arenas, a eon. "KITtOER Jnna to Mr. and Mra. Emil - Kruger. ISMft U atreet, a son. allU.ER-aaa 24. to Mr. an Mr. William . U Mlfler. 282 North .Blitaeath strsct. a daughter. . ' BPHLOTH Jnnn 21. to'Mr. and Mr. Radolph E. Hchloth. 310 Sbermsa street, a sua. EAIGHERTY Jane 8. to Mr. and Mr. Oscar W. Daugherty; 680 Second street, daughter. KORN June Z2. to Mr. ,and Mrs. Israel Kora, St. Vincent s, boapltat, tKdsaghter.--LI.NTI.AY June 24. to Mr. and Mr. Scott l.lndlay, 8t. Johns,, a daughter. -COBTASIOVf DISElSES. , KEI DEI.MA.N Jnoe 24, Myrti Neadalmaa, S4S Ramna atreet. sneaaleac V OHLr-Jana , 24, .Henrietta OhL ,2TS NsHIUs treet, mesalrs. ,. MARTIN Jnna 24, Richard Mtrtln, 4 Fifth street. - messlea, -' HANSEN Jnne 24. Mary Hsneen, St. Vln- cont's sanltartnm. acarlatlna. . (v ILLK June 24, Louis Illk. 484 Graqd araaaa, snesslcs. , V BOVCK June 22. Beatrtc Boyce, 800. Hascl street, diphtberla. SORN Jane 23. Laote Kora. 78 Kcrth Math street, scarlet ferer. t , 8VC.HLIX June 23. Msrtba Rchall, corner - Bmwa atreet and Hawthorne erenue, measles. DEATHS. f-088 June 28. Alice D. Foaa, aged 48, yearn, - 4M Clay ateea t ea nee, tas rt d la aa-' Burial t ton Fl cemetery. , bitxk TirwnrxETEBT. Slncla trares $1. Family Ioti- 278 "to (l.Otio. Ths only cemetery In Portland which perpetually mslotsla and care for lots. For . full Information spplf to W. R. , MsokensMv Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd. presldasL .M I. I I ' Cremstorlna aa Oregon City ear Una. aear Bellwond; modern, sdeatlflc. com pie ta. Charges Adults, tio. children. 825. VLItorh Inn. ia 8 p. m. Portland Cramatloa piasociatloa. Portland. Orrcoa.t 4mvEdwsrd Holmsa fadertaklng company. fusersi director and ambalmars, . 220 Tktrd street. Pbona 80T. ' A. P. Flnley A 8a. fonersl directors and amhalmers. enrner Third, and Madlaon atraata. . Of flea of county coroner. Telepbeae Msla 8, ' Fnneral wreath and eat flower a (pedalty t Rose City Greenhouse. Twenty-second and Ksat Morrison, opp. cemetery.' - REAL XSTATT TRABSFEXS. A Raroil ta A, ririall.'Ut i. blat 81 A!blne -. I, Break a and wife to A. P.. William. ae 88 fsat of Ms T. ,8, block 231. ctiy 11. S.800 E. Mays to, A. f. rrascea. V 15, aien r.avM. r,ra ...... j l ....... . 2.8l MYaken "naisr.y to R. Btrtfeann. - let 8. niocB "i. ifamnarac ran K. A. MarUa to A. 4, A. Martin. 1st 1 18. bkvk 4, Esftland ............ Ol" W. Taylor ar.d wife ta K B. Hratt, ' HI block 1. Sooth Snnaystde addlHoa 229 Rnma Catholic Archlahop nt Dlacee . of Oreaoa to A. Norton, block 8i. M. Psto s Sei4 addition ... . I ' A. 'rtoo t M. U'os. lots 4,-hlock u ' 8r, M. Ptnnya Second dd!lor;J, - J A. Morton to E. 3. l eaf.-lots 2. 8. 6, a, t. 8, block sO.'M. Patton a ifsct - P. II. War'ey t 1. .Dense, 'northwest. '.'.- H f oa'het W of annthweat the . Jaorth H cf aoothweat i oteeetioa 'M., township 2 north., rings 2west. ..- 1 JH. Howsrd and wlfa to IT. E. Kohler aoM!Ttmn d nf lot l..r-k 8, Portland iC Hiaaea4 Assnclstlne era-t . A. Martta sad wife t la-'M rtap. bell, lot B, block 4.. King's, Secoad ad I ditlea ...i - , ' TF -Wr- Slmoes fo H. " C. r-aaipbell. S . r -trSaina to III ks by, 8 rbsis 714-8 i - . ltr,lara-1tos. , twnsblp 1 scutk I "r . rsegs 2 esst vt . , . 1828 A. rstteraHi and husband t- 0. M. Set , 'einjer, lota 3, t, block JOT. Eaat Port- Knd ; I., atriha at al. ta Same same .... The Title Guarantee A Traet comjanr ' ' t Wllllsm Fehrenhacher. lot I. bl.ick aa Sunnreide Third sdd'tloii The fJelfntr, Gnlhfie foeeafmen eiHnnsr.r to- N T. Bonlette. M IX biek t, "frd llomea additloa ta - Meant TiVor additloa .i ,r W A at aiia. to A. E H Uf-t. . hi' to, (each k'-dllloa, aad tbaf "0 ft 1H ' brnpartr :: . . i VH". H. U, Mahlatrani and wlfa ta H. B. Dnna . bay at a I. lutp JT. in, block 1, MapU- ,. wood addllluo . .. . J . ... , j --j -''l-i F. J.- Androaa ta) J. K Aodroai. lot - and want a t,a faal of lot T. TlllaB'a addltiua aSo. Emma Auatla at at to M. K. Ucknor. n-wJWIoxi H of raal S' of norihaaat W of UMfOaaaf u. aaotlcn It. town ahlp 1 aoato, range 1 aaat.-...j. -J.0O0 T. a). M eat to Ueurae Raaoinaaeo. lota a a la ia kUuk I.I aark VlaW alltl. .ion I. U. W. .tUaton to Wllllant tJu at aU. lot . the Uaetnn Crai-t ......., STI C. W, Fulton at al. to K. Hobaoa at al., lot 18, bkna T. Writ Portland H. ( aratena and wlfa to A. Bah, lot . block 4. Mlrlaal tract., 1;1M Sorority Sarin A Truat company to W . Conner. k.ta T. S, 1&. 14, bkx-k 4, Arbor 1-odre Z. U. Metaaer ta H. M. Hctsey. lola S. . block X Moont Hood addition to UrcahaD. ...... B4iae HediomaJ and' bnaband to J. K. ot I. 1.4 4. )luck 78; Portland Cllj nuaain, Cjti to vi-t latod .-nir, J' a. block a. aieaa1 riipniana W. H WbeUn aotf wlfatti F. Wahl, f - aifroa-tnr acitlon neaahtn- 4---norta. - ranfa 8 eaat.'. ...; Oat your Inaaranca and aba tracts ta raal aetata from tba Title Guarantee At Trnai eom panr. I kamper of Commerra bolldlns. BITUDIVa PEBMITi. APPI.EUATB Vnno ti. J. W. Appleaata. cot tear, . corner Commercial and Cook.' ntreetaj coat. II.OMJ. ANKKttAtlN Jnna 24. H. f. W. Anderaoa. cot. lege alUmairl. betwaaa-fTamont and Heron alreeta: coal. 8I.UW). 04ilB.--Juiia 24. ? Iarld Oatten. dwelling, Kearney, bctwaea Twenty-third and Twenty fonrth atraate: coat. 84.0U0. UAKKH June 34. C, Mark a. cottage, HIT Eaat Mucrteow atreeat - coat, awio, ... . .., WE'VE" DEVELOPED By onremlltliig- and courtaooa - attention abowa our cuotomera nntll .nr old auartera at lie) Iblrd atrect. which wa hare ocenpird for alg reara. are no longer commodlona eaauga to acrommodata our gfeatly iBcraaaad . OUR NEW BANK BUILDING Corner Third and Oak atraata. la bain fltteaM up aa a joooern naaklng houaa la tba beat trie of any similar Institution la tba anrth- wrat, and will be ready for nccunanry about SEPTEMBER ' FIRST Banks nnd truat comnanlee fnrmeelr waited for ku.lncaa to aeek them, bow they aeek buslneaa. Thar, act Ulna the thenrr 1 that derrloplnf new buslneaa where aooe ailsted before strengthrua tbe entire commtmlty, aa wall aa tha Institution that eerurea tha buslneaa. TH OLDEST TBVST COMPAJIT U . OBEOOaf." Has now been la bualncas for orer 18 jreara and has become firmly established ia tbla community and baa strong financial connections. 1 : Ita ivsnkyadh being orrr I.OOCXOOO It has amnio capital for tba condnct at any business thst may. ba entrusted to Its care. ii cononcie-a general banking aualneea with 11 tha liberality eonalatent with pradenc. It lasues Interest beaglna certificates of da. poalt for any term from tea day fa flra fears. tnmi m a inr: mil lurerrai. . Call aa at or sand for on book of "ILLTTSTBATIOIIS," : " ORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 1US Third 8 treat. - Phone Mala aK8. BEXJ. I. f0rtEJU.t..,...... President M. U rITTtK K .,,.r..VIC-Fresldeut LEI PAGET na Secretary J. O. OOLTHA ..Aaelatant Secretary IfOTICJa. PROPOSALS INVITED For supplies for lb uregoa atat penitentiary aurlog tha parkua ending Decembr't, 81, 1805. - Sealed bids tor drugs, dry good., groceries, shoes, leather and Boding, plumbing anpa piles, hardware, aonr. Dsn. meat. ate. will be received at tha office of the attoerintenaVnt r of the stste penitentiary nntll July 10. 18u6, at z.w ocioca p. m., st wnica uni they "rlU b opened. - A deposit 4i 8200 In cash or certified check, paykble.i to the superintendent, must ac company each bid for meat or Soar, and all other blda. - must ba accompanied by aa amount equal to 10 par cent of tha amount . of tha bid. . - - ""Sample ta accompany all bid where prac ticable. The-lght la raaerred to reject, any and all - bids aud to accept or reject any portion of a bid. Oa each enrelnna should' be inecrtued tba nature of tba- Wo. Goods - ot-Orcgoa manufacture or productloa will . receive preference, other thlnga being etraaL All goods and auppllea must ba delivered to the penitentiary within 20 days aftsr th contrsct' is awsrdaiL ' Schedules of ths Tsrtoos tine of good will ba furnished upon applioatkm to ths 'superintendent. ... , Voucher will be Issued for payment an tba first nf tha month: following ths enm pWttoa of contract, , and auonthly oa eon tlnuoinj contracts. Bidder will tsk notice that there I no appropriation available for malntenaaea of tha penitentiary, .therefore clalma for aup pllea can only M audited by th secretary of atata and certificates of avidrnm- of allow ance Issued to claimants. An soon ther 1 aa pproprlstloa available warrant wllkb lasuea ia jieu oi toa certincatea. Bidder r Invited to ba present. . -i : .. w- C. W.JAMrft. Superintendent Oregna Stat PealtaaUary. . Salem, Oregon, Juaa 10. 1805. , NOTICE of Stockboldera' Meetlhg Notice la hereby glren that the4 annual meeting of that stockholder rT tha Wldwaju, Oil com ratty will be held at 'the offlce o Ladd A r Tlltoa. bankera, Portland. Or., at 2 o'clock p. n.. On Wedneaday, July 18. ltnio, fog tba pnrpoe of riertlnf a board of dlrectore, to act npna tba actloa of tba hoard I of director - In authorising; tha aala of th cosnpany' properties and th oueatlon of II qui da (Ion and diaaolntloa of this company and for tha f Transaction at each ether Dullness may coma before - tba- meeting. - WILLIAM M. WH1DDKM, Secretary. NOTICE ' la hereby given ' that the annual meeting of tbe stockholders of the Lewla and Clark and American J'acifle Et posit Ion and - Oriental Fair will be held at the nfflce of tbe company, mom 27. Administration bond ing, world's fair aomnda. Portland, Or., Monday,-July 8, lie, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpoae of .elrctlng. director .and of - translating ench other business. Ifi; legally be brought before ssld meeting. . v. HENRY E. . REED, Secretary. , . Dated Portland. Or., June 23. 1808. KOTICB OF STOCK HOI TIERS' MEETING The annual naeetlng of the stockboldera of Prlne vllle.Lend A lAveatork company for tbe elec t'lon of a board of dlrectore for tba ensuing year will be held at It office, corner tu nd Oak its., Tortlsnd. en- July 10 at 4 p. m.t and to transact lurk ether boslnest proper to, 'Said meet'ng. , 1, ' LEO FRIEPB, rrrsldeat. . -Port Is nd, Or., June 24. 105. TO Whom It May Concern The stockholder of ' tbe Battevllle Farmr - Warehouse aa eoelattnn will lease or sell- their entire riant Tuesday. June 27, IwuS. Thl wsre- nonaa la ' located - on east bsnk of the Wlllsmette liver and Is flrat class la every respect. Any one Interested ten, secure full v Information .- by sddresstng , the Fsrmera' Warrhouee sasoctatlon. Duttevllle, Or, PROPOSALS,-!.' njed States Engineer Office, ryr!!"!'.."!.: 'r.'fj..fro-I . wiaa in a itt-aa rtcriTrn rr toe krvvalliin,-f- concrete masonry, rork. etc.. In connection -.srtth construction of portion ot Tbs Dalles Cellln canal, .rotumbf river, Oregon snd Wsshlngton, nejll n a, m. July 24. lBuft. and then publicly opened. -tIiirormatlna on application. W. C. Langlltt. Majut Engineers, PISSOI.t'TION NOTICE. The law Arm ef Pipe A Tlfft ha been dissolved by muiual consent. My Hofflee are ,8no. chamber of eoaieaeree. Telephone Mala 888. -,. MARTIN L. PIPES. pl HARMONT Lodge Ko. It A. ' F snd A. M ntsied r,.mniuDk-. tlo HI. ,JU.i,k a. t . ..m G o click. Maaoalc temple, ' 8d snu aiuo e. ' n . i. fiearen All M. M.-Vscdls'.ly Invited. B efu'er W. M. ' KfKCg R. BALL, Secretary. ( IVANHOB Lodge No. Ib, K. cf; f. regular convention tonight .mt s o'clock la Pythian ball, eighth floor Manmsta budding. Visiting knight cordially InvKed. t . U. VETSEV? C."C. FRED P. HOLM, K. af R. and S. " ' ' ' ' ' . ' " I ' FOR IEBT-STntER RESORTS. rOR . RENTPs,llv furnlahed eoltyea af f I rooma. at'Ttoga. WHblsgtOB. Ingulf 408 -Maclesy bldg., llf. . - r - 1 ) . "i v. "fc-Jl!!-.4kav -sana p -M .aawe- awar a I I rmrERAx hotice. HARRINGTON Ift tbla city. Jnna 28. D.j-F. Harrington, auausna or isie saarf iiaoin,., and beloved father of Mr. T. J. O Brian. Josla Hrlnckerhoff. John B. and Francis C. Harrington, a native, of St. Johnai New fonnrilsnd. aged 78 ycint. Funersl frm lsts 'Tealdenca,"4Bn- faet- tsivta streetr- tknca to St. Frsnrls cbnrch, where services win or held, Tueedaw. June 27. at a. m. Frleada and acoualntsncra resperitfully Invited. In terment private. Ban Franctece and Boston paper piesse copy. tOST ABB rOTOD, LOST OR STOLEN- Admiral wheel with Morrow coaster brsks; No, of wheal, 2OS.01O. Anyone with Information of am pleass communicate with. Journal of flee. LOST OR STOLEN Dark roan mars, black head. ' between tut, an - weigui, kw osj on hip; saiall reward psld. A. Lattlmar, eera Pitt Eddy. 234 and Barter. - FOUND A place to have hair mattreeae reno vated and -returnea ssme nay. rnoow, ' aasin 474. Tortlsnd Curled Heir Factory. . , LOST Lady' gold " watch, "nam . "Genie weatberaoy" in naca. vawaro. nciura 184 Monroe at., city. . LOST June IT. llsard stickpin. - Finder will receive reward py aareaaing. air, at. Juon son. Woodlawn, Or. ' ' : KELT WABTED MALE, STENOGRAPHERS, bnokkeepers. Clerks, mana gers and all whe wise to aave any amount from 82. no to t.V) ner month, safer than In tha banks, yet earning the isrgoat poaalbtf returns, phone EaetaaYlB lor pariicuiara. WANTED Energetic man who baa 2!i0 ca.h; to ench a one I wiu pay J weekly salary and girt percentage ot profit In a etrlrtly legitimate business. "Address A 47, JonrnaL WILL teach yoa the'ttatlcal .trade and sell yon canvassing eatflt cnesp; also a run set of watchmaker's tools and material for (ale cheap, louulre at 80 Vh Grand sr.. WANTED Young man between 18 and 20 years so essm la since ana aa collector. rJenq appllcstlon In own hsndwrltlng. with ret. e ranee, to B 53. car Journsl. , .. - - WANTED 3ood teama to log by the day or thousand: good wagea. Call at teat, N.' W. cor. of Wisconsin snd -Nebraska st., or. ad dress R, D. Near, Fulton, Or. WANTEI Young man with aom rash for legitimate Trlng bualneaal no eiperlence re.iulred; light work: no agents. 8 M, Journsl. WANTED A good printer, especially good In Jonwork. aa foreman oi country ottica. Aa osrss 8el4 East Salmon at., city. 1 DETECTIVES Men to learn; we guarantee work to our pupil. H 8U1, Zon Morrison at. WANTED Team to haul 1.000 cords af w-eoo. rionaar ruei company. HELP WABTID TIMALE. LAMES7 DEPARTMENT. Hotel, restaurant, office, store, hakary, laaadky and family patronage sol Id rod, HANSEN'S EMPLOVMBNT 0FFTCR. MBU Washington at., room 7. cor. Ssvsoth at, 1'kooe Mala T " WANTED A girl. Scandlnavtaa preferred, for general housework; Dinar be good cook end good Isundrrsai good wageto right party. Apply 874 Eaat I'lne St., (or. Fourteenth. GIRLS wanting employment, each general . housework, waitresses, etiamberm.tda, cooks, - csll oa Scandinavian Employment Co., 270 Burnslde IU Phono Main, 8088. .WOMAN, -would like position dlshwssber la hotal or' restaurant or any kind day work ' J'hone Clay 808. 847 First st. WANTED Reliable girl; smalt print family, constating of gentleman, wlf snd eon. la quire 2X0 North 18th st. WANTED Good Isdy cook -for short order restaurant (qnlck handj; also lady waitress. Inquire 27 Flsnders. WANTEP Immedlstely. eery egperlencad, ref erenced family rook: wagea f 36, HOI Tam hlll. Phone Main 8418. - WANTED -look: must bare some knowledge ' short -order -- work. Ths Irving, 18th and Irving sts. TWO girls foe dining room. nd chamberwork. country .health resort. Answer T 81, care journaL j. GIRL wanted-,- light honsewnrk! imall family; rlaht-wises. Annlr 410 rirst st, WANTED Lames' clothe Ironer sC Paclfle lanndry, Flrat and Arthur sts. WAITRESS wanted at th Irving. 878 Irving treet. WAITED MALE AHD FEMALE HELP. INTKU.DIEXT gentlenvn or ladles wented to -i,,,,. e..-ii1 Tiirtne nrnfpastnnr-wlrh -ruor trike up"" goid P,T7tif pmfpsslntr'wlrh "per tnan-nt income. Appiy net. n ana vi n. m. or 4 to a p. m., fita Steeru Mdg' Sixth and Morrlaonta f. , V -j MEN and' women to learn narher trade Inl 8 weeks: nslrdreesingt''' manicuring; grsdnste . earn flS to 8V weekly. Seattle Barber Col lege, 121 Washington at.; Seattle. , REPINED. Intelligent lady and gentleman t fill p Mitten nf truat with fraternal annuity Insurance company. Call 218 lAII'ky bldg. WANTEDAt once, a brtght, energetic, pre , aentable man or woman, a good talker, t tske up an attractive, proyr-ltlon. - inquire 783 Chamber ot Commerce. 8 a. . m. CALLING and bnalnea cards Sne 1 no. I J 28 -l.oiHi. 82S Wiahlngton. Automatic Card Prese. SITTJAT10B8 WARTED MALL llXDrNO man wishes steady position In office j i as collector; steady snd good habits, fnr- Dlsh good reierence. a nun as. o u, suarnsi. EASTERN msn with office eiperlence wiuti pritlon; wholesale .hones preferred; not . afraid of work. Boa 42, Lents, i , , i ; i. Of. BOT '.S ycsrai of ii, wsnts to learn th plumbing trade: bidljeiperleilce. CiM ap phone I nlon iH3. V ' irranT reiiahle rooos man would Nk posi tion coachman; iprlenced. S, 80, ear By special arrangement with Wadhams & Kerr Broa. THE JOURNMhas secured a large quantity of their - r. FAMOUS FRUIT JARS One of which, toeether 7r-will be given with each i in ciuicr a tie UAny or a ic tjunuajr juuuuu, , Overwhelming testimony proves the Ecpnomy Jar to be the Ideal jar for domestic canning. So high an authority as Mrs. S. R. Foster'bl Salem, Oregon, who was awarded all the first prizes at the Oregon State Fair for her fruit in Economy Jars, says: "They are a "SURE SEAL. EASY TO OPEN, and I prefer them to any jar I have ever used." ; ' U '1 JOURNAL Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property, Finding Lost Articles, etc. the rate is 5 cents per line each insertion ' : - . ' BRING IN A: 151 WAIT AD. AND GET : AN "ECONOMY" FRUIT. JAR. . . 'tSITTATIOstS WABTEI-rtlsALX. A VOI NG lsdy would like a'Meltloa as titter la alteration, room; 8 year" eiperlence and gjod recommendation. ... A , care ei journal. REPINED young lady would like poaltlon to care for children on do mending, elty or . coast. Apply 721 Mlchlgaa are. yoL'NS Jvldow lady wlth-chlM t year old want position at house wot a. a u areas ooi Pettygrov at. . t SEWING by tba day In family by eiperlenced dreai maker. . a.ou, ner nay. atnnrvsa s w - Journal. . - ' "' XMPLOTMEHT AGEBCES. p.rirn COAST BhfPLOTMBNT AOENCT - Removed to12H NorU Beeond at. Phone Red 16L HANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT OFFLCB. . FOR UHS. It. Second at. Phono Mala 182a. AMERICAN Employment end Real ' Agejj . cv All kinds of helo furnlahed free Af charge. 184 Burnslde it' Black 8381. cmvrrD tupiiTutNT CO. Labor contrac tors: beta free to employers. 218 Morrison. HELP, wanted and aapoiled. male er female. R. a DRAKE. EuSVh Wsshlngton St. Clay 448 188 MORRlSONi-Colnmbta Rlvec Emp. arsncyl killed labor furnished. Phone Msla .8388. WAJfTEI MISTJEIXABEOOS. ' "' , ,, ., ,, i, .- -.- , -, I, - - - WANTED 8400 worth nf furniture la exchsng Vfora.000 shares of Grand rrisa vonsonosieo mlr.uig stock. Baisiey-tianora oisinct. eounly. X cent per.snsre; an si aiv Address F. T. M., 271 Second at. : z WASTTfef More apraylag and whitewashing; tha only gasoline eompreeaea air sprsyina eutflt en the coast. U. O. Morgan A Cat. 878 Mllweukle st. I' bono Bast 2317. . . WANTED To make ap party for Immediate ascension of alt. Hood. Aaareee n. mawnu, 1062 Corbet t at. Phone' West 1803. - SHORT ORDER Printing Beeond and wasningtoa sis. Mala oooa. nriMM ta nsner - 88 and so. nsner Ii paint tiiam lor i ap.. box ko, ciij. - - . , - - - - WANTED-To buy dogs, weighing from 80 to 75 poonda. . -inquire an WANTED-rSmaU eaah register: must ba cheap for cash. Address B si, jonrnsi. WA'STED 8il0 view outfit; must be first- T 4, Journal., , WANTED TS'bnv a- boy' btrycla. 782-Eaat Burnalde at. Phone East 142.. -' WABTED AOEBTB. imirrl WANTED Ta sell ear eeserlor high grade nonary atoeki new and complete ont- - tt rurnianea irve; eaan wewiii wnw . w ' day for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery On., Salens. Oregon. : AGENTS wanted t sell tarls of Old Oregon. Jinea'- Hook Store. 281 Alder st. ' WABTID TO RUT. BOOMS la all psrts nf tbe city, farnlsheA, Apply 23a Oosdb'ough bldg. EXPOSITION -ACCOMMODATION B0BEAD. " Codar dlractlor of tbe Lewis and Clark Fall I Corporation, '' Phone Malq 6288. : 1 " WB have call every dsy for vacant son sea and furnished Bouses; list your properly- wita " us: we will da the teat. Hobea A Taggarb 107 Slith at. MAN. wife and 18-year-old ' boy dealr room and boarit. permanent. In private Danish or Scandinavian lamuy. Appiy room v oiearns Hdg.. -Sixth and Morrison st. FOR BEET HOTJSEKEEPIHO BOOMS. CAMI'ISO pct with or without bord. 18 mlnntes' walk, car two blorka. pbone and water. Csll ee address Sky land, Portland Hi-lghta. Mala B093. AT2 nrth 17th. Twa dealrable room for light -housekeeping roc partlea wnnoui cnii dren; S per aerk. Pbona Mala 4wM. FOR RENT Fnrnlehtd hoosekeeplng-rooms snd furnished eon mac- vo.Vfc. Russell t.. near Ml sll.lpp) are. carllne. THE LINDA VISTA, nicely furnlshedlonfejreep. Ing and alngle rooma reaaonable, 247 r'ltth. LIGHT, new and Iry nmiaekeeplng mom. phone, i an mornings wi r irst st., room oa. POR RENT Three furnished housekeeping -4 room, two Seventh at. FOR REBT HOUSES. NEW 8-roont hotras on cotbwet corner of Jsrioock nd" EiiTTWentymtTth aTrr-eenntnt CeilSr. DStO. Iliruirr. ". u vie.:, (iv liuii, B. M. Lombsrd, Bid thrmber of Comusrc or 800 Hiococb St. . -.- -"' FOR RENT New cottages, hit wndrftis Union eve.. ttS: imodern. flata. 848 and !X)li Cor bet t street, $17.50. I.. E. Thompson A t'0.t Ol iniro St., Oct. nainion Sim slain. MODERN 7 room house; bath, baaament, elec tricity- ersna,. rtmt. rwwer. neaatiriu 'loestlon; rent t? Avp'T 0k t. . , mnrnifigs, vmi asst KADDERLT TRANSFER-COMMISSION-; CO. Piano snd fnrnltnre moved promptly by ei perlenced men. 110 Third it. - Main 1A88. FOR RENT 2 modern f room bonne na East Thirty-fourth at. tent 120;. W. p. Berk. ' mom'vSOf .The Falling bldg. FOR RENT 4 rroms. 811 per month; water rent paid. J81 ,s(lll at.( call today; ether room. -J ' " ' . NICE, new, "convenient 8 room house; 8; aa vcsr llna. Scott 81 i)o. 1H2 Williams see. . BICB1.T Vwtted 8-rsnm honse. low rent, furni ture for sale. Inqulrs 748 I nlon sv. TOR REMT-REAl ESTATE, - TO RE-XT Quitter Mock facing Kiln et entraoce "... . ?" fair for dsadng pa- -moont, 2th sad Ipso nr. . . , 7 ECONOMY with a Booklet of J Recipes, 15 - cent cash want ad. Inserted WANT ADS FOB RtaT rUEllUKIIi rioOMB. ? DURING THB FAIR. Elegant aunuy furnlsbed room are desirable away from cltr noise l all ant. id rooma. plenty of fresh air, building fireproof; car - at door for all points; no raiae during lair: rates l day; free pbone. bath and gas. Call or phone J. H. 1 Palmer. 230b) Busnell at. . i nous b,sbi nana. COMMERCIAL HOTEL New building.- every thing modern throughout, beautifully fur nished; ron sis light, sunny; plenty of fresh air; location convenient for either business W fsiri prices reasons tU. 4U2 Washington. THE OARLANr , - 821 Waihlngtoa bet. Nineteenth and Twen tieth : near, modern, ell outside room, elec tric lights, nhona, free baths; 60c. Toe $1 per day; ratae by week; restaurant la a a ae menu 212 7TH, - cor. Salmon at. Nice, Urge. lry rooma; beautiful shsde treee; all th cum--sfnrts of homes 2 block from Portland hotel, poatofflca and theatres; tourist', trsvel o- llclted; price reaeonableiH Tel. Main 22S8. THE HAMAKN, 18S rtisth cor Tloyt Newly furnlahed rooma. $1.80 an: convenient loestlon. 18 mluuteej. walk to fair groanda; Morrlaua car at uniod depot direct to bouse. Pbona 847U. THE HBILER Hawthorn and Orand avea.1 fireproof,', elegantly furnished rooms, hath phoos. 8-mlnuts car on both aveneee; rats rsc.sonaDls week of anoath; transient Toon PORTLAND Mineral Springs 'Hotel At ialr grounds. Twsnty-siith and Havler; new, clean room sue and 81. no higher; mra la 2Se. r- Get off cars at Twsntyallth. turn to left. GOOD, comfortable rooma la a private family. weal sine, cksie. ia; a snd 84 per week. 2464 Morrison st., room 12, jot 850 Osy st. Phone Msla 878. . v - CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Bt'REAC Pre Hat. personally Inspected rooms In Christian home for tourteta. Bra Barmer, cor. Second and Washlngtoa at a. , ; .. Fl'RNlSHKD rooms 50e, 2 blocks from Msln entrance to eipoalttna. 788- Vaugha St., near .Tweut.rSurtli., .Uot. bath tree. 1 Pbou Main otoia , KELLOGO HOt'SB, 184 Shermeu: tskl S car eonth: clean lodging, 25c; meals, 2Sc; far nlahed Aousekaepln, rooms, with bath a ad laundry. .. i - THE" GABLE Farnlebed room, light.-airy, rea sonable, with breekfait: 2 car linen. Eaat xwenty-aeventa ana Jaggart sts. Eaat alHJO. VIX1TORH to fslr will find cool. rbeerful. aewly f trnlshed room, wltb excellent cuisine -and borne comfort at Tba Montgomery. S84 Alder. THB ALDERB One- rsrgiT nicely fnrnlshed room; also small alngle rooma. Including nam, j-none main iwi. ra Alder, aear sixth. MARQTIAM TtOCSR. 74St 8tb Rooms ea salts or singis; nonsekeeptng roomsr". gs stores, bath, slecfrte lights; trsnslenlTioaicited. -- NEW furnished - rooma. everythlna flrst-clsee electric lights, gss nnd bsth; near hotel; per- . ma sent ana iranaians. as ronrth It. FURNISHED room oa 'Brooklyn 'csrllns. with . use of kitchen If preferred: terma rfssoa able. For particular call East 8143. S NICEI.T furnished rooms for rent, 844 Sixth. '--bet. Jsrksoa snd Lincoln sts.; bath and phone;, aear Fifth at. car line. FOR RENT Ntaslf furnished rooms,- 2 per wees sihi up: price ngnu. ana .inird, hat. v0a and Columbia, s t - - . " ' . filAT fnrnurtfcd room) reasonable price, for rent by day, week or -month.. Airs, Jsna; 828 vsier, cor. -.lay. r - ., FURNISHED rooms for rent. Beet 28th snd Powell sts., over sfocs; private family. Take , . v ooaatocn--ar. -f FURNISHED moms. BOe. 79e and 81 no. Twen, ttcth aud 'Wsshlngtoa.'jf Hot and sold bath. an ww . - THB OLADBTONB I2V Savler at., furnlahed rooms', under Laew mansgimsnt; price rsa ' aonable. - i. . THB ABBOTT 228 H Waihlngton; newly fur. nUhed. 'room en suit or- single;.. transUnta. TWO furnished mom with ose nf kitchen. 831 rWeratt nesr 18th st,. on carllne to fslr. 412-414 Jefferson, .cor 11th: new house, new furnishings, sll modern rates, reasonable. IftS'n TKNTIT nesr Morrison Urge handaota . front room, two pens ny osy or weca. Fl'RNl'sTlRD'.rooma 2Ac snd no: biths, Davis Hotel, corner Clay and Watery Th NICEI.T fnrnlshed rooms by tbe week . - month. ISO loth at., near Morrison THB. CASTLE 872 Wsahlngton .; farorahsd rooms. Pbone Majn 1878.. - M. THB LEWIS. 188. 10TH . ST. Room, by day. -week or month. Mala 4334. " OITtlDE single aooma; tr bath, phone. -.' S72 H0U2E1 FOR REBT rtRHTTTRI FOR BALE. OWNER going eaat. must net! neat furntihlag r -Tbf-fooni house, price" l.'f lil; "rent il6 pet ' month; nice nj-r roomer or boarders; 2 rooms now rented fnr 223. Pbone East 384. '110 Esst Fourteenth at. - FOB best rsjults on , "FURNITURE-"" J Whether lo buy or sell, ring up Msln ABSS. r PORTLAND AICTIOH, ROOMS. " j . 811 First at. FOR SALE Complete fnrnltur. of 8-rnnm cot tage, with og without piano; sll near and) giaid; cheap ran fy. 681 Fourth at - i A MODERN lev-'Bonse for rent-' dealrable - loestlon; furniture for asje. . 148, Moal--goroery at. ' " , j, ' FURNITURE of ,4 room bonne for , houa for gent 88 monthly. -4148 Fourth st, t FOR SALE Fnrnltnre of,-f tveoonTCottsga, cheap.v Call at 171 lite" St., . FOR BEWT FLATS. r FOB LEASE New 22. and J4-rorul flat, cen tral location, cnesp rent, vsu a. voce at 148H Slith t.. room 1,8 ' ' FOR RET-MI8CELLABI0US. 25 ROOM fnrnlehed hotel to lesa. ' C H. Plggott, Iswyer, owner, - muiaey mug. - LARGE simpleroom for rent. AppW Hsse WO04 Vresm t.w,, IU1. euw vae, . . - . ROOMS AND BOARD. EES. ws i can accommodate a few ssnre table- boardsra; home cooking and . everything flrat cisss. Aster house, nsvsutn aua aisniaias. f Pbone Msln Bzai. NTHB IRVING Flegsnt accommodation. a-iiw-mi am . itBirma . niniua.rooia in , nastlos; p rlnas right. Cor. ltk and Irving. THB Linrtell New family hotel, Msrket, be. - tweea Ihlrd aud Fourth, steam beat, electric light, porcalala hatha, exceedingly low rate, SMALL children oarded: beet of car: . light ful location; country freedom. Mrer-t si. E. Ksstoa. Hltkum. Coo county. Orsgoa. LABfiB front room and board la private family; gsntlrmeu preferred. 188 Eleventh St., corner Alder.- THB BIDAWHILE Firet-clase aecrhnmod- lion f, vlalUirs; vary reasons bll. . 602 Clsy t-none Msln , , - FURNISHED room and board for I or f gsntlo- urn. rouo. esst oooo. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 80 ACRES of choice land. TO acres In alfalfa 4a. thla la ons of tha Sneat orooosltiona In Mai near county, it -will produce from 8 to 11 tone of alfalfa ner acre aannsllv an-1 will frodaea In abundance any kind ef fruit now a to tha temperate none. - Some Idea of tna value of thla oronertr -can he L-lea noo from tka fact thst It rests annually for 8xu0 rssb per veer and ranter paya taiea. ' Price SM.OOO: 80)00 down, balance on near tern For further psrticulars la rtgsrd to this. CI otnor properiieo. - anorese C. I. M'OANIKL, Ontario, Or. I1 L NEW mttare.every iwdfra convenience. eianorsre insiae oetaii, a usarooma. - gss, electricity, hot and cold water, large rooma. cement bssemeut and - walka, ' near tine . ecbool.' . church, gymnasium, atoree, 2 ear . llnee. ( model borne, furnlibed - enmnlete. must be seen to be appreciated. 22 "J, cash or terms. Call at 188 Esst Inlrty-flfth at;1 to inspect property S 8- ROOM modern houses, " extra well Bnlshed. 22.61111; 81AO down, fJn month. 6-rootn, 21.1001 818 month. 'Alan 8 and T rooms oa easy terms. . I wsnt a lather aud good stingier who wsnt a good bouse. Above cottages on Monta villa carllne. ft -room modern. Sua- ayslde, gX monthly. Phone Union 4016. FOR BALBOA modern corner brick block, 8- story snd basement, d stuc rooms, so rooms furnlsbed; willTaeU aU or separate st bed erw-h nriMaf als 1 atnaapa Bwwa eaailileae i- close to RusselP at. oa Williams ave.t good income property.-- inquire 1 rr. u. ttecc. - i be railing mag. CHEAP to quick buyer, a nlon home na Monta- vma ear una, eioee in, a lota, rine eou. good house, osru, . soaos. cnickennouaa, line well, windmill, etn' nlenty of fruit all klnda: ea orifice a ceo tint psrty gotngcouth. lngulrs 2T0 Alder t., crsr ator. y FOR SALE 10 sere choice land. It miles from fortisnd. auttabie lor a home eesiiy im proved, handy to R. R. station, aoatlaadlna and good roads : good aolL For aartlcular addrsss A. K. , Folkanberg, Holbrook, O.-, FIVE new - modern booses In Hollsdsy ' Park nddltlon; also 14 choice' tot; itreeta Im proved, cement walka, sowar, or wUl build houaa to cult costooiera; oa ea.y term. W. 0. Beck. 807 The Falling bldg. ACRES near Lent and accessible" to car lines; eery fine . eoll; no gravel; running water; g-M per acre; 8200, balance, esay terms; other lend adjoining selling at gsau u si. car journal. FOB SALE. OR KENT Nice hornet Irvington, Ninth and Thompson, corner lot. furnsoe, evervtning complete. Annrr owner, i n t-nar. ry St.- I'bouo East 1380. Price reasonable. WHT not buy a borne whea I have ao maay nne cottages aaa Douses nf all descriptions which can be bought oa easy terms 1- Inquire n. aprsgae, liar Grand are., roe-B 1 FOR 8ALH 8-mom house, shoo or barn. 14x24. wooa noose, s ear: nn garden, fruit trees end shrubbery; La or el wood Park. corner Taylor and Woodbine, H. M. Kulffln. BARGAIN ufor eselv, -fins residence loestlon. '2 lota ana new winning, suitable for boose, keeping. -. See -owner, 411 East Thirty-fourth ; i. - t'non east swin. TO INVESTORS Fin brick block en 100x100 corner; Income over 12 per cent) will double by 9I0? fine city lock t Ion. 2304 Russell t., room a. -, - . BEAUTIFUL' home loestlon. 2 lots, fenced. fruit,--sad building now rented for 86; must sell this week; sow csan. Address u no, care JonrnaK ' i - 220 Modern S-room house -on Wsverly-Wood- stock carllne, porcelain plumbing., ststlcmsry ' tnhs, lawn, roses, cement welks. 74a - E. Clinton, - "S FOR SALE 8-room cttagfc Tnoclern.-lot fenced rrult trees. 2 blocks Trum car; cash or terms. , J. Byoer, Montsvllts. moo, Main S338. S-ROOM plaitered house and two ots la Lsurelwood Park, - rrult tree and Una gar den. cheap. 1274 Flrat at., room 12. BIG SNAP f-room .modern cottage, larg ground. 2 block ot Bighland school, Baal csrune. inquire- poone aoss aiua. FOR SALE 2 lota, new DulMlnas. In'flna Shane-. good iocatmi.-oa rat ton sve auo uumhoidf at. Price amio. . lota ogoea. . FOR SALE or exchange. 11 H acre atmnroved. li mile rrom Moniaviua carro. inquire earner, ete neimont. , FOR BALE Two-room houaa; fine garden. SO bearing rruit trees; en car naa; feuo, lerms. Box 42, Lsints. or. 11.860 New 6-room cottage and S large lots on cor. or an are. ana aoavr st. . sea owner, 884 Shaver et. . " ...... 888 ORAND AVE.. N Bsrgsln: full "lot. 8-room modern boo, fruit, flower, excellent aeigboornooa. ... ALDER ST:.- 100x100. corner, nesr High erbooL fiz.uw; very rrssonaois. m. 4.viy. xa railing Ding. FOR 8 A LitCheap for cash, or exchanga for acreage, 6-room bouse and -tot. Csll at lubO Denefave. " - . I HAVE 4 gilt-edged Investment In rest estite ,1 want 10 aeu. Aoaresa we great sf-s-a-AOD ..grant -loos. i FOR I SALE 8 -room bouss en ear line -with sere rraii asees, sic - isqatr xsi Ksat Blkth (. - , --. NEW modern 8-room cottsge on East Thirty- lit net ween salmon ana klsin, very taror. able term. : i FIVE room cottage, 8 lola. 'at Arleta. ML Scott car line. Inquire of J. Z. Parker, Ar- kee FOR BALE Two lota. Eighth it. Highland. f.n. call dot niiuams are. Phone Eaat 11122. . v - - I : FOR SALE 1 sad 6-sere tracts nesr csrllne, mile irom miwsuii postotncsi c. K. Bsl- lard.' ..--.. - a ,t,..' HOI'SKS built on easy payments; kits furnished If desired. 812 Commercial bldg. Msln ia40. T-ROOM hnnsa la SoutlrPortlsnd: rent now 82B: price t2,oqo. Inquire 6.74 Front, south,... f.N WAHIirNOTON STi Lot SOxlon, near i Nineteenth. R. J. Dsly, 222 FslHng bldg. CHEAP for cssh 4-momi house, hern. 2 lots. ureiwooa par. I. lu, car Jnnrnsl. ' ' FOR SALE or Rent New 8 room bouss, modern, ws r-ssi nam. rnoae nr. usrlliig. FlVR-rnmn eottagb. South Portlsnd. 11.400. 274 West. Iismuton era. i T. it 'FOR RENT tTORES. ONR modern brick storernntn 23x80, good loca tion, iiuiy-Ku.scll st. FOR BEET FARMS. FOR RENT 20-cre farm; II seres hsy, 2 acres potsioes; guoq nouse sna eecnard. in quire at postof flee, Hnlbmok, lr, FOR RENT 8 acre of land, all In cultlfatlotb. Kaat rorry-tnir4i sna nertioa ,iins road. w II. Beck, i7 Tbe I slllng.' TO EXCHABOE. ' WANTEn-'fV) 'eichanrs gaod square piano or - Columbia graph,iphme for, cow, or would bier pa the Inetalltnear, plan. JTlooe I, Mo 1238e' -. - - i - - - - io-AcRB farm with houe, b.rn and orchird Am. near Besverteav-!,., for residence In. elty. Travis Bros.' Fuel coniploy, 4l rVeerelt. WANTED 8-lon worth of ire In eichsnge for six lot la Astoria. u),. at 800 eec-ti. Addres U Aa, car Journal. 1. . . " v FOR SALE HOESEt ABO CAE EI AGES.' FOR SALE Matched team, city broke, weight 2.2W; also new nipner-tireq nuggr tnd barnes. Addres - 8 60, car JournaL Journal Branch Offices ' -ASTERTI1ZMXBTS will U reeervsA kt regular msla slice rates at the following places and sent to Tbe Joarnal lavtlae tut publication la tha Assi kssnei - - ., ' BTORTSa ' B. A. Preston, dragglst. 224 and ThaV- man streets. . fob HIU Pharmacy, 880 GUssa sttae. eorner 21st. A. W. Allen, pharmacist, 18U and Ma. Shsll streeta. .. B. Jacks, eonfsettonerv. 800 WA8 log toa aueeC eerner lKta. -t SOBTX. B. P. Iraa 't'Ok, dragglst. Frewt ad Glbba atreeta. Cottel Drug Ceanpaar. First aaA Graal slrssts. , EAST SrDR. Tnttl- Pharmacy, S6S Mlssuslppt avaa - na. corner Shaver street. Nichols A Thompson. 128 Russell Sttaat. sorase Albtna avanae. lancke Drug Compaay. earaat Baas- thorae snd Grand sveaeas. I. A. Dick, tobaccos, 224 Crosbp (aaat nd steel brlogs). B. F. Foltoa. oonfectlonsry. ST Bast Burnslde, earner Union arsons, lagraa A Basa. tobaeeonjata, US Oread BtnrirrsxBaV I. M. Worthy pharmacist, MB Balsaeat treat. .. -. BROOXXTS. '-v . . - Brooklyn - Pharmacy." aornar PowaU t Mllwaukla atraata. . . 111 " 'I I' .. ' - I,' . 1. .'! Z" --oa SAXat-jARMsU . - 5 ACRES elegant fruit and berry land. 1 mild, from Vancouver, 8 miles from Portland; good1 -rf -room. 2-etory bouse, vrith brick foundation. ' -fKlr outbuildings; fruit dryer that cost 8301 seres In bearing orcbsrd; R. F. D. msll. ' telephone Hue: oa beat road In county; alcA trout a ire am through land; fenced and Crosse fenced, a SNAP; fl.SOO, saiy terms. TO seres elegant level land. 26 acre In eulttv '. valiom and amre very easily cleared; W-mll frot. school nnd church. 1 mile from R. R, r ststloB nnd 8 miles from Vsneoaver; tVF. 1 ' msll; fair - buildings, S good wells, urtoua. trulls, good neighborhood; 1,000 cords of -4," wood, $ yearling heifer, 2 calvee.and t mllctt cows, 8 stoves, t bed, all email tool, etci .a,b. 22.600. V IH acres, 2 muss from dtv; lair buuaingSs J.; nlenty at fruit, etc. I 81.0O0. I fl'a acre, all under cultivation and lo crop J no. 1 soil: 24 ml lea from city: good well ot water; alee family" orcbsrd; fslr buildings some beaver dam land: prlca 81.200. The above la a sample of our large list of bar.' " gains. Csll and tnvestlgats. - References Venconver Nstlonsl Bsnk, vsncmrrer. Waah, S. W, THOMPSON A CO., Fourth and Msla t., Vancouver. Wash. , GOING TO BUT A I FARM THIS BUMMER. u Don't do It nntll yoa Investlgste Clark i county, Washington. Poodle of good buy : over there. Prttrs rbesper thsa any other , location: only title front Portland; rich, level land. Write to J. H, Elweit, VilUUmd . block, Vsneoaver, Wash. . ' ' '.. - Ask about thesei : f' 178 scree, 8 mile out; aoaveateat acbeoL tore, church "and P. O-clOO seres prslrlel 1 large, wall finished rouae, good bam. wind fn nip, 4t scree good timber 40 ..scree stump . and. Price only 88.6U0. , v , , OR THIS i1' 2ix acre good land, near Tscolt, termlnug P.. V.. A Y. Branch N. P. Ry : 80 mllea Van- " coover; 8 to- 10 acres cleared, balaace land burnt ever; eeetly cleared; fine pnature; : large 10-room house, big bsrn; spring water.', by drsalle - ram: - elegant - stack farm,- -glvea away fur 21.400. r WIU trade fo Portland cltr property. . . ( . ' -Write (fr Illustrated , booklet OaV- Clark 'county. Free. 162 ACRES. 10 acre under cultivation; good bens ot rooms, well la kitchen, living -, water ea farm, well at the barn, alt level, 1 land oa Eatacada Una of O. W. P., tatloa " on tba place, graded school, store and post- .. ; efflce wttbla 800 feet and church within a -half mile: price $08 aa cr.' Apply oa ,: piece to J. H. Kltcblng, Currlnavllls, Or. , TEN scree ea Powell's Vslley road. mllea out. Isvs level, good land and easy ra ciesr. eery light tlmlter. na Urge etnmpe,' only a short . distance to O. Vt. P. electric line; price -per sere, on very esay terms. Other lend sdjolnlhg' selling at 8100 to $128 per acre, -Address T 60. care Journal. 24 H ACRES. .Si la cultivation, H acre good). timber, gooa eoii, bo mens, nne ancatjon.1 good road, nearby aU kinds of tralt-A hams... good 8-soora '"house, good 1 water- aad wind mill - 8 mllea southeast from city limits of . Portland; will make terms. Addrsss tt, . . Lonrcoy. Mllwaukla, Or. WB have anything nn our Hat from a town -ao a dslry form; some or ins osst property) -fh Cbirka -rauaty. Wsshlngton; some good, bsrgslns; sny. on wishing to locste near! the Colnmbls rleer will do well to eorre.;. v spend with or .est! and aee. Ailier A Self, -Csmss. Wh. - " ' On acre oa car line, S00. "Three seres, niw house. 82 000. ' Poor acres, good buy, 22.600. One hslf acre. St. Johns, 8460, Alpine Co., 182 First L ( Phone Msla 1117". - 180 ' ACRES. 8& In cultivation, bearing, ercbel rd, berries, plenty wood, 2-room house, 1 -bara and oulbnlldlngs good Irrigating ditch, - rsil fence. 14 seres 1 fall whest. gsrden,! - poetofflee; H " mil to good achonL Prlca . " 8. A. Klsfher, Smock, Wssoo county.' Or. - , FOR SALE Stork range of 820 scree; not In) . bands of real estate sgents. Aooress 4. t. Schellenhaam. - 86 Union ave., newth., Port land. Or., oc P. 0. Bog 64, Gates, Msrloai county. Alregon. ,, FOR SALB or Trade 63t-sere farm, 1H mile) from Oregon City courthouse; a aouse in) Portlspd; 4 Inrgs-Vots In Salem, a or particu lars see owner, 482 Wllllsme are., ar pbona . Eaat 8788. - " .' . - tX .' 1 ' ''L , ' 1 1 I 120 ACRES. Clarke eoChty;-40 acrea aader.cul-' tlvatlon. new. buildings, sne- orrbara. running water, free 'mall delivery, two ml lee frnm , small town snd. bostlandlng. Inquhr 274 Tsylor, --- ea.arllB ffarna acme bottom. . good orchard. snrlne water, aaod herns, good Housed SDsn T good bom of mules, supplies. Eagle Creek ststlon. ln A.-t- 1 ..1 1 - akft febe e . . . If 11 1 1 v u I irm , , a i.. , ,. . . . v . . , w..,. e FREB LAND IN OREGON nndsr the "Carep, Irrigation- Act." Deed direct rrom state. Write lodav. Rooklet and m. o free. R. a. - Cook A Co.. 261 Alder St., Portlaud, Or. , A GOOD no-scr farm for sale, new buildings, nesr church and school. For pirtner Inrorms tton rn or write to Mra. Minna Hoppa, Dallas. Oregon. R. F. D. 1. .. . r - FAKM 137 cres. 80 In cultivation. SO In) grsas. bslnnce timber, bonse, barn, running - . water, II. R. l"t mllea. Melvln, 202 Chim--nierHal bldg. - .1 I' a . , 10-ACRB'chlrkea or frwll fsrm, nesr New berg spring water, rrui ' essny ciesreo;t pnrw 8.176 rah. 1 Address frnd Everest, Cornelius, Oregon. 28fl ACRES , nf bottom land for ! t ISO,-. ' per sere In Linn coimry. tiregon. - ror os, scrlptlon address Job Mellow. Bhcdd, Oregoneyv BEAUTIFUL bome.'BA seres, excellent appla. orchard snd variety frnita. - gradeo srnoou , Addresa owner.. 318 -Chamber ot Commerce. 11 to ' -. FD1U. SALE .130-1 ere frm, -, well Improrefl, bottom, on Colnmhl river, win xeeo (a: COW. 1.-. rt naien, r ""n!". - klCH farm snd fruli lends. Wsshlngton county, , , Oregon. , Writ for particular- to George A. Morgan, rlllliboro,1 Oregont rnn nil-tsjt lu1 miles from Suvee ststkia. Polk county. itenry eonrs, nuver, . ' llei Polk connty. Or. c4 "r FA RM forrent with option of baying. c. o. Ssndston. ine st.. mom 1. . . roa SAL! SCRIP. haawieSA,aaasssSB,sassaswe , WE have for sal 'Hants F. Bin , Frsnrlsca, 1 Mounts In forest reserve; tnis win enter tint-' her Isnd; slso loo .rooux servo, wnlcu win enter n.nsrvej-Ml land.. Msglnnl A Son,, 2JT Fnlllnt Jildg. . ) r 1 1 1 FOREST , RESERVE. SCRIP FOR SALE A p. C roved, anreatrlcted, reany fnrmmediste aet meat prf.-es. Ei V. A F. B. B I ley, . 8m) Chamber of Commerce. ... ' ..t . LAND er1p for sal, foe tlmbet4 or gr. rultnrsi land, Mtwrw or uaenrvsyen; loweii prices. rt. M, Himllton. Portland hotel. r-oriisDo. w. 1 - - CERTIFIED scrip. Immediate deliver, lowest prices: timber lands nought and sold. W. tt. Howell, 0.01 t oswoex .01 Lou meres. - i. ais ii isii nimu fiLjiui FOR RENT OFFICE-ROOM. OFFICE rreim, sscnnd floor poodaough bujli inf. ABply it (Uvitor, v-f 1 - e"