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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1905)
if-- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 26.' 1905. 11 r r: - 't; -1. 1 TODAY'S SPECULATORS TO FORCE EGGS HIGHER . -1 V, i : . ' - - 'Holders of Eastern f Supplies . Would Like to Obtain Higher --Values for Their Goods. A&UsfCL QUOTATIONS i w WOULD STOP RECEIPTS "i , Poultry, Dull ' and Weak Hops j ' Selling Wool Quiet With r 'I T.? ;.Few,. Trades. ' ' Frodt'Btrrei. Jniwi SO. Th principal features w M the Portland wtiolaaal ttisrxela today arc.. ; ; SpeeaUtcr try to sanliulat eggs. ... : Ft iiltry.' Biarxet avll ana flutter yttue being held' flows. '.' Larger secrlpta of Chinook almon 7 -. Hallhuf aupptle ar very ami II. .1 i "r Small order coming 'tor hop. Jwl,;f-.. . Dressed veal and acgs firm. . ' Wool Aa quirt; (aw trade mad. -?lm,n 1,-rccu tn axrlYfi. Two rare Vaieucla orange ar SO. : . ; . jwb ran uaiinxai garnet ar ib. . .... Oatou ar weaker) receipt larger. ''. String bean ar quoted off. . - '-" Car carta loupe ta daw Wcrrnceaav.' " ' ' " ' tallfinla tcaietoe ar coming, i " 1 . California encumber ar ,1a. ( " . r'v Hrillt bs are lo higher. . " pcltr try t aUatoilat Xggs. , ' - A very abort time ago reader of Tne Jijnrnal wer. tpfarmed ( an attempt made by certain ' flrma to eeus a alump In tbeuprlre of exit. - an (bat tha ftrma In qdestkm could bay iippU for stnrsg purposes. This- attempt waa . . v, feated. . Now -tin ma, peopl bar lumped - - ta the other aide of tb fence. . Tbey want , higher price. There are at present two full eara of mltrn rn la thta market. Another " car ta doe wlthla a few daya. Tbea ex coat . ; aome money, but not aa mnrh a If tbey wera ',. lral tiek, , To make matter leeeanl tor ', tbe pnrkatbooka of th eaatern gg handler ' It haa been decided, by on sf tbem st-leaat, . ", to ralae tb prtr of local eaaa to aacb a . V firur that tb trade -.will b compelled to bay . tb eaatern atoeka. Thta will be aa eaaler auV ter than It Mem.- Whenever tb prle of oc up a notch the receipt! be-ta to fall of)k$SoM; fruit frannlRted, W.M: dry granulated. for th country ahlpper wanta to set ret aa murh V. aa poaalble for hla boldlnira. Thla In the prevent . tnauac la where be playa Into tba anda of ,'i the apeculatotJ,btfwerer. , They " wartt "hinj "ta f 1 hold hi ttfa- Then they can aril rhelr . eaatern I . atocka. Peopl will be cntnpelled to take what. ,0er tbey are offered. . Today tb ery beat local -j n ean'b obtained alona Front afreet at .fc per doaen. ppn aaklng awr than thla a moon t. Recelpta are not beary. bat aa yet ' ' tbera 1 abown no ararclty of Ineal euppllee. Tbe California market la weaker becaw of tb receipt of good from the eaatwt ' . Foaltry Market Dull a ad Waakar. ' - ' There la atlll dnllneaa In, the poultry mirket. - Reeerp; are atlll qnlt liberal, bat ao . a v much ao aa daring tn frerWw week. Th i krrlTal ot email aprlnga are moat detrimental T tevtbe matket. tber being -hot alight calt r ' '', tbla claa-of guoda, Th .creamery butter, market 1 rery doll, ttecelpta ar. mocb too beary for th demand and price are being rut ..In many lnatancea both lfc tha eltr and onntry. ' Small Order for Hop Coming, r- 8nm anUnleni for bopju tyeiiWI ecel4- preaeni qooieo ogtirea. name aaie are reported ap tbe valley around 3c. There . UJa fairly, good feeling r In tb market, but Sealer and brewer will nutfonaiilrr' offer higher than prevailing amount. . .. : , . Wool tale An Tory imail, With' all the Urge hoWlnga of wooj anld . t her I trow but llttlii' to th market la thta ity Him email purcbaao irf reported anuind -former Tallica. A l Boatpn dlapatcb ay: V'M jnieter taum prevail In the wool market, but vrtre are a (trm aa arer.. . Many of th new : . wool --are at band ani Igher quotation ar - ajot eicted'T .Uealera generally 'eapect thai th praent blgh Vricea will be attjatalned to) a , (oniideral b) perhw; , New territory .wool bar - . sold with aoni frWdnm, while the call for i-roaa-bred. ha declined. The aid pulled wool " 'har been- practically all acid. Foreign wool -are film.".. - - Larger Raoelpte f Chinook 8ilmen. ' ' Au-lnerera I hown In the recatpta ot chin " rok aslmon front aonrhern Oregon and tbe price , baa therefore been cat ti fry with ateelhead ,1 . going at T lie. Receipt' f khad are email. HalllmC'la ecr-and the price la now firm, at '" cent. . - TW market ca dreeaed veal and hog con. tlnuea' avod, with th receipt .(. th former fait and the latter email. :i. v ? . ' Laganbmta "virar Boare Today. There wa a - acarctty of Inganberrle today "lib ai good idemand. ' Price artfe bring held firm at II.S6 -per crate. ; -t'i. ' Thrct car f bananaa irrlved la a tree .condttln-,yeanrday and wrr anflt for. lmm diet aale.X" . . Two car of garrift potatoes arrived. In from 1 the eolith today. ' Two car af Vlleneta orknge wee due daring ' the Jay' , A' . - - ' torn California tomatoe from Merced came r 20 -pound bue and aold at, gl.tfTC-Kemand gnKl. n la q-ialtty. - . 7 A car or ekntalotrpvw tr do to rlv-Weda '.day. --t "' ' ' T ' " J Onion ' r wvaker with larger receipt. Prlcea today rang ftWtl.23 t IM pet Back. i I ' ' ' ' " " t'allforn!a;cttcnmbera. three doaen ta bos, ar In 'market at l. 25 per boa. , A ear of ml icd fruit, anrlnpta, peachea knl plnma, eame In during the dayv" - I,ocain c.ollfwer iwtn- rhtly better eelpt. rtemand gnod at 9Ocl.0 per down,. Wild butckberri ar In allghtly larger re ceipt, but the pr!c being held np t II - ?itring beana are more plentlfnl' from Joca pelnta and the prto a trifle off. ' ' Tody'a wbuleaal quota tlona, aa revlaed, art a follow. i . . ', : Orabw no..a tA. wnCAT Nominal: rlab and td, aOKIl plaratem, lBlei valley, gTe. , BAKLET-rTd, rolled. I23.50f brew- C CHli,l-' Vi BOie, Vy. rvw, too. AT No. 1 white, 10.00! irr. , FI.UIR Kaatern wegnn paienr. Hmq (4.88; atralghta. 8-1 TO; exporta. .i.nons.nn: valley. '"; grejiii. t-. T e-v. . Ko K no, hale. il.TtV. MII.UfTtTF Bran. 1.I0 per tons wild dllnga, 00: ahort. .atry. 2a.00; city, chnniJt8.CW. ".. . PAT Timothy. Wlllamettt vallav, fancy. 1S.O0: .ordinary. lU-OOt tem Oregon, iilioo: mtied. ' ooj e lover. .11.00! tJJIal. eheatj, $llV 'M . ' Butter, tgga anl t(roltry. wrTTirH r A"f Rweet. loci tonr, -UaSfi : BUTTKB ! eteamery, beat. JlWr1: aecond grade, l7Hec! outalile fancy, 2021(c; ' ordlnarv, IHiciatore. 143 16c. 1 Eouit No. frcab qtegon, candled, 10 H j. ' t c: -nocandleiW lc. " rnsiinhV-Nw Full cream., twin, 12c: Young America-. lSc, tern, . 11 KQiac; Callfurnl, f. f':HVi 1idda' Uv. 1 . ' POL'I.TRY CblrkVna, . mlted. 12He lb; ken, '121 per In: rmMtcra, oUU llti'le per lb; . r,in. ,J2X4C Hi ' broiler, IHc per lb: "Tyyev. '. 16c . per lb: ducka, 4.0iW.O0 per mmi gees. c per . iw, , nujinc i per - ' In: dreaeed. toqXl prr lb) stfuaba, i.5oi t.00 per do. .C ?-V ' Ha. Wl ' a Xhba,: ". ' - v , ' nOPS Contract 108, .18 IV: l04,eron, ,'- f cbolcaj ISQiVoTTur prlmeav-aud m .; dmm. .'' . - "4 . ., ' . WiiDf-laOB ,11b, vallev. eoara to medium. 4i.iteMi . gat, .JMUiTc; . etter uregon. a'.'c. :v i ;. , ' ; - M'lH AIH Nomlnil. anfjjic. BHKKPBKINS (hearing, 10ttO. short wool.,1 toe x; 'medium wool, . gOtti Wg Wool ; )-aiL.OO each. ., I TAULOW I'rinrev-per lb, 4tjsc wo. s gad greae. 24I2M. I'HITTIM RARK SHe'iper-lb. HIKr.S Dry bl1et hoi Iba bad hn, 1HH perlht. dry kip. No. I, to 1$ In. 4c: dry calf, Na. 1, andrr B lba..ltlsei dry salted hide, ateere, oand, 60 Iba or ever. (H me: Hi tn SO lb. It!2lc: ooder go lb and 'cow, -tV4c; and balla. aemnd. tQTe; kip. 10 to to lbav be: aooad. Iti t 14 Iba, calf, sound, under 10 Iba. PHQUe: greea runaalted). 1 pet lb leaa; cull, le per lb lee karsebldes, aalteaV 4acb. 11.2581. Til dry, MARKETS MONDAY PRICES IN ' - THE WHEAT MARKET 'July. Sept. . $ .88MB ., i lOSd.i d .'. ,,8S4A. Chicag .;. Liverpool , Mllwauke ew York. St. IJbUl.. 4H , .8HB . 824 .8JHU Kansaa Cltjr.t . 7I San Kranclaco. ..., .1 - lit December, per cental. ' ' j' T eark. 1 .0001.50, colt-bldaa. each. ZSCSOe) goat aaina, common, each,. lOfjlbci Angora, wllb(waot ea, each, ZSc&ll .00. , T ' 1 w' Fruit mU Vgt!e. ;l:;:'s f. . POTATOES Beat' Oregon. ' Sl.dOt Mlooeaot. fl-25; Colorado, 1.15; weet, crated, 1.73; new Callfbrnia, 1.1S; new ; Oreguu, )l.2b; option new caiitomla, f, garlic, JfalOc per lb. ti HFSit rnnTo..nit .!.-rin t? KOI fancy, U.0U per box:' ow California. (2.00: cbvap grade, 11.60 - pas boa; orauge, iHTfl. 82.T6eS 2U v.per bua; late Talrncl., i3.UQ9S.&0 Mediterranean sweet. $2.Ha 2. 76 bui ; . banana. Bo lb) lemoos, choice, 8.0U bos: fancy, 13.00 box;, lime, Mexican, 5c per loor plueauple," caaubcr. rlea. eastern. '11.00 per bbl: trawberrlea, gl.W per crate nf 24 boxeat. cherries, ordinary, 35o tier II; Blug and Lamberu, Ploe per lb; apricot eoefflM.OO: pewebe. 76 & R.c; plum. 11.00 I. r.o crate; black berrie. - u; raapuerriea. ai.pu r crate 01 m owr cantaloupe, g.t.ta) pet crate; currant. e per lb; loganberrlea. (1.25 per. era t of 24 bnxra: wateruielona. 2V4a lb. - v'T . VK JKTABLtS Turnlpa. . new. . . tl.SS per aack; carrot. (1.4UU1.D0 per rk: Deet. gl.BO Her Irunn raitlahee. 2&e net do! cabbage. . Oregon1, lI.U001.2o per cwt; green pepper, 10 ID; emu pepper. ei7e lb; celery, per erts - to- uiatur. Florida. 3 SOti J.OO; Calltronla, ! parenlp. (1.00Q1 2(1; string bean, 8c I eaultfkwr. CalTfornl, (1.1SO2.00 crat.j rhubarb, 2Me per - lb: boravradUb, 12 per II,; aprout. ; artichoke. 44IO80 per doa; kothou lettuce. BOOToc; : bead Mttae. lOe per doa; greea onion. 100 per doa; . ae paragua, 2oj&0c dor bunobe; apluach, 8c per lb; green corn, 25i ;iOe per doa; peaa, XVk per lb: cucumber. bociSd.OO per do. DRIBD FHl'ITS Apple, evaporate.-T8c per lb; apricot. Htftl3c-per lb) Back. Via per lb 1aa; peacbe. H(312c per lb; pear,- per lb) prunee, Itallaa. (WQV PW "! French, 8H64Me-per lb; fig. California black, (3H per lb; California whit. Pr lb: pluroa, pitted. per lb; date, golden, ,. pee lb; facd. fl.80 par 181b boa. . v areoaiiea. jrut, Ito. fY. SHO A R Sack baata Cuba. (S.T8) powdered. I w; coal. A, (5.00; Ml cranuiatea, o.w; extra ('. Ml: .Men ('. 14. UO: D follow, M.SMi; tola 0c,. V: btl gbc. boxe nuc auvanc on aack baala. lea 2Za ucr cwt for cah- 18; .naple, niftlnc per .10. .. ..... vHON E Y 14 H a loeT "a CorFEEU-Packag brand. I14.T8. J SALT Flo Bales. 2a. 8a, 4a. 6. 10a. I1.0 Table. dairy,. Nle, 811,00; loos. 810.TB; lm- Ported UverpoolTsXis. 81T.00: 100a, (18.80; 224a, (1 00; extra fin, bbi. aa. 6a, 10a. (4.80n.Mi; bulk, 820 lbs, 84.0085.00; sack a, 80a. flse&do. SALT Coat! Half ground. 100a, Br tern. 87.00; 80s, per ton. (7.00; Liverpool lump rock, (16-80 per ton: 60-lb rock. (7.00; 100. (d.TB.- (Above price, apply to aalra ot Ua tha cr. lotaiJ Car bu at apeclal price wbjwt to Yloctuatloua. ) 0RA1M BAUS Calcutta. fS.TBtlt.oO per 100. . RICE Imperial Japan. No.. l.8el Ho. J . 5c; New Urlean bead. ei AJax. 4Qi Cra ole. B14e. BKAN Small white, 80Mcl larg white. c; pink. o'M.,'At; bayov.AlACi-Winaa, one; urxiian reda. . SDTS Peot. TUe! lumboa. 9H per lb; Ult 6Bt80c per iti walnut. 14Q18C per lb: pin ti 10Q12H per lb: hickory nut. lOe per lb; chmtauta, eaatern. 16Q15C per lb: Brasll not. IBe per lb: fliberta lntQlse per lb; fancy pecans. 14g18c per lb! almond. 18Q18 per lb. 1 rauu.. Goal Oils, Sto, ROPkV-Pur Manila, 14c: atandard. ItHel alaaal, 10c; Uala brand alaal COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaea. SOHa per gal; water whit. Iron bble, 16 par gal; wooden, 18e per gal; headlight, 170-deg, caaea, ASOLIN V "fj-dcjri. case. 82 rf gal; iron bbl. iffct per gal; atoves, as, 24 a .per gal; Iron 1)bl, lHc per gal. BB.Ny.INK ei-dnt. xcaara. 2S pet gal; troa bMa.: 18We per gaL - Tl RPBNTI.NK - la caae. 8Se per gal; wooden, bbi, 86c per gat; Jeba bbls, 83 per '"fe'HITR LEAD Ta Iota, THe per Ib:l00-lb lot. 74e per lb; leaa lota, ac per lb. 1. VVIRBNA1IA Preaeat baa at 83. TO. ' L1.N8KED BIL Pur raw. In bhla. 83c per gal; caae, 8c per gal' genuine kettle boiled, caaa, 70c per galf bblaj ,8Sc par gal; ground cake, car lots, (20. OQ per ton; lex tha car lot. , (uprno per ton. Mast. Fiah .aad lrvllos. FRK8T1 'MKATS-Froat it reel Beef, ateera, Bta per lb; park, block. THe . per ' lb; packer. Tl per lb; bulla. 4fl5c per lb; cows, Q5e per lb; mutton. HC7Hc per lb; lain be with pelta. SHtjOo per - lb; veL xtra, 6ft, 7c; ordinary, c per. lb; poorid AJ Mil .. K . .... . , .. 'I HAM8. BACON, ET6. Portland park (local) 8. BACON, ETP. Portland park (local) lo to 14 lbs, 13c per -tb: 14 to 18 lbs. er lb: 18 to 20 Iba. 13l4e pet lb; cottage, lb; breakfast haenn. l.n$lc per Tb; 80 per lb: reauiar abort Clears, an. name, 10 t per c per lb picnic, 8 He per lb; regoiar. abort Clears, an smokedi 8H per lb; amoked. 1014c par lb; clear backa, lUaeinoked. 0Ue per lbi amoked. 1014c per lb;' Lnloa butta, 10 to IS In, aoamoked, 8c per lb; amoked. Pr lb: clear belli, on mokedv 11c par lb; amoked, 12. par' lb; shoulder 8 He. . -1, ..LOCAL LAHD Kettle leaf. 10s. I0te per lb. 8. 10H per lb; 60-lb tin. 10 per lb; ateam rendered. 10ai-tS.e per lb; 8. 8 per lb; tuba. 6e per lb; 60a. 4 per lb. CANNED BALMOV-Columbl river 1-lb tll. (1.8&; 3-lb talla, (2.60; I'ancy, Mb flata. 82.00; U-lb fancy flata. (1.2S:-faacy 1-lb oral, ,2. Til; Alaaks talie. pink, SS(290e; red. S1.80. nominal ta, tall. 82.00. )b: halibut, 4Hc per lb; crab. 81.80 per do: trlped baa. MV,r per lb: ,etftb. Ta pea lb; aalmon, rhlwiok, Me lb: ateelbeada, THc lb; klueback, Ttjc; herring, 8c lb; aolee, aer ;. shrimps, 10c per lb; perch. 5c per lb; abad, 4c per lbi roe shad, 8c per lb; ahada roe, J"c per lb; black cod, Te per lb; stive, smelt, 6e per .lor inneiers. 10c; rrean macaerei, He pr lb; rrawtlek. 2.1e per do; floaodera, 8 per lb; atncjrenn, Te per lb. OYSTfcRS Rhoajwater bay(j.per gal. (2.26; per aack. (3.78. . CLAMS-H.rd ahrtl. per box. (3.00; reap Ham. (2.00 per boa. v ' ! Would pick hops ; by pound eight ' (Special Dlapatch to Tbe JonrnaL) ..' Sllvertou. Or.. June 2A. There wk n..,. In of th bllrerton hopgruwers held In tbla rc"V fatnraay. at which .It waa decided tn 1 wOM " " i'"'1 ,wr Inw picxing or the coming crop by wclitht. iiiatead .of hv the boi..e heretofore. A )a;er w clrcnlatcd and algued by which each -gruwer promlaedtto pay for picking by weight, providing that tbe alg naluree.of the owner of three four tha of the acreage In the vicinity could lie iiiducrd to lgn. The matter of plckli.ej-the cenp nvir cleanly than heretofore waa dlaeuaaeil n,!' nl be mi.Hiiiird at the nek t meeting, which w4U be held bcr July 8. A a rule the crop waa reported aa looking fair, but there waa gen eral complaint a to the great amount of Ver min. . The present wet and ahowery weather t very lavorable- for tbe 'Increase of th peata. and hot weather I about all that will do any good. ; - ,... . .. COTTON UNCHANGED TO TWO POINTS . UP I J ..S ., ,4 (Fur irhjlehed er. Overbeck Starr Cooke Co.! New YWk. June -ftl. Cotton future rloeed ture L r aiichangvd to 2 fointa higher. Tjtlr.y'r official, col tern., ularket- ' Opem, HUrhw.ow. ".Clmte! January '....,......1 miftfvii - nmrvr February .... pfWfrrlo Macb Oatl bl.l 9,11; oiurlS April ,.t,.., , ... .. , . ... Pi.iarin Mar 1T PIT ."....-1 .HH' T 18 -i ia ... ' WWiu,!; Ml .T1Ti June . ... Jill? 1..... Attgnat .. Hep ten bet Oct-er November . December .art fSTT7M 7.1 HH4rwl 4 l M1 , P118 San WlKrtMt 8'!rr ftoii3 ' X.lvsrl Cottea MarksW . V Llveennnl June 2, Cntica futurea Vbwed to 9 point higher. - f-J , .' Hew Tork Sugar Market. 'New Tork, Jun M. Refined anggrg aa chaugod, tawi auail n4 aacuaafed,. RULED TEi A NAKROY RAfaGE September and December Show Rise In Chicago Market Dur ' ; Ing the Day's Session. . JULY THE ONLY ONE TO" SHOW A DECLINE TODAY Corn , Market OetsStady Ad J vance After Starting Firm Oat Weather Disturbing.'- MONDAT'S WHEAT 'MARKicT. ! Clo . Close t Gain Today ( Bat. r-?. Todny --.."ai. .n b f.(l"H .HftS .HltaA .OUH - (KUrnUbcd by Overtwrk. Starr A Cookw-Co.l-. Chicago. June, aa. Logan A Bryan a?y: altniieapnlla; report a gnod demand for cah wheat. Kt. )Ioula cash demand ia alow with prlcea mcbanged., Our market- ruled within narrow -range. ' It opened op to email fraction lower, from which-point a rally de veloped. ubaeiuertln1 loalne the full vain and pa little more In July, with 8ptembenlalug hie higher for the. day. New waa Amfttrtlng tn daniag re porta and tbe yield. The general eorxlttlone seem unchanged. In weather Is mil the bcrblc factor. . Receipts of new wheat are at bear-coailng In a lowly,' and wblle no very argeq demand I noted forcaeh wheat, there la enough, however, to bold th eab market etewdy . . Th ancertalntlea aa tbey exist will deter any extended abort sailing. . r ". ' ' 0r (tots Ad vans. - Tr. corn Biarket waa strong, starting' trotig and scoring quit a eobetantla) gala, all of which, however, waa hot fully held; bat the market rloeed about -4c higher for July -and lc blgher for Heptember. . Trad ha been excellent. Th vlalbl wa good. Th bull we.- eurprlsed at small decreaae. Receipts ar extremely large and of good quality, but on th what tb weather la none too favorable for th growing crop. The action of th market seem to suggeat that tbe old ball leaders were kxaln active on tbe buying side. Tb market today showed, consldenabl snap. , Oat Weather JHatttrbiag. t,7 : " In oat, the crop prospect are In th main quit favorable, but dlaturblng weather inter fering rltb cutting-might coe a material falling ff In the final yield. Th weathe for the Immediate future will do much In ahaplng price-making In thla market, Tbe provlabm trade I atlll largelv of a changing character and on th wbol the mar ket abowa some Improvement. Prlcea allowed auUtantlal recovery. It atlll see ma Ilk a scalping market. i. - . Today's official marketa: ; f - WHEAT. " pcn. -.High.' H ,. f .. ( .mt, 1 .mZ ..... 8 vr .aij , Low. - Cbwe. . .K84 8 ,4'i , .ABHB-. .841 .8tB Jnlyl Kept. Dee.. ... Old July. Old Bept. Old Dec. .8 V,rM. ...B84 841,1 M ...feHti ,jai : .-jist, .V -.S2T. , .81 ,; .2UA MA ."' .8114 .81 'A MESS POBK. July .j... 12.70 12 78 .ixlZST " .' Ta.ST Bept..,.. 18.07 ' 18.l liT. 18 00 Oct...... 18.0T 18.07 ii.07 J 18-07 LARD.' - -7 . . July.T... T.n" . T.W1 rpt..... T. 80 T 82 7 T.84.-, T.80 Oct .,.,t .tSt- -' 7.87 T.88 t t.87 ,.ir anoRT tuna - vAv - Julr. .... Tf.mi' . 7.88 . . - 7 on -. r.n Hcpf. .... . T.BT 8.82 7 ' - LPT : S.00 Oct...... 8.00 , , -S.07 - 8.00 8 0S fSIHAVStl SHIPlftHTS AMD ClJAsUiTfJES. Chicago, Jan 26 Prlmarv recelpte: V. .. -'-..-,' -, Today ,..Ter Ago Hum. Haab. wheat .......A.... 844.000 Corn 89T.0OO- 864,000 snipmcnta: . WljlU ierKh'.t, .71." SM.flnrt - 128.000 Corn .,..... 877.000 "S90.0O0 r leaawncee: Wheat, 18.800 bnahela; flour. 700 bwehela; corn, 108,000 buahela; sax. BW.taaj Dueneis. r e, CHICAGO OB Apr t tOQL Cblcafo, Job M. 4ir-H cr lott: j,, . nr.-.. Kmrv urine an. Vbeat Corn ...1., . .,.."75 27A Oata A-:. .t....' 181 88 184 Wheat car today: Mlnnewpolia ann, Dulutb 18. Yr (got Mlnneapolla 278, Dulutb 15, Chicago 8. a-. . , ,;. v 7.7.' .,, " AMERICAN OKAIsT TTIIBLX, - Chicago, . June 28. American . grain vlalhle aapply: - ' . , Today Tear Ago . Inereaa l Bonn. Bih. 1 Buh. Wheat ...l.28.onr 14.flft2.trn - Ma.flOO Corn .t. ....... 5.9S.onn 6.4S4.IWST 2.828 18)0 Oat ,i 8450.000 4,777,000 S.0?3,0u, Decrease.- CHICAOO CASH WXIAT. Chicago, Jnn 28. Caab wheat: ... Bid. Vo. t red..........'-. .(l.omi No. 8 red .. P" No. 2 hard........... 1.01 14 No. 8 bard....... .PA No 1 nor hern.. i J.2rt- No. S nvthar. ....... 1. 10 Ko. S spring. ......... "w. l.Of i Ask. (.... a. 1.00 1.00 1.18 1.10 (AH rSvAXCISCO OKAIlf MAEKIT. "San Francisco, ...Jun M. -Official - aaornlng srsatoa: fc" WHEAT.; Open. . High. Tw7 " Ckwe. December.,... (1.8PH 81 :to4 188 (1.80, BARLBT. December. .88 Jl, UTzsroot esAix m as. kit. Liverpool, Jun 28. Chuar: Wbest. July. 8a okd. Vd lip; September. Ms Sd, unchanged; December, 8s Hd. unchangea. ,1 Corn July, 4a ud, Sd ap; September, uuarusi vvrrsa siuui.1 .., ,-w"-k . Boston, Jun 2rl. Official copper cWwe: Bid. Bid. Adventnr Alkinea , , Atlantic . Bingham .,.( 8 80 ... -28.78 . .. e:U.i) Oacoolg. $ pjjiO Parrot ........ S3TW" I'hoenla ...... .80 Qulnry ....... .lir Nhsnnnn ...... -r-T 124 Tamarack lox h Calume PS'nltinll J7 BO Copper Kange. o l'i', Irlnltr lialy .Weat..,'-iW It'nited .1.,... 23 2.1 ........'42.80 F.lra ' ait"! rtan iireene inioer 22.80 Wolverine ..Hlow.OO ( 8H7WIRoyal 18 80 ilaaa 7.2'ir. S. Mining. Mlchlran 18.7H IWInonw Mnhawk ..... 40 80 Victoria Old Dominion.. I 80.00 10 80 J87t, EOBTLAUD BASK (TATIsltKT. Clearing .(NNT 27 l . 1X8.42020 Balances. m .-, . . . viw toxx corrxx maikit. ' '; New, Tor. J8i!e' 28. 3o(frA ftiturr cl..ed unchanged t 8 pnlnla up. i Today offMal enf fee . market : . , Bid. Ak, ' Bid. Aak. Jnnk .,..r..8d 88 ().4"ilcmber. ...8.8 I' M Julr . . ... .. 8 M . 8 40'Jamiarv ... . 8 IM ftfi Augnat v ft" February ,.T WI 7.i Seiitrniber ., fl huhmimi t.oo 7 i October ... 8 V 8 .W April 7 0.1 T.10 KnvrMher ., 8.7.1 a.wi May T.K) 7.18 Total aale. aa.ino Bag. Faraiga Coff kt i . Sew Tork', Jun 28. Have rffe waMTiced (41 lianburg unchanged to up, , ' Vw Trk Clt' wf '.f t "" -.Sew York. June 2 Caab , coffee :"N.""t Rio, 7c: .No. 4 Samoa, 8e,' FrfrTa "Stoek Oaaal oda. Allan' UtU' Bst Brand. . WHEAT . :..- . , Open ' Today'' fcPt. ,M Jec. ....'.,.., fMlj. L. -:, '. j";--- '' Holders of Eastern Eggs Art Trying to Force "the Price of Locals higher n Order ta Stpp the Receipts Two tin Are irV-; , V STOCK IS THREE DOLLARS UP , ' . . , " Chicago and Northwestern Gets s Advance of Same Amount TvA'i , In Today's Trading V SMELTER ISSUES STRONQ ; . AT A GOOD ADVANCE Steel ' . Stocks -' Rise ' Illinois u- Central Closes With Gain ; -of Two anJalalf. '7':- '':y . V'i r-C T'' ADVANCES. V Anaconda .... Amalgamated A ten la on ...... Sugar , .a Smelter V. .'... do preferred. Car A Foundry Hruoklrn ..... Baltimore Colo. Fuel St. Paul-'.... IV, ('..lo. Boaibwa a. ill. hi . IV. . V ... 1 Erie k, ..; Ij .., 2V, V.v IV, ... ... IVh do 2d pfd '. .. do Jet pfd... lireat Vleatem " Illinois tntrV IutvlUe ...... Metropolitan , . . Mexican Central ..' Vs'Katr. ureferred..wL A .. IWMIeeniirt raclfle ... llt C t b-W .r t. Norfolk w, H Canadian Itarr V, ntral.,H, U, Ontario Weat.. 4 1 Penuaylvanla I Pacific Vlall I.'...- 1. 1 t;aa Pressed Hteel Car - sReaillng . .-T7. . . nepuoiic ciieni .... ttiM-a jeiano . do preferred.. . .. It , do iirefcrred S. F. 2d pfd...... H Bontbern Hallway.. I'm Hnutheyn Pacific... I do preferrrd H btr U . W.,.. H4Tennebc l'l-t;,fl, ' do preferred.'.,,, liTexaa Pacific.,,. ?!. raclfle .j. 2VRiibuer -. ,-.t.. .:.. Steel ,.i..,,lVriIWIacotialn Cewtr!,, hi 00 prcierrea..,,. 1 , pri-terrca. , i Purnlnhed brfWerbeck.itarr ft 0ke-C.T Wall Street.- New York. June lot Pool bur. Ing lifted tbe atock market . aeveral poluta higher today. The opening Waa atrong and ad vauce occurred right from the atari. Hubber and Chicago Northwestern scored th biggest rise, both being l.'l nil at th ekoee. Sin... Iter waa very act I re tin the com tuna and toae 2W polnu. Illinois Central closed the aame anwunt ap. Cntna Pacific waa active and closed 2H polnta ovw Saturday's close.. , The Steel leauea wer itrong, V. S. 'Steel common aboSluf a tlae of 14. and tbe preferred 1 point, Today 'a apeclal tock market: -. t ' ' 7 o I it DtsesiPTios. A uaconda Mining Co.... AmaL Copper Co,,'.,,.. Atchlaon.-wcom. ,. hIo preferred........ Am. Car A Pound., com. do preferred...; Am. Sugar, com.;...,.. Am. Smelt, com. ....... do preferred Bait. A Ohio, com..... Brooklyn H Canadian Pacific, com.. Chi. ft O, W., com.., 106 liajt-iiiod MS. I BIH 82W 83 V 821,1 8H- -84vj 86 i' lo 84 88 87 18BT, 118 1374 ll m 11214 188 187 118!11 iiiiai 111. 111 W I 88 111V, 80. 182 1 180 iso ir.i llltt 11IW 1 ni., am. m Br. Paul Chi. ft ttr W'.;--com;-.T.1ii 17 17.l7Hi 108 108 Chesapeake Ohio 81 H Colo. -ue ft Iron, com. .1 44 V TA 61 B 43i 44-vJ 27 27 88 M 8 444 27 87 Colo, Southern, com. 27 U do 2d preferred . An la, - A 81H Denver ft K.' Q.reom. zn 2t-Erl, com. -SA -88- 42 48 8N 80 41 42 do. 2d preferred...,,. 74 SO 87 HO 188 88 "bOVJ 00 lat fa-ef erred...... Illlnola Cebtral - ... Louisville ft riaahvtlla.. MetropollUa 8t. Ry..... MauhatUn Bailwav.. ... 108 1 W7 lot 147 U 14ft(147!148 1241, IS1lli:lZ4 Hex. tentrai Hallway. Mlna., St. P. ft 81. M. Mlaaonrl Taclfle ...... M. K. ft T.. com,..., do preferred New Vorb Central,,.. 21 U si I XI 121 1120 ll2lul 21 at ll 101 yv 8.1. 2NU 28 28 83 a 8.1 14.1 148 148 144 188 !1M7 Norfolk t AVeatern, com, 188 jno' S2 83V x 82 100 riprin American........ K. V., Otit. ft Weatera. Pennaylranla Ry. ...... P. O. L. C. Co... .:. lOO 81 100V 61 H 140V 111 61 61 130 130 KIZ Si 103 88 Pressed steel Car, com lirju AH 8N 8N 83 40 Ml 80 81 10 77 82 07 84 00 pi eren en .,.. Pacific klall S, S. So o:t 30 7 41 ..U"S. 1,01...,,..,., .. do) aecond preferred.; 87 89 'i vu 11m prcierrea . . Rep. Iron ft. Steal, com. 'son preferred :j.. Rock laland. com,..,,, do prrfrr red ., Bontbern Ry.. com, ,, . . do preferred. ......... Southern Pacific....... do preferred ....... , . St. L. ft 8. V . 2d pfd. do. flrat preferred . . . . St. fc. ft S. Wv com.. do' preferred ...T. 18 18 7T TU I 20 78.' 81 20 76 ant Tn 81 82 PT- T 88 87 78 r7 4 '88 78 83 riT 78 23 80 84 80 117 ir 78 23 Z4 81 nt 84 0 Texaa ft Pacific 94 80 Tennessee Coal ft Iron. I 80 MOVjl 801 80 Toledo. St. L. ft W., e. (-... 88 da preferred.. ..J.. ..... 67 Tton -Pacific, eom....12!l2SS!l2a 127 do prefetred .).....).-..., I' IMI 13 88" 80 7 18 24 21 M 94 18 81 v. a. Lniner. crm..,.i ibi ; 1I 1H 00 prererrea ......1. ....a...... 1 114 P. S. Rubber, com !W I 40 40 81 80 C. 8. Steel Co.. com... S0V4I 81 1o preferred.. j 97 l lS Wheel, et Lk Erie, t, IT 17 in 24 2.1 61 64 111 40 84 do second preferred...) 28 I 2S Wisconaln Ontral. com. I 24 24 da. srrrctTea.. W. I Telegraph, Wabab. conw.,.. dr. nreferred ... . . 62 I f.2 at A 1'f fxi L PlVi -w -na 18 IP Rnliher OnajSa 887 84 -do preferred jloa Jl"4 102 104 Southera" raclfle preferred, ex-dividend 314 per cent. Call money, 242 per cent, -"- ; -Tout, aale- fW day. 78S.80U ahare. . TOMOPAK MIBIIIO STOCKS, . . Saa Prsnclsco, Jaa 20. Official close, tore- soon session Bid. ' Montana ,....v.(820 Midway 1.67 McNaniara ....T .44 Belmont ....... 1.16 ' North Star "O Hcrue ......... .iwr- Cssh BoT '.....( .Ill Adsms i .. .07 . Mnhawk .14 Dixie ' ,l Kendall iv .18 Colunilila Mt..T... .To Hold Mrnintalu...i"t Jumbo ....r., .17 Jim Butler .H4 Uumbn Kxtrn vada ., Ton. Kxtrn Red Top ...... 41llfteld 8andtorrj , . Kandatorul Ci . Lone 8tar7.... .!. Black Butt . 4.2.1 jOotrirn Anchor.. ifl) n.j nnr. . (Uhlr Ton ...... o. Bull Prog..., Diamondfleld ... Home .68 .38 ,2 ' .1:1 A .10 Ah rSAMCISCO LOCAL-STOCKS. San rrsnclscot, ions 28. -4)ff1.-laj cloae, fore noon loa: ' j ' - "' ' - BI.L '. as: Spring Valley "Wateri.;.4. 87 87 S, Fw0aa ft Blcctrlc ... .,. .67 67 S, F.Qaa ft Electric , . .,. . ; ."67 67 fliant rwiler Tf.,... ......... 111- . 71 Hawaiian Comnvrctal 82 .... Huti-klnan Sugar.. -y ". ..16 ! 16 Ibmokea Sugar (...,.-...... 17 Makawell Nugar1,, . ,'.,..........- 88 .. Paanhaa Sugar 21 Alaska Packern' . ..'.. Mr. ,. ST 88 n , 84 84' Wk Csllfnmla Wine (allfornl Fruit .j..,.............1iio Oceanic SteamahlP' 4 Pacific . State Telephone. .'. . .T. .lno WALL STRETT 0088IP. New York. June 2n. The Wall Street J..ur nal ear: Ainrrlcane In' Lnnnn ere heavy at to , b-low parity. Taking the, buelneaa condltbina In general lAfrVnlghmil' th country the Broaoecl: Mr very grattf rlng to el lines of truV: (l"t.Ml by the nilae or large crM, Jobu-trfiaiee Is reported aa predli-tlng much higher wires sad aar the m.rk't la going verv murk higher. Perauhslly li Is aajd to be hullleh on the ateel Hu-ki, , There t -a) fair demand for atnrka tn thw. loss, H giit.v-etx made for the ae,nd week In Jua hew an erag groaa Increase ni.B.77 per cent, COMSTOOX ItllfllfO tOCX. v Jun 20. Of.'kitl cloaie, tot. Bid. Bid. .$ .48 . .U . .44 .7 .24 Bulilnn ......... .HX Belcher ,.... .17 Ion. lal.A'a.... 1 4.1 Ophir ......... 8.6n Savage ...,,'. tr.tol ....... , I'aloa Cos .,. . Yell.iw Jacket taledonla .HA r. 1 cheque . Tf-Mexlca ....... 1.08 IHale ft Noieroaa. 1H1 .fi flew, klercitf ... - .40 Ad r, ,!1 1 mJiyivw 4,,.e. .s 1 IIOSC, SHEET AND I LAMBS GO HIGHER Market Stronger ort Smaller Re jceiptsPackersAre- Buy- : r . " Ing . Quite Freely. r: " ?.---::';-.V!.', .: ' -v"-' rr-; - Th Portland Cnte Stockyards, Jut S6.1 Live stock mlpt: ' ' . A Bog Cattle Sheep Today ........ r .7. 878 ... Week ; sfoni . . . . . ............. PA- 4Wi ' 114 4-revluna week .V'...... 80 4.1 T4 Kantk ago. 44-- 28 431 There I a stronger ton to tn hog demand and th price la practlrklly 28e higher. Spring kmba ar quoted flrja, 2&c up. wall veal calve weighing 100- tb 200 pound we quoted firm. . Over tbl weight tb- demand b) nut o good. --...!. (nrl. 11 nrlce for Mveatock: ' : Hog Best eaj tern Oregon,' (8.00; blocker and Cbtra. fa., 15.50; stuckcrs and feeder, 1 'iflK4 Sft." 1 - ' '. Cattle Beat eaatern Oregon stews, (8.80; light hnd medium a leer. (8.28; old and light cow, 81.78UX0O; atockcra and tetdere, 11.75; boll, (1.80. r . Sheeii Hest fancy aheep, (t.OOaS.80 aw, la.75M.0O: sprbig Umba. 4J4Hc. . V -t'le Oood vel. lno to 2U0 pound, c; rough and heavy, 8V4. ; ,' ' I OHIOAaO HOOS KIOKUt,. .... "TIcag77IttiUr. Ltveatock receipt Hog. Cattle, " .80.000 .' I8.000 , . ( WoM ,"' 4.000 i Chicago .. Kanaaa City Omaha - 8.800 Hog snenvrl Be higher. Ree!pta year go were ST.oou.-.-t'ricra:- aum,. e.'..vTv.ww, s'y-. (8.H7a8.80; rougk. (4.5j5.o; light, (8.2Si 8.48. - ""1 J n .... ...... . ul.l IK'JiiflllA. eiMwI. CsTtlVrra cents higher. 1 naeep-uraag. ( ... WHl-N SPRING AWAKENS. Tou rnuat brtns her to her cnc. Al lien." - Mrs. Vernon wag rubblnr her glasaea vla-oroualv and looked very stern. Al- bf,rr. the browd-shouldered slant with his high boot ana big hands, looked as lt-h were trying- to find a convenient moupe hole to eacape Into. . Sv Now the hour of the afternoon coffee. the."b8t ' hour-of all day.-: had been applied for him. To hU mind ther waa no better or pies earner apoi in am world than the old-fashioned round cof fee table in front of the horaehair-ov. ered sofa In hla mother's room. . It was all sly and-out of faahlonj? aecordlna; to tho taste of the day and he could never explain to any one why he pre-, ferred thla old-fashioned room to tne moat elegant anion In the whole neifn- borhood. "But. mother."' the slant began.'- ' "There la no but," the old lady Inter rupted htm quickly. You know Bertha sent the girl tQ us that sh might get over her foolish infatuation for hef tmislc teachfr." And that waa the wjaet thing she ever flid. Henrietta, who was pale andi miserable whan aha cam to us. not, looks a picture of health with her may cneess ana smiling eyes, ana, with pleasure, I have noticed the inter est she takes in the arialra or the ea tate. 8he .will,, rokke a splendid house wife snd the iA-oposah of Dr. Brunoer la a godsend Henrietta ,1s very poor. Bertha wlH hardly be able to give her a decent. tj-ouaaeau and-3t-would be greatly .wrong If we did not do all we cgn. to make her accept pimv, vr. Brvn nef,; ia a fine man and, -though he Is SJL he Is by no means toe old for her. if'Mother." Albert eiclalmed. radiant .Wlth-joyjt Jiava'arTTilea. rOJeiSrletta doea not love Dr. B runner she might atsy with us forever." - i'Oh. you slllr boy. "Mrs.. Vernon re plied', "reproachtngly, "how coulA that be done? I am old afi'dj may die any day. and then ane could not possibly stay with you, even sdmlttlpaj that you ar fssk fat all dangerous.' -'Albert looked sxcewingly, unhappy, and the piece of. coffee rake he had Just bitten off, nearly got stuck-in hla throat at the thought that his mother might die end that Henrietta could not stsy with him. ( "I have notlced that she 'lays great weight on what yoa'aay," the old lady continued, "so now "pleas speak to her that we mty aoon give Dr. Brunner ss answer." " ',"',. Albert-did not reply ahof.seemed lost In thought. Th,en he stood up, took hl mother's, hand In both--Jh4st and said slowlytj , : V- "Well. I ahall see , what 1 can do, mother." Then he walked slowly out of the room.1 ' - He found Henrietta In the sheepfotd. She wsa. perched on a beam, her feet hanging down and was munching a sand wich. Albert looked greatly relieved. He hsd expected to find her excited or crying. He thought he hsd never seen sny thing ss beautiful as her rosy fare under her fur cap. He went, up to her. - "Miss Henrietta," he began. "I sup pom you have no thought ot triArrying." ' Henrietta turned pale' and then blushed... ..she looked down at her little feet and said nothing. r """ . - "But. perhaps, you might get over your sntlpsthy." he continued, softly. - ' - Henrietta blushed still deprW-- .'"""Jf, you could only forget him th music 'teacher." "Here he " stopped snd did not knosr what, to say. Greatly to hla relief she broke out laughing. "Oh,- he la nothing to me.- I know too well that he wss a humbug with his Ions locks and continuous posing." . Albert felt suddenly supremely happy of course only for Dr. Brunner" sake. "You are a sensible girl, 'you wlll.b very happy with a good, loving, honest man. don't you think?" Henrietta looked st him with a queer expression In her pretty fsce "Snd he Lfelt all the blooJ rushing 'to his cheeks, P". Vou are a good senslbleglrl." he repeated, snd took her hand. 8 he did not take It away. Then the old shepherd came lrr with his dogs snd In one Jump she wss down snd out of the door. From that day a change had come over the-two youaar-fierson". In the eyes of the girl was S strange expression of great ha'nplneas, wRIle Albert seemed to be greatly depressed. Hln mother no ticed both with a quiet srrnie, but when ever she. SBked Albert , if he thought Henrietta would come around Tie evade.) giving an answer. And then the spring came. The snow wen gone and the green lawn arrtnnd the Wfjfstision wss like "soft rsfp't. Th apple treeS werS. In. full blossom snd everything told 'of 4 th awakening of nature to new lire untier the kisses of the sun. . I think we will ssk Dr. Brunner' td come here to dinner4"! Bupday; it Is, time e nna nis nniwrr,; Mrs. Vernon 8 Id tj her son' one day. - I;-- ; t-- - ' -T sMtanot aee why you afeitn such s hurry, mother. Olve her a little ttme to think It over." Albert replied rathef vexed, and hurriedly left the room. Behind the hawthorn, between th gar den and the green grain fields he fouad HeusMta: . Ttave ioti thought t it oover. Henri" cttT" he said with a gr8f effort.. Henrietta trembled snd turned Bale SHe Aodded and looked down on flowers In her hand. He felt hi heart grow heavy. He took her hand hnd tried to say aometlilrig. hut the nimptWj hl throat -made It Impossible to say an othjer word. Henrietta stghrid and bifrst outcrying. ". , Thaf-WAs more than hs'rould stand. "Henrietta.,, dear llttle'Henrletta. dorTI; try." he stammered, and without know, log It. he took her In his arm's snd two soft arms wer around his neck Si ht kissed her Hps again snd ggsln. jH suddenly understood that be had Been . - ;i' ''.... .. .Sheep. 18.M0O .' 4.0ml ' 4.8O0 SERENE'MRK 8 , 4 f w 4 -"- -.v w " "' -as '"'5'. V J-f" 7 1 ...... .-...A v r M. OLSEN, rhon it, in 1446. ' ' - raTTsatooau, va'bioocb&s, toss) OS KAglOOD, BUTMAVTXRaf, KCBXXA, aituu and Sscur sisxABxa. ws want every man . afflicted with the above diseases to honestly "lnvsstlgate our special syatsm of trestment. w inj ,Jyl! t In Dartlcular all who have treatedv elaewhere-without, success, ail wnoae caaea have. been, abandoned by family "physician, and so-cslled 'rsOZAZf XSTB," ;all whose - troubles have been aggravated and made worse by the use of BBI, TB, TBBB .UMPU1, TBZAVI TBBATKBBTTa and so-called gFBCIT XOB. ,W will explain to yon why such treatment haa failed-to cure' you. and : will demonstrate to your entire satis faction that we can curs you safely, quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost nothing, and we will do by you ss we would wish you to do by us if. our caaes were-reversed." Write for our home treatment if you cannot calU, 1 The DRa LILBIG STAFF Booms and T Wtnchtr Xooss, M . ana Bnxsald Streets, rortland Or. -BstaUlshed 1S7S. unhsppy all these weeks for nothing, snd thst Henrietta hsd loved him even before he understood his own feelings. "Mother," he said lster. "I hsve been sn sss." .". -; - !'''- "Welt, thst I have always known." Jits mother replied in a most sincere tone. "I hsv loved Henrietta from the yery first day. but I never thought that ahe could care for , me. First thereywas the music teacher and then the doctor." , It was rsther hard to arouse you "to So something. I hsd read both of you long ago, snd if it hsd not been for Brunner I suppose you would still" ''No,-Tnotherr-it wss lrr BrtrrmeYt It wss the swakenlnsvof spring thst did ANTIDOTE FOR POISON. "'-From the Arisona ftepubllcsn. - Superintendent B. K.. JJariTcl of the territorial prison, wBor1sneeinn the elty for the last three daya. told whi;e hers of a certain curs fof the bits' of ths rattlesnake. ;;..";', ' H" tied heard "of. lt while hs had been engaged tn mining tn Mexico, snd sine's he becsme superintendent of the prison he hss seeji two "or three Mexican con victs who iad been cured snd wfio hsd the scare tohow that they had been bitten. On the hand of on of them was-ajhe trace of -a centipede, whose poison also yields to the remdy. Its existence, however, Is not widely known, even In Mejfao,-snd is supposed to be entirely unknown out of that country. There is in every rattlesnhike a small sac, about the sise of a, Mexican bean, attached to tile Intestines. This is filled with a brownish or black "fluid, and that is ths cure for 'the bite. If It Is Mlled Immediately the patient- will not even auffer Shy swelling and Will entirely avoid pain. " ; - Many Mexicans csrfy tfie.1 fluid ,'tFlth them st sll tlmes-'when-they- ffe-ln the mountains or 6h the desert-These Mexlcsns kill sll the rattlers they ran find, snd most of them store the fluid in a bottle- made of a rifle cartridge shetl which is; tightly corked. ' 1 1ai4snto1m1r?al descrlptlonsof the rat tler no mention Is msde of this' particu lar sac. though sir sscs srs numerous In the intestines - of sit members of the snake family. But therw -ts" no doubt- of ths existence of it, for Mr. Daniel ssld he had oen Meicapa removo-it-fre quentiy, . ' ? '" It may be that Ihls fluid is the secret of the Mokl Indians;-a qd aceounta for me immunity mat tney enjoy rrora tne potaon of the rattleT. Those who have attended their .snnusl snake dances snd hsv aesi dancers bitten hsve wondered thst tb bites were not fatal. At ssy rate, tne secret or tne im munity is -one of the most carefully guarded secrets of the rites of the Mokis snd is kept within a select order of the priesthood. Dr. J. Miller for year a sn nuslly sttended thee dances snd mad 1 a' study of the ceremonies. The Indians formally adopted him .not onlv into the tribe but advanced hlwt! In the priest hood,. . The. doctor wanted chleflv yto learn lite secret of the poison antmote, and he was tolrJTyear sfter yesr.that. the next year he would-be. put In possession of theeertrttC But he died sTlthoiit it. - f . .a rr e w 1 ; . . . Brstlnf ths Seart. , .".7 . , From "The -Philadelphia Bulletin. ' "Beat your heart now and then tin rl ne ttle day,'' said rtr Instructor in, gymnas tics.' 7 --- ' . I -. 7 . . "But the hesrt csn't b rested," a pu"pll objected. "It works IncessanUy from Mrth to death." V . jjllrests'he Tiesfi(o He down." said t'sLI TtTVitruotiVr,' 'Kvery night's sloes of nine hours saves the heart.thS llftiqg.of 33.400 ounces or blood,., ( onahlerable rest 'ttiBt'tk.-veh,? .. '. .', ' - , '" 'Wharf we lle!v down, yovj'' see, th heart' action 'becomes" slower slower by 10 strokes' a minute. thus In sn hour 810 nlroVc, are saye4;ani In nine liotirs'S.inn strokes." Kaoh Stroke pumpe six ounces of-blood. and therefore In nine hours the hesrt Is Saved the labor of pumping 82,400 ounces. . "The heart often ye.iulre a rest." 0 WfIT7140VIxf H CO.. 3 fe CO. s. - -v, (Ksutbllahrd WMBAT AsTP BTOCaT BBOKXBS . ',' Boom 4, Oroaad Plooc, 1 1 " ) -' ogmBis or co ruts..' " OVERBECK, &TARIsl & COOKE CO. , 7 7" . Members Chicago Hoard of Trade. - OBAIAT, JfBOTMIOBa, COTTOST, TOCatM ASS kOSSf. ' ' " . ' , 103 Third Street, McKay Building. Portland Or. , ' ' Wl SO i STBXOT&T COKafinXOB BVaUBZgt. Contlnuou Markets by Prlvsts Wire. irlll.. kAMka m.m.A I'.lt.J O . This high snd sightly tract altuated on Kagl 13th and rtor enc aftreeta, five blocks east of 1 Highland t hol . on tha Union T svenue wM F Vennm -'TaTltns, It minutes'.. rdo .from Third and 'Washington, l , . " ,., Just being completed Severn! modem' and beautifully designed ouaesV stae 24x40, which I offer r alet Including, lot 50x88, at . .104 and up (:&0 down. (IS per month, - i per cent iutereat; j discount for all rash. Strewt -graded aldewaiks. Bull Run wa; ...a. 11...... i ... Cam aim m 'It you am loking for a nice home, be wuie to Investigate this before. buy8T elsewhere. , -. :' For full particular see 7 ; - .. . V j,-,'. l-,A. HanaginOwncr v ; lot Bharlock Bldf, Third aad Oak Itm, t t; Is the place where all etondmical buyers go for their Groceries. Meats and Vegetables. Read our prices for today: SUGAR CHEAPER Dry gran " ulatcd, 100-lb. sacks. . .85.45 v -25 ". , :-7;:;;., i S-lb. cans Pork snd Beans In Tomato ' ' l " . 'V Stu8- f .... i 1-lb. csn Solid Pack Eastern jToraatoes. ..-25 7-''J'wv-.: 7 T Iba. -'Best Eastern Rolled Oata, - . 0 bounds Oood Broken, Blca. 1 20. " Can Bakar's or Ghlrardelli's Cocoa, L- 7 ( cans American 8srdinea.fc I :.. v 25e 1 , , Pouna Oood Gunpowder T 'i ' - 25 7-7 ; ' 12 bars Bood Laundry Soap. 374 Washliigtori' Street CGEErWO The draft Chines Doctor Is called great he re ns his wonderful cures are ao well Known in roup nun a the United States, and bee sua so many people sre thankful to him (or saving their lives from w OPFRATiONSa' .. XX IE 1. UB K.l win "ell dlaeaaea with owarlul uiiaiH 4ba. roots, i bud a. barka and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical Science In this coun try, and through ths use of the harm las remedies. This famous doctor knows the sctloa of over 800 different remedies that hs has successfully used in different diseases. . Re sruarantess to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner. vousnes. stomsch, -.ttveev - kidney, fa male trouble and all private diseases. Hundreds of teatlmonlsla Charges moderate. Call and see Mm. ' T, COsTBTJlTATIOBf TMKE. Patients out of tha elty writs for blank and circular., Inclose stamp. Ad dress ; - : ' '77. 7""":", : '; THE ,C (1EE WO CHINESE . U MEDICINE C0T4f; 15 1 Alder 'etreet Portland. Or. ' Stats, era af 151 U Alder atrt laada tn aif. flea Mention thla paper. 1. 1 1 wa ' C0rFEE,TE2W DAiflrsOPina arcn:;.5iDrrrj:tT: OmriSiTwh.lsorarTrav CL05SET Q DEYEH3 ' ) DODTLAND.MffdnU.V CHESTERFIELD LAST VEUK Pjcblc," nalnxiat sn4 ctnlrvorsot. Spet-let all this weekr Mr tnil 8.V palB3lrsr rvatiijig ie sVimI traac rlaar ovsst alttilnaa, 84. I tell t rtiaticea, aiie caaea, fnllwea. ner til .ore, lew. nil,, sean.. . ' save arraip, ira. tlnn. dheaae. etc t acc.t im fee I aAeance. If .vim are ant aalleAe,! jnn par bm whIiIi.. 1 wlah te ahw the clllarna of I'nrlUeA tt ther I mie la tht sr,, ibat n4-r.t..M t,u snaliieaa n4 la m lake. I'aeaat 8X4 TtilfKal.. eppealt the riaia. lirnv vimr 8 a. SI. 14 8 p ai. Afllr anS Sae.ler. r Quick (tcrvlre KUKKnr.Nrr.t La j - . : n t. . . . . . 1 1. Fellows- " ' !''.'. - , . w..., -7. . rvC7 rJ I I m.'U a-l .1 '25c ' frj v. '-