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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
THE OREGON "SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY'. MORNING. JUNE -25, 1905. ROY IHTT HOLDS THE' dalheao Unci- Henry' -Latest Recruit Has a Pitching Average of One "Thousand." r BILL THOMAS STILL V ---T" HEADS THE REGULARS Garvin Maintain First Position for Portlan.YVith Essick- ' , a Close Second. :.. ? , , : Boy . Hit. a busher picked "ip by Hank" Harris, brtske into th league, last . week anf has won thft two amea he ' twirled against th Angel. Bill Thomaa : i ' maintained tils lead if tha regular pitch era by defeating Oakland, laBt 'weK, Warren Hall, the bis fellow on the Be rph team, la a cloaa aecond to Thomaa, and aa hla average will remain at Us present Blending (or a.few weeka, owing ; to hla having- met with an accident that ; , -' wHl prevent hla playing for aome time, -iie la likely to lead 'the league ahould . ..i , ThomaJoa a lam. or two. Teddy Corbtt.Bert Jonea and Win French each brought hla average up a notch by . .- Scoring a win laat week.' The averagoa . by team follow: ' ." , .'. r"! ' Taooatm.-i'. ' . ' ' Von.Iat. P.O. . , Jro ... IS ( -3 .tyst - "Brown '. - t 6 .66 -5 . To " FltgeraM-rV-rrTTTT- - .4tt f Other vr. ......... Ait ttt ,. Team average ;.'-. 44. -; - v 4--" ' 'naolaoo. -i-"' - -; ' . .0 1.000 7 -. 1 .700 -.Avilllama . , ,. Wlal.n . . la Henley,...,,..,.,.,. I 7.V.633 . .Wheeler i-r ,.500 - r - J- Corbett ............ 3 3 -,-' .60 JEUJ1UC ..-..a -4. --"- .400 .Team'CVerage 45 II .677 Portland. Won. Lost ; PC 6 . .. I .B 1 - ,-fiOO - 4 f t .o00 10 -,411 6 : -.28 1 .000 -''"Oarvln - i ,.Etck 10 : 10 "- 1 '. -4r- 7 . t ' 0 . . MS WWI WW. . . , . , -,-Cate --- riTi in i nnfa .... , . . . . . ---J- French - St. Vraln - , Team average 14 .:..- .4S3 Oaklud.' r - - r.-' , -Won. Lost. P.O. Hopking .'. .vLJ .0 1.000 jnerg .,-... -g W Rngan ....T l . Bchmldt ............. 7 9 O. Graham . ...... R H Moakiman , . ......... J 11 .6H -.500 .43k .4il .411 -.473 Team average 36 It X,o Angdea. , - Won. IisL -a rL a ...... t,, -13" $ ..t)0 . . 8 tB .500 ... -'- - .6jo . K. 1 a v , Ooodij - I rOrr . . Blum , -: Tore rii i o -00 11 " . ,"Teglti average ..14 It .473 ' ' - w :.: v: - .. ' . V v'-; Won- Lot PC 'L1II1CZ411 it .. . i , i , ... . . ..r 2 . " .4 TS3i "Roach . PhlcMs Uthera, Team 4 vonoi ro AKATainw. -"All notices) of amateur base- ball game, challenge tmi ath 4A letlo .events must be aen.tito this office before I , o'clock a. at. on the day for. publication. Ama . teur managera.1 ahould pari at - tentlon to.thla rule', as the keep- ; 4 d Ing of It will insure a proper 4 4 report of their dotng. Tbs - 4 4 ' Journal. - J a. - i . . a . 1.4 na k,'A, .....;".. 0 f - .ooo ,'.y r , fr,' ." .100. average ...... it 43 1 .377 HiniimniiiiiiiniDniiimniiiuiiniuiiii. W A NTJfDD .;.:.rir..i t cuus v ant wiumn, Harper's bound magazines for sale. See Mis--cellaneous For Sale 'column'. - : For Sale Talking parrots. SeeMiscellaneous For Sale column. ' , . y . ,. . VVanfe Agents. See Agents Wanted column. Lost Blackl. long-haired cat. See 'Lost and Found column. ! ; J ; i . - : Wanted To hire hofse and buggy. See ' .Mis-? - ceyaneous Want column. - . ; . -i . .'. . , I - New houseboat for sale.. Sec Miscellaneous For Sale column.'- '" . . ' ' - ': - Wanted Iady riders for, wild west show See Help .Wanted Female . colurnn',7 Fine farm, PowelUs Valley fbad. Sef For ;-g'aleI 1 Farms column. , " . New-xplltop desk for salc See, Miscellaneous . For Salecolumn. v:. ' - -- : W J AWanted Pantry girl. See Help ;Wanted-r-" Female column. '. , . v ' ' Fine upright piano for sale. .See Miscellaneous For Sale colunin. . - ' '"' ; $100 takeV lunchroom. 1See Business Chances - column - I - . ,,. """. 1 Wanted Lady agenis'jfp sell .toilet, a'ftTcles; tSee;" Help -Wanted FemanSsltinin.' t v' " ' 1 Restaurant''' good "- location. ' Se? ; Business" -Chances column. . . , ' Wanted Gjrl gr ; woman as nurse; See Help Wanted Femalecolumn. - - v - - . ' - - '-" ' -(: And many more good Jhings to behad by reading , The Journal's-Want Columns Br: ucsxsrrrrrzaKrr:ssszz:xzs:zzlJ NINE STBAIGHrffAtlES; 4 FOR HARRIS' BAND 8francisco : Scores Victory Overthe Angels in Eleven . y, Inning Game. (gpal tHspatra by Uad Wire te The loerosl) Ban Franclaco. June 34.' The beat game of- the week- today resulted In- arf-. oth2rVlctory for the locals, after elevij lnnlnga -of (-hatr-ralalng baseball. Wha ln and Baum werHoth--inviiclbls)-wttli men on bases and It lookedllke tt might go until darkness wUhout a score, whon suddenly In the eleventh something hap pened and It was all over. In a minute. Spencer bunted aafely; Waldron bunted, but Smith booted the ball "and two Were safe, t Wheeler' also tried a bunt, and .thistime Dillon got the ball In plenty of time, but fell down oh his baok,-On a, throw to Flood at first the ball went to right' field and Spencer dashed - In with 1 the winnings run.1" " Benaatlonal catches by Hlldebrand In at leaat throe Innings aaved Whalen:- The score; J LOS ANCJELE8. -. , . " ab: b. h. po. x.x., ci. Flood. 2 b. . , . J-ij ;V. . .. Bmlth,- lb. ..i .. Dillon, -lb.. J.. 4...... Cravath, rf.w. . RoaL If. Braahear, 11. 4,1,,,,. Spies, c. . ....TV;,, llaum, p. t 3 VI 0 13 III 0 0 0 1 Totals .31 0 730 It 4 BAN FRANCISCO. v- L AB.R It PO. A. E. rf, 4.... a. &..;-- 118 10 Wkldron, cfj. i-..L.i 4 0 1 8 8 , - 3 0 10 1 Wheeler, lb. ........ 4 0 1 HUdebrand, If. ......4 0 1 Irwin, -3b. ,;,,4 il Nealon, lb. .....,..f'l 01 Wilson, c. 4 0 1 Oocimaur, s. .rr;r"t"a"T Whalen; p. ......... . 4 0 0 Totals ,,-,..87 1 whan- i winning II 10 t -Nons scored. out run ' was i BCORB BY INNINGS. n t " Los Ancelca..O 00000A0 0 a O 0 f HMst -ri-ri-.-. -2-t-r 0 "Xt T 07 Ban. Fran . ...0 400000000 1 I r'HllS'.-rrfn-. lf t. 1 0 4 1 0Mnr- . ' SUMMARY. "Stolen- bases Smith. Cravath, Bra shear: Two-base .hlt-3&frnard. Sacri fice, hlta ! Smith. . Waldron. Wheeler. First base on error Los Angeles, 3; San Franclaco, I. First base on. balls- By Whalrn, Z. Lerr-on bases- Los An geles. f. San Franclaco, 8 struck out By Blum. 4; br Whalen, 3. ; Hit by pitched ball Brashear. Double ' plays Irwin to Wheeler to Nealon; Flood Q Dlllon;'Oochnauer to Nealon. Time of anrair -vnp nour ana oe um plre-Davls. STILICHO-WINJrJER 0F; : .i PUGET $BUND STAKE . Bpctll IMspaUse e Joarail?) x" Seattle, June 34. Stlllcho won the Puget Sound selling stake at the Mead owl this afternoon after the moat fare! cal contest that has been wltnexsed on the cob at since the. day Satsuma won a mil event at Oakland la .1:41. . There was nothing crooked about the running fJUMt tvfint. which wa the fttature-of the card, !but it -Just happened - that every jockey In the, rac had: watting orders. Results; - Five "and a half "furl Inge Jo KeAy wonpiLady Rice. - second; Chief jptcpa, third. Time -1:08X4-. - - Seven furlongs Eleven Bells won; Dandle Bell., second. Dolll Weltoff, .ktnl Tim. 1 'DIU . . - ' Ono, railft ndl!0 yTSs Iraf won; worwi yoie, secona ; j ute o jr, . intra. Tim 1:45V. -- -r. ' On mil Stlllcho won; Ocyrohe, sec. ond ; Hugh . -. MeQowan, third. .... Tim 1:414. Six furlongs Doublet - won; Inter lude, second; Sterling Towers, third. Tim 1:14. T ' '' " ' On und , one-- sixteenth; tlleH7-Blue Rldg - mow, ' Wenrlck, second ; Cinnabar, tbll-d.s::Tlni.-l1:4V4... ; ' . -t- - Stephens PUy at Troutdal. Th Stephens Addition .teim went to Troutdale laat evenlngwhare they are scheduled-' to meet th Troutdale team In a same of baseball this afternoon. The Stephens nine haa won eight of the nine games It haa played this sea son. HIgglns and Jlettsman will b th battery for th local club. - j THIRD DAY'S SIICOT ; AT IRYIflGTO'J PARK North Pacific Sportsmen's Asso 1 ciation Toirney Not Yet 7. Completed; FINE SCORES WERE i . ' . T MADEYESTERDAY Last Shooting Wilt fie Hetd To -f - tfay and Prizes Wilt Be" ' Awarded.';- ', - - :, The 'third day's shoot of the chsm plonahtp .: meet ' yesterday : under th auspices of the Multnomah , Rod and Gun cub ; was marked bymeny good acorea,; but no definite results ' were reached In ' any of th tropby events, th only prise decided being In a few of th money event. ;. ' . Th shoot oft for th Brownie trophy, which at preaent la a three-cornered tie, will be; held this afternoon,. - - -- On Friday afternoon a team composed of local men made a remarkable record for a five-man team, fotf'each man, shot through his string of 10 bluerocks with out a miss. I ,Th team was composed of the following roeenbera of the ' Multno mah - Rod and Gun club: Gulst. - Ab rahams. H. Ellis. CullUon and Carton.- Among the participant In the shoot are four women whose work at th traDS ' ha been highly credible. They sr: Mesdaroes Holmes. Snyder. 'Young and 8heard.i. whose huabanda also tan part In th tournament. Another trophy event ' that wttt b ahot off today Is th three-cornered tie for th Multnomah medal. ' . i ' ' r Th result ternopn wer a follows: ' - Twenty-olth event. 10 targets Loug, D, Cooper. HTllls. D. Carton, H. France, J.-W.- HusrA -Pi-Blgelow.- Dickinson, Downs.X. K. Wlker. C. P. PUnk. Feud ner, Schults. Btacy, Lannlng, Vjeutt SmalUI. K. Logsden, Wagner, C. D. Sny der and. Gilchrist each broke their string. Twentv-elxth event If targets B. E. H!tJf H-hiiMa.-8heardP- HlElliav Cbl green, H. H.r Nell, jebb, X Cooper and W. F. Brown each broke their string. Twentv-aeventll. 16 targets ConfarT, Broderlok. Schults. Logden and Cartsr each broke thel - atrlng. - - ' - - imp INHIISTRY IN JOSEPHINE GROliilNQ Climatic' Conditions and Soil Prove - to Be!;Un- 'I' surpassed. - -..y -' . - -vy- ISpecUl Ms- tch teTUe ToorSal) Grant's Pass Or. Jun 24. From small beginning the hop "Industry JoseDhlne county Is asumtng large pro' rvortions. aa It I being "demonatrated that the conditions for growing hop sr unsurpassedi'ln thta section. Owing taihe dry climate grower do not have thelic and mold to-cbntendxwltbthat are aa detrimental to hope In othfcr sec- ltUma.CWhen plcklnf ttm come' there is no tear or ram ana wry im. tlm In which to pick, thu glvfng-1h crop chanc to mature.... Tor hls reason the 'grower does not hav to m ploy so large a crew of plckera as "fto these of localltlea where fall ralna are so -.frequent. Nearly-al) th I growers hem are able to irrigate their yards: Those .who cannot bring water oh -their land by a ytem of ditchea haV put in numnlnc Dlant and raise watr. from tha Roa-ue and Applegat rlvera. the yards being adjacent to thes streams. With clenty of water during th grow ing months and th warm, Sandy soil rive the vine such, a vigorous growth they 'yield a' crop not eaceeded anywher In the United States. ( - This season there er. lit acres" of newjopa set out, thlawith th yardi alreaHy out gives a total of 708 acres in th -Rogu River galley. Nearly all the vards a re "wired and In another aea rSort they will jill be wired. There are I thousands of . acres- of good hop land here that will be utilised soon a th lrrlgatlngystema now under way are completed, and Roru River valley will be the big hop district of the coaat, as It now la of melons, apples, peaches. grapes, ' corn, beans, tomatoes and al falfa. - ; - From present Indications the hop crop of Josephine county"1 will be-jip to the average yield being from 1,000 to 1,600 pounds to tb.acre, RANDOLPH GETS HIS ' t "" . FREEDOM ON PAROLE ',-'- : ;. George B. Randolph, ajlajs Robert New ton, alias Charles A. Reed, who pleaded guilty to a charge of i obtaining 368.40 from Ben Selling by theane of false pretenses was sentenced to- two years In the penitentiary..' byi Circuit Judge Fraser this afternoon. - , ' Randolph waa lectured by tha court, and upon his promise hot to commit a crime during th remainder of his life was released upon parol. Randolph' aged mother waa present when utfnce. was pronouncea. . . TAU CUM PUFF CO. .1 - LOCATES IN PORTLAND That the exposition will be of perma nent benefit- to, th-city of ..Portland and th entire Pacific coaat mQXt b ap parent .to everybody and ahould W -a stimulus to every resident of tfcs.clty to. use their utmost exertion .to interest those ' who are visitng the exposition and Induce them to remain' and bring their business, and iamlli.' Among those who cam to visit and! hav de cided to make Portland their future horn-Is- th Talcum Puff company, of Ashevllle. North Carolina, who - hav tt&bllKhed. e, Pnclflq -coaar" branch In this city under the management of Mr. Tom L Johnson, to take charg ofthlr y esrern ana vnenwii Diuint... - Mr. Johnson ha opened Office In th Mcleay building from where he will nttend to all the business of th Talcum Ptiffimpany In tha tatR,of -Oregon, WsshlngtonU. A allfomla. Idaho. Utah. Montana. Artsona and Alaska, together with their large- export trod to Aus tralia and the. orient. - Mr. Johnaon cam td Portlqnd as the commissioner for Oreat Britain and Ireland fox th Lewie snrrr .:iarK - exposition, put . re signed that position to enable him to 'A- oin- vote hla time to enlarging his col pany's already - extensive business on th coasU. .. - - - - rt. Kooaerelt la lto. From th .Nashville Banner. Ther continues to he, some Insistence that- Mr.Roosevelt will 1 nominee for' th presidency In 1J8. despite -hi declsrstlotrto'th contrary, but It Is not Ldetermlned whether he will b th R. publican or Veroocrauo anaiaai.y On Subject of 'Meat Inspection Letter From the Packers to the Board of Health. . . y ...V . ..... To th Honorable, the Board of Health of the City of Portland We respect fully call your attention to th lata rdlK nance governing the inspection of meats shipped to this city, and which. It la understood,-interested Trtteruch as commission.' men, .have, , or re about t apply to the. mayor and city-council to hav canceled. W would respect fully request you to us your best In- fluenqe .to ,preycnt--th-rapenl ot , thl4 ordinance, until It has had fair "trial of at ' 'Cast rsix months in operation when, if the ordinance proves to bo a bad jne. It may eanUy be repealed, and if a good one It ahould be allowed to stftndVfor' the following reaaohs: FlrBt-L-Tou can' readily see "that the enly parties benefited by. inspection Is th publlo.i-belng protected from th us of animal for food that ai' -4I-aaed with tuberculosis, lump jaw, preg nancy 'and Innumerable other diseases. . Beoond All animals shipped In from th country are- exposed -to the dust of th street; cinder and smoke from the railroad and last but not least are thrown down on the sidewalk In front of th commission houses, exposed to th sun, blue files and. passing dpg. No on has a rlghj to say to those merchant that . this meat . la out of condition, andj3 It Is offered for sal to tha hlajtfeat bidder,, ..... , W hat beard" no yeal protests against city Inspection. except from commission merchants; I dairymen and swill feeders, who are affected like a soapmaker '. In he Mississippi valley, who proposed to test tha Validity ; of a state law which prevented' him from brlnglngAag that liad died from chol era, , In different parts" of, the lUtt, - o his plant. : because the law. affected hla profit- In th business. He did not seem to car how much tha disease was spread,' or ' how - much lotisxtuv caused his-neighbor-to suffer, only-that b might make a. profit to himself. -It seem strange yiat ao weak a de fense should'b. put up iby the Frtmt street merchants, aa none of them ha Invested, a dollar In rerrlgeratlon, In spection or delivery.- tT.helrl main cry 1 that Inspection is burdensome to the butcher when, ss a matter of . fact th butcher is not burdened at all, does not have to-)urn hla hand over and Is not put to a loss if a carcass Is condemned. City swill feeders are affected because hogs fed in thta manner seldom matm without some disease setting In, and as soon- Jt hogs shftw any signs of -approaching death by'cholera or tha plague they are killed iid brought" town in th early morning -nd dhinpaed of tp the higheat bidder. .... Next Is the-dairyman with the bob calf, which has never had more than op or two square meals because milk 1 scarce, or occasionally a cow ha milk fever or become fevered ftom over , feeding. - It Is convenient to kill and lspoa:of auoh animals for food with out any questions being asked. You might aa'.well aak a blacksmith toy perfoimjnipra.tlotu-for.ppendi? cltls in his shop, aa- to -ask a Front street merchant to dlagnoa the dis eases of animals after all the Inner or gan have been severed, from th car cass. ... r -7. VjJ"iJ'x..i'i,i -The "real question lsyShall we hav meat " inspect len of a first-class irder and protect the public against diseased meats, - or whether we shall advertise Portland as the only city In the United State -wher disease antmnls canb question decide. for, your honorabl: body' to .', Respectfully aUDtfitrte UNION MEAT CO. " PACIFIC STATES PACKHCO-eOr-- STORM OF PROTEST- SETTLERS Withdrawal of Portipn of'Waf- - Iowa for Forest Reserve , Objected Tc4y PREPARES PETITION TO i BE SENT ROOSEVELT Ask Governor,. Chamberlain -to Forward 'Papers AskifTg---'-. 7'y ;7 for Square Deal. , (Special Dl.p.tch ts1 Tha Jnarnal.) ., Salem, Or., June 14 The temporary withdrawal from settlement of a por tion of Ithe northweatern corner of Umatilla county and a small part of Wallowa county, known aa the Walla Walla forest reserve, has raised a storm of protest from a large number of settlers who reside In the portion which Is in Wallowa county. A petition bear ing lit signatures has been received by Governor Chamberlain with the re quest that he forward It to the -presi dent In this petition they ask that that portion' of th proposed reserve which lain Wallowa county be omitted from the reserse. Following Is the petition: President of the United States, Wash. Ington, P. C: "We, the aettlers and oltixens, of th . northweateiv. part of Wallowa county. Oregon, do hereby petition the president of the - United Rratea that all that nortlnn or 0wnSMus FROM TK V ' T ssxBBxeaaxejsxxasBBBi and north, range.O mhok an-Lta cluded-nn th proposed Walla .Wall foreet reserve, b restored to aettlement. Op January It wt forwarded to thP"Ullng up their homes; and nowr when department . of agriculture a petition signed exclusively by the cltlsens who bar settled o4 ti land In question. tKtm rM.lvef1 a flnftrrenlv from the office of the! forester dated, April 11 which follow: ' - 'A you were Informed In the secre tary's letter of March 10. these ton hlpa hav been carefully examined and mapped1 by an agent of this bureau and hla report1' fe completed. T hie agent 1s; new In the Held, but a copy of your leteer ml petition of Jrfhuary 30 to th honorable, th secretary ' of the Interior, fwa-fotwarded to htm With Instructions that Je furnish additional Information regarding thla particular area Our agent has replied aa follows: ",No por tion of th recommended rerve in these two . township 'Is in 'Wallowa county. , aa thf county" line follows th Grand Rond river. Th recommended- lln wss drawn back from th Grand Rondo river. far enough to exclude the narrowtxtt -good agrluultural benches that border' h4deep canyon along th Orsnrt-ttond and Wenaha rlvera." Pro- Vlslon will undoubtedly be made at the next session or congress far the utilisation of such very small' areas of agricultural land as it Is found Impossi ble -to xcud from forest -reserves. yV,Th - proclamation, creating th Walla Walla forest reserve la In prooeim of preparation, and action on thlamt- Uf mtfy r expected In th ner fuHir. 0' 1? 0 z n ti 84 three Carloads vTo a statement when not only a statement, ! ll y n I -'I ''"v:''-'""- ; V'':-'v;' hi-.; '-..-.T i'.-.rty m.v',v -en. i-.-. ----- -' 1 1 L"-ll There's same grade of wheel others ask.$5.fa -7 And We Can Deliver" REMEMBER Its Our Wheel Handsopiest It'sguaraateeihy ythe factofy to us, and by-1i8tf,Jbe ridef. year money backlf there's ainy jm& Wheels $25 J0& I BZCTOXSB ""--1 OB. I. .Vftrs. otrm motto .Early t ksd and early t rise. Work like Hslsa Advertise." . nr. W. A. WtseBss retnrned from aa ex temled tour of eastern Ixnlal institutions, ami those having their dental work dnn there ran have ithe advantaae of all new n! nn-to-date nethod. Examination free. Painless exlrsetln fra when plates or bridge sr ordered. Win BBOS., SKsTTXBTS.' The r.lllnr. eor. Third snd Ws.hlnstnn. Open - emnlnss - snd -SuoJ.ra. ' Msla. 4d2.. Th statement that w -ar not " In Wallowa county 1 manifestly, an error aa tre have been paying taxes. Into the Wallowa county treasury for atUat eight yea.ra. ' .- ' r .."The Qrani.-Rond river rW- the county lln 10 years ago, and t seems strange' to us that a ri eptinslhle-ageot of th bureau should be dulng business with an antiquated county map. - The-tatemeHhat4 he- recommended lln waa drawn far nunh hark to at. dud th benches on-both rivers does not accord, wltn' tne racts. une recom mended lln border the canyon on the north aid of the Grand' Ronde river, and as th Wenaha parallel th Grand Rond four or five' mhes to the north, paaalng from west to esst through the center of township , and aa an or Is Included In the reserve.' the fact re mains that tha agricultural benches bordering the Wenaha rlverr atlll in th reserv. .. " "Th greater portion of th landa In question Ilea between th two rivers, tha bench land being united by k strip of low table larWl about two mllea wide. of excellent quality and" very deairable for aettlement. , f "There are 71 settlers, holding claims on th land we askr tb be exe)uded from the reserve. Many, hav tetn on their claim eight to ten year. . These peopl all cam on In good faith, not being able anticipate lhaUhgornmentwould eventually Include thi land loJ"Tforest reervaJhy.Jiava.spentyeara-or ton schools and. churches and pther public Institutions seemed to ; within Jur rrasn (ss : heretofore It has . been lm- thes rieeegaary n atltutloti twlng.. to th laolnted (ntur of'th ettlements), and for which w hav so anxiously waited these long years, are .Jn danger -of vanishing a Way like a shadow. :. We belfeve this Is a burden th gov- erpmefit ahould not place upon ns, a we hav already, borne more than ur shar--of hardships Incldentsl to rloneer life, ka4unow we beg that you will not allow itlil 'proclamation, to Issue, until at least we have had a" fair inspection, for a square deal. Is all w ask.". . OKLAHOMA DAY TO BE WELL OBSERVED .LOB irateMts Oklahoma Will relebrateMta day at the twla .anij7lark.expoamon- -June . Zi. Th. thrifty candlrlat, for atatehood-wlll hav an litoreaflng prbgram for that occasion, -int adresa mT welcom will be delivered by, Presldenr Ooole; the response,- by uovernor rergueon or Oklahoma, or some one delegated ' to represent him. Addresses on Oklahoma by Charles W. Greer of Alabama, and Joseph Brewster or Massacnusetta, and one on .the Oklahoma press by Roy Stafford, president f . th Oklahoma - '. ' , J I . "'' II Arrived This WccICani thing we hare ..-Of colore and - JiemT - 1 72 Some Weight.. you can deliver the goods. but a fact thaf?" we ; are selling for'- lif' v - tTi-. the Goods. and Your Money It Anything 3s5.00 thing wrongtat material or workmanshi f?v -' I TXXZOXXB ZZZZai XICPUlfZaTTS Dr. B. E. CTBaTTH'IO smmaT 4 h a t relieves all "pain : In dental opera- illona B49, Waatangtoa St, tx.; aeveatlb For modern dental work," WorTd-renowned specialist. Lowest prices consistent with flrst-claas r; work. - , . i, - '" A Oo to th .''''. NEW YORK DENTISTS . rOVMTS A3TO XOBBUOW 8TS. Open day and night, from 1:30 a. m, until 10 p, m. I Press association, will complete the ora torical feature " of , th occasion and musical feature will be added. TheOk!ftuoma Press association. will arrive In Portland on th morning of Its special .day, In tlm to participate .In the exercises at tha expostttonv Ijeander Martln.t secretary of the commission, Is preparing for the observance of tke dayVr - -4 . 1 -v..' : yy Th. OobtIo DeotdV-; aieoret- 'V -Lisbon Dispatch to Xondm-Mair-' ' After-19 years' 'Imprisonment In. th great - penitentiary berf ? followtmr ra conviction for poisoning, Dr.-vl'rbina d rrenas, wne-ef th. most distinguished of European physicians, ha had his sentence of, ii year commuted by King Carloa to simple banishment from-Per- tugsi, . ,. : - ' Throughout his long". confinement the doctor is said to hav Jealously guarded a secret he had discovered n assured cur for leprosy Accnmpanled by h4-j ubvvku win n. i now on ma way io Berlin, wher , hi arrival Is eagerly awaited by alt German students of the higher bra aches of medicine. When the doctor Wis 'first arrested Lisbon Society received a shock. The charge against hlnx was-nf poisoning the flv. brother and sister ftJUIsywlfVji who atooa oeiween mm ana -a targo fortune. ' During holy week th king signed th commutation nf hi sentence and th doctor la now free to pursue his life work. A man Is how living at Cotmbra, In Portugal, who .declared that Dr. de Frwttaa shortly before hi arrest cured hint t leprosy. . ' . - .. w DB. W. A. wt. I . VR I """ " y ' - "10 ax j 'jsasy l jla"' I) r t? iMsttin nfti -iV1- They Are BcaiMs; ! This is the best assortme,nt -of Iron Beds in the city. The finishes are superior to any- ever seeh. They are in a variety we feel quite sure-; you will like .. .. vV '.'vy ' y'- '.'.' HENRY JENNING THE HOUSE FURNISHERS - ii ill 1 74 FIRST STREET Goes Wrong With andS AMD , TATLOm BIXVEXi-X-SJ, rORTLAaD. okiaox. I XAJtirzBa If so, We can remove therrv -arrrj for4 your own benefit arfc. the pride and regard of those Jiear and dear ta-yoti, j-pu -should have ittone; " J S4i'p r f Til r if Hair, Rif VeinsTRed Nose. Pitjings. " Scars. Warts. Moles. Black heads. Oily Skin. Roughness. .Redness. Sallowness. Pim ples. Birthmarks, Liver - Spots. Freckles. C o a rs e . Pores," Falling jHair. Wrin-- kles. follows, jBaggy Skin, .' Frowns'. Large Outstanding Ears.' Misshapen Nose, ' fi. i - 1 ' Lips of 'any othefdefect of skirfjir featurer " ''. r, "" We also conduct the) only school f,. Dermatology, .ori: thePaclBjeoasfuW direetioii "oiaT grJadaatephy--r "ii'cian., '". '" -"-" DrjyMasteri Jnstitute -Suite 17-20 Selling-HirscbJ i'Bklg., Washington strertt,' letvccn-"Vc5t Park- and TcrftfurPhone .Main :o(. B. B. Masten, M. D., C, M., Mme. M. Vaughn. G. D, D Directors. ; v n i mrur -;r. j-rrm- Have YoTl Scheie? li: M S3 f ... ...... -. - I . -r