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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
.... ; ' , ' THE, OREGON N SUND AY JOUfeNAL'. PORTLAND, SUNDAY ; ikOgNING. JUNE 25 1905. . ' -Hippocrates' Big Coup" f Sheepsriead -Naughton Talks About thi" Fighter Rain' Golf Tourney Comes to"Suecessf ul Close Batting, Pitching and-lridiyiduaMveragea .Results of Blue,-R9cic"Shooting Boxing. Basss-all Revolt s Et4 ky J. A. HOUAN Interferes With Portland Game-j-Sporting NAUGHTON TALKS ON BIG KILLING AT v GOLF TOURNEY IS INDIVIDUAL AND Journal's Page of -Sports In - i , I i .i . - . . .ii. . ,i ' " , . . . : : 1 .. . - ". . Vi ' " "i ' V ' " l 't- , : ' : 1 ' ' : i ' v1'1 " - , J i - ' " CHARLIE IRWIN -! HITS. A GOOD CUP San Francisco's - Clever : Thirdp1 Baseman f Leads Coast League Battels. , i k . .. BRJOECROOM M'tEAN T : ; . FIRST FOR PORTLAND ' V f: o)e" ; TEAM AVERAGES . BROUGHT TO CLOSE V " Pacific Coast Championships THE FIGHTING GAME SHEEPSIIEAD BAY " .. . . '.. "- i Peterson's ;. Showing , Against Tony Aste, BpotWack Turfman, Los Angeles as a Team. Leads j , End at thi Waverly : Clancy Surprised the Wise . 1 0nes at Cofma. - v Puts a Crimp "In the Coast League In the Bat- y. ting Department. , Golf Links-.'. " j Bookies' Purse. A ... " "GENEROUS TREATMENT ACCORDED VISITORS Hunt " Lewis., Wins ithe Mens v -,'-' Open Handicap and Mrs. Langley the Women's. The Lewis and Clark col tournament. ' Tthat baa "held the attention forjhe past .i. Amm at Waverly.g"'olf links, came to m inaa veatardar afternoon. TbA play i vu for' the Paclflo coast championship. : ana waa attended by the best amateur ' golfers- from Victoria to Los Angeles, i The men's championship for the Paclflo nT u won by Roderick Macleay. a "'Waverir aolfer. The woman's cham r-ntonhln honors were won ' by Ml v Pooley of Victoria, B. 6. oily It years ef age. Mls Pooley father la a-tnra-2jjr of parliament jyt yictqria and a Kolfer himself. He accompanied his danshterto this slty a,n4-ae,rveda her ZZI-f'caddle."Z"S6 Interested .was hein her 1 effort to achieve honors that he would ot allow her. d attend any social func . . " Vrmrn-:.. - '"" - i- - v. Tte closlna; erents -yesterday-.were the open handicaps. In the men's open handicap Hunt Lewis and Mnjor Lang rttt tied with a net score of 77. As "there were two cups offered for this : event it waa decided- that . Mr. ,Le wis take the open handicap rup and- Major s Lanirfltt the president's cup. - .- Mrs. Langley of Victoria ..won the : wromen open handicap with a score of ' 5. playing from the scratch. Previous ly there was a tie in the. quallfyjg rounds for the, women's Pacific coast championship, between Mrs. Lansley and . Mlss Porey.. and the score of 85 .made by- Mrs".. LapgleyKaveheriheppen. " .handicap honors. r The longest drive and best average - f -for the men was won by Mr. Lippy of V Seattle. The longest drive - and besl . average by a woroa,n waa made by Miss Pooley. .: ' r-Tne approaching orj'the .' jnrn was ', won by Roderick Macleay. The .women's' i approaching event was carried off by Miss Musgravs of Vlctoffi. i r The men'a putting eoptest was" ion . by Mr. Combe of Victoria. The women's . putting contest' was won by Mrs, W. B. . Ayer of Portlsnd. . s ; t --At the close of the. events' Mr., Mic- Master, chairman of the handicap com r mlttee, made a vpeech to the members, - visitors and spectators. Major. Jones , Cf Victoria responded. - "j- The cupa tfaat were awarded repre-, : aented In the aggregate a value of about : tSOO, and the medals were both' Costly - and beautiful. - f , V I The bungalow adjoining the 'Waverly 'i club that was finished before the tour ney began served t s a shelter during the events, and I may be utilized by the ; - bachelor members hireafter. flliAT THE LOCAL -, BOWLERS ARE DOING ( Notes, of Interest Among Crack Tenpin Men " of - . l ll-..Thi's City. -.. -4- : T Bowling, was qilltt aclve during the past week on the Portland alleys. The Fummer Jeague isj -progressing nicely. The 8chillrs bowjed two matches. On .Tuesday evening thejf . took three straight from the Clncas S.nd Thursday ;they took the Kl Sldolo team down the line for two out of three. , On Tuesday , evening the , EI Hiaeio tnui-all- attires games . trowi tue kjjajjookthree 1 tfie--LAmerffan stralght games from 1 the-American .-..Xaglaa. Kmss and Capen are praetle . l, Ing every 'day on the Portland alleys, getting In. .trim for their coming match ' with the tmo Chicago crack bowlers, Steele end Brill, wbe are making a tour '. of the west. They will reach Portland about July . It Kruse and Capen roll , VP Pf- their practice form they will make Steele and Brill go some. . V.- While practicing on the Portland1 al- lev Friday Kruse and Capen rolled up V the fine total ef 1.184 pins In three games, or an average of 214 H average . per man. . ' - Devinney sndf. Kruse are. tied for the I Mgh score for the mopth on the Port-i land alleys, with 249. Buck is a close , ;i third wljlh 147 There are many scores - over the 250 mark. ; . - - : 1 -The schedule of next week's league ; games is: Tuesday, June' 27. Clncoa . against American Ragles on the Port viand alleys; iKl Sldelos against the Ba kers on the Oregon allays. Thursday, June II, Clncos against the Bakers on Porland alleys; Schillers against the ' uoioen wests on ins Oregon alleys, T " --V, . , Spokane 3. Boise 1. . : BolsTTda., . June 24.--Bpokane de . fee ted Bolee in a well played ganie lyes- I j, iri un7 vjt Hum VI in J. Bicycles, Fishing Tackle, f Baseball Supplies, Tennis We have a well assorted. stock Nevv-Model arid New Patterns.-,AU up to date, at the RIGHT PRICE. BASEBAl'tSHOES,i pair. I.., rr ; , ,.i,M.50 SPRINTINQ SHOES, pair. ...... -v; ..iiio ' ; Auto TireiAScanued. Bicyiles Repaired." .1 - ' 3Ee Sl H. Brainard Co. ,'i 122 -GRAND FITZ CHALLENGES ftJ JAMES J. CORBETT Freckled Cornish Boxer Re fuses to Box Schreck but L Wants Calif ornian. "i ' r " ----- , .. By W. W. JTanghtoB. (Special Dispatch bLeaeed Wire to Tbe Journal) Sarr- Francisco, 'June 24. -It - was tattler hard luck for Jack Clancy after twisting the urltisti lion a tail until it pore a ciose fesemDiance to-a. cora- scTew to come back t h -najlve-heath and be defeated by a youth who la still In his . ssvaddllng clothes as wproles-sioaaU- A whole week has elapsed since Peterson surorised tbe knowing ones by his handling of CJoaicy-at thaCjplma club'a openlnK-Jhow, but the spleddld work of the. novice is still being talked about -." ; X . He baa wondrous reach, hri Peterson, and a kidney punch-that arouses 'pity for the man it. is .inflicted -UponAnother thing tjnrt reflounds to the Swede i advantage Is the wooden expression on his face. He resembles Battling Nel son in as much, as you can. never tell when, he .la going to lash out-or what rolnt he ts. about to aim at.-.- He 'Is gritty, shifty and atanda up well una der flrk . . , , Taken altogether, he Is aulte an ad dition to the welterweight ranks and It would be as-well for Buddy Ryan, Honey Mellody and the-others-in that particular division to maam-note of the fact , that they have a promising raw recruit to reckon with. " Clancy's. showjngwTjH veey, dlaap- polnting to thoae who hal. followed him in his career abroad. He seems to have acquired culture and lost steam. It may- be that the hampering rules of the new London prise -ring' have had. a re fining effect upon hlnK but whatever the cause, he doesn't cut loosexwltjh the vim which characterised his assaults when we knew him as Al Anrens. years ago. !.'.":- - . Possibly a feweontests out -in- the wild and woolly went wttt-thaw hlftv out snd teach, him to thump, with some, of the old-time, freedom. . .. '., - .:":.. ijlta Is rosy. .'.-"-. - Bob Fltssimmons is nothing If not resourceful. The "porting press of Salt Lake-is-a -;-nntt "hr -detciaringthar- the tiger Illy of the pugilistic phalanx but-! ted out of his match with Mike Schreck because his -feet rebelled at road work and his arm hinges creaked"when he attempfeddancireOTniairagrt Fits has replied In sn eloquent manner. He has challenged Jm Corbett to box ror tne wena a championship. - Assumt ing for the sake of argument that Fit s sincere, there Is no reason why the Cornlshman and Monologue Jim sh6uld not have their long threatened, retrrrn battle provided they pull It off before the generation .which remembers their Other affairs passes away. They owe H-4 themselves. In fact, to accomplish something while: a vestige of1 bodily strength remains trj-either of them. It caS. hardly le said that the Flts-Corbett-tChiilTehge has become a joke. It Hleally a serious matter and I know people who are actually worried about it. 'They claim that the men ought to be made fight or. else hold their peace for vavermore. ... ; In 'this latest -Instance' Corbett de clines the - Issue and Fit a, - naturally, prees the point harder than ever.' The matter will go over, of course, as it has gone over many a time and oft be fore, but the rivalry between 'the pair will continue until the crack of rlnnm ,- Possibly in some year yet to Writs win gona corbett Into ati" acceptance of his perennial dcfl. Then the sports of that future date will read training notes such as this: . "Fits overrearhed himself today while maaing a pass at a .punching, bag and if xne aoctnr ana vale ha.tiAt hk. him would. have fallen to the fir.r.r vri, I nhvi1i.lan liaaMii4 v. -1 . ... . . physician has called a halt on the train ing for a few days. The veteran win be confined to his diet of canned oxygen and chicken consomme. By next -Monday Fits expects to he able to do road work In an automobile." Coin Club Vot Beady. The Colma club will not be 1n a posi tion to present Fnankle Nell and Harry Tenny at Its next show which Is to lie given Friday night. Nell has asked' for further time and the main event on the occasion rererren to will ge furnished by a couple of . llshtwela-ht anurir.. known'as "Young DemDsev" and .Thn. Te i,Towe-.. I Tenny la nifffed. He has sent word to Nell at Seattle that he will box him at 115 pounds and bet him t,000 on the s!divor V4ir make1 It 117 pounds without a bet and allow Nell f'raay how the purse money shall he armnr. tlonedV. A simmering, scintillating reply in rsiicrico ami mire is iroiroie ahead. According to all accounta Ren6 is In the. Jhroes of a pugilistic fever. The tM.ana.wlilnli fa - . I . ... . , -j nuiinv ma CTOWfl when Boot and Iart fight-tw-neaiTy completed and tne rorrelts of the club and the two .heavyweights .have been rorwaroea ,to Harry Corbett who haa own utiwiea lor rinal stakeholder. Uarr-rs- well along with his training AVENUE.' !j -v.. :.; : Floyd Lighty, Winner of the' Y, C. A. Indoor -AthleticTJ at his eamp near RanK and Boot is ex pected to-put tn an appearance.4n the Hevada townnext Monday. Then, pf course, the excitement-will 'increase. . -The managers of the world's chant nlonshln contest still tiling to the hope that Jim Jeffries' will referee the flgjjt-f tween Root and Hart. i he retirea .a v. . u- ,k. Mm eAllnwrecnnalder. Kid Siilllvan and party are expeeteA In from Baltimore this eunaay nigm. and Jimmy Brltt la at present hotln It back to town from tne xosemuo val ley. In a few days from, now both boys will be In training for- tffelr contest be fnr..thk Haves Valley Athletic. club on July IS. . . T--- Britt and Helson. There appears to have beeflTconslder- able.dlscusaiaw away from San -'Fjranr Cisco as to where Britt has yjolatedjthe terma of his agreement with Battling Nelson in signing to -box Sullivan, "Billy" Nolan, manager of . Nelson, is credited lth saying that the Britt Nelson artlclea dt'bar elther-Trran from engaglngla-brjirriir longer duration than six Vounps. , , - The arcjoles of agreement c6py of which -Is telven below bear out Brltt's claim thai he did not agree to refrain from . making matches meanwhile. Truth to tell, the articles are vague and flimsy. The men have Only to disagree over the spoils and the whole echeme falls to the ground. This Is the way the articles read: ' ' - . t San Francisco, May 10, 1905,-', No. 1 This agraament is entered Into between' James Edward Brltt'-and Bat Uing-Nelson, the parties of the tlrat rnr'i n"" wmiVh a i hint If rlub, the party of the second part, for a 20-round boxing contact betweer.-the said Bat tling Nelson and Jimmy ' Brltt No. 2 The contest to be of 20 rounds' duration, to. take place In San Francisco during the month of July or August '' No. J The club sgrees to give con testants 65 per cent of gross receipts. No. vTbe division of the purse is to be determined (.at a later date by the principals. , No. 6 -Marquis of Queensberry rules to govern contest No. 4 Contestants will post S2.600 forfeit SJ.600 for weight, $1,000 for ap pearance, No. 7 Contestants agree to box at Its pounds at 'p. jrf. on day of contest. No. S Referee to be,elected five days before'-conieef - - - --i.v. - - (Signed i , ! (SAMUEL, BERGER. " - "' UFof Western Athletic Club, i CHARLES T. KEILUNCK I WALDEMAR-TOUNO, i . Witnesses. JIMMT BRITT. " - - - Bl LLY-OLAN, For Battling Nelson! - Stakeholder Corbett aays the follow ing notes were added to the agreement by Berger after the names -were signed: No. -1 Both contestants agree to be in San "'Francisco, free-"from all engaga. ments, by July, 105. - No. 2 Soft bandages to be applied In " ' 1 ' . - -.. . - - v PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE,. I 1- : CLUBS. Taeoira ...... Saa Fraariaro Portland - ..... S'l.t 4! 4l TllO .67T .u .4TX .472 .877 71 si m AakUnS .7 ADgrles .. fol 4 S 4I KeaX'.U .? fti i4; 6 ..1 211 I 1 I t t I. .U;a.1M30!Mi4!H2IS txxt v . Hore Important ' From the! Detroit Free Press. Mother John, bate you made any. ar rangements for the children ' on the Fourth of July. - r- M. Fsther Yes., I've taken out accident policies for every oitej of Uljem. . - '1 l " 1 OVER-TWO HUNDRED - ; THOUSAND WAS WON Aste Was the Medium and the . Well Laid - Coup Was : . . Successful. . , . , . IaKd Wire to Th Jraraal) New vTork, June I4.The greatest coup In recent years was made the betting ring at Sheepshead , Bay today bw "Tony" Aste,: the "bootblack torf- man." and a aelect following." 'The tne dlum of thi well-managed killing waa Aste's.own horse, Hippocrates, a 4-year, old colt whloh. won. the sixth race. . - Beport had It after the race that Aste alone hadwon more than $50,000. The aggregate wlnninga' of those who- played with him muat have been nearly 1200, 000 or morei'i..; ., ' ; ', . Tbe horse opened in the betting at 9 to t. but for nearly XO minutes hardly a doftrtf waa place on htm and tha odds aotired to SO to 1. Therr Aste and. tits friends attacked..!'1'. t ' Hippocrates, . whoVhadrun "watery logged" previously,: was." the swiftest on four legs When the race befcan. It was a frightful reversal -of .tortn, for,. Hip pocrates had not come wltnin ao yaras of winning a race wVthln a year. . ' The day was one of the biggest bet- tlna days within 10 years, except on bol- ldsys or the' afternoon of a big handicap. More than a million dollars waa In cir culation ;ln the betting-ring. -J The great trial -stakes waa the occa sion for tremendous betting. There were coteries managing huge amounts On nearly every entry. Jesse Lewisonn, DavA Gideon and ."Diamond Jim-". Brady were backing the Whitney eniryw Board -At Trade", Smith. A. U. vanaer- bUt. E. R. Thomas? and bianey Tig supported the western horse.. Geo, C. Bennett- Davy Johnson bacaea J. n. 'Keene'a .' Bohemian down a point from id to 1. ' t 1. ' : : of the cace. Security, whibh"was ouotedTat:iS to--xarrie-Sr wager of several hundred dollars from his owner, E. E. Smathersl The upset of Beldame and the winning of the race bv Agile was almost as big a reversal. of f orm ae was- Hlppoorates', ?VfL . The talent sustained a bitter dlsap-- polntmenT-ln the $15,000 advance stakes for' 1-year-olds and upward. 'The be loved Beldame, a 1 to S favorite, rwas Oraslallo. which was the only Starter, at SO to 1, third. O'Nell alwwM Beldame to run in front aown m Daci; stretch to the turn into the stretch. There jack Martin moved up with Agile. The great mare had Agile aj her thcoaMtch all 1 the way through -the Stretch , and when ahe commenced to weaken opposite the field, stand, a groan went up, from thb frensied spectators which, when Agile won right at the post, turned to a moau. v Oraslallo waa never -contender. --Results: v Full course steeplechase Bart Hurst tfrtnnegan), 11 to 6, won; Hylas second, Game Cock third; time, 6:1. Gold Van threW-xTlder. Six furlongs Rnseben (O'Nell). S to 2, won; fiparkllng Star second, Diamond Flush third; time. 1:14 4-6. J Six furlongs Security (Domlnlck), 16 to 1, won; Timber setjtmdrG. C. Bennett third; time. 1 :16. " ' - 1 One ki($ three eightha rrmas. Advance stakes Agil Ai( X Martin). 13 Ifr-oVwon; Beldams. .second, Oraslallo third; time, 2:20 4-ts '"" . "Five and a half furlongs--L. J I lay hian (Hlldebrand), 8 to 6.i-Won; Gentian second, Lieber third; time. 1:0 S-6. -One mile and a furlong Hippocrates (Dlffgin'S). won; time. raira Bearer second. Bank third; 1:64 S-6. -jAJ -Sjatdula Viae! (Special Dlapateb bj Leased Wire to The Journal) Cincinnati, June 24. Latonla results: Six furlongs Sweetie (Treubel),.t to E, .won; Sid Silver second. Foreigner third; time, 1:14 S-6. i " " Five furlongs Concert (Austin), 12 to 1, won; Elolsa second, Zlenap third; time, J:02. One mile Prince Sliver W'lngs (Treu bel), 1 to S, won; Martta Doyle second, Early Bby third; time, 1:40 4-6. t Slxfurlongs-r-White Plume (Troxler), 7 to 2,. Won; Major T. J. Carson Second, Dutch Barbara third; time, 1:14 4-6. 1 Fifth race, five furlongs Arabella (Austin). 12 to 1 won; Carthage, second; Cortex, third; time 1:02. . - . 1 Sixth race, mile and 100 vyards Hav lland (Treubel), 4 to 1 won; Scotch Thistle, second: Bell the Cat, third; time l ' At St. Skoals Track. (Special Plapatrh byLeaaed Wire to Hie Jonrnal) 8 tr "Lou Is, June 24. Results a.. Del- Seven furlongs Atlas (Sewell), 6 jo 2, won; Gene Hnhdlon second, Radium third; time, 1:S7. Six furlongs Lucullus (vWlley), S to 1, won; Mailbox second. Investor third; time, 1:22 1-6. ' " Five and a half furlongs-Excfteinent (it. Wilson), 8t 5, Sonny second. Burnetts third: -time.--16. 1- 7.,- One and three sixteenth miles Extol. (Sewell), 4 to 6, won: Sincerity Belle Lsecond, Varro third; tlm, 2:11 1-6. , - One mile -and 29-?yards Tlatus (L. Wilson), S to 6,. won. Boodler second,. Athelrose thirds time,-1 : 51 1-r.r , Seven furlongs Pottar (Wiley), 6 to 2, won: Lanndowne second, 'Dave 80m mer third; time, 1:S,6. , . " - TACOMA AND OAKLAND - PLAY! IN THE RAIN . (HpeeUI Mapateh e ihw-Josroai) Tacoma, Wash.; June-,24.- Raln atarted.ln the flfth lnnfRjTko thw Oak-land-Tacoma"game;wlt'fi no ruis scored. JTmpIre Brsy Insleted that 'the game continue snd .It did-until the eighth, when Itfhad to be called, after each team had score two tallies by timely hitting and darTn'baseiteallng. In a field covered with watr4'onstant wrangling was In evldetirTOver-ray action. Devereaux being fined $5 for, I . . . . .11. . Jlj. 1 P.ntalft Bam' ..." 'jHs v' . ' . f 1 : v. ' f v. 1 t . V" .so ' J rf.4iji v xjS i.vaV'SJo4f. " 1 1 Harry. Livingston Secon4 in Y. M. V C. A. Tnd63r AUiletTrContesi kicking. Iberg and Brown pitched good ball. The - score: .-.' - --y- L -TACOMA. ..7r-- . . . AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Doyle, rt ..... . . ... 0 0 100 Sheohan, Sb. S 1,2 1 11 Nordnkav. lb. ........ 6 0 Orll 2 0 Eagan, sn. 2 0 2)0 2 0 Mcljuighlln, If. , ir..' 4 0 -1,12 01 0 1 0 ' 1 m 1 -0 s; 10 C. Graham, c Casey, 2 b. Brown, p. . . , Total , .. . s "i'l H 2 ........ t2 OAKLAND. . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ...4 0 12 0 0 Van IJaltrencf. Krugef? rf. O. Gtahsm. If. i ...4 0 0 ... 4 0 0 0 1 4 S .0-0 iveiiey, io. 4 1 Francks. ss. 4...i- 3 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 Ievereaux. Sb. r"-i a e 1 . 0 Iberg. p, .... Punleavy ., .. Monklman, p. Lohman, ,c.- Totals . ... 1 e u 0 0-0 0 4 1 0-0 s 0 27 2 6 24 12 S Batted for Iberg in seventh. Inning. J--- SCORE BY INNINGS. ... 1 ! S 4 6 7 S ffaooma . , .,..0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 Hits .... :j 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 Oakland . 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Hits 0 1 0.0 1 1 J 16 SWMMARY. Struck out Rv'Bro'wn, 5; bv Tberg, ?: by MoHkiman, 17-, Bshcs on balls Bv Brown. 2; hy Iberg. i; by Moakiman. Jilt by pitcher- Iberg. Egan. U Passed balls Lohman, 2. v Stolen bn-es Hhen han, Eagan, Lynch, C. Graham, Dever eaux .i. -Bacrlftrje hits Lvnch, Kriigor, FfanckS 2. Ievereaii- Tuikhau 1.11 : rvmia.. j nree-uaae hlt-Kagan. First base on errors Taooma, 2; Oakland. riouplft play liilmxn tn Iwvereau. veil on naw laroma, 13: Oakland, innings pitched Py Iberg. ; bv .MoakN man, 2. Hits Off Jherg, .4: olt'Moskl man, 4. Time of game Two- hours, l.mplre Bray. I -. ,. - gniinnneKiHiNifminiiiiiin Gome r-v -r - y- '' ''Us' ''"''' .. " ' "-r-jgtf ; - Suitcases and oYaveliftffBagsIth StylishoDlComfortable Outing Suits,.::. $6.0Q and UpT 'v eparjgite Qutitig Trousers u..y;;,l.,...'.:;..$2ftnd Up. . Surrirni- Negligee and Golf Shirts $1.00 to $3.00 Summer Underwear, plain and fancy, suit....w.;........ ...($1.00 to $5.00 Swell' lancy Hosiery ...... Swagger Soft Hats, newest shapes..,' . ,; Best Panamas 4i OS- 87 SCHLAFLY IS BEST AT STEALING BASES Portland Boys Rank Second In Home-Runs and Third In " .Triples and Doubles. Las Anaelea leada the -elube of the Coast league In team batting -up to June IS. Tacoma Is second and roruanu third.. The team batting Is aa follawai, .... II Rat. lilts. AV.1. Los Angeles ....... .18 "1 ' Tacoma . . S.5 - J2,! Portland .A .2.1 ' Seattle .. V; I'.t.. ..S.1T3. . J7 ': .219 San Francisco 3.40 645 v.llS e-HLraklasJ i ... ....4t Vt9-r-9 Jong hitting by teams is as iouowb; S-BH. I-BH. H.R. EX.B, Los Ahrelea ,. r,.100 16 148 11 wTon. IS 147 140 .11 'i Portlaiill ....,., 7 11 Seattle . .... 74 1 Oakland. ....... 10 San Francisco., 71 . I ' Shut-out gamea by teams: Lost - 7 - .14 San-Fr anclsoa .... . . . ijacoma lxs Angeles ...... Oakland .. . . ..... . Seattle '. .-r , . . . . . . . 12 7 "It Vnrt nd . .-r. . Shut-oi(t games won by pitchers are aa rllr.,-' ' .T ' -Whalen. 7; Thomas, ; Or Graham, S; Roach. ; W..nalI.GarvJn. Gray. and Williams, each; Baum, Schmidt Es siek. MoSsfmanrberr,' Fltspatrlck. C Hall, R. Miller and Keefe. 2 each, and . rt r , r .... skl.M.' wile vacn oy v. nuanu, v.oo, du.ciuo. Wheeler, Henley, J. Corbett! Fltigerald and. Brown. . ; . - - Individual z,osar Xlttlaf. Two-baaa hits Nordyke, Smith, Dev ereaux, IS each; McLean, it; House holder and Cravath, lt.each: Eager, Dil lon, Nealon.M 4 each; McLaughltn, Mc Hale and Houts, 18 each: Sheehan and Ats, 12 each; SchlaHy. McCredle, Doyle and Dunleavy, 11 -each; Keller, Lynch and Kane. 10 .each, . ... .-X Three-base hits Kane. 1 6; Cravath and Van Haltren, 4 eaclr; Schlafy? Householder, Spies, Kruger and Hllde brand. S each.-- -'- - - ome runs . Eegen; Ti JSoroyae,- Dnnleavy, Flood, Smith, Kemmer, Ats. Mitchell. S each; T. Corbett. Schlafly, Householder,. Hlldebrand,.- Dillon, Cra vath, Doyle, D. Miller, 1 each.' . 7 Hits andBtolen asea. . . Van Buren, Gochnaueiyuiqd Francks, 18 each; Spencer and Wheeler, 14 each; Kruger anU), Miller, 43 each; Lynch, McLau gblln,C.G rahamcCrrt7a ni Ats, 11 each; DevlreauxrCkaey, Hogan, Kemmer ana.iiunKie, iguf acn 'Stolen bases Schlafly. 28; McLaugh lin and Hlldebrand... 26 each; Nordyke, Kane and Strleb, 1$ each; Kruger, 18; McHale. 17; P. -Miller, Sheehan and Spejicer, 18 each; Houts. Doyle and Ber nard. 16 each; Kelley, Flood and House holder, 14 each; -Van Haltren. Smith and Dillon, IS each; Dunleavy, Irwin and WaldronrU eacly --; ', - ' ELEMENTS HAVE BEEN UNKIND-T0 LOCALS Rain prevented yesterday's balL game- between Seattle and Portland, thereby preventing the ocal trouncera from ad ministering another walloping to Uie visiting tribe. ' i Weather permitting, the locals will endeavor to annex another victory this, afternoon." and thereby again reach, tEe 600 mark. ".'- It is Essicks turn to pitch and Just who Ruas Hall will send ssalnst him la not certain, for It Is "kescoe Miller's turn, and as be -is a warm weather twlrler Charlie Shields may bemused iu tjie w. "a; - - ' a a i .1 iikJiyiL. m CateS -Slll play third, I!lhkl taking the short field position.. Tedfly Corbett a, U'.n ITrarwh will . rake pare nf imft .m.m.h v. nr.r, 111 k. i uniform and practice a little. Van's ankle is not -yet strong enough to work in a gsme. ' - ' " .. , " v,-:.. in the City fori; Third St. S etweeii Stark nnnnmmmBnnwwSw3anaBnwm 0!iTLANDS FAIR CLOTHI Householder Is Second With a -7 Good Standing and Hilde- -brand Is Third. r . CharUa Shields, tha Slwash twlrler, la - . (tthe only batsman In the league with a .IftO batting, average. The honors of the leading batsmanbelong to Charlie Irwin of the Seal brigade, while, big Jack McLean of Portland Is second and Eddie Householder of tha Portland bunch la third. Nordyke dropped a few points,--and the mighty Truck Baganr continues to drop down the percentage column.' . j c, The averages follow:. Plarara A rV, IB H. B.A, S4'U,.2l axi . m - 1 ,...281 73 .2f ....24ft 6 .4 . Sbielda; Seattle lrwla, San I'ranelace McLean. Pbrtland ...r.. Hoaaeboldar. fortlaad... Orar. Los AJiarie I bl 19 i .Hl . rraeiaee.-.-T Tt - aa 74 ,87 Hllaefcrasd, !! . Nordrke, - Tacaiaa Mllon. Los Anifla . Haa. Loa Ancclea . . ..24e r-4r- ,275. - ins m .7;j .....U 8T 870 ...4i ' C3. .2a ,,...SiM -' HT . .2H4 lf 4 . .Wi ...... 2 " a .an r Bmllh. Los AusaleaiJ Orarath, Los Angelas IS aataa, lacuna . ..-., Braakear, Lna ' Angeles Hngaa, Oakland Kane, Seattle 2H1 69 .20 Corbett J., Baa rraBelaco.V.-TTT-" T .WO Nealon. Mas Frandaco.... ..1W ' at --.5K.8 Hall -jC Dfattla M - 21rfV.2.'..' Waldroa, Han rrabeiaea M -i.-.! Dojla.. Taeoma . .,,....',JT Jt Waeeler,. 8aa rrasclace tllJ,,.2U M -K2.V) ivrusea, uaaiana , .200 . as Keoie, Taooma ............ T ! .246 MeLausblts. Taeoma ....... 2ft4 U ,i44 Mheebaa, TlraouS ....M M .243. Ala. . Portland ....'... . 67 .241 Jonea. fartland 14 Mlt.bell. Cortland -.. ..10O - .24 Mflta, Portland.., MrHal. Seattle .... rVhlany, Portland .. . .248 . 6S 24 M ' .2:44 ,.2iM sfjr .2.13 . IS S 5 .81 'l nomas, laroma ... X'orbett T.. fort land . Rammer. - Seattle . .. .188 . SI .2:10 Dantaa, - Oakland . , 218 - ftO HIS -. 4 Flood. Lea Angela ... Krarr,- Heattls Easar, , Los Angeles . LracB. Taeoma .. . ... .1.. ....... l ....... M V.!20 244 M 249 Ml ' .-rr.-r..lWf" 60 rBernard, Loa Angales Keiiry. uakiana ..... Hall E.. BeatUa ..... Houta. Seattle ' I 2.1T6 244 .,, M ........21 4 .163 M (irahaol C, Taenma By Hoaas, Taoun .14; ,B2 Spencer, Saa Francises, nt, . iwl s... Van Haltren 0akUo4 .asa..s4-s.. .21 Vaa Boren, PiCtlan Wllaoa, Sas Fraacatoe Frsnk Oakland Daanwood, Seattle ;....,.si ,2 - 1 HA .2"T .......260 - 61 - ,2i4, on '12 . .2i0 t so a ,-, Ummaa,. Oak lan tNATIONAL LEAGUEir ' Won.' . 4" 85 .... 32 Lost- 11 . 24 27. . it 35 - 3 43 New.Tork . .'. Plttsburar . . Philadelphia . . . . . Chicago . 35 33 Cincinnati . , . 8t, Louis . 26 Hoston , .. . .......... Brooklyn t . , . , , , u t 1 1? Teeterday's Besnlta. At St. Louis St. Louis 1, Chicago It innings. - ' v-l. At Nw Tork New xorg. s, Boston 1. At Philadelphia Philadelphia Brooklyn 4. U' . At Pittsburg Pittsburg J, - Clnclu natl I,, ... ; .- . ; ' AMERICAN LEAGUE." Won. Lost. 13 . 1 20 ; 25 30 ' 33 , .' PC, .647 .1111 .611 .6111 ..4T .401 ,3X3 '- Cleveland .' . Chicago , . . Philadelphia Detroit . . .. Ronton . . . . New York . Washington , St. Louis.,,. 33 s - u IS , 23 s : . , ... Yesterdays mesulta. , - At ltrolt Detroit 1, Chicago J. K At Boston Boston S, New Tork . At C4evelan-evllahaTrt7-Ltnri V 'AC Washington Wsshlngton-PhllaJ delphla no game; wet . grounds. And What 1- : Inside . irl. . - "I- and Up .......25c nd 50c $1.50 to $3.00, .....$6.00 - Oak 4 .841 124) .2V9 .224 .22 -.22T -.224 ' .221 .221 .217 , .21T .21 T ,2t -.213 - PC. .70J J574 .671 .bi .601) .4lt .82: - A i - 1