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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
7zzr r -;7- - V - PORTLAND'S" frJEW EAST, SIDE HlGHr'SCHOOL, AS 1 fJrr:--'ri :J (' 77 :r s i -' r v 77'; 7- "v'7" ? .-". " NOVEL PLAN FOR NEW HIGH L Architect Jones Submits Speci fications for Big Building with . -Class "Covered" Court; WILL BE BEST STRUCTURE; OF KIND IN OREGON . ---- t,::;:- : - v;v Entire Block - W?H Be Used . Structure Three' Stones 7 High with An Attic. - . From a suggestion that a achool building be built In the form of a hol low aquara, with an openr. court Iniilde, Thomas J. Jones, school architect, has designed a building In. that form with . an enclosed and glens-covered audi torium Instead of a court, for the new Kast Portland High school. It Is. the first building of thai-kind, for school -. purposes In Oregon.- . .;. , Tljtr new building will 6t,. about 1108,000,-and will be one of the most modern school structures In, the coilrt try." It (will contain 11 class rooms, beld offices, library, four teachers' reomsi Tlunch rooms, manual training room, cHjtlcal laboratory,,- art room : and audltorttrm with stage and gallery. ; The class rooms average 2 by 12 feet li .sitae Th-audltorlum la (1 by feeU.and is lighted by an Immense roof, 7 light 20 by 60 feet. ,. '- ' The building wfll be constructed of ..stone, brick and . terra eotta.-.fnd will cover 114 by ITS feet sf groundr nearly an entire, brack. The heating equipment will be placed under the middle of the auditorium, and the hot air plpea will deflect in uniform angles to each room -around It, making the building easy to heat and assuring always a comfort ' able' temperature in the auditorium with a minimum amount of heat from the furnace. - 1 i - The building wilt -have a basement and two stories. The basement will' be . only two feet under ground, and this story will have stona walls. There will , be an attio storr large enough to con- tain half a dnsen or more rooms Tor epec)ar purposes. Ttis main entrance will be through three large, double doors, (Into, a lobby with tile floor. Por tions of-the corridors on the first floor ( will have white vitreous Mle floors,7ile chltect . Jones has -completed An-hxCO ' rate set of drawing and a sectional view of the entire buHdlng showing the 1 lighting scheme. , a front elevation .drawing shown In the accompanying, picture was mads by,Jlpllln Caughey. Work Fill ba commenced on tha build ing within a few, days, and It will be pushd to completion at tha earliest possible date, -to meet tha pressing need for High school facilities In East Port land and relieve the crowded condition Of ths west side fflgh school. , John U Sullivan Is racing In soma of Oregon's smaller- towns. - ft Is supposed he will turn up in ficar;ooi nd Bka inokawk goon. ... . , ' - -77T;.vi . t v.', : J7''7'1 1 senbo -r , v - - - J" " 1 ' - ' -7": '.v:.',"'r 7: . If - : PATRIOTIC CLUB ' MOURNS -PRESIDENT - . - 4 : : ':- - ' At a recenf business meeting of the American Patlrlotie club the vice-president, fW. .r?,. Wheelwright, appointed a committee' to draft resolutions Of re spect to the memory ipf the president of the club, .Judge C. B. Bellinger, The following resolutions were adopted: "The-members of the American .Patni otlc club", of whlclTh" late Charles 6 Bellinger wa president, knowing hint aa acltlsen. Judge and friend more In timately than any other organisation, or other class of persons, excepting his own family, and recognising In his past life so many of those excellent, quali ties which contribute to the upbuilding of society and the betterment of th human race do raaolve: "That the American Patriotic club loved officers and this club lll ever cherish his memory and does most ln. cerely Tope that each one of the mem bers will contribute- as much as he did to the general welfare of society and to the higher and better principles so neceseary In the upbuilding of proper government ''. ' "C. M. TDLEMAX j y EO. W. HAZEN. "W, IX FKNTON, i ' ' "Committee. HOTEL ARRIVALS; At the Perk liii J. O. VTritmmnS, T enmiiiH. I. lmia' and wife. The D)li:. T. J, rittf, Tualatin, nreimii; W. A. Coufhanour, Pyene, Idaho: Ada Sweet. Madlonn. Wln. tn; F. a. a. Cenner, 1 Ormnrt, Waibtnston: J. H. llnu-hinaon. Krodrlrk. Idaho; Q. K. I.wkey. I'fttllei W. T. ( mphll and wife. WW Bfattle: ll Uegrn, Penrer: C. W. Toner, Rattle; ,N. A. Jfoffard and -wife Craokiton. Mlnnefotaj K. E. rroat. Los AafHra; J. 0, Bloomer, Denver I J. ,H.- Pearer, llan rork, Mlchlaini HK II. Van Bant.-Jr., B-rklT: W. R. Pule and wife. Oakland; T. W. Ilnb bard, Strjtlt: Mrt. C;larke King, Le Aarnlm; Mra. 1J.II. TUonrtw, .Chinook, .Montana! O. J. Brown. C. H. ' ltodse and. A. Ilalnaa, (Canaaa tiM;; P. PVItann, W. M. (tlllelan. P. J. it'asip bell and R. . WHrorton. Winnipeg: i. JH. B. Moreena and lamjlr, rnmberland llan."" Tnna : . Wlllldm phU, " Jr.; Reattle; Stra.f .rrml Barnes and Mra.i Carl WlUon, Pocatelle, Siaho; 8rdiie: Lethaai. aaa.l'raaelaoa. . . . ,j At, thd lsi(rla) 1 A. llart.'Ahrrdrtnnt. Mavtlr and. wife, Bntro; MUa K. Dlltrr. Bee Pranrltcol Mra. II. J. Mat)iletie, Hnokane; ' SI. A. I'nllrrtnn And wife, Oljmplar R. I Sparser and ann. (hrattl; Nine A. Children, Couiwll plnffa, tnwal Mra. M. V. MalkM-r. Wind Mallory, fthal IxtH and Vernnn lail. La drande: g. P. Davla and wife, I.lttl" Rork. Arkanaaa; W, II. . MeNanahtnn, Ban . IVanr lw "W. P. K'rea and wife Und Mlaa Pearl I (low. North Rpnd, Vt'aablnaton: M. Bi" Conkllns, Oklahoma, 0. 17; H.i B. Brrirr and U Bremen Al bany.hOregon. I At rthe Portland B. " B, Rain and (wife, AUr(a: O. B. tiorilnn,! M. McL. Worrton. Philadelphia; J. L. Uraf end wife. Ban Fran rlaro; A.i I- Cantle. Quln7; W. Erarat Crowe and aon, ' Oatrandnr K. D Thoro. Lawlaton; W. B. firaf." Bt.- Panl;ile llnhhard. Mm. K. Vf. Tton.. William ,pitia. it., Mattla; Mrs. C. A. MardwU. Batf rrasclaeo:. HUiB 1. Rohlnxn, llarrj lf, W. U. Sty-nin, Nw Yark; H. T. Dnnit'and wife. Bprini- ld: C. K. Harley, Bs rraeetate; P. W. Klrnke, New York; &. Kane, C 1. Kehoe, Mra. . J. Km'-' Mlae Iran Kim, St. taala; C. ' Johtfine. Nokomla. IlllnoU: 1. H. liana-San,- Marthflrld; Leal. Jprkowakl and wife. New York;1 Albert Harlnnnd. Kill )'rrWt; W, W. Mia, II. O UlnM. Lee Angtba: C. . B, Bklnkra, Has Pranrlara; U Le?y and wife, Oakland; ' W. H. rik. P. B. Pxlmor, Jr.; rhlrifn; J. I. Tlannahan. Kalttmore; Mra. Pan Hay, Mlaa Har, )t;MlnST4Ia: Mra. 'I'eweU. ftah. Waablnatoo; , B. '. Klnaa. bnry. Bimkana; Mr J Hrowne. C. C ' Halavk Spokanai J M. a. Mirtwl and wlfa. Ia Aw (Im: J. I. Marhle and wife, paudesa: ('. Bnatbaeian, Ban Franelarv; Mr. ard Mra. Hnte bird, frblrasn; 0. A. Oaedell and wlfo. 11 r. Mla 4odll. St. 1'inl; . V. , Sta, f;nidi.lU--Kadi: '. B.- Jeaas, Phils salphUi W, M. Maberry, Boa tea, - " THE OREGON SUNDAY-' JOURNAL PORTLANDS SUNDAY - 7 7"7.:,7 7 V:.: ... . .. ;...."( . ' ''r. ' t;i;7 -7k i ' J 7 '7.v;tX;777:C:777 fiv;. DrBwiny CHURCH SERVICES METHODIST., iTaylor-BtrMt Dr. Frasrla Bnrgrtte Bhort, paator. At :30 a. m., claeere; 10:S0 a. at., "The Oughtneaa et Prajar."; 13:15 p. m., Bus day eehool; :S0 s. ., Epworth laagoe; T:43 p. m., mamoital srrmoa, which the Kslgbts of pythlaat will attend. Ifuale tot ajorntm Harkl Uarkl My Bonl!" tha eborna. with Mlaa Harding, evioiat:' "ADiae wnn Me ii.iaai; Mlaa Ella V. McCluek of - Ban Franclao; pern 1 cnoros work al evening eerviee b, the bet rborua la rortiana. Bannyalde Baat-Yamhill between Thirty- lAtia ..end Thtrty-eliUi. atretu: T. B. ford, )"i ": a.-Tn.TjSwlr tcham; ii i. holjr communion; S si., sermon by . tha naetur. uraoe corner Twauia - anoinyror aineo, i rae aervlra. t'ia -meetlni. a. at. I Buuday school. 1S:15 f. j...iiorth- Vaipera. :40. Central Corner Hueaell and Kerby atreeta; P. L. Young, pattut. - At 10:S0 a. m. Rev.. J. M. Weaver of BMttle will Breath; Bonder seh9l. 12 a.: S p. m., Rav. r. Wanes will paaera; Kpworth league, S 4S p. si. Krra Church Cornar Eaat Ninth and Mill treeta: J. Glen, oaator. "reaching at 11 a. ., followed by old'fuhloned lovaeaat. Epworth Corner Twenty-third and . Irving treeta; Henry T. AtklnaonJ paator. - At 10 a. m.. Rnnday K-hool; 11 a. (a., "The Purpoee of Religion"; 9 At p. , m , Epworth lugue; T.4K p. m., "Some Thmtghts About Hell." Centenary a'orner. Knat Pine . and Ninth treeta; WlllUm U. Henpe. D. I., paator. At .10:30 a. in , ''Great t althi Growing Oat ol Strange Soil'1: 17:46 P. m., -'A Politician Who Had a Oreat PitH": :30 o'clock, morning elaaa; 1 15 p. tn., Sunday achool: 4 p. St., juniors; S :iO p. m., Kpworth league. ' -t Trinity Kaatl Tenth and Oraat streets: Rev. Harold Oberg. paator. Rev... D. . O. Royal, P. P., of Madlaonvllle, Ohio, will preach at 11' a. m.) vocal aolo by Mlaa OreeruS p. m., aermoa by Rev. T. F. Rural of Salem, Oregon; 10 a. su,! Sunday achool; T p. Jm.,l..pwortb league. t- . .. ."Im ' r . 'il7 .' SFiscoPAt. ' ' Trliiice Chaner Nineteenth atraet sear Waab- Ingfaio; H- ,br A. A. Marrlaon. rector. llulyi eummunton4 a. re. i morning service, x m) a. m.; evening aervlce. s p. m. No SnndAy school durlhg the summer- months. L ., - at. David a Uolr fombsnloii. S a. tn. : matins Lltid aermod, II a. m,; avenaong and sermon. T:3Q. p. ml Mualc: Morning Prelude, "Am Meer tSvhnherti r anthem, "Rock of Area" (JohnooR); I offertoryr-"Barcarolle" (Tchalke vakri; nwrleda In O, (F. A. Challlnor). Even ingPrelude. "Invocation" (t'aplcco); of fertory, VVlegendlleden" Hr Rotting); poet hide, "Allekro Pompoao" "tVloeent). St. Ptrid Ei.t Twalfrh and Belmotit; Rtv. Oeorge B. Vn Watera, D. p.. rector. At U S- St., prayr and hermoo; T 0 p. m.. evening prayer and Sermon; Sunday school, :4e s. an. Chapel of ' the Transflguratlo Marqnam flrand theatrer Rev., W. R. I'owell, chaplain. Service and 1 aefmon II a.""m. - St. Joha'a I Memorial Bellwnod; Rev. W. B. Powell In charge. Snnday achool 11 a. m.; evening service and ersHn, T:45. 'if (iood Kbephard Srllwoed street end Van couver svenne) Rav. John- Deweoa, rector. - At 10 k. sat Bneday achool; It morning prayer and eerswsSiS p. .m., eralng. prayer end sermon.' , - St. Andrew ePelnila: Rev, Jobs Daweoa la charge. Afternoon aervlce. t p. m. St.. Slephe S I htpct Thirteenth and Clay treeta; Rev. H. M. Ramaey In (barge. At. I SO a. m , bcl eommnnlna; S 48 e. au., Snn day. achool: nornlng eervce,. lt e'eloch; even ing priyer, 7 AS o'clock. Aareealon Chapel Portland heights; ' H. M. RasMev -la .-charge. Services St p. m. f Bus ier school, ( p. m, . --St. Mark'e church, mraer Nineteenth and Oolmby; Brvr Jhn B. Slmpene, rector. At I and 11 e. ., bolf rommunlon: aorvlcee at I p'm. The Rev. W, P. Reed ef Payette, Idase, will preset at the il a. na. service., . j. T . i - . - . - PETTIU. ' rim Comer ; Twejrtb ssd Alder streete; rreacblBg si Jv.Jo a. sk. ssd T u f . m, b ,n .i. m ... an, inorua -rnoir. r - i-- IP- m., . . m an n - Uuumni" I . r- . , . . . . I . and at T:46 on "The Creation and the Problem ;h . w - B-inh.- .'.Jl t ET.!i,.I.r-T.brinnKi of Bin.' ueatlona ..will la . eoll-td ane I in the. Orman-4aofuce St ll a. m.; to the 8uDa' chool..S:80 p. m.; anawared at the evening aervlce. Special mole i j.nilrf, i..u4 ., " - j " ""p. m. by Rav. H. It. Pratt. In rharae of I'rofeaaor W. M. Wilder at pvn I ; - , - 1 -7:,.u . :7 , v;;;; - .;;"'' ' 1 1 7;- ' v 4i Li via ! -7 v7': s?. 5 - " by Caughey, Architect Thomas J. the patne. Rev. Edgar Prnlll,-. D. ProH Tveeor Kdgar B. t:ouraen wlll give-'m .or it an recital In the evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Miapab--Jerome it. McUlade, D. P., paator. Servlcra at 10:80 a. ra., "The Cbrlatlan; Hla Callluf"; S p. m.. "The Simple Life"; Sab bath achool. 12 m. ; C. K., 7 p. m. Marahall Btreet' Corner Mirahall and North ReVenteenth atreeta: Rev. C. W. Haja, paator. Sunday achool, 10 s. m.; preaching, U e. m. and Si p. ;m.i Y. P. S. C. E., 7:15 p. m. Flrae Cumberland Corner Twelfth and Eaat Tar lor atreeta; Rev. K. Nalaon Allen, paator. At 10:30 s. m.and S p. m., preaching aarvlcea; 12 Sunday achooJ; 7 p, m Cbrlatlan En deavor, '.i -. Piedmont Corner Cleveland avenue and Jar rett (treeta; Rev. I Mrroo Booaer, paator. At 11 a. m.. "The Bufftclant BacrlSce," fol lowed by reception of members aad,tbe Lord's upper; 7:45 pV m., "The Conqnaat of Human Nature"; Sabbath school, 10 a. m , , Mra. Cbarlea Voaper, aupartntendent. Third Kast Tblrtenth and -Pine streeti; Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, paator." 'At 10:80 .' m.. 'Freed.mT'; 1- m., Suaday achool; 12:15 p.- m., Sunday achool et Twenty-eighth-Street chapel; S p. m., Junior Endeavor; 1:46 p. m.. Intermediate :40 p., m., Cbrlatlan En deavor; 7:46 p. r ft., i"The Rattle: at: the Cross. f EVANOELICAA--ASB0CIAnOK. " Flrat Kngllah Corner Bee. Sixth end Market treeta; S. A. Slewert, paator. At 10 a. tn., Sunday school; 11 a. nwfreachlog by the paator; 7 p. m.,' Young -Ptopea a alliance-, fi. m., preaching by Rev. C. staebler ol Cleve. nd, Ohio, general secretary ef the.-Yooial Peuple'e alllence.v (irace Lenta f H. 0. Handeraeo, paator. Son day school, l-a.- pleaching at 11 a. m. by H. R. Scheverman: 7 P m.. Young People's alliance; S p. m.,, preaching by the paator. Special mualc. i - . Memorial Eaat Eighteenth and TibbetU treeta: Rav. R. D BlrayffeUn. paator. Son day school. 10 a. m . A. B. Mrera, superin tendent; yesng pettple'e eervleee, 7 p. aa., Mr. Albright, president; preaching, 11 a. m. end 7: p. Di . . r , i "! . , ii -T"' .' ... C0B0RIOATI0BAL. Flrat Madteea end Park atreets: Rev. B. L. Houae, D. P., paator. At 10:S0 is. m.,- 1'Tha Bramble King"; 7 40 p. m , De -Vlnct "Let Supper"; Sunday ei-hoolr, 12 15 e. m., C. a Miukler snperlntesdentii Y.. P. 8., C. B.. 1;4S n. at. I . ' r. Jlasaala Street tU: East Seventh, hortb7 "and Haaeale etreetet Rei, C. EXaae. At 10:10 moo: 18 aa., Sunday chuul a p..ou.firiatun Cndaarut na evening . Snnnyrtde-MTomer of Eaat Taylor and JTaat Thirty-fourth atrevter Rev. J. Jj Htaub, pastor. At 11 a. m., "The Bread of Life") S p. "Cutting - OW - UooTluga ; Sunday acbovl, 10 m . - S. C. Pier. , anperlutendent; Junior Cbrlatlan Endeavor. 1 p. tn., Mlaa Edith Roe. nperlntendent; Senior Cbrlatlan Endeavor, S.45 iP. m., Cheater A. Smith, leader. , ' Highland Cornea -IVcacott and EaafRltth treeta. north; Rev. A. M. -Rockwood,' tiaaloi. At lt a. m . Sunuay Ichooli-lt s. m . "tvfjing tbe-Sc.M.nfnl tVne" 7:44 p. m., "The Chrlatiaa Jle tau." -.'. T I Cnlverslty Park Action Temple, Ports; month; Rev. D.-R. Oray, iiaater. At II a. m Children's Pay (onga ad rerltstloha" ty the children;. Sunday-school, 10 m -i BAPTIST. . v. The . White " Temple Owner Twertth end Taylor atreeta; Rev. J. Wbltcomb Brougbef. I). P., paator. "One"' Accord" nrarer-meetlna. 10:15 a. m; 1010 a. ., .the pestar. "Auto graph Letter Prom the A poet la, peal." and preach a eermna e the theme "le Chrlat Com- log Beont" n Bible ecbool: il 10 e. -m B. Y. P. i. rcputa-end aervtr' 0 d. m..MIa Hahle Lewja. leader;, 7.46 .p. m., bantlaaaal ervlce end eermon oejt"A Sunday ' After Boon Walk: Skill WeUo to the rlrT" t'alrary Corner i Eaat Eighth ; end Eaat Orsnt etreetst A. Uwrence Black, paator. At LIST' T.Vj ' .J . fli. .7 hI 10 s. ... Bible scbU J-...W. llow.. "perlnVfer.t tesdent; 11 a. m .JhV Model Congregation 1 Lhrl"A JLJSZ ZZL m r- p. j onn canoi naa preaching In Herman, nnder the aupervlalaa ef the Flrat tier at a a Bapllat ehnrcb; SIM p. ra., B Y P V. devotional meetings t 10 p. sn.. "How e itJ.,! Bt" ,Vut "'The cesclusma ef S Phllneapher, Secood-F.t SevAjh end Ankeny streets: Rev. Stanton C. W "nr-pe.tov. At- 10:10 f-vT: 1T.V -pinr or-r-s', T:4 p. .. "Islated Itoser, the Stery ef s lollAt"j 12 7 v, chl.v MORNING, JUNE 1 85.- 1805. it WILL : APPEAR WHEN COMPLETED -7..7 - '7 -77--- .' :-7- 7 . -7e77 t . - fir? ft J- J v t ? Jo lonei.: Bible school; 8 40 . m.Teosg PeopU's nnlon Central Peat Twentieth and Eaat Ankenf treeu; William E. Randall, mlslatrr. At 10:10 a. m., "I'athOndera end ttoadSiakere": l m. Bible school; 7:45 p. m., "The Peril of I'lnaatlra: Recreation Without Raereta": Profea- anr W. F. Werachkul. mualcal director; Miss Ruth Shogren, organist. B-thanj Saltwood. Snnday1 school. 11 s. m.j B. Y.-l'. L'., d'ao p. ra.: preaching at It m. snd 7:S0 p. m. b Mra. P. J. Adam. Cnlveralty Park Sunday. acbooL 10 s. m l ? reaching by Rev. Jobs Bentalen, 11 a. m. ssd :43 p. m. BaptUm st svenlag service. k .., - i - v trxrrzD ztarqehcai. Flrat Corner Eaar Tenth end Bhermes streets: Rev. A. A. - Winter, paator. At 10 a. m., Sunday4 school, Charlea A. Staver, super Intendenti II e. m.. sermon br Rev. H. L. Pratt, presiding elder of Portland district, who will have charge of the admlnlatrajloa of the Lord.'g eupper la eontiectkm wits hla aervtcej 7 p. p.. K. L. of C. K. meeting; t p. tn., acrnion by Rev. X. T. Hurd of Cervallla, a former paetor ef this eongregatloa. - -Second Corner Faran . and -Kctlw streets: Rev. J. Boweraos, paator. At II e. m.. "The Need snd Blessings of the Holy-Spirit"; 1 "The Ulvlug Ufa"; Sunday school, 1Q preaching at 1:10 i'. a,., ana einor, mlnlstera are. expected to be oreeent. ' St. John's Corner John and Ivanboe ate; f.. B. McVlcker, paator. Inatead of tha regular preaching service at 11- a. m. the hour will he given to the Sunday school to render the Children s dsy program. Sunday ecbool. 10 a. m.; I, K. 1 C. E. , 1:30 p. m. ; at 7 p. tn. tbe-B. K. U C. E. will go Into a anion service at tha : Congregational tabernacle and continue through the preaching hour. CHRIST!!. Rodney Avenue tJorner Rodney avenue snd Knott street; Alhrn Mann, minister. At 11 s. tn., "Four Kinds ef Hearers"; S:eS a. m., Sunday arhool:. 7 p. m.. Y. P. 1 S. C. E. I p. m., "The Scriptural Object of .Faith." .Cbrlatlan Central, Eaat Twentieth and Sal mon atreeta; Ret. J. F. t7Hmley, P. IC will 4peak at 11 a. ra.. "Alexander Campbell's Mee- to the Denominations Here of th- Twen tieth "Century"; S p. m., convention rallyj Son day echoot. v mr m.; Junior Endeavor. 4:.10 p. m. Senior Endeavor, 6:45 p. m. Speelsl mualc. Mrs. Mrl'bereoe Gale, cherleter; Miss Eve Ryan, orgaalat. i . - t '1 ' .. LUTHER AB. Norwegian 15 North. Fourtrenth a treat: Rev. H - M. Nervlg, paator., Servlcee at 11 a. m do v p, niAi oiuiuey . hnwi jtrii m w.mtt .... St. James' Corner TFest ftrlf and Jf-ffereon streets: J. A.. Leas, paetor. Children's day exerclaes U 11 L m.'. Sunday achool, 10 a. m. : services at 7:15 p. m. will be conducted by tha Luther league, Oeorge AhrSmson, leading. Norwegian Synod Corner -.Jnet Tenth snd Grant surevtei O. Hagoee, paator. Services at lis. m. and at S p. m.; Sunday .school, tr0 a. 80. - . , I ' '"' "T, M'0;-,'aV :'..' Aaaodatlon'Aedltortnm fonrth and Yamblll streets Hunda? club ,ir men Snnday afternoon 1:30 o'clock: addrraa Jj Rev. Henry Marcotte on -"An Anelent-ModeTV-YAuig Man"; t. S, Ankles wtll sjng "l-hf" Mas at OaU.lee'1 to the time of "Annie Laurie." I l'arlors knd reading rooms osea to all men from 12 ai. ile 1 p. m. every Bunds jr. . i CHEISTlAlf SCIERdE. 7l Flrat Scottish Rite cathedral, Monlsog and Ijownadale atreeta. Services 11 a. 09. and 1 p. in., enhJA-VT t;otf"; Sunday school at eloes. of morning service. . neconet Aotttorwtn niiding, Thira Between Taylor iol Salmon at treeta Servlcee II ra. and R . aoblect. "Ood": Sunday acnool, it s In tbe reading rooms. -7 etoar . Chrletlan CatAoilV Apnetolle Oinreb Is lice Allaky ha n..-second Swr. Morrlsoe sear Third; I " 'utiyiBSAlIST. FlrstEsat touch and last Eighth i W, . Small. 'pastor. At IL a. m. aad 7.4ft p. m., erniin hy SeV -tr. lltU 'Sger ef Psaadess, Califvrnls; Sunday suhyol, o e. m. i ' M. I. CHT71CH. SOTTTBt. " - ' rmt KIM coBd-Ust, lerUr s fcU, 7 lr nJ: 7 l- "7 : -: 7-;,f ,,-7'7:,:A7-Vt.'j ) 77-;!771ve . 4 1.7 f 7 71- 74rl::.;7H7 :X ;x7777 E. . H. MowVa, pastor. we,: peeler. Rnndty school, 10 e, sa.snsaal Children's day program; m.; 11 a. 7 p. tn., Epworth league; g p. by pastor. ' ' : B., preechlnf V, CATHOUO. St. PatrUs nineteenth sad Bavler stresU; Rev. B. P. Murphy, reefer. Mssaee st 6. 8 and high nsse et 10:10 a: m. : Sunday school, S s. m. ) Vespers at 7 :80 p. m. - T. W. 0. A. ' Mra. Jamee Markenxle will speck at Teepee service st 1:45 p. m. Mies Edna Protsman, soloist. . -.- -, . atlSCUXAlUOirS. " First Snlritnsl Society Arttsane' hall. Ablng toa building. Third street near Washington street. Conference, 11 a. m. W. J. Colvllle will lecture on "The Creation of the World ; What Joee-t. Meair' at t av-. ... and On "How Spiritual ntoldmest Is Atulaed" at 7:45 p. m. ' I Olive Branch Vttealon 111 First street, nest Clay. Services .., p. m.; Sunday school, J :30 p. tn. Church of Jesus Christ of Lattee-Dsy'Salnte. Allsky building, ball 400, corner Third mn Morrison strcclaAPPSt le C. W. Peaross .itljl iuk t 11 so a. m. and 7 .' m. Tbe Cbrlatlan and Mlaslonsry Alliance- Second aad Jeffereoa atreeta: Rav. C. D. Saw telle. auperlntendent. Preaching, 10:10 e. m i Sunday achool, 12:15 p. , as. : open-air meeting Is plana block - between . Third end Fourth sear Median street. Ths Mediums' Protective Organisation Willamette hall. 170M Second afreet. At S Lm., eddresa by Dr. Coona, followed by Mrs. ever and ladd Flnnleaa. I RIM Spiritual Society A. O. tJ. W. ball. Selling Hlrach building, corner West Park snd Waablugton atreeta. At 11 a. aa. and 7:45 p. m.. Mrs. Esther Thomas Bnetey will speck. Holiness Campmeeltng Best Taylor and Orsnd avenue, snder aoaplrec of PacISc Hnllaees college. Salem, Oregon. MlaS Mary Curry of Maesacbnaetta, and one Of the noted ipreaehere - c Great FIREWORKS Sale : be There Be Sot Time U the Old Towp ITUa Tonrtk ef Jmlyl $10,000 Worth of Bombs, Shells Crackers, 'Whcclsarid Rockets And everything else that will make a noise. It Is a stupendous display : that we will make on ... - M ON D AYpJU N E 26th -flP"ir;--: "7)7 . We conduct nduct a Urge, double store at 11-179 Hflh street, Ooodnough htrflM re we carry sll kinds of Chinese and Jspaneee lmpnrtetlras, soiling male and retail. We have Just received a lsrse stock ef these goods, ig a large variety of silks, satins end brasswares. . ing, wnere w at wholesale embrscin Weoterh 'Importing xss-iTO rms itbht. -. Chsa B. Teung. Frsstdent - -7 --7 v - - .7; '77V '.'?X7 ':: - 7f "T'V.V;' , V v i ?j-T of the -times, speaks every day. Services see. neio at s gna i;iio p. m. .- Divine Truth Tenter Hall S00, eeraer Third and MorrisSn atreeta; T. M. Mlnard, paator. Servlcee, 11 tf. m. x Farms In Malheur County.r-7- On -the reai estate page of this Issue Will be found a list of farms for sa lo st Ontario, Malheur county, this state. In tha Hat are 20 cholc farms ranging from 10 aersa to 400, ' Ontario la located on tha Oregon Short Lino and In on of tha moat productive sections ofrthe stata,- Tha government has under project, tha reclamation ef over 1,000 acres -of land.' There are -natural gas wells and excellent pros pects for oil In the vicinity., These farms are for sale fay Don Car loa Boyd, real estate agent,' V - . v A great many eastern people are turn ing -.their attention toward farms , throughout the state and thewOntarlo 'district will command a great deal'Df at- entlon pit account of the many ceosK- We Zee,Ui Dream Oame Trme. Psrkereburg Cor. Baltimore Sua.. Henry King, a veteran of the tlvil war, TO years old, died, last night - Two wseks sgo ' be dreamed three) ' times that he had but two weeks to live, and told his family repeatedly that he expected to die tonight. Me remained In his usual hesitKtUl Friday, when he was taken Sick eiuI.Erew rapidly and constantly worse tllltate last night, ' when he died. two weeks, to the hour, after his flrat dream. 329 Washington Street ' XX7XJUAX HOTEL BUXZAXaT. Selling at both srhotesale aad retail "all thing that have) ever, been found in ttm h' rivaHta rntnuT.. aui w ure AaS5' dreda of new creatlorie, sperlgl vent Inn n -for -This LWUa Baa . year of fmm, saexrlmcsit. . Jo ,aa4 gooa ! , ,KI. All gooa en i.n h -in . - - year with a heartiness never mani fested here before- All hands muet swing Into line snd snake thle a ror. lnr. rousing, taaUB, skipping hop. VlncT ronrth of Jnly that will ieUpee nil other ronrthe that weep shone npoa the beaaUfat' ataatle ef fair old Oregon I n". Country cornsntttees desiring rirw wtorksifor their celebrations will it well to communicate wna ue at once. Vt "cin -supply all. applloants ft prices that wild .set t hem wonder In st hOw We ran nil tbelr orders at' so low a prlc BaswABrr James M. Kan. Oen'l I x -s- jf - ' . v-v; -at r I .1, t7