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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
A. THE- OREGON -SUNDAY -JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY' MORNING.1 JUNtf &5, :i905. . r - -,i TOWN TOPICS TOXIOHT'S AMvmtzvrL Brl-,."Wka KBightbeod Wee In Flower?? :mitre.... 'Hiuifini Al,'.v ' I-jrrlc , . . ."loalM ao4 Henrietta." " -rod , . Vaudeville. Hur i... Vaudeville. htn , . . . , .. VaudnTjlla. First street at Us intersection with wss plentifully atrewn twlth , garbage about 8 o'clock yesterday after' ,'tioon. when the refuse wiion of josepn ilabadelta waa upaet by car No. 4, eaat bound. of the Oregon Water Power at Kallway tbWiDanr. Habadelta waa drtv Ing dowtf Madiaon atreet whert the acci dent occurred. He said . ha heard no - signal' from the motorman to stop and when he first saw the approaching car It waa 160 feet away and waa being ,.. run at a. rapid rata of speed. The motor ' - man of the car saya ha Bounded hla - warning; bell when he more than 100 feet from the-craaslng butjlabadelta paid no attention to It. The only dam- aaa reaultln waa In the delay Of traffic. Habadelta aald that whatever bruises he - received were only alight, and -the com- psny had to clear, the track or reruae. . Samuel Davidson. 17 years old and a . con of 8. .Davidson, a second-hand dealer, was adiudaed Insane by the co tidy com- 71 mission on Insanity yesterday afternoon.': Davidson waa examined by county . Judge Webster and Dr. A. Tllser and hla answers to questions showed an . or- ganlc. dementia due to a general atrophy of- the brain substance. JUls powers of memory, perception -sn reflection had been Impaired and medicinal and eduea r tlonaj remedies had been applied without avail. - Mary Yeakel,- av domestic, aged "' : about 18 yeara. was also adjudged In - cane ami committed to tbaasylum. Her .dementia was due to delusional causes. . '. Fire cnused by a defective flu dam ' - aged lTJorllon of the second story of . -the flat - of - J. R. . James at 192 Thir teenth "Stret boot o'clock" Jast night. """ Yhe frames were discovered In a bed . room and spread rapidly, but firemen , prevented damage to adjoltilrig prop . erty. Mr. Jamea estimates his damage by fire and water at $$00, covered by ; Insurance. . The damage? to the building, which is owned by Mrs. K.D. Hubbard, .'; . ' was about 1600,, also covered-by lnsur- SXEi county farm will yield JSiTtons --of -clover hay," aald D. p. Jackson. superintendent of the-farm.- yesterday " afterrfoon. Clover hay Is gr-eatly needed at -the farm at times, and In the past ithe county has been forced UTpay, as High a price as $12 a ton forit. At present the hay sells for $10 a ton. ' What Is rsisM-on the farm will be suf , llcleol. for all needs, Mr. Jackson says, .-and the"cwnty will not be put to ex penae for such fodder this year. "Old Horse Doc," who ha or"rS0 years been In the eervrca of . tha. of fl eers of tnscTTunty farm. Is In the throes of death. - "Doc" entered the county service when he was 8 yeara old. - Dur ing" his term of servlc.e (Superintendent Jackson or the county rarra Deneves he has traveled 37,600 miles.' or circled the globe one and one half-times. "Doc" globe i s'beerl fcss been on the retired list at the county farm-for-a year past. Citv Detectlye Frank Snow returned st-rrrgnr-f rortr gavannah, Georgia., w'th Joseph- Dieaer. a traveling man, as his prisoner. Drener Is accused of-aelllng Xoc-about $1.0 00-gooda belonging to his -.-employers. Kartell A Co., Chicago, and -eonvertlng the' money to hla own use. 'Illbbardi'Spencer. of tha firm 'sued Phfl ; lip Stem of Third street and recovered the gcods. Diener Is only St years old. ' ' ."'''' . Millie de Leon, atlas Mrs.v Rose, the "uirl in Blue," waa released from the county jail yesterday by depositing $500 cssh bull for her appearance in the state circuit court when an Information against her Is filed by the district at torney. ' 8he was arrested, a Tew days pgo on. a, charge of contributory de linquency to a mlnoi-aaldiobe her 14--year-old sister. ... ' United States Senator and Mrs. Fred T. Dubsls of Blankfcot, Idaho, arsTeg l lutered at 'the Hotel Oregon-. . Senator "l Dubola Is in Pbrtlantl with the congree alonal committee on Irrigation .which Is i-.- making a tour of the Paoffle coaat ln .,'veatigatlng the necessities of Irrigation In the development of western lands... 8. W.t Thompson Co.. real estate dealers ef Vancouver, Washington. are " i- offering for sale a few' are tracts in "w their ncctlon of the state. This company vhaa some elegant bargains and those people who ..are contemplating- purehas ' The Pacific Coast Door fompany was Incorporated .yesterday by W JVWhite, L -Mary A. Berry ana J. ti. Harrington. The .capital stock Is placed at $75,000. - The 'objects are to engage In the manu facture of doora and to engage In the timber business generally. Dellgttful river excursions. 15 miles for 26 cents. Down the fiver and back, viewing warships, fair grounds, dry. dock, the beautiful river soenery. New steamer Vktsells leavea font Stark street. 19 a. m., i u p. m., a p. m. , Invitations have been ..issued ' by the California commission to the "exposl .i tton for a reception to be tendered to -governor PardTO Of California tomorrow afternoon 1ft' Iho California -bulldlng.b.e-' "twoen the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock. - -.. .- -ni ' .... Manne Soderstedt. sentenced , to J5 days In Jail -for -assault and battery, was brought from Columbia county by : Sheriff White "Yesterday afternoon anj . lodged In the county Jail. Columbia -county has no Jail. - Harry' Cashman, ' who was a . popular -is visiting friends In Portland. He haHr1""'"-' ' . ' - -.7. been a resident Seattle for the pastT 'two years, but will likely go hito bust ' ness In this cttv. r S1 Misdell'vered br 4&-T "-Co.. about June 17, a 'trunk marked J3arret son, Its Sixth stret. . Any oha Saving . such a trunk will confer a favor by notifying ua. The, B. sVO. T. fac ""v - Frank. M. CtlmrfUng of-Pfcsadena. Cal tfornia, T here In the Interests of the Rt. Francis' hotel ol San Francisco and "" the Anselus hotel of lxs Angeles. ' He " Is registered at- the Portland. "( '; ' ..." 'a full ear'dad ..of Mermajd" ' brand "fantaloupe due Wednesfliy. -Express shipment dally.'' Second -ear Coachella watermeldns-dne Tuesday. Pearson-Psg ' Co..Main 475, sole agents. -, -The WhIU Temple today. Dr. 'Broiigher'B topics: Morning, "Is Christ - Coming Sown?" Night, "A Sunday After-. non Walk; Bnall We Go to the Fair'" -Baptism. .- . : - , . ,; r" . ' . - ' , Notice, to Contrrfriors. We are In no waya . connected with the, City Brick . Agency- from this date- Randies A ' Klnsey. Sylvsn, Oregon -Junet 4, 1908. " Henvv rnlos' have fallen at Irregular Intervals at Portland during the past J 4 " A little self-denial for tirrie will put you square with the world, out of delft and "ready r for any reasonable emergency. - A few years of small savings have sent many, a schoolboy through college "' -aT a . m fc e i and : increased - nis ear nine powers for life. ' . " WE PAY ' ' PER . CENT INTEREST. GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS ri'RANSACTED. - Oregon Savings Bank Sixth and IVlorrison: Sts. S ' r ' , 1 L. 0. RALSTON. Prfaldest. " ' ! 1 " V." --W COOPER MORRIS. Cashier. . . X ' . . S. L. BAYS. Asst. Csshlar. TELEPRONB MAIN IS. hours, hat the total precipitation up to B o'clock lasf evening measured only .66 of an Inch," According' to the weather bureau "It" will be cloudy and Bhowery today. Thunder storms, accompanied by lightning, have occurred In the north Pacifier states. The deficiency in pre cipitation for the wt period Is 12.18 Inches. . No damage of consequence has resulted. . There was no wind last night and ' Shipping- wlITsuTfer no delays. When the last report was received from the" mouth of ha river, the Columbia bar waa smooth. . .:. ' . T.T; .. " Deputy sheriffs from Wasco., and Umatilla counties, passed through Port land last night wlih deserters from the I'nited States walrsnlps Buffalo and MarbleJiead-Hrto' 'deserter "jfrom the, Bufalo was an Apprentice named Has mobly. who lives at Walla Walla. He left1 the vessel at "Ban Diego and waa arrested ay Milton. The Jdarblehead's runaway, waa an apprentice - named BmHh, who left-the cruiser while she was In Portland. He Is about lT years old, and said he left the Marblehead bccMse Tie ;dld"not-"r?k-thecru1seT--OT Its officers.., ,.-'i.. .i-...- Reliable place to be. row itoney on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 26$ Washington St. Established It yeara Lowest rates of InterasU -Alvln H. Hawk Co., prjnters. Wa make a specialty" of of flee - stationery, booklets, etc. ' Samples and prluea cheer fully submitted. 16 Third street. Turkish .and Russian baths, $1.00. Treatment, Including an elegant be.l for all- night s 828 Chamber- of . Commerce. Give us a trial and be convinced. , rfy the -2Bc business men's 'lunch served at the "Prima Buffet' from 11 a. m. to 2 p". m. dally (except Sunday). It"WtIl sorelyjplease you1,1 - , Iwla T and TarlT OhseTvatory cafe, 1,000 feet above the city. Come,', lunch and rest while viewing . the grandest panorama In America. . - We are still selling our $1.60 eye glasses for $1. Consultation free, and every, pair guaranteed. Metxger at Co., 1W Sixth otreef. ' -C - a For Sale Millinery "business success fully carried on for 23 years; a rare chance. 214 Thtrd street ,;;.'. ' Sheriff Word and-Deputy Sheriff Hol lfngsworth left last night on a fishing trip to. Eagle creek. , :L 'Take launches Tor warships at Mer rill's boafhouse, ? north side Morrison street bridge. V- - The elegant, launch., Prlnceas i May. for Charter JO evening partiea Phone Main 16&1. , - Moffett Hot Springs, $1. B0 day: 3$ and $10 week; ba'lhs. 2Bc. Take Regula tor line. -: - Watch red light Illumination of the Ti-tT'-"" Clark nhaervatorv - at - :20 p. m. I Friie"walts. Cedar-"iPark todayr In closed pavilion If raining. Special cars. Launch Kva leaves - west - end steel bridge -warships every .10 minutes. i r . ' DlU. L. M. Thornton, dentist 202 r quara building. Phone Main t. Dine, at the Delmont. 12$ Fifth street-L -Who's whotWhd'g WoosterT Ansler Printing Co.. ii't Os PROMINENT-PREACHERS . i -rF0R THEi WHITE TEMPLE . . ... - - -a -"" In the month of JuryYhe White Tem ple pulpits will be occupied by promi nent visiting preachers. A,-week from Sunday evening,. July 2, Rev;-Ainna Shaw will . preach. " The following Sunday morning Dr. Newell Dwlght Hlllls of Brotiklynr- WewYorki' will speak,' and lihancellor E. Benjamin'- Andrews -" of Lincojo, Nebraska, will speak the next BrouKher will preach before the Bible assembly at,Twin Lakes,. California, following-with lectures on: the next .1 wo daya Rev. Herbert Spencer Johnson of Boston will fill his pulpit ioth morning and evening. July . VrC J-'4 Q. A. Henry of London will preach. Dr.. Henry vas paslor. at the White Temple some 16 -years ago, -and since, then, has trav eled overtha world. -in Orea.: Britain he la regarded as .ths-greatest temper a rice lecturer since John B. Oougb's day. V ' WHERETO DINE. : " All the delicacies of the season t he Portland restaurant; Private apartments for parties, - $0i Washington,- near- Fifth., (AU the delicacies of the season; pri vate apartments for ladles and families. Strause s Restaurant, 22$ Washington. Brandes' Grni. at 103 Sixth.' -near Stark, has: secured the finest chef In the city. . Give him a trial. . The Empire, the "place to go for fine meals. Neat and clean. , 12 Third. , ,, miWBUKi country viuo. r lKastern BTid Benttle races Tnk( 8V wood and Oregon City Cara at First and Aide 4 ALL CLASSES MAY GAMBLE AT- CLUB - i . , -i " t r - : . -. !- . ' ' . , . - , v ' . ' Bars at Milwaukie Poolroom Are Down and Bettors Are y. Herded Inw ; r FORMER SECLUSION NO v 'LQNGERHN FASHION. Stories Told of Good Things i and All May Back Them With- ''1:1 : . ' out Limit. . ' . r mlAm ilfflM af Tha iMrul li 4 ibe stora ef Mrs. T. W. McKUHitr. MM CsU aiorriaoa. straat. TIpJiom Haat 2T6. L- It appears that' the Oratton" Pool club now . operated , at 'Allwaukle Is rather less of ; a private . Institution than at first "announced; or supposed, and the management . la ' gradually starting a campaign for - outside-"' dollars. .For some time after, the club .was started only the chosen were admitted to; the grounds. -"'..- j. , Indeed not only are) the. bars down, but Interested persons are pushing the lsmbs to the slaughter. If you mean business- you can get In. Neatly prlnteu folders have been dis tributed- In Portland generally Inform ing an anxious world that there Is one new hope for. the man who has a benevo lent nature and too much money. The circular states that the Milwaukie. Coun-, try club Is, ready" for business, Informa tion being given 'concerning the time the eastern and the Seattle rtSes corrr-1 mence. The-Ignorant rs informed that cars are run to the Tflfibhouee from the. city .every IB minutes, and that the In stitution has a full telegraphic service. The-circular also contains the -entries for the current day e,t- Sheepahead, La tonla and Seattle, notes abotft- the con dition of the tracka and results of the ranes for the preceding-four or five days. ACCEPTPLANS MONDAY. Womea of Weodoraft Orand Offloera to "' ' "Xake tha Choice. Headquarters' of Multnomah - camp, WoodmeTT of the World, -received notice yesterday that Orand Guardian Carrie C. Van Orsdall of Jlhe Women of Wood craft would arrive In Portland tomorrow with other bead officers and that'dur-. Ing-her atay'3iii the-cltyplanwould be adopted for the headquarters build ing ofTthe Women of Woodcraft to be erected .here. -.The. specified time for the receipt of plans ends tomorrow ajjd. according to -the program .aireaay an nounced by the grand of fleers -advertising for construction bids-will be issued Immediately after the acceptance of plans.-- v:i:.-'' ""''" ' "". - ' ".' MULTNOMAH IS HOST. Bast Bide Woodman ZstabUsh Keoep- , tloa Headquarters for Tlsltors. : ,r -... " 1 - y. Multnomahcamp, Woodmen of the Worlif, wllT make all visiting Woodmen at home this summer and the camp will soon open headquarters In Unity haH Second-and - Morrliwm -treets.4 employ regufar'-sIttendantB. 'I LttCERture concerning cfyr--county-ana state will be at harjdJ there and Woodmen will meet all tralna to guide visitors to the headquarters. riU Withstands Tlood.i -. The East Washington atreet fill staod a severe test Friday night and fester day morning, "The heavy rain did not materially damage the fill? and though the massQfc-Tewf. earth has not settled there was little Washing away Of the steep banks and no considerable sinking of 'the surface. - The fill made by the Pacific Construction-company Is ready "for acceptance, but 'trie block between Flrstuu'd Water streets Is not yet ready and this. Oo, Is being . filled -by the company, though another contractor had the Job. - Work has, also been begun on the. East Morrison street fill, but as ye( only an ocaslonal tralnload ' Is dumped Into the marsh, as the traffic there oaanot beHnterrupted and. small holes through the roadway are the only Intakes for the dirt and gravel. -.--; '- Dangerous Street Unrepaired. Williams avenue south- of Rusself street Is probably In more dangerous condition than any other main thorough fitre In Fin Hand. For months wutKineji have been lelaurely laying, plank far north- on this avenu and though con ditions t the Jiead of the- street were far from good, they did not- compare with'the stretch south of Russell atreet. shich carries a heavier trafflo than even Union avenue and Is lined with business houses and valuable residences. Part of the street Is elvate(J and Hn many places Joose planks irdver hates 20 feet and more In deptn. w nere tirere are nv-holes broken planks- and loose boards stick up their jagged ends to the peril of every taselng team. r- Ask Ten-Mlnnte errloe. ' Nnw that St.-Johns has a 20 minutes through service to Por. land Instead of aS(Lmlmtteslocalxaervlcewhlch did duly for ao long, the cltixens are asking- for a 10 minutes- service aurlng the busy morrjjng arid, evening hours. De spite the Increased accommodations the patronage of the line Una increased Just a little faster . and fne cars mornings andvenings afer more crowded than they ; were on-the 30; minutes local schedule. . ' - ' . ,- JOURNALISTS LOUD IN L Z.: PRAISE OF COLUMBIA Members of the. Utah and CaHTomla Press associations had a delightful trip on the Columbia rlver- yesterday.,- "It was one of tht most mngnlftcent .trips-1 ever took." . said Edrter Charles W. Penrose or the ueseret Evening News' of Salt Lake City. "The 'scenery wss Inexpressibly wonderful. I have, traveled In many places and through many countries but have never seen any thing thst could compare with what we saw today." e-"- , Other members of the Utah and Cali fornia delegations were- equally enthusi astic.,! . ... ...L ' CHIEF HUNT SPURNED THE WOMAN'S DOLLARS May Wilson.' a skirt dancer," was dis charged from custody by Pollcs Judge Hogue steryJwhen' she prdmised to stay sober'.'' She was sent down stairs In charge of Bailiff Costs to be "shown up" to-the! day relief befosersihe was al lowed to 'ga.'sShe extended a dollar to. Chief of Police Hunt when he told her1 she might, leave the station,- . For a few seconds the chief wss speechless. "Woman," he finally ahmited. "I don't want your money.. Get out of here.!.- May "got out, , - .viv .... -- ; - i Will -rf Ml ATTRACTION Monitor. Will Arrive in July and : . . Remain In Haxbor Sv ..; '"ral'Weekt-"; ' ," . i THREE WARSHIPS CO ' ' TODAY TO THE SOUND Their Crews Regret Speedy De parture as Much as Do the Loc&l Citizens. "Far1yMn July the United States moni tor Wyoming will make-a visit to Port' land" narbor-aTKrrematme'veTat weeks. She Is now en route from Panama to San Francisco, and on her arrival there wilt recelveorOers to proceed to Port. land... , ',:'.. :. ..', .: . This Information was given out last evening by the officers of the cruiser Chicago. ' The Wyoming waa here laat summer during the Fourth of July cele bration. She la of about ' the same slse as the Marblehead. It waa also defi nitely announced that -the Wyoming would be the only United States vessel that will be - ordered here during the exposition. In August she will go to Bremerforr-tor th annual target practice.-.; ' ' -': -' - - " - After having been In theTiarbor Just nine days., the cruisers Chicago, Boston and torpedo-boat . destroyer Perry will leave this morning for "Port Angeles, where they will. coal. Then they will visit the stations In Alaskan! watera, after which they' will prooeed ' to the Bremerton -navyy-yard to-b Inspected and repaired. -After . target - practice there they will go south and probably crulse among the-43outh Sea -Islands.' It Is estimated by her that fully 20,000 people visited the Chicago during her short stay.1 - - - Besides the Wyomlngv-l the Italian bruiser Umbrla and the German cruiser Falke are scheduled fo-arrive -in -the near future.... - - ---r NO DISENGAGED SHIPS HaTbtrT Cleaned Out for the First Tine '".'. '', ' Over a Tear.' . ' L When the British ship Pythomene was cnarterea yesterday the harbor had no disengaged vessela. Sot the first time since April, s 1904. The Indications are that Portland - will be free of disen gaged tonnage for several , weeks, as no ships not chartered are , due. The British ship Plnmore layout IS days from San Francisco for the Columbia river. Bhe Is under - charted to J. J. Moeta. & Co. -to carry lumberuto Mel bourne or Adelaide. Oh the jiound fly., ships, designated as grain carriers,- are on the disengaged Ifst the Ancona; Dunf ermllne, Dunstaff nage, Nesala, and Tamar. The Dunstaffnage has been lying there Jdle for more than two years, the owners having persistently declined to accept the prevailing freight rates. She.'U of JJ29 tons net register and one of the largest carriers now on the coast. Two ships, the Cawdor and Sllberhorn, have been tied up at Ran Franolsco for nearly three years:- The dlaengaged fleet there is . also rather large. Relative to freights and charters the Commercial "News aays: "Pending the outcome of the wheat crop, the market for grain freights Is entirely Inactive.' There are .two Ger man and twoBrltlah vessels In port u rider .new season chartera for mer chandise, and they, with a round dozen Frenchmen on the way under charter for grain, represent the .total of the new season business done thus far: The 'barley crop will undoubtedly be large, probably, somewhere -in the neighborhood of 700,000 tons, but esti mates of the wheat yield are helnar steadily reduceTPas- harvest progr.essfisj ana it is now tnougnt tnat the export-1 able surplus will be very light." ALONG THE WATERFRONT. TTaylor. Young Co. received a cable message yesterday stating that the British steamship Ferndene reached Yokohama from Portland June 20. She sailed from trie mouth of the Columbia May 24. 7 Tomorrow 'the steamer Resolute will be launched from the ways of the Port going repairs for the last two weeks. Today the barkentlne John Smith .will leave Kith a lumber cargo for San Pedro. LadenV with 476.000 feet of lumber the steamer South Bay sailed night for San Pedro. -3 . ' u Two marines from the United States cruiser Boston . had a narrow - escape from drowning when their skiff cap sized off the Inman-Poulsen mill 'yes terday. They were rescued by sailors from the schooner. Allen A,' With . a - general - cargo and .. a full passenger -list the steamer Alliance Sailed laat night- for Coos Bay. - She 111 go no farther south this trip, artl Is expected to reach, Portland again next Wednesday morning when shewill re sume"" her" regular schedule to Kureka and way porta ' ' V' MARINE NOTES. - ; ' ' y Astoria, June 24. Sailed at (hit a. m.. steamer Northland for-San rYanclsco. Arrived at t and left up at 7:30 a. m.. steamer-Atlis from San rVanclsco. Ar rived at 10:16 -a. m., steamer Klmore from Tlllamoo. Sailed at. I p. m' barkentlne Tarn O'Shanter for San Franciaco. Condition of the bar at p. m., smooth, wind south weather cloudy. -i -. ' Yokohama. June 20, Arrived. British steamer Ferndene "from Portland. cKnnotjeed prisoners cl.atine cents apiece . I .J. i . -, , 1 1, - ". , . TCe American restaurant has refused to furntsh 'meals to the prisoners at the city Jail for- cents, and1 unless 12" cents Is paid .eythe cltyfor each meal the prisoners may have ti go hungry. The proprietor has been- halving trouble alnoa he .contracted to ..furnish the prisoners VeU for "In cents. The contract for furnishing meals for (he city .Jail expired some time ago. apd the 6ontractor demurred against continuing te furnish' the meals at the price under I the old, Contract. He ap peared before' the city , auditor and ftated that he was no longer 'under obligation to the city to furnish ' meals at nine cents. He aisled that he did-not want the- job of feeding the prisoners. and, wished the city would give It to soma -other person., . The executive board consented In nav 12 cents tor meals tor the prisoner un til a contract could ba let to some other restaurant r - "Ti. The Boot Shop that V lUgU gi - .iJ OPPOSITE PERKINS HOTEIT WeHave Persian Rug wlndoji T nur window that Is -worth traveling -maaxlryes have feaBted on anything SIIK, sna mere is a Dienaing ok otiiorsv-tnai wouia require aays ox siuuy ; fully drink Is all their grandeur. It required 20 years , to weave. Call and view, this work of art. .. , I - rWE ARE HAVING A SPECIAL, SALE OF TURKISH AND PERSIAN RUdS , F-oc the benefit of persons attending the exposition. We have mads lively reductions In prices during this time. Our greet stock. Imported by our selves. Is on exhibition every day. ..The public is cordially invited to the Interesting show. ATIYEH TEL. MAUf aoso AOTSBMXaTTS. BASEBALL!! Jane 2Cth to 25th Inclusive PORTLAND .' VS. C SEATTLE Qme starts mx .' v Kaenatloa Fark, Tweaty-fsortk sad Tasaha tta. Oeneral Admission, 8o- ' ChlldreL ,16o. Grandstand - for ladlea free I every day but Sundays snd holidays; men 26a. .Ladles' day Friday. ..- f GERM AN ROOT G ARpCN Opposite Main Entrance Fair Grounds rxza DAsToa tt btbitisto. Place Your ? Confidence in John Dellar's System- and yWgfa bound ta get-full v.iii. for vnuv monev. We carry - none but strictly flrst-clsss Men's snd .Boys Suits. Hats, Pants, 'Shirts and Underwear. With a (complete line of Shoes for-Ladies, Men," Misses .ana Boys. You 'take no chances whatever by trad 'Ing with .us. ss we have atrlctly one price. Every-arttcla marked r In plain .figures. ' We Are Running Two i; -Stores Cor. First and Yam hill and Cor. Third and Davis PtANS FOfHANdSOM JPYTHIAMTEMPLE MADE Plans have been completed iy Archi tect Harry Vore for a Pythian temple. to b.e built at-the northwest corner or Eleventh and Alder trsets. The bulld tnm will ha two stories hirh. of pressed brick and. terra cotta, and will cost ,18, 000 or $20,000. Th hulldina: nrolect ' Is backed by Oregon Lodge No. 1, and Ivanhoe No. 10. - There are ! Pythian, lodges In the city, with a total membership of about 1.000.. Oregon ana jvanoe. iuage " the lot on which the temple Is to be trflfini.., '.in.j"ii" .v.i. ...... tmnHrtm r,n A Mee Street I Tne seeona siorr win cuhirid . twys room 42 reet, wun stage ano balcony, and arlora, checkroom, iinw room, property-rooms and kitchen. . In a third story, over the main entrance, will be sn auslllary -lodgeroom,-to ba unwd by,itM6 Pythian ' sisters, and byrthe lodges, ori- Special occasions when ban quets are o oe given, C.t . -- ASSESSMENT FOR FILLS IN SOUTH PORTLAND Tha street committee of the city couhcll has recommended that the as sessment of coats of tha nils at First and Wood streets and Front- and Wood streets be levied and an ordinance to that effect will e introduced .at the meeting of the city council -tomorrow. These flllla are among?- the number 4)lch were finished laat fall and against which many remonstrances' were filetf-by the cltlsens of South Portland. A meas urement of the fills - was made by the city engineer and no material changes In the costs will be made. Archie Ma son was th contractor, hnd the- Bridge company the aub-contractor. An extension of nine months "wag granted on the Corbet and - Qrover streets AIL George W. Simon, manager of the Paclflo Bridge company, stated that he was ready to do the work when ever the property-owner were willing to Pr tot it. ' ' 1 , , ' ' subbed by egT. ' (gpaelal Dleeates le Tae Jaeraalt "Th Dalles, or.. Jumf24 In a diapute over 10 centa Fred lmpke waa seri ously stsbbed. by Ed Andrews, a negro in ijimDkes saloon Inst, night. The knesro.was bound over to the grand Jury by Justlre iwutryii on m vnsrge oi mur derous assauiw ' '''' " wants yourtTde,rtv Walk-Over- Leading Styltt for Mtn '- ,You do not realize the perfec 'tioii of shoe-grace and shoe- ,'' style if you do 'notr walk in , , VWalk'-Over" Shoes. "Supreme all over the shoe'world. Made high and taw Jn x veryf avored leather, black,' tan or. patent. ,. - '- - -, ..i. . . i S3. 30 and 54.00 1 " -''' ' :'r- r. v ' ' - - Walk - Qver - Store. ;r a $5,000 on Exhibition hundreds1 of miles to see. Not -more-elegant llla made of pure BROS. 4n WASHINQTOJ 5T, t -'. 2 - - the time No time like NOW to have that watch or clock of yours - .put ,ln "repair. v There Ts no- place In the beautiful Rose City better - equipped' to' do.,. 'hia class of work. " Bring It " ' In today and we'll soon haver -., It In tip-top ahapa . : , L, , ; Jewelry Repairing y Is .also fright In bur line," and tourists- can have their work -completed - on tlms by uklng it to . . . .' ;"'.' ' -r,' t A. N.Wright X& IOWA JEWELER No. 293 Morrison Street AND FLAGS We carry tha largest stock of flreworks-.ln the northwest, manu'-' -facturedf. "by the celebrated Rochester- Fireworks company, exhibition vets for town and city celebrations froml $10 to 11.000 per' set. - Also flags and btmtliig Tor fair opening decora tions. ' . . . i - . - Japanese s,nd Chinese curios, snsttlngs, etc t t T v Wholesale and retail. ! V . . t. Andrew Kan & Co. arr Komaxso it. ROBERT C.V0SE 320 Boylston Street BOSTON, MASS. eHIGH -CUSS -' . - XOTILI MO SIsOBTB.- HOTEL DETROIT BXIT WAM aTAXa OBOVVBS. Oor. tTtk and -Tsmrmaa Btreeta. J. C. GRIFFIN, Proprietor. .. Reached by all ear lines. IBS. with baft. Rates, 11 per day. noomi tl and It per -day. - HOTEL SALT AIR OeatarrUla, atortav Seaetu , Commands fine Tlew of - the, , ocean. Qnod Ashing. F.xeellent water. Home o.klng. f ish seryed dally. '' ir.s. FcmTTB, :' ' Long Btacit f. u4 Waahlngton. . FIREWORKS PAINTINGS SOTXXS AMD ttSOkTS. y--esr. jb, .a gy a-av J . HOTEL Vau Gvvin Givin , . . I . . L v--t;00 sUTIB, OMOOsT. The Scenic Hotel of -the - - . 'Columbia . A X1ET. RESTFUL RESORT. 'CUI--SINE THE BEST. THREE HOURS RIDE FROM PORTLAND. FOR RATES AND PARTICULARS ADDRESS - D. E. RAND Manager, non iisi. stood mrrxm, om. Delightful.- Mount Hood Trip EVERT VISITOR to tha . Lewis kand Clark exposi tion should take this the most a-1 ' deltghtful'of all mountatrtrtp-t-In. America. . Claud Cap Inn. unique and picturesque. 7,000. ' -feet . above sea level, afi ' fords splendhl accommodations. z Summit of mountain easily. "" accessible . from this ... pointy jStsgea leave Hood River sta- Hon , dally, making connefction"" with a R. & N. trains. Round trip .- tickets, Including coaoh--: tilng trip, on sals at O. R. N. - ticket office. Third and Waah-r. ; tngton streets, Portland. Par ' ticulars about rates at Cloud .Cap Inn by writing - " ... XMB. . AlTOriB,;lganaaflff- ": Xbod. miver, Oregon. Send. 1 cants In stamps to A. . L. Craig, O. P. A. Oregon . Railroad Navlgatldn com--pany, Portland, for booklet -' telling about trtpr - -'. ' I ,;-"' :-' ' , '. , Not Too Near Not Too Far Visitors to the Lewis artoT Clark exposition will find that the above "aptly describes the location of tha- IllUf MILITARY . ACADEMY HOTEL . This splendid building has been' thrown open for the convenience and entertainment of persons vis iting HWe fair. Within ten min utes walk of main entrance: only "building In the block. Gives fine view of1 exposition buildings and miles of the Willamette river. Streetcars peas the door. Reaer : vatlOnr should be made, now. For , rates and particulars spply to DR. J. VVitflXL . - 821 Marshall BL, Portland, Or. , Hotel Eaton Oaraar Korrlaaa aaa Wast aark Meets, NEW RaaiSMMnely faralaliad, elegaatlr sqstpeag. fireproof, - Ova mlnntea' walk from kaarl at abopptnc asd buloeaa tflatrtet. all large, airy, outside roesis, stean keated. alaetrte llshta, tpli-phon. in aack apartmeM. ate. br mall or telephone. Private aasaisss marts tralas asd staamais. rRoomn fl.OO tofS0O a Day special Bates to Comswretal atea. ill. VAX KATOV.. , ' " J,, (rormerly ef Hotel Radpatb., gpokaae.1 Hotel fairmount TWBBTT-aTXXTS ABT VTUMVm BT. Opposite Blata Bntranea te Tewla aad Olark Ezposltloa. . . Only absolutely fireproof - hotel ad Joining grounds, equipped with eleotrlo telephonic and special telephnnlq com- ' jBttnteatlema for patTona, Uniformed -pprters. and bellboys at all hours ' a guests', service. ; ; . ). ( 150 Efegant Rooms . " Open foi4 Guests " ; BATZI 1 1.00 A DAT AJTB VP. ' '' W. H. LATTIN. Oeneraf Msmager. " HOTEL ' SPECIAL RATES BY THE DAYjOR fWEEK i i ' . Bsaehed y the Oreajoa Watet rower By. Co. Trolley Xdaa. . . 4 "Write or Pho'ria i . '. 4 . Li. af ABTIBXB, Bfaaagef. . 9 Xstaoada, Oregon. . . HOTEL MONTEREY i Under new manseemant. BOW OFbTbT. -BOeatod Borta ef Vewvert e tae Beaah. One or the most oeairaoie or us vimmn on the coast. Cnsurpeeeed in situation, having entenslve grounds frrr re-reiiinr-' the safest heach tfor surf bathing l ocean. fdtm N6RA FITZI'A i hi' k. manager ,ahd ovum.' - " ' the lax a 1 ... - l ELstacada -'' ' ''''',.. ' " -, -4 J "A..",'"