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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. .'SUNDAY. MORNING, JUNE 25. 1905. SEATTLE REJOICES AT FAIR'S SUCCESS Great Crowds of People Com From the Sound to Con- gratul ate Portl and. - MAYOR BALLENGER ON : STATE'S DEBT TO OREGON -- Interesting Exercises Prove At tractive to Throng In Wash- Kington's Building.. ; ItjLwma Sesttl dsjr t ths fslr je trdy, -and proudly ' did - Oregon ' and ForUand . veloamaths,- prsmisr oity-vt Lr daughter-stats. . All or Seattle wu - not In Portland, -'- but a large number of her-cltixena were " sere, and every one had a good word A to any of the fair. At tO o'clock yea . terday , morning ' the people began to iarrlve. Titer were four section to the ! Train that brought them. It la doubt " ful If ever before were io many cltlsena ' of the Washington metropolis in Port ' Jand at one time. ' , Special exercises wers Held In the ' Washington building In honor of the visitors. .Z - . Owing to the general desire of the Visitors to view the exposition rather than, io spend' time In formal ceremonies the exercises were made as orlef- as possible. W. A. Steele," exeoutlve com- mlsaloner for the stats of Washington, - Introduced John- Schram,:" president of the chamber of commerce of . Seattle, "and designated him as chairman. '- In a -. happily worded response Mr. 8c h ram presented to the. people of Seattle Pres. ' ident H. W. Cootie, who gave to them . hearty welcome.. : , ' : , VortlMd W1U Tial Seattls. He thanked the people of Seattle and - King: county for the particular Interest they had shown in the success of the exposition, as represented by- their ex- hibltand -attendance at the v fair, and asserted that when Seattle held an ex " position ail Portland and Oregon would Join heartily la it aid and fully reclp.o--Tate the1 kindness shown- br that-clty, . toward Portland"! - fair. Mayor -Bai-lenger of Seattle said It' was-wltb hesi tancy that he undertook to express 8e ' at tie's appreciation of the generous wel- -nm. "The people cr Meatus, ne saia. with their accustomed spirit of good- fellowship,, are earnest In -their desire f iu the itlgheat sueces of this splen did exposition, which marks one of the prominent events .In the history of our country. I bear s message of good, will to yon from the citizens of the great city of the sound.'- . rWeitandf or Th commercial ex pansion cf the great northwest; - the growth, the enrichment and the Jiappl ness of all portions of this' great coun try are a source of Joy to us. Your growth, your prosperity and your hap -plness, as-well as our own, should "be source of mutual gratification. A Mr- i row spirit of Jealousy or rivalry should And no lodgment among a people who. possess the opportunities or develop' jnent such is. are common to -he states . of Oregon andWaehfngton, . Tour sd vsncement along, lines of commercial, .social and political achleyemenU should inspire us to emulate your gtrod works J with a manly and nobis endeavor . to advance, the Interests of oar. common ntry.- "" . , -J JJTo jealousy la Ireattle. b "Tou will pardon ms If I call your attention to the fact that SeatHe and the "State of . Washington are- ybuof spring'. Tou gavs us "tour beginning; It -was out Of ypur territory that ours was "carved. We have undertaken to. . be faithful to he trust -which has been laid upon u by our worthy-parent "While we fondly hope to control a fair measure of the trade of the orient, of Alaska and of the sound, we also be lieve' we are leaving a field of operation open .for your great city,! and a Just Share lo the trade of the Paclflo. "I am Impressed with the courage and capacity of your people in not only un dertaking this great enterprise of illus trating to the American people the Im portant event of the discoveries of LewlsTmd Clark, but rn carrying it for ward with- such,Jmarked...succeaa and credit" " " ..- . Senator Samuel II. Piles followed In a brief address. Ha said that the people of SeatUe had been and were too busy to do much talking, but that fact did not prevent them "from having a. heartfelt interest In the success of the exposition; the Seattle spirit was broad and large enough to permit and contain even more than a neighborly feeling for the sis tecs of Seattle. ' -,,'... SEVEN NEW COMPANIES-' " . "FILE THEIR ARTICLES liJ: (Special -bipta 1 to The Journal.)- : . Salem, pre., June 24. Seven new com panies filed., articles of incorporation wtlh the'aecretary of- state this week as follows; '. . The Herald Printing Publishing company; . principal office. Baker City, Oregoh; capital stock, 110,000; "incorpo rators, B.. P. podd, Ellsworth. Lents and A. A. Sheuerman. '"' 1 . ; Hosford Transportation Co.; principal office, Portland, Oregon; -capital stock, $10,000; Incorporators,- O. " W. Hosford, Lloyd J. Wentworth and E. E. Coo vert. ClackSroas Power company principal office, Oregon - City, - Oregon; capital stock. " $25,000; Incorpjrators, John T. A pperson. Charles H. Dye, Harvey E, Cross-and E. O. Caufield. - - Hoefler Manufacturing company;- prin cipal office,. .Portland, Oregon; capital stock, $20,000; Incorporators, -Jt. V, Jones, 1V' O. Miller and H, K. Hoefler. The Morgan company; principal office, Portland, Oregon; -capital stocky $10,000; IncorporatoTsrlW M Bates, L. B. Morgan sndHv-Mr-Bates. . : .' . - The Consumers' Irrigation T company; principal office. Echo,' Oregon; -capital stock, $6,000; Incorporators, J. D. Brooks, W.ji., Barmore and E. IS. Unthank. Hidden - Treasure - Mining; principal of floe, Portland. Oregon; cap ital stock, $260,000; incorporators, E. L. Aiken,- James M. - Dupue, Bert J. De- ue, Claude Depue and Guy lpue. 9' TO SURVEY SOUTHERN -tt " "OREGON TOWNSHIP Grants Pass, Or., June 14. H. C. Perkins ha Jeen -awarded the contract by -the United States surveyor-general to complete the survey of "township X, southT range T I - west. There , are sL sections yet In this townahlp for which the lines are to be run and the corners set' The other sections ' of- the town ship were surveyed years ago, but-the six to be surveyed are on the top of high butts known as Mount Baldy. The district contains a number of mines and there are also a number of ranchers residing there who- have been nnableto gain- title to their land by. reason of the land not -being on the -market : v SAYS MILLIONS WERE " WRQjNGFULLY.TAKEN Journal Bpedal. SerTtoa.) New Tork, June 14f The Johnson Min ing company ha filed an amended com plaint in its suit against the Boston A Montana Silver Copper Mining company alleging that the defendant wrongfully took ores valued at $37,000,000 from tlte-t- Karus mine Deiewging io xne piainuri and the Montana-Ore Purchasing com pany. " A decision in this case will call for a new -construction of-state mining laws by the federal court ;A:Stfaight-TipI: Every man who buys a , " ; Stetson Hat ' - ' -. - L, ' i :rrj:.- Makes the best kind of an investment because every 7 Stetson is a combination of the finest quality of materials - .' the highest skill in workmanship and unequalled beauty ' in design. :,.., ( . - .- : Wc havthe" largest liricj! of. John B. Stetson Hats in the city all ' the-latest shapes in both Soft and Dcrbyv ! t.i" "h Sam'l Rosenblatt c&7 Co. v . -J - , ' Glothiers Hatters Corner' Third and Morrison Sts. DROVNELL EPISODE mm yp politics ; I : : ... .f , ... ... " 7'- i Harshly Criticised by Many and ;; Comrtended and -Excused "7 'T-'""T -y Othert.--'T'TT- CLACKAMAS SENATOR"- ' " MAY LOSE LEADERSHIP Many Changes May Take Place " In County Political Ranks f i at Next Election.!' ; : . (Special Dlipateb te The Jooraal.) ' Oregon City, June $4, Th Brownell episode-Tuesday night st the O. A. R. reception, besides being, harshly criti cised In some quarters and excused ad even commended In others, has had the direct effect to stir to a livid head the smouldering Ores of Clackamas county politics.. For a year politics In Oregon City has been , dormant and -aotually torpid." It Isn't now.-. briefly told, the Brownell Incident Is this; . At the O. A. R. reception there were calls for George C Brownell, who was not on the ' program. . He was dragged on the stage by political ad mirers In the-mlddle -of . the program of mualc and . songs. Order was restored snd the program carried out. Then Brownell ' spoke. His political enemies say he concocted this soheme to boost his candidacy for a fourth term to the state senate; his political friends say that it was. the .Result of a spontaneous outburst of enthusiasm on the part . of the veterans, whoAdesired to hear thl silver-tongued orator- speak Anyhow Jt has started up 'county pon tics and George C. Brownell will be the sols and only issue of any moment. ., i Bad Surd rights. Oeorge C. Brownell has represented Clackamas" county In the 'state senate for 1 sars. " During that time Clacka mas has been carried 'by ths Populists; the Democrats, the Republicans and has elected som Citlsens-ticketaDurlng that time Brownell has hsd some hard fights In securing ths Bepubltcan-soml-nation, but he slways got It snd was always elected no matter how badly the party was defeated. There heve always been some 100 Republicans who. would not vote for him. but on the pther hand. Democrats followedhtm. . - During " sll - this : time George C. BrowneU has ruled his party and the county with an Iron hand. If-Brownell wanted a man appointed or elected that man got ths Job, If BrowneU him removed, the man's head fell George Horton can testify to that.. just now, rpresenUtlve men In the Republican party sy that there must be a change In the leadership. . It, 1 not because George C. BrowneU happens to be under Indictment In the land fraud scandal that this awakening has com but rather because the trodden .worm has turned. CempbeU May gaoceed. t east James U 'CampbeU has and In tns pas. v I B.n.inr Brownell a- -enler ablest llputenaat. Now the word pomes that Brownell Is to be-deposed i and Campbell take the leadersh1p.-lt t. Said that this order -has been given ouUrora t, whether this be true or not. there are men all along the line who ars said to-tts-sjmoe. in vijn. who would bs secretly glad .to see 11..nll , I -r The county officials wno nom ' jobs by Brownells pleasure would wel come the doming 6f Campbell, but they fear to make the star Dwauw u-yn, C has long had a habit oncoming undei .w. i nmt an the honrBStretclw ' It Is said that C. CKHuntley Is Slated for the Republican nomination for the senate and is the favorite of the Camp bell wing,- Huntley Is a popWUr man. And lthas been hinted Hhat should Brownelf see that Huntley's nomination is Inevitable, he will endeavor-to make . A..t wharebv Huntley Is to get the senatorshlp while Brownell retains the Job of -dispenser OI ciacaamaa mum, political pluma - - it 4. not known If Mr. Huntley Is will t tnkv dictation from' either BrowneU or JTampbell ' ( " rDlmmick- Wants Place. iniin homaa F. Ryan may or may not be a candidate for a third term as. county taoge.. It. is nenevea ne u' ount treasurer, However. ex-Mayor Grant B. Dlmrnlck Tsan'avbwed candidate for the Judge hin. Rvan and Brownell still speak as they pass by and.Xrtmmlck Is osten sibly a Brownell roan. However, many -eonle bellevs-they both - will . sing paeans of praise-when ths Brownell reign Is ovex --" """" - -- , BrowneU will be sadly handicapped by lkck of a newspaper organ. There was a tfrne when the Portland Oregonlan stood up for him. but once when Harvey W. Scott was s candidate for the United States senate, he telegraphed to BrowneU aomethlng like this:- - Dear Oeorger Tou said If ever the final test came you'd buck to ins. ( It's come; buck now. H. W. 8." In that memorable electron Oeorgs C. not only failed to buck, but he showed the telegram, i .. ... J .'j. Bines then the Morning Oregonlan has never lost chance to throw the bar-1 poon into the quivering flesh or the Immigrant from Kansas. - . . W1U o Support. Ths Oregon City Enterprise Is the only avowedly Republloan newspaper In Clackamas and If: IS claimed that it will not under. ,.any - consideration support Brownrttrln-fact-, Its editor, Leslie Llewellyn Porter, possibly has political dreams of -his own. . . - The Courier Is nominally Independent, but It re published by Republicans. It hates BrowneU. It published an In tensely abMilye article on the state sen ator yesterday 1n Its editorial columns.. It was thought last night that Sen- tor Brownell had designs on a Salem ewrptrner as Colonel Ernest Hof er got ff the 'train here and made a hotfoot run . In the' direction : of Senator Brownjell's home. Colonel Hofer has si ways taken the -side of the. under dog in the land fraud affair and even now is nursing a boomlet for himself to go to congress to succeed Blnger Hermann.' In view ef all this the Democrats believe they will capture the county. by means of a cltitenS' ticket; but that Is another story. PRINTING PRESSMEN'S f - CONVENTION CLOSES """'"'-' ' (Joarnal Bn--Ul Sertl-e.) , San Francisco, June- The Inter national Printing' Pressmen's, convention closed this afternoon. "1trwr "Jeared that conditions confronting the trade -would demand ah annual convention. By unanrmmisvote the local unions were Instructed 'to frame a strict sgreement for an 1-hour day throughout the covin try.. ' "T' T . ' :' . Smoke the bit rsscals out. and ths Best Values "Your Ilonoy's-Worth. or Your Money Back" Best Vol UC3 BO OHJ iiiw -.err. Your choice.' iSlew Tan C over t C oats Just Received A large shipment of New Tan Covert -Co: 4'just received in time for Mon day's saler"These "are made in the latest styles the backs are, fitted1 pleated have a belt and inlaid vel-. vet collars and large lejj-o'-mutton sleeves finished.. wjth deep cuffs; the " workmanship' and linings are" "the very best, and they should sell iri the regular way from $8.00 to $10.00 Two -remarkable values on - sale v Monday " V Youcan shop here on hot days with greater comfort than in any other store in the city. -We've installed the most perfect ventilating system in the world -by the way, this is the1 only local store so equipped so that .wherever you go in this store you breathe cool and invigorating air. Thousands of cubic yards of air are every hour replaced by other thousands drawn from the cool upper atmosphere, untainted by germs and dust from, the street. The absolute purity of the. air in this store is remarked upon by all who come here on warm days, and it adds greatly to the pleasure and comfort of shopping. Then there v:". , . v is the comfort- of knowing that your money is doing its level best in this store. ,. Silk Shirtwaist Suits Worth to $25, Special at Beautiful Changeable Taffeta Silk Shirtwaist Suits, triade of. f inequality Jstlk, in the .very : prettjesi$tylesof thcseason,L the waists are madcTln double box pleat effects and trimmed with dainty' silk ornaments, the back has double side plaits, the sleeves are the latest large leg-o'-mutton style, the. skirts, are the new plaited styles made very full.- A full range of eolors to spinet from; values up to ;$25.pd.-e iF"ttf . . . . . k .iff X V V Mr $16.50 prp&s Goods Specials - v They Emphasize the Store's , . y Leadership in Value Giringr - Owing to the immense volume of business tf the previous week we find a great many broken lines, these consist Of the . most popular summer' weights and colorings and are splendid . ; values at' our usual low prices. "The FollowingvSpecials on Sale Monday "at "Such Prices as -Will Bring: Quick Heturns 42-Inch Sheppard Checks, the wa.oted fabric for-summer suits and skirts,, two distinct checks in perfectly reliable colors; selling every wherelat iDc yard. Our price , . . eg-Z.- Monday. :.. . . .... ... . . . . i Z U C 42-Inch Etamines, all wool fabrics, pretty coin 'effects-in solid colors; regular price per ' yard 65c. Extra t qii special Monday... ..... , . . .'. ........;.. ...... JC 36-Inch Mohair, light weight in plain colors, suitable for. street SKirts or uaining .suns as it is unsnmiKauic anu inc - color is perfectly f astrregular $1.00 quality Monday; OuC "44-Inch English Worsteds, air wool suitings, summer weights ' and. shades ; a few .lengths Of the best patterns on sale g rt W at nearly half ; regular $1.00 quality. Monuday . ....OuC 40-Inch Black Serge all wool, double, warp, fine worsted fin 7isht; excellent value at 6Tcyard; on ale Monday - jt q - at.............. .. .VpC Ocean Serre. a most durable fabric, firmlv woven and oer- 1 f ectly fast color, always sold at $1.00 a yard. Special sy Moridiiy s&t s s s est v j Lsf SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on a great many Fancy Black ' Worsted Suitings such as Panamas, Sackings, Pearl Cloths and Canvas. and- Granite Weaves, Mohdelaines, etc. - ..- " ONGEE SILKS at. Special Prices 29-Inch' rAU Pure Silk Pongee, woven with an even thread ind warranted-to " wash ; 1- regular $1.25nquality. On special sale at ........... ....... 08 27-Inch Fjjk rOrgandie or Mpusseline de Soie, InTSn tljJiyjJelicate shades for evening,, wear, also red, tan, and black; extra - value at . P .. . . . . .. . . . .".' ... ... . ..15 27-Inch 'Silk Pongee, strictly-; all silk, beautiful crepes-weave, a.nfw white fabric, guaranteed -to-wash; and sold, everywhere at 85c. .'.'Pur special price JS5- JWomen9s and Children's ; -Knit Underweiar . . rova sotmira vbtosbwsab sfxciaxs tom a bio mojtdat iiu The Prettiest Wash Goods are Sere New Mohair Voiles J ust Received We have just received 100 pieces of the-Latest and Prettiest Wash Goods of the season" New Mohair Voiles in air the best (colors, handsome et-; ; fects in checks,4" plaids, dots and dashesthe width is full 28 inches, and other stores would ask you 25c a yard for,. una quaiiijr. uur putc ........ ......i Only -20c THIS FABRIC IS NOW ON DISPLAYINOUR THIRD STREET WINDOW. Silk Organdie New. Percales - 36-Inch Percales, in a full line of dots, stripes and iigured. eff ectsJn. lightr medium - and dark colors p regular 12c quality t - on sale at. .. . i . .10$ Women's Sleeveless' ' Union Suits "y" ' 'HaIf,jPrice.' :A- Union Suit offering that should -ment""your attention tomorrow, 50 dozen in the lot, "sold inthe regular, way at 50c a suitr We aim to dis-v pose of the entire lot -tomorrow at, the -"A ej . SU it .iiuLu'ciitiiyQ O Girls' Bleached Cdt ton Underwear " A -Rarorain SnV Tamftrmw. 200 doz. Girls' Fine Bleached:. .Corset -Covers Vests and.Pants, any size the Bleached knit CorsSt Covets, -ene price tomorrow ; vests Imade with high neck ,aixd long sleeves, umbrella style pants rtomatch; best 25c grade on" sale, at, ' '1fn czich - , JL J Women's Knit '- Bodices ; ' ' ' No Shoulder Straps. 1. "ir A sleeveless Vest without the shoulder strap is a necessity when a decollette gown s worn, these garments fij",- a long-felt want, ' they are of Jine-lisle 4hre"aasilk-trimmecr and perfect fitting. Our price tomorrow, - fc 'ii. eacM?. . .... . .s. Z O C Women's Knit " 'I made, inhigh neckand".long sleeve stytc, . nice garments 4 for summer Wear; real 40c value ;-here jtofnor- row e ;-flere tornor- rt at,. .J..1....25C Ribbons - 25c Ribbons 18c' All Silk, Satin and Taffeta Wash Rib bons from zy to-4 inches wide, in all "colors, best 25c quality-; 'Special ......... . V. . . .'. .18? iOc. Ribbons 28c Beautiful etiangeable Taffetas7in colors, blue, brpwn, tan," yellow," red, wine, etc. ; the"?most;. popular ribbon for belts, neck and trim--nung- purposes; real40c, quat rity Special at. , .r.v.... .25f .Embroideries ; ; ' 50c values at ' 25c We have just received another- lot of Corset Cover - Embroideries from 1ft to ,18 incheswidjc, inJ were forttmite to" secure these at half price and those wishing to take advantage of this-great saving -can buy real 50c . . . . .. ; Domestics Housekeepers who intendrmr- chasing Domestic Goods . wilX- nnd interesting economy chances in this .sectioiU -... .... Bath Towels .Good heavy quality, full -bleached, 22x48" inches; best 25c kind. Monday ........ . . . . .20 Sheeting 76-Inch Unbleached Shcetingy, 'good,"' .' firm, even thread ; soft -finished. Special value at . . . . . . ..... . . . . . 18 Sheeting 81 inches wide, same quality as above. SpecialMon day at .......... 10 PillowCases--Madeot "good quality muslin, trimmed ready for use, 42,x36 inches and 45x36 lien's Wear We call-your attention to some remarkable 7 values " in men's' wear on sale Monday.-- -50 fur Metfr-Odlf -Shirts, made Of good quality materials, in light, medium and "dark -colors; regular 75c;-values. " 50 for. Men's Ties, French ' Four-in-Hand styles-in a , large variety ,c-Corings an4 de signs, all silk, pnd Values ' up - to $1.00. . -.; -:r ; - 50 -forIen's Fin1ei Trench -Balbriggan -Underwear,1 madr"" from the finest combed Egyp- tian yarn; regular 75c values. all the. latest-patternsVVelinchcsr; values up to-12j4cf at uur putc, V.11UH.C. .... . . .o7 Huck ToWels - Good heavy quality, til bleache-- size" 18x34 ; special price" $lCQl per dozenor, each.. . '.. -.-.'.WOf; HuckTowels Fineiquaiity. with red borders, size 18x36; special - prices $1.23; per dozen --orr each m.rM. .-.12- Bedspreads Full 'Size Whrte Crochet JBedspreads, handsome larseilles PatterhsT On Bargain Square Women's $1 Chambry Petticoats 15o Extra Special Women's Chambry -Petticoats,-in-tans, blues and grays with white . stripejj rnade with 1-inch "llounce trimmed with ruffies-. fealher stitching and straps ; finished, with deep dust ruffled- These are extra full and "well rnade and are by far the" best values "we ; have ever offered at ................. -. . . . . .,1 4 KM 3 r 2 5c Sun Bon'ts 10c Pretty-.Bow ,Top" Sun "Bonnefv ""rhTde- w6f best quality percale and 1' giirg.-. ham, in. all - colors,- neatly trirfftned J with bows and "ruffhrrregular 25c'kindj ori' . 10' Xe wis & Clark Caps - Lewis and Qa'rk" Cap and Hats for Women and Chil- dren, made f bjest , quality kvck in colors, white, blue;, black land tan ; . sold else where at15c. - Our price on the bargain square 50 -r . 1 retrular $1.50 quality. Special atl.29 Hammocks in a full line'of pat terns, and .colorings,' each one te.sted and warranted, thebest qualities that we could buy to '"Sell from $4.90 down to". 8 15 Is. Lace Cwtams 6Q inches wide and 8)4 jards long,, a splendid - assortment of harklste Scotch lace effects our i best $1.75- - grades. " Special at, per " , pair .!. . ,7 . vrrr. . , . . , . 81.40 Children's MPiiritaii,? Stookings ''' ' - AMONDAY SALE. . ' ' . 1 200 dozen "Children's Fine Ribbed Cotton Stockings for 'Boys . or Girls. The brand. ''Puritan" stands for all that is best id the manufacture of hosiery. Tomorrow'we Sell three pair fort" the price of two; tlfe 25t quality on sale, at the pair ';. -r. Three Fair - for 50o - Three Pair - for 50c-- " Women's Fancy Bine Hosiery THE NEW DRESDEN. CADET AND N.AVY. SHADES. 50o Qualities QftCi Tomorrow at J W?J(L ' A-handsome tine of jthe Newest Fancy Stockings ior Women, new arrivals" fn'-plain lisleS, lace boots, or pinjdot patterns, the newest shades oi blue ; on sale tomorrow only -at half price. rTOjDAY finds us giving you better goods for less money , more to choose, from, quicker and better service than ever before. ' ' Third ft Af orrJaon Cr) 1 - . -. BEING Satisfied with small profits and doing an im mense volufrie, ofwsiness, we can anddo make prices that cannot be equaled. little ones will take to ths woods. :'SA,