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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
'A THE OREGON, SUNDAY -JOURNAL. PQRTL AND . SUND A V MORNING. j JUNE 23. 1905P A. - " - y IP 1 1 ' 1 : ; ironos: , BUIIBZAS CBAJfOEB, ."Eatarsd at lb poetofflc bl Portland. Uand. . M eSMOufl- L 10' or 1 for trsnsporuuoa umii so wi" Li . ... P.I. V-JU . 10 pags papsr. 1 ceot: 16 I M ( t esauj U t 44 pages, coats. , ' Editorial .Mala . Buslaeaa fries, ouo fobeiob" ABTzxrAnro ejkme"ttitb. Vreelsnd-Bengamta Speelsl AdvarMsIn- AfJ3" ibv r-eeeao street, ew it - - lug. Ulcaav.4 . . jyTBSCBIPTlOB" fB ATZB. Tama By oarriar. Tb JJally , The Dellv . JoaraaL with Busdsy, t ysaT...$J0 Journal, 1 year V";,:: JournaL. with Sunday. months. T -Tb Dally JournaL. with Suodajr. J am iraur juurumi. w wvuiua 1 a - -Ths. Tamils l..sivn..l II motllhl The Daily Journal, with Sunday. l.moBth.. an Dally - vtk deUvered, Sunday Included ....:., .'i. 1 Th Dally par week,' dH" delivered. '.oodsyr;A e a excepted Terms by Mail. Tb Dally Journal, with Bondsy.. t yaa...T Ofl Journal. 1 yesr. ...... .......... 00 Journal, with StMsaay. 6 moo tha. I 73 ma ia r 1 n, 1 1 1 T fWHWI. l...B"l - lb Pslly Journal, with nnnaay, ""' ; Tb iMIly Journal, I aontba. TV.- n.lldk twml wltk Hnndav. 1 nOO.ia.'. .03. Tba Dally JoornaL 1 month........... - Tba Annday Journal, t yarnr. ......., f ;"J Tha- aasl-Waaklr aara!.- ' Tb l.Waoklr JonrnaL I t 13 P' aaca laaua, llluatratad. full marktt r- M. I1.B0 -v fermlttaaora aaould ba mad by drafta, poatal iwiM nraa arara and amall amouata ara J accaptabU la 1 and S-oaat oJJjSSl. TG. 8o 121, Portland. Or., WKEXS XHS JOVmKAL MAT B lOWKD. Tha Journal caa b foaad aa aV at tt followlrur placa' V- " - ' BOIOB. IDAHO H. Bell Co. I W. B. M- CrllC AOO Poatofflca Kawa aomseny: .MB bora atrret. IDKNVEK, C0I0 Kanrtrlck Book SMf company. 1 a BcTratoratb atrat; J. Black. ' ' fttsteenth an4 furtla fltreota. -i KA.N8A8 f'lTY Vaa Koy awa company. -w MINNEAWLIS M. J., Karaaaugh. to Boutt loiru airoct. - KEW TOBK OITT BreoHno'a. Tnloai iooara. OMAHA MUlard HoUl New etands Mc Btatlonpry enmpaar. lflf Farnnm arrt. BALT LAKK CITY- Kenyan Hotel New atand; ttrnw TtM aa va SeMtnit. . atrectr aouth. I BT. LOCIB Philip Rordcr. 4i(eat,trat; BAN rRANCISCO W. K. Ardr, Palaea Hotel Kewa atand. and inna Market atreet: old amltk Butter atret. and Balat Fra Belt hotel: Poater Orear. rVrry build- ln; N. Wheatley. moTeabl aew ataad, cor- I all 1 flariri lau Wirm 1 11T-7 inw A TTLB Rainier Orand Nwa atandl W. U hanka. Hotel Seattle Nrwa ataad. PdKANB, W A 8 R. Job a W. Oraham A C. , TACOMA. WASH. Ontral--Nawa company: Hotel Taonma- New. atand. - - ' VICTORIA, B. Victoria Book Stationery company. r " . --a-' " - - tttt WXATHEB BirOBT. Khnwer and"' thunder atnrma bar occurred ' unite jwerally In ' the aorih ' raclllc atate annua tha laar za nonra. toe tnunaer amriu As-urrlnicat J"ortUnd thla mornliif beluc capectnllr beary for thla aectlon. t'naettlcd weather continue In thla dlatrlet and th - Indication are for ckatdy weather with a how era Sunday .la Oregon, Waahinfton and Idaho. tMMerratlon t p. m. Maximum tem Terature 6a deareea; minimum temperature M decree. - Rleer reading at 11 a. m., 11 teet; euana lii paat 3H houraw03 foot. Total precipitation, ft p. m. to ft p. m.. O.fid 1h. "Total precipitation a I nee Repremher I. 1WH. ! 11 M Inche Smil nrednltatto a I nee Hen- hinh 1 ioaa K 4.t Inehek Itencloncr 12.1 IHcH-Total muaMne- June . IIKB.- bwirai.lnaj ;nd typawrltlnft. Addreaa I 60, car end 3" mlnulea. Poaalbl aunatitne June 2-T, i:t, 13 nam liio N minina wo (reduced to ee. level ) at ft p. 01. Iw.78. MABSLAOI UCEVSEB. Oliver E. 'Ijaet. -M. and Wary E. Clark. 44. Frederick R. 8mlth. il ant JIdlth Wrrud -t. Kenp, 26---e. t . I neon ore nt. Tnoroaa t a center, waab., .J", and Erma Parker. SB, , " Spencer T. Jackaoa. 67. aad tetha V Rte. 4t eddlmr'Carda. .. W. O. Smith k Co.. Waafc- tnctoa bldg.. cor. ' Founh aand: Waablnatoa at. ' Blngla grave ' 10. Family lota ' T to ll.ono. Tba nly cemetery In Portland which perpetually malntalna and careafor lota. For full Information apply to w. R. Mackenale. IVorceeter block, clly. "Tr. My Ldd. prealdeat. - CraroatorUim oa Oregon Cltf ear 11 n. near Sellwood; modern, aclentlflc. complete. Chargea Adult. U6! rhHdren. 125. - Vial tor ft a. m. fa ft p. m. Portland Crematloav aaaodatloo. I'artlaadV' Orefoa. . - . ,A 1 ' Tha Edward HolmaB lTndertaknf eompany. fnnaral director and embalmera." 230 third trawt. PboD ftOT. " , .. ', J. P. Flnley V Boa. funeral director tnd emhalmera. corner Third and Khdlaoa atreeta. Of flea ef county coronet. Telephone Mala B. Fnneral wreathe and ait flowera a epaetalty St Roe City Oreenbouee, Tweaty-aeeoed, aad Eaat MorrlaDB. epp. cemetery. . et . yoar InauraBc and aba tract to real aetata from tba Title Guarantee A Truat coat Baay. Chamber of Commerce -building. K 7 tAL XOTIC . FTJaTEKAI, 'CE." 0RK00RT Tiled at her hone, 1201-Mllwaukla at., June 23, at ( a. m Anna Grcgom be. loved wlf of Stephen Gregory, itaneral '. from late realdeoca Kiunday. Jane 2ft. at2 t ii WLt Jntairimiii ' ft tfir y lor ptttrs "l-ciC Hermanla lodge. Nov O. D. H. 8., ara re. oueaed to meet at the hall, V-mrteeath and Powell eta., to attend the funeral of our lata alater. Slate and brother i lodges ef uer sraer art invMon to attend. JF. GEIQER, F. EBT. Becretarf. ' g i1. "t L. tost A-wp Fomra.' Prealdeat. LOST OB STOr.FJS Admiral wheel with Morrow-oaator' rur :'o. of wheknJkX)10. Aayon oaHh, btformatlon- of nmai - nleaaa communicate Vlrk JournalWOce. ti , - LOST From Davenport 'a farm, falrgrovndei1 male black looa-hlred cat Jleward. Phone . ' Bed Sol. Portland Bird Pb.r p . Ny Sixth. I'lit'SD A place tV hav hair ma(HVa reno- rated and retuenvd um, pium uai Trnt, Portland Culled Hair raotory, -, .OUT uaoy a aio watch, .nam Oenl Betura . vteatneraoy- . l a pa ok, . icward. jw mooro at., city LiST Gold atlckp'n. Meaf clovef; ravnrrd, 11 rmm at., cor, w ninrton. MirTIKO BO TICK. IVAKHOK L0.D0B -KO. 10 K. OP P -Meaul ver pleaae takotlet i Vaa' are pect-T fully reqneated io a em We in rnirf Catl f Hall, eighth floor,' Marquam building, thla evening at T adock sharp, from whence we .. will march t Taylor Street M. K. chnrch t attend memorial eervlce. Alanine Rntehta I cordially Invited. By-order of the Iflge. X . - h. TETSBT. ('.- C. N ;, . FBEn t. H0I,M. K,ot . and L. OREOOffCIR-TLB, Np ft W mO. W,-.eeta Meday alfht la Llona. tnrllT-corner Wll , Hani are. . aad Rtiaaeii at., at o'clock, ( MART RAN DA I.I. Clerk. -' " . - - - AAICTTfi? SAt.B OF REAL PROPEBTT-Ko. ttca la hereby gives that 4 .trill commence r r"J '! of rnT, heretBfora-wight J1' i''"rBjh cosnly-at delinquent tea aalea en; Mondry July in. luoft. at be bonr of 10 clerk a. eV at the .front door oX Jh court , aotte la eald coualf and-atat. Said enle CTBducted ceordlng'to etbe- nrnvlalona f tb ataime providing: for. ;tfc aa lev-ami contloued fr,iJ day t-T-ttav wntll alt aucb property laHVpoaed ef. , J. u. WORD. v Sheriff ef Multnomah loaDtT, Orrgoa, Jan . 'lns. . ' Iaaf,(TioJ KOTlrB The law Arm f Ptnee - " wees niaaoivea ny Butaal anaeenc mv erneea ar On,., cbamhee er ManmeeeA , Ttlephoa Mala. M. MABTTir upiris. a KOTICB of. Stockholders! MsetlBf.i-Nottea herebv elves tbst 111 annual Sieetlug U stockholders of too' Midway oil com rany will be held at me e race, or uiaa Ttlloa, baakere. Portland-. Of., at a o'ck p. 1M.. OB Werineeday, July IV. -for I nurnoee of electing a board of directors. I ' act ux ths sctlnu. of the board of directors In authorising the" eale of tb company s proper rh-a snd ths question of iiqaiaatloa and dlsaolatloa of this company and for thd tra naart Ion of such other bustness aa msy com before tha meeting. WILLIAM M. : WH1DDEN, Secretary. IS tha matter of tb aatat Of Oora Orlf. fath. dKaaed Notlr la borrby alra that the undfrvlaned baa bn appointed axutor nf - tb- laat wliy and- aaint- of 4)eor( urirrrtB. dreaaa. py u rouuiy court of tha at I of Orro) for . Multnomah rounly, " and" all -pwaona barltur rlalma aaalnat tha ' aaid dcaaa ara roquiraa in praaent larm, with proper voucher,.. t0 tba uadrraljrnd at K1U Grand arriru. In tb ntr of Port land, Oroaon, within als moatlra from tha aai ot aia nouoa. DaTID matfett. Dated May ZT, ln5. KOTll'B la heroby grrn that tha annual morWwinTthe trkholdnar"of tb Iwla and flark and American Pacific Expoottton and PrMtl -! Wlll-Iald tfc BV K"tb - company. 'rotMn U7, AdmlnlatratlrMi build I I l J a.i. -A. L I A rwl u. t- dajs July , 190ft. at 10 e'ckflk a. m., for tha nurpoa rr -aiaciinf oircior ana 01 tranoaoxuiff aurn inrr puaineaa aa may Mfally lyr bntnaht bror-said - mtin(. t'ata mrtiaDa. tjr., juna 40, ivw. TO Whom It May Concern The a tock holder of the Butterllle . r armerr warehouaa a tcltloB will lea a or aell their entire plant Tuesday. ' June BT. 1V0S. Thla ware- hou- la located - t -bank -at ."th Willamette Ttver and la Srat rlaaa In every reapect. Any b Intereeted can aecura full Inrormatloa ny aoareaaing toe- r armera Warehouse aaanctation, jiuttevnie, or. PROPOSALS. UbI ted State Engineer Offlce. Portland. Or., , Jline S3, lftoft. Sealed pro- poaale win e nreivvd Bere lor eicaratton, concrete maennry work, etc., la Conner tins with eonetructlon of portion of The Da I lee oil In canal, rHumhla river, Oregoa and Waahlnaten. until 11 a. m. July 24. iboo. ' and tbea publicly opened,- Informatloa as aspllcatlon. W. C. Lang Oft. Major Eaelneera. KXUT WAKTED MALE. wivrrfi ' Blgglng 'natters 13 7ft. board ft': swamper fX28 sawmill men ILU uu. waltreaa, railroad men, "-donkey nglner-ft"l per day, - men ta slash lead 18ft per mouth, samp llunky ft30, bote .wed camp cooks. ;. COLOMBIA RITER EMPLOTMENT. 1SS Morrison. WANTED Eneraettc man who has rjno caah to such a ona I win pay gal weekly aaiary and give percentage of profit la strictly legitimate business. .Address A 47, Journal. WILL teach you th optical -trade and aell you canvassing outttt cBTJTTao 1 fall act of watchmaker's tools" sad material fur sals cheap. Inquire at 04j Grand av. "ft' ANTED- Young man between IS and 20 year to assist Is offlce snd ss col lector, - Bend application . In own bandwrltluf. 'with ref erence, to 8 ft!L cars JonrnsL W ASTEI Yauruj - man -srttb " soma caah for legitimate paying bualness; no eiperlence rruulredi llUt- work; . no - agents. B ft, JourasL- . - . - ,r.: APVFRTmiAO solicitor wanted. Important offi cial publication, 40 weekly. Apply before .10 o clock, tM Chamber of Commerce. rLlUBER Good lead man, ateady workv food : pay; atata If union or non-union; irWa phona r number and addreaa. B 44, Journal, MAN to work for crlppl who KPe Ja wheel chair aeHlur email article, l.aVpr day. CuHer, -11 Katlln at. yVIdCTED Solicitor - to aell .aoavenlr badgea ' In the trade only. Apply to M. Oumbert, M and ftft North Mat. CIGAR -aaleamaa wanted, exoerieace anoee- eeaary: good pay. , Emanuel Company, Sta tion ','. Kew York.-. MAX. for Teoeral offtrc-work: aomo bookkaen- - JuUrnaL ..V' v. WAKTEDTIpholstcrer, Apply ftfa WllUims aye. - j DETECTIVES Men, to . leara: wi gnaranta work to our pupii.rv K oui. xos Morrisoa at. WANTED Teams to- baoj . 1.000 cords wood. Pioneer Fuel company. ft HHJP WABTEI TIMiLX. T LAMES' DEPARTMENT. Hotel, restaurant, office, store, bakery, laundry aad family patronage solicited. , HANHRN'S EMl'LOYMKNT OFTICB. MM Wasoingtoa St., room T, cor. Seventh fLi --v t-noo nam ana. WANTED A glrU SxsndlnavlaB preferred, for general botaeesrork; miint. b good cook and ; good Isnmiress;" wages -to-right, psrtyrr Apply 074 Ksst PlnCBt., cor. Fourteenth. GIRLS waiting employment."" aoch aa general housework, -wsltresses, chambermaids, cook a. call on Scandinavian Employawnt Co., 270. Burpslde at. phona Mala SOBS. WASTED Competent girl fop general bouse-, work; rood cook: give reference and' seats wage dealred; Swedish or colored girl pre ferred. " Athtresa B ftft, JoursaL WANTED For Wild .West show, cowboy, lady riders vrMu outfits, tsll 2 to S:M p. m. at eighth and Hawthorne are., Sunday. Maa- 'after at grounds. WASTER Aflrsf class Mdy bookkeeper; ona thoroughly competent, none othera seed ap ply. Address B M. Journal. TWO girls for tHntnej-rooip and chamber work. """ ' atvmaim , w-i ,. am.n a Ul, CSCC Journal, i LADY crB'poaltnr oa "weekly P par. .. Apply st nc si Kerleav ornca., t. Jobs. On g .n. WANTED At 1J4 Bunrslde st. pantry girl, tw mairreawey iitr g,q noiei at reSCB i GIBL wanted, light housework, small family; . ...1. A 1 O b' I ' - . . . . v ., . , . . WANTED Girl for general bonaewsrk; food Irook required. Phone Mala 6971. WANTED Vllfl for general housework. 6T North rsrk at. rnene.Maia S3otr w t- WANTEDr Aa experleticed girl of woman as aurae fotchlld. VJit Oltssa sWa WAVTKD ladles" clothes lroners At" Paclfld I lsundry. First and Arthur ats. GIRL' foe general nonaework. tSS N. Grand ava. r none esse -JTty WABTED MALE A I'D rXJUtX HELP, to THOS14 Interested In arcurlng permanent anu pleasant poeiiiona toe government ofera eiceptlunally favorable opportunities st tha present time. Writs for; free circular V, giving full partlrnlsrs. Address National Uorrespondenca Institute, Baa r'rSBclsco. A. WANTED-toung People to take a courae la - shorthand or bookkeeping, day of. night; our graduatea ara all. employed; we pieced it! puplle during May we will place you when .competent. Kehnke-V. atker Bualness college. MEN and women to learn barber trad la J wren; nairuressing. msBlcnrlng; grsdiistes earn l to (25 vreekly. Seattle Barber Col- lege, 121 Washington St., SeSttla. WANTED At. once, a bright, energetic, pre sentable men or woman, a . good -.talker, to take ap an attractive propoaltloa. Inquire ' 71U fhsmber' of Commerce, 8 a. m. CA1.MN0 snd .business csrds fto 100, 3 2n M.uutt. S25 Wsshlncton, Automatic Card Press. MAN snd wife wsnts situation on farm or raficn. Addreaa V AO, care Journal, fw SITTJAfnONf WABTED rtAiALB. A YorNll.Jady wonld like a posltlna aa fitter In -slterafW room; B years' sipartenc and od recommeadstloos. A 40, care of Journal. BKriNKD. young . lady, would like position to cs for children snd ,- mending, lty of meat. Apply 121 Mlrhlgsa- ars. WANTED Sltaatloa by a'waaian aa wrklng .kaekapr. Tall or addra 203V Pint St., u cof.43 avhsr, room 1.. YU N(J widow lady with child tyeara old aauta position at bonaewark. .. Aadnesa Sir;, '1'etlf grove at. 1 -- tJ iia by the day 4a family by eiperlebced rtsrmmsrer. I2.W per dsy. Address B 43, Journal. , ' Voi no lady wishes posltlwa la store. Mta Iu - . --."' ' ' " ' . -' " call -S-r V' I V': , ZZ----"" ' - ' J . i. : 2. V- bitvatiobb wabted male. SITUATION wsnUd la drag store w5rk bnd stuay pnsrmscy, American, 24. single, well educated. s-nj experience. Address T 04, car Journal. ; WASTED A position hr aa lndustrloua bor agea iw, insiae or oursiae work, csn give good city references, Addreaa IT 63, JoaroaL YOL'NO maa wishes steady position In office or aa collector; ateaoy sna gooo nsoits, rur- niaa gooa rererence. Auarcss is u, journal. SITUATION wsnted by sn experienced waiter; a goou piece; epeaaa inree autereniianguagea Addreaa 8 o. care ajournal. CARPENTEB wanta Job and, repair work i aytU contract- a Boose or two,-- Main oovs.- 8TEADY. rallabl vonna man. would tlksrnosi ina a namsMDj eapvriencvu. o tPr cra sonrnau -. - . , A BOY of IS deetre posltlou of either out side or Inside work- Address T 60, JournaL IMPLOTstrWT A0EMCES. PAOIFO COAST EMPLOYMENT AGBMC Kemovrd to 1X Mortb second sc. pboaa Bed 1BL -HANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT 0FFICB, i. V .. rOB MEN. - . M N. Second, at. Pboaa Mala ISM. AMERICAN Employment aad Beat Eetate Agen cyan ginos of neip rurnianefl ire or charge. 1S4 Burnalde st Blsck 88S1. PI0KEER EMPLOYMENT CO Labor contrao tore; help free to employers. 31ft Morrisoa. HELP wanted and aapplled. mala ar female. K. U. UUAKfS, SUBto WSSBIDgtOB St. Clsy 440. 18!L MQBBiaN-MmWfTnver Emp. a fancy; aaiiiea labor raraisbed. Phone Main S20S. WAJtTED atlSCELLABECTOB. WANTED-More epraytngnd "whltewssklnf i aa voif gaaviiue cvmpreaeea air apraying outnt on the euait. M. U. Morgsa Co.. 7 Milwaukl at, Pboaa Eaat S31T. , ADl'LT etudent wants lemons la elementary isua ana geometry; lmmeoisre anawer wltB terma, 'reference and eipefleaca. Adreaa B Mr care Journal. fX tVKT V. T a fetorae welvhlne ituw aok a awi 1 pounds, suitable for delivering a paocr route. aaoat B reasoasble. . Address B 44, JonrnsL, WANTED Gentle, small bora for sing Is driv ing; must oa aouna; eoeap ror caaa. Addreaa A. W. Klein, 1415 JJInnesots ara. ; ' - . -jA '' WANTED On two-karat at two one-karat dia monds; must 6 cheap for cash. Address B 42. Journal. . . WANTED To klr for 9 or S months, bores ana ugni wagon. Houston, Dos Morrison SL WANTED To. purchase rolltop office desk, price must do rignu Aaareaa t oh, Jonraai. SHORT ORDER Printing Bona P. J. Rider, Second snd WsshlsgtopTTta. - Mala BSM. " - RfeOMS to paper. 13 ana up, paper Included; pslnt them for II up. Box S3S. city. - 1 WANTED To buy dog.Lwelghlnc from 60 to To ponnda. . Tnqu're W. " Fonrth et. WANTED 8msll cash register; must b cbesp , for rsah. Address B 41, Journal. WANTED SjlO view outnt; muot- be first clsss. Aldrf' t 4S. Journal. WANTED-To, bur a bov's blrvcto. Burnslds st. Phone Eaat 142. 782 East ":Z WABTED A0EBTB. l-VK) PER month and eipenaea selling my patent for making smoseleea gun and bleating powder at S centa per pound 1 beware of fakes adver tising a worthless snd dsngerous srtlrle; I am tb Inventor; general agents wanted In each stste. . t. A. Strsnsky, boa 400, Ppk wsns. S. D. CAN VARSFRS wsnted for our permanent tra r. ejlng force, who era capable of presenting tb Lading oedlcsl Jonrnala; no heavy sample; sgreeahle work among a refined .and educated clave; ealary and commission. Wm. Wood A Co., New York City. -. -- WANTED A agent, either set, In eech town to sell blgh grade ehirtwslat materlala and ladles' '.aultlcgs by the yardr our goods are ' ncveltle' and quicks jKllers; write us. Direct Cloth Co.LC fouls," Mo,, 2623 Olive at, AGENTS- W"1TJ.D T aell tnr auperlor high grade anreety stork; aeaj, and complete out fit furalahed 'f ree: cash weekly;' write to day for choice of territory. Capital City . Nursery Co., Salem. Oregon. . ' - . WANTED Lady agents to aell toilet -preparation at 2.16 Hiffsrsoq st. ' fall after' p. m. AGENTS' wsnted to sell stories of Old Oregon. Jones' Hook Utore, 291 Alder st. 1 -- WABTED TO BEVT. BOOMS la all parts of the city. faralsbaC Apply 220 Ooodnougb bldg. : EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUEEAC. : Csder dlrsctloa of ths Lewi aad Clark Eslr Corporstloa. - ' ' ' Pboaa Male, 6266. WB have calls every, day for rarest house' an (urnlah.d bouses) llat your 'property wlik as; s win do the rest, -Hobaa tsggart. 107 S! iktb at. . enn modern flat or hotiaeksenhuy rooms, " nsfif-"n Dianeo, pvrmauviiT. goou ipatmn. fsfcroaccs. Addraea T W, car JournaL WANTED To rent, tor term from Angust , new modern fist or residence la good neigh- h-rhood.- W. W. Bel ley, cars of Tall 6 Gibe. s . WANTED To rent smsll I or 4 mom cot tare- Mate price and where. Addreaa T 60, car or jnurcai. . WABTED BE At ESTATE. WANTED l-'nimoroved lots, acreage aad real ' dence property, direct from ownera: we have borers; list your property with as.. 211 Allaky Bldg, LOT 00 TnloB avenue, north nt Bnasefl snd south Going. Sis. 43!- First it.. Boom u. vBy special arrangement THE JOURNAL has FAMOUS ECONO FRUIT JARS One of which, together7 2 .will he given with each y either-The Daily or Overwhelmine testimony proves the Economy Jar , 'to be the ideal jar, for domestic canning. 1 Sohigh en ; ; au,thdrity as Mrs.43R. Foster of Salem, Orejgon, who was awarded all the first prizes at the Oregon State Fair fof her fruit in Economy Jars, says : "They are a Ad wa smw. ! WTWl at sjp n 1 ntf gwa, a T-bTrVTAT V 1 1 V auK, &,al, jzo i to any jar I have "ever JOURNAL v Are Ecbnomy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Property,"" Finding ILost Articles etc. the rate is 5 cents per line each insertion. . - BRING IN A 15 WANT AD. AND GET AN eECONOMY'V FRUIT JAR.-i -Jj- WABTED TIBABCLAX. WANTED U loa a of IS. 000 for three ar four L . yeara, at per cent lntereat. on H block. In good location, eaat aide, with three cot tages, vslue -Atldrssa T 41, JournaL rOB-BEJTT HOUBXXIEPIBO BOOMS. FOR RENT 8 unfurnished rooms (rultabls for bousekaaping; Israe,- ahady yard, fine river ,. view; water ana cam. vau ou Eaat lhira at., K( Phooe Eaat 1KS. . C4MPINO apacr"Wlth or- without board. 1ft uilnutee .walk, care two blocka, phona and water, - fall or addreaa Skyland, Portland - Helgbta. Main owa. --.-. -. . . FOB RENT 4 unfurnished honsekeeplsg-rooms, .-S block eaat of tcel bridge, 1 block from carllna.- Phona eaat 381 4. FOR RENT Porn lshed bousskeeplng-rooms and -furnished roonf. 9ft hi Russell st., aesr Mis sissippi ava. carllne. TWO dnfnrnlahed bousekerng - roema, with water. . s per asoata. is 11 today, lboft -AI1U at. , ' s . - ' . TftE LINDA VIST A. alcely fnmlahed booaekeen. Ing aad single rooms resonshls 547 Vs Fifth. BOI'SEKEEPINO rooms, reasoosbls rates; elec tric lights and pboaa Included. 801 tb Water. FURNISHED- housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, phone, walking distance fair, Phona Msla 4208. TWO Dewlyfnraishc4 rooms for housekeeping; rrui our woma. ooar ceat amaraet i. LTORT. aew and' stry housekeeping rooms. poonc. lau morning aiH nrat si. . . LIGHT, aew and - stry bnnsekeepTng - rooms. phooe. jcbU mornings B1H .First st. CAMPINd ground wither wlttiout.teBta. -lSi nurnsioe at. Bates BOOMS AJTD BOABtJ. - TEB.i wa caa accommodata a few mora tanje boar a era; borne cooking a no everything oral class. Aster house, fUvaoUi and Madlaoa. Phone Mala 6231.- J 1 THB IRVING Elegsot aecomaksdattoaa, aa oiorratsBt chargea; .dining-room la con nection; prices right. ' Cor. 18tb and Irving. THEl Llndell New family Umtel. Market, be. . tweea Third and Fourth, steam Best, electric. light, pofcelsla baths, exceedingly goat rates SMALL children boarded; beat of rare; de- Jlgbtful- location M country freedom. Mrs. a,. K. teuton,, Bit sum, uooscounty, oregoa. LA ROB front room and board la.- private family; gentlemen preferred. 1332 Eleventh St., corner Alder. THB BIDAWHILB Flret-etsas accommoda tions for visitors; very ree sous ble. 6cl2 Clsy. Phona Mala 009S. - . FCRNI8HKD room and board for t or S gentls- men. I'none Esst w. FOB BENT HOUSES. O-RtVoW hotel, steam best and all modern eouvenleneee; central mratlon. 4-ronm fur alsbei house, central locstlon.-..a rwom mod ern furn'shev (1st, "new brick building, I'M month. Livlttgatoa, 616 Commerclsl blk, Msla, JM. - ' NEW S-room bona oa southwest corner of Hancock snd East Twentv-slxth at.', cement "'-cellar, nsth. furnace, gas snd electric lights. B. M. . Lombsrd, Bid Chamber of Commerce .'-or 800 Hancock at. FOR REVT-New cottages, 81) and afS Unloa ave., a 10: modern gats, 4N snd '7004 Cor. Iett sliee;-117.50. I,.' E, Tnorenbn ' CoJ T2H Third St., bet. Sslmon and Main. . FOR BENT Furnished. ' -rooming-bouse. 22 .room, one block from- fslr enersnce; a bar- ((In. 730 ChamWer of Commerce. Phona latu 600 or Esst 8504. . FOR KENT Oompletely furnished Broom ct- tnge, cicae in; including piano and aewmg machine:' OJce yard and flowyrs. Phooe Mala 6S78. MODERN T-ronas boose, bstb, bssement, elec tricity, verandas, fruit, flowers, beautiful location; rent 125. Apply-mornlags, 6U0 Eaat Oak at. I KADDElrtvY TRANSFER-COMMISSION CO. riano end rurnuur moved promptly By ex Lperlenced men. 110 Third at. Mala 1080. . 52 ROOM house.' X block orateel bridge, nvwl furnsthcg; Ukea nacx on oent; aoia cheap; low rent. I. Uevarts. 172 First st. . "1 I T 1 FOR RENT 2 modern 7 -eon fa bouse 00 Ksaf TblrtT-fourlh. su. rent 120;. . w. O. Beck. .room 207 Tbe Fslllng bldg. , ; 1 , FDRi' RENT S-room Bona, modern and very nicely rurnlsned. throughout, kocatlon oa 16th. B. Weldon. 14ftH Third at. . COTTAOB. PT'RNISHED. morVern, gss. bsth. (ibone, wslklng distance fair; reasonable rent. S46 Love Joy at. 't . FOR RENT--Nw, Isrre 4 room cottage, aver- . loosing oceen near aeaview. Aaareaa J04 Eaat Thirty-fourth, st. -. , . r- nils nr,.i 1 o-room nouae,,. noorra. aiu. 1rFirtrtlng st.,.nesr stnel a SO Hurnsld Hrldgcs FOR .BENT 4, JtffH. SH per month ; water rent paid.. 181V, Mill at.; raU today; tbe rooar. . . - , NITELT located S-ronm bouse, low rent, farni- ture lor sals. Inquire 740 unloa ave. , FOB BIBT RIAL ESTATE. TO BENT Quarter Mock feeing main entrance to bewie and Clark rsir rs? dancing pa vilion. Apply. to w, H. Lattld, HotsI Fair moiintr 2nth and I'pshur. ' . V FOB BIVT TABHa. ... FOR RENTr- acres of (and, all la cultivation. East rortv-Shlrd and eSicfloa Llna road. . W. q Beck, t7 The Falling. . ' i SBSSBSBaxBswaaraaatanaaaaHSSBesssssasssssamaaaaWf --- FOB ilBT-OrnCB-ROOat. r'HN,.T! J$ ronnectlnf office rnnms no..,,hid,"."1 " III TH) with Wadhama i.k Cerr.Brqa. secured a larce Ouantrtvoi ttltlf i:"r with Booklet of . Recipes, l5-cent cashwant a(j, inserted -The Sunday Journal J. ujrx.rt ana x preicr incm used. c " . . ' WANT ADS ' V FOB BIBT F17BB1SHIB BOOMB. '-"- DDBING THE PAIR. 0 : Elegant aunnr furnished rooms are deatrabt. . awar from dtv noise : all aatalda roome. plenty of fresh air, building fireproof; car ,st door for all points; ao -rata duHug fair; "rstee l dsy; free phone, bath aad gs. Call or phone J. H. Palmar, -JUO BusstU St. . . rnouo asoa. - rrtuurDrui. unwr , - tiling modern Jliroughout, beaoUfully - fur nished; rootlia lltiht, sunny; plenty of frask sir; Iocs t loo convenient for either baalaeas or talr; price reasonable. 402 Washing to. THK GARLANfe ' 621 Wsshlngtoa betr" Nineteenth and Twen - tletb; new. modern, all outside rooms, eleo : trie llghta, phone, free bathe; BOc; 7fte, $1 per uay; rate oy week; restaurant la basement. FOUB furt.1 one block Uhed roams I from car. ied. T per for rent, very neat. telenhous; watsr sad - fuel Incki per room - g t'OMPTON GIBSON. 1 rryw. 100 Ablngtoa bldf. J'none Ked ZKoo. MODKRN moms, all ronaenlenccVT mesls If de sired, walking distance from town snd fslr. 4. transient -ee perms nent, private family. . 46 r kuereua St., uetwera Z2d snd Z3d Bear nasniDgton.. roona Mtin oU3. 11EJHKL HOTEL. Lents. Or. f'hrlatlaa ham's -fiv fare to world's fslr grounds; clesn, new rooms, beds and mesls; bed or meal 25c; one block from station. Tske -Mount- Scott car an Alrst at., city. THE HAMANN. 138 N. gth cor Hon Newly furnished roome,. 1.00 op; convenient location, IS minutes' walk to fslr grounds; Miirrlsoa car as onion aepot aireet to Bouse. PDous osiu. f-THK HEILER Hswthorss and Grand avea.; rireproor, elegantly furnished rooms, bath, phone, ft-mlnute cars on both avenues; ratea recsoDsnie wee or moo to; transient .room. PORTLAND Mineral Bprlnra r J ait el At fair grounds. Twenty-sixth sndftsvlnr; new, clean rooms ouo aaa si. bo aigocr; meata aoa. utt on cars at 1 wenty-eliin, turn to left. NEWLYfurnlsbed front room la private fem lly, 13.80 pe- week; no, children. SAl'Mlssls- sippi -av.; take- "1' car going - nor UT oa T.tmA . .. . aL . .. u u ii vii b Kiua.Trr . CHRISTIAN ENDrfAVOR BrREAr-FTea ltafH persons 11 v lnspeccea rooms la C hristian home tor louriata. ae uarmsr, cor. second aad qasoiugigaj. ill. . FURNISH EDrooms 50c, t blocks from Msla entrsnce to ejpoeltlon. 780 Vaugha at., near Tsrenty-rourth. Mot -bath . free.. . rhons - Mala- tHWS. . - KKU.OGO TIOl'SE. 1S4 --Fhermsn; Saks B car anutr; Treaar longing, zjcj- nretTliiet fur alajied Jiouaekeeplnaj rooms -with bstb. Bad sundry. - TWffTitcely furnished front rooms, ISaad 17 pr month. Tske Wood law a car to Weldler st... walk two blocks eaat. 840 E. Slxtb at. it. . THE GABLE Furnished rooms, light, stry. ren- aonanie, witn oreskrsst: 2 -car lines. Ksst Tweatyeventb and Taggsrt eta. Kast SWIS. THE' ALDERE Ona lsrgs," nicely fnrnlahed room; alas email single rooma. Including . oain. 1 none asain inos. sow Aiacr, Bear Hlxu. MARQHAM HOL'SB, 14.14 6th Rooms sn suits or single; oouaeaeeping rooms; gss stove. oain, electric ngnis: trsosients solicited. NEW furmahed rooms, -everything, flrst-elsss; -eieciric ugnaa,. gas ana ostn: near noiei; ps maaent and rrsnsleot. 8.14 .Fourth st. FI'RNISHED- rdoms on Brooklyn carllne. with -vae of ntrheswir prererred-, terma reason, bl. For particulars call Ksst 8148. ' THRCB fleeplnr rooms, upstairs, fine place. 12 wee a escn; modern eonven fences; a ear .Una - 1 ana jt dioob. - l-non saat 172 - fmrffEl.T-fiwnlsheil risnmr trse venr "FUS aivtir it bi,4 Jsekson end 4Mncoln ats.; bath and iuonecvar run a. ( t lino. NEATLY rurnlahed room to--psrtles taking car or ;aame; nsth. pnone; z block Sunnysid -car. ,in kssc wsniy-tniro. . NICEK .furnished, clsnn outside rooms, with use f phone snd path, for SOC day, I2.B0 week, at ail jt. Bevento (j. 20M, WASHINGTON st.. bet. First snd Front-; Furr.labed rooms snltabla. for 2, 2 week ap; iransient, eve 10 lac. f NEAT furnlahed rooma, reasonable prices, for rent ny oay, week, or montn. - jar. Jans, 823 . ... ' ' . SI ITfi of two elegantly- furfllshed rooms, with nan ann 'porcn. 1 vo nairign St., near Twenty-tmrd t.r- ; 1 j 1 .,1.11 . , FPRNISIIED roome for renf.' Bast 2flthand Powell eta., over etore; prlvste family, Tske ' Hlf't FI'RNISHED rooma. ROe. Wind 1 op. Twen tieth- and Washlngtoa. Hot snd cold baths. ins iiowisna;- - FOR RENT Furnished front room, gaa, hath, pernfatieat "or transient, ressonsble. S3 N. Ninth at. - . -. THE r.LADSTONB SI2H Savter st, fnrulshed .rooms; andr new management; prices - - eons ble. . .4-. ' - TTTH kJlBOTT 22SVtWaahlnston; newly fur nished roam- aa aulta or single: trsnslante. TWO fnrnlshed srillf ase of klfchen. (til Everett, near lAth St., oa carllne to fain . 412 414 Jetfersott, corner llfb: aew bouse, hew furnishings, sll .modern ratea, .reasonable, JtN'v TENTH near Morrison; lsrgs bsndsoma front raora, two peas, oy asy or wees. Fl'RNISHED rooms 2Ae and up'i bathe, Tha Davis llotej, . corner Clay . ana . Water. NICELY efernjabad rooma by tba week or month, list lovn at., lwr aaomaon. FCRNISHBD rboma t2 blocka from gronnda. Call 7X1 Johnson, asar 224. fair THB CA8TLBV-372 Washlpgtoa st; furnished rooms., Phona Main join. ifaln im. 10TIT T ! Msla 4SS4. THE LEWIS.. 190 Week or month. -Bourns by dsy, FINE front room snd other rooms Tor rent cheep at 2IS Kievsntn si, SJ. ,4 FOE BEliT-BTOBIB. ONB modern Wlcb storeroom 25iW, good loca tion, 14. SJDrt RaeesU BU -f; ,. .,.., 4. ' .... THOMPSON AOOTTBELL. - e , '" Boom ST Washington Bldg. '-I . Phona Ualn IM4I. W ara In a position to submit. to yoa moat . anx business propnottioa you nisy desire. Ve csn tpcsta -vpu In a profitable hualneea , -v ar.d your Interests; will be carefully looked after. , Rooming hoI'SEB All alses, an toes t ions, at resstinsbl BTUres. ' - CKIAK AND CONFECTIONBBT 8TOBEB-- Alfrfl rn S'2 KAO. - . : BKSTAI HANTS AND LUNCtI COUNTIBS . r rum f am up. - j GROCERY STORES Good locations, at Involc. SALOONS From 8A00 to 818.000. BAKBKK SHOPS, slILLINKKl STOBES, MBATI sanssis, i'ntu oiunr-o. I W kasill nothing anlea It la worth tb money asked, snd It will b your loss If you I i t e us bens- locating in oasiDass. THOMPSON C0TTR8LL. $4,000 BUY'S '00-room aaodera rooming-house, corner brick.' line location; easy terms. 88. U 40-room brick- building, la. Bo condi tion: will trade, fur real estate. - $2,000 28 roomar Mrsm best, cenfrsl locatloal a great bargain) will trade for real eetate. f 1.200 12- rooms, slegsnt furnlturs. line 1 Iocs- tlon.- low v-rent.-large -yard j; a account oil icaneaa muat aeu at, once. $tM( 24 reuma, corner brick, Sn location; worth ll,l, bil muat aril; 3o0 caah down 1 laaea 11. ; , I I f l.otiO-f. rooma, sear fair grounds, 1-yssr I f lease, 4 montha'erent paid. I - :tno IT rooma. good location, she bona aad grounda; a bargain and muat ,ssll It. -We have huyera for -bargains la 10 sad 12 room bouses. -.List your plscea .with aa If - yoa wast them sold w aoia aix isst week. CSI1 for Livingston, - lt - Commercial blk. Mala 46JH. 11.006 BUYS one-half Interest la lumber and building bualness at St. JOkaa; moaey ta be Jn vested In timber, ' Que hart lntereat la psylag esuntry reel -teatats and Insurance business; vslusbls cna- . tracta go wita business; tnis win stana ia VMtleetton'. - (Coo- buys 24-room lodging-bouse, corner trlelri tine location, 1300 down. $3A0 buys 12 moms, good furniture. Baa loca tion on west side. 1 -LIVINGSTON. 616 COMMEnCIAL-BUU ( UVUV JB1.8I ! savjsjraj. SEVERAL hoetneae enanlnn. encH aa momlna. nouses, . noteis, nsrawsr, groceri, - general 1 merchandlaa stocks, cutsr snd notions, bakery 1 eviwoua. tvw vr mw, mima ,,ui lots to trade for personal property: Yellow Jewel stock to trade for caah; aleo.-few ana saloons, ror aaia or traae; siso vacant block of stock In the Kramer Mining A MtLUerTompany to.excbsngs. for few stiver . H W, MILLER. 10H Blltb'-at, CIGAR - STORE, very centrsl, ' moasF ' mskar, .jarm aaap, oo. .... Reatsnrant and lunch counter, choice lo cation, 'aa eWssMngtoa l; Bn trade; one- osr interest, wu, - OREGON ASSOCIATED BXrHANQl - 2S8Vj Wajihlagtoa St. DAIRY STOCK SALE -Tuesdsy, Jon 27, af 1 p. m., 1 win aeu at public auctioo at my isrm Bear Keedvllle 8s choice oairy cow, a ysarllng Beirers, .. a Holetela aaa a Jersey bull (both young). Out-of -county bayera take suorning traia rrom roriiano, attna ei ana get. bark on evening - treia. tt. Wheeler, Keedvllle, Or. ' "- WANTED Partner with not lees thsa .TX rasa, la Bualnesa sstsbllabed IS years; pay Ing bow over 1200 monthly; an absolute rer-f telnly, without risk, of OO0 or over this year with energetic man s help; Incoming I partner ran handle all funds; best of ret-1 era Dees gives.,' Addreaa 8. 47, ear JoornaL STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE in one of, the beat towns In tha Willamette I valley, making money but owner strlckesTr wltk paralrala: a tock and bunding Invoice i BU.000 to bis.ooq, comptoa aytilbaoa. 100 Aoinftoa Diag. M - e j PARTNER WANTED I hsv a aura monev- aaklng proposition, bat want a good maa and not issa than 1200 to handle It; caa enow any man that 1 bars the goods and the customers; Incoming man caa haudls all fuada. Address a as, journal. - ATTENTION-Jl-SlNESB-jr7ENr . --Tf you are looklnr for a - Iocs t loa (of t farmer and dtv arDMrr etore ell .ha 1 win convince you that -there - la aothlngj oener in to cu. A-aii ana eeo ma. jiatai I First at- . .... I FOB RENT The dinlna-Mnm of a down. town, buffet,' located la center of retell I vdltrlct; -rcently refitted throughout. Thoss witb moneyv to carry this out ta Brst-eiaa snspe amy acca apply to 1 pa, gonrnaL - " f'nEB'LANlMS-VN OREGON. FERTILE soil, pure water, delightful climate; land or alfalfa, apple -aad clover. For tui Information address the Cnlumhls Southern Irrigation Co., 630 Worcester blk.. .Portlsnd. A BIG MONEY MAKER., Csrd printing outfft mmplete, located at the Fslr aroanda. land. Here's vonr chance to Jnake mohsy. Phone Main 2776, or cell at 820 Burnalde at. today 10:30 a. Ja. to 12. A LADY is? gentleman who baa a Small ameaat of money to Invest aa a partner to attend to of no business netttns- from 1600 to 81.600 I ana unwsro per montn. uu uk cor la an IB vi. roone main zuxu. 1750 BUYS ONE-HALF- INTEREST la one of th beat .paying resfsursnts la the city; receipta sau to aiu aany; cneap reat; This Is surety ' a bargain. Nstlonsl Realty Co., 812 Pine St. BESTAVRANT FOR SALE la rood loc. . 1,UM,I,. mm. DtfK - . ... dsy averaging 2Scj III nealth. Price, oo. Compten tilbson, 100 j Ablngtoa Bldg. Phone Bed 2866. " THREE HUNDRED ACRES, stork -land-ira . piemeats. nay ana aairy ,jrm. - tiovera- ment ours Bay, crrsmery Buys -cream. See,l "owner; sella account sickness. Addrees T 47 J joarnai. - - ' , LEGALIZED Bond Investment -Po.. eatsbllahed t 11 yesrsf wsnts locsl repreeentsHvea every where.' Tor' full nsrflculsrs. ere.. -addreaa .W-rSfe Bar der, 8T3 Falling bldc-JoHland TOK NATIONAL FIN A NCI NO OO.eriS Mar. 1 qnam Mils.. Portland. . Or.. handles bonda, storks, mines, finances legitimate enterprises, furnishes sets' lavestmsats aad secures loans. THE' beet locatioa In Oregon for a good Botel maa with from to In, th ren ter et the government Irrigation works, Ad dress A. F, Clnbloe. MsrrllL Oregoa. ' - A WELL-EQt'IPPED .'plsnlng-mlfk Iocs ted la rrsst Portlsnd, together with stock of lam ber, at a .bargain; owner going out of busi ness. Address 8 67, csra-Jonrnal. WANTED Partner with 2.00d to taks psrt In terest in good psyuia; reataursnt and care. Inonlre of manager Hotel Falrmoaat, Twenty, alitb and I'pshur sts. A GOOD business In Portland, profits nO0 a montn; csso reqnirea, g.i.oon; an eicellent opportunity fc -ths-right psrty, Address 4 FOB -LEASE fiesr Bt and 14-coom flats, ea S 63. care Journal. - zjr I rtral locatioa, cheap rent. Call Bt snce at $450 GROCERY, less thsn cost; good Iocs t Ion; rssn onslneas. jm)tiir irrar-. reataursnt. 374 North Twsnty-slxth, on block sooth msia fair ntranoe, r . . - - - . . IF WANTING Sret-rlsaa stock Investment! whl. h will Increase tea times present price neit vesr, " sbsolutsly ssf, audreaa T 4S.Li- Journal. w -wi . - ' 1 . FOR SALE Eaat slds batcher shop, fnlly anlpped; eatsbllahed trad, good loestloo, I long lesss. Cheep rent. 270 Aldr, cigar store. I i 1 FOR BALE Ice cream aad sanfectlonery I store, on Wsshlngtoa st.i doing good busl-l neaa; ny owner, no,sgents. a wi,-jaurnsi. i LADY. or gent'tn Jundle ont?t!e and states; i largs Income to good, reitetil psrty; this I wlll bear Investigation. 60 Uoodoough bldg. FOR SALE At .a bargain. 20 room lodging. bona doing good- -bttsLaasau :rent only 0, I Madison bouse, earner First and Madlaoa, CIGAHS snd confectionery ! good living rooms. low rsntr-a nsrgstn ir taken Thla week; reus of ssie, sickness. Addreaa A 40. Journal. GOOD running ateam merry. go-round cheap on account aicaneaa ir taaen immeoiajeiy. Call Iieagn -loon, 24th aad Thnrmaa. FOB SALE IB-room bona, ' transient, corner. I central: rent no; lesse two yeara; cos-I mopolltaa, 12.200. 40 Hsmlltoa bldg. I .... , I GALLON saloon, at Jeffereonrblg money; reel soa for aelllng, wife wishes to move onto oaf rears. J. j. swaasoa. Jefferson, aor. OWING TO LEAVING CITT Will sen my ix-ronnt nonse, riearior gou- per month. Ns triflrrs need apply. RTH sixth at., WANTED Some steady yoang man to Invest 1210 snd hIB thpejn a good psrlng business. Hsmtitou, room y. iwh roartn. DYKINO) and cleaning' works: cleared 1100 a I amntb shoes ranenaes: owner baa to ( back I asst. Addrssa S 62, JoornaL 1 "ES Joiirnal Bfanch Offices ADTXITISEMIBTS ' arilf as eeea4ai Bt reaular msla ofae rates at tha"? lunowiug pieces snd aeat to Tba Joaraal la tiara (or pabllrauoa la th Belt Usual , VOBTB. t - B. .A. Presto, aruggtst. 23d ssd Thar- . man a treats. ... -. - . Rob Hill Paasaaacy, 6S0 GUsaa street, " corner tlet, ' vW;. A''Ua- Pbartoaclst, 16th sad Msr--- absll afreets. ... B. B. Jack. aoafectlOBery. 600 Wash , .lagtoa atreet, corner lata. , - I ... BOUTS. " ' ' B. P. Jonss 4t Cat, druggist, Froat and Glbba straetsT Cottsl Drug Company. First sad Orsst slrssts. -". -V ZAST KOXi . -..-I Tattle's Pharmacy. BSA.allaalaslppl av. aaa, ' career Shaver atreet, Nichols A Thompson. 12 BuSkell strsst, corner Alhlua avenae. X t Janck Drug Company, cor Bsc Haw ' thorn sua4 Grand avsnasa. . I. A. Dick, tobssvoar 224 Crosby (east end steel bridge). B., F. Fultoe, oonfectlonery. 874, Baal Burnalde. corner Unloa svsnne. u .lagrsm Baaa. tobaosoaVlts. 1S8 Orsad avenue, . . ,-BTOBTSIDBV - - -v 1. M. Worth, pharmacist, SSi Balmeat B treat, . , ''..- i . BBOOXXTsT. . Brook ly a Pharmacy, corner Powell aad Mllwaukle stnta. ' Btianrrjs crHAjfOEs. - - : ' ---1'' 1300 BUYS largo atand. aaa block from fslr rounds. Including lssss, stock aad Szturss, stc. Addrssa B Aft, JoornaL . FOR- SALE One bait Interest la old sstsbtlsbed business rksnc and real eetat ofnc. Ford a, ItttVt Fourth st.. room 80. ' . POULTRY-YARD aad poultry . for Bale; IS acree gronaa; mag jeaee. tt. Hiaaistoa, 617 Chamber ef Commerce. ' 1 to Buy an interest la.a mercbendl, brekerag i ju duj- an interest in .a mercnanaiee, oresersga i or Jobbing arm by experienced Business mso. fi ' c. P. F..' box 670,Clty. . ' I -1 1- , , ,x ,- I TEN ROOMS, central, rant 83: 28 boarders, . .clearing 1100 per month. 12,000.- Band et .., 40 tiamiiioa oiag. I FOR SALB-rCheap, bootblack and elgsr-etaudi gooa issss; must 0 soia at oacs. si iuia SL. cur. Everett St. ' -'l.' IllOO TAKES LUNCHROOM, worth 2O0, If Ukea this month ; rrontlng union aepot. csu 06St Irving st. V 1-FOR SALE Restaurant, doing fair buslnsse; other bualness reason tor as ill nf. Inquire BOO Madlaoa at. FOR SALE Confectionery In Uva valley town 1 Bn business: small rent. v. n. msb, wooa- 1 lawa. Or. I FOR5 BALE 4ouMe-froat . store with barber. I enop. skis juieao, vr. HODSEB FOB BEBT FUBB1TUBB FOB SALE. OWNER going eaat, muat aell neat furnishings or a-room bouse, price mxi; rear per mil 11 1 am idt ,wu,.i - v. -uvwiuwe, rooma now rested for 2S. Pboaa Kaat Set, . . 110 Eaat Fourteenth JC FLRNITLRB FOR 8 ALB. Conteata of all rooms, furnlturs for sale cheap, party laavtng -city, Sn opportunity far young- couple, -cau at. BBC was aeimoni. raooa Esst 8881. FOB beet results oa t'FCBNITTJBB," Whether to bay or sell.. ling up Msla 5635. . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. - -' ' '- . - 211 First at. :. -' SIX ROOM HOUSE, rent 15: Ught, airy. corner; good locatioa; aesr "S" car; -fura - Ittir clsaa. comf or table, complete for lm ' '"mCdlsta oocunancv. ' 8300., Phooe Mala 66O0. - rK BAbav sa rooms, inrnisnsu.. ssoqustta . earpeie, iivuiuh t . ,uf .bargain; muat aeu, alckoaaa, S00. Pboaa - 6-ROOM new and strictly mod era Bat, elegant furniture snd tha beat; everything first clsss I B snap. 1323. , . Garland, 13 Foorth U , Had 2U01. . "- i 11 ' 1 -QOOD oaw furnlturs ta a nlc S-roota cottsg. close in vitry cheap P 1 100 down, balanco eaar Installmenta; cbssp tent. Pboaa Mala 2341, - v. - - 448 BAST DAYIS T-room houss. bath, SIS; furniture for salt, 840, In bulk or piece. -Key i at 20 Eaat STantfe. St. Phoo East 1866. B2-RX)M boos on block of steel bridge, newly furnlahed. taken back on debt. Bold cheap. low rant. I. Gevuj-ta, 173 First at. FOR SALE Complete furniture of B room cot tsge. witb or without piano; all nw aad goud; cheap reat. 661 Fourth St. ELEGANTLY Fl'RNISHED 6-room kousa. modern, complete, to go right' into; reason able. Phone Msla 6190. A MODERN 8-room houae for reat: dssjrebl location; rnraltura for aela. 848 Moat gomery at. FOR BALI Furniture of six rooma cheap, rent ' fill, one- block or fan. can aso at. - FCRNITl'RB of 4-rootn bona for ssM, bous , " for reot IS awnthly. 648 Fourth st. 4 FOB BENT STJMMEB BEBOBTI. " . DKI.IOHTFl'L open air aummer ramping oa Judge George s besutirul portlsnd Meignts grourds; visit ths new tented city -od Jjsnd-" soma psrk snd city views, inquire of mao la chsrgc, er ptfone Msla 415ffor 616 Msrket st. ddvs. v FOR KEN'fX-At See view. Wsh., 6-room cottsg wllh flreplsca snsr couipieiety wswnsni r"! iisrtlculsrs.-sddress W. M. PUmptoa.' 14S Eaat Twelfth at. - 'SEASIDE hoarders wanted; room for two with) . board, I7.ISO per week each; two blocka from ., beach. Addreaa T 47, care JournaL rn a eist Parti v furnlahed cottsg of T rooms, st Tlogs. Wsshlngtoa. Inquire 408 Macleay bldg-. dty. FOR SALE Seaatda furnlahed 'cotuga, looking ocean. Inquire 3 East Taylor, l'hoa Beat 2386. . '-. ' HAVB S, 6 and 8-room cottages to rent t Long Beach.' louts Bsinmon, tisa, rm FOB BEBT-rlXATB. " 14&V HlxtB at room l". . TO XXCHANOE. EXCHANGE e Will eichsnge good dra atora doing BIc j bnslnesa, well JstolAd ' In" -PortUnd, for dwelUng' la PortTsM; must b good: what bare f Olvs deOnlts bveatloa of prop-. arty; pnacipsia onir, A 46, car Journal. MISSOURI FARM! - MISSOVBV FARM! . wsnted to exensngs ror squnr ar anyming - f vaine. Ml sere In Missouri, 4 under eurtlvstloa, bulldlnga fair, mil from smsll town; veins $1,200, will take 4(0. call 102 rirst st. WANTED To srrhanga good sqtiars ptaso or Colombia graphophone ror cow or won is 1 buy oa tba Inatsllment plan. Uatoa . 1236. i 20 - ACRB fsrm with kouss, bara and, orchard nrsr. Besverton, or., for fesldenc la city. Trsv)s Bros.' Fosl eonjpsn, 43 Evsrstt. V SMALL" bones snd lot 111 good valley town for aaythlng la building material. Box 64 Bell . wood, Oregoa. - t-i fob AXE-rscBrp. v :-'-' WR bsve(B sat flsntk Fe, . lit Frsnctsra . siouniasn inre mis w, enter iim- ber land: also 100 Slonx serta, which will er.ter ansnrvsyed Isnd. Msxlaals Son. Fslllng bldg. j " FOREST BEPERVB SCRIP FOB SALE Ap proved, unrestricted, ready for Immediate ase; lowest prices- B. F. F. B. Riley, 6tlB Chamber ef Commerce. . LAND snip for sals for timbered or egrt. " cnltursl land, surveyed or aasnrveyed: lowest , prices. H. M. hsmlltoa. Port is ad Botal,' I DTtllSU, vr. CERTIFIED scrip,, Jmmedlst dellverrMeweat Brlri tlmhar-lsnds booght aad sold, if, U,. Howtll, 686 Chamkr ef Cemmerea. 1- VI js