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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
" Oils M iSr ' rateli fi. $m (ri a Si m !pr' ''r-'-il jv.. ; lTH"(fuci' attraction! aa Mr." Fink. Barney Bernard and th Belaaoo stock oompany thai'werk bound to b InterastTnr from a theatrtcal standpoint. Larga audiences wers ths ruls- at all of the theatres.lli's.nske's patronaite wai gratifylnlr heavy, lmprovlns; each lht after the opening. "lah Kleschna" - is ths strofirest pt&jr shs haeJiad in years and Portlanders, werfslow to ' spread tha. Bftws.-, t-- . At the Uarquam ths"Ban Francisco ' 1 project, "Ths Financier," was presented " to falr-slMd ' audiences by- Bernard; a y Hebrew character -eOmedlan,: who : de vssnres a better play. - The Belasco stock company sure an scellent production of "When Knight hood Wss In Flower," and will turn Its attention tomorrow to theTJtlln fare r MONOLOGUES Kolb and Dill at Popular Price. "V Kolb and. Dili ara preeminent Inwielr ; Una, and as laush prodficers ars without Z"-'-''i. ari.erfual: They haveVbaen Indorsed by both press and public; throughout Utai ' dlfrersnCalUes visited by tnem ana nex company. They mads Fisher" theatre ...jn the Bay city, a household word, and , t' their productions have been witnessed - by crowded houses. TColb and Dill have v : . surrounded themnelves with an all-star f cast, and all the little minor details nec- r essary in these productions ars in cap- , i able Sands. They wll appear at the '' Uarquam Grand theatre during th week of June it, when ths musical bur " ' lesqua, L O.' V," will be ths offering. In ths cast ars such well known stars .. . viu Miss Edith Mason, Tom Psrsse, Ben ' riTMllon, W. F. Cross, ths Misses Bain, " 1 Toben. Darragh and a host of other mJr clever people. Ths play Is. full of muslo 1 s a catcfty.oraer, comeay vi. awnoie Mitie sort and a bevy of beautiful Cali win fornia, .popples, well costumed and rilled in . tneir omereni marcneav as h fnntiT. Teutons, who distort ths ' Kn-llh languags to suit themselves, Kolb and Dill ars Irresistible, Crowded " houses have greeted thls-l organisation out thlstourandLJO-doubl-a royal welcome will bs extended here. Popular prices will prevail, Seats ars now seiimg tor lam entire weea. i u. i. w w "Ay , Nenrei" at the Belasco. ' Beginning tomorrow night the Bejksco wtockVwnpanr wtll present .-the brll--- llant farce comedy, "Nerves,"- for one . ' week.. ; , ' - This play comes from ths old and ' mosti popular, school .of comedies, hav ;' ing been - produced crlrinally at ths ' Lyceum theatre in New York. It proved . , a sennatronsi success In the metrppoHs ! . -and added greatly to tlje fams -rr( its Xx t author, J. -Comyns Carr. A puggested , by ths title ths ' fares is based on the ! nervous tension of a nalf dosen char '., acters. Everybody has 'nerves and ev . erybody Is Irritable. Three woman are Jfi'BfteT the same murr, tout onlT- ons-of ' ' i them has experienced-real "encourage- ment-' The otherasafaHiarged lntohe snsre .by circumstances which are.. not . J. of their own ntfitctng. 1 It is 4 peculiar coincidence that two Wasioera of the Belasco company were TX 'in ths original cast of 'Nerves." They ' sr Clarence Monulre," mho will plfty . the role of .a tVeneamafr, in which he -vmade a tremendous Jilt, and Kugens Ormonde, who bus a vongnnlftl licht , comedy role. There is a splendid 'part " for Mlas Moore also. Nrrs give i "promise of belnir the JlveUest prodUC- tion yet mane at im wmca , ' ' Fine Teau6on, Star'a New Bill. , -t-i Today the last opportunity to .;: enjoy the Musical Thors an the. other -j ; Ulg nrnaaevuie acta .si mr otar. i ne ,i Thota are, without aouoi. tne greatest V-'mualcJans ihat have been heard In . i vatMevllln: ton the Pacific coaat In a ' year. Ths performiricea today sre front ; 1 tllk-lt r m.'-Fer the new weekvstart ' ing with-the' matinef ' tomorrow,"' ths fttar will preaent Its. patrons a vaude- VffIHe entertainment ,' which will eclipse ' given. Ths place of honor on the bill - ' is aaslgned to McCrea and Cool,' sharp ' : ; ahooiers ahd. 'marvelous marksmen. . , i Theyare master of th rifle and re . 1 volvsr. Varder,' Perry ahd Wilbur have ; j a novelty musical act WlUon andle'. ' ceater , ars opera tla duetlsts, who 'i voices ars above th average, and they, "t have a reputation In operatlo circles. Mr. and Mrs. Chick' have aomdy sHetrh that will be full of hnmor as wpU ' ;' dramatlo ability, They ar liked in " t Portland, having played an fngage- ment' here before. Hall en and Hayes ars dancers and rapld-flr oonveraatloo cornedlans, Q. 81one,ils ,b Illus trated song singer." , Tne aiaroscope win present a series of fuhhy llfs-motlon pictures, i , 1 L""" tha Grand Theatre, y - - . - - - Tatum, the mlndreader and necrom ancer, rnra been engaged at ths' Grand for. the new - week. He has appeared with great succession every country In ths. world. oraa. yaar ago, when!! per forming in one of the remote district of India, Tatum was seised by th ig norant and Superstitious nattyss, and had it not been for ths arrival-of Brit lab would bavs been bad for ths man of mystery. The Heagllt trio. Juvenile actors; ars on ths bill, as ars the famous La Valla, wAo bavs th silver-chain, ladder act, not long agi ths-asn'satioh of NW "Tork. "'The Oott lobs will offer a charming litu .play let. :brlaUin with hanov 'dlalorrue and ctnjrio- conceptions. Flshsr and John son are far-famed- bicyclist, and Kd Cressle has no superior In th interpre tation of the character of a county yokeL. . Mr. Bonner will sing "Dear Old Girl." Th Grand has secured the first set of slides usea on the coast, and thl week will present ths song to tha-smbllc herer "-The grandlsoope will presenlIt aepal number of comlo and laughable pictures. This- part of ths entertain ment -for a long time was considered a oars, out now it is at tne Grand a regu lar featuss of th weekly bill. "TTl- an w . Thtfcminr stock company, with sv - eral Important new members, will offer for the coming week, starting at ths mstine this afternoon, the funny fare imraedy entitled. "Flnnega n's ' Alley.'' in regular matinees wfn"'e given every day and ths evening performance starts at i:ie o clock. "Flnnegan's Alley" Is one at ths most laughable natural play sver presented one that cannot fall to please, and amuse.- . Larry Flnnegan. his wlfs Be dells, and their son Patrick sllv In Flnnegan's alley, where : they have hosts of friends. Lafry Is a bricklayerVand having nothing but hard work all his life1, is content with his Tot, and has no l assirs-xot an ywlns delta has social aspirations, deplores the aruagery or her lire in th. allev and Tipnge to mingle wun in aristocracy, .Xanci bfiFun ancl LaugliterTlie Older Coney Island Hy Jales Beksrt woodsaaa. ' EW YORK, Juns 1(. Perhaps th . most exasperating , lndl- , vidua! in this world Is that pigeon-holing experience. To such a one nothing is new or unusual.- Be it an amotion undergone 6r a sight wit nessed, it is st ones neatly tabulated In accordanos with strictly 4eflned lines of generalisation and then" is dismissed or rather filed for future reference. The method remind .ons of Monsieur Jour duln '.distinction between poetry ' snd prose ell that- is not poetry is prose snd" all that is "wot ' proses Is poetry.' Thus existence is determined by a car tain number of steadfnat rules In which little account Is taken of the, -variables. These remarks ara.. suggested by a conversation very unwillingly over heard in the car th other night on a return from Coney Island. Ths. lady was thin snd angular and tier dress f - tokened one "of ths precise nature, oo kindly called refined. . Her escort was a great boyish fellow, th sparkle in whose eyes showed capacity 1 at least for the enjoyment of the simple snd the youthful. : - - - "-;' ' Open-Air Lovemaking. f- r- "Don't you think ths lights. sr splen did?" bs said by warof fanning, a flag ging conversation. . . ,. "Yes, they afe' pretty enough," att swered .ths. lady, "though unfavorably remlnlncast of any number of iairs and expositions." -'..!-- , ": "I ilk ths animation andraxcltesnent of it all. ; tt moke a fellow feel oung." -' it is . lnieresiing, tnougn common. And her ah caught' sight of a couple kcrosa ths aisle, the man "wlthhlB head on the woman's shoulder. .(Interesting, but common and vulgar and cheep," she added. - "Why caa't peopiso. their lovs Yhaklng at borne, if .the have ta' make IdveT". i ' , i' ' . "If Is unkind of them'-'snswered th chap with sn attempt at a Joke. "It makes on feel so uncomfortable, doesn't THE. 0RE06N SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MOHNINO, JUNS ;S5, ISOK I ait 2. :S J sasaaalslia CliAKLOTTB ,71EOT WITH KOLp X PILL, KT.TMB.lTAROXIR.rr and bs numbered ampng the swell sat, whlls Patrick Is, very much Inclined to bs a duds, notwithstanding he Is a fin, ,nan,y youhgfelloV Rafferty. a po liceman, amJjacob Fritsenhousenhum- mel, a butcher, are Flnnegan- - neigh bors; the formtu Is Larry's bosom friend, but Jacob and Larry are alway at odds and ever quarreling, though their srlmlty Is not very deep-seated. Bodella object to both because they sre not sufficiently higJi-toned to suit her, but Jacob's pretty daughter, Katy, Us a great favorite with the whole Fln negan ismiiy, ana r-aincs in particular. Just when, fortune frowns most severely upon Larry, he receives , telegram InlLast opportunity today to see "The Two forming him that oil has been feund on a rocky, sterile lacs. owned by -blmAln Pennsylvania,- and he becomes -a mil at last, and, greajtty,. to her llegs ford's dlssatlafalbtlon, she leaves . Flnnegan's alley for ths sacred precincts of Murray 1 : rr "Most uncomfortable," sh answered, dryly, purposely or unconsciously' snub bing his meaning, "uncomfortable and hardly respectable- Take away th tin sel from . Consy Island, all ths decora tions snd garnlsblnga or lights and so on and you have left Just ... that coilple there ths grocery clerk and in servant gtrl making clumsy .lovelt Isn't quit decent you know." '"! only know that It I real." tnur-' mured the boy and then they wer silent for som time. . .. , ; rw ,. Mew. Coney and 014 Coney. - There are two distinct sides ts Coney IalandT"; There I th new Coney, Sailed Into existence by Luna park and Dream land, the Coney which has been 'dis cussed, in' these Columns tharjpast ..two Sunday a There" la, alxo thV older Coney, showing th effect ' of the new influence but yet 'With traces of the Luid. Both ara todayv-tn Uie main re tpectable. The keynote to the -one Ms enjoyment; to the otheK fdn,, ths dis tinction being 'much the'-aarhe as that between wit and hum(r. . Luna park and Dreamland ire undeniably? the ' inore beautiful and "reflned" delightful word of the bourgeois yet . the older part of tne isiana has its attractiveness snd pleasures. .. Otvs i yourseiy'Xip; to th spirit of -Ht and) you wrfr-flnd ", a rich ...... .a .i-ii-. i. a i .it xm. - I : : : '. ' . ' ' 1 ' . rrl. r:.l.'CZ:Z'li .W&b... kept -warm by a charcoal brakler Interested in the psychology of crovda, there is material In-plenty at yuur hand. Kjn m wrm punuaj vunr y 7 ' JSianu draws between liO.OOO snd 204,000 Visitors to its shores.. res .If figure were at hand. It might b rather worth while to compute" howmuch epscetthls wonld allow for -each person. Ths amusement part of Coney Island, where aji these so. is not an enormously iarertract of ground. Two hundred thousand ,penplo. will come. prtty ,:.near 7 caveripg tne spsce. - At lesst thtt i.fjtoe tmpresslon a oa elbow your way do wr nue. uBon, which kr th 1 1 n Burf avo ir tr .two lara-a smusement parksaita oojjens or special attractions', '.or down' th one suggestlv of ltg godfather bar la New ( ,; - ti l j ;r CsERTRUESE EBKRIS ,1 TnEW WOMAM V7ITH. hill, to be ons of ths Four Hundred, I What befalls , her here, trials and trlbu m I latlons. Jier dl'sappointmems and dls- to bs-a- mi -of - fashion- o jishl wife. - and how at last bs breaks - his bonds and determines to return -to the old home In Flnnegan's alley sr m at Vers J of interest. . ' "Fogt'a Ferry at the Lyric. Never has a popular-priced stock com pany achieved such an- unprecedented success lri Fbrtlsnd as has that at th Lyric For this week, the offering will bersrrar treat for theatre-goers In th form of "Fogg's Ferry," which la on of .the lats succese-tn th melodramatic Held. "Fogg's Ferry-; iai a comedy drama, in four acts with a southern set tlitsndy'dealS with' the fortune of a girl- who through misfortune finds -herself the solo ' possessor and crew of a ferry-boat, which she operates success fully through trlalp and tribulations. There Is a pretty love story running through th play and plenty of comedy and pathos, as well as an abundance of thrilling situations. Ella Wilson, 'who has won a place In the hearts of Lyrls patrons, will play the leading role, and Thomas II. Clarke, as -th hero, has a manly part. - Bcenlcally "Fogg's Ferry" Is en of ths prattles&aplaya before th public The same popular feature of en tertaining during the watts will prevail. Orphana.". Continuous today from 1:10 sniu-ii p- m. - . " - XnfieBaker. Th public . has 'com to look upon th Bsker as a place where it Is always York, now like It very much 'mors In nam than In fact, i At the and of the ilowsry H Steeplechase park. Perhapa nothing eoiMd be more symbollo than th larg grinning head used ty advertise thl park, . it Is ths placs of,: much laughter,, th place of fun. ' The Bowery - i ) ' ) ' Tne- Bowery 1 sucft a conglomeration that no one word will describe Its tone, if there bs a ton to a place of so much nolk and racket. Probably eating and drinking ars th moat chs not.' .The diversity of edible. and arinKaoies grows each year on the Island. Popeorn-' and crlapettes r, of courss, - universal, ' though thers 1 a variety of shape In which they may d Ma. -ine to cream, sandwich, a mall bar of 1 It -creara between two wafers, has become 'mor prevalent this year. The number of frankfurters used on a single warm day must mount op Into the thousands. dpi ot-thetn Irtbk respectable enough ethers seem aa risky as a gran-nag at a church fair. : You may have fnem- adorned with a vellow touch ) of anaenvte-tvoklnaT- mustard or with a. great bouquet of sauer-kraut, ths wnoie nestly set .in a case of bread. -jDn nearly every other-corner ther sre ge tubs, or rather vats of corn on the upon Which . they are placed. It might bs remarked for ths sake of -th curious I . . . - - knp-ouuier. is smeareo on these by I ru"ni taxing a mmimum'of tlme-nmt posses1nr-ths msxlmunrof effeetlve-nessc-4 TBe-Jspaness rlc wskea are also frequent .JTheref-are Variola "ittertm -nt confections kn paJtry ar mfle Into url ous snap, some of It with weird taste, other with taste hpt so weird aa other wise. Finally ther are Immense, stack of oft shell" crahs snd 'oysters, whll cim cnowoer may b bad In any number emiui restaursM. -y-The.OaiiaJ ; .r. Th liquid refreshment ar nou the vV HISS mo. X.T5ANL .. " 'WITH THE , BELASCO.STOCk CO. ur of getting r than Us money's worth In 'the' vaudeville line. . For "th week -starting Monday ths management has scoured for . ths feaur Vet , Jo Flynn, knosm as "ths man behind th book." and .who lsacknowldeged to- b the foremost monologlst be for th public;-. Joe FVnn receive th largest sal ary sver psld to a single- vKtrdevllle per burner on "the Pacific coast This is by no means the only feature, however, as there r six other big acts on the bill, including - ths De Grau trio, ec centric comedy acrobats. In "Foxy Grandpa and His Two Bad Boys." Lor rslns and Howell are probably the beat known comedians In vaudeville. . Harry Newman; eccentric English comedian, from the London music halls, has a typ ical English vaudeville act that is en tirely new to this country.. Jean WI1-, spn, capital singer vof pictured' ballads, will sing the -latest eastern success, sn- -titled '.'Umbrla." The BakerograDh will entertain with new . motion . pictures. Last chanc today to See the Exposi tion Four. Continuous today from 2:18 ociock unu iu.i(U clock.-. 2J less prominent though a blt'less hi tarr Orangeade prevails in all ahades snd.,gualitls.v som; thoroughly legltl msta, some that cn prove an alibi even amotia; the prejudiced. A penny in the slot will draw a glass of; lemonade, or soda, or Best of all. cleir water. Aa ror tna irinklng places. 4hey ar In -ths ,.,.,. in,( upen rooms, a mass of .small tables .and with a stags In the rear. Lunch parties ar cordially Invited to tnes. Most or them offer free perform ances on their .stages.; "In msny-th performance,, Is -quite elaborate, slth comedians, chorus girls and "special ties." Others haa moving . pictures. Almost without exception thfs is either musiu or singing, be-It only a phono graph or a. lone darkey. No admission la charged to any of thess places nd Ths only demand la of court t"Kat"-ou H-! There I little that Is offensive In sny of them.;.Thpy ctr rather to th famllUa than to th. Individual. Jieer I the main,' almost ths 'exclusive bey ess go, and the audiences as fara I have seen sre Invariably . orderly snd respectable. It Is a common syrht to see a great rnmiiy or two rnmiiie about a: Wmhinctomst : ; -or : -pbRTWkNO - VfSlf. (Formerly Columbia Theatre) 4 Matinee Today and TonM-Ust Times of the Great Romantic Comedy VWhfen Knighthood )c in Floiver " COMMltNCING MONDAY NIQHT, JUN2 1 26 ' , -i FIFTH .WEEK OF THE BELASCO STOCK CO,",''- vramntiv m w tobx 0 t , TW X.TOBITM Tllim "Vaw-t . ' .' '-, ' ' - f'sV-. ". Ua rrsnoa, by ':. ".' ' ' ' " ' .-..I'Coaaraa.Oart. , ' ,,' ..mmmm FIRST TIME IN PORTLAND BIO BELASCCCCAST ll I III .1, ... ,1 , I MATlNrii SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ' 1 -PRIOCS-EVENINCS, I5e to t ' MATINEES- IS.a to SOo 7Next Week-TH E - A ' ire '.TWELFTH: AND k. fcniplre btocic' Emp Presenting a Laughable 1rlafc"CharaeterComdy, V, " -r , ( FINNEGAN'S ALLEY ' '- - : ' . . - '"' ,;'i... Alltweek.t: 'Matinee' every day at 2:11;, evening performance st lua,, r', "..y':'- AdmissionAlways. I OXents ).: fl.' WEEK OF - JUN&. 36 tiQHE Qf FASHIONABLE VAUDEVILLE I - "V" ' .1 r Li " .yi- - V MeCHBA JtJUD COOL MR, and MRfJOHN T. CHICK .J.-,- ffharpshooter. - ' -I ' rre.1, yram frlnco. 4"'.. , stareeknis- MarsaaMS. - .; i -. .' J. ,'rCosMdy Bketck. . . : VJIRDBM, PERRY 4- IVILBER H ALLEN AMD HAYES 4 ". . V Wevslt Mualeal aet. , --iv- ' - Discing, sad Rapld-Mre -Tesai. WIUOJH AN&LEICESTER " , C. H. SHONE : ' -- "?v sOperstle Dwrttlata. -- V, . ','.' "' ' i gong lHastreor:; . " , .'',.. 1 THE STARASCOPEA ZXZ1UU. ASBTI8B10X AITS DAU.T A TIKI Eg, I le I KTUTUfaa,' IWJtPATB AMD ' .. . ' -; ijaoLIOATg.-gOe: : . " " Mysterious Magical Marvelous A QRQ'AT BILL, IN LA VAILS JHB HAEGUT TRIO World-Resowned ea Silver-Chained Ladders. . , Three Bright Children.- ': i i ' - " ' 1' ' " ' 1 " "f f FISHER & JOHNSON Tatum, Mind Reader ED. CHRIS5IE . turner. 1 .'-r.i , , THE GOTTLOBS The Qr.nd.scope4 jdB BONNER' -' , riaylet- ,,r,:, Ceil. yTImalV - - "Dear Old 011", V ' I I I I II I I ' Geaersl KAmkiXnu, 10c; dally sntlnees, lower aW. aoci bos seats, Soc. . ' Always ; Reliable Keating' rlood. - . aUaagara. - - BARGAIN A ' Joe Flynn AsMrica's nrrstest Mono-; loglit. t 'THlMAN BEOTHD De Grau Trio Jteeentrle .cVunedy Aern bmf in , Their Utest tVesrlon.' "I.'oxy Orand pa aad Two Bad Boys." AKER PEERLESS X ORCHESTRA ' AMERICA'S MONOLOQIST , - "JOE FLYNN' The Man Behind the Book Jean Wilson Blaglng the Pictured Bal 1 , lad, "I'mbrla.'' , 1UC EXCEPT BOXES therong tafias eating their lunch from baskets brought by' them, enjoying th performance on th stage and resting;. In a way It is a downright, boon,, per mitting Tffl"Jne poor aft entertainment free of charge. 'As to th question or drinking, that Is for eash to determine according to his lights. .Ths bear gsrdsn hue never beeri found hirmfulX say In Oerinaft cities, j There is no TflaaJm why It should prove harmful, herai V Fakery or Mjratery. . -. V A ; Th hyper-esthetle may deslgnaV van ity as ths motiving cause whlchJa8 to ths existence of certain - :i"manekr I maker" on ths-land. How else Val one account for the, hundreds of plaaee.VJ with their hundreds of "'splelera." off nr. Ing' to. ta.k 'your plctur "alons or In group'1 for. JO cent, "only 10 cent, step right In with th. beautiful lady"? You cannot go a step anywhere on the island without having sample tintypes poked into ywir faos. with tha rerjnsl of "gd and do Tike wise." And It must not be supposed that these gentlemen ar not progressive! Teirrs sgo we wer Satis fled with having our tintype mads with a background f rural landscape- or Shrubbery'. Hutrowt listen to the spiel er: - "An automobile, ther ts sn auto- mobile Inside!" . What a view of herself fos AJAggle to send t "the" ould folk." ' Hut th transmitting of likeness heaven fprfnd does not stop her. You may have yonr1 profile rat in silhouette. You may give pleasure to the mall car fler by having It placerTTrpon- a postal card. You may have it attached te B (Continued en rag vnta.) . - ---- Phone Main 3II Belasco. Maysr Sk Co., Props. , I. , , I , , II II ' oNQUESt . 1 NlltoaW.Suffln1 .', JUnafer , nORRISON 5TREETA company r$anjied) . .',V. 1 -- . MARKSMEN MUSIC - r COMEDY Mot LaughabU Story Flint,. Week of HONDAY June ad " Z3t ,.A COOt; TH EATRE I lOe; cvealnfa, Bandsrs, belldsys. front seats, - . Week of VAUDEVILLE .THIHrf-AKb YAMHILL. . ' Harry Newman gasHsb Ecpealrte foaie- rllan from LoihIob atasle GREATEST- Lorraine & Howell 'Blaslesl CoBWKly Hketi-h Artists, , IntrodiH-ltic Their Bif runctimi Baildoa. ' .Bakrjojraph ll"' Latet I'lfe Motion -1A Plclorn. . - LYRIG-THEATRE 1. Ksattaff ai rioed jag-rs. f'' t gsj ii mi ws-MSvaKsr-i axe aitfurrwaawa . Hotrsr or' Week Stirtinsc ' f Monday, June 26th ; ths oaxAT roua-ACT ; UXODBAlt ATIO BUOOEgt, t , v i 1 5 it ' ' ADMISSION i . lOc-Tq Any.Scat-- lQc ... . . ...... ,' ,N. . i, .. j.V.'j, LEWIS AND CLARf? OBSERVA; TQRY AND CAFE- ;'-'- . 0ItAM XKiaXTt. -C-i. , Ti fVirtlsiid BelsHts esr ts get off at Hawthorne Terrsre, ooe-bWh (cob car Uaa. ho ellmhlnf . gltrle el.vstnr. Srs besntlfnl ettert ef sewrrfnl srphll(ht rmm tee of tower. Mm rss est a 4lotT lum-k while vlewtag th stoat sofalflreat lnMr la Asmrtea, Opta S. Sk. Is B. Bk Aaoits ' stea-ie eeats, . , : -r Theatre ... - . ... ... ' - v - 11 n V "J 11 -1