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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
.V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINQ, 'JUNE t9f 10O5., 13 r 1. i ' i ' ' " ' ! ' 1 . I - , ' I jT- - rrr HE week ha been mad gay by - the golf tournament and the . presence of , the battleships. Numeroui' small -affairs and a numb oC-larger ones have,; been given tor the vfeltlng golf enthuslaets and the naval oftlcer. The Misses Poolejr of Vlo tori hava been very popular guests, and tha larca number of- visitor from Cali fornia. Washing-ton and British Column ' -tla will leava Portland with an pprecl. " tlon of the hospitality of Its pfopla. Mra. E. Jf. Brooke s tea Monday was an exceedingly" pretty affair, and the de """llghtful weather added much to tha en joyment of tea out of door. ' Admiral Goodrich and hi, son and ' many of tha otrfer-Cfncera, of the flag ' ship In- port hava f found themselves "' most popular with society folk. " v luncheons and dinners to small groupa 'of friends hava been given on' board i tha veasels every day. Return courtesies from nma of the hospitable ' matrons : have resulted In elaborate entertaining. - Tha end of tha month, haa Deen maraeo. with many weddings and great many mora will beyelebratd this week. Portland academy closing exercises Friday and the Fatton home annual tea Tueaday -wane among the public events r of special interest. im auaueuty graduates - will be entertained a good deal, next week. - y . . . . One of the delightful affairs -was the breakfaat given by Mra'P. J. Mann ct her home, $41 Third street, Tuesday noon. - The,; honor guests were Mrs. 4- lorre C.-Pardee and Mrs. ueorge s. ' Chamberlain; The gueats wereVaerved . at Ave small tables,, eseh table carrying out a dlffer.enUcolor plan. Where the honor eiiests and their hostess sat the rcloth waa em.brodered Jn yellow and California poppieav, Hand-painted name cards 'harnwuiised wun The various col ors. The guests were Mra. Pardee, Mrs. " Frank Wiggins, Mra J. A. Filcher, Mra - K. A. Hamilton, Miss Pennyman. all of - California; Mfa Wilson H. - Kalrbank of Massachusetts, Mra W. S..8cott,of : Idaho, Mre George E. Chamberlain, Mra '.George W. MoRrlde. Mr F. 8, Morris,, Mra. -Henry McCraken. Mra C. E. "a. Wood. Mt4 R, Weeks. Mrs. W. A. Mo Rae, Madame von Bolton, Miss. Nichol son. Mrs. Charles B. Curry, Mra A.-B) -RockeypMra R, R. Hoge. Mrs. J.. Frank -Watson,- Mrs. . Wataon of Springfield, -Mass.; and MrrJoseplr Clark, -. - rT ' The fading- j$pnt at the expoaltlon last week wss the opening of the de partment of fine arts Monday afternoon. Soclejy. waa out ln force. In the .re ceiving' line were Mr. and Mra Frank V l)u Mond, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ladd, Mfss Failing. Mr. and Mra. C. E. 9 Woodt Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mr. and Mra T. B. Wilcox, Dr. and Mrs. L C. Wilson, Dr. and" Mra TC 'E. Eliot and Ml Henrietta Wiling. Mrs. DuMpnd . attracted much attention by her artistic simplicity and easily carried off- honors as a delightful hostess. !" SOCIETY AT THE EX- , 1 !. POSITION.. j r m - . - ?hV dinner .Iv.r by President' andte.el OrMr. Hun.erfor Mr. Mra H." -W. Qoode at thelr heme Tues- daytof Mfclnd-iMni.: Pratt Brown of 5 'New Tork was a delightful one.J-Or6- gon roses Were used' In elaborate decora " Hons. -The gueats were Mr, and Mra Broin, , Mr. and Mrs." I ' Allen Iwla. J'Mr.'and Mra William Taylor of , Ban Fran,clco, Mra W. W. Brown, Mr. and Mra pills Mtea Luce and A. C. Bedford of New Tork, Admiral Goodrich, Captain Moore and T. Bcott Brooke. k - ''-.". 1. ' ''.;'." "". ' : The Chehalls woman gave a pleasant afternoon Thucsdajn f 6V the governorof Washington which Was laigejK attended. Mra Rone Bloch-BaueK soprano, Mra" Max hillock and Mlis Godley, Ion trait os, sang, and were graciously" re ceived. M" Bauer scohadta double en core and aroused- much enthusiasm. Her two duels with Mrs. Shlllock were well received. AH -the singers were ,n. cored. Miss Leonora Fisher was the ac companist. ..--- ini reception gance ai inn American Inn 1 last evening la honor of Rear Ad miral Goodrich and the officers of 'he Pacific squadron was the brilliant event of the. week. Several hundred guests were In .attendance and all the1 rooms downstairs were thrdwn Into ene -for , dancing. "Supper was served In the ban- qui.h1L-a ' . ' : ; : -; '- r-e-womrTjrrtmdffiir-etinaTCg .will receive tomorrow ' afterfmon -ltv 'honor of Governor anjLira Pardee of Callfoftita Mra Roy Nortpn, 'con-tralto,-wlll be eololat for the afternoon. - '. w w 1 - president and Mrs. If. W. Goode 'have Issued Invitations for a reeeptlon tomor row evening at the New Tork building in nonor oz -rae national soutorial as sociation. Mrs. Edward Meathe Sfooke gave. a charming afternoon nt the goto links Monday, for : the , out-of-town players. . Tea was served, on vth lawn and the (fact was vary pretiyVBhe was assisted In recelvingbyi her stater, Mra- Hunt Lewis, and tea was poured by Miss .Virginia Wilson and Miss Bally" Lewis. Among her -guests were: Mrs.-T-B. . Wilcox. -Mra W. C Langflttr Mrs. Rlch i'ard Koehler, Mrs! Robert Lewie. Mra' Hunt Lewis, Mrs. Walter Burna, Mlfca Burns, , Mra John- A Shepard, Mlita .jfoyt... Mra J. c Ainswonn. .. Miti Flandersi. Miss Louise Flanders, Mrs. - John 'Effnger, 'Mrs, Zera Bnow, Mra I Robinson oTmaha, Miss Wilson," las Clementine Wilson. Miss ''Lewis, Ilss Frances Lewis. Mls Nan Wood, Miss Bryan, -MUs. Isaberryan, Miss Pooley and Mis Violet PoolbV f Victoria. B. 1 CrM"-Aftlwr Minott. Mra Percy Blyth. - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sykea, 'Mr. and Mrs: Thomas-cerr, Mr.' and Mra EX Perkins of : California' 'Miss tLuce, T. Boott Brooke,' Roderick Macleay,-Mr. . Olfford. Peter Kerr, Miss King, Mra. WUJlam Warrens, Admiral Goodrich. ', Ensign OoodHeh,--Mre.-- Langley end Miss ' Ingley of Victoria, Mak Wood, Chauncey Wrnslow. David - Lewie, Wirt , Minor and Dr, Herbert Nlchola-r. ' ' v w. ' t One of the delightful affalft was a ree'ptlnn dance given' 15?" Mr C H. i" Inwis Friday night for the young peo ple. - About 120 guest were In the party and It was one of the most brilliant entertainments of the eeasoa-for out-of- ; town guesta Mra Lewis ahdr her daughters MlseALewls and Mlee Frances . Iwis, received.' the guests. -Many, of the attendants at the golf tournament and the officers of the battleship were present. The rooms were pretty with summer flowers.'i. ' - ',,' " Mrs. C A. Dolph entertained M dinnsr twice lsst,week for out-of-town guesta . Tuesday evening,-the dinner for 'her daughter was given Itr honor of Ensign VISITORS ENTERTAINED.' I Goodrich.' and" the guesta- wereL-V Mr, Goodrich, Mrs., Warren Houginton, Miss Bffle Houghton, Misa Lewis, who is the daughter, of the neet surgeon; jhiss Montgomery. Miss Grace Warren, Mr. Castle of Chicago, Mr. Patterson of Connecticut, Captain Miles of Vancou ver, Mr. llojaklns of Ban Francisco and Whalley Watson. , Friday evening sine covers were laid a? a dinner In honor of Rear Admiral Goodrich. The other gueata were Mr. and -Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mlss.-Kstelle Flower of New York, Miss Dolph, Erv sign, .Goodrich.. Cbarlea . Holbrook, - Mr. and. Mrs. Dolph, . . :. . : '-'"." V ': .." , P. M. Olmsted gav (dinner on board Ulo .Boston early In the week, with covers laid for 10. The -guests, 'besides alumber of officers, were Mr. and Mra J. Wesley. Ladd. : Miss ' Flower and Miaa Estelle Flower of New Tork and Miss Busts Btott, ' ; - -v J - ; -; v Mrs C. F. Adams gars an afternoon of bridge 'Thursday In honor, of her niece, Mrs. George F. Kell, of San Fran cisco. There were eight tables and fa vors - of flowers, were given for - the highest score-maker, at each. xt"- ' ' ,,1 "if " Colonel andf'Mrs. H, E. Dosch enter tained at dinner one day 4aat week for Mr, .Zolna-ji the sculptor. Miss Anna SeHklrk Norton - delighted the guests with her charming Bongs. - k J . : "' "'t "'""' - Mr..nd Mra J, Ernest Laldlkw gave a' dinner Thursday - In- honof . of the British consul and his wlfe of Chicago, Mr. and Mra Finn, and Mr. and Miss Pooley of Victoria, British Colombia. Admiral --Jobdrleh entertained '---at luncheQn,' yesterday on the Chicago In honor, of Mr. and Mrs. Hi W. Goode and Mra William Taylor of Ban Francisco-- -. -'-.; -W ' -- 4, Miss Grace Warren entertained a few of her young friend at dinner Monday evening in honor of some of - the golf tournament visitors. Mra FT K. Arnold received yesterday afternoon In honor of Mra. Taft and Mlae Taf o Spokane. Friends surprised Mr. and Mrs Wil liam Ferrler at- their - home. II East I-wenty-seventh. street. last .Tuesday evening. In honor "of their, twenty-fifth wedding anniversary... Tha evening was spent enjoyably with muslo and-read-lnga A number of landsom presents were given the host and hostess. Re freshments were served at a late hour. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Pal mer, Mr. and Mrs. Betgfrled. Mr. . and Mra. 1 Godby, Rev. and r.Mra 8. H. .Btreyffler, Rev. and MrsTtp. Strerf fler. Professor F. C Btreyfflerv Mr. and. Mra Oglesby, Mr. and Mrs. ' F." Farley, Mr. and Mra C B. Farley, Mr. and Mra Albright, Mra Ollverson, Mr. Fossel, Mrs. Slyter, Mra Denvers, Mis Mlnta Doyle, . Miss-Alma Cooley, Mis Luclle Cooley, Mis ' Minnie FerrlerL 'Mis Gladys-Moore, - Misa- Flossie - Ferrler, Hathaway, D. Oldaker, , C A. Kesllng, Arthur and Fred Wentland, D. Blmmona Esrr-Kesllng;E. Albright, -Albertand Kenneth feruer ano-cnarie oiasaer. ..-. f (-"-"r?- EVENTS OF THE WEEK. " iliaW Zeil. and Seorgla Lewlet,'-4 l"9'rA tmeieS a party o?-frlenUa at their ljTSSSSJ KmT788 Tacprna- aT.nue, SllwoodJ "'rJ" Monday evening. The party was grvea In honor of their cousin, IJ.aJUat(yrne.J uerman, ot jutnaaa - i ne- avojuiia wss very pleaaantly spent t witty tnuslci and gamea The musical' number were piano selections by Mrs. ,Vlda Lewis Smith and Misses Georgia Lewis and Irene Ray, and vocal numbers by Foss Lewis snd the Sellwood Ladles' quartet Later- dainty refreshments were served. The guests were Mra. Sablna German, Mra E. O. Miller, Mr. Vlda Lewi 8mlth, Misses Ruby Walker, Lillle Rlck son,Sylvla Rlckeon. Nellie Rtckson, Irene Ray,' Fterence Hoxle, Gertrude Albright.- Delia Campbell. Ullian Wahl strom, Messra H. La Verne German. W. F. Smith, Frank Jones, Ova Bennett, Will Rlckson, George Campbell, Claude Hicks, C. A. Snell. r . . ' w . . - I An entertainment was given last Wednesday evening at the 'Seamen's In stitute in honor of the war vessel In ponr'v There waa a large gathering of seamen and many of their friends' were nMaanf -.Ttia Vera HwArotMl with " T k V AiT i I A.K. Becnay -of the Institute gave a ahort speeclr of .Welcame and -James Laldlaw, the British consul, followed wUlfan address. -An Informal ' muslcsl program- was given. Among the guests were Chaplain A. W. Storie of U. 8. 8. Chicago.. The institute has become jerry popular among the sailors who crowd the reading rooms and club rooms dally. ' The class -. recently confirmed at Temple- Beth Israel haa been enter tained extensively by members and frlenda' Miss Alice Rosenthal gave an evening party last, Saturday and Miss Ruby Silverfleld gave an Informal dance at her home. '' Wednesday evening Miss. Madeleine -Stone gave a motoring party, after which refreshments were enjoyed, and I the party went to Mra Stone's epartme'nta for an evening of dancing. The". class "members and a few friends made "the number present 27. i A' delightful . evening was ' spent .at the home of Miss Lillian Bum wait 'by th graduating class of the D. ... P. Thompson school on the evening of June 13 The lawn waa gaily decorated with Japanese lanterns' and the parlors were pretty w'th the Class colors, gold and white! and the claas flower, the La France rose. Games were played af tH wnicn aeucioua rerreenmeniat- were served.' 1 . ,'v ; . .- " ' '.'' ws,' " . The Poriaala club Went on a' delight ful launching party last Wednesday evening. About 40 were In the party on the Favorite and they went to the fair, grounds, where they witnessed the fire-worka- They then went up the river td' Ross- Island. There refreshments were served and muslo .waa furnished by a quartet of club membars.- ' . ' ' ''' The Kensington club spent a dellgllt ful day, at the fair Tuesday. A plcnlo luaobeen -wsaerved to the party t JO In one of the shady comers of Centen nial park. .After lunch, the party di vided Into groups, meeting again at the Oregon Jbulldlng at o'clock. The next meeting will be an automobile ride. The ipsclous home f Mr. and Mra Doernbecher, East Twenty-third and Tillamook i streets, .'was filled with gueata Wednesday evening the occa sion of a delightful musicals In con nection with the Central Baptlat church, A pleaMng program waa arranged by the hostesa . - r - Mr. Snd .Mrs. Howard Gould enter tnlnnd Dr. and Mrs. A. Sk Rockey and thcli" son, Eugene RockF,-lth a box party. Wednesday evening . at "Mra Flake's production of Leah Kleahgia." 'A pretty sWng wedding was. cele brated laat VTdneaday evening when Miss Maette Brnith was united In mar rlage to Heni-y fW. Krupke.' The cere mony was performed at the First Evan gelical church, which was lavishly deco rated with palms. Terns and mCrguentea Rev. XT E. Smith, father of "the bride, officiated,. asalated by Rev.- S. A. Slewert. The bridal party entered .the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played on the violin by Miss V. Sharp, accompanied on the organ by Mra Ha,. H..Wey, sister o the groom. The bride, entering alone, waa gowned In white organdie richly trimmed with ducheaae lace.,- 8 he carried a Shower bouquet of Bride rosea The bridal '11 waa caught tip with a Spray of pr-.nge blossoms. MUs Maude V. Smithy slater of the bride, as maid ot honor, waa ve. y charming In a gown of thin white India linen. Miss Elphe K Smith, Miss Lena Johnson. MSss Edythe Ogden and Miss Blanche . Darrow, In dalnt j , flowered ggandie, were bridesmaids. Vl C. , Eck bardt Attended the groom and the ushers were A. H. Way, J. N. Smith, Joseph Abbott and Dr. IL Harr. A reception fol iowed at the home of the bride's parents, Nlneteenthand Multnomah streets'. The house was decorates with ferns, lilies and-roses In a color scheme of red and I whtt. Ms Tiellle Smith served frit J punch, juader a canopy of ferns and marguerltea Light refreshments were served by. Esther Krupke, Luella Shaver and Delto PIo. .. . . 4- Mr. and Mra Krupka will be at home after July 1 at Nineteenth and Multno mah atreeta ,. ...... ?' ;Om A-4k--nMHlM A h uinii'l weddings took place at Btr David's EplL copal church at Eaat Twelirtn and Mor rlaon- streets Tuesday evening, when Miss Juanlta Blakely, youngest daugh ter of Mra Caroline Blakely1, and Mal colm M; Moore were married by Rev. Dr.-- George Van Waters. Promptly at U9 o'clock to the melody, of Mendels sohn's wedding inarch the bridal party entered, the bride leaning on the arm of her father. She carried a) bouquet of sweet Yeas, with orknge'bltfssoms in her hair, and wore a gown of champagne lansdo wne ,over ehanrpagne silk. Fol lowing came th maid of honor, Mias Ulanche Blakely, sister of the bride, ac. cbmpanled by her brother,, Ralph W. Blakely, who acted a beat man. . Mis Blakely was atractively gowned In blue silk and carried a bouquet of-Bride roaea Miss Maud Still and Miss-Daisy Ver non aoted as bridesmaid- The former wore a dainty gown of white point d' esprit over pink' taffeta and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses. The lat ter wore Nile green crepe de chine and- carrfed La France rosea i Nelsen Moore knd Bert Sander officiated as ushers, The ceremony waa witnessed only by the Immediate families frf the contract ing parties. Who were afterward driven. to the groom's home, where a wedding repast' was enjoyed; The groomls a son of Mra it. 8. Moore of 41 East Eighth street north. .The brjde has lived all her life In Portland and Is agreat fa vorite among a large clrclaofj zrlenda . One of -the nb table wedding of the church was ' beautifully decorated In white and green with marguerite In huge bunches scattered among the potted plant. One hundred and fifty guests were In attendanoe. EarliMayo and Walter Mayo, brother andeousln of the bride, were ushers, and George Houghton played the wedding march. Edward Stennle sang ""Thou Art Like Unto k Lovely Flower" Immediately be fore the ceremony. Miss Bella - Scott and Link Jones attended the bride and groom. The bride' gown was of White silk mull, embroidered, and she carried white sweetpeaa and amllax. Miss Bco.t wore yellow, silk organdie and -carried yellow marguerites and naaidenhair fern. An Informal reception for a few guest followed at the. home" of ' the, bride parents. Mr and Mrs. J. T. Mayo, 146 Clay street. " The,; reception-rooms were beautiful In green1 and white with Bride roses and sweetpeaa the dining-room' with La France rosee and the hall with crimson ramblers. Mr. and Mra. Brady K va ,nn ftHj Ttrlfrlah , Cnlnmhla fnm - 1 . . . v . .1 . ..... . ronm'?stay, arter .wnicn tney win De . 1 . a fi iibiiui . .. . w Miss Louise France Harder and George Alfred Haixard- of Lo Angeles were married with a pretty ceremony at the home of the bride' parent. Mr. and Mrs. William Harder. 5l Marshall afreet, Wednesday. evening. 'About . 4t relative and Immediate frlenda were present.- Rev. William 8. Gilbert of ficiated. The home was pretty with ferns and Caroline Testout rose and the bridal party stood unattended In a large floral bower. The bride wss gowned In white. crepe de chine over taffeta, trimmed with old ducheaae lace,, and wore her mother's wedding veil, secured with a sunburst of opals and pearla She carried white sweetpeaa. An In formal reception followed after which. ir. snc. Mrs. uaxsard left for the sound elttes They will be at home in Lo An gele after -August I.' f ,. 2 . -- At the home ot Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Herbert In Corvsllls, Wednesday even 1ng, Miss Myrtle Herbert and Ralph Rilling. of-Aahland. Oregon," We'te mar Had; ' The' ceremony was' performed by Rev, a. H. Feese of the First Methodist-church, in the presence of a small party of relatives sad Intimate friends. The parlors were artistically decorated with cut flowers and potted-plants. The bride was gowned In cream silk mull and carried a ahower bouquet of rose. A wedding supper was served, and Mr. aad Mrs. Billings left for a week's visit at the Lewis and Clark fair, after 'which they go to Ashland to reside. Both are graduates of Oregon Agrlcultural-tol-ll"'. ', .- ; . - - '.,.', -r-f -V' - -A'.-.-.M.--"- i MIs Katharine Oewfge -and ? W. T. Newby were -married 'Tuesday evening t the home of th bride' parent Mr. and Mr. J. 0. George. II Beach street. About 60 guests were present. Rsv. Jacob. Kratt officiated. The "home was decorated with trailing . vlnee and flowers. Miss Anna Newby and Adam Helxer were the attendanta - The bride wore white . silk organdie and- carried white sweet peae apd amllax; her brides maid carried 'pink sweet pea and wore white crepe de china . i Muslo followed the ceremony and refreshment wsre. served In the dining-room, which was pretty wlthrplnk rosesNand sweet peas. Mr. and Mra Newby will reside at IJOV Russell street.. rtJ i , ' Mian Bessie Ellen Fok ofVUerndala Minnesota, and John A. Norman ofport land were married Tuesday evening at the parsonage of the Whit Temple by Rev. J. ,Whltcomb Brougher. The bride wa attended by Mis Sadie M, Rabyer ' WEDDINGS. i , j -....-.-w-.'..l i 0s is t7- 'A STrt y r ' . - -r;:'v-!:;Vh:rl?': . ... & til it '.. ' z , 1 r' - Mi Mabel Lankton Carter. a brldessffkf and -Jamea ' Morrla acted a beet man. Miss Fox was gowned In white silk with lace trimmings and car ried a bouquet of .white carnation., and Mi Rahyer wore blue Dolly "Varden sift -over blua taffeta- 'and carried pma carnatlone. ,..M. -andMrs,- Norman will' spend a oileTi6neymoonr apd after July 1 will b at home to their friend at S88H East Bumalde street, v.- .,, -V- r - -k . - At -th Catholic church' In Corvallls, Sunday, . with Archbishop Christie of Portland officiating, the marrlage-of Ar nold King of Corvallls and Miss Ade laide Hecker of Wells ' wa celebrated The brMe,1 gowned In pearl gray crepe de ehlne over silk ,.and carrying a shower bouquet of jrream rosea, was at tended by Miss Ella King, sister of th groom.- JLC. Low of Cdrvalllswas best man-. -Mr. and Mra,. King departed -Immediately after the ceremony for Til bany, where they -will reside. 'J.' , ,. ;W " .Miss Lizzie-. Severance and JT Frank Jordan ' were married by Rev. Charles W.-Hays, Wednesday, at .the homi of the bride'' brother, W. H. ! Severance. A number of relative and friend were present. Miss Fannie Severance, a cou sin of th bride, attended befend the groom' brother, J. E. Jordan, was best man. Th bride's brother, A. F. Sever ance,' gave the bride lnl marriage. Mr. and 'Mra Jordan will be at home In Stewart' addition. ' ; - A pretty wedding 'waa that of Mia Anna May Moore-end Erneat J. Fanning w r. onn leslna, 4S1 College street, Tuesday- even Ing. Rev. William 8. Gilbert pronounced the service. - Mies-Eva Fanning, played the macch. 'th' bridal party entered and took It position under a floral arch. Lily Allealna preceded them a flower girl. Mr. and Mra Fanning will live at S2 Park street. . -. Rev. Harry 8. Templeton of Enter prise, Oregon, and Miss Anna B. Charle son. were married at tha brlda'a" hnma. t12' East Alder street, Tuesday after noon. The southern ceremony under the tree on the lawn wa very pretty. Mr. T em Die ton ' was -"forme'rlv naatop of Westminster - Presbyterian ' churchi of this city and hi "bride Is prominent, in church, clrclea Rev. A. J. Montgomery performed the -ceremony, j -, " 1 v . ' '-..' At the residence of the bride's mother, Mra Barbara F. Klnsey, 664' East Ankeny street, oh Wednesday evening, George Vath was married to Miss Grace Janet Klnsey. Mr. Vath la connected with tha 'journal and Mia Klnsey -was a teacher'tn th Stephens school.. They will te at horn In -4helr cottage on Roland avenue. South Mount Tabor, After July L. No card a. , ' ' ' 1 . . 'Miss Esther J. Peterson and Charles EV Dalrymple were married -last - week by Rev: J. Bowersox at the home of the bride' parents, Mr. snd Mrs. O. Peterson. A, number of .friends were guests "the wedding. . Norman & Richardson and Miss Georgia Benson attended the bride and groom. Mr. arid Mrs. Dalrymple will make, their home In Portland. Miss Millie. Popp wa married to John Lesser last Saturday evening at th home of the bride s father?. AJ. L. Fopp After the ceremony an elaborate sup per waa -served to the - guests -in the dining-room. Some so guests Were in attendance. - : ' . :'. w .; , '.,., Miss Msry R.. Palmer and James B7 Qulnn, both of Cleveland, Ohio, were married at St. John'a cathedral, Thursday- st noon by Rev. .Father Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Qulnn have recently ar rived ,f"rn Ohio to mkeJthelr homln P6rtlrid. There were no gueata. v.' , " H Miss Mabel Grant and Richard Fen ner Manges of Bah Francisco were married-"-Wednesday st the home of the bride's r parent. Mr. and Mr. H. M. Grant, on Willamette height. They bav gon to Berkeley to reside, .y . , '. ' y . George kW- f"" of Seattle sndJ, An nie EllsabeUi Ljsymanpf this city were married at the mansexif Calvary Pres byterian chusrh Wsdnesilay evening. Rev.Twilllam 8. Ollbert officiated. M and Mra Fauss will Jlvs aC;8ettle. . " ' - ' ' .4 ,F. W, Bowen and jFlorenc Dense were married' June 1,7 by Rev. William E. Randall of Central church' at" the dss- htor- hcune,jn East Twentieth street oir. nu pvw.ii wija iiTt in fori- land. ;.- i ' : -.r . . r.J. Mis Adele Horsman and B. Anton Olson were married Wednesday, even ing at the home of Dr. D. J. Horaman at St. Johna About 150 an eat a were present Dr. E. 'I House ofhclated. ..WW i - Mis Lotti Ayer and JJ. A. Springer 1 ... . .. k were marrit ai. in sixt Congrega tlonal parsonage Mondsy by Rev.';E.LLi. House. y-. 1 MUSICAL NOTES. . A pleasant muaical event wa th re cital yesterday of ternodn by the - ad vanced puplla of Mra. Rose Bloch-Bauer at the Unitarian chapel. . All the num ber were much enjoyed. The program was: Obstlnatlon ,, ' "God Keep Ton. Dearest" (Bartlett), . Misa Daisy Small; "Bhoogy Bhoo" (Mayhew). "Bweetest Eyes" (Denzar, rMa Balrnle (Vannah).'rMlsst Mildred . Meyer; "At Nightfall' (Metcalf). "When Stars Are In the Quiet Skies" (Oley .Speaks) Miss Lottie Hampton: ' rHoffhung 4Relch ardt. "When Song Is Sweet" (Saa RoucH. "Sina Me a Song of the Lad That Im Gone" (Horner). "Connais tu Is Pays" from "Mlgnon" (Thomaaj, miss urscs Gilbert; "Aua Melhem Orossen Bchmer en (Franz), Three Rosa - Red (Nor rls, vTr ' Tod nd Da - Maedchen" (Schubert), "Der Wanderer" (Schubert), "Allah" (Cbadwlck). Miss Anne Week; "Flower Of the Valley" (GodSrd). "Flor lan's ' " Boat" (CGdard). -"Wlednung" (Schumann),. "Myrru" (CTutsam), Mra, George Davis; "But the Lord Is Mercl ful" (Mendelssohn), "O, Necklace ot Love" (Nevjnh "On the Shore" (Neid llnger). Mis Jessie i Park; "Because" (D'Hardalot), "The Teare at the Spring' (H.,H. A. Beach), "The Thought of Tou" (Wllklns), Miss Wlnklsr; 4,Av Maria (Schubert), "When Tou Speak to Me' (D'Hrdelot)"Were My Song With Wlnge Provided" (Hahn). "Open Thy Blue Eyea" (Massenet),-"Just a-Weary-ln' for Tom" (Bond). Miss Edwlnn-Mas-tick: "Were Jl a Star" (HawTey)r "Iri Maytlme" (Oley Bpeaks); "I Know a Lovely Garden" (DHardelpt), "The Nightingale Bong" (Nevln), Mia Ethel Abrama; "My Redeemer. " My Lord" (Dudley BuckL."0. that W TWO Were Maylngi- (Nevi--'8prtng rSong" (Tostl), Miss Myrtle Lee; "Bboogy Shoo" (Ambrose). "Esturlantlnl" (La- -eomefT Qlee club: ' . ' . . ' i - W w The recital-given Tuesday evening at the Grand. Avenue Presbyterian chsroh by Mrs. W. Boyd Hamilton, soprano, and Charles F. H. Mills, pianist, attracted a large number of people, "lira Hamil ton la well known In Portland musical circles. Mr. Mills, a fsw months ago, cam td Portland. direct from Europe, where he spent a year or more studying. kZ3Xfhe program, followa: ... . . -. 'Ttwo prelude In C major. Boh Barcarolle, r inyG " minor. .-.-i; . Riibtnstsin LgChersotl in C sharp minor, ....-Chopin tUt. Mill. "f Elisabeth' iPryr""Tnnhauser") v. ,. ....Wagnsr "Jewel Song" ("Faust");.... w Gounod v Mra Hamilton. '. . ., Preludea Op. J8,No. 1, 7 and lb.. ,-.,. ..... .V JT. .Chopin "Bergere et Bergeres". Godard "Brook," Op. 13. No. J. ..McDowell "Winter," Op. 12, No. . . .MycDowell "Soaramouche" ("The Clown").... .. --.1 , M At ........ Mr. Mllla -Chlld Bong "Tou and I". .Lehmann "Seal Lullaby". , Dora BrI gat "Mother Seal' Bong".4... ,,. ( "Manners for Young Animals". '- - ......Charles F. 1L JjHl "Bollloquy".y, . . a -a- Hn. e.An. QKa.-. . TT .1 . Valse, In E major Moaskowsk; Mr.' Milla Harold V.- Mllllgan will "appear In a free-organ recital next Wedneeday even. Ing at the First Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Northern Con, servAtory of .Music. Mr. , Milllgatv ha but recently, returned from New Tork where he nUraued his atudv of the nln organ under wuiiam o. carl, In addition to a special course in the technlklavier In the Virgil school. During the coming yeaf" he will be the organist and director at Calvary Presbyterian church and will also have charge of the department of teknlklavler la the Northern Conserva tory-, of Muslo. In the recital he will be Mr.' Rose Bloch-Bauer andj Tvuiiaua nuiBce vrmnara. in, ivonn. ern Conservatory;-which has Just been Incorporated, include In Its corps of instructors Jdrs. Bauer, Mr. .Graham. Arfhuc N, Devor and a number, of other prominent local musiciana At present It la Installed In th Labb building on wasnington aires t. , ' - ' -'" - : The following Is the full list ef solo tats who will appear at the Chautauqua concerts: Sopranos Mra Rose Bloch BauerMrs.Jjlay JDearborn Schwab, Mia Annie Dltchburn, Mra Viola Gilbert' Ferneyhougtr, Mra .. MI111 Perkins, Miss E. Hoben. '. Contraltos Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton,. Mini TJoren Balls, Miss Ethel Shea. Mra Emily l Hampson. Tenor J. w. Belchef U. 8. A. Ackles, James Carrlck. Baas IonT-ic Zan." Reader Ml a Louis Forsyth. Violin William Wallac Gra ham. Plants-Miaa Veda WUUama.. The First Congregational quartet will sing today for the last time this1 -season. Next seaaon the personnel will e some what altered. The quartet member are Mra ,Rose Blofch-Bauer, Mrs. W. A.X Bushong, W. II. Boyer and W.-T. Mont gomery. Mualc during the eummer will be conducted by Mr. Boyer 'and Miss Leonora r laneiv organisv , 1 ' w -I " Ainost drtlghtfut camm'enceinenl 'con cert' was jtiven by Pacific university at Forest yfove laat Wednesday evening. Mrs. Walter ."Reed, Miss Una Llnehan andJtfr. Pease, all of Portland, were re ceived most JfnthualaatVaHy. while F. T. Chaproenf and Mlaa Wllraa Waggener 1 1 - M .. .(..,. ..I..,. . auucu i .iioir fniuirii.7 wiin int peo ple of Forest Grove. ' . .Hflf -.. "William Wallace Graham took part In a very successful concert In connection with the commencement exercises of the Monmouth , Normal school on Tuesday evening. fn aaaition 10 several violin solos by Mr. Graham, th Mendelssohn trie-for vlojlfi. piano and 'cello was ren dered, with Jtbe assistance of Mra Bab bitt and Mlra, Brwdsn. .... . 1 ' ' - : A delightful ChoplA evening waa given Thursday by MarW'Soule s - harmony-' ciasa at sour riro.- piano house. Eleven different Chopin number .were artistically, given, shewing much careful study on the part of the puplla and reflecting great credit en their .teacher. yThe Enterprise chorus of j 1 )' mled Voice .under the direction of Uts Ella France Hoberg. with Mrs.' L. W. Chamber aocompanlat, will give their -first concert In th i Marquaro, Grand eariy n ,tns iaiu - - - , Mia AMce Juston sang a contralto sokx "Hold Thou , My Hand" (Brlgg) at last Sunday's service of the Chapel of the Transfiguration. Th "muslo Is nn der the direction of Mra W. O. Carty. J. Rosa' Fargo haa been elected tenor of the Ftrat Preabytertan quartet for tha next season. Hlj work at Taylor Street church the pest winter I well known. -ails Ann wek of Spokan waa' a very-pleasing eontralte sokHst at th Portland academy ezerclses Friday evening. She Is a student of the acadv amy and a pupil of Mra Roee Bloch-Bauer;- ' - - '--- ... Miss Myrtle Lee, he returned from Monmouth. whert -sh' was the . soprano soloist at th commencement exerolsea Miss Lee Is a pupil of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer snd created much enthusiasm. COMING EVENTS. '..A conversazione 'and. concert wlIL b riven on board the British ship Pytho- imens Wednesday from . i In the' ater'-' h3U till 10 o'clock, through the ur- tesy of Captain' J..H. 8plvsy.' The en tertainment will be given for the benefit Of the. Seamen' Inatltut. The public Will be interested in thjeyIew'of th hip aslds from (he Interesting progrsm to be. given. : Refreshments will b served. The vessel , I at- the Oregon Water Power wharf near Madison bridge ontha east aids of the rlver . . .. - - ' . ' " The summer recitals of the Western Academy, of Music, Elocution. Oratory and -Dramatic, Art will 'be given In the audltpriuro of the academy Tuesday and Thuraday evenings. yTne program Tues day evening will consist of; numbers by the advanced puplla; of -theelooutlon and dramatic departments. Interspersed with vocal and Instrumental "selectlona Thursday evening will be devoted to the graduating exerclsea a feature, of whlch wUl be. an address by John P. Ksvanaugh. - ' , '47 - -"t t- 1 , Grand Avenue Presbyterian church will give it picnic on Council Creat a lttle liter In the summer. It waa post poned last week became ef the rain.. 1: ENGAGEMENTS. " Mr. and JWrs, A. K. Patterson of Eugen-"t)Buneet the engagement .of their Slaughter " Katharine to Louis Elmer Bean of - the - aaro city. The marriage will take place at the bride's home, 7(6 High street, '-- Wednesdsy evening.- Mis Patterson hss for some time been principal of one of the Eu gene schools. : Mr. Bean Is an-attorney and ths brother of Judge Robert 8. Bean of th tupreme court. , . . ,. JL -..''' , The marrtige of Mia Ella Ford Travis of . Sherman, .New -York, to Leon. Kufua Edmunson of Eugens will take placa Wednesday-afternoon at the' home of the bride's brother, Seward Smith Travis, In New Tork. They will be t home in Eugene after September T. "Both are graduates of the University, of Oregon and Mr. Edmunaon waa also graduated from the Ann Arbor law school In Michigan. T' ' . '-. .-r L-. W "- .' '' ' ',. Mis Ruby Robert of Cleveland, Ohio, will be married Thursday, JunsrtO, to F. W. Fish of Marion. Ohio. Miss Roberts haa many friend in Portland, where ah spent laat year, the guest of Mr. Winiam Cak. - - - , ,.. . k .- i ' Invltallons are out' for the marriage of David N. Mosessobn of this city and MIsa Mlnnle Lerner of Alameda, Califor nia. Th. wedding will take place at the bride' ho rae, SundayJuly'!. - y -' ' ' - - Mr. aad.M;i I. Jl. Bingham ef Eugene announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Maude Francea, to Dafld Grigga of Cottage Greve. The bride-elect I th daughter of Representative Bingham. .'WW- ' -The marriage of Rudolph Riesling of this city and Miss Carotin Marl Pfen nlnger of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, will take plaoe at Mllwaukle July It. , .. Mis Mabel Lankton' Carter, a reader of unuaual ability, I spending a few day visiting hsr friend Mra Louise Blckford st th Gullllaum. Whll a Washlngtonlan by birth. Mis Carter la re&ny mor of an Oregonlan, . having pent the greater, portion of her" life here. Mias Carter haa been aaked to give a putflio reading In Portland In th near future. She I a graduate of th Columbia School of Oratory, -i - Mr. and Mra Robert - V. Hall have closed up their home and will be at the Colonial- fur lft- dayr"-whsn they-will leave for Connecticut, '-where they wll reside for a year or merei After spend ing th summer wlthyTila Uncle, Judge William B. Gilbert at his country home their son, Ksnneth Hall; will join them and enter a preparatory, school for Tale In th autumn. - - ttf Mt.- Frank Whelan, "who, with her daughter, Mia Helen Whelan. haa been visiting .her Sister. Mrs. David M. Dunne, at 40 North. Seventeenth street returned Ho ber'home In Ssn Francisco Friday evening. Mra Dunne and her daughter, Mlae Laura, accompanied her. Miss Dunn Is one of th delegates to th..Xix conclave. . . s y . ' .""'' ' Mr. and MsAlbert 8. erry ot Seattle.. were guests last week of Mra Kerry's' parents Mr. and Mrs, --John Glenn of th . east side. Mrs. -Glenn' brother, William K. Glenn of Spokan waa married quietly ' Monday to Mia Maud Ethelwyn Noble of this city, ' ' - : Mr. and Mra ha. H. Holme and Mra STRAY BITS. .. - t I r 1803 Modt. v : ' y; ' 7 Lottie Da via, who have been visiting In . Portland for 1 dsys. returned to their . home In Dufur. Oregon. Wedneeday. Mr. and Mra Holme are eld residents of th east side, and expect te return here to reside shortly. - ' "i w Mra Kl as nor Martin, ' who mad mWny friends during her stay here two , weeks ago, le to entertain Secretary Taft and his party, Including Miss Alice Roosevelt, when they '-make their short - tay In San Francisco next month. - i '. ' "- ' Mr. snd MrVan Poole'Ofr-Arteria r spent a few.. day in. Portland hist WeeW-w,. en route to California on their honey moon. ' Th bride wa Mis Margaret Van Dyke. The marriage took place . Wednesdsy, June 14. . P '"' - - -' -:-X' Mra Bert Fartell Is entertaining Misa -McCloskey of San Francisco, Misa Mo- .' Closkey ha a beautiful contralto voice and ha been identified with- many .ox - the leading churches, of her oity. , - Mr. and -Mrs- Charles H. Canter of Harrlsburg spent the week th the city, ;j the guest of .filends. They were mar ried laat Sunday evening.. The bride .... wa Ml Vlda Holt - . . W W v .: ' ' Mr. and Mr. J.-'Wesloy Ladd have Issued invitation for a large . caltoe party at Parsons' hall next Friday even . - y-- ;- ;' , T t PERSONAL i Dr. and Mr. Harry Lnhn of Spokan war th guesta last week of Dr. and Mre. K.- A. J. Mackenzie while returnrr Ing from a visit In Lo Angelea . r Mr. Lester G. Hulln and lltU on of Eugene are -In tha city on a -brief visit with frlenda ," Mias Gertrude White Uft Wednesday, morning for Collin Spring.. Mr. B.' 8. Spencer of Eugene'' Is the guest ef Mra M, L, Butler at th Ster ling. . ' ' V. . .;. Mra, J. O. Bennett of New Tork I . tatting at th horn of her father, Mark- - LMalarkay. - - 1 Mr. John Cavanaugh and Ml a Oene vleve Malarhey of New Tork are guest at Hotel Scottf- . i . r. Mr. W. P. Ford and her son William and daughter ..Beaal spent the t Week with, Salem frlenda -fMU Elsie Feist 'osTian Franoleoe Is visiting hsr sister, Mra Leo Fried, at - 72 Ollsan street. Wayne Osborne of the battleship Ore- - gon and hi mother,-Mra Fv-w. - o , borne of "Eugene, are spending a montbr"- at the Portland. vMJss Maude King of Eugene spent the WeVft with friend before leaving; foe; Los Angeles to spend the summer. Mr. and Mra A. E. Richer Of Seattle were guest In- town laat week. ' Mis Wilms Bartlett ec San Jos was ths guest of. Miss Myrtle Wilson on the east aid a. few day ago. Mra Warren -Cummlna" of Taooma I in th oity to spend a fortnight J Mra. Mary Cundlff and her daughter Margaret of Eugene were1 fair visitor th past two weeks.- ' - . ' -Mra W. J. Wolfe of Sioux City, Iowa, . is In Portland to see th exposition and ; 1 th guest of Mr. and Mr. G. W. Mor- ; row of CHy View park. Accompanying 5 her ar Misses Ella Gam and Ivy Ken- nedy of Sioux City. s Mis Agne Parsons of Burlington, Iowa, 1 th guest Of Portland friends . and will spend th summer hare. She 1 slaughter of W. W. Paraons, president o$ the Burlington Buslnessv Men's club. ' Judge and Mrs. Lawrence Arches- of ' San Jos. California, ar visiting Mr. and Mr. John. A. Bell thl week and will-. return to "Baa Jose tomorrow, Thl la Judge Lawrence' first visit to.Portland In IS years. . .. : Mra Sablna Oeiman and her eon H. La Verne German, ' left Wedneeday morning for their home In Olenelder, " Kansa. after a visit with relative la Sellwood. 1 Mr. and Mra W. K. Travis have gon (Continued on Pag Seventeen.) ' , 4th aod Walhhgtoa Sts. - Present- - - a notable assemblT of y "Lbiis' Garments i. - . - The materials are of "' - urpaMing texture, ' and the designs 'are n- of a character pledge i " itaf to the wearer a .treasured exduaive- neta. . 1 Tle Shirtwaist of Per f ect ion. Fofsythe i -Waist - v Snrlnv. 1903 Stvlea -q i- - - a - y - Shown Only by Robinson, C&CQnipany 2S3 Vtbr: : Litt - ear ''"-':- - -''1 :;y -4 'V.