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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
1 PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. ' JUNE 25, W05. 7':r ;i t I " I I n"D"rerfi Store .. A' -Portland's Greatest Store , ; j I ; : 1 I - - - I' Ot DAINTY. SUMMERY. TRI BiykB RI CSand'QW'ic S ) rttthafe Eargam j Special Store Features JTim Cooklnf Bohool - TThlrd Tloor-siioiia from - . -r - . ;m. totta, X top. a. BKUoanx.uuoif ' nn-it . shop . r;.Ji mob xxoor. -""Tf u- '. Qalok KH af These -famotii ranee p6-. . aeaa muny lmprovemenla over other makes,' bakv quicker' and consume less fuel than any 'I other range in the market Third Floor. . ourenlre -of ; Oregen, Portland and the Expoat ; tlon. BfKgft atockat littlest prices In the cltr. Watobei' Cleesed for TSo. . New mainsprings 75c -All wotk-wsrrantod for one year First Floor, rortland PistrlbntOTs for the "Gloria" V -. Bhoes ....,.,.,., ....3.SO Sola Purveyors In Oregon : of te World-famous Boaaet e Cte's" Uks. - a Perhaps No Better Shoes ; This week than usual but better, price . TKB BABOAZH tlJUTI ABS OAXPKS AXOsTO . :. THX " yAn-WAT" " - West Annex -Vlrst Jloor. .: It's the same thing either .way you. look at It; you- can pay just what you have been paylpg in. other shoe, stores and get better shoe;, or pay, leas and get narrie fades. Every pair of shoes that go to -smgHeSinp&Jr grWt stocks was so-bought that ri..Jtl!uri lljasll?lUtl!yareh"l"e "iJenUcTTl srradea or better,- .than most shoe' stores carry.,,' The makers, seek 'bur business that they .may greatly enlarge their own and thus reduce the cokt of manufacture. . Our .purohases equal.-or excel those of any two other stores In Portland; one reason why we get and give better prices.' lya an sdvantage "Big Stores" enjoy. Some ' better than usual prlcea this week. ' ' ' , Men's $3.50 Half Shoes $2.85. t Men's, tan Rnnsla'CaU Half Shoes, -jilucher and - , Oxford, pattern oak soles and Ooodyear sewed;' regular value $3.60. Special, pair.... . 92.85; ' ' x Men's $5.00 Shoes $4.00. Men's gun metal, calf lace Shoes he new dull finish stock), Bluoher.etit, new swing last,; guuranteed both stockand workmanship; regu- : ; 'lar value S.00 Special, pslf f4.00 Men's and Boys'. Canvas Shoes. -Mens-and-Boy s light -tan Canvar Lace ,BhO;s; calf 'trimmed, solid throughout ' ' ' MenV nlss. 'Special at, pair 98 ' .. Youths' les, 11 to 1. Special a.t, palr..V.OO '--X Boys'. Shoes. Vi.. : ? We Will pl'nce en sale for one week only a line of " Bove' well wiring Vict kid Shoes, made by the Ihlgh Valley Shoe Co., noted makers of boy a'' j shoes ' ' ' -" - Boys' slses, 3H to l regular value 12.?. i Special, pair . ..... 92.00 : Youths' sixes. J1H to J; regular value tl.2i. h f ' Special, pair ...'..-................91.75, Mtt4 Man's slses, to 11; regular vate $100. 'Special, pair -7. .9I.BO . (Monday Bargains for Men Men's Madras Shirts 89c.1 " , ' A line of M'adraa Shirts, In light and dark effects, , with pin dots and' stripes; i Special, each .A .... our best 11.69 value. .nf99e) Men's' $150 Summer Vests $3.29. A line of Fancy Summer VestsUn gray and whits linen, finely mercerised, with small flmree; best 14.60 value. . 8r'.cla). each . ...... .93.29 ' Men's 25c Sox 15c. . ' : . "Seamless Sox in fancy striped, tan, gray and green; regular value SSc. Special pair .v. 1S Men's 35c Summer Neckwear 21c. Wanrmble Summer Neckwear In French folds, t Inches wide, very . stylish; black, tan; blue. . brown, red and white;' regular value He Spe cial, each . :. - . ......2lt v. Men's 50c Underwear 38c. ' Fancy Jersey ribbed Balbrlggan Underwear, ' la " ' pink, blue, brown and ecru; regular, value Koa. . special, each . .t .39) ,or. Suit ...............760 The counters bordering the avenues oKorettv wash fabrics and summerv stuffs for the crowns anch frocks . for the warm weather wear ara loaded down with such an array as nother Portland store could possibly make, all marked at prices other houses would deem impossible XO maae anu voiain even a vcry.siigni. pruacragc xor nwuung uic guuus.. vvc uuy ui iuuiiuumj ijuauuuca, suiuig uuu uui wnuicaeiic euiu , our retail departments." This means price concessions to us, and a money saving to our army of customers. . Most of the showings are ab solutely exclusive with this house,-for we con ttol many lines for the .northwest, of the world s best producers. The linen department, can be -rdeoended uporrtd eive the lareest assortments and the greatest values in Portland. Nearly. every civilized country on the globe is under tribute to this peerless section ; for nearly every civilized country, is noted for producing some. kind of linens. It's our business to know where, . . .i i, ' "j .X. i i : . t - . I J icr ..L- 1 j' v.. 1 v. -i - in eacn coumry,rifre- dcsi linens arc nwicinu wcvjmpw vui uusmcsa. . cctuusc wc i,au uw uw wviiu, uhi iiuuutu in nui tiasa of Hnens at the most favorable, prices our linert business Hha become the largest by'ifar in the entire northwest, Below are scattered men- r 1 ' ' LI j .1.; ni 1 1. 4. :t 1-4- ... i i a ...IT i : ' uons OI a lew epecirricn vaiiips . we nave prepares uui wcex on tmiz luuiuuuw muiiiiii, aiu uuui juh uc nuacu. n .iiaiiiicsa uKijrtug oypvr; - tqnity fprriose-prudent -women . who-seek-t o make thar i flftUars, Wash Goods, Linens, Domestics--First Floor Shops , ,. 5oc Scotch Plaid Zephyr 35 . . Scotch Plaid Zephyr,' patterns In .nil the different clans ; adapted for auapender suits' regular value KOc. Sre cuo, yard . , . v". . .j. ... .v.-. 35a v-ir bc and 60c Silk Koliennes 33y v "ImDorted novelties 1rt Stlk Kollennes. Embroidered Mulls. - Dotted BatTlAe ' and Prtntea Mousselllnea; regular ' value 60c and 60c.- gpecial, yard......... 334 : 35c and -5c, Canvas Ellumine 2iic. : Canvas Ellumlne, a sheer, wiry cloth In flake and. plaid . affects, rich combinations: cegular .values 15c and 40e - Special 'at. yard f... .';SV y. . .; ... .224 ' . ' Fancy VoUe 15c. Yard. ' 1 ' ' - Faacsr-jsmbroldered -and printed Voile. In dainty Dat- "terns, suitable for the warm, weather. Special at. ' r. Linen Suitings 20c "Yard." J ; ' Belfast Linen Suitings, in i all the,- wanted colors for - Outlnc Suits. Special at yard ......... 4...... 20 ' White Goods White Goods In French Novelty stuffs, silk embroidered' batiste, dotted mounnellln-a, silk grenadines, and a 17 variety of other weaves, at special reduced prices jt,'Regular $1.3( valil. - Special,, yard ...."v 98 ' Regular-ill. 00 value. '. Special, yard ........... .S0e Regular v toe value. Special, yard .,...,...., TRel - Regular 75o - value. Special, yard. ,.... . . . . .6BV Regular too. value.. 8pclai yard ......... n.44e J'l Regular ." 40a yalue. . Special, yard1 i. 33a --Regular-. JOo value. SpeclaL yard ....l.J,b)Jit5t " 'Linen Suitings. ? 7 PureXlnen Suitings, In natural color, Terr popular this season. 'Special from, yard.-... ..20 to 60a ' White 'Linen Suiting. f ror me ropunr jinin woais ana ouus. an wiarna. Special, from, yifd" ..... .40 to 92.00 ' 7Sc Kedtnread n:IG " value 75c. Epectkl,-each - Large Crochet "Bedspread $1.18." Heavy-weight Crochet Bedspread, double sise, fraa from Starch and dressing. Special at, each.... ...91. 18 . . $3.0a Marseilles 1 Bedspread $2J25. Genuine Marseilles Bfdspread. elegant quality, beautiful . center delgn;t regular value II 00. ; Special, yard , .... ... . . ..... ..... . . 92.2S - ' ;' Diaper Cloth,' i, v; . f " Hemmed MedlcatenV. Sanitary Diaper Ooth at closing , out prices : - ,. i... Else 18iS; regular "valae ll.ttV Speelal. eaflh..'4.9Be Slse 40-40; regular value $1.10. Special, ech. .91,10 22ti regular value ILJi. . Special, eaetj,. 91,25 r I' .. " 30c -and 35c,Cahvas Cloth . 18c' t,00 yards whife.sllk finish Canvas Clth, in Jacquard piques, mercensea muua and lace and qotted Swisses, 7 I I W L" MM VJi Zi. afkeL. I i" I i-eW ..I, WT U ' HI ? " Crochet Bedspread, single size, summer weight; reerular-L. mercerised STadrafc. etc. ; regular values JOo and Sflc. ..1 THE LAST WEEK OF THE "..PUPILS' EXPOSITION XpTINQdOT . Monday Jewelry' ; Bargains .. West Annex Plrrt rloor. OLEAKIirO, OZOTTSmiVO' OEM AT . SCITS Or UCES Monday we place . on . sale one assort ment of Girls' pretty, enameled,: silver ' anat, gold Chatelaine Watches; one lot . of pretty enameled Watches; our reg-. ' ular 11.0 value. Special, .Monday, at . ....... ....96.08 One lot of' Sterling. 8 liver Chatclalne. . with belt-hook attached, which -makes :- it ' convenient t wear -on Xhe belt; r made up In "very prerry- designs; our regular sT.oo values, special, Monday, s-t . ., :..'...,...... ,. ...94.98 .rinav in jtew neaa nna now redesigns; they ars-jpttr regulirr 5o values. Spe " ctal, Monjy,i. at ....... ,VT, .. ,,.39t Monday lie shall offer our .entire' Jlne of oretfy Sterling Silver and GDld - Locket end Neck Chains at 80 TUM cxarr orr rxouias psuces. -, ; '' J i A Great Summer Sale of !t Beautiful Arabians and Cluny Lace 'J Months ago a prominent importer of-' "rered us hundreds of palra of splendid',, Curtains I at a loss as he was going ins abroad and wanted to close his stock. "We thought of this sale land closed the j deal. A great variety you share the good fortune. . ' ' , I These handsome Csrtaina are of ail hand-made lace, mounted on best FrenoFi -net, about 25 different atyfts to select from. Priced aa follows: Our H 00 lvalue. Special at the ,!Patr 3.35 "-Our,- t.0B'vuefX special aQhV pair 93.83- Oiir 7.0Of value.- -Special at,' the pair -V ..........94.50 Our 19.00 value. Special at, the ' " Pir '.Uv ......95.75 jut eiv.vv vaiue. ope ciai at, ine h .Plr . ,.v. ...... 96.50 Our til. 00 value, pair Our li:. 50 value.. Special at, the 1 ....... . .it.. .9T.25 Special at, the pa"r . ... 98.15 Our $14.00" value,. Special at, the r pair .r,..,..,.;., ...99.10 Our IIS.OO value., Special at, ths Plr- J......... r.. 99.TO- Our $11.60 value. Special at, the - pair i ; 910.65 Our $17.(0 value. Special at, the pair ... . . .7. . . . . v . .... .911.35 Our $19.00 value. SpeoiaJt, the r Pair . .....A. 91 2.26- Our $20.00 value.," ' pair Our i:2. 60 value; pair - Ou-;27.50 value. , pali . Special at, the ......912.95 Speolal at. the . 9K.45 Special at, the ...-91T.50 A Great Special Saje of. Handsome : Embroideries 7m glnrost dead with- fntlgue, eitcniVmed , lady coming out of yths eU at, thevExposltlon " grounds the other day,"and haven't, seen half 7 wanted to because I couldn't - find things," . she concluded. Had' she. obtained an "OFFICIAL OUIDBTV "finding- things"- would have'boert easy. The GUIDE tells where to find anything yon may' wlsl), to see, points, out the resting places, and every point . of public convenience. In. short, it., pilots one through the fair and enables the visitor to see everything to. very best advantage. The "OFFICIAL. GUIDE"' sells everywhere- for .-260. AVe furnish it to our patrons at 60 this -Way. With every purchase in, the store of $1 or ever we give FREE aticket good for JOo toward the .purchase of a "GUIDE," when same is presented at the Company's headquarters In the Oriental Building on the fair grounds. - , First Floor. w ...Another of the famou Embroldery Sales that, have served to draw tre mendous crowds tcrthg-StoraA This one planned for Monday will be at record breaker. We advise early shopping rotne and help to sklra the cran of the bargain pan. Read. t stho fob xxBBOzxtzatxxa -vVostx ; - . ', y& to 91.00... x u A lot of fine cambric, nainsook! Vsnd :' Swiss Eoibrolderlesln English Jlet pnu oiina worsvis mcnee wkle, ult- able-7 fpr - waJajtsV" dresses, skirts, n4 corset covers'; our regular 76e to-$lv00 values. Special Sale Price, the V .......... ..sru'f wmit tm - rxm ituii it- Smart Summer Millinery Offerings KrC 4 Ourv exaut- sue summer millinery has won golden offinXo-ri- i r o m. i ne V Regiila Prices Are Sweeping. Obliterated Throughout the Suit Section "n . --.r-r-r-n-.. .. i 1 k' Orand Salons geoond Xloor. ' ' r '' .'. I Violet rerfnmeA .Tal- eum Vowder, In wood en ;, boxes; our ' 10c Value. Special atthe box-. .7. ..4 jfmfl Cream, for tan ana sunburn 1 or for Use after straying;. bur 80e value. Special at, the bottle ..... 29 I"- Obamols - Skins, extra frte' quality, 'oil tanned,; our, JSs valiie. Special at. ....... '17 ehp ZiaAies' BTlckel-PUted oissors, f and 7-Inch else, guaranteed qual ity; our SOo value. Special at, (he pair -. .l29J Box Writing Faper, fine ' smooth' ''finish. In cream, plafa'v.or ruled; our "I So value. Special at, hs J- 4 M V - lack lak, in 4-og. bot- llew,- , desk site; . 'otr 10c vhitvSpk;jit,aU the bottle .-.6i COFLITS, mOgQUOX BOTTsTD-UP ABB DBASTXO OT-BAB-OtTT OF WOKBB'S UKXEB SUITS. KABT ABB BQTJ ALXT raiTABtB FOB FAU .WBAB. A.Uti UASTS I TllVtifci DAYS, Our, Mtss Bernard, Chlefess of the great Salons of Rady-to-don 'Apparel on Second Floor the targest Suit and WTap:8tores 1n all the Western States-west of Chicago leaves a-week-from today for the New York- markejuto. select Fall Garments for Portland's best dressers,!" patrons of this big-"Style Store."' We are bound to effect an absolute clean-up of all . ends of lots and amall suit groups remaining in the stocks before her departure; therefore open . sweeping Clearahce Sale tomorrow at radically reduced prices. The slaughter. Is broad, In scope, embracing ' s . I ,J y j . t ' ; Women's Tailored Street Suits at One-Folirth Of f r . About J00 Suits In all, stopovers from the best of the seasofPs models that have'' old regularly at fromj15 to $45. - All the very newext, latest styles of America's leading tailors. In all wanted colors and m'aterlala' . Made lit xqulslte workmanship, both plain -tailored In severe lines or with FBICXI FOB TBBXB BATS. : Every Silk Shirt waist and Jacket Suit in tha house , - for 3 days at off regular price. . ' AVhite Lawn Summer Suits Off v Pretty,dslnty creations wanted by every woman for wear''; the coming July and August days. In very 'latest, smartest 'fancies, charmingly fetching styles values '; - from $1.60 to $1,4. at OBTB QUABTZB OFF. ' Hundred $12.50 Silk . Doeel 7 fie , s vkiihvai ivi itvu -Ajrand aasortmeat of beauties In a splen- did range of colorings of rich taffeta-, 14 Inch ' aiTrordlon-pIalted styles "with plain ' yokes, others plain with accordlon-plalted , flounce, reds, ,llW-blues, pinks, greens, p browns and blacks;, very QC best I1J.B0 value,' at -y.O? Dress and Walking 1 Skirts jit xjavAXi JfOfr ' PCD&ONAL 1 Miss Bernard will be pleased to execute, sny eomnrlsslon . ' Entrusted to ier td perform .'during .-her slay of two months In New Tork. ' Let . ymir wants be made known to her th' week at ths store. ' - M OATS OBXT. ' 'Handsome Etamlnes in blues, tana grays and' dainty white. r in both dress and 'walking lengths, specially needed for A.-present wear; values from- $10.00 to $11.50; aH--V , at-. OBB QVABTXB OFF. $15 to $48.50 HouselVlatlnees at Off ,'-.-- ; , fob bats. . i-..,. Charming pretty House Garments In fancy silks and Al , .batrosa, beautifully; ,,B trimmed In laces, ribbons, "etc. Blues, pinks, greens and white, long and short lengths.' ., blues, plnkf, greens and white, long and short lengtna. Some very beautiful Persian effects Included. Very 'swell for home wear OBB QUABTBB OFF. $5.00, $6.00, $6.50 Waists . -f. ; for $3.79 . ; , Pretty white Lawns, attractively, frltnmed . , In. laces, embroideries and tucking.- All . - : In newest styles and most . approved; !, models. With Bishop sleeves and -ever' - favorite fancy etf fWshlon the greatest Shlrtwafsl batitaln of alt the season reiilar4i.00. $.0 and $!. , ( -'values. . Special at .......... 5, Summer Bress Shields, light weight, sixes. 'S,' I and 4. ' Special Sale Prioe, tha palr,.lfe Waits Fearl Buttons, 1 doxen on' card, all sixes, I and 4 holes;. , our to value. mv, .inefwara slish, dres- . ay women pf PortUnd and -the. Vc it y - s vis- " i. ti ..' t . iiors. , ii, is Deing seiecica Dy Duyers oi discriminating taste and good judgment in' preference to the showings of all other houses, a marked C9mpliment, for Port land ' boasts" 'r sprne- splendid - millinexy- stores. : iiere are all the leadine models of , the . world's ioremost milliners, - and modified examples of the favorite slyjes 7hy our 6wntrimmerS7A gran d displayT - the greatest variety in town. The little prices - at )': beautiful millinery I is offered show the advantage .-of buvine a special yur gummer hat at Jhis 'great' "Style a.wr...5 " Store. The.' Sailor hat leads vall others in popular fa vornow, and the demand twui increase as lae- weainer grows warm er' Sailos are here in immense varietvl Iin -ai-jiaTPrnt; Draius, emDracing aiuans, -ChipsT, "JSjJs' and-dajnty Dudt Hats. BoberW Beedle Oases, 'With . best quality English gold' eye sew 1 tl as Snrl 4a vt we ',- needles. easeTmadat I Hundreds of them, no meager choice but . & i , e I - t - t-i . ncrari'irgm wnicn to pick. .ahc pnee range, meets eyery demandT .Alnday we shall offer some extra-special values in a fine assortment ot Milan sailors taste- fin leather; our 08 valua Special at. each . ........ 9e1 SheU Back . and. Side Oomba, extra quality,' I .fine, smooth' finish; ur So value. Spe- clarit each....30e fulht trimmed, 1 $3.fi0 : value, An JA choice for the day only at. , , t)s4y T Aesae Troasers aaag ere. Special at, t for ..........254 wait OastU Boap, large six, 1 pound bars; our .J5 value. Special at. the bar . P. . 44 Leather Goods Bargains ".".f . "-' -; FlrstFloor. "tr Special Sale on our blgh grade, gold -calf and Suede Leather Belts Monday. Here Is an extraordinary bargain In the finest gold-calf Leather Belts, lined with ' ftneat Quality white Mora silk: tils the d-malost and l.j most perfect fitting belt made and suitable for U the daintiest dresses: they. are regular $ ' values. - Special aU.each ......fl.' i One lot of very fire quality Stieiie Leather ) , In green, blue, tan and brown, wit li f.i t quality gilt burWles;' our regular 2.2i V Special Monday, 'at . -..-. ' ' ' 3 .-j ',. - . ? - V e- I 7' ) ' . Jr f, . .