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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
J " 4 If;:--' Lrigatibri, Ywiwr' - w - , It U blleye4Jh ritlt ot th conft looal commlttea' om irrigated bt arid . Und to Portland andr"Qioa. which . waa eoncludad laat night. wlU b of In , calculable advantac to tha atata In pro motion of Irrigation projecta for tha de velopment of landa at preaent unpro , ductlva 'and practlcallr naeleaa. Tha ' committee, accompanied by Chief New - ell and- other member of the reclame .- tlon aervlce, departed at 11:30 p. m. for tha eound. fT,J . - Members of the committee .who, be;. 1 4" 4 't 1 ...'- .t"s fore their visit her .had little or no knowledge at first-hand af ' the -practice! aide of irrigation, are fully i con vinced of its vast possibilities for in creasing the wealth of the country and the prosperity of the people. Tha of f - -ciaht of the reclamation, sertiue were already very favorable to Oregon . a a. -flolj for upeiatluns. n remains for the people to get Into the movement enthusl aatlcelly and cooperate, the officials say, Zith efforts to meet the requirements of the government in sll practical irrl , gat ion schemes proposed. Oregon has now over $4,000,000 available to be spent in Irrigation, works, and the fund is in the nature -of an endowment, never di minishing bu?-Ver increasing. . All money derived from eale of public lands. 'excepting 6 per cent, is placed in the irrigation furfa. This money, when ., Invested in any particular project to re claim arid landa, la paid back into the fund in--annuel Installments from the purchasers of the land, and again Invest ed In other works,' from which it ls.slm ilarly repaid. In time Oregon will have --air Immense sum of -money that wilt be " constantly turned over in this, manner until alt arid lands that are possible of reclamation will be made fruitful,' and therpopuIat1on. wealth and tax revenues of the atate vastly Increased as ajresult. . - , The committee was Intensely Inter--ested In the irrigation. ihlbitJn charge WORKS BECAUSE " - AIR CASTLE FELL JVjan Who Would Buy Council Crest Now Dfjj Trenches . ':''' Y''. Y :-.;:-:v-'-. :'' ' ,.- v.V. -1 .. :...,,v- -t , -a 7: . - - .. wr" ::. '" .'1 ,v : II I, l-f--'' .,- - . '. . - J '.. ; i' '. ' ' - j ' ' "1 ' "' "'' ' ' "' ' ' ' ' r t - - , ... V 'v s rs": f ' : I J.;;r- - , , ; -for Water Pipes. r ; T'jfc- .. , George Wallace .Williams, .erstwhile capitalist street railway promoter, pub-lle-benefetor and reformer, and the man of many original Ideaa, who proposed tfl "tickle the toes of the angels' from the lop of Council Crest, has become a 4y laborer. When his sir castles began o totter his fall became rapid, and not -- bejlig alula ta finance any of ble schemes In this cITy he decided to take up aa honorable occupation to earn his daily bread and followed In the footsteps of n "the man in the overalls." Hejinplled to the municipal water works for a Job aa a common laborer ma time ago and waa referred to the "' commission, where he put In an. application, lie waa certified to te wafer board and was put to work yesterday on East Osk-streets digging Usaeiies la wWea ta lay pipe Uues. E .Hope of the f'f Hj-ieT-- - of Edmund Perklna, at, the Govern ment building In the expoaltlon grounde Thie 1 tlha ftrat complete and practical preaenUtlon-of irrigation-methoda ever ahown at a great axpoal'tTon. Official ay that If. thla jfaet : were realiied. by the people, there would be even much mora lQterest manifested by farmer and othenhattendlng the fair. . The men who are engaged In the gov eminent work of reclamation feel that It Is the- real beginning of 4iie treat development Jthat u to cemetd 'the P- . r ft ' f V T . r ' " .. ... Truckee-Carson Canal mi nviir iam aiib. - -.- . ,VJ.W'..!, j y:;:,x " Tunnel' No. i Truckee-Carson CanaL ' George ' Wallace Williams cftme. here several months, ago and tret came rwito prominence by agitating the purchase of Cojuncll Crestbjt Jhe cltyfor a pub lic park, and by attacking various city officials in private letters, alleging that they . were corrupt in their, administra tion of public affairs. - He rented the Marqu'am Grand theatre and advertised a mass meeting to be hehd there one aft ernoon to consider.the proposition of tha purchase nf Council Crest and extensive muntclpa reforms, but only to person attended. His next act was to .petltlon-Uf the -city 'council for a franchise for series of railway lines over the streets of the ctty and leading to Portland Heights, but the cotiriillmen-took the petition and placed -It on file. - Numerous other . schemes were agi tated by him. but ha was 'unable to finance any of them. - Boon his money became exhausted and he had -iiothrng If ft but t-earn hla living by : honest toll. r . ' ' aopllftera aad Sturlars. Shoplifters, nave- caused a number of complaints to be msds to' the police in the laat few daya. Tha Meier Frank company lost several articles ofwemen's apparel frldayl, , - .- . John FMat eTctgas store, SjSJ East Burnsldt street, was btokeo open (orjths 'THE ' OREGON SUNDAY 'JOURNAL PORTLAND.1 SUNDAYvMORNlNO.' JUNE 23. . Northwest -X kjw-" f dlJt coast and Roky roouniaTi aiateb through the medium of Irrigation. Mod' nw mamoaa or- applying nwr-i streama -lol4nd-foragrlultual-and horticultural purposes ie aald'toybe su perior to the old-fashioned dependence upon rainfall in every agricultural state of the union. The rainfall is always uncertain as to time and Quantity, but the water from an Irrigation canal can be turned -orHto tha. land at any 'time It Is needed to germinate the seed or refresh the grow Ing j;rops, . ; ' f , ... . ..... i third, time in two weeks' end I1.B0 waa stolen from the cash till Friday night. Last Tuesday $1.50 was "StWetr -from the store. r- " 1 . MT. HOOD WILL BE ' ' 'v; PAINTED BRIGHT, REP .The first step in "preparation by tha Lewis and Clark exposition for cele brating tha Fourth of July waa made. today in arranging Tor the Illumination Mount Hood. Immense .quantities of red firs he ve, been provided for,, to be burned on top of Mount Hood at o ciocn on tne evening of the? Fourth, ho the bright Tea gle may be"keearofti the exposition grounds. .. During the,-4 Illumination of Mount Hood the beautiful grounds of the. ex position will also be. brilliantly lighted and a magnificent display of fireworks. presenting a gorgeous spectacle, will furnish a feaat for the eye and a stint ulus to American patriotism. ,, Special excursions, will be run from all points, and Fourth of July . week promises io be "one of the big-ones of thlSirr v ,It is easy to wear a flag in your hat so as to leave bote hands free to fleece Uncle Sam. Now Is the time to all to the tact that comforts. , Below we rt l Arm Chair $6.00 rt, -ST. Guaranteed ! . ' Every foo of ouV Garden Hose, is gtrarahteed. ' ' Reels v and nozzles. complete this equipmept. i,' -1- : . : '-I fXi Einomically ' Priced ; ;LavvnSprinklers Far-reaching and even , ly distributing. Sprinklers - that do their, work we.lL $1.25 $1.25 t r- consider summer necessities. 4 'Fair" weather Is the outside as well as the Inside of the home ts needful of summer show a few seasonable needs that will no doubt fee opportune reminders. - - - v . FOR PORCH V7Wj have just recefved 4' carload ofthe'ltvef popular.,', ."Old Hickory." -This class of furniture, full of comfort, . : ''attractive and unbreakable; , -is now' mbre sought after -' than e:er before. ; For the ijb.rch, Iawn;and 'sarrlnier. cot- ' , tage, it its most appropriate. ' . r- v T- - : ..... - Old Hickory Chairs . aij ' ni fZ - -Via iiiCRury notners icviu iiiuvui v, lauica . . . .''.''.',' -. J'' - : - Old Hickory Settees . fy.-':. -YYY- x-,X:v:r.: ::-Y:::X Above all needs-a Refrigerator appeals to. every hduse keeper. : ulacier Kelngerators are true to their name, as v wciU as being - complete- in xinc ana tnamci uucu, $8.50 to i" - . Folding Go-Carts 1 Folding Co-Carts thit4do not neces- sitatej exertion to open and fold. Easy running and full of comfort for the littTe one. ;, ' Y-1 ;:$i;to'$8o;: RECLINING GO-CARTS, Go-Carts that recline to a position as comfortable ' as ,the softest bedw Adjustable jto.-any poBitibr Parasols 77and httmgsto jpatch. Price. $li to $26.50 40 PER CENT OFF ' Garden Hose ncecj j 1 ,cEn( s:;'. i'i I 1905. V . J .... . AND t'.T. : Old Hickory Arm Choirs C Aij u;i Tti. Old Hickory Tabourettes ' ' every 'detail of - construe tion; , ... .50 "1U I' $57 Shirtwaist Boxes! . Are ' you ; ever 'anngyed, with limited , space J Our shirtwaist boxes 'ate just thething for dainty-clothing, and are " art" drnanjent to the room as well as "4 . gclbd seat. ; .. - ; 'j ',' , $3.00 to $7.00 -w SAFETY FOLDING BEDS A bed that really occupleV no . more man ... waa space. Sanitary, no txertion to open . and'epse.-and just the thiri ; for the summer visitors. a a Easy Running 1,,1-BalI.bearing.and perfect combined in our machines.1 ' $3.25 to , .1 here and has awakened f . . ..... i riti Rocker $6.50 t'WVy , i rjii " . ' t ' . ; ;..''r' Siaa rTT . Lawn Mowers Mowers-are only 4ew points '-' ' .' v ' , .: IN $12.00 ? r '-' Hanimocks ; Pretty designs arid col ors .in " restful Hammocks. $2.00 to XX:BM-V . .... : Tmtms3 EmMx ... -i-f , 'tit-''' IP I,- am - V : V,.,..-: , . v - ' , - "T, f y.. ...