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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
i. 1- h -v.r "ftf ' a ' ' . A A A A A A OOOiHriHrOOv Clf the But this iHri rr - -. i . . ' : . -. - - . . -- , .. , - : - - ..... . V ;?''. .. V'-.: - v. '; ;: A- : ' i , -."' ' . j i, i-Ui ' "' -.-'. " .-- . ' ,'.-.. . ;. ):-.' Ma2je, Take a r? BBKZXXXSZZ A CONDENSATION EDUCATIONAL.' V Nebraska'! Blind Debater, ' - .r ' ---t 'Forget tbaf. you-r bllnJi md ' hiX Just aa other pople do..'. Soon ' tttf jwlll alio forget that you- ara bliiid. ' and Hiu you will g.t along bUr thau you evoi- dreamed waa poaatbla. r Buch ' la th. encouraging roe.aago aant out to bM affllcd fellow-ty Wlllard Ieroy Clark, a blind debater of the y of Nebraska. Clarke la an orator of aurh repute at the university that he ; was 'selected aa a member of the team that, represented the Institution. In de bates this spring with, the University of -Iowa and Washington university of St. v. liuls. ' i " : . 1 ..-. J College Religious War -r : ley-HCtween the faculty "of Butler college at Indiana poll a and some of-the student body trouble has arisen relative, to at- , '.' . tendanda af chapel '.execlsee., ,In the difficulty the faculty la 'represented by . denta by Robert MaUhewa. a iol&onore" viJatthewa la an aUlelst. and feels that thetrnllege has no right to cbmpel Mra to attend chapel exereiaea which ara de voted to religious services. Statlcti Agent's College;. 1 TMi ' I'nldua among achoole giving tnstruo' t!on In special work la a railway traln Ing 'ioUool recently established at El fliilra. Near Tork. , Ita primary object Is , tht training of young men for placea as . railway station agents. The ultimate r outcome of the training that anay be ob . talned reals with the attjrient himself, There Is no limit this Aide of a aeat in . . the president's chair aa the executive headlliX a railway corporation. , ' ' .. i C4,rt- Go Ballooningr-""' r - Students of Lawrence university of ApplJton, Wisconsin, have been pro- h Ibl ted from sending up cats attached to hydrogen balloona. While the larger a unlveraltlee have 'been directing their effort toward the acqulaitlon of knowl edge concerning wireless telegraphy, radium, , the development of the X-riy JT.. and other Important branchea.-etudenta : at the Lawrence university saw a vast ' field before them la ascertaining the "length of time a cat could exist at---ji-tached to a hydrogn Walloon. Cat after , let waa aent tip, but, notwithstanding thai . Min hvm fhetr nodlea were UMially found the1 nea day a mile or . two from the college campua. TV RELICIOUSl Chinese Read'Bible. .... No "fewer thsn i.OM.f 70 coplea tf the Scriptures were circulated In China-U.t rmr. the actual bales Wing well over 009,000 copies. - ' 1 ' ' '.- M . " Songs Save Soule. . , ' A 'young Minneapolis man la saving souls through popular songs. With ah altered version of "Back, Back. Back to Baltimore," ;h." has the means ef con verting-an erring .man a few daya ago, and when Illness ended In death tha rhan died a' Christian. Te new method la mora popular and effective than the Sermon. . ,' I - - i , r. Dowie's' "Holy" Towru" ' No hogs, rtp mu!ff.u'nAo,-staral no whiskey, but more or lss everything A A A A A A A A A 7vX C 7 A 7i 7x A 7x luxurious BATH HtiUSES and PERFECT, SWJMMlNG is omydhe feature of the hundred others. And there are more to come. t;ome snoot all are novw Take ' - .'.-.:' . ICE MELTINO AWAY meltino aw from'SOUT: ce the first visit f the south pole ' ' - . THPOLE Since the flrat visit to the Ice cap of the aouth pole waa made, some BO years ago, there has .. been a ateady receaalon of the' belt of. some 10 miles, and It la argued ' that In the course of time tlwtft- be possible to make approach to tha pole Itself and that the land In thaf- vicinity may even become Inhabited. It le now believed that the Ice cap la but the remains of tlre-itfaclal period and that when the Ice shall finally have melted It will not form again, the watera then being aubJect .aar.onIy such Ice formations aa c-ccur lo any aea in wintry weather. It Is there fore possible that In splte"Mf the few kttempte made" to reach . the aouth pole In comparison 4) with the many endeavors mads A to reach the worth pel. the" 4 former will be the sooner dls- d covered. 'There la believed to d be' plenty of land about the aouth 4 pole, and In the course of time 4 this . may become tha ' ruling , country. ee else. Is a brief Statement of the prlncl plea that are to govern John- Alexsnder Dowie's colonisation scheme la Tamaull pas, Mexico. The hog, be the acavenger of tha land. Just aa the oyster la tha acavenger of the aea. The mule. he- dedarea, la a creature ot the devil. "an evllynonentlty" a"c rea t ue,-tn-aetrf something like the man without a coun try. And aa for liquor of the kind that cheera - and - simultaneously Inebrlstes, John Alexander aaya -It is bad for any INDUSTRIAL. '-"'V Negro "Girls Fsctory., . - Anlnwrestlng experiment ts now be ing worked out In a big knitting factory In , Raynor atreet, IVtrolt. Michigan, where, alt the poaUlebafln tha eatabllsh-ment- are filled with - young colored women. So far aa la: known, this la the only manufacturing Institution In the north where negro girls have been given an opportunity of demenatratlng their ability aa factory workers.. and si nee1 the expertmenx began, 'several months ago, hundreds of theaa girls have(pplled for placea at tha factory. The factory employe st girls. Forty eight runknlttlng machlnee and turn out glovea of all colore and atylea, two smaller girls majtage-.wtnders. while an assistant forewomen -teachea beginners how to operetSKtha. jnachinea, e,nd ex- araJnea tha work. LEGAL ND CRIMINAL. U itFtfgs.. : ; ; " , A peculiar1 trgat process ' baa "7uat taken place on tha frontier between franca and, Belgfnm. "0(Bclalasof both eountrlea eaamlnM two men charged with robbery In Brussels. One waaarw rested In jpmssels and -the other In Paris.. .According to French law, a conv frontatlon of tha two man waa neces sary. Thereupon. tn order td dlapenae with ' extradition pr3cwedtngs, tha onV the Oregon Sunday journal; Portland, X. AL A. X' A'A.X'A'A.A. .ALrA.A, A f l f J i tne Anutes ana oump atice in the Dance the craze. the O. W.: P; CS, Railway Cos Cars on Admission to the. -OF THE NEWS OF THE Just oi" clald placed W railway car Just on "the frontier! line, with one iaiiapect Xd each end. ona thua being In Belgium and the other In - France. The omclahr were careful during' the proceedings to keep the men within their respective eoun trlea. , urows saia in Jan. t J-' 'Clarence .Maple, Connersvllln, In diana, waa arrssted laat week for al leged aaaault Maple la a married man and has a family; Since. JilaTBcaroera tlon in Jail be haa lost his hair and now la aa bald aa tha average man-' of 70. yeara. the only semblance of hair on hla heed being ,a amall growth nMr the front. When placed In Jail Maple poa- aeased a heavy head of hair. .-, One Dollar Per, Cus. ' , Police ' Judge Wlldermuth of Colum bus. Ohio,, according to "the law In tha cs has established the cost of swear ing ar $1 a swear, and any ona-heard ualng profan language In the streets or lrt"lhe"presenceof others, objectionable to a woman especially when passing along the atreet, i la liable to prosecu tion undeKan old section. 'Heiiry Wei- YeX waa fined" tl In tha police court. thua eetabllshlrnr new 'method for the prosecution of persons who corse and swear In tna presenca Of others. FOREIGN. . Ancestry 6t Kings. King Alfonao of Bpalh"-ls four, flftha Austrian. King Victor Emmanuel . Is more Austrian than Italian; .jsmperor Franrla - Joeeplr and hle -presumptive ne if , r-j6f a large part Bavlrian and Italian, the klna of Sweden and Nor way Is of Beams Ise aad French eource, the king 'of Greece la a Dana, the king of Hervla la half Ruafmn. the prince of JJagarla,,ha p r&lgarlaVhlapd In him. the emperor for KUtfsi is mucn Danish or'OVrman. the king of theBel gtana haa no Belgian blood An film, and the king of England la Sax.-Coburg- Hanover. NoamJj and French. w w Common European Names. Numerous aa ara the members of the Smith family, they do hot occupy aa prominent a place In European directo ries as they do In thoea of England or at home, thoueh thev take us ravcto more room In the Berlin directory?, (.000 Schmidts being reglatered, They have to glre room, however, to the Schultsea and Mullers. In Bmssele' the Jensen family la the mo.t jiumerously represented, 'while the greater space in tha Paris directory la given over to the Mart nets. , Drums Arf Abandoned. H)r : After a record of five and a half jcen-' handler, smarter and easier , to . carry The minister of 'war haa Issued aa order to this effect, which- baa evoked such deep feeling In the army'thst be may be Induced to revoke It, , . , ( ' London Becoming Temperate. foSfcds assuredly becomtna; yery temperkteflJotel proprietors ef late yeara havi been lamenting the great de ereaseln the consumption of wines, and now tt'appeara the old custom of drink ing at 'bars is dying out. In the west and, at any rate, tne dlsappearaaco af SUNDAY4. MOBNtNa it A Jt 71 A i t i Grounds; 10 Cents. 7; HOTEL DE HOBO . IN KANSAS- CITY Kansas City has ona Of the 4 cheapeat lodging, houses In the" e world. Lodgers .are not I eom-V, pelle to pay for the beds by ,e, sweeping out, carrying cosl. saw- d In wood or Peeling potatoes, aa la tha' case .with -njany free- e placea. They ara not even re- quired to: attend religious aerv- 4 lcee; they may- coma or go at any time of ntgbt or day "and so e complaint la made, . -. Thla home for tha pennileaa waa formerly a livery atable and . Is located at No. 121 . Walnut 4 street. W..I Scott, who owna ttfft place, haa turned It over to 4 charity. He . employs a nigni w , clerk to look after things. Thla Td clejk.jumalna In tha front part.. of he barn atl '-nlgsU and aeea .dk there Js no smoklna; andJhat nod "Hodger "Ta Impoaed upon byhla , d d neighbors. - The onjy rules gov- d ernlng the lodging house sre d "Dan't smoke, don't fight epd -w don't' disturb any person who la 4 Bleeping when you retire." ona of the largest, most magnificent and moat- popular bare In all London, the Criterion, In FlcadWy. has been ona of tha wondera if tha week and tha cause of great rejoicing among temperance reformers.' t "' v : c - w r - V: ' , Zolsr ReHcs- Chesp. i - The sale of' a part ofTThe furniture of the late Emlle Zola was "held recently at- Medan. It waa remarkable for -the fact that the whol aale reallxe4rt)hly $t0. ',As Mme. Zola bed kept the most important relice for" herself, amall In terest waa taken Jn the auction. Only 200 people,." mostly small -brlo-a-brao f Jealera, were present. A batrack of the famous novelist reicnea o vmmm anu other small articles of household furril- lure similar pnrwfT . -7 Water Caused Fine. A. " - .w Fire ea'us'ed by water la a somewhat rare experience, but 'this .-a,reellsed during the tremendous rainfall In Paris recently. Tha water flooded tba cellars of tha telephone exchange In the Avenue da Base. The water acted as a eon duotor, caused ahort elrcMlta, the eablee fueed and the exchange waa afire. The result waa that 4.000- telephone sub scribers on wie left bsntr of' the SetnS were deprived of communication., - .,- fr' Finds Roman Colng., , - . ' ' . living near Cruchere. Interesting discovery. .Not fsr from Caeeara Camp- he dug up a brass vase containing more than I0S plecea of money bearing the data 140 A. D. The collection waa aent to Paris for Inspection.' ' i.. J" ... .- if t - Ta on Dresses. , ; To raise money for tha Trench freaa ury the municipal council' af Iji Cour tine gravely propose, that a tax -should be levied ea every dreea a woman poa sessea over and above one for everyday wear and ona for Sundays and ftte days. 5c JUNE W. 1905. 71 A A f A I A 1 I A POOL. Safest, a SawSwg. V eg V sanBS-SB Bwgggggts) MMMM WMMM Saw M W MWM W WVH T - p " gai gajaswaa, I . jBumps ugh First and Alder Streets. BACK Children, 5 Cents. "i , - - 3 WEEK 33 h MISCELUNEOUS. J Origin of Tip." , - " ' The word 'tip originated inT tha old Enailah' coffee houaea. At tha door of these coffee houaea waa a bos made usually L.braaa, with a. lock and key. Tt had engraved . upon It the lattra "T. I. P." (observe the atopa between the lettera) 'To Insure Promptness.'' Customers, aa they paaaed out, dropped a coin In for the waiter. Hence tha word "tip.", -. ., Growing New Leg. Denver physicians are Interested in Harry J. Mayers, a printer. One of his legs, which waa amputated In Septem ber, li 01, la literally growing back on. being replaced by a new leg of fle.h and ,bone at i the rapid rata of nearly half an. Inch .week.' Meyers' right leg waa eruahed In a wreck at Spring n.ld, Missouri, In lilt It was not am. putated attth time, but hadto1Tlll 1J01 to prevent 'blood polaonlng. it twas cut off Three and a naif inchee rbelow tha knee. Within a week a half dosen reputable physlelana bare verined Meyers' claim that tha leg la growing. Panama's Many Stamps. The fepubllo of Panama, leaa than two yeara -old,-with 11,000 square mllea of territory, and leaa -than 100,000 people, haa. Issued a greater variety of postage startipe than European Russia, with 1,100,000 square miles of area and 110,- 000,000 people, .during tha 47 yeara It haa used postage stampsv Panama in two yeara haa produced two thlrda aa many-Tarletrea-af atamps as Great Britain Issued In 41. yeara. - ' I'-. it ' ' ' Red Hairs Fewest ' . Fair-hairedeeraons have a greater Lnumber of halra upon their heada than inoae wiin aaraer xnaicn, out . a red headed person haa feweet hairs f all,' alnoa it la e.tlmat.d that not more than thirty thouaand halra are to be found upon the average alsed head. '-1 one haa blank hair. the number la apt to run up to one hundred thouaand, while a falr-balred peraon boeate of half aa many again.' Thla difference In number la due to the fact tbat blonde hair Is finer In quality than tha dark tint, -and mora ara required to cover the acaJp, while, a deep red hair la three tlraea aa great, In diameter asblack. and, - bealdea b.lhg more' vlgoroua.;,on that account,) Ujnore eaatly kept- an order. . --' ".'''-' Girbfs "Bewhchd.",.- . . , tonard Vroomr'a proapefoua fiflrmer, living -north of Royal Oak, MMhigan. -bellevea that hla daughter Tdlth, aged zv. yeara, la "bewitched." and that. the "Witch'' la -torturing her to death. Edith and her mother share tha. belief of tha father. Vroom has' been In De troit several times searching for a "witch doctor." and left for Cleveland and Cincinnati for the same purpose. ' SV w Flying' Snake Killed. ' . r -A moat' remarkable and uncommon "flying anake" that waa captured and killed at Berry plain, the home af John 8. Dickinson. In thla county, a few days ago. haa attracted wider attention. The curious reptile waa flr.t noticed flying about tn tha air. presenting? tha appearance of an ordinary anake at tached to a etrangn looking bijd. as A I A A A I A A niost complete in ;Lost in the Mystic in the Mirrors "for - .. . TO PORTLAND PALAIS ROYAL The New Store Cor. Washington and West Parte SPECIAL LADIES HOSE -r, Ladies' black ; silk-finished Ilose, double, ;,sole,; r high rspliced,.heeL fast black; 35c values. Special,1'- , 19 c pr T Jitlirs' tan and black lace Jloscfxtra good 5Qc valOJ Special, 29c pr. LADIES VESTS Ladies' Jersey r b be d Vests ; rro -sleeves ; 20c "val-1 ues. Speciar; LADIES' WAISTS. 1 Lot of . Iadiesr. .colored Waists, made of fancy lawn, madras and percales; values up to $2.50. - jo close, choice, 98c LADIES' SUITS " 50 manufacturers' samples. in wool and jilk, atest styles. at Wholesale Prices GREAT BARGAINS IN MILLINERY far af is known.-It nasei' one de scended to the earth 'and -crawled o tha ground after the manner of anakee. but It would occaatonally alight in. trees and. catch such birds aa best suited- tts fancy. It waa finally killed and proved to be Ave feet long and about one inth tn diameter of body. It had wlnga of good also, covered with- feathers.' STRANGER FALLS FROM ; TRAIN AND IS KILLED (gpert.1 ltsewk ta Tke JeeraaL) The Dalles. Or.. June It An uniden tified man stealing a ride on No. I pas senger train en tha Oregon Railroad II 'AT 'A. -A. '.A. A A ' I A I A A A 7 X J -V 1 America. I- T,. ! WASH SUITS v Neatly made of wash' ma terial, etamine, voiIe madras, lawns, etc.," neatly trimmed Special prices, ' " ' - $1.95, $2.25, $2.5CfS "and$3.95 - 'OUTING SKKCTS Made of wash material, pleated and neatly made; tan, brown, blue and grert; $3.00 -values. Special, - f 1 ; $1.95 TAN SILK COATS . Accordion - pleated Lace' Collar, beautiful deep tace in sleeves 33 inches long $20 values. Special, '.. ' $12.50 - SUIT SALE 25 Silk . Shirtwaist Suits, mrth -. up,--to $2jf.60;' 'fate styles, good colors ah .well Lratrie. Special, choice, M , $14.49. Navigation company's link, fell off and,' was killed outrTttat 'about an mil east' of th .depot here last flight. Me was apparently about IS years of at, weighed about lid pounds, had .sanity hair and mustache. He poeseseed a heavy head af hair and apparently Is a Gerwian. At the coroner's Inquest the railway company waa elaared ef blame, ., weaver aUtnfaU. -fSDaetal Dtpatrb Tha Jmr-.(iL IThe Dalles. Or, June 14 A fa1-' nf -Jlalf en Inch haa b.n t t alt day and the pro".ns i will continue, 1 eft ' oven rhl. and I r "tt VALUES i ': V