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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1905)
THE OREGON stJriD AY JOUHNAL'. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE ' W 1805. r XOGGIHC POOL" IS PLAN flEnOiUAL ? FOR JASON LEE -TO BE FORMED HERE Old Students of Willamette Uni versity Wish to Build Chapel flans to Control Floating and Marketing of Columbia Ba- . V to His Memory.-- sirT LogOutput. weyerhauserIsaid tq : ; be in the syndicate LOCATE, SITE WHERE ' FIRST BUILDING STOOD "Will Have Associated WitfT Him , ; Some of the World's Lead- ..; Campaign vWill Soon Begip to tf i&egure i-unas Tor Honor , of Missionary. -- . - . .(2wfclT(D's: : DQ'eiT5)D(CD(dle T ..Ill' i .',' ' ' .. k AH .1 -.v - II Organisation t a great logging and legteooni pool, t to control the floating and marketing- of the output of the Co 1 iimbl river bsslir and supply lg?j : nil the sawmills, is quietly dlatuessd by men who have, toe mort extensive tim ber Interests in the Pacific northwest It la lalcT tha pdol would be formed along lines similar fo thoaa of tha - veverHauser syndicate whlcwU-e -work, at Eeef slough arid WjHTKewton alough. has for Jnany yWa controlled , tha entire log output of tha territory tributary ithr upper Mississippi and ' auppZled-atl tha milla on that stream . at d.mI tn St. T.OU1S. j l-l JTederich iAVeyirhaucer. the' tlmberij king, who leS. Fortlaad a lew oays Jxt afler a-weeka vlalt or lnspecui is said connected with the project. Mr, Weyerhauser inspected the Bite ? recently purclissed for-.the Wayerhauaer Timber mpny at St Johna. Tha conipwHxf 20.000.000 feet of atored in watera tributary, to Port land, although the logging aeaaon haa . unly begun. Ita atoraga raervolr ia a tide lake on tha Waahlngton aide of tha , Columbia, near Vancouver.- Thia res Aervolr haa aufflcienf capacity, but If) - low water much trouble la occasioned l.y loga going aground,, It la aa Id that by dredging Columbia 4un and Bmlth'a lake and digging a' canal to connect 'the lake with thearoogha-tm the penlnaula. a great logging reaervolr . . . . 1- L.. Ka Inn Will is to De-oiier-uci.wi wii " be assembled from all tributary" atreama up the Columbia river and raftettjlothe . vaiifouB milla on tha Wlllamttte an - thlTtower Columbia. " - - Rtetit tranaactknia la .connection with.. . landa on tha lower part of tha peninsula v are aald to be-ln tha interest of auch a . tomblnation. Approximately J.000 acrca : of land, aurrounding fintlth s lake. Rum-fv'8-ilako and abutting on Columbli and .Vancouver alougha, are now in con - trol of a syndicate, which ia supposed acting, for the logging combine-, ORIENTAL BANQUET :' -,j v ' GIVEN ON TRAIL A ' unique entertainment and auppef was given last evening" by Mr. and Mrs., "''William Ooldla In the: Streets of Cairo conceaalon 6n fheTrall, of which Mr. Uoldle ia vice-president - -- -The table was laid for "17 and was ' gorgeously decorated with oriental orna ments. The following- was themenu: -;-rHenili AraktT 1 5: , Meia Zitouna . 8archlch, Mechouba, UatoreeMechti, JebuaJ'- Uamake Borla a la Berharla... ...I. . Yarhnu Oehahe. Bultania, fllayhe-j' i TurVla. Croketta Pasharnte. . , i , Otlada Orecgla. ' . ? ' Uhojoniab Barkolona Chamtoa. . -t ' , "L Caaua-Turka Camika. ' ? . ' In KnglKh tha menu reads: Urte ntat appotiaer. i : Relishes lives, pistaitilo -But, an- 'ithoviea, caviar, radishes, cheeae. '. i Fish Rnr1. marlnlere. .r Entree SDrlmr chicken, a la Sultan; r rice, a la Turkish, croquettes. a la pasha. "' ':-. I . i - ... 8alad-i-Lettuce, a la Greece. 'C Dessert DamaBcua paatry, . I-'-. :7 rVkff with prnni a la Turkish. V ThA,. wju Mr and Mrs' A. ' V. Marshall. Mr. and Mral O. W. Day of ' Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Calvert of C-etrolt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall (Mr. Hall ia the Philippine commissioner to the exposition t Victor Hall of San , Francisco, H. P. Short of Portte'nd, Mlsa -Mauds' Coyan of Ottumwa, Iowa; u.H.m. ttl -r,f Paris. France: Gea- "ton Akoun, Persian commissioner to tha exposition: rnncess ttajan or me iurs ih theatra-nd Walter Gardner ,of8t NEW AUTO RECORD ' : FOR THOUSAND MILES . , i .... I 8peell Otipatek by Leased Wire to Tke Journal Kmplra City Track. Ypnkera, H. Y. June, H.-Amld great enthusiasm, Guy .Vaughaiv with a 40-horsepower De tsville car, drove 1,000 miles and won the J4-hour record of tho world pn-ttila track thia afternoon. His total mileage for 14 hours ' eontinuoua riding was .tryn uiileB. agalnsT mTrevtoor reggfd of 4t miles. made by Charles O. AVrid,geway at Brighton Beach. In May , last. ' He won tha l.COO-mtie raca against .time by t hours 10 minutes and 41 sec . onds. - . ' ..-I i The 1.000-mile raca . was finished 'at - it minutes 20 seconds past 1 o'clock and U hat. J 4-hour race at IS minutes past 1 'oVIo'ck. ; . ; The, .total tlm Jn the l.OOO-mila'Taca asj"j hours SS minutes JO secohds. The thousandth mile waa tha fastest of -hJI, being vnade in l:0i In th first mile "and Ltalf -of tha 24-hour raca . H'aughan drove Ilia car without a right -:-wheel -trrer ' Iwo Ways JEast by Water The Nwtwin'fpimT(rrc. "VIII opef - k teBlhh "Sneia-Weat" Belwes Ixilnta aiwl Jrarfitlu. ind steasnrtilp "Narta-Ind iMTwpen oit'Nso ana uui- faW. villus at tfitcrinedlate-MAlnta nf tntereat. Evtura nil tickets tot lot Uls wstar rests ,a sligkt a4dttlaa4 ffayawet. ..;. . -.-IT " BVauPCAX OK aMERICAK PLANr 1 arlraa plsa InrlaoX all tuesse ea one ticket. ' I. : S. "Marts-Una lesees Cblraf Hatardars, . a. a. "Nortk Heat".' leave Puluts Tneaaaya. re fall artlelara apply er writ te H. 'lUOKMOX, C. P. k t. A. I2S Tslr4 Htreat. . , Portland. Oregon: j;- villi - : ! L'..,. .', -. , i I , M i' The Crown Jrince Frederick William and Hit Bride, tha Duchegi Cecilia of Mecklenurg-Schwerin, in Jheir 'Weddlng"0arb, Drwn byy Artiat ' Trederrckg From a Cabled Description and From tha Latest Ptfdlo-' graphs of the Royal Couple. PORTLAND GIRL IN SENSATIONAL TRIAL Mr. Eleanor.Toomey of St. Paul nee lis$ McKTnney in Breach V - - At DpabmIa r A a. SOCiettflS SHOCKED BY -;i STARTLING CONftSSION Depravity Shown by Forrrer Ac tress to Exist in Leading 4- -. Social Circles. T (flpeeial Dlapatrb by laased Wire to Tha Josrnal) St. Paul, June 14. The most sensa tlonsl trial aver held beforrthe St. Paul ourts is on nere.. Airs. Eleanor loomey, divorced wife of tha late-private secre tary of J. J. Hill, suing. Dr. Bettln gen, a specialist" and social " favoriDe, . for breach of Dromlae of marriace. The caae haa been In progress all the -week and disclosures, have been made that astound tha- public. Mrs. Toomey was Miss McKlnney. She wss born in Portland, Oregon;', where: aba received her education, going later to Ban Fran cisco. Her. father Is a leather merchant In Boston. 1 She became atnember of the Daniel Krawley- stock company and with them came to St. Paul. She was Introduced to Mr. Toomey,' J. J. Hill's private secretary, who fol lowed her about the country and finally married her In St. Paul. The'testlmony of Mrs. Toomey was .to the effect that she arid Tr. Bettlngen gJLStPaul and J. tV. : Lawless, president of the San Francisco Gas company, and, two women companions visited tne slums in St. Paul,. She testified to the most start- .ui - women-and men naa oone in vimtlrnTTf ' Z L A -T, v. that district and in receiving the at tentions sf Dr. Bettlngen. whom. she. is now suing. This was before she was divorced from Toomey. ' It is common rumor that aklf a doien Bt. - Paul business men paid to keep their names out- or tha case. . Court adjourned till Monday,' when the testl mony:wlll be resumed.- " . ' -In one part of her confession, -Mrs. Toomey -said she ordered May Buckley, tne actress, from her home.. rr- BATE FROM SOUTH TOO HIGH FOR PEOPLE The round trip rates of ,tit 'from San Francisco and $34 from Ia Angeles to Portland, for the - exposition, with a limit of 10 days on alL excursion tickets. by- the Southern ' Pacific company is rra,r ..from satisfactory td JaII fornla people. Officials and others there nave taken up the question with the lewls and Clark fsir management. The following letter waa received yesterday by .the exposition authorlUas: Hea-ofKour exnositlon - ' 'Vhur irjJ"4'l Fearing that she may have met .with fluence to ret the. existing rata arid - - . -T time limit as given .out by the Southern Pacific ruTlrnnd moUifled that pur rltlaens would feeL. Jlke tllllnr your Talr.' "Ve consider tne rate very high the time Hmlt.or 10 nays entirely un reaaonpblei and mir xArlr feel Is un warranted under the Sonditlona. I will enclose-a cllppljig of he existing rates and conditions, v . . .- i ! wrote the Southern Pa'cino officials offering them a 140 rale for round trip. aecond-class, 40-day limit continuous, trip golngt three, stop-overs returning, with ho less than 40 people each exfuralnn. they to -name excursion dates. They have rerused to change, existing rates which simply .means thst- you will be favored wlth--very few visitors from this locality unless the conditions are modi fied. - ' . W . 'Pwrhapa we. can. altogether,' make them see the evil of their wajrs.i or at least thst ther are driving away patron age from tlieic ifU njL handicapping yourVxpoaltlon, vhlcn they ought by all means to eneourage. N. J. Cooler, supervisor first district, Inyo county, California." i f 'v TV MAKE TO THE EQUITABLE T : - President Alexander and Vice- President Hyde Sfend Their ".: ' Checks to Society." UNDERWRITING 'OFFICERS r; ;t:, RETURN jTHE.R ROFITS Six Members of the ' James H. L Hyde and Associates', Firm ' Yet to Be Heard From. (Special Dlapatrb brlad Wire to The Jearaal) New York. June 24. Restitution on the part of the Equitable officials and directors who profited from participa tion In the syndicate of -"James H. Hyde and Associates" has begun.' - , 0 President James W. Atexa'ndet started the movement today, by sending a let ter to the chairman of tha EquitablaJ board, Paul' Morton, enclosing hla cherkl tor $25,053.22, which, with the 140. 790. S4 he turned over to the cashier of the society February 1, the - day 'pre vious to hla attack on James -Hyde, brlnga the amount he has disgorged to SS.t43.04. President Alexander la ,111 and the letter was written and signed by hla son, H M. Alexander, a member of tha Ja firm of Alexander at Colby, and oifeVof the dlrectors-of the Eqult a til Ufa Assurance society. . Many of.t,he Hyde syndicate' checks' which the' president of the society re ceived or hla partlclpatlone were ,.en docaed and deposited by hli son at torney. , A. " The lett'fr ' was aent . to Mr. Morton soon RESTITUTION the office of Attorney Geiierattt,.,- onred to me has been refused, and i . Thl. was mt tended by Edward Lauterbach and H. M. Alexander as repreaentativea or tne tor mn president of the Equitable society, Restitution haa been already made by James HI Hyde of his syndicate profits. but six other directors - remain to , be heard from." There has been Mo official expression aa' to tha Intention of thase men but it waa said today that they will at an early data follow' tha example of Hyde and' Alexander and return the gains they made In underwrltlngs to fhi society and then allow the courts to determine niMiiun w -frr What her thev ara en. titled to the sums so made or whether tha profits belong to the policy holders. These six directors, and the amounts they received ara follows -George H. Squlers, f 14,420.60; William . . in iqA an i f ri n.min. 4.67.74;. V- P. Snyder. I1.B10.6I; Alvln W. Kreck, 3,0.Zl; Louis Fllxgerald, (2,284.40. POLICE ARE SEARCHIMG :-y FOR MISSING PERSONS .1.1 . . - . . . . . 1 . fcit- l hftrm. , friends of Mrs. Alice Fisher, whose home 1a at Greeley station, on the St. Johns carbine, reported -her dlsap pearance to the police yesterday. . She has not-been seen,. 4y her acquaintances sines Wednesday afternoon. The missing woman Is frail and, la Ill health. She la about t faet ( Inchea in height, with dark hair 'and eyea and Wlfcn sbje disappeared wore a dark pink dress-and a light grsy hst. The -police hsve learned that ao far as known she' did not take a car bound either to St. LJohnsi-or Portland on, Wednesday. i llce that hla two boys. Alvln snd Marion, are missing. Mr. Brown la In charge of the Lincoln county display at the fair. The boys left the grounds Thursday morning. Ia at sd-Chaaa, Millions rush' in mad chsse after health, from one 'extreme of faddlsra to another, when. If they would only eat good food, and keep' their bowels regu lated with Dr. Klng,NW; Lira, Jtilr. their r troubles would, all pass awsy. Prompt relief and quirk cure for liver and stomach troublf, t8o at Bed Cross Pharmacy, Slith add Oak striata. T , v t who ' 'Several -. prominent men former student st tha Willamette uni versity, tha oldest educational fostUu- jlion weat of the Missouri river, ara agi tating building a memorial hall In honor of Jason ULeavthe pioneer- Methodist. missionary and founder of tha univer sity. Tha alt suggested Is that of the old Colleger-building at Salem, which Was 'destroyed by fir about, 25 years With this idea In mind C. B. Bagley of Seattle, 'William H. Odell and Charles B. Moorea of Salem visited Willamette university last week, .but President Cole. man, with whom they wished to confer, was absent. They, marked tha place where they thought the old atructure stood about S00 feet east of the prcsent-H alta of tha main university building. r-4 lstory of aToaooL (V . The old collegiate "hall was erected la 1S4J under the direction-of Rev. Jason Ieat a-coat of tlO.QSOi .H waa three atorles high, and for"Vear waa one of tha moss. Imposing buildings on the Pa cific coast. Ousts vus Hlnea. another pioneer preacher, waa Its first superin tendent, i For many years the, university was tha headquarters -ofj.ttfe.- Oregon mis sions, but ln-l5I"-lt beran to assume larger proportions as an educational In stitution lor white chuuren and from that time on was known as tha Oregon Collegiate Institute. An academic course wss offered. -Including French, German, Latin,-' Greek and higher mathematics. In later years ita nam was changed to Willamette - university and! large,! sub stantial college buildings wers erected. iMr. Bagley, secretary of the board of public ' works f Seattle, is her to in tereat old ftudsiita in the proposition to build a memorial In honor of Jason Lee." - ' .."t ;, ' . - -.-1'.--- Bag-ley a rloaear Studemi. k ' "I am one -of I the oldest survlvlns students whq. attended tha university," I Said - h yesterday. . " know few whoj a student who'' aire now living. "lwas at tire school frorh Hit to tit and re turned for anothe year"tr 15. It was the first school on . tha -coast where white children "received Instruction In, tha higher branches and -waa tha school. where many of the most .noted men of this -state and Waahlngton were edu cated. Had It not been for this -college the people of this state In tha .early days woujd have had to send their chil dren to. eastern institutions for higher education. . - . a; - Memorial' Chapel tha rial. 9 "The memorial should ba a chapsl or hall,, pr If It la not possibleto secure the .funds for auch a structure, a .monu ment r a tablet should. b raised to the memory jit Jason Ua.:s 1 am going to co-imunloate with -Jyasldent ColemaH about thia, matter and "attempt to get hlra and others Interested In the project." IS THE MACHINE r SHORT OF FUNDS? Creditors Say Republican Com mittees Do Not Show Desired " Alacrity In Paying Creditors of the Republican' city and county, central committee have assert ed that they were unable to collect ac- Icoants due them, but Chairman Elmer Pol well strenuously denies thatrany bills presented to him have been repu diated. Several bills contracted Jn the municipal campaign thia year, have--not been paid, and two printing houses are considering the advisability of placing their accounts In an attorney's hands for collection. Soma other bills also areetandfhg agalnet tha organisation. one reported to be for automobile hire, another for clerk's services at tha head quarters.. Chairman Colwell aaldr "I am surprised to learn that any persons are worrying over tnetrlills duefjom.JHie.coinmlttaa Nona that has money is on nana wain wnicn to pay every claim" for which. J gave authority during the campaign. ' It may . be that diub wnicn i um noi auinorix were contracted by some one who was wrong ly presumed to act for tha committee. For such claims I am1 not responsible.. S expected the' authorised bills to be brought around tha first of the month. and did not anticipate that they would come before that time. But whenever. they ara presented they will bepald, LOVE CAUSE OF THIS : YOUNG MAN'S DOWNFALL Jxve for- a pretty- telephone rlrl-le aald to have caused) the downfall of Burnett Richards, aged IS years, who was. yesterday bound over by Pottee Judge Hogue "lo -answer, av vchargs of larceny, oerore tne grand Jury - untu recently tne young leilpw waa employed aa 'waiter at Pap's jrjeatau rant,' on Morrison street, near - the bridge. He spent all the money he eould - poeslbly ,save In - order-to pur chase for the girl costly present. and when hlj funds were exhausted, ttis po lice assert, resorted to criminal -methods to procure coin to-lavish en the object of hla affections. ; ' v Working at tha restaurant' wlth'younjN nivuarua wa vx. it nuriun, an V I n g a pair of trousers' hanging on-a' hook In the rear of the restaurant at few days ago Morton found when h was again ready to wear the garment that iiaiwaa miesing rrom a .pocket.'. The police rare Informed of tha theft and secured avldencar warranQpg tha arrenij oi nicraran. - t Tears filled the young man's; eyes when hs was taken before Judge Hogue He dented his guilt, but Jhe evidence was so strong ,tha court derided that Richards -must' island rlal for j the alleged offense, Among '-tba.presnts which young Richard, has admitted giving his In amorata are a diamond ring, a gold bceleAnkdjjeei RZcumstlsxi ! V- Yatrik tiler raaei turaej TAOATXOV Ttm. Vacation time should bring rest, recreation and comforts, and comfort of the solid ' and pleasing variety means no high collar.- no stiff hat and no-ltchlng scalp It ia for thia last discomfort' . that JTewBro's Merplold becomes a' summer necessity, , as It stops, itching of the scalp and Prickly Heat almost Instantly. Take Herplclde with you on your vacation., aOAU WABiTUrO. Itching ot the acalp Is not so a punishment for psst neglec$.,asjl 4a a warning . for the future. It, shows. . almoat 1 conSlualvely, tliat ; the' vtnetike, mioroblo growth that causae dandruff, Itch . Ing scalp and falling hair haa entered the- Sebaceous . glands and unless this growth Is stopped and kept out of the scalp baldneaa will follow'. - ' -' - - ' ' DAaTSBVTT IB OOITTAOIOUS. The discovery., by ''Prof. I'nna (ask your doctor about him) that dandruff - la a .highly contagious disease, is ijow recognised by dermatologists everywhere. This important-discovery, not only proves ..Die worthleasness ot- r'halr grower," bur- tt offers an eDndrtunll v for scientific hair preserva tion. In the use of Newbro'e Herplclde. the orlglaatr" remedy that 'kills the dandruff germ." I find Herplclde ( AT LEADING Healthy Hair -h- A. We " can polish v or . "gild siWer-with polish that will not scratch. We have it for gale. 10c and 25c per package. - John Barrett Cor T E ET H no"paSn PAIN INICE TEETH ' era of the only reltable, and sclentlflo system or i-siniB iuuir.r " w tract, crown, All and clean or treat teeth i ... i I , v. .... , naln .M ruaranlM all work for fifteen years. . Our. work is the best, our rlces the lowest con sistent with first-class work.- EXAM INATION FREE. Our pistes are unde tectable from the natural , teeth and are guaranteed, to fit. . i ' fillings EOe TB and JIl.OO GOLD CROWNS ..$3.50 torlso BRIDGE! WORK SS.OO to fS.OO FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. $5.00 - Open tot baalnssa ajrUl . e'elook erenlags. -. ' ...'t. i- Boston Painless Dentists 8tlM Korrlaom BU Opp- Meie lreAJ aag reatomea. - HOURS- . m. to f p. m. '" Bun dsy. 1:10 av.m. to 1:I0 P. m. . . ( . .-maatlar a Barefoot Boy. The police have been aaked by Mra. J. BcuTlV. Whose home Is at Marte street and Woodstock aveaue, to try to find hair s.vear.oM son Everett, who ran away several days ago. The little fel low has black hair and orown eyes; ana wore a red waist and blue overalls. He Ws barefoottvd when he IcTVhnme. ,' "FinT .out' the tmme and add res of every barefoot boy of that age you meet and make him give an account of hlm- aelf,"Ja tha Intruotlon given tne ttfpNl in r tne tnree reneis. , . fi. Wood bum every week. Is Improving materially Bad fruit rear, but there ia foma. ti-i jewders,; Attention ! - NO I HOT a MWa.lvfla.vaa-! I fr but- -by- destroylna taUM Tai DAwsxtrrr dikm.: ' .." Tour Newbro's Herplclde Is the best dandruff cure i have -ever tried. One"-; bottle took every bitt-ef dandruff out pf m hair, and jny scalp ia aa cletn , - aa can be now while before using; Herplclde It waa covered with dandruff.. ..XJolfax.' Wlllu..-..--. '.-,.. (Signed GREEN CORNELIUS. r superior1! to STii-thing I ever tiaed In. my a dandruff cure, and I recommend it to all of my customers, Who seem de lighted wlthlt. V Sr . : Z- i' (Signed) W. A. ENRIOHT. ' Vancouver, Wash. . . " ; ". - . . -- , Send 10 cts, In stamps fof sample to The Herplclde Co., Dept U Detroit, Mich. DRUG STORES OR SENT FROM DETROIT, MICH.. UPON RECEIPT ' . w m 1 if. nitasasTHiWifr-i aButchers9 Sullies Machinery, Fixtures, Sausage.,. Casings, Pure Spices, Scales, Aprons and Coats KnivesrCleiversi Saws, Blocks, Coolers, etc. j ; S. BIRKENWALD COS r ThrTLarges Butchers Supply Ifotfse on thc' CcsJtv-l Telephone-Main 6361r- 'P4-30efeirStcfanT ' ' . - - - ;-. J The Sartorial Will call for each weelc, clean, press and return 'dothinf; fore J$t.00 per month. Cpmpetenf .nelpil when necessary," Call Main 1712 and a wagon will call for-,, articles, or, have one of ou.ragents visit you. ; .. ' 'r,. 433 WAsirUNGTON-STraET.ir7vTT miiiiiiiniiiunKin YIN CHINESE i : . 8 lucy Tea THE "X-RAY" THROWN . T. One of we have mm. Ml Chop rortlaaa, Oreta. JTaae 19, IMo-Xt. JU . Bsley, Sflt Sixth St "Olty-Mk-T . Bear Slri Slaee yoar eapertlna say Life Insnranoe peliolea I have decided to . make some vary essential obaagee. The Information you gave ate regarding say ' I pollolea wps a eomplete rerelaUosi to aad I am rare, by followlna year , i, M viae,. I shall save considerable money, aad Ijvasider yoat ehargss for aerr - is as reaered Terr aomiaaU , WUhlng yoa the best of mooess la thla-etty, I retaaan, years nuy. ... ' Full particulars by addressing Al.R. EXLEY, ,PB.W d kejVf i" i'nsurajica. WILL i HOT QKOW MIDL Vwteo'a MmlAtdgt-1 I BMW MAZm. STewlsro's Mini Will nnt niwh,l, nMii-.J'r the -enemies of hali health Mtlsn- 7.1 ' II rXiaa ablaa tWe' 1ialr to grow as -nature intended except In chronic baMneae. Save your hair with Herplclde. Won-r drf results followltf use.'. -, , , . ' HOf IfUTm nonill. 'During hot weather -lh minute sudatory glands of the scalp are called upon to perform an extra, amount of labor.' The perspiration that exudea In. Increased -quantities muat be handled promptly as It csrrles out poisonous ana refuse matter, that would otherwise -etog up the pores of the scalp. Incomplete elimination, of refuse roatteri rdt,eea a hot ' and feverish condlClon, of the scalp, fanullari- Known as Prickly Heat, Tor which Herplclde giver lrvftcdia'.e relief. Ladles wlH-find Herplclde lndlsiril-lf -It contai-ia no grease. Will not -stain or dye It isVi.ex-' qUIsite hair dressing that V OOOZiaV OOHTOBTB aad' OBUosrrpv - . -yoy rmmov (A mffteU - .. barber ahog- as'- PREPAID OF $ 1 .00 ' An Unhealthy Hair ' - v"'v - ? aa mwm - , s. I f ' MtaitesBssBalaalj t, 7 f) ' v V l Cleaning System nicsxaiiiiiicxxxxiucxxxz j KIN LIM RESTAIRANT SecondStreet v Pdfiierak and Noodle . -H and Cake ON LIFE INSURANCET"' - . '"- , ,. from Portland's prominent bullnesa ment - t.., . ,, -' (Signed V Life Insurance Specialist, St SUtk St, orUaad, OrefeA. r. -wl -ti ,4 - , ' r'-ii- .. '-,Y -1 i