The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 23, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    '-, I.--
the - ORECorr daily-: JJURNalv.portland Friday - evenin-june -23.- xm.;-'
Empire ;
, . JH4lasco. . .
Marquam '
lyrto ....
fur v...
iirand ...
feasor c.
... ' . . .. "Ijii. Klrai-hna"
"Win Knighthood tVa. In r'W.wer"
...... ."The Kluan.-l-'f "
........ 1... "U)ul sad Hi-nrlt
................ Vsudfjtlle
....... ;..!J!XtaVMilllB
77. ..Vaudeville
A large 'section of trie Tanner creek
ewer below the . norllon . recently re-
"t-alired by City Engineer Wanser has
been found to be In aucti a aangeruua
condition that it .writ have to be re
paired aPonce. Bometliing : over 200
feet of the drain .have recently been
reconstructed hv the city at an expense
of J2.600. and It will take at least 1 2.-
- 600 additional Tbparnie Bewer-iPipet
nape. -,ine iuuo ia imui j
the bottom has almost entirely disap-
Reared. City Knglnesr-Wwuaer will
bring the matter before the city exacJ
utlve board thla afternoon ana wiu as
for funds with which to do the. neces-
, wary workr- -ThMjHurtton. which neeas
to be repaired Is north lot the section
rebuilt by R. M. Kiner es won.-
. An Invitation has been sent to Secre
-,. tary William II. Taft to stop at Portland
- onJiii way to the Philippines. He will
sail from Bun Franclaco July 8 and It Is
"' planned .to have him come by the north
zz em routeand stop at Portland to see
' - the Lewis and Clark exposition. Jn view
of the larga exhtblt made oy -the. depart.
- ment at the exposition arid.-theJj-
. portance of this -fair In Its relations to
."the orient, business men d not see how
Secretary Taft can reas5naDly-, decline
tRcSrnvTnptToo, In which the heads of
; commercial bodies, the mayor of the
- ;clty-and the president of the' exposition
company have Joined..
. That portion ' of the Tanner creek
ewer included In the Rlner contract.
. which was. recently 'repaired .by the
"7- bondsmen -ef R. M,Jtlaer--A-Sori,-under.
the direct supervision ef City Engineer
. u- Wanxer, has been declared a good, sub
stantial sewer by Civil Engineers J.- lh
-r- Cunninghamand -Rr-8. Oreenleaf,' and
. R. .B. Lam Hon and N. A. King, the. com
mittee" appointed by the property-holders
to examine it. They found the
drain In satisfactory condition and
' much better -than they erpected. The
- report 'will be filed with the 'city . en-
glneer llila afternoon. . r ..... ,
Judge Clcland allowed a motloir-'.for
nonsuit yesterjlay.-Alternooniln. the case
of Mabel Wali.'rori as administratrix" of
' the estate of Thomas Waldron against
the Portland-General Electrio company.
Mrs. Waldron sued for $5,000 damages for
the- death of ..her huKband, who was
. struck, by a llva wire and killed -while -In
-the employ of the company last October,
The defensewAa.. that Waldron Jost ill
life through his own neglect.
T ' ... " - " -i"
'Mermaid Brand Cantaloupes are now
cheap enough to eat. Arrivals are in
: creasing and prices decreasing dally.
lon't let your grocer talk you lnto""buy-
. Insanyother brand. Ours are the only
l oacuetia rants in tub marxet.- urown
from selected Rocky Ford seed. Finer
Mhan -silk and aweeter than honey. Ev-
' try Dutmcg inspected . and guaranteed.
No. wooden ones. Pearson-Page Co., spla
agents. . Main 475.
--" i ,' . '. . '' ''
. TTniversallst people of Portlandre
visit next -Sunday of Rev. Dr. E. L.
' Conger of Pasadena,;-California. . Dr.
Conger- 1h "a brother of E. H. Conger.
VnltedUfltates minister Tit "Peking, and
.. I a" conenlcuoas. mau ' In .Ills denomina
tion. U4f will occupy the Unlversallst
'"Tnrlp't morning and evening next Sunday.
. The1 Brotlierhood of St;
1 will h..d
a sociable in Grate M.
vrnirrh ihln
"evening. The church
quartet will
render eojne floe selectlonj. Miss Annie,
Dltchhurn, recently from New York,
'will sing,' and a pupil of Mra. Gillespie's
school will head.' - Refreshments will .be
served by the Brotherhood members.
Desertion is charged In suits for divorce
which hftvebepn filed lnahe state circuit
court by Samifrl F. against Bennette A.
Parr and Hytle E. against Ralph C.
ttrimm. i tie Karrr" w ere married In
. Portion d-Jn 197 aijd the Grimms wers
parried In Clackamas county in 1SSS.
'-.-KO settlement has been made between
the city and the, Portland General Elec
tric company on the claims for electric'
lights which Cltjr Engineer Wanxer re
fuse, to. audit since Marctw.l and from
ail Indications the , adjustment of the
differences will be - shouldered on the
new administration. -
Swedish Society Llnnea's annual oiit
" Jng at Refiling's island SufidayJone 25.
Take Oregon City-boats. Taylor street
dock. 1:30, . 9:30, 11:30 a. m. ,1:30 and
3:30 p. m. Oregon City cars can also
be taken to Island station. . Special boat
back at t:0' p. ,m.
C. P. W"hiteof Avon-by-the-Se"s. New
"Jersey, and Gtforge Harrison of Hulme-
vllle. "Pennsylvania, respectlvelyJllie.
r- father-ani brother-4n-la of Patrojman
S. tf. White, are here to see the fair and
' make a tour of the northwest.
Delightful -river excursions, SB miles
Jfor IS cents. Down the river and back,
; viewing warships, fair , grounds, dry-
- Anck. thh beautiful river inn.rv x.-.
, steamer Gaxelle leaves foot Stark, street,
10 a, m.j 3:30 p. m., 8 p. m.
""'Tnt-pflee-of Hedgln's-Corn Core-that
popular i remedy that removes corns
when others fall tn 25 cents a 'bottle.
nd-IsoidoniyDyAJpertBert)L the
druggist. Second and Washington. - In
sist op getting Hcdgln's. , "
..i . ..
Tourists,, aa well as city people, finan
cially embarrassed, will And the Port
land. Loan Office, 74 Third street the
safest and most reliable place to trans
act their business. . Rates reasonable, A
Reliable "pl.ace td""bc.Tow moneyon
,j.-V!lamonds and Jewelrji. --Collateral Loan
"Bank, 269 Washington St Established
yeara Lowest rates of Interest
Eilglblee for the positions recently cre
sted, by the eltr watcf board have been
50c and Up
Hewett, Bradley G Co.
K&BI1DAIHI1S. "' " ,'
349 Washington Stmt '.'
certified to Superintendent! Frank Dodge
by the municipal civil service romml
Ion. John U, Hanaell. Ospb Hallowell
and A. J.-Powers are on the Hat for In.
eiieotors and 'A. O. Roberts' and A," O.
Oliver as chalnmen. F. C. 'Rtetig has
been - promoted from the ponltlon- of
watchman to that of geteman.- Two ad
ditlnnulgatetnen were desired and the
names of A. It. Bauman. James B
Thomas, Harry If. Baestndale and Peter
8kaale were certlAed.
Three divorces were granted by Cir
cuit Judge Fraser this morning. Ella
D.,' whosald she had been cruelly
treated by Charles H. Schelllng ever
since their marriage In Portland on
November 2L 1S04, was freed on that
ground. Llllle M. obtained a aeDara-
tion from George - W. Shelley on the
ground of desertion. They Were mar
ried In Aberdeen, Washington, on Octo
ber IT; 1889, and. have .oho child, a son,
aged 43 years.' Susan A. was divorced
from Richard M. Bradley on' the ground
lof desertion. Bradley left his wife and
went to Alaska In 1887, and he has
been heard from only twice since. Thejr
HiTv icTviM grown-up cnuaren. ,
Steamship Alliance sails from Couch
street dock for Coos Bay only and re
turn, Saturday -night.- June 24, at 3
o'clock. V. P. Baumgartner, . agent.
Main !. - --r
Alvln B. JIawk Co., printers. W
make a specialty of office stationery,
booklets, etc; Samples and prices cheer
fully submitted. 145 Third street.
"Turkish and Russian baths, 31.00,
Treatment, Including an elegant bed for
all -night. 35 Chamber- of -Commerce.
Give, tig a trial and be convinced.
is through the markets' advertising
In The Journal-.Fridays the .housewife
saves time and money and always gets
the best.- Look them over.
Launch Fox, north side of Morrison
street bridge, leaves for the Oaks every
30 minutes. - Fare 10" bents. Everybody
brought back free.
--We- -clean -and- ftceas -your -clothss and
shine your shoes far 31.00 per month,
Unique Tailoring Co.. 347. Washington.
Main 314. . ,
Any watches cleaned. 11.60; main
spring, 31.00; all:, work guaranteed one
year. Mettger 4k Co.. -Ill Sixth street.
. Prize waltx. Tabor Heights. ' Dancing
Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday-even
Ings.- Bpeetal late earm,iUies -free
Take launches for warships at Mer
rill's boathouse, north side Morrison
street bridge. --J
The elegant launch. Princess May,
for charter to . evening parties. Phone
Main 1561.- r . " .;
Launch Eva leaves - west end steel
bridge warships every10 minutes.
Ansley Printing Co., 160 Oak- -
C. II; ' Mclsaac of fhe. "excursion de-.
partment-of the exposition -will leave to.
night for San .. Francisco,-his object
being to establish information bureaus
in that city and Los Angeles. J. G. Car
roll will be In charge at San Fran-:
Cisco and F, L. DuShane at Los Angeles
The reason for the move on the part
of the exploitation department is that
thousands of requests for information
concerning rates and exposition features
reach the Southern Pacinc passenger de
partment dally-, and lt.Js impossible for
the department to reply to all of them.
Evidently the whole state of 'Cali
fornia Is coming to the exposition and
after giving the matter "due consldera-
M'"ir ", ""n1"""" erlrted to estab-
Hsh the bureaus," ss Indicated, In the
Buuthern Pacine ornces. on ns return
Mr. Mclsaac-will Jto to Seattle to estab
lish a bureau there."
Mrs.' Fiske's Leah.
Larse andlencM continue tn greet 3Ir. Fitke
St. the Empire theatre, where the I brilliant
nerforma'nrr: of "ljHb Klchna" furnlahM a
memorabtfSexblblUun of dramat le-art la its
blg-brat form. The play la pruTlng the nniat
popular that . Mra. Flake baa tTrr bad.
11T portrayal of - Lrah ahowa how aha ran
dcUe benealb tbe eurfare of the ebaracter
aud depict its erery phaaa.-Mra. Flaka'a Leah
la a remarkable, pajrcbologlcal etndjr such . aa
aba alone caa fWe.
. rBig Crowds at Belasco.
TbeiPiaaco atoHt. . company .ia pniaperlug
thla wat-k with lta masnlOrent prudurtloB-f
'When Knighthood Waa in Flower" one of
the mat beautiful plays erer spread before
an American audience. It will be repeated
tonlsut, tomorrow and Sunday atahta, wttb
matlueea Saturday and Sunday. Tbe follow
ing wcek'a bill at thla plarbouae will' be tbe
Iarce-ortncdy, -Seres.
.At. the Lyric.
The patrons nf the Lyric ara aeelng this m-eek
the blitufit and beat urodactloo ef "The To
Orphan for the money that has "cr bees
produced la the elty. The play will continue
all week. Tbe rloatng performance la Sun
day alsht. Matinee daily- at 2:30 o'clock.
Every freeing at T:80 o'clock and :15 o'clock.
Fine Art at the Star.
. At tbe Star tbe Mimical Taors are gtTlng a"1
atrlctlyi artltlcjnd.. blgh-claaa - melody act,
Thla Ja but ont of the many capital vaude
ville apeclaltra ihaftbla popular Ibcatre ia
offering. Stanafleld'o character lmperaonatlona
aud other festeiea add to tht patrons' delight.
Popular Prices at Marquamv
Tha Intcreetlng comedy-drama. "The Fl
saucier," will be preaented tonlaht and to
morrow night at the' Marquatn Urand theatre
by Barney Bernard. A barxaln-prlce Baa tinea
will be given tomorrow at 3 15 p. m. pops
lar prlca will prevail ia the evening.
znHext Sunday at the Empire.
Sunday afternoon and sll nut week, with
s matinee irvery day, tbe Kmplre . atock conv
pany will produce tbe roaring Irtas faVce
eomedy liinlKSa's Alley." - The regular
matinees win be gives every day at 2:1S
. Baker'a Big Bill.
A graat lll 11 preaented to the patrons ef the
Baker thla week. - Tbe- fee tore Is tbe set of
the Exposition , Fonr. It Includes mnale. - danc
ing and comedy. Jeaa Wllaon la slnslng a new
pictured" ballad and the Bakerograpk la show
ing "The Mooa a Lovar." -
i Tht Grand Theatre, . .
The Oriental eketcb, "Fatlma." the now
offering of Juice Walters A (oL at tbe Grand
has made a dlatlnct bH. Mr. Walters de
aervea all the credit ha la receiving, for this
addltloa to American vaudeville. -
Hebrew Wsifs at Msrquam'' -
The Hebrew walfabf' fur Hand have bees
Invited by Barney Bernard to witness his per
formance tit "The Financier at tbe Marquaaj
Uraad theatre tomorrow afternoon,. .
' The Empire, the piece to go for fine
meals. Neat end; clean. 13 Third. .
Hundreds of lives saved every year
fy having Dr. Thomas' F.clectrio Oil In
the house Just when It la needed. Cures
croup, he la burns, 'cuts, wounds of
ATtTHE" TtiERES. ;- .
livery sort, ... . ...
There Never' Was So Much
Freight Moving There as at 1
Present Time.
Oriental Liner Makes Fast Time
-and Brings Big Miscel
laheoua Cargo'.
Shipping was never so active at
Japanese ports as at. present. This Is
the report - mitde "by officers of the
steamship Arabia which reached port
last night irom tne orient, tvery wnarr,
they say, la crowded' with -freight and
the lightera are unable to take care of
all of the traffic. 8teamer and sailing
vessels laden .- with merchandise are
daily - entering, from - every, quarter! of
the globe, and as a consequence an era
ox unprecedented prosperity is expert
noea. . : .
Captain Metxersthln saw no war ves
sehr and cversod- with no one. wliQ. wit
nessed the last big naval battle.' While
it -was raging the Arabia was at
Keelung, Formosa, -taking on a ship
ment of tea, camphor . and- sulphur.
When Kobe was reached he heard that
the Russian- fleet had been badly scat
Peeed. He waa told by-sorae people that
theRusalan defeat was attributable to
the treachery of the sailors, who muti
nied; others -said they behaved admir
ably. While . at Kobe and Yokohama
the Japanese were-celebrating their vlo
tory and, treated all Europeans with the
greatest 'reaped. Hope was expressed
In. alL olrclee that -the-war would soon
De term mat eo.
The Arabia left Hongkong on May
23 for Formosa.. From there she went
to Kobe and Yokohama - to complete
the cargo and sailed from the latter port
on June 5. She completed the passage
In 16 days and IS hours, making an
average of 10H knots an hour. This Is
llie bent showing she has made since
she has been on the Portland Toute.
While at . . Hongkong Chief. Engineer
Thomas Kepening resigned and went to
his home in Germany. .He was suc-
ceeded by Hermanl J.ut. Max Fesper,
third . officer, also . resigned to accept
another position on a Hamburg-Amerl
can liner, which is engaged in the ori
ental, trade. ilia position was tilled by
Julius Peterson, who has been at Port
land a number of times on a Oerman
sailing vessel.
A complete list of the cargo is as roi-
lowsrx 16.160 rolls of matting, 13,700
Chests of tea, 334 tubs camphor, 800
bales of gunnies. 600 bags of rice, 600
bags of peanuts, 160 bags of8pffee,
1,900 bags of sulphur, 1,600 packages of
Chinese groceries and some Japanese
exhibits-for the exposition. bot .also
brought .43 bags' of mall. . (
Low Water Curtails Oregon City Trans-
7. porta tion Company's Schedule. --'Owing
o low-water the boats oper.
ated by the OregonCity Transportation
company will not""go iurther "up the
Willamette than Salem, until next fall,
when the rains are expected to swell
the stream. Until then' the towns of
Corvallla.. . Albany and Independence
will be obliged to depend on the railroad
I fi?r trnnwoortatlon facilities:
her last trip from the neaor of
navigation - the Oregona - had -to force
her way over the . gravel bars. Oc
casionally she became stranded, for a
few mlnutea, but the swift current kept
gradually working her downatream
at Intervals only a few inches until
she would again get into deep water,
She had 22 tons of freight, and for sev
eral- miles on this side of Corvallla the
channel was only 11 Inches deep. It ls
said no other steamer in local waters
would have been able to make the trip.
Tear Hence All Shippers Must So What
Government is Doing.
One year from this month a federal
law will, go Into eject providing that all
freight sent from the United states to
the Philippines . shall be shipped In
American - bottoms. This matter- wan
brought to the attention of the local ex
porters yesterday when ' they-learned
that the British bark- Drumcralg had
been chartered to transport a cargo of
lumber to Manila. All shipments for,
the government now have made
en vessels flying the American flag, a
bill to this effect having become a law
very recently. Shippers are of the
optntrrrrthat the-1 ws-wUl- curtail- ma
terially the shipments from the Paclflo
coast to tbe Philippines, for the reason
that It is almost Impossible to procure
American tonnage:'
While the' steamer Mascot Is being
converted Into an .oiL-burncr. whlclu will
basUortlydQne. thaTahomawilL prob
ably be operated on her .route between
here and points on the Lewis river."
With 00 tons of wheat in her bold
and 200, 00f feet of lumber on deck, ths
steamer KedofiuV Salted" yesterday after
noon for San Francisco. She also car
ried 46 passengers, almost a full list.
Laden with 700.000 feet of lumber the
sehooner Tarn O'Shanter left down thla
morning ound for Ban" Francisco.
Tomorrow the- Oerman- ship Chrialer.T
Captain Wurthmann, with 1.SO0.OQ0 feet
of lumber will leave for South -Africa '
-Nteamer Alliance win .not reach Portal
land until tonight and will sail for Coos
Bay tomorrow night.
Steamer Toledo is still tied up at the
Oak street dock, and It Is Said that she
Is likely to remain there for a weesrorT
...W have unequaled facilities
for supplying .. .
In large quantities. By sell
ing direct and eliminating the
""' retailer's proftt, we are able to"
save 'you . money -at (l-tlmea.
- watch our advertisements for
full prices on hay and feed!. ",
Pacific Grain Co.
Tnlrteeatk and Keener Mts. -'
Telephone Malm 53VTL
The Boot Shop .
,Th'at Wants Your Trade
, Champagne colorv
Tust intr63uced and-lyery."
popular in thetrast. - Es-
pecially designed for sery
Ice admirably adapted to
"walking," golfingand gen
eral outdoor wear.
ValavOvef"" Store:
Fifth & Washington Sts.
: J
so. Manager Fay left for Aberdeen thlt
afternoon to consult, with the "other own
ers relative to a new route for the craft
Astorfa. June 23. Sailed at S:20 a. m.,
steamer -Redondo, for San Kranolsco. --"Failed
at a m., schooner O. M. Kel
logg, for San Francisco. f
Arrived. at :10 and left up st 10:80
a.- m.; steamer Alliance, from Eureka.
Arrived aL 8 : 1 0 a m.. and leftyp,
steamer Columbia, from Ban Francisco.
San Francisco. June 2 J. 'Arrived at
midnight, steamer St. Paul, from . Port
land. :-. .
Sailed at 10 a. m steamer P. A. Kll
burn, for Portland and coast ports.- -
Astoria, June ,22.- Arrived dotvn at
4:30 p." m., Trchooners O. M. Kellogg
and Mabel Gale.
Astoria, June 23. Condition of 'the
fcar at 4 sc mr,
smooth; light north
wind; weather, cloudy.
The Xsmm "Line's Oll-Bnraers,
The Kamm steamboat Undine van
placed on the run between this city and
Vancouver yeaterday. For the past two
months the steamboat has been under
gotng a thorough overhauling. She has
been converted Into an oil-burner. Be.
ginning next Monday the Undine will
make two round trips between Portland
and Vancouver, and will continue., this
schedule all summer. She la In com
mand of Captain Burgy, one of th&jjfcaL:
known river captains in the north,weitLV Jf '".,,
The Lurllne, of the Kamm .river (Vet. I w '. p
waa also recently convertea into an oil
burner., She hargiven such satlsfac
tlorr that the company has decided to
change the jfasgqt into an oil-burner,
-c: Another Trip for the Tmy. .
The torpedo-boat destroyer Perry will
afternoon with a party of naval officers
and prominent citlxens. She may go to
Vancouver, but no particular route has
been selected., - She will be piloted by
Captain Bailey.
According to the program, the -war
ships win leave on Sunday for the sound
country, where the annua'l target prac
tice will ber- held. From there It Is
Irbable-they will take a run up to the!
waters or southeastern Alaska and then
return south.. It Is said they will soon
make -a cruise among the South . Sea
Islands. -
Surrey of Colombia Xlrer Bar.
This morning the stnamerTJenrge II.
Mendell left for the mouth of the. river,
where she will be used by the United
fltatea-englneers t ormaklns aeurvev
ef -the- batv- IHi glverr out by the en
gineers that the purpose of making the
survey at this time is to secure a report
of its depth to Incorporate In Major
Lsngfltt's annual message to the war de.
partmenl showing the"conditlonof tht
rivers and harbors In'thls districts This
Is about finished and will be forwarded
to the department on June 30. It will
require about four - days to take-the
soundings. - : .
fV. - .
Oatuot Take Oare ef Traffic. "
Although the steamer Columbia only
reached Astoria this-morning from San
Francisco all of her passenger space for
the return trip waa disposed of last
night The names of 32 others are on
file at the company's local office. It' Is
stated that this list will be swollen to
about 100 names before night at the
rate, applications sre being made for
berths. Another steamer would cer
tainly be sdded to the fleet If It were
possible to secure one, ,
Economy Fruit Jars Free.
Have you secured one of more of fhe
Economy fruit jars which The Journal
s giving away free with "want ads"?
Yesterday there' was ' quite a run , on
them, and they are proving" the best
premium The Journal nas yet given
with 'want ads." . .--"
One quart Jar and a boo'x of reolnes Is
given with eactTcaah "want ad" f the
Value of IS cents fr more. , "' "
Ths Economy fruit jar ts given as a
premium by an arrangement with Wad
hams Kerr Bros. It is the best frutf
Jar on the market today, and ia reoom
mended by every qp who has ever, used
Joufital ."want ads" .-wilt rent -our
rooms, sell jrour property and find your
lost articles..- - . . -
Try them the next time you hart, i
want."" : , .
rivs csnts per lint per Insertion.
Senator Carter Here to Aid the
Louisiana Purchase. Expo-
sition Commission. .
Ex-President of Body Says Con
troversy With Company Will
Not Be Settled.
Senator Thomas H. Carter of Mon
tana, by Invitation of members of the
Louisiana Purchase exposition commis
sion, came to Portland this morning to
assist In completing the commission's
nnaJ-report to the president on Its
stewardship of the 35.O0U.OOO appropri
ated to the use of the Louisiana ..Expo
sition company, under . certain condi
tions,, among, which, was tnat -the gov
ernment's commissioners should share
responsibility In the making of the
There was a disagreement between the
exposition company and the commission
ss to the meaning of the clause e-Uie
bill regulating this proceeding,- and a
breach resulted that has not healed. Al
though the awards were finally "made,
certificates were issued upon which yie
names of the government commissioners
did not anuear. and the quarrel has been
well nlah , foraotten by the public," the"!
incident is only now being closed offi
cially by the :.coramlsBion, toy submis
sion of a' final report to the president
and congress. -'
...Thla.rePort.-ls made necessary at this
time, by reason of the fact that the lif'i
of the commission expires by law Jury'
1, 'As a majority of the members of
the commission are In Portland permis
sion was secured by thero to complete
j he -report and close Its ' affairs here.
For moat of the time, slnoe Its appoint
ment Senator Carter"was president of
the commission, and- bis - familiarity
with- all events -connected with Its history-make
his asstatasjee invaluable In
the work here. S3nator "Carter said:
"I have not, for a, Wng time, been a
member of the commission.. I came
over at the request of the members, to
assist in closing up tbelr report. 1 do.
not know that It would be proper to say
anything abyut .the matters relating to
It until It has been submitted , trfjthe
presia'eritnhe controversy between the
commissioners and the exposition com
pany 4 rmst and forgotten T"he"la
creating the .commission provided' that
all awards should-be 'Subject to Its In
spection and approval. When the time
came for making awards, tne exposition
directors declined to submit them to
such investigation and approval. The
commission refused to approve.' the
awards lthnUlhla prooedureThe .
awards never were approved and prob
ably "never will be approved,"
"Senator Carter expects to finish his
work on the report In two days, and
says he will return Immediately to Mon-1
tana; .
Two a pea la 1 . trains -jtrrlved - from
Seattle this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
with 1.SQ0 passengers from the bustling
city on the sound. A large numherwent
Immediately to the Lewis and Clark ex
position grounds and registered at the
w"hlngt"n "'M"f Tomorrow will
be Seattle day at the fair.
The program for the day is very In.
teresting. Mayor U. A.-Sallinger will
respond to the speech of welcome by
President Ooode of the exposition. Ad
dresses will be delivered by United States
Senator Samuel .Piles and hy -Samuel
IIIU of Seattle. John Schramm; presi
dent of the Seattle chamber of com
merce, will also speak.
The Administration band will furnish
music. Later In the. day the hostesses
of the Washington building," Mrs, Mead,
MrsrUrquhart and their assistants, will
trecelv-e- their visitors. Refreslunehte
' Wise oa Busso-Japanaae War.
Dr. Stephen 8. Wise will, preach st
the Temple Reth- Israel, corner of
Twelfth and Main streets, tonight at I
o'clock on the subject, ."Some Leasons
From the Passing War and the Prom
Ised Peace." ' "
MEN'S SUITS .$8.50
Very near the same grade other stores
charge $10 and $12. io for; our price
$8.60 -, W e charge 110, $12.60 and $1S.60
for Fancy Worsted Suits, the Identical
g'.ade high-rent stores charge $15 and
2 for.- : r : ',t
A large assortment of Men's Hats
nd Psnts from tl.60 up to $3.60 and $6t
A general line of Shoes or Ladles,
Men. Misses and Boys at, prices that
will aatonlsh you. ' '
"Wei mark our goods In plain flguresi
as our first Jlrlce Is the last price.
KfSK.I'a:TWO 8T0RE8.-
Oor. rirst sad TamhlU and Oor. TMrd
and Darls.
- We carry the largest stock of
fireworks In the northwest, ma mi
factured ... by the celebrated
" Rochester- Fireworks -ompiriy, -New
Yorkr-A-1rge assortment of''
exhibition seta - for town snd
city . celebrations from $10 to
$1,000 per set. . Also 'flags and
bunting for fair opening decora
tlons. .., , "-- V ' - .
, -Japanese and Chinese .curios,
mattings, eto,y ' .
Wholesale nd retail. '
Andrew Kan & Co.
rr xoajusosT ar,A .
Ma aUaUtUDaV '
lOO-Acre Farm ' FetSale See For Sale Farms
Column. '" .
Dressmaker Will Make Few Engagements See
. Situation Wanted JFemale'' Column. .
One 14-month-oM Durham' Bull For Sale See For
Sale Livestock "Column .
Wanted, Teams to. Ilaul .WjtaodSee Jlelp Wanted
' Male Column. . : ' ; - ". " ;' '
"One" Imported-Daschund or Sale See" Miscella-
neous. For Sale Column.- .. i
20-Cow Dairy For Sale
Column.. ' ''..-'.' .
.y . . . . - ... --
-Matched Team City Broke, For Sale-See For Sale
. Horses ! and Carriages Coluran.-?
- Bay Horse For Sale-See For Sale Horses and Car-'
. .riages Column. " .
For Sale.-. Remington Typewriter See For Sale
T" Miscellaneous Column. - -
AndMany More Good
The Journal's
in the world
All the latest blocks In every new shape.
Largest 'stock of PANAMAS in the city.
June 20tji to 25th Inclusive
Oeme vsarts 330. . . ,
Reereetioa Isrk, Tweaty-feartk aa Taugha lta,
Oeaeral Admission, aoc.. Onlldrem, loo.
Qrandstsnd for ladles free every
day but Sundays and holidays; men 26a.
Indies aay-srtaaj. .
st the
Marquatn Grand Theatre
Kolb and Dill
I. o. u.
The Big MlnatrerBnrleaquer "
Engagement Begins Monday, lose 2,
Popular Prices
Be, S3e. 6oe, 7Se. ,
Belasco Theatre
(Tor mer 1 Colombia Theatre 1 Foorteenth ss4
ronrtta Week Be1eao9tee Coaioasr.
Preaentlns -for tke Flrat TIom la Mwk Gkaa
Major s ueilgatnii aomaniie -vomeaj, .
"When Knighthood Was
- in Flower
As Played br Islla Marlews. Y. ,
Prices ETenlng, 15 to TSe; Biatlaee. IS tn Soe.
iHaArRS' PwTau'les1
(Marrktoa at., bat. ts and Ttk.)
"Tfce Oeeat Hebrew medta
fa riMAMonm."
kicks Mw-, soe. one. T5e
- Sseeial-Prlcs
Mattsee Satarday.
Opposite Main Entrance Fair Orounda
rrza Birn xrrg arrrrra.
See Business Chances
Things - to Bs Found In
Want Columns
$3,00 HAT
bears this label
BTenlsgs, tils. Katiaee Batardar,
Xaaiesl Tkm, Mala4yWa4arat
... yaloktala' Tyraiaaa Wkrklan. . . e
Adama Bras., Oaaetag Aerekats,
Williaau aad Stems. QuaLat Sarkay abates.
F. K. StaaaSald. Ossaediaa.'
Mr. Joe Braaar, Plotund lingj l -
etareaaopa j-nia Air."
OaneraT admlaaloB and aallr matlsMS, lfl.
Erenlnsa. Busdaa, boUdaya, treat seat tower '
floor, aoo-
v - Tkrse AInaaAan sad Jaaee Breaii
ni vnAox - dajsi tcwwt
- .-- r, - . THE BIOORAPR.
PerforniDree dally at I SO, T stt sad a. aa,
AdmlsatoB, IDe to aay seat.
false Welters Co. la "ratSaa." Ilewer af
.4ka Orlest.
' Tke Blsassaas." Oesiady Wiriata.
, . Crawford aad, Kamaawaa Salt. " . ...
Tkomaa aad Pallar, Bluetag Oaaaarc. -, ' -,
Rlokaie Bartsa, tllaabretad S.. '
Earie Biatare, Chans Artlata.
1 Bread leewpe, taae-klag Btsry Pius.4'
Caneral admleatoa, lot. Enalnsa. SasdarS '
and Hnlldajre. front (, . Iowa Boor. . Boa,
Dally Matinees, 10c.
- xsastna- ft riooa, sfgra." - -
- Weak Htartlaa Jane A, tke Orest
- Prwk Melodraaa ta flea Aeta,
A drasatlaatloa ef the "TWO ORPKABfl.- ""
arransee aaiwelally far tke Lyrle Stork Cetaseap
by Ella
w iitMm,
AdoUaaloa loe to Asy-Beat.
TOtr JtJfD CJtfg
Take Pertlaad Halakts ear sad get eff st
Bawtborne Terraea, eae ibloek (rest ssr Uaa
tie eUablag. Blertrw esreaane.
let awaatim arri-ei swwarrsi saaraanef
ah tea af airaear. Toe sea oat a delate ktara
wblle Tlewtas the Boat SMsatneaat me mm t
la Aaarlra. - Osae liakltta Aeaaw
sloa 10 easts. 1
mrmH tanvtss abb hatter
Dearlagr Hew nag see i i-m-g t
Srart ef All ku4a.
rtrai Itraat Ce a " ' 1 ! '
' 1