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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1905)
i ' ' p""' ' t''t-- J ., : ' ....... . - .r. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND. WEDNESPAY' EVENING. JUNE 81. IMS. : j 5 0 :- .HI FORBID WT TO " M AMERICAN GIRL - Secretary j, of J Autro-Hungarian Embassy Recalled on- Ac- . ' m m m mm . count of Mve Anair. SMALL ROOSEVELTS OFF - r FOR SUMMER VACATION Speculatipn Rife Over Marriage of Miss'AIicertb Congress man Longworth. (W.ihlntton Bar of Tb. IoaTBl.)",.7, T'hlngton.;June 20. Count rrnJel"- limWflBII Hlllmig.1, ! IBLBIIllJ U called to Vienna, nd they ajr tht tit can aweetheart, Mlaa Helen Bell, daugh ter of Alex Graham Bell, received a curt refusal, not only from the mag-natea of hUTiouBe, but from, the foreign office aa welL ' . . . . Ha has a miaelon lri life to reatore Ma family to Ita prlatlne grandeur and Mlaa Bell ha by no meana the coloaaal for- -tune which thla would require. Inaa much aa the count failed ao algnally tn securing the American helreea' with win tn ti rmmild hla ancwatral hall It la whlapered that an enormoualy rich pnae." ne niutnur 01 k nounw banker, haa been selected aa tbe next n m. llnnna mmA that t h. Aftrt M. tOUnitBI VI MiVfvm trtn and prpratlon foiLlh marriage are well under way. , . . rui .! hnna fhaT f mint Frederick ' " ' who i a native of Waahlngton, having PUrjPLlQ : AMD FACE HVTXSR9 rrnED sjy v (mitts of Rargmav BBo.. medicate, entlwptlr; SkiaheaJth i..(nt ). XSe to klU 1 fern, h-al tb. .kin. and Sklahealta Takw Harass Im for the Cniiesla. for pimples, blsetbesds, reasMS, rmgbonm, chmt ln(, chiprln, roask bands. Nnthlaf IU gie reitnrek rrf and smws fln, tblrk kail Lerf ov, kottM at tsading niglt', , woooabs, ct.Axn ft ov rovta if-I a spMny ears, aao.f s cake, ao. ' . mfi ke, ptiw tnr F lea aad btxita te PHILO T CO., N.w.ra. N. I. nwa H.lrhall h hmllfwlr mm fliifln. TQ-QUflGKIUV RBAGH - - - - - MAIN REMEMBER cafp Oniv 1 ft rpntq fnr nHnlfs and 5 cents for of feura7If you come once, you -will come often. - Watch for the day of the opening of. our wonderful HOUSES AND SWIMMING TANKS. ALL KINDS. QF REFRESHMENTS r - ' i r : y . i--? - ' " . . .' ' - ' : " N -. 'OA ECS TAVERN ZZZST ,- .jr-- " 1 ' ' " .- ' -r -ar- -, ". "I - " - . . ( 4 ' ' been brif here ti year ago( when hla father was Auatrian mlnlater at this capital, has Inhaled some of the spirit of liberty and that he wjl! spurn this Invasion of his personal rights. - His only sister waa married in ner early girlhood to Count Herbert -Bis marck, a few weeks after the ten-iDie scandal caused by his eloping with the wife of a brother officer. -Bne vented her feelings on many subjects, paxtleir- lariy on forced marriage, in that lnim mltable book, "Elisabeth and Her Ger man Garden," and lta several sequels. mail Boossrelta Depart. - Peaea and solitude 'have spread their white ' wings over, the homes of the presidents. The small Roosevelts have departed with their governesses, their maids, nurses and domestic pets. They went direct to Farming-ton, where their aunt, Mrs. Cowles, will gather them under her wing until their parents, are ready to start from Washington for Oyster Bay a week hen?. There 1 a flutter throughout the fashionable aa well as the official world over the rumor that Immediately after the departure of Mrs. .Roosevelt there will b an authoritative announcement concerning a - verjr- Interesting -event. We shall see what we shall see. 80 1 now ronsfp takes nut one "trenn. ana tflll Is," "wflfMIs! "Alice HoosevelUs gagemenno" Hon. Nicholas Ixing worth be announced berorth tourofthe orient T Will Mlsa Alio Karryf f , Bay her fiienda, if not then, never, and the Hon. Nick will not be led ' a captive around the world for the delecta tion, of cynical obaervers. Most ef Miss Roosevelt's chums - think ' 'she will eventually capitulate to Mr. Longworth, and he is himself convinced that this will be the result of his conatant devo tion, or he should long ago have revolted from hla position at the chariot wheels. Miss Roosevelt, unless she changes her plans, will not visit Oyster Bay this summer. Bhe will take leave of her father and Mra..Jloe'evelt in -Washington, as her-Jonmey to Sn Francisco is coincident with the departure of the White House family. -yr ; TO HOLD GOOD ROADS MEETING AT ROSEBURG (gpeelal Dltpatek te Ta Joore.l.) Roaeburg, Or, June II. Wellington E. Houcka of St. Louis, an organiser of the National Good Roads "association, wag Irj, this place yesterday afternoon and at 1:19 o'clock a meeting of tbe business men was held In which It was decided that a. - good roads meeting should be held here Thursday, June 39, under the auspices 'Of tha party of national organisers whloh has held meet ings in Washington and eastern Oregon. Mr- Loucks. who la vary-enthusiastic over the work, says that next year train filled with experimenters and the necessary machinery will come through the country Illustrating the science of road building. . Woodbarm Sofcool Bleattom. lp.UI Ptosewk n. Inral) Woodburn, Or, Jane 21. -At tha reg ular annual school meeting held In this district yesterday, D. a. Llvesay waa rev elected director for three years and It P. Marcom was reelected clerk for one year. The school board was authorised to add-the eleventh and twelfth grades, which gives Woodburn a full graded high school. f -.. , Waaee Oonaty Kaa rued. (BpMlel -Dlapatrk te Tka JoanaL) Cottage Orove, Or June II. J W. Ward of Wasco county was fined 159 and costs fnrallnwlng sawdust to get la the waters el sight-Mil creea. . Without a Take the O.W. P. IT ' COSTS BUT 5 CENTS to go straight to the doors and only 5 cents, back to Portland. You are certain to land, and no trouble to getback. Exceptional car service. The limit, 15 minutes. - No other means of .travel, so delightful aridso TRUST EXPOSED IN COURT t e Hary ester Combine Accused ; of V Paying Money to Settle -Labor Troubles. USED CASH FREELY IN STATE LEGISLATURES Specific Allegations jof Rotten ness Among the Solons of Three Commonwealths. . (Joaraal gpselrif gt.ise.) . Chicago. June II. Sensational charges . monopolistic- dealings, raying - of Ony IB settlement ot labor troubles and corrupting the legislatures of sev- eral states are made in a bill In chancery filed in the circuit court by Mrs. Mar garet C Swift agalnat the International Harvesting company, the so-called harvester trust. The bill is In answer to the charges of Rodney;, C. Swift, her husband, thst she is tn wrongful-poaaea-slon of 180,000 worth ut stock of the company. . - - In her bill ii Is alleged that In ltOS the managing directors of the company paid "one DrlscoIU one Cohen and one Bchardt" I IS. 000 to end a strike of ma chinists and others at the plants of the hsrvester company. ' r Among the specified' 'allegations of rottenness are that the trust spent $,000 In 1101 on lerislators In Kansas to de feat ' the passage of a bill having to do "with the contract of the company with its agents, and that the same year tha company successfully used money to defeat a bill ta tbe Dakota legislature, which contemplated' the es tablishment of a binder twine plant at the state prlaon at Sioux Fallen -In the present year It Is charged that the company corrupted the Illinois legis lature and prevented the passage of a bill putting the inmates of penitentiaries and penal institutions to work making binder twine. - - ... - CsaA bmi lrdoev.-J -(BpMlal Dtsaatch te Ibe li.lt7H Olympla, Waah. June 11. Governor Mead yesterday pardoned , James - H. Walker, who was sentenced' front Okanogan county .fo-eettlw-ateallng tn U03. The petition requesting hla par don was signed by 0 people. Including six " of the Jurors who tried tha case. Walker is In Ill-health and waa a model prisoner. There) ! no other ncH tW bg ia - ' ;'f ' : -" M Schining's Bcst; no othef such goods; the good account for the dealing. moment's delay, and C& Ry. Cos Beautiful Cool Trailers. children, admits to 3,000 GERMAN TURNERS MEET AT INDIANAPOLIS Twenty-Ninth Annual Assembly of National GymnastiCLVnion ::;,zi in Session. r'P:r (Journal Special Berries.) - Indianapolis. IiUU 3una 2I-ThreaJ thousand German turners and -several times that number of other visitors sre In Indianapolis for the I9th annual na tional assembly of the North American Gymnastic union. The visitors come from every section of the United States, though the cities, having a large German population, - such as Cincinnati New.Tork, CleveU.nd.M 11 waukee. 6t. Louis and Chicago, are -naturally the beat repreeented. Aa special I guests of the occasion there Is a delega tion or uerman Aurnen. irvm iu. land. j ; The business district of the city . Is tastefully decorated In honor of the vis Itnrf 1 TvDnrt I Pf lnHr"n lT"i German riaga ana lesioona 01 rea,. wim and black - bunting meet the eye at every turn. At four of the principal street intersec tions have been erected colossal ataaee typifylngthe rOerman Idea of physical culture. The competitions and drills will be in-, augurated at tbe state fair grounds to morrow, and will-continue through the remainder ' of the "week. Teams and whole societies, soma Including-400 peo ple, will participate, and there will be eventa which will show the entire 1,000 In beautiful formations. - The festival will be formally opened tonight with a torchlight procession through -the downtown streets. Herman Liber, president of the North American Turnaround, will deliver an address ln- Monument' place,and will welcome' the visitors io the city. Following these formalities there will be a concert In the German house RUSSELL SAGE'S BANK PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS Institution Declares an Dividend of Hundred Twenty Per Cent. Extra and ' (Joaraal Ssertal Serwles.) New-Tork, June II. Stockholders of fhe Fifth Avenue bank, of whom Russell Sage is one of the largest, will receive within a few days an extra dividend of 120 per cent, rilling for the distribution of 11 10.000. This extra dividend Is de clared in addition to tbe regular quar terly dividend ot per cent, which the bank haa been paying for eeveral years. In June, 10S, an extra dividend of 100 Der cent was declared out -of the. sur plus: earnings of the. three previous rears. The extra dividend Of 110 per cent de clared this week represents part of tha eurplus earnings of the bank for the last two years. This Is the largest pay ment of dividends paid by any New York bank. Tha Chemical National regularly pays II per cent every -two months, making an annual rate ef 111 per cent. ' The capttaT stock ef the Fifth Avenue bank is ana siotk sens at 11.100 a Shsre, It haa a book vain of 11,101 a share. Fiefened gtoek Oaanea Mnnli Allen Lewis' Best Brans. right to the the ground. A hundred novelties, a mountain BREAKS RECORD Largest Attendance in History of School Present at Com- mencement Exercises. : HON. THOMAS C. DEVLIN ADDRESSES THE CLASS Alumni Takes Full Charge ,bf City and School Until" Close of Session. (Special Dlapatch te The Joaraal. - Monmouth"tr:r- June Il.The com . ih, nr.fnn ntntn y"rmml at Monmouth is the largest in the hla tory of the school, and the alumni that have -returned are eatlmated at close to the 200 mark. 'No record has ever equaled thla before. The graduation ex ercises finish this afternoon and the GOING I to the " GO AST? - ' If so, youtwant Paper and Envelopes 1 - We are offerlor; some Special Bargain at way Below Cost. : Now Is the chance' to - compose Poetry by the Sad Sea Wales' on u Paper at-. .J it-- -i, - . - - II 25c per lb. Think of Itt i J. K. GILL C(U - ... , Booksellers and Sutioners. - - X THIRD AND ALDER Great Things at Little Prices rirWHItHMfWftihi V alumni takes full charge of Monmouth and the State nornuri this evening until tha close of the session. Orsduates are here from tihrlatlan ool lere of the classes of 1171 to 1171 In quite perceptible numbers and the school has delegations to svarjr class that hag ever graduated, except in One tnstanoe. - Today's' session commenced with tha graduating exercises of the June, '01, class at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Hon. Thomaa C Devlin ot Portland delivered the class addreae. At 1 o'clock p. m. a baseball game between tha alumni and the normal took place, after which the. annual alumni business meeting- was held at i o'clock. Ai I o'clock the an nual alumnal program will commence. The officers of the class are Miss Anna Wagner, president; Miss ..Edith Oallogly, vice-president; Vara Stewart, secretary; Orletta Kraus, treasurer; Lottie Boche, eergeant-at-Arms;' claas poet," C. O. Springer. i-1 The motto la, "Only a Commence mnt"vcolors, green and white; flower, white rose. - The class will outdo all classes that ever graduated In the class gift to the school. They have purchased a beauti ful plaater parts Goddess of Minerva and wni present; It to ' the " school. "" It 4a4M and is 'One of the prettiest, decorstlons the chapel will have. The class has also Introduced an In novation in the way of a memento to be left -on the ground to mark their class. The' tormer classes have either planted a tree or placed a. marble slab tn the walls of the building with the year marked on it to represent the class. But this clsss went into the mountains, secured a granite rock that will weigh probably . 1,00ft pounda, have engraved the class year on It, have-planted It In the college campus and will place a vine there to cover It. The juniors and freshmen had not lost their cunning and they moved to the grounds at midnight Sunday and with shovels and picks had started to bury thi ion jiini riass fork, but tha snn lore happened on the scene when the rock had disappeared but about two feet and saved Jt from Ita untimely fate. . , NEW LAW MAKES IT - EASY FOR GRADUATES (Special DieiMtek te TaeJearaat) Olympla. Wash.. June 21. Harry K. Warner, O. t. Webb, Fred A. Smith, 8. R. Sumner. Elmer E. Thompson, Ben jamin E. Harder, E. C. Marsh, L. D. Oiinsted, - W. M. Nevins, T. V - MDon aid, George Thompaon, B. O. Lao, R. E. Thompson, T. J. L. Kennedy, C. A. Kent, E. C Ewlng, E. J. Doyle. C A. Brunn and Dan B. Pearaall. all gradu ates from the law department of the State- -university have been admitted to practice In this ltatewtfhdut examina tion or expense, as provided by an act of the last legislature. - . . Another Vew Vark. . .. (Special Dispatch- te Tbe JoaraaLl " Olympla, Waah, Juna 11. The ett'y of Olympla haa purchased - whst la known; as Prleat Point park from John Hecker. Tha land Ilea north of the fclty and will be converted Into another beau tiful park, for which Olympla ta already famous. ..... Warships! Warships! " Don't fall to Visit the great fighting vessels, open. to the rxihllo from 1 to I p. m. There are wonderful stents to be aeon aboard. The fastest, best and most convenient from tne foot of Morrison street, up-river side of bridge. Favorlx l;o'- r ron -" Telephone I ..i 1 charter to pr: r : : : : : : alt : : BATH .- V'W V V " V VV V EVERT VISITOR to tha T Lewis and Clark expost . Ition should Uke thla tha most . delightful of all mountain trips .V In America, Cloud Cap Inn. i.w mlqua: and - plotureaqueJI.OOO : feet above sea " level. ' af fords splendid socommodatlons. ' Summit - of mounUln easily accessible from this point. Stages leave Hood River eta- tlon dally,, making connection with O. R. N. trains. Round , --trip-tickets Including coach-. ing trip, on sale at O. R. N. ticket fnc Third and Wash ington streets. Portland. Par tleulars about rater at TTloud v Cap Inn by- writing -V- aaus. a. xvajroTXAa, on. Send I cents In stamps to A. L. Craig, O. V. A. - Oregon Railroad Sc Navlgatioae torn na nr. Portland. . fori booklet telling about trip Delightful Mount Hood Trip Hotel Fairmount tuMi f -atxy ' Ajm vnnm sts. Oppoalta Main Sntraaee to ILewla aad Clark Bzpoaltloa. ,. Only sbsolutely fireproof hotel ad-o1nlng-grounda.-equlpped with -eieetrto-telephonlo and special telephnntn com munlcationa - for patrons. Uniformed -porters and bellboys at all hours at guests' service. - - - 150 Elegant Rooms Open for Guests . n BATSa 91-00 A DAT AJTD VT, '' W. H. LATTIN, General Manager. 4 HOTEC SPECIAL RATES BY THE PAY OR WEEK Beached by - tbe Oregon Waef rnres a Mr- Oa. TroUey Zaaa, I " ' Write otPhosa--rri &. B. Maanm, afaaa-es. Bstaaaaa, Oregoa. . . ( Horn cz Cor. t- - J. C. G ... 3 .