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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1905)
.. 1: THE .OHEQON PAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY ; EVENING, JUNE 81 lflCl,: PCTtANDb CIATCOT ftTCC AND fOREMCdT RETAIL : E&TACLIdHMCNT ON THE PACIfIC SLOPE Tha 1 D2T Shop on' the m' n r . " ' The Western Quality . Shop and Style Store twanrjiospiTAL SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENC - TEA. ROOM . -, ... ' MECONO FLOOR. ' " .Auspices Portland Y. W. C. A,-- .Menu for Thursday ir June 22 TrCoffe Chocolat. . "' Milk la BotU. Cream of Tomato Soup. Salad. Sliced Tomato. 4..;- Tongue Sandwiches. Bread and Butter. . . Strawberry Shortcake. - Ice Cream. Tea Cakes. Tint rioa. aansaaBaassaaaasa 1 Watches cleened and warranted for one year. 7S& New mainsprings. 75ev Why jut mort? . 3 ' Lariat collection in tha city of unique and "catchy". SOVTXWXBS of Portland. Oregon, and tha "Exposition. Alt at the "BIO TOB,r xxiretM rueaa. ' -' V ..' CTfiTTH t .SErmffi iX. "WASHINGTON Sts (UmfinatcEiabie Th u rsday (Bargains for Our; Thousands of Patrons aBaSBaeaHBaDBaBBHaMunaBBaaaBXnaasasaBaaaMBnca) From Everywhere ! T WELCOME AND GREETING to the city's visitors. Make this store your downtown home, meei here, make appointments here, use the free phones, Information bu reaus, rest and retiring rooms, toilet and "writing nooks, check your parcels free of charge in short, use every convenience of this modern mart of trade, you're cordially- WELCOME. Buy if you desire,' of what you wish? Visitors and sightseers are equally welcome with shop persthis is Portland's mercantile3'Liberty Hall"-and the latchatring is always out The bargains are tempting we admit, but should youyield to temptation and buy, you'll gain yn-that proportion you purchasecan't help itT -t See here AN EMPLOYE DISCHARGED At tha Expoaltlon ground,'yeterdy. -A lady aaked him to point put a certain lulldlng to.hrtor a jokh aan, her to tha, opposU and of tha ground. Had he obtained an Official Guide aha Could .easily have located the building without help and saved herself an hour's time and uaeleaa travetTha "GUIDE"., sejls everywhere, for iSotWa furnish It to you for 6c thle way-VWitb every sale of l or vr w glva FRKEfctlckatworUx 10ctoward tha- purchase.,, tho "Of flclal. Guide" when presented at the "QUIDS?.' headquarters In tha OHental Building at the Fair Grounds. , '. Good Shoes attGreat-Reductions BLACKS, REDS AND CANVAS " " .t-; . - jTFobiweaf Sensation on the "Fair;Va -JL.wbbt abbix msT noos. Said a bright woman yesterdayi "It pay to watch these special sales at OLDS, WOKTMAN A KING S. I can buy-my shoes and then have money enough left aa the difference between tha price I pay there and the price I would have had to pay elsewhere tabuy my children: .shoes." And sha was certainly correct as she was Wise. To eava on ahoe buying here is To"1ruly economise, for we atlck, to the thoroughly good makea of shoes only. The special values below wimntereat men. women and children. For Thursday Men' and Soya' Canva Shoaa 80 A line of Men s and Boys' Canvaa Shoes (closed out from a well-knowrv manufacturer, an aona ana leather trimmed; men'a 4xe to 10, boys' slsea JH to I H- Special . Ur at, pair Blsea 5 to I; our $180 value. Special at, tha pair, .j .75 : Sixes 1 to t; our $1,00 value. Special at, tha pa!r. .,.;.......50f OhUdraa'a All Bed Shoaa, In goat or kid: either button or lace; aisea 1 to 6 r our $1-00 value. Special Bala Price at, the palr.......50e) Thursday Bargains in the Women's - j -Knit Underwear and -v s . . - ,; ran noom. - v -:- . .". Weasaa'a 80a Tests and Iaata S5 Balbrlriran Vests, with long .r sleavaa, shaped waists and pants, with French bande, ankla length; , regular value 0c. Special, each i. .m,,,, 3B Wtmn'lM VaioaTialta" So Fine "whltacotton' ""Merode" knit ITnlnn flulta. high neck, long sleavaa. knee length; alsea, 3, 4 and .only; regular value 15c; Special, auit.i.t.i.....r.,.,.68e Wonea's S5o Testa and Tlgata Sao Very lightweight Merino VesTs and Tlghta ("Meroda" knit), Vesta, high neck, long aleevea. etra ,'sllk trimmed; tights ankla and knea, length; regular value s(0- Specials aacb.-iA Wemea'e aXa fcUlai Testa ta Flna Richelieu ribbed llala Vests, low neck, aleevelese, pink and blua only; regular valua 60c:- flpeclal, lUeacb ....,... ......29( Womea'a Aoo Com S4o Fine black Usla Hos. gausa wrlght, apllced "heel, double aole; regular value aOc. Bpeclal. pair.... 34e Womea's SOa Oottoa Hoaa 8o Fine, aof- medium-weight black . cotton Hoae, white double aole, high apllced heel; regular valua :' ton - Special, pair ............... .i ..SB Womeaa BSa Cotton Mosa lao Black eottoa Xoaat medJumsxelaht; . double solo, apllced heal; regular valua J 6c. B per lal. pair. ... 18 Womea'a Sathlag Snlta. Bperial at. ') ' . each 92.00 2.60 f3.00 3.50 and $4.00 Sensational One-Day Values in Smart Suits arid Skirts l'-GrOT"s''10'18 f P" o'- URCKT AND LEADING WOMEN'S APPAREL ESTABLISHMENT WEST OF CHICAGO! ijTCl y : - A Sweeping Ten-Hour Clearance of Stylish Shirt C waist Suitst-$I2.50 and $15.00 Suits for ii , ' .. --. i The OLDS. WORfMAN A KINO aulta are croverblnl for thelr beautiful fit and finish. Tomorrow's aale la positively a one day clearance of the most stunning lot of Suits that Portland haa seen In many aeaaons. At theso clearance prices the aulta ara absolutely without precedent aa bargalna of tha most unusual! , character. Tomorrows pncea win aerva to make and keep the Suit Balona ao filled with eager, enthusiasts buyera that tha aulta comprising the convention will have dlaa"tipeare4-we feai- long era the gong-rlnga for closing. We will, however, promise to keep a generoua choosing on the racka of the valuea specified until o'clock, no matter what the Ma may be to ua. No woman can be without a shirtwaist ault thle aeaaon who Inye claim to ba even a looker-on at Faehlon'a --Court. They are tndlspenslble for Bummer wear; and tomorrow wa propose to put the I price within theitaeh of every purse, no matter howl cramped that purse may be; aoat r closing time tomorrow night no woman within shopplns) distance of this store can have any - possible . excuse ttr not being tha proud and happy posaeaaor of a smart, stylish SIX.K WOTWAXST SUIT. - nnTt. Handsome taffetaa. In olaln and changeable effects and all wanted colorings. Including black, blues, browns, greens, tans, etc. Waists and skirts are Jn shirred' effects. tha waists with Bishop and ieg-o'-mutton aleeves.' All the very latest atyle-touchee are embraced In these very swell and charm ing Bummer Butts. The usual best values ever offered In the city at HZ. ou ana iit.uu, zor tomorrow oniywiu ua uiu .... -r-, T r- .. . r- ts are Jn shirred' effects, ,$9.98 $25 Jaiiored Street Suits for $9.98 The bargains ara Incomparable. It Isn't easy. In k few words, to Jo Justice to such Values. Styles that are fine tw"! and lovely Bummer evenings for which ' grand old Ore son Is famous. -Styles you'll be glad to ,hava for FalL -Think ft paying less than half for them! Almost down to a third. Materlala tnclude.etamine. tn black, royal brown-and ana, in Eton.atylaa. trimmed In taffeta and bralda and uffeta lined. . Jackeu with Bishop sleeves and fancy cuffs; made coiraWesa, 8 klrts are plaited front k..v ..4 v,..,. mttmrm- nthera In. the lot are In blouse styles, lined with satin, and have Bishop sleeves. Materials In then embrace seraes. cheviots and Venettana,Jn bluea, blacka and browne. Bklrta are 9-gored and have foot plalta.- Valueg In all to !5.w.jrhuraday only '...iiitui .it tmLtti .f?!..v....;..-$9.98 $4.50 Linen Skirts, Dainty and Durable, $3.39 Summer Bklrta of pure white Irish linen: cut with" t-gored flsrs, with aide gorea tucked. Splendidly adapted a-ear these warm Bum. mer daya. on outings, launch or trolley rldea. lawn-partiea, and the many aoclal functlona to which the Bummer lrlji "'jf to participate in. A uaual $4.69 valua. Tomorrow jnly ; at .-....,.-,. $3.39 Try Df Now! Mermen's Borated Talcum Powder for Prickly Heat, Chafing, Sunburn, roughness of the skin or any sim- ilar trouble. It immediately ; removes" all odor of perspiration. The baby cannot be healthy without '-it's use m-warm-weatHer. An indispensable article rfor man, "woman and child. Get it-at the -Toilet Counter First Floor. - BAM TAXtUXS TXr Novelty Trimming laces First Floor. Very handsome JJovelty Trimming Laces, in whltai.ecru, Parte and eroa'mT"aTBO'rtm-eri' applique In beautiful .designs In black, whtta and colore. All are sharply reduced In price for this sale , ' Our SSe value... Special at, the yard.'....; 17 Special at, the yard.... ,...,.......'..2Sf Spc'lnl at, the yard............ ......38 Spoclal at, the yard.. . .... . . . . . . .......... .48e Bpeolai a, the yard.;'.......V..,.......ii..75e Bpeclal at, the yard.' i...98f Our . ' 80c value. Our ?le value. Our 11.00 value. Our $1.60 value. Our 13.00 value. Out $1.80 anAJjjlO valuea.'' Bpeclal at. the yard . .... .i ..... $ 1.48 Our IS.60 and 1100 values. Bpeclal at, the yard. ......... vf 1.08 Our IS-Od value, Special aMhe yard...'; i7J7".T.-. i . 92.44 Valenclenriea Lacea and Insertions, lit a variety of dainty patterns; values In the lot to (5c. Special Balo Price, the dosen yardsV.25 Silk Sel linq Extraordinary! .In ; the - Annex S outh, First Floor. -Children's'- nrtf"rt lntifl1t 650 Good aole leather bottoms, tan Russia calf uppers, children s Kliss. upaeini ai, liair - oor u A ct?M3 ATTAM4T TJTTWrtTACT? AT AM TTMTWirrT?nFNTT?r mM. rOliHB w II H tr a 1 W an a a w 1 T am aW al W AWiicawvaw m w w w aM vaw - a aM v w w " There are many' dlfferant stylea In, thelott Including Oxford Ties, rnnde f fine glace kid! Womea'a aaa and Uuree-atrap Uppara aa-Cnfidren'a Ica ooU and Slippers, in all a lies. Note these prices " ' - . .. .... Women's Sad Oxford Tlea (Half Shoes) with large" ejelets;-Our 14 00 value. Special Bale Price, tha pair . 92.00 Women's Bod One-Strap SUppera, with turned aglesr our $1.7S value. Special Bale Price at, .the pair..,....,.'. ....881 Woman'B-Tkroe-Strap-e SOippera, very dreaay;four 12.60 value. Special Bala Price at, tha pair .. . ......... .$1.25 Okildraa'a Flna Bad'Zld Shoes, with Inaerted laca piece and spring heels - "- ' ' v- - Slsea H to 11; our $J.2S value.Bpeclal at, the parr.-. v.. 91.12 Slsea S to I; our 11.76" Value. Special at. the pair....... .88 . Klsta t 1 td I; our 11,11 value... Special at, tha pair....... .63a Children's ed" Top, Fatan Tamp Shoaa, eltherlaca or button- CESSION BY THETMANUFACTURERSr 8,000 yards of , the new arid "ultra fashionable MohairrMiscelSilksr noted for unapproachable wear 'and splendrd appearance, all in attract ive' design and beautiful cdlonngs, which embrace - Resedas,- greens,- royals, - browns, reds and - navies ; -very' best -dollar "Values shown "this, season - by any" store in America. Special at, the yard... :59C a oat corrua or pbsttt rarooros IBT SUMaiI OAXaTXTVBX TO rlOWMSABOAJSBICIl Women's " Furnishiirg" " Shops Great Values u. Dress' Goods Store Colored Dress Goods Every odd piece in 'our stock has got to go." So " come and "get the" best bargains that have ever been offered., " Un-' matchable at our regular prices - ; " ' - t ' . 50c goods for $1.50 goods for $1.00 goods for. $2.00 goods for $1.00 $1.25 goods for $2.50 goods for Every .wanted color to choose fro nf and all new 1905 fabric, including 7 the much-wanted Mohairs. C' v J Important MidweekSale of Imported French Black Voile These are our ' regular" well known grades purchased under regular - . pricey to relieve a .large New York commission" importing house of - "'Surplns-tock-- : , v. -', . , ; .'- Our Regular $1.25 Quality' ' Our Regular $1.50 Qualify 21i ' REDUCED TO, yard -"r ; REDUCED TO. yar4 r Our Regular $2.00 Quality ; i . : . n.REDUCEDTO, yard - - - w "". 1.' D l-atar"-- mo? THE ABOVE SPECIAL. PRICES ARE FOR THURSDAY ONLY v'. - Tlrat loor. a - 4Sa for Woman's 7 So Olovea A. nice, new lot of ladles' fins ailk moves, in black or White, two-clasp, double finger tips, new, . pretty stitching on backs', our 76o value. -Special Sale Price, the pair. ....... .-8 White Bmbroldered OoUara, Worth SSo for' lOo -Fine white ' etnbroldcted Collara. n line Junt recciveiUxnarked to. sell at 25c Special for today at, each 10 rraaoh Talenoleajnea I.aoea Thousands" of -. yards of . pretty Krench " Valenciennes - Ice. 13 yards IrTthe piece; our 4o and . to values. Special at, the piece 25 S5a and 75o ZJnea Handkerchief for 37o -ladles' pure linen hemstitched and ern . broldered ITandketchlefa, assorted pat . terns," all of them are dainty and very pretty and ara worth tic and 75c, . Special ' Sale Price, each ...... .......37 ,.; . ... Pretty Shirtwaist Patttrns -, A' great showing. of embroidered Shirtwaist " -"- Patterns at itreaily reduced price- Bmbroidarad Chambray; our I1.7S" value. - . Bpecla at . . . . . .. . .. r.T.90 " White Lawn, embroidered; Our ll.TS value. -I .-..BpecUlat - . . ...... 00 Embroidered Dtamln Cloth; our IJ.00 ' .' rTaTue.', Special at ..,..,,,.!....$ 1.00 ' -..Embroidered India Linen) our 12.00 value. Special at l.OO : Embroidered India Linen: our IS.TS value. - Special - at , . ifrwunvi ni a. a ,81.4S " . Embroidered Morale Cloth; our f 1.00 value. Special at .81. SO -'C6tton Ottoman - Cloth; out tf.00 -value. ""SpeHal at , , , ,x. . 81.50 "Fancy Weave Mercerised Xloth,'" very pretty; our $180 value.- Special.. Sl.TS , gwell Mojred Cloth; our 4.t valua. Spe cial at . . 82.25 srxx mik aitOm tob bsc, Xays-r's fin silk mesh all alsea, -. In black, white, modes ant-ponge; vary fine glnves. for" Kayecr makea only the best. Special t. pair.......... g3s Wear Anti-Chafe "Gloria" Shoes Chafed heela and ankles ara tha penalty, of wearing 'th ordinary makes of low cut shoes. Most fac tories make Oxfords on the same lasts they fashion, tha high ahoea over.. Such lasts ara too full at the ankle to hold the Oxforda In a 6hsirp"pIngposltlon, andTioTorfl 'gape" there, "but" elide up "and down on the foot,' wearing the atocklng first and tha heel next. "GLORIA". Oxforda ara cut separately for Tight and left feet, and are shaped upon special Oxford lasts that bring just tha right ten. alon upon tha ankle to prevent allpping, and also to avoid pinching around tha. upper edge. ; . vS- '.J J "" C? A modest prlc,. too. ..................... pOOv FOR-MEN OR WOMEN i v A Millinery Event That Vibrates With Keenest . Interest I BIJoa Salon Annsa Second rioor.' ' 7" :',t $4 and $5 Chiffon Hats for $2.49 A rich and handsome convention of Black ChlfTon Hats in both small and large shapes,' fashioned ' In ' matchless necromancy of style and -r art, the daintiest and finest models Imaginable for skilled artisans to conjure. . Over J00 In the choosing.' tucked chiffon and horsehair combination - braid. In tin popular large dreas shapes, pretty Tur bans that fairly sparkle with original ity and "go," "Charlotte Corday" styles and others that meet Fashion's favor at tha - present hour. : An - Immense variety Jo aelert from, ot a hat In tha gathering worth less than 14.00, .mora that are In tha JLS.oo clasa. all go In tomorrow oner' tng at a choice tot..,. n, .mors :-7$2.49 woatzB ot ntnnoi wrxi.. subsz.t tabs - TABTAOB O TBXSB ' A WISB A9 Housekeeping Specials WashvGoods Bargains Somestio aad Xataaa Alsla Ttrst Tloor. " It's rarely, such money-saving opportunities ar brought to your attention, and we advise every one in need or these advertised ar- tlclea to "make hay. while tha sun shines.'' .fortunate turn In trade have brought these remarkable values to ua to turn, to you now. Better do your part Com tomorrow. ,'f. '.".'i... 1 Bannsoma I.lnns. ,. . . ,, .... -i... A Una of Flna Satin Damask Table Linens, 2 yards wide priced at. the yard ..7B 90c $1.05 and fl.2& Heavy Bleached Damask Table Linen,, for restaurant and hotel uaa; our 4Jo value. Special at, the yard".".. ........ . ...SSe) Heavy Bleached r'amaak - Tabl Napkin, hemmed.- Speclat-atr the , doaen ............ ... .... ... ...... ......... . . . . .. . .fl.15 Fancy Damask. Hemstitched Tray and Carving Cloths speclaj at, eacE . . ."ViV. . TV... '.'. . .'i. ".i'.",T.n:V, ... .35) Towels aad Towailag. Bath Towels, full bleached, eatra weight,' alia -J x 4 8-Inch pec1al each .- ..18e) 3ath Towels, made of double twisted yarn, slse 30x42-lnch ep. - clL ach i.. ....12H Bamsley' Toweling, all linen, bleached and very heavy special, -yard ...................9 ' '- '- -'- nna ana ruiow Ca. ';':-v:r;"'- : - Good, Heavy Sheets, full slse special sal price, eachj. . . .39) Pillow Case worth lVo for 10 Pillow -Caser made ef good heavy - round thread sheeting; our 14o vnye. Special sal price, ea. .10 - Beautiful Whit Good. 2,000 yards of White Linen Finish Duck 'Suiting, St inches wide special aala price, the yara.,.....i ........... .,. . . n India Mulls, with a sheer, silky finish, much used for making lingerie waists, and jntir dresses- . . Our 40o value pectal at, the yard..'.....................t.-.33 Our 80c( value apeclal at, the yard ...44t Our 0o value special at, tKayard..,.. .................SO Our tto value apeclal at. the yard.............. ...54 Whit Linen Finish Cambric, B inche wide. 10 yard to the piece. Special ale prlcethe piece;. .; ViTTTT. . r.VTT7. . ..OO Pretty" Wash Goods, comprising slrk eollennes, embroidered mulls. i dotted .etaminea and printed moussellnea about SO piece In th lot, all fine, -seasonable fabrlc-9UW 0o and 60o value. - Special Pit.'th" yafd . . .' J . . H '. m . 1 . . m 1 1 n i 33fl Whit Honeycomb Bedspreads full size, I special line, all of them - great valuea at, each , 90 f 1.00 aad f 1.25 S SSSSSSSBBSISBSSSSSSBaBSSSSSa BABOAIB TOBCSS UrVABB the Realms of China THIRD FLOOR--SPEC1AL PRICES FOR THE WEEK, ----V.:. OfjCOBATZD CBJBA BZBBBB SBT. - ;....'"; , Thin, light Austrian China Dinner Sett, neat ahapee with gold) border and center-,.. ! ' " 60-plece set; regular valu llS.'fiO. : Special. soW..........$11.50 100-pIecr tetrregvlar valu $?1.00. SpclaW' et.. ........ .flO.OO Austrian China Dinner Set.' decorated with pink flowers and apray, r gold'handlee And knobs 100-plec U regular value Spe cial, aet v .:.,..........,..., fie.oo Austrian China Dinner Set. full gold border and amall pink flowra. 100-plece t; regular value $2Jfc0. Special, eel. . , t. ,4 . .flS.TOV "' BUTTXABD 0BXBA DIBBIB SITS. ,.' HavtlanA China Dinner Beta, apray decoratlonaV-gold - knob .and handles, 100-plec set; regular value SlS.tO. . Special, aet.. f 23.65 llavlland ,Chlna Dinner Bets, decorated with roses and avy gold border ' Z. "r , 00-plec aet; regular Value IH eJ. Special, aet ..,...f26.CS 100-plece sat; rcgula valu $45.15. Bpeclal, t.......,,t CC3.r 3 Haviland China Dinner Set, decorated with pink apray. gol.l tr. t, full gold and embossing - -' . , - 0-plec eregular valu ISO.Bt. Speclat. set ........... C 1 100-plece set; regular value $51.00. , Special. t 8 10. T3 Thouande of odd fancy pieces in .Decorate China, slmnat every, thing useful and ornamental, at special rertwed prl- ea. I