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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1905)
THE OREGON tiAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 21. 1803.' TOVNTOPICS TOBXSXrS AknTIIXXXTs. , K tapir u Maniuaai (irawj ... Kter . baker ... ...4,Ls Kleechna' 'Whe hhood Was In Y tower' Laalaa aid H.nrlrtt.' il.VaudeTllla V'audwlll Ved.lll Mlas Bertha Chapman of Oakland, . California, will addrcaa the Horn Train' lng association at the Y. W. C A.. Sixth and Oak streets, tomorrow at I o'clock nn "NaturevWork and Gardening." Miss Chapman la tha superintendent of na ture work In tha public achoola at uajc 1 land and la well fitted to apeak on tha subject. .Her work extender from the first gradeVto tha high scnool and covera the fundamental prlnclplaa of botany. A little land la given to tha children and thla they work, under her ttnroeai . ate supervision. Her talk will be tnter- eating to teachers M well aa to parents. Miss Chapman la the rueat of her sister, Jars. K. Li. Donald. . - ( " f Because ha claims O. 3. Welsten mis represented to him the amount of Um ber on the land he purchased, Ola J r Steen -seeks to recover $1.10 In cash -' end 12,000 In notes which he paid to . Welsten as the price of the land. Steen says welaten' sold Mm a timber claim ,' in southwestern Oregon and told him at the time that there, was a growth bf Z from , 000.000 to 8,000.000 feet of fine v cedar on It: alao that the claim waa lo cated one half mile- from the Slualaw river and was near a sawmill. Bteen says he fund the Umber worthless, -the land In the rnidst'.of a fire district, and - situated two and a half miles from tha fiver. ' - , ' . . George B. Randolph, a young man about town, who haa allied under the " aliases of Charles A. Read and Robert ' Newton, pleaded guilty this morning to a charge of 'obtaining money under false pretenses. ' Circuit Judge Fraser, -. before whom the plea waa1 made, de- ' f erred sentence until Saturday. Ran dolph waa accused of having obtained I&S.40 from Ben Selling on a check made out In favor of RoberCKawtoo, . and signed J. M. Mattlngly. After ee- - curing the money he went to Buffalo, .'' New York, where he was arrested by . Detective Day and brought back - -to ': Portland. . . ; ATtna E. Albee has begun suit against . the Faclflo States Telephone Tele graph company for damages for 15,000 "t:" for tha death -of her son,-Edwin W. Albee, who was killed by a fall from a telephone pole at Fourteenth and Columbia-streets on October 20. 104. The Vromplalnt alleges that Albee . had beef employed by the company to attend tt -office work and that he was sent out . to repair a telephone connection, labor with which he had no experience. While ' he' waa a t work -on-the pole he "encoun tered a heavily charged wire, received - a shock and feU to the ground, y - July 8 and the Paciflo Coast Assocl- ; at ion of Nurserymen-will hold Its; an nual meeting In Portland. One of the objects of the sessions is to get In closer -touch 'with the growers of commercial fruits, and the nurserymen will visit the exposition and study the exhibits In " the Agricultural palacs with great 'care. As far as possible, they will learn what fruit are In demand and govern their rsary stock to conform - - . -j. ...... , I ' Franlf Silverstone. a comm"ercll trav eler out of San Francisco, la at Good ;' Samaritan hospital. He Jumped out of " a aecond otory window at Myrtle Creek - a few days ago to escspe from a burn - lng building. He Is expected to lesve the hospital ""wlthh a-week or -so. ' Mb. - SUverstone haoTTi narrow escape fhm death at the fire, at which one person wss burned to death and several badly Injured.- ' " '''",'"'" Mermaid Brand Cantaloupes are now '-cheap enough to eat Arrivals -arj, In-J creasina; ana pnew bwiw.hi uj. Don't let your gcocer4alk you into buy ing any other brand. Ours-are the only Coachella cants In the market Grown - from selected Rocky Ford seed. Finer . than-allk and sweeter than honey. Ev- ery nut?neg - Inapeoted - and , guaranteed. " No wooden ones. Pearson-Page Co, sole . agents. Main 47S. The proposed opening and extension of Stark street between Twelfth" snd Thirteenth streets has -raised a storm . of disapproval from SS of the larger . . property owners to whom the expense . will be sasessed. - The viewers awarded '"133.000 damagea to the property owners ' through whose property the-street will t un. - The matter will be considered by the city council today. . Examinations for the promotion of -flrtmnn to the positions of HeutenantsJ and raptains. to TbeTield by tne civil ser I vice commlasioD' July 17, include spell-1 .Inav-arUhmetlc-penmanshlp copying from plain copy, knowledge of rules ' of the department naming the locations of at leaat 40 hydrants, 20 cisterns and 25 fire alarm boxes. . ' There, Is no excuse for any one to complain about aching corns, when they can get a 20o bottle of Hedgln's Corn Cure of Albert Bern!, the druggist. Sec ond and Washington.-and get relief.. It takes them off after everything else .falls and makes walking an agreeable "pleasure. N Moonlight Excursion Steamer Altona leaves Taylor street dock at p. m. sharp, Wednesday, June 21. Down atream ' past the fair grounds. Orchestra and Ice cream. Tickets S0c.- 'at, Laue-Davls Drug "Co., corner Third and. Yamhill. . Only 200' tickets will be dold. .. .-- - . Delightful river excursions, 25 miles for 25 cents. Down tha river and back, viewing1 warships, fair grounds, dry dock, the beautiful river scenery. New steamer Oaxella leaves foot Stark street. 10 a. m., 2:30 p. m I P. m. ' , 'iThe suit of Tt K. Warren against the TTftlted Carriage company", for 110.000 dsmaaea for personal Injuries, wss dls- Consumers I Attention!: "if We have unequaled facilities ' for supplying r HAY and FEED- In large quantities. By sell-. Ins direct and eliminating the retaller'e profit, we are able to save, you money at all times, watch our advertisements for . ; full prices, on hay and feed. Pacific Grain Co.T . Thirteenth aaa Kearney Sta. . - Telephoaa Ma ft30T. - missed' fn the state circuit court yester day, a the case waa settled out of court. Each party pays his or Its coats ad disbursements, , v ' For. San Francisco dlkeet the elegant new ateamer Redondo satis Thursday morning- at le o'clock Cabin .til. ateeraa If. meals and berths lneladed C. II. Thompson's ticket : office, 121 lThlrd street. . 8teamshlp Alliance sails frdhj Couch street dock for Coos Bay only and re turn, Friday alght, June 23, at o'clock. F. P. .Baumgartner, . agent. Main 111. v, -.;, Reliable place-to be .tow money on diamonds land lewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 2l Washington' at Established it years. Lowaat rates of Interest. s Sophia has begun ' suit for divorce from Henry Marco on the ground of cruel and -Inhuman treatment They were married, in Portland In ISM. 'Turkish and Russian baths. - 11.00. Treatment, including art elegant bed for all night. ' 625 Chamber of Commerce. Give us a trial and be convinced. . -i . , 1 i. . . launch Fox.Tnorth aide of Morrison street bridge, leaves for the Oaks every u minutes, rare JO cents. Everybody brought back free.' Any watches cleaned. - IVOO: main- spring,-11. Ofr all .work-guaranteed one year. Metiger at Co.. Ill Sixth street Take launches for warships at Mer rill's boathouae, north, side - Morrison street bridge. . y The elegant launch, Princess ' aTay, for 'charter tp evening parties. Phone Main lSel. Oeorge A. Wilkinson of Sslt Lake City is visiting his father In thla city. Try a meal without meat at. tha Vege tarian cafe. 101 Sixth street . . y NAnley Printing Co.. M Oak. --WHERE TO DINE.' ' V All the dellcaclea of the season: pri' vate apartments for ladles and families. Straiiae's Restaurant, 12 Washington. The Empire, the place to go for fine meals. Neat and clean, m 3 Third. MORE EHPLOYfS FOR THE WATER BOARD Additional Engineers and Gate- men to Be Engaged,, but Wages Will Be Decreased.-: , The extenalon of tha municipal wa ter system - haa necessitated the em ployment of .a. larger force of , men, es pecially englneera and gatemen, by the water board, As the increase will les sen the duties of the employes a re duction In the salarlea haa been made. The reaolutlona provide that the num ber of englneera at the Alblna pump ing atatlon be Increased from two to three; that salaries be fixed at 172.60 month, and that the services of a helper ha rilspensed-wlth; that th be? of englneera at the City park Ihe rjtfm- be In cneased from one to three, salaries f 2.'B0, and the services of a watchman be .dispensed with. One of the engl neers will be furnished, with a residence at -Palatine free The salary -of the en gineer at present at Palatine la to be l2.&ua-month and he will be furnished with a dwelling .for which a rental of 110 a month is to b deducted from bis salary, The . resolutions further provide that the number of gatemen at the reser voir jat Mt Tabor shall be Increased from four to alx, the salarlea fixed at 102.60 a month each, and that one shall be furnished with a dwelling fo1 whfch a rental of 310 a month la to be de ducted rom his monthly salary.. Three gatemen are tov be employed at tha headworka with salarlea of f(3.60 month each. . Where two occupy one dwelling the monthly rental of 36 will be deducted from the monthly salary; where but one. occupies a dwelling a monthly rental of f 10 will be charged. The civil service commission will be notified of the changes In the number of men and the salarlea UNIVERSITY PARK CHURCH RECOGNIZED University Park' Congregational church was recognised last night at a meeting at Art leans' hall In Ports mouth addition- Pastors and delegatea mtmrm nr.a.nt frnm Ftrikt UaiMlA Rtreet. BUnnValde and Laurelwwd Cungresa-J tional churches, as were sevswaf mlnls-1 tere engaged -in state, work. - The church has 3t members and Is now the pastorate of Rev. D. B. Gray. They are aelectlng a site for a church building, and- It will be aomewhere be tween Portsmouth and University Park, to accommodate both places, though It will ; be named the University Park church. The program of last night fol lows: Prayer of consecration,- Rev. Arden M. Rock wood; extending the fellowship of the churches. Rev. J. J. Staub; charge to the people. Rev. C. F. Clapp, stste missionary; chargs to the pastor. Rev. R. M. Jonea: "The Church and the Sunday School,'' Rev.' It N. Smith: "The Church and the Outalders," Rev. C.'Mo Pherson; "The Present Dsy Oppor. tunWy,' Rsv. E. L. House. DARING PEOPLE-WILL GIVE FREE ACTS AT FAIR , , .i ; : . The Lewis and Clark Exposition com pany has secured some, excellent free attractions to icover the period of the fair. The famous Bsum family In their thrilling high wire bicycle act will fur nish the leading free act daily until July 1. - ' The daring kilpatrlck fn his wonderful autormobtle" ant will be the leading free attraction from July 2 to July 23. Captain Speedy, the famous J high diver, will dd his dace'-devll diving act twice dally from July 21 to August 13, snd Madame IJsette will "leap the gap" from August 14 to September 1. -These acts will be absolutely' free to all fair visitors every aiternoon and evening. OREGON'S PRODUCTS : .SUBJECTS OF WONDER Nowhere does Oregon stand forth more prominently then In the.. Agricultural building at the Lewla and Clark expo sition, two thirds of which Is devoted to tha products of Oregon soil and Ore gon tollers. . - . s Of fruits there Is wealth auch as has rarely before been garnered: of cereals, a standard of excellence which other states will vainly strive to attain; of vegetables, specimens which sre mon sters Jn a lie; snd wool, minerals and woods sll have 'their places of honor In tie exhibits of the stata- 7 A'man mypradently jbot row a reasonable sum to in- ., ,. . y. - create his businsajfTOf "o. build a home, but those who spend their income faster than it comes,' to indulge ex travagant .. tastes - and - for pleasures they ' could easily forego, are unjustifiably : in. debt; ' .. ', WE PAY ; 4 PER" CENT INTEREST. ' GENERAL . -BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.;" T - Sixth : knk -Morrison Sttl L, 0, KALDTON. Prealdmt. - W. COOPER MORRIS. Caahlar. . h. HATS. Asst. Caahlar. . ' TELEPHONE WAIN 10. , FINE ART SHOWN IN MISSOURI'S BUILDING Valuable Paintings and Statuary r Seen by the. Public This v 'v., - Afternoon. ' Many valuable paintings and statues were shown to the public this afternoon at the opening of the fine arts gallery in the Miaaourt building at the Lewis and Clark fair. Of ouch, excellence are the works that they paased a rigid examlna tlon by experta and . were chosen as among the best In the Bt, LrOuis museum of srt. . They . were sent, to , Portland as a part of the Missouri exhibit and were installed by Oeorge Julian Zolnay, pres ident of the St. lxmls Artists' guild. Prominent among the works In the Missouri building's gallery la the orig inal statue ' In clay of the celebrated Winnie : Davis " memorial,--which -waa placed over the grave of Miss Winnie Davis oy tne uaugmers oi me oniea- eracy. A replica of thla waa bought by the Roumanian government, and was placed In the royal academy as a sam ple of fine modern sculpture executed by a distinguished native of that king dom. Oeorge Julian . Zolnay, who . waa decorated by the king of Roumanla with the Order of Bene Merits of the first class. ,, "The Pioneer of the West In bronse, Is another-of Mr. Zoinay's beautiful pieces of statuary on exhibition in the Missouri1- building's fea llery. i .Awtowa other fine statues In this gallery Is "The Klea of Eternity" r F.-U Stoddard, end among the choicest paintings, "The Road . to Paradise, a decorative panel, by. F. O. Sylvester; "Scenes .from - the Mississippi," by 8. Ergaulan, ' ana Woman Knitting," by u. Waldeck. J. R. Williams, 4rPortlaiia Man Who Will Have- Charge of rhe" Gov ernment Machine Shops at Colon, Panama. - . " ',"- - MRS. A. J. J0SLYN , - DIES AT BALLARD Mrs. A. J. Joslyn died unexpectedly at Ballard- Washington, Mondny morn- Ihg. 6he had. been lnl delicate health for several yesrs, but was never se riously ill. - The prlwiplfuneraa-serv. Ices will be held In Seattle today, -ut the body, .will be brought to Portland for burial Thursday at Lone Pir cem etery. --.. - - .- Mr. Joslyn, her husband, - is' one of the pioneer Methodist mlnlstsrs of this country. He - held vsrlous pastoral charges In the vicinity of Portland and went to the Puget . sound conference, where he was made presiding elder of the Tacoma district.; He now holds a pastorate at Ballard. 1 - -- - Orpheum Presents Startling Vaudeville Bill. The attendance at the Orpheum thea tre the past few days has been particu larly large. Blnce the opening of the exposition the management has pre thla popular playhouse some of the best esstern talent money could bring to Portland. " Appreciative of this fact, the ' houae . has been crowded nightly. The program this week In- -eludes some ,Of the .beat artists on the coat circuit. Frank Peck and King, Beaste Louis, In her original novelty, "A Study In Black and White," ha made a great hit and la a show In itself. ' A sensational f lve-nct"drame entitled. The Vagabond." Is admirably .staged. replete wlthrejty costumed chorus of shapely, graceful girls, sn entirely new cnet, with beautiful scenic and electrical effects. The ballet, by the pretty pony b4Hs, is very attractive and "chic", to the extreme. There are J4 numbers nightly j on"1 the program, this weeK oc cupying five hours of continuous annul ment, sll for the sum of it cents. if you have not visited this popuisr piayi houae, Just drop Into the Orpheum and you. will say it Is the bestuburiesoue and vaudeville -houae on tha coast, , , l it 'MM -CARRIERS VILLlAKORAlN Belief That There Will Be Plenty of Tonnage to Handle Product. OUTGOING CRAFT WILL ' RETURN IMMEDIATELY Chrlstel to Take a Million and a Half; Feet of Fir to -,. . N Africa. .' ' Thla afternoon the " German- phip Chrlstel win .complete her cargo for South Africa, which will 'comprise a trifle more than l,0ifltrret of -lumber. If a tugboat ,1s . available It la probable she will leave tomorrow, and get to sea on Friday or' Saturday. ' She will return to Portland immediately- after the cargo haa been dis charged and. It Is Jhouab.taha jfIIL ba back early in February, In ample time to get a chartes for transporting grain to Europe. Nearly all the vessels that left .lately .will probably return to en gage In the wheat trade, but the Chrls tel is the only one about which a de cision has been reached. ' Aa the exporters have" persistently de clined to charter ships to hsndle the new grain crop, doubt hss beep ex pressed of lste ss to whether or not there would be enough tonnage to han dle the business. . If the lumber ships all return, as now appears more "than probable, the fleet will be ample to take care of the traffic... The Chrlstel, Captain Wurthmann, ar rived from Shields with a general cargo en January JO. She waa placed on the market at once for grain loading, but none of the exporters would pay the union rate of 27e (d demanded. She lay idle for several months, snd aa the grain situation did not improve the vessel was finally engaged by. the North Paciflo Lumber company to take lumber, r- Two other craft usually classified aa grain ships .are receiving lumber for foreign parts, the Niobe and La Fon taine. The latter will complete her cargo next week. OPENING FOR FAST BOAT. Steamer Toledo Taken From Oray's Xar- hoi Konte ae she Was Blow. "' After she hsd on. a part of her out- ward -freight, and cleared at the. custom house In the afternoon. It was decided to.. take -. the ; steamer Toledo off the Oray's Harbor route on the ground that she is too slow. . The steamer la tied up at the Oak street dock, snd It Is given out that she will remain there until another route Is' picked out for her. : It Is possible that she will soon change hands, aa W. .L. Lewis of Ashlsnd, Oregon, was look ing her over this morning with a view to buying her If she should prove Suit able. He. wants a Jaoat for the salmon trade from Rogue' river- to San .Fran cisco, snd ssys the speed question is not yery essential.- t About two monttnr-ago the Toledo was placed In commission between Portland knd Gray's Harbor. Had aha been fairly fast it is "said she would have-been -foo small to. have handled all of the freight and passenger traffic which would have been offered. . i Shippers ssy thst If the "right , sort or son is piacea on tne uraysT Harbor route she will build- up a fine business, in many respects that la declared to be the beat opening for a steamboat line on the coast. Soon the Northern Pa clflc Railroad company - will raise the freight tsrlff to a figure which Is re garded aa almost - prohibitive by the business men st both ends of the line. WILL SOUND THE BARiT v . Saglaeara- Oolng to Determine ' 1 P.pth of the Columbia, United States englneera will at once make a survey of the Columbia river bar to determine Its exact depth. Op erations -will be conducted from the George H. Wendell, which waa launched from the waya of the Supple ahlpyards yesterday afternoon, where she had un-. dergomr minor' repairs. , It Is planned to aend her to the mouth of the river this afternoon and sounding-, of the bar will be started immediately on her arrival. It will require four or Ave days to com plete the work. The last survey was In February, at which time it was learned that the depth at low water Waa nearly 24 feet. It la (believed that the Jetty has been ths then and the survey now ' Is to deter mine thla The "opinion" "has-been ex- preaaed that the bar wlU show a depth of at leaat 26 feet."""""'' --. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. It Is reported thst the British ship General .Gordon has been chartered to load at Antwerp for Portland. Sha la of 1,890 tons net register and will prob ably bring a full cargo of pig Iron, fire bricks and. miscellaneous freight Laden with 494,000 feet of lumber the schooner O. M. Kellogg left this sfter noon .for- Saa Francisco. I After having been given a" aeneral overhaullngar-the-Portland shipyards Lta,e stesmer Chester of the Kellogg Transportation company s-neei reiurnea to the Cowlltx yeaterosy. Steamer Homer sailed- for Rider Rock. Alaska, yesterday Iwlth a full cargo ofj material for building a new ngntnouse; she hsd a large number of mechanics, on board. ' United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller will Inspect the stesmer Oregona this afternoon. Carrying a large number of eastern people who hsd been to Portland to at tend the fair the eteajner Spokane will sail from Seattle tomorrow for Skagway and other points in Alaska. The steamer Senator la expected to arrive on the sound - tomorrow from Nome. . These' craft sre operated by the Pacific Coast Steamahtp company. " Yeaterday the French nark Mlcnelet ailed from Otssgow for-Portland With general cargo- consigned to- Balfour, Guthrie A Co. She will probably arrive the latter part of November. .. v ' MARINE NOTES Astoria. Or., June tl. flailed at 1:11 a m.--Stemnr St Paul. for. San Fran. Hscor- Arrived In snd left up duringthe night Steamer south Bay fmm- Saa Francisco. Sailed at I a, m. Steamer Elmore, for Tillamook.-Arrived ,down at midnight Schooner J. W. Cllae. - Ban Francisco, jun. ii. Arrived at II m. Steamers F, - A. Kllburn and Roanoke, from Portland and coast ports. Balled at noon Steamer Columbia, for Portland. - - . Eureka. Cel., June JO. Sailed st 4 m. Stesmer Alliance-. " for -Portland vla Cooa bay. - ' .... . Saa Francisco, June 29, Balled r,E 'WAN TEE) HerVAre a Few of the The Journal's For Sale, Confectionery in Live Town-Sce Busi ness Chances Column. ' . 1 :". r . v ;-! . .:. ' ':;'v ; " " ' v "fv'v-V Helper Wanted, on "Trousers See -Wanted, Male -and Female Ccjhjrnn. . 1 , Wanted, Teams to Haul NVoo'd See Help Wanted" - Male Column... - ..... : . ... . -For SalerGeheral-BJacksmith-Shop-rSee-For Sale I,e'al Estate Column. ' i-,;":.;'" '.' For Rent, 3 Furnished Housekeeping RocrnsSee " ' Housekeeping Rooms Column.' . v Schooner- Annie Larsen, for Portland. Glaagow Juna to. Sailed French bark Mlchelet, for Portland. Astoria, Or., June II. Condition f the bar at a. m Smooth; wind weat; Weather cloudy and (ggy. r" Arabia Sue. . Tomorrow the -steamship Arabia is expected to'resch the mouth of the river from Yokohama; If she does she will be In Portland harbor on Friday. Sha Is now out 16 dsys from the Japanese port.- but Is considerably slower than ths other freighters-- of the line, which usually complete the passage in that length Of time. Tea makes up a big portion of her freight, but ahe is bring ing a big assortment of the usual line of goods exported from the far east. Sammy Mast Bemalm ta Dishabille. A thief -boarded : tha . steamer- Jessie Harkins yeaterday afternoon, at the foot of Washington street, and stole a ault of - clothes, a hat and four vests, the property of George Hendrlcson, a mer chant of Washougav who . had . bought them for display at hla store. A good description of the man suspected was given the. police. Sorrow for a French Family. r ' Petec-Le Oac, jable seaman of the French bark La Fontaine, killed yester day by falling from a spar more than ttf feet above deck, waa It year, old and leaves a - widow ' and - two children In The body will be . Interred In Mount , Calvary cemetary , tomorrow morning,. ... T-. ',. ... ... , ; . AT; TBE THEATRES- Barney Bernard at Marquam. ' Is the title rale ef "Tk. rinaaeler.M wrlttea eapeelally" for him. Mr. Bernard la .aid to Mad the opportunity ef hla earee-r the diaplay of the sreat talent wtrirh aav. Bade hla ptar at a far earlier as than sn player of hhi rank. Mr. Bernard, with hi. erlslnal MBiniir and oradactlon of "Th. Financier." I the attraction at tM M.rquata inrair this week. A bargain price matinee will D Itr.a Saturday. Popular price at aigni. At the Belaaco. wrhaa sr.l.hOinnd Waa In Flower." tee-rn inartlc emnel whtrh Julia Marlowe mad fa sioa. and wHIck the Belaars tock eonpaay la . v.t - la ' .tlnrtin. fhmnM frj-n-im ,,m - - - of people and- promlae to be one at tan noat popular play siren vj urn iwi-w w-u-uf. t i. u... Mm Tnilnr. la the brlsht and ablnlns llsht, ana tn. csrapany iTr uvr eelleot aupport. 1". Grand's Long Llat of Hh. Every act at the-Grand yat-rday m.i. a hit. Jul-. Walters Co.. foe tne Brat time. put on "rnttmn," a eharmlnc little rl.nt.l offering with apeclal acenery and effect!, Bla- aancan la a win periormrr. job "u.c - - - - ' ford and Taff. the Carle alatera, and Rlchaid alia and' with (pads in band.'' -- - .Lyric'a Good Play. At wa eipected. ' Th. -. Twe Orphan" I proTlng a record-breaker at the Lytic thli w-k. Ella Wllaon. Th.maa Clark and th remainder of th company (re acceptable la their reapectl.e roh. A feature Between h acta at the Jrrte I tn iiunn or u- Aiarrated aons T -noma Bay ana u. nT. lng picture, on the Lyrlncoee. Kolb snd Dill Sale Tomorrow. . Tomr.rrow morning at 10 .'clock the adranc ulo of aeaU will open for the clever come rtt.n. Knlh and Pill.-who eome te ehe- Met- quam Grand theatre next Monnar nisni in inf. bttct acceaaftii hmalcarbuTleaque. "1.- Oi Bi" There are AO people In tb eompany. Popular price will prevail. - J Big Show at the Baker, p.t-on. of the' Baker thla week are -"eat. laned that they set aa oos S bill la no. IMe for th. price. All th. ct-oV. The rendition of "Laay Moon." aons and dance, by tb Exposition Four I The clever! thing la It Un ever "sees her. - Good Vaudeville at Star. . ... m - ... ,t. mm mmm f th. heat vanrtrrllle enlertdnment the pple of . Port- h.u .aaU. fn M.thA- act tfl eapedally ael-eted and tb.r lan't one on th Ions llat that lan't making a hit with tb patron, of this faahtonabl theatre. - . At the Economy far Eshlhlt In the Palace of Agriculture, a practical dem onstration Tf household canning of fish, fruit, vegetables ana-mene-in- economy Jars Is alvsn eactl' day. . Booklets of canning recipes are distributed free to visiting housekeepers. . -. r In the contest for -prises aggregating $200 in gold, to be given by the O. W. P. Townalte company for the best adver tisements for City .View ParKnd copy for ads will be received sfter June 25. Prises will be awarded July 1..' LEWIS JiND CLJtRK OBSERVJt TORY JtSiU CfE rOSTLAVS XUOKTS. i- Take Portland Htlfhts ear and f.t eft at Hawthorn Terrace, on block from car--line. Nn climbing Ilcctrk l.Tator. ge hvautlfal effect of powerful aearebllsht from of lower. Von can eat a dainty lonck wbll. Tl.wtni Ih moat m. nl acnery In A merle.. Open a. ak h $ p. sa, Adaiav aloa 10 ceata, . ..,.., . '. ,. .' - Opportunities to Be Found Want Columns BASEBALL I! June 2Cth to 25th inclusive PORTLAND VS. SEATTLE Qame starts SAO. Keaiaatles Park, Twaaty-fenrtk ss Tsagks Its. fteaeral Admission, 35o. Children, 15e. ' Grandstand for ladles free every day but Hundavs and holidays: men tha. iiaaies aay criaay. . -- fHOKE Lltia3rt A II tan C MAIM 111. (Forhwrly Columbia Theatre) .Furtnth and waaainsioo. --- , ' lumn I am - na.a, yvr-f " MATINEES SATCRDAT A!tlr SUNDAY. -f-Fourrh Week Belaaco Stock Oo'moanT. Preaentlns for the Flrat Time In Stock Ckas, . Major a lellf btrul Komantlo Comedy, When Knighthood Was 1 Cl... in nower . .As riayed by lull Marlowe. - Prlcta E renins. IS- to TV; matinee, IS to SOc. btbxt wzsx ooicxst, "nnrx.' EMPIRE SPECIAL THIS WEEK ir Mrs. LEAH KLESCHNA Fiske Evenings, 8f5. Matinee Satarday. 2!5 MARQUAM oiAim 'T. rnasle, Eva. Mjrr, IKEAXXE -- rhowa t maxn m. IMoniann at., bet. th and Tth.) TOMGHT AT S IS AND 'EVERY' NIGHT TtHS WKKK. Til. Great flchrcw rom.dlan, . BAKsTXT BZmsTAKO In "TKB KsTAHOXXB." POPtXAB PHICK8 &c. 38c. BOc. TSe. Speclal-frlc MatlMe Saturday. MiPfll'lM 2A?.W. T, rsagt. m., Mgr. 1 ,nBlvn " t r. .a i rnon. auis sea T tMoeriaoer at,,- ortz etbanu TlnJL - .: Week'BegInnlnf)ionilay.""jun IS05. '"m, X0LB At BILL, , -- With a Company of SO Peopl la tb .Slualcal - -f- i Burleaque, j " ' " " ' "I." O. ' V." ; - Popular Price. .25c1, 30e. SOc' and IBe. . ADVANCE SALE TOMORROW. Sill ef -ps-lt? CT A. t Dslly Ban Hit. m immm. Ion. Mualcel Thar. Melody Wondm. . Ftioktela' Tyrolean Warbl.ra. Adama Br., Onaoinc AcroWata. ' WUllama and Stann. Quaint Darkey Skates. F. X. Stajiaaald. Canadian. Kr. Jo. Bonner, Flotarad Song, ; gtamaoopa "Louia XIT." General. admlMiloa and dally matin.. Inc. ETenlnea. Sunday, holiday, front Mate, lower floor. 4c. ' BAKER THEATRE i5Sa,u- rataia.Ato Only Bantlsg k TlseaVstgra. EXPOSITION rOVB, Thra Al.xand.ra and Jam.a Brady, t HOWELL AMD FWERSOK. , THE AHERM8. ( O'DELL. HART AMD RrDLET. ' JXAJT WJLSOM DA1ST ICHMELL T BAKER'S ORCHESTRA. Performance, dally at 11:110, T: and p. m. ,. Aanuaaion, - tue to any .!.-.. . Q RAND FEAST OF BOTZLTTES. sle Walter S) 3o. In "Fa tuna," Flowar f i .. the Orient. , .. - Th Biaaaaa, Comedy Wtrtat. Crawford and Duff, Humoeou Skit. ', Thoma and Fiill.r, Sin(ing Daaoara. Rlohard Burton, IUu.traUd Song, - - Earl Slater, Chant Artlita. Omndiaeop. Laufhing Btery Film. General artmlaaton. Inc. Errnliis. Sunday nd Itolldara, front Mat, . lower Boor. ; 2oe. T)lly Matlnee.IOc. ., LYRIC THEATRE Xeattnar Blood, afrrs. - - Week Kt.rtln June Is. the Great " French Melodrama tn Flee Acta, "LOUISE and HENR1ETTE" A dramatisation Of th "TWO ORPKAXS." arranred eapeelally' for the Lyric Stock Uompany by Ella Wllaon. -aamiaaton ine to any sent. EMPIRE TXFATXE. 12th and UmtIm ' Today. 1:1S. Tonlghtj jSilS. ronttlvtly th laat tw. perfnirinaacee of -. ' -BACrXBT'S WTTB," .' ; " Th Screaming Farce-Comedy ; .... Don't Mia It. jUHOSSIO lO CXBTS OXXT GERMAN CCOrOACCfN Opposite Main' Entrance Fair O rounds. I rxxa BAjroa xtbbt arxxxxa.- '0 Tbfe Hoot Shop Wants Your Trade t ''Walk-Over':' ' A Gentleman's Shoe . $3.50 and $4.00 - ' Knight's " ; Opposite Perkins Hotel From $2.50 to $5.00 Difference- Looking through sll, the stores do not overlook high-rent . John Dellar's Stores Corner First ani Yamhill and Cor ner Third and Davis Tou will-savefrQm 12. B0 to $5.00 on a Suit pf Clothes and from 60c to It. 00 on a pair of Shoes. Panto Hat. Shirt or Underwear. We carry a full line of Lad lea', and .Children's Shoes at prices, that will astonish you. Complete line of Trunks and Valises. ' We have strictly v one price marked in plain flgures. AND FLAGS - .' ' '- " l . , ' ' : .. :. ' ' - W carry the largeat stocks of fireworks In the northwest, manu- "factured by the " celebrated Rochester - Fireworks company, New York. A large aaaortment of eahlbltlon "sets for town and olty - celebrations from IIS to . 11. MO per set. Also flsgs and i bunting for fair opening decora -tlons. - . ; : - -"" Japanese ' and " Chinese , curios, : mattings, etc " , I Wholesale and retail. . -ir- S87 BfOBBXSOsT ST, ROBERT C.V05E 320 Boylston Street BOSTON, MASS. - HIGH-CLASS- PAINTINGS AOTSXBCBsTTS. ; 0RLY. THREE DAYS LONGER J - -r-'r - ... . , , - - n , Free Lectures on Practical rDemonstrations Of U varloaa' nac. foe 'culinary purpose ex tne x Chocolate Cocoa '-? "j sianafaetar4 by ' ' Walter: Baker & Ca; . --. LIMITED '..' " DORCIHE8TER. MASS. ' -7Il&lbIIhed- ITntl.) -.7 ; . , . ' ' Will b ilr.a by " .Miss Elizabeth K. Burr (Dameerl Selene Dept. Boaton T. W. C A) . At Burkhard V Hall; Burnald ttreet. FAST PORTLAKD, Wed neadaf, Tbareday aud Friday. Jan 11. 22 and J3, at 1:30 o'clock In ton aft. moon, and 8 ekck la th. .renins. Bample f Mla Bnrr'a presarattoes, anrh a Cakea, Puddlnca. Merlnsoc. Fu4e, Souffle Ice rrtim, Bavartaa Creaaa. etc., will be aerved at earh lecture, and h wlil he pleeaed to answer all lwmu-M ee. rardlnt the .m. . A different kt will be -pr.ired nod aie4 ( each leetar. Sample cake nt tb Walter K.ker Pro mli:ra No. 1 Chocolal.. the V.nlla Swft thocolat and little aanpl. can of Ih. rtrraktaat (loco, aleo a honk of "(hoi., thocolat ReHn." will he ir.irtl la a l pwaona- atienttlnf the tectuec, a-t ad who ere tnteratd In cle.ti(l oaU. bLUld not fall to a I lend. a. tlx ar fREK TO Alt,. : slaiibr aaoe. ooitcERt rvkrt stast. FIREWORKS Cooking ' AND ... T"Ti