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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1905)
; r-r --r----V FOB SAXX FABst. BOB SALE 1 acre Irrigated fruit land, half in the Bunt marketable frulte of all ktnda, earliest la th elate, balance In alfalfa aad . aardaa adjoining, ground bouf bt fur B. K. , depot; boat landing In front, lh most profit j able aol beautiful bona In eiate, gd nuljd ' Inge, place ran ba paid for In oua crop If property handled and wlU double In velu j la two rural good raoa for lllng. Ine tlcata; wpula tak some tnipaoved ' property, part raeh, balance eaar. Call " moraine or evening, or writ J, J. Held, No. 8 Orore at., MonUrUln Button, Portland, Or. a ACBKI-a4 clover and orchard, land. 11 acraa in crop nay, potato, clover, garden, w naro mm, elaaned and In pasture, iais tint. on good county road, new 8-mum none, largo barn and other buildings, rood orchard, good water at bouee. Creek on place, E. F. JJ. mall, pbona in tbe bouse, good teaai, barneea, new magus, 1 Oua cowe, 4 or A doseu cblrkenu, -about. 100 young ehlitkpnn, farming Imple ment, etc.! nap buy; In Wnblngtou eeun ; tyi Brie,. t2.Tutr,- W. VV. apy, room U. Hamilton huldg. Phooe Hood . K ACBE8 30 mllaa from -Portland! d eere of beaver dan In cultivation, balance of land can be cleared reedy for the plow for A , , w an - pea acre, an very nne suit, i-rwa -; konae, good well and Bne road, 4 ml lea to atore, acnoolnooaa ana chorea i uin properiy Is well worth $1,200 to 81.600. I will sell ,; U for (TOO on vary ay term, j Address at ei, -csre journal. . US iCltt, 100 acraa under cultivation; good houaa of room, weu In kltcban,. Uving ' water an farm, well at the. barn, all larel . . Und Kstaoaoa Una of O. W. P., etattoe oa tba place, graded acbool, atore and poet. ." . ' attic wlthla ou feet and churaa within a ' half mile; price Snft an acre. Apply en plaea to i. H. ri I letting, vurrinanua, ur. . tett ACftgfl. S4 la eultlratloa. H acr good - timber, good aoll. an rock,, fine location, good road, nearby all ktnda of fruit, S be rue, , good R-roem. kounr, good water and wlnd- - mill. mile aoutbenat from city llmlte of ' PortUndt wiu make tcrnie. Aaaraaa u. Loagcor, Mllwakla,'Or- owaar. . WB hare anything oa our Hat from a towa to a dairy farm: aoma or in neat property In Clerka county,- Weeklngton;- aoroe good ' bargalna: aay on wtahlog to locate neer . tbe Colombia rlrer will do well to cvrr- apond with or call and aea Aaber A keif, Camaa, Waak. . A0OK! .look Vao I -took f Lor Prarrra- nua oerry una ana rniclca ranrn, It, ml lea of aarourer, Weeb., Hmn cotayge and furniture. Urge chicken - yard and houaea, . land partly cleared and in crop; all gnr , - for H.UM, raay tcrma. Call Kdaoa Kowlay, . Vancoam. - , 'j WASTED Large and aaall tracta ef farm ing and fruit land la all parta of tbe ' Talleyi If you want to aril Hat your prop '. erty with a; If you want to buy real eatate of any kind or oVactiptlnn, It will pay you . to aea ua, Nortbwrat Land Co.. iill Jlliky building. IVOR SAM or Trade S3 -acre farm, 1H mllr from Oregoa City oourtfaoiiae; 4 houaea la Portland; 4 large lota In Halem. . or partlca - lira r owner, 463 Wllllama are., or vboua Kaet TS8.- - - S4-ACRB farm, aoma bottom, good orchard, aprlng -water, good ha rue, good bouse, apan of mule, auppllra. Kagle Creek autlon. In quire Ckarle Wagner. AM Lake at., city. . - fail LAND IN OEROON aader tha "Cerey . Irrigation Act." Deed direct from atate. writ today. Booklet and man free. B. S. ? Cook eV C0U.- B61 Aider at- FortlaudV- 0r. WaLHKCR COUNTT Improved and unimproved . landa. acreege property, towa lot, reeldeacea, , bualneea loearlona, etc. Don Carlos. Boyd, tbe real aetata man, Ontario, Or.-'- ' HOMMTK APE USWe locate you oa wheat or - Irrigation landa: real estate for aaM. Call or ; writ Van Cleere t, Scholl. Echo. Umatilla Ca. BEACTIFUL borne. 2d acre, eicellent apple . orchard and variety frulta,- graded arhnoL -- Address owner. Sid Chamber of Commerce. s "n1 I ' irlf E0-ACRE farm w-ltb bona, barn and orchard near- Bearerton. fir., for realdenc In city. Trarla Broa.' Fuel company, 4rU Ererctt, - OB PALE 31 acre farwt. ."well impmyed. x. iMttom, en Columbia rlrer, will feed TS -Cowe. M. P. Whaicn. Woodlawa. Waah. -Kiru farm aad fruit landa, Washlngtoa county, .'a., Oregoa. Write for. sirtlrulare to George A. Morgan. Hlllabero, Oregon. PERSOKAL. , JIF cheeking mrnnlal lit aompsnl), loin , , our sndety and Bert or correspond wltk re putable reatoVnta of ttrta aertloo wba.wlek to .. marry: our paper, tbe Matrimonial Reglater, price JOc,, glee partlcuUr concerning cercral . hundred Oregon momhera; ninny wealthy! nil area Internet Introducing Society, S4 stosseii swig, 100 sourtn. - LAMES, don't waits your tlm aad money oa , , superfluous kalr treatment. I' teach you , , a practical artentlflc principle, a permanent cure, uaed In your wa -tiome. Addreea . Trade School for Olrle. I4l frrat as.; Seattle. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Rooerta' Nrre , Global. ' On month' treatment S3; S months, til; sent securely alrd by asalL Ageam. Woodard. CUrke 4j Co.. Portland. Or, .If ANICVRINO by new rotary pre rasa, band maa g elbratory body, fsc. scalp anassegei , free demonstration. Vlhratortum, room 3-aS Lewta-bldg., ear. Park and Morrlaoa ate. BOOKS I Here they are: "Decameroa," "Rep. -tameraa." "A Hot Tamale." "Fanny Bill." "Twaaty Teera a Faker." "Forbldoea Fruit," 60c each; Hits free. A. Scbmal. 2SS Firat at. - LOST - powers restored - by tbe greet Dr. Loreoi Nerre Toole Tablets: 2Bc per bos. S bosea for ft. SB. Write or call at EyeeeU's Pharmacy. 27 Morrison, bet 1st aad Sd. GREAT Reduction, Sale Entlra atork to be nld below Cost, pleas coma In end look. Larilea' underwear and ahlrtwalata. Maa Klng Ca., 3D3 Morrlaoa at, jfADAMRS KTJR AND SREPPA RD Scalp - specialists, manicuring, expert chlrapodlata. -autleeptle roof bath tor burning feet. Room S. Soft Morrlaoa at. BIN'O CROONO. Importer of Cbleeee mot medl ctiirs: sella rhlnass-tca that If certain cure , for all disease. MlHseronaBeCTranSiUl and Taylor. , -MRS.- ULUAN R. CRAM Chiropodist, msnl rurlng snd shampooing. Parlor 424 vAbln-toa bldg., Portland. Oregon. Telephone Clay 17A2. A. and H. Reouet one-elded, nut bar com plied, get letter general delivery for Mia 1 Annt Stark. Addreea S 6B, Journal. MRS. WALLER Piano; graduate CoIumblaJ conaervstory; lessons oue. All ntt Bins teeoth et. Main 4760. BUSS MAKI. sdeatlfla maaseo, ' graduate of Finland; ladle only, dog Ablngton. Ud. SSS. tfl'RKISH BATHS. S0O Oregonlaa bldg., gents aU day; ladlea all atght. Mala IMS. BALM OF FIGS for all feaial diseases. 4S4 Alder si. Pboa Mala 4831. ftLOr. B1CBARD MAX MKT BR Portrait aad landscape artlat; luelruttluu In ell nararrlag, ' water color, etc.. and drawing; art gallery - tuasocted wttk-atudlot plctarea for sale and framing to order. S44 Alder at. Phon iHX ATT0R5IT1. OREGON LAW COLLECTION CO. 41T Fen. ton block. Collection mad throughout th United Statea; bankruptcy mattsre a epeelalty; . bad tenants ejected; rente collected and gen eral law business: notary public. BLABS BOOK etABPTACTTBtBI. HOWE. DAVIS KILHAM. Jial-111 Second st - Blank book manufactarera; agent .for Jonee . Improved Loose -Leaf ledgersi eee th aw Eureka leaf, th beat on th ajarket. L" BICTCX1 DIALXKB. ' COLt'MRIA, TRIBCNB AND CRESCENT. BPORTING OOODS. BE CERT REPAIRING. P. P. KEENAN. SOS THIRD ST. 00AX AFD WOOD. . CHI'R''HI.ET BROS, have removed from foot Ixrta at. to w Keerner st. near 11th; Is - a-eV tbe Is r feat evoodyard Is art be city, carry, big all klnda of wood and coal. Main 031. WKfrncRM FEED A PntT. Prt , Boyt eta.. Oiler la domestic sod atm ' coal, blacksmith anal, abaraoal sad auk. Pbona Mala 101J. . - r ALBINA FUEL CO. rtealera la cordwood. real nd greet aad dry alarwood. R. B. aad Al blaa are., S block east ef ferry. Esa 474. BTBBL BRIDOB FUEL CO., dealers la cneU ' sard wood and dry lak wood. Pkoa Bast 4S4 OREGON FURL CO I all kinds of anal aaS w S44 Manisoa. Pboa Mala SB, BIRR BOOTES. 1S Water St., wood aa) aaal. . Pboa Mala dews, ,, - FOtt SALE S, 000 cord fir wood. Pbona Kail BS7, - ... THE CXAIBTOTABT ABO PAtKIIT. UVPIISY BKNOBIA, ' . Queen of rlslrvorsuu. Ulie guarantee t read very Inc-ld-nt of your Ufa, met, present and . future. Horn 9uT Allaky Slug., ittts ktarri- aoa, aor. Tblrd . i --., If A DAM JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, selmlat, card reader I I (lea facta reliant a ad lav portaat on all affair of real Ufa. Eeadlaga (o. 61 Seventh at., near Oak. OABPR-OlXATOIw. BAVB your wall cleaned: we else papered ana waiia; aaiiaiaeuoa guurani; price reaaonaoMi reiervnoaa. . aba CARPETS cleaned oa the eToorj we rata ne dust. PboneClay 131, free demowtratloa. I.- BTNTER Steam carpet and e leaner. 860 Joffareoa. I -hose Mala 114. cLXAjrino AJro xjtxihb. PORTLAND STEAM CLEAlff NO 3TEINa Workai practical bitter la aoanectloai feataar boaa an a slume ewianed ad-urled by as aa P t. all aouna, Pbona Clay T04. 1L0TBES clsased and preaaed $1 per aasatsw tJalqua TalloHng Co.. (47 Waahlngtaa at. . B. W. TCRNEB. profasaloaal dyer and a leaner. BOS Jetferasa et Pbon Mala SS1S. - CABPUmKt AXS BTTTXDZBS.X . A. J. AUTHORS and H. H. WOOD, anrnenien - aad ballders; repairing and Jobbing; atore and fflc Altar ballLv Shop BUS Coiambla. W.C build yotkr new or fix your old bom eerl reaaonahl. Call at the ahop.--1SS. SUtrentk at... north, or New Writers hotel. "CIMInT C0TCTdSr CBMENT WORK UP TO DATS, WlU aea. , lbowgraa and stratgbt bustne. K. (I. ' Landatrom. . SOS Commercial blk. CRAB. B. CARTER A) COn -cement contractors, S4S East Twentieth St. Pbona Beat 1S7S. . AU work guaranteed. CAXT.S. ERICKSON'S RESTAURANT Merchaafa ha sob 11 a. m. t IS p. m. 1 under new managsBMat.. 0. B. BTana. prop. Second sad Burnald. TPFJ OFPTCB r& Waahlngtoa at, Phona Mala T71. Samuel Tlgneaas. ' OOBOIISSIOV MIBOHABTB, BTERDINO at PABRkLL. produca aad cwmaala-sloa-merehaata. 10 Front at.. Pactlaad, Or. Phone Main ITS. I . DATENPORT BROSj General eommteelo chanta; frnlta andl produce; consignment so llclted: prompt returns. ' lftO Front at. ClOAis " AJf P TOBACCO. ESBBRO-OCNST CIOAB CO. IHatrlbaton f i FINB CIGARS. ' PortlaaC CA1S.IA0E ABD HACK COMVABTZS. THF1 1'MTKD CARRIAGE CO, Carriage. tally-h rlga and carry-slla. lfl.t Elereutk pi., nr, eiornena. - rnnwnim i TKOOXZRT AJf!) OLASSWAS.X. W HOLES ALB crockery red glassware. Prael. - Bagel Co.. lnt t 10S Fifth, aor. Stark at BKZSBBUXnro. BR1RTWAI8TB. wool or waah silk, ma a tor 1.2S; ablrtwnlst euita, au, Beat Mar et. Phoa East 82SL. - - - KRISTER'S Ladle Tailoring col leas: pa -cut to measure. Allsky ball too. ntt uorrn MRS. klcKIRBBIV, artterle aaS cloak- ana king, eol Morn eon at,- DnraaHAKTvr..ntrictlT aa to data: latest deal roe. . . dRS Clay at, - 000 AJID B0KSE HOSPITAL, DRC.E BROWN O.F.S..D.C M. Dor. bars be-. pltal.BBT Bnrnaide.Pbone) MaiMoaa'.Baat soas. DEBTMTS.- KrX CPIIRCHVAN. "dsntlit K4 Msrqmm, - Sixth and Morrison. . Pboa Mala . ITort. an-i'.-u-A -jumi.m v . -uma asjc.i-,f t- 1 ELZCTBiOAX WORKS, NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. SOS Stsrk St.. Fort la a, a, K. for verythTag la th . electrical Ua. Pkoaa Main ISoi. , , PACIFIC Klecrrie Co. Engineers, con tier tore, repairer, electric wiring. enppMe., S4 First, orStsrk. Mils aas. B. H. Tata, mgr. ' - " FTBVtTTBI TA0T0BIXB. OP BOON Fnraltura Manafacturing Compear Mannfacturers -t rnrnltur U - tas trad. Portland. Or. rUBNITUBB manafactarlng and special erdere. L. Bsvaky's furnltur factory. ST0 Front at. TREE O0TXKKXEVT LARDS. ivBT opened t lenientr n; -hrvir valley landa; no stone or timber; water and aoll Srst cliia. Come In and let us locate you. Room Lebb bldg.. Second and Waablagtoa. rUBKAClBV BOYNTON wams-alr furnaces save fueL I. C. Bays Parasce Co.. SM Swaoad. Mala 4SL R0CZRS. WADRAMS S) CO.. wboleaal grocers, factarer and -aummhialea merchant. rarth nd Bk ta, ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlasloa and DndocABii chants. rrat sad Davis sts Portia so. vr. BOTLLaV THB BELLE VLB M newly furnlahed ea aulta or single. - 2134 Fourth, our. Salmon. Term reseoasbl. Mala 104B. OS BORN HOTEL Orind ava. and East Ash St.. Ankenr car IXnlng-room - ronnectloa; boue receatly renovated; $1 to $3 per day. THE Llndell hotel. Market between Third snd Fourth, Portland; entirely new, European nd American plan, Sue to $2 per day. THB LINDELL BOTEL Market, bet. Third sad Fourth, Port lend ; entirely new; European aad American plan; SOe ta $2 par day. Botel ltoar Pindleton. W. A. Brows, mgr. e HOTEL Port Is nd. America a plaai SS.S4 per day. BOTE et. George, Pendleton: leading botei. BELVBDEBB. Laropes plea: 4th snd Aider sta. KAl'l ART) SCALP SPECIALIST. I. J. BORO, ananfnetorer af kanwa hair roll. etc eaa a. riiata. - f now cms xaia. - HAIR and scalp apeclalUL 2 North Seven teenth L -- HOTEL, RESTAURAXT AJTD 0AXF RAB0ES. BOTEL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP BANOEB -Cribben Sexto 4t Ca.. Beventeeata an Upshur eta., largeet atock hotel, recti uriet. anmp ranges, gasollna stove ssd retrigee- ter ta the eltr. BLABSWABX. pe.ei y i,. MMIeie Portland Hardware Co, solicits appuilunlty t uote prices. 1SS let, aor. AMer. Mala 1S34. LYSURABCI. LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO. Fir leauraacs sad real eetite, eureeesor to Artaar Wllaoa Co.; ree. Welt aide, 107-luS Sherlock kldg., Meln long; eeit aid dept. 404 Baal Aider (Cltlasaa' sank) bat 4S1. IRA AO U WHITBY Sr la - bldg. - SOS Deksm JAS. Met. WOOD, emptoyars tl ability aad la- dividual aocident surety ooaaa at su kisa Pbeaa 4T. Sol McKay bldg. B. P. E ARTELS COMPANY Fir leauraar. 44S Bnerleck kldg. Oregon Ptesu Oay IN. LAUNDRIES. BEST of references, -experienced lanndreea, Mel 4MA, Mrs. 14a C. Tarr; lace curtail) laundered in superior manner, 84k Grant . at.( corner Seventh. Satiefactloa gueraateed. HAVE your latindrr done by experienced home lauadrras. 2fll Kast But St. - East OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . WEDNESDAY EVENING," JUNE 21. tOCXSMITB. BROWNE'S IN -TOWN Expert lorkamltk and . uurvw reirin. ton eiari, 'm9 Clay saa; nlbt pbon. - klla Sonft. BE fitting caat-lron braalng 'and general r pairing. J. H. aUcbardaom SOS . Fourtb-at. Pbon Hood 1T8S. atOXST TO LOAB. THI RTi K LOAM Ctl " Any alarled employe, wage earner, an bis sola. wlUwut mortgage ia get Month, li Monta na SIS M r M od or as .M a la M r ua 1 4.00 or a-00 a Week. fort.00 Repay' to tan a. am nft iinn.t a il.OO 110 McKay bldg. FITS per cent aaeneyi w build yen a kern , a loaa yoa money oa poar property: monthly - paymenta; laeeetlgatai ope Saturday ea- - togs, etooms 16-17 La boo bldg.. sVIVa Was. MONET "advanced aalarlMt -pcopl, tea meter. eat boelnesa In 48 principal eltlr Tolmaa, ; MS Ablngton bldg. Pbona Maja 448T. MONRT TO LOAN aa reaL nersonaf and col' lateral security: special attentloa t cnattel saongsgssi aotea aougni. v. w. -ua god-g .Fentoa bldg.. S4 Blita at. BIGRLT reapectabla pliea where ladle and feat eaa borrow asoeey on diamond and rwelry. Ool literal Loaa Beak. Saw Wae- tngtaa ax. Pbn Buck n. SB LOANS and anward aw ell kind f eite-ee-Se eeUr4,a eeesU ns tAalr not: toweet Sites; inn. publicity, no deUy. SIS Ablugtoa Mg. Pbau Bed im ' CHATTEL loans la amounts ranging from S2S to $8,0(10; ronmlng-nousea a anedalty. Kw - Bra Loaa Trust Co., Sod Ablngtoa aids. LOANS at towswt rata aa furnltur. plana; sey-aecerlty aota purchased., Kastars lassa . Line, suf Bnarion - niag. - MONET TO LOAM fa brn or small amoaats on good a berk. SOT security! lowest rat. William sal ling ;og. ' - -. LOANS o furnltur. plisos, otbee astniitlea, twss rites, a W. King, roam an. Was. Idg. Main 4100. , . THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary . loans, from three to lx aMathsi osniaent-s. SIT Orcgonlan. . ' MONET TO LOAN oa Clscksmas eiesty laade. I. P. aad P. B. Riley. SOS Chamber f Coa PORTLAND RRAL ESTATB LOANS. S AND per cast. wm. Dsnkoia, sao railing Biog. MONET TO LOAN. S per rent. Mortbra B King. tlA-tll Commercial block.' MUSICAL. SELF-PLATINO PIANOS CactlUa eelf-play-lng- pianos proaoonced th best by leading mnalclini, also Ceclllao piano-players. B. u. 1 Wilis Musi House, S&0. Aider, st, . SECOND-HAND mualcal Inatraawata of sll kinds at lowest price, ceeb or lastallaMata. FMber Most Co., ISO Tblrd st. LEW'S M.nlc House Sheet mn1c. Instruments. 171 Fourth. Y. M. C. A. bldg. Clay 87 S. MR. ANI MRS. R. A. WEBBER, bsnta, manda. lla, imltar rbrtructloa.Mala toss. ITS W.Park. LE"MON8 Hoc P1ano,guttr. banjo, mandolin, violin. m First, cor. Main. Mrs. Martin. ilEOROR ANDERSON Expert piano tuner and repairing. Inquire Fleber Mnalc Co. Bed SuS, CRAB. R. YORK CO. repairers snd- plater, removed to ST Firat. t. block! north. MAOKTTia HXALIKO. MRS. L. H. RART treats all dlnsase. stnmaek trouble, nrvouaes snd functional weakneaa, Conaultatlon free. 2"t)H Park, cor. leffareoa. VOTARY PUBLla KOTARY PL RLIC Paper carefully prepared and executed, charges reasonable; calln an swered to any part at tba city. Jus. L M.lraOi. S45M Morrison St., room IX PREPARATION af deed aad Bortgagas a aparlaltyi prices reduced- B. A- FraaM. SIB, tba Marqaaaa. OTZRAIXB. BOSS OF THB ROAD OTERALLS aad BMck les' clothing: anion msd. Keuatadtar Broa Sisnutactarers. Portland. Or. . PLATtBO. EASTERN PLATING COm sV First OoldT silver . copper, nickel sad brass platlag. Jewelry work specialty. TRf OREGON PLATING WORKS, tn Waab Ingtoa st. Pboa SSfB. PoUsklug. pie Hag - and laeqoeelng. 1 l.J.UIIII I.J II. I 11 1 --.h'uj.j 1 PRIVTUia. BUSHONG 4V CO. Front aad Stark eta., prlet log. Iltnograpblng, blank book sad fne supplleai work don a tlm: most complsu rioting efnee In the weak, Mala 104. ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPAHT, printing lithographing, bleak book. Pkoaa Mala if. " frd Aldr st. PAIKTS, OIL BID GLASS. P. B. BEACH CO.- Tb Pioneer Palat Co. I wlndow-glam dad Jlaaiog. 149 First st. Phone liie. ".- BASMUSSEN A CO Inbnera. paint, all. glaah, aesa aad doors. Second snd Taylor. - PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A ' RADKMACHEB, aaltary plumb roarta sr. awia POX A CO., unitary plumbers. SSI Second bet: Main aad Salmon. Oregoa Pboa -Mala BOOL rr PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT c-i- B. B. 8. MULDER, expert nccoanUat. room 441 - Bnerlock bldg. ; book epenrd. rested d seal tea; aooss aepi roe smsii concerns; mooe. PHOTOGRAPHIC MOUNTS, B. L. WOODWORTR. Mfg., 1H FourU St. - Tbe lateat style of Mount Board. BUBBEB STAMPS. P. a STAMP WOBKS, 249 Alder St., phon Mala T10; rubber atampa, era la. etesclbi. bur gag, trad check : aead for antnlogno. BOPX. PORTLAND COR DAG B CO. snd Northrup Sts.. PertUnd. Or. B00FIBO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, rapalrtng aad jonoing. 4, Lsauu sis Jirrereo at. STORAGE; TRABBFER ASTD SAULIX0. SAFER ES, plaaos aad furniture moved, tacked dr ' tor onioning- aad abln'oed: an arar gaanateed; large, e-etory. brick. Ore-proof warehouse to atorag. OfSc 12S First at. & at. Olaeaw Pbona Mala 44 T. & O. PICK, offlc as yirat betweea BUrk and Oak ata., phona 5Ud; plaaoa aad furniture moved and parked for shipping; commodloat Sre-proof, brick wanboaaa. ' FrooA aad "Clay era. BTORAOB apece tn let la ear new balldiag, ST4 Water st. Blglar Mllllag Cemmlaaloa . Company. OREOON; TRANSFER CO., 184 North SI Its. . Pboa Mala 49. Heavy baallag aad storage. POST SPECIAL DRLIVRRY. -rtau-Ingioa at. Pha Mala PnS. BOUVIKIRS. r - ' . ' : t. .... THB MOHOArt CO. . -108 tav-113 Second at.. d . floor. Manufactncers and )obbers of Lswls snd Clark sou ventre; booths . and street stands fitted ant complete. SUKMEB RESORT t'OI'NTR Y CU R INN. Hood Rl Sne oak grove, good" table,, aprlng walet, tends, boating and flahlag; now open. SHOWCASES AVS FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every arsaiptleul beak, bee sad stare Stlnre mid t eroer. Th Lath MiaafBetartag C.. Portlaaal -, i BATES. J FOB Spaulng lockouts aad sata pargatap g 4 i. B. fiavla, 44 Third St. . .. - ' :.-.--' v '- STREET VAYUfO), WAKRBM Csnstructloa Co. Street Paving, aide. walk and, sruaewalka. 714 Oragonlaa bldg. THB Trfs'did AiphilM'irlng C. af rurtlaad. OfSc dog Worecater blk. 1 ' TTPeTWRITIKS. I0ST TIPltWRITER BEAOOrjARTEBB 1 43 Fourth Street. Wa rent, repair, eell.. scbaug t rp writs r. All suppllaa for aH maeklaea. . Ptandard mecblnee 2S and ap to' lino. '. De you wsat a steaograpbar or typlatl TV kavs Uit of good- applicant. Pboa Black 2871. BLICKBNSDOBFEB? typewriter, suppll, re pairing, bob Baa, sua atarn. ntaia tu. TOWTL iffPPLY. CI.BAN TOWELS OAILT Osmb. Hrneh. eoan, lonta. Lawrenea Bros.' Towal BappU Fourth and Coach. Phon St. YI0LIBS. I. A; WESCO, sioltn-msker aad rspstrevi work . Brat cliia. Z3 Rueaell kldg. 4th aad Morruwa, WALLPAPfR. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1S4-1M Si rand at,. Mt. Tsmnitl aad Taylor. Portland. "TOajrCIlLr P ZETLAND TRrST COMPANY Of OBIGON. NO. IDS THIRD ST. Tba Oldeat Trtiat Company la Oregoa. RKSOl'RCES OVER $1,000,000. " ' General Banking Builneea Conducted, ' Bavlnrs Denoatta Received. - Ttm certificates taaoed, tlao ewtlflmterr nt deposit payable ' a pen 10 days' call. SO - day1 rati or 90 days' call with Interest at 8. 8Vk and 4 per rent per annum. reapttvly. Cell a mr wet or llluatrattons, BENJ. I. COHEN.. H. L. PITTOCK. B. LEE PAGET I. O. GOLTBA .,... ... rreeiosni ... . . .Tlos-Prssident .Secretary ..Aaalatant Secretary FIRST BATI0RAL BANK. OF P0RTLAVO. ORFOOIT. Dealgnated Depoaltory and Financial Agent t 1 an vuixou' BTars. President.... A. L. MILLS Cashier J, W. NEWKIRK Aaaletant Cashier .....W. a ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caehter, B. P. STEVENS Letters f. Credit laened Avatlabl In Kurop nd th Enters State. -Sight Kichang and Talecraphls Tranafers sold on New Tork. Boeton. Chlcego, St. Louie. St. Paul Omaha, San Franeliea sad, tb principal points is tn nortawect. Sight snd tlm bills draws In sums ta suit en Xadoa. ' Parle, Berlin. Frankfort-on-tbe-Meln. Hoog Kong.- Yokokama. Oopankagea, ChrlaflanU. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, alus aaw. Enrich. Honolulu. , Oollaatlsna Mad a Tavoratl Terms. u KITED STATES NATIONAL BANK. OF PORTLAND. olEOO. kOBTHWIBT COR. THIRD AMD OAK STB, Transacts a oenerni Banking Bueuea. - DRAFTS ISSUED Available In All Cities of tba United States snd Kurop. Bong Kong snd Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE 0 FAVORABLE TERMS Prealdent 1. C. A1NKWOHTH Ytce-Prealdant W. B. AYER Caihler. B. W. BCHMEEtt AmUUnt Cashier A. M. WRIUQT LADD a TILT0K, BAMKERS. (Eatabllahed In t$5.) " Trsasasts a General Banking Business. ' Collect lone msde st all point', an firorlbl term. Letter of credit Issued available la Europe and aU points In tb United Rtatee. Sight Eichanrs and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St, Louis, Denver. Omana. Sao Fraaclac - aad Montana and Rrltlah Columbia. Exchange sold oa London, Paris. Bsrttav rransrort, uong nong, xokonama, Manila aad Boaolura. SECURITY SAVINGS A- TRUST COMPANY. W4 Morrison St., Portland. Or. Transact a Oeneral Banking Business. BAVIK0S DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tim and Saving Deposits. Acts as Trustee for Kite to. Drafts snd Letter of Credit A reliable ta AD parts of tb World. Q. W. ADAMS ...Treeldest L. A. LKWIS. First Vice-President A. L. M'LI.S .Second Icc.-Presldent at. u. rfimii ...'.'......wecrerarr GEO. P. RI'oKELL........ Aniltsnt Seoretary BwASSjrT At UTi AB KAAnt 1. FBAJIK WATSON..... PreWTenr ft. u, luiKHAet..... Vlos-Prc1ool R. W. HOVT Ceebier GEORGB W. HOTT.. Aaalatant. Caabkv Traaaacts a eraaaral Banking aualneee. Draft TTSa Letter of CiVrllt leaned Available - ss All Parts of th World. Collection Specialty. M 0ERIS BROS. St CHRISTINSE. IStH First Stmt, Portland. Or. Ofter Ollt-Edgs Investments In Municipal snd , Railroad Bonds. Write or Call. MORTOAGG LOANS On Portland Real Estate st Lowest Bat,' Title Insured. . Abetrsets Furnlahed. 1 TITLE OUABANTEE TRUST .CO. . Roam 4. Chamber of Commaroa. VAN CORTLAND ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEbT. Others com and go. but Van Cortland remain. ' ' PROP. VAN CORTLAND, , 80314 Waahlngtoa at., corner of Fifth. THB MOMENT YOU ENTER BIS PARLOR HE WILL TKI.L YOO YOUR FULL NAMB. AOB. OCCl'PATION. Tnl'R MOTJItKS MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARTY nnd what you called, for, without ailing a question; will trl tbe name of your sweetheart or anything yoa want to know. He eenii you awar much wiser aad happier tbaa when you called. . ' PROF. TAB OORTLAVD. - " Seven Years ta Portuvad, Tha Ollv. SOSH Wuk&igtoa ' at., aar. Vlftk snd WaahlrglTn aisi ' r LOW FEE3 LOW PEE Offlcs kours 8 a. la. tt I p. m., dally and Sunday. , W treat succesafuUo! sll private ner vous snd chronic diseases of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to-stay cured for ever, in to to to days. We remove STRICTURE, without operation or pain, CLAIRVOYANT IN A In 1J days. Ws stop rJVaJns. the result' of self- , abuse. Immediately. We can restore) fis . , aenuai vigor ot any men unuer ev ,7 means .of local treatment peculiar t ourselves.-1- - ... . ?.;r,l-, '. '.We Cure Ooiiorchoea ; ' r in a Week; iruo live rwuN run maiiea zr4 . la olaln wranner. . The doctors of this institute era an i,,' regular graduates, -"have had many jee LSVi'l v-i; years' experience, ha v been known itif:, .' ' ' 'VjVvi Portland for 1 yeara. have a reputation f,, ;, y-.-Jf ' ' to maintain, and will undertake no caouf gs ' ; y T' ' j?- -3 unlea certain, cure-can b efTeoted. ifes .' T .'jf .' :' " r W guarantoe a cure In every case wa i "-1';it c'i'-' 'Sfl? - nndertake or chargs n Im. Consult-' 'W-Y - - ,; t ion free. Letter confidential. Inatruo. . S''--r- r . Ws cure tha worst eases of piles tn two or three treatments, without opera ' tlon. Cur guaranteed. . ' 1 , . " If you cannot call at ofrce,'wrlte (or question blank. , Home treatment suo ceasful. ' .4 - . .Offlce hours, I to ( snd T to.l.urldays 6 holidays. 19-U41. .; J.::, DR. VV. NORTON DAVIS & CO. - Offio lx. Van Noy HoUl. I2H Thitrti fTtrt Cornr Pin, PorUac Of, s SOLDIER OF SEDAN ' , FOUND DEAD IN BED (Special Dispatch to The Journal Grants Pm. Ori June 11. William Belfert -was found, daad In M this morning In room behlnthta candy stora, whsra ha llvad nlone. Ha had bean sffectad with heart troubi for aoma tlm hut frit hotter than usual yesterday. Ha was lnat seen allva by A ruatoroer at S o'cIScIt yesterday aven Ins. An Inquest wag held .today at which It was determined that ha died naturally. ' j : ' Selfert'was 12 years old. a native ot Germany and served., through tha Franco-Pruaalnn war and fought Jq the battle-of Bodan. j . ' . , fom Borlad a,k BUivajuk, (Journal Special Set rice.) Havana. Cuba. June II. The body ef General Maximo pomes was burled with honor last night. ' CHESTERFIELD Parchlc. palmist snd ;rUlrfojSBr, Specie all UiU week: My full $5 palmletry reading ' and dead trance rlalr- voynnt sittlnga, S4c. 1 tell ot. ehaugea.. c- cesaee, fillur.. mar- " tlage. dlverce. law aidt. trarela, deaths. loae arrair, aepara tlona. dlaeaaee. etc. ' I sccept no tea In advance. If you ere not aa tie fled you pay m nothing. I wtih to abow the ritlaena of Iyrtland that there r -one In thhv profeselon- that andeeataad-lla bualneea and I no. fake. Parlor SM Tblrd at., opposite th 1'lasa. Office hours S a. si. o S p. m..' dally and Sunday. OOITOBBBOXA, OLZBT, BTTHILIB, KTOatOOELZ, TAKIOOCTBLB, Z.OSB OT MAHEOOI), BBEUMLATTRM, XCBEMLA, ASTRXMA. and BXJJK DIBBABXS. Wa want every- man afflicted with tha above diaeasea to honeatly lnventlgata our areclalaivatem of treatment. We in- rvlte-Inbartlcular all who havnrdated elsewhere without success, all wnoee canes-hnve been abandoned , by family phynlclann and ao-alled 'BPECIAL XBTB,f all whose' troubles have been aggravntM and made worse by tha uae of BZX.TB, rUB ABL1LJSB, TatlAT. TBEATHERTTB and ao-called BPBCIT ICS. Ve will explain to you why such treatment baa failed to curs sou, and will demonstrate to your entire satis faction thnt we can cur you safely, quickly nnd permanently. Crur.counscl will cost nothing, and we will do by you as we would wish you to do by .ua If our esses were Teversed.-"Wrlt for our home treatment If you cannot call.. , The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Booms S And 7 Winchester aTouse, Sd . sad, Bnrnslds Btrsats, rortland. Or. , : . . . Established 1878. . - ' G. QBE "WO Tho Qrcat Chines a Doctor L. la 'called ' great be cause his wonderful cures are so well known throughout the United States, and bacauss so many people are thankful to him to anvlng tneir iivvn xrora OPERATIONS -vvnr - hi treats anr ana I tVSiy all dlaaes . with ' N5i;!rai1 powerful Chinese J!Xe0SlS4 birbs, roots, buds. FffiX barks and vegetables ibawafot,WiZi that arv-antlrely un known to medical science In tnia coun irv end throush tho uo of thaaeharm loaa remedies: This famotia doctor knows the sctlon or ever BOO different remeai- that he haa successfully used In different diseases. He guarantees to eura catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner. vounnean, iigmicn, iivr, iv.,,-, - -male trouble and all private dlneaaeo. Hundreds of testlmonlnls. . Charges modern te. rail nnd ne film. COBBUXiTATIOBT TBBB.-" Patients out of-the" city -'writs for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Ad dress . THE C. GEE WO CHINES1. : MEDICINE CO. ' 151 Alder street Portland. Or. Btalr. way of 2S1V Alder street leads to of flea. AI entlon this paper. - -' tcs GoNORRHOEi ABD OllIT WTTTIOtrf OTtTl old by all Orucglata. tnrr. (an CHicNtiiin s xeiLiaM - LXAPi;. A.eiriielleMi. I.ldlov uk brerrle) ejr , r,. l,,, . v -- la sir. D aea el4 ameltli eaaei. slut Wm pialee. Take e otbee. Bereea SlWevu SukeUlatleM sad leil tteae. ' Sef ef year lr,i.l er eel 4s. la eteeje 9r Pertleelera. TeetlaeeeAal aaalefarfvt.alww ea.rve tare Mall, i e eee tu, Dnem, klckeeaee t'kealeoi Ce rnir. s-ie- - f-ik 25c rneAiiiH tn,imiit'Tt!rrSrM WriP .Q&0Sr CUR I I I AT . if J a m snaeea uus sea 1903 glIRf EUROPE TEDDY'S ACTIVITY Crowned Heads Are Pleased to Have President Keen jon Making Peace. FEAR JAPS WILL, WANT -v MUCH CONQUERED LAND T. Political Crisis In Norway Has Its Effect in Capital's" . ' 'ySocial Circfes. . ; ' Washington Bureau ot Tbe- Journal.) -' Washington, D. C., June 11. President Roosevelt Is surely tha beloved of the gfvi- -t gmnrt v"i tis to' be his and he will, probably go down ts history not aa tha chief executive of ths most pow erful modern nation, nor' ths mighty nlmrod. nor the.. Ideal essayist' and re viewer, but the man Who. made peace In' tha moot significant epoch which has faced the world : since Napoleon aur Twndereo rhc allied pOwern of Europe after. Waterloo. Ha haa longed for thla fnl and Jhls goodf rlend, Baron ; von Sternberg, with an occaatona! dip of the okraNif 81r Mortimer Durand, have been aaaylng to bring Jt about. Like the kalaer, ha Is s man of war, but he makes war only because he wants a iastlng peace. 1 Of course, tha crowned beads of Eu--Tope are mighty ld-trj -have "President" Roosevelt no keen on the job. They would not like to face trouble auch aa Russia has had tn experience ' through the-framing of peace terms for Japan. ' ..... Tsar Loot tor Lud, : But the president does not expect to be a dictator nor. to shape events. Ja pan will not Allow any suggestion, but Roosevelt dods hope, and his admirers among the potentate of Europe era longing for hla auocess, that he may lead Japan out of the envious clutches of ambition snd kill the land fever which seems to consume her vitals. It would, be., swkward Jt th mikado should discover that he has use for sll the land that France and Germany have stolen from his neighbors, the Chinese. Then there are the Philippines Diplo mats who know the hidden significance brrwrsr vehti if y that In l yesrs the archipelago - which - Dewey con quered so easily will be either autono mous or Japanese. - President -Roosevelt has sn interest-after all, for he la for ever committed to the Spanish-American waHand the territorial aggrandisement which followed. - The BTorweglaa Orlals. The political crisis In Norway has al ready had its effect on Wsshtngton so ciety In the return of the minister from Sweden and Norway, Mr. Grip, who sails today for Europe. Mr.' Grip, who has served continuously In Washington for 1 years. Is a Norwegian by birth, sod naturally much concerned in the history snd progress of that country. ; - - - The Russian ambassador, Count Cas rlnl. as stated TSWt week, has fixed no date for his' departure, owing to ;the negotiations now believed to be- under way' in effecting the peacS not only of the far east, but of thevworld. " . Oasslsi's Baafhte XU. In addition to his care of state, th grief that naturally follows tha loss of many friends among his uatue-ocarrea countrymen. Count Caaalnl now has a keen personal sorrow In the illness of his young daughter.- the Countess Mar guerite Casslnl. who "has developed Bear let fever In Iarls. The dlaeaae Is re ported by cable to be well under control, and the distinguished patient Is respond ing to treatment, which leads to the rea sonable hops of her complete recovery. The ambassador continues to be enter-tain-!! small parties by his personal friends.' but at hla own request the Urge farewell dinner proposed in his "honor has been sbandoned. """ -" "'"7 ' to moid Tp. A ilen nvar the stairway Of S down town factory building reads: . "Girl wanted to aewjjDuiiona on n sixth floor." ' C-i. ; - Somebody suggested that the building inspector. In view of recent collapmja, had ordered suspenders for floors that were likely to come down. t -L-J- BAILBOAD ABO 8TIAMB0AT TIHB TAB LIS. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY , Spencer tine v Fast Steamer Chas. R. Spencer .' Dally round trip to Th Dalles from Wsshtngton street dock at T a. ta., exoept Friday and. Bun day. . . - -Tke SwitaerUnd ef AVmerlos. . rgost atAgBUeent Boenery ia the - " Wotld. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS - tn the fmir-mllllttn d"llr? Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot of Waahlngtoa atreet at t a, m- arriving home st - t p. m. . Round Trip Tickets 1.00 Telephone Main 1422. - x. w, sravoxa. General Manager, Portland. Or. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY i, Portland - Cascade liOt-ks-The Dalles. Keen , to periecuon i from, deck of - u . ' - . r REGULATOR LINE ; STEAMERS " 1 Round Trip to Cascade Locks: Kvery r-Mondsv. Wedndsy. . Friday and finrlav. Ieave dallv 7 a. m. Knmtays B. m. Through eteamera for The ' Lallea. dally 7 a. m. - - i Tending and wharf foot ef Alder a 'et. For full Infor mation t tiooe Main H4. 13 BAILBOAD ABB STEAMBOAT TIM TABLXS. ' V UmoNPAcinc AM 3TrarrisT6niTFEMOaiIy- Tnrsnik Pullaiaa atnniterd aag seartet alee lee eem - Belle ts Ooubt. Cfelc. BneAa! tonrnrt deeping ear Sally ta Kaaae Cltrl ttarsugh Pullman tourtat aleeplog ears (pereoa- IK CWIOW- OtPOT. 4JVtve, ; CHlCAOO-PORTUAJiB ... ae. - BPBCIAIm :23 Sa An - . . r th Baal via Baa- D'"' 0uUf' . -: Inatoa, . ' -"-BPOKANB Jf.TBB." : : " Tor F.iitern Waahlat ' ton. Walla Walln. Lew- S;18 s. SS S. Ssa letoa, Coeor 4' A lane OsUr, , aad Oreat Brura olata. ' ' ATLANTTO BXPREA& .... .... . . . BOB ASTORIA and war Bolnta. -eeoBeetta- wrtk atnw. toe Ilwac a4 North Beach. Mr. Baa ln. Aih-et, sock. S OS n. ns Dalle. ASmxt-- ex. Sanaa. Satnruay. 4:00 a, I lornon Tnmhill Biver Soote. POB DATTOM -- City aad Tamblll Blvwt TtOS a. m. points, itrars. Bath m Pnllr. T-nn m. m ' Dnlly. annnn Slver Bent. rosj LBWISTON. fan 4:00 . as. an way aolata , fnni Tueeoay Klperla. Wank., nava. Tbursday About S gat' Mondsy WsdneeAay .a,, irwiaxen-iaunaar asiurosy TICUT OrriCB. Tblrd and WaaalagtanW. Xakw 2l7.-rJnZaa'J1 crt'Ag0S. A. t CBAIQ. Qal Psen-ee AnmL 1 EAST vu SOUTH ONIOM. DEPOT. : Arrlv 0TEBLAMO XX P BESS trains, far galeae. Be burg, A ib lead. Sacra nesnto, Ogden, Be graa cleco, Stockton, Loe Aa- S:S0s,B. galea. El raeo. New Or Isans and ta Boat. Morning train . ena- aecta at Woodburn aatiy except Sunder with train for aft Angel. - 8 1 1 r t a. Brownsville. Iirlii. :10 B. as. - flat. Wendllag audi nitron. Euge? paaaengar ex S.'OO D. I nects et Woedbarm wit Mt. Angel aad gllvar- 10:sn-ia. tun local. Oorvallla pasaeagar. - Sherldsn pasnger. T:S0i 4:60 I 8:60 p. I S:z9 a. i Dnlly. ' satlasd-Oswage fnsnrnna Berries aad TaashlS Dlsiai. " Pep, foot f Jeffereo trt- Lev Portland dally for Oswgo T:S0 a. as. . 12:60. 2 :'(. 4:00, S:30. S:00. 8:88. T:4S, 10:18 : p. m. Dally (except Sunday), 8:80. SKI. S:. 10:28 a; at.) 4:00, 11:80 p. m. Sunday enly, SIO a. m. " - Beturnlng from Oswegw. errlve Portia nd gaDy -S:S0 a. m.; 1:65. 8:05. 4:65. S:2B, T:5. 8:65. 11:18 p. m. Dally (except Bon (tar) S:SB, t:zn. 8:80. 10:10. 11:45 a. m. Bxeent itoaday, a. BW- Benuar nly, 10:80 a. as. Iva front earns depot for Dalle aad tatar. , nedlite polnta dally 8:00 S. an. Arrlv fort, land 10:10 a. -an. " . Th Iadpendeoce-VfoainMNirk Motor Una erjerite dally te Monmouth snd Alrllo, en. neetlng wltb Southern Pad ft aBaay'a track at Delia and Independence. First -class firs frnra Portland ta Baerasaeata and Baa rtanclae (20. berth 85; eacond ias fare 815. eeond-ele hertbe 82.50. Tickets to Eaateru points snd Fnropa, SaM. span, China, Honolulu aad A astral! a. CU Ticket OfSc conwr Third n4 WnSB- tnga i e.N Pbon Mala TTI C w. btikuesV vr . . uman, Oty Ticket Axest. ' 41. Pass. Agrat,.. pnir nirtn 'ovrA'-. - ' W W - - w w - 1711 ur B I TRAINS r Portland: DAILY. CKION DBPOTT Depart 1 I Arrive Tellowatone Park-BTan-f ail cttr, dt. Loot 8pej eta i tor t:nenaiia. i en trilli. Olrmole. Oriri Harbor. Booth send. Tn Cfim. Seattle, Rookan. 8:80 a. m. 4:80 .W . ..... ...... Inse. Denver. Omaha. Kanaa ritv. St. Leuat: and neutneait. North Cnaat Limited, eleruic lighted, for Ta coma, Seattle, Spokane, Butt. Mlnneipnlla, St. Paul and tb kaet. Puget Sound Limited, for Chehalla. Ceotralli. - 7 2:00 .'. 7:00 s. ax, 4:80 p. Ticnma aad Seattle 10:88 B. m. e.lj. Twin City Tixpr, for Ticoma, SVattl. Sp. kane, Refarna. Butte, Tellowstone park. Mtn- 11:48 p. Bl. 8:80 s. St. neapolla. St. Paul and tn Eaat. A D. CHARLTON, Aarl'tant Ceneril Paasanger Agent, 268 Unrrleon St.. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia " River Railroad Co. Leers. 1 - TJNIOM DEPOT. I Arrlv, : :fJ a. as. Dallr. 2 .30 b. m. Per afavgvrs, Batnlav, II Mi. Clatekani, - wvatport, Cllftoa, Aetarla. fVee- Dally. . rraton. rlarel. Fliafr ewad. Port Stewe. Geerhart Park. Seaatd. AsterHK.aae T rm , ul (Dally. . Ex are dally, 8:80 S.SJ, Altorii' Ei SaturiU Except Saturday. - j. a NATO. : a. B. end r. AW AatarU. o. a A. STEWART. rouiBieret! Agent. Sag AJosw . it. Fbew aiaM sun, - Tteket Office IBS) TXU 2ranW4 BBS . , TrncontlroritnI e ewnV Traltm Dally FAST TIMG TO BPOKANF!, BT. T T" yt A11NNK A I'Ul.l C i . AL.L. I'c, - . PayHsht trio f-- i end fwxv r p. are, r , , A.v Itill boittTs. yol