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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1905)
-. '. ..a-Vet a. ..- - ' f . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY (. EVENING. JUNE . 21, 1805. 12 V" i 'a! t ' I 1' w . m.. ,,.,rtM twtiaadL " Or, fee uansorisUua Uuuu(k 4ns aasjla aa .BeoaaA- Postage'lur slagls iwplea: For aa S, 0 et pigs paper, J cent; M U K ps(es, Xw SB gages, TELETHONIS. "-.Mala 266 Editorial Rooms.... Office ........Mala tow roinni advirtisijio REFBiszKTixrfa, reelaad Bangs mln 8pedal KIS 160 huMU iunI, fiew York, Tribune Build- EWBSCRIFTIOK BATES. :- ----- - - is v. asrrler - ' .J:'.," .' . .....-. imi 17.60 r..- Y,-n 1 i Boo -Ted Itally Journal, with Hunday, 6 tDoatne. 8.TB Tba Dally Journal. 6 months, "'";; , S The Daily Journal, wltb Ssnday, BBOUthe. Ths Dslly Journal. S month...., IT Ths Dsllv JournsL with Sundsy. 1 monta..- Ins Dally "vr- arses. . delivered, eunaav Included V'1"JS.'J Ths Dslly er week, delivered. ; excepted! .1 Xerma y " The Pally XMnul, with Sunday, 1 T.. ' The Dally Jourasl, 1 yeer '.LI 'The Delly Journsl, with Sunday. months Tha Dslly Journsl. 8 months.. ....... 11m Dslly Journal, with sundsy. months, Tha Dally Journal. 8 moatns.... Ths Dally Journal with Huadsy, 1 mouth., 87. oo eo its 176 1 0 1 40 .66 .AO 'Tha Dally Journsl, I month. 1.09 I-Ot The Sunday journal. 1 yeer Tha Anadir Journal. A - Boontha. . . . .... Tha Ssml-Wssxly Journal. Tha Rml-Warkly JnuriiaL. 0 ia P ' aarh laaas. Illuatratad. fall marliat ra eirt, 1 year ai.wj rmUlanrra ahonld ba hiada by dratta. poatal Mas, aipraaa ordrra and amall w""" accpubl. m and t-t 'fSvSiU' r. O. Box 121. Portland, or. -- - " WKEKK IHX JOUKXAL MAT BB TOUBB. -. Th Jofaal aam h toon t fxllowloa placaa: m . 7 Bo IS K, IDAHO H. Scllat A Co.l W. B. Me- ' CrilCAoVv-Poatoffle Kawa company; 178 IhMf '- bom (treat. . m DENVKK. COLO. Krndrtrk Bonk ennpany, Smntaanth atrtati 1. . fllitarntb and (nrtla atrrata. - . KANSAS CITY Tarn Noy Nawa rotnpany - . HIN .MCAPOU8 hi. I. . KaTanaufh,, M Booth Third atrrat. . NEW TOKK CITY Brantano'n. Colon, nqoarfc . OMAHA MUlard Hotal Nawa atand; Mttt Stationary company. l.V rarnnm arraot. . BALT LAKE CITY Kanyon Hotal Naw atand: Barrow Droa.. 43 Wnt Berond atraet. Booth. - 8T. LOCIS Philip Border. Locnat atraati E. T. ir-tt. n Ollrr atrart. , . BAN rRANCISCO W. B. Ardlnr. Palnea Hotal J Kawa atand. and inn Markt atraat; Oold f amlth Broa.. Z Sutter etreet. and Balnt - rranrta hotel: roater Oraar. firry bnlld Ing; N. Whratlay. moTrabla new atand. a - nar Market and Kearney atracta. BKATTLhi Rarnler Grand Nawa aland; W. L. Slianka. Hotel Seattl Nawa atand. -- -BPOKANK. WASH John W. Orahaa A Cn. - SAOMA. WASH. Central tiawa ooaipanyi Hotel Tacoma,- Newa atand. - . T1CTORIA. C.-netorl Bodk A Stationer - ' company. - I UTEATTm BEM1T. Moderately henry to heari ralua hare faUcn x In Teiaa, Oklahoma, Arkanaaa. Tennraaee, A irftnla. the Ohio nall'Tv Middle Atlantic tatea, Nehraaka. Iowa, MlnnaauU and tha Do kotaa. - . . - . . It la mark eonlnr In eastern Montana Riid tha Dakntna; elaewhrr no marked rtauY la temperature haa taken place. ' ' The inilinttlons are for fatr weather la thla r dlatrlrt tonlxbt andThnraday. XAXBIAOE XICTHStS. K.-: -BeTtach;: ZS, and Lidna C. Btrmlnf- tieorae A TIatard of Ia Anarlea, S2. and Lo-ilae T. Harder, oyer Id. Booert L. Coock of Seattle," 80, and Emma P. Painter. 34. - Oeorae W. Pauaa of BeatllrrM, and Ann I Ellrabalb layman, f - ' - Tmurm. . Townaepd, 7 and Laora ' M. . ftailtb. 2d. otla C. Rarkra. Jft, and Jeaale Hadley. . -, t'lay Oahorn. , and Arrtne S. Wilcox, Ift. H W. kempke. 22. and Myrtle Smith. 22. - William Tell HeTh-y ot-( amerun, Texaa, and Beeale Lnulae Ktnley, 27. i -i (aWtn 1. Hainan. ST. and Martha A. Kerna, em Anton Olaon. 41. and Adda Hoc man. S4.-1 L T. Stewart of Cant county, 32, and Jen nie M. Stewart. U. Carl H. r'ranrta, 30. and Charlotte L Ate en. M. :.. - ' ' wer L. Paddotk. 24. and lay Rnhfon, 5. - Jt.ha A. Norman. 2. and Beaala E. Fox. in. Weddlnr Cards. W. O. Smith A Co.. Warh Inatoa bld(.. ear.. Vonrth and Waahlnatoa ata. BH.TBB. mm mm "n '.i li t mtmmmmmmmmy " VIVSKNBI'RO June 17. to Mn and Mrs. Fred . Wlnaenhura. as East Twenty lhth street northr a danabter. -i " KAMI SHI Jnoe 13. to Mr. and Mra. Abraham Kamnabn. 210 Harrteoa. atraet. a danabter. - DEATHS.- rM'HWARTZ June 1. Joorflne Schwarta, eaed A2 yeara.'lw eSarth Twelfth, atreet: eanae. nerltooltls. Burial at Lone Wr -cemetery 5Ei:i.V June 18 Mary A. Seely. aaed M years, at Home lor Aaed; cause: cancer of " bronchial flsuds. Burial at Lone Mt ceme. tery. - . . BITE A YIZW CEMETEBT. Slnale ararea 110. Family lota ITS to fl.ono. The only cemetery In Portland which perpetually malntalna and rarea for lota. Par full Information apply to W. R. Mackenete, 'Worceater block, city. W. M. JLsdd. president. ' Ctajnatorlom oa Oreann City ear line, near Sr II wood: modern, aclentlflc. complete. Chart aa -Adulter ts&l children. 125. V I.I tore a. m. to k p. m. Portland Crematloa association. Portia n A Oregoa. Tha Edward Holman t'ndertaklnt eomnany. funeral directors and embalmera. 220 Third atraet. Phone 607. J. P. Floley A Son. funeral dl sectors and eirt'aimera, comer Tnira ana Msaison streets. tifflce of eonnty corooer. Telrpbone Mala S. Funeral wreathe and cut flowers a specialty at Rosa City Green bouse. Twsnty-aecond and Fast Morrison, onp. cemetery. B.EAL ESTATE TRAKSrEBS. , , The Title tjnsrantee A "Trust company to I). tumbler, bit U.-bkwk 2l. first ad dition to Hollsdsy Psrk addition $ POO . v. . Morris sna wiie to w. j. Adams," se o juau . x-BtTa n;T uoQiawn H. Slnshelmer tn 11. E. Cnlemsn. lot 25 and part h Xn cedar Hill 1 Bame lo aame, wts'i ana 2, block 328. elty-i 1 C. rscier n si. to w.-facker. lota and 6. block 1. Hlahtland F. W. Sheffield and wife to 11. E.. flale , and rife, lots 26 and 3H, block. 8. Hlsh- land park ' 809 Ana tirsn to A inert i.rtn at si., lot 9. t block 1. jr ' rsruthera' addition to t aruthera' addition . ' 'too G. T. Poteet and wire to J. H. Penn. , snath H lota I and S, block B, Strnbc's ' sddltlon . ..i 00 -- The Land company or ttreaoa to H. w. IM.k.rd. lot 14, block 4. CHy View park aw Heal Etste inrestora- aaaorietivn to A. C. Simpson, lot 8. block; If, HVllwood'. 100 -- The Meoial rpa. to. to b. m Waldron. north Me fe lot . bhM-k a, Doex ber'a aecond addition Sheriff to A. Harold, lot 3, hkwk a. Uernunla . W. Kenney and wife to Mrs. M. Rob son, lots 1 and 2. block- 4, Barrett's - addition . ' 260 l. a. iesouna to J. rt. Hoeei.cssrd rt al., kit 6. block S7, Stephens' sddltlow ' 'M. I. Mnahti snd hu.hsnd t F. SI , j a Howe. Ihm- M and 7. block t. ToImsco suaiuon ., i.i.t.. 426 M II. Itenholm snd hnsltsnd tn " N xr Toomse. let 7. block 1. Leah's sddlMonl,260 sirersiir ino company to J. if. i,sr -son. lots II snd 14. hlock 1 Port. C. I. Tir, trustee, lo J. YoaL-lot 14. . block Ml. LUhsiIb psrk ......w IV.Int View Lsnd enmpanr to F. a peer and wfe. lot . block Id, Point View A. W. o-ormck -and wife to B. A . Bald win. bt a 6 and A block loXn'dtf 1SS 80 - ii.u.rn ro real estate from the Title Guarantee A Treat eos vmnj.y aiemr or uiiunieifs nnilOlna. BOILMBO FEBMITB. JfVTAt, ASHOCUTIiiN Jane So, Psciac caast veaui sssuclsUoo, pit t lor ax, Ttalk between rVaich and Ttsrls streets: eoat. S300. Rl June P. Russler, atand. Haw- . thorns terrace; eost.tsiw.'; ' BOLMAN June 20. Mrs. Holman. . dwelling. j oorner Cook aad Alblua aeenuos; rest. l.oo. BK( hKR June 90. M. Becker, cottage, VaiihMfr.s atrwet: cost. golMI. - Tl rr't'HI June , E. B. Tnfford. ' repairs to dwelling. East "Twelfth - between: Uoing end Preeiwtt' streets; cost, IKK). RAYMOND June , Mr. Raymond, cottage, r.t Thirty f.nirlh between Wa.blngtoa-.snil Alder streets; .rat. H.ooO. You Should Open an Account t WITH ' . . I 'TO OLDEST TRUST COMPART W' . ABEOOM," ... Resources Over $1,000,000 Bacauae It has been la business IS years. Becauss " It Is econimlcslly 'snd " well "San Because It paja . Interest tm lour savings.' Because you caauot do" better rlaewhere.. " Call, phone sc. write, for our book of. TLLUSTBATIOlfS. . C PORTLAND TRUST COMPAJiY OF OREGON I'hone Main 463. r lot Third St. .;. President V ice-lresldent .... . . Hecretsry .Assists nt Hecretsry BBNJ.-I. fOHE.N.;, II. L. PJTTMK,. R. LWB iPAtiKT...... O. liOLTHA If OTIC. DISSOLt'TlOM NOTICE. The law grm ef Pipes A Tlfft hss beea dlssolsed by mutusl consent. Mr offlrea are- tiO. - rbsmber of commerce. Telephone Main 063. . MABT7M L. PIPES. WASTkD Rids for- hsitllhf T.600 cords ef wood, rbone Esst jaio. '. LOST AMD rOTTBD. f REWARD for return of a smell --hand-grin. left on Mt, Tenor resorroir csr. naruraaj evening, June 17, lltoft, to John A. Cuhrerwell. care Illiks-Chstten Engrsrlng Co.. Secohd snd Morrison ati contents.' letters, pspers. etc.. of no ralua except to owner; as questions sitked. -. - roCND A piece to nse hslr mattresses reno sstea sna returneq aame aay. rwns 474. . PustMad Curled llalr rectory. FOl ND A lady's gold watch. Owner ess hare eeme br.giTiug oeecription sua psyina cbsrges at 629 East Harrison at. LOST White pointer 'do with lirer apnta. chain and - collar attarnaa; rawaro. ar. I). Miaurr. Arlrta P. 0. BXLP WAJtTXD MALZ. BOYS " WAKTED " bseebsll nnlforms dls- trlhuled free this werk: cssn prise orrers always open;' If yon want to make good money, aell the Saturday Earning Poat. tor free copies to .tart with apply to J. V. Hartey. Jr., 110 : First St., -or phone Essl Z770. U'AKTKDV-Energetle men Os good character. permanent poaitioni . Wlta ojporiuntty iw qalck promotion for the right men. Apply T. M. Anthony. S06 Btssraa bldg.. Sixth, snd Morrison. 8:30 to :30 a.m., 4:W lo 6:30 p.m. WANTED Two Ullymen 12 BO, SO mill and yardman f2 up, riunky sio up, a nucaers 2.50. LL'MBeRMKN'g LABOR BUREAU, : . . 8,ift MorHsoa. -v - WANTED Young Baa to prepare for com ing dell eeralce eiaminationa: eatariea oiw to tl,7o0; aplendld opportunity,: call asurn Ings. Edgar H. Bush, 814 Chamber of Com 1 airrce. ... PH'MBEB-At-mc. an all-round lead and pipe man. good pay, lone joo atata ir anion or nonunion. . fir ruferrnce, pnona nurulicr and addreas. Addceaa 8 Atf, cara Journal. MAN who can depoalt S200 caah. amply ae- cured, can haa ateady orrtre noauiifn. ji weekl to brain and oiinortnnlty tn make iiod I eumnilaslun poaldaa. Addreas It 67. Journal. WI1A.- teach you the eptlcal trsde end sell you csnrsssmg outnt chssp; siso a mil set ef watchmaker's -tool end material for as Is cheap. Inquire at buys Ursnd sr. WANTED M. D. thst Is registered' In Mon- tsaa; big money snd a permanent position to w4ght mao. Call r addresa 18V Blxtb at.,' Portland, Or. -r- - LOAFERS and curios not wanted; we can find work fur others; yen pay fees when yon hsre eerned your money, t a. m. to 6:au p. m. SOL Ankeny.. INDI'STRIAL Inearsnre sgents; no lapses; lib eral commission. Is II between w and 11 a. a. Room 12 Serenth at. . P0RT1.AND Barber coUega Special Induce. menta to learn trade; a weeks' tuition, S. 207 finders st WANTED Two bench hinds on stslr and other work. 676 Vaughn aad Eighteenth sts. J. B. Hepp. -. . DETECTIVKA Men to Isanti era gnarantee wars xe ear pupils, js eui. xoo sxorrisoe sx. PHARMACIST. reglstere4 la Oregon. Cottel Drug company, corner First and Urant ata. WANTED Teams to baol 1.000 cords ofJ wood, rtoneer rucr company. EZU . WAV TED EEMAUL LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Botel, restsuant, office, store, hakefy, feaadrf sna ismuy psironsge eoiiritea. HAN8KN8 EMPLOYMENT OFHCB. 848)h WashlngtoB St., room 7, cor. Sersnth at fbona Mala wn. . - GIRLS wanting employment, such ss gsneral nousewora.' wsirressss, cnsmoermsiaa, rookt. call on Scaadlnaslan Kmploymsat. Co., 270 Burnslde st. Pboae Msln 8088. WANTED Immedlsjfijt nasi npiileutsd glfl," TtwtkTnf. gcnersl worx. Terr nice- family, wages 826 to 830. 2MU, Yamhill.- 1'hons . Msln 6418. - - WANTED Experienced womsn wltb dsngbter. cooking and second work, nrst risss tenting Early, wsgea 660.- 2.x( ismblll. l'bons lain 6418. . ' WANTED Young girl tiring In Ticlnlty of Fslllng snd lisigbt are., to aestst m house work during the dsy. Apply D1H Hslght srs. WANTED Uood smart girl to make beda and do housework, forenoon only. Phone Mala 4HS4, 1M UKh at. WANTED Immediately, capable woman board ing-house cook, wages 80. 23u lamblll. I'bone Maid MIT. u . WANTED First-class body JToner; also Isdlssf clothes lrooera, at I'scine tsumiry, rlrst sud Arthur sis. W'ANTKD Experienced . Nsrllls Rsg compsny. beg sowers. Apply otu end nsrls sts. WANTED Experienced Indies' etothes-lroncra. . at l'aeine Laundry, nr.t and Arthur eta. GIRL wanted, light aensewnrk. smsU family; , riant wsgee. apply iu first sx. WANTED Olrl for. general housework, understand rooking. 181 14th sL PARTNKB wanted In dining at fatr; 4V bofrders and trsnsleuts; snap. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Call 1h Esst Sixteenth st, WANTKD frl to rare for baby during, day Telephone l.nlon 2N08. WANTRD Olrl for general housework. 411 Stark at. Apply WABTED KALI ABD FEMALE HELP. WANTKD Young people to take a course Is shorthsnd or bookkeeping, dsy or nlghC; our aradustis era all einplored: we nlseed HI pupils during Msy; we will yoa wbea roiuiietent. Jlhnke-Wslker Business college. MEN snd Women to leer barber trade la 8 weeks: bslrdresslng. msaleuflng; gradustes earn f LO to S2ft weekly, Baattia BarDif eel- legs, 1X1 waaningtoa sx., aesttia. T. fo r. l . ...rlT'Lnlr,lri p,w- aenrabl msa or woman, a-good talker, to ' take up aa attraettea aroposltloa. . 1 squirt . 73 ensmoer es tossuerse. e a. w. HKI.f'KR wsntrd in trousers and easts, ex perlenord' hsad ,, wanted. Call M. A. Mexyk, 126 RusesJI ar. PINT" onenlnl f'" S lire people to. en xaae tn reel eetste work, 1160 required. Call 73 pixtn si. WAITED TTB"ABCIAL .. . W ANTF.D Xe'-tiorrow 8I.600 on" good res I estate aecarlty, aaoress,. srs " --?Ur' JeV - V ',T'?rflsr - ,s. , f . .. - - ..... SITUATIONS WABTED MALE. TOrNO nil of no. steady bsblts, Al refer ences, csn furnish bond, aomit. experience la real estate ap-l Insurance end a Prat class efflcs man, would flke position with re- nsnie rear estste nrm on strsiani ssiary or salary sod commission: I mean business aud not afraid of work. H 46, cara Journal. l'Ol'Nfl mm weafs accounts to collect from ssrersl firms; not psrticulsr whether smsll or Urge sccojTffs.' Address K 46. Journal. yot'NU msn w.snts position aa watch-raiser , or posltx in isir grounas. Aaarese sx ursna are., room o. MAX 40 years, sober and willing to take card of lawn and hi to work, wants Aaarcss l oe. care journei. ' WANTED By net-rises trombone slayer, posl- tloo either band or .orchestra. . Address R CM), care journal. - jroi'NO man with sotns hrslns. a aood charac ter ana wiae experience, oiwo lor wars.-1. n , bit, care Journal-. -- -'- FIRST class baritone would tike a place wltb a quartet or aa . soloist. Address o ' Do, Jonrnsl. - " . STEADY, ; rsllsble young men would like .posl- tlon ee coachman; -experleneeo. s ou, care Jwrnal.. . --- . MAN and wife want work on fruit, stock, grilo or gentlemsn s plsi-e. Adress U 47, Journal, EMPLOTMEXT AOEXCEB. PACIFC COAST EMPLOTMKNT -A0BNCT- Ramored to Worth Becond at, -Phon Red 161. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT. QffEICB. rOB MEN. ' SO 1. Second st. Phone Male 1S2S. AMERICAN Employment and Real Estate Agea- , ry All klnda of help furnlehed free or charge. 184- Burnslde at. . Black 83SL PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor cont-ae. ore; help tree to employers, ma Morrison. HELJ" w.nted and supplied. ' msle or female. u. q. dkahe. zuto Washington at-ciay esa. 186 MORRISON Columbia Rtrer Emp. sgency; satliea is oor rnmisneo. rnorrs assin szoo., - WABTED MIBCEX LA KE0TJS. WANTED Mors spraying and srhltewaxhsng; the only gaeoune -eompressea etc sprsying - outfit on the co.rt. M. O. Morgan A Co.. 876 MllwaaJkla at. Phone Bast 2817. SHORT ORDER Printing Mouse F. J. Ryder, Becond and waeningtoa ata. Mala hosa. BOOMS to neper, IVsSd up. piper. Included; paint theaa for 81 up. Box '. city. WANTED-To buy does, weighing from 80 to 75 potrnoa. - iiiquire r. rourin si. WANTED To buy or rent two Shetlsnd ponies; must oe cnesp. r-nons mia, mhb. -WAR TED AGENTS. WANTKD Agenta write life, health snd sc- cident Insursnce; top contract, exclusive ter ritory, aslsry and commission, experience nnnemsary. 876 weekly es.ll.r nude. Ow-sr Ekmsn, 1708 Summit a.. Seattle, Wash. AGENTS' WANTED To sell smr superior high grade nanery stock; new and complete ont flt rnlahed tr.-e: csah weakly; write to day for choice n( territory. Capital City Kiirssr Co.. Ssleo. Oregon. ARENTS wanted to sell atorlea o Old Oregon- Jones' nook store. zi Aiuer st. WASTED TO BEaT. RUOMs In all psrta of ' ths city, furalshsd. ' - Apply 220 Ooodnough bldg. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU. - Under dlrsctloa of the Lewis aad Clark Fait .j." .'Corporation. - Phone Main -2d. - J ' "' WB hare calls Srerr day for Ttcanl 1 and furnished bouses; list your property with ieus; ws win so tne rest, uonaa xaggari. 107 Sixth ou. - - . OIYB us your room to went; we-are bas ing -many calls for furnished and unfnrnlahed rooms to rent. J. L. Wells Co., 84 tlrsnd are. FOB BERT HOUSES. NEW -room bouse oa endltiwast earner of Hancock sod Ksst Twenty-sixth St.; cemunt cellar' hath furnace sas snd electric HehtA. B. , Mn J-oatbard, 61 4 Chamber of Couiuirrrt or huv Ilsarock at. - THREK-rooai cottsge. well furnished. ' Urge - regetslu- gsrdens, lovely sltnsted. gss, etc.. near csr line, for rent; 20 nth. Addrees B 43. rare Journal.. . ., 4tfMELT-"4 ronm well-furnished honaa for rent. line regetalile gsrdens, gas. etc., 8 bkn-ks' of S car; 6J0 .uionth. Addresa B 44, rare - J4mraal. ' , - - . KADI)RRLY.sTslANSFER-COMMISSI0:f CO. Plsous sud furolturs moved uromrtly -br ex- pericncsa men. nil nira at. ' Main 1086. FOR RENT 2, modern-T rootn on Esst TBif ty-iourtn st. rent fWiWr-.- Bscs, room 807 .fba-Ketrtnf bulg. FOR sjile or -en, .wesson, furnished The Dsf ling cottsge. ..Seaside; breutlful location. Phone Dr. lisrllng. . . . , .- SEVEN-room month. 84T house, '-nice location, 810 . per Water st. v Informillon at m3 " Vine at., room ,L A NEW modern 4 room cottagsv famished, for rent or sale, price rsaaonalile Phone Esst .I'M, - - NICELY Waled. S-room bouse, low rent, ture loc sla. Vnqulre 748 l uloo are.l fursl- NEW hnnse for small fsmllr. 887 Oxford at.; rtooiuswa csr; ee.s. 4 ECONOMY FMT JAfiSS . ' ' 'ay . "' ; WITH "WANT ADS 7 Special artangemcnt has been made with Wadhams i Kerr Bros.-for a large quantity of their famous Economy Fruit Jars. v. One of ; these jars will be given away. with each lScent cash "want ad.' The Mwnt ad." can be in serted either in The Daily or, The Sunday Jour- -" nal. These jars are recommended by Mrs ",'Rorer. and almost every t one who is an' au f;; thority on 'economic cooking." The jars are hermetically sealed and there is no chance for ; T the- fruit to 6poil or mold." - They have a self-" vsealihgMid which is easily operated. The jars lil are sold by leading grocers of thexity. It is not necessary tp state that JOURNAL 'want ads.? are result-getters for renting rooms, selling property, finding lost articles,' ; etc1..,.. ' . ; . ; The rates on JOURNAL "want ads." are 5 cents per line each Vwant ads' to THE Economy Fruit Jars. TOW BEBT rUBVlBKED B00MB. DURING THE FAIR. ' Elegant aunuy furnished roohM are desirable, ewsy from city. , notee; all eutalde rooms, J plenty of fresh, elr, balldlug fireproof; ttt, at door for all polnta; no rslse during fair; rstee 81 day; free phone, bstb and sas. Call or phone j. H. Palmer, 240 1 ttuonsll at. Pboue UnlkUnm - J -. COMMERCIAL HOTEL New building, erery. thing modern throughout, beeutltuliy rur nished; rooms light, -sunny; plenty of fresh sir; location convenient for either business or fslr;' prices reasonsbie. . 40S W'ashlugton. THE GARLAND . tUl Washington bet Nineteenth end .Twen tieth; nesj, modern, sill outside rooms, elec tric lights, phone, free bstbe; 60c. 76c, 81 per dsy; rstee by. werk; restaurant tn basement. THE HAMANN, 186 N. IStb.. cor Hart Newly furnished rooms, si. 00 op; convenient location, 16 minutes' wslk to fslr grounds; Morrison csr at anion depot direct to house. Pbone 8470, THE HEILKR Hawthorns aad Grand area.: fireproof, elegantly furnished rooms, bath, pbons. 6-mlnuts cars en both arenaee; retes ressonsble wsek or month; transient rooms. PORTLAND Mineral' Springs Hotel At fslr grounds, Tweuty-sntb sud Ssvler; new. rlesa - rooms 60c and 81, 'no higher; meals 26c. Get off cara at Twenty-elxth, turn to left. i'ilR. fair visitors, newly - furnished rooms rrorrnng. Psrk. rumiltig water, use fit ,Jath. -and Pbone, parties 2. 4 or A,-81 'per day. Phone Msln 44113, 226 West Psfk at. " 4 Rl KIMS' In Portland's best view: close In citv: bsth snd phone free; with board or can hoaxax. yourseir; rates very low; isae xsiwer sioiiu car. 168 Bellwood St. Phone Esst 2977. KEU.OUO HOl'SE. '184 Shecmsn; tsks 8 car south; clesn lodging, 2ne; meals, 26c; tar nished -housekseplnc, rooma with beta, aad Uundry.. N'll'R cool rooms, new furniture, good local- Irv, nesr In, good for parties of e. or 7. Phone Main 6708, or call 60 N. 10th near Davis. , , FOR alee well furnished rooms away from . city noise, take osll wood car ta aoa spoasne - are., one block from car; f 1 Aa, doubla bed, bsth. j, THE OABLE Furnished rooms, light, airy, res- eon. hie, with breakfsst; 2 tsr lines, r.s.t Twenty-seventh end Taggart eta. . East S806. THE ALDERE One " Urge, nicely furnished room; nlso smsll slngls mnma. -Including bath. Phone Msln 1961. Bib Alder, aesr With. VISITORS to fHlr will find cool, cheerful, newly f-irnlahcd rooms .' with excellent cuisine end home comfort at The Montgomery, 884 Alder. MARQUAM HOt'SR. Ui tb Rooms s suits or single; nonseaeeping rooms; ass siovss, hath, electric lights: transients solicited. "EW furnished rooms, everything flrst-cUss; electric lignts. gss ana nam; near noiei; per manent snd trsnsleot. 884 Fourth at. 6 NICKI.Y fn.til.hed roonsj for. Tent, 644 Sixth. between Ja-keon aod unrntn au sna pi NEAT furnished rooms, reasonable prices, for rent by any, week ar montn. sirs. sans, jho Wster. cor. Clsy. ..: M'RSnSTCED rooms for rent. Esst 2nth and I, II ' ..... .nH. CBinllr. T mm Woodstock csf. 1 FOR RENT 4 furnished rooms.! single or en Unite; plesssnt lorstloa, noaern conveniences. 105 Thirteenth.-- . . ri'RNISHKD rooms, S0c( T6c and 81 np. Twen tieth and Washington, hoi ana cold Dstns. The llowlsnd. FOR RENT Famished salted of 1, S and 8 rooma, hath, In good location, near car, 076 Water st. FI'RNISHED rooms for rent 82 per week ot hoc per night, witn Dam ana poona, aoa Everett st. S TinfrtXfjAJlATO N R 612V4 Bssier st,' famished rooms; under new msusgement; prices rea sonable.' r - -- THE ABBOTT1 22H Wsshlngton; newly fur nished rooms en suite or single; transisnts. NICELY turn I .bed-, rooms with or without tiosrd; breakfsst If desired. 38 Seventh. I't'ltNlSIIED room, prlvste family, 861 Eaet Irvuix .U. near iti-el snd nurasias unagee. PLEASANT furnished froVif Tom. prlv.te fsm- lly, gas, hsth, pnone. central. a inim st. THREE nicely furnished rooms; breskfsst Jt deslrrd. H36 Msiiory svs., nesr Bhsver. ri RNISHKIl rooms 26c and up; batns. The Davla Hotel, corner Hay and water. RI'ITB of rooma suitable for roan and wife of - . , - a . .1 X' ,v. n ' IWO lUUHMfn, WOO 1UI u, FI RMSHKD rooms for permanent or transient. 624 IHIxth st. J'none Mam 400 (. CALL at fit flrand are. for Information about furnished roos-s os esst slew. TUB CASTLE 872 Washington St.; furnished iwmiii- r huh. 1 , mi. - - TUB' LEWIS;' lf-tOTH ST-I by day. wesk or tuonth Main 414. - FINE front room and other, rooms forrsol cnesp sxv .s,irvsnio t. FOB BENT UBTUEHI8HED BOOMS. FOR RENT Four t unf urnlihsd rooma, -cheap. 7H4 Roosevelt St. FOB BEBT FLATS. FOR LEAKE New 22 and 14-rootn flats, cen trsl loc. Hon. ckrsp.sent. Call at once at 1M Slith St.. room 16. EBT SVMMSB BI80BTS. rJL.RI!N?"i.,,", fumlshedv cottsge ef 7 xTmil.'U Wsshlhgtoa.1 laqntra 408 Alsclesy bldg., city, . - , insertion. Bring -your JOURNAL and get the . . v : FOB BENT KOVSEZEEFIsT BOOMS. - --. , m, Sky mad, Portland Heights, Is such; camping r s-itki sr winmri board; mater, shads -k.6no Pbone; prtssts; so rhlliirea. Main 6803. rt'RNISHED honsckce'iiV'ni'' suites for fslr risl . tors, permanent tenants, reasonshls; fuel, elec tric light. Uundry. largs pleasant rooms, brick bldg., blk. from L car. M Kussetl. Albina. KICK clean beda In tents, 60c each, wltb rook . Ing accommodatlona: 6c fsre to exnoaltloa. Lewls A Clsrk Cs raping Grounna,Mount , Ts-' nor iirignts. rnoae scott 8T04. LA RGB new elegantly furnished housekeeping - rooms, .suitable for large partlse; gsa rsngs, running water. Tha Lownisdale. 60S t. Alder. AT 82 North 17th sr.. nlceyfooms jine desirable for light bousekeeping.'"rsrtlcs without chil dren; price, 86 ier- weyk. FOR RENT 4 unfurnished housekeeping-rooms, 6 blocks esst of steel bridge, 1 block from earllne. - Phone eaat 8814. - 1 THE LI SI DA VISTA", alcely furnished boaerkeep Ing aad1 slngls roams reasonsbie. A47Vk Fifth, NEATLY furnished housekeeping snd single rooms, close la. 88 Tenth, near Stark. -. ; HOI'SEKEKPING-RtMlMS. unfurnished. E. Morrison. Bcoat 1703. Chesnr-'. 488 FOR RENT 8 fornlshss) hoo.ekeeplng-rooms, . 86 per month. 6.-j . Seventh St. BOOMS AMD BOARD. TE8, we csn scconsmodsts a few more table bosrorra; home cooking ana ,svsrv thing nrsl clsss. Aster house. Seventh aad Madison, Phone Mala 8231. : ' THE IRVING Elegant sccommojsttons, no exorbitant chargea; dining-room ta eon nection; prices right. Cia. 18th and Irving, THB Ltndell New fsmlly hotel. Msrket. be. tween Tblrd and Fnur,th, stesm heel, deerele llght. "norceUla baths, exceedingly low xstes. THR LIN DELL New fsmlly hotel. Msrket, bet, Third end Fourth; steam heat, electric tight, porcelain baths; exceedingly low rates. FURNISHED room snd board for or S gentle men. Phone Rest 8HM. wr- . BOUSES FOB BEBT- BBTT77BI FOB SALE. FOR host results on - "Ft'RNlTCRB,"t . Whethes. to buy or sell, ring np Msla S6SB. PORTLAND Al CTIoN-isKrMB. 211 First St. 12-Room house, 8 re blocks south Portlsnd hotel, elegsnt furniture, rent 84)'. rooms si wars full, fslr or no fslr; all. ourkldn rooma; a snap. 8600. UsrUnd.lW.44. 4th st. UOOD prw . furniture 6-room eottsge eery cheap; 8100 down, balance easy laalsllmeata, cnesp rent. . Phone Main 2o4L... : A MODERN 8-renoi hones for rent; desirable Iocs tlon;- furnlturs for safe 848 . Moat- gomery at. - FOR SALE Furniture T-ronm modern house, one block from Portland hotel. INS Psrk st. FOR SAtJI rnrslture of 6-room boose; nous, for rent. 603 With et. ' F0K BEBT FARMS. FOR BENT 8 acres of land, all la eoltlva - tlon. Eaat Forty-third and Seetloa Una road. W. O. Reck. 807 Ths Fellls. fob a: EMT-FFICE-BOrist. OFFICE room, second floor Ooodnough build ing. Apply at elevator. FOB BEBT STORES. ONE modern brick storeroom 2&x60, good loca tion. 816. S:um Rlfasrll St.- - FOB SALE MtSCELLABEOTJA FOR AALE CHEAP eWkgaUew new gslvsnlsed w.ter-tsnk. Inquire F.s.t Flftl-fh st.. No. 60 8 blocks oorlh from 8unnyslde-Mt Tsbor - esrllne. ... '. BILLIARD AND POOfa Ublss for real or for ssle on assy psyments. THB BRUKsWIt'K-BALKB COt.LENDEB CO. - 48 Tblrd at., Portland. WB prtnt.yonr nans oa 80 calling cards, prener else and style. 26a.. 260 business csrdn, 11. Drown A Bcbmals. 228 First. Porllsad. Or. LAUNCH for sale, length 86 feet, 10 H. P. en gine, large- -carrying cspsclty; price Tory cheep. Addrees X 68, cara Journal. FOR SAlLSV Cheap, ho. 1 young Jersey - cow and calf: easy to milk; very gentle. Inquire at 420 T'uatllls are., Bellwood. PIANO,- organ. Kloadlk. tahj snd a grapho phone for ssle; a bsjrfdlh. ' IPO Fourth St. OOOD big team., wsgona snd business, rhesp, or will sell separate. Address N 63, JournsL FOH X MR 8 fresh cows, and cilres. 1X11 Greeley are., St. Johns car, Greeley slstlon. TEf EPHONR brackets snd rHrts. -- -Mfg. Co., E. Seventh. Phone FI'RMTI RE for Sale A tiap If taken at once. Price 6"6 Inquire at 762 Missouri svs. THOROC0HBRED Irish setter popples for aale. Inquire 428 Sixth st. Msln 4233. FOR SALE Gssollne into In first -clsss order, 6.100. Addresa O 48, Journal. , SWEET PRA flowera for sale, 10 per 100. 110 Grand sve. rjL- BATRAX-MA2SA0E. THB SN0WDEN BATH ROOMS 2871, ' Aider bet. 4th and am; teay .enentamsi mn snq rspor bsths, mssssge. electricity. Msln 60N6. TWO young Jadrss glTa mssssge; tub and vapor bains. 110 Fourth, cor. Wxahlogtoa. FOB SALE BEAT, ESTATE. ... SA4O0. " - ; KEW H0V8S 'ti - ON QUARTER BLOCK." " ' SOl'THEAST CORNER HANCOCK" AND EAST TWENTY-SIXTH; j' 8 BOOMS. BATH AND HALL. " vTT ' ..,' MODERN PLAN, v V . Jj - - L'P-TO-DATB PLUMBING, . V J. CEMENT BASEMENT, FCBNACB CONNECTED TO BVE1TM0J SIDEWALKS LAID AND LAWN SEEDED,' , BEADY FOB OCCUPANCYl TERMS, ONE TENTH DOWM, BALANCE MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS WITH INTEREST AT AMCB CENT. . applx to b. m. lombard, . 114 chamber of commerce. ' . or 1. : 800 hancock st. ' Otto A Crockett 248 .Waeh;, Pbone Black 2871, offer special bargain la real estate. 0-rooul - house. aMMlern concrete basement. . largo ground, flower, frulf snd ornauii-ntal- trees - of all descriptions; price. 87.ol, terms. 7 room house, modirn'. splendid locslllr. :i,oii. 1 S-mom cottsge, nmilern. fall ha sr went 24i4u, lot 76xlai; price, f 1.H60. 6 rs.h, batsiKtr l or more pre month. A-room college, bsth and pantry, hsrdwood Bnlsh, some fruit; price, - 6I.0IHI. 62qO, bslsuce lo suit purchsser, and aevsrsl good bargslns. Firms lo acrea In ( larks county. Washington, snout 14 sores under plow, new collage "Mitt, living meter and well. 1 good covh. 1 yesrllng heifer and 1 calf, good furniture, I set of slugU hsr uess. close to school sud church snd sll crop, for 8K cash. ) acres In Ysinhlll county. Oregon. 6 miles from town, fslr house, . good bars for 80 tons of bay soil HH) head of stock, on good rosd. nesr school, sl- acrea under cultivation, bslsnce goojt pssture- soiuu """llmhef reprice." 816 per "csre. - lt7 scree-13 miles from Portland., adjoining email town. shout oft seres under plow, fslr house, good ham. 16 acres In wheat, shout 4-n scree In pots toes In fact, all crop. Implementa. stock; price, 64.600, tonne. A Urge list of fsrui '. and ato-k 1 ranches to select from; slso ele gsnt bsrgslns lit rHiwlua-hoiMHHi.' - Bosrdhig-'i . houses to nut run of bosrdrrs. geoa hicsitiyi s good, nronoaltion for a smsll Inveatsjvtit. Money , to loan oa real estate. 80 'ACRES of choice lead. T6 acrea In alfalfa; thla Is one of the finest propositions In Mai , beur county. It will produce from 8 to II tons ef slfslfa per, acre anauallr snd will produce In abundsaoa . any . kind of - fruit known to the temperate sone. Some Idea of ' the --value of -thle property can lie glcan-d from the fact that It rents annually for A") reah per rear end-renter -pays taxes. Price 88.000; SCTxtO down, bslsnce en essy terms. For further psrtlcnlsrs In regard to till ir other properties, address C. T-,M'DAN11U OnUrlo, Or, IF yoa are looking for a home. I bare a num ber of -them In Brooklyn, close to car lines; also fins residence snd business kits; tbey srs gll wllhla walking dlslsnce; terms ta suit: take Brooklyn car. Real eatate, fire Ineurance, renting and collecting.' John Con boy,, 718 Powell St. ' FOR SALE Elegant enbnrben ' home consisting of 8 acrea highly Improved ground. 8-ruom . Boo as and other buildings; also 6 -room cot tsge, abundance of . frulf and berries; 2o minutes' rlda ta city. Addresa ar call oa Add re, arW et wneW' bi O. H. Rehwerdtmanu, car ot Star Box Co. Phone Msla -S. FOR SALE A mndera corner brick block. S- story and barVenwnt, 4 atureroome. 40 rooms furnished; will sell all or separate at bed rock oricea: also I modern 6-rooai residence. close to Russell at. oa Williams svs.; good Tncome property. . inquire ot w. uv Been. The Failing bldg. . . - - CHEAP to eulrk barer, a nice borne 00 Monts- vllls ear line, close In. 8 hits, fine soli, good house, bsra, abeds. chlckeubouse. - fine well, wludmllL etc.. plenty of fruit sll kinds: sacrifice account party so leg roath. - luqulre 270 Alder aL, dgsr store. FOR BALE 10 acrea choice land- 13 mllea fro a) .Portland, sultabls for a home; esslly Im proved, bendy UAL station, aostlasdlng .and good rosde, good aoiL For psrtlrulari addrsss A. R. Folksnbt-rg. Holbrsok. Or. FIVE new nsodern hoasea tn HoITadalr Psrk addition; also 14 choice lots; ..streets lo- proved, cement wsias. sewer, or wui nana houee to salt ea.tomers: ha-easy tersMV W. 0. Beck, 807 Ths relUng bldg. ASH yrorr resl "earste ts' buslsesa bflT'm af ter wnere locsteo. II' yen oesire a uuics ssls send us description- and price. North western Buelneea Areaey. 8lf C. Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. 20 acres near Lenta, no gravel, very sltnTly: a real bsrgsla. 82.6iait 6-wo cssn, usisnce long time, 8 pen'cent. - - CHARKESON A CO.. 818 Alisky buldg. Pbone West S6I. - S ACRES near Lenta snd accessible to t car lines: very floe anil;, no gravel! running water;. 8-a0 per sere 1 8200. bslsnce esay terms; other (snd adjolnlug Belling at AMU O 41, rare Journal. . . IdeTlotS for i ..Is. In the - groves or fronting tm si'msiITIL, grorr-lots st Elk Creek, Oregon. and oceea -elide. Wsshlnaton, 626. J. kraemer. Com wcrclsl building. - .- HOl'SE and AH acrea, 1 acre In gardea, oa eiectnc line, adjoining at. tlon; . ju.t toe place for rhlckona aad a imall stnrs; price 1 1.000. on very eaey terma. Addreas M 48, care jonraarr--- - - r IB UU A I R Uoadi Btisiui mnagi ris-ner lot 411x120. at Woodstock, csr fsre 8 cents -good service, ' price only 6"0; terms, 82ai caah. balam-e 16 month. A. J. Oeleer, 2u6'k Morrison at. WHY sot hay a borne when I have so many Sne eottsgse snd house of all descriptions which csn be bought on easy terms 1 Inquire N. Kprsgue, 422Vs Orsnd-ew., room 12. FOR BALE Genersl hlscksmlth ahnp elth -a good Implement Dimness in connection, aaa also a good 'dwelling. For further Informa tion address C'srl Buege, Wlnlock. Wish. 8s6oAino DOWN. 110 per month. burs IS, 000 fret or neeptiriii gronna. close In. . Phone- Esst' 8836. Address 411 Esst thirty-fourth st. FOR fcAIE 2 choice lots. . 7-room bouse, on Twenty-fourth st., on nooasuica-Hicnmona csr line. Apply owner, 700 East Clinton at. FOR BALK: 7 -room house, 1, 6 lets. ' fruit, gsr yartt cheap; cssh or grill. - C. P. Werner. dew, rhlchea-bouse aad y Installments; Carson belg FOR SALA A-room cottsge, modern, lot feeesA fruit trees, a oiocss irom ceri esse or srrsa F. i. Rydsr, Moujsvllls. Phone Msln 6 Wo. 114,000 will buy biislneas property on Fourth St., Central iocsiiou, repis now eioi yrt month. Address S 68, fare Journal. , . BK1 SNAP T -room ' modern cottsge, Urgt grounds, 2 blocks or rllrnisna sell 001, nrsl esrllne. Inquire pbone Ksst 8104. 7.S00-eTHREE modern 6-room . house! , irlose In; yesriy income iwu; lerms, esst siuw Apply 86 Esst Eighth,' north. FOR SALE 2 lots, new buildings. In Sne ships. good location, on ration ave ana tiumwiiat Bt. Price SHOO. Lola Ogdea. 1 FDR SALE We here a few good bergalns in residence property, slo. scrcege nesr the city. Sit Allshy Wilrding. .. T FOR BALB or etchings, UH acrae Improved. 1H miles Irom Montavuia ear use. laquire OWasr. 414 Belmont. 11,660 New "-room cottsge aaa) S Isrrs ks on cor, ursao ave. sou aosver as, aea ewoer, 8W4 Shaver at. , A NICK kit la Montsvllls, near car .line. 8173 If taken at once. Addrees J, A. V llllaini, Yscnlt, Wssh. - -- - - 888 GRAND AVE.. It. Bsrgslni full lot. 8-rooro modern boos, fruit, dowers, excellent -nelgbborhooAi " .. . ALDER ST.. lootioo. corner, near High school. si a. mm; eery ressoiisnie. s,. s. I'Biy, m Filling bldg. .1 I HAVR 4 gilt-edged Investments la real aetata I want to ssil. , aoursss vies areuv si. raone Frent 166A .,',.., - - - FOR BALB g-rnom bsusa en ear line with sere fruit - trees, ata, - isauire m asii Sixth at. r- F1NR 8-room cottsge., well Iocs ted. . new- end modern, l,B-xi; xw cssn. oaisncs eio per moatk. : - - Hm'Sies; built en ess psymentsi lots furalshed If desired. CIS Commercial Biag. aia ivsu. T Journal "Want Ad" Rates , . V'. , V , UBDBB ART CLASSIF70ATI0B aasept "Situstloa Wsntsd" Mala e Fessale, - - 6 CENTS FEB LIMA. Ceseulrg I wsrSs ia tka Una. ' ADVERTISEMENTS for Kelp' Wanted Male ar J.msls saly, rsoslved by telspnsns. Cell Mala 800, --:-- ITTfATIOV WABTED ad vert Is svs saU either Msla er reavals, InsertoA see rUsxs frea. Dslly at Suaday. .' r . WEEKT-T BATE T insertions (taeladlag . t aaa Suadap ass us) tt CERTS per Uss per wee. ,-:'' , - - , 1 MONTHLY BATE (.raeludmg all Suadaf . I, Isssvss) 71 CENTS par Una par assets. 7, DVEBTISEXEBTS muH be la Journal' buatasss ef Asa . ey 1 a eleea - week dsys aad by It a'sleek Ssturdaf aeoa lag ta assure jaUasifloattea. . - " I- FOB SALE REAL ESTATE." FIVE-rootn cottsge. : 8 lots, at Arlets. kit. Scutt car Una. Inquire of J..E. Parker Are Jsts.. . . FOR 74ALE T and 8-sere Irscts acar carllne, . v mile from Milwaukle pustofoca. C. hi. BsW . Isrd. ....... v . . LOTS 6'60 each. 10 mlnateo- centcr of . city: Inquire Esst Fifteenth aad Dlytslua Ata. v 7-ROOM house In South Pnetlsnd: real now 825J - pries g2.iJi. inquire 674 liout. auslth. ON WSIIINT.ON ST. hot 80x100. aeag; 1 Ntnetr.ulh. K. J. Daly. 212 Felling bldg. ' 64O0 1 60xrO m -Twenty.secnnr in! CUns , ton srs., esst side. Ph-ine Se tt ;i:'.1A. CHEAP for cash 4 -room house bsrn. I lota, lurerwcod psrk. L 16, cere Jcurnil. FOR SALE 6-room house and lot, 8700; part cash. Address P.. 46, xsrs Journal. FOR SALE or Rent New 6-rnooi house, modern. 888 Esst Mala. Phone Dr. Darling. ro,,AL,t Cues p. sightly lota. Lower Atblaa. Csll owner, phoae Main 2777. ., New avmnrn houee. near Taylor and 2Sth, Sat placet 82. AMI, raey terma. . . - "bdsIiiess-'chabcia DAIRY STtM-fT SAUS Tuesday. June 27. at t r.-sa.. I will sell at--public auction at my . stm near Reedvllle .86 choice dairy cowa. leerllng heifers. 1 g JHolstHn and a Jersey bull tnoth young r: Out-of-county buyers t.ks morning train from Portland, Bltend eale -," and - get" back oa erenlug train, .i t). 1L. WheeUr, Rcdrllle, Or. . , TEN rooma. close In, 2 blocks from Ws.hlngtosj sr., per lies gilngway. 6ne furniture. Hi orth) 8MX. will sell fur Aa6; Jhe-cheapest lhliJ In the cltv. - . OREGON -ASSOCIATED EXCHANGB. " - - - t Washington -at, --- ' FRER LAND IN ORRtHiN. FRRTILB soil. pure, water, delightful rltmstef lend ef alfalfa, applee and clover. For full Information address the Colorable Southern Irrigation Co., 638 Worcester block. Port lsnd. CIGAR store at sscrlnce; must aril at once. '"i cenirsi. m oner sts real, aue - trade. rare- hsresln. 8176. OREGOV ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE. . " '- - - Svt'i Wsshlngton at. A GOOD legltlimrre- ntoney-nisktng burlnesa fo , PortlemL Seattle. Tscoras snd Sptiksne; a. V hostler ran clear from 86.000 te Sio.flno yearly; rash required; only prinorpsla wsuted. Address A. Q. C... Portland Hotel. A LADY ig gentleman she bis a small sssouat f aioney to Invest ss a partner to stleod , to 0600 business- netting from A t 81. and and upward per month. Call 23S4 Kortb Sixth et, Phore Main fflto. FOR 6AI.E Furnltsre ef 6-room house. 1 1 block -of mala entrsnce to fair geuunua.- with or wlrhout lease through fair: room for 8 or 4 booth.; close In. Address , N 48, Journal office. - THE NATIONAL FIN A NCI NO CO.. 2t M.r. qusm bldg.. Port lsnd. Or.. hss die. boada, etorka. nilnee. flnanora legitimate enterprises, furnishes esfv Is vestments and Became loses. PARTNER wanted with . to Increase rood, legltlrnile business earning now over S' ' per nlontH; both outside snd In.lda workl worth lavestlgsting. P 42. care kturt.lL $860 BUYS dairy, 20 cows, horss aod Wagon, runs, etc.; 8-ycer IrSseT Urge Bonis snd bsrn, 60 seres good pssture. Il miles front town, good route. .Phone Feent 2iH5. - THE best tecitlon In Orgnn for a good aotsT. saen with from AVflno to 810 000. In the cen. - tee of the--government Irrigation work. Ad dress A. F. Clublne, Merrill. Oregon. - : -' tsna-OROCRRY. less rhiri cost: good loestloa: -essn nusinees. inquire ster restaurant, 3.4 North Twenty-alxth. one block sou lb msln fair entrant. FOR BALE Esst- side hntcher shop, fully equipped; estahllshsd trsde. good loc. tlon. long lesse, cheep rent. 270 Ald-r. dgsr store. FOR SAI.R Confectionery, cigars, light grocer. lee;, llvlng-ronroe, with furniture; a bsrgsla. -If tehee at once. 6.l Powell, corner store." GALLON saloon, at Jefferson bla mouey: rea- """ "'""I " If I li r t-t more Buto put v ,v ... A. T1 1,1 1 . ... . m. OMHUMtH. friiefmi, , , I. Son WORKINGMFN'S hotel, rent 810; this la the best monev-mshlng proposition od the market. Andersen 191 Morrison st ... FOR SALE Cnafectlnncry In lire valley town, due hnalness. smsll rent. D. N. Lssh, Woodlswa. Or. '.- RESTACRtNT and saloon for ssle 'rhesp, tt fslr grounds. Address O 46, Journal. , .FOR Ql U K salea Hat your bmlneas ch wiu national Keany to,, aiz l ine at, FOR 8AI.E- R00thl.rk and dgsr stsnd, price) 810.- 81 Third St., cor. Everett FOR SALE Bsrher-shop In by owner, (all 172', Fot beat of locatkm Fonrth St. PROMINENTLY Iocs led bnslness chance office) for 6160. Owner, 8 41, JournsL WANTED For csah. stock genersl merchsndlse or grocery. 872 Sherldsa st. , 1 , FOR SALE Double-front store wltb bopHoxZi8V-Tiiledn, Or. : barber FOB SALE SCRIP. WW ' hsveN for ssle Ssnta Fe, Ssn Frsarlsra Mounts In forest reserve-.1 this will enter tlm . her land; slso 160 Sljrlia scrip, which will enter nnsnrveyed latyl. Maglnula A Bon, - 227 Falling bldg. . . roved nnrestrlcted, reaay roe imaeaists asst lowest prices. R. F. A F. B. Riley, 608 Cbsmbrr- fcf-ieim LAND scrip for sale for timbered or agtl. .cultural land, aarveyed or unenrveved; loweet Prices. H. M. Hamilton, , PortUud botsl art lsnd.- Or. CERTIFIED scrip, tmmedleta delivery, lowest prices; tlmher-lsnds bought and sold, W. U 6:iH Chamber of Commerce. LAND acrltn of all klnda guaranteed, mineral lands titled, public Unit practice. . -Calling ' Land compsny. Concord building. , FOB SALE TIMBER. FOR 8ALR-Twa- horse, teed rella-rslaossest clslma; seoord growth: will sail ckeap., B. . P. Nlelsnn. Hrrret- Brnlnfshca. ' WANTED A pnrcbsser for the best tract sf timber land on th msrket; ses ns about It. 211 Allskr building. . FOR HOMESTEADS, timber elstraa aad. aerlp apply ve lommercisi nioca. - TO EXOHAVOt. SMALL honsa and lot In good Vilier town for " snvniing In bulldlnf mstsrlsL Bog 64 Sell, wood, Oregoa. ASSATXBS. THE J. H. Flk Assaying office Grsenl.y A Crawford, analytical- chemists gad mils! luralsta, 804 H Wsshlagtoa at, v.: v;