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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1905)
1 THE; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, .JUNE ; 21. ' 1Q05. fO DAY'S is: FIVE TO TEfi DOVII Smaller Productionjjf JFruits Said ) to Be i Responsible - for : .Slight Decline. .BUTTER MARKET WEAKER AND SOMEWHAT LOWER 'Loganberries Higher With Bet ter DemandEggs Show An-: ' pther Rise Today.. , ' rnt Strut. Job tl. The 'principal fea ; ' hm el th rortleud wbolraal market to -dar art-v '' Sugar 4ows S and 10 rnra. piuteaM weaker and drop, liood n,,! rullDf for duCke. -.1- '-. -- --Local vegetable In - goed errply--f-J:?3 Saliuea cstrb not tbe largeat. Lngsnberrlea klfher with better drmaad. Strawberries don't oma vert fast. - t ; Black herrles la better supplr. . ; . . ,jicval and hog firm for drrsse ' , Wheat and floor trada nominal.' . Fin Arm at yesterasy's sdvsnee. ' ' excellent tomatoes ara mora pleatlfoL " - Hop ara selling at low pries. - . . . ; r- Peach cheeper with- food uml, Sugar la Down Today. Contrary to general expectation, tba sugar - mart at la lower today. Tha price in tola territory la S eeate per -100 pounds !. while from stoeka In Matern Oregon t ho pi It la 10 rent a. Thla la rather an unusual thing for tha sugar' market. Generally at thla tlnia of tha year when tha fralt season la la JtHl awing tha prlca of augar rllmba higher. On "' account of tha a mall prodncttoa of .fruit all ft nar tba country tker will not ; ati a t ., heavy rail for eupplle and thla la p?rku tha chief reeaoa for tha decline ar thla ulv. ) Tha new prior ga Inta effect at on. Batter la Weaker and Iwr. f With warmer weather tha creamery butter market la eftnatderably weeker tir. Tha receipts rannot ba considered aa e,cee-iv, but ..there la a gesersl lull In the demand. Home . TJf tba - Front street house ara not aaklng mora than 20 cent--a- ponnd for their brat tork and ara glad to vea obtain thla astir. Oa aeeonnt of tba general demoralised atat , of tha .Ban. Francisco, butter markat country la ouoted Tar; dull In thla market and I , price offered her jfn? . ablpment . my ne..con- ainereq rrom- i to a renta lower wua verr " 'little area that rating.:-. - ... ' ' Eggs Ara 7 trim at tha Advanoe. . ' t. At tha adranea of 4 rent anotad In tha - marltat aatardar. agga ara Ter arm and aonra dealera ar racrlrlng a nigh aa IB canta .'for their auppllaa. - Thera la affair demand from the' ont.lde anil thla continue; to be a - waadarfnf help to tba local trading. . ' Good Samaad Baling for Sack. ' : Todar tbara waa a gorid damand ruling for dacka along Front atroat. tha Chlneaa belog tha principal Idaulrere. Becelpta rtf cblckeoa : . ar atlll nulla' liberal, but tha market la not ehexrlng the dullnesa which 1 waa ao CTlrVnt ! during tha former week. Today chkkana ara quoted fairly atetfly at J2', centa aponnd. . Babaoa Catek Hat th LargaaU - ' ' Malmsn-packar along - tba Colombia rlrer On not agree with tba reeently publlabad att-d ment of ' th Waahjngton hah eommlaalonar J-tbt the.preaent pack of aahnoav ar th- laiaeat In tha hlatnry or tn mmatry no - ma - rirr. Th run contlnae to oaalt mainly f larg altea. bat tha rolnm af th catch ha been hampered by tha muddy water. la th local Db market th mpplle of Chinook aalmon - are e,ntra email and former price ara' readily j nularilned. The run of ahad la bow nominal . but peter remain unchanged. ,., Logaabarri Higher Wlta Better .Demand. ' arcount of th ranch h carter demand and tha Inability of th ahlppera to keep up with It tha onotatloaa -oa loganberrte r. ranging 'lilgher today. ; ' . Rtrawbrrrte ara rather' ahort la anpply and there la eery wide rang la price. ' Black berrlea are coming faater. but th d- - Biand I good and prlcea era blah. Hupplte of bothouaa tomatoaa front , local polnta ar heavier aa ar th recelpta from Mlaalaalppl and rtoiida'. Prlcea fractionally - r :..- i: ...' . - New and old pot. toe ar In liberal tupply and th market 1 caalrr with prlcea prac ' tlcally tha aame. ' "- Recelpta af peache from the onth are on tb Increaa nd pefeca ' ar imewhat -down. -- Plum of -about every variety are now la market. ,butprlee ar being maintained. Hops Ara Belling at Law Brie. ' Titer are com order now la tb market for hop. He alert In thla city ara again willing to purcheae,- but at present ruling 'quotation. 5 It la aM that M. H. nilhertaon of Aurora ha. mad soma ' heavy porchaee daring the peat two daya around present valoee. Today's quotation, aa ravlaed, r fol low,; - - . e ' Oram, TUni- aad Bead. , ' WHAT Nominal: -club ana red, M)$S; blneatem. elc; v.lley. 7e-EAhLEI--Feed, 2S.OO; tailed, 28.60; braw- U,?0KN Whole, 12800; cracked. TWBOtflT.OO per to. RYE tl BS oer cwL ' FLOCb' - Baatarn"' Oregon' patenraT t4 SfldI Kllftj etratahta. (3.T5: eioorta. g3.B0eg.&o'. --ally.' $4.10; graham. Ua, M.OO; iOa, A.: ;tye. 0a. tS.OO; halea, M.T5. . 1 afllXaTt FFB Bran, , gin.uu pet votrt '-, dllnra, 28 00: sboru, aoautry, f $32.00; city, $2l.oo: ebop, $1$.00. i - HAT Timothy, . WUUmettt -"Valley, fancy, 51 It .00! ordinary. $13.00; eaatern Oregon. 11.00; mixed. III. 00; clover. $11.00; grala, 11.00; cheat. $11.00. - , Butter, Egg aad Bltry. . BnTTFB FAT Sweet. Wlei oar, tg. BUTTBR City creamery, beat, ttyie: aecnnd grade. lTUeT20ci mitalde fancy,-201821 Vc; ordinary. lIHc; a tore, HAloe. " BtlOS No. 1 free Oregon, nndletL.. IOQ Hc: nncandled, imlc. i'HKESR New Tnll cream, twin. . lSl,cj Toting America. 1 184; eaatern. 124; Cali fornia. ,12'rtlilVc; theddar. lSHStlSc. " pOliliTRY ('hlckena. Jilxefl. 124c lbf llcba" 13Hc per lb: roosters, old, HQllHc per In; y..., pq.iiiAe; Ihj brollera, Idc per lb; rrvers. ltic perlbj dlick. .t)Oi!r. rto per - dos; eee. -"ec per lb: turkey. KOlJc per in; oreaaea, ue V ,u tumum, v-wva a no iu An - J&opa, woo- AWVW w a , eru HOPS Contract 108, ISQldc: Mod crop, , 90c tot tkolce; 18019c for prime and me dinm. i - WOOtr IS0S clip, valler. coare to medium. . SdHiftiOVic; fine, 9a2Tc; eaatera Oregon. llt'di&c ' ' " ' '- - ' . - MOHAIR Nominal. HOvISI. BHEICPgKINU Shearing, lrJ20- ahort wool, t030c; medium wool, 0tt6o; long wool, ftOc(Ul.0O each. TAIXOW Prime, per lb, dOSci Ko (ad greaa. I32H. ' , ' "r .rHlTTllI HARK All grde, 40 lb. : JIlDEg Dry hldea, No. 1. Id loa and an. in'ajioiie per in; nry aip. io. - " iw.n- jec; Dry eeir, iO. J, anocr e iia, isnieii " j (altea maee. ateera, aouno. ou iiw or over. 4aei no m tai trie hkiji naoer ei ids ai . fnwa. Stffaue ataea and hulls, soend. 44X7e: kip, 18 to AO lbs, Oct sound. lt to 14 lbs. Bfl $Vii calf, sound, nnder 10 lbs. $Hillc; green iunaalted), lc per lb lean) ml la. 1c per lb leee; oreeblflea. salted, each. $1.2B4tl.TB; dry, " 'each eolt hldea. each.. 28toe; r T goat aklna. eommon, each, lOOlftc; Angora, . ,. WIIB wool oa, each, 20cm.oo. . , - " : rrolt aad YegoUMea. . - . ' POTATOfS Beat Oregon. $1.40; Mlnneoot. - S1-K; folorado, $U1; awaeta. crated, fl.TS; new ralirnrnla, 1.6o31.Ta; sew Oregon, $l.7S; arnete. II. So. . ONIONlV-Nrrn"jlrnla.rSS'31.T8; Tata " BeTtntKH. - $2 (K- garlic. ' 0iart per'Hir"" v rHEHII FRUITS Apple, eitra Uney, $3,601 fancy, $2.00 per hot; pew California. $2.00; ; cheap gradea. 11. M per boi; orangea, navel. $2.ToIS 39 per hot; Talenrlaa. IS OOfllSo; Mediterranean tweet. $2.!Wa - $.00 hot: hanenaa. Re lh; lemon, choice, ft fa) hoi; 'fancy, $.100 has; lime. Met lea a. ftfVn per 100; pineapple, $..2A; rrasbrr rle. eastern. $11.00 pe bbli strswherrtea, . $1.0J1.M per crate of it hotee: cherrle tu.r lh: aprlcou, VJ$1.00: par-hea.- 7li Hoc; pmma. $1.001,10 crate; hjackberrlee. . Tlic: raapberrlee, 1 o per crate of 14 bote! cantaloupra, $x Orvgl.tO par crate; eurranta, dc f per lb; loga'tlberrlea. 112(1310 per crate, of T B4 bote; watermelova, -8 In, -. ' .. . TXOSIABLEaV Xarolp. aew, , $1.1$ pet MARKETS WEDNESDAY PRICES IN v THE WHEAT MARKET July... SCpt $ .84 '4 B s $S( 1.1$ ".$8a v .$4A .8 . Chicago Liverpool . t . , . San Kranclago, Winnipeg ,, . , , St. Louis...'... .New York.,.,. Milwaukee-... , Minnaa polls Duluth $s H4 i!os4 .$1V4 , .14 , A l.nvs December. "Old. ' aack; carrola. $1. 4041.50 ' per lack; beets, $1.60 per aack; Oregon radtabe. V. per doa; cabbage,. Oregon, $1.30 per ewt; . green prppaira, 7o lb; Chill pepper.. IS 17e lb: celery. per crate; -- to. maluee, Florida. I2.5OUS.0O; allfronla,- ; parsnip. $l.ooai. jjj .string beanaf ' se; caullflowar. California. $1.75(1(3.00 crate; rhubarb, 2Hc per lb) horseradlah, 12c par lb; apron ta, ; artichokes. 0O30e pec dos; hsthouae lettuce. o0a76e.j.i head lettuce. 10 pet doa; green oniona. 10e par doas.aa. paragua. 2seVe doa bnnchea; Walla 'Walla, 7be per ' noar aplnaclt, -Sc - per -lb; - green corn, per os; peaa. iMsn per IP; cucum ber.. flOci$l.oo per do. " . . DBIKP. FRUITS Applea, evaporated. 7t3t per lb; a prlco ta. (fil.V per lb; aacka, Vo per lh leaa; peacbea, 812 per lb; peer. Frw iDj prune, iienan. artec per iu; rencb, SH04Hc per lb; fig. California black. ppowe.ner id; (.auroral white. per id; pium. pitted, pr lb:- date, golden, ax per lb; fsrds. $1.50 per ll-ttr box. . ' ' Orooarlea, BTuts, St. m'OAR Sack baala Cube" $6.05, powdered, IS.WI: fruit cranulated. I.vani Art arannlated U.lMl; beet granulated. $0.70; eatra C. $5.0; auiuvn- n. aou: Dole, liic:- u. onie zac: ayiaea. 50 advance on aack baala, leee S&c per ewt war can. lo-aaya; map), lllM pat to, . HONEY 14Hai6c. ' . COKKKB Packace brand.. 114.75. ' - SALT Pins Bales. 2s. sa, 4a. 6. 10s. $1.00; table, dairy. 60a. 111.00: loos. I10.T5: Im ported Liverpool. $0a. $IT.00: 100a, 11. 50; 224a. $14.00; extra fine. bbla. 2. 6a, 10a. $4.606.5O; bulk.. 320 UaV.$4.00QB,00; aacka. SALT f V,a ras It a 1 1 araMA .. lOAa . aM- iM $7.00; 60a, pee ton, $7.00; Liverpool lamp rock, $1.50 per ton; 50-lb rack. $7.00: 100a. 14.78. (Abor prlcea apply to aalra of' leaa .than car lota. Car lots at special prices (abject Mr rrucTusnons.) OKA IN B AOS Calcutta. I5.7541d.00 per 100. Dire T I T .-. , a . . a. a tt; New OrMana bead, $Hr AJax, 4Jio; Cre- wir. our. BBANS Small white. -IVr4Uei lareiuwhlt. 8V.c; pink, av.MSS.c; bayou, 44c; LlmaV, 64a; ajrii. .n reo, HLTH Pssnnts.), TUct mmboa. OUs aer lb rew. OallOe- nee - lh: m..f rrt ; aoovaata. 554180c per doa; walnnta. 14015c per lb: pine nuia. iuMji2e per in: nicaory nuia.-iw per id; cbeatauta. eaatern. 16(3 lc per lb: Brasll note. joe per-rhr-rtiberta 15018c rw-r Ibt fanct peoana, kqioc per id; almond, lstjloa per u. " Balnts. .Cal OU. ltd. BOPB Par ManiU. 14c! atandard. lJUc: aiaeair- wr iiata orana amai V74, toil. Oli, Pearl or Astral caaea, sous oer gal; water white. Iron bbla, 5e pet gal; wooden, lsc par gal; headlight, 170-deg, casae, OA80LIN?!-S-deg." eaa.' $2e"erv galf Iron bbla, 29c per gal; atovea, caaea, MVH Pt l; Iron bbla. 18 per gL tlnr KINK BSeg esse, 25c per gal; Iroa bbla. lMc per aaL TrRl'RNTlNS In caaea. ape Ber aal: woodea bbla, Mc per gal; Iron bbl. S3a per gal. . ' nmfea V w a , tij. ak. baa. iw . . . , a. u c a i i u i - -1 -.. i t. u prr ih, rww lota. 7t per lb; leaa lots. So per Tb. WIRB - NAILS Present teae-t- $2. TO. LIKSEKD OIL Pore raw. In bbla. 3c Dec gal; csaea, S8o per. gal-genulae kettle lulled, caaea,. .700 pe gl: bbla, 65c per gal; ground cake, car lota, $20.00 pat toa; leaa tbaa cat torn, pw.ou per ion. . . . Keats, Bisk and B revisions. ' .:. . FRESH M K ATS Front afreet Beef, ateera. 526o per lb; pork, block, TUc per lh: packers. TM per lb: bulls. 4'3S per ' lb; cowe. 405c per R; motton. 6HIVo per lb; lamb ' with pelta." SftOtdc. par lb; vul, extra, BfeTc; ordinary, 6c pet 4b4- poor, 4.5Uc oer lb. HAMS, BACON, . BTC.Bortlsnd pack floral) hams, id to 14 lbs; 134e per lb; 14 to 16 lbs. laiac per lb: IS to 30 lbs. 13Uc per In; eottajre. Sc per lb; breakfaat bacon. I3tyift18e per lb; picnic' SS per lb; regular ahort clears, an amoked, SHc per lb; a rooked, !0$4c per lb; clear backer bnemoked. 9c pet lb; smoked. 10 Uc per lb; Union bolts. 10 to IS lbs. una rooked, 8e per lb; amoker c per lb clear be II Ire, at emoked. lie per lb; : smoked, 13e per lb: (boulder. RHe. LOCAL LARO Krttl loaf. 10. !0e net lb; 5a. 10V,e per lb; 50-lb Una. 104. g per lb; ateam rcadered, 10. tc; na. ga per lb; tuba. 64 J"? b; 50a. e per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia river 1-lb talla, $1.85; 3-lb talla, $2.50; t'.ncy. lib flat a. 12.00; Vi-lb fancy nata. l w; rancy i-in ovale, fZ.76: AUaka talla. rink. 5 4.90c ; red. $1.50. nominal Se. tall. 12. 00.. ; - FtSHRock- -cod, Tcjwr It; flonndera, Fc pet lb; halibut, 4Hc per lb: era be. $1.60 per-dos r Striped baas. IZHC per lb; catfish. Te pet lb; salmon, chlnonk, )i4r0c lb; ateelheada, 8e lb; bluehack, 5c; herring. 5c per lb; soles 5c per lh: ehrlmne. 10c per lb; perch. 6c per Lb; shsd. 4c per lb: roe abad. 5c per lb; ahad roe, 80c per in; niacs coo. re per id; aiiver ameit, oc per lb; lobatera. 15c: freeh mackerel. 5c pr lh; crawflab, 25e per doa; flounder, 5e per 1i eturgeon. 7c per lb.. 0T8TRRS Shoalwater bay. per gat. $3.33; per aack. $.1.76. - i;L,Aftin nara aneii,- per box, h,wi raaor $3.00 per box. CATTLE ARE SOGGY SAYS MR; PLUMMER Market Weak at Decline , of a QuarterReported Yesterday 1 -Lambs Firm. - . Portland T'nlon Stockytrda, Jun 21. -Llv. tock receipt:. -- . . ,t Hog. Cattle. Sheerr. Today .'77,l,7...i.V. 3 -. - P9 v , 525 Week ago 128 - i. 171 Previous week 1 00 I.B77 Month ago 11 olid. y. 'Th cattle market la veer aoagy -at the decline of 25 rente reported exelnalvely In Th Journey yesterday." says Secrrtsry Plummer. There Te a very rood demand for aprlng htmha and tha market la Arm at 4 cents. , Sheep In general are quiet. Hogs are dull. The de- wan f"r real cmye ja patter rnat tne eup. ply." During the day lfl TeaFcalveT and 13 care arrivpo. -!-.,..,.,.J.... . . - AfOclal prices for livestock: ," i v' Hoes Best eastern Oregon. mv75r.f! 00: blockers snd Chins fat..' $5.0tij5.2; suckers snd feeders. $4.0Of4.2fi. Cattle Beet, eaatera Oregon ateera. $TS0; light and medium ateera. -$.t.2npold and light cowe. $1.75412.00; Blockers and feedera! $1.75; Dune. si. no. - i Sheep Beat rancy sheep. anrtne lamtai. ac. 1 -. ' 3.00; w, $2.75; Calvea tieod veal. 1.V1 to. 300 pounda, Be; rough .and heavy. 3 1, etc. - i .. - " " '-:'-'- - , ZAITEBV H008 LOWZB. Chicago, "jaas 21. l.lveotoclit receipts! ,. Ilog. . Cattle. Wieen. Chicago ...i. ...SS.iaio . U.-traT Kaneaa 4'llT 12.0 g.isju oorrf Omaha ............. .W.000 8.ti0 I.000 Ha opened B rente lower. Recelpta year ago were 83vOn.'"'vPrlcoa: Mixed, and butchers, $5.1.V 5.15 ; good. and heavy 5.25rA-5n: rouib and heavy.,- $4.70fl5.08: light.. A5.1o B.o. ' rattm-w-Ten sent BigBer,---- Sheep Strong. - - " - iTorelga Coffee Market. New Tnrk. June 21. Havre coffee declined Ut Hamburg unchnnged; Hie recelpta, 5.UU0 bags; price Bncbsaged. , : jv- ' - - - - , . SA feabcisco -LWAirrrs. San Francisco, June 31 .--eVftyctaTrlWirn"- ing sea um: Bid. ..w. ...... H7V ...... 584 .-,. 88 .......... I BIest,a 17 .'J. 85 I 31A. .......... 81 H ..........looC ..,...... 4, ..........100 - Spring Vllcy Wlcr.. S. ,F. Oa A Electric , Giant Powder.., M -7 "id" 'm" 84 101 4 Hawaiian Commercial. Hntctifneon Sugar. .... Hnnokoa Suxar. Mskawell HMt.r. Paaiibaa Pngsr. .1..... Ala.ka Pack era V...... California - Wine California trull...... Oceanic Steomeklpi . 1'aolfl . Butea lel... PROFIT TAKING IS CAUSE OF BREAK Chicago Wheat : Market Drops - Over a Cent in Lest Than .Ten Minutes Today. V EARLY ADVANCE IS ALL LOST JUST AT CLOSE Valentine of Armour Grain Com pany Very Bearish Losses :' v Ar Nt Heavy. , .T . ; . i" ' -;'. WEDNKSDAT'S WHEAT afXKKET. '. ' ' . - i -. . Open . ; Close Clu' ': Xjo loday Today Tuea. Todaf ..$ .MS. I a .ttini-l ,u.d July."..,,, Sept..,.. Muc , . .aJ.84 l..i,. .A3'4 ... ...84Z .. . - .00 Furpid by Overbeck. Starr A Oooka 0o. Iblcago, June- 37 Logan It Bryan aay. Our Wheat market opryied a ahad eaaler aud for short tlm -thereafter prices ruled fractionally lower on very moderate business. Whst whest ws for aal. however, wa qutrkly absorbed, the market rallying sharply, though . alowly, to ! fJU -cent advance over yesterday's eloee ftsr 9W. Trsds wss not sctlv till th decline set In. which wss r a used ly prof It-taklng. The weather for one thing promised more sunshine, snd a desire to tske si Irsat a portion of tba proflta by the loading long Intereet naturally Invited other profit-taking aalra. Wheat for Betiteoiber delivery Isgged throughout tbi aee ion. July atrcngth can bo attributed to the splendid PU obtained for cash whest,-both '"I.." mt Bouthwestera points, and. alee thet bide being aent out for aew wheat for the first halt July -shipment met with only llttla reaponee. . The northwest continues to report the apreadlng of mat, alao Ita appearance tn aew eectlona where Ibe crop haa been reported aa elo free from any disturbing element or risk. It la. atlll a weather market, bat It must not be forgotten that th cash situation la strong, though moetly of a retail character. The geuenl a.tuatlon looka unchanged. ' Sherta Priven to Oover. For a while strength la corn w quit pro nounced, partly In eympathy with tha atrong wheat market and a little aggressiveness oa the part vf the leading ' bulla, forcing tba "horta to rover. Sentiment eeem to be all favorable to th bull tde. but then tee ma to ho a dlenoeltloa cn the part of leading bulla to do a llttl aggressive, boytnr. and on (well they become rather-free sellers themselves. tThe cash situation is strong, bat the demand Is not argent. - It I rather expected tbst receipts from this tlm on will show quit aa Increaae, and this probablv account for tb selling on hard spots by tb leading ball In terest. T-T vrr ''-, . : Oatg Xarket Btrpag. '-- ----; Th oata market was strong, bnt" business wss vary limited. - There aeema to' ba rather liberal sales on th swelle, or st least aa much aa the market will comfortably take. The eaeh altnatkm la akrw at best. Jtecelpts at tba mo ment Try. ' The provnlon trade we moderately arrive and the feeling In th pit seemed leea bear-! leh. Packers are atlll In control of the equa tion. Tb BiBnufnetniing end of tha -bualne ta reported ee ahowtng ImproTement- '. I Today's of ftclal markets: r rir . WHEAT. ... . r. : I Open. High. Low, , Cloaa. July..f -.S -$-.BO $ ..8,. Sept..... .S4I .S4T- .S4 Dec...... .84i "".M4 .88-. .8354 Old July. Old Sent. Old, Dw. Jus..,.. July..... ' Sept..:.. Dec. .54 .55 ' -oo, 55 U ,4i B - .M .52' .5B 0. , .50 .50 OATS, .im ,.sn .2I4 ' .ao4i .81 .31.. .51 J .50 ,v , .20T. .20. .8o .aov B MESS POBK. Jnty Sept..... ct Jnly..... Sept.'.. Oct Jnl.v.1.,. Sept Oct...... 13 4T 12.50 12 4T 150 " 12.5T 12.77 12.80 12 85 12.85 LABI), , T 20 T-33 T 80 ! T.40 . T.42 T.40 T.4T 7.47 T.47 , , SHORT BIBS. T.M T.55 - ' T.53 7.73 i 7.7T T.72 T.80 T.SO 7.H 134T 13 7T 1X55 ! t.33 7.42 7.41 t 7.63 . 7.73 : 7. 77 - CHICAGO CASH WHIAI. . Chicago, June 31. Caah wheat: - . .. an Aak. No. t red...., $1.0.1 fOi tn reel TP4--1- -.98 No. 3 herd.. .....A... No. bird-......,,..... . l.rrj , ; . .M -. 1 15 N J. 08 .1.07 ,l No, 1 not thee No,- 3 "th-"l, , No. i aprlng.' .1.11 i.oo BBTMABT, BBXTMIBTS ABO CLKABAXCEI. Chicago. Jun 31. Primarv recelpta: t -, Today Veer Ago - - Buah. Buah. - Wheat ..v ituttonA atso.taw Cotn ., , 68b;000 773.000 Shipments: Whest 304.000 273.008 Corn ."..'... 723.000 ' 18.1.0O8 Clearancre: Wheat and flonr. 27.500 bnahals: eorjt. 3i3.000 bushels; oats. -A5.2HO basheto. AH FBAHCISCO OBAIV KABXZT. - Sn Frsnclaco, June 21-Ofncltl morning see-laa: . . '. ... - WHEAT. - .- Open.-- High. - Leee. -- Close. $1S'A .87 December..,.. l.SflT, .M $1.88 BARLEY. December 87 .87 J7 LtTEBrdOL OBAIB BABBIT. Liverpool. Jnn SI. Close: Whest. . July, fa sd. ' M down; September, 8 gaj, 44 doen: Pee-m'jrr. 8a d down. Com July. 4a 8d, d up; September, 7d. d np, ' CHICAGO OBAIB CAB LOTS. - Chicago, June 21. Grain car lot: ... -. 1 cr. Grade. Est IP04. Oata ..1 - 85 18 ' 67' 68 Wheat care today: Minneapolis 105, rVnluth 8. Ycaf ago:. Mlnneapolla 1.13. Duluth 83. - ' w Terk Sugar Market. J - New Tork. June 31. Sugar, refined.' nn changed; raws, steady ; centrifugal, 44r. muaco, 8e. COTTON FUTURES ARE SEVEN T0 EIGHT'OFF ,' ' '"' 1 (Fiirnl.hed by Overbeck. Btrt A fleok Co.l New York. Jnao. 21. Cotton futnnes closed 7 to 8 polnta lowes today. . . f Toasy s ortictai cotton maraet: Ope a. High. Iiw. Cloae." January 8fi7 887 , 880 T4,75 -Vehrucry .- ... 77r78 March IM Ml S7T SKInicI Anyll-. . ntn - S4rd My. June July August .. September T. i:!" Tf,w York Cash Oottaa. . Kew Tork, Jun 21. t-'otton.. apota. 15 polnta . - ' ' y ' ' ' - - llvsrpool Cotton Lower, . ' Liverpool'. June . 5L Cotiaii.utojejBloaed Unlet, 8 W 7, pdnts lower. . , A.., - .f-a 1 1 Heading Tear Ber. Ceat. New York. Jnn 21. - On account of a Better atatement the- dlrectora of Reading Railway company today pieced the etoch on a per cent baste.- Inalead.ot 8 per centy heretofore. . SurllBg Hat. .. New Tork. June 21. Sterling rate:, Denuad, 47.35; 80 dra, JS6.75. - POBTLABD BABB STATtMIBT Clearln ... Balaace ... ........ . . . . $8 $5$ 54 , ... .... ... 8M7flUO .. 8TJ:t6 ara aaa a -1.11 W.'.'. 851 82 848 84sl47 , 87 "8HM BA5 BA4455 tletoDee B7.t KTB KW1 rlWHl November 877, 878 558 , 8B'7 December 8M4 SM5 808 8;i(I2 -" "" 1 l V Prica of Sugar Drops Fiv Cents In Portland and Ten Cents Pet Hundred Pounds in Ter ritory East of the'Cascades-;; -f fzlzAr-z SETTLEMENT Of 2 TROUBLES A: HELP Probable End of Equitable Scrap 'y Has Good Effect Upon Stock Values. v V ALL PARTS Of BIG LIST , SHOW GOgD ADVANCE Likelihood of Settlement. Oriental War and French. German Talk Helps. ; of ADVAN'CES. " Anaconda ... Amalgamated Weatera Cnlort C. A N. W... Cbesa peeks ... do preferre4rM."!,' ? Soger Smeltee ......... J do preferred Hi Brooklyn ... 1 Csnsdlsn TTT. i ; A Colo. Southern . . S da 2d pfd ...... IW Erie .' do 3d Bfd var as rounury.,, do 1st pfd .. Orest Western Illinois Ceatrsl Manhattan .... Metropolitan .. Norfolk S. V.- Central . do preferred 1 Baltimore Ccdo. Fuel ...... St. Psul Ksty Missouri Pacific . North A Bierlcs n. Pennsylvsnla .... :J5 Ontario. 4 Weatera 1 Pressed Steel Csr it !Rep. Steel ........ H IHlSeif Fran., 3d pfd ti Reading Bock Jaland . Hlnouthern I'acno ... . VlTenn. Coal ...... 3- , Vtl nlon Pacific . HlSteel lij ..4.1 do preferred .... 1 . Hf Wabash LOSSES. . ttlLoulsvllle ........ 4 . Bep. Steel, pfd.... do preferred ... Southern By . . .. Be. L. A 8. W.. - do Dre f erred . .-. Texa A Paclic. Wl. Central ... do pref erred - . , (Paralabed by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) Wall. Street, . New York. Jun 31. Logan A BryaszaAyr The market closed strong, th volum of business being lsrgely In creased. While all the gain for ' tb day were not held, th market nevertheless snows quit a aubatantlal advance) over th prevloua closing. Th action of the jBec'dtng director In de claring a 4 per cent' dividend on the - common atock had no effect oa tb market, It cam J uat about th close. It waa wkatLwaa expected. Talk oa Sou thorn PsclBe la quite confident' and ome very eteelleot baying was noted in thla stock, Ontario A Western seems nrmiy aborrel.. it la aald to be well eetah. llahed on Ita present dividend-paying bsals. This Is oas of ths atocka ao wall thousht of by Well street - generally. Steel atocka were np gla- Trada condition r eatlafaetory, railroad earnlnga ar ahowtng up well and a very good benk atatement at the moment seems promised for Ssturdsy. Ths msrket to a acts aa' though It would do some, better. .. , Tb nettle ment of -th Equitable troubles, the better feeling In the Prench-tiermen contro versy and the likelihood of aa eerly peace la tb orient were the principal bullish feature. xoaays crucial atoct market: - Onen. floe. Anaconda "lHlnlng Co. ............ .104 ' 1115 Amalgamated Copper Co ......80 SO Atchison, common ....... .;...... 821, 82 preferred , , , , rr.,m.rm., loau- -tujtii American Car A Foundry,, com.. 54 V 84 on prererreo Amerlcsn Sugsr, common...-.., m OH 155 ' 135 American Smelter, ,1U- 00 prererreci -...a...... Baltimore A Ohio, common, Brooklyn Rapid Transit .... Canadian Pacific, comma!. . Chicago A Alton, common. .. ..121 88 ..151 Chicago A Oreat Western, commoa. 10 1MV( Chlcsao.- Blllwaulieo A St. Paul.... 176 I76U Chicago A North vreatern. commoa.. 1115 104 Chicago Terminal -Railway .... 17 Chesapeake A Ohio 50 61 Colorado Fact A Iron, common.... 4.1 43 Colorado Southern, common 27' 27 .'do eecond preferredtb. 87 .... do firet preferred i ,..'.... ' 67 Delaware A Hudeoa lia Denver A Rio Grande, common 28 Denver A Rio Graade, preferred - 88 Erie, common ' .... 41 41 do eecond preferred nfl 88 do Bret preferred . v. V. Ti 79 Illlnole Central ,..,......18.1 155,. Loulavllle A Naahville 147 147 Metropolitan Street Railway. ...u. 125 12T Manhattan Railway .'. 106 1S4 Mexican Central Railway 21 , Mind.. St. Paul A Ste. Marie .... 120 do preferred , , .... lHo Mlaaourl Pacific An nu Mlesourl, Ksnaaa A Texaa,, commoa 28 2s do preferred 83 8.H K.w- Vorh Ootrtl ..142W 142 Northern raclnc 185 aorroiK at woewrn. commoa, -..,. bo?b do preferred 81' B2 R 51 1.17 North- Anierlcsn. .1 X. Y. Ontsrlo A Weatera .... oi r.Tr 81 ....1381i Pennsylvsnla Railway rePica: uaa. at i ns r.l'yj im Pressed Steel Car. commoa.... Pacific Mall Steamship Co Reading, common " do second preferred. do first preferred Repnbllr. Iron A Steel, commoa, do preferred .... Bock 1.1 tnd. common - do pref ct red Son'hcrn Kellwsy, common...... - d preferred. ........ . Sou them pacific. ....... a...... do preferred St. Lotila A San e'raa.. 2d pfd... do flial pit fi rredi 1 . 1 1 ity. . ... St. Louie A S. W commorj.v,, do rre'erred Tesaa A Pacific Tennessee Cnel A I-f-n. 1H Toledo. St. L A'V.. eommon,,. ... . do preferred fntoo Psdnc. eommon. ...124 do r-ref en ed .-... . ...-. .... United Stares Leather, commoa.... do preferred -...'y...... .... United Stare Robber, coasmon. . . .a 88 do preferred..... 1. .... TTnlted States Steel Co., commoa... Sn' do preferred....... 98 Wisconsin Central, common,.,,., 24 Western f'nkin 'Telegraph... 84 Wahaah.1 common............. 18 do preferred ... Rubber Goods,.. da prefened .... XT4 R5 124 87 1 108 8A J02 2M 87 . 28 . 4 IS 80 82 100 '"'J r:T0W0aAK mmra stocks Baa Franclaco," Jna 81. Official cloae: Bid. - Bid. Montana . . . Midwsy ...... McNsmsra Belmont . . . ' North Stsr , .., Rescue - Oold Mountain Jim Butler Nevada Ton. Ktten. .. Red Top .... Ooldfield L58 1 A dams f ,OT , .14 . , .17 . , .20 , .78 , -17 , ,..28" , .12 , 788 - : Xl .87, ; .04 .45 . 1.15 .58 .OS -.14 Mohswk ..... Iilale Kendall Columbia Mt Jumbo ... .81 Jnmbo Bt... .18Rlack ttntte 435 loolden Anchor. .40 .55 .80 Rar O'Briss Ophlr Ton . ... O. Bull Frog . Sandatnrm Saadstorm, bona Star Kl. .13AIImoad5e1d .. .OS lHoaw COKSTOCX MIBIBO STOCKS. Be Pre nclaco, June Si'. Official date, morn log aeasloBt . . nil. I p--mr . rim, Bullion $ .40 I Belcher . . .- 15 Coa. Cal.-Va.... 140 j Ophlr , S.12 Caledonlo .40 Sarag ,..,...1$ .40 Potoee v.... .13 I nlon Con .48 Yellow Jacket , .28 Fxcbeqoer 1 .54 Hale A Norcrea 11 ' ieiiran ....... ' Andes ......... .31 jscorploa v... ...-.-.Id , Tennis at forest Orcr. , - ' fa . . . m a.L M . a-a ' . . I . -. L-f - . . Aopeeiai a"-F tL wat.aa,,.. r prravtTTrvr, ut.,w.ii n 111- lenestlng tennis tournament was played here -yesterday between the .champion tenntg-plnyers of Hlllsbortv sind Koroat Orove. Th doublee were) won by Forest drove and the singles by, Hlllsboro. W. B. Bhlvely snd Proessor Woods won over Weathered snd Bhoolsj. while Blioll of Hlllsboro waa able ta down any of tha Forest Grova boys st singles. 0. A. if okas Bs-BleotacV " - '(Special Dispatch te Th Journal.) . Baker City, Jun II. Mayor C A. Johns was re-elected a mam bar of the school board last night. 1 This is Mr. Johns' Blsventb rsar as a member. . 37 .18 ..SO so .. S5 05 .. .... -88 .. 81 81 , .. 18 18 1 .. 75 75 .. 35 28 .. 74 74 .. 82 82 ..-a 1 120 .. 85 88 i-.v-.- 74 -v.23 .- 22 .. 80 61 ..-83 1 r . 80 Imici i 1 1 iinnT lULL A LA ulUIvlj SAYS ANGRY CAU Gaston 'Jacques Hovets Over Leon Brudo'f Hospital Cot Like a Buzzard. WOULD KILL MOOR WHO SHOT HIS WIFE YESTERDAY Challenge Will Be Issued to the Would-Be Suicide by a . Trail Waiter. . : Gaston Jacques has been Insulted, snd reparation will be deanded. -1 In Jacques' code of' honor a duel la tbe only means whereby the blot may ba removed, so challenge will be Issued, It la aald. Tha challenge la to tv aent to Leon Brudor tha Moorish merchant ; who Ilea. grievously wounded .at BIT Vincents hospital as the reault of his mstf attempt to kill Rachlda. hla wife, and hlmaelf In .tha 'streets of Cairo on tha Trail FaWrday. Brudo found the girl talk ins with tha descendant Of Charlemagne in tha JUHe coffea house, and In tha throes of .the frensted. jeslouey that followed, attempted th dugl trageay. "Ze girl snd me, .wa tais.;, Jacquc said; "now se man sn me, : ngn. and maybe kill. Betels better much to die than to suffer se honalrs to be loau Volla!" , , Hi friends asaert that Jacquea is merely sn assumed nama snd that he la following hla voctlon---he la Ir because of trouble, with tin family. Ha came to this country to avoid further troublf, snd loelng by riotous living what money 'ha had. waa forced to seek employment pushing plates. . - Brudo my never haye the opportunity of meetirur the Oaul on tha .field of honor. Tha bullet that he sent crashing into hla akull has been removed, but he is by nil means out of danger. At the hospital It waa announced: that he Is re covering. , , . - . If Brudo survives, a sentry will be de tailed by Captain Murphy of the ex position guard to watch him constantly and prevent his escape during conva lescence. Then he will ba turned over to the police authorities for prosecution on the charge of attempted murder. - In case money and lawyers, luck snd friends sra able to procure his acquittal on that charge, there 'atlll semalna ths Insulted Oaul, . crying i-for- vengeance. Rachlda, the preMydsnclng girl, for love of whom the Moor became Insanely jealous and attempted Tier Ufa andihls own. Is recovering rapidly from the ef fects of her, wounds. ' The ' bullets pierced her shoulder, but no bones wers broken. - - ',.-.. " J. J. HILL STARTS WAR ON D. C CORBIN Railway Magnates Both Want Strip - of. Ground - at -'. f ... Spokane. .. "' . (Special blapatck te The' Journal.) Spokane. Waah.,' June 21. War has been atarted against D. C. Corbln by James J. Hilt with the beginning of eoh dcrp nation proceedings to get a right of way through the : terminal grounds which Mr. Corblrbaa secured for his Spokane International railway, on the north aids of tha river. Tha autt waa brought in tha nama of tha Spokane Falls Bt Northern company. It la rep resented that this property Is needed to complete the transfer track which tne Spokane Falls-. NortherrrxpctB to build west from tha present terminus to connect with a branch line of the Oreat Northern system. -; .- -" There Is no doubt tht Mr. Corbln will fight the aults broughtsgalnt him most bitterly. The building of the Spo kane Falls A Northern extension through the district would take out STttrlp, 1,500 feet long from the territory selected by Mr. Corbln snd would also Isolate all tha lota between tha Tiver-andt North River avenue- Property In that section Jjas taken a big jump since the opening of the Hill campaign.. Mr. Corbln ,ia starting ..Tondemnstion proceedings against jneproperty holder, who will not take less than $2,000 for a lot aim) lar to which; a number were bought for 1700 and 1500. Mr. Corbln haa offered $1,000, but the Hill campaign encourage property holder to ask thtlr own prlc and sell for no less. - ' - . - GRANTS PASS CHOSEN . BY OREGON G. A. R. -. (Special Dlapatch te Tba JaeraaLt Oregon City. June JW Other officers of the Oregon department, O. A. R-, elected were medical director,- W. VK. Best; chaplain, Henry A. Borden, Port land: council of administration. C. A. WinisTns. J. Lsng. R. V. Pratt, fc. F. Chapman, A. C. Sloan; delegates to the national encampment, T. o. uarr, John Ingram, William Bfhclalr.N. Ia. Bmlth. The'next encampment will ba held at Grants Pass. The Oregnxtfepartment of.ths Wonven's Relief Corpa elected the following offlcera: ' depaf tmant . preal dPn t.- Mrs. : Jennie fit HI td I n g, Oregofi City, senior vice-president. MraVHelen Packard, Portland; Junior vlce-preaident, MrSaLllllan North, Forest Orove, ' Hasty Betreat. From the Detroit Tribune. Kuropatkln was flying through 'Man churia in his automobile. There la one consolation, he re- marked, adjusting Me gogglea. ' , Tvvnats tnair asaea tne correspona- ent. I won't be fined for fast driving." theBaby' rrTirTTii'rh I Tba sdjusUbUity Of Mellln's Food is one of its good points.' Mellln's Food sn be adjusted snd is suluble to ths needs of the jroungest infant as weH as children of ths mors ' advanced rage.' It only takes a minute to pre pare it as there is no cooking nec-tsssry.- 8cnd for a free ssmpls. Meltla's Teed Is the IT' lafBSts lewd, which received the Craad fries. ibe high! ewarti i ta LMiaiaaa rar. ilgbeat sward f Ik 1 U 1 AxBssltlea. St. Laie itM, BlgaV St, Let ar tkaa geld aseslai. IfSLLim FOOD CO, BOSTON, KAU SERENE . PAREC This high snd sightly trsct Is situated on E. Twelfth and Florence1 at reeta. 4HX Diocka eaat of Highland acnool, on i- ! IT 5ralBBa.aa..-aa1atBaB 'ass.i. t f j, iiiriiifWi. M.- OLSEN, Managing Owner - non vno ivt. 109 YouShouldn'tFail to Get in on These ?850 Wil'l buy 3 full lots 'with neat and cozy 5-room cottage, hard finished; 23' bearing fruit trffgall jrincjg of berries and - shrubbery. It's a dandy home for little money. . 92,000 Kricer new-7-room house, 30-foot lot ; not far from , Eighteenth and Pettygrove, west side, . ?2,300 Full lot on East Ninth street, Walking distance from business center; one 7-room house and one 6-room cottage. ' Dandy investment. $3,700 E x c e 1 1 e n t quarter block, with' two beautiful cot tages on East. Twelfth street, fronting Ladd's New Addition THE DUNN 7 LA WRENCE CO. Ud First Street , O SPICES o COFrcE,TEA.v DAIflNO FO'iYDEP, aronGEXTrcrs etMuftPuriry. k Firvtsf FlivopJ Ortar$hh,ftaTvrrVrCii CLOSSET 6 DEYEOS ORTlJNO,t3RX00N.V ED a .THE - .Sunshine "Lamp The Jongest-llfe lamp made, pro duces tha prettieat -light. Try It and you will uae no other. . We Are Sole Agents We can' aell you a new tr see-. ' orwi hand dynamo. Come In and let us estimate on your, wiring, fixture and any work you may have In the electric Jlne, Work- manahlp flrat-claas. NovcltyEIcctricWorkr CrK. Obrist.- Manager.-' - - -r 863 TaavhlU Jit. Phone Stain 104 There has been snd will b no change In the prlcea Of Mineral Water,1 Soda Water. Siphons, Syrups, . etc.; the same pric will be maintained . all reports to the contrary not- withstanding. - - - STAR BOTTLMOMS' rttone Main S30A. sa rin V MONEY SAVED . MONEY EARNED Best Creamery ........ .4S snd 50 Dairy .35s snd 40s Strictly Freah Ranch Kggs. 2 dos..4S Plcnlo Ham. per lh. 10 Cottage Ham. iresaaaST-t . .'' 11 Best Sugar-Cured Ham, per lb.., .14? La Grande Creamery : v 264 Yamhill St. dowbtbo. lorun m co, , - (Established ISSI.) ' -- WZ11T ABB STOCK BBjOKSBB. Swa 4. Orottad Floor, OBAMBXB OB OO'IXBBOa. OVERBECK, STARfe & COOKE CO, - i Members Chicago Hoarn ot Iran. . OBAIB, BBOTXSXOBS. COTTOB, STOOBS AD B0B. 192 Third Street. McKay Building, Portland. Or. wa d a stbictit oosnnssxoB bvsibbs. " Continuous-Markets by Private Wire. Quirk Service. REFERENCES Ladd 4 TUton, bankers, and Vnlted Ststes KstlonAl Bank .'orllacUL ina Lnlon avenu anil ernon ft i 18 minutes' rid from Third ' and Washington. Just being completed ov . oral modern and beautifully ' designed houses, else 4x4B, ; ..!. 1 ..a. 4 ... 1 . eini-ii a- vii rr iwr "ei i clurVug lot &ex5. at $1,180 and up $-'50 down $15 per month, s pe-r rent Interest ( ISO discount for jtll rash. -Rtreet graded, sidewalks. Bull ITuri water. Mouses piped for gas. . If you are looking for a' nice home, ba aure to inr veatigate this before buy Ins elsewhere. For fulliarticulars see . -as--v- . ' -stsr-s, Sherloek Bldg., TMrd sad Oak BtraartA. . Choicest Mt Scott trsct,, ! 7Mtfr-mny-prerjr homes nd-T--. " all conveniences.;, r r If you Are" s renter you 1 should tee this tract now. It -will cure you. ' '. 1 .' Rent .Rates Buy Homes - . ' Twenty minutes from cfty " Mt. Scoti car, Sc fare. Ask:' for bur new folder Advertis ing Firlahd. . ' " . . , -' Agent on ground. City of- ' ' - , fice open evenings. ! r'; QEO W. BROWN Room 20S Failing Bldg :: ,y Thone Main 2129w ' - ' ChoiceBargains $700 Buys this beautifully situated lot on Eugene at, bet. Williams and' Union avea. 110 Monthly, buya A fine lot 60x100 on East Taylor at, east of Sun nyalde. , - $500 Cash, balance easy terms, an un-to-date e-room cottage nn -Kasa - 0thst bt flunnyalde . and Mount Tabor car lines; concrete basement; combination gas And'" elec tric chandeliers, etc. Price only 11.660. t-yrA Modern -room dwelling, flrst Aril class plumbing, furnace, eta.: -VfaSWV 8 block, northeaat of steel bridge. A"7"A A strlotly modern ( - room .slalll house on' Wllllama avenue W',vV ind EniKm. lL MfPA Corner 60x100, on ISth and n!ll Pettygrove ata.; 6-room houoo tPieUUV on 1bW, io jteet; g, aplendld bualness location. m p A AA l-room dwelling on Mont-J3UUlf-gomery.,najU?arJt street. lfAAA Corner, three blocks from city pbUUU ;" fi0z1' wltn .i;rora AOfAA A good T-room bouse, between Vlalill) Fifth and Sixth streets, soultt F. BRESKE Boom 444 herlock Bldg, 83H Thlr FOR $10,000 We can sell you a - property that will pay 6 per cent net i.nOQ. . ' The liealy Investment - Company : v- 210-214 Abington Building, 106 THIRD ST. CITY AND &UCUQDAN PROPERTY A pmperty -cm Lovejoyr now paying la per cent oa price aaked. .See us at once. asooo I -room modern houae,- furnace and fireplaces, on 15th and Madison; lot 60s 100 - 40OO 'V ll-ronm modern house on 11th streela Corttef Carruthers: elegant home. Houses en- car line, cloae in, frosB ItSO up. , .Two new ( - room houses, on esay tarma. . We atlll have a few lots In AlOXIS FlaAOB and ASAI1L, Mount Scott rar line, at 1175 tb down. I& per month. STSYBBBOB-BBtrwV CO. no Seooad Street. $24,000 : T0B BALI AWait 6 laa witS freatatr f 10 feet e Kiss at. aa4 1SS a Mais, wttk S keuaea satin, rsatal vsla saual to 1 set rest ea efcove yrtea. ' SplasSld sit fet las resldsaeee Bad ' ekee Bllew ailing aff er atevns b-b4 ftaasat kssaa at anv time. - SaMlvlalea ef tk yreverty aa4 keasas will W esk4ere4. , mtssitt A styTH. l -.' " M' M at.,-' a.' O. FIRLAND Choice Lots lOcaDay -a'