POURYlgllM iViARTS OFTRADElEiElilSELLS CHICKEN PRICES RECEIVE A BUMP Heavier Arrivals Caused the Mar - ket to Take Sudden Down- ; . te " ward Plunge. ' ; i WOOL IS LOWER WITH j : MUCH LESS COMPETITION Eastern Potatoes Come in Rather :.j Fast but Market Holds Its . - Fornier Tone. ' ' v ' Front Street. Joe IT. 4) p. m. The principal feature ot the Portland wholesale markete tlx . WW WBI1 ; . , , . .- - Break la poultry rttbar vr. . '. - - -Fge weaker with larger receipt. . ' . . Hitmen cstch la not large. .' ; - VmI firms ap wltb (mall arrival. ' " .Dreessd togs firm-sll through ww, f ' Kastern potatoes come rsther fast. Kpitxeabarg apple Mil high; . ,: Mtrwberry- market ea a rempsgs. loganberry kearoa In fell swing. r- Wei.1 lower Vita lea aompstltlou. ' Brack ia PeultiBatlier hnn.' J tint M Tbe Journal told Uat Sunday there was a brr-ak lu the poultry market tbe present : week. It wss the moat MTere drabblng tbe market be received for msny a dsy. Hecetpt were very bene -and tbl car tbe larger re tailer tie opportunity they bad desired to slsah the price and knork the prop from under- all values. Tbta attempt waa made during the - furmer week, . but It. failed. At 'the eluse nt 4hn week the arrlvala , were vsry ' cnnskkrsble. bat toe .market be a allghtly - lnnrov,-d tone. Spring chicken were tbe weak- rttu the qiarkrt. . . Becelpta la thla line were far In excess of these of tbe previous week -1 ami none of the dealer rated to bay, eacept ' perhaps at their own figure. Daring tb com- In, w.k the market H i .ipected to .howl , eery mark ImproTement on account of , moat of tbe deaiera having supplies on band to tide I hew over for some time. Igt "Weaker With Larger Eseetpts. On -sceotint of the larger reeTptyrh' market ch.sed considerably ' weaker thaa-- tbe opening." horn a mall- eooceaslone ' In prlree were wade by tboae who had held tbe price ap ta tbe top. but .generally apeak leg. neitJil ""the sale made were at aeojed agar. -- " - Salmon Catok' I Vet Large..---- '-', The catek of aalmoa tb past week wa eery - - disappointing -to oaeksrs aa well aa. to .dealer in tbe fmab article. A remarkable feature of the selmoo eatrb daring the present sesson ta that almost all tbe flab received are of eery ' large slse, aa uno.nsl WTUiinte. Ia the Port land B'srket the tone was very firm, with up- , . pile juet about keif equal to the demand? .-'.., Teal rtrat With Small Arrivals. . The recently naaaed meat ordinance In thla cite waW responsible for the small arrivals .. . of -Areesed reel In the Front street markete '' during the week Juet ended. At no tlma wer the arrlTnl. a great a ta aemana ana n nrtre held firm at the top. " The - arrival of dressed hoga - jrera " als : - ameHer." the receipt being barely nominal. ' 'rti"eir held firmer, wltb a better Of ma so. There la nothing doing la tb way of de mand for beef - along . rroat street and price quxed are nominal. - " lUitarar-J'etatoeg Com Sather Fart. . Arrival of' eastern potatoes during the past ""X.aeek were- eonsldersble. but tb market took everything and held tbe prices quoted during " the nrevlnn els devs. Receipt of Oregon are I -"."miwfagt lirjrqf ind: these' are fcor -held nnlre-so- nrm sa mry -jvcre. ew tiregons are now ' mming to markcl In small snpply, tint receipts '- ere eipecttd - t-erea dnrlna tb eomlns) -''week. New rallforrdas ar -in very Urge amrlv and tbe market la not aaite so firm wltb : wires samewhst lower. California red on Ions ar In heavy supply ' sed the tone .t the market Hymlf fair around prevailing values. ' Ipltsenbart Apple Ssll High, j Home very fsney Kpltsenberg apples were ' taken from cold storage during -the week and ' 'sold high aa ta a box. - -The strawberry market was oa a rampage - during tbe wees, tb reeelpta being much 'mailer and prlree materially advsnesd. The : arrivals today showed aa Improvement dver , I'ridsy. -. . '' : . Iit.gsnherrle earn la qnlt freely tbe Utter . part of the week. - supplies were of eieeiient - .'qnsllly and fnnnd a very good demand. The ' romlnr week Is espected to be the banner one In Insane. At the eka of Uie wekjha price ruled sround l.4'l per crsts of Z4 BflXe. ' Wool Lower With Less Cenrpotltlos. . ' ' - Peeler In wool have come to an anderatand-;r-'-lna' and ao longer, during tb present season st lesst. will they outbid -eseb other la ha ' effort to secure tbe bulk of tb clip. Most of the wool has already gone out of first bands. ' . The esstera and Earopeaa markete continue . ..their former firmness, la this market prices sr prartlcslly Jc a pound lower. The wholesale quotation which ruled at the eloss of tb? week were: ' - Orala. near and Teed. : WHKAT Nominal: rlub sad red, MO 83c 1 Mhestem. 0tlc; valley. rre. - , r.urv-iw - eviir1 lyttm- h..-,- f'ORX Whol. 26.00: cracked. f2a aflf7?T nn ' ner to.. , RYE 41 55 per ewt. rT No. 1 white, 130.00; gray. , FI.Ot'R Faetera. Oregoa patents. 54 50 '54 66; strslghts. 53TBr sxports. fH.50S.66-. vslley. " 54.10: grsbsm. Ms. M.vftirlav 4.d; .rye. 60s. .00; bales, ta.TJ. r- HILLBTfrKS Brsn.. $1B 00 per ton mid. tdllnga, 526.00: shorts, country, 123.00; city, 621.00; chop. 518.00. ""7" RAT Timothy. - Wlllamett valley, fasey, . 515.00; ordinary. 512.00! saatera Oregoa. J 15.00; mixed. 511.00; clover, .511. 00: grain, 11.00; Cheat 511.00. aruttcr, I ft sad eultry. nrrrrR r at weet oe oor, is. BUTTER City ereemery. beet. 51 He: aeeaad grids. lTHc: outald fancy, SoailHc; ordinary, ITbfflaoel "tor, lde. K008 No. T-fresk Oregoa, candled. II ( '' 15e. : ancsndled. Inc. CHEEK. New rail rem. twla. UHc; . ; Toung America. l.Hc: eastern. IJe Call i fomla. 12'o;i2vc: Cheddar, 12S13c. S' POIT.TRY Chickens, mixed, lc Ber-Th bens. 12c perlb; roosters, old. loerile per lbi - Toung, 12c le' 'hi broilers, 16tlne per lb; 'Tryera, 16Qle per lb; ducks, 4.00a.l p,r dos; geese, r per lb: turkeys. 1718c per - lb; dressed. 50C220 per lb; squabs. 52.6o(d COO per doa. ' Xops, Weal end Sides. '" nop Ooatrset 150(1. IRfJIoc; 1004 erop. ' So21e for choice; lQ20e fur primes ssd mediums. - ' WOOL 1508 clip, valley, eosree to aaedlaat, . 4Wi26Hc; fin. Ke2Se: ea.tcra Oregoa, . qn(. '.'. . MOHAIR Nominal. 50C1e. 1 RHF.KrBKINS ahearlng, 110- nwt,wool, . toe.toci medium wool. 50&0i leng wool. aOetitai no M.h TALLOW Prim, psr Tb. 4Sc; No. t aad . ereaa tenu CMITTIX BARIC All grsilea. 4c lb. BIDES Dry bide. No, 1. 15 lb and aa, -- laiia per Tb: dry kip. No. I. 6 to 16 lbs. 14c; dry eslf, N. 1. aniler 6 Ih. IdAISei dry ' nalted hide, steers, onnd. 00 R t over, 5M4I - 5U; 60 to 50 lbs. 68Vic: aader 00 lb and klo. 16 to SO lha Sc. aonnd. lb to 14 the. (I ; Het eeir, sound, nnaer 10 Ih. 5HOHl greea ' luasaltedl. Is nee Ik. leaa! euHs. le per lb less: hot se hides. saltedV eeeb. - 51.564KTi: dry, reach, il.00OI.6O; anlt bides, each. aSflvic; goei sains, commoa, e.cn . loajioei awa, jiwitb wool en. sack. iScCll-OO. , '.J , ' - ' - rralta and Tagatokl, . . j ' " t'OTATOKR Beet Oregoa, 51.40; Mlnnesot. 51. SS: Colorado, $1 1.1; sweets, crated. fl.Tft; new rsllfernla, 5l.60ttl.T6; new Oregoa, tl.T6; .-garnets. II. M. OMONA New California. 5rXl.T6: Tela ' Bermuda. I2M: garlic. BJ10c per rR5M V HUIT8 Apple, eitra fancy,l 60; 'fancy, 5Jo per box: sew California, 5i-00; rhesa grades. 11.80 per box; -oranges, , navel. 170! M per box; Tslenrlas. tjoont.fto; Medtterraneaa sweets. 65 60s . son box: bsnsnas, 41U6c Tbj lemon, choree, fx 00 box; fancy, trioo hnx; rimes Mexican. ff.V Pr loo; pineapples, A.2ftf eranbtr I rl.. eaeterp. 511.00 per bbl; etrswberrles. - Willamette valley. tn; lined Hrveer- per bos,; rherrlre. California, MV-ti6l.ia per bx; Oregon. 4Jc lb: aprlcntB. saii.hi, peaches, J or; plnms, ll.onl.io per crate; hlaraberrlee " L0O( rasBbarrlas, (1.50 psr crat ot 114 boiesj SATURDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET July. .T4B , ,.IT4A Sept. I ,UHB ' rhFci New. York, St. Loula. , . Kanaaa Clty.. Minneapolis ... Winnipeg; ..... Duluth Ban Kranolaco. .IHB -.'Talk - 1 09 H 1.01 U ' 1.11 HB . December, per centaL .'... csntaloupea, -' 4 SO per erate: . currants. Ac per Ih; loganbrrrlee. $1.0 per erst of Z4 boxes. TBETABLEn Turnip.- new, - tl.tB per sack; esrtate, - $l.4o&l. so" per sack; hen, 11.60 psr aa.kj Oregon rsdiahes, 20c per dus; cabbage.- (Ireson. il.28 - ner ewt: greeu peppers,' , . 7 lb; . Cblll peptiera. . 16 tJITc lbr' ceUry." Si-i,'-.-pr""-"eratrto-aistoes, -b hwltbh M SOS.Odt -CaUforiilT -; psrenrps. $l.0l.afl; -string besna, - So; cauliflower. California. fl.T6aJ2.00 ante; rhubarb, me . per . lb; horseradish. i-ic per Itfl ap routs; ; 'artlcheke. 4Ot60n pet ova; betbouee lettaee. 6ma7c; head lettuce. 0 per dos; green onlone. - ine ner doe: -psrsgus. aftttlWe dus bunches; WalU Walls. T6e per bet; spinach. 8e per lb; green corn, 8it40c pee dr.i; peas. SHOlc per lb; en com be r. Bona II 00 ner dos. DjmtDi-ttUII-.AppuMV-auporatad. TO'c per id; spricoia, tH4ul.ie per in; sacss,. H per lb le; peacbe. slle per Ibt pears, ft, lb; pro nee. Itsllaa. Vkffl4iAe per lb; reach, He4Hc per Ih; flge. CsUforaU black. iVt per lb; California white. per lb; plum, pitted, per Ih; date, golden. per lb: tarda. (1.60 psr IB-lb bos. Oroeerles, Xuta, Kta. -BnaiB ack basla Cube, . 10; powdered. fS.BS; fruit grannlated, $3.M; dry graaulated, 16.86; beet granulated, hi.nt aitra C. (6.S6; " v. e-.Mi uvia, jvc , y vuja, i 60 advabc on aack bsal, less 2Se. per ewt f tor casn. jo aaya; maoi. iW'v P idw MONKY IdHfllOe. , CorriC Package brands. 114. T5. BALT Fioe B.lca. Ita. 8a. 4a. 6. 10a. tl.eOt table, dairy, .60s. 111.00; 100s. (10.TS-. Imr ported Llyerpool, 50s. tlT.00; 100. 116.60; XMs,. tls.00; extra fins. bbis. Ja. 6s. 10. f.60t6.6); balk, a lb. 4. 00416.00: sack. to. 68de,'; ALT Coed Half ground. 100a. per ton. fr.00; 60, per ton. $7.00; Liverpool lamp rock. is.ov per too: oo-ib rock, gT.oo; loos. so. 70. Prla .pply to lra of I- tk ear lot. Car lot at special price subjaet to fluctustlons. ) " ' -GRAIN BAOli Calcutta. fS.TSea. 00 per 100. RICB Imnerlal Jaoan. So. f. ac: No. I. He; New Orlean.kad. Hi Ajax, 4e: Cra- Alr....BlkC .. t-.. - BBAN8 Bmatl white. t44Vle: Isrg white. v; pins, 5c; psyoia, ac; umii, ante; Mellon reds, . .,- - 1 - . NlTt I'aesatv, Tle: ynmbo. 9H per 'lb; raw. Clio per lb: routed. : eoeoanat. nB90e per dost -wslnuts. 144JI6e per lb: pine nuts. 1QQ12H per lb: hickory ant. 10c per lb; chest nuta, esstera. l6Qlc per lb; Br. all sots. joe per in; ntnerte isinc ht in; rsncy pecan. 14 lie per Ih; ltnond. lUkSlAc per lb. . : - : Fsbrta, Ooat OUs, Ete ItOPB Par' Maalla. 14c: standard. IIV4e: I is.!, loet uais nrsaa issi . tUAb Oll-jesrl or Aitra I vssea, anij per 1 gsl: water - white. Iron Mile. 1M per gal; pwvd, .A v pvff a R 1 . HMiunnm. i ' V-UC , CHS, 22Uc per saL CIASOLINE M-eg. caaea. S2c ?er fall Iroa bbls, 5Ac per gsl; stoves, cases. S4tt Pf gal; Iroa bbls. 18c per gal. BENZINR 5-drg. case. Z6 par' gal; Iroa btvla. lHc per gaL . TCRPKNTINbT ta eases, fe per gsl: Woodea bbb), 5c per gall Iron bbls, S8 psr 'WHIT LEATV Toa lots. Tit per Tb; A 00-lb lots. 7Ve per in; lee lots, ac per id. WIRST-NiiTa p-M... has. at 52. TO. LINSEED OIL Pare raw. - la bbls. 8Se pet gsl; esses, & per gal; .genuine kettle boiled, esse. TO per gal: bbl, 6-c per gal: ground ck, ear lot. 520.00 per toa; leaa thaa car iota, 530.00 par ton. Meat. ' risk and Provision. . PRE8H MEATS freat atrvel Beef 63 0c per lb; pork, block, TH per' lb; backer. TWc per lb: bulla. 4USe ner lb: -cowa. ,406c- par fht- matte. lialc per 4b; anise who -pens. w "i icr . .wj w i extra. 6Q7e; ordinary, ' 5c per lb; poor, 4Va 5Ue ner lb. BAafS. BACON. ETC Portlsnd pack f local r hems, iu to it lbs, late per in; 4 to ia lbs. lSe per lb; 1 to 30 lbs. 13KC per Ih; cottage, .- per lb; breektset bacon. HllSe per Tb; nlrnlc. 64e per lb: regular short clears, an smoked, c per lb; smoked. WHc per lb; clear backs, ansmoked. 5V4e per lb; smoked. 10V4C per lb: lolos butts. 10 to IS Ins. anemoked, w per id; smoEra. wo per in; clear nellies, aa smoked. 11c per lb; ,. amoked, . ISo par lb; boulders, 8Hc. LOCAL LARD Kettle Tesf. Ins. fOHe per Tb; 6s. 10H per lb; 60-lb tin. 10 t per lb; team rendered. 10. 4e per lb; 6a, c par U; tub. e per lb; 60. e-per lb. CANNED IALMTN Columbia liver I -lb tall. 51 .8: S-lb talis, 62.60; iancy. Mb fUts. 62.00; Vt-lb fancy flat a. 51.26: fancy lib ovale, 62.T6: Abiskh' talis, pink, SSQOOe; red, 11.60, nominal 3s. tail. 62.00. PISH Rock cod, Te per lb: flounder. P- per lb; halibut. 4Hc per lb: crab. 61.60 per do; trlped baea. IJHa per lb; catfish. Te per lb; salmon, chlnonk. mTc tb: steelheeds,' 6c lb; blueback, ac; herring, 6e per lb; soles 6c per lb; shrimps, 10s per lb: perch. 6 per lb: hd. 5c per IN. roe ehad. 6c per lb; ahad roe. SOe per lb; ttack cod, Te pee lb; silver smelt, 6e per lb; lob.ter. 15cl fresh meckerel, ae par tb: craw flak. 2ftc per dosi flounder. 6e per b: stnrreon, Te per lb. OYSTERS fthoalwater bay. per gal,. $2.18; per sack .V7R. CLAM8 Rsrd shell, per boa. 53.00; rant rlaaa. 63.00 jatr boa. ' COTTON FUTURES ARE,. THREE TO SEVEN UP fran-lehed bv Over heck. Starr Conk Co.) ' Kiw Verb Jns 7. Cattea futuree Biased 6 to T Points higher Today' official cotton market! Oprn. High. Lew. January ""-I 06 March So 05 500 April .TT.rrm. .. . r . . . May 513 515 911) Close. .7iM U15 . II BAAetnT Jnne ,,. Jnlr .... August , Hepteaiber 600 KM B75 S " mo : Mum HAd 6istt70 S7S- T.1T6 677 ' Hi s4 H4'nH 88S 1M .... H74 .... STT .... BN4 .... S October . November December VXW.TOBK COr TEX MAS KIT. Kew Tork.- Jan IT. "offee future closed unchanged to' 6 point higher. Today official coffee market; -ttlil. Ask. I Bid. ktVt June 51 a 5fl.4ui riecember ,.6 W Sd.nfl July .40 6 4o laneary d DO 4 66 August ... . Wirebruary ... M T.oo Senteniber-tL ! March T OO T.I October ... n Ad U T0 April ...... T.06 T.lt November. .. 5-T6 0 buy ....... MO T.15 .- Xew Trk Cash Coffee. Xew 'Tork. .June- 1T.Csh coffeer- Ka. Bio, Te- Na- 4 Santos, 6Wc - . TOKOPAH atlKIMa STOCKS. ' : - San Praneleco. June 17. Official close: Bid. Hin. .1 .07 .11 -.-.15 .10 . .7n MS . ".7d Montana . ., Midway ... McNatnara Belmont '. .awv Cash Bog ..... . 11. lAdams . .45 IMnhawK . l.lTHIDlslw--.-amtrr . .Ad l Kendall . - .on It'nJumbla Mt. .. Nofth Star Gold Mountain. .11 IJumbo llm Butler T7 I do Extenaloa.. Nevada UU Block Butte.... Ton. Kxtsasloa. 4.e Klnldea Anchor Red Too 41 I Ray O'Hrlea ... .ON Ooldleld ....... .64 bandatrom . . . .64 pair j on in null rrog... ,x do gitea..... .ia iitsmond rwHI., Lane Htsr .... .08 llom .M .03 .. AIT' PBAMC16O0 LOCAL STOCKS. S rrknrtsc. Jon IT. Offlclxt cloee: Bid, V" Ask. Spring Tslley Wtrt BJ H K.s Francisco Oa Electric-.. 6d' 6a - Olant Powder v.. T0 Tl Hawallsa Commercial ........7... 6x4 llnnokeaa Sngar cm 1T ,, Kllaneau Sugar 8 MakaweH Sugar ft . XI Alak Parkera- Mi 56 Csllfnrnla Wine , so Ocesnle Steamship ....... ,.'.,V...'.', 414 - I' racISc" Ststes Telephone 100 lo;. cobtstock xnrnrs stocks. , Sa Frincaico, Jnne IT. Official clo: .. - !Bid. -. . .. Bid. Bullion v..'..' 5 .M'Ravage' ..$ .45 Belrber ,- .t4i'otise .U Ion. Cat.-Va J.4" l nl.is Cna. ...... .4 IKthlr a r.l Yellow Jacket- .12 Caledonia. ....... .4MRxcheaner ,'. .54 Meilcs l OMUale 4t Kortrosa.. LIS Cea. liercar ,...a ,J . ; . CATTLE WEAKNESS RESULTS IN DECLINE The Local Market ' Shows Two Slashes of Twenty-Five Cents ' . Each During the Week; t ' HOT WEATHER APPROACH L HURTS THE, HOG MARKET Sheep Are Very Pull With Weak, ness Veai Calves Quoted at Top.' PortUnd Union Stockyard. June IT. Uv. stock, receipt: . i : 'J 1 -' Hnrs Cattle flheen Thla week ....4 241 6J Lt . week...,...,. 8M . 1.016 4.744 Prvlou wi-k 105, 5.876 d.aod Atof.tb ago............... 183 ' 1.834 - d.649 Kxertaw weakneaa .Was snows. In tb cattle market durtug the past six days. Th receipt wer not eo beery. - Tb demand wa weak, that telling the entire atnry. Durlag tb week there were twe rata of 25c each In the market raise and. at tha close lbs market waa ores weaker tka before the cuts were made. , '" . Hog and Shsep Dull. y , ' Becetpt af bogs were quite heavy tb past week 'and wltb the .approach of warmer weather the market assumed a very dull and weak tone. No- changes wer msds In th price, however. - - , The .beep market did not show a bvy r rival ss during tb farmer week, but th ton we extremely dull. - . There wa a gosd .demand all through the wevk for veal calves of good quality sad tbe. market waa strong at ae for th beat va net lee decretory Mummer aaya h axpecU tbl do mino to continue. . t , offltial t rice for livestock: ling Bert eastern Oregon, ' S5.T5t6.00: blockers led Chins fsts, S6.O0Ot.26; storkcr ad feedeis. 64.Ooa4.2S. .. t attle Bret' eastern Oregon . steers. 13. 50O 6. T!; . light and medium steers, 63 95 l.f0: old and light eow-f, 61.7602.00; atoeker and feedst-. 61.78; bulls, 61.60. Sheep Besftsaey spring lsmhs. 4c. Isep Heat- fsaey eAeep, 63.001 awaa, 52.T3: f '.ilveo Good . vasL- lAOVto- 30O- pound, be; rougk.aad heavy, 3HQ4.' 1 n. BsoslpU ef Week. Rstiieday Ceerga Brown of Corvallli. two care of ciUle; J C-Davla of Bhedda, car of heep; W. U. Malllgan ..of Wallula. car -f bomea ; - . Hunday Four if ars of rattle for -the Pacific Cold storage ewa pany, from Pomeroy, , Moodav r. B. Walt ef Rosehurg, two car ot rattle: - W. T. Rummenr.nf Pomeroy. three cere ef cattle: lr P. Rhea of Ion, carload of rattle; C C. Clrk of Arlington, car f cattle nd hos-s: six esrs of csttle from Csllfornla for Taroma;. Cusrieb Butler of Shanlko, twe ear of sheep: R. U Overton or Rowland. r three car af cattle: ioseph Kubjil ef St. Helena, SO bead of cattM.' Tneeday J. C. Pari of Shed da. car nf cattle; (3. H. Willord of nraln, carload of cattle; J. R. nixna of Wlltrar. three cars of cattle; W. R. Jgat of Reedvllle, bunch of amb;vr.'- B. Ferguson ef Amity, er af bogs; C. Zimmermen f"of North Ttmhlll. carload ef sheep, bogs snd veal calves; 1- V,". Redd of Carlton, two ears af sheep end bogs; Frye-Bruha Co. of Beat tie. eight car of cattle from California; four car of sheep from Shealka- for- Tseoma. "" "" Wednesday J: Beck Icy of Drain, ear af cat tle: A. B. Smith .of 'Oakland, nine cars of cattle;-' at Putsch nt Mount Angel, ear of sheep. . Thumdsy W.' A. Rellstley of Toledo, rsr of ' H; 'x7. Dsvbi Ot fta laey, two ears of hM ..ri boas: U. P. K.tchom A Aw .f Th. nslfes, 'two care bf sheep end 00s eer of cattle! Le. Wilier af Mlllerahura. two cars -f been and bog. J. I. Densmore of Salem. 000 head of stork sheep from th yards . to Salem during th week . : OFF; CLOSED UP Speculative Wheat Market Gains an "Eighth Cent at Close 7 Ji San Francisco. " CARLOAD OF NEW RYE " -' X1S RECEIVED AND SOLD Cherries Are of PooT Quality " New Potatoes Too Plentiful AfrWeaker. (Special DUpatch by Leaaed Wlr to Tb Journal) faa Frsariseo, Jun 17. la wheat, specula tive markets opem d weaker yesterday st 61.86 for- December, reverd to 61 M and Ckxed at 51-3da. or H higher than on Friday. Tbe sn,,t n.arket was dormant.. There wer receipt of 5,627 cental. ecember bsrley " clcaed a fraction higher. The spot market wss wesker. There were re ceipts of ,T18 cent els. Oats- ware arriving mora freely, but prices continued aomlnal. Cora was easy. A carload af new crop rye wsa re ceived. It arid prior to arrival at 11.00 per cental. Hay remained as previously quoted. As yet there hss been ao eetabltahed market fur new crop. Beans are without esotable change. The steamer china took out 5,060 harrele of flour for China. Boiled barley, waa1 lower aad otber arrlerl were unchanged. . - Cherries Are Peer. - There were" generally slight vsrlatlona in fruit price wltb here nd there a alight Im proveateal Incldeatal to tb Sunday retail trade. Cberrlr ar no longer regularly quotable, tbe offerings being. smsll and mostly poor. Pscksd had a general rsnge of TSc to 51 for drawer ad fists, aad Ions - from 6e to So a pound. Kotwltbe:andlg tha two dsvs' demand, cberrle were weak all around. Fig were la fair quantity ar.d at lower price.- A carload each of ctntalorpe aad watermelons will be due en Monday from Coachllll. There wer no watermelon yesterday, but cantaloupes were plentiful enough. A caaaer wsa la tha market for river aprlcota at 6104118 per ton os the wharf and np. to 618 wa mentioned. - There wss a little better supply of grape fro at. Tama. Fin pearlK ware firm. , Pets. toe Ar Weaker. ' Th wbkrf was overloaded with new potatoes aad price were much weaker. Other articles wer week all along tb line. -1 he dairy market generally remained ae pre. vlcwaty quoted Ith aa easy to weak. tone. A carload nf New Tork rheea wa due. Betng aew, It will sell so mew kat aader previous quo tation. October cheese aaa been toa scarce f 1st to quote, mirlnar tbe day threw ear 10a as mr eastern powury arrive., in" iu'ii.i. v msup u. i nneinectedlr from Texss. Oh market yes.l terdsv , 0 oeurr' ck-fne ' ap , aad rather teedler. KIW TOBX BAKK STATEhUBT, . ew"York. Jun IT. Baak statement: 1 11 1 Reserve ..TT.A.'rr..,,..' I imn.nno S. ;'.... lani.kss i., l6.A40.iin lens Specie . , aaa vno ' t.l30,3CiA 15.4A2.onn T63.T0O .egals ( Ircnlatlon , Decuasa, Sterling Batae. s New Tork: June if. Sferllns rata! De OPTIONS maad, W7.2SJ v dsjs, M , SATURDAY TRADING MERELY NOMINAL Sales Very Small and ' Some . Leading; Stocks Not Traded In at All. " , BANK STATEMENT CAUSE .i OF MUCH DISCUSSION peneral Tendency of .Market Is , Downward The War Scare ; Causes No Comment LO88E8. 'Aasconda ., AmsJersmated Atchlauu . . ; Krle. Id pfd....... K Illinois Central , ...IVi Mi Louisville ::::: S Car V foundry.. v.l Sugar ...a V Smelter ' ..,..,... 5 Baltlmor , i Uetropolltaa klextcau Csntrsl ksty " U do areferred . U 7 BTOOSiya Canadian ...... Alton, pfd ..... St.. Paul v... C. K.-'W... ,-TBir.. 1. veniTBl " .'. .TT . Ik I Norfolk Weat...l ..vriuis m nn(,',,i ' North American .. U Vrth Aoi.rlran. ., i Out. A Weetera... H .1 .North voioraoo sue I Pennsylvania ...... a. Colorado Southern., VitOas J nesojiig .......... fsclne stall. u du 2d pfd- 1, Southern Ksllwsy., C Republic Steel .,..1 Houthern Pscltle ..' do pfd v An, a, p...in H ...J Union fsclda ..... Hi do pfd de pfd 1... wUteel ... Wis. Central, pfd.. I de pfd Bock Island ...... V WalMaa , ..... H ADVANCES. Wisconsin Central.. H Western Caloa Missouri . Paclno.., fe . , . . II Blreet. New rrirxT Jun IT. An unex pectedly unfavorable bank statement was a factor In tbe general sagging of price. Firmer discounts sbreed and a growing demand for gold in Parle and other continental canters in also Influences In th msny predictions of early gold shipment hum New York.-. The foreign political situation and the Cabled reports of friction between Oermsny and Fraaee llso exerted a cbe-k apoa apeeulatlv activity. At the jam tlas, foreign -market reflected Ht tie epprehrnsibn, wltb Berlin and Psrla firmer on reportwthar" the -political situation bad im proved. Bcnewed internal trouble Id Buesls wer regarded ss fsvorshl fictor toward peace wltb Japan. Huailan bond and Japsnesa Is sues scored good gains abroad. In. London the tone ass steedy but dulL Americana closed with - frsctiMsl loaa after early Irregularity. Arbitration busmen here was aomlnal. Transact ion Tsry Light. ' Special DUp'atch by Leased Win to Th Journal) New Tork.. Jime IT. Even for a Baturday In early ,ummaa transactions In tbe stock market -were woefully light. The opening was dull to the point of stagnation with aa all- around fractional depreseioa ' which waa appar ently owing only to the pmcea . of spprox Imstlng ths quotatlona of Americans in Toadoa. Th movement wta vary Irregular, however, snd with Increased selling pressure la tb final half bt-ur after tbe pour bank statement. V Tnt it-Taking U Beading., . w 'Heading waa again th feature, and on profit- taking loat a atnut fraction, ar about all yee terday'a rally ' Tblt reset toa was mad despite generel 'confidence that tha dividend 'Will be Increased next week. Smaller . fractional de cline, rrr a leh made la sorb leading Issue I'nloa Pacific, Copper, Atchison, Baltimore aV Ohio, .'Brooklyn Bapld ; Transit. St. Psnl, Mu-souri Pacific, and Lulled Btatee Steel la. HIM, sletropolltaa secorHler KH shunt -1 point and XletroivslUan lUllroad a fraction.-Ctrtrasn 4 NorthweeUrn wss prominent with n .drop of 'haat ,i polata and Kstlons ?LBt- see nona marses wss mucu more c atocka, w!thHJL'kua galn tb feature. Tb dos w dull arnt fahly alesdy ia toss. v: Trad Baports Favorable. -----General trade reports were largely favorabl. SOME HAYE DROUTH OTHERS HAVE RAIN Crops fof Grain in Pacific North west Show Good Form Pur- " ing Past Week. MIDDLE WEST AND SOUTH MAKE MANY, COMPLAINTS United Kingdom Gets Too Warm WathftBWiiMiiihlie Nswilfil in Russian Fields. Weather conditions in tbe rsrlfle northwest were Very favorable for the growing grata crop, according to special report received by The Journal. There 1, however, much fer thst too much - rala le doing considerable damage ta the erope ef wheat In tbe southwest snd In some psrta of the middle west. Bed rast aad other danger three tea th crop In thus sec tion. , Tb following ar report from Broomhsll: United Kingdom The westher hss turned much warmer. The agricultural pspnea contain many comillnt a to tb effect -of tbe drouth and recent cold wind oa the (prlng cereal crop and still mors wltb regard to grass crops, potatoes snd roots, early potatoes hsvlng Suffered severely . from frost In msny districts. Tbe drouth has now lasted for many weeke, for althwtga -It has bees broken at variou time by some nice showers, jet there has been no soaking rain and a light bay erop most be -expected. Of the winter wheat there le some meatloa of a rnety-lhoklng dag re sulting from tbe drouth, but sew. of th crop generally to atlll sstlafaitory aad from our own observation wa should say It 1 1 not very backward, although we bsv not yet heard of tbe proverbial May wheet ear. Buesla Th drouth In th southwest hs( been relieved by further reins snd the fell appears to have been fairly generel. Weather condi tions In the Berth and renter, ar reported to be favorable. Beporta continue to mention difficulties with railway transport and port atocka generally are rather light. Shlpmenta last week wvra smaller. - Roumanla Ficept In a few localities which fstled-1 est their share of the recent rains ths cross are making good progress and high bopee are entertained of.su riceptionsUy good yield f wbe.t. . ShtpuMnts lest week were again oa a liberal scale. Bulgaria rep reports are quite favorable. Auetrls-Hangsry The westber lest week wsa rslnr and cool and a drier perl! la aow de sired to prevent the spread of ruat. The crop are eieo needing signer temperatures, (.peek ing generally, people sr satisfied wltk tb ap pearance of the crop. Turkey la Kurep Beporta from southern dlslrlels mention some break of the psrlud of flea weather, but whea our laet advtra left there had frees little 0 aa. relief of tbe , . I . . M iudls Near erop.. Moment, from Ksrrachea ar, now beginning and - sr took for fair 14 liberal quantities la the coming mouth. ShT meet uat wevx were on a iinevai srsie ara- erally snd it sppeara thst Calcutta aad Bombay asva mor wneai ror enspwei tasa some peo ple expected. ' Au.ir.lU Further beneScisl rslna are re ported by cable. . . ..... , n . - . , Argeettan Westber eoadltloaa continue fs vorshl for tb new eedlng. Ship siesta last week dropped ta amall Sgures, bat wa bear the opinion axpreesed thst "offerings ar likely te be lark ia th near future. It aaost not be forgotten, however, that tb com crop ka to be vahippea aaa tnat the aeeeoei will be t It height la tb next two ar three months. Transport aad tonnage room will have to be provided for this,' which will reduc th sup ply available for Whsst. Franc ia tptta af tka racent eald arsathar. hot with enoabl slaekaeaa ta miny-tndns- tne. Bnk ewsnnga compared wltb the pre vloua week wer 28 per cent over la.t year. Coeupllatlona nt rsllroads war slo favors Ms and It la sow regarded aa cartels tkat the railroad -fiscal yeer ending wltk thla snoatk will show aew high. record features both as regsrds grata aad net esrnings, Transaction la atocka and boada today com pared es follow with tbos ot th same day last year: '.-" Number ef sh.re sold today, SS.SOOj year ago, K4.T49. . , - VsKmI of bond sold today, J, 346.000; ysar so, sjts.uoo. mall Trad Baordd. - 4 A number of usually active . share scarcely appeared aa the Up during th first half boar ot trading. Where- they did appear at all alngl sales of 100 or 200 shares wer often recorded. Among those dull wer St. Paul. Louisville, Bock lalsad'. ' People's Uaa snd American Smelting . V. Refining. . The ticker stood motioalese tor lotig period. Not Ingl ala af New Verb. Ontsrlo Weetarn tork . waa mad during the aesstou. : Peaayl rsnla wsa one of four stork sble to show a baro gala aftsr tha bank report csme out. As a rule price eased off, but In this ease th toek. which' opened at ise'fc, sola np 10 16n4 and sbowsd soma lgna- of aa axtaadlng Interest., j. vr . . ,- . - saarhetT. I DBSCBIPTIOIt. Anaconda Mining T5T" Aiusl TB TB 1S Aolal. Copper Co. T 102 63 BT 1X8 H 118 l1k 63 10 S 3.1 -TT A tchlson, commoaw. .4 61 . aa prexerrea Am. Car foundry, . S3 no urerarrea Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelter,-. do preferred Bait. Ohio, com.,,,. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 134 112 134" U2 164 ' 11- ios 4- 64 10 Vk Can. PeiSerom. 160 160 k loi. Aium. com do preferred , i nt.r-ii. ei nt. raui... Chi. A Northwaat., com Chi. Terminal Hallway. Chesapeake A Ohio .... Colo. Kuet A Iroa. eon l-olo. Southern, com,,.. Com. South.. Sd pfd... mi, ltww 1TS ikil ITS. lUOls m. iwii id 40 2 3d 6T 27 68 42 , siii 42 42 si i' 68 Colo, Southern, lt pfd. venvcr m hio urno, ci do preferred , Erie, com . dot 2d preferred 40 1 40S ioii 1 4014 06 Th Erie, let preferred IlUnola Central T8 lauvilHiil Un u i Hf. C 12X122 U00 160 Loula. A Nsahvtll.... 14AV, 4Alfc kletropolttan St. Ky... Manhattan Railway ... Met. Central Hallway.. Missouri - r"ptncrrri-. . klo., Ksn. A Tex , opm. do preferred . New York Central 1 Northern Pacific Nocthera Securities .... Norfolk A West., com.. North .Aasertoaa ...... N. nt., A West.. Psnn. Hallwsy ........ People O.,- L. A C. Co. Preseed Steel Car, com, .do preferred- Pae. Mall 1 Steamship Co. flesdlngxommoa -do 2d preferred. .... ' do 1st preferred . . . j . . Ben.. Iron A Steel, com. 00 preferred . . ; Bock Intend, com....... Bock Islsnd. preferred.. 1224a, .... li .-..A 2u S?5 55 S7i VS nib 140 1M8 - tmuV T8H so TS T vn 60 'A 134 1HT, 5 1R44 1H4-. 101 101 rH 30 1 38 . M14 ..... w4 IT . 7u, Jttii P zt i 61 'si 61 tT auirtn. Hsiiwsy 31 ? rtrt preferred Southern Pacific 52 62 51 1 ao preierrea i , J St. L. A 8. ejit pW.! 11B 06 I 66 I 64 I 04 at. u. n. w.. 22 2U jesss a Ferine tenn. Coal A Iroa Toledo, St. L. A W., a. do preferred . t'n'oa ricirtc. com..MJ do preferred ........ U. S. Leather, com.,... do preferred. ..'...,. 11. S. ' slubber, com.,..,, do preferred - , T6s T6 T6 7S 66 122 122 122 1KU vi Sk 12 KSIU 57 541 ko lioiw P. a. nlreLL! nia. (estrai. com.. do preferred Weil. Union Telegraph. Wabash, 'coraaton 'do preferred M 60 4 18 Ms 3T -- do ' preferred luo Total sale for day, 63.900 shares. th wheat crop continue to look wall, and our enrreapondeut t Nantea write that it I com ing Into car In warm aad very dry weatber. We aota there are eons complaints af drouth, but th apriug cereal are more llkelv to auffer damage from thkt thaa la winter wheat. Sup. pnes ar native wheat remain quite mall aad prices aa country markete are firm. - Italy Dsmsgs from ksavy rains ta northern districts are officially conftrrned, bat elsewhere tbe agricultural outlook la favnrsble. Snstn Further rains bsva fallea, but It la believed they, came too lata to aava th crop In tb outh. Tha proposed further reduction or snsueaslon of Import duties on cereals snd flour Is in abeyance, aa tha miller have aadertakea to supply- whst Is wanted for tbe fsmlne- trlrkca provinces st reduced rates. ftelrlnm and Holland .Tha weather has turned milder and more seasonable, after being very harsh tor the tlma of year. Germany Complaints of ansessonshly dry weather continue to be received from Hamburg, but ail vices from Berlin say that the recent rslna had a beneficial affect apoa tha-cmpe and that complaint bav almost ceased: th recent esslnsss of th Berlin msrket conflrma tho latter reiorts. . Warm, forcing weatber a) the blMallniptilwflthi' 'tri aiuab'ort! Supplies f f astlve whest remain scarce. North Africa Recent advice from Algeria and Tunlk ahnar that tha, imprnvamant la crop. condition I mslntslned. Wheat hi expected to be a good erop, barley poor To-good. FBIKABT SHlPsTJKTS AKPCXKASAKCXS, Chicago, June if. Primary receipts:" Today Tear ago. Bush. Bush. Whest 22.l.0ioe 2Bfl,ono Corn .....,iiuti,iMiiiu 674,000 . 661,005 Shipments: Whest ....184.000 - 488,000 Corn 861.0H0 053.000 Clearances: Whest. S.ono bushels: flour, IS, 000 bushels; Cora, 445,000 baobele; ota, 51,000 bushels,.,- - CHICAGO CASK .WHS AT. . . . . , . ... . - r - Chicago, June IT. Ceah wheat: i Bid. Ask. ltoTSTeit No. 3 red Sol 3 bard No. 5 bard Hi. 11 ii .ao l.oo .o 1 I4! 1.08 , 1.00 rSl rio" 1.06 No. 1 norther No, nortkera No. 5 spring . CHICAOO SBAIK OAK LOTS. Chicago, June IT, Orala car lots: Car. Grade, KstrlSnd! Wheat 4.1.4 Id Cora ..4.W 128 446 . 34 Oete !0 1 . 175- " 64 Wheat cars today: Mlnnaapnli. 133: Dunitk, BX rear age: Miaaespon. ieat; imiuta, 77 6AK FKAKCISOO OXAIK MABXZT.' Baa Frsirisco, Jane 17 Official rloee: . . WHKAT. , Open. , High. Low. Cloee. December ....1.3d 11.30 61.SS 1.5 BABLBV. December .... .66 .86 . .55 .88, - 'Ltvevp! kfarket. ";--'.' --r- : Liverpool. June 17. Close! Wheat Jnly, ka- rbangec); Septemoer, d big her; Uecembef. as- chsnged. ' , Cora July," Hd lowarr September, d fewer, "lr."lAITK HOOS STIADT.T"-- ChlCag, June 1T. Cklcsga' , . . . . . Livestock recelpte: 1 1 ors Csttle ,......' 4 Sheep 1.000 Ksnssn city .6.8""- . 40O " Omaha 8MO SIS), 804 Itxge opened steady, with 4.6ce left ever. nefeipis n year age ,,j,,. . r n--w . Mlied. A J046.4T1.: food 8d hev.' 66 .SOlJ 6.47: rough d heavy, 4 ef.30j light, 56"il5.43 I Cett u Steedy. , "-' : Sheep Stedy. t To the Warships. Threa-rnlnutd aervlca.' Favorite Boat ing rnrnpany. foot Morrlsoa ktraet. south o( prldfsw -' . lo.ooo. , Pri. RISE IS RESULT OE UNEASINESS Liverpool Wheat Market ' Easily . Responds to Bullish Attitude . "7 -0f chlcagor 7 TOO MUCH RAIN AND1 ' IL NOT ENOUGH SUNSHINE Conservative ' People Now Get Jting Alarmed Cash Demand : Rules , Very Strong. ' SATCRDAV S WRRAT.MABKrr. Olie Cliwa Cats Prl. Sat. .8114 6 .01 .64lB .Oil's '.64l iOO Sat. .T f .8.1TI -84'-, . Sat. -t"Al .8AHA .B6B Jnlv Sepfc Dec. . - fPnrnlahed by-Overberk, Starr a Cook Co.) -Chicago, June IT. Logan Bryaa say: The restutuH. In the Liverpool report reflect un esalusss existing s broad -over oar crop" con ditions. Broomhsll estlmstea tha world s ship ments at about 11,200.000 bushel, aad predlcte a fair derreaa on passsgs. Th northwest reports a fair demand rur cath wheat with rboic stuff slightly blgher. MlaaapuUs-rlre pattDta down 30 rente, which accounts for the slight-Improvement In flour business. Th start of th market was -somewhat eaeler. notwlthatandin the weather si a a showed ao Impmvemeut in northwestern .con-. dttlone or tbrouginiie-central portion of win ter wheat country. The heeltatloa .was only momentary, however, aa at tha low level there seemed to be order enongh to rally the mar ket. Beporta from the southwest srs atlll aa favorable aa to yield. This Is particularly true In Kspsss, where Hi ere .were bright crop- pros pect. Ia tbe aortbweet eoadltloaa are atlll larinlng snd th moat' conservative people la the trad srs saxtous aa to tha final outcome of the crop. They have been getting too much moisture and the plant aow needs wsrm weather and sunshln.. At best the crop to tending stlU If not deteriorating. . Ths foe Le'r political situation undoubtedly Contributed I somewhsno Ihskirehf fS rfl tfidtTT miTkeTT I The possibility of Oermsnw-snd Prsne tsklng ap anna sgainsi ca otnev te anotner ir mn, whic'b. in connection with uncertain crop prospect, -fire at an W,- te etpecte" vosev TTie msrkets en at any time. The eltoatloa to us looks strong. Tha market seem to bav enndder ble mertl at present, the factors being a fair raah demsnd snd tha critical altuatloa In tbe north and southwest. The Jmmedlst futur will be governed entirely by lb westber aad damage report. - , ; ' Corn Market Stroag. Th corn market wa atrong throughout the sessloa. Tha anfavorabl weather throughout th corn belt la helpful to the bull aid, aa art also tb dally ah I p men t a and rood cash de mand. ' There bns been la recent aeeeloaa ex cellent buying of ' May and- Dcmbr. , - Sympathy Kules Osts, -la eats tha market ruled higher In aympa tbr with other pit and while- th -advance wa only moderate, the bull fever awvartbele made a fairly active market out of aa ordlaary dull on. Th coming crop promise to- be a large one and atocka and the present visible la large. Tha prcvlalcn market eloaed atrong aad higher ad all tbinjigh tha session provision Were la better demaud. Huge at tn yards -Were 'olkr official mrktv:J -J" Open. .' High. -Tw. Cloaa. July..., S7....S-m .874' ..88 A Sept.. 86- .83 .86 B .SOVsB .62B .00 IMC...... Old July. Old Sept. ' Old Inc.. .4 .68 .61 .60 -.83 " .63 .61; .60 COBN. - ..64 -.624, .Sfl OATS. rSlt ' .2- ".29 .301 . 0A at Ens runt. JXTT . 13 80 IJ 8T . XulyT Sept. T5.TT 18110 JUL. 16.00 16.10 - 12.ST aa it. Mtr XML. July..... T.ST- T.ta TOO T.4T ' T.66 . T.4T T.66 T.5T T.6S SHOBT BIBS. TRO HI T.4T T.T6 T6T TT6 T.80 - -T.SS - t.TT " T 52 T.63 T.6I Ties T.8S IH Sept..... Oct. July.. Kept.. Oct... ' aV NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY - rKixosonrr. . tjiclvsixs xtkios. - 6llmaa. Mrs. C. S- Horn, It Work and ladueoce. v. . Henderson. C. H. Children af Good Fortune. - kallar, A-. Optimism. r Wood. Henry New Taoaght Simplified. BtXIOIOV. Fechaer, 0. T, LttU Book at Ufa After Death. Jneepb. Morris Judaism Creed and Life. Mct'sdyen. J. B. Old Testament Criticism and the Christian Church. Mauds, Ay let Peculiar People: tha Doukho- IWi?orvP,"Eecorda and t la bs Lgad WgT"lrr e f Aa- yrta aad Babylonia. OOIOLOOT. onthVra M. B- A ftex PrW-Whatl Clark, J. B. Problem of Moaopoly. (Ihent, W. J. Msss snd Class. Ohent, W. J. Our Benevolent Feudalism. Lewis, C. M. Gawayne aad tha Greea Knight, ..j: . klorlaon. O. 8. New Epoch aa . Developed by th Manufacture of Power. aa Torat, Bessie aad Marie Wems vee Tolle. ' SCTTKCI. Comatock, Mrs. ,A.B, Wya at the Six Footed. r Conn. H. W. B.cterls. Tssats aad Molda la th Horn. Furneeux. W. S. Ele menta ry Ch em la try. . Hellprln, Angelo Kartb and -Its History. Pence. W. X). and Ketchum, M. S. Manual ef Field and Ofdce Mttkoda for the Use ' ef -4 Students in Surveying. Birgcnt, C. Bv ilsuuai ax in I rre 01 .lovtn Amsr rica. guivii utb. JL11-C F. Kallroad Curve and Esrthw.wk. Brown A Sharps Manufacturing Company, Providence. Bhoda Islaad Practtral Treatise aa Oearlng. - Oobara. F. D. Swine Husbandry. Hope, Linton Small Xarht Constractlta and Biasing. Johnaon. F. M. Practical kflalaat aad Aa- sarlna. " I M Luptoa. " Arnold Practical Trestlse ea Mlae Surveying. TIME ABTS." IBCHTDtBO AM USIaTEirTS. , Berensna, Bernbard trawinga ef tba Florea- Une Painters. ' BuebUnann, J. Architecture at C la sale Aa- eiaulty. Crane, Walter Of tbe Decors 1 1 v Illustra tion of Books old and New. Gardner. Percy Grammar ef Greek- Art. - Hamm, M. . A. Eminent ' Actors la Tbelr Borne. Japan; Big Colored Pit tss bf Verio Japaasae Artlau. - Moor. Mr. It. H. Old PuraltBre Book. v Piatt. C. A. Italian Garden. Reynold, Marcel La Sculpture. Floraatln. Four volumes. WIsMO. B. M. Book of Drilla aad Msrchea. UTXBATTJBE. Pamett. L. D, Greek Drama. Brown, W. U. ua of CompromIN 6nd Other -Bessy. ' - Oarrett. X. IT Fllsabethaa Bongt la Honour of Love aad Beaatla. - . -p , - ESCBirnoT aw o TSATit. ...;.', . Beena, A. M.Janeneee Interior. Benke, M. B. Heroee of the Soatb Sena. Chang. Chlh-Tung CMna' Only Hope. I Duncsa, Bormaiv If. flrenfelVs Psri.h. ' Rtplorerg. (Little Mseterplecee af Science 1 Owyan, S, I Itlgkasya aad Byway Is Donegal and Antrim, , Herbertsoa. Mr. F. L. T. Africa. " " OVERBECIC, OTARR & CCC'i: Members Chicago Boe.nl cf Trade. J, qbatw, FfeOTiBiox-s, ooTTow. STOcrs x:s r , i , -, .' - 10 Third Street, McKay Bullilln. Port' il f . , , wa so A' rrxxoTr err : Contlnuoua Marketi. by Frtvst Wire. Ci' - ' , : sUlton. banherg, anl Un'-V 1 I ' i . ". 'i ' ' i PINCUS HAS SOLD DECLARES DEALER Broker Says That Tacoma 0p . erator .In Hops Mtv ; - - Dropped fight, FORMER BULL LEADER HAD HEAVr HOLDINGS r- Right Hand Associate of Con rad Krebs Leaves Market " '" .::..-to Its Fate ' - Have Isaac Ptacaa A Sows deeerted Conrad Kreb la .hi effort te fore tha bop market back ap tha ladder Until H reaches sue. - There are strong reports la this market that aach Is tb fact. Leaders la tb kop market very close te Plaeu say that th otber day be had only about SO bales remaining to anload aad Degttiattuaa - veer ea at that tin le cleea nut the remalhdse of thaaa. . . ; Oa dealer who ka transacted great deal ef business fox r incite aaya that ka waa aelllng. hop for th Taeniae maa while big bulllsbi stories were coming oat thick and fast from the City of Destiny. Of all the bullish ' dealers In ' tbe Psdf l ' northwest during tha present season Isaac P1s ens V Son of Tscoms wer th Readers. . Ptaena ; waa Conrad Krese' right hand associate la th recent formation af tbe Oregoa pool, aad tba report that the firm hss slid from aader kaa ' caused tha market la thla city ta waakea coo. alderably. During the st week tba kop market wag aot aolte a dall aa the preceding week, bat tba too was wssker. Dealers were ready to bny a small amount -af storks st certain Bgoret, these being several ceata aader tba market ef tbe former week. Msny .growers wba joined tha lata pool tiled to bold etfff, -bat th preesar tu u great and the aalaa were by thoaa who c mld hold no longer. The bop erop shewed quite aa Improvement la) thl -tat Staring tha week, th weather being about aa favnrsble ss could be asked for. H. Ottenhelmer, who returned from aa .y. j. silesded trip through California., aaya: "Sotoa : time egw tae wnwiia enp wsa leosina veer bsrkward aad uneven, but tbe lata warmer westher kie bad a goad affect aad tha crop is- In fair shape. Thar la ao balling la Call fornla almply beause ef tha fact that there ' la at present no demsnd." Ilerbertsoo, Mr. T. L, D. Asls.. '. 'Tlerberton, Mr. V. L. D. North America. . Ingeranll Erneet Book af tbe Oca. Kooi. MJ. W. Japanese Llf In. Tow god Country. ! . Morss, E. 1. Ollmpsea af Cklaa and Chines Borne. - ('arsons. Alfred Notes la Japan. t , Phlllpotta. Edn My Devon Year. ; J '- Raukln, Baglnald Subsltern's Lftter to BIS Wife.' t - Khodea, D. P. Pies sure-Book ef Orladel- Kandav, William -snd Wkterhooa, P. fleered t Sltea of tha Onepela. , I Stevenson. Mrs. M. I. From Saranae. to tha. -Marquesas aad Beyond. : - Brkea, S. C Through Persia 'sal a Side-Bad. aaddle. - '. ' Symoada, Arthur Citlea. - ---n.'- Willace. Dlllo Lure of tb Libridor Wild. , Whitney, Casper Hawallsa America. , . .. , ' Wllllsms, S. B.. Jr. Hill Towas af Italy. '--- - K1K0KT, '- --"-.-' Allen. 0. W. Our Navy and tha Barbery; Corsslrs. . .. '.; - Dellenbaagh. I. 8 Breaking th WUderkna. uardner. K. a story or s ioreuce. U Prom Tokl -TkroagB .Man BIOOBAPKT J :'.- " . BeaconeSeld. Bsnlamtn Dlaraell, Flsat F.arl of BeaconsdeldX-Aa t'nconventlonal Blograpky; ' by Wilfrid Mcynell. i Rrlrirman. Lattra Turs Tlildamea. ' Tr tewsWouir-wflTrnd-mstH Her; by Mrs. M. (u.) Elliott and Mrs. F. M. (H.) -'Hall. -Chsrles II. King of England After Wor cester Fight: by Allsn Fes. Columbus, Christophar Story of Columbust by Mr. E. (B.) Seelye. - . Cramner, Thomas Thomas Cramnar aad tba Engjllsk Beformatton, a8-l6; by A. W. Pol. . Thackeray. W. It. William Makepeace Thackersyi by Charlss Whlhley. Webster, Daniel Daniel Webstar; by Koran Hapgood. , - ' tTCTXOV. . A da ma, Andy Otaist. , Austin. Mrs. M. Isldre. Chambers, B. W. Heareb for tb rnkaows. .. ' ' Orenfell. W. T. Harvest of tb Be. Owen, Belle Prslrls Winter, by aa IDJaeiS Girl. ' Rohlfs, Mr. A. B Mlllionalr Baby. Sbafr, Mi. S. A. Beyond , Chaacs at Change. I Kinciair. stay invins nra. Spesrmsa. F. H.fr eTve of Foley aaa) Other Ballrosd Stories. I nilerhlll. Evslya Gray World. . WUaiaoB, aad A. L eMaeead BOOKS FOB OBrXSEZB. ' Horne. B. H. Memoirs af a Loadoa Doll, by airs, rswviar. lilrda of. Oreena snd Wash. ington. . Htoriea of American Pioneer. Warren, H. p. Stories From English History, From B. C. 66 to A. D. 1IM1. 81ns-, for with hands. Onw-thttmb-snd fr flnjers aplaca, Thar built tho temples ot Egypt, snt, Oreoc: . y . . Bine, for In many lands Are thing of uaa find beauty sawn, " That .without hands had nsrsr baan t Without skilled hands! .. With hands, deft hands. No lily Is mor lovely, ho. Nor cart tha a wan mora sraces show Than lady's arm commands! O strwnsttv as of a s-tant's srrlpt - - . .- O firmneas meet to ststr a ship! o swart, male Bands! Frank hands, free hands. When shall my Uttle ones grow great And ctaap such huge ones- fop thelf . mate? ... ' . ., Who thinks, who understands,.! 1 How hands of soldiers and of king-, " I And all thoaa by prlnceaee waved. -' Wers one a .baby's hands and craved For JWi sling- toys and shlnlna; things. , T. flturg Moore In ths Academy. " ; A ttob sf Wstory. " '" -From ths Philadelphia North American. Nebuchadnexxar wma aetlns grass la the pasture. - ) Suddenly a terrible thought strnrkt him. "If I keep this up."-ski he, sittln? hp on his hind legs, "It won't be long; ere the funny mea are alluding- to ana aa a cattle) kln." " Perhaps It was this that curel him, for ha went back to tha pal no shortly sfterwsrd. . .-'."T-,. Bowirma.' Kovsttre at . CflWtl r-- . . (Eatabllahed 1561.) mI AT STOOX BBtOKBaVaV Beans 4, aVroaad floor, OXABUBB OF CQXZZ - '