The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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    1 . J
V ' ' - . r- -
: r 1 t; W- lx ; ' ' Sg 1
HUB 'might hava been termed Call
fornla week as ao muon cuter
talnlng haa Men dona In their
' building- --at the fair. On all
1 aide the hospitality of the Callfornlana
remains unchallenged, and Mra. Fllcher's
and Mrs. tWIgglns' right aare must bum
frequently for the delightful things that
are constantly being; aald about them.
Then, too, there win charmln- party
of Ban Franctacana here for. two or, three
days, and they were eo hospitably re
ceived that they were almoat tempted to
prolong their atay. uuiaia 01
tton eventa. Mra. Dolph' reoeptlon waa
th most notable, and many of these
vlaltnra wars a ilea t a or nonor.. .aura.
TiAlnH waa fnrmarlY a Callfdrnlan,
' ' The Oregon building waa formally
; opened with ceremonlee . and reception
. ' Thursday. The Massachusetts building
waa opened yesterday and tha list of
invitations for the reception Inoluded
the most exclualv set In the city. Yale
day waa observed Tuesday when Preal
" dent Qood and the New York .men re
reived the "old grada" at dinner. Only
---- minora- of -. aurpaaslngly good time
. come out.
- University of Oregon day Friday waa
,' much enjoyed, and the. reception that
followed In the Administration building
"- - was largely attended by oolleg atu-
dents to whom tha Oregon college ex-
tended - oourteslea Tha college , color
or yeiiow waa aaopiwj ior it-j j
Hugen and Albany, which towns bad
,s their day at the him time. ' ' .
. Weddings . have been- coming' quite
' rapidly, and more will ba celebrated
before the month of weddings haa gone.
The Cannon-Jonea wedding haa been
. . talked of with Interest for soma time,
as tha bride la a noted beauty and a
favorite with many society people In
''. town... ..' . . . .... . '
society at the ex-
Tha reception- given by the women of
Tha California commission, . at their
, building In honor of Mrs. O.'C Pardee
--Tuesday afternoon was one of tha pleas-'
ahteat events of the fair week and Call
fornlana Bay the pleaaanteat Callfor
itair hospitality marked everything and
It waa generally remarked that the re
- freehmeuta served excelled those of any
previous occasion.
In the receiving line were Mr, par-
' dee, ' Mrs.- Frank Wiggins. Mrs. J. A.
Fllcher, Mrs. Oeorge W. MoBrlde, Mrs.
- T. a Wilcox, Mra. C. Allen Lewis, Mrs.
Kleanor Martin of Ban Francisco, Mrs.
Bcott of Oakland and Mra. Jefferson
Myers. "
" Mrs. B. R. Hamilton presided at the
refreshment table, where all aorta of
" California, dainties were served, Includ-
- Ing California pineapple aqua res, Call--
fornla plnoche, California fruits, apricot
brandy and punch of California wines.
Miss Irma Fllcher presided at the. punch
bowL - - . . . ...
. So vera! hundred gueat were In at
tendance. ; Including all tha prominent
, California women In tha city.-. Many
-'handsome gowns were worn.-Mra. Wig-
gins -waa charming In .white silk, and
- carried a huge bunch of La , France
" "roses; MrarPardea wore handsome cream
-lac; Mr. McBrida waa unusually lovely
-In a picture gown of black lac and net
-. over r, quaint flowered -allk:' Mrs. -Scott's
- 'gown ef heavy rrowerwj an x waa mucn
- admired; Mr. Eleanor Martin wore
black allk with a Illao bonnet and
,TV 1 eatbar etoie f the same bue; M rev WM1-
the all-white costume aha wore Tuesday.
.The. hostesses were ably, assisted by
, Mrs. R. R. Hogue. Mra.- A. js. tutcaey,
Mrs.W.-A. Selkirk, Mrs. R- B Norton,
" Mrs.- Walter Mackey. Mra. I. H. Max
- ' well, Mra Cyrus Dolph, Mis Dosch and
' Mlsa Camilla Dosch. Mrs. Fennyman.
1 . Mrs. Pardee'a sister, greeted the guests
at the head of 'the stairway. - Mra. Nor-
Lion sang eeveral aongs which were moat
. nthnslastlcally received. Mlsa Anna
- Stuart accompanied her beautifully.
Tha Daughters of the American
Revolution closed their day at rtha fair
" with a delightful reception at tha Ora-
aon building from 4 to .Thuraday
afternoon. - Soma 400 guests were re
' eelved by the hoatesses and much ad'
miration waa expreaaed for tha prettily
arranged decorations of flags, large and
smalU. The members of tha board were
In the receiving line and among tnem
were Mra. Warren Thomas, Mra. A. n.
- Rockey. Mrs.- Chapln, M ra Ralph -Wll-
All aboultnyVounii ere iU Biar
auerltea. red rosea and blue corn flow
era. carrying out the color scheme of
the day. The tablea were prettily necxea
' with these bloeeoms. The tea table waa
In charge of Mra. C B. Jackson.. Mra.
Stuart and Mra. Jamea Falling aaalsted.
The1 PUPP" taPlsj - was In tha hands of
Mrs. Frsnk Warren and-Mra. Noon, who
were assisted by Mra. Alex Kerr and
Mra. C B. Curry. Pretty girls helped
to pass refreshments, among them Mlsa
Helen Barber, Mlaa Helen Altmtrv Miss
Miss Leslie Knapp. Mlss Ruth Honey
" man and Miss Beatrice Balrd. A num
:. ber qf out-of-town ylsltors were among
tha guests.
The reception given Monday evening
In honor of the California promotion
committee by the president, of tha expo
itinn at the New York building waa
largely attended and the ball was moch
enjoyed: It TM Tecerving- line were
Prealdent and Mra. Ooode, Mr. and Mra.
T. Allen Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Wilcox. Dr. and Mra. K. A. J. Mackensle,
Mr. and Mra. I. N. neiacnner ana ir.
Hardee. The rooms were beautifully
' decorated and tha men In the receiving
line paid tha delicate compliment of
wearing tha bright California poppy.
1 Mrs. Ooode waa gowned in pale blue
silk. Mrs. Wilcox was handsome In
white allk net. Mra. Lewla alao waa 1
whlta net and Mrs; Mackenilo In white
" lace. Mra. Flelachner waa beautiful In
flowered laca over allk. .
' Amoni"Th ('exposition visiters none
1 has been mora entertained than Mrs.
Kleanor Martin of Sah Francisco, who
, waa with a party of California friends
at the Portland. Mra. Martin Is one of
tha'leadere of San FranclaeCr exclusive
set She haa been entertained with a
luncheon at tha Waverly links by a num
ber of young men; luncheon parties at
.'several of the exposition restaurants
have been in her honor; Mra. I Allen
' Lewis and other friends hava enter,
'talned her at dinner, and Waqneaday
' evening she wae honor gueat at-Mra
Cyrua. A. Dolph's reception. She is
' charmed with her hostesses,
i- w
" Mr. and Mra. Henry TrSeott, Mr. and
Mrs. Mountf ord B. Wilson, Mr. and Mra.
Walter 8. Martin, Mra. J. B. Crockett.
. Kdward W- Jiopklns and a few others
were prominent -Callfornlana forming a
party at the fair Uat week. They are on
their way to Yellowetona park and left
" Friday' evening- They were delighted
with thelfatay here.
w -
- An elbrtnite stag reception. -given at
tha California building Thursday even
ing. Is said to have been one of the
loveliest affairs on tha grounds. The
men of the building were hoata and their
guesta Included many prominent men of
the city. - Mlsa Camilla Dosch aerved
punch and she tells that the party was
a magnificent affair. Mra. Jajhea. Jack
aon aaalsted the California hosresses In
serving refreshments.
w -w
r Mrs. Will' Ashe, one of tha -visiting
Calirorniansv attracted much., attention
at Mra. Dolph'a reoeptlon and at other
functions by ber Impressive atyle, of
beauty. She la a handsome brunette of
stunning carriage and graceful manner,
Portland ahe calls a beautiful city of
homes and haa many admiring words
. MrBf Edward Bowden ofSeattle was
In town on Tuesday and was a guest
at the Daughters of the American Revo-
lutlon reotyttow-Mre. Bowden Is to be
hostess at the, Washington building dur
ing. Seattle week. She Is prominent In
Seattle ' society and 'a member of the
Paughtera. r r . - -
. '.. -.'v. " ' ' '
A dance waa' given to tha younger aet
Wedneaday evening at the New Tork
building In honor of Mlsa IAica of .New
York. ' Mlaa Luce haa easily found a
place among tha .younger favorites and
her charming manner and enthusiasm
make her a welcome ruest.
Mra. Madeleine B. Conkllng. of Okla
homa, moat 'worthy grand - matron- of
the Kaatern Star, will be hostess at the
Maaonlo building at tha exposition all
day Tuesday She will be aaslsted by
various member of tha local chapters.
One of tha most brilliant events f 6r
aoma time waa the reception given by
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dolph Wednesday
evening at their home, (61 Weat Pack,
In honor of-Mrs.' Eleanor Martin ot San
Francisco, and A number of other guests.
The rooms were decked with beautiful
rosea everywhere; red American Beau
tlea In, the library and .pink Caroline
Testout and La Franca la the receiving
rooms. Tha lawn waa sprinkled with
Incandeacents that the rosea might be
plainly seen aad all might recognise
tha Rosa City.
In tha receiving line stood Mr. ana
Mra. Dolph: Mra. Martin. Mr. and Mrs.
Pratt Brown of New York, Mra. Pardee
of California and President Ooode. Mr.
Ooode was not able, to be out. Other
honor guests from out-of-4own were
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thurston, Mr.
and Mrev Hhry T. Scott, Mr. and Mra
Mountford S. WUaon, Mlsa Delmaa, Mra.
J. B. Crockett, Commissioner and Mrs.
Falrbank. Dr. Loula Llsser and Slgnor
Zegglo. - Mrs. Joseph -N. Dolph assisted
aa one of the parlor hostesses
In tha dining-room Mrs. H. W. Cor-
bett. Mrs. Walter F. Burrell. Mra. W. B.
Ayer and Mra Walter B. Smith toured,
tea. Ices were aerved . by Mra. John
Kollock, Mrs, Frederick Hopkins, Mrs.
Frederick Page and Mrs.-Theron- Fell.
Miss. Mary Montgomery presided over
the punch bowL Wilder' s -orchestra
played throughout the evening. -
Mrs. Loipn was -very nanasome in
black Chantllly . laca .over - satin.
Mra. Martin wore a white brocade with
duchesse lace. Mrs. Walter Smith waa
gowned In white lace; Mrs. Burrsll in
lovely white satin with pink garnitures;
Mra Corbett in black laca over white
allk: Mrs. Ayer In white satin; Mra
Pardee in white- laca; Mrs- Hopkins in
pink Dresden; Mrs. Fell In pink silk
with "garnitures of cream lace;. Mra
Kollock in white Bilk, and Mra, Page
in whit with yellow rouonea. - It la
aald that this was on of the moat ale
gant ' displays of gowns since tha late
season opened,-" .
On Friday evening last Mr. and Mra
R..B. MoClung entertained relatives and
friends at their ; home 4i Hancock
street It was their fifteenth wedding
anniversary. The rooms were decorated
with -many varieties of flowera " Mr.
and Mra ' McClung received many fine
nlcoM nf cut Mm and tha beat wishes
Of their friends. Refreshments were
served during tha evening. ' Those .pres
ent were Mr. and Mra. C H. Jones, Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Averlll. Mr. and Mrs. A.
8. Hawk. Mr. a,nd Mra C. H. Waterman,
Mr. and Mra H. M. Haller, Mr. and Mra.
H. M. Van Deurs. Mr. and Mra. C A.
CogsWell, Mr. and Mra. O. C. Moaer,
Mr. and Mra. M. H. MoClung. 'Mr. and
Mrav- C. E.-Hoyt,- Mr.- and Mra. W- M.
awrenoe. Dr. and Mra. J. H. Brlstow,
-i-.. v..
rs. u
nisrul. Mil. E. Br
Mary Hilt Mra. H. R. Long, Mrs. B. B.
Hoyt, Misses Agnes Brand, cmoe mc
Clung. Zoe McClung, Ethel Hoyt, Ollle
Smith, Mr. Howard. Mr,'Gh4awell. J. H.
Hoyt, Tom- Hoyt and MHlar4-Mo-Clung.
Mra Zera Snow gave a pretty tea
Wednesday afternoon in honor of her
guest, Mra Robinson, of Omaha. The
roomawere very pretty with choice
rosea. Aaalsttng at the tea tables were
Mra. Thorn t a Kerr, Mra.' J. C. Alna
worth, Mra W. J. Burn and Mra-W. B.
Ayer. Among those present "were: Mra
L. Allen Lewi. Mra. Robert Lewis, Mra
Daniel Shlndler. Mrs. C. F." Beebe, Mra
H. W. Corbett Mra H. W. Mason. Mra
N. E. Ayer. Mra. Frederick Hopkins.
Miss Flandera. Mlsa Hoyt. Mra. John
A. Shepard, Mra Hunt Lewis, Mr. K.
A. J. Mackensle. Mrs. Walter F. Burrell,
Mlaa.Montgomery,M1ea Francea Lewla,
Mra. Stewart B. Llnthlcum, Mlsa Clem
entine Wilson. Mlsa Burke. Mlsa CNeil.
Mra a M. Mear. Miss Falling, Mlsa
King, .Mi Bryan, Mlsa Qeorglna
Burns. Mrs. John M. Thurston.
Tuesday afternoon Mra A. T. Wilson
entertained the Monday History club
and a few of Its friends very charm
Ingly with a picnic luncheon at her bud
urban homo at Oswego. The whole day
waa given up to enjoyment of tha coun
try and an elaborate feaat waa spread on
the ground. Tha club members present
ware: - Mrs. J. K. Bennett, Mra James
W -D.11 Mwm nr.. ntrll trm A ' T .
ciark.I Mra. Oeorge Cooper, Mrs. ' D. A.
Doud, Mra J. - P. Flnley, Miss Anna
Flnley. Mra A. W. Ooddard, Mra. B. C
Ooddard, Mm. M.' M.. Grant Mrs, H. A.
Hale. Mra H. A. Kelnath. Mra. W C
Puffer, Mra 8. A. Searla, Mra Amandee
Smith. Mra Alan Welch Smith.. The
outside - guests were: Mra Henry W.
Ooddard. Mra. T. A. Sear!, Mra Arlsa
Mra Wood, Mra. N. A. Loucks and Mra
Richard Langdon McNeer,
William A. Johnson gave a launching
party thla week In honor of hi guesta
R. O. 'Copla and H. W. Force -of Ban
Francisco. A delightful day waa spent
tn the river. . The party . eonalated of
Misses Hattla Thomaa Ida Scott Fay-
tta Johnson. Bert Wagner and Ella
Smith an Ralph Cople, Harold Force,
Walter Sharp, . Wll Johnson and Ata
Tape.. . . ' -- " .'
Mr. and Mra Jamea Haley celebrated
their silver weddlna'Tueedav. Juna 11
at thel home, Haselhedg. A rem of
heart piercing was played at. which the
winners were Mra D. I., Huff and Mr.
Buckner. the boob- going to Mra Edner
and Mr. Laughlln. Mr. and Mra Haley
were recipient of many lovely pieces of
silver. Those present were "Mr.- and
Mrs. D. I. Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea
Mills. Mr. and Mra. Laughlln. Mr. and
Mra Fonner, Mr. and-Mra. B. H. Carter,
Mr. and Mra M. Carter. Mr. and -Mra
Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Buckner, Mr. and
Mra lner, Mr. and Mra,Iove, Mr. and
Mra Wight. anA4M4ea.Benaon, Fon
ner, Langford. and Haley, '.
-. . . , ....... ....... .
'Last . Friday Mrs, J. E. 'Bennett
served : o'clock tear to- a number- of
frlenda In honor of Mra. Charlea Ed
ward Locke' of Brooklyn.-New York, and
Mra-Samuel -Wood of Pittsburg. ' She
was assisted by her two daughters,' Mra
Richard. Langdon McNeer. of .Baltimore
and Mra. Alan Wetoh Smith. Among her
gueat were; ; Mrs.. W. B. Holllngshead,
Mra W. H. Pope, lira.' A. t- Little,
Mra 8. Farrell. Mra. W, 11. Beharrell,
Mra H. 'A.- Kelnath. Mra. W. D. Fenton;
Mra. F. Burgette Short' Mr.-' M. M.
Grant Mrs. li. W. Qoddard, Mra E. C.
Ooddard, Mrs. J. C. Olds, Mrs. Adolph
Dekum, Mrs. Margaret Glbbs, Mrs. J. F.
Jones and Mra Thomas Connell. "
T- ' - - W W .:'
' Mr. and Mi's.- Smith entertained ' at
cards Wednesday evening, tha occasion
being-their sixth "wedding annlveraery.
Tba women'a prise was won by Mra.
Swearlngen "and the men's prise by Mr.
Snow. Consolation prixe fell to. Mrs.
Lowe and Mr. Brltton, Refreshments
were aerved at tha card tablea Mr. and
Mr.-- Smith received - om - beautiful
The guest ware: Mr. and Mra. Fred
Snow. Mr. and-Mra Walter Keen,' Mr.
and Mra Albert Lowe. Mrs. Searlngen,
Mrs. C- B. Qoodman, Mrs. Q.-Clements,
Miss Myrtle' Swearlngen, Mr. Brltton
and F. -R. Smith. .' ,
-r ' " ' ---
Mrs. Will H. Lee entertained at a
ra alntllyarranged, luncheon Wednesday
in noour vt oaim. ju. xv. u vt.
In eastern Oregon. : The color plan of
pink and green waa prettily carrledvout
with flowers ana ribbon. Alter luncn
eon whist was tha . pastime -and high
scores were made by Mra Katharine A.
Daly and " Mra R. P. Graham. The
guests were, beside Mra. Cox. Mra. W.
L. Strough, Mra Minerva A. Deniaon.
Mra. Bert M. Deniaon, Mra -T. J.
Murphy, -Mra. M. Hanson, Mra. K. A.
Daly and Mra. R. P.- Graham.
.... ... ... w if. ..
The. Women'a Auxiliary. of tha Illfnola
society met with Its president, Mra. M.
E. Worrell, at her home In Piedmont
Wednesday afternoon. Light refreah
menta. were aerved and "a pleaaant so
cial hour followed. Mr.' and Mrs. Wor
rell entertained the following Illinois
frlenda at dinner Friday evening: Mr.
and Mra R. A. Morrison, Chicago; Frank
Benneaon, -Loa Angelea; Ben Markee,
Qulney, - Hllnofs.--end -Mr. Zeppann,- eo
retarjr of tha Illinois eommlsalon to the
fair. Waraaw, Illlnola ..
Tueaday afternoon, June I, Mlaa Anna
Flnley gave a reception In honor of Mra.
Charlea Edward Locke of Drooklyn and
Mra. Samuel Wood of . Pittsburg. The
room were beautiful with -pink and
white rosea 8he waa assisted In enter
taining and serving by Mra. Amandee
Smith, Mra. Mabel Conaht Mra George-Cooper,-Mra.
Alan Welch. Smith. . Mlsa
Margaret Beharrell. Mra, N. A. Loucks.
and Mrs. R. L. McNeer. " 7
w ' v. -
Mia Elsia Cramer entertained the
graduating class of the Atkinson school
laat Friday evening at her home. 109
Twelfth atreet There were about IS
girls present beside the class teacher,
Mlaa THger Deniiisonrmnd Mr.- and Mr.
Draper.' The drawing and dining-rooms
were decorated In green and white, the
class colora 1
W W'
8. H. Friedlander" entertained at din
ner at The Oaka on Tuesday evening,
Messrs. Bushby. McNaughton, Black
wood. Scarr. Rebbeck. the noted engi
neer, and Casswell, all member of the
British Marine Slallway company , of
Vancouver, B. C
' tk -tr
Mrs. George .W. Collins of ill Tenth
street entertained 12 guests at a house
boat party 'last Tuesday. They camped
for the day near the White House road.
A Salem paper of June--IS haa the
account of two weddings of Interest
."A very- pretty .wedding took, place
laat evening at t o'clock at tha home
or Rev. and Mra n. v. riasiam, on
i iorn
ni'lil SHU ill n bin tksl imias
ter. Clara, became tha wife of C. Bert
ram Herald of Portland.
'Shortly.befor o'clock A. L. Grinell
sang In a pleasing .manner, after which
Harry Moore of Portland "rendered the
wedding' meeeh and tb -young nonple
took their placea beneath an archway
of ocean spray. The bride's father per
formed the ceremony. '-
The house wa beautifully decorated
for- tho-occasion. Tha !u!y. where the
gift were displayed, was in red, crim
son ramblera being used in great pro
fusion. In the front parlor ocean spray
and honeysuckle were used, while In the
back parlor large La France roses were
everywhere In . evidence. In the arch
way, which waa formed in the door
way between theae two rooms, the ocean
apray loosely decked ta fishnet waa nsed
above, while tha honeysuckle waa
twined around the pillars on either
side.1 Tha " bride waa In agewn of
oream crepe de Parla an train, .With an
arm bouquet of Bride rosea She ia the
only daughter or Kv. ana Mra h. v.
Haslam and during her abort residence
In this city has made many frlenda by
her winning disposition.
"The groom Is the aldeat aon or Mr.
and Mra C. B. Herald of Portland and
a, young man of excellent attainment
and business qualltlea
"Ml, and Mra. Herald left for Port
land thla morning, and after a trip up
the Columbia they will bo at home to
their frlenda at 1Z CUntoa atreet -
"The guests from oat of town were:
Mra Mary A. BAOon, Mra J. A. Buah
ong, Mr. and Mra Fred Barrett and
little son, Mra "Sk "V. Phelps, Mr. and
Mra Henry Foott, Misses Letha Steven
son, Hulda Herald, Mr. and Mra J. J.
Roas-and daughter Heleiv Chester Her
ald. Clifford Moore, Harry Moor of
Portland;. Miss Leloa Glaaa of Dayton;
Miss Bertha Branch of Tacoma, and
Mra. Clinton Barrett of Mountain Home,
- Tha following la xf Interest to the
brlde'a many frlenda In Portland, where
ho has- apent much of her tlma Mis
Love of Honolulu has been, apendlng
tha winter here the gueat . .of ...Miss
Bessie Church and othera A number
of Portlandera attended the wedding:
"On of the brilliant June weddlnga
waa the union of Mlaa Mabel Lenore
Jones to Anderson Cannon at the home
of the brlde'a parenta, Lablsh .Meadows,
Wedneaday. ... ' "
--"The beautiful '. country home was
decorated with tha choicest of eummer
Offerings. Everywhere- the eye was
gladdened .with roses, ferns nnd flowers
of all kind, which filled tha rooms
With beauty , and fragrance. Tha re
ception hall waa in ocean spray and
ayringa, and waa very pretty. ' The
drawing room, 'Where the ceremony waa
held, waa especially attractive. The
predominating color 'waa pink. The
ceremony waa performed in a woodland
corner, draped with fishnet and banked
with 'ocean apray. The present room
waa all In sweet, peas and waa- very
beautiful. 'Promptly at 11 o'clock Mra.
Eva Dennla-Orover of Woodburn played
Mendelssohn' wedding march, and the
brlde'a two amall brother, aa ribbon
bearers, entered the ' room, and made
.way for' the wedding-party who. came
from the atalrway. Mlsae Stella Love
of Honolulu, cousin oi the bride, and
Mabel Wlthycombe of Corvallla were
bridesmaid, and led the party, followed
by tha maid of honor. Miss Ilda Jones,
sister of the bride. She was followed
by the ' bride., leaning on tha arm of
her father; -who gave hereaway. - They
were met at the altar by the groom and
his best man, Chauncey Bishop of thla
city. Rev. W.'C. Kantner performed the
ring ceremony In the presence of about
0 relatives and frlenda' Mra -drover
played softly on the piano during the
ceremony, : . - - -- -.- -
"'Immediately after the wedding a
sumptuous luncheon was1 aerved In. the
dining room, which wa' all Infred, .the
eldeboard, and the room- being banked
in red vinlng rose - Misses Claire and
Gertrude Jones, sisters of the , bride,
and Mlea Edna -Jones,-af-eo-ialn, alted
In serving. The bride was very, beauti
ful In her dress of white allk crepe -de
.chlnei over taffeta en .vraln. . She wora
a long,. white tulle veil, caught unQflth
tha groom's present St creacenf ordla.
monda and ' pearl a and carried an arm
bouquet of Bride roaea
"The bridesmaid wore 'pretty dresses
f whit and pink organdie and carried
largo arm. bouquet or pink carnation.
The maid of honor wore- a handsome
costume ot white organdie and carried
heriaeTiTTh daughter of Mr.
and Mr. M. L. Jone of Lablb
Meadowa and la a beautiful, accom
plished and very popular young lady.
Tha groom la of tha Arm of Carson
Cannon and one of the leading attorneys
of the "tiorthweat, They wtll-restder-ht
thla. city." '
. ''.;
- The San Francisco Examiner gives an
account of - a prominent wedding cele
brated at Berkeley Wednesday,-June 7.
In which the groom Is a Portland man.
It aaya: .-- '-
"Mlaa Julia-. Andrus waa united In
marriage last evening with Nelson
Towne Shaw, a business man of the
northern city, which will therefore be
their home. ...... ..
"Society In the pretty college town
haa discussed little els for several daya
than the ceremony which waa-to mark
o notable in event In local -history.
'Mlsa Andrus will be a loveLy- bride.'
declared the many' admlreref of that
popular young woman. - Last evening's
affair fulfilled their prediction' It, waa
celebrated at tha home of the brides
parenta and waa pink and white, as the
color acheme, the bridal gown, the deco
rations and the gown or tue I air -attendant
. repeating the dainty combi
nation. - Orange blossom were In evi
dence, a large wedding bell hung In a
corner of the drawing-room being
-evolved from theee aignlflcant blooms.
Beneath it the Impressive Episcopalian
service waa read by Blxhop William
Ford Nichols, altd"by the JUv Ed
ward Parson. .
""A vlolln sotowas sof tly-rendered
during the -ceremony by Warner Sher
wood. TheTride war attended "byniss
Eva Sherwood. Mlsa Len. Leonard and
Miss Eulalle Moore. The four flower
girls were mis BanieXong.;M!B 'Amy
Requa, Mis Amy Long and Mlsa Alice
Requa.- Henry Melon waa tha groom's
support, the usher being E. A. Lowe. C
L, Blgetow and Newton Andrusa. Whit
mesaallne over white satin, a tulle veil
and anowy bouquet frarrred the face and
ngure or the bride most daintily.'
Mr.' Shaw la a grandson of the late
A; N. Towns and tha aon of Mra Clinton
Edward Worden. -.
4 ' .
The marriage of-Miss Harriet Clyde
Ourora and Hollis Elbert Alger was
solemnised Wednesday evening, June 14,
at St David's Episcopal church by Rev.
George B. Van Watera. The bride was
charmingly gowned In white figured
chiffon with elaborate hand-mad
bertha. . She carried a abower bouquet
of Bride roses and her veil was held In
place by buda or the same. The" at
tendants were Mrs. M. Harvey. Wells.
Mrs. E. W. Potter of Washington, Miss
Neldred Donally. Miss Mayette Smith
and the, bride's sister, Mra James P.
Buchanan. Tha bride waa' given away
by her brother-in-law, Jamea P. Bu-
i.g.Mnan. Mra. W. Harvey- Well waa
charming ill Uci' mills, nllh , n issls
dress and ahe carried white carnatlona
Mra. E. W. Potter, Ml Neldred ronal-
ly. Miss Mayette Smith and Mra Jamea
Pr Buchanan -wora- flowered organdie
and carried pink carnatlona Mqrton
u. Alger, brother or the groom, was
best man."-The ushera were W. Harvey
Wells, Frank McMahan,. John Thomaa
and Edgar Alger. .
After tha ceremony the immediate
relatives went to the bride s home.
East Twenty-eighth street The front
parlor waa beautifully decorated In pink
roaea, tha back parlor In red roaea and
the - hall in white and -green. - Fruit
punch waa aerved by Mlaa Jeaale Gumro
under a canopy of vlnea and red rosea
From the front porch, which had been
converted Into a beautiful bower. Miss
Ruth Gumm. Mlsa Ora Clark and Miss
Bessie Carlyle served " light ' refresh-
man La The. brlde'a bouquet-waa caught
by Mlaa Elal Marsh, Mr. -and Mra
Alger hava gone to California on a
three weeks' trip, after which they will
be at bom in' Portland. - -;
Mlsa Lenorai Hlcka of Bllverton and
Carl Johnson of thla city ware married
at noon Wednesday at th brlde'a homa
Tha house was decorated with flowr-a
and ferns. The bride wore white Persian
awn and carried Bride roaea Little
Naomi Hlcka and Veneta Moore scattered
flowera before tha bridal couple, who stood
beneath a .floral belL Rev. Mr. Ramsky
read th ceremony. An elaborate break
fast waa served Immediately- after, and
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left, for their
Portland homa-'
Tuesday afternoon Mia Rena Garrett
was married tp Walter Fiacher of thla
city at tha homa of her grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goodman. In Eugene.
Tha house waa prettily decorated with
V MAKtft
cut flowera rosea predominating. An
elaborate dinner - was served iaf ter the
ceremony to a few invited gueata.'Rev.
O. C. Wright of the Presbyterian church
waa the officiating minister. ' Mr. and
Mra Fisher Jflfv' come to Portland to
Mis France C. Gravea of Portland
and George B. .Van Lanlngham of Mis
souri were married her Monday even
ing by Rev. Henrju A. Barden. Mr.
Sara Frambtfck' attended tha bride and
Dr. Charle H. Van Vleck, of the Mis
souri exhibit at tha Lewi and Clark
fair, attended the groom. A few friend
WHnessed tha marriage,
r ' i
Mra Viola 'X. Kelley of Albany waf
married -Wedneday-afternoon, - Juhe -t,
to K B. Sutton of thla city.' ' Tne cere
mony was celebrated - at the . horn - of
the brlde'a parent. Mr. and Mr. Thomaa
Brandon, and" a large number of gueata
altenderrrTTi""1wadd1nr-wai'-qim an
elaborate one. with beautiful decorations
of Ivy and .Bride roae.- A delightful
breakfast waa ' aerved. Mr. and ' Mra
Button will live In Porttand until fall.
Miss Gertrude Msy . McPherson and
Leroy A, Porter of Grand - Rapida,
Michigan. ' were .married Wedneaday
evening at, -the home -of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McPherson,
at Arleta. ,L Rev, SUnton C. LLaphr.n1
- ' e ..' - "
A few frlenda witnessed the marriage
of Ml Rat Herrin and Walter L.
Gardner Wedneaday -evening in the par
lor of Wellington Court, Fifteenth and
Everett atreet. Rev. William B. Gilbert
performed the ceremony. Mr.' and Mra
Gardner -wlll contlnuo- at Wellington
Court ' -
- - ir -w
. H. L. Oreenleaf of Oakland. California
and Mlsa Mary A. Brown of Manitoba
were married TnTu day-at- tha man
of Calvary Presbyterian. church. Rev.
William 8. Gilbert officiated. Mr. and
Mra Oreenleaf wllr llve In thla cltyt.
rMiaa Jl M. Parkerrinr,B.
MoCooneU were married by. itev. E. L.
House at hi paraonag laat-Wednea-
day. They will live In Portland. - .
a dellahtful musical waa given by pu
pil of Mra Edwin Alden Beala at her
residence. 7 Everett atreet on Thurs
day - evening. Each number -was well
rendered, all the pupila showing marked
Improvement. Especially to becom
mended wer"Mi Theaeea Smith-, a
pupil of Mlaa Edna Joy Moorehead. and
Mla Irene Ray. a pupil of Mlaa Georgia
Lewla Mra. Moorehead and Mlaa Lewia
are pupila ofTWra Beala and have been
teaching duringthe past year. After
the program by special requeat Misses
Nina Wenderoth and Nancy Beala Bang
several numbers. Many frlenda were
present and the program waa much en
Joyed. Th following waa the program:
Piano duet "II Trovatore".. . .Melnotte
Mlaaea Georgia Lewis and Frances Bing-
.... . '-ham. '
Bong "Good Night, Little Glrr...Macy
- Mlsa Theresa Smith. -
(Pupil of Mrs. Moorehead.) -
Piano - aolo "Sonatina" ".. .Kualan
' Miss Irene Ray
(PudII of Mlsa Lewla) ,.
Vnral duet "O. Wert Thou. ts the
Canld .'Rlst-. . ... i s i . i Mendelssohn
Messrs. Sidney Rasraussen and Fobs
Hons-- "Mta-non" .D'Hardelot
Mis Charlotte Daly.
Bong "Gene vleve' ...... Tucker-Adams
J." O'DonnelL
Plsno solo i"Artequln" . .-. . .".Chamlnade
Miss Frances Bingham,
SonawMy Heart Is Singing" Sana-SoucI
Miss Lena Wenderoth'"
Vocal aolo "King of tha WlndaDavId
Sidner Rasmussea.
Vocal duet "Thr Fishermaa". .Kuecken
Mlaaea ..Charlotte Daly and Francea
. ' Blnaham.
Song "Mona" tv, . Adams
Foss Lewis. -w
Mra Anna Selkirk Norton la to have
charge of th muato at th California
building throughout tha aeaaon. Mrs.
Norton wa th aoloiat at th reception
riven Mrs. Pardee laat week and made
a pronounced hit A happy fact In her
appointment ia that she waa herself for
merly a Callfornlan. She la alao to be
one of the Chautauqua soloists under
F. W. Goodrich's direction.
- - - ' . '
The rehearsals of tha Chautauqua
chorus, under the leadership of Freder-
. . r.-lh ,r fifing; mOSt
atlsfactorlly. A few more voice are
still needed, end will ba welcomed at the
rehearsals, which are held at St David's
parish house" every "Tneedayerentng at
1 "'-lr,
- .
Th soloist at the meeting of the
Thursday Afternoon club, at th home
of Mrs. Ros Bloch-Bauer laat week,
werer Mlsa- Daisy Bma 11 and-Mlsa- Nora
Barrett Last week Mrs. Davis of Van
couver entertained the club delightfully
with a collection of Schubert's aonga
The music at Jhe cathedral bag been
moat successful the pact aeaaon under
the direction of Charlea GUI. A beauti
ful "Ecce Panla" (Donlsettl) was aung
last Sunday by Mra. Waiter Reed and
Nicholas C. Zan. which . called, forth
many compliments from the congrega
tion. 77 . . "" "
w w
Mlsa Lillian Croaaman sang ''Far to
Fac" (Johnson) at th Sunday a'erTTCeT
of th Chapel of Transfiguration. These
services are held at tha Marquam Grand
every Sunday and Mlaa Croaaman' ym
pathetic voice . filled . the large audi
torium with splendid effect
w w
St. David's choir boy made a most
successful! appearance at tba Audlto
num. www and ciark exposition, on
Wednesday- last, and ahng "The Star-
Spangled Banner," under tha direction
of Frederick W. Goodrich, .
- - -
Mra.- Edward -Aldan Beala will have
charge of a musical program June 21,
given for the Corinthian chapter -of th
Eastern Star at tha Masonlo half on
Third and Alder atreeta. . :
" "i''"'l
Arrangements have been completed for
the annual tea to ba given at th Pattoa
home next Tueaday afternoon. A large
attendance . la expected and . elaborate
preparattona have- been made. Thoae
appointed tomeet.and to aerv th
guest -are rouows: . fiect-puon. aara
Mary . A. Knox. Mra. Eva a; Kline, Mra
C..H. Evans. Mra. F. A. Daly. Mra A.
H. WUlett Mra Theodore Nicolal; tea
tablea Mra Oeorge G.' Me Bride. Mra
Curtis Holcomb, ''a Otto Dekum, Mra
T. T. Stralnr Tl'O program la , here
given: J '
Instrumental aolo, Miss Jessie Ken-
yon; vocal solo. Mls Esther Ieonard;
readina, Mlsa A. R. ' Luse. violin solo.
Miss CorneUa Barker; vocal solo, lllas
Anna Rankin; Instrumental aolo, Mlaa
Loula Watson; vocal solo. Mlsa Grace
Gilbert; instrumental aolo. Miss Camilla
Hera reading, Mia Josophlne Watklna
th blind girl at the home; Instrumental
aolo. Mlas Till! Marie .Dewart; -vocal
eoio, Huelan Cad well; reading, Mis A,
R. Luse; vocal aolo. Mlaa Grace Gilbert;
Instrumental solo, Mrs. S. Ross.
' Invitations are out from the faculty
and cadeta of the . Newlll Rlvervlew
academy for the commencement recep
tion tomorrow . evening. - The program
for - commencement week includea the
baccalaureate sermon this . morning at
ST. Matthew1 chapel by Rev. J. M. Breck;
exhibition drill Monday; recepAon In
th evening, and the commencement ex
ercise Tueaday ; morning when .Walter
L. Tooi of Woodburn will deliver "the
address. Th drills will Include aktr-
mlah, under -command of Cadet Ma Jo!
amea irink; . guard mount; company
drill under command of Cadet Captain
Farrar and Campbell; platoon, drill, un.
der command of all -first-and aecond
lieutenant, "Butt Manual,", under com
mand Of Cadet Major Jamea Fink. '
Division No. 1, Ancient Order of Hl-
bernlana will give a dance at - it hall
on Second and Stark atreeta next Wed
neaday evening. - -., , ,
Among Portlandera . . who . attended
commencement at th University, of
Oregon - last week were the alumni,
Ralph Fentori, Dr. Homer I. Keeney, Ray
Goodrich. Charlea E. Wagner. . Roaa
riummer, c N. McArthur. Mlsa Lulu
Holme. Ml Marie Bradley; Mra Jamea
Gray, Mra U. Dale and S. Benson, whose
daughter were . graduates., and Ml
Haael Graham, whose; "brother was one;
F, V. Holman. C. E. Lockwood, J. C
Alnawortn, Governor and Mra Chamber
lain and th. Misses Chamberlain, Carl
unormwyaaa a number of othera.
. Mis OeorgleAIexanaerorTIIntie
apolis, Minnesota, arrived Thursday to
pena the summer with her parents. Mr.
u w. n. Jutunom gi Clay
street Miss Alexander occupies a promt'
neni piao in muaicai circles, owing to
her 'vocal attainments. For tha past
tl re year she haa been soloist at the
First Baptlat church of Minneapolis,
wner ah return September 1.
Mr. End Mrs. Frank Gordon oT i Forest
Grove were gueata In the city last Week
while on their honeymoon. Th bride
waa Mlaa Mattie Hunter and the wed'
ding took place in Forest Grove Wed-
neaday. - - , J '
" Mlas Cora Wiley of this city waa on
of the honor guests at a young people's
dancing and card party given in Salem
laat week . by Ralph D. Moores. During
her visit in the capital city ahe has been
Mrs. J. C. Saunders and aon have
taken apartment at the Antler, where
they are at horn to .friends.
1 " Mlsa Sophie Kline and Henry Kauf f-
man Will be married this evening at the
horn of th bride' unci and aunt Mr.
and Mr. I. H. Friedman, -on Columbia
atreet Rev. R. Abrahamson will offi
ciate. ,
Invitation are out for tb marriage
of Mis Ines Kuney, daughtecof Mr,
and Mrs. CC; Kuney of Wasco. to
Roscoe O. Ashley of this city, Wednes
day, June J 8, In Portland.
Th wedding of Mlsa Bessl. Robison
to J. Brill will take place thla afternoon
at th home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Robi
son, let Fourth street
- w -
- Th marriage of Mlaa Myra L. Brad
ley and C. Henri Labb will take place
at Bridal Veil, at noon, Wedneaday,
June zi. - ,
Mra LUla W. Sickle of Ban Diego
county la in Portland, the gueat of
Mra. R. A. Marshall ot 777 Hoyt atreet
Mra Sickle represent th Santa Bar
bara Morning Press at the exposition.
Mra A. Ersklne Smith of Grand
fuiksi Di 0., an lied Tutsilui Is we
th aummer with her mother. Mra
Sarah A. Evana, at Oswego.
Joseph Sf. Dolph was a Eoene vlsltor
last week for a few daya. Mr. Dolph
u 'formerly" E'nuaent of tn tmiTBrr
slty of Oregon.
Mr. and Mra A. 8. Locke of Inde
pendence apent tha first of th week In
a. visit, to the exposition.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Albert of Salem
were exposition visitor laat week.
Mlsa Iva Ford attended the Willam
ette university commencement at Sa
lem. "-...i -. -. -
Mra A. W. Zimmerman of Tha Dalles
apent the week In thla city. .
Mlaa Mabel Albright haa gone to Ban
Francisco for a fortnight's stay.
Mra Frank Whelan and her daugh
ter, Mlaa Helen,, of San Francisco, are
visiting at tha home of Colonel and Mra
David M. Dunne. They are being de
lightfully entertained by many, frlenda
Mlaa Flora Maann and Mlaa r.pftln
Boynton of Albany came to the city
rriaay ror a week s enjoyment of the
1CC3 Model
I ' '--Wl
. Vj'""', L ' " ' ' 1 -
fair- Mlsa Boynton baa had the chair
of English at Albany college for the
paat year. , j . -
Mr. knd Mrs. Simon Begll mt dawah
ter of Cripple Creek. Colorado, are vlen
log Mr. Begll mother, Mr U. BegIL
SU Kl Thirteenth street. They hae
been louring California and will apend
some'-rtm in 'Portland.
Mra Edward Craig, ne Emily Cau'
thorn, of El Paso. Texaa. arrived Fri
day and will apend th aummer with her '
parent, Dr. and Mra F. Cauthom. at
(Si East Ash street. ,7
Mr. and Mra M." Brandeberry of Al
bany werbere th last of the week.,: v
Mr. A.'jr Bloch and daughter are
visiting Mr. and- Mra. Leo Belling at ttl -
west prkv.r
Mr.-: and Mr. Dave Ackerman and
family are guest at -th Hobart-Curtls "
MIsa'Elixabeth Jacob has returned '
to Corvallla. after -visiting friends hi
the city.- . ,'...- , . .. -.'. -'
i: tc from a month's t"
vlalt to California ..? , , 1 -
Mlaa Artn D.-Craln of Eugene and her
Cousin, Mra Blumberg of Albany, wera
guest lat week at th homa Of Mra
A H. Tannar. " - . .
Roaa Plummer spent tha week In EuV ,
gen and waa present at th Univer
lty bf Oregon ,ciimmenoement . ;
Mies Lulu Maud Holme . and Ml .
Loula Jone attended commencement at
the University of Oregon last week.
Mr. August Schrelber of TU City, -Indiana,
is the . guest of her brother,
ChrlstUn Schloth, ail Sherman street
to remain during- th fair. . -Mr.
F. L. -Fln of Weatherford. "i
Texaa, was a former resident of Th
Dalle who greeted many,, frlenda In '
Portland on Dallea day. She la a gueat "
her and will visit In Spokane, Walla
Walla an,d Th Dallea before returning.
Mlfi Minnie, Lay of Tha DaUea waa
laat week th gueat of MumMami
Helen Flynn.; -
Mlaa Alice Benson, on of thla year'e
graduate of the University of Oregon,
spent Sunday at her horn on Elaventh,
and Clay atreeta. .. .... , -
Prof esaor-and MrsL Frederick Stanley
Dunn of Eugen were In tha city th
first of th week. Professor Dunn la
head of th Latin department of tha
University of Oregon! - -
- Mr. and Mra H. B. Albert of Salem
were among th visitor at th fair last
weekT - ; ;. '
Mra C C Hobart of Tha Dalle waa
a Portland visitor laat week. -' ..- .
Mrs. -Virginia Shannon and Mr. Ran
jail Pratt of Sioux City, Iowa, mother
and nephew-of Mr. Sarah A. Evana, are
at Oswego to spend th summer. . .
. Mrs. Paul Berkman and aon of Seattle
are visiting Mra Berkman' . mother,
Mrs. 8. Wolf, m Market atreet
Mr. and Mra Gordon Voorbaig of 404
Madison street have just returned from
a four months' 'trip in' Europtt ' - 7;- -'.--
4th and Washington Sts. .
V PresentiT '
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