. ' - . v ' ' PAQES 13 TO 24 - '' ' "'-''V " ' ..- ': .". ; . ' "' ' GECTIOIS'TWO - ; Portland; Oregon, Sunday, morning, june is, 1&05. S 6 WaHitm 5, - P0RTLAN D'5; 0 D CATC 5T STO D C AN D fOREMOST " CONGRESS -'K- X 5TC2C": CN Ttllf PACIfJCLOPE! '- ; .;. - t : . .. ....... . l::f hi ;.;...LJ...-;.,:kv:.:;.,-..., EX. PCRT - air n w f rt 11 i i 7 i DDaiiCJUCO cjuauonoa cjciDDnnsa C1IC3C1II QQQQDQD QQDODOD nnnncno CXC00S an (loo &, a e s b cnnnc:"gco n.:z:::::;unD nonnnnnn n Tin p TAILOR S iOnnnnj D Jtaiaadl UUlTlTDUUI naao 25 iTnnnnnoa niririnnnnrn nnn M. m I MM MM MM M I l kJ U U U I rl t n . t III OLOVtl oapoaa DDooaoaai 0DDQ00DQD OCnODDQDD nnnnininnn urraxr QODDDDD DDDOODD DDDRDDD no DflODD 6o foi XalKSrt worti .so Urt Bindln f Wlr OoM luftn, with l??miI?Pfio.tIL 1??T8Ulc ' N.ti BrHl Bklrt Blnuln, In rMBt front - bar-.p. "u.t tta T?nTi !U all Bhapw our lOo yl black and colon; our io , , pck In r.r trlwllu, apclaVt, . . .. lp valueapaclal at, v, clal 'v , , . 3c on, IKo nlw. Hi i n each t.1 tha yard..-. each .w cll at, mcH. ....... I UC S forMaehlna bill worth 100 Collar Tnuaw to Ckoio toUt . ' oklkil a OlaaaU clal at. the bottle... ;,..... ....,OC clal ul prlc. tta boz..lo , ca. ,.,..,..... ." International Sales andJuneWhiteJubilee -XJriiirdJVeek BARGAINS! 1B Talonm Vowdw o 7, rLV k Wlilt. Wax luck Tvn J'Trtl"t.MlV' Violet perfumed Talcum r u itoa b5 to keep aandwichea. caVe. f,.DlarSJt w2 -MtMM 'nd" rSJiViSt' :tc..' 'from , drying taj lvT - freahlni; our 16 Q w mmi; on 5 9 aheeta in roll ape- 4 ;Ur gp.eilT- ,Tlue apec. at. can io. special, pi...!3C clal at. the roll. . , f"? each y... J7r.,7....jSIC Toilet 'Papa; In rolled VlaylnaOarda Beat too Writing TaWeta ia 91.8S leathar Belta B9a- beet quality, f-oa. alie: quality,- enamel backs, Large aixe Writing An aeaorttnent of whit, our o value special and 1 So Value special Tablet, linen flnlnh, and brown Kid, Leather at. three rolls lfl at. the 19a ruled; our 20o valmlo ' 1 Belts; rea;. valwe. bq lor Iwt pack..,i.........4 special at, each. I6t $1.86 speo, eah. H , II 1 I in Might as well go th;o-an ar gallery without a catalogue as to the exposition without an 'Official Guide." We have arranged to make ' it easy" for oiif patrons to "get", them. The "Guide" gives at a glance the location of anymmg wiinm tne inr gruuuus -wim jjittuics, ,anu de scriptions of all buildings, ground plan of exposition and official street car map. of Portland.. ;A grand soiiVenir, splendid to send to eastern friends. xThe price every where is 25c. .We're going to provide the way for. you :-'U WVp arranged jw 1th tH" maniwrntnt Tn trart-IUntMlayl mornine to eive a. ticket with every purchase of SI or Ovet-.tthe store, whicb-rpresented at the "Guide" head qua rterSi south end of Oriental building at the pounds, will b.elworth 20c toward" 'tSe purchase of tfie 'Guide." S. X --'All bearers of these tickets may buy the Official Fair Qulde for 5 Cents ftrmvryrFFFTM-4Xr DAYS ?MT V Parts onrj Amencan Sharply Reduced tcaotiroi French Crcatlou aid Americas Batte V. Yi '4 OFF ItJuUr Prices Meedjy. .'BljouMiUineryalons 2d Floor. " A ThonsaBd to the Oraad tyleT" OoBTentlon. A Display Conceded My AU . te be Vneansied. - All the smartest fashions and authoritative styles, many of them distinctively exclusive. . Parisian hats and Amer ican adaptations that are indistinguishable from the orig-nals.Intomorrojv'AJjfferbgsyoullLnttahtjidvanced-styies in all the new summer effects. Light airy con ceptions dainty and modish. But every on .reduced li( in ine irunmcu im unii, . - 620 to $50 Hott at J-Price . i,-$lO to SiailaU at ft Off - $5 to $10 Hats at 14 Off Zlr - . i . "fl VVhStA Hal " wtiicneira Darrn Fasriif "mUuiateJriends tbeyj:ethorpughly "en J-egJeif jfo ' . preler a color- ..tan, diuc, green, mauve, or any other wanted shadethey're here at our famous 'little prices. A Slashing! of Half Off on the v SILKS- , Think of it I For Two Days You Buy SUM Suit Silks for.. ....... ....... 50 , I1JI Silk for: 62H 1 - $1.50 Silks for. ...;...... T5 $1.T5 Silks for.-;.,, 8TH Shrewdeit-JiuvcrsJvUl come early Monday for best choosing. The sale is for -Monday ;ahd"ruesday-onlyr Novelty Suit Silks, in short, lengths,) ranging. from 2 to '12 yards, all this season's best Selling styles and colors $1.00 Silks for 50 yard t;- ' - - ---r $1.50 Silks for 75 yard - - 5 $1.75 Silks for 87 yard ' Yard Wide Black Dependable Taffeta Regular JJ51.60 .value. 36-inch Black Taffeta fqrMonday and .Tuesday only, per yard . . . ................. ,s . ; . $1.31 Regular. $1.50 value, v 36-inch Black Taffeta for - 1 -Monday andrTuesday; only,-per-yardrr... ...... . ?1,10 Moridaf Bargains i for Men ,,. 1 . y ". . ' ' .. . Man's 15c Son for lSc Men's fashioned seamleas float, embroidered In new gray and brown spring; ahadesi our " i5o value. Special at. the pair. 15 -r 37Vie tastead of aOo for Men's Onderwea Men's strmmer-welght , BalbrHrgarT Jersey Ribbed tTnderwear In white. Wile, brown and fleah e)ori a staple gAOe value. Special at, the awnt 37H Men's Oolf Shirts wortk tl.SO fer Tso A broken line of Men's pun white Oolf Bhtrts, with tucked fronts; a comfortable and stylish ' hot weather shirt; our tvto value.. Rperla) at, each. . . . .79 Men's a.00 and $a OS raaey Tests fo $1. Men's rancy Veata, in , plain white and white and Ma'rK -rrlpes and, checks; all thla ' seaRon's styles; .our 12. and tl.f I values. ., Speeial at, each. $1.49 CmCrV1DCR-r-TniLPIJPIL5:yOTINa CONTEST. END IN TWO WCCKSt Af 6.P. M. Of JULY Jat A GoIossar Purchase an Worth of Splendid Blankets from the Pehdleton Mills ! - We've closed the entire Blanket Sjock from these f am ous mills at tremendous sacrifice! And shall offer the blankets to our patrons the coming week at heretofore unheard-of prices" For many years we've been" first and. foremost in" the blanket businessIong the wtt . lodging houses for miles arountl', as well. as the'thbtwari'ds'of homes; but never before has, it been our privi lege. to offer our patrons values equal to these. "The-great Pendleton .mills rwere closing up their season's business,:knowing our great outlet i ..: , . ; ' ' ,J ,.' , : '.: ' t - THE MOUNTAIN CAME TO MAHOMET - - And offered irresistible temptations for us to take the load off their shoulders onto our broad back pat to carry, but to Unload , quickly-ScatteringJtvto the-Jour, points of, the: compass in short order at short" prices. 'Our regular stock is more than iisually attractive now, bu;t; its..; geB,eralxcHeiice- detracts , na'tight : from 'the'-wonderful values of these special items'.'-Most "of 'jth'e'm are the identical numbers we handle regularly, and all of them are of such Equality as to merit our heartiest recommendation. . Sale epens at 8 a.-in. toinuiTuwthe axe lias fallen leaviiie jiiarks hgctthesel' cnirai-rloor: Flain Oray Blankets, all wool. No. t weight; our $4.t value. ' Special' Sole. . Price, per pair . . . j..... -f 2.7ST Same aa above, No. weight; our $5.59 va.lue.4 Special Sale FrlceK tho Pair - w. . . .A o.nJl . . . ; ..S3. 25 " Tory rise Vleeeewaol klankets, silver gray In color; our ft.60 value. 8peolal ' - - 9ale Wee. the pair ... s. rr.. J. .fS.SO Tine Wool Blankets, good size,. scarlet cplor; our $5.00 value. Special Sale Price, the pair '.. ....................... ... ...S2.75 Same as above, extra large slse; our $160 value. Special Sal Price, the ,-7 1 w .w..........tj.t,,lT7r...f.TK Wnlta Wool Blaaksta, good weight; extra value at $5.60. Special Sale Price. the pair , , f 4.75 All rieeoe Wool Walt Blankets, extra choice; our 17.00 value. Special Sale - PrlC6e th4 P&lr V a a e e 1 i M M i I ' 1 e5sOO XBSIAH SSTAWZ.S S3.T6 for Indian Shawls worth 16.00 A fine assortment of beauUfdl Indian' Shawla; need extensively for .table covers,' draperies, . etc; our regular $.00 value. Special Sale Prlce. each ,vij$3,75 Indian Shawls,-same ns-nbovs but heavlerpotrrtlOO value. Special Sale Z.-- Price -'ach . . . . ..w..., S5.SO. $4.80 Shawls for S9.BO Pialn all wool Shawls fn green, .red and black; also ' a variety of plaids; our regular $4.60 value. Special Sale Price, y each ' i ..... ....... .4 . ................ '. B2.50 BaaBSUlUl Cuuull Cmsisi uui ll. ialue.- Bmn.1al- Bala PileB, well.. .fJ.&0 A oomplets assortment of Taney Bavajo BUnketa, Indian Bobes, eto maed for draperies, lonngs robes, bed spreads, ooiy corners, steamer rngn, etc Trloed from S4.60 np to S7.50 is With GLORIA SHOES there can be no taint of tha -commonpluce tn style, fit or wear,. . They meet the (Jorltlcal Judgment tt ion weti in- , , -formed m shoe lore and win. on mertt -'Glorias' of the past have ' -proven their preeminence. TheGlorias" of today qualify to estubllah a new mark for goodness in medium cost foot- ,wear for .menor ' women , ' ," , . $3.50 LiLJ "Monday Bargains in trJewelryAisle: "Annex -1st Floor." Back Chsltis A line f peart and tur-. : quoiae .bead Neck Chaln(r;onr-Tegular -tic value. , -Special, eacn, . ...... 19J Regular C&c value. Special. each..39 Regular $1.00 value. Special, each . 69e Shirtwaist Seta A Inrge asaortment of , Shirtwaist Sets; ' regular 3So value." - SfiesJftei J .19 Sterling Sliver Bets; regular value 75c. ; Special, set .49 " BtsrUnr SUver ThlmbUs, 16o A lot' oft Sterling Silver 'Thimbles, all slies. Special at, each 15 - A Relentless VVar Declared on the Suit Stocks. GRAND SALONS OF DRESS SECOND FLOOR LARGEST AND ' LEADING WOMAN'S APPAREL ESTABLfSHMENT IN THE WESTERN STATES.- ' . . . A Sweeping Massacreof Suit Pricds Not One Survives I CUT OFF the Price of . ... EVERY SUIT-IN-THE-HOUSE . Prtnch Models and their American Prototypes. ; . . .. . Tor 3 Days Only Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday !; Description- woujd "be as futile as to attempt to describe the -;-r '--: pebbles that, line the beach. Every Kind of Tailored Suit, from the simple and inexpen sive to the elaborate and exquisite creations for wear on ; formal occasions.' , . . ,i i ..... ., -. Every One of the Elegant Costumes rare included, Calling' ::'....;:..'4:, Gqwjis and Evening ; Dresses. v Every Silk Suit in the, House goes in the awful carnage, -hortwait-and-4ailored -motlelsrtis veritable-c lean-sweep of the stocks.. Stand in the center of the salons and choose" in 'any direction any suit you wish, any gown, any cos tume, any frock, any style in the house, for thrsc days tnly," at, ... ' p. QUARTER OFF THE PRICE, $7.50 and $8.50. Silk Shirtwaists for $4.48 In plain Taffetas and pretty figured Silks, including very swell,-attractive plaids. - All ' season's styles, with' Bishop sleeve's and fancy stock collars -with ties. Plain tailored plaited effects. The waists we. sell hosts of and well worth J A AQ - th prices at-$70- and-$30Special-Monday-onlyf at rrr. iysO A Second Commotion Among Shirtwaist Prices White Lawn and Colored Waists Reduced . - - . r- . " ; This second offering is for Monday only and is ma'de up of pur tegu lar lines of exquisite creations in dainty lawns, madras and etamines. Lace and embroidery trimmed and plain tailored. All fresh andnew this season! White, figured and plaided. Reductions as" follows : V ' . this and $2.50 Waists $3.00 Waists $3.60 Waists .'."'.; ...... ..$2.38 ...S2.G9 $4.00 Waists . . . . . . .'. v . . .$2.00 $5.00 Waists .835 $8.50 Waists ....... .....4.08 1 -sff I ... jy SEE MONDAY PAPERS TOR BARGAIN SUPPLEMENT DRESS GOODS AStartling .Cut of Half ! , A manufacturer risked too much, and plunged found himself with an overplus of stock and Was glad to take half its worth in castu-The buyer from this house-was-orr hand witji "long green temptinglyidisplayed they swapped We got two-yards' for the price of one so lo you, for two days. ' Read : ...... 1 hair Suitings, in neat checks. stripesandMelangeeffects-Cc4 ors are grays. bro are grays, Drowns; navies:" Resedas, modest tans and greens, also changeable , colorings ; our -regular- unequaled- $L.pejr yard - values.; Special for -Monday and . Tuesday only, , CA'' per yard ...... . .......... 0 Uv tlJii Values, in 50-inch All-Wool Shadow ChecTc'andf Nnyplty Tanamas and" -Voiles in a large assortment of new nov elty weaves, full color -. Ifne ; to choose ' from. Special: forMbn" day and Tuesday only, per yard....... 79c Monday Specials in China and' Cut GlaS'S --"Crockery Store, Third floor V 9BOOBATSD CSZaTA DDflm SXTS. V Thin, light Austrian China JlririerStl A nest shapes with gtild' border And center- 1 so-plece set; regular value III. B0. .Special, set. .fill. fto - 100-plere set: regular value 122.00. Special, set.. it a en .Austrian China Dinner Set. decorated with pink flowers and spray,-gold bandies and ' knobs, U00-plece set; regular value 120.00. Special, sot' (16 OO Austrian China Dinner Set. full gold border and small pink flowers. 100-pi-ce set; - - regular value $22.60. Special, set ......i.. 18.TS " f " XAVTXAsTD CXlifA DIBTTEB SITS. -.s Havlland China Dlnher, Seta,' apray decorations, cold knobs and handles,' 100-ptera - set; regular valus 128.60. Special, set .-.,.. , .-i...... .S23.65 Havlland China Dinner Set, decorated arlttTYOse's and heavy gold border - . -.piece set; reguUr value ftS.(!. Special, set. ................ ,.T.;;. ,I26. 05 100-plece eet Tegular value t$.3&. Special,-set.,. sslso ' lITavlland "China, Dinner 8t, decoralea"W,itU pink spray gold traced, fun gold and ernboaslng ' . -., ' . f 0-plec. set; regular value; $2.J0. Special, set......... .K20.00 100-plece set; regular valuV $51.00. 8peclal, set 40.75 Thousands of odd fancy piece In decorated China, almost everything useful snd ornamental. At special reduced prices. " " . ; - ' - Ri"!'"e! Novelty Trimming Laces Very handsome Novelty Trimming Lacea, In white, ecru, Paris .and cream: also some tn th. swallest color -f feet ; and dainty chiffon applique In beautlfuT designs In black, white . and colors. All are sharply reduced In prlc. for this aale ' Our 150 value. Special at, the yard. ............. IT.' . Special avthe yard.". ..,.,..,.., ,25e , Special at, the yard..' ;..38s . Speclat at. th. yard. .4Ht Special at, the yard.. ....TS opeciai ai, int yarn.... Special At, the yard. Special at, the yard. ft . Our ' t0 value. , . Our ' T5 valde. Our $1. 00 valUA Our Il. valuA Our I J 60 value. Our I1.S0 and IS OS values. Our 13.50 and 14.00 values. v.ia i ii.i pth;i.i m im V v . 4 ............... . , Taleaolenaes Xaces and Insertions, tn a variety, of dainty patterns; In to 60c, Special 8h1 Trlre, the dusen yards , l.-l I 1 l.f -i - th l-.t