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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY ' EVENING. , JUNE 17, 1805 DESERT-S SONS lOIiGiCARMlS Faithful Followers "6f Crescent ' Gather From Far Deserts to ; -.; , Bend Loyal Knee. GLITTERING PROCESSION V .,1T0 DAZZLE .THE. -NIGHT After PilgWrrtags to Holy Temple - Worshipers of the Scimitar ; " i Will Test Novitiates. ; V" Son ofth3esert " are flooding Into this oasis for the festlvWle. thaawalt th. faithful, -faltered and bound... th. novitiates captured In the raids of th. -past alx inonthi follow the camels bare foot. Great local shleka have opened many ocoanuts, spread purple cloth beneath the palms and hold open tent for the tribesmen from afar. -l Caravans from the north, east, south. an wt have been aDDeartng on the ? horlson all morning. -One most splendid i - came-from the wilds of Spokane .desert " and Pugef sound.'. The scimitars of th -nobles (learned in the morning son, and their fes-crowned heads paid ; stately ! obelssnce to the Illustrious- potentate of M. Kader Temple. Oeorge H. Hill. From the southern climes, where the vertical ' 'pim makes swarthy the children of the ". -: desert, oame a caravan of about 19, con taining many tribal loaders. , . ; ' onrt Opens o Faithful ' At th Armory they are gathering this i -afternoon: As the. desert thirst is - slaked at tn botlnlirul bowlethey rush to the hall of state, where Illustrious Potentate Hill directs the seml-snnual f - conclave. Strict orders have been Issued f for all of th faithful to observe. Their . courtesies are due the princes on the throne first. These formalities will, b i-ever In the early afternoon, and Incl- -dentel to renewal of ellegianee vows, the- trembllng novitiates will b rangea oe fore the nonts for .Inspection. Thos. that seem of stout heartland true, with an Inclination to desert sports, wilt be ; branded on the. bare arm as approved " and given the government , lnspectrs . label. Those that quail when" the Nubian .linn roars will be spurned .from the list r of the faithful and consigned to menial - . servitude for their brief days. ,. . Tea Host arades Toalgat- " ' " At :4S p. m. every wearer of the fes and every aspirant for the exalted i - distinction must salaam to the lllustrl i ous potentata at the - Armory - camp ' ground and trim, his camel for the 1 : pageant, ordered to Impress the profsne ; Inhabitants of the meeca. When' the .'1 " clarion sounds at 1 p. m. Leader of the War Hosts Colonel J. M. Poorman will , sally forth from the turretted Armory at . the head ef the great Una of sheiks and tribesmen. If It la necessary the de clining sun will be checked a abort period to give opportunity-for complete lng preparations, but at I o'clock the parade must begin. Three quarters of an hour will be de voted, to this demonstration. Mounted - on prancing ..Arabians, on platoon -of blueroata from Bhelk Hunt'e tribe will precede the procession, to drive away In- - aolent Christisns' who may be Inclined, to J- jeervat the faithful. - Muslo will .be .fur nished by hirelings. from distant lands. - In deference to the land where they ss- jembleJa star-spangled banner will be . permitted In the parade, but close to this alien emblem will be the banner of the .faithful, the ' beautiful ensign of Al Kader Temple.-' thrice blessed and tri umphant n many gory fields. Preced ng the- Illustrious potentate will be the bearer of the great Scimitar,-and follow ing close upon his wsy will be throngs of nobles on foot. In carriages and In th strange wheeled demon that was brought from afar by pale-faced visitors. Frojn the Armory, the pageant will proceed south on Tenth, east on Morrt "son. north on Fourth, west on Washing ton snd north on Tenth to th place of beginning. 4 ' Sacred Mysteries Unveiled. . At I o'clock In the evening the tem . pie portals will be opened on the ' des , ert, great tenta having been pitched for theee exercises. Thereafter profane ... eyes must ceass to search for the deeds - of the elect, for none but the faithful . may see behind the mystic veils and live. It Is expected hat this ritualistic performance will come to a close some , time, but when or how none dares prophesy. Three quarters of a hundred meek men will make the desert journey. Their names and-thelr Itneage are oh cured, so thst the missing1 on the foil lowing morn will never "be heralded to the werld. : - t-GREAT CELEBRATION -y FCMNED FOR FOURTH - Portland will have a great celebration ef July Fourth If plans now discussed 1 are carried out Mayor Williams haa requeated the Commercial- club to take charge of the matter, and aaaurances ' are given thst It will accept the re sponsibility. - . ( The subject will be taken under con sideration formally at an early date, and . details for a grand celebration will be - worked out. This la the year of all years, It Is believed, when Portland can afford to glv-1 th - greatest patriotic " celebration - of the annlveraary of the nation's natal day In her history. With the city administration, the Commercial - club, the Lewla and Clark exposition of . flclals and the business Interests co operating, a successful result would be assuVed. . V- To the Warships r ." Three-minute aervlce. Favorite Boar' lng company, foot Morrison street, south of bridge. - Frefeued Stock Oeaaed Ooods. , Allen Jk Lewis Best Brand. - txaJiassasxnaaiMMMMMMgaaMKaaxisiiMiMBMM i ...... v i FLOATING ON AIR i ., Is the Exhilarating Effect Produced by an 't Aerial Electric Gar Ride . ' " " . .. -,-v . MACHINERY HALL Lewis and Clark Exposition Buy your tickets at the Exhibit of the . i Willamette Iron Pj . mi a General Trepoff, "the Man of Death," Who Haa Suddenly Become the Practical Dictator of Russia. He Is Now -"Atsiatant 'THiniaterof " the" Interior in Which Pott Ha -Wffl Extend to the Empire the Repressive Measure - - 'Used in St Petersburg. . - -"' ' ' ' - . . . : "" - COTTOJt IS U. S. JUDGE (Continued from Page One.). lumbla Law school..,-- The young law yer early displayed a peculiar-aptitude for his profession, snd in 1888 wss ap pointed assistant to the general solicitor of the-Union. Pacific, with offlcea at Omaha. - '.' ' HIa ability J quickly gained atlll further recognition and tha following year he ' came to Portland, which has ever stnue been hia home, a general at torney of the Pacific division of the Union Pacific. When this part of. the system passed Into the control of the O. B. A N. Mr.. Cotton became general counsel 'of the latter company, a posi tion which he still holds.1 . Mr. Cotton rendered an Important service to the bench -and -bar- of -the state, - when.. n : conjunction with the lute-Judge Bellinger, "he compiled the statutes of Oregon.' Bellinger A Cot ton's code la 1n the off Ice of every law yer In the state. The compilation was authorized . by act .of . the legislature passed at the session of H01. rA'number" of other prominent mem bers of the br have been urged for-the position to which Mr. Cotton wss sp polnted today. Among them sre Justice Bean of the supreme . court. County Judge. It. R. Webster. Circuit - Judge McBrlda of Oregon City. Henry E. Mc Ginn ani the four circuit Judges of this county. ' ; FROM LOS ANGELES TO PORTLAND BY BICYCLE r A bicycle trip from Los Angeles to Portland. 1.S00 miles, haa just been com pleted by Howard H. Gordon, a resident of th. sout hern- "city, who ' undertook the trip with the expectation that the out-door life would benefit hl health. Hia hopes . In this respect were fully realised. He cam""fhrough without a mishap not even the puncture, .of a bicycle tire on the entire trlpj ie was delayed two weeka by ralna. and the time of his Journey aggregated eight T ' f 'I . Jla followed the) eoast route, end atto time waa mpre than f miles from the main line or the Southern Pacific rail road. ' . , Taylor Street Ohtureh Stuto. ' j The following program will be ren dered at the Taylor - Street Methodist church tomorrow: Morning '' Offertoire, A minor............. Murry "Paradise" Hswley Solo, "The Lord Is Mindfulot-Jll- r OwnP' from "St Paul" 7 Miss Dltchburn. - -- March ....Ronbler Evening i. - Prelude .Lachner . "I Am a Pilgrim" .....Marston "Berceuse" .m IM,-r. . .......tMlbruch Postlude Batiste - ' "I BenovaUns; th. Ohtmb, 1 ' Th. interior of the First Christian church will present a new and cosy ap pearance next 8unday.. The auditorium ta. being - tinted In- three-color. -and everything indicates progress and pros perity In th. church. An Individual communion set will be Installed In a week or two. Children's day offering last Sunday was the largest ever given by the school. i & Steel Works i -'. C i : .! - 1 A'- STRIKE IS RESULT; Or: A CONSPIRACY Employers Involved With Team, -sters in Plot Against Mont- -gomery Ward Co. THIRTY THOUSAND PAID BY RIVALS OF THE FIRM Revolt In Drivers RanksTgainst Shea RegimeAttempt to Call Off Strike. ' - (Joertal (ptwtal Berrice.) "Chicago. June 17. A demand for a settlement ef the etrlke being framed up by the anti-Shea dlegatea tn the Teamsters' Joint council, according to reports today. It Is said that powerful leadera of, the' Teamatera' union have broken away from th. Shea clique and will attempt to 'secure enough pledges today and Sunday to force a Joint coun ell meeting Monday to call off the atrlke. It la reported that representa tive! of several unlona will protest at the meeting of the Federation Of Labor tomorrow against th. continuance of as segments for strike-benefits. . The admission Is made by Statea At torney Heath that the grand Jurors had found - important evidence confirming the report that -the present strike ; 1 the result of a 'conspiracy" 'directed sgalnat the firm of Montgomery Ward Co., by other-employers, and strike leaders involving the payment of $10. 000 In Installments. Of from $10,000 to $20.000. The grand Jury which has .been In vestigating th. alleged graft between "trrtJOT iMmieTw ana numriMi tifciea ta- imrrned ar noonnnttt -Monday morning. lng. , George Wshl, store keeper - of ' the United States restaurant,- told the Jury that certain labor leadera had made seri ous threats to Injure him If he continued to buy supplies from the boycotted house. ... At the conclusion bf" the session As sistant State Attorney Fake said that ths Investigation of the Jury had brought about a cessation of violence-in-the strike and sccorrrptlshed muth good. He said that all testimony heard had been under pressure and that neither labor leaders nor.: employers had offered -to testify. He Intimated that a number of indictments will be returned next week. Labor leaders will be Invited t. tell what they knowof the alleged bribes offered by employers. PROOF OF SPIRIT RETURN - - ., Demonstrated '-L f At the Bible Spiritual society A. Ou 1 W. hall. West Park and Washington streets, Selllng-Hlrsch building, by Georgia Gladys CoOIey and fcadd Flrtl- gan, at T:4 p. m. ; Florano. -White lee ture and spirit messages 11 . m. Hpir itual demonstration and short - talks. niiver collection. i Holiness Oaaapmeetlng. Th. - Holiness"- csnaCtneetlna st East Tamhni and Grand avenue,- m- Paquers pretty, grove, will enter 1U third week tomorrow, xhe attendance. Is Incfess lng and encouraging result.' have glad dened the hearts of Its management Mis. Curry Is. a most .forceful speaker, and many conversion, have been made under her teachings. Services are keld every afternoon and evening. . f: So far as; they go, Schilling's Best take doubt and "difficulty out of getting your 1 table Supplies. y ... 1 ' KNIGHTS DEPART PRAISING FAIR Order of Columbus -Visitors Spend Day at Fair and Are V. Royally Entertained. . Th Knights of-Columbus left last night for Taooma, having spoilt In. Port land what they called th most delightful dav of their western trip. k During yee- tarda y afternoon they .visited most of the exhibit buildings and th. Trail, tag lng-Inh. shows from one end of the broad white way to th. other. . Every member of th. order" went away from the .xposltlon car rylrig words of P raise for th.. fair -.They were! royally, enter tained . at ait informal . dinner . by the local knights before their departyr. on the o'clock train. .., . Originally th. party numbered to. but many went: east from San Fran-eleeo,-4eavln-about 0 on- th. special train which, came to Portland There were a number of national officers In th. visiting party, the list including: National Director J E. Burns of Eaat Orange. New Jersey: Nstlonal Director Joseph E. Smith of New York, National Physician W. T. McMsnnls of New Tork. National Director Charles A. 'Web ber of New York, National Chaplain P. J. McOlvney of Mlddletown, Connecti cut; National Director Frank M. Don nely of Providence, Rhode Island: D. P. Toomey of Boston, sdltor of th. Colura blad. th. official organ of the'order.'1 Among the Jocal people who enter tained th. knights were J. P. Kava naugh, John M. Oearln, Andrew - C. Smith. Joseph F. Kelly, F. B. Duffy, John T. McDonnell,. Ben U Norden. J. P. O'Brien, W. E. Prudhomme. John B. Coffey, P. E. Sullivan, P. J. Gorman and Jairnta p, Cooke, . ARE YOU GOING EAST? If So,-Aik-Abont-th- Ninety-Day . licketi Now on ale by theO.R.ftN. . On Jun. 10 and 17 th. O. h. N. Co. places on sale very low rat. tickets to Chicago and othsr eastern points, good for-00 days. For particulars call upon C W. Stinger, eity ticket agent. Third and Waahlngton. Tour friends In the east will ask you about th. Columbia river trip. - Reraembar that the O. R A N. give, you 200 miles along this match less river. j LOSES FAMILY ON EXPOSITION GROUNDS For almost $4 hour. Stewart Stan dard wa. separated from hi. wife and children, and the police were busy try ing to round up th. family In one room. Stannard la a resident of Lebanon. He arrived Thursdsy night to see th. f airrUetng- accompante by hi. wtf errtls daughter,. Lydiar aged 10 years, and his son Clarke, agld 12. The father loet hia flock and lat. Thursdsy night called on th. police to help him -find them. - The town waa combed but result - Th. next morning he waa again at pa lice .headquarter a, asking for further assistance.. In the meantime a police-., man. guided by description, located the mother.1 son and daughter at Seilwood. They. .bad. taken the ,wrong caryatid reaching there late. at night had. been w loomed by the family of a war vet eran and made comfortable until yester- , day morning.--' - .- . --- I Mrs. Stannard wa. notified that her huaband was almoot crasy with anxiety, and tn her desire to take her children to their parent's arms forgot to . ask where she could Ond him. Th. police did not know his address -an.d th.' Stan nard family was not a unit again until lat. last night. v . -e- A " 1 1 haro to Oreo. Musicals. ' Among the church eventa of next week will be the literary and musical entertainment given by the Ladies' aux iliary oa th. Kmroanuel Baptist church at Hobklrk'. hsil Wednesday evening. Horn, of Portland's best musical ' and literary talent will . render-, selections. Miss Klla Frances Ilnherg. Mrs. Olga Bartsch - Lang, Miss Whltehurst. Mas ter Frank Shea apd others .will partici pate - -4 . . fjpHHKEr wa s a t i me when we started in-business we said we would talk ''quality" when we sold furnaces. We know we've iivright byLbrrincrease each yesir in sales of "Perfects. " We sell "Perfect'' Furnaces. We sell hem.eniFia iristally our furnace. .. 7 he w; g: Mcpherson go. MASONS HAVE NOT GOT BUILDING. SITE Place Matter Tn Hands of a Com mittee for Report at Next Grand Lodge. MSaAHS B A AMrT7fl -their srand lodg. of Oregon yesterday afternoon without taking final action onthe buliaing prop osltlon. The trustees of th. educational fund. Judge John B. Cleland, J. U. Hod on and M. S. Woodstock,, were charged with the duty of Investigating the mat- t., mnr t rm or h I ' anfl it theV SO. fit. may purchase the land required before the next annual convention, u n um the authority to proceed with th. build- lng.--- ''- ' The site Is understood to nave Been a fruitful topic for discussion. It waa to .. .mvimittM time to choose with proper regard to the futttr. convenlenc of the order ths final acon- was u ferred. A th"" committee lain no. need of urgent haste. It will take due time to consider th. .ituatlon, and may not act In regard to buying th. land for sev eral months. . . . ' Grand ' Master . W. H. Flanagan of Grants Pass, with" his subordinate elect ive officer.. ws Instslled In the after noon. H announced the appointive offl- rirand ehaolain. Rev. J-R. M.- Bell. Baker City; aenlor grand .' 1 - i t c-n-r Portland: Junior Qfscnn, nwi - ' grand .flgacon., O. S. Hellborn. -Aatorta; grand marshal. Alexsnder Kur... rorx land;. grand orator, C. A Johna. Bak"r City; aenlor grana sw"". " ...V r ... i,,ninr mn ' steward. T M Baldwin. Prlnevllle; grand stsndard bearer., Simon Csro. Roseburgj grand sword, bearer. F, M. ' ' grand tyler, p. G. Tomaslnl, Portland. FEATURES FOR tONIGHT - AND TOMORROW AT FAIR ni I riiuira avs w... w sltlon grounds Inolud. lanes' band con cert at T:0 o'clock, th. performance of the Baume at th. earn, hour and fire works at t O'CIOCK. - 1 aw irui " 11:10 o'clock. " The order of the day for tomorrow, han the- admission price will be Zl cents, la as followa: 1 p. ra-oate. open. Z ir.whihit bblldlnga open. (Gov ernment bulldlnga and Trail remain closed during day). ' T. . a n m nrand concert by . inner band, bandstand.- 4 p m, Servlcea,. In Auditoulum. Program: Invocation Bv. A. N. whr; "O Lordi Be.Mercuui. '",m' "i""! Scrlpturi reading; "By the" Waters of Babylon." Lakm. -nuartet: sermon, Kev. Robert Mclntyre. D. D.; hymn, "Nearer My God to Thee"; benedlctlon. 4 p. m. Kxnmn buuuu " .mi y-t -a .imnrt hv Inner band. Including rendition of "Parsifal." Audl- "I p. m.--Orand electrical Illumination. lip. III.' To the Warships. ' . i rvt.a. Favarlts Boat ing company, foot Morrlaon atreet. aoutn of bridge. ' " referred Stock Oanaed Oooda. "Allsn 4k Lewis' Best Brand. - FARMER EDWARDS MET A WOMAN LOSS TOTAL v..,. m. recent arrival from Dakota, walked Into a eoneert,naH In th. north .endTnursaay nign mnv met a woman. "Sh. looked gooo, , saia iwiwarue. "and I bought her tnree Domes -or wine.".----- -. , , At 7:14 o'clock . yesteraay morning Patrolmen Courtney and O'Brien rescued w . . ih. mntfmr at aeconil and rl WBL'I. " ' - r. - - - 1,,,,,. Ru'rnald Street. " On. of h1s-pocketrt h.rt in out out and he wss minus ISO-, all the coin he had. '- The victim Insist. that h. wa not drunk. He Is a brother of City Marshal e.... vin. Waahlna-ton. and had to telegraph for money U. get there. . ffdwarde im a rarmer. Headache 'wervrmirness."TlBxlness Indigestion, Neursisia are ri bt " I ' , t tty sooining nw n-rf u g their action. Dr. , Miles' Anti-Pain lis relieve almost Immediately. UnllKe.wry omer pain nnitgr, iirei contain frothing Injurious and you will never know you have taken them, ex cept by th relief they afford. Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills have become a household remedy In thousands of famlires, where they never fall to cure all pain snd rellev thos little mlserablalliuent.whlcii,. are .so common. "Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Fills nave not only relieved me of sever, "headache. nervousness and inoigeanon, dui my mother, who baa Buffered a great deal with neuralgia and diss I nee haa been cured by their time." MRS; "G. . DANK8 li-AV. Jd st- Mooreatown, N. J. The nret pa-ltng will benefit. If not. the druggist will return your money, i It doses, it cents. .Never sold la bulk. ' '"- ,l " ' ' ' Atfetable Preparstionror As slmQatlng theFoodandBctfula- tingttobiDiivicnsaitiioweucir Promotes DigesUonherfur- ness and wstxoniains namer Opkim.Morphine norHioeroL 1SOT Kmc OTUO. Jk-caj OUJl-SiJiLilTaaJt Aperfecl Remedy forConsBpi Tion, Sour Stomach, DianleB Worms .Convulsions .Feverish rurss and Los9 or SLKEP. ' Fac Simla Stgnahira af NEW "YOUK ' " .rT.JSKe I hsw I Don't Get the Habit asfiUloping joursclfwitho-csJled- : constipation cores that ncrcr cure -on yL giving temporary relief. A dangerous habit that ruins your digestive organs beyond repair. Take Chases . - Constipation Tablota They not only relieve THcy euro lThelongerlyou take them the less you need next time. "They go to the cause of the, trouble and jestorjetqworking health your. weakened ; digestivb - organs. Be healthy. : , L : u-jt" w - watch-shaps -r - BOTTLBS THAT FIT TEST FOCXBT. TOtTB leJl A i V.sf-a is it Pbons Mala i 3 For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You f lava Bears the In --W--.j JL USG For Over Always: Bought "ssViAi -AW II . IU Thirty Years TfiM JUJuill 1 TH8 CHASB KFO. Ca Karwrao, " ""'""k.y.":."'-'""' BANK AND OFFICE rj.!U."S ' ( . . fsiiwlC nasal Imvif 4.sjV.4 Barbed Wlra, Vfir and Lawn Pt--'--, Poultry Ksttln. tte. r') it.