The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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,1 I
Investigation Made Today Into
V Wiles Cement Contracts Shows No Ground for Prose
, " cution's Further Action. i
Zimmerman Says Defendant Asked Him to Favor Wiles, but It Is
Not Shown That the Accused Had Any Connec- ' '
: tion With the Firm. "".
Councilman John P. Sharkey,, ay tila
fellow members, . will be exonerated of
. The' rBB'rgta agHliist lilm made by the
grand' jury alleging that he was a mem
ber of the contracting firm of El wood
Wiles Construction company, doing work
for the city and that he was sharing In
the prof its' from city work.
- The iclai council committee, before
whom the Investigation -of the charges
' was conducted today. . consisting - of
; Counc'llmen Zimmerman, A. K. jlentley
' V and Dr. Manford Whiting will bring In a
report at' the meeting of the council
. Wednesday, declaring that the charges
" made by the- grand Jury could not be
"substantiated. .":
Councilman A P. Flegel, who eon
v ducted - the pro cut Ion, - declared -.- that
the testimony produced was not suf
ficient to. conylet. .. .
r- . - - Flegel I Satisfied.
, L' "' " I desire to state." said he, "that the
' .evidence produced has ' not been auf
" flV-lent to substsntlat the charges and
'- . when the report -of -the- committee Is
t'made -to the -council I shall vote exon
' ' eratlng Mr. Sharkey. In Justice to Mr.
.Shrkey f desire, to state, that .this in
.. , vestigation ha been no whitewash. - I
' " I desired to have a thorough Invest Iga
'. , - tion. of this matter and we have- gone
', into It a fully .rs possible., although two
' witnesses, ex-City Engineer Elliott and
. . , . . niB a.ssistjini, lr. Scoggina, who we
- " --. ' had subpoenaed did not sppesr."
: Councilman Sharkey was represented
- by tan J. Malarkey. As Boon ss the
r- -,, . -proceeding were begun Councilman
' .' -- piege! ealledraty Auditor Devlin .to the
' witness-stand. . Mr. Malarkey-arose and
. i. desired to know the character of. the
'." proceedings and called for'filty Attornef
: McKary and questioned Councilman
' Flegel's right to conduct the examine
, '-... tion without the presence of- the city
; ; attorney in the room. ... . .. .
'Attorneys Bxofcaoge Tkrnsta.
r. "Are you the' pro bono publleoof these
" . , ' -' proceedings T" -Inquired s Malarkey. of
.: : KlegeU - 1 . - -
' "I am.", was the reply.
' -i "'-suppose you will, sot th same as
r you- have in many other proceedings of
, - ' .this nature v rurtner inquirea Maiarxey.
-BhtactlT."-was-the response. 'I will
conduct thi"lnHutrjr as a member of
' the city council of Whom an Investlga
tl6n was demanded by Councilman
, - . Sharkey, The city attorney "has not In
formed himself of the-particulars of
These chargei tfid
"I thought Tht- a
format Investigation ahoold be held In
stead of having thia committee white
wash the charges. -r-
i:Sr "It presumption oft the part ef Mr.
4Flegei'.hat Jl is the only person who
. can conduct this examination,' replied
,uJrtala,rkey. do not object to Tils ask
ing Questions, but I desire "the "ettjr-mt-
. ... torneyJto be present"
- - WhllewaWing for the elty attorney's
-. : arrival. Attorney Malarkey consented
. to listen to the testimony of -the city
auditor, which was regarding a contract
:;rt between Elwood Wiles and the city for
a cement sidewalk on property belong-
lnr t" John t p.- Sharker and "" I It
Fields, on Grand avenue and East Davis
- , streets, amounting to $300.11.
SUlott OaT Coatxaot '
According to the charter,- If property.
.. , owners do not lay sidewalks when notl-
' fled to do sd by the city, the city engl
' ; t naer. does, the work aiaji the city takes a
. lien on the property for payment. The
preliminary proceedings. It is claimed,
' .were taken without any knowledge on
the part of city officials as to the
'owners of the land, and City Engineer
Elliott awardecl tna work to- Wiles with
out first getting the consent of the
council and executive board, which had
- requested on ' all sidewalk con-
.. tracts. When the claim was presented
. for payment the city auditor would not
allow it, as-the proceedings had been
irregular, but finally in September, !04,
"-the executive board approved the claim
and ordered the contractor paid. Mean
' while improvement bonds bad been- is-
5iood Health
nto tHie
- fib 1U5 H Jl w, -
a m mm mm mm mm mm mm I rfl n I
r- Children especially
and the housekeeper
v to their food.
; As good cake can be" made only with
-goodeggs, so also-a cake that is health- ;
ful as well as dainty must be raised "with
-a pure and perfect, baking powder.:-7T r r
i Royal Baking Powder is indispensable '
in the preparatibnbf the highest quality
!-t)f food. 1 It imparts that peculiar light-' 7
ness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the
finest cake, biscuit; doughnuts crusts, etc., -and
.what is more important, renderj the
food wholesome and agreeable to young
arid old. ' V v.;- . : :rr';..
ovak kin WDIA
Hit Alleged Connection With the
sued and a lien taken on the property,
and it was not nine 11 then that Sharkey
jvasjdlscovered toJathe-owner'of the
property. BhATlfFy tistf-'-a
the smount of the assessment and waive
all Irregularities In the city, engineer
Counciltpsn Flegel' attempted to show
that Elliott had awarded the work to
Wiles knowing that" Sharkey was the
owner .of the property, but failed.
tUmxaermaa Befeada Baarkey.
Councilman Zimmerman admitted that
Sharkey had come to him and asked him
to show favors to Wiles whenever pos
sible, and he admitted that he went to
the elty engineer and asked him to throw
such work to Wiles as be wss able.
was ahown that only two small c cm tracts
for sidewalk work had ever beeri given
Wiles by the city ' engineer; all -other
contracts having -been let by the execu
tive board.
"I would have done the aame for any of
my friends." declared the wltneaa. 'Thave
herd ,'rlamars about a partnership' be-t
tween Wiles and Sharkey, but I do not
Know or .it to my -own knowledge.
Is all rumor. "
."You have heard -rumors of tricky
work about many of the members of the
council i even about Mr.. flegel, the pro
bon publico of the council, have you
notr inquired Malarkey,
"I have heard rumors about' all Of
them, but I did not believe them,'
the reply. . t -
- 'You have heard Tumor about yout-
seir also, Mr. Ztmmermanr
Tes, Indeed 1 have," was the re
sponse. - . ; r-
firm's Jkeoords Clear Aecased.
Deputy City Auditor 8mltb was called
with records regsrdlng the bonding of
toe property for the sidewalk work, and
Tie was rmioweObjiLjCar! Liebe. the book
keeper of the Concrwte-i- Construction
uuapany, the corporation In which El
woo WUe-ls .interested and in which
the grand Jury alleged- Councilman
Sharkey owned shares. He produced the
books or the corporation, -which he sub
mitted 'in evidence, showing that
Sharkey had no interest In th firm. An
erasure bad been made and the name of
El wood Wiles, Jr.,-written In the list of
stockholders. It wss stated that the
name or li. j. Altcock had been erased
ad oiiempc to snow that this name
mignt nave been the name of John P.
onerxey railed.
El wood Wiles stated that the stock as.
signed to Altcock. had never been Issued
ss ne wss unable to per for It. A re
ord in the bank check book showad th&t
ShaTkey had been loaned $150 by Wiles
oerore tne corporation was formed but
the records disclosed that the money had
Deen returned,
LCPUncllman Jjlharkeyj called no wit
nesses. After a brief resume of the eingMlngtook-placofor two days. Thsf
Attorney Malarkey asked for
port exonerating the client. Councilman
Flegel admitted that the Investigation
had. failed. to prove- the charges. The
report of the committee will be made
to the city 'council Wednesday.
(Journal gperial Service.)
Milwaukee. Wis., June 17. The Bige-
low defalcation. , it is declared by the
city tax commissioner, has wiped out the
entire undivided profits of $$00,000 of
the First National bank togather with
the surplus of $500,000 and two thirds
of the capital stock. The bank examiner
has ordered the-bank-4-4naJk off jts
books $2,10,000, leaving only $$35,000
resources. -
(Journal special garvlm.t
York. June 17. F
are fond of dainties,
must look carefully
; : - ,
CO., ntw Ton.,
exasipl set" by"-the- Penneylysnte, last
week th . New. York Central wlll -to-
morrow Inaugurate Its n.w fast train,
service between New York and Chicago,
reducing th tiro between the two cities
to IS, hours.. Deaplte the faot that this
Is the- fastest train eervlo for long
try it Is tba belief la railroad circles
tnst tt is -but- Hi forerunner or still
further reductions. With the com
Hon of 'the Pennsylvania terminal
New York next year it is reported that
the time between thle city and the west
ern metropolis will be clipped st least
two hours, bringing it down to 1$ hours
for ths 1,000 mile Journey.
'Jt (Jenraal Special garrle.)
' New Torkv.June.17. Oeorge Green, a
! year-old elevator boy In an apart
ment house at West One Hundred and
Seventeenth street proved 'himself a
hero during a fire and to hjs efforts are
due the escapef rotn JnJury and .per-.
naps eseain- or many tenants la ths
house. Green WAS the Only one who
suffered, his hande being ' -sUgtitly
ournea. -'ii
At the first alarm of fire Qreen ran
the elevator to the seventh floor, warn-
n rrtB Ifiianls tliere.'and took
ssfely to the street, . Then he rsn up
to the sixth floor on the same errand.
Floor after floor wss visited and
szz zv:'Z!tot?a io.u"
smoke. and flamesr- The- boy retained
his self-possession and got out alf of
the tl families safely. . .
. -:-f (Jenraal Special Carrier:)
- Aurora, III., June 17. When D. " C.
le. a well known business man -of
Detroit, and a leader , in Grand Army
circles waa with the Union .army at
Teneytowa, Maryland, 11 miles south of
Gettysburg, early tn HIS, he picked up
common jana turtle and on It hard
shell back carved the Cnlted States flag
and a castle, which waa the insignia or
th engineering corps, his name, regi
ment and the year. ..
Four weeks ago Captara H. B. Marts
of Gettysburg caught the turtle.- He
found out where Lee was and wrote
him saying that If he could prove his
Identity the live turtle would be shipped
to him. It took, ths turtle 4 3 years to
tcavel 11 miles.
(Special Dhpetch to Tba JooraaU "
Seattle, Wash., June 17. The sound
steamer . Garden , City .was destroyed
by fire early this -mornlnar' ahila
lying In the dock at Port Orchard. The
captalirrnd fiew fireghtxhe fire deaoer.
aieiy dui were compelled
ta eul IM.
vessel loose in order- to- save th wharf.
The steamer was built two -rmra ao-n
and caught fir from her boilers.
- The vessel was used in the sound
"in waa dwhw at V n. Hara,
man . of Port Townsend. Bh was 101
ton register, 10 feet long, IS feet
beam. . She was built two years ago at
enonomian. . . .
CI AMC IMWfintr ADIirallS
(Journal special ferries. J
Tims. -iun 17. a force of -
mounted. Kurds haa crossed the Persian
frontier, raiding and burning Armenian
Tillage.' Th raider besleaed 120 Am.
slan troops at Khanlouthar, where Oeroe
Russians were Anally compelled to re- th-county clerk' offlc will repelv
treat owing to lack of ammunition and their ''usual vacation -this year, buf un
thelr fete Is unknown. less Clerk Field changes his mind they
Th Kurds -ar reinforced -- hrr
bands of Tartars, all armed and dls-1
clpllned. .; They.kre marohlng on- Erlvan.
Btorle of terrible massacres are . ar-1
(Speclaf Dbpeeckle The JoermLy
Pendleton, Or., June 17 At a meet
ing of the board of regents , of the
Eastern Oregon Norms! school hold here
last night -it wss decided to continue
the institution regardless of state as-
!etne. Ftindsjwll! b solicited from
avwiuca, IMUre lUQ najl tn.
amount having already been promised.
A committee consisting of President R.
k. French, o. W. Proebstel and P. A.
Worthington. secretary of th board.
wap pointed to secure the funds neees-
sary to malnuin th institution.
- I
tJ (Journal Special gerrlre.)
June 17. At a. confer-
enu of Republican leaders this morning
was decided to present candidates for
sheriff, coroner and city commission
er. The present candidates should step
side to permit new men named.
Tli move Indicate that only cltlsens
hitherto free from -connection with th
machln will be named, in an endeavor
to head off th rapid ily growing antl
organlsatlon sentiment. . ...
(Jourssl Speelal flarvlee.) ;
Chicago. June 17. Frsnk Davis, aged
17, - waa shot through - the lung by a
guard on an American Express wagon
at Monroe and -Peoria street at noon
today. The wagon; was passing the
brick lay err hall at union headquarters
when the crowd Jeered the drtver,-and
pressed 'about th wagon. Th guard
fired,-wounding Davis, who will proba
bly die. . L r,
(Journal Special ttttrlf.
Milwaukee. Wla. Jun 17 A mag
nificent monument In meirtOry of th I
Polish patriot- Kosciusko. 1 to b un
veiled tomorrow in Kosciusko park, J The
event will be msdeth occasion for a
great demonstration 'of Polish Societies
of- Milwaukee, reinforced by - delega
tions from Chicago, Grand Rapids, De
troit ana omer cities. Th monument
was modeled br Oaetana Trant
th famous oulptor '. -
. , (Journal flsedal lervtee.) 7 7."'
New Tprk, Jun 17. Stat Supetin.
tendent of Insurance Hendricks said to
day thst he had hot yet submitted his
report in th Equltsbls matter to the
governor? and declined to say when
he will do so. Chairman Mnrton todsy
reiterated - th- statement that no action
ill be taken in regard Id Hyde and
Alexander until the Hendricks report la I
Request of Baron von Sternberg
f or More Salary Causes
Count Cassini to Co by His fa
vorite , Route . to , St.
Petersburg, -r
Waahinrtoa Berae Te loeraet.J :
' Washington, June. 17. Baron Speck
Von . Sternberg is suffering the fate Of
every diplomat who obtains unusual
success in the capital to which he has
been accredited. Sir Mortimer
seems to have set the ball rolling by
asking 'for a raise in salary, and ths
gsklng 'for a raise in salary, and 'facf
German ambaasador seems to have had
an application on file lor some months
bTtV.-rn..." tsrisr .n
past. This request. -aroused ' intense
fathers 'of the Oerman federation said
soma very harsh things bf President
Roosevelt's most Intimate friend.- Said
one old legislator from the Rhenish
provinces: - - . : '
Spook labors to please th American
J president and the American people. He'
mla-ht do worse thin., than that over
In Washington. What we objeot to is
paying, his salary.-. Since it Is his ob
ject to please If r. Roosevelt first of all
and be popular with the Americans
they should place him on their pay
roll a He is doing their bidding, not
I ours."
Bemarka Are Valafal,
This Is exceedingly '.undeserved and
it publication in th" leading German
press was certainly very painful to
his excellency. " Th baron is going to
Berlin to talk it over and will sail
June 20. having concluded to .atay in
Washington just as long as the presi
dent tarries. Naturally it Incenses th
sturdy German to read such comment
on their ambassador, but then he' takes
his cue from the throne itself and he
is' in a pretty tight fix.-. lie is here to
cultivate the friendship of .In" preslr
dent, If he follows this order he gets
Intn llirimnta vllk tha Michstaa and
i, ,-..,.-. -n A n.v tha hut
Vh. n.rm.. i..ia..inr. a.ra .li Harht.
" .A. rmB 'f"atcT"; ar all right,
but this does not prevent cordial sym-
pathy for Baron Speck. He-railed to
get his Increase of salary and he really
does deserve it, an' be and his lovely
amarian wlfa ara amiM the moat
in wl
iUvlsJxhosts at the-capital,
Sooa JieesroiMarld.-
I rnnt rasalnl Intends aolna br his
I favorite .- route; th North German
I Lloyd to Hamburg and then across to
et. ietersourg Dy ran. mimt cunaum
ing with the foreign omo ror someianu enmmana over ine uin-tnat Human
weeks he wlH-Joint-the. Countess Mar. 1 J?h ' ' to. he does, not use his -dis-
guerlt in Pari and then go to Wels
baden and other spas. His presenta
tion at Madrid Is not : definitely 'Set
tled. The court - I now at San Se
bastian on the upper Atlantic coast, but
tit Is a low. damp pUce, not at all cal
I . . , , - - .
rheumatio allmenta. . :
1 tin ti it I r? unnnAVC
1 HU 1 '"Ul iiwa-ivrtaw
.. : .
Th 1" Mm'mb stenographsre In
I will -not be allowed half- holiday on
Saturday afterndons this summer. La at
I summer they were allowed both th va-
cations and th afternoon Off; this year
they wer given th cholc of th. on or
th other. The majority voted in favor
Wi HW TW.ft.IUU", u, .,vj ma j m. .
in ine paa
been divided.
psst th fore fit clerks has
led. anoTesch Half alternated
In taking th Saturday afternoon off.
Mr. Field says he mad th rul be
cause when half hi force was away
an unusually large amount of business
I came in. Th half on duty had to work
all the harder, and he himself had to
I remain all day Saturday in order to
help-put th other. His i nam was
never Teached on th afternoon-out list
(Speelal Diapatek The JoersaL)
Olvmnla Wash.. June 17. A stranarer
giving his name as George Men ne was
found wandering around th farm of
- --- - l
city and placed In th eonnty JalL-.Jlie 1
man snows unmisiaaaDie signs or in-1
iiviu iiiiii in
await develon-
worked jn
Jail for a few days and
ments. ' He says that he
logging camp on the Satsop river.
(Journal Special Serte.l-
- Fort Monroe, June 17. At dawn this
morning four torpedo boat destroysrs
and three converted yachts made an at-1
tack on the fort and all were theoretic
ally sunk and returned to the fleet The
strategy -Involved in. the maneuver is not
apparent,' at the little vessels were no I
match for tha siege guns of the fort
r- . ( Jaornal Rpeolal Srlee.V -
Cleveland, O., Jun 17 TK grand
Jury today indicted it members of th
Msster Plumbers and Mantle Til Deal
ers' association for combining and
charging excessive rates in violation
of stat and antt-trust laws.
To the Warships,. .1:.
Three-minute service. Favorite Boat
lng company, foot Morrison street, south
of bridge.
II TlW.ptmt, Slstrlboten
' "' "v- ' ")Z"
I i I fjit Havana6igar9 J J' I
Restores Health I to Hopelew , Invalids Civen Up to Die 'by. Doc-
v u ;.wrs. . j ' ' .
j Says Phenomenal Power of PanopathrOProfessorBrought-Herl
. y . dbvk xo uue rvnen opay reix ueaana Lrreiess. ; .
. '.,'".:.-' 1 . . . . .... . . r ' . . .
Hundreds Healed by This Man, Who Has Disoarded Useless Drugs
i n:j!.ii . : ti. 1 1 it. j. in j...a .'.
ana lYieuicines gincs n
.3 ,
Discovery of
- y - l,, - ,. ' ' " t ' -
YetneOffers adrvlcesFre9"of -
Afflicted Cures Them ;
re lieves It His Duty to Cod and Man to Help
" . All Who. Stand In Needr" v'T"
HEW TdHif .Tuna 10 Soeclat Cor
respondence.) The seeming miracles of
healing performed br that famous scleit-
M"t and panopath ol this city, lr. Wsi-
Hadley.' 'his startura: cures or mi
and women given up to die by doctor,
nave tem an wnnnermi in notn meinoa
and reaulto that 4hey have awakenex)
universal praise, aetnnlshment and mye
tery among professional men and the
general publio alike, : in tne iaoe oi
doctors' verdicts and apparent lmposnt
blllties this man has taken lnvallda pio
nounced hopeleanly Incurable and re
stored them to life and health when all
other means had failed.
Considerable curiosity has peen
sroused by these phenomenal cures, both
I because
they are so wonderful in thutn.
selves and also that this worker of won
ders proclaims the fact that he has dis
cards the useless .druge and medicines
usually prescribed tiv pnvsiclans. - in
partiat -Wptanatlott-h-stat, thathe
baa discovered -the greatest of. llfea
lawsithat-appirrently hei. been -overlooked
by previous searcher after the
secret or nature. , And it is evident be
yond doubt that this -discovery glvm
bim a. power over disease and death not
possessed by ordinary i
tain ia he of his- abtllt
I and offer to Drove t
mortals. Bo cer
ltv that he claims
and offer to prove that there is no
I disease he may not vure.
.that assertion appears to' be, ther is
plenty or ld8noe 'to ,upport u. In one
fase.'lf not In more, by mean if the
myateriou power . he' possesses, h is
stated to have made the human heart
beat again, reviving the nickering spark
or Jlf .when all but extinguished, and
curlryr dlseanes that baffled the aklll of
the beat doctbra and SDeclaliata... He
eppeare to have complete oootrol and
mastery over the hvdraaieaded monster.
Disease, under-whatever form orjiame
It may be known. - -
Yet. stranare es'lt tnav aMm t thlarH
i nay ana age, wnn an tne. supreme power
covery to fill his own Dockets at tha ti
pense of tha thousands of sulTerlna- man
and women who appeal to him for the
aia ne-gives-so gladly and so freely,
ss he might easily do, saying durlna a
rtn-rm imrrviaw; -j peiieve it is my
I tand-n-need without regard to any re-
I naau. .ju uai , inia yvmmw waa privun
I T 1 1 ! - . . i
wara. i oeiieve mis power WSS given
to me that I miatht be an Inatruraeni- In
cure -the sick and afflicted. This being
my earnent belief, I feel-t-that I must
lve--freelyof my-erv1cea to all who
are HI. I do not want to pose as a nhll-
-nthVopiit, b-t i h-vi JiyowV fiea.
las to the beet use fo make of the money
i nave, ana I Know or no bettor viv in
spend It than to make life easier, fori
ibwh wuo ara in tne grasp or p
diaease.. I have made both my
of pftln'ami
mv mnnav
and my disrevery unaided, and if I
choose to use both in laboring for the
heaithr of ronnltlnd I am sure that it Is
nobodv's hualnena hn ri h. t a i.
True, there I almost no limit to the
monejr-l.could make if I choee to keep
'i?!? "? S'VZlL. 'Z."
I hllm, " .."5 "
,w III. W lilt I Tlgni nAVS I tO BTOW
wealthy out of my felfowmen's miseries?
Just think of what it means-when I
am BDie o say mat mere is no disease
I may not cure! Just think of what
a message of hope and salvation that le
to hundreds and thousands of invalids
throughout the length and. breadth -of
the land who have given up hope of
ever being well sgalhT . ,
i. ao not care what doctor may enyi
I do not care what the disease is called.
INim Just as ready to make the deaf
hear, the lam walk, to cure consump-
tion, cancfr, tumors, puralyal. loco-
motor ataxiR.rtrhttifwirriTii'r
2"hiSrw VisordeM. S
mausm, cntarrn or ny otlwlll that
hnmnn floah im hala 4 T 4
'lor want to know hnw mnefc ,T.".V!
I money a man ham hut nnlv th.t v. .
l!"11 attacked by diffuse In any one of
us many rorms. No matter what It
may coat me-I mean ta ao on rurim.
ny ofie wno asks me of any dlKeaae
hey mav have. Juat aa In.. .r
.li.. Ill .7 lis,., J li.l aa ulnar aa .1 m
willing. and . abJe. -tt'hw-I havMhii
1""" . ine sna restore health
. ..... ..... J , ' w - 1 1 II,
ilould nm im mn and wmiv1rftrHBH
, ... , - - n, iiuiiian
""'"ff" like myself, go on suffering and
to give. I know what! caa do. becaull
(Joomai gpeelal Service.)
Boston, Mass, June 17. Boston and
vicinity todsy celebrated the 13Mh an
niversary of th battle of Bunker hill
with more than usual enthusiasm.
Charlestown.waathe center of the fes
tivities. . Thousand of sightseers from
an part or the state witnessed the
great parade thin afternoon. In line
were scores of patriotic and clvlo so
cleties, companies of stat militia, reeu.
lars from Forts Strong, Warren, Revere
and winthrop, sailor and marine from
the navy yard and Jackie from tha sev.
ral warship now in th harbor, -The
marcher wer greeted' with cheers, min
glad with the blasts "Of horns .and th
sounds of flrenrms on all sides.". -A mag
nificent electrical pared nnder th aus
pice ot-ina carnival associations con
cludes th celebration tonight .
.p,r Dkipatcb t Tbe JemeM
La Grand, Or., Jun 17. Yesterday
afternoon Lev -Grande experienced a
heavy rain and hall storm, the hail
stones being small. Th ground waa al
most entirely covered,, and the stones
plied up In place several inches deep.
The mountain side near th town wer
completely covered, being entirely white
for several, hours.- Home - damage - is
renorted . tot vegetables. Tha atorm did
not extend to-the valley... IsV nlglit
Was quite -cold and frost I reported
from different ,iart of ths . f alley,
rhlch damaged garden only. - .
i i.Tra , . , . .
- (j4arBat Special geyviea. ;' . ,. .
Ann Arbor, Mich. Jun 17. Ann Ar
bor Is rapidly filling with visitors In
anticipation of commencement, week at j
- - . --
nas Jiau vonaenuii.Ii
Life's. La,w..
f-1 v, '.
i ""' .'
Charge - ta - AH Who-Are Sick ana-
In Their Own Homes Be-
my power hak been tested In thousands
of rases. One case, a 'miraculous cure,'
as the patient himself railed It, was that
of a Mr. Harry Williams of Traverse
City, Mich. He had a terrible disease
that threatened to rot his bones, make
his . teeth and hair fall out, destroy
sight, taste, smell and hearing and
cover the body with ulcerous Sores; a
disease that make a roan - a living
corpse, like leprosy. H also failed -In
fief help from his home doctors, and was
n.' suoh misery of mind and body thnt
he looked upon suicide aa- ' his only
chance of eacaping a more frightful
death, waa actually thlnklna of kllllnri
himself, when, luckily for him, his case
was brought. to -my attention... I saved
bis life. I cured him.. My treatment
areve-tne poison . out or. ni . ooay.
cleansed: hi blood of the very root o
the dlaeaee and restored th man to per
fect health. And another waa that of
Mr. B.-R. IfaltTif Snowvflle, Vav HI
physicians pronounced him beyond mea
ning leal aid and wanted to saw an ope
throue-h his skull as- a last - chance.
Pieces of bone ss big a my finger and
half an inch long came out from above
his eye. His agony waa terrible. He
had abandoned all hoc and thoucht
nothing but the grave awaited hint. All
ne expected was to nave ma last aying
hours made" as comfortable aa possible,
but I saved his life and cured him com
pletely. Sometimes I myself would b
Inclined to doubt the? reports that come
from my .patients If I did not knew the
fact in each case. - It is not long ago
mat I received a letter rrom one oi
them, a Mr. J. G. Whitfield, of Nor
folk, Va., iawhleh she says: 1 was so
rear crossing the Great Valley that my
oooy Tflit aeaa ana nreiess, put you
mad my heart beat again and my Mood
flow throurh my veins once more. I
was very despondent when you came to
my rescue. My stomacn, liver-ana kia
nevs were, in such a bad state I waa
afraid I couldn't ever be cured, and. in
addition. I waa afflicted with varicose
veins and ulcers that L thought I could
not be cured, I was In despair-when I
wrote to ion? -feellng'-thaft it was a
chance for Ufa and health. - I suffered
untold misery, but now I can shout for
tor over mv restoration tn 1 fa . and
health. I don't feel like th same per
son. I do feel so thsnkful to vou. Mav
uoa bless you.' - These are only random
examples, but you see that thev nrove
my power to cure even in the face of
what seems certain death. But these
ana tne omer sn-caiied miracles that I
am. credited with performing ar not
miracles in th ssma wav aa thoaa. del
scribed In- the -Bible.. Thev. .mnv uwm
Just ss wonderful to the witnesses and
to the men and women whose live are
saved and health restored.. but-they, are
in irum . simpiy scientific phenomena
that demonstrate and nrnva ..tha m
Ki'en me by.the discovery J have made
of life's law, the secret of what creates
ana mainrains j ire, and overcome dls
ease and death." ...
'Itfut how do you find time tn
patients all oyer the country and yet
treat so many thousands?"
-wnne it is true that I have patients
In every state of the Union, .In Canada.
Mexico and foreign countries. I do not
have to visit them in order to cure
them. One of the peculiarities of my
power Is that I can and do. cure them
In their own homes luat as' easily and
Just as surely ss If I went to them or
inev enme to me.
men now" j - ,
' ah tnai any one wnn is in in an
war ana warns to De rarwa naa tn nn la
to write to me. addressing Wallace Had-
ley. m. u., orrice lUisi no. 22fs Broad
way. New York, telling me the name
of ' the disease thev- aulTai fmm nna
the-prjitclpal-avmr-tomsr -ago-and sex.
anu a win senn mem a course or home
treatment absolutely frea r rha.M a
letter does lust a much good a a per
sonal visit" .
'burely you do not mean that an nr.
Who Is Sick can wrlta tn vmi an.4 k.
curru. wimoui paying you any monevT '
But I do mean tuat that nih n.u
services and the treatment I send- sr.
tsealment. Anil I am aartaclAll v. n,u.,'
io pm imwi wno mini, or nave heen
11 r""B ncurable,-that
there is no hope for them to regain the
ro-nrramr anrr wirengtn.a Tf thev wi
write to me there la not only hnna h
an almost absolute certainty. thst they
need be sick no lone. ' , '
-- Ther has been and will be -no
change In th price bf
Mineral Water, SodaWaterd
Slphojis. gyrups, ttc; th
same prices will be maintained
all report to th contrary not-..,
Pboa afaln UOg. 6a rirst
th University of Michigan. Th exer
else of the wreek will be ushered in t
morrow evening when. President AngeU
will deliver the baccalaureate address In
University sll. The class day earn-.
clnes of the law department will be held
monaay arinrnoon and th -evening of
me same aay win ne marked by the
senior prnmenaae. Tutwdav haa baan
set aside for the class day axarcla.a ni
the senior literary department. Wednes
day win ne alumni day, and th com-
mencemnv exercise -wlir tak-- niair
Thursdsja., Th commencement oration
win ne oeitvered by President Henry.-S
Prltchett i of the Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology, .
v Za Mad Oka., - -4-
M'llllons. rush--In triad rh.aa aftav
health, trim one of faddism to
another, when. If they wnuld only eat
frood food, and keep their bowels regu
ated with lr. King's New Life Pills,
their trouble... would all pas. awsy.
Prompt relief And nulok rnra fnr H..
and stomach trouble. 25o st Rd Cross
Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak streets. ,.,
TTo Portland
' AaMficaa Flan $3.00 4 Day -
- v M apwaHL " : v .
-Special rates mad t6 farafll .
and elngle gentlemen. A modern
Turkish, bath sstabllahment la th
hotels -
I, .M. a SOWUS, KaaagU...
Hotel Fairmoun
twx JTTT-sura ajts VPtxTm its
Oppeelte Main Xntrwno to X,wl an
Clark SxposltlOBW-
- Only. ; absolutely- fireproof ' hotel "id
Joining grounds, equipped with electrl
telephonlo and special telephonic com
munlcation for- natrons.
porter and .bellboy at all -hour
service. , ,
.130 Elegant Rooms ,
-'sr Open for Guests" -uni
l.oo a bat Aim xrr.
W. H. lATTIN,T3eneral Manager.
. .. SPECIAL. RATES : 7 "
Beached by th Oregon Water
t- Vow ft By. Oo. Trolley IAb.
. - . Writ or Phon. .
H. X. aUirmi, Manager.
.; astacada, Oregon.
' Whether he goes ty land !0
or eea. th traveler will find
S it -a delightful trip to flan
Francisco, where he should P
top at ih- world-famed , y
c Palace Hotel: g
QJ and enjoy tt many ttrao-
Otlve features. ' For fuller m
Information writ - to th ZE
PaJace, or .se . ZZ
J at th Portland Informs-
tion and Booking Agency, Pfl
q Hotel Portland. " p
Located- In -the - faahlonable Tsldetut
district, fiv minute' walk from busn
nes center. Jarge porches aad beauS
tlful grounds, spacious . rooms. .Excel
lent meals, well served. On streetcai
line direct to th depot and exposition
grounds. - - .-- j
Price from $1.00 per day . and upj
-' Special rate to larg parkUsv
Tr Us of- phon and bath to gust'
Sel Thirteenth tr. -
Phone Main i:0.
st nu iatb amovmrn.
Cor. 87th and Thurmaa Streets. t
-- J. C ORIFFIN, Proprietor. ...
Reached by all car lines. .
Rates. 11 ner day. Rooni with bath
tl and $4 per day. .r.- , .
Klamath Hot prinrfn
Elevation, J.700 feet. Twenty 'mile
irora r, on tne . ai norma A uregoi
remai H
"(Ti "",ns ann trn-rT un
lit. swimming, steam, SuT
phur and mud bathe. Open, all-the. year
x unmr particulars upon appnoaiion
Beawlck, Siskiyou County. California.
YOUR PRINTING don onder-re
ful personal supervision, with no at
tempt to hold you up. If you wsntj
to-know-;rnore-about-Jt,eair Phonrl
Oay 291, or ,, at room 12, Mulkeyl
pu ilcl in Second, and Mornson.?
Job Printer
printing our '' HOBBY.
" No doubt as to satisfac-
-tion if done by the ; -
SZttropalltoin Jfrrar A
i4r rHONT ST.. TL Ma
- t . . .. .... -...
The exnulslte flavbr of th ,
MlkOT, the sweet richness -of
the cream, the sturdy
strength of such iood; -no
T?Jr. "r buoyant
with, life IS cents a package.
' ' 1 l T ' ....
nied.i 1 .. f ' ... ...
f ... T-j