W6MCN J0F-THE5AUEM PARTTATJTHE exposition. """" I A Good Oas: Rae'e Cr ' ; -Is Essential in EvcrvHomc.-rIf You Use a:Gas t, The more cooking you have to do the . v. v . r more you will appredate a gas range ; vv.v" - r-,:--::::. fA;. 9. ', . r . . . V"-vcv. . .. ? - v. . ... - -1.-. i v X---rmm . . Thp Gas Vatcr Heater COPLAND'S SALARY ' STILL IN DOUBT Council's Actiori ir Allowing His . .'airn Said to B Contrary to City Charter. CIVIL SERVICE BOARD . .' . -: . .4. ALONE CAN DECIDE Commission " Refuses to Accept Copland ; and Its : Word; Iszs " 'V I Said to "Be . Final,; : teir hs mrisrn Kt -to the vallfl-1 It jr. of- th action of - thr city council Wmlnradar in appropriating 709 to pay 'rth't SHlarjr of J. 8 .P. Copland, the -ler tn City Treasurer J. E. Werleln'a orftca who - haa hncrxr' employed- for aevan nionthB past in violation of civil rvice riea-iHt-whOBaa4ary ha been, with held by City Auditor Devlin by order of tlio mmtniaalon. According to the char ter the action of the council la believed to be Illegal by many. Section lit of J the ctty .charter aaya: - . - "No officer r - employe of the- city shall draw, .sign, counteraigh or laaue any warrant, or order for the payment or, or pay any aalary or compensation : t i a ny Kraon 1 ,ln t h r"H I tedr-givH service whd is not certified by. the com- mlesion to, the auditor aa-havlng' been -appointed or employed-.tn. pursuance of this, article and 01 tne regulations in forre thereunder.. Any person entitled to he certified aa aforesaid may main tain a "proceeding by maiidaniua-ta.com- pel the issuance or snclv CeTtlf1cata,-Any umT"pat-Tontrary to tha pnivisloTiw'oT L this, section. jnajr herecovered.Jn action i in the name or Hie city rrora any orricer or employe of the ctty paying the same. . or froni anV officer algnlng, counter signing, drawing or issuing or. author ising any- warrant or order for payment thereof, and ft-ora the aurettea on his official bond."' ; The civil service la supreme in the 'matter of appointments and the city council cannot interfere with It. It la even higher In authority than the mayor and haa the appointment of all em ployes In the departments under civil This store is just the place to "get the earliest points on what to wear it's the" headquarters.' " Every' new fad can be found hcrt as soon as it is established in New Yorx. Every young man every man who feels young; will Appreciate our stock. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. Today we open a Special tk. lot of fv'-- ,; SUMMER SUITINGS AT $14.00 They are Wrth Manama-hats af aTaV A w . w eeje KTagjr . Riimmr h.rtft. in wHttV IV Tf WMIIUII! S-- .. " - - w , linen shades; also plaidstripes and figures $1, $1.25, - and $1.50. - v.;v..i '" 1V ."" Everything. for KtttfiB-THIKU STREET. NEAK MOISON , . ..... - . - - service' regulations: The commission re fused to e-rant the salary of Copland because he had failed in the examina tions for the position and therefore was' not entitled to have his name certified for appointment. Werlein .proceeded to retain Copland" Jn face of opposition of the commtsBtQn.and pal the' salary of the-tlerkr out of private. funds. Wednesday the' council appropriated 1700 to remunerate Copland for hla scrv. treg without a dissenting voice, but In all . probability the mayor and auditor may -not allow' the 'money to be 'paid. .The mayor may refuse to sign the war rant and "City Auditor Devlin may re fuse to recognise and .allow the money te-ber-pald-althowgh- -the mayor ahdnld lgn--the warrant, r. Accordng Jo te city charter the councilmen or h jnayot or auditor could I be hld liable for the money thua paid If anybody "raised an objection. . . . . .... . . - It is aald that the only legal way for Copland to receive his salary woald b to mandamus the civil service commis sion to certify hla name to the auditor a a regular-employe. . . CRUISERS-IN: HARBOR .(Continued frorn Page Qne l, Iter -speed U1I knota ait hour, which la developed by two aets of triple expan sion engines turning two-screws, -t- Vhe I was built In 1886 by tha Roarhe-at Philadelphia. In the Spanish war. Hie Chicago was laid. up. arid Admiral Goodrich commanded the St. . Loiils.- The Bdston is a protected cruiser, carrying 28 men and offtcera, speeding lift' knota an hour,'- developing 4.030 horse-power and mounting two i-inch gunsjlx!-mch, two S-pounders,two 2-poundera and two machine guns. She was built in 1884 and waa in the battle of Manila....:....:;.;:; j". - ' The Perry, torpedo-boat, deatroyer, la one of the greyhounds of the .navy, running It knota an hour, with 8.000 horse-power, ' two If -pound guns, and 4 wo--4orped tubes. near Admlial Qoodrlch'a peraonal staff conslsta of nag Lieutenant Leonard Rundlett gargent'and Enslgq Caspar Goodrich.- the-admtrare son. The fleet staff la Pay Inspector John Slaughter Carpenter.: fleet paymaater; Medical Inapector David Oldham Lewis, fleet aurgoon; - Lieutenant-Commander Frank W. Bartlett, fleet engineer; Lieutenant Roacoe Charlea Moody, ordnance, ofricer, - and Captain William Hopkins, fleet marine officer. ' The compete roster of" the" Offtcera of tha fleet -who are here Is:, Flagship Chicago Captain Edwin King $18 and $20. :1r, 95.00 ves--vr. - -tj- - n-allae. . hliir and natural Men and Boys J ; Photograph by Kiser Photographic Co, Moore,"X,Ieuieha'nf-Commander Frank "VSi. Bartlett, Lieutenant-Commander William Porter IWhite, - Lieutenant-Commander Alexander Seaman HaltBf,-Lieutenant Roacoe Charles Moody. Ltentennnt Earn' est Frederick KoWiardt, Ensign. John WUllnnrSchomfetd. Knsijrn -- Ouy v W. 8tuat .Castle, ' Midshipman" Cliarles Carroll Soulo. Midshipman -;.JCartiest Arthur Swanson. Mldwhlpman,- Robert Leo Irvine, Midshipman Stanford Cald woll Hooncr. Mldshtnmnn Ka most Purr, Mldhipman -John Knoi-h Pond. Ensign James A. Campbell, Mldshlppi" Frank -Nathaniel Eklurnl, - Medical Inspector David Oldham LewlSr AsBlstant Kurgeon Karle Mason Brown, Pay ItiKpeeior John -Steughter Carpenter. Chaplain r A rthtir wnilara ftone, Captain (l!. S.' M. C.) William Hopkins, GunuerX Hill,- Acting Carpenter T. B. Casey, Acting Boat swain J, Glass, Warrant Machinist R. C. Steele, Acting Warrant Machinist, T. I?. Healy..Pay Clerk B. L.-Laukford, Pay Clerk. (Fleet) F. E. Sliute. Tha Cruiser Hofitonfommahdof Kos suth Nlles, Lieutenant Cliarles Augus tine Brand, ' Lieutenant i"ercy Napier Olmsted, -Lieutenant Orin Gould Murhn, Lieutenant William Daniel -Leahy, En-. sign Charles SeymourFreemari. MIOF shlnman John Arwine, Assistant Fay- master Edward Stuart Mtainaker,- Aa- sietant Burgeon DavM-JUlt Karr, Bao..l ond-XOeu tenanV-t U. 8. M.-O-W llllara Thomaa Hoadley, Acting Boatswain J. Ieckle, Acting (Junner A. Barker, Acting Carpenter A. W. Jones. Warrant Ma- ChlhisTT; wnson.TVarranr- Maclilnisu H. Smith. Pay Clerk fi. W, Meridcth; Destroyer . Perry Lieutenant 1 lerman Schofleld,- Ensign- Wallace Bertholf. . Voaua Wltk tha Fleet. "Accompanying the fleet le are Mrs. Lewis and Miss Lewis, wife -and daugh ter of Fleet Surgeon Lewis; Mrs: Moody, wife of Lieutenant Moody; Mrs. White, I wife of LteutenantJiiiuiimnUer Wlilte;4 Mrs., Nllee, wife of Commander Mies; Mrs. Brand, wife of Lieutenant Brand; MrairLeahyr--WTfe of I.leutenanr Leahy, and Mrs. Schofleld, wife of Lieutenant Schofleld, They will.be elaborately en tertained during the visit of the fleot The warships will be ready to receive via ttor a t orti orro W;3iJLX3Ii Rhoieafler from 1 to 6 o'clock each after noon any. one-may go aboard.' - - Today, Ensign Goodrich visited ths exposition offices on the grounds and, with Mr. Ilardee, planned the maneuvera that are expected to afford the people much enjoyment in the coming days. A special gate has been prepared for the admission of the officers and men, who will be extended ail possible courtesies, The officers and their wivea will be present at several formal functions. Only when the governor of the atata visits the warships will salutes bs fired. -The naval regulations permit the firing of personal ealulen, so that ths people will be permitted .to hear tile booming of big guns while the fleet is here.-- . NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN BY EPWORTH LEAGUERS . . 8pedl Plipitch to The Journal.) Baker City, Or., June 11 The Ep-worth- league, which was in session and completed its labors here today for the West Boise district, which Is composed Tjftng" terrTtury WtSt 611 liolne 111 laaftO" and tW. territory in . esHtern,Oregoii aa far north as La Grande and south te risKei Cll. .illflHsn tns Vtttft liUlae district and made' two districts. One to continue aa the West Boise district wfnje the othet is to he known aa tha La Grande district, each district cov ering the territory within-its respec tive eter- ' - The West Boise district elected the following offtcera for the ensuing yeart President, Rev. C. L. Bent, Huntington; secretary and. treasurer, C. L. Sloan. Boise,- junior superintendent; Mra. J. L. Kendal!. Vale.. Oregon. The La Grande district elected the following: President, E. M. Hill, Baker City; secretary, Ora fl. Gates, Baker. City; Junior superintendent, Mrs. C. F. Wheeler. . : "r , ' ".. ELECTRIC RAILWAY FROM BAKER CITY TO PRAIRIE .'u.-i- (Bpeelll Capoten o Ths JoarotL) -Baker City, Or., June 1. J. W. Bonta again - gives.- out the information - that the elect rio railway Una in Baker and Grant counties touching at. Prairie City, .Baker City and other points, will be taken up and organised for tna pur. pose of proceeding at an early date with the building of the munh:talked-of road. Jl wlllbe . remembered jhat a right of way for thla line was "secured several years ago and Its building has been announced periodically alnce that time. -s. . ., -L. i--z - ' Major - Bonta, the promoter,-, again atatea that he haa raJntd the'funda to build the road. While this state ment haa. been made a number of times by publication the people are still hope ful that he road will bf built, ' and that the last statement-is a' truthful eA. : ...... .-..i , NORTHERN PACIFIC LETS CONTRACT AT SPOKANE IRpeeUl Dtapstea to The ioarnsLl I ' . . . . , n-i. Mt: ern Paelflo Railway company haa let a contract for about I50,000 worth of Improvements to Us road. The main line to Tardley la to be double-tracked. The grade between the city and Tard- will awing Boiith.from tha present ltoe to .the extrama aouth edge uf the right --The price of gas water he -A To any. customer now T ' 1 : -" " - : J v . 1 - . ., slasHAtf riAiir iirtiita urnVn nnf ruchaA ' -III UCI HUU JTHllt u u i t uui I u ouiU YOlir oruer iiiicu. rduciitc5dvcu -' " THE: PURCHASE PRICE OF A GAS .RANGE NOW INCLUDES INSTALLING- : . ' 1 ilHTHAT IS, FOR THEPURCHASE PRICE WE WILL SET IT.UP.READY FOR USE, " ' WHICH INCLUDES A RUN OF 40 FEET OF PIPE. ON A CASH SALE OR IF r , X YOU PAY FOR IT WITHIN THIRTY DAYS, WE MAKE YOU A DISCOUNT OF ' " X YJ . . .. . ' iajER"CENT. WHERE A FUEL STU B ISALREADY"IN--THE1CITCHENANU! ' , NO PIPE ? tti lti : "ri - " r : ' r?.- .. ... .. ; - t J - t . ' . . WV1WxYyyrryyvv y v ONE WEEK' OF LIFE LEFT MARY ROGERS (Continued from Paa One.) r "8hs wnt throunh and W ... ..i.n ' " , -fMiinwMil - ' ft was cola and X nacj un blsr overcoat. 1 spread jihla out on the frffliiwa tna mi tnrfe ot'ua' aat auwu. We wera only a few feat from the edge of the river. "May said aha bad a new trick with a rope. - - "lie laughed. May-laughed, too, and drew out a piece of clothesline. Then she said -she'd pet aha could tia me ao that I couldn't get looae. " 'I'll bet you ean't," I aald. "8he tied my handa loosely and 1 all mail orders' 1 for f.urniture "and: furnishings v.will receive our -prompt-attention - 5 0 ' . " ' ' ' " ! Z1J I ... - -TTT- J using a gaj range we will install a Gas Water Heater for IS NECESSARY, A DISCOUNT Fifth and Yarn hill Streets broke away. - She tried It again and I broke away. .again. z' . "Try it on him-1 aaid, ; "TU bet- you can't tie me,' aald Rogera. - - . - 'He waa aa atrong as an ox. May tied htm srft tried to tie htm tight, but ha Just gave a heave and broke away. She tried U a second time and be broke loose without any trouble. She wsa mttlna worried Hha tr: thtra time, "and when he broke loosa again I aaw that, slis nonlnn t tie, him. "Let me do It.' I told her. "I took the rope a piece of clothes line. I aald to Rogera: . " "Kneel down and put your handa behind you.' "He thought It was fun and kneeled down. I tied hla handa behind blm and he struggled, but could not get loose. His bark was toward May. Wife Chloroforms Itlm. - -' "I gave her a signal and she drew SATURDAY . SPECIAL SALE OF-- - FLY EXCLUDERS AND MEAT SAFES at the price of manu- ,, facture; it will not only save you. money, but its sanitary" conveh-; ience is grat. Call and examine tliem be-, fore you buy, . - Has Solved the -: Hot Water Question The plan is as 'Bimple as , the Gas. 'Range. There ia . ": no . accumulated - heat to maVe the rooms uncom- - fortable,- and there is "ho rl expense except actual cost ot use. "We will demon- strate this to' you at our show rooms at any time, and it won't cost you at - cenLianee-iU 1ifiar rnii m?iv hnva iu mi jvu niu na tu 15 yaucutc cm ucu. OF 20 PER CENT IS MADE. v v v v v v -v y v tha vial of chlorof rotn and tha hand kerchief from her bosom. She poured a few drops on her handkerchief not very much and put bar arma around hla neck. "Suddenly ahe drew his head back In her lap. The move threw him on hla bands, which wera behind him. ao he waa doubly helpless. Then she put the handkerchief to hla nose. lie sput- uddeiilv -she emntled the vial on the handkerchief, completely saturate tnar It. - He ssjs) slsusjgls. '"May. what doee this mean? he said, heaving hla body. 'What doea It mean? ' -. 1 1 ' . . " 'Jumn..on hla legs,' she -Bald.- "I Jumped on hla lega to hold him. May had him gripped around the neck and preaaed tha . handkerchief agalnat hla nose. Ilia struggles were terrible. He threw me off aa if 1 had been a kitten. lie got one band free and uaed It to help himself. ' SATURDAY ON SALE AFTER 5 O'CLOCK Warranted steel, 12-inch Butcher. Knife, 7-inch blade, bolstered and T&rfledJIiandre, made of Cocoa" "Cola Wood; the like of the article an'.t be duplicated orjess than 75cr it's another evi dence of our progressive trade-bringing methods . & ' " -. ' . : 1 ' .'- f n WQif vfn hivTk '' tu it ui t:.tvuu t .iuu 11 uuu 11 5u v y v v v y "But May clung to -him and never onca did - the- handkerchief - get away -from hla nose, she had the grtp of a tigress.. Ha struggled and flung him self and her over the ground, and . every -time I- came near htm a heayenof hla leas Or his free arm would throw, ma off. ' "While he struggled, hla breath waa deeper-. Suddenly he grew more quiet. s44a neiunit he was llnip. Mf clung to him, evrn after he waa nulrt. pressing the chlorform-sosked. hand kerchief down over hla face. When all waa over aha got up,"- - . ..L. Explorer Killed. . Journal Special Tlce. ..... Vienna, June H. Major Herman Von Wlasman, the noted African explorer, waa killed today, while hunting near Llenxen by the accidental discharge of a gun. -'- ..., EVENING FIRST AND TAY- lor streets: I ----- j ' --r:- ':--r A( i . c..".V-. ...... it U-: $ ? 30 ..Or .:f . i - I wa, .,, ' ' ' .-v v. - i S 'V . ')""- V .".