TIIS OREGON DAILY JOUSIIAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 16, 1SC,X v TOVH TOPICS TOXIOHT ' AMU8EKIBT8. ...... ."Ar Too a Mso";; Brlaaco Kuiplr A rrvi Hier 4rMttd-. babe .. . .. .VaudeTlll The -flf ty-second Annual conference of ' the United Brethren in Christ will con ' vene in The Dalle next ; Wednesday. . Bishop William Bell, IV IX. the. new'y "- elected Bishop for the I'aclnc coast dls--" '-tries, will preside. Kev. II. C, Bliaffer. tiirttorr Professor W. W. Rosebraugli. V for the lulty. with Mrs. J. A. uIi.fd. t a win - rtmrromifc represent " church, which " hue hud year: 71 "member have been received In t. -.. . v. Dinnu fnr a new ine past it - - parsonage are wen r - Via! board paiiaed resolutions of appre elation or me wui . M Shaffer and Haly-d the annual conference to- return them: for another year. . , .On JulVl. ! nd 17 the annual em- ' cloves' conference of the Pacltlo nprth west will be held here. It la expected - that a large number of eastern and Call- fornla secretaries will .be present. Among; the eastern secretaries who will ' le on the program will be Dr. Oeorge J. Fisher, head of the physical, department '''of tha International committee of the ' Young Men's. Christian Association of ' ' New York City; W. K. Cooper, -general 3 secretary - 8prlngtleld, , Massachusetts, und-ProfaasoT"13rahanirJajfJor of the ' Chicago Commons, who Is also to be oh of the speaker -at .to charities convention to be held In Portland dur- L;: jnKiyc'T;:';-'i-rr'.'f X" X'.- Mermaid Brand Cantaloupes are Bow ' cheap enough to eat. Arrivals are In . " creasing and prices decreasing daily. '-'-' Don't let your grocer talk you into toujr- Ing any other brand. Ours are the only Coaehella cants In the market. .Orown " T from selected Rocky Ford rfeed, Flnar than silk and sweeter than honey.- Ev '' wt "'"" inanactBd and guaranteed. ' No. WQQden ones.- Pearson-Page Co., sole , : agents. Main 475. .. . , . Sailing trips on tha river : . . - & 15o J6o . . New excursion temr Oa telle. ' Morning sail leaves t:8 o'clock. Afternoon sail leaves 1:30 o'clock. Evening sail leaves 7:o o ciocav View the beautiful river scenery, war hlps, fair grounds. St. Johns, drydock, the Columbia river. - -. Leaves foot of Btark street.-- pr.rHousa on -Sunday evening begins ' a series of Sermons on .great pictures by noted artists, such as -"Tha Transflg vratloiv" by Raphael; "Tha Last Sup ter " hv Da Vinci: "St. Paul."" by Raph ael;" .'Christ Before Pflate," by 'Munc kascv: "The I-ia-ht of the World." by Holman Hunt There will be a free dis tribution of pictures at each sermon.. - ; Tha ' large double-deck r excunton - tiarga Klickitat and steamer - Olenola ' may now be' chartered for all-dy and moonlight trips. Capacity, day, 0 per ' aons; night.' 769 persons. Good dancing - floor and electrlo lights. For rates and -!ates apply Oregon Round Lai ruber coW " fiany, 181 Burnslde street. Phone Main tl7..... , - il . "- -Captain Bledsoe- of - Boise,- Idaho.-r- rlved yesterday after an absence of 40, years.' During tha iiwiran wiVs of 185 and 18S8 -Captain Bledso was in com- -'wand of the famoua-Compaay-RV-Seconl -regiment, which held the Indians - at hay. for over a. month at the mouth of the Rogue river. .. . . Charles Bumner, A. Klng"wilson and Allert - Adwa-hav.- incorporated-tha - -Home Telegraph r Telephone company with 1 1.000. 000 capital -atoclr." to in- augurat tha - new automation telephone kyatem. Power to operate anjrwhare- In the United States or; Canada Is con ferred In tha incorporation. -," ""r Catholic Foresters' excursion, June 11,"" to Washington grove. Boat 7 and barge leaves foot- of Alder street at , ft:30 a. m. and Alblna dock at 9 a. m. Kverest orchestra. . Adults, - 75o; chtK dren, 8 So. Tickets for sale at M. J. Malleys grocery store,-Third and Ash a-treeta. . Races t Races!- Races!'. - Portland Hunt dub .. ..., , '. '." Annual field day, , ..V Irvlngton racetrack, . Saturday, June 17, 1:80 p. - m -'r"" ' Tlcketa on sale at Feldenhelmer's 3d and Washington. Steamship Roanoke, 2,400 tons, satis - Tor San Francisco and Los Angeles 'calling at Eureka en route, Saturday, 'June 17, t p. m., from Columbia dock No.- 1; Ticket pfflce IBt-Washlngton street, li. Toung, agent. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney V. Smith of Bun -rranclaoo are In Portland," eh wmt-to - Alaska on a summer vacation. Mr. Pmitn ts serilol1 member of the firm of ! Smith & Prlngle, leading kttorneys'-ln -the Bay City. Tourists, as 'well as city people, finan cially embarrassed, will find 'tha Port land Loan Offlce, 74 Third street, the safest and most reliable place to trans act their business. Rates reasonable. l--Dr. Stephen S. Wise will speak at S -o'clock - this evening at Temple . Beth -Israel. - Twelfth and Main streets, on "Is the Bible In Danger, and If in Pan- arer, at Whose Hands 7 The gasoline launch Fox, 1E0 passen ger capacity, foot of Tamhtll atreet, runs to The Oaks and warships every ' live minutes While visitors are admitted. ' The annual commencement exercises -""Tf the, Gilleapifl. School of'' Expression -will be held In Arion hall this evening: ha, program- is an- interesting one. Rellalle place to bo.-row money on ' diamonds and Jewelry, i Collateral Loan " Rank. 26 . Washington. St. Eatabllahed "" IS y ore. Lowest rates of Interest. ' A. F. Flegol and W. T. Muir, for the "1 Smith Mpat company. nave begun a suit rmninnminninBi! -vr u - w ii "n an it i - "' fl - .. . VfimtnaM a H - OU1111IAV1 Neckwear A LA ROn AND VARIED -AS- TBORTMENT OF VERT PRETTT K GOODS.. "T" r. 50c Hewett, Cradley Q Co. S . -i j, XABZXDaJRZXi. . . 1.841 Wathtngtoif:Strwt?- Y ' t VZA OEAJtD THZATRZ. fXiDEO KOT OUT FOR IliJHT'S PLACE -- t . . w -i ill ma m ii-i-sia. Under-Sheriff Not; In" Race for Head of the Police De-, partment. INCUMBENT INSISTS HE- !S VERY GLAD TO RETIRE Venerable Officer Says Place Is the Most UncdWdrlable One " " : ' In Politics. X "Who will be the next" chief . of police T" - ; - - ' - - - That is "the question heard 'en. the streets. In hotel lobbies, saloons and al most every place where crowds-! -mpi are in the habit of gathering to discuss local affairs. . ' . r - ' ' , " TM names most commonly mentioned in this connection are those of John Lamont and lider-feberiff Morden. 1 la laid l luil Aiayor-uieci uine iin-im IntAntlnn nf innnlntinff Mr LftmOnL and ...... . - , , . u t that the under-sheriff does not care ioi the position. ... . ' ''Morden. doee not car for-the posi Hon." said Sheriff Word, "and if he did I should- endeavor to- make him change his mind. Were be to be made chlnf there are plenty of 'knockera' who would declare that a political frame-up' had been entered Into between Dr, Lana and myself." .... - - ' : - - Chief Hunt does -not think It worth the while of any man who haa a good official posUlon-or Is making money in private life to accept . the appointment of hlef of police. He draws attention to- the fact that in 13 years mere nav been 10 chiefs of police and that the of fice is one of the most uncertain know to municipal P6tl(!l, "In 1892." said he. -Hamuei is. rir rlah ' waa chief. Ha was displaced by Captain E. W. Spencer, who lasted .only four months. He in turn was un charged and ,1 received, the appoint wnft. ...I ,i i. ! i i ' I acrred from the fall of 1883 until the munlclDal election of 1884. John Mlnto succeeded me and held office un til Pennover was chosen mayor in 18 "Lewis W. Robertson was tne iirsi chief under Pennoyer. He held the of fice about four months anaV gave, way to Jtjhn flyers, formerly - United. States marshal. Myers did not satisfy Penh- over- and was succeeded by Patrick J. Barryran ex-Plnkerton and ex-Thtel de tective. After Barry's death M. J. Clo- heaav was appointed chief ' and : offici ated until W. 8. . Mason was elected mavor. - "Under Mayor-Mason' tha thief -was Dan MeLauchlan, who- was discharged when tha new charter, went Into effect In 1903. I was 'again appointed chief hv Mayor Williams. -"lt is an uncertain office.- It may do If nothing else presents Itself.-but-a man has to satisfy too many people and Is mad too uncomfortable continually to make It a pleasant position.-J ara.not sorry that my time has come to qhlt th Job." 7" . ' ... CITY EXTENDING WATER MAINS.O0WN-T0WN Water mains to cost 328,000 were or- dered by the municipal water board yes terday. A 18-inch main will he laid on Second Street, from Morrison to Glisan, -at -a coot of 812,800, and a series or mams will be placed In the manufactur ing district in North Portland, bounded by Tenth, Twelfth, Glisan and Northrup streets, st a cost of 318.400. -several smaller pipe lines were ordered placed In .the residence districts. Many demands have recently been made on the water board for larger mains on streets oirwhlch hard surface pavements are to be laid. In order that tha pavements may not be disturbed in the future- The funds for the extension of mains have -been reduced to such an extent that the water board was In quandary regarding the large mains-in Scond street. The board added another Water In spector to the payroll, which will give the superintendent two on the east and one on the west aide... It was decided to ask the civil service commission If ap polntmenta -could not be made by pro motion from some other part oof the water service. ' Employes designated as calkers asked an Increase of pay from 31 50 to 33 day. Action on the request will be taken later. , . , CALIFORNIA EDITORS 1H)MINUTH1STI0NTH , The California Press association' will arrive, on June 22 and remain four or flve days. W.' E. Rothery, northwest manager of tha Calkins newspaper syn dicate, with headquarters at Portland, has arranged that the board of trade will antertaln tha members and . their wives on Saturday, June 24, with a trip on the Bpenoer up' the-Columbia as far as Hood River, where they, wlirtj en tertained at dinner, after Which they will be driven out through- the Hood river valley. They will arrive at Port land at 3:80 o clock In the evening. Accompanying the California newspa per- -people on this trip are Ex-Senator J.- A. Fllcher and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiggins,- Mrs.--George C. - Pardee tndv daughters, Secretary J)ennlson of the California commission and repre sentatives of the Portland press. against th-city -officials" to test' the validity of the meat Inspection ordl nanca-recently passed by the council It Is alleged the law la unconstitutional is in restraint of "trade, arbitrary and unjust. It is also held thaV In making the Paciflo States Packing company the city abbatolr the other packers snd deal era ' ' are wrongfully discriminated a gainsc. ..... ...K.,,.-.. -y.-!, f - - " . Steamship Alliance sails from Couch street djock 'fbr Coos Bay and Eureka many evening, June is, at s. ; w. y. Baumgartner, agent. Main 881. .- The ladles should remember It's the market page of The Journal that saves money on the Sunday dinner. . Read the advertisements carefully.-.. We clean and press your, clothes and shin your--shoes for 31.00 per month. Unique, Tailoring Co 84.7.. Waahlngton, Main 114. - i , - ' ' . - For Rent- Storerooms, three floors, 10 and 82 Front street. lir.OOA square feet space. Apply to Pacific Paper Co. Any waiehee cleaned, 31.00: main spring, 31,00; all work guaranteed ope year. Metzger & Co.. Ill Sixth street Ansiey Printing Co.. ISO Oak. t WHERE TO DINEr -Th Empire, the. pisre to go for tin meals, fttat and clean. 18) Third. DOCTORS COrJKtG -BY Tl Great Crowd Expected at Meet ing of American Medical As- , tociation in July. ALL pXrTS. D EC 0 U NTR Y WILL BE REPRESENTED This Likely to Be Largest Con vention in Organization's . H istory .---r j Tr a nradlctlon hv the Medical' Senti nel of Portland Is fuimied 3.000 people win mm, tn the annual convention of the American Medical association, to be e'Jlheld July 11 13 and 13. More man 1 000 reratlnns nava -aireaaT otto made by tha oommlttee.aail: as many more rooms have been provided oy local physicians for friends who havs written Oireci to mem. . ..... , - - It is said tha attendance wtll te,tne greatest In the association's nisiory. Tn. fnti fnr4iBn(t haa aruaranteed ac commodations for 3.000 people. Flf teen- or. more special trains from NewEng- landrTJew TOrk, . pmiaaoipuia, v.uicaau, Nashville, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Michi gan, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha, Des' Moines. St Paul ana omer places will, bring tha larger part of the dele gations, and the remainder will come on reejuiar tnriiiB. oiu.i iMin n.Fti., hiv. arra.naed for extended tripe for sightseeing, their Itineraries occupying from 30 to 40 days.;.. Many entertainments and excuralona have been fi th. vlaltnra hv the ' local committee. Including trips by special chartered steamers to Aiasxa ana xiun Bonj- lulu. Beulil I ales have bees in Tnlrnhami. Thru of the beat steam era on the Columbia ha-ve been chartered for the excursion to-cewo rails. Th Armorr will be the generaleet lng place. - According to an -elaborate article- by -Dr. F. Cauthorn, Just, pubr nhH in tha Portland number of the American Medical Journal, the local committee expects to seat J. 600 doctors at tha . reneral - meeting there. xne Atkinson' school, across the-atreetr-haa been secured . by the committee ana i mom, will be osened to the -various dl-. viainna. - A section will meet In the BeiiiTia-.nirach building, and another in the Chamber of ' Commerce. - Many of tha most noted physicians and surgeons in tha world will be here, and the lateet discoveries- in the aciecce of medicine will tw. dlaimaaed. The-general committee IS as. iouows. v- a J. - McKensle. -ebalrman: M. w. Coe, A. J. Glesy, A. C Smith, E. F. Tucker, William Jones, ueorga t viu n . V. -Cauthorn. Chairmen of -sub committees are r" Finance, Dr. Coe; meeting places. Dr. Tucker: noteis. fr. in.M- entertainments. tr. Smith; reg- irtinn. rr. Coffey: general exhibits, Dr. Coe; transportation, Dr William son: badges. Dr. Dickson: printing, vt. Josephl; banquets, Dr.' WheeleTlnror- mation. Dr,-' Men; women wamiH"! Helen Ladd Corbett. - SAYSJjOYERNMENT " 7 MUST BEAR BLAME --''saawaaaasaisBBaaaa Morfitt Alleges That Malheur Ir- -r ligation"" Project -railed Because of Experts. wmiam Morfltt. reiresentlng the Mai heur Water Users' association, says that previous explanations or tpa reason wnr . nvarnment - abandoned the Irriga tion niana in that cou nty have been erroneous In placing the onus for fail ure onvthe people. "As a matter of fact," said Mr. Mor fltt. "the government engineers first made an arrangement for the reclama tion of the arid landa on a basis of 330 an acre, and we went out and made eon tracts at that figure and could have succeeded. But the government en gineers cam out- again, made another estimate at 3 an acre. Increasing the total amount involved 3i.000.000 and the plan was abandoned. ' "According to tha proposals of the federal government we would, have achieved - marked . success, and there would not have been any difficulty In securing the requlstte quantity of land contracts at the 330 figure.- ' "We who live there do not cafe to bear the brunt of failure in one sk the most promising - development schemes tl.aVaveTr.' nils' TH'PH Uiiimeivua S1IICT irrigation was taken up Tjy the federal authorities .. under., tha national . Irriga tion act. "Tha proposed plan meapt everything to us and the abandonment of it means that hopes are blasted that had made tha future rosy for a section of country In which everyone "recognises limitless possibilities from Irrigation. "If the government will keep Its original pledges the people will do the rent, and there .will be no obatacla. In the way to developing the southeastern part of the state. . fiQ xZamlne the Sewer. - Property-owners affected by the Tan ner creek sewer assessment will inspect the sewer with City Engineer Wanser In the pear future. For-thelr-protection they desire to know the condition since" the repairs have been made. Tha city engineer will furnish them with every facility for!. learning -all -that is to be known regarding the sewer, which he is Jonfldent Is better than it would have been .bad It been built according to plana ,and specifications In the first In stance. ............. - -t4 A blessing alike to young and old; Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry; nature'a specific fnr dysentery, diarrhoea and- aummer complaint. 7" We have unequalsd facilities for' supplying . .- HAY and FEED In large quantities! ty sell ing dlroet and eliminating the - retailer's profit, we are able to save you money at all times, watch our advertisements for full prices on hay and feed. Pacific Grain Co. Thirteenth aad Kaaraay its. Telephone Mala S30T.; . LOSE INTEREST IN THE CITY'S AFFAIRS Councilmen Crow Weary of Their Duties and Keep Away . .. From, Meetings. ELECTION-CAVE THEM THAT TIRED FEELING Disposition to Leave Many Prob lems pf Governmental Policy to New Officers. -r .Members of the council have shown a decided lack of Interest In the affairs of the city government since the elec tion. '- For two months before that event every trie mber waa at hla post In the comroltttertooma and. tha..oouncll cham bers regularly, but since . June'J -two futile, attempts have "been, made to have the committees meet. and. an effort to hold a council meeting has resulted In failure..:.. .'.. , ' ...l . . Many tmoortarrt matters should be settled before the present administration goes out of ofnce,-but from all indica tions several knotty problems will be left fnr solution bv the new-efnelale.- Before the election the members or the council were enthusiastic over the nronoaed Increaaa In salaries of the members of tft fire department', but the question waa .not decided, although- all declared themselves in favor of It. The petition and the report of "the scale or salaries prepared by -the -Are committee of the executive board have been de posited with other, antiques in the box of the ways and means committee where iney wm remain unui aner juijr -1, when the htfw council will have an op. portunlty - of shaking the ; dust from them, i . ' , City Auditor Devlin states there are no funda with which to meet tha pro posed increase in 'salaries and' that there le no prospect of getting any this year He Is of the opinion that Uie clty.wlll be nnsnclally embarraawed by- the pr ent running expenses before the end of tha year unlesa some- means is adopted to raise additional revenue. - . CITYiSEEMS JUST A - - ; TRIFLE SUBDUED TODAY The Callfornlans have gone home. The members of the promotion eommlttee left laet - night for ' San Francisco In their palatial., train, singing praises of Oregon and the fair.. . v " - The -visitors spent the afternoon at the fair grounds and ' concluded their stay in town with a dinner at the Port land hotel. - Thev were escorted to the depot by' a large delegation of CommexJ clal club men. Shrlners', cards." Elegant embossed emblems In gold and colors. Irwin-Hod-son-Co,. First and Salmon. Tel. Main 311. EMPIRE-SPECIAL touts, ifarimsTutnSfr juair ma. XATDin SATUbDAT. -4' aad Manhattan Company, , Presenting 0. VI. ft. McLeilaa's Drama, . LEAH KLESCHNA Meet: 35, Now n sal. 31.50, Jl, TBe aad 80s. - Beats Belasco Theatre llSPnv (Formerly ColsmMa Theatre), Fourteenth sad Washington. TOKIGHT AxL : WEEK. MATINEES SATURDAY ANDCXDAY."- Third Week- tela aco-Stock CBipaay." THB FUNNIEST COMEDY WBlTTEM.'r Are You a Mason? . "A bally toed shew." Orefonlan. - "Company made good aa gold." Journal. "A screamingly funny fare." TeWeram. . TUB BIO LAUGHING SUCCESS. Prteae Evening, 18 te TBe; matinee, IB to 60c. JTEXT WTIK, "WHZ1C KWIOHTH0OD -.was nr rLowi." MAKOUAMiA'. (Morrison at., bet. th and Tth.) One Week Beginning Monday, Juno 1 BpecUI-Prlco Matinee giturdiT 1800. - THS rAMOrn jKwimi comedian BASKET BERMAXD r. la Hta latest Comedy fluceeas - "THE FIHAMOIEE." POPTTLAB PBJCE8 Parquet, TBet farqnet etrrle, SOe. Balcony, first f rows, sor; last S ran, Sfie. OsITry, bv. Boxes an j 1 Kfs. e-K seat era now Boiling. STARXTHEATRB EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTION1 f. . Tbe Do Hatha, Whirlwind Dannirs; Ruasoll aad O'lfsU, Hkotek Artlstar Hort Boll, Oermsn Comedian; Clands Fosloy, Noeelty Acrobat; aaaae Mye, opera ue Bnpraao; Barry Waltoa, Impersonator ; Richard Bartaa, Tbe Engliab Barl tone 1 Th gtarssssps. Showing Japanese War Pirt-nrvs. Admission lor; reserved front ryw soe. . mparaiMica Becord! . TroDeadooe Bill I LYRIC THEATRE "."TBI H0TT8I OT STTOOEBSEI." 7 is aao auar, Xtatiag A Flood, Mgn. Woek Oommenelng Jons If, "' great English drama la four sets.' "The London Outcasts" ' "TOlXO'W THE CROWDS," .' -tr Admission joe. . EMPIRE -THSATRR. 13th and Uorrtac MILTON W. SEAMAN. Resident Mansfer. All plays of mn'lca! merit. . Matinee aval osj at a:in. eitchipb- ;io. . ADMI81I0R IO CEMT1 ALWAYS. Emfilre Stock ' tVflipssy in h's prest 'Tfcrs. - Aet Comedy-Drama, ' "A SECRET rOE." ; All this nk. ,- a n A N D ETEKTKO SHOWS, 8 and , m, MATCHLESS SVltatER BILIm- Star Trio la "OUR VWCLB." REOARO TRIO ACROBATS. THE KELLY'S, COMFDY SKETCH. - r.n " I. .... , VERBFRT CHKLStT A CO., PLAYLET. FLORILLA 6ANF0RD, CORNETISI. -'" JOE BOH HER, HEW SOHO. ORAHDISOOPE. EDISOH FILMS. BFBT WHITE, MOaTOLUGIST. - Osnrsl admission. KX-. Reenlns, Sondsy. knllds.r Front sesta, lower floor, SO. Dally matinee. iiei -, , ' - BAKER. THEATRE OOOO ATTRACTIONS ONLT . v KKATINa A KlOD, Mans(rs. 1 EXPOSITIOW POUR. 0ARDHER aad REEVES. r KISS tlRBlE HAST. J. W. BTRT0V. ' THE IAMOHT-MOTWTSS. EAH WIL80H. , BABY COtSOW. BIOOBAFH. 11111 ORCHESTRA. , Peffirmsae; I SO. T:30 and e p.. m. ADMIftoIOaJ 18, CERTS .10 ARY SEAT, Mrs.-IF.ske H I Here Are a Few of the Opportunities' to Be. Found Vr- The Journal's' Want Columns T Wanted, Body ;.Ironcr-See- FmaIe-Heip-p1urtm.-Wanted to Borrow SOP-See Wanted, Financial. 'y -.Wanted, Good Hustler See Mab Help Coliitiin. - - .Wanted Grubstake, by Old. Prospector-SicJBusi- ness Chances Column. 1' - 7 ..- . Wanted, Youn ManxOver Male 'Help "' - j C61umn.";;l: ' . V.. , X ' tr' -f . ---?, r.: . ' '.: r; " -': v: :, "X," . '. -First Class Restaurant For Sale See Business : Chances Coliiriih."T ; - - -; '. Wanted, Girl in Dining Room See Female Help - Column. .."X, . v AMUSX SPRING MEET PORTLAND HUNT CLUB :;SATDAY, At Irvingtori Racetrack The annual Spring meet of the Portland, Hunt Club.-ln -which will appear the beat amateur riders orr the Paciflo 7 Coast. - All horses r entered are owned by members, and Very-raca-wlll be full of exciting interest... I he sporting vent of the season. Nine-Races Three-MHePaper; Chase: Two-Mile Run Mile and 50 Yards 6lA Furlongs A Furlongs .. Music in Grandstand by Brown's Band Races Commence at 1:30 p. m. Sharp" Admission (including grandstand )-50c . THE POWER of the rCARTOON" the subject -: that i Homer Daveriporti; v..-. The "Wdf Id-famous f X and iUustrate at the I Tomorrow (Saturday) Night, at 8: 1 5 X - 1 vrfttn 99 1AAK l ' ' Mr. Davenport has no equal as a hufnorous talker. He.e.keeps his audience in an. up- v ' roar of laughter during the entire evening. Seats Now Selling. . . : i Admission, 25c and 50c. ; : ; ; 7 PICNIC 1 IC N I C PICNIC awnOl at' Flcale aaA Saaee, - lHoae faak. suiibay, runs it. Bowllnf aad IrlM Wsltslnf. Oaows of All Kinds. - OBIRAL ADMISSION TII rrT!T . Prls r th nmet popnlsf mlllmss. Prise for the- wnt polr sawyer. . Jodss of - Oasass H -P. lomin,. Charlea Hnsii. "sm Wrenn. tmounltte W. hits. H. M. Bnsh, Wslter l"rsm. Pesrl Rhr4. BuckMWS MsaasW'Jaiaes Brady. GERMAN ROOf GARDEN Opposite Main Entrance Fair O rounds. mi hAmou ztbby aTarara. WKOUHia, , TTTaVB AITO OLD . I t; aubLAjrrs ...... nu aozst , ill uorrUoo Street, - . A. D.G.KYt AMTJIXmaTTB. Nine Races; Mile Trot, Lady Riders m m tt f - - V -Mile, Heavyweights. Pony Race, Boy Riders B t cartoonist.. wui. lecture MARQUAM GRAND U EE THE GIRL IN BLUE At 860 Upshur St. LEWIS AND CLJWK OBSERVJi. TORY JIND CJtFE 0ATLAO XUOETS. ' .. . . " Tabs Psrtlasd Helrkhj csr and fet ft at Hawthorn l'srrae. am blrk from nr lias. tin clImblB liieetrle elfTstor. Be besntirnl sfter ef powerful setrehllsnt from o of to wee. 1 ne eaa sst s dslnty Inn. S whll elwtn( h mt nenlOtwnt mw la Anm-fc-w. Of t e. as. s m. as. Aduila ato IS eswrs. -- ufctB taoaV -eOrTCCRT BVKT Hid HI, 5 AlCVSnOCfTSL- FreeLectufes c. AND. xPracticat r Demonstratiohs Of tbe varioaa as for eatlaary srpoe .1,..:-i..t .tha , : . j Chocolate "f Cocoa . Manufsrtored by ' , . Walter Baker & Co,, : LIMITED , ,. DORCHE8TEK. MASS. . ... Established ITSO.) ' ; ........ w - . ; - Will be fires .by r. r-; - Miss Elizabeth K. Burr "tDoiMSlte Sdenc DepfT Bon X t. C; A- """7r.'r " . -. '.at ;; ... . Burkhard's Hall Barnsld street; EAST PORTLAND, dally '.. H tor en sefc eoatiaooAlag ' . Thursday, June 1 5 At 3:36 o'clock ta tho arteraoea and S - o'clock I th eain(. , Gampl of Mis Burr's prpralloaa, sarh SB ( ke, Puddlnfs. Merluipie, Failae. ' Snnffle, In C'rosui, Bsesrlan Creams. te.. srlll b served at each lecture, and she wlil he pleased t anewer all Inqulrie re. gardlns th xsam. -. A different BHsne will be prepared and serred at ssch lecture. I JSami le cake' of tha Walter Hskr Pre ml:m No. 1 Chocolate, th Tanlla Sweet Ihncnlnt and little aanpl can of th Brvkkfast Cocoa, also a book of Cholc Choenlat Reclnee" will be preaeatcd to all perwna attending thee leetores. anS all who are Interested In scientific cooking should not .fall to attend, aa they are '- - rEX TO ALL. Children's A" Bpsctal Ere Laetar tar 'tbe Cblldran -'WUI Bs GWea. - , . SATURDAY MORNING Jane 17th, it 10 o'Qock Sharp lllss Burr wll) ssake aad' serve Cocoa ! Pads and Cbocolat Je Cream, and ererr child present will receive a .Walter Baker j S""w.nte. ' . ' i H r-r " THE EXPOSITION'S -Xr AMUSEMENT 'f EATURE ;; - BEAUTIFUL ORIENT A faithful and correct reproduc tlot of thplcttireaqu-anrl - his -torlcal City of Cajro-'wlth Its Museums, Temples, Kosq,ues, fBa aaars and Tneatres, " y "'r 300 300 natives 15 : beautiful 'Oriental dancing flrla Camels, Dromedaries, Donkeys and . Sacred Nativa Animals . IOC Admission IOC FIREWORKS AND FLAGS VT carry "the lara-est atock of 'fireworks In the northwest, manu- the" ilebeate Rochester Fireworks company, ' New Tork." A larr assortment ef . exhibition sets for town and city celebrations from lit to $1,000 per set. Also flat and buntlna; for fair opening decora tlons. . Japanese and 'Chines 'curios, mattlnga, etc j. . .. Wholesale and retail. - - Andrew Kan. & Co. : M7 KOBaUSOaT T. Col First and Yam.:.:: Cor. Third and Davis .. ? At either on of the etor , you Irill Arid tfi newest paltn; . "in ' ' - Men's Md Boy's ; Suits Frcn $6.00 up to ?20.00 X - . Every on marked In plain f , urea. You are aafe to gt f value for what you pay for. If sr ran detect Our prices the li of all by examining our sto-.k Shoes for Ladies Men, Misses and Boys We save you frnm lie tl t" -on ivety- pair. . We carry a i . variety of Shirts. K:ts ar.J Pir.'s UlL.ls.lrr your -J'lle-e BO'Vla and rone!-' Slrl.'tly on t i - Cooking STREETS OFCAIRO X- ON -THE TRAIL t w i