I" THE OREGON DAILV JOURNAL. PORTLAND.- FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 18. 1905P V-' I 7? s .f:: t - t '! - -f - - SHIPPED A F HERMAN ;Ranchcsr Meets Wiamar TJwoiifv Marriage Bureau and rays Her Expenses West.. - FIANCEE SAYS FALSE PHOTOGRAPH WAS SENT Refuses - toJ'Marrjrbut . While r- BTckerTngf- Over-Trm J ' zzz Carried Off by Another. " irtt Dispatch to Th Josrnal.l ftilrn- rfr:-W.7LJrtflirtCn' rl'Ttl stent tt not rescued wnnin me nwi ORANOT aiyCf lo -iniB -of the nitwit ttTnqtTtrfa-' spetilnt carryliig..a-h4;h-Mson .' Bull in Baker, count "relitigation wlU be filed. .:v.' -' A w days ago Mary Marshall -ar- - "j.: rived irota the umU. her jexpcnseg .Jiav: ' jni been paid by a rancher by the ' UttUM of Miller under contract that - -,ehe) was-to-.insrr-f Miller upon her ar ". .! rival. 1'hey had opeiwd cotrespondence through a marrlAge bureau,- had passed photo, and upon the evidences at hand had entered Into Ilia contract In wrlt- ium by mail. : Handier MUler had Bent . the ticket, andxpene money, and wfcnt "a to. ther-depot -at Bator City promptly -to-mm hta Intended oride. v - - Mlsa Marshall told him on the apot " that he i not syfac simile of the photo she had received, but that he had duped .. UaA maaIumI -fciiit tlin. h. Hlinw1 .her by Bending .lier the picture, of a j handsomer mail.' MJUer. imltod that ha had dealt f airly; tlad'paldr the coin. and that he Was refcdy to fulfill his" .contract. Upon the other.-hand, ahe 'denied his statements and demanded money - to. pay her ; expenses toJber home In tHS"east. r While abe-as J4HH4nawrth7a lawyer ndlxe-watrTrylng to bring about recon- Iliatlon with hia-liancee. Tom Hyatt hgr Brill- lor now .demands th money he ex- upended In' bringing the maiden to Baker '.:-i City. aUtrh thatch not2payir,j ! ' traveling -expenaea-f or bridea .' for other ... r-men. .and declares that If It la not ""forthcoming he .-will bring suit. Thrt happy bridegroom -Is perfectly willing .'. - Jto pay-the rrtir-i-. ',' ; -- MARY CASES WILL rAdiourned - Term of Circuit -Court-Reconvenes at - " RoecUl DitDateb to Tbe Toonitl.) '". Eugene, Or.. June !. An tdjourned ; term of circuit .court" convened " here today with fudge U T. Harria on the bench. . A large number or casea jert over from the last -regular term will be - riiannaed of today nd tomorrow arid the rcrular Juno term will begin Mon 'day. The most Important criminal "cases to be tried at . the regular term - of court ara the RlchArda murder case and the case, of John Branton, charged with attempting tw-kill John Fletcher. ! i-'gr'Hr-arttwHwil -tiaorga Ooraayf charged -with shoplifting, are out on bond, and have "not " been Been In the vn lately, vxhelr cases ara to oe -ali5aTs...lerm. - - Three mora XeWTa mtd Clnik fall1 guaxda-haTe" been -detailed from the local militia companies, amtWRrit to Portland today. They are Vernon CalUson' and - Bart - Pryorr -CAmpany "A," and - CE. Cookerly. from Company i- This makes about 1 from -Ku gene who ar now doing guard duty at tha fair. BAKERXHITHAVE A NEW SAVINGS BANK . (Bpeelal Dl notch to X&e Jonrntl.) "" Baker City, Or., June It. Baker CHy - is to have a savings banks. Articles - of... Incorporation were filed yesterday by Walter Fernald, John Schmlta and William Poll man, all men - of large financial . holdings, and who -Will give the Institution dignity and confidence. The ctty"lready has two National T" hanks and It la believed the new sav ings banks will pay. The capital stock named Is 60.000. and the institution will be known as the Baker City Loan & -Trust company. FINAL SETTLEMENT FOR '' DEFUNCFSUMPTER BANK 78iiecTirTrwtctr-tir-Tli Juumal.) IJakxe lllftO., June It. Hferwi 4 "TtHnHTtlpTrrill tllB 'l lilted m,gC6uil J. B. Mesatck yesterday issued an order ' of settlement In the case of the Bank of fiumpter : In which KecelTer- J.- B. Heed was authorlxcd to pay to the cred itors each 16 H per. cent of their claims against the defunct bank. The show ing In regardt-d aaa remarkable one, ' as many--of-1h creditors did not ex Tiect'to get exceeding-8 pfr cent. - fc VV V VV V YV VV VV VX- V FS"sSSF5l ' rX'np'M !!, i 1 i : .j , Vt . ... ..' LSliiiii-V...VMMn'J BIG MINE OWNERS -r ARE IN THE CITY BakerCity-Pendleton'Special to Masonic Conclave Brought i Down a Number. OTHERS FROIVLTHE BLUE ., MOUNTAINS -ALSO HERE Largest Gathering of Eastern Oregon Operators Seen in Portland for Years. Several 'prominent eastern Oretron - t - m1wr - ti)w'ra!orii Are 'fSthclLir in con- "uit-mu xuhbuiiio observances. ifiiuiuum ion iik nonora naving reached I'ortlahd yrnterday from Baker City and Pendleton.' . rred D.. Smith; manager of the Snowi vre mine, and operating the Pavche and the Diadem properties, Is among the delegation.--Mr Smith sayk that both the Snow Creek-and the Psyche mills are running, the California gulch placer Belonging to Jhe Snow Creek company ). operating, and deviJopmnCi JmOm. pressed rapidly in alL Since destruction of the bunk and boarding houses of the bnow Creek last wlntef- by -!re the management has beep busy reconstruct ing' tha. mine' buildings, but did not let fthia accident Jnterfare with the prosecu-ih lln i ,. m l a ... tlon of mine work. The Snow Creek's 10 stamps have been dropping steadily. and recently the Psyche mill was put. In commission- again Frsnk B. Pearce, manager of the big ron Dika copper' mine, at -Homestead. on Snake j-lverrtsrshother member of the aKooTHion. lie has been doing littU-d veiopmejit during the winter owing to the litigation Involving eastern inter ests lo the company. - Iron Dike affairs j yiutmuty Riwn m wiTiootnrq oqi, lll . V.-V. 1 m a . A. w .... promise Of becoming the greatest copper producer of the Snake river . region, will be' put on the active list. T. C Taylor f Pendleton, of-ithe Gol- ennda. Standard and other eastern Ore gon companiea, has been-connected with the mfnln ln1iltrv for many M.r. ' W.. J. Patterson of B5Jsttyy?1vho recently rejiredroTrr active mercantile buiUaawfand -Js now devoting his full time to mining, haa been Identified with several. Important enterprises In Baker and Orantcountlea. -ija- la one: f- the most prominent owners of the Eldorado placers, jon Pine creek, and is a nent atockholderJn.. Geand DnTon, Big Four ajid trmT'compaDiBa operating In ed Boy and Granite districts. W. K. Grace, tha banker and merchant of Baker City, haa .been In cloaa touch with j the mining . industry for .'many years. : L. Slpci of Pittsburg, who recently ac quired tha Buckeye group of clalma on tha Little -Cracker creek divide, owned by J. It. Doane and W. D. Gleason, is also ' here. This 1s tha property on which surface work revealed -rich free gold ore twoyeara Ago, and wherath Crescent vein has been thoroughly exr plored on the surface. Mrr Sipea -has organised a corporation to handle the property,, and will have development prosecuted on an extensive scale. State Senator J. L. Rand, Attorney N.'CJ.RIchard. of Baker City and Bump ier respectively, and Judge Morton D. Clifford and W. F. Butcher, of Baker City, all . prominently Identified with nrHHng and leading -counsel for the big mining companies, are In the party Manager Fred D. Fuller of the .Sump- ter smelteries done mora f?r. the mln kis1 Industry of th Blue mountains than any other single man, and was other oarty that i Mini In I'm lllllnl Mr. Full i' i W 111 " TWTn for a snort time. Davidson, president of the Eastern, Oregon Development company, and prominent In the .. Blue mountain mineral gone. Is also here. latterly Mr. Davidson and lila associates have been devoting their ' energies to the electric rail line for the Grand Konde valley, on which worg ne ana engineer j. a. Brown have spent much of the winter In the east : II. T. Hendryav manager of tha oeiser- Hendryx Investment company, came down severel daya ago and will be here most of the week. Most of the Mssonle nartv will go home Sunday, but some of the mine owners will go south, and others will remain for eeveral days. KRAMER DEVELOPING HIS ML REUBEN MINE Willis Kramer, one of tha early mlneownera of Josephine and Douglas counties, is In the city looking after bustneas-trrterestsi -He recently orgaw- to ileuliiii and uiu'lilHi trie . Kramer group In Mount Reuben district. He baa with him a number of rich speci mens with beautiful, free gold ahowlng In the clear white quarts. Many of the souvenir badges sent out by Grants Pass were made from Kramer mine ore. aa Mr. Kramer donated 600 pounds of rich atuff for exhibition and other pur poses. This - 600-pound contribution fcla-lKw Av Bv-mmL-m MM. MJ-MIM. mM. M Hti-E in au i party that canjn In I'm Mill ajll Tlf iwliii a short tl Physicians Advise - convalescents - and. all who ; Health to take the ideal For it contains the great building and. health producing oroDerties the svstem demands. That's why the most successful Malt - Nutrine in their practice - .irri. ' t -: pauenis recover so quicitiy ana so sureiy. - T PMalt-Nutrine i the perfect, predigested (oodjn Hquld (orm. ' Sold by all droggUts and grocert." . . , " . , . - Lr----- - Prepared by-'-- .. . Anheuser-Biisch Brewlnd Ass'n - l-,JtU Looia, U. S. HOTELS AMD HFSOBTS. ' Delightful Mount Hood Tripr EVERT VISITOR to '; thaJw Lewis . and Clarkfxposl.-. tlon should take this th mofc delightful of arl mountain trlps. In America. CloudXw unique and pirniresqua, 7,000 feet-'above E4 lavel, af- ' fords splendid acomnmodatlona. Summit of mounitaln . easily - ' accessible from nhts point. Stagea leave Jilood River ata- tlon daily, making 'connection with O. R. St N. trnlna. Round trip tickets, including coach. IngTrlp. on sale at O. R. N. ticket offtc,"Thlrd and Waehr . Ington atreeta, Portland. Par- tlculara about rates at Cloud Cap-Inn by writing -t - , i. gJUrOIXMr ytaiaagar. Kood- JUtjv Qraaon.- -Sand S cents In stamps to A. I Craig. O. P. - A. Oregon : Railroad Navigation com . pany, '"Portland,:.'- for ' booklet telling about trip.". . - - .. ... Hotel Fairmount TWIITMIXTI AS3 VHIUI TB. Opposite Main entrance to Iewla and nni" .hr.,r. flronroof nntel rt U. . . J , - . . . . . . . , . I joining grounna, quippea wiin eierxrio telepiionic ana special teiepnonio- tw munlcatlitha for Darrons. Unlormed porters and bellboys at all hours at frueata' - service. ' . ' 150 Elegant Rooms "7 ""Open for Guests "" BATHS S1.00 A' DAT AID VV. W..H. LATTIN. General Manager. HOTEtV SPECIAL RATES BY THE DAY OR WEI aohed T"tle Oregoa Wata: owar h By. Co. TroUey Xilna. L Write wr Phona. --, -. X B. atABTms, xaaager. aataoada, Orafoa.. HOTEL DETROIT BEST nu TATB OKOTEfDS. ' Oor. BTtk and Thurmaa Streets. . J. O. GRIFFIN, Proprietor. . , Reached by all car lines. . "Rates, tl per dax-RoomS with bath, ti and 14 per day. would probably h'ava yielded 1600. aa some of the specimens .will assay Into the thousands. . Development has. been resumed at the mine and is to be pressed steadily. Tha face of the lower drift haa attained a-depth of something like ZOO feet, but there la a -large amount of surface work to prove the continuity ana strengin oi me vein. Prom Bohemia. 11 Dlnpateh u The JoornL . ' Cottaae. GroveOr., June 1. Mr. Ed ward L. tlafV mining engineer of the nrm or Jiarr ft uoiweii or this place and Portland, Is In Bohemia doing some surveying. - Frank Flesher.'a miner of Bohemia, Is In tha city recovering from a severe Injury to one leg. - .. George Rouse, after a few days' stay In the city, has left for tha Vesuvius mine, whore he haa-been working aince last fall. - - . Work at tha Riverside property Is progressing and the quantity of ore Is Increasing aa depth Is gained. The or carrlea copper. Slakiaf oxt Tallow Jewel. Sinking at the Yellow Jewel mine. Myrtle creek district, la opening a stronger vein at -depth than was had at the surface, says Superintendent Arml- tage. who Is In the city. Tha wlnse. whlcn was begun about 100 feet from the portal of tha lower tunnel, haa at tained a depth of 100 feet, and the vein la 9 to 12 feet wide, while values im prove. Levels will Te extended from thls wlnxa aa It attains greaterde'pth. to prove he promising ore shoot on linking has been commtllPl'U. Heavy Bapair Work. (Special fflapatrb to The Jmtrnsl.) Helena, Mont., June 1. The Ameri can Smelting A Refining company, which haa the smelter at thia place; Is expend ing 1100.000 In Improvements and en largements to the plant, preparatory to the growing business that has bees. JL AJL At M-M M M J f need Strength and Food Drink, doctors prescribe that's whv their --- -t A. -'"' Estacada - Feraoaahn Journal "Want Ad" Rates VHOKK AWT CLAISmCATIOV eaeeat 'Ituatioa Wutol"-aUie at Female, CiJiXt rm UJIK. Ceaatiag t words M tae Uae. . ASTZSTIIEMEKTS for Xl Waatoa . Male er- rmale ealy, raeeind r ... tolepkeae. Cell Maia MO. ' UTVATIOw WAJTTXP -UMrtBu.a - either Male er Female, iaaertod SM time frae. . Sally et guaday. , WXZKLT KATE T Insertlent (meiaama as Sunday lesae) M CUTS set Uae -", mk, - - I ; KOVTRLT SATE (laaladmt aA Baat , lasaM) It CXTfe per Use see auU, ASVEVrtBEMEHTS aaH la ?eanl - ln(tau of to by 1 e'eleek week - aays aad by It e'aloek gatunlay are. : la It, attaia slmllioaUaa., . A GOOD RULE IS TO BRING UP A CHILD T be Tln. Brudtnt-and eronomletL -- -Th tteat y to rto ' la t art him an example juuraeu. iw we want yea to. snow "THE OLDEST TBVST COMTAUT I 5 V- : OEEOOM," ... Resources Over $1,000,000 iaaaee IntarMt-hearitig eertloeatM -f deposit that pay fiym a to 4 lwr mil Intrrnt. and ran be drawn at any time by r'tnc -- iaia numner. or oaya- -notice, run partrculara a cuaiaioea ib our dook or . .nxT;BxATIOllr, " Whlrk we shall be. glad to send yos. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Stmt BK.NJ. I. COHEN..,. H. . L. PITTOrK"...:. B. 1,EK PAUKT...., I. O. UOL1UA...... Phooa Main 4MC ....... ....Prealdent . Vlce-Prfalrieet Recretar .Aaatataot tivcratarj LOOT AJTO JOUTflX FOUND A place to bars hair suttresaes m ated and returned same day. PhooS Mala i . rurxiana tvrita uair aciory. roUND A lady's golg watch. 4 Owner eaa have aame- by giving dearrlptioa and pajlof .ri!. at ojm aaai tiarriaoa st.- LOST Diamond annhurat Din at the Oaka Toeaday evening. $100 reward for return tu VI sua a.; do. queatlona JUed , LOST Gold watch and fob, near Portamouth Sunday .evening about 7:30. Phone Lnlon wwi. newara. LOST Lady's gold watch. Finder return to (irai at. ana irecelve sulUhle reward. aurrnro goncx. Owl afCXTNOMAH CAMP.r No.. TT. W, ", meeia tonisnt ta lu oitI nan, taut Birth, near Et Al M M .1, ... ... Tisiiuig . aeigsDors w. w. Li'M.snKTf, r. fj. J. W. WOODWOBT8. . tWBT grANPIA. No. T, F. of A. Attrntlon Mrmhers are requrated 'to meot al Foreatera' Bali Sunday at 2 p. m. In nrder to attend . vr uu nmuif inia Jnnnaon's funrraL Si. BtuwiHTZ, Derretary. WiIISZ pr,T ,T" Arhott. circle it W W. hall. Srlllnv-Hlraoli fi.t..r4.. ST0TICX. BUTICB TO STOCK HOLPrns. The annual mating of tha atockholdera of tha Mrilran Kuhhrr Cllltliro nmn... will K h.iH M Tui-aday, July 11, imiOt at 11 o'clock la-tti , inrrnnnn ma ornc or ma eald romivany, rnoma ,112 313 chamber, of commerce building. Portland. Oron. for tha .WM. nr m. '" rctoca and for the purpnae of conalilrrlna and acting upon changes In Me hy-iawa and the transaction of such other bualnmn aa may .w.yii cviue iwioro me meciinx ror action. r. V. BARNES. BecreUry. nunuu or Biocinoiiere- Meeting The an nual meeting of the atockboldrra ot th Orrgoa Iron A Steal Company will tx hold aw mrico oi ia ronjpcny. room S3 Bh. lock building. Portland, Orogon. Jane 10, . iHuo. bi ii e tiocs a. u.,- for the norpnae circling a paare or eirecrors ror tha -enaulnr yar,' and the transaction of anch ethar bnalnnai as may legally come before IB. CUCVllAg. ' . A. B. PATTTT.IO, Secretary. Portland; Or.. May 23. 1004. built up.- Tha year In general for Mon tana gold mining has a prosperous air. especially with the .placers, which' have oeen neipea Dy the spring rains. r ? CoeJ at Cottar Oroya. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.! Cottage Grove.- Or. -June 1. Two Cottage Grove men have- discovered a good vein of coal somewhere near town but are very backward about telling the exact location. The specimens they brought In will burn with the best cosl and It has tha appearance of a coking coaL - i WASHINGTON COUNTIES , - TO PAY ROAD SURVEYS (Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) Olympla. Wash., June !. The attor ney-general In an opinion to tha high way commission holds that the law makes mandatory the survey of state roaas provided inr me inst legislature, and that the burden of furnishing the survey falls upon each county traversed by the state road. The attorney-general also holds that Chelan county will be authorized to proceed with Its share of the road notwithstanding the attitude of other countiea and receive the apportion ment of state funds allotted to It. " ' - -'-'- ,. .. .; . We Proclaim- A hardware quality and "Variety that's dependable for every-builder's and houaeowner's use, and the price-will satisfy at sight, be cause It's based upon giving bext stock for least money and hold ing the buyer's trsde. ' - AVERY & CO. ta'TZXBO RTXZZT. XOflOK." l'KoltlHAl.N JiOlt Ifl PI'l.l Kti.tUla(3.tf. June 10, (mo. TSi board of triwl..- t.r .. Ort-ipm 8iatH .Inaaua. aayluui hvt-cby InTltt-a ai(IUaproiaala for fumUiilug to follow liig anppllra to tha liutliulli for tha alx niitha ciullag iMHMimtwe JU. iJIsV- tlr,wrla. lulllfeiMl and llottr, SMata nd Sail, drKiMMla druna, -ntaUonfTy. Iqntliar and finding. aluM-e, plunjlilng, fuVnllurt, hardware, tliuilug. rrH-kory snd glaaaware. Us la of said aui ,' plica can be furnbiiird by the clerk of the . board upon application. . Kamplee eaa be seen at the aaylutu sud goode must uo lu ' accordance therewith. Where sample ere " reulrd and not furnlaund by bidders the ' artlclca niiwt b equiil to aanaplee to be aoen at th aitylum, and blda will be aaaumed to hare been aiade oa haala of aanipl. All tmim niuat be In atrli-t acvortUuce 'with , eample lu original pai-kagr whn poaalbir, and oVIIrvrvd at the stale Inaane aayluui ., wlthtu 20 daya after the- contract Is awarded, and blda niuat b on' blank furma, which will b fiirulahcd. together with Instruction to - blddtfra by the lrk. upirn application, gach I'hl oa fiour or - meat imtat be nccomphuied br a eertliied eheck of ;u.0i. ami each bid ou Hah. by eertln.td check for ITO.iki. and all other blda by cerlltltd bhs'ke equal to 10 per cent of the anwunt bid; checks of unaiicceMiful bidders to be retnrncd Im mediately and thoa of accepted bidders wlreu tha contract la completed.., Hida mutt be en-'-rl,d In aeab-d. enTehmee and directed to the board, cafe of the clerk, end njainly ' marked "Hide for Aayluia kiiippllea," anil the elaae of sued bid a abould alae be lu- acrltHl x,n the envelope. Price' liineas. Slid ijuaiiiy neuiK eiU&l. pcetareuce will ue given to articles manufactured, grown or prndued to thtw-retster Wh-ir-part1cn1r-arth-hTa lecUlly railed for, bids for other kind or manufacture or brand, equally good will lot entertained, but to tnaitr recoa-nltlon of anch L bid sauiplee - of the artlcl.-a It la prupxaed to .puppiy juum -aoeoenpany -vnem. - Hlddera will , take notice that there Is no ..-appropriation available for maintenance of -the aaylum.;" Therefore clalma for ' supplies can only be audited by th aecratary of etato and cvrtlflcatea of evidence ot allowance . issued to claimants. Aa soon sw there la au appropriation available warrants will be Is sued In llu of the certtlirate. .- The board reaerves tho - rights to reject .ny or a II tikis, or to accept or reject any pert ' of a bid. Wils will be opened at the cepltnl " st Hlem at ID a. n. Monday, Juljr.10, IBM. Hy ler ef-the board of truster of the Oregon State Iusane sylum. ' W. N. UATEN8. Clerk. NOTICE OF FINAL! SEITLEMtWrTS-otlre is hereby -given .that the. undersigned, a 'etecutor of the estate'iof Wary A. Uroat, deceaseds ba Bled bat Tiual ecconut In the county court of the atato of Oregon " Pit Miiltuotnab county, and that Monday, the 17th -day of July. 1IHI5, at the hour of 9::W o'clock dn Ib forenoon of eaiil day. .and th .. courtroom of shIU court baa been ap . pointed by aald court as the time and place for the hrkring of objectiuus thereto aad ' tbe settlement thereof. - 1B. DAV. BAFFETT, "Executor. 0'Bryon A O'Bryon, Attorney for Executor. I'steq a no arat puttllaned June le. ItHX). ' DISSOLCTIOff NOTICE The.Iaw-trrm of Pipe . lint niaieeo ntssolved by mutual consent. My offlcea are floo. chamber of commarce, Ttlepho Mala 863. - .' . MARTIIf L. PIPES. KLP WANTED JC All; HELP - WANTED IJood nisi lor for business at- coDventiotia for ofrklal certlflislf of . visitation; big money In, It fur the right - , party. Call at Main -booth, Mctloa la, tlsuu facturlng bldg., exposition grounds. WANTED Ambition man with f 1,000; services to develop light manufacturing proposition; three lea d I ng-'ortlanoUftrm--gave- order- to r nay; nniimtt;a pnsatbiltttc ; exclusive article large- returns, u U, care Journal., MANAGERS wanted for ear office In all large cities tbtuogbout Oregon;, w pay rent, liberal salary and commission ; caah deposit and ref' ere tx.es requlretf. Address "Masager." Il uranc . tuag., rMB 1 1 rancisco. - . . WANTED An boneat young maa for office wora, cvanier; expevienc nor neceasaryt . rapid promotion; mi. csh deposit required. : Answer at once with address. O 43, car Journal, - - MAN who fsn. deposit taop caah. a mill v ee- . cured; can have steady office poaltlon; 120 weeaiy to negin ana opportunity to make gooa eommuaioa Pes Ides. Address N 41, car Jour. - sal. - . WANTED fallera, It.lW to M.2S; 6 bncker to gz.To; ax men, fi-Jb; la mill and yaratnen. a up: plenty or work. l.umter men a Labor Bureau, 20614 Morrison St. YOI'NO MAN, bright; orer 1S. to prepare for t government position; goofj slryi prrtuanent . aranuai promotion. Dee ai mice rlgir u. ntwen, sio ( tumoey r tyimmerc. WANTED M. D. that I registered tit Mon tana; big money and a permanent powltlon to right man. Call or address 18W sixth t., Cortland, Or. LOAFERS. snd carlo not Wanted; w 'ran find . work for others; you pay fee when You her esmen rour money. - a. m. to n:30.n. dvi sairor, WANTED A good - a I lops t Me nbyalrlaa and surgeon - to- take the place of a retired physician. Inquire at drugstore, Glcneoe. Or. XOt'NO maa of neat appearance, honest and . Industrious, can ecor good position; must d a goca taiser. aui Anseng t. - .7 . VlMTKn . A man w,lll,HMk. Du 1. A atate wagea and experience. Addreas MO Aorta Seventeenth at., Portland. WANTED First -clase sign Writer; mnat be anopmen; stesay work. t day. Foster a Klelser, Fifth and Everett. INDI'HTRIAL insurance agents; no lapse; lib eral commission, t a 11 between g snd 11 s. m. Room 2. 129 Heventh at. PORTLAND Barber college Special Induce ment to learn trader weeks' tuition, '3. 2IT FUndera t - WANTED Solicitor foe clothe cleaning and presttng; goon wage. . tut Kate Tailor. 2.16 Second at- - WANTED Two bench ttanda on atslr and other work. .079 augba ana Klfhteeutb it. J. B. Hcpp. DETECTIVES Men to twnra: we jmarsMe work to our pupils. R 801. SM MrriaoB at. WANTED Good oapmaker: tat experience and salary expeai trd. An M4, -""-"l r-a'-Tui I Pits hi C tl ' Drug company, comer Firet and Grant t. A FEW good sash and door men want'd. Sea side ftprac Lumber Co Seaside, or. WANTED A good presaer for tailor bop. Ben rieinng. leaoingciotnier. WANTED KALE AND y Eat ALE KZtT. MEN and women to leant barber trad In g weeks; BarmretMng. - mimenrtng; grfdoate earn- IS to S2S weekly. Seattle Barber Col lege, lillWaahlngtoq St., Seattle. . - j WANTKD At ence, s bright, energetic, pre. eniani man or woman, -a. good talker, t tak up an attractive proposition, luqulr 783 Chamber of Commerce. a. a. CALLING and bnslness-cards 60e 100, 12 25 hlngtnn. Automatic Card Press. l.ooo. g2 Wa SITTJATIOgg WANTED MALE. RELIABLE, capable writer end designer of dvrrtlaemanta vnti position with a retail or mannfacturlng concern; applirant-ander-tarida all branche of advertising work and maltrl wi specialty 4f display ada and show csrd work; highest reference. Addresa N 4u, Journal. . WANTED Poaltlon by man 27 years eld; 4 ycare' experience in Hank and-T In general office; bank work preferred; good reference. K B4, rare Journal. . WANTED Carpenter work on nest 6-room nonae; plans and estimate free; iao com plete building for Inspection. Bos 64, boll wood. EXPERIENCED elderly gardener want poal tlon in private place, city oe eowntrrr orn-r. all arooud. Jitsn, Address N, iH-ear. Jsumst, Vw YOI'NO maa wAild like to lern plnmhlng sa apprentice, aoores -v . er journal, SITtJATIONS WANTED riVAXi. WANTED Situation by a good, competent woman aa housekeeper; can tnke full chnrg of rooming house. - Call or address t. Patter son, Wi.V-i First at., corner Taylor, itoom 1. CIWiCAOO drewamaker wants work by the day; best er references; wagea ;mi per nay. Ad dress A.'U -a'ambi. St., Portland, Or. REFINED young girl would like to ear for children In afternoons. Address M 44, ear Journal. . ... WANTED ajeevrork and plain cooking In Main 1437. A. . msii ramiiy; west nine. YOB BENT StTlOfYB BESORTf. room ftrrnlshed bowse at Gearhart, Oregon. J. U Wills, 3S Uargly st. . ' I' UZlt WANtED -yEKHE. il.IKfi' HKl'sHTklKNT. Hotel, restsiiralit, office. st..re. bXkery, laundry . ana isniiir paironag aouciiea. HANNKN S KMt'LOV VLh.NX. OillCB Waahiugtou at., ruut 7. cor. aWvautb at. I'hone Main amg. - y tVAXTED (tlrl In aula II prlvafk family cua eUtlng of gentlemaa-and wife and sou. In uulre 2!M Nineteenth' su. north, bel. and 10 la tbe forenoou and after in tha evening. UIKU wanting .employment,' such a gcnernl housework, waltresaea, chambermaids, cooks, call on gcamllnavutn Emplnymeut Co., K70 ' Hurnald st. I'hon Ualu 3SS. WANTK1 ImmedUtely, eiperlenred referenced cook, nrst-claa family; wages . '4Wi s Yamhill. I'hone' Main M13. - . A YOUNU Udy for refined vaudeville sketch; gnol salary and long eugageusent. Addresa - O 55, cars JowrnaL " WANTKD Immediately, flrat-clasa second girl, prlvai family; wage 23. lammii. i none Haia otia. ALL klnda of experienced lanndry help hlah- est wagi-a ,alil, and yiilmby eta.. Grand Xjiundry Co., llth GIRL for aenerel houaewoek. ' Annie KefarMf. '. T and I evfntngjor 0 and 10 .mornings, A6u M"AXTEr Flrat-claaa body lroner;' aiao "ladiea1- ciotiie trouers, at I'scidc Laundry, First and COOK wanted; must have some knowledge of ' sh.-t-or,ler 'work. Anil 1 lrvlug. BT5 rviug at. . WANTED Ladloa for aollcltlng in real estate orn-e. N. Sprague, 121' 4 Grand are., rooms --15-iti. ' -r" : : " ' GIRIJv snd women., good wares; Job for everv - body. - Alpine Co., M Flrat at. .Mala 11)17. GIRL with Some experience In' dining-room, Apply Hi Irvine hi.M, Eighteenth and Irving. WANTED Experienced Irooera Apply Htar Laundry Co., I nlun are. and Eaat Aukeny. WANTED Ktnerleneed ladles clothes -Iroiiera, - ai raciae tjsutHiry, rn-ai ana astnur st. WANTED Good talloreaa to work In buhrllng-j mem. zieu. oeiiing, leaaing cmioier. OIKL wanted: stead factory work. Front st..eor. DsVls. " 49 North GIRL for 'general housework; good wage. - Morrison at. 400 -IMPLOTMEHT AOENCEg. PAC1FO COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Removed to 12 North hecond at. I'hone uea jot. - - - - IIA)'SE.N'8 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOR MEN. ' . M N. Second St. Phone Man IBM. AMERICAN Employ mept aad Real Estate Aga- cy All hinds of h,lp furnished free of Charge. 184 Burnalde st. Uuu-k JU81. riONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrae. tors; help tree to employer. XH Morrison. HELP wanted and aappiied. male or female. K. G. DRAKE. 2S Washing ton st. Clsy 414. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Helo fur nlsbed free. 1SS First st. Pbon Mala IB 1 7. Mil MORRWON-Col.imhl River Emn. ae--y: allied isoor mrnished. i'hone Mais .trot. WAXTED TO KETkT. ROOMS. la all part of the. city, furnished. ' Apply 221) Goodnough l.ldg. - EXroSITlU.-iiACC0hUl.OU A XION BUREAU. TJodsr direction of the Lewi aad Clark Fair CorporatloB. . . " Phone Mais 8ZSS. , - WE hare call every day toa; vacant koaae a no turmsneo nousosi list your property with us; w win ao to rest, uoosa Taggsrt. IUI DISKS dx. GIVE us your room 4 eeotj we- sre hav ing many call for furnished nrt nnfiirnlshed rooms to rem. - j. u Wells Co.. tM Grand, ave. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTKD To s,n eor superior high geaee iim eery atocsrJTiew 'nn--cq-nptet- vnv .- fit furnlohed fr.: cash weekly; write- to- lJ.day for choln. of terrltorj.Cpltal .-City iiriry iMivis. vrvgun. WANTED ynfANCIAI WANTED TO borrow i $Jro on St. John rest estate sirat mortgage, Z year; 0 per cent; no commission, u s, care journal. --., ANTEi--.To borrow . I00 for. 1 year: good .ollalaral siwnnrllyg per cent. Adih-et M ni, car jonrnal. ' WAlfTED MISCELLANE0 Ct. WANTED More eprsvlng and whltewaahlng: the only gaaollne compressed air spraying ouinv n yn coast. M. u. Mnreaa ) yo.. V7U hiiw.u.i. . rvmt a.sst laif: SHORT ORDER Printing Rnaee r. J. Ryaer, neconq na -yasnington ata. Mala SDos, ROOMS to paper. $3 and tip. paper Included; - paini xnam lor 1 Bp. - Hog B.H. City. - . WANTED To boy or rent two Shetland ponies most be icbeanu Phone SOU) Main. FOB KENT HOUSES. NEW two-story honse. T rooms besides rlath room: pantry and clos-ts, with, large attic ann run nesement: rot ooxion; (in per month. e.i r.-i inirieeutn at., .-orta irvmston, 1'ortlaud. Oregon. Addree S. W. Thnmueon, owner, Vancouver, w aaa. fnoB 2t4d. NEW P-room bouae on southwest corner of Hancock and Kaat Twenty-slim at.; 4-emeut ceuar, Dstn. rurnaee. gss and electric llnhta. B. M. Lombard, 614 Chamber of Comnicrc or sou Hancock at. f HiiiKf.M mrntaheri and nnrnrnlshed rooms atso fnttt Land Co., Lui vwralty Park, FOR RENT st Seaside Urge welt furnished 4-room house with water over sink In kitchen with large porch sod uae of new boat. I'hon l nlon lotix KADDERLY T-tANSFER-COMMISSir..! CO. fiano na rnrmtttr mored promrtly ne eg. perlencad men, 110 Third St. Msla 145. FOR RENT 2 modern 7 -room ..booses on East - Tkt.lv.fMMt I mam . 11 TV" , f. - .j , u e-, Vf. osvs room 807 Tbe Falling bidg. ton RENT Modern rom house, hard-wood nnisn. large nesement, atatlonary tulia, etc.. eaat side. Phone 8No. 6-ROOM cottage for rent: modern Improvements; wri-rinni naiii. .oqilir IT. Ki. n. Hailcrt, w i 1 Grand see. 9-ROOM handsomely famished private rest dene .near rnr scdooi xnr mrr month!. Inqulr , 104 First at. FOR RENT T-room modern . honse. ST North- rnp. fall atjhoe ator I. Tanduyh, 270 "Ah lugton. . FOR RENT Large, hsndsottie house end grounds on top of Mt. Tabor. Apply Hynson, Journal office. Ill ROOMS large basement. Ke'v O'Neit's grocery. Hood and Grant. I'hon Main 4620. NK'BIY located B room house, low rent, furni ture for ssle.. Inniilrs T40 Cntoo v. YOB -RENT HOtTSEKEPINa BOOMS. Fl'RNISTlED honsekeoptng snlfea for fnlr era. Itora or permanent tenants: reasnnsMe! rnf oieetrW Mehfr-taomh-yr Isrgs pleasant rooms;- ,,ro- ouiiuiua-; ene oioca trou U car. 4Mj Kussell t., Albln. CAMP OROCNDfl on Portland nelghta. With or without board; plenty of ahade. Bull Run water.- fin y.ew, strictly private. Call or A del res Skyland, Portland Heights. Malu NICB clean beds Jn tent. 80e each, with rook ing accommodation; Be fare to exposition. -Lewis A Clark Camping Grotmd. Mount Ta bor Ilelghta. Phone Scott S7B4. i -CAMP FAIRVIEW. Camping space for rent 1.1 to fd mo.j mag nificent view of city and fair grounds, fsll or address Camp Falrriew, Portland Height. LA ROR .new elegantly rnrntshen housekeeping . rooms, suitable for Isrg psrtles; s-as rsnas. running water. - The Lownsdale. Boa Alder. tng LINDA VISTA, nicely famished bnvkee leg ssd slngl rooms reasons Ms. 847 Hftk. Ftift ItENT-- nnfitrnlshed ho-isekerplng-ronma, f 10 per month. 63 Seventh St.. yoa BEMX ruKvisuro koomi. Dl kiMi tiIk riiR Elegant snuuy furnished room ar daalrahl uay fruw .city Boise; all eutsld rooui plenty., of flesh air, building fireproof ; t dour. tor all points; -oo raise during tali . rates tl day) fro phono, bath aad xss. .Is or phono J. II. I'.lmer. MOW lliuaall Phone Kaat U. XH11 KINO, Soo Jefferaos st, New throuf out, (I per day, no hlsher; bavlug all inodei convenience; on dlr-t-ar hue to det si poatoft la sef . and bualne eeulcr; . centa each. flrst elsss ma CDUMEKtAL HOTEI-New building, ever: thing unidcrn throusbout. ' beautifully fu nlsbed; rooms Hglil. sunny; plenty of frrs . air; ljcatlin verv eoaveuleut foe elthen, bus iiess or fair; price reasoosbl. . 403 WasbinJ THK GARLAND ' T L.'l YVesulusloO Kef Klnetaeelh mA Tsi ' J'7,hi'i " - sjoderB. all outstiu. rooms, le - Usui", pnoiie, irre pains; ooe, loc, 91 pi f'J, T"l.es oy week; restaurant m baaeateu ri'R.VlHIIBIs rooms walklhg distance - fro if nusinea uiatrict; car a direct to fair ground wrurrawn nnn ear Knira aepol 10 reldeni'1 trsnsleut or pui-uiniint; rauetbl 'AH rourieeum. . Main OABa. . c. , THE IIaiiaKN 1 rtA k le.k ti '" '"n,"',, room, 1.6i) up; convenient loetloi ju nuiiiiie wi . in i.ir .mi.., sj.-iao irat union depot direct to house, 1'bona S4J lilll HKlLk; H HaeHhorne anttrnit-aves iireproor, elegantly furnished rooms, bath pbou. B minute ear on hoth'aranue; Tat reasonatile i week or mouth trausleut room bonse. newly furnished. In beat realdenr sectkm; hatha; all outside rooms; ratei vcom io up-, permanent aud ranalenfc 2 iv. oKVENTKKStII a-r - .I..J... Larg-e, airy, outside rooms, cn suite or slnrl fuN- ip per lay MM'lal rate per wvel " Phoiut Main 405M . . .. . ... STRANGERS call st our office-, get Hat .. - .urnieneu ana uniurntsnea rooms nu eaat ld " l',r dV' """""I- I. W ell V.. Ik wi.m . . ... . ,. . KELI.OGC HOl'KE. 1RI Rherman: s.ki. 11 - S..U1I;.- clewn lodgliHf. g-'ic;. tucsls. 2Scfu . in.ura BousraMpiug rooms with . bslh su X isuiifirj. -. - , , FOR sice well furnished rooms aws fro eity none, tat Sellwood car to o Snoksi v.. ouo, block f roui carl f 1 du,. ujmbl bed Be i ii . , . " ' '-" ' ' THR GABLE Furnished rooms. Ileht. sire re; - a,mabh. wta breakfast; 2 car lines. p.a4 -iweniy-arvemw and sea art si. Eaat SB0. THV ALDERE One large.' nicery ' fnrnishel nsirn; aiso i small aiugiei-'Toom. Inrludln vmn. i none woiu loot. s- Alder, near Slxtl FI RMSIIKD room., private family: bv we or rmonth. with halh. Phone East 127 , Beaaonahle. -67 East Twamy-elghlh. iort NEWLY furnished rooms. phoa,-eleelrte n gss light, iHit and. cold water ill . cOi venleuce; gooi quint pluie.. phone East 327 MARQI'AM llrvi SK, I4B-A gth Rooms en eal or alngle; housekeeping room; sas stove bath, electric light! tranalenu aolirlted. NEW furnished mom, every thing first rlssJ eiecinc mnts. gaa ami hath; sear hotnl; n manent aud transient. 8.14 Fourth St. 8 NICELY furnished rooms Jo rent, B44 Slxtl bct,erV Jackson and Llnculo sis.; bat and phone; near Fifth St. carlioe.- - c " 1 i BOOMS In new honse: bath, phone, electr light tht; day or week; walkliuj dtatanc I rline.i.4 V nlon ave north. . S- .'Cari NEAT "furnished room, reasonable- price, f rent ny aay, wee er mama. ajr. Jans, tnrth. Mr. Jan,. 8-1 renfTEs air)iha rf ater. cor. viay. FCRNISHED rooms for' ren Powell sta., over ator; private fnmlly. Test Woodstock car. r - : . I Ft'ltNiyMEl) rooms for rent, 2 per week -Mic per- night, with bath gnd phone. 4( Everett St. ' --v , ' . ' . . 2S," ELEVENTH ST. I-rge noma, beantlfif grounds; ned Due up; tenting apace. I'hoi Went Tv)l. THII. GLAP?T0SE-rJ2H Usrtee at-furalahel rooms; under aew maoagemeDtr prices ret THE ABBOTT 2JSU Wsshlnetnn! e.l. nlshed rNmis en suite or single; trsuslent I.A'itiB frrmt Toom.'yor t iir-tinii-ketiltt rooms rcasonaw Jar traswiKl ;,27 Ad r ,iwt-t a, bat I Caaihig PLEASANT, comfortahlo furnished rnoma. rs. convenient and very; qiih.-t. 4M Yamhll BCFFAI.O HOCSR Tl.'VB Salmon:' trsnalent day, week or month; rate 90r, 7V. l 4a aa,; Dl;8IRARLIf front rooms. S Mocks Hotel !Nf - ismt. reonniis ib Taylor. -cor, west Part NICELY furnished, mom witti or wtfhot.l hoard: breakfast if desired. ' Wg guvrntv S27 N. EIGHTEENTH Ffont rnoma, reesoosh rates;- pnone and hath; breakfast If desire SICE. Isrge. newly furnished rooms, with hat ou rent per aay, yog K. Seventeenth st. FOR RENT Neatly fnrnlshed front room, tier car line. . per montn. xht Tillamook, at. NICELY furnished front room; gaa, bath, pbnn sin per montn. nevenin et. . Main B4.13. yi RNISHED room for twe. hw each, or" f: for one; breakfast ilAc. . 612 Miller at. THE ALDFR 4DJI Alder; furnished room, bat gn. convenient, qniet. M1B wot, ., CALL st B4 Grand are. for Infnrmstloa sho rumisnea rooms on eaat nine. THE CASTLE S72 Washlngtoa St.; furnish i rooms, inone MSin irria. THE LEWIS. IPS OTH ST. Rooms . by da week or month. Main 43.'t. ,. RENT targe, airy, well-furnished front roort. i fnldlng-bed. Bo4 Columbi. . - - BOOMS AND BOARD. TE8. we ran accommodate a few more fah! 1w. rataU-Jinina s.nkln i -ssier tiuuie. ICTfrjtB fna Haatiio Phone MsIn 6231. THE IRVING Elegant - accomroods tlrfos, tl exorbltaft rhargiw; section; price right. dlnfaer-room in Cor. isth and Irvin THR LINDKLL New family hotel, Market, be -inirq ana sour in; a tea in seat, eiectrie llgh orceisus oaina: xcaingiy raw rss. ROOM and board suitable for t gentlear SM, cor. Eaat I'lne and Eaat Klgnth. . ROOM and board at Clay ssd WsUr sta., N flio, as. ars. HOUSES FOB BINT FUHNITUBE JOB lALq FORV bet rult on i ,, t-. FCRNITrRC." v Whether te bttr -or sell, ring up MsIn M.'d. PORTLAND AI'CTION ROOMS', r SlfW First at. . , ,,. . B ROOM cottage for sent, all OT part of furij turs fot .aale: rent is. iwi nortay Eleven t. ;. Ahv baby WAlkfJT- ' - A MODERN s-rnora house for rent; detlrah Iocs tlon; furniture for sal. - J4S Mod gomery at. - - FOR SALE rimnltnre -7-ronm mertern h on block from Portlssd hotel, lag Park s Fi'RNITURE of 4-room hooae for- ssle. hnu for ,reat. N Btoatniy. - M 4T, ear Journs rot BENT FLATS. MODERN flat, corner Dixon and Benton. I quire 41'4 Urratiee at. I Hone I'nlns BSS4. FOB BENT FABMt. FOR BtcNT screw- et tang - all Is enlll. tlon. East Fortr-tnira and Sectloa Uae rosJ w. w. F-e-e. ve.it i oe rsiiinv, . - TO EXOHAM0K. - Son ACRES 12 miles east from, Atoschnrg: acre tiiiaoie; aooa orillnsrv rorss BoII.Um. orchard of A acres; place well watered; bs nee ol bind la timbered pssiure, end It a loins -sever I thonsand acre of roveeome, grsslng land; clo to school and sstoffc4 owner- is perw in city; WtH goon cl property and som cssh for Mm; look tli up. II. W. Miller, KM sixth st. TO RXCHANOR g-room hens.; I acre Ian iruit ana I lowers, near , lisyton, Ohio, f - lota nr tand la Oregon, owner, room 2: enuing nifig. - . , v lAlb SCRIP T0B SALI. AND crlp for ssle foe timbered nr sr. cultural land, sTB-voved or nis-nj-rejred; lowr. once. H. M. Hamilton, Portland hots I'm tlaod, Vt. - -, v. - . . . " '5 i , --'I. ... I f- it- is