n THE" OREGON'' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. ' r KIUAY EVENING. JUNE 16, , 1BC5. MX MM ...... v. -...-. f- i - " J:; f. '.J:-.:. LOYAL PEOPLE THE GRAND Say in ; AII thv' Wide World Sweet as Theirs. TWO RAILROADS WILL ; ; vBE BUILT.THROUCH.JT ElectricLind to Run From Union to Cove Early In " October. --The Grand Bonds Valley? There la """.A"'Sttrtr country in mi wuim. - dared E. P. McDanlel a retired bulnwn .. man.', living t .Bauer . Portland to k the Lwls and Clark exposition. He, hat seen much of -the i.vrlonmrnt of Baker and Union coun- '.'..' tlc,ss '- Mv' In tMt aiatrlct since, jso. 1 - "Crops are looking better than I ever Have' seen them, rs,iu have been plentl " ' fuU the colintrv In In good condition and prospects forstlll greater develop- ant n wtmrL ne aaio. Tw rallroada racto tttl 4 Bait er and- Onion " eountles. : Senator Walter -""-pierce of Pendleton-ls pushing the un tertaking to build an electric road from r Vnlon. on the Oregon Railroad Navi gation Una to Cove. -e, thriving, town Jii 1 the heart of a rich agricultural, dlatrict, ' IS mllea north. The Intention la to ex - tend the road farther through the vai : ley. and develop a great electric power and lighting plant on Mill creek, where " -work 1s now under wray to -establish the plant.-Grading will be commenced thla eck between CoveandiTjiIbn.And-th rmta-winUiTlh operation that distance - 1V October 1. A large dam, la being " built on. Mill creek, and wires are be lli' atrunav alone, the-rome. "nig WTILjtft-eauyr-T"i comparaiiveiy in expensive. Union county produces wool, wheat, oats, barley, hops, sugar beets, potatoes, ' butter, cherries-and berries. The countr . lias a.871,000,000 feet of atandlng timber, -r- and an annual rainfall of mre-ha-4 Jnehea. The average price of land la $30 ; an acre, and the count still has 123,120 of jgevarnment-lana -opett -ioaei? ttementrThe iaat-federal cenaua gavs r the county a population of only 11.000, which In IMS had Increased to 10,000. Union, the county seat, Jls III. miles from Portland. - -' - " "There' are excellent rrojM! Mr. DanTelf. "for the early beginning of -r- work en- esnatruction of at railroad from Baker. City to the . Snake river, over v a route that was surveyed some years a"go, and haa now been rosa.aectioned -an further ' prepared fpr gradlng..It . is reported' that the undertaking has been .1 flp.nnoeand .will Jbegln- era aoon as 'the - prellrninarles are completed. The road ' "will run1 from Bakel-CMty eaat Itr Powder river, about ii mllea, and follow that stream soma . distance, then -take a northerly courae to.- Ballard's 'landing, r the Snake river, -and cross Into the " iron Pike and Seven" levlls copper dla--' trlcts." r'-- - :'r - ' ARE YOU GOING EAST? II bo, AU ADOUt tne Wincty-lxi r Tickets .Now on Sale by . the O. R. ftN,. On June 1 and 17 the O. R& KCo. places on aale thkels Mto Chloago and oilier easTeTh points, good iir D !. " or particulars call upon ii. W. Stinger, cKjr ticket agent. Third BffdvraBhtngtOlCTTOUr friends In the : east will auk you about the Columbia . river trip. Remember that the O. R. A N. gives yon 200 miles along this match less river, - - . " Ni one would "ever be bothered with conatlpatlon if every one knew how naturally and quickly Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the atomach and bowels. .. . i Saturday Night Special From 7 P.M. to 10 P. M. "lTijs "fjretty little parlof ornament a laoourettc mat every body can find a use for will wm i i-' T'ZrA m w a ib jr-n i - See our Vamhill street Window full of these Tabourcttes. Watch for Qur Great Red Tag Sale Next Week A Watch To any boy. who will bring, us a customer for one of our splendid Gold Watches, $50 Gold Watches sold on time . . $5. down and I. CEVURTZ & SOWS Gevurtz Sells 173-175 First St. r:. : - - . i i i i i 1 1 . . .. - r . ;( NEWPORTDEPECTIVt OiHE : North Pacific Steamship Com pany Is Dissatisfied With Its Recent Purchase. MUST TIE UP FOR A -.---r-r WEEK AT BAY CITY -u-, Large " Consigrriejpts of Freight, t- Will Be- CarledTby Com?-" party's Other Steamers. ...Harry Young, local agent- for -the North Pacific Steamship - company, has received -the- following telegram from San Kranclscot - .' - -"Thr-ateftmer Newport' propeller Is defective and she will return from Coon Bay to thla city to' get a new one. Ad l-mij nr rel,Bir, M made." vise patrons that she will start norm The Newport wr-Mumtly piisnhsswd r 'the trade' between here and au for Francisco. She - left for the. north on her maiden trip more than a, week' ago, but made very slow :progres. It Is stated -that-throwTieTiare-rery-Tmich rtlitttlBnert-TrrmhTr"ar"rt I "rtlsesrd her just as soon as a suitable steamer can ba found. , . - " A big quantity of freight had been en. gaged for shipment -on-the steamer to polnta down the coast In. order not to disappoint the local merchants the com pany has msd arrangements to send a portion of the freight on tn Alliance. The balance will be carried by the Kil burn and Roanoke, scheduled to sail tomorrow alghtv It Is stated that H will take, about 10 days JpjeXUieN.ot- ln-hape-Tor sailing. . The. Roanoke Is operate oy inea company, and la expecifiiLt reaCHTort Innd this t"rrhTT;-' l"1" and wayporta.JL.HheWgsJJtlXCli8JieA8.DoUI three weeks ago principally' to Uke carx of the .coastwise trade,- It was the In tention to aend her to small ports at which other steamers did .not rail, such ss Cpqullla City and Yaqulna By, The merchants at those towns get all ot their supplies In- San " Fraacleco,' but with a boat operating from Portland It was thought that heavy shipments of goods would be made from here. "I NOT ENOUGH STEAMERS." Coastwise Passengers and Pi-elght Zift Shippers- declare that thousands of tons of freight sre lying at the varloua docks awaiting shipment down the.coast and that thers are not enough steamer tb take' care of It- and the passenger t raffle. ' Wlih"the Intention of lmprovlng'the aervlc'e the Harriman people had about decided to put tbeCosta JRIca on the route to run In connection with the Columbia and St. Paul, but it was found that she was hardly suitable. Within the pant lew days they- endeavered tp charter a "modern steamer, but ft was announced this -morning that thedeal would not be made. Unless the Pacifld Coast . Bteamshlp com Dan T comes ' to the relief of the lat it l assorted bv ri 1 srti Tiiiitluirlt V chat I'uiIIhthi wui loae a Dig amount of business. In the next threo or fouf months. The officials of the company have under consideration the matter of putting a boat on the routrHut. as yet nothing of . a definite nature; haa been t af "f1 The Columbia Bailed last night with every poun ot freight she could carry and with the biggest passenger list since the Bouthern Pacific Railroad company had lta line extended to thla city.' She had 2!2 cabin passengers, all that could be accommodated, and . 80 steerage. Many tof the latter wanted to travel first-class, but had to take what they could get. Many failed to get accom modations. I The Alliance, for' ICureka and , way ports, could not accommodate' all who he on sale from 7 o'rlock-till ,10 o'clock Saturday evening at a give away , price. It sells regularly at $1.50, but as Saturday night spe cial it goes for only ' -''- FREE $5 per monthl It for Less.. 219-227 Yamhill St Bumewliat-Tirra title with Luther Bur bank, the originator of the ,. famous potato bearing his name, M. J. Ma soon Improved the quality of the fruit which he raised.' One of his novelties was the white airawberry. - The white straw berry was produced all rfght.. It was as' white as the snow on Mount Hood, and lta else and .quality were all that could be desired by a critical public The berry, however, would not grow as solid as lta. red -pro to type, although Mr. Magonn experimented with - It to the day of his death. Then tlie .white strawberTydlsappeared.j . However, there: la one frululo the berry line for which the public Is In debted to Mr. Ma goon. It la the logan berry. - It Is a cross between the black berry and the raspberry. Is larger In elser-thait-either- of these., and haa a fla?6rr"hal"rcombiriea - the - -quality --"-of both. It wm Just four yeara ago that the -loganberry first made itayappear attce In the . Portland .market. Only a small 'amount waa produced' the' flrat season, but these proved sf ficlent for aR demand, as the public wss skeptical and would not ' buy. . It would not be lieve -then-that the herry was as goo-l ,n Tliirillf r',t,''.,.l'1 Maekherrv... It took It fully two yearTTO do that nny believing that his comriDunon to the public would be appreciated In ihe. end-Mr. Magooa allowed other, grow "ersT'io uaehia acdV and tha-result was that tTio ptrbltcrtamr tnto contact with the delicious fruit on account of Its wnten-o-ggsThrrtprrTier. Bha took out 9 passengers, all that ber li cense allows her to carry.-- : ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Carrylng"blg cargoes sOf freight, and Jul I ra.i.,mi.i.-m steamers . a. Kilburn and Anteila arrlveg 4aai nigni TauclHco, , The officers on both vessels report lhat-tney en countered atrong head winds. Both Steamers wereaday. late. A rf ah gefiie n trTsa Ve" TerirmB a for.thj Balley Uatsert .and Regulator to trans fer their pasaengera- at the locks, the latter remaining on the upper river and the former below; The Oatxert went out this morning -w4th S00 passengers, the largest numtter.sha haa carried thla season-during-a - week -dayr, - The schooners Transit, now at Htlo, and Annie Larsen. lying at San Frau-cisL-o. have been chartered to load lum ber at PortlandTor California polnta, Captain E. W. Spencer says he lhT tends-to give official notice at once that he will appeal, from the decision of the local I'nlted States Inspectors yno gugpi'nded bin jnuslvr'i -running ' Bteamboat. ', - MARINE NOTES." Astoria, June 16. Arrived at J a. m., steamer Cofumbia; arrived at S and left up at a. m.. United States torpedo boat destroyer Perry, from Puget sound; sailed at a. m., a three-masted schooner. ' San Francisco, June If. Balled at 11: J0 g.jtnsteamer St Portland. ... - Paul, for Shanghai. June it. Arrived. Barken fine Koko 1 lead, from -Portlands - Astoria, "June IS. Arrived at 1I:S0 and sailed at 4 p. m" steamer 'Nome I'lty. fiT V"g'-t in1:nii ,ln for laBl.i arpl.nl at -3 III ana ie VP ai :oo p. m tTnlted States cruiser Boston, from Ban Francisco; arrived at 5 and left up at 6:30 p. m.;. steamer Atlas, from San Francisco, V.,! , . . Astq'rla, "J iine " 11 Condition of - the bar at. 8 n, m.; smooth; wind, norths weatfc-.wenthtrr rainy. -: - Steajner v Tpleds Kew Owners. jJohn-iilndstroni.o-i Aberdeen. with business men of Gray's Harbor, have purchaaed more .than a half Interest In the steamer Toledo from Fay Bros. A. Fay will continue as manager. With the leading business men of Cray's Harbor Interested In the crat It Is said there is no longer any doubt that she will handle much of the traffic. While at Aberdeen this trip her pasenger ac commodations were increased from It to 85, - and . other improvements were made, i It waa decided to operate her on a .schedule of rive days for the round trip, Instead of three, as heretofore. 1;. " - Returns f rom Alaaka. - - CaptatiTIT C. ilellner, lighthouse In spector for this districts returned last evenlng"TroTrl al weeks' trip la. Alaskan waters. He visited all the sta tions up there, 11 In number, and re ports that he found them In good con dition. The new stations at which he called are Point 'Retreat, Fairway Island, Guard Island and Point Sher man. All the buoys were changed and dds s Inir lanlarril Tr cruise mii n the Heather .ami W as far westward aa Dutch Harbor. Growing Mosquito Ties. .. . Cantaln Graham of the Oregon City Transportation company says fatal ac cidents are sure to occur this summer by large veasels running Into rowing boats golngthrough the draws. He suggests that a rule ought to De en forced by the authorities compelling those In the small pleasure boats, com monly spoken of as the "mosquito fleet." to no under the Driages si me sides of the draws. - . ' - Steward's Patent Flosure-manger. B. G. Wallace, steward on tbe steamer Altona, has secured a patent on an adjustable picture-hanger . which I gleaeverjr-Trronrls "ol - winning, pop- ularity; . it consists orlnclpally of a copper rod- provided with a hook which fastens on the moulding or the -wall, to thla TB.Ttacfmtt a curved spanner whteh la made fast to the frame of the picture. Mrs, Wallace suggested the Idea to the steward. Diapute Over Charges. Thla afternoon the work of. loading the schooner J. W. CI lie, under charter to the government to carry lumber to Manila, will be completed, -but It la probable that she will not sail for sev eral 'days 'to come. There la still g little dispute between the quarter master department and the Owners of the craft, over demurrage, charges and 1 the expense of moving th vesset-in the harbor - . - Longshoremen Xleot Officer. " -Last night Longshoremen's union No. S65 elected the following officers: M. P.Xannon, president; P. Johnson, vice president; 8. McLoUghlln. recording secret ary t irAr- M a d sei- flna nctar- lre retary-and business agent; A. HegrenerV treasurer; A.. McAllister, marshal; R. M. Clarck, guard; R. Starrett. F. J. Relley, W. A. Schroder., trustees. FARMER NEAR ATHENA $ SERIOUSLY ; INJURED tSrecUil DUpatrk 'a The Jonrml.) Athena. Or., .June . J 4. Mlko Ryan, 'a farmer, living 10 miles northeast of Athena, kg probably. jaUUj Injured In eheapneaa.' Then It- was appreciated, but this proved too late to benefit Magoon. ' .' . '..Today loganberries-are eagerly sought after. The season baa just begun, and It will end In about 10 days. The first of the coming week will be the time for housewives to lay In their supplies, for they can then secure all they 'want Prices- will be reasonable. .Jo the retail markets they are selilng-toda'y at f 1.60 per crate of 24 pounds. 'it has only just begun, but.lt Is pevertlieleaa the -fact - that-the-atraw-berry season haa already seen Its best days for the present season. The Port land markets are not receiving a quar ter of the supplies that the demand warrants, and prices are climbing with lightning' apeed. Ali,eady-.h-fruit is to hlgh-for-ennwlng purpoaeav- - This Is also apricot , canning, time. The aeaaon now'at Its height nd pricea -ure as 'cheaTr- as they will be this year. Apricots- of best quality can be obtained In the retail markets at 85 cents for the crate of 19 pounds or tt cents a basket of five pounds. ,1 4 - , Chickens srw rheBBrnccguntJf very heavy .receipts. Arrlvala of smajl springs have been so heavy that the price droppejjreyjujldidy.aufAwdar .r"iii the whleaale markets. - and B corTEHPtm-IIiig decline wa noted' tn the retail markets. . rr. a runaway near Athena at n6on yes terday. His team runaway and threw him Into a wire fence, cutting his throat and tearing his aide fearfully. A. J. Wagner saw the accident and put him. In his buggy to drive him to town. Wagner's, horserf became frightened at the smell of . the . blood- and"-alsoTart away. Wagner supported the. almost dying man -with one arm,-guided his fear-erased horsetwlth the i ether arm and-iaueeeeded-ln " getting to Athena. There la-little 'chance for -Ryan-re cover y. ; - ' . ' - Senior Clais Bay."' - - ' (Special Dlipatch to Th Journal.) '- Slem. June 15, The senior class of Willamette university gave its t;lass day program on the campus yesterday. The program consisted of the class history, which was ' given by E. K. Miller; the class poem, composed by Ltla Swafford; the class prophecy, written and read qy Paul Beach, and the speech by Kdgai Axerlll-on :The pioneers. 'lThe crown ing number of the program, wars the presentation of a marble brick bearing the Inscription ("Class 'OS." by Burgess Ford to tlMAld IVarslty building. ; The Experienced Buyer and the Experienced Operator both say t it Remington Typewriter Company 327 Broadway, New York . Give the children a taste of this delicious dessert. It Is plain, . wholesome and very , nourishing. It will also please the father -of those children. ElIMTi "10 cents a package. AT ALL GROCER? TEETH . NO PAIN NO PAIN INICErEETH S' We are the discoverers arid originat ors of the only reliable snd sclentlfla ysteTrrof-Patnle-Ietlatry. We es- mMM nil . , Yilna n A r . Ti f YutK absolutely without pain and guaranteo all work for nfteen years. Our work Is. the best, our prices the lowest con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FRKK. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth and are guaranteed to flt, . Boston Painless Dentists aajlH Morrison Rfc, Opp. Malar at rraAk aad. Old rosiorooe. , HOURS :80 a. m. to p. m. 4y, l;30 g, m, to ja.JO pi pa. Sun- 4 'T&&L Kemington A.lew. of the many bargains the way of fresh, meats and vege tables offered by me today, wil bev found by reading the follow ing price list': T k TTf'J:""- 25'.. - - I cans American Sardines, .i. ... I S-lb. cans Pork and'Beans. C eans DevUed Ham4 cents 4osej? -.5 ,' 4 1-pound package Cor Starch.-,;,,: ; "p"duni'best "bloss " Starch. . Found ' Shredded Cocoanut. ' T lba. beat Eastern Roled Oata." Pound Fellows' Blend Costa Rica Coffee 18 lbs. bestJDrr. Granulated Sugar. : I. Bottle Snid'er'B CatsuE " W deliver on East Side every day. 374 Washingtofi Street Townsendl&: Van Sclioonhoven GrocerjesTaiid -Provisions 14? rirrt Btree. bet. Morrison and Alder. jrnone Air rrwi hard wheat flour. tl.OO pomirfa good rle New crop dry prunes, perjB.. 86e .. J50 ...85e ...100 ....loo ...10O . .3SO 1Kb ,uHIm raisins Best cleaned currants, lb.,t. t-. . ,tanHoM. S cans... Tomatoes', Solid Pack , . . , One S-lb. pkg. Armours Washing powder . .. ,r .......... . -- wo S-1D. pags. umu rBlnl,n " ......... --t ----- - .3 oars nova i orai I bars Baby Elephant soap ,. I !. new crop Kngllah walnuts. ...,180 t II,. Wliua - - . 10-lb. nail wre lard. ............. -SLOO -ID. pan pure-mra....... .-.. cans Primrose Cream .... J J lb. EngllHh Breakfast tea ji-; . . ,J8o lb. Gunpowder tea. ran baked beans wo a-lb.-cans homlnym .. ....... .loo . . - a . rihi is rani corn, HHiMt;wu.is l pkg. Poaluinay KTgTrune Cereal, .aoo Uoea Baimon, x cans ...,. Bast Side Pellvery Tiasday-HtnerTHdayT iraoi The fairjdrawsrthe -crowd,, and the fair prices that we offer on meats draws the public to the uptown shops. -tr SPECIALS FOR TOMORROW Boiled Beef and Pot Roast.. 5 Beef .." 7 Corned Beef ...5 Rolled" Roast . .9 Reef Steak. 3 lbs. . 7. ...... .25e Hamburg Steak, 3 Ibs.T.'.. .25 Lamb Chops, a lbs . Sausap-e3 lbs. . J...... .25e FRIEDMAN PACKING CO. Corner, First and Columbia Sts. . Phone Main 111. Independent Branch Market 127 First St. F'reedeUvfryTu arrvMPart of city. DOWN AT JOHN'S MARKET FOR 50 you can buy. a nice Eiece of beef-from which you can ave a good boiled dinner. Then slice the balance cold for supper and the -remainder will make oodjhash lox Jbreakf ast. I f thefe is"any .lcft-feed it - to the. dog. Cheap en6ugh. Come back and get another piece. Don't forget the place. 1 JOHN'S MARKET WA NORTH SIXTH - Phone 1954 Main IS CHEAPER Thla week. Don't fall to.caU on ua for supplies. Plenty of Fish, Oysters and crabs. " "C . J ' 6.Covach & Co. Fhoae Kal S3S. S7S lMrrt m. PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO. it BTom n n.j Bt. Buraalda Oeaoa. Awnings for stores , snd fesl dances.' Tents snd csmplng . outdts. . fkou Mala lHLix '1 . Fellows POULTRY LT'" 1 11 u ' m r rv mm Try our ELGIN BUTTER, made Mt. Hood tl ' Union " Avenue. QesLnyoisG ro ceir ies at the right price tetha Silver Row Market A B. Ba ..164 V-lbpaU ;Lafd .......... ......OUST 10-lb pall Lard ,...i.Jixx9tiitp Mutton' Chops; t lbs. . . . ...... ... .25a Mutton Leg, lb. ...jtlOay Beef Stews, lb; i-rtTVTTTT". 64 Pot Roasts, lb..... ...........6 to 8 Plain Steak, 3 lbs. ............... 2S Slrloinlfitealtl.LbjjAtAi? .' siiii;. 2H 4 Corn Beef, lb...ii..v..'.....6 to 84 Hamburg Steak. J,lbs.-.r. .lT77iT25at Sausasrerribs 1 .25 Transfer station ioe-Lower and Upper Alblna. and" BV John polntsr.1. rT 105 North Third St. Near Gllaan. ga. per dos. w . .r. ............. .204 clHc Crearti, t cans.... ;...25 Costa. Rlra Coffee. per-Jbrrrr; .:. . , ,20e Peacwh Pan Caka Flour, I'pkgs. , .3S Firelight Matches. A pkgs . 25 Hard Wheat Flour, per sack... .Sl.lO corn ideal. 'iv w ,j-w-rrrr. . . . .Zd Alaska-HrrrriT per dn , 1 64 All Fancy Table Fruit, per can.... 204 Banner Lye, 4 . cans. , ...254 Lard, per in lO Best Corn Starch, t pkga -rrrrT254 Washliigton-Creamery Butter 604 rreeh and Baited Xeass Bold Oneap. Bemember, ' we carry Ifregh-nieatg-lT lowest prli 969 Williams Ave., Cor. Going $t. Phona Zaat 1813, Special forSa 1 lbs best Granulated Sugar,.. .Sl.OO T bars Golden Star Soap.. 254 Deviled Ham, boa...... A1J....54 1 lb Gunpowder. Tea.. .254 I cans Boljd Pack Tomatoes. .... .254 4 lba White Hand-Picked Beans.. 254 Oil Sardines, per can --54 M. tt J. Blend, ltr. .'. 304 cans Salmon 254 4 lba Head Rice for , ,, -ffi' Brooms, eai Ii . 154 and 204 Give us a call. Goods delivered to any part of city. ' 133 FOURTH STREET ConryCashCoffeeCo. - Telephone Mala 117. T" WASHIN GTO NM ARKET lit Jiraa treat.-BaC WaahntftM sad lUxk. raeae sib sets. Prima Rib Roasts Blrblo Bteaka . ,..t,M,. Tesderlola BteakS ...... U tie to l&e ....live ....... ...lo .. Porterbmia Btrnka ftoonrt Hteaks . ., P ato Steaks. IDS roe . Lag Mutton vr Lea- Lamb ...... ...J... Muttoa Chnre, 8 lba far Loin or Rib rhnpa IOC ...MVie to lft , 8e to He At ...12e to 1IW . -r8Ha to. & to 120 to 1AC to I2t to ln ., xn ....Sot CtionMar of Muttoa Mutton Btew Pork Roaata Park (: Vaal Rnaata A. .mo .lue Veal (bona Bauaare Meat. S lba for Hambarrer. s lb Tnr 8ur- urd Brekfat Bacon lfte- Hmc creasierT Mutter 48o to Sue ....... ..i-.iSot 6e um toe sc Freak Ranck Ea ......... Bread. 1 Inarm tor ..nr.... Surnr-Corad Ham 10 lba. Hettia-uenaerea Lara Boll Beef TAPFER & KRAHIG PROP!- TttopboM order dlUr1 promptly, tost c WH( btI Oe. SUNSET-BUTTER The best In the market . Fresh churned arery day, ..,- Try our famous Sunset Ice Cream' Sunset Creamery Co.: 881 Ptrrt It, Pkoae Main DUNCAN S SHAFFER TT-k i turday - 1 r'"'i V" 1 r. t,-!-. m nd T)nmestlf! Theesea of all I , , , n.J ice Creara Pure, clean and4 delicious Va nilla. Strawberry, Lemon. Clioco- , late any flavor you wish. . WATIB ZCXS; AaTD UBBSTfl. - Our goods - are-- unequalad 4n 'quality. Nune but the purest and -best Ingredients sre used by us. A trial order will prove to you beyond a doubt. Hotel.." restau rmbta and fmlltes supplied. . - - rmioxa mbabostabxiV, . ;. ' Vsone as Trial Order. fresh every day, at market prices. Cream Co; r ' Phone East S5tt. F H. REEVES. GROCER 12th and Washington T : MAIN 1991 . J.FARiyiEt Wholesale and Retail Grrjcet Tou can aave 10 "per Vent br deal Fancy Creamery Butter, Yon ju-iu. oui cracaara . . , 10 lbs. No,l Jap- Rica 1 box No. X Macaroni . I can good Salmon . , , . ........... A iu, Dimuuru uwusnui a......... I cana Carnation Cream . 1 package. Seedleea Kalslns ........ I. packages Urandmothera' .Hush.... 1 package 8cotcb Oats . trmn'T. I lbs. good Rica .... ...... 1 1L, Arm and Hammer Soda ...... 1-1 1), can Baked beans. ..... 1-lb. can Baked. earrrT7.. ) 1 1 lb.. Bohtimig-s JLiftlOpg-JPowdBC. . . . . TnbTToyaTTffailng Powder 1 lbISc M. as J.-Coffee 1-qt. bottle Pure Olive 01l,M. 1-pt. bottle Pure Ollva OU, I cans Sliced Pineapple ...... ...Y. is Dars noyai navon at t bars Owl SoaoTxj; a ran sua oup . - ....... 10 lbs. Sago or-Tapioca. . i 1 lb. rood Enallsh Breakfast Tea Best Sugar-Cured Hams, 1 lb..,,. la l id. uunpowaer xem... cans Primrose Cream 17 lba. 13. O. SugaT... . 1 sack best D. o-.-Snrar.t. 1 sack good-Hard-Wheat Flour. . . . Jjn-ro. pau Deal lara . ... lo-io. pan pure 1 s r r ' aH-pnra iuear utra, can Tabjg Ties on Eaat Bide. Tuesdays Fridays. - - . EMPIR1 MARIOLT' t "'" WIieny5oTeailrh friends arrive sure jroo '". OTerouerrTrlegtB.,.. tL Duffy'rrTnen you will be sure to h the best the market affords. Thomas Duff Ml first Ma. Phone Main - If you stop to- consider the excellr" of the meat you get from us you i readily: see why bo many people tr here. , I -We are more -careful 'Iw-ther-Beleci of our stock and in the serving of Ij our customers. ) KINDORF'BRi Pkone Xaet Srdner HochulL .144 rXTTM ITUlf, - The original veat sauaaae manu turers. All kinds of sausage, ft made every Saturday. rnra grmnra x.jcm. "Cliolce cuts of meats foryour SUNDAT DINNER, i , GiveUsaCa Or phone us. Main 41B, your want Best Creamery Butt 5c a Roll- 20(ra Doz. Enterprise Creamer ; 127 irsfjStcet " Bet- Washington ' and '"Aid -".JS-- jesw . ,' " Trjf our Fancy Blend MOCIIA and JAVA COFFEt : -t rovni ros fi.oa Call tip Mslit ': Trompt delivery.. Stop to Gonsidt v riiir i r rw a niri inilAQWII r J .;