THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE M. ISC. 10 PORTLAND WINS OUT T CLUB'S FIELD MEET shape it keeps. . Our suits stay right outside because they're z-stayed rieht Brownt Fall Upon Jimmy Whalen Annual Races of Portland's Rid. ing Asociation . Attract t " " Keen Interests ... .in Second Chapter and , Cinch Game. . LIVELY SCRIMMAGE' MANY ENTRIES FOR - inside. BY TWO PLAYERS - , DIFFERENT EVENTS ... i . 1- crJh TOMORROW . 1 Ami, lu-irm-si j Householder and Wilson Engage i in Boxing Contest anrf Are - - Ruled Off the Earth. , l.nraal gnaflal gerrlCS.) fer-irTnclTO. Ji-li Jt. lukd vry nujch'as if -the-vleitors wW -not have chance In yesterday's pm T the spirited manner in which the 8eal -atarted out. scoring thru runs In ths -lUlal4nningr l"t before the gmecame to an end the borne playere were .wen wr that they had been In a ball -gaiiie.- In the second Inning- Portland got busy with Mr, Whalen. and landed safely Xorflve hlta. each wauop pro dueing a run.' Jn the eigTHtv, Inning1 the . x-iuitru- nushed another run acrose the plate, securely cinching the match. After the first. inning fcWBlcK wm miriuumc, retiring the Seala In one.-two, three or uvrai tlm. - He- had-Harrls buneh-faded t-thioughouUilieexcitlnK ronteat. : -T Tha Portland players, besides putting up a, gilt-edge exhibition 'of baseball, also showed the local fans how to mix things In a pugilistic way. Householder was trying to steal home-In the fifth Inning and Parke Wilson blocked the route by-standing squarely on the ilato. Eddie. In order to reacn tne piaie,- iouk head-end dire for Wilson and jpvfT Ihn ftfiaMTt atr.hi tn arrnhatle - atyle. . 'So appease his wrath and defend hie injuted dignity. -Parka arose in a -hurry and landed a punch on Eddies jiOeTheuerH"'wa-.tlesfllaaA.j up for about three minutes ujat was ever witnessed in the old grounds, order being restored when "Slats" Davis Called -tne police-end hadthe belligerents es- '- cortcd out of the grounas. in me nrsi t Jnnlng Ata annoyed. Davis a trifle toe much and the clever shortstop waa sent to the bench. . ', Even with a patched-up team the. Vis itors played brilliant ball and deserved to win. The score: - SAN FRANCISCO. v AB.R.H. PO. A.E. Spencer.- rf ;t. . . 6 - 9 0 3.1 0 Weldron, cf. ........ 4 1110 0 Wheeler, 2b. ........ 4 : 12 11. 0 Jllldebrand. It. ...... 4 1 118 0 -" - ' lh. , ,",--- " 1 2 1 . ,-Nealoii,- lb. . . . Wilson,- c- .... Oochnauer, es. Whalen. p. , . , . Bliea.-c illlams . , ... 2 11 0 l 1 2 0 1. 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 ... - Totals , . ........... 36 I 27 20 1 PORTLAND. , 1 - , Aa R H PO A 1 Ats. m. 1 9 0 0 1 MltcliPll. lb. fi 0 2 10 0 2 Househohinr, cf." . . V. . 2 - 1 0 0 0 HrhBTy. 2t- r-. i-rrr-s-rtt 04 0 ' JlcCredie. f f.f. ... . . 3 McLean, c .......... 4 fates, 3b. 'vv. ........ 4 Tlunkle. sa3b. ...... ( KsHlrk, .p. Murphy, If. ........ r 1 Jones, rf, . r-i Totals , .30 10 2T I 2 Batted for Oochnauer lh the ninth,, SCORE BT INNINGS - tl 7 t . .0 i 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 .. S 0 0 I 0 1 1 llo ,.3 0000000 0 3 ...I 0 2 1 I Q I 0 Portlsnd ... Has . Francisco Hils . ..... - SUMMARY. Two-base hits Murphy, Wheeler, Nealon, Mitchell First base on errors- Ban, m-anclsco, 3; Portland, 1. First base on called hejls Off Whslen, 4. Left on. bases San Fraiuisco, 7; I'ort land, S. Struck out-rBy Whalen, 1; by Esslok, . Hit by pitcher Schlany. - tuuble MaT BclilaTly to Runkle; Wha len to Nealon. Time of game One hour -and -JSnmintitegr-'TJmpIre Davis. PACIFIC COAST tCAGUE." fin 71?: CLUBS, TT 5;12 Hun FnmHaro .Ml TO U'n . , 8, 1 Tl S! n Oakland Mm tile . I.ot ... T -I I 12laiM3-1 07 ) . Shields Is Beaten. Brattle. June 1. Shields was hit at every stage of yesterday's game and Yacoma had no difficulty in winning, bcore: f . - ' R.H.E. Hrsttte 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 Tamnia .....0 0 0 0 J 0.0 2 0 6 11 1 IUeiaes-SUeUs-aB Fraryr Thomas anil Graham. - - Cmplre -Perrlne. -- r - . ... . " Anrelg Whitewashed. L 1 - - Los Angeles, - June - 14 Hogan "was too -much' for the locals "yeMrdy and - smrtoittwas ' recorfledr" The Com-" nniters fell upon Goodwin and Carson and touched 'them along for 11 safe hits. " Brwef , J ...v.. j. .,,, ' "' ' Ix Angeles. .0 0 i T( i 0" U-0 - S 2 0 1 1 0 2 29 11 fl Oakland . 1 0 2 0 Ba t te lies Good w In, llngan end .Byrnes. I'mplre Bray; Carson snd Spies, - t ' ; r ; sroTZoa to amatzoks. , , LAU. notices of -amateur, base- n.-4 4 ball games, challenges and ath-. 4 lrtlo evanta mpst be sent te this 4 of flee before 0 o'clock a. m. on 4 4 , the day for publication. Ama. , 4 teur managers should pay at- 4 tent Ion to this rule, as the keep- 4 , 4 Ing of It will Insure a proper, 4 e ! report of - their doing. The 4 4 Journal 4elf- Ttnalal Today. Jerk Moffat and George Smith .were ilia winners in the seml-flnula of the lirnfenelonal golf championship at' the -Wsverly llnlw,- defeating A.. Belt snd 1. Johnson of San Francisco. Moffat -ttr.d Smith will play the finals today. ; The amateur rlmmplopHhlp begins Mon day snd In trdT to gfre alt the vtIt 1i'S nilfeis a ilianre tu emu I lie em if Hats will be cpen until I a. m. Mun- day. Riders Are Working Out Their Mounts Every Day at . Irvington Track. . Everything Is In, readiness for the Hwt-lubuielq-4ay--tliet will be -held at IrWngton racer track tomorrow afternoon: "From - the Interest that Is being manifested. In i every , scheduled .unnl ih niMHnt hlrla fair tn erllnae all previous' exhibition .undertaken by the -clubi The-elaesf he-entrlo .In the best ever 'turned out and whoever Is abls a-cross under the wire first In any event will have earned his victory. President Downing and Master of Hounds John Latta have been working da v and night preparing for-the races and arranging .every detail for. the oc casion. Music has been engaged for the day and refreshments Will be served In the grounds. The races will begin promptly at 1:30, the paper chase being th"flm vent. , . The bmjtesnlace1n ""Portland these days Jalrelngton race track. Here In the early mornings and afternoons are found men and - women -riders trying thejr horses. Bert Tongue arrived with his string - yesterday and has them stnbled at the track. iMre. Buffum has been trying out her mount every day, as Is also Mrs Nlcol and Mrs. Down inc. Ed Chase. Ralph Jenkins. Fred I-eadbet- 1 1 ter and li M. Lazarus are striving4 hai'd iw TannTuiryin order to Da in condition lor the events, -,-..s . There will be valuable cup given to every winner. The donors are: 200 pound ce,JWiSleyiAdditwo mile race. Hunt club; mile trot, Mrs. Norton; six ana a naJXJuriongs,-ilrJJuffum mile and 60 yards, Mrs. Metsger; four and a-ftalT furlongs, " Fred Ijeadbet- ter.'The Hunt club will present a cup to me winner, a scarf pin to the second. and a pretty gold pen to th third rider in the pony race, Mr. Adams will act as starter. . NATIONAL LEAGUE.. ' ' . . Won Lost EC. New Tork. .. .7.87 n .698 Philadelphia 30 , 20 .600 Chicago ......30 - 25 .848 Flttabura .20 ti.17 CllMSllimttl -rn.,.tt 24 .837 St. Louis. 7 24 2( .483 Boston iiuxuiu'K 3' .320 Brooklyn .16 28 x .308 At Pittgbttrg-, - ' . R. H. E. Pittsburg 0 3.3 Philadclpliia 7 11- 0 r BattwiewIever and Peita; Pltttngor and Kahoe. Umpire Bauswlne. -" At St. X.ouis. re R, Tl. K. St. -IOUlS .......... . i t ,TA . V 6 - - "1 New York . ...4 '8 2 Batteries Nichols and Grady; Taylor and Bresnahan. Umplres-Klem and Johnstone. " ; ' -, . .. At Chioafo. R. H.a ..101 11 3 Chics go . ......... ....... Brooklyn . , It BatUrioa Pfelffr,Ruehlbok and O'Neill; Bcanlon, Mclntyre and Ritter, Umpire u Day. - At Cincinnati. R. H. K. 3 111 2 11 0 Cincinnati ....... Boston . Batteries Bwlng snd Schlel; . Young and Needham. Cmplre Knislle. AMERICAN' LEAGUE. . Wji .Lost P.C. Cleveland . .m.... .29 . . . 14 Chicago 28 , 10 rtiiiaaerpniKrT;';.'.27"77 o Detroit Btorr New York..'... Washington t.. SU-Loul.. Kew Tork 1 Chicago" 6 . 7j 2 Batteries CheabrB,- - Puttmann and Klatnowi-Whits J nd..flulllv. ATmraEposr : . . R. H. E. Washington 2 1 Cleveland 2 8 0 Batteries Hughes and He j don; Joss nd Buelow. , : At Boston. R. H. E. Detroit . ...... ... ...... Boston 8.8 4 ...... 1 6,' 4 Brill; Young Batteries Kltson and IIIU uiVi. . ... ..j...'. . : i , . .. i . -At muadelplua. - -. : R. H. B. St. Louis ..... 8 10 1 r.-VJ-r " 8 1 Bugaen; Ben- Philadelphia nr.-v . .t-.t Batteries Howell and der, Coakley nd Schreck. ACIFIC " NATIONAL" LEAGUE. ..... .. .-..r At 0f;dni R. H. K. Salt- take v.- ......... 8 1 U Ogdeu-.. 8 8 3 Batteries Toren-and Ijeahy; Hast ings and Hunacn. "ntnplre tiettley. At Spokane.. n h, r. Spokane .XJLX L'J V. 2 . 8 J ......... 4 2 Boire Batteries Kllnkhsmmer and Stanley; Hodson aud-llanaont Umpire MacRae. SPORTING NOTES. It. has been decided to have Seattle Instead of TacOma play next, week's se ries in this city in order ihatTacoma may play here the following week, dur ing which Taooma day will be observed at the) exposition. . TScoma and Portland' lacrosseT'leahTs will meet on Sunday afternoon In this t-ltr to.jlay- the - first champlonshipp match of the season. . , . , atammer Cold. IjukII. Bjoino ' Quinine, the world wide nioes ilie rar. , r)r t lh full sane and 1 look foe the aignaturt of . w. GniTe. 2V. -' Preferred Stoelt OaaaeA Ooodg. Allen ft Lewla Best Brand. . r .881 ,898 .. . .874 ..24 22 , - .623 ........18 29 .383 1 HI - -1 is & 13 Wi 5 - 'ttc4vkK,-4k: T,T,i.v,t IrU-l'V ja. .l - 1 ' jjjj? r Six Grades of Men's Correct Summer Suits - $12.50 $15 $17.50 -$20 - $22.50 OUTING $6 to $17.50 SUITS Clothes Men Who Know- BELDAME VICTORIOUS ' IN THE SUBURBAN Belmont's Mare Easily Lowers "the Colors of the Fa vorite Delhi. - ! ''..XJoamaLspeelal 8erlce.) .' New York, JuWe 18. Beldame won llie Suburban handicap yesterday afternoon el Bheepshead -Hisy -in an exclUng finfuli. Delhi, the - muclItouted-favorlte.led most of the dlstajice. ;but leu naca 10 UHl plaoe at; the Inluli, dlsappnliitlnH thousands of his backers! Burs-dld his llbcat - lft Keene's -favorite horse waa unequal to the- task. Beldame ran a great race, keeping, on.-tliaJheelaot.l)elhltO tl stretch, where she passed the heavlly mmm famillf. TegimUaj as the sac1 ond time that the Suburban waa ever won by a mare, the other winner being Imp. In 1892. The results were: Six furlongs Ivsn the Terrible won, Kurtzman second, Jocund third; time, 1:14 2-. Mile Watertight won, Agile second, Workman third; time. 1:39. Double event. 120,000, five and a half furlongs George C. "Bennett,' 12 J- (Nl col), 8 to 2, won; Ironsides, 114 (Hllde brand), 6 to 1, second; Bohemian, 128 (Burns),. To lt third; time, 1:07. BUI Phillips, Carey, Jerry - Wernberg, Bel more and Transmute aleo ran. - V Suburban handicap, $20,000, mile and a quarter Beldame, 123 (O'Neill), 7-to 2', won; Proper, 108 ( W. Knapp), 7 to 2. second; First Mason, 118 (Bullman). 20 to 1, third; time, 2:08 3-8. Jacquln, Alan-A-IlalavDulhirOstrlotr-Adbell, Rng- Ush Lad, Miss Crawford ahd Bad News also ran. -. -r '- -. ;Klve' furlongs Timber Won, McKlt trldge second. Sufficiency third: time, 11:01 2-6. I Mile and a sixteeernh on u rTsisPT orlea won. Possession- second. Action third; time, 1:48 . . - - , ENTRIES FOR TRACK ' AND FIELO MEETING Following are the entries ..and pro gram for the. intercollegiate track and field, meet ta b hald tomorrow After noon at 2:20 o'clock on the exposition stadium: , - 220-yard dash Smtthson, O. A. C.J Williams, O. A. C; Kelly, Columbia; Conger. Iowa; Edwards, Stanford; Par sops, ; Southern California; --SnaMlgUr, California; Hill, Whitman; Cox, Whit man. '" '. .:"'' """ Pole vault Cathey, O. A. C.; Burns, O. A. ;!r Swann, O. A. C; Dohm, Washington; Murphy, Idaho. ..-Tr Half mHe run Greenhaw, O. A'. C.; Dvolt, O. A. C; C. K. Fletcher. Pacific; Gates, Paolflcr Peterson, - Pacific; - Ed tnumiaon. Idaho; Matthews, Idaho. l-pnuhd shot Walker. O. A, tt W. Phtlbrook. Pacific; McDonald, Wash ington; Hugg. Oregon. - . . 220-yard hurdles Hmlthsorir O. A. C.) Cathey, O. . A. C: C. Mason, Pacific; Murphy, Idaho! Frlssell, Oraon, Broad Jumpi-Moores. O.. A. C.S Ora harn, O. A. C; Peterson, Paclflo; Kelly, -7 - The difference, vbu tween a &$M Suit and oneornsbacktoyo r times 'in the sausf action it brings. . After afi, you really only lend the money by. gxvmg right to expectf e -. ' nsK wnen swear by 3M?iidsi&j)est gin aressmg ngnu Columbia; Murphy, Idaho; Frlssell, Ore on. : .The relay race la an open event. with' the 2oldea. (Special Olapatcb to The JnomaL) Seattle, June It. Results of races: Six and a half furlongs Nullah won, Patsy Brown second, - Educate - third time, 1:21. Five and a half furlongs Miss Prbvo won, Cora Goets second, Dor le -third; time; 1:07 W. ' Five ahd a half furlongs Oolden Buck won, Miss Powell second, Lady Ninora third; time, 1:0814. Six -furlongs Cerro- Santa won. 1.U' rene seeond, Sterling Towera third time,-1 :12. . L'. Mile Blue Ridge won, Ethel Scruggs saannrti awldflailes thlsdj time, 147, Seven furlongs Laura- F. M. . won Qolrtan I.lght-ecoDd.. MonUn .Peereas third; time, 1:26. At Imis. St. June 18. Delmar race re suits Five furlongsi-Haughty-won, Hurno letta second, Ruth Nolan ..third; time,' 1:04 2-8. t . , . Six . furlongs Debbie May won, Eleanor Howard second, Essayer third; time, 1:18 1-8. Six furlongs Miss Gomes won, Ethel Davis second. Our . 1.11 lie third; time. 1:17 1-S. r - Six furlongs Miss Mae Day won, Sea Voyage second, Wlllowflen third; time, l:l. - Mile and' 20 yards Pssslve won, Sin cerity Belle second, Conrant third; time. 1:47. . " Mile and '70 yards Bravery' won, Follies - Bergores . second. -Miss Betty third; time, 1:4, WH!STJSSOCIATION WILL HOLD MEETING The North Pacific Whist association will hold Its . twelfth annual eonaresa Tt?Tif-iexr-weeR. Cle ver easterir whist players who are In the city will take part, aa will some from California and the Paclflt) northwest. - The hall at 208 Alder street' has been engaged andelay .will begin. next Wed nesday jmd jcon tiny a ujitIlSaturday evening'. . San Francisco, Los "Angeles. Olympian and Seattle 'are expected to send teams. The women's championship will be decided under the auaplces of the Kate, Wheelock club. - Duplicate whist will be played by the women- for the Olympla trophy and the championship. The business meeting Is scheduled for next- Friday -morning. ,C rasslnf of tie Booklee. --'zr ...... ' . ' (Jonrual Sptclal garrlre.) ' ' St Louis, Mo., June 18. Tiirfmen and race followers sre anxiously await ing to see' the results of the new race law which -goce- Into effect In -Missouri today. -TJe new act repeals the breed era" law and prohibits bookmaklng throughout Missouri. Those Interested in the taw will not have long to wait to note its results. In accordance with the announcement of last week the Western Jookey club be- glna.arnre meeting at the Ix-lmae tear.k tooHy. iv is said thsf purses will be paid as usual as long, as the meeting Tintil the suit you theseryice you have We take all the risk, ----- r-rrr-. 1 - iu.uuu sansnea wearers. our clothing. youths' err :c?f suits qpu.ou iu s s. . www -.r r"B u es.i i.a n sirs ii.b i . i lasts, and while there will be no open bookmaklng, it is believed thsre will be an attempt to carry "on betting under cover. Just what method will be re sorted to Is not known for sure, but It Is supposed that some subterfuge as is practiced at the New Tork -tracks will be tried. Those Who know the deter mined nature of Governor Folk predict disaster for the jockey club. ; 2ullla Defeats McCarthy. . fscisi Btapitcll TeTM Joarosl.) : Spokane,' June 18i Jerry McCarthy was knocked out ln'.tbslxth.xound of liis bout with Barney Mullln last even- Bellly- Scores - a- Knockout. (Special Dtapateh to Tha JouroaL) . Ureal- FaUarMOPtr'Jmia ie.-"Jatk Reilly of San Francisco knocked ont Tommy' WalrteorTna3elpHta"Trrihe 10th round of their bout last pveplng. Ootch Defeats Olsen. (Special Dlanatrh to TH Jo--rnaH Kansas City, June 16. In a wrestling match at Convention hall last evening, Frank Ootch defeated Swede Olsen in two: straight falls. Sate for Trlsco Tight. Y (Special Dlapatrh to The Journal) -San Francisco, June 18. The Brltt Sulllvsn bout has been arranged for Jury 18. --': -j-.r:r- r MISSOURI FREIGHT LAW, FOUGHT BY RAILROADS Kansas ! CltyMo June 18 Suits were filed In the federal court . today by all the railroads doing business lp Missouri ' enjoining "the - state- railroad and . warehouse commissions -from en forcing the maximum freight rate law enacted by the last legislature which goes Into effect today. Similar suits wpre.aleo filed at Bt. Louis and St. Joseph. The contention is made that t the-low. rates ariLjconflacatory .and. jio unreasonably lowas"to make K impos sible for the railroads to comply with the schedule." The greatest reduction .is upon livestock amounting in some cases to to per cent. PROVIDED FOR FAMILY. --BY RIFLING THE MAIL ""TSpectaT TliapaKinr The JoBrBil t' Tacoma, Wash., June 1.8. Harold Mo- Klnnon. aged 17, a clerk In a local drug, store. Is under arrest charged with hav tncJpen letters malted at '"Sub-etatloQ In a drug store In which he' worked. He admits abstracting money from the ma.ll which he states he did to help1 aid his fsmily, which Is lh poor circumstances. State Oontraotg Awarded. , (Special Dlapatch te T Josrnal.) Olympla," Wasrt Juna 18 The state board of control has awarded contracts for ths construction. ot,the new school for defective youth at- Medical, lake and the new ward building of the Eastern Washington hospital for .the Insane to Hasting Dugan or Spokane for 3.7J1 and 848,800 respectively. . . - vCiires crmib.' ot trrrnaf puliiiormry I troubles Mniwrrn over pain 01 every sort. lr. Thomas EwlecUlo Oil. f. oav bo.- a poor has earned it if there is any .r--. - - . ,tw rts boys1 qpu , suits qp.ou iu i DOGS WORTH THOUSANDS , POISONED IN SEATTLE (Special Dlapatch te The Journal.) Seattle, June 18. Twelve valuable dogs worth, it Is said, at least 85,000 have been poisoned within a week; at the Svend Hansen training farm near the cl.ty limits. They 'were owned by varl ous fanciers snd were at the farm for the purpose or being trained lor field work. The latest victim Is Kitsap Juno, -an English pofrter, who was a winner at the last local bench show? Captain E. A. Swift, owner cf the dog. valued him at 8o00, -An attempt wan made to kill John Ripllnger's Champion Peer and slit otiiara .fit., hla-kannat Si, A . warrant has been aworn ou charging Adam Halnker wnn giving ine sniraais arsenic. Postmasters' Salaries Xnereased. (Waaalnaloa Bareaa f-Tb Jonrual.)- JtVashJn gtop. June 18. Theealarles Lewis (S, Clark Fair Souvenirs L We are headquarters for artistic and inexpensive sou venirs of the FAIR and of OREGON. .llS-sL "...Full line of Books, . Postal W)UUVCI1H6V Cards-and fPlaying-Cardsr Beautiful, Hood- a1 , " Ready for framing 50c 1HET J. K. GILL CO. I T-; Booksellers and -. .i-s Stationers. J THIRL) AND ALDER - Great Things at LKUe Prices us. -ritnm-; a. '-$25' (W .is j. Men Who Know- - . . ,. -j of the following ' Oregon postmaster Wet- Increased today, as follows! Grants Pass, f 1.800 to 22.000; Lake view, 21.200 to 11,200; Prlnevllle, $1,400 to tLtOQ. ,-,.. -,. , . ' " " aaaBawasaaw aMWMMaMMa-aai ' Fref erred Stock Oanaed 4eod. t- Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. v IrVy fekfefe -i- r '"r'" - "J " ' Clothes ri iiTim rvn ioii I I 1 1 If 1 1 I V : TTflrtTiitJyV'iiiihlnEfnni Portlgnii, frrgnn j ' "The School orTJuaIItyil MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETtJ Qpea all the year. Catalogue free A. P. ARMSTRONO, IX. B.. PR1NC4PAI, THE 4( WANTPAGES 91 Of the Jou rnal Today will tell you how toob- tain free admission to THE OAKS The Chutes, the Burtips, the Maze, the Laujhlni 0allery, . - ,':ri ....' .? ; Dr. B. E. WRIGHT' The SCTBHTTTIO DIITI8T that relieves all pain" In dental opera-, tlons. 4ai, Wastilnrto Bt sot. Berentha PcrchnUcrvoEsGcnco KEflTOBZi - MANHOOD Haa ennd thnaaaM of eaaea of NarTosa lability , Inaomnla and Atro pny. iny rwar rn brain, atreoctbos the, clrrnlatloa, siaka dlscatlos perfrrt and Imparl aiafis-tlc vigor to tba whole bring. AH drain and loaaa atopped i prrmaneatl;. 1.00 per boat borea..gurintd to tare r ntnnt' smear, (1.00. UariH4 anted. Don fr-a- , Pa. Bold la Portland oul. b traak kas, fertlaad Bottl rbaroiacy. V A. " I '- - i