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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
I " V : ' . ' ' " v. t iv: &W Riiding From Left to Right, Top JOneirAArpahlgren, DrS. N. WUkini, Dfc captain; George H.' DunbarVThornaa'A. Ptdy---Photo Fy McAlpin. CRUISERS COMING DP THE COLOMBIA Chicago and Boston Reached -7 Astoria at .Noortand .Will r Be Here Tomorrow."; i: - .WILL BE MET BY BIG ; : DELEGATION OFCFTIZENS ShlpsMade Quick Trip From iZlJSarLFrancfsco a.nd Could izr Arrive Tonight. . Early thla morning the lookout at North Hat aighted the United State cruiser Chicago and Boston about II inllea aoutb of .the Columbia river bar, . and at about noon thny reached Astoria. jThe veasela are expected hef early to . marrow. , The cruler mad a qulcktrlp from HSaa Franclaco, having left there' lata Wednesday afternoon,' Rear-Admtral Goodrich, commander of the Pacific xoaat aquadron, la on board the Chicago, ' hla flagship. The Marblebead ran up the river in ateamihlp time, and if these ' craft followed her example they could fee at Portland tonlghfj; Cap La in rt- teraon will pilot them.- , ' . Advlcea have teen received by the Levla and Clark fair officials that the warships will riot reach here until to . morow morning at 10 o'clock. Acting .upnt thla Uufoimatipn President Ooode and staff will' embark "Mi launches at ' H;30 o'clock In he morning and go .1. rt"wn,.tt'THT,n' t0 metithem-Other prominent people- have been JnvltedTb fc. make the trip. A dispatch this aftarnoon from Aa i toria saya the .warships left up at 12:10 ' o'clock and may reach Portland tbl evening. v V ' MODELS OF FAMOUS SHIPS. 7- Oaptaia Oray's Colombia and the Teat -- bora la Klaiatnr. - A ' Two interesting models of ships w-re brought -to Portland on the steamer Alliance. One la the model of the. American ship Columbia, on which Cap tain Robert Gray dlecovered the Colum bia river In May, 1793; the other Is of the American sliip West .Shor. the Xlrst - and only square-rigger ever . built . in i the state --of, Oregon. The modnls.ara tha property of Captain A, M. Simpson - -'of North Bend, the sawmill and ship owner. ,wh6 will place them on exhlbl . ' tlon in the Coos county building at the faUv, IThe following typewritten notice has b'pen ' pasted, on the model of the Columbia: -J-'"pullt at North River, Mass.. ! by ,. ftaiuer Rogers in J.790 and sailed by Captain Robert Gray, who discovered w - the Columbia river in May. 17I. and . named the river from the-name of hi - shin. Captain Gray Jtlrst entered Grav's ,t Itarbor on May T, 1792, remaining three - inn inrn Miira otii una enierea - the Columbia river on May 11,, anchor . ing tff Chinook and remalnlna three -JdayiT II then sailed up th .rlvtr 10 mnea and sailed out on May SO, pro . ceedlng northward." Relative to the ship -West Shor ther is the following notice: ' - J. ,"Th "r"t and only ship built In . Oregon: built at North Bend by A. M. Simpson- in U7. Made -two voyage - to Liverpool with wheat eargoe. re turning with general cargoes. Her first - - voyage from San Francisco was com- 1ete4-4jwJ0tdaya arid.ah returned in f. 410;days. Th second voyage wa made from the Columbia fiver under charter 7 A Vriea U eL '' r"",' TV, rtm kenw et Dim afffrlnc with eim mimptUnt Thn tell them wlihnal aVInr that Tit. Bomrtrr-i (Iwm.B Hyrop will run ftirrn nil ftiv will b a frl.tid la ne4. 'Grsin 're to a rMl aiwrlAr foe the rnri t mn tiaiptlna. It haa Nwa anaklne namlotia eurea f eoaaumptloa thmiithmf in .wnrM nr -1 yrarfc rroop. eena-ba. mxtat, hminhlila an4 all tbmet a oil lung trnnble araar-MHliir rnrH hr O.raaaa Mrrup. Trlar bottle, Jfi". Bla hnttl. ". , At ail raaalsta. fiat dreea'a aiaMM. ' ; r a-' , " - " 1 THE OREGON DAILY . joURNAi; toRTLANU. ' THURSDAY JUNE CLASS OF THE SCOTTISH RITE MASONS Rov-W." E. Cope, F. D. Wheeler, to -Rogers, Meyer A C6. flh made, the outward trip, in 141 day and returned with a general cargo In 110 days. Phe waswrecked off Sah; I"ranclseoj:head, with 1.160 ton of coal On board. In -4-879. She was a total loss; all. hand ved."vi The average- paeeage to Liverpool from the.' Pacific coast porta, is four months, and eo rt will be seen that she wa a very superior -vessel. . " ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tti tmWTScTit El Prlmero will go ujl xh Columbia, river tomorrow ., She U at tb unkr eoallna. . r - I One thnuiand.pounda.of aalmon wr sent by the Columbia-river cannerymen this morning to the Pioneer' aeaocia- tlrt-n-fr'ee nn the atMinflrLDrllna Tonight the steamer ' Columlba" Will sail for Bin Francisco ana th Alliance for Eureka and- way porta. - Approval vt th specification for the construction of the. government eanal at Celllo ha been received by Major Lang- fltt from th wr department. The- work will be done by contract- and will he started a soon aa bid have been awarded. Captalna Edwards and Fuller are at Newport, Washington, inspecting th steamers Volunteer and Saretta. - The steamer - Toledo - arrived thla morning from- Gray' Harbor. . WhIJe at Aberdeen' her space was enlarged for carrying 10 mor passengers. n MARINE NOTES. 7- Astorla, June It. Arrived at B and left tip at t:S0 . m., steamer Aurella, frotnWir Fraiil'lscd. ' 1 Arrived at 7:60 and left up at 10:11 a. m., steamer F. A. Kllburn, from Ban Franelsco and coast ports. '' Arrived - at-11- a. m.. United - States cruiser Chicago, from San Francisco. Sailed at 11:10 a. m., American bark Heclar- top Manila - Arrived at 11:0 a. m.. Vnlted State rr"1""' rm San'Frnprlnrn, . Ban Francisco,- June 16, Sailed at 11:J0 a. m.. steamer Redondo, for Fort land and coast ports: " San Pedro. June 15. 8alle$. schooner Alvena, for Portland. Astoria, June' 14. Arrived down at 6:30 and sailed at 4:40 p. m.. United State cruiser Marblehead, for Puget sound. " Arrived at 4 and left up at 6 p. .m., steamer Toledo, from Grays Harbor. Sailed at C p. m., tug Dauntless with ell barge Monterey, for San-Franclsco. - Astoria, June 16. Condition of, th gar at 8 a. m., smooth; light northwest wind; weather cloudy. Astoria, June 16. Th steamer Homer sailed at 11:10 this, afternoon for Seat tle. ' Small steamer arrived at noon, supposed to b th Newport from .San FranolMO. -------'.---Wi r Won by Captain' Oig. In a one-mile race In the harbor be tween an elght-oared eutter and flve oaned gig, belonging to the revenue cutter Hugh McCulloch and manned by member of her., crew, the latter won yesterday,-wvering the course In 4 min utes; the cutter's time wa 4 minutes Anil 10 ennita ' Ttettlnv w.a llvl I the outcome of the contest, and it 1 aid that fully 6600 changed handa.--- ThosJmannlng the gig were F. Win ter, coxswain: P. J. Nllson, W. Patter son,' C. Ore gem en, J. Jorgensen and A. House. Th cutter' erew was mad up of If. BradthlU,-oxwaln; " Llnqulst, Paulaoiv tttftmt MarUnaylMiohelson, Bch lee,-Peterson and olanT . r - -- . - - 1 i 1 , -y-Motor y Coulter. Large'oll paintings ,of th steamships Korea -ntid Mongolia.! operated by.-'the Pacific Mall Steamship company, ware hung In the Transportation building at the. exposition ground yesterday after noon ,by J. H. Dewon, loal general manager of th Harrlman lines. ' Th picture were painted by W. AT Coulter, the famou mannejitt' San Fran ftaco.' It wa th Intention tra place them on exhibition In th California state bulMlng. but to gratiry th wishes of the transportation people the change of plan was mad. The Korea and Mon. golla ply between th California metrop. pits and t far east.. . - A man wa sentenced Jo, 41 days In JslI at The Dalian for overdriving a horee and nearly killing it Served hlrn rigni. . ! V- t- t C F. Walch, J. D. Heard, H. C CampbeU, J. W. Brown, Dr. C L. WUliam, Row (eated) Isaac Baer, R-WColaor Dr. Henry W. Coe Ei Newbegta, secretary; I l''7Jtr;''T:V' " ' " "V "''''.:' 7 rpT ; GOVERNOR TALKS TO GRADUATES , . 1 ' " " - Alumni Banquet and Dance Closes Oregon University PORTLAND GIRL TIED FOR BEEKMAN PRIZE Divides It vVith J. H. Templeton I of Halsey y. W. Tomlin-, son Another Winner, ' (Special Dlepatea to The JoarnaLt Eugene, Or,, June 15. -Commencement week at the University of Oregon closed yesterday with the alumni banquet and th alumni hop" In the evening. At th banquet Governor7 and Mr. Chamber laltfwereuetucJLhon0r.ind Jhe governor responded to th toaat "Ore gon." He said th state university 1 a great factor in the upbuilding of th state and predicted for It a large future. -"No-on in thla state begrudges th appropriation mad thla Institution, but do not let th lesser institutions of the stat onto-your fringe and pull you down.' Degrees of A. B. and B. S.. wer granted 11 graduate from th literary department In h morning, and A.- M. to four. Hon. Charle W. Fulton gave th address to the senior class. -At the -oratorical -contest Tuesday evening Yrnon-r-M'aj:ae lomlinson tt IV 11 eeiariliiil prise of $160. Joseph Holt Templeton of Halsey and Cora Madeleine Hhaver of Portland tied for the Beekman prlxe of 1100,-whlch wa divided. "Th Ocean West of Us" wa th subject of the winning oration, and Mr. Tomllnson ar gued for the development of trad In th orient. . Mr. Templeton' oration on "The Root of the Matter" treated truth aa the first essential in life. Miss Bhavar,' - through - her subject. "The Work of the Hands Only." presented a plea for monuments of literature rather than- of marble. Th judge of the con test were Judge Wolverton of Salem, Frederick V. Holman and J!.. C. Alns worth of Portland. , At the alumni business meeting In the morning $S5 wa voted for a buat of Jefferson to b presented to the -university by the alumni on university day tomorrow at th fair. -, Officer elected were: President. Dr. ttnm.r t Knv. Port lan ir-t president, F. L. Chamber. Eugene; sec ' ' ' " " I ond vice-president. Professor E. H- Mc Allister. Eugene; ecTetary-treaaUrer. Holt, .Stockton. .Eugene;- members atlp" letlo council,, W. B. Dillard, L. V. Good rlohTEugene; C. N. McArthur, Portland. LOST IN WILDERNESS FOR FORTY'EIGHT HOURS .." ' .' (Jiral Special Service.) Seaside, . Or, ' June 16. Jame - Blal tery, 'Who had been- Vnet-lrr-the-wood for-4 x-ti our,-found HI way back into Seaatd laat night In a half famished condition.. Since Monday evening be- -tween .50 -and' 100 persons hav been beating the bush and searching. for But tery, who went' out with Judge t II Carey and C. W. Cartwrlght of Portland to., locate timber corners nd took a different route home than that taken by hfci companions. These two jirords. Schilling's Best, are perfect ' assurance of getting your money's-worth. - - C At yaaai s""e"'H aMaiyaaa. ' .. " ., ' aV - UNIDENTIFIEDJMAN IS - KILLED BY A TRAIN ---(Special Dlapetck to- Joarnal.K La Grrfide, Or., Jun 16. Coroner J. &. Henry a notified yesterday that a man had been killed and hi body- wa lying beside the railroad track 11 miles west of thl city and three miles west ot Hllgard.. Deputy Coroner J. J. Carr proceeded at once to the seen pf the accident and trough t-the-remaina tPthls city. . . . - There warTiothlrtg-foimd Jon thabody ' I by which1 Identification" could b made xcent two blank book - bearlnr tn heading of th. Farmer and TraAaraj bank. La Grand, 'i n ..remain were viewed at HUcard and recognised a that of a man who waa visiting a Hll gard saloon th night befor accom panied by two men who played th part of -deaf -mutes. These, men-were eeen and talked to by Section -foreman Trill- man west or Hllgard, put aaia notning regarding their comrade -." There waa nothing of value found - on th corpse except some small change. The body wa rurt over by car soma time the night before. - Th man was evidently about 40 years of age. GOOD ROADS CONVENTION IS HELD AT COLFAX (Special Dlapatch te Tbe JoaraaL) Colfax, Wash., "Jun 16. Th official good road's convention under th aus pice of th National Good Road asao clation waa neld her yesterday attract ing one of th largeit crowds of jfs,r-m-era and townspeople from all point of thalaa0" een here In many month. Addresses of welcome were made by Mayor Walter J. Davenport.,- B. ,L Ber gunder, president of. the Commercial club, an4 Kdwln-T. Coman. oashlee of tbe First "National bank. The response was made by Colonel W. H. Mqora, pres ident of. the National Good Konds ssso elation. An" address "was araomale by Til Hie af ternoon addreases wer mad by Hon. Martin Dodge, Hon. William Bradburn, Professor O. I Waller of the state college and Colonel T P. Rial .of, Mis souri. Th special train bearing th officer and delegate left today for Portland.. RAILROAD COMMISSION IS NAMED BY GOVERNOR (Special Dispatch to Tbe JoaraaL) Belllngham, June 16. Governor Mead announcea - the appointment of H. A. Falrchild of Belllngham. John S. Mo Mlllln of Roche Harbor and J. C Law rence of Colfax aa member of th rail road commission authorised by th last legislature; - Th commission will meet In Olympta next Wednesday to organise. Farrchtld-will be chairman, and It 1 w r u .. believed that Ft W. Graham, traveling freight agent of the Great Northern, will- be tendered. a position a secretary. L rFatrehlW-mBnaged-"' Mead'a : fight . in the Tacoma convention and I an old friend of the governor. McMIUln 1 president of the Roche Harbor Lime company and Lawrence Is Jeader of the Ankeny force. : HARMON RESIGNS AS ll; SANTE FE PROSECUTOR (Journal Seerlal Serrlc.! r- Cincinnati, Jutja 15. Judge Judsnn Harmon, who wa engaged with F. M. Judson of- St-. Louis by Attorney-General Moody, - to - prosecut th govern ment's rase against the Santa Fe for granting rebates to the Colorado Iron FOef company, hag resigned because of disagreement with Moody --wh disap prove th ' recommendation mad by th apeplal attorney" : - CITY HAS POWER TO , : CANCEL FRANCHISES - (Jnoroal Special Irrvlre.)" v Philadelphia. June IS. City Solicitor John. I.. Klnsey states that the city round!) ha full power and authority to repeal th ordinance granting blanket franchise to th treetcer' comoanlea because th latter have not yet actually taaen pveerision 01 in sirest. , . ' EVENING..; ftJNE .15. 1905. wv7 0 M W. A.-Slusher. Second Row-rW. C. Washburne, Dr. Edward Sandeerg, H. CHIEF ENGINEER INDORSES .REQUEST Proposal of Malheur Association i -In Hands of Secretary f Interior. ASK FOR-CRADUATED SYSTEM OF PAYMENTS 7',"7" ry .' ; -, '" Engineer's Department Sets Forth Stipulations Required " ' by Government. (Special Dlapatcb to Tbe JeuraaL) Ontario, Or., .una 15. From a letter Just received from Engineer, John T. Whistler it is learned that the request of the Water Users' association for graduated system of payments has re ceived the Indorsement o tli rfilef en glneer and I now In the hand of th secretary of the interior for consider ation, -With reference to the question whether the chief engineer will approve a proposition to take up the cost of all vaated Water rlahta . and' rilatrlhute i,.ki ,. -kal.-...ILl M- st the Empire this morning- when qultably over all land, olnatentaHn,-,aT1B6,--,ito for h tat,ttZmt ln ujj Jinpat.nt, nnTr the) Prfjf1 Whigtler quotea a follows, from gjre cent letter of th chief engineer .to Mr. Henny: , , :.!ln pursuance of a recommendation of the board of engineer having under consideration the Malheur projnet 1 would bo willing to maKe favorable rec ommertaatloh for the acreptance" by the iiratnri. nf the tnterlnr vif tl.a fnlwng proposition if the preliminary condt tlon therein outlined are complied with, and you are authorised to so Inform-th Malheur Water, Users' association "1. That all Individual owners, ol ditches and clalmanta of water rights who are duly qualified shall subscribe for stock In th Malheur Water Users' association, its articles of association and by-law to be amended In the man ner - recommended by my . letter-to Mr. J. T. Whistler of May 29. 106. 2. That all claimanta of water right and all parties interested In the ditches under the Malheur project shall sign an agreement to accept the valuation Of their water rights made by a' commls slon appointed by th secretary-of the Interior for that purpose. I. That the charxe for repaying to th reclamation fund the cost, of ac quiring said property and rights shall be distributed equitably by the secretary of th Interior against th patented and unpatented lands under the psojeot Winch he shall deem benefited by the acquisi tion of. such, right and property. 4. Tbat the payments on said ac count be credited against th charge required under the reclamation act for the land under said project so far as the owners or claimant of such rights or properties are, the owner of land under, the project. ln other cases th proper payment to be made IflLa.stt.' GRADUATION EXERCISES" HELD AT DRAIN NORMAL (Special Mapatek te Tn Joarael.) Drain. Or, Jun 15. Th gradaatlon. exercise of the Central Oregon. State Normal arhool were held last night, the climax, of a very ut'ceBful commence ment week. Monday night "Th Dee trtclr 8knle"-wa presented at th opera hiniaa lnvilei I he iisntirs of th Zam? aamlan Literary ' society. r Tuesday night, th claaa day axerclsea and,, alumni reunion ..were, held at tne Normal building. A large number of former graduate and students iW in town1 attfjd the exercleea. - Th o'rationa "of the graduate last night were -exceptionally good and wer greatly appreciated by the large crowd In attendance. Th Normal bait team .yesterday de feated th I.orn team by a score of It, aad th f oncalla team .15 to 5. LAST TUESDAY SET' -V 7S:k Robert A.. Miller, preiident,' Dr. J. R. . ;r - ' y :; ,y-y v r1 ' . -f POSTMASTERS GIVEN : INCREASE IN SALARIES . XSpeelal ptapatcb te ,Tbs- Jearaal.l T Pullman. Wali.,Jun I5.r-Under the annual readjustment, of postmaster' salaries - the following have, been an nounced for Waahlngtonr - Palouae, 51,500, raised -to -11,700; Prosser, 5500. to 5 1,500V. Pullman. 51,900, to 52.000; Rltzvlll, 51.700. to 51.800; ROslyn. 51.500, to 51.800; Sunnystde nd Wftitsburg. 51.400, to 51.6k J Tekoa, 5 W0; : ' ' ' " " ' V" ' ' Preferred stock Oaauiea -Oooda. TUlen LewiaBert-BrandiT- AT THE. THEATRES. Seats Selling for Bernard. ""Barney Bernard win be at the Marqnam Orand theatre for eo week bexlnnlng next Monday eTenlng la "The Floanrier." - Taoa who have ever aeea him will not need to be urged to' attend; tnar will he tnere, for no one. erer tires of hla humor. He will be remembered a member ot the famous troupe st rtaber'a theatre ln San Franclaco when It wa st the height of Ita snceees. For two years he wa i the leading light la the hur leaquea which that novae produced. Mr. Ber nard aM bis aupportlng eoanpaay. including the original caat,. are to appear la thla" city for one night only. Beats are now selling fur th entire week. Big Sale lor "Leah Kleschna." There waa a large demand for tlcketa for all Kleacbna" for fir nlihta and a Sat nrAtif matlne. beginning neat Tueulay. "Mra. Flake baa loerraaed her already large follow. tng br her anreeaa aa Leah Kleacbna. Tba ml- differ from anx ah has hitherto playiN, but eh. shows her dramatic power and m troapectir genlu at their bright. Leah Kleacbna Is very real character, and th. play ahe dominate I -Intensely dramatic and Ufa . ... Bright ' AKlt it Stat. 'The bill at the StcFtht week la one of th atrongeat the theatre baa presented ln aom lime. The PeMntbs. whirlwind daacera. Herb Bell, ihe man who make people laugh, Claud Feeler, the acrobat. Madam. Lloyd, s aoprano, Harry Walton. . ln hla Chinee, trag dr. Ruaaell and O'Nell. In alnglng aketch work, and the lllnatrated song and th 8 tarn graph are all hits. . -The GranrJ Theatre.. In "Tbe Third Generation" at th Orand to s child character that' la delightful. Bert White, the dialect monologlat, la excellent, th tar trio la fine and th whole program la commendable. Th allgbt Chang ln th hour ot performance for th. evening baa peered at l factor r. Th. flrat eerning how heglna at 7:M o'clock and to, second; at 0:SO o'clock harp. ' ' "Exposition Four." T Tboae wAo bar heard tbe fctpoattloa Four at th Baker this week say It la the beat act tbey hae eeen. flardner and Reeres er lan very eleeer. With theae big featnr acta nd ether.- the Baker - baa a abow tola week that could not be seen In any other city for three time the admlanloa prlc.. Dally matinee at 1:90 o'clock. Erery Tenlng st 7:90 and o'clock. ' - Belasco Company's. Hit . Ar To a Meont" th farce glrea thla week' by the Belaaen Stock ernnpany. fllia th. theatre nightly on all floor.. The play apnea la trreatatll--4--tlt-TrtMrrHead ts enjoy .hie to ' all riaaaes-of - people- lt-.wlll . run sutil Sunday nTaht. with matinees Saturday and Sunday. ' When Knighthood Was la Flower" I to be tbe sett bill. T- "A Secret Foe." ' - Th Kmptr ' I g lelng the atrong rnniedr drama. "A Secret Foe" thl week. lilted with thrilling altuatlona and lauahabl com. edr. tbe plr la great aueceaa. and la draw lng large bonae to erery performn4. Mat ln.e e-rr dar at 5:15 o'clock. Erenlma at 5:15 ofclorl. !-.- -- At the Lyric, "The Oetcaata wt London" aeema to be bMd- Ing Ita nwa If .parked boeae are n Indica tion There la so more popular eterk company m the rltr than the Lrrie. Pally matlnr at 9. SO o'clock. Erenlnir at f : and 0 o'clock. "Racket's Wife Again. .f ' Th tmplre- Stock .cowpany wltl - repeat the eonradr auccwia. "ge,ket'a Wife." Sunday and MoAder t.r. Iliwt are the two day aeaaadla the alia. Flak engageaeiiU' it. - J. - Blaesingv Dr. F. M. Day. J. Weatherbee. orator; H. L. Rann, ... . '. .j. pA:':.. SHERIFF SEEKING MAR FROM MARION -r Thought He Has ,Sold Team. He - Hired and - Fled ' the . ' '- Country, , v-, .- COLLECEJLLUMNI HOLDS i nZREONIOM'AT BAWQUET Albany Day Promises to Furnish Big Excursion to Ex- v , ... position. - . - (Special Dlapatch to Th JearaaLf Albany, June lS.--Jamea Thomaa, a young man from Marlon county, la ought by th sheriff of thl county, aa he la wanted on a warrant charging! him with stealing a team of horses and ; a buggy from the Peacock barn In thla city on Jun . Thomaa hired th team ' for a few houra' use, and ainca that Mm nothing ha been heard from him or the team. It la believed h baa sold the- team and, skipped th country. The reunion and banquet of th Alumni association of Albany college. ; held in the basement ot tha Vnlted Presbyterian. churolllat-ayjenlng.waa arery- aucceaaf ul atalr. Percy A. . Young, president of th association, presided, and acted aa toaatmaater. About' 50 of the 550 members wer present. During tha evening announce ment wa mad by member of th board of trustee of th college that ' .aracgemeata hadbeen . completdfor-... tha better equipment of th college, and ta iMiisiih I.' f tin; jt'iioui was sani m be far brighter than ever tn th past. . The excursion from thla city to Port land tomorrow on Albany day promise to be the best attended aver run from ' thla city. Both banks, both -..dally papera and all business houses have agreed to close down for th day and Albany will be ln holiday attlr for the day. It 1 expected that nearly 1,000 peopla will be on tha excursion train running from Albany' to tha x posttton. " TbeKrairr leave here at 5:80 a. m., and will return here about mid night. Several hundred ticketa hav already been aold for th exourston. A large quantity of mountain rhododen dron have been brought down from tha mountalna to be used In decorating the Linn county exhibit at th exposi tion in honor, of tha dAy. . .; xakra Fitacxw.... (Special IHapateb te The Jeevaat, - - - Olympla. Wash.," June 15. Arthur St Dentils, sentenced: to serve three years in the.. Walla Walla penitentiary for , laraeny from tha person, was taken t th penitentiary - Tuesday by J Dl . Smith, one- of th employes , 'of tba prison. ' 91 WITHOUT A PEEO . No other" bait in g powder cocv bines all the perfections. lot:z) upon setting it if you want parley, healthfalness, effectivenetJ, rzz my sod reliability. . It Baiting Poivdcr