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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
stem : I..- THE PRECOX lS im FLURIESfiORrtPIPES IN HACLEAY PARK FICHT OVER AYARDS VaaaxtUT 1a a Ooaitatgieus SlawMe Oaaea by a Jaiesobe. . . NEWBR"0TS HERPICIDE EXPOSITION - -BUILDINGS DEDICATED vMIACUILSTACE m OauaZaTAA Maualv tbaa 'aallia UO SaUaatnaT UXETH.C-PARDON ItawWe's Rarptaiae aaa sosm tee lata.' If the eaodraff Bicrpbe U aVMtro;4 the hair fnUaakas and U(t- taa seals baad sa4 ahla ln all raaMdlas'are waathlaaav But, Uks tba uriu. If Haraleld Wlla it fa rll MBxrna ta the . fMUcles. the hair la 4kM treat dlaaara aod brtins tt-uararal wtk agata. Uvl nelct danorutt r ag hair. - Wenderrai raanite inuow is , U rJtAA- t, la . m a,nul.ll. hai. Board Refuses Permission : to Laf e Pence to Tear Up -i : ; National - Commission of St. : dr-Mlas. Blot 'Vtcalsf s the scalp , ta- ' aiasiij. J- Louif FairllnL Session in : OPING-1 O-QING IV GQNE II! - -Publio Croiinds..- - : I This City.. EXSENATOR THURSTON X y WARM MEETING IN THE .MAYOR'S OFFICE TODAY ' GIVES .TROUBLE'S CAUSE ! 1 r Exposition Officials Have lg v nored Government. Body 7 and ? Will Issue Certificates,. - Many Citizens Present and All r 1 1 1 i ( ; ; TaM: Part Ir. the Lively . a. i -f a - ' -,' r i . lit jr Bsralalde WW eve It. . Vatrieate WtU save Ik ' . . tse Late far XasvlsUe. uiscussion. ra M. itmtf Mt, StMSfi. at IUP1C1IE Cl..ift p. DttreJt. MIcJL. far 6utpit h r AVVTaOATlOsm AT -n'OatailT BAat MMOTU. . . mm -i j Member of ths naltotialcommsflon " of the Louisiana Purchuso exposition ''twl here ttits morning to Jraiae their Una) report to the president, and theta '.'sessions sr expected to. continue for " the rematnderof the week.- Flvts em bers are in the ctty Ex-Senator. John " M. Thurston of .Nebraska, preatdenti Ex-Senator eorge-W-,Mrlle-Ot Qre . . gon., J. r Miller of Indiana and P. V. . Boott of Arkansas. " - Serious - friction - ares - between - the national commlaaion- and the officials nf.the 8t-Xula falf over the awards. ' Pa-Senator Thurston made the follow-, ing atatement concerning ttw. matter this morning: - - . "The act of congress relating to , tn ; Hf T Quia fair pro munrTiiade witn tw . .'government commission. Many serious ' protests were filed with our' commie- alait on account of the "manner In whicn "" "the exposition company Was making - - the awards. We Insisted that the com. -'--pany should submit all awards to ua for ';;'-' our approval, but- ttatsjthe company re fused to do. The company lias abeo Itrtely refue4-at-alr tlraee - to submit ,-!it awards to -US- The commission -haa no power to investigate the complaints which have " been made, and all wr can. do . Is. io estate- the facts in our report. "Cndar the miss adopted Jointly bv -' the-company and the commission.-rfll cert rflcatea- of - a ward' were '- to- te71g hed by the exposition officials and the pres-.-'Ideot ef the .national commission. , We have refused' to sign any f ertlflcates, and "notified the- company that .none 'would lie, -signed until all- the awards '. had been submitted. to us for approval. i I understand the .exposition . officials have revised . the form of thetertlfl . ' cates and propose, to Issue them mth - out the" -signature of the president of . our commission. - - -, "This will be the final meeting of the national commission, as by the act - of . congress the life of the commission ex piree with the end of this month.",- SELLWOOD PUPILS - ' RECEIVE REWARDS 1' - At the Bellwood school yesterday the , chamber of commerce prises for the best kext lawna.. and .flowers were .1 awarded. Cash" prises were given a. follows:? Willie and Arthur Larsen. ti; : Harry Wahlstrom,2 Wilbur Carlson, Arthur YorpeM, fl.te, "Other ... prlxea were awarded .to WUlle Crouch, Orlando Wylle, Violet QUI, Karl Hlrschv berg. -Hugh -aod. Robert -Gate woodi tier '" trude Bannister, Nellie Shannon, rneat ntyion, Clarence .Luncerora, iiazei Juleff ana JpnnirQfnMr- 'The judges were Mrs. -A; M. Murbe, Mrs. r J. Hicks and Miss Estella A. Hell. - . ... ... . - v "-"'Xlfn'cera of the Sellwood Graduate association were -elected Wednesday stvenlnr in Campbells hall as fotlowa President, Wllllsm Rlckson; vlce-presl rient. - Arthur- Wall; secretary, Delia CampbeUi-JJcaaurar. IJlllsn Wahtatrom; I legist rar, Cecil I'pham; sergeant-at-arms. Oscar Locke; trustee, Leon Galllnger: - -- . ' " Diplomas - were presented by Mr. Strong to Clyde Walgamot, Oscar Will ing and Leon Galllnger. - BOYS CAUGHT LOOTING- ROOMS OF LODGERS . -Arthur W. 8 co bey. a young cierk at . the Fslmer house, JBH Alder street, . yesterday afternoon caught Leo Buddy and -Paul Stllea looting rooms lnlhe house. PstrolmanTenable arresud the lsds. whQ. weYe - sent to the Juvenile court. Buddy Is aged IT years and , Stllea Iff. On information furnished by the boys, -t -Jt. Welser, who conducts a second-hand i ; store at' ttt Couch street, was ar rested by Detertrvw Hsrtman-eriarged . with, falling ta keep a tabulated )lst-of j purchases: A -valise filled with clqthlng which naa been stolen waa ,rmjnd on the htir tirnriligdr it from -- window, and the boys are believed to .: be responsible for numerous petty thefts committed recently. Buddy has confessed to the theft of articles from Clarence Wlneset. who has a room at the Palmer houe. - HOPKIN JENKINS: 1 BELOVED BY PUPILS - After the closing exercises of the graduating class of the High school at the Marquam rest night President Usvls announced from the stsge that the srhool would like to. present t Hopkin "Jenkins a token of their esteem In the norm or a silver loving eup, Mr. Jenklna. waa of .the Holman school a short time -go and In consequence-wss compelled to resign the position of faculty manager of the High Bchool Athletic association. As Mr. Jenkins stepped upon the stage " the students gave their yell, the recently won - pennant waa dropped from -the . stage and the presentstion waa made amid cheers. - ' , .. '.: -WiU Meet the Warships. - - GO down to meet the warshlps.Tha Fsvarite BoaUng company's fleet of six launches will leave lta wharf at 1:30 o'clock tomorrow morning to meet the 'wsrshlps on their way lo Portland., President Goode and. suite,' the mayor . and mayor-elect will, have a private launch.- Ticket for other launches now n sale. Get 'em quick before they're - all (one. ' '?'- '. ; -r ' -' $ - ' : aka Oatk af OfaeeV "7T Ten eouncllmen-elect took their 'oaths . of offloe yesterday afternoon and quall . fied to aaetima their duttea July I. They ars R.-A.- Preston,' R. -E. Men fna, John Annand, Henry BeldlngA. O. , Rushlight. Frsnk .- Bennett, Hugh W. Wallace, A. N. Wills, George W. Dun ning; and W. T. Vaugnn. Srew Baral Beates. Oasrlal OUpatek te Tse JoarnaLj Aurora, Or, June II. Two new rural Tfee delivery routes started from thia rlsce today, which makes' a total of five mutea-going out from Aurora. Route No. 4 oovers territory east and south if here, while No, i rone out to St. Paul. The new carriers are John Korvai and C XL Mattocka. - 1 : '. .: .Oregon State Building, Dedicated Today. Photo by At t ' o'clock this afternoon ' before vast assemblage the li exposition bulld lnge constructed under the supervision of the Oregon state commission .were MM ,f of Oregoawi r The ceremonies accompanying the dedl cation -wer Jmprsslve- 1 It was St years ago today that the; treaty between- the -United States and Great .Britain was signed, settling the -dispute of. "64-10 or fight." According ly today s ceremontea were in a measure commemorative of the signing of the treaty whereby war .with England At i he'frved to-4ave bexn. averted. - There was a gi-eat crowa .on nw grounds today and the . greater, number attended the exercises. Three thousand people from Coryallla and 'the cacjets if the' ' Oregon Agricultural ' college added greatly to the crowds. atate commission, presided at the cere WILL OPEN TRAIL WITH , WEIRD CEREMONY June Twenty-Fourth Chosen as - the Date for Formal - . --":-'''- -; Review. The-Trail at the Iwls and Clark ex position will, be formally bpenedto the public June 2i. - The ceremonies will begin at 4 o'clock irr the afternoon and they will, be elaborate and unique. There will be a parade by performera and speeches by officials of the centennial.' Chorus girls will march with harps and tambourines, and In the aame procession fWlll be wild 'anlmata from 4he menage rles. i - - ----- - - - - In Order-to sfford reviewing stand for - the various amusement - features long the bridge of pleasure a glgsnttet piatiorm wui dh eretriva ii ins mier section of the Trail and the crosswalk entering the. Bridge of Nations. There the f eatorea ftf-aft -the-Bhow-wirrgather when the parade- ia completed and -pass In review.. . . r-- President Ed M. Bayles of the Trail Amusement association will' preside and music will be furnished by the Admln IstratiotT band. ' - President Goode will deliver the first address, and will pronounce the Trail ufflclaHy opened; J. - A. Gorman will reply in behalf of the conceaslnnalaes, and he will be followed by Charles Wakefield, head of the concession de partment,'" - HOLLADAY PREFERS r NUMBER THIRTEEN Number 1J automobile, tsg from the City license Inspector's office has been taken after nearly 100 chauffeurs had refused It on account of their supersil tleua Ideas. Ben- Jlolladay -h -tmr tpeky or unlucky hsnffeur who consented to receive, the tag andplace- It on his machine. When he appeared" In the ;offlceof the - license , Inspector- yesterdsy -sf ter non and applied for a tng, Deputy Audi tor Johcs asked him how he would like jtalhave-th -number -IS. Mr. Jones had asked the question of nearly every auto owner ' who applied for a tag and he fully expected tarewlve- a negattv answer, but to his. surprise the chauf feur- replied 'Or'ffOHrsg t will gueuL Ifn. 18. '. t am not afraid of It. " There's -no bad luck in this for me; it wilt bring me good luck." Jacketing his talisman he chauffeur departed, whistling, from the city hall, -t " ALUMNI REUNION AND BANQUET-AT-SALEM '.. (Speclst Dtepateh te Ths JoorssLt ' SaTemJune 1. The thirty-fifth an nual alumni reunion was held last night st the university chapel. After the In vocation- byRevr Mr. Evanaof Jlood River and the Introduction of the class of '81 he following, program waa ren- oerea: i-isno suiv, mnn nuriam Kishen- Btanloy-O.- Royal, -'74, greeted the class: paper, John Horner, '86; Miss Mlnetta Magers, contralto, sang a aolo, "Shadows"; -reminiscerfces. Mrs. Mar garet Caples Paget. '8; oration.. Henry II. Oilfry, 'fl. and a - soprano ' solo, "Dost Know," Mrs. F. P. -HolDrooK. After, the program the alumni -gave. the graduate a- banquet In tile uni versity society, halla. . ' ' . . " CONFESSES A CRIME TO SAVE HIS FAMILY -; (Rpeelal Dlipatch te Tbe Joanul.) Seattle. Wash.. Ju'na 15. Frank Rlck- arda who. wlUiJile . sister, .. May Mc Donald, and her huHband. Dan McDon ald. waA arrested last January In the city by Captain Bell, chief of the secret service In this district. . charged wltn making counterfeit money, yesterday en tered a plea of guilty Jn the United' States district court to ssve his rela tives a term In the 'penltentlsry. In pleading he was emphatic In his declarer rtton thst the -other two had nothing to do with the manufacture or passing or the bogus money, but the authorities think otherwise. McDonald and his wife fptered a plea of not guilty eand wHJ-t ba .tried. ' 3 ' atockley-s Teotnre Postponed. The lec'tuca. on 'Yellowstone park by Barry Buckley, scheduled for Frldsy night, June 18. has been postponed. owing to the desire of a number of gov ernment offirlsla who wish tn hear the lecture, but who will not arrive In fort land for at least two weeks.; n I. ; ;,f Li i monies and introduced Ber. J. 1 R.- N. Bell wf Baker J1tyf-wh6 delivered -ao Invocation.' Kpllowlng the ' invocation J. H. Albert, chairman of the building committee. In behalf of the commission, tendered the buildings to the governor, .. Governor Chamberlain spoke briefly, but extended the hearty -congratulations of the people of the entire staje for the work that has been done by the com mission. In behalf of the state of Ore grin ' lie officially accepted the build ings. .- - - s..-. Fresldent' Ooode delivered a short ad dress a,nd Mrs. Clara 'B. Waldo, grand lepturef of theTJregoh-slate grange fol lowed. " R, F.'Mulkey -of. tlie Oregon State Normal school concluded, the- pro-' gram with, a few remarks. - He- spoke of the great advantage to be derived from the exposltlun by the state from an edu- ther4elonar-atandn The Administration band furnished REPORTED SALE Of SUPPLY DEPARTMENT General Electric Said to Have Sold to Big Concern in Schenectady. r v , From a reliable source it was learned this afternoon that the supply house ef the Portland General Electrlo company had passed into the bands of the Gen eral Electric - company of -8chenectady, NeW York .which, haa already control of the majority of the large electrical aup ply houses In the country. . , TWELVE DOGS DIE BY--" . . POISON IN M0NTAV1LLA Twelve Montavllla dogs have died aud dwily Tmder suspicious ctrcnmwtattces 4n the last three days and their mourning owners ' are pursuing an; investigation which they hope will result In bloodshed. W. Voung, T. Downing, Dr. O. 8. Murray and J. "Carlson -were among those -who lost - valuable animals. Several were watchdogs and some had pedigree. The Identity of the poisoner Is un fcnown. and-even-the nature of the poison Is uncertain. Some of the dogs resisted the dose for two days.. Montavllla is the third suburb. to be visited by the dog poisoner this year, and no clue haa been secured to his Identity, THIS COW DON'T BELIEVE IN RACE SUICIDE THEORY - (Hpec-ial Pinpatrk to The Journal.) -"Mullan, Idaho, June There Is some talk of Informing President - Roosevelt thaHdahocan boastrnf a Cow, at least, Which does not believe In race suicide. A row belonging to Charles Hultnah, a dairyman living between Mullan and Wallace, gave birth to three calves Sat urday night. Altof -thPTirare-atlve and appear to be In the best condition. Two of the calves are heifers and the third bull. .The first lo Ha born la the largest while the last is the smallest. Two 'of them are exceptionally strong calves, while the third is somewhat weaker, al though apparently healthy. The mother of the progeny la between -three and four yeors eld, PAID FORTY DOLLARS AND GOT NO ROSES Walter Shaw and " Miss Genevieve Martin were strolling along Park street, between Morrison and Yamhill, , last night on a private lawn and aaw. a num ber of bushes on which, were many beautiful roses. "Do you want one?" he asked. . ; "Sure," she replied.- And as he was plucking the roses Policeman- Scallen interrupted1 him. They begged to be releaaed, but in vain. They spent the night In Jail and in the municipal court this morning Shaw was fined t6 and Miss Martin 116 r444H. GERMAN STEAMER SUNK BY RUSSIAN WARSHIP , - (Journal gpaclal Serrlr.! ' London. " June 18. r TJie German steamer - Tetartoff . was sunk by the Russian auxiliary cruiser Lion on .May li, " according to Information from Lloyds. The crew landed at Batavla yesterday. The vessel had no contra band. : .... , . Will Meet Warships.!:, Only- 21 cents round trip down the river to meet the. warships - tomorrow morning, r Ths Tox, 180 paasenger ca pacity, will make the run. at about 1:10 a. m. This fast boat, piloted by Its owner, has Its own lnndlng, foot of Yamhill .street, and Will hereafter Tun. to The Oaks, the warships when anchored and all the beautiful . scenla. points of -the 'harbor.i The Fox Is per fectly seaworthy," finely equipped and may the chartered for evening parties.1, UaWsrslty Graduates Invited! - University graduates of any., mstltu tlon sre urged to join Oregon university In Its exercises and celebration at the fair tomorrow afternoon at i o'clock and evening. Oregon colors will be furnished to all at 'thaJLg-rounda and university hsta may also be had. Kntertslnlng ad dresses will be glvrn, a bust of Jeffer son will be unveiled snd refreshments served. All lw and medical graduates eft the university are- expected, to - be present. -r ' ':' ;: Hi Riser Photographic Co. musle at Intervals during the program. Prominent men from ell sections f the state attended the -exercises, which oc curred at -the Oregon building. The of dally receptions and events of all klnda. since the opening of the fair. The ceremonies today were second, to-none that has occurred" except perhapa- those of the opening day. At 11 o'clock President Myers" enter tained at luncheon the' ranking member' of - the government board, members of the fair commission and state -Officials . 'The . members of the Oregon state' commission. undeV -whose supervision' the IS . buildings were constructed, are; Jefferson Myers, president; J. it Albert, George Conser, G., Harry, Frank Wil liams, J. C . Flanders. F. A. Spencer. F. a. Young w - E. Thomas, rr, Dav Young Raffety. nerr secretary. ASSASSINS AMBUSH FATHER AND SON J. Idaho Scene of Cowardly Killing of One and -Wound-""5 ; 'n6 ' Another. - v . - (Special Dispatch te Tbt Journal.) . - - Frees, Idaho, June 16 A dastardly crime was committed two miles east of here late yesterday. Fred Fields and his father were -riding along the road and a shot - rang out from some brush and the son dropped dead. in his tracks, ths ball having passed through bis head. The father was-shot In the arm and in the back and is lingering at death's door. Officers are In search of the culprit who did -the shooting." but "Tiavnto clew on which to work, owing to the critical con dition" of the elder Fields. . r. - Fred Fields has a squatter's right on Crane creek and as there Is much con tention o versomo ;pf.thelaiUt 1 thought"" that, this--is theMttotiVe-of -Hhe; crime.. j-'--"---T-:-:- L-- rural phone lines form consolidation (Sprclal Plapatch to The Jonrnal.) PnnmarV-W-asrnr-JUn'e" 1 1. An" exten slve network of ' rural telephone lines In Whitman county haa been consoli dated' under one management, and the Xnland Co-operative Telephone aaaocla tlon has ' been' organized to manage thd business.. The association has papltnl .stock, of 81.500. , Much .of -the capital stock -has been subscribed by farmers and merchants of - Whitman county. The officers of the company are: President. U. 8. G.- 8tory; vice president. George Thatcher; secretary, ft. A. Swall treasurer-Monroe-Bryant The company's prlnPlpal place of bus! neaa Is Pullmnn wnere more than 300 ph6nes"have been installed. There are also exchsngrs in colfnx, Ht, John and Albion, there now being 1,000 miles of lines -run. ISSIGNAL-VICTORY- F0R ANKENY FACTION (Special 'Upatch te The Jonrnal) Garfield..Wash.. June In. John- C em lisnxer aim ijuii tician, was named on the state railway commission by Governor Mead' yester day Lawrence haa taught achool.-been oountv school superintendent, a mem ber of the board - of education In the territorial daya. superintendent of pub lic Instruction, state senator in 1889 register of the United States land of fice at Watervllle.and Is now devoting his time to. banking, and. agriculture. yia appointment la a signal victory for the Ankeny faction of state politics snd comes as' a great aurprlse to most people, BEER WAGON GUARDS" WILL BE ARRESTED " (Special DtopAleTi to The Journal.) San Francisco, June 16. Instructions have been given by tho chief of police to the captains of various, districts in regard to guards who have been riding on beer wagons since the boycott on northern beer was inaugurated. "The police commissioners last nlghfadopted a resolution ordering all guards carrying- deadly-weapona - to- be arrested, Many of the guards carried black-jacks and revolver ... . , JURJ.1N BALLINGER CASE FAILS TO AGREE Speelaf "tlpah" to-. The Jevraal.) San Francisco, June It. After delib erating all last night, the jury -In the esse of .Captain George Ralllnger was ordered dismissed thte -morning," trbe )ng unable to agree. Eight stood tout for acquittal, while the other four be lieved Bnlllnger . guilty of embexxllng several thousand dollars from the Illl nnlt Pacific Glass Lcrmpany, by which concern he had been - employed. RUSSIANS REFUSE TO , . , - LET TOLSTOI BE SEEN . '(Jonrsat Special srTr. " 't St. Petersburg, June' 16. The govern ment has ' declined ' to 'allow Count Tchertkoff, Tolstoi s. . representstlva In England, tn hsv an'intervhew with the famous authnt. Tchertkoff rams from England for the purpuse of an Inter view, '.j,. ' ... . -v .L. Lafe .Pence will .not be. allowed to build a flume 'or lay a pipe Una through Mncleay park or permitted' to appro priate any or trie water or tsaicp creea for commercial purBosea. - At the meet. lug of the; park board thia mornlag Mia petition was unanimously denied. ' The mayor's . committee - room - waa crowded with cttlsena Interested for or n gainst "the trrorios-itton of Pence ta utll Ise the surplus water of -Baleh creek with which to tear dawn the mountains and fill up ravines nd . gulches' and make them Into sites for manufacturing and. xosldence purposes. Those opposed to- the proposition were R. w. Montague, II. H. Northrup, John A Martin, nr ct-r, a wi.., I M Levlnson and others who argued against tfee-proposltlaa for the of -pre serving the natural beauty of the park. On tha other hand fence and his at torney. C. M. Idlemag, Russell A Blyth. who are Intereetcd tn the proposition, and ethers spoke .ef the great advent agea which would accrue to. the city and to the Individuals oppostnftne pe tltlon If it. waa granted. Mayor Wll llama had to (call tha-apeakeae t-ordef TO CANCEL CONTRACT - WITH PACIFIC MAIL 1 JnaraiL, Wnrrlal . IVwlr. Washington. June 16. Chairman fchonts or the Panama canal commission and President Schweirln of the Pacific Mall Steamship company had a confer ence with the president today regarding the proposed'csneellatlon of - thereon tract Under which the Paclflo Mall. haa a monopoly of the-trade with the lathmus, It is stated, th(it no concluaiOQ, was reaunea. -r-i- r - --. SACRAMENTO RIVER IS FLOODING THE COUNTRY ( Joornat Special Barries.) Stockton. Cal., June 1 The south east bank of the. Bacramento river broke ln"belowFreeport yesterday and the flood is pouring through a breach 76 feet wide and IS feet deep. It Is feared the flood may become as serious aa that of February. 1904. when, the entire northwestern end of San Joaquin county was Inundated. PRESENT STATE SEAL - TOTHE CALIFORNIA 1 H""' apiai f- ose, June i At this morning's session- of i -Native JJaughtera -of the Golden Went. the committee's report for. the presentation of the state seal to the cruiser California and the Isnd mark- Tommtttee.- were '"adopted.:" This afternoon nominations for officers will be made. . Tonight there will be a grand banquet at the hotel Vendome. MILWAUKEE GRAFTERS - - BECOMING ALARMED ' (Jonrnal gperlal Berries.) . Milwaukee, June 16. Two confessions of grafters were made to District Attor ney McGovern last night Implicating Several county "and city - officials. The district attorney refused to give names, but said that one was a county official and others business men, It ts-rtrmored that several more of those under see piclon for graft are about ready to tell what they know. . . MORRISON AND PAGIN RETURN TO CHICAGO XoarnSl gpeelal gerTie.t Chicago. June 16. District Attorney Morrison and Assistant Attorney-Gen eral Pagln have '-returned from Wash lngton and resumed charge of the beef trust Inquiry. 'If-a mini lui will gu un WUTT "TfT work,"' said Morrison, but he refused to discuss his trill to Washington. FIRE FROM FORT DRIVES AWAY EIGHT WARSHIPS (Joernal Special Service. ' Fort Monroe. .Vs.. June .16. Eight powerful fvesseis or Admiral Dicklns fleet made a demonstration last night and this morning against Fort Monroe, but when the mortar guns of the fort opened fire the ships withdrew.i It la believed a general attack- will be made tonight. . ; . Oottags Orore Streets. - (Special Dispatch.. to The-Journal. I Cottage Grove, Or,,' June a.. The city council has let a contract for the grad ing of one of the principal atreets of the city to George Lee, a local man. The price waa 81,900 and Includes grading and graveling. Aa this Is the atreel that leads to the county road It l in much need of repairs. Other atreets will follow. thls one and It Is the Inten. tlon of the present city council to put the streets of the city a in first Class shape. - - r -v - Cheap Rates East., Very low round trip ratea to eastern points will be. placed In effect' by tne Canadian Pacific railway. Tickets .will be on sale June 14. 15,-15 and IT, "and good for stopover privileges both going and returning. For full particulars call on or address F. R. Johnson, F. tt P. A. Canadian -Pacific railway 14iv- Third street, Portland, Oregon. ...... . Aeonsed by Parenta.. j.-i - (Special Dtspeteb to The Journal.) - fl.nttte. Wash.. June 16. Sheriff Orant of Yakima Is now lri '. Portland looking for N. Motley, accused . of assault. Mrs. Motley. Is held as an accessory to the crime, and CMathw gtld three others rA e In Jail charged 'With a similar -Tiffense. Th - sheriff "says there are probably 80 complaints from parents against the gang, " .' rr T . , ' ' Beldame Wins atuburbaB. - - livsniaj Special Seftlce.) Sheepahead Bay. ' June 16 Beldame wpn the euhurhan handicap,1 Proper aec find! First Mason third, Jaculn fourth; time. 1:0 1-6. ' .' - ' r- j AT W Visitors wera eallarat aisiaSu -v -'.-.. - S": V'f If,-; WESTERN IMPORTING CO. lee . and 1T0 Opposite ostoffleo aKoara, Btall Ordsrs for Fireworks Atteaded to rromptlya .ao The Following Prices are ii - - - m - - n - n f-m m - aa. PeacockRockSprings 7.50 - 8.00 Kcmmerer .t,-H?i75Q5c:8,00 other coals proportionately-low. . Do not pay mora than $8.60 for the - - '-2 ;'.-"' '-asst screened eooi;-; ,. . ; -.'.. ""' ' -. t The Pacific yr.--WW CHASr H. CUtK Agtut,.. -. ' -- 44t Wasbteftjoa . ; - -?ri -? '--!' : Telephones tXi aad XT, i We Se nan asd brMse wark wltaeet seta. One- IS years' sxpaiiaece la plate wark en ables as to fltrror swath eemfartsbly. Dr. W. A. Win has foesd a aaf way ta extract teeth, ahaorntely wttheat ala, Dr. T. P. Win Is aa sxpart at fold flillag aa4 rrows and brldg. work. fcitractlag fne whas plates er hrldces are erderad. . . . -WISB-BROS.T- Dentists: -yni Sandtar. eorrTlilim a a i Wash lta. Or arlB-a tilt a p, aa. 0adar ttoaa .t, ix -Oi. Mais SOaaV "r - DB. T. .- WISE. PORTLAND WIRE Phone Main aooo HOWARCOULD MUST PAY HIS ARCHITECT J- (Jonrnal Bpaclal Berrlea. , , Mlneola, L. I.. June 16. The Jury In the ault for damages brought. by Abnar J. Haydel, the architect, against How srd Gould for servlres; In drawing plans of" Castle Gould, brought In a verdict of li9.lHJ.76 leas -45.900-paid .on ac count." - r? 1 " ",' 1 EQUITABLE TRUSTEES CONSIDER CONTRACT - -r- - (Jonrnal Bpaclal-Berries.) V - TTew'Tork, June 16. OroverClereland, Justice Morgan J. O'Brien and George Westtnghouse, trustees of the majority of the stock In the Equitable, met today to '-consider the terms .of the deed of trust noW being drawn up by attorneys. NORWEGIAN ARMY NOT 0RDERED.M0BILIZED Tnnrn.l Snll BMVlM t 'Christiana, June 16. The minister of defense authorises -the statement that all rumors regarding the mobilisation of the Norwegian army are without foun datlon. ' - - MONITOR PURITAN IS ' - a AsPhSal f ass III sa atA (Joerenl Special Serrlce.l :, ' 'Washington, June 15. The Monitor Puritan, haying on board the naval re serves of the District of Columbia, 'la hard aground at Point lookoat In the Potomac, and unable to1 participate In the nval operations aa planned. INGRAM IS SENTENCED J TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT "(Spteurf DUpatck-to"T Joorsal.) , Grants Paas, Qr. June 15. Andrew In. gram waa sentenced to life Imprisonment today by the court. Dodson .will be sen; fenced tomorrow. He desires to, be hung. IRRIGATION COMMITTEE 1, TOURING-SACRAMENTO - - . ...losrnal apedal Serrice.) mteramento, June 15. The congres. atonal .. Irrigation committee left this morning for a two dHys' trip through the nacramento vauey. , - SCr. Hennessey's Investment. ' James D. Hennessey, the .wholesale produce merchant, today bought through Goldsmith Co.. the quarter block on he northeast cornetiuf .sixteenth and Johnson streets. There are four resi dence houses orv the property. .which sold for il,00. 7 -,- - - FIREWORKS WELCOME; are invited to inspect our large line of -ii'' enrioa and novelties, All persona or ISaatern-visitors ' Twill find 'In our store ths best goods for aouvenlra. - ' r We' give the best attention to all who call. V , ... : rsew.stoca just receiveo rrom, Jspan inciuaing . fine lvory..-foncy carved ebony chalra. a tool a." flower stands, chlnaware. fans, pongee silk and linen drawn- ( , . - . " ; - . BPKCIAf. IALR on Japanese -silk-and jeotton erepe " err brolcTertdT sHlrtWSJstsand-sh-tttsialat pat terna. Fllk from 16.60 to 61.60, cotton crepe front t.oo to, $5.00, j - ,? .'...;'.-....".',. CALL. ANb VISIT; IF'TOU DON'T CRB TO BUT. TITTsT TUti , eee eM.oeo 5 PRICES REDUCED Hetail, pelivered to -.Consumer T .anlk- aeked. Coast Cor I oeeee DB. W. ti. WISS. I BANK AND OFFICE RAILING - . WltE MO IBM FENCING r' , Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, , Poultry Netting-, Etc & IRON WORKS 263 FLANbERS ST., Near Third LABORLEADERS' CRAFT EXPOSED BY DRISCOLL Probably Fifty Per Cent of Busi- nnessAgents- RecelvecT--L Z Money. - (Joarcal gpadal garrles.) ' Chicago. June 16. "When the grand) Jury adjourned for' luijch. State's At- . torney Jicad antdL!"The grand Jury thia morning ' ie ened elilem w f iuiH ' Prls-" Coll' that will' keep this office busy for a week Issuing subpoenas. u He IntU -mated that the subpoenas Include soma very prominent men within labor ranks and business circles. . Drlscoll'a testimony began with his first connection with Isbor mattera in 182.- He esserted that probably SO per cent of the labor leaders In Chicago, had received -money from him as Inter-. . mediary for the settlement of strikes or r to ward off Impending difficulties. Many of these leaders, he claimed, re ceived money regularly, some every, week. He defiled -that he had ever paid accent to anybody to call a strike. Ho recited the history of the National Bis cult strike, the hotel and waiters, street-csr.-coat teamsters and office building strikes. -. , . ... ' - . - DATE IS NAMED FOR . EXECUTING PATRICK '"', Journal Spedal'erTlce.) -' Albany. N. T., June 16. The court of appeals thia 'afternoon fixed the date- for the electrocution of-Lawyer Albert Patrick for the week commencing Aug ust 7. Patrick a attorney, . Ex-Senator ; David B. Hill, Is preparing td ask for a atay of execution pending a motion . iotreargument. . - BAKER CITY SALOON v RAIDED BY'SHERIFF' - (Special Phpatrb te The Jonrnal.).. Baker- City: - Or r1- June 15. flherlff Brown raided the Mint saloon last night'' nd arrested - the proprietor- and -two . promlaentcltlsens on a charge of gam bling. ' The place waa wide open and a number of games running.- Ths grsnd jury had Just -closed. Informations were, filed this morning. . -r I ' 1 .- ' . . 1 1 - , ' 1 .. Bake City's Costly Clock. . (Special Dispatch to Ths JonraaL) '.... Baker City.- Or., June 15. The big bell for the nw city hall tower arrived today and'Wlll-be placed In position aa soon aa the machinery' for the clock arrives. It Is one of the largest and most costly ever seen to eastern-Oregon. It will be operated by electric appll- snres, and will not Only sound the fire alarm. but-Wlll att Iks, th hours of ths day : . A. ".- :-r. " -'I- - n .