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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
';1-,; J , ' ' ' THE ORiEGON DAILY JOURNALr-TORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING,7 JUNE' 15, 190S. Tr"'r T"" PIFnHF.RRFAKFff K I , .. . RA P. S 1 S' TAKtt.lP- : ; - . . I a uuv VU rasKi i I . HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS --ENDED FORT Eighty-Seven Graduates From Portland High Receive Di plomas From Mrs. Sitton. ' ELOQUENT ADDRESS -BY DR. J. W. BROUCHER -Croat wtr Relative arfd "Friends See Interesting Ex . ercises at Marquam. Commencement exercises of the tort, land JUgh school were held In the Mar utuun Urand theatre' last -niithtc s larae auditorium crowded with Draud'tarenta'and happy friends Of the 7 atudenta who Kadnms1red-Mru year' courae of study, i. ' - Membera of the board of school di rectors Principal T. T7 Payls and Dr. J. Whlteomb Urougher. the speaker of the evening, were preent,tand the War ren Mandolin club. Mlaa Annie Ditch burn and FraitoeAr JJheehy charmed all with musical aelectlona. i: ; i " '.' Br.. Brougher's address was replete with nelprmMUBlteuum' "The development of the body with out that" of ,.Ue mlnd-jnakea an Idiot, said he;, "the development of the mind and body without the .development of the morale producea a criminal; but de velop mind and bodx and morale and you. have a perfect charaeter! and a perfect dtlsen--one Who .a rable', to discern be tween right and" wrong." --Mr. It. W. Bltton. chairman of the .board of achool directors, presented, dt- .. ploroaa t- the following: Graduate la SBgllan. English course Ermle DdrotJiyfllU. eon. Cora Esther Ambler, Frances Beu Inh Arnold. Loda Zell Bennett, Logan jtieiy HurralL Helen UUUlla JBUBtrmrttr Kunlce ?lark Clyde Craig. Mary Kill beth Eastman, -Minnie Roaetta Emroel. Arthur I Fields, Alma Flgglna, Edaall ' 1'ost Ford. Samuel B. Foster,-Jessie- Mae Pout's. .'Oaanvllto Charlea Oansi, Vernon 5 Isabelle' Oradon, Lair H. Gregory. Carl Julius Geve, Myrtle C. .Hanson, William Edwin Harrison, Harold C Hugglps. Jo- ' seph F. tluggina, Nellie Margaret-Johnson, Glenn , Allison Keep,- Oeorg-e -M. Knox, Mattie N. Le Tourneau..Ellse 8. ' McElwee, George McNamara, Johanna "JL Magntiaon. Fred P. Montatv"Harvard f,C iitfoore," Bessie Merle Morton, Albert '"1. Murphy. -WHbihj Carey Nicholas-, Otto 'tZ Ott, Henry- B. Patterson Jr.i Jesse J. Feddlcord, Anna Acentth . '.Peterson, 1 Emily- Alice Reckard, Llljle Robertson, Emily Fern RodgerB, Irene Mae Scott, : Cera E. Sherey, Herbert O. Suttle, Chris tina Faith Tarndrup, Florence May W11-' 'Mfamaon, Arthur K, Wilson. '. - Latin course Agnes Beach, Jean Mc- Kinley Burrelf Nancy " Emma Drew, V Helen Louise Ferrer, O. Lane Ooodell, Ethel Virginia Havely, Laura "May J"3hesr Mary -Ethrt-Kailn,-J.' Frank -Me I Cauley. . Hora . Lyman McCny, Vivian 1 Vl:la Mlkle, Mary Bophla E. Mancur, Willima Dean Munrq, Stella' Osmund, "Bai ah7 Mltehell itagers, -Laursj Amelia Smith, Merle Hilda Wooddy, Elmer E. Tour.g. ' -d . Hoaors la Other. Brasea-' - German course Atleen Brong, Ethel f A. Cormack, Mlln Pi- Dayton. Blanche : Kllubeth . Delury. - Grace Marjorje ""' Hickok, Fred' Sigurd Johnson, Irene Va- ' lerla Loeb, Mabel Grace MacKenate. Clara Norton Mastlck. Selma O. Riemer, Joe' II. RuvCnsky, Bess Irene Sharon, - Mabel Ellen-Starblrd, -i 1 .atlri and FngllHh CoufH " Qladyg XllOLESALLTIIIEf Mayor-Elect Tells the Difference Between Criminals in and -- Out of Office. , ' HAS BIG AUDIENCE AT THE HIBERNIAN HALL Great - Ratification Meeting, at Which John Manning and Preachers Are Cheered. JL. 'T am a -cltlxen first, - ami next a Democrat," declared Dr; Harry Lane lartilght at the meeting of. the Mult nomah, Democratic! club In.' Hibernian halj. "An offlclal ' wh full! to keep pledgee made when lie la a Tandldi unfit for cltlsenatilp as the thief wiio steals Jtoods from a store. -. Perhaps i lie- Is -worse, as. the one wrongs one man; the other wrongs the community. - The one is a retail infractor of the law., tod the other breaks the law by wnoiesaie. "I could not. have been elected with out the., support of the accent element. Tliay liplleved tliaf my-yHniilses wei valid.- Now. it Is my wish to make good every . promise that was given. While I waa prosecuting my campaign.', 1 re gard those pledgee Just aa binding now aa thnr- It is not an easy taak. that of conducting the executive oepartment of the government In a city such as Port land. It requires constant watchful ness and the assistance of men who will Join heartily In carrying out a policy of law . enforcement and bualneasllke. ad ministration of the public affairs." . These .- Sentiments - were-, applauded loudly by the audience tnat packed the hall. Otheruspeakera were Kev. nr. Burgette Short, pastor-of - the! Tylor flteeet M. B. ehuraiti Rev. Hr. I. X Great Cdnference of- Opponents of Drink Evil ; Will Be - , - . Held Tomorrow, Wllaottrpastor of Grace M.E. CTiurchT John Manntna-. district attorney; -W. T. Vaughn, councilman-elect -- from the Thomas and Charles Pet rain. Dr. Short suggested that it might be wise to appoint some wideawake clergy man to-some office under the new ad ministration, and. aaid that if Dr. E. P. HlU'were- chief .of police the proeecut- lng attorney and Tils deputies would haw mora' business than they could at tend. torHa declared that Tom Word ahould. be reelected, and, that the Demo crats party r waa to be-commended ' for setting 'Into line " with ' the advanced better civic conditions. Dr. "Wilson.: believed -that- the fining system of handling vice had . been the one particular fa-ult of-pn'st. administra tions, and that it would, ftever be ao cepted aa the final settlement of prob lem's tharejrtlrarboay politic." , We clergymen do not bhJc xf any-of ficial that he do 4o, Impossible thing." said he. "V' merely ask that the law be,'oT)sefved land .oMt SHrVaHts. cafty oul the-TUnctlons fop '-which their; offlolal atatlona were created." Mr.Mannlng pledged to- counsel wltn other officials and exert ilmaell to carry out promisee . made -befora-th votes were counted. He stated that per- sonal grievances between officers of the gaergmnt should not be pf-Tmlttedto prevent einetem-Bervicg. -The executive b"oard.TW Mrilan-1 Piiklngton. Latin and German course Emma "Ce celia Gerspach, Emily Kaat McElroy, ..Freda Ruth Paulson. , English and German course Frances Marguerite Baxter. . Latin. English and German course ' Grace Cheeks Guile. - First-honor pupils . Mary . Eunice -Clark.- Elisabeth A. -Cormark, N'anoy-l Emma Drew, Helens Louise Ferrer, Myrtle C. Hanson. Ethel Virginia Have Jyt Grac Marjorie Hickok. Glenn Alli son KeepHorace-Lyman McCoy,-Emily Kast McElroy, Mabel Grace MacKenxle, -Sfa-ry--Sophia -EHsabst h Manour, Ktel 1 a Osmund, Freda Ruth Paulson, Anna Acenith TeiersOnr"EmnyAircRckarit Sarah Mitchell Rogers, Laura Amelia Smith, Florence May Williamson. School Teachers Rates. ,v . On June 14, IS, It. IT the Great Northern railway will sell excursion ' tickets to St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth. Mliwaukee. Chicago, St, Louis, Omaha. cansus l iij. "luiilp's n at rata at flrt-liis fare plus $ 1 -for round . Tickets , allow . stopovers going and returning, good for three months. For full Information call on or ad dress H. Dickson. C, P T. A. Grest Northern Ry.. No. 12J Third street; Portland, Oregon. tory address was delivered by Ignatius McN'amee. The clasa poem was read by LeRoy Wood. -An sddress by the J archbishop elosed the- exercises- The granuaiea were: Classical academic course Henry J. Pcheel, Ignatius E. MrNairgeti. Portland; Charles- C. Roe, Seattle, v ashlngton. Scientific academlo courseleRoy Wood, Nome, Alaska; Francis Walsh, rafHIlflfla.TCIHauli: Aiill!"iijr.. Wsber, RIVER ENTRANCE TO FAIR NEARLY READY The exposition management " has a force of SO men cleaning up the river front at a point parallel with the Gov- ernment building andwlll have five turn-rtilta in. operation' at" the river entrance before June 17. which Is the dat the arrival of about-800 lumber men. , The river entrance blda fair tVbecom popular, a.nd the department of works ..Intends to make It attractive.. There will be approaches, which will accommo- .. date the largest and smallest craft, to a.floatiO by ,10 Jeet. and beyond that fine walk leading to the Government building, pasalng by the military camps. It la posible by means of this en- ' trance to land at the fair grounds by ; rowboat, launch or yacht from any point , on the river. . , nine-, "la the watchdog of -the mayor. and can protect the chief executive and the public from contract frauds. Its members should be men In 'whom ' the peoplr have lmpMclt confidence." lrt Thomas thought a political party waa not -much stronger- tban-4ts. Weakest members and counseled nomination of the best men for all offices. The meeting waa enthusiastic and waa attended by members of all political parties..- ' FIRST GRADUATES FROM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY The members of the first graduating claas of Columbia university, which-wss founded four yeara ago by Archbishop Alexander "Christie,-D. D.rreceived their diplomas yesterday from the fQunder. President M. - A.Qtttntas and the. faculty were In charge 'ht th .WANT-PAGES Of The Journal Today will tell you howtoob tafn free admission to TH E OAKS The Chutes,-the Bumps, thi Maze, the LaushihgOallery.' HOW TO CLOSE DOORS OF SALOONS John E. Qill Tells How It 1$ Done -' k'' in Maine .and , ' ' Kansas. ' .... - PROHIBITION MEANS EMPLOYED IN THE EAST NOMIIEIR WORRV Increase of Children oh East Side ,Tpo Rapid for School ' - Board. MANY BIG BUILDINGS - S ' . ARE BEING ENLARGED Sellwood,' Savier, Highland and Others.Add Many Rooms and Entire New-School Needed. ' 'A Tbs east 'side efflra'of Tbe Journal 1 la th ators of Mrs. r. W. UcKtnoer. 300 Eatt klurrliua. stnst. Telephone Et No recent year ha seen a great' crease in the east' side school facilities than-tuuLthe present one. and not taking Into account the 1100,000 hlgnrehuol, which was authorised this spring, the suburbs nave received additions to-their school- .buildings that. In some . cases double their capacity and in others en able them to accommodate all the chil dren who "seek schooling without, the use .of. temporary bultdltigs. . ts is the TAKBIT intime Just As Scores of Port land People Have. "Maine and Kansas: are . making the prohibitory lnws effective. , loyf rniirf with-prohibition because-t he enforce ment of the law -was placed In the hands of politicians." said John E. Oil! at the Tenth, ward;! John K Jamea.aeorgeU. J Pprftand hoteT last nlght- ProhlblUon la the only way to eliminate. the drink evil, and It woud be unlversaljy adopted If tha fathera of boys . would., realise what it means , to the boys to close the doors of the saloon. Mr. QUI la an oil and gas operator at S"ranlcUnT-J?eimsylvanla, and- prominent in the -prohibition- party of that-state. He-has beeti making a" business trip On the raciric coast. lt said:; -, -Traveling ' through 4regori T. notice Ahi.1fyJ-Ba ,,?'.'.rt"fV- ' -ry .very ,-awmllf town saloons have been started since my last visit here Someyears ago. I know the Unetmlng -of , these. signs: .The men there are nor spending their spare cash for Improving, the home or. clothing- and educating the, children." r t At .the V. M, C. A., berlnnln at 10 a.- m.' tomorrow and continuing through the day;.. the prohibitionists wllllhold a conference- t""Whlcn will be discussed the temnfrance consress to be held in connection with' Ihe Lewis and" Clark fair, September It .to IS, and the cam- palgn of 190S-4 along-local option 'and party linea.- At :S0 o'clock a banauet in honor Of National Chairman Charles H, Jones will J served, by the1 women of -the First Christian church. Park and Columbia strecl mane in . response to tne question. "" One of Uis I'lUrf liiiuimmueii enlargement of -the Hhavor street school on;,- Mississippi avenue. - Last year a Jour-room building, was . erected, - but even this waa not sufflclent. Recently work waa begun on the building' of a three-story addition to tne new duuu lug and joining the old.-struoture to this as a wins. When complete, there will be 10 rounds In the building and a large auditorium on' the third floor. At the opening of 'the 'fall term nlno teachers Will be employed In this building and before the' year enda ,10 WllUbe needed. according to Superintendent Klgier, Four rooms .are being added to the Highland school and this work Is Well Undef way,2havlng beea in . progress some: weeke. -Tb Jllghland school was already a larae structure and the addi tion will make it one of the big schools dCsUie east side. The rapid growtia' of lliirtiland and adjutent territory ha made It difficult to secure room enough for the classes even in the big building, and Jhe adltlon will not be large enough for -more than a couple of years. The school Ward finds that a hew building-la needed between the Holladay ajid Williams avenue, schools and one of four or six rooms will have to be erec ted, probabl y this - s ummer, . The I only thing that Is delaying - tne com mence'ment of the work Is the difficulty In flriillng a.' site that is central, reason ably cheap and large enough - for - the Lexsanalon that .must come. j ne Dig aaamon mai win aua mnr, than a third to the capacity -of the Sell- wood school Is being rushed, and' will be- ready-before-the- summer-, vacation ends. Its completion will- enable the classes that have been "held In the three temporary, buildings to move Into com fortable quarters an'd.-will also relieve the congestion -that has existed In s.ev-eraHsf-the ether rooms. . "V.: Waiting doesn't pay. - If you neglect the aching back,;-- " tfrlnary troublea, diabetes, surely follow.-- . - ' 1 loan's Kidney Pills relieve .backache. Cure every kidney 111. Sort land jcitiiena .endorse them, rs. Oove, of 609 Montgomery street,' wife of Captain C. O. Gove, ex-sea cap-. tain, wno is wen Known 10 our rnaen. aava: "I tried 1 loan s Kinney r Ills ana they did me more good then any other. remedy 1 ever usea lor my money . r or two or three years, oft and on, I suf fered from sharp pains across my back, whlch Started with a dull aching, and when 1 walked or overexerted myself the pain became very acute.. Any cold 1 caught aggravated It and rendered my kidaeya weak. I read about-- Doan s Kidney Pills and got a box and used them according to directions,' with the Jesuit that, the backache left me-and my kidneys- were wonderfully strength ened. ' I ' am greatly pleased with the results -obtained from I loan's Kidney Pills, and I unhesitatingly recommend this valuable remedy for any one suf- fertng from -kidney- trouble.'' VLZX .U daJerRjei&ceRi. Tosler-Mllburn Co., UufTiubTN. Y., sole agnts for the United States. ' Kem ember the name DOAN'S and take no other. Should your organisation attain ' it highest purpose, how far Would -it-go toward checking- the drink evil or the destruction" of the saloon T" Various societies will' be represented by speakers, - including the following: "tlood Tsroplais," O.- J smtsgaard ; 'Women's Christian- Temperance Unton," Mrs. Ij. H. Additon, state president, and Mrs. A. E. Whltesldes, county president; Toung Men a Christian Association. ltW-Btone4--!?TlM-4nlependent Voter," Kev. J. Whltgomb Urougher. D.- D.; Municipal Association," J. W. Bell; "The Anti-Saloon league," Dr. J. 1U Wilson; "The Prohibition Party," J.-, Newell; "The Latch Spring Out'T. S. McDanlelilTheRetirlng BecretaryJi O.- MIller-i'The New Secretary, ' F. B. Rutherford; "The National Outlook.'-' Charles R. Jones. Those desiring to engage seats at the banquet may 'do so by notifying, promptly, B. Lee Paget, 109 Third street FWrPEOPLE ARE - MISSING FROM HOMES Portland. Commercial -tuuiseFi ed I. Weber Norman J. Hchmltt, Portland; Joseph A. Mclnery. The Dalles; Ralph D. Kirk St. Paul. Oregon.. ' The received medals- fof scholarship: John J. Qulnn, Fred I Weber, Charles C. Roe, Lloyd O. Mayer, Paul E. Smith. E. Irving Broqua, An thony J. Weber, Charlea C. Albright and Ignatius E. McNamee. DIPLOMAS FOR GIRLS AT ST. HELEN'S HALL The graduation exercises at St. Helen's hall were held laJt"n!ht, when 1 young women received their diplo mas from the Rt. Rev. B. Wlstar Mor ris, bishop of Oregon. Bishop F-W, Keaton of Olympla - delivered the ad dress and was followed by Rev, A. A, Morrison.' The following received diplomasr - - - Ryra-Abbott-Vslla - Valfa- Eva Bailey, Hlllsboro;-Clara Boot. Helen Cold well. Alice Collier. Catherine Em mons, Msrgaret Morrison; Dorothy Langrltt, Portland; Carrie Short, Maud Van Dueen,. 'Winifred Vsn Dusen, As toria; Myra.Loforidge, Eugene. . AmniJ Tht Best Scotfiing Soap MjuJe Ar3courln; Soip - - A Metal Polish -A. Glatt Cleaner, Police attention waa directed yester day to the mysterious juliaaepearance of Miss Ruth Harding, who lived at 898 East Eighth . street, north. She went downtown with the stated Inten tion of buying a few smalt articles, and Tins' tmr Til i ii sun mm i lii a -fob ppearanre wagTPported by M rs, E. B. Oliver. Miss Harding la said to be a comely woman, aged 23 years. She Is of medium build -and -blonde. When sho left her room she wocflawhlte waist, a black skirt and a dark Straw hat. ... James McCauley, employed as a deck hand On the steamer Regulator, left the boat at The Dalles Saturday morn ing and has not been heard of since. He lived with his wife at 9i Orover street, and was 43" years old. Otto Mellenbrock, aged SO years, who Until June 6 occupied a room at 86 Tenth street,, has disappeared. 1 He la a retired miner and always.had plenty of money. Foul play is feared by his frltmds."' '-,. Henry' "TSrholm,. a - former sergeant In -the Fourth cavalry. re-enWted In this city last Friday, and has not been heard of by the recruiting officers since. Inquiry was -made for him at police headquarters this morning. .George Hughes, aged 1 years, for merly employed"! th HrahdardTJox factory, la also missing. His disappear ance waa reported by Paul Hansel of 139 TSylor street UNIVERSITY UNITES " -; WITH EUGENE FRIDAY . Zast Bide Veins; WaaneA, r. , The annual washing up of the central east side 'district is In progress. The ever rising Willamette- has forced back large, bodies of fresh Water over . the district between, the. river and Orand avenue and the residents are helping the. work along by cleaning-out sh bsrrels, attics, Ueys, dark comers and waste boxes and dumping the- debris In the . handy pools. This annual visit of the river is all that saves the dls- lrIctrCCTrdlng-o-errrosldBnt--phystH -clans, f rot an epidemic of disease, and though the river, has not yet touched.! the lower docks It has risen high enough to sweep- away much of the rubbish. When tha-June rise Is over East Port land -will be clean, and the anirry Colum bia will bear to the aea a year's collec tion of rotting garbage and other waste. V . Smprore XoatariUa Mae. 4 The Montavlllav line of -the- Portland Consolidated railroad Is bolng greatly Improved. Heavy rails and new road bed are being placed on Grand avenue, new ties and a better roadbed are being laid on East-Ankeny- from- East Ninth street and In the suburbs fills are being made, grades lessened-and the-double-tracking completed; When finished-a rapidly growing district will have a direct line to the center of the city, and a. line that has few curves, fe.w grades and few other hindrances to speedy schedules. . 1. fur lr. ttho Sellwood Asks Owl Terry. Sellwood wants ferry service until midnight. At present the ferry stops running some time before sundown and tow uwlng It assert that of traffic comes after the ferry is done for the day. Under the present arrange ment the late, cars at night do not greatly aid the Sellwood citizens, and an owl ferry service is being urged on the attention of the county court The county court will Investigate the petition and should It grant the requeat an extra crew will be placed on the boat and Its operation continued until the last cars have made their runs. .L.pfriaay's big event at the falrwlll be the celebration of Oregon State iinlver- sjty and Eugenedayt ..which . win. bUchooljtEast jrhlrjetotb. attended Dy large delegations from Eu gene and neighboring (owns. TJi visitors-will arrive In Portland at It o'clock and will meet In the Auditorium at o'clock. - " ' ' - At J:tO o'clock the following exercises will be held In the Auditorium: Music by Administration band; address of welcome by President H. W. Goode; response by Msuor F. M.Wllklns of Eusene: response -by President P. U Campbell of the University tf Oregon; solo; sddress by W. D. Fenton, on "Thomas Jeffer son"; unveiling of bust of Jefferson. presented by University alumni to the university; reception.. Oaralwl Opens Tonight, - Ktralf jrn spectaoler Carntvar of Ven ice,, begins Its oaresr -on the Trail' to night For. Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, afternoon and night commuta tion tickets and all sorts, of passes to the grounds . will v. be recognised - at Venice foe Xr admission, -. SCr. Smyths Ooss to Hubbard. Rev. C. M. Smythe, formerly pastor of the Mississippi Avenue Congregational church, has accepted a call to the pas torate of the ' Hubbard Congregational church and will next week move to his new charge! " Mr.' Smythe since his "Teglgtiation of his local pastorate ,h been supplying the Hubbard church and also working In the ..operating depart ment of the O. R, N.r he being a practical Tallroad -mai-of - years', ex perience. . , - - " - SEEK LOCATION FOR EAST SIDE HIGH SCHOOL Taxpayers of East Portland will meet within a few days to discuss. the loca tion of the proposed east side High school. At the Isst snnual meeting tax payers voted to erect the building on the vacsnffblock" adjoining the Hawthorne andEast Washington streets. A resolution wss adopted by the school board Indorsing this site. - Borne think a more satisfactory site rtir the High school can be obtained. They say It should he located on high, leVel ground and at 4 -considerable, ls Uitce from Any other achooL - The mark of tfie "highest grade dentifrice," the standard in every country in the world, is ' . 3 Form: Liquidt Powder & Pottt ' ... ASK YOUR DENTIST OFFICIAL PHOTO CO. Lewis and Clark ; Exposition Grounds ' KodakmnivlU find a full lln Eastman's Kodaks, Films,. Papers and Supplies : on Exposition Grounds. First door on ' right after passing through main entrance. All Goedi Win U told M 8ejjulir Prkci No asWamce by. buying here, and -can be had any hour of the day; All fresh, clean goods, Just from" factory, i . .,; .-.. ; - Films developed end flnlehed In four hours. Prompt service,, ex cellent results. ' Tne most com- ' Rlete photographic plant In the orhwest- .Visitors - welcome. Let us help "you In your kodaav" troubles we're willing, , Kodaks Shop- . .EXPOSITION GROUNDS Pre-eminent !n every Joint of food lore, but one quality and that the beat: perfect in diet etic action; digests as easily as milk a pure food. 10. cents a package. AT ALL GROCERS .' . U,--1 r ply ItsSim Impossible To buy better ready-to-, Wear Qothtog" than the ; . line we of fen' They are ' jihVS - perfect ; in ' every detail -'-S . Suits - Are meeting with a decided success they loqk right, fitright and wear right? Prices $10 to $27:50 BUFFUM & PENDLETON Jl Morrison St 0pp Postof ftec IVft Have No Branch Store Sole Agents Sole Agents Alfred KNOX HATS - Benjamifl's ''CorrecUaothes1 eSBBBSBBBMBBBBBMMBMBMBaSBBeSBlBBBMBlBMBBBBBSMBSBSMSeaeeMBBM You Can 'Become An Army or Navy Officer Ctf yoirrirersevcringTrnoril young man, between, the iages of -17 and 35 "years, ; possessing a 7 good corailiOrl ' school education and passing the neq-e&sary-physical-examination. - -' -' - Firther particulars for tour cents in" stamps, by addressing, '--., H. W. PHILLIPS, Louisville, Ky. "Tou can fool all the people some of the time." "Tou can fool some of the people all .the time." "But-you cannot fool all the people all' the time." Life Insurance Will Be dood for Society When the Policy Conceals Nothing - "The only ones of hnprorrmrat Is In the erewtnff lntrlltvnre of tbs penels thn. Itm." "Ttarfe wii tnrludxl la life Insaranre at th start TOO MUCH TAL&R HOOD, not bf stII lateatlon, bat wsat of tboosbt' So wrots.Elisur Wright. ' Commit as rcssrdlnt' ynar present d1 rontemplattd tnsnranrs pollrlM snd Issra 1b1r tros wnrtb or coinpiritlTC wortblamncM; tbs letters w bars from tbs - promlMut bulaeaa men of . Portland.. wbose policies we bare siperted. Life Insurance Specialist, 329 Sixth St., Portland, Or, p. b. wi so vot wsrra lot zviuaAiroa. aMsBBSsssssssMHaHBssassssssHBBVsssssssssslHss Every minute particle of White River Flour 'has been made lively . J: ' - w . 1 y'cy quit triM pammt . 7 granular by contact with . - . -r . .. ... air that has . le'MUzed,, : by electric - flashes. ; r ALLEN & LEWIS BCULINdl AOttNTS ' PORTLAND ORCOO "Makes Lighter, Whiter Bread" - -vr;. J X