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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
a; - THE" OREGON . DAILY-JOURNAt... PORTLAND." ittU kaUAYEVfiNING; 1 JUNETl3r 1905. 13 - 7 f lUiiBixnnauiimmniiiiiiainniiiiuiiiiii 8 viv-L-'-. J-AnlJPpp.ortun All to FRE E- ; With cash "Want Ads" The Journal will give tickets or admittance to The Park, or' to The Chutes. The , Bumps, Th- M nr The TugJhmgGalleryf .," ,'-' g JOURNAL "WANT ADS'' E ')! Are Business Briners ! , B ' - THE RATE IS --1. 5c per line M JH --.' 2 5c per ltneevenlnsertTons ,-S One ticket is good with eyeylO-cent cashWantdIlB hut 15c ts the m'inimumxhartre. U line "Ad" you are entitled, to one ticket' If lyou have a' ji m five-line "Ad", you are entitled to two tickets, six lines three u tickets, and so on. tickets, and so on. B-4 Go and take your whole family and have a good time ' g free of cost, othhanJorthe advertisementr-The tickets B-givert"withournalWnA4are worth 10 cents'andjg i entitle you to admission to. any ot ,the 1 amusements. .: i'UC 8 'your "Want Ads" in The Journal, SUNDAY or DAILY, B and take a trip toThe Oaks." - H . "" - i ' : ; H hmmminnumiuinmiiiiimiiiniiimiiS fOR SALE REAL EST ATX. $0,400. NEW IIOISB ' " ON QUA RTER BLOCK,. SOUTHEAST CORNER IIANTOCjC AND. EAST nooMS, Bath and- hall, - . '. MODERN PLAN, '-"" CEMENTi BA8EMENT, i nXACK CONNECTED TO7EVERY -ROOMrH ' iintWA LkpJUD AND LAWN SEEDED, HEADY FOR ftCCUPACY: ft R M5, .ONE .TEN T H JDO W Nt BALANCE MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS W1TU INTERE8T AT PER CENT. gxrrtr b. m.i,omba 514 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE : .800 HANCOCK ST. -VA AKUfJJLJIOt 8E. "iai 4-rooni h.Mia 4 fiirnlah4td 1 (i'l VIII MNia.1 MV il r Dl hnHC. fTrtO 5-rooiu bouw. . tl.iairootn hmiar, a.j.:(7." M-riM'ui bouaa. S ar.iv-rt-rm 111 hnua. with rnc. f92."i o-KNini bona', with barn; All rho ulwivo nn rar 1rnia. Fin lots cloaa tu-rMp. nan. pw month, v KKLLWOOII TOWNHITK CO. t'nlon . Uffkc at Sdlwood. Ind it.- 212 Falling bid. I'OK SALE REAL ESTATE. Oc.Iug tu Matern Ore( 11 In II fpw dTt trt ahnw of our bargalna In wheat and attM'k ra!i4-hv: liotlr att In Una and a with 11a: wmrmhi'r. ! haTa aafw-rnuu..imtU.. row loth aiu or th muntatna: we want a rtanre to tHI rou aliont anv part of tha rouiitrr rou uinr h lntareatdlit. Drun U- - arl tia'f 11 runt with . NORTHWEST LAND CO.. 211 Allak.r HIiIk.. corner Third and Morrlaon, 1 J -? - r ' t IF Toll ar looking for bargalna In momlnjr hoiiaea. rhaan boimni on aaajr ia.rnionta. well looatod realdenoa proorrfy. rholoo lota, elogaltt -.' atihnrltarfhortKa frm Tti STavii "and 'a ' "" " ' ' ' '- fr..m JfWVcull on "tto A cmrki-tt. il.Mj Vahliik-ion. jr-Phono Blark SM7I. tniod trroa nn trerj thing. Mono to loan on real estate. KEW fl-room mod. rn cottage, bath, toilet. bac ment, etc.. Eaat Twenty-eighth at., lot BO IimI; sell on your own terms or trad eoultj for nnlniproTed propcrte. $t.A0fi. - Blrt Comra"rclal lilk. Main 4TO1. B-ROOM modern cottage. 1124 Eaat Salmon, $l.$n"; tcrma eaay. It rooms, new. ready to occupy, oa Monta Tllla csrllne. ll.Jiin; lie per month. 9-m"iti modern hoiia with Will 15 fet, 2,. 6ihi; $250 caah. t'i& month. $i rooms: 125 down, ! month. BI KDKN. Phone I'nloa 4015. , FOR SALE Elegant anhirrhan borne eonalatUig of 5 aracs highly tmprnyed ground. 9-ronm bouse and other buildings; also B room cot tnge, abundance of fruit and' irrles: 20 mlnntea' rid to city, Address or call on O. 11. Schwrrdtmann, car ot Star Bos Co. I'bnn Main -- - - - 4oR SALE A . modern corner brick block. 1 atory and basement, 4 aturemoma. 40 rooms , furnished; will acll all or separata at bed rock price; also 1 modern ft-room residence, close to Russell at. on WIHIama y, good Ineom property. Inquire of W. 0. Beck. The Falling bldg. " ' CHEAP to quick buyer. nlc bom on Monta rllla car Jloe. cksi In. 6 lots, fin aoll, good bouae. barn, aheds. . ohlckenhouee, fine well. windmill, etc., plenty of fruit aH kinds; aacrlflce account party going tuth. lagulr 270 Alder t., cigar store. Js.'iO wllLlmy nLre jiew cottage, wond-floe, plaster. fiilllol, on EssTTntrtrTrtntlr-atr; jrt ear arlre; term K ealred; thla I a Bargain. IIENKLF. BAKER. fll7.- Ablngtuu bldaV FOR SALE 10 acrea choice land. 12 mile froat Phrtland. suitable for a bnme eaally lm-. proved, baady to R. R. atatlon. boatlaodlog "- and gooil ronda; good aoll. For partlcalar address A. II. . Folkenberg. Holbrook. Or. FIVE new modern bonnes In Hollsday Park addition; also 14 choice Iota; atreet lm iirored, cement walka. aewer. or will bnlld ' house trt suit customers; oa essy term. . W. 0. Beck, tttl Tk Falling bldg. , - kl HKS near Int and cceslM to- 2 car lines; yerr fine mil; n-,' gteel: running waf f : I h) ur (joo, balwUcis easy tsrma: "other land" adjoining selling at I1AU O 41, cure Journal. . nttCHK and BH ere. 1 acre In garden, nn -,-, ni- .mi.-, . nj.Miung Biaimn; Jiisi in, ' j lsee for chlckena and 'it amall store; price 11 lain, on vers ln 1M,.H St An mm jmpnal . WHY not buy a bom wbea I here so many tine cottage and booses of all descriptions ' which csa b bought -oa eaay" termer Innulr :. N. Mprsgu. 1221 Ord a., roa-a 12. JLLOtst WILL buy a splendid Income property .1 which will Increase la ralue; good location. building new. aonnal rent bow 2,2. Ad ' dre X 85, car Journal. . - - iiiniHiinnziHiiimi : . : . itvtor . ... . Visit B One Insertion If vou have a two or three-" - JOB SALE REAL ESTATE. Men NT TABOR. T rooms, hath, barn;- innio on car line; Hood Blrer poultry ranrb, l'l "Tes:- goo -houao. - barn; bearing orrharl. . Owner; Third at. . Irtta IH.noo feet of neautlfnl ground, eloaa In. Phone Eaat 8036. Addreaa .411 ' Eaal Thirty-fourth al. . , , . ' FOR SAIJE B-room cottage, modern, lot fenced fruit treca. S block -fraen car; caab or tcrm& F. JI Ryder. Woutafllla. Fbotw Main ftS. itiCiO WILL buy 10 acrea, 3 mile eaat f Mon. tIUa; all rlaarad -and frnrad. an good- road, i U. Well Co., 4 Orand t. - HOMESTEAD rrllnniilabment, n tlllahl land with houaa In Kllrkteat county. Washing Tn. RounTB, WaahlugtoS bldg. V $7..Mi0 THREE modern 6-ronn boueea. cloas - In: yearly Income $DO0; tcrajis; easL: aldt Applj J Eaat Klgblb, north. . 4.. ACRK a ad booac, t block' from acnool and 6 mliuitea' walk from car, fte fart, (329. Wllej A Ilea -Cw.T Lenta, Or. FOR' SALE, or eichauge. 1 1 Vb aere. hanrsead. IH nun ixom- wootarnia car line., inquire Wner. - 414 Belmont. T . . FOIt SALE Small bouae and 'lot one-block from amtlon.- lot Mixl1; price t3O0. Ad w drpaa M 59. care Journal. PORTLAND Heights, new cottage aufrtlr mod ern, mil lot, Tiew; an cuurenieocee. Ad- ureaa it , journal. FOR SALE-ll.wi titcp tota and iToom r on eait side. Bee owner" at Tihj E. Clinton at. - SL.KsV HOI HR and tot, Punnyalde; must sell shy terma; no agent. Pbon pwner after S p. m. ' Eaat 3X14. FOR SALE Fnrnlshed cottare. Seaside, over looking ocean. Inquire 063 Eaat Taylor. Phone Eaat 2235. f 1.850 Near B-rooo cortege and 2 large tot on er. urina ar. aoa btiassr ft. Be owner. snarerat 8S8 GRAND" AVE.. N. Bargain: Ml"' lot. S-ronni modern bouieT frutt7 lower, eicelltut neighborhood. - - HOMKSTEAD.retlnnulshment. aouth Hood Hirer rlllsgc, near Ml. Hood. P.- O. Box 305, Houd THyrr.Dr. ; HAVE 4 gilt-edged tnreatmenta In rest eatat 1 want to sell. Address 006 Front at. I'hon Fnint 15B2. . . - FOR SALE a-roorn bona oa ear lln - wltb acre fruft trs, etc. I;qulr SSI East Slitb'al, : : "''''' i"t - 1- c-.,i. P.,etlariH reef now $25 rtl" B2.ihsi Iii.juli e ."iTI I rout S. l ROOMS, plnatcred. pslnted. brlek basement, i!50; Vo.(lUii. Phone Scott Brtiio. FOR SALE Oiesre. slrhtlr l"t. Ixiwer Alblna. Call owner, phone Main 2T7T. i TOR SALE MIBCELLAMZOUS. , FOR SALE CHEAP .mo-gsllon new galvanised . water-tank; a wrltlng-dcsk with lookdek compound. Inquire 3 block north from the Hiinnrside-Miiint Tabor carilnc. nn Fiftieth f.. No. 50. the accond houa nortb from th Baa Line road. . FOR SALE CHEAP H gallon coffee nrn. 4 gal lon tea nrn. 6-csllon Ice cream freeior. 1 1 and fountain with glaasea, bolder and hot- ties. 1 tent tun. 1 refreshment awning 28x14. louden' Bakery. Ivanhoe. ICR CREAM, fruit -Ices, made quickly without Ice, - trifling coat; keep milk, buttetv-te aweet In bot weather; full dlrectlona. 10c I'hllllpa Specialty Co... Box 2S4. Portland. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent or for ale on eaay payments. TUE BRL'KSWICK-TtALfCff TYILLENDER CO. 40 Tblrd at., Portland. WE print your name en SO calling earde." proper alxe and atyle. ZAc. 250 bualneaa cards, II. - Browa Schmale, 22a First. Portland. Or. Ig.FOOT gaa lanncb. "'Z'i "horsepower, completely- equipped, " In" fontf condltionr prlc l.'KJO. W. 1. Glemen. 273Sstark at. . eJ , LAIT4CH for sale, length M feet, 10 II. P. en gine, large carrying capacity: pric. ry t cbeap. Address II. HH, csre Journsl. NEARLY !"pew . Remington typewriter' mscblp for nale, price $00.. AddreaaN B4. Journal. tltmfr big team.' wgone nd bualneaa. cbaap. or will acll aeparate. Addre N 6.1. Journal. 1 FOR SALE Fresh inlloh row. with or without - calf. 1004 Mllwaukle, Scllwood car line.' TELEPHONE brarketa and Pins, pioneer Wood Mfg. Co., E. Seventh. Fbon Eaat 2103. COI'NTERS. shelving, old door and aaah for . sale, cheap. Inqulr 2oS Fourth at. FOR SALE 14 foot row boat. Inqdlr ,A. T. Whltjnin. aoutb f can factory. RETI RN ticket to St. t.ouls for sale. Ad dress 340 N. NrmMeenth at.. -e FOR SALE Freab Jersey cow. Mllwaukle. , ' J. U. Reld, TO ZXCHAH0Z. Hon ACRES 12 miles east from itneehiirg: 2n gerea finable; good onllnarjr farm bulldluga; orehartl of B acres; place well watered;, bal ance of land la timbered pasture, and It ad- - jrdne aeverst -thousand acre- ef- goveramvnt graving land;' close te achnol and pnatnfflee; 4jwner la now In city; will tak good city prtserty and anme cash -for ssme; lm,k this up. II. W. miller, iiH Sixth at. - TO KXCHANtlE S room hotise. 1 acre land, fruit and flowers.' nesr I'syiou.-ttihlo, foe nts or land la Oregoa. - Owaer, rooot 224 B-.l lln . IiM. r irn t BUUXEBS CHAB0U. " J t - ! 1 ; ' , , 1 $4,000 BlrYS 0 rowu cufiicr brick, fin loc. tlnn, it-rear lua. rent leas than IT per riora. u can. MfrU..iX-Jlil Is .!l! best buy In I'urtiand. Aek forTirlugstou, .Sid Couiulcr rial bk. Mala 4004. ' ' II.B00 GIVEN AWA1. . - W offer our general membandlaa business for ssle, with the above discount oa mcrchsa diss and fimperty. W have a well ;wl. eted clean atock that will Invoice about $10,000; also 4 lota and building that we offer at a bargain. Investigate; one of th heat op . piu'tiiiiltle In Oregon. W nwaa bualuee. Inoulre Journal or write ua. J. W. and M. A. BOBINSON. Aahwood-Oregoa. FREE LANDS IN OREOON. " FERTILE Soil, pur water, delightful climate: land of alfalfa, apple and clover. For full Information add'esa the Columbia Soutbera Irrigation Co., 630 Worcester block, "Portland. A LADY ut gentleman who haa small amount of money to loveat aa partner to attend to offlc bualneaa netting from 1500 to Il.tuO and upward per month. Call 23ln Nortli auxtb at. Pbon Mala 2020. WANTED Man with eoma meana a Join me In handling 100 timber claims; give nam and addreaa; no notice, taken of rurloalty aeek era; X.I.Oimi profit assured. Address N 42. csre Journ!. sr r' ' ' 1 FOR HALE Furniture of B room house, 1 block . of mala entrant to fair grounde. with or " without leeee through fair: loom for S or 4 hontha; close hi. Addreaa N 48, Journal office. . . ; - - no) hupiauh ' riH .( quarn, bldi., Portland. Or., bandlee bond. C etnek, mine, -finance legltlinst ntrprlses. (uralsBce safs lvetmnt sod securee loan. CIOAR and fruit stand. $t"0. .cheap rent, 2 living rooms : oyater and. chop .boua doing a good business, rent $20, 1 year'a lease. Both era bargains U. C. Asanld. 87 BUIh t THE beat location In Oregon, for a good botej man wltb from $5,000 tu $10,000. In lb cen . tee of mr government lrrigatloa work. Ad- dress A. F. Clublu, Mrrl Oregon. FOR SALE One of the best located ealoon m - Irtlsnd; cbanca to get a bargain; proprietor compollid to go east to look after other busl ness. Addre N-44, car JournaL FOR SALE A well established mspnfacturlng bualneaa. 'annual proflta.fsi to - loo per-cent . on -4nveatment: no previous experlcuc nec ' easary. Addreaa 8 62, Journal. . FOR SALE A first -el ass restsursnt, everything nowi will rcll fo bslf of cost, to go east on account ml death 1u family Inquire 271 Fifth t. . : ... TO LET Concession for harher-abop and hatha; also rcataiirant. Call - -pon Yellowstone t amplng Co., end Mount Tabor and Sunnyald rsrllD.- -. . FOR SALE Eaat aide butcher ahop. fully equipped: ; established trade.- good locatloo. long leaae. chetp rent. 270 A Id or. tlttr store- FOR SALE Blackamltb sod woodwork bualne. wltb atock and tool. ..Apply blackamlth ah"op Portland Lumber Co., foot of Lincoln at. GROCERY atock and' Sttiires. doing $20 per day: will aell . cheap or exchange for email faroil owner only. Addreaa M 60, JournaL $50fi BCYR fine cigar. , Ice cresm and confee-- llnnery" store; receipts $225 per motith: cheap rent; good lease. Address N 5, car Journal. WfH'I.D Invest :,OO0 to $A.ono In mm reliable - rnsjneas- stste particular; no agents. Ad dreaa N 4S, cars J7nrnal. FOR SALE Oeneral merrhandla torr) coir tatnhig nnstfflee; country -food . JocatlonI Addrcag ex., Journal. A - PARTNER wairted In a well ; aatahllshed .commission busluesa, or will acll. .Airily 12B Front 'at,, city. . - ""' - FOR- SALE WoodTard; eeUbllshed trcde.)ong b-sse: R. B, anttch In jard. Call 256 East Eighth at. rf-.: - " BEST at 2K0 Alder near Fifth. - Henry- A. Townaend and W. J. Maxwell. FOR riALE Restaurant, all new, good location, . -cheap. Addreaa L 41.. Journ 1. ' A JKANTED Foe-en sa: --smet "general merchandise or gruccrv . 272 Sherldsa at. " OREGON LAW A COLLECTION CO. 417 Fen ton block. . Collectlnna made throughout the ' t'nlted Htatca: ha nkriititcv matters s sneclsltv " bsd tenanta elected; rents 'colleeteS and gen-- eral law hustnesa; notary puhllo. AS tu POlITJaV" PROF. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait aad . landscape artist; Instruction In oil pslntln. water color, etc., and drawing;, art gallery connected with atudlo; plcturea for sale and framing to order. 34S Alder at. Phon 163.1. A8SAYEBB. THE J. II. Flak Assaying of flea Oreonley A Crawford, analytical chemists aad metal- H hrrgtstv. - 204 H Washington at. ARCHITECTS. J. P HOfcl UA N.. archltect-and auparlatendeat. 181 H Urat at.. Portland. Or. BLANK BOOK MAMVFACTTJEEEI. HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM,, I0V-I11 Second tt. Bank book manufactorera: agents, for Joae Improved Iose-Leaf ledgera; c the aetr Eurek leaf, the beat oa th market. BATHS MASS A0E. T... ...v ..r. .,, w OTI AM..e b-'t. 4th and Blhr lady atteiidmits: tub -and vacr baths, maasage. electricity. Main 6US5, TWO voung ladles give niasSHge: tub and rnpor TosthsT" Ilfl'f r'oiirlh. cor. WsshJngton. BANS XNSTRUKENTB. CH AS. E. YORK ft CO.-renslrer nd plater, removed to 07 First. 2 blocks aorth. COAL AND WOOD.' CHt'R-'lH.EY HKOS. have removed from foot Davis st. to 421) Kearney St.. near 11th; la li.'W the largest wondysril In tbo city, carry log all kinds of wood and coal. Mala B.ll. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO.. cor. Front sal lloyt st... dealer In dvoieajlc and. ate.oj coal, blacksmith coal, charcoal and cak. Phon Main 101. . - - ALRIN A FUEL CO. Dealer In eordwood. coal and green and dry slsbwood. R. B. and Al bln v., S block cast of ferry. Esst 114. RUPERT FUEL CO. Th best dry wood la tewn. Don't forget to phone Esst 1463. 26$ test Eighth St.. cor. Madison. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO..' dealer 1a coal, aurd wood and dry alab wood. Pboa Eaat 424. OREOON FUEL CO.; all kind of coal aad wood. 644 Morrison. Phon Mala SB. KIRK HOOVER, SIS Water at. . wood sad eeeL Phon MaUxJPM. " - - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. tVERPINO ft FARRELL. produce and commie. ton merchants. 140 Front Portland. Or. " PB.Tne" Mala lT? DAVENPORT BROS. General commission mer chants; fruits andpendiice; consignments so lleltcd: prompt return. . 150 Front at. - CEMENT, CONTRACTORS, CEMENT WORK IP TO DATS, wltb taea, elbowgrea and siralghf "buslnr, K. U. Lundatmm. K2 Commercial blk. CHAS. H. CARTER ft CO., cement cnatractnr. 44 Raat Twentieth at. Pbon test' 1673. All week guaranteed. - ' CIOARS AND TOBACCO. ESRERO-OUNST CIOAR CO. , Distributor of -mi CIOARS. Portland. Oregoa. CHIROPODISTS AND SCALP SPECIALISTS. MAnAyits" KVNB AND SIIEITARIV-Scalp peelallsts, msnlcurtngr enpert chiropodists. ntlseptte root bth for burning ree. S. 363 Morrison t. ' ''CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMISt. MADAME JOHNSTON Cwlrroyant palmist. earn reener; 1 givw -fcia reusnaa in povt.nt rm ll s ft sir t res I Ufa. ' tUadlDg Oc 6 Svntk at . Bear Oak. , t CAftPXT-CLEAHIllO. HA VB your wslbi cleaned: w cles ps pared nd, paint)- wall; aatlafaetioci guaranteed; prlo rraaoaable; references. Red. f CARPETS cleaned on the floor: we- raise no - dust, PtHme- Clay $31, Jee- demonstration. 9: ttftttTER ettesm rsip-t land aisttn jrlesner. MO Jefferson, l'hone Mala 214. - CLEAHIN0 AHD SYE11I0. " I T ' PORTLAND STEAM CLKANINU A 3VEIHU Work 1 practical batter lu counectlon; feather boaa and pluuiea cleaued and euxled by an ex pert 211 Fourth. Pbon Clay 104. TOTIIKS (leaned and $red $1 per moot. L'alqu Tailoring Co., 147 Waahlnktoa at. , B. W. TT'RNKR. professions! dyer and cleaaer. BOB Jefferson at. Pboao Mala 2318. CARPENTEHi AMD BUIXDEES. , " A. J. A('TII3I(S and H. E. WOOD, carpenters and builder: repairing and Jobbing; ator ana oinee UXiare DU1IL, Buup vjv coiumoi. Mala 6287. WEei lid 'your new or fir ronr old bom vers reasonable.- Call at the' ahop, VM Blxteehth at., north, or New Western hotel. OAFEI. - ERICKSON'S RESTAURANT Merchant' tone 11 a 12 Prm Bflll1!lell(!lP,ffllt'l' THE OFFICE 2X5. Washtneton at.. Phon Msla I. TT1. Samuel Vlgneauz. 1R0CKE8Y AHD GLAB8 WARE. ,, WHOLESALE crockery end glaaaware. Prael, Hegele A Co.. rs to 10S Fifth, cor; Stark at, CARHIA0E AND HACK COMPANIES. " THE I NITED CARRIAtIK C).- Carriage, tally-ho riiia jind -carry alls- . LM Elcvcuth .at., cur. Mvrrjtu'n J'honc-AUln... TJESTISTS. KEY CHCRCHMAN. dentlat. . 884- ' Marqnam. Ktfth snd Morrison. L'hone Halo -JW'V TJ0O AND MORSE HOSPITAL. Da.C.1 BROWN. D.V S..D.C.M.-e-Dog. bora boa. . pltal.gJtT Barnaldvl'hnea: Mnln4osa:Bsst 2535. DRESBM AKTN0. -r SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, msde for $1.26; eh in waist solts, $3-6u. 4s3 East Mar ket. Pbon$0!aat JU31. . KEIBTER'S Ladles Tailoring college: pattern -T - '"' H f'O- 205 Morrison. MRS. McKIRBEN. artlatl dreaa aad cloak . making. 651 Morrlaon at.--.-' - DRFfRMAKI""! Rtrlctlv up to trlatt design. 4HB ny at. ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELEUTRICAL ENGINEER! NO Company. 800 AUark at.. Portland. O. K. for everything In th electrical Una., Phone Mala 183. PACIFIC El'ctrle Co. Engineers, contractor. repairer, alcrtftc wiring, supptteg. 04 First, -car. Stark. .Main 59. R. Ft. Tat, mgr. OP BOON- Furniture Manufacturing- Company Manufacturer of furnltur fur th trtda. Portland. Or. . FrBNITt'RR mannfsctaring and pect1 order. L. Ruvanaky's furnltur fctnry. 610-Front L . , '-' ' ; ' FTJRNACES. BOYNTOV warm-sir furnace save fuel. J. C. Bayer Fornac Co., 258 Second- Mala 461. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. FOREST TiEKER VE "SCRIP FOR SALE An proved, unrestricted, ready for Iramedlsta 'ase; . lowest pries. SV t. A JUB. Jilley Sod '"" Cbsmber of Commerce- J-- r" FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS. Jl'ST opened to ettlem"'nt: .fine, level," valley OEOCERS. WAPHAM8 ft CO.. wbolesal grocer, maan facturia and eumiLlsalua mercbaota. Fourth nd Oak ata. ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission sad produce m-r. chants. Front and Dnvta ata.. Portland. -Or. HOTELS. s , - THE BKLLEVL'E 60 newly furnlihed rooms, en suite or single. -KH Fourlb. cur. Salmon. Tcrma rtseonsble. Main Jo45. OKHOIIN HoTEIj Grand are. and Eaat Aah at.. Aitkeny car liltihig-ooin coonccUou; buus THE I.INDEI.L HOT EI Market, bet. Third and Fourth. Purtlaud; entirely ucw; Kuropvau and American plan; 60c to $2 per day. t fTnteT Tadhtrr-tVtnlletnirr Wrft; HOTEL Portlsnd. American plan: $.1. $5 per day. HOTEL St. . GeorgeCtndjtonilcadlng hotel. BELVEDERE. learnpean plan: 4th and Alder ata. HARDWARE. Portlsnd Hsrdwsr Co. solicits opportunity t quute price. 133 1st. cor. Alder. Main 134. hotel, feESTil)EtA-VT CAiip'sAiiU. HOTEL. RESTAT'RANT AND CAMP RANGES Crlbbeu ft Seitun, A Co.. SevrotrcnLlLJiud . ITrshur. sts. . Isrgest stock hotel, restsursot. " rsmp ranges gaaoltn tore and refriger " tor tB th city. - ' " r HTJMAN HAIR ROLLS. J. J. BorfG, minufacturer of human hsl; roll, tc. 42 .E. -Nlota, Pbon Eaat 2211. HAIR 'AND SCALP SPECIALIST. HAIR and clp eueujallst. 02 North Seven teenth et. - LAUNDRIES. BEST of references. . experienced lanrdresa. Main 42.'lu.- Mrs Ida C-! larri laj(i!.j;urtalii Isulidered In eiiperlor nvaiiner, ,lli---OraPt at., corner Scvcuiu lflsfactlon giisrsntced. HAVE your laundry ilone bv evjierlenevil home-t - lanndres. - IfHt Kt Blltn t. l'hone f4st SHN6. - LOCKSMITH. IlllOWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith nri bicycle repslrlng, 2S3 ttrk. Day phone. Clay 22j night, phoue Main 83. KEY fitting, caat-trnn braxtng and general, r- F airing. I. II Richardson, , 2oS' Fourth st bona Hood 172 ,'" INSURANCE LAMBERT, WHITMEK A CO. Fir Inauraar aad real eetat. acceeor to Arthur Wllaon ft Co.: office, weat aide. 107 ltd Sberbick bldg., Mala 1008; at side dept. - 404 Bast Alder tLitlaen' bank) Eaat. 481. ." '. .. r r tst AC trwniTB,- tn lnioratic. lorr Dskom bldg. - JS. Mrl. WOOD, emptnyer llahtltty and In dividual accident surety bond ot all k'od Phon 47, 60S McKay bldg. H. F. BARTEI.S COMPANY-"-!? lnsnrnee. 44S Sherlock bldg. .Oregon Pbon Clay 62. MUSICAL. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS Ceclllaa aelf-play-Ing planoa pronounced th best by. leadiug "Jiiuslclan, Blao t'eclllan plano-pla yerg, It, LA .' Will Music House. SAO. Alder st. - SECOND-HAND musical tna'rnmenta of all kinds at lowest jirlce. essh or Installment. Ha her Music Co., 11K1 Third t. LEVY'S Musle It.rtise Shset music; Instrument. - J7L Fourth. Y. M. C. A. bld. Clay 973. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEftBER. banjo, mada lla. guitar Instruction Mshl 2iM. I7S W.ParB, LESJo NS Vv- PlsnoJ gultir. banjo. manrtoHn. violin. $11 H Flrat. cor. Mjjn. Mr. Margin. MiRTHWF.STrRN Ml SIC to. mnt.d to Co errs tor y ball, VO TweKtb, cor. Col leg. MONEY TO LOAN. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any (alerted eoipluy. wagMauwr. can gat - aa hi Bute, .wlbuot mortguge - - Month. Mnnth.-Week. Repay to n $133.1 or tn nn or $3.3.1 $a.jjin Repay to ua $ .aa-r $.t M or $.ai $13,00 Rapsy to us $ 4 00 or $2 ud or $l.ou . , , 210 McKay bldg. , 1 - F1VB per cent money: we build yoa a 1vm or loan you monev nn your property; monthly payments Investigate; open SaturHay even - (nge. " Room 16-17 Labb bldg., 227H Wash. MONEY advanced anlnrled. people. feamstera. etc., without a.-ciirltv easy payments: larg. -ct biwlness In 40 prluclpsl cltbs. Jolluan, 223 Ablugtun bldg. Phone Main 457. MONEY TO LOAN or real, personal and col lateral eccurlty: apeclsl attention to ensttel mortgagee; potee bugnt. C. W. Pallet, K04-S Feotna blilg.". M Klxtb t- HIGHLY rrapectehl place where ladle and geut ran borrow money on diamond and Jewelry. Collateral lau Bank.. 2t Wash ington at. Phon Plsrk 71- $3 LOANS snd npwsrd on sH kind of ecv rlty or to slrled poop! on their not: lowest --rar: no publicity, no delay.. 21a Abtugtoa bldg, Phon Red 17V .-. ; - . '. 1 CHATTEL loana In amonnt ranging from $23 to $3.0110: roomlng-bouaee a atieelalty. New Er Loan ft Trust Co.. 206 Ablngton bldg. - LOANS at lowest rate oa furniture, pianos: -.any security note purchased, Kaitern Loan tfce...41 .Sherlock bldg. ..-u MONET Tt)' 7 J) A N m "Inrge on good securltv: lowest rste. beck. 07 Fulling bldg. t- Wllllsm O. MONEY to loan In snois to Bit,. t 6 and 4 per cent. W. J. Clemeua,. iCtH . Stark its, Chapybcr at- Cumowrje. , , - , . LfiAX on furniture, piano, .other ecurlttevJ 4.. west ratea. a. w; . nuigi room vtas. bldg. Msln S100. , - THE ' CRESCENT - LOAN POMPANT Sslarv Insiui. from three to all qioruhs; confident' st. . 217 Ongonlen. . Tro-rrr-mr-rtg E. F. and F. B. HI ley. 6od Chamber of Cvm- merc. PORTLAND RFAIESTATli IOANS. 6 AND per cent. Wm. Denholm. 223 Falling bldg. MONEY. TO LOAN, fl per cent. Northrop ft - King. 210-211' Commercial block.- - j , , MAGNETIC HEALINO. MRS. IHv-11;RT. treat all dlseasee. atnmaeh .uerviMisneaa and functional Wsaknes. Consultation free. 2114 Park, cor. Jefferson. NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PI HlJt Paper carefully prepared . rmd cxeciili-d.- charge, reasonable; calls n- ,.e,-,l l miv l.nil Of int. our, ,I.K. I. Meli-elii. -ir,".j Mirrtsra"SI., ro.ilu III. PREPARATION of deed and xonrtgag a -P!"trj rrlcee reduced.- B. A.- Frame, 610, t!eM,Mriiam. mrTi c. . . 1 OVERALLS. BOSS OF TITB ROAD OVERALLS and meehaa les clnthlng; uulon msde. Neuatadter Bro., - manufactBrer. Portland. Oc. PLATINO. EASTERN PLATING CO., " 820 Flrat Gold. ellvrr. copper. . uli'keLaniI brie platluav Jewslry work peclalty. - ' THE OREGON PLATING- WORN. ! Waab - tngtoa t Phoa 2373 PoUsblng.. plating -i and tacqnerlng. . -5- PHOTOGRAPHIC MOUNTS.' B. 1.. WOODWOItTH. Mfg.. 100V, Fourth -at. Tbejatest st)ls of SJoiiut Board. , - -V" PIANO- TUNLNO. tlEORGK ANDERSON Expert piano tuner and -repairing, Jnqulre J Isher InslcCo, Jtcd..eX "PLUWBERS. DoNNEKRKRG - ft R ADKMACllRR, sanitary plumbers. 84 Fourth at. Both phones. -- FOS ft CO., eanltary p!nmhec. 231 Second bet Msln and Salmon. Oregon Phona. Msla 2iWU PAlNTSfOlL- ARB CLASS, - -' - ' - RASMt'SSEN A CO Johhera. prints, oil. glsse, ...vaah and. door.. Second and Taylor. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. E. H. 8. Ml'LDKK. expert accountant. room 441 Sherlock bldg. ; booka oiiened, adjuateti and edited; bouk kept for small concerns: mod, rat cbsrges; Brst-clas reference. Main 2103. : .- FRINTINCI.- Bt'S!I0Nf A CO. Front and Stark t.. print, log. lithographing, blank coukt aud offlc Li Bupplle; work d,'i on time; most complete prtn ting t, 1 1 u mi west, aiaiu mi ANDERSON DI.'NIWAY COMPANY, prlnUna. Iltbogreiilitng, blank bouka. 1'buae Mala 17. 201 Alderet: ROPE. Tr , PoRTl.A.nXPItDAGE' CO.-Coener Fourteenth . ' v ... ... i .1 R00FIN0. TIN ROOKING, guttering, repstrtng nd general "' Jobbing. J. LoalM. 211 Jefferaoa St. RUBBER STAMPS. T?TP" wsin i iu, ruiiwr it. Dips, mWm, Bipnt'iis, m if- rutfr trad rbrke$; tDtl for eataloca. STREET PAVING. WAKI'E.N CoiiKi.nirti'n Co. 8trrt I'alrif. Ida wnlk mm cr.'iwwflltrt. 716 Oi-egonl-D bldf. THK TrlnMnd An.hilt PnvlDf Co. of fortUd. Officii ty,, Wnrct-iter blk. SOUVENIRS. : THE MORGAN CO. lOO to 11a Second at., Xd floor. Manufacturer and Jobtiers of Lewi and Clark muvrnlrs; bootba and atreet itand fitted out--complete.- r-j--- - : SHOWCASEB AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bask, bar ana etorv oxture made to order. . The Lutk ktanufactiirlng Co., Portlsnd. STORAGE-AND TRANSFER. SAFES, plaso and furniture moved, licked ready-fur ablpplng" aud eulpix-d; all work guarantceil; larite, 8-story, htlck. Bre-pruot wsrebuuse for storsge. tifflee $ Fleet et. C. 11. Olaen. l'hone Main 647. C. O. PICK, office R.1 First! St.,. befssbea Stark and Oak nts., phone CH6; pin no end furniture moved and peeked for shipping; comiuodloas Sre-pronf, brick warehouse. Fruul eed Clay at. STORAGE apse to let tn onr riw balldlng, 874 Wster st. Slgler Milling ft Commlaslua .. Company. : r SAFES. FOR opening lockout and aaf bargalna go t J, E. Devi. 6A Third t. TOWEL SUPPLY. CIiTaN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnab, man, l per month Lawrence Itroe.' Towel aappif Co.. Fonrth and Coach. Pboo 42S, TYPWETTrBaV Y08T TYPEWRITER 'WKADQITARTEIIS . trt rourta ntreei. W. real, repair, aell. exehang typewrrhr. All aiippltea for all macblnea. Ptsncisrd - ma rMae 623 -sod Bp to $ln, ta you went a tenogrspher or tvputl W bav list of g.sMl anpllcaat. Phone Black 2S7I. BLICKENSDORFER Irpewiltera. Mpnlle. ft pairing. . Row A Rosa. 20 Stark.. Mala 167a ' TRANSFER AND HAUXINO. OHEGO.N TRANSFER CO.. 131 Norta Sltta. Pbon Main 60. Heavy hauling and (forage. ,'oT SPFCtAt, DELIVERY -fie, o0)i Wa Ingtoa tt. Phoua. Msln SSI " ER, aCiu M KpTEA H reniiiiilslimiiia onSllet a " reser . valUxr: il.O'S..aHl Yecf gnaranteed. ' 10 miles from coaet, eeine IniprovriiicutB. cjuuiot.ejitsr s"s'tliii icr clulln. butcau pros, up la it yeara or '"otiiu.iite tn 14 mnnrn; price feas,m anie; wen-tn fs.nrv, wnen iirovrix.-iiiv -articulara call t Allsky bldg, , " ;- -1- -J-4 n WE na"v for ssle' Ssnts Fa. San Franrtsci Mountain fufeaf. rcacrv:- tni will. nter " timber land: also 160 Hloul scrip, which will -enter 'nmurvered land. " Msglnol ft Boa. 227 Falling bldgj . . FOR SALE Two homestead- rellaoilaaBl , elslms; second growth: VIII Mil cbssp. n. P..-Melsoa. Hotel lthdnpfshea.' - FOR HOMESTEADS, timber elslm ad crl spply ' to 80 Commerclsl blocg VIOLINS. I. A. WESCO, rlolln-msker nd repslrer: work Srst rlsss. 23 Russell bldg. 4th ana llornsoa. -WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1S4-1SS Second t.. bet. Vauiblll and Taylor. Portland. Pllt TL A N I RC ST COMPANY OP OREGON, ' Sfeh II SHtRD-S'rV- Tb nidct Trust t:orrfpny In Oregon. REHOCRCES OVKR $1,000,000. ;-. Gnrn.l Ranking Busluesa Conducted. Savings Ilertoatta Keeelven. - Time corflTTcatea "Issued: also ctlfleate depoalt aayahle. upon 10 day' call." 30 Save' call or 00 dnya' call with Interest at 8. 8 'A and 4 per cent per annum, reapectlveljt. Call or aend for book, of Illustration. . . , P.ENJ, I. COHENytJU,4,e,uu.. '.'... President II. L. TITTOCK. .Vice-President It. I. EE PAGET ...... Secretsry J. O. OOLTRA.r..,..'...',.,..Assltint Secretary f riRST NATIONAL BANK. ,- ' I . " . OF PpHTLAHD, OBEODlt, lealguted Deuualtory and Financial Agent of , the Lolted State. Presidents -..T .7. A." L. MILLS sneiHDl v asnier, u. ai.vwiu Second Asslstsnt Cashier B. t. STEVENS Letters of,, Credit Issued Avallabl la burop nd th Essti-rn State. Bight F.ichsng nd - Telegrsphle Trnfer old on Now York, poaton. Chicago. St. Luula, St: "Paul. Omaha San Francisco and tb principal points In th ISnrthwest. Sight and time' bills drawn In an ma -to nll on Londou, Paris,. Berlin. Frnkf't-on-th-Msln, Hong Knog. Yokobsm. Copenhagen. t hf4aflanla1Srnckhtmr St. Peterthurg, Mos cow, Enrich. Hnnoltilu. ' . r Collect Ions Mad on Favorabl Tarma. u NITED. STATES NATIONAL BANK OE PORTLAND, OHEGOW. ttORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STB. Transacts a General Banking Buauiaa. rillSk-TM. tKKl'l,ll Avalleble In All I'Irlea of the 'r'nlted State r-i4 KuTope. - Hong "Wong tnn Msmia. COLLECTION! MADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS President. ......;..".-.. J. C. AINMWOUTII Vl.-e-lresldeut. W. B. A YE 11 C-llkfvi.- B.- W.- St'HMKKB AsalstaBT"CasnTeTT7 ....A, M. WRUiUt LADD ft TILTON, BANKERS. (EsUblishd in H5.) Transacts a G Jnsral Banking Busies. -Collections made at all point n fsvoribl term. Letter - of credit Issued available la Europe and all point In the 4 nlted Htatea. Sight Exchange and : Telegraphic Transfer old oa New York. Washington. Chicago, - St. Ixuls, Denver, Omaha. Ksn . Frautlsco snd Montana and British Columbia. ..Vvelianee enlri on lenitini. Parte Rerlln. Tranffort, jtloug Hong." Yukufcama,' Manila aad uonoiuiu. . . SECURITY SAVINGS ft TRUST COMPANT. - K Morrison St., Portland. Or. Tranaact a Oeneral Banking B-jiinses. " - SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tims snd Havings Deposit. Acts sa Trustee for Estste. Draft aad Letter of Credit Avallabl la AD Parte of th World. C. F. ADAMS.,..-.,....... ....... .'...President U A. LEWlS.i....,. Flrat Vlce-Presidenl A. L. MILIS ..'........"..Second Tie-President It. O. JI PJT7 -. Secretary GEO. F. RrRHEM ...Asilstant Secretary MERCHANTS' VATTONAL BANK. , . PORTLAND.. OREOON. i F It J NK W ATSO N , Presldetit B. I .-DURHAM Vice-President II. W. HOYT. ' . , .'."tVvfHvrv. . .Csshlee f tiEORGE. W. HOYT.. Assistant Cashier Transact a 0nral- Banking Busin. Draft and Letter of Credit Issued Avallabl . to- All I'arte of th worto. Collection a Specialty. BROS, ft CHRISTENSEN , 132'i First Street. Fortlaad. Or, Of terSrllt-Edg Investment la Municipal and navtroau doo'i. n rite or vaii. , . MORTGAGE IOAINS Oa Portland' ReSl-Eitate at Lowest Rate. A lues uu 1 u. - nua.i m iu i.,p,iwi. TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUBI--CI - : Room 4, Chamber sf Comrw RAfLRtHMl AND STEAMBOAT TIME TABLES. iiixaaxexaaaaaaaaBB1 I COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY enccr Fast-Steamer ChasReSpencerr Dally round trip to Tha Dalles fromW8shlrtgton atreet dock t - 7 a. m., except JYida y and 8un day.. .. -. . The Bwitierl&ad of America, .. Xr.p-.ia.t es-sev 'tn S. World, SUNDAY EXCURSIONS; to the four-million dollar Cascade Locks and Return Leaving; foot of Washington (tract at 9 a. m., arriving ham at ( P. ni. . Round Trip Tickets $I.C0 , Tfjcpliono Mnln 1422. ' . X. W. BTtiXCHK, General- Manaer, Portland, Or. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY rortUnd - Cascade . Locks - rho I)nllc.' Seen to perfection fi om . iltck. ... REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS Ppeclnl round trip to" Caa-. , cade Irf)cka. Thuraday -and Krl- . . day or tni.s ween on ma paia J tlal Bteamcr - "Bailey Gatzert Leaving: 7. a. tn.. returnlnu Mliout 6 p. m. ' ' - Sunday Trip a TaAtxtraw - T.nndlriK told whiiff' footrnf -Aider "Street. For full lnfor- matloii rimiie Slain 14. . . ANa-THE-filAWPOSAJlQJREES Are. reached from tha mnln line a th Southenii . Faclflif.'by a mountain drive over-oiled Ttuxla- througlt . California'! moat , beautiful nry. Let jus plan 'your-.itlnerary5, mnk ynnr-leepcrT atfga and hotel reservation and 'arrange for your stopover. CM. Btlnger, city ileket agent, 'Third snd Waahlncton .atraata. .TTM Line mtvm railroad Aid steamboat timi tables. . OREGON AND 3 Trains. te. the Eay Daily3 Through Pallaua todrd snd tourUt steea. In car dally. to Omaha. Chicago, - Bpokanti tourlt eleeolng car dally to Kanaaa Cltyi through PiUlmsa tourist aleeplng ear Ibhsw ally roi.ducteUI weeais i nv... nmiwi dally. UNION DEPOT. LV"' Arrive. CHICAGO. PORTLAND .'m.''' ' BPECIAU " n S"""' For tb Eaat VI nun- D""' DtUf' . r '"-.' In to a. ' ' - '- ---APOKANR-FLVICR. ; ' 1 . . '" ' ' For.. Eastern Wsanlag- " . .. -tin. Walla Walla. Iw :18.1a S oa a. ax, Istnu, . Coeur d'ALeoJ Oally. Dll. -., nd . Great --Kurthsra . ' " ' ' point. ; " ' - ' -'' ATLANTIC EX PRE M)a.BV, Clumbi Rt is Rivr Divuilo FOR ASTORIA aod Wat 8:110 p. m points; cojioectlna wltbrD.llv. - About 'mr: f"f llwce ' and ex. Sunday. 6:00 a. sa. i-tiria iieaen.- lr. w-ts a. SaeSagi sn-st. M.110 I IIO p. Yamhill River kVute. FOR HAYTON. OregnL City and Yamhill Rlveil B Cilnt. tmrs. Hnth and Mt i w'V Ath-- ,4"rk- n ( Suod4y, r un bl m Dally. a. Sunday. Sli limUMf.l r : r Snak tiivyr Rout. FOR LEWISTON. Ida.,f -I'OO a. m. I A boot 6 pa " -- oiuU-feomTuedsy Monday Itlparla. Waah., mr. Tbursdy 1 Wednesday J'" ."."2nwisioai!injnily IPatiirday TICKET OFFICE. Third and Ws. blag toe. T phop Mala tl. -A. I tRAIG. UvDsral Pa see tiger Agsot. . EAST VIA SOUTH Leavea. UNION DEPOT. Arrive. OVERLAND -EXPRESS train, for Salem. Ross burg. 1 AshUad. Sacra meuto. Ogden. Sea Fraa eiaco, ,StoiktoB.Lbe Aa- elea, EI Paao. New Or snn snd tbe East. Morning trstn " co- 8:90 p. m. 7:23 a. av . aect - at Woodhura dally except 'Sunday with train for ML AngeL 8 I I V r t a. Brownv1llr Itrlii. 8:80 a. m. 610 p. av , f teld.Wendllog -o4 Aarron. i Eugene passenger con S:00p. m. necta at .Woodburu with lOiSSa-m, Mt. Angel and STlver ton bcal. Corvslll pagr. Sherldan paaaenger. ' 7:8ft . as. 4 :60 p. m. 8 :far) p. m. s:23"a". m. PgrUiad-Oawego Subur1iif Ssrvlo sd Taaoaill Dlvuloa, -- - Depot foot of Jef terma afreet. " " - Imv PurtUnd da lis fur Osweea 7 :o ..( 12:pu, 2-t. 4;lK fl:)- :00, - :3.V 7:43,-10:10 p. m. Dally (fxcept Kunday). '6:30. .6:80, 8:33, 0 :0O a. m. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:311 s. n.. 135 8:03. 4:R5r"-2rrr-T-35,-r33. 11-10 P. m. Dally (except Sunday) S-IS, T:23. 6:30. 10:10. 11:43 a. m. Except Monday. 12:23 p. m. Sunday only. 10:00 a. in. leaves from aa me depot for Dallas and Inter, mediate point dally 6:00 p. m. Arrive Port land I0:r m. . - . Tb ladcpcndoaec Motimoutk : Ifotiar LIB - open, tea dnlly tn Monmooth. aad Alrlla, .ana, I pectin with Southern Paclfle compea'a track at pallaa and Indepeadenc. Ftrst-clsse far from Portland t Sacranjca! nd San FrsnHsco $20. berths $3; second fare gS. aeeood-class berths $2 60. Ticket to Etern point nd Enrope, ahM Japan. Cbtaa. Honolulu end Aaetrelle. t'ltr Ticket tlfrtc corner Tblrd and Waaja. ingt.n ste-ets. Pbone Mala 712 0. W. STINGER. ' . . COMAN, City Ticket Agent, 08..PMAla1. TIME-CARD op - TRAINS- Portland: DAILY. FKION DEPOT." Depart Yellowstone Park Ksn sss City. 'M. Juls bpe- ll. l trail. Olympls. tlrsy Harbor, nooth Bend, Is cum. RosttUs. bpok ue. i.e.i.t.oi. Butte, urn 4mrv. Denver. fjmaS. 8:30 a. m. 4 .60 p. ra. Kausss City, St. Louis nd mutbeaat. North Coaat limited electric lighted, foe Ta- coma, Seattle, Spekane llutle, Mlnneapolla, Kt. Paul and the East. Puget Sound Limited. f'ir Cheballa. Centralis. 2.00 p. m. 7 .00 a. at. 4:80 p. m. 10:33 p. m. Tscoma . aud BeettM only. Twin City .Evprr. for icoroa. .'cattle. Spo kane, Helena. Butte. Yellowstone pnrk. Mln- 11:43 p. 1 6 BO B. fa. nsp.'ll. St. Paul and thr Eirst; -- ' A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 233 Morrison St.. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, Levs. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. S'nOa aa. Dally..-.-, For Maygara, Rainier, 11:16 a. t Dally. CTatakaul. Wastpurt. Cllfroa, Astoria. War- renton, navel, naas. mono. rorc , craven. Geerhart I'ark. Seaald, Astoria sad Scasber. Erprce dally. " Aitorti" Expreaa. 7 00 p. at. DUl :40 a. BL. t. C, MAYO. O. P. sad P. A AMorU. 0. a A 'StEWAHT. Comm-retal Agsit, $HS Aide atrset. Phon Mala 60. ; Ticket Offls 1221 Talrd St, Jfkcrna MS a I rnniconiinnini -a PAST TIME TO 8POKANE. rr. PAUU DCLtJTUi Minfir.Aivi'i'i, - "- ALL. IXIINTM MAflT. Daylight trip through tha Caeead and Kocky mountalna. For tull part.o. lara, ralea. fuldera. ata, sail M M nil r . JJL PIOKBOII. C?1ty ut t t: Xtt TbIxA st4)$. jrorUaav. - 1 2? aunaiT "li 1 IQlOCPtN anAlTAl J "T lx)V BOUT Oj -,. - '. - '., , : ."-, ' . ' A'