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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINGrJUNE ' 15, 1805. 18 KLAMATH BASIN UAS WON TWO VICTORIES Great Irrigation Project end Weed - r Railroad Secured to Enter v :- : prising Citizens. CELEBRATE BY BUILDING " ' FINE STONE SCHOOL Splendid Coiintry" Will Be. De veloped by Means of Steam . 1 and Water.' : ' ; 7 By determined nd unceasing effort the progressive element of clttaens In V. ' the Klamath basin baa caved a 14.609, V" 000 Irrigation project from collps and .'at the eams time his wan a tight for sxtensleti -of the- Weed railroad- from ' California' to Klamath 'Falls, By way .T nf, celebration of - these great vlctorlea i they are' erecting a brick . and atone . . hljth school building, to coat $31.000.. . . The men 'of the Klamath country - ..brouyht - their enterprises "over . the .'' ' Jilll" thla week, after a lonk, Hard pull. - Bom weeks ago tn government frrlga'-"'-tion-bureau-at Washington gavenotlc that unless 9S per cent of the land ln TTie proposed Klamath irrlRaTion district was elgned over byune'lS the govern' ment would --remove, Its engineers from ' the field and drop the Klamath project. ' ".At that time a delegation of Klamath ' cttlsens was at workr In Ban Francisco ,-r trying to secure subscriptions for a ' bonus of 1100,000 required by the Weed - railroad as a prerequisite for extending Its line to Klamath Falla. v With the-lrrl-' Kation project tottering, tire, strongest argument for the railroad extension went lame. Then the progressive men of Klamath got out and woiked as they never had before. qeew T. Balswlwi tn.mly Judge of Klamath county, who" la in PcrUand to day, says both proJct ' jre .neuredT idare than 00 per cent. of. the land has ..been signed over, the remaining portion required by the government la tn sight and the entire $100,001) aesed bythe .-Weed road has-been rained. "Included -in these contra:.a--re the options of the Klamath Canal' company and a number of other private Irrigation . companies whose holdings -conflicted .'. -with the government's -Tlans," said Judge Baldwin. We also have all neoekaary -rights of way- from the Jesse - I). Csrr Land & - U vestocx company. . . which owned the frontage of Clsa ke. Just over the state line in California. .... -All. tbeae options Involve .tn expendl . ture of about 1400,000 of the -govern-.. : ment Appropriation of $4,600,000. There - lis 11.000.000 set -s.slde -ready -for fmme . diate use and -this will leave mora than ' 1500.000 to bo applied at' once on canal ' work. The proposed Irrigation system 1 1 1 - l.l . .1 AAA ......... Jti - Will I W 1 - ' 14 w,vww -.- -- - "Tho Weed - road - will be built to ' Klamath FaUa under- the name of the Klamath Development company..' Its - promoter have already shown thetr eon .... flrtence In tho enterprise by Investing fSO.OOO In land In tho district Their purchases' Includo 1,800 acres- that will - be" cut into small -farais;"-nd- they 1iave - -. - also- bought- tho ' Hot "springs property for a, health'1 resort. With transporta- '" tion facilities the Klamath basin will rro-tho-greatest f eedinsr gTonnd" Tor beef cattle on the PaclAo coasts It la an alfalfa replon of extraordinary fer tility. Cattle from this region are said, by packers, to dreaa heavier an, better than any other beef." . . CALIFORNIA'S EMJOY DAY ON THE RIVER K. Promotion - Committee Escorted r by Many Prominent Portland ers See Cascade Locks. The California promotion committee, accompanied by several Portland., bu'sl nea mun, enjoyed a Juneday. on the Columbia river yesterday, admired tho scenery, "made speeches, bad a luncheon TnL board sr.d -observed flag day. . The steamer Bailey Gatxert was char tered for tho trip. At Cascade locks the ' visitors were shown the canal and locks -built by the government, and their bear- .5;v-r-l. The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has been in use for over CO .years, 1 - -- - and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. r -cucaX4i - Allow no one to deceive tou In this. All Counterfeits. Imitations and Juet-as-pood" are but? Experiments that trifle with and endanger the' health of Inlanta and Children -Experience against - Experiment - ..What is CASTO R I A ' Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare .Torlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. .It Is Pleasant. It . contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic) substance. Its aire is its fruarantee. It destrovs Worms .and allays Feverisiincss. It CoUc It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It. assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. : The Children's ranacea The C ENU I N E C ASTO R I A ALWAYS Sears the The M. You HaYe Always Bought In Use For Over-00 Years. V . rr bnmmm He Cures Sore-Eyes Hii Grateful Patrons Tell of Almost Miraculous - Cures ot cataracts, Scums, Films and Growths, Grsn-. ulated Lids, Wild Hairs. Ulcers, ; Wstenrr:Inflamed,-Blood jShot or Strained , .. Eyes. ' -. " . mill' mo n mil matohleaa neutral tzlne treatment restoration of eye Uralth uuH MTin alffht la made possible to every person. Chronic cases of long standing that have been proTirntncAiT liopWee by specialists of high repute, yield readily 4o my wonderful ner com hlnntlnn IriulmfnL M V success ha been arrest and my curea permanent. B lerlert rd certain la my method of combining neutralising agents that I can guarantee beneficial results the first month in all cases ana in many eneci a complete and permanent cure. My charaVa are so reasonable as : to be within thfi reach of all. I have repeat edly restored to sight persona who tivl been, nearly. Dima lor years, e-vary man brings letters -from people In all -parts Of the country who had given Up In despair; 0c litis and' remedies had failed them and they were slowly going blind. f et this magic treatment of mine quick y relieved their pain and aoreness and restored their eyes to perfect sight.. Ulcers, wild hairs ana granulated lids. or siiainen eyre wis instantly riiiiaveii by the use of this neutralising treat ment Watery, bloodBhot and inflamed eye "ftrs cleared in a single night, and quickly restored to perfect health. And Its cures are certain and laatlng; it is Indeed a maglo remedy for any -sufferer from sore eyea or any ere disease; Preachers, teachers, doctors,-lawyers, engineers stu1ont. dresxmakers and all who use their eyes under strain find with this marvelous treatment . safe, sure and quick relief and cure. If you have chronlo sore or matterated eyes or any eye trouble of long standing write roe today. I am earnest in my claim of positive and certain cure of cataracts, films, scums, growths, granulated lids o ulcers, end I am glad to send proof in well-proven-and authentic, cases where specialists said that only a dan gerous and expensive operation would save the sight. - If you have eye trouble of, any kind you will make a serious mistake if you do not write me at once and give me a full description of your trouble..' I will send you full Informa tion how you can be cured and cured to stay etired by return mall. Address profH, T SclUegel.. 104s Mackinaw Hldg-.-Chlcagor - ,-. I - . i. - ' i Ing on the transportation problem of the state was explained. ' In the cabin, speech and song made a varied-program. Rufus P. Jennings of CallfojnlindoniEIxhardsonoX Portland presided ' alternately as toast. masters, and Mr. Jennings aroused the oacurslonists Act high pitch -of enthusl- asm hy proposing- . union ofJBi-ptgc1 motion forces of California, Oregon Wasfitngtdh7rdahor"TfUhrTJevada and Arlsona, in working for the development of the great . west. Others who, spoke were W. D. . Fenton, R. W. Richardson, Judge Barry,.- C' A. Smith, Dr. Louis Lesser; W..L. Boise and H. R. McNoble. ' IMnner was jterved torthe Calif urn tans at -the Portland hotel. Today they via ited the fair, and this afternoon gave a' "stag reception In the California build ing from 2 to 5 o'clock, st which many business men of the city were present. Eastern Excursion Rates.-" On June 14.. IS, . IT the Great Northern railway will sell excursion tickets to St. Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth. f Mllwsnkee,Chtcgo. St.-Louls. Omaha, Kansaa City, Winnipeg, etc., at rate of one first-class fare plus 110 for-round trip. Tickets allow stopovers " going and returning, good for three months. For full information call on or ad dress H, Dickson,-Cr-P.A T. A. Great Northern Ry.. No. 122 third street, Portland, Oregon. - yrorerisd Stock Oanned Goods. Allen a Lewis' Best Brand. has borne the signature of cures. Diarrhoea and -Wind. Mother's Friend.; Signature of arasc. oew eoaa mm. INIERESTIiNG EVENTS AT THE EXPOSITION Programs-. for This Evening and -Tomorrow Filled With " Pleasing Numbers. -Tho-feature for-tonlght at the ex nnslflon rranndi -wll Include a high wire Derformanco ' by the marvelous Bumit the foot of tkevlew terrace, at "clock, and the concert by innes' hand at 7 :x0 o'clock. -r : Tomorrow Is a suecial day . for the pioneers. Jhe OregoalaW -jtnlverlty( Ktfgene,- Albany and . the Knlghta of Columbus, and promises to be!one of the busiest davs of the exposition. ' Tho . .' 1 . . I h, a Alnwi: II si m. Exercises of Pioneer day in Auditorium, music by the Administra tion band. v - 2 p. m. The Baums in their free biK-D- Wlre act- - x:S.-b. m. Exereiaea of State unl- verslty and Kugeno at- Oregon building, Addresses by : PresidentH. W, Ooode, Msyor F. M. WilklnS of Eugene; Presi dent" P, I Campbell of the university and W.D. Fenton. Ths. unveiling of the bust of Thomas Jefferson,' presented to ' the university by the university alumni, followed by a reception, -i .1:10 p. 'm. Concert by lnnes band. '1:10 p. m. -Intercollegiate track and field events. at Athletic field. ' It la expected that state officials Will review the college cadets, and exercises will be- held by-Albany in the Audito rium. .''..' 7738 p. m. Feat bf .the Baums; and concert by Innea band. The programs for lnnes" band concerts-tomorrow will bs as, follows: Afternoon, fei30 o'Clook. From -Ths Nutcracker" : (Ballet. ....... Tschalkowiky (a) OvertuVSt (b) March. tft) Fairy Dance. l : r- ?T'ln, "Women and Song" (Concert " Walts) , ..'.......;.... ......'.Btrauss (a) Concert Maxurka ....... .8t Raena (b) "Nalla" .................. .Dellbea "Badlna geM . . . . r r . . ...... i Herbert '"Norwegian irapsoiy rrcaTrr (a) Colombo"-, ... ...... ...Oounod (brTheTroubadaur ..Oounod "Touts Suite" (cornet solo) ......Kryl Airs -from "Marth"!, r.Flotow Svenlng, Ti30 o'clock. . . Wagner progratfi ;' - "Rlensl. overture. ". ' ' :v "An Album Leaf." ' " , '" "Qoetterdammerung." - (a) "Siegfried's FuneraL" (b) "Song of toe. RhinvMaldens." "Tho-Flying-Dutchman," overture. "Ths lasterslngers," quintet. "The Valkyries." (a.)"'Slegmund's-Iioys Song" (cornet umj. - - i (b). Rlde of the Vallryrlea.' The Administration band ' will - play tho following; concerts tomorrow: , ' , ' Moraine. - -' March, ThMalnChanor.lBchremser Overture. "La Uazxa Ladfa."... .Rossini Selection from "Faust" '.Oounod qavQtte,Ever Thine". Weiss Spanish waifs. "Andalusia" .. .Le Thiers Tropic fiance, "t Bella Creole," Herman Caprice mtlHaire, "American Cavalry" .-..'...,."...... Luscomb Intermexxo. 'The aondolier.' ....Powell . . Afternoon March, "V. 8. A." .........Herman Overture. "Caliph of Bagdad". .Boleldleu chief. . ....."..Btrausa WaltsesrdaJla" rri-iTTTTTTrr; Bennett Baritone, solo ............'... , .Selected - Blgnor De Caprto. Morceau, "Love's Young Dream' Puerner xiumoresque, "The JolljMviBlcuuis -Muscat PotpouriOeras of OermanJr,. . .Claus PROGRAM FOR THE- - 1 EXPOSITION SPORTS Following Is the program of tho In tercolleglate track and field meet at Athletlo park (entrance through exposi tion grounds) for tomorrow affernoon, beginning -at rs -o'clock: 100-yard daah Smlthson. O. A. C: vKiiuama, u. a. u.; Kelly, Columbia; Cox, n nitmsn; monger, lowa; Edwards, Stan ford: Sneldlgar. California; Parsons, Southern California. . one-mile run Devolt. O. A. C; C. K. Fletcher, Pacific; Gates, Pacific; Leon ard, O. A. C. Edmundson, Idaho; Wat- trrews. xaano; Miner, Btanrord. 440-yard run Smlthson, O. A.- C Williams, O. A. C.2 Greenhaw. O. A. c Peterson, Pacific; Cona-er, Iowa; Hill, ii iiiuiiaii. luinne. IMiiiiMnl, ttign jump smlthsonr- O. A. C; a. v;.; eorge Phllbrook, Pa cific; Murphy, Idaho. l-pound hammer throw Walker. O. A. C; Shephard. O. A. C; W. Phllbroohv Pacific; DlmmtckPacific; McDonald Washington; Hurr, Oregon; Barrett, In- uiaiin. .. . 120-yard hurdles Belden, O. A. C George Phil brook. Pacific; Murphy! Idaho; Frlssell. OreBjon.4 Discus Bower. O. A. r sif n a C; W. Phllbrook. Pacific: Morinn'.iV Washington; Barrett, Indiana. GILLESPIE IS RETIRED V SUCCEEDED BY BATES f t JoaraaV Special gerrlce.) Washington, D. C. Juno IS. After nesny nair a. century of active service, Major-Oeneral George L. Glllesnle. as. sisiani cnier or starr of the United States army, was placed on the retired list today on his own apollcation. nn. eral Gillespie Is succeeded as assistant chief of staff by Major-Geiiernl John Ti Bates, recently relieved from the Command,ijfelnortlifr.qTroUltary-dU vision, ana me unaerstanding in mili tary circles is that TJenernl Bates will bo made lieutenant-general and chlitf of staff on the statutory retirement of Lieutenant-oeneral Chaffee next April. MONTANA EPWORTHlANS TV GATHER IN MISSOULA (Journal Special gerrloa.) - Missoula. Mont, June 15. Scores of vtsltors areln Mlswula for the annual state convention, of the Epworth league. The formal opening takes PlacS' today and tha- sessions will continue until the end of 'the week. The large attend ance and the prominence of the speakers combine to give promise .of on of the best conventions ever heldL by the Mon tana organisation. The visitors are be ing handsomely entertained by the mem bers of the local league. - : HARRIS IS ORATOR AT CONFEDERATE REUNION (Journal Special ScttIc. .:.. Louisville. Kr.. Juna lS.-r-Tha adteiwl. ance st the reunion nf Confederals vet erans wss largely augmented thlsmorn Ing by the arrival of mftny belated vim. tors. Tha chief feature of tha day's pto. gram wng ths annual oration' delivered this afternoon by. .Captain 1ST. B. Harris " Journal . , i 3ranch:Offices ADrEBTISEXENTS will W ret"4 t resular auils res rat's at tb. tnUnwing pUcrm nd NMpt tn Th. JoariuU la liM toe public, lion )n ths aut U.u.1 VOBTH. B. A. Prntos. dranlst, tM aad Thor- nun airetSr - ... Nob Rill fharaiicy. SSO Oliaaa stnet. tonmr tUU A. W. aMen. pbirmaciat. lt sad Utr - shall atrwta. K. it. Jack.. eonfretlonerT. tUO Was .iagtoa .('.!. nroer IBta. SOUTH. T B. T. Jones - A C., - drarstst; " Froat and 01 Wi. streets. 'CatWI tru( Coaisas,. nrat sad Orsat ' tfeta. east bids. '-"; ' Tattle's Pkarnaer. 853 Mlaslsalppl sts no., corner flharar - atrWt. Klrbols a ThointHion. I2S it ua sell street, eorodr AlMua areooe Janrka Drua ComnaoT earaef. Daw. "thorn and Grand ar.nora. . t. A. niek. tohaecos, XU Croabr (east. mat ateel lunige B. r. rultoa. ST4 Eaal surpaiav, eorner vnlon aveno. tasran Bush, tobaeeonlaur, tag Oral STSUII. . f " stnrirrBiDX. " J. Worth, pnarisaclat. sag Balneat ;, atrest. ' . . L..1- ,-. f . .- BXOOXLTV.' -!, : . Branklra Ptuu-macr.-auraer ' FowaU and alllwaukl. atnwta. . . , j '.IIXX'STllATION NO T. ; ITHt OLDEST XaUBT COHTAKT IX O&EGON." " Kesources Uver $l,UUMUU0 A National Bank had on hand mora caah thaa required for Ita reterre. - It took- three 'ef-oar anecl.l -eertlfleatea of depiialt, parable on 3U day.' fl, wtlb lutercat at . 8H per cent rr atiuum. it tout, proenrwl - a temporary InTeatment WhiD tta reapr. .una ln It vlll eall tba eertiricatea. , - . ., - Hanni -yonr" bank haa a anrplns of eaah, call ou us, or and for our book' o ' "JfUrSTRATIONB." ' - j PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON ins Third Streft.' - Phone Main 43.V nhM, i, rmitv. . . . rregtdent L. I'lTTIK'K.u, ., Vlo-l'r('aiOet)t O. UOLTHA.... .AanUtapt Sei-rstary lost Aito rotmD, ' MINT Earlj Wfdneaday moralnv, from TS ? I'hurm.n .at., teuaU Spits do; literal r. ward fur return, or pboo Mala tuXt. iTOl'ND A pise to bar hair mattreeaea rene Taie ann returnea a. me af. rnooa Mala 7. . . rortiand Curlwl Hair rattorj. rufs i a unx'i imia ,wafrb. owner ea Owner bars aaaw r f Wing ileaorlpilon 'and palnf rnarses ll ll ul Ilarriasa St.. LOST Cold watch" and fob. near Portsmouth Nunda evening about 7:30. rhona Union OMOl. Reward, ' . . LOST Ladj'a gold watch, - Finder retnra -e r Irat at. and receive aultabl reward. -MEITraq BOTICTt MINNEHAHA TBI BE. No.- 2. Improred Order umi Hn. id reguu meetings wui ba Seid In tba new wtgwam, WUIanirtt ball. No. ITOH aeed -atrMt,-at-S- lttfc-a. Bh-eae ABurMia erasing. . . ' O. - It. THOM19 nrh.m I. CARSTKN8BN. Chief of Records. ; U0TICX. IN the county court of tha state of Oregon for eiuunoman roomy, in tae anatter or tba estate of Sarah L. Flealop, deceawd. , Nolle la berebe- flm- lhit Rmltv -rmtiaommuiimi. .Willi ih. ot tne eatat of Sarah L. Hralou. deceawd, Sled u tbe eoantv eowt of the .tat. of Oregon, for Mnitnoimui countr. her Bnal acnount .ana report aa anch admlnlatratrlx 1 and Bald court baa. Hr ordir dulT ra.fl an entered, appointed Monday. th aeth day of, Hue, imo, , at tne sour or :3u o'ekick a. J-Md tha eonrtroom nf aald court. "In Tha city of Portland, aald county and atate, - aa th. tuua and Dlaea for bearing obleetlnna -to aald account, and for th settlement of to same. -. KMtLT i. mdinc tnvrninnie Admln1wtrlfU Wltb . tba M ill Annexed nt me Mime oi naran u. uealop, IJeceaaea, iiimj mbx u, iyoo. lNOTICa of BtockboMrra Meetln. Th. ... anal - meeting of tb stockholder ot tha Oregon Iron 8tel Company will b. bald at th ortlre ot tb company, room 83B Sher lock building, Portland, Oregon. Jus - 80, . 18oS, at II o'clock s. Id.. Vt tb purpow v. irvuii- Doara or- tiirevnore ror the nanlng year. nd -the trannactkm- of anrh other bualnea as may legally com bfor ui. nnuoff, ' . . A. S. PATOT.rW), Btcrotary. Portland. Or., May 23. 180ft. , NOTITB la herebr frtT.n to th. nnhll. h. T. nrlver, formerly of th Oregon Ortl llred Photo A Plotiir. Co. of Portland. Oregon, emnpoeed of Drlrer. Araotb Allen, baa sold bla entire Intereat tn Amnlh A- All.. and that the aald Prlrer la not authorised to mate any ronrracta roa tha-aald Arm or to i-eprea'ni loom m any way wbateTer. - . AMOTH A ALLRN. DlSHOT.fTION NOTirE -Tb. I.w Srm of IHW w iiitt nHa D-t.u.nisaolvel hy mutual content. r ornce are w. cnamDer or commeroa, Aviepoon Mais 003. , MARTIN L. PIPES. trTVATIONg WANTED MALE. BKLIABr.R. capable writer and dealgoer ol der.g.ementa wabta pnaltlon with a retail , or manufacturing coocern; apfUcant nnder- standa all bramhe of adrertlalnc work and makea a ajieclnlty of dlaplay ada and abnw earn work; nigbeat rerrrrucca. Address K 40, journal. ' . . WANTED Poaltlon by man 27 rears old: - year' experience In bank and T In general of Bee : bank work preferred; good references. WANTED Carpenter work on neat S-ronm nouae; Plana and eatlmatoa free; alan com plete building fur Inspection. Box 4, B.-11- wooa. ET PERIENrKD elderly gardener wants po tlou In. prlrat pi", cltr or eonntrr: .h.-r all-around mao. Addreas N ST, ear JournaL Yot'NO man wonld Ilk to leara plumbing a .pprentic.-.. Aaorvsi n ni, car journal. TOUNO man would- like to learn plumbing ss wi'r-fM-. A.j.irei.. ., care journal. WAMTE-rnf AHOIAtT. ' WANTED To borrow tioo for 1 yer: goed - eollaterat aernrltrr triLr iiMnn u 0,,- v. tw .ixirnai. EOS KENT STTKllES KlH6aTg. 9 ROOM furnlahed house st Gearhart, Oregon. .Tin., vi.j jnnrgij at. - JOS llJITTLATS- MOPEItN flat, corner Dixon and- Benton. - In- nir Z4 iarrabee at. Phone I nlon 5M4. of JUacQiljaeorglaCaptairt Hrrl whs given an enthusiastic reception, and his reference to the valorous deeds of the souths sons brought forth n "rebel yell" at Intervals during his address. .moiwunsianuing the fact that there wore .Vlalnes sessions during tho dsv of tha .veterans. . the Sons of . eterans and various other affiliated organisa tions, time was found by the visitors to en)ojr many features of elaborate en tertainment arranged In their honor. This morning a monster barbecue was given In Western, park, overlooking the Ohio river. '-The reunion ball of the Hons of- Veterans trtHes pines tonight. 1 - - .. . - J , ' A fearful sts...l'.;.. , .it Is' a'ftarfnl: fate to have t endure !h.vrr,r.lhle toture of Piles'. "I can truthfully say,'' writes Harry Colson, of MansonvHt.-is., "thst for Blind, Bleert ng, ltrhlna; and Protruding Pll!s, Buck len s Arnloa Pnlve- Is ths-best 1 cure K wij. AA" Vt' cuts, urns and - .i.. fj WAJITrD MALE. MANAQHRS Wanted for our ffles tn sll Urg - cities ibtougbout Otwgos; w pay rent, liberal ." salary And oommlastoa; eae. and rf . eraox. rwiHlreCi, Addreaa "Manager. V - si a Grant Bid., 8.s Vranctaea. . MAN who. can di-poalt $M) .eaali. amply ' rtircd; ran bar ati-ady of flea lou; a) .weekly to beg-In and opportunity to make guud " rnmulaalon bealdra. Addreaa N 41, cars Xour- ual. VUAj'ErtH and curios not wanted; w caa find . work for otherat you pay fee when you bar Yarned your inwnvy. a a. m. Is 0;au p. Bl. Sol Ankeny. ' - - . WANTED Mao) with II. inn) to develop light manufacturing bualnea; aplesdld proapects; .- irdera pouring In; chaw pf a llfatllo. M tt. Jwurnak - - , . WANTEI A good allopathic . pbyalcU'a and uigH to tak tbe place gf a retired phjalcian. luulr at drugatora, GWneo. Or. yoi NO man of Beat appearanc. bonat And Induiitrloiia, eS jSrur iau4 pMltba; muat be a g(H-d talker. SOI Ankasy at. 'A.tTKl A mas ros nillkraiwb near Portland; t atate wa.- and experience. Addreaa M0 North Seventeenth at., fortlasd. . WANTED Flrt-clai - algn writers; moat b annpmea; ateauy worr. a aay, oawr Klelaer. Fifth and rtt. :, MAN to work for erlnule. who sees la wheel chair -serllng- m l- aetlel-. i-4U- prday. . t urer, all raiung at. . l.VDl'KTKIAI, InMranee agents; no lapaea; lib eral cummlaalon. Call lietswa S ana 11 a, ni Boom 1 yet S.reutb St. ...r''.-r PORTLAND Harher collegeSpecial ' induce- menta to learn trade; S week' tuition,1' -S . Ml Flaodera t. . . WANTEU Solicitor- for clothes Heanltig and preasljig; g-jod wage. tut - Bat Tailors, vie econ4 at. ' . WANTED Two bench hands on stair and other "work, pro Vaughn, and Elgbteenta at. J. &. DETECTIVES Men- to laarn: w gsaraata work to our puplla. R sol. sea Morrlaoa at. WANTF.t flood soanmaker: j state xperlenc anq Skiary axuecteo. Adareaa it oa. journal. THABMACIST.- reglatered In Oregon. Ottel 4Hg eempany, corner Elrat and Urant sts, WANTED Toimg man tn learn ths-barber irano. Apply . at 01 intra at. - - ; TAILOR, preaaer on eoata. t'oonay, 68)i Third 1. vpataira, . corner mars st. WANTED A-ood preaaer for tailor Shop., HB rx-mng. leaning clot tiler.. ; HEX? WANTED rEMAXE. LADIES' DBPA KTMENT. Hotel, restaurant, -off Ic. tor. bkry, lasadry sua 1 ami ir patronage aoiiritea. IIANHEN'M EMPLXIVMENF OmOB. Mft Wsahjjogton at., room T. cor. BeTaotk at roon aia srvx GIRLS wanting employment, such a general sou. work, waltreaae. chambermaids, oooka, 'call n Scandinavian Employment Co.-- H70 Durnaio. at. I'nona Main bUfia. IT M: WRITER with machine. Apply Camp xellowatone, end- Mount Tabor and Suanyslde canine. - Apply w edneaday morning WANTED Immediately, experienced referenced coos, riret-eiaea raiuny; wages ..a). ts lamniii. t'nonL stain nil - WANTED Immedtatelr. flrat-claaa aeoad girl, prirat-ramny: wages . luuft lambllt, l'bou Main &413. - . , ALL kinds of exnerleneed laundrv heln: bleb- ear wagi-a pam, fcrauq . ivaunary lojiui ana tjuimny eta. GIRL for general booaework. Apply" between 1 sne it Tening or 9 and 10 morning, sao rvTerrxx- at. . r r COOK wanted; must bar some knowledge of anortHraer. wers. apply la .irring, orp irring i. . . . - GIRI.S and women, good wages; lobs for every Dour. Aipin vo., 132 ririt at. Main-IUIT. WAN-TED Experienced Iroocra. Apply Star uitniory 10., Lnwfl st. ns itaai ausvny WANTEft Enetened ladli at raclnc Laundry, Pint and Arthur sts. ALL kind laundry help; Ma beat wagea .paid, - ursna ianury, sTententa na.-4juimoy. WAN TED Good talloreas to work tn. buabellng nHa renr Bening, leading clotblar. 1 11 i I. GIRL for general bosaework; goodJgt for good cook, aw MoTTisotri at. .w-.:.r " GIRL wasted; steady factory work. 4 North a ront at., cor. Dana. GIRL wanted at lit Third St. WAlf TES-.MALES AND TEXALE HELP. MEN and womes to Mara barber trad Is S weexr; Bdrurening. manieortng; gradaate earn to to zo weekly. Seattle Barber Col lege, 121 Washington at.. Statu. W A NTED-A f "bncrA" brlgbt. argtle, or. .rni.oi. man or woman. gooa taiser, cs tak up an attractive propoaltlon. laaair ina t.namoer 01 jLommwcs.' WANTED Young mea and warn en to eanvaaa gz.BO per day guaranteed. Address General .'Agent, Monarck Book to., general delivery. CALLING and bualneaa-earda one 100, $239 i.ia. a YVaenmgton, Automatl Card Preaa, ilTOATIONS WANTED TEMALE. WANTED Sltuatlos by a good, competent .. .,...,pi,.,gnf,r. .k. chrH ef rooming houne. fall or addreaa' I-'l'iricf-11 .son. 2S Flrat at., corner Taylor. Room 1. CHICAGn dreaamaker wanta work by th day; neat or rererencea; wagea per aay, Ad dre .13 Yamhill at., Portland, Or. EMPLOYMENT A0EX0ES, PACIEO COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Removed to lZVb Nortk BmobS at. Pboa Ked 1S1. ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFKICS. " 10 B MEN. M N. Second St. Phon Mais 1R38. AMERICAN Emplormenf and Real Eatat. Aatn cy All klnna or help rurnlahed free 01 cnarge. lin nnrnaiae at, mac, saoi. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrac tor!; belp fr to employers. 21S Morrlaoa. HELP wanted and supplied, mal or femal. k. u. uhakbj. siotb Washington at. t-iay a 40. ALPtNB EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Helo fnr nianea rre. 1B3 First at. I'hon Mala 1B1T. IBS MORRISON Tolnmbls River Ems. agency) aauiea taoor mrnianeo. t'none Slain lnil. yiIHI&I0 EKT (tOOMS In sll parts of th city. famished. AnolT 220 Ooodnouab bid. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU. Cadet dltectioa of th Lewis sad Clark Fair Corporation. . ' 'r: Ion-Mala 6268. WE have calls every day foe vsesnt feenaes and rurniam-d aouaaat I tat your property wltk an: we win. do tb reau - iloban i Taggart, ltf Sixth et: OIYE-tm ynnr room t. rent; w r hav. lug many can for rnrnlahed and Unfurnished room, to rent. t. u wlsr, 4 Grand are. PANTED AOENTS. AGKNTS", WANTED To cell onr auperlor high grade aunry atock; saw and complete ut- flt furtilnbeit free: eah weekly: write 'to- aay for choir of territory, cspltal city Nursery Co.. Ha lean, Oregod. GENT wanted 4d tak orders for tb Monnd Cltr Plehweaber; new tiling: also ss auto matic waoher; anap for a nailer. Oeorg W. Palmar. IIWV4 Macadam at., Portland. Or. WANTED MlgCEIXAJfEOtJS. WANZKIs-vMArf ' Spraying and wbttwaablng the only gaennne couipraea air spraying out (It on th eoaat. M. U. Morgaa A Co tli Mtlwaukla St. I'bon But BaiT. WANTED Meglnts-alae. goo-nrk wagon; slas team or his-eee weigning . aiwut 2,fUU -.ID. tall ' 100-. ortn Kiarantb at SHORT ORDER ITtnflng Boose P. 1. 'IXtiitf, Second sng Washington sts. Mais Bees. ROOMS tn paper, 13 sd p. snr Included; plut tbem for ft ap. Box e.i. rlly. , ANTEIV To bar or rent-two rib. t land conical must b Cheap. fbtMiS 3929 Mali. , EOS SENT EttENISHED) 100MS. ditrinO tits rin. I Elegant sunny furnlahed ruoni ar Oealrable, - sear, from- cltr awl: all outald rugtae. Plenty of fteak air. bu titling (Ir. proof ; car at duor iue all peliiti; rlae during, fair rat fi oay; rre paouo, oaiu auu g... v. or phon-J. - H. I'aliiMtr, ILSOt Buatll a -l-DOUS .( S4MO, KKWLT'urnlahca mooM la most central part or tb t-lly, I biork from fornana sutvi ..and a block from rily poatnfllc and reatas - rauta narly; rooma en anile or alngl from . i tap. ia pereuia at., or. lajiot. . . fiinnvntTrH tav.twi - inpoalt itetofAc. Elf tb " and Yamhill ate. iH-eiy rurnina rooma, ateapi neat, .. - inrpwnr, -.r. uirev w I-'- fair ground, paaa door; tak. el rs tor 40 third, fimrtti v and SrtK Smr.. A. TUB KINO, ' KM) Jeffiraoa at. Now through out, SI per day, so higher; baring sll luuderu conretrtences: on direct ear Una to depot and xoltloii; .3 mlnutea' walk from poatofflc - and 0u.lDas eslt: flrst-cuuw uwals ssrtrga, 'x eent aca. a - - ' . - COMMEKIIAL HOTEL NW building, every. tnitis modern iithHuhnui. hMiiiiruiiv rur nlfbotf; rooms light sad sunny; rleuty of freak air; locauou vrr oonrenienr ror eitner ouai. neaa or fair; price nasouabl. dps Waabiug ion. . - . I TUB GARLAND' " d21 Waahlnctnn 'net. Nineteenth and Twen " tlethr new, modarn.' aTT nutalde rooms, eleo '. trie llrhts, phone, free batba; Mle, Tbe, II per aay;' rate by week; reataurant in baaameut. rl'RNIKIIED rooms, walking dfatane from , Dii.ineaa aiBTr,rct; care aireet ro rair grounua Jefferwn, atreet ear from depot -to realdance -transient or permanent; reaaouabla, 203 fourteenth. Mais 8909.. r TUB HA'SANN, ISA N, lSth., ene -Hovt Newly fiirnUhed rooms, 11.60 p; convenient location, . 1 mlnutea' walk to fair sronnds; Morrlaos - ear at anion depot direct te nous. Pnon MTU. TlIBt- HE1LEH Hawtsern and Grand stm-S iireproot, elegantly rurnianea rooma. Data, -sates. reaeonaoi weag or month;, tranalent rooma. LARtiE furnlahed front alcove room for 4 pet eon a, t pee week each-. . loeatlna veer ble: hot and cold-water n room, with us f ".111. a e iw.r corner rosriaeaiB.- 412-414 JEFPEUSON. comer - Eleven th New boSM. aewly furnuthed, - la bet resldene section; batba: all outald rooma: rates from sio up; permanent sad tranalent. STRANtlERS rail at our office, get Hat nf furnished and Dnfurntehed rooma on eaat aide. by dnjf, week or. month. J. L. Well Co., M Grandma KEIJIOC HOfSE. IM Sherman: take B ear wtnir; oj.a.n longing, x.-ic; meaia, soe; rur nlabed housekeeping . rooms with bath ssd LTTTH O ABLE Pnrnlahed rooms, llgbt. airy, res- umuii, wiid pre.araai; z- ear linea. Kal Twanty-sannth and Teggart ats. East' SOUS, THE ALDERE One larg. nicely furnlahed room; alao malt- alngle rtwma, including mm. i-noB siaia liui. auv aider, near eixtb, rCRNISRED moms, private family, by-week or . moots, witn aatn. mone Eaat 1270, ' BMSoaabl. 67 . Eaat Twenty -eighth, - aorta. MABQI7AU IIOt'8B."!oH Mb Room ea suit - oats, electric ngott. tranalent soucltro. NEW fnrnlKh.d rooma evervthtrar Ttrat-ela electrle lights, gaa aud bath; near hotel; pvr manenx asa tranaienc, - surta at. NICELV furnlahed rooms for rest, 644 Sixth netween Jackson and Lincoln ata. ; bath anq pnope; near jrirtn St. carun. . NEAT furnlahed raoms, reasonable prlcea, for rent br dkr. week ot month. Mra. Jena. 221 water,-cm. flay. . . rCRNIKHED rooroa foe rent. Eaat Mtb and '. I'owrll ata., over store; priests family. Tak rt ooaaiota car- . . J5.1 ELEVENTH" 'ST. Lsrg room, bcautll grounaa: oed 000 up; tenting apace. TJion west, Tot. - THE GLADSTONE 41 12HSavtr st. furnlahed rooma; snaer Bw nansgmnx-prices-r uniui, THE TEMPLETONanait tat rtrrntahed rooma, en raiH, aingiei usuaeseepmg os ui ; tran. sient. ,. - - , - .. - . LTHB ABBOTT-284 Wsbhlngtoatiewly -fm nianea rooms an auu or alngl; tranatenta. LARGE front room, for or S;kouaekeeplng Die its trsnaienta. ozt bo at. PLEASANT. -comfortable furnlahed rooms, bath, gaa, convenient and very quiet. 436 Yamhill, BI'FFALO HOUSE .IAS Salmon: tr.nalenU by DESLRARLE front rooma. 8 block Hotel Port' ind, reaaonabi. 87 o Taylor, cor. West Park 827 N. EIGHTEENTH Tont rooma, reaaonabi rate; pnon- sad Dam; tirea trait If deal red. NICE, large, newly furnlabcd room, with bth. no cent per aay. 10a a. Beventeenth st. EOR RENT Neatly furnlahed front room, near rsr no. S3 per mouth. 2B7 Tillamook st. Pt'RNISHED room forrtwo, BOe each, or TS ror one; nreaxraat one. 012 Miller avt, NEATLY furnlahed rooma, - reaaonabi rat. 1. .tv., ur, r aaorriaos. THE ALDER 43S Alder: fumlabed rooms, bath, g.., convenient, quiet. aiam WHf, . CALL at R4 Grand are. for Information about rurnianea rooms on east aide. TUB CASTLE 872 Waahlngton St.; furnlahed rooma. i-oon aiam lniu. THE LEWIS. IPS OTR ST Room by day, FOR RfeNT Fnmlabed room, ltl Sharer St. t'non t nk-n 04HI. FOB" RENT H0TJSEKEEPINO ROOMS. FCRNIRHED bouaekeeplng suites for, fair, Tkt 1 tor or permanent tenanta; reaaonabi; fuel, electric llrht. laundry; larg pleaaant rooma; brlrk building: nn block from L car. S4Vt nuaan st.,. .aioins. CAMP OROrNDS en Portland Height, with or witnout boara;- plenty or ehade, tltyl. lua water, fin view, etrlctly prlvat. Call Address Skylsnd, Portland Heights. Main HWt. NICE clean beds In tents. SOe each, with conk ing aecommooationa; oe rare to exposition. aewia st t iarg lamping uronnda. Mount. Ta bor Halgbts. Phone Scott 8754. - j ' CAMP FAIRVIEW. - ,. Camping apace for rent, 1 to IS mo.; mag Blflcent view of city nd fair sronnda. fall Of sanrea uitp Fairvlew, Fortland Height A St'ITE of 1 or 1 bouaekeeplng rooms; gas for rooking, pbon and bam; pleaaant and rea- aonable: rloae In: eaat aide. 840 Eaat Burn- aide, pnon Eaat J807. LARGE sew elegantly furnlahed honaekeenlne rooma. anltahl for larg aartlea: ana ranaa. running vitu. ' in. lwnatisie, 00 Alder. a THE LINDA TISTA.' nicely fnrntabad besaetees lug ana eingie. room reamnaBie. Z47M Firth. ' S0OMS AND BOARD. TEH, ws ess accommodate a few more table. boarders; nous eoosiug sna avarr thing flrit Claaa. Aatar bouee, Svuth and Uadlaon, I'hons Mais 281. TnE ' IRVING Elf gant accommodation, so exorbttant rhargw: dlnlng-raim In con nection; pric right. Cor. 18th ssd Irving. THE L1NDSLL Nw farallv boteL Market, hit Third and Fourth; ateara beat, electrl jlgbb ..iKlllvilf WW f. i... BOOM ssd board aultable for 9 gentlamea. 854, cor. Eaat Plna and Eaat Eighth. BOOM and board st Clay and Water sts., N. aa. jars. - HOUSES FOE BE: ,-rtfcttj. arrrrKE fob sale. THS PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS sriletmf iiiriuiur tor you at ynnr reataence or zu First at. For beat result pbon Mal Sous. Fl RMfXHR and cooking stenalht of small eotlag for aale cheap; muat aell thht seek. Apply 228 Eaat Thirty-fifth at. ROOM cottage for-rent," sll or part ef fnrni Mr for sale; rent lid. 100 North Elvut8 at. A la j pa by wslksr. A' MODERN 'S-roont tinw-- nr rent: desirable neauos; rurnlturs ror al. 848 Moot, gomery at. , . Ft'RNITt RE of 4-ronot hooa for sal, bnsat lur rtsi, S Boat hi, M 47, ears Journal T0B BEET BOUSES, NEW tw-tory ' boa, T room beside bath rwm; pantry and doaeta, with largs sttls .and full baacUM-nt; kt 60x100; til par month. . Ml Eaat Tlilrleeath at.. North Irvlugtou, ' Portland, Or.-gos. ' Addreaa S. W. Thompson. ' owner, Vancouver;, VVa.S.v 'boaa 104. . HOL'SES Fornlahed and nnfurnlahtd rooms to reut st 1A0 rates for the tluus; alao nowv. ior aaw very veaafNtaoie. Phoas Eaat ' OKI C ncott JXUJa vwilty Park. " Hiuu Lead Co.. Vul- KADDERLY TitANSfER-COMMIS-K.-'I CO. I'lanua and furultur.i moved prouitiy bv x. perl.ucd meu. 110 Third St. .Mais ltWi. FOR KENT 1 modera T-room bone oa Eaat Thirty-fourth at. rent 120;. , Q. ck. ruuoi 3u7 Tb Falling biug. ' . 2-R 0(1 bona,- partly furslabed. rear of 84 T Water at., 84.IMI pee month. Key And in." form. Hon at 75 Secosd aL . . .. .. . , S-KOOM euttage for rent; modera Improvementat pftrcelaln bath. Inquire, Dr. C. H. Usfferly.. 8H. Grand av. 9-RO0M handsomely furnlahed private realdencs near Park aibool (or Ibre. moaths. Jnuulrs 14 First St. - - FOR RENT Lsrg. bandsom koua and ground on top of ML Tsbos. Apply Hyason. Joursal '.Office. -.'. . lit 8 ROOMS' large baaement. Key O'Nell's 1 grocery. Hood snd Grant. Phona Mala 4521). JfTCELTTocared 8-ronm' kouae. low rent, furni ture for sale. Iuqulr T48 Vnloa av. - B Ktlo.M cottage for rnti so . childraa. Nelson st . 883 T-ROOM house. I0 per month. 1 84T Water st, FOB, BEVTa-TABM.. POR.AtENT sere of bsd. sll In. eultlvs tloB, Eaat Fortv-thlrd and Sesttoa Lias road. W. O. Peek, ioy Th. Ralllaai. V FOB SALE-FASMS. OREGON FARMS FOR SALE T am a farmer , and not a tows or city shark, nor ds I charge 810 or IIS extra en-, farm. Hks th city or town shark.-but aell at tb firmera' price. I b.lp the buyer In every wy I ekn, . .for I am a farmer of S3 yeari' aUadlng. -j hav. th beat country and climate nvr .the aun; thuader and lightning atorme un known te us. Una greea. th year round:, any amonnt of all klnda of fruit. Writs for fr prlc lists of my bargalna. . i will gladly anawer all question. t lira 2U miles. Kiutbweat of Sheridan osj my farm. It WUI cot you nothing to see bit bargain, snd , I will treat rou fair In all diwls. C O. BCUGE8S. sgeot, Shrldsa. Oregos. ' SO ACRES ml lea from Portland; 4 acres of neaver oam is cultivation, balance of land can bs cleared ready for th plow for M to ID per aue. all ret 1 Hue pill. 4-rBUM bouav good well and Sne road. 4 mile to ature. schoolhouas snd church: this property ta well worth I1.2O0 to II.BoO. I will aell ft for 70 oa vary eaiy Uriu. Addras K &1, car. Journal. v - , 182 ACRES, 1GO seres under cultivation; good nouae or rooma, well In, kitchen, living water-oa' farm, "well at ths barn, all level land on Eatscsds Una ef O. W. P., ata Hon on tb place, graded school, store sad poat. of ftc . within Sno feet snd church within a half mile; price fl5 a sere. Apply .aa place to J. H. Kltchlng. Curalnsvllla. Or. S4H ACRES, 24 In cultivation... 4 acrs-good tlmlier, gjod aolL no rocka. fin location, good road, nearby sll kinds of fruit, 1 barns, good ..-room bone., good water and wind mill. 8 mile southeast from city limits of Portland; will make tsrma. Addreaa H. Longcey, Mllwsakts, Or., owner. 830 ACRES unimproved landr 130 scree Mil- snie, izu seres nne timber. ' balance good . Paluie, 1 walei fof srttpseposeS.'-dtrche aou -atrncted, 2-room bonae, 2 14 mile from R. R. atatlon. 8800 .canh. ... H.. . IL Corer. Bakes .:. city, or. , . - - . 4RO.ACRB Sherman connty wheat farm; a a g "oa on; might tak nm good property part pay. JtENKI.B A BAKER, . 21T - Ablngton bldg. ----- - FREE LAND IN-OREGON under tb 'Tsry irrigation ifrvu umw- I n,i. .laie. Writ today, "Booklet and map fr. B. 8. Cook A Co., 251,-Aldrat., Portland. Or. MALHEERXOCJJTY Improved and unlmpeovel landa. acreage nroocrtr. town lota, realdencea. ouameas locanons, etc. von barus Ikiy. tbe -real atat mao. Ontario, Or. . , , HOMESTEADERS W lnet you ea wheat or yon ea ' for sals. irrigation landa: real eatat. ror Ml. Call or Call of writ Van Clears A Bcboll, Echo, L'matlUa 0. RICH farm and fruit landa Washington county. tiregtMu n rite ror pariicunirs. V) ueorg , a. Morgaa HUlaboro, Oregos. . -- BEATTIFIX home. 28 acre, excellent froltal. gooa locat 100; graaea rnooi. aaarea owner. 818 Chambor of Commerce. . FOR SALE 180 acres of the best anlmproved) una m nr. goo ror a.uv per acre; nan eaan, -2"AIUky -bslldlng. BEST BARGAIN at 2n Alder, near Fifth, xifm-7 a. mweana ana v . J. maxwell. PEK80NAW- THB "Matrimonial Bcglatvr," pries lOe. ena. tains aescriptions ana particulars conceriv. Ing aevernl bnndred realdents of OregoB snd Waahlngtus who wlab to - marry: msny wealthy; all ages. Interstate Introducing Society, salt 24, ilumell bldg., I8SV1 Fourth. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Robrts'rNrv7 tioDtii(. une montn ireatmeat, 82; S monllia, S; aent aectaely (ealed by mall. A grata, Woodard, Clark A Co., Portland, Or. MANICI'HING hy new rotary pror, band mas aage, vinratory body, tac, cslp maaaage 4r-e demortatratlon. Ibratorlum. rooms &t 24 yvila-bidgT'coi1. I'iri lud Morrmn sis. BOOKS! Her they are: "Decsmeroa," "Hep. tameroo," "A Hot Tamale," "Fanny Hill,' lwenty x ears s raser," "roroiaries Fruit, -s SOe each: lists fro. A. Bcbmals. 228 First St. LOST . powers restored - by -tb great Dtw uorrna a , nerve 'ionic Tanieta; xae Nerv Tonlr Tableta; 25c per box, for 11.28. Writ or cU at fcraaell s y, 227 Morrison, Int. let snd 24. S boxea 1'hnrD.acj DR. MOORE EI ELD'S SANATORIUM Portabl ateam batha; guaranteed runs r hen mat lam; all dlaealea skillfully treated; consultation free. Pbone Mala 6228. 800 Fifth. BING CHOONG, Importer ef Chinees root medl. ciiks: sells (bines tea that I certain curs for all diseases. 191 Second bet. Yamhill and Taylor. 1 MRS. LILLIAN R. CKAM-Chtropodlat. aianl. curing aud ahampoolng. , Parlor 424 Ablngtooj bldg., Portland, Oregon. Telephone Clay 1782. MRS. WALLER Piano; graduate Colombia Conservatory; lesaona sue. 111 avast nine, tenth st. Main 47.10. CO-OPEIIATION Prospect for s big thing fo nnmarrlrd ladles wits eome meana. n. so, cr Journal. - . MIHS MAM. eeleetln maeeenee. grsdusts ol Finland; ladles only. 0 Aningtns. uow uao. Tl.'RKtJtH BATHS, 800 Oregonlan bldg., gcnt all O.y; uuies all nignt. ei.o j.v. BAIAI OF FIGS for all f-isl dlseaeea. 43 -Alder St. Pbon Mala sas. . OCCULT and Nsw Thought books. Jonas' Boa - Stor. 20 1 Alder at. ' FOB SALE H0BSES AED 0ABBIA0ES. GOING swayi will si-ll ebesp, a good unread ' t 1 Mi ll .ln.1. Ii.iii.m full Hotel Rhelupfxls betyrs"! p. m. TOCNO saddle-boras, very gentle, .weight l.Ottt 1 lb.."--- prlc " 8125. isauiea- urowa a aubla. . Ktfttenth.-nd Alder. " ' FOR SVLE Fine yonng driving boras snd nevj bnsrr aid hafmsa; Bargain, inquire st 2V Hamilton bldg. FOB SALE MUSICAL IHSTRUMEHT. R SALE Nesrly sew silver elide York tmrabone. st 'low 0)11 rtgitre. .,100 Orsndl eve., sortb. - -. , '. .' - . - , . .. .'7 .1 . fob sale trristocx FOR SALR-ei'brap, No, I yonng Jersey envy snd celt; easy to milk; very gentle. Inquire at d'Ji) I'matllla are, So 1 1 wood. LAND SCBIF FOB SALE. LAND scrip for sale (or. timbered of sgrl. ctiittirsi lana, aiirvereo or nnatirveyed: lowcs price. H. M, Hamilton, Portland botl , Portlap. Or.' . - , BICYCLE BEALEES. COL! MBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. SPORTING OOODS. EXPERT RKPAIRIMO, . F. r. KEENAN. 0 IH1B0 . . Jl - - - ' ... ... - ' 4 " r-